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Precious Plastic USA
Text Channels / rhode-island
See what you can do to start helping in your state today! Please feel free to contact me with any questions :)
Starterkits are packages of information with everything you need to know to set up Precious Plastic recycling spaces and start tackling the plastic waste problem.
MystroPolymeric 3/1/2021 3:30 PM
Hello Rhodie's. My name is Manny. I am working on an Action Plan to start a PP Center here in RI. The plan, many collection points with small free classes on recycling, a center with 2 shredders multi injection mold and sheet press. Any and all ideas are welcome. Looking at Prov for the first mixed workspace, living in Woonsocket at the moment.😁
Aeterra Tech 3/3/2021 7:39 PM
Hi @MystroPolymeric, glad to hear there's some activity in RI! I'd be interested in contributing to the project, although while I live in state I go to school in NY, so there might be some limitations. I'm currently building an extruder and I'd love to get more recycling into RI
Aeterra Tech
Hi @MystroPolymeric, glad to hear there's some activity in RI! I'd be interested in contributing to the project, although while I live in state I go to school in NY, so there might be some limitations. I'm currently building an extruder and I'd love to get more recycling into RI
MystroPolymeric 3/3/2021 8:06 PM
Welcome, @Aeterra Tech . This is a brand new group and I am just a member. We have opened the dialogue with introducing ourselves and some geo mapping. I guess the aim is to have a group with a broader view point treating all Neighbor-ing state as one.
8:11 PM
And many minds with a goal. So add and post away. We been brainstorming concepts and assessing limitations. Most are us are starting out. I am at a phase II in my individual plan of starting a business recycling center. I can share details but each of us have different goal and could always use some encouragement 😁
MystroPolymeric 3/26/2021 10:10 PM
I'm raising $1,000.00 until 04/25/2021 for help with the environment. Help now: If you have $1 and a PayPal account you could help save the world...earth_americas
Transfer money online in seconds with PayPal money transfer. All you need is an email address.
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