I mostly use plastic that has the HDPE resin logo on it
There seems to be some confusion. "PRC" is often shorthand for "People's Republic of China" (as opposed to ROC, Republic of China, AKA Taiwan).
PCR, in the context of this board, would be "Post Consumer Recycled," a description that distinguishes plastics recycled after end use (such as an empty bottle) as opposed to the recycling of industrial byproducts or waste from the production process (e.g., regrind of injection molding sprues). Any plastic resin, #1 through #7, can be categorized as PCR depending on how it is sourced.
Focused on local micro-scale recycling, Precious Plastics is primarily focused on PCR.
There is not a "PCR resin" logo. Sometimes recycled materials will say something like "minimum 30% post-consumer content" or "100% post-consumer content" in the fine print.
As a rule, PCR is more expensive and difficult to work with, as is more prone to having contamination, misidentified materials, etc. But that's also why it is the cutting edge of where recycling needs to improve and where Precious Plastics inspires people to focus.
On the other hand, non-PCR recycling is also important, but much more amenable to industrial scale. A recycler is going to be much more interested in buying a 53 foot trailer filled with identical HDPE sprues as opposed to, say, the same trailer filled with used soda bottle caps, all else being equal.