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Precious Plastic USA
Text Channels / montana
See what you can do to start helping in your state today! Please feel free to contact me with any questions :)
Starterkits are packages of information with everything you need to know to set up Precious Plastic recycling spaces and start tackling the plastic waste problem.
TolietSlave 2/24/2020 10:50 PM
Here to represent in Missoula! Feel free to hit me up if you're also in MT
Deleted User 12/5/2020 3:46 PM
Hi there! In Great Falls/Lewistown area. (edited)
TolietSlave 1/27/2021 6:06 PM
Hey @Deleted User, glad to see another person. What's your experience with Precious Plastic been like?
Deleted User 1/27/2021 8:02 PM
Very positive lol. I've been following the project since V2, and I've wanted to start a workspace since V4 came out. The community has been helpful in giving me information, but I can't do much alone and with no resources 😅
-- osr-support -- 1/27/2021 8:25 PM
@Deleted User one common mistake we´ve seen over the years is that folks believe that it has to begin with a shredder... You can get partially better flakes from any large nearby facility in mass for dirt cheap and thus you´re able to focus more on some outcome. Those seem to increasingly struggle to sell, at least here in the EU. However, there are endless videos for home/low-tech recycling with basically nothing to buy. For instance, a guy on the German channel did great sheets in the oven recently : But yeah, patience seems to be key.
This project is about making plastic sheets out of recycling flakes, mainly with low Invest machines. For heating the flakes, we use a normal kitchen oven. The Baking process is done in a metal mold with a clamping mechanism. If necessary, we a want to add a pressing process.
TolietSlave 2/8/2021 7:23 PM
Sweet, I've been working on it on and off sine 2015. Now that I graduated from UM I have have more time work on the project. Here's my old website
TolietSlave 2/10/2021 10:23 PM
@Deleted User We should set up a time to chat about precious plastic and Montana recycling!
Tank.Digital 2/10/2021 10:26 PM
If possible, I would like to join. I've been trying to start something in Lewistown for a while.
TolietSlave 2/10/2021 10:32 PM
Yeah if Nyx reply's we can schedule a time! Otherwise we can keep chatting.
Deleted User 2/10/2021 10:53 PM
Hey! I would love to chat. Do you have anytime in mind? I'm not available 4-5 PM today or during school hours (8AM to 4PM)
TolietSlave 2/10/2021 11:16 PM
Awesomeness! I can make time for a meeting tomorrow the 11th. Are you both available around 5:30?
Tank.Digital 2/10/2021 11:17 PM
Deleted User 2/11/2021 12:55 AM
12:55 AM
What kind of meeting are you thinking? Like voice chat, texting, etc. (edited)
TolietSlave 2/11/2021 1:16 AM
I'm thinking an informal voice chat meet and greet if that works.
👍 1
TolietSlave 2/12/2021 1:27 AM
The voice channels on the server aren't actually voice channels so I'm going to start a call
Alanson (CO) 2/12/2021 1:32 AM
Is the voice call for Montana PP people?
TolietSlave 2/12/2021 1:32 AM
Yeah, but you're welcome to join
Alanson (CO) 2/12/2021 1:32 AM
Maybe I will
1:33 AM
I do live in the Rockies after all (edited)
TolietSlave 2/12/2021 1:35 AM
👍 2
1:36 AM
🧱 1
👍 1
1:36 AM
👍 1
🧱 1
1:37 AM
Guess the call is a no go, but here are some pieces I've made in the past
Alanson (CO) 2/12/2021 1:37 AM
We should have vc in this server
TolietSlave 2/12/2021 1:38 AM
I totally agree. Are you in the one army server?
Alanson (CO) 2/12/2021 1:39 AM
1:39 AM
That's how I found this server
TolietSlave 2/12/2021 1:41 AM
I'll hang out in the living room for a bit. Are you interested in chatting?
Alanson (CO) 2/12/2021 1:41 AM
Well I should really do my schoolwork
1:41 AM
So no
1:41 AM
Thanks for the offer though (edited)
TolietSlave 2/12/2021 1:44 AM
5:28 AM
Here's the ideas I mentioned. Both look Interesting to me!
TolietSlave 2/17/2021 10:00 PM
@Deleted User or @Tank.Digital Let me know what you think of these two methods!
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