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Text Channels / florida
Are there any Points in Kissimmee/Orlando Florida?
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hi everyone and thank you!! please feel free to share this channel using this link with other like minded precious plastic enthusiasts in your area! also check out this link for an insight on the people in your area who have added them selves to the "map" (edited)
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A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
Rico pinned a message to this channel. 1/11/2020 6:45 PM
aSee what you can do to start helping in your state today! Please feel free to contact me with any questions :)
Starterkits are packages of information with everything you need to know to set up Precious Plastic recycling spaces and start tackling the plastic waste problem.
TroyRosslow 2/24/2020 11:46 PM
I am in Gainesville, FL. Any close to me? Want to collaborate?
Yo, I'm out west around the Pensacola, FL area, currently working on setting up a collecting and/or shredding workspace
TroyRosslow 2/25/2020 12:50 PM
@Aetous you build version 4 shredder. You going to sell shredded plastic for Business or non-profit?
not yet, still working on acquiring the space before getting machines i may use some of the plastic to make demo peices and small products going to operate as a low volume for profit workspace to help educate the locals of plastic recycling, as well as help create more workspaces nearby
TroyRosslow 2/26/2020 12:39 AM
@Aetous Cool sounds fun. I think it would be cool to have a converted travel trailer RV as a Precious Plastic workspace.
🚚 1
heck yeah! that'd be awesome!
TroyRosslow 2/26/2020 1:25 AM
@Aetous You could take it to schools and events. I created a proposal for a PP mobile workspace project. I happy to share it with you.
yeah that sounds actually really awesome!, i'm planning on getting a shed for my workspace next week, so I will definitely keep the space logistics in mind
8:18 PM
@Aetous. Let me know how it goes.
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leahcxoxox 3/3/2020 4:22 AM
Hey! I'm new to this Discord server, and Precious Plastic in general so I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but hear me out...My name is Leah Callahan, and I am a senior Photography major and Creative Writing minor at Ringling College of Art and Design. I am currently working on my senior thesis regarding environmentalism, mainly trash, and was wondering if anyone would be willing to collaborate with me. A brief rundown of my project is taking documentary photographs of trash and discarded objects around Sarasota and collecting the garbage afterward to create something new out of it. My thought for your collaboration is to create photo frames out of the plastic trash that I collect. I want to use the frames to showcase my thesis work at the end of the year. If this is something that interests you, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can be reached by email at and and by phone at 813.351.9509. Thank you so much for your consideration! Basically, I have been going around Sarasota taking documentary photos of trash and discarded objects (plastic being the main focus) and collecting the items that I photograph. I want to create recycled plastic photo frames (sizes TBD) for my thesis. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me. My personal instagram is @leahc_xoxox and my photo instagram is @lcallahan967
Trukku (BG/Findlay, OH) 3/3/2020 5:02 AM
@leahcxoxox do you have any rough dimensions in mind for the frames? I can help you calculate how much material you'd need.
leahcxoxox 3/3/2020 5:04 AM
@Trukku (BG/Findlay, OH) hi! I was thinking 13x19 but down the road I may want to print bigger...13x19 is a good starting size. Thank you!!
Trukku (BG/Findlay, OH) 3/3/2020 3:04 PM
Any idea on frame width and depth?
Trukku (BG/Findlay, OH) 3/3/2020 5:09 PM
@leahcxoxox I had some downtime, so I just ran a general calculation, and for something like HDPE you're going to need around 350g per frame assuming something around 1" wide and 0.25" deep, allowing for waste trim (closer to 250g finished weight). The type of PP workspace you're going to be looking for to get this kind of job done at a reasonable price will probably be an extruder shop, since the die can be welded together in about an hour for most basic geometries (welding rates are $50-$120/hr depending on the area). If you want to do something more traditional that can be processed like a wood frame would (engraving, miters, dovetails, etc) a sheet press workspace would be ideal, but they typically deal with weights around 10kg to make a full sheet, which might be out of scale for your project.
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leahcxoxox 3/3/2020 5:33 PM
I screenshotted an example from Art To Frame I guess the file size is too big. This is the info on their website Fits (1) 13x19 inch Photos! Actual Frame size (finished size) is 15.5 x 21.5 inches and is 1.25" inches wide.
5:34 PM
So something along those lines is probably what I’m thinking of
Trukku (BG/Findlay, OH) 3/5/2020 4:19 AM
@leahcxoxox my figures will suffice as a ballpark figure, then, but without knowing the depth, accurate mass or volume calculations aren't possible. Come in with 500g of washed HDPE and an extruder should have no problem with making a frame, or at least a beam to make the frame out of.
leahcxoxox 3/5/2020 4:23 AM
Yea I def need to figure that out, thank you!
The map link isn't working. What's up with that? Can anyone tell me what the distribution of PP locations in Florida is?
Anybody in or around Jacksonville by chance?
(Granted we are both in Alchemy Arts Jax lol) but i am as well
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Green Ellipsis 7/31/2021 7:17 PM
Greetings, Florida! Brian from St. Augustine, Florida. Engineer, maker and 3D printing professional. I regret that it took me so long to find the Precious Plastic and One Army community, but I'm here now.
👋 1
Anybody in or around Jacksonville by chance?
Green Ellipsis 7/31/2021 7:17 PM
St. Augustine
Green Ellipsis
St. Augustine
Cool, would you be up for meeting sometime
Green Ellipsis 8/1/2021 5:53 AM
Is it just you or are you working with other people?
Green Ellipsis 8/1/2021 5:58 AM
Just me for now
Cool, I'm trying to get North Florida reusers/makers that aren't super established together so we can work together
6:01 AM
So far I haven't been very successful
Green Ellipsis 8/1/2021 6:04 AM
Sounds good. I think Florida may be challenging territory. Can talk more later.
👍 1
Green Ellipsis
Greetings, Florida! Brian from St. Augustine, Florida. Engineer, maker and 3D printing professional. I regret that it took me so long to find the Precious Plastic and One Army community, but I'm here now.
Late to the party! New to PP and still in research and discovery. I’m in the Treasure Coast, engineer by trade, interested and concerned there doesn’t seem to be a large network I. Florida.. From the map it’s just Tampa and Miami. Is there some barrier to entry for getting PP branding and further be placed on the map. My neighborhood is constantly complaining about WastePro -would love to make a dent in the local community here by getting involved with collection, shredding and injection moldings.
Green Ellipsis 10/6/2021 1:48 PM
Greetings! I think PP works hard to keep the barrier to entry low. I'm looking specifically at doing injection molding, and I'm looking for a source of shredded plastic.
Late to the party! New to PP and still in research and discovery. I’m in the Treasure Coast, engineer by trade, interested and concerned there doesn’t seem to be a large network I. Florida.. From the map it’s just Tampa and Miami. Is there some barrier to entry for getting PP branding and further be placed on the map. My neighborhood is constantly complaining about WastePro -would love to make a dent in the local community here by getting involved with collection, shredding and injection moldings.
I think the trash/landfill industry is just really strong here. I'm in Jacksonville, and we literally just suspended recycling pickup (with no timeline on when we'll get it back) bc of "labor shortages"
Hey! I'm new to this Discord server, and Precious Plastic in general so I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but hear me out...My name is Leah Callahan, and I am a senior Photography major and Creative Writing minor at Ringling College of Art and Design. I am currently working on my senior thesis regarding environmentalism, mainly trash, and was wondering if anyone would be willing to collaborate with me. A brief rundown of my project is taking documentary photographs of trash and discarded objects around Sarasota and collecting the garbage afterward to create something new out of it. My thought for your collaboration is to create photo frames out of the plastic trash that I collect. I want to use the frames to showcase my thesis work at the end of the year. If this is something that interests you, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can be reached by email at and and by phone at 813.351.9509. Thank you so much for your consideration! Basically, I have been going around Sarasota taking documentary photos of trash and discarded objects (plastic being the main focus) and collecting the items that I photograph. I want to create recycled plastic photo frames (sizes TBD) for my thesis. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me. My personal instagram is @leahc_xoxox and my photo instagram is @lcallahan967
Inspired Plastics 10/6/2021 1:57 PM
Hi Leah, I am in Charlotte, NC. I have been making small 12x12 sheets using a sublimation press. I have not invested in a large one, as the price goes up almost exponentially. I have been thinking of making a display from them, as I have interest from a university. I can focus on it next week and show you what I mean. DM if you’re interested.
Green Ellipsis
Greetings! I think PP works hard to keep the barrier to entry low. I'm looking specifically at doing injection molding, and I'm looking for a source of shredded plastic.
Do you have access to a shredder or know where I can get an affordable one? I have plastic, just no shredder
Green Ellipsis
Greetings! I think PP works hard to keep the barrier to entry low. I'm looking specifically at doing injection molding, and I'm looking for a source of shredded plastic.
Inspired Plastics 10/6/2021 2:04 PM
I have a small commercial shredder that needs 480V. It would work very well for our needs as it would be much faster than a PP shredder. I am looking for a place to put it and invest in the electric upgrade (the people I have shredded with are a bit difficult to work with). If anyone has any suggestions, DM me. My company is
Green Ellipsis
Greetings! I think PP works hard to keep the barrier to entry low. I'm looking specifically at doing injection molding, and I'm looking for a source of shredded plastic.
I’m very far south, the feasibility of regular transport would be a challenge and likely not cost effective if your looking to make any profit. I’ve seen suggestions of partnering with businesses - restaurants, office buildings. Perhaps creating a visual prototype of a recycling bin for your company and info on your business could help open the door to those partnerships. Once or twice a week pick-up and drop-off bins at local establishments. Put stickers of the items you want and maybe provide some incentive like they do with Kickstarter… candy after the first 5 bins are collected from a company, trinket after 20 bins, and a small pizza party every 100 bins… being in st Augustine you’re close to the beach so there are probably beach clean ups you could partner with too
Inspired Plastics
I have a small commercial shredder that needs 480V. It would work very well for our needs as it would be much faster than a PP shredder. I am looking for a place to put it and invest in the electric upgrade (the people I have shredded with are a bit difficult to work with). If anyone has any suggestions, DM me. My company is
With the high voltage it is 3 phase? Consider a 3 Phase inverter. Do you have 220V single phase? What is the amperage on shredder motor? If there are contactor controls on shredder the inverter will replace all those. Can the motor be connected 220V look on the motor plates.
1:12 AM
Much less expensive unless you are in industrial area and have 3 phase to site.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 1:13 AM
Up to about 5HP many VFD's can convert single phase to 3 phase. Most 3 phase motors can be rewired for either 480V or 240V.
There are devices for more current than that also.
1:16 AM
One other thing that I learned is use a buck/boost transformer to get input voltage to a nominal 220V +-10%
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 1:16 AM
True. The 5hp is not a limit but rather a byproduct of the fact that to run off single phase the input recifiers need to be beefier. up to a certain point it is not really much difference in component cost to beef them up so many manufacturers of VFD's will do so automatically. Past that you end up spending more for one with the ability.
1:18 AM
As all a VFD really does is convert the incoming electric into DC and then back to AC at whatever frequency you want it at.
With the high voltage it is 3 phase? Consider a 3 Phase inverter. Do you have 220V single phase? What is the amperage on shredder motor? If there are contactor controls on shredder the inverter will replace all those. Can the motor be connected 220V look on the motor plates.
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 1:29 PM
The problem with it is it needs 3phase and 480v and it is a 10hp motor. That is about a $5k investment unless you can find an industrial area to put it in. I do have access to a 220V 3phase, and that is a $2.4K investment - Are there ways to make it work with that ? (edited)
With the high voltage it is 3 phase? Consider a 3 Phase inverter. Do you have 220V single phase? What is the amperage on shredder motor? If there are contactor controls on shredder the inverter will replace all those. Can the motor be connected 220V look on the motor plates.
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 1:32 PM
I will have to have a look at the motor for amperage, I had kept it in the pallet for ease of moving. I must say I don’t understand enough to know about contractor control or motor plates.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 3:22 PM
If you can get a pic of the motor nameplate that would be great. We can interpret.
3:23 PM
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for GE 45 kVA 480 Delta to 208Y/120 V 3PH Transformer 9T23A3873 45kVA 208 Y 480V at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 4:36 PM
Fair warning that is overkill.
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 4:56 PM
Ok I’ll try to get it, it might take me a little while
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 7:12 PM
I'm not sure how much a sparky will cost to install it though. I've always handled it myself but that's not something i recommend.
I'm not sure how much a sparky will cost to install it though. I've always handled it myself but that's not something i recommend.
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 7:54 PM
Sorry, I meant the nameplate info!
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 7:55 PM
Oh that I figured. I was talking about installing a transformer.
Oh that I figured. I was talking about installing a transformer.
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 7:55 PM
OK, I'll wait till I find an industrial home for it then.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 7:56 PM
I would still be interested in the nameplate info as it might be able to run off your existing 240 3 phase
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 7:57 PM
Inspired Plastics
Ok I’ll try to get it, it might take me a little while
Unless you have 3phase mains that transformer is just a large heavy useless thing.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 8:04 PM
Reading up I may have misread what they said. I thought they said they had 220V 3 phase. Instead it looks like they can get access to it for less than the 480v 3 phase. Not sure it would give much savings then.
Inspired Plastics 10/7/2021 8:05 PM
hmm OK
The buck/boost transformer I was talking about is a way to get 220V single phase power into tolerance for a 3 Phase inverter to connect to. They are much smaller and even new much less expensive. Used like an autotransformer.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 8:11 PM can be made to work if the motor can be rewired to 240/208v (Most can but not all.) Fair warning its a Chinese model and likely does not have a UL rating.
The input for this VFD is 1 phase. NEWEST 7.5KW 220V 10HP 34A VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE INVERTER CE QUALITY. How To Install This VFD. (220V class for single phase, single phase connected to any two phases).
7.5 Kw will run 10 HP. Look for one that will take 220 to 480 they are available too.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 8:14 PM
I figured but was having a hard time finding them. (I am an electronics tech that does too much real electrical for a small machine shop with 480 already in place. So while I am aware of a few ways of doing this it is all dependent on specific circumstances.)
The way I look at ul ratings is check on how or if you have insurance. Non ul in US negates your insurance IF it was the cause of damage. These things are installed by the 1000s all over the planet without problems. I had a rough start with them because I had some 2 speed motors. The ic that blew up was usually around $8 and less than 2 hours for all the labor.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 8:21 PM
Are those likely to fry? Not the most hardy. Are they likely to actually do more than release the magic smoke? No.
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8:22 PM
But when you can buy 5 of those for the price of a namebrand it becomes worth it in most cases
Hi Birdman3131, glad to have another voice on this. People in US get charged an awful lot for industrial power. The nice thing with inverters they can be programmed for very soft start. When I asked power companies how much horsepower I could start on 220V mains with rotary converters the usually said 10HP. Because of the inrush current using contactors. Soft start brings motor on slowly so no big inrush at start. Beside they are so quiet compared to rotary phase converters. Also can run full rated HP. One thing to keep in mind if you are using 50 or 60 Hz motor and want to speed it up with the higher frequency install insulated bearing.
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 8:28 PM
Most 3 phase motors I have dealt with are rated to 120hz at least. Although I am more experienced with buying explosion proof motors as most new ones I deal with are aimed at alcohol bottlers.
8:30 PM
Some motors can run at more than double the rated frequency but I don't really ever take them above 60hz in most cases
Gotta remember explosion Proof means service in explosive conditions.... Not the rotor won't explode😋
Birdman3131 10/7/2021 8:33 PM
True. More that any fire that catches on the inside of the motor will put itself out before it reaches the outside.
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Green Ellipsis 10/9/2021 5:04 PM
@BizzyIzzy Great ideas, but my competency and interest are on the manufacturing side, so I really need a source of ready-to-use shredded plastic.
5:06 PM
@LadyFace we might be able to work something out. Maybe I could buy the shredder and loan it to you. Would you use a PP design or something else?
Hi! I had no response from the Alabama side of things, so I hope you don’t mind me dropping in here!
Green Ellipsis
@LadyFace we might be able to work something out. Maybe I could buy the shredder and loan it to you. Would you use a PP design or something else?
I've got my own ideas. I want to make beads with the recycled plastic
I know self promotion isn’t allowed so consider this an introduction. I plan to start a business, not just one method of recycling, but an attempt to recycle as much of the different plastics, or collect and repurpose(slightly different if you consider some can’t be recycled in the classic idealization ex:thermoset plastics). From collection points with a reward system, to shops that accept material and directly convert it into an item of desire by printing it. From collection of ocean trash to fuel production for other projects or companies. Building shelters for the impoverished as well! It’s nice to find a place where I can find likeminded people! I am however poor, born poor and struggling to work my way up in the current economy, but I’m almost to a point where I can afford to survive and progress in projects outside of basic survival needs. During this growth period however I’m studying everything I can about the different types of plastics.
I know self promotion isn’t allowed so consider this an introduction. I plan to start a business, not just one method of recycling, but an attempt to recycle as much of the different plastics, or collect and repurpose(slightly different if you consider some can’t be recycled in the classic idealization ex:thermoset plastics). From collection points with a reward system, to shops that accept material and directly convert it into an item of desire by printing it. From collection of ocean trash to fuel production for other projects or companies. Building shelters for the impoverished as well! It’s nice to find a place where I can find likeminded people! I am however poor, born poor and struggling to work my way up in the current economy, but I’m almost to a point where I can afford to survive and progress in projects outside of basic survival needs. During this growth period however I’m studying everything I can about the different types of plastics.
Same! Except I want to collect/use more than just plastic. I'm into scrap metal, e-waste and glass mostly
Same! Except I want to collect/use more than just plastic. I'm into scrap metal, e-waste and glass mostly
Actually, my plan progresses beyond plastics and into every recyclable waste of humanity, I know in the future we will move from one material to the next. Eventually even needing someone to clean our space junk. I only brought up plastics primarily as it’s the topic for this place 😂
👍 1
Actually, my plan progresses beyond plastics and into every recyclable waste of humanity, I know in the future we will move from one material to the next. Eventually even needing someone to clean our space junk. I only brought up plastics primarily as it’s the topic for this place 😂
Where do you live?
Alabama. However that page had no activity and my phone buzzed about this one so..I figured. Neighbor state. Say hi!
Alabama. However that page had no activity and my phone buzzed about this one so..I figured. Neighbor state. Say hi!
Oh, yeah this page is normally pretty dead also. I'm glad to see some people taking interest
Oh, yeah this page is normally pretty dead also. I'm glad to see some people taking interest
I currently work in the food industry, and we’re having a shortage of basic plastic products. This isn’t what drove me to want to, but it’s a key sign we’re hitting a hard wall and need to do something
5:27 PM
So, currently, again I know no self promotion, but truthfully I’m looking for an investor. I’ll start by making whatever product is required till I pay off whatever investment was made. Wether it’s just finding and grin find material for someone or a full workshop
Yeah for sure. I'm fairly broke myself 😅 I started from a desire to be creative and a need to improvise
Yeah for sure. I'm fairly broke myself 😅 I started from a desire to be creative and a need to improvise
Well I wish you the best in getting started. Maybe one day I can offer you raw material! (Just like I need an investor others do too)
👍 1
Maybe try teaching whatever skills you have? That's what I'm planning on doing soon, offering classes on creating from waste material and whatever else you have at hand
Not a bad plan, but it does give me an idea.
5:37 PM
So my collection/reward zone idea had a requirement of members, and members had to understand basic instructions about recycling plastic. Maybe if I write a book out about the plastics and their types and why it’s important to separate them. Charge for the book, and have them pass a test before getting to recycle in the collection point. Yes it seems convoluted, at first. But when you think about how much time and manpower it saves in preventing improper recycling, and the incentive is cash or new items, perhaps it could work
👍 2
That makes sense
I was also thinking. The different plastics have different refraction ratings etc. could it be possible to build a laser based tester?
Probably, idk. I know enough to distinguish between basic plastic types.
Yeah, my studies are a bit more in-depth. Just a question
Green Ellipsis
@LadyFace we might be able to work something out. Maybe I could buy the shredder and loan it to you. Would you use a PP design or something else?
If that offer stands perhaps we could work a deal out
Green Ellipsis 10/10/2021 6:47 AM
@Solus let's talk! Do you have a source of plastic? What kinds?
Green Ellipsis
@BizzyIzzy Great ideas, but my competency and interest are on the manufacturing side, so I really need a source of ready-to-use shredded plastic.
As is the issue in recycling at scale- what are you willing to pay for ready to use recycled plastic? I haven’t started yet - but wanted to be on the manufacturing side and immediately identified the same problem you have now. And have started to shift research focus since there isn’t a community near me. So it begs the question - what is a manufacturing business willing to pay - then you can calculate what that difference is between both business approaches. How can you creatively address? Honestly I think your best bet may be to incentivize a person in your area to open a collection and shredding shop - or invest in the equipment and hire a passionate person to engage the community and create those partnerships. It would also be of business value to a small seasonal shop to be doing this, maybe someone that does tours (beach, boat, metal detecting, surf or paddle board) you educate them on the opportunity, monetarily incentivize their success, in return you do workshops at their location, they sell you recycled plastic, and potentially you can use them as a vendor to your products. 🙂 I can’t stop thinking about these opportunities- unfortunately I don’t have the funds to invest in equipment yet. I’m trying to work through my employer to bid for an EPA Grant but honestly the money doesn’t even cover the pay for an engineer so…. I have a meeting next week to push my proposal forward. I’ll let y’all know.
I was also thinking. The different plastics have different refraction ratings etc. could it be possible to build a laser based tester?
Inspired Plastics 10/10/2021 3:29 PM
There is a hand held laser being developed in the UK. When I find the link I’ll put it here
Green Ellipsis
@LadyFace we might be able to work something out. Maybe I could buy the shredder and loan it to you. Would you use a PP design or something else?
Inspired Plastics 10/10/2021 3:46 PM
Hey I am not sure I introduced myself, I am from NC and have started Inspiredplastics. I could save you some time and money sharing my experience. I had tried a V2 shredder and found that none of the PP shredders Were going to be cost effective in the US given the cost of labor. So I baught a 10hp shredder that seemed more cost effective- but the problem is that it needs 480V and 3Phase supply. If a building has the power then it costs between $2300 and $5000 just to install it and upgrade the power. The whole thing cost $2400. Not having my own industrial space, I have it in storage right now, looking for an industrial space to put it in. And I am still looking. If anyone has suggestions lmk. I would be happy to sell it also. So in the meantime I collect smaller things, shred on the slow shredder and get some of my plastic from large plastic recyclers. It is called ‘2nd’ pass. It is curbside collections. But I have to plead with them because I am so small it is hard to get their attention. Here in Charlotte we have the innovation barn, which is supposed to support circular economy efforts, but quite honestly it is more of a showcase then Anything else. They did get a shredder donated from Weimar, and I need to keep pestering them to get access to it - as my plastic is piling up.
Inspired Plastics
There is a hand held laser being developed in the UK. When I find the link I’ll put it here
So my theoretical assumption turns out to be correct? Or plausible. Very nice
Inspired Plastics
Hey I am not sure I introduced myself, I am from NC and have started Inspiredplastics. I could save you some time and money sharing my experience. I had tried a V2 shredder and found that none of the PP shredders Were going to be cost effective in the US given the cost of labor. So I baught a 10hp shredder that seemed more cost effective- but the problem is that it needs 480V and 3Phase supply. If a building has the power then it costs between $2300 and $5000 just to install it and upgrade the power. The whole thing cost $2400. Not having my own industrial space, I have it in storage right now, looking for an industrial space to put it in. And I am still looking. If anyone has suggestions lmk. I would be happy to sell it also. So in the meantime I collect smaller things, shred on the slow shredder and get some of my plastic from large plastic recyclers. It is called ‘2nd’ pass. It is curbside collections. But I have to plead with them because I am so small it is hard to get their attention. Here in Charlotte we have the innovation barn, which is supposed to support circular economy efforts, but quite honestly it is more of a showcase then Anything else. They did get a shredder donated from Weimar, and I need to keep pestering them to get access to it - as my plastic is piling up.
Nice to meet you! I started Nova Cycle, down in Alabama. However I’m unable to do essentially any recycling as I have no personal space yet. Or any equipment, I do have a wealth of ideas and a desire to change things when I eventually have the stuff I need
So my collection/reward zone idea had a requirement of members, and members had to understand basic instructions about recycling plastic. Maybe if I write a book out about the plastics and their types and why it’s important to separate them. Charge for the book, and have them pass a test before getting to recycle in the collection point. Yes it seems convoluted, at first. But when you think about how much time and manpower it saves in preventing improper recycling, and the incentive is cash or new items, perhaps it could work
I love this idea! I think a great target audience is high school and middle school students. Networking with the teachers to start an after school program meeting twice a month for 2 or three months…or simply a one weekend workshop. Are you knowledgeable on recycling paper - as a final project you could instruct the students through recycling their old notebooks into their certificates or cards.. that would be fun! Children are also our future and are not as reserved in thoughts or restricted in time. If they want their household to be a member, their parents will likely sign up to make them happy.
I love this idea! I think a great target audience is high school and middle school students. Networking with the teachers to start an after school program meeting twice a month for 2 or three months…or simply a one weekend workshop. Are you knowledgeable on recycling paper - as a final project you could instruct the students through recycling their old notebooks into their certificates or cards.. that would be fun! Children are also our future and are not as reserved in thoughts or restricted in time. If they want their household to be a member, their parents will likely sign up to make them happy.
Even better. I know the process however I have never practiced it. I believe it’s grinding, bleaching, pulping,pressing, then drying and cutting yes?
4:15 PM
I wonder, I’ll have to start contacting schools. May be difficult during Covid unfortunately, and waste collection I’m sure has almost halted in comparison in most areas. I know our landfills in the local areas are hitting their caps
4:17 PM
I have been considering starting a kickstarter to get me funded but I’m worried of failures from lack of knowledge so I’m trying to learn more before starting my business and asking for something like that
Inspired Plastics
Hey I am not sure I introduced myself, I am from NC and have started Inspiredplastics. I could save you some time and money sharing my experience. I had tried a V2 shredder and found that none of the PP shredders Were going to be cost effective in the US given the cost of labor. So I baught a 10hp shredder that seemed more cost effective- but the problem is that it needs 480V and 3Phase supply. If a building has the power then it costs between $2300 and $5000 just to install it and upgrade the power. The whole thing cost $2400. Not having my own industrial space, I have it in storage right now, looking for an industrial space to put it in. And I am still looking. If anyone has suggestions lmk. I would be happy to sell it also. So in the meantime I collect smaller things, shred on the slow shredder and get some of my plastic from large plastic recyclers. It is called ‘2nd’ pass. It is curbside collections. But I have to plead with them because I am so small it is hard to get their attention. Here in Charlotte we have the innovation barn, which is supposed to support circular economy efforts, but quite honestly it is more of a showcase then Anything else. They did get a shredder donated from Weimar, and I need to keep pestering them to get access to it - as my plastic is piling up.
I’d love to hear more on how you found your “partners”, how you convinced them, if your state has any tax incentives for recycling, where you found those..if their are federal or state incentives - maybe you could use to influence opportunities to operate on-site rather than from your own location. Question to answer: Does this mean you become their employee?(idk) How can you provide the evidence needed to apply for any rebates or tax breaks? <- follow the money - how are you financially benefiting that company with the most minimal resource needs from them?
I’ll document everything in the Alabama page! Because that’s where I live and it would help them the most, but you should follow it.
4:21 PM
I have a contact at a trade school, a robotics professor, if he still works there I think I have a start
I have been considering starting a kickstarter to get me funded but I’m worried of failures from lack of knowledge so I’m trying to learn more before starting my business and asking for something like that
I do t know the process but I know there is one. I know it can be done with the most basic of tools - probably donated items. Check out moms groups on Facebook- they are usually very helpful people! And having something to do during Covid is a break. They are also knowledgeable on teachers and will have a better idea of who is going to be the most passionate and valuable to you and your goals.
I have a contact at a trade school, a robotics professor, if he still works there I think I have a start
I never went to the trade school as a student, I went because I was bored with basic school and started sneaking out to this robotics class my friend was in. From there I drove the robot in a competition, wrote the paper for it, and helped build and name it
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4:23 PM
Hopefully that gets me some merit with him.
All, I think we need a research paper for Florida and anyone in the southeast US that is interested. I want to learn, discover, document and share the challenges, rewards, experiences, best practices and impact for a bottoms up circular economy. As mentioned before there are grants but honestly I don’t think the opportunity is financially viable. So regardless, I think this need exists to positively benefit this community. I will reach out to PP to further communicate intentions after I scope the research opportunities most beneficial to this community and narrow intended outcomes. ‼️MY ASK to each of YOU: What are the challenges you are experiencing in scaling your current business❓What questions do you need answered❓(I.e. community/ partners/ materials? Clarity of the current community? Solutions for viable and profitable business plans? technical solutions? Knowledge of local people resources that have responsibility for decision making, policy, recycling contracts? Laws and incentives on large and small businesses?) I think a lot of these details already exist by PP but others are really localized needs. let’s work together to draw out all the goodness into a condensed communication and strategize on a plan for growing business and thus plastics recycling in our area.
👍 4
Primary problem would be access to tools necessary and space.
All, I think we need a research paper for Florida and anyone in the southeast US that is interested. I want to learn, discover, document and share the challenges, rewards, experiences, best practices and impact for a bottoms up circular economy. As mentioned before there are grants but honestly I don’t think the opportunity is financially viable. So regardless, I think this need exists to positively benefit this community. I will reach out to PP to further communicate intentions after I scope the research opportunities most beneficial to this community and narrow intended outcomes. ‼️MY ASK to each of YOU: What are the challenges you are experiencing in scaling your current business❓What questions do you need answered❓(I.e. community/ partners/ materials? Clarity of the current community? Solutions for viable and profitable business plans? technical solutions? Knowledge of local people resources that have responsibility for decision making, policy, recycling contracts? Laws and incentives on large and small businesses?) I think a lot of these details already exist by PP but others are really localized needs. let’s work together to draw out all the goodness into a condensed communication and strategize on a plan for growing business and thus plastics recycling in our area.
Inspired Plastics 10/10/2021 5:05 PM
Wow that is a lot of ask! As i have been doing this a little while, I’ll try to share as much as I can.
Primary problem would be access to tools necessary and space.
Inspired Plastics 10/10/2021 5:06 PM
I am renting a space in a makerspace. I use their wood cutting tools, CNC, laser, table saw etc and I bought my own specialized equipment for the plastic.
❤️ 1
I’d love to hear more on how you found your “partners”, how you convinced them, if your state has any tax incentives for recycling, where you found those..if their are federal or state incentives - maybe you could use to influence opportunities to operate on-site rather than from your own location. Question to answer: Does this mean you become their employee?(idk) How can you provide the evidence needed to apply for any rebates or tax breaks? <- follow the money - how are you financially benefiting that company with the most minimal resource needs from them?
Inspired Plastics 10/10/2021 5:08 PM
Can I get back to you on all that. There is a ton to discuss.
5:11 PM
I have to go for now but I’ll add one more thing. I am working with my daughters AP environmental teacher to do something with her 190 students. I’ll will let you know how it goes. We are early in the process. Bit the idea is to show them the products that I make, the. Show them the process of recycling, the. Start a collection, then Show them the products again. Hoping that they and their families would buy products along the way to find the whole process.
❤️ 1
Same! Except I want to collect/use more than just plastic. I'm into scrap metal, e-waste and glass mostly
What all do you do with glass?
File down the sharp edges and wrap it like sea glass, or cut bottles and use them to hold pens and stuff. I'd like to get into bigger stuff, but I need better equipment
Inspired Plastics
I am renting a space in a makerspace. I use their wood cutting tools, CNC, laser, table saw etc and I bought my own specialized equipment for the plastic.
A maker space? How much does that cost? How did you go about finding one?
Liri (They/He) 10/10/2021 5:58 PM
If you look up local makerspace or your city makerspace you should be able to find something
👍 1
Nothing in my area that would do that as far as I can see. I’ll have to stick to trying the trade school tomorrow
I love this idea! I think a great target audience is high school and middle school students. Networking with the teachers to start an after school program meeting twice a month for 2 or three months…or simply a one weekend workshop. Are you knowledgeable on recycling paper - as a final project you could instruct the students through recycling their old notebooks into their certificates or cards.. that would be fun! Children are also our future and are not as reserved in thoughts or restricted in time. If they want their household to be a member, their parents will likely sign up to make them happy.
Birdman3131 10/10/2021 6:27 PM
The one big issue is insurance. Working with under 18 has issues.
Inspired Plastics 10/13/2021 12:28 AM
There is a makerspace in charlotte. It cost $50/month to use it and I rent a space for $250
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Green Ellipsis 10/13/2021 12:50 PM
@Inspired Plastics appreciate the advice. Between you and @Solus it occurs to me I need to put more work into quantifying the value chain.
Green Ellipsis
@Inspired Plastics appreciate the advice. Between you and @Solus it occurs to me I need to put more work into quantifying the value chain.
Inspired Plastics 10/15/2021 2:27 PM
Cost effectively collecting and processing the plastic in quantities is the biggest concern. Any ideas on that would be great.
Green Ellipsis 10/30/2021 4:22 AM
I've decided to focus on turning PET plastic beverage bottles into 3D printer filament. Very much in my skill set, my interest, and should be a very space- and energy-efficient process. I have a fundraiser happening now on Facebook for the first stage, which is about learning the process: We'll be building Josh N Bee's new Recreator 3D pullstruder ( as well as a brand new kit version of Roman's PETBOT pullstruder, which is in the Precious Plastic Bazar ( You can read more details about by plan in the fundraiser description. @LadyFace or anyone else in North Florida, do you have access to 2-Liter bottles? That is the ideal feedstock for this process. I'm going to need about 80 of them in a couple weeks. TIA! (edited)
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
❤️ 1
Sounds great Green! My plan for the primary suggestion of meeting with an old teacher didn’t work out as they no longer worked at that location. However I decided to get an associates in chemistry, and business in order to start my business. Which actually included that portion of plastic recycling. I have a 3D engineer with a degree lined up to work for me when I manage to kick things off myself! Keep up the good work and perhaps consider funding projects to help them get started if you become successful? If you do, when they become successful you should consider partnerships or at the least mutually beneficial programs
Where are the two of you located around in Florida? I am in jacksonville-ish area, and now can actually drive myself around! I still need to visit that wood makerspace in jacksonville myself too (edited)
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Green Ellipsis 11/1/2021 1:39 AM
I'm just south of you in St Augustine
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1:43 AM
not too far
@Aetous. Let me know how it goes.
Hi Troy.
10:00 PM
This is very cool. I am in Daytona area. Let's chat.
Ryan C (he/him) 3/1/2022 9:20 PM
Has anyone had any experience working with Megatec Center?
preciousplasticflorida 7/19/2022 5:33 AM
still here in sarasota. gonna get back to basics and melt some plastic in the garage if anyone else is down
still here in sarasota. gonna get back to basics and melt some plastic in the garage if anyone else is down
Green Ellipsis 7/25/2022 4:21 AM
Good luck! I'm a bit too far away in St. Augustine.
❤️ 1
Green Ellipsis 7/29/2022 7:01 PM
I'm making filament from PET 2L bottles, but don't use the tops or bottoms. That leaves me with a lot of clean, clear PET to dispose of. Anyone interested? Ideas also welcome. St. Augustine, FL (edited)
I know with a bit of tweaking the bottoms make nice little flowers 🤷🏾‍♀️
7:20 PM
Anyone in Florida interested in a workshop/collection point?
7:22 PM
I've got a ton of reusable stuff, not just plastic, and I want to split a space with other people
Green Ellipsis 7/29/2022 10:58 PM
There was a church north of you, I think, that was considering doing collection. Saw them in a PP listing i think. I wrote to them but didn't hear back.
Looking for like minded up-cyclers in South Fl, anyone out there?
I'm in North Florida but at least I'm in the state
❤️ 2
preciousplasticflorida 10/11/2022 6:20 AM
i like trash, yes
💜 1
❤️ 1
Where are you? I'm always trying to get in touch with my N. FL trash lovers
preciousplasticflorida 10/11/2022 6:40 AM
Where are you? I'm always trying to get in touch with my N. FL trash lovers
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 7:17 PM
I'm in Jacksonville! Where are you?
I've got a ton of reusable stuff, not just plastic, and I want to split a space with other people
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 7:18 PM
I'd love to split a space with someone. I'm in Jacksonville
Green Ellipsis
I'm making filament from PET 2L bottles, but don't use the tops or bottoms. That leaves me with a lot of clean, clear PET to dispose of. Anyone interested? Ideas also welcome. St. Augustine, FL (edited)
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 7:18 PM
I'm close in south Jacksonville 🤗
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 7:19 PM
Where are you in north Florida.
Eric Lotze
Where are the two of you located around in Florida? I am in jacksonville-ish area, and now can actually drive myself around! I still need to visit that wood makerspace in jacksonville myself too (edited)
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 7:20 PM
OMG we are in the same city! Let's connect
Inspired Plastics
Cost effectively collecting and processing the plastic in quantities is the biggest concern. Any ideas on that would be great.
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 7:39 PM
What's the name of the space in Charlotte? I visit there often
I'd love to split a space with someone. I'm in Jacksonville
The Art Center Jax has the cheapest studio spaces, but depending on whether or not you also have a bunch of stuff that might not be ideal
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7:58 PM
If you want to DM me to work something out that'd be cool. I also have my own Discord
❤️ 1
If you want to DM me to work something out that'd be cool. I also have my own Discord
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 12/1/2022 8:00 PM
Girl I love this yesss!
It's kinda dead most of the time but there are other people there
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What's the name of the space in Charlotte? I visit there often
Inspired Plastics 12/3/2022 10:44 PM
Makerspace Charlotte. I have a very efficient shredder there. (edited)
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sara1129🙌🤍🩷 2/26/2023 6:05 AM
@LadyFace let's get this meet up scheduled!
Right lemme get it together 😅
💖 1
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 2/26/2023 5:33 PM
How can this be done? I'm looking for ways to recycle plastic into dog toys or products. Don't see enough info in this.
6:58 PM
Idk know I assume it involves some serious machinery
GamingFedora 2/26/2023 11:26 PM
I'll take 80
❤️ 2
Click to see attachment 🖼️
probably "melt spinning". I haven't looked into it too much but i think that is the term. The how to actually make the machine bits are what i would have to look into
5:39 AM
The Collection, Washing/Drying, Shredding, and Post-Spinning Stuff can all be done to an extent!
❤️ 1
5:39 AM
granted money oof
5:40 AM
looks at the price of a single shredder kit
Eric Lotze
probably "melt spinning". I haven't looked into it too much but i think that is the term. The how to actually make the machine bits are what i would have to look into
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 6/21/2023 2:54 PM
I'd love to start making these pellets. I'd like to merge animal welfare and upcycling. I'm trying to rescue as many dogs as I can and we always need fundraisers. So many ami. Al related items that are plastic base that I'd love to create out of recyclables. How though?!
2:54 PM
Going to this on Thursday. Will be interesting to see how they make toys out of plastic and t-shirts.
Click to see attachment 🖼️
I met the Shore Buddies crew at a trade show last week! Their plush toys are great. (edited)
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Simbatheceo 7/1/2023 10:16 PM
Hey guys anyone here close to the Miami dade area ?
10:19 PM
I have access to a lot of plastic PP , ABS , HDPE etc.
10:21 PM
I also have a big demand for products made from it , problem is I run 2 companies as we speak and don’t have the time to start my own workspace, would love to partner with someone to help them grow their business while also getting the added benefits of having a regular supply of new products for my customers
Hey guys anyone here close to the Miami dade area ?
Trey (Illinois, Student) 7/1/2023 10:45 PM
looks like there's already a workshop or two in the area!
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10:46 PM
this is the link i used to find this map, you can click on each of the icons to connect with the people there!
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
Simbatheceo 7/1/2023 10:57 PM
I’ve reached out to the only workspace available on that map , I highly appreciate it , thank you 🙏🏻
👍 1
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Trey (Illinois, Student)
looks like there's already a workshop or two in the area!
How close are you to MO?
How close are you to MO?
Simbatheceo 7/3/2023 2:18 AM
Very far 😅
👍 1
🤣 2
Florida sounds cool tho 😉
Simbatheceo 7/3/2023 2:19 AM
It’s a gold mine and no one here seems to notice 🤷🏻‍♂️
Yeah been having a hard time getting interest started in my area, but hey everything starts ( or restarts ) slow.
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How close are you to MO?
Trey (Illinois, Student) 7/3/2023 2:34 AM
I am a student at UIUC in Champaign, so about 3 hours from St. Louis
It’s a gold mine and no one here seems to notice 🤷🏻‍♂️
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 7/6/2023 3:26 PM
How is it a goldmine here? Of plastics? I'm in North Florida, so I guess closish... We just started a weekly chat in our area on discord if you'd ever like to drop in. Tuesday 2-4pm and Sunday 7-8pm. (edited)
How is it a goldmine here? Of plastics? I'm in North Florida, so I guess closish... We just started a weekly chat in our area on discord if you'd ever like to drop in. Tuesday 2-4pm and Sunday 7-8pm. (edited)
I think it's a beautiful state that would have a lot going for it if it weren't for gestures broadly
👍 1
3:48 PM
There are still a lot of cool people here though. And it definitely is a goldmine for plastics, if only bc so much is already buried in the ground
How is it a goldmine here? Of plastics? I'm in North Florida, so I guess closish... We just started a weekly chat in our area on discord if you'd ever like to drop in. Tuesday 2-4pm and Sunday 7-8pm. (edited)
Simbatheceo 8/25/2023 1:58 AM
What city are you located in ? I’m in Miami
How is it a goldmine here? Of plastics? I'm in North Florida, so I guess closish... We just started a weekly chat in our area on discord if you'd ever like to drop in. Tuesday 2-4pm and Sunday 7-8pm. (edited)
Simbatheceo 8/25/2023 2:00 AM
Right now I can get access to large amount of HDPE white Containers that can be shredded and sold as Raw Material or be turned into products Just don’t have the tools to get it started
2:00 AM
I can also get access to a large quantity of ABS plastics
We are also looking for tools to get started
We are also looking for tools to get started
Simbatheceo 8/25/2023 2:06 AM
You and Sara are in the same city ?
Simbatheceo 8/25/2023 2:13 AM
Sorry for the mess lol , I’ve been working on alot of projects That was just todays pick up from one store
2:13 AM
2:15 AM
My whole business is Recycling / Upcycling I have access to Clothing , Paper , HDPE Plastics, ABS Plastics , Electronics, Rubber Etc.
We are working on a creative recycling business. I myself have a lot of glass and scrap metal and wood I've collected whilst I was trying to do my own thing and get a group together. We want to do workshops, make collaborative pieces and sell material but rn we're just trying to raise money for tools and stuff
OptimisticAtom 9/4/2023 5:54 AM
The cheapest plastic shredder I could find on ebay is $500 and is hand cranked. Would you guys be interested in an electric version for a similar price?
The cheapest plastic shredder I could find on ebay is $500 and is hand cranked. Would you guys be interested in an electric version for a similar price?
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/4/2023 5:43 PM
Instead of market researching in comparison to a hypothetical "cheapest plastic shredder", demonstrate what capacity you can deliver for X number of dollars. Hypothetical machine + hypothetical capacity = hypothetical customers. Hypothetical money doesn't pay the bills. (edited)
OptimisticAtom 9/4/2023 6:15 PM
We will see what capacity the machine has once I get a prototype made. I'm just excited cause a few years ago it seemed impossible to design my own and in this past week I did and it was surprisingly easy.
OptimisticAtom 9/4/2023 6:32 PM
I could upload a video of the assembly in CAD if you wanna see what I got so far.
I could upload a video of the assembly in CAD if you wanna see what I got so far.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/6/2023 5:13 AM
That would be fantastic- please do! What CAD system are you employing? (edited)
OptimisticAtom 9/6/2023 5:22 AM
Onshape. I was using Solidworks, but the combat robotics team at my university recommended it and it's been great so far.
5:22 AM
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
That would be fantastic- please do! What CAD system are you employing? (edited)
OptimisticAtom 9/6/2023 5:23 AM
The animation stutters cause my computer was dying when I recorded it.
My whole business is Recycling / Upcycling I have access to Clothing , Paper , HDPE Plastics, ABS Plastics , Electronics, Rubber Etc.
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 10/1/2023 3:43 AM
How does the business profit off of all this that you collect?
Jack Apotsos 10/3/2023 10:20 PM
Hello fellow Floridan's! I'm looking into starting an injection molding business and was wondering if there's anyone selling HDPE, LDPE, or PP. Also if anyone has any suggestions on what has worked best for them I would greatly appreciate any guidance.
Green Ellipsis 10/3/2023 10:23 PM
Where in Florida? I'm in Saint Augustine
How does the business profit off of all this that you collect?
Simbatheceo 10/3/2023 10:23 PM
Hey sorry I just realized you responded, different inventory has different sales channels, I mainly create products to ship overseas , I can collect a large enough of HDPE and then partner with someone to create products that have daily utilities such as combs and stuff of that nature
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Jack Apotsos 10/3/2023 10:24 PM
Im from Brevard county
Jack Apotsos
Im from Brevard county
Simbatheceo 10/3/2023 10:25 PM
Do you have the machine and shredder already ?
Jack Apotsos 10/3/2023 10:27 PM
I'm still working on my business plan, and I thought this would be a good place to be for suggestions.
Jack Apotsos
I'm still working on my business plan, and I thought this would be a good place to be for suggestions.
Simbatheceo 10/3/2023 10:28 PM
When you get everything figured out let me know I have a pretty big stock pile of HDPE and would love to use your services if you provide them to manufacture utility based products
Jack Apotsos 10/3/2023 10:29 PM
Could I get an example of what a manufacture utility based product is?
Jack Apotsos
Could I get an example of what a manufacture utility based product is?
Simbatheceo 10/3/2023 10:31 PM
Think things that can be used daily , Combs , Phone Cases , Storage Containers , there are many things Honestly
Jack Apotsos 10/3/2023 10:33 PM
I was thinking of starting local, would those things still have the same effect?
Simbatheceo 10/3/2023 10:33 PM
I’m from Miami ,FL
10:34 PM
I can Send a truck with plastic if need be , the math just needs to make sense
Green Ellipsis 10/3/2023 10:36 PM
I have a source for industrial HDPE waste. Its maybe a couple hundred pounds per month, and up to two inches thick. You'd need a good shredder.
Jack Apotsos 10/3/2023 10:48 PM
I don't have the capital for a truck load unfortunately, I was also looking more towards buying the plastic pre shredded in the beginning to avoid the shredding process and cost.
Jack Apotsos
Hello fellow Floridan's! I'm looking into starting an injection molding business and was wondering if there's anyone selling HDPE, LDPE, or PP. Also if anyone has any suggestions on what has worked best for them I would greatly appreciate any guidance.
Inspired Plastics 10/6/2023 1:23 AM
I am in NC, but I have shredded PP and HDPE for sale.
Green Ellipsis
I have a source for industrial HDPE waste. Its maybe a couple hundred pounds per month, and up to two inches thick. You'd need a good shredder.
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 10/10/2023 8:42 AM
I'm in Jacksonville. Is the hdpe waste free? We should connect
Green Ellipsis 10/10/2023 4:11 PM
We should definitely connect. It sho I ld be quite clean. I might also be able to get you chips from the machining process if you're interested.
Green Ellipsis 10/11/2023 7:08 PM
@sara1129 I'll be meeting with the machinist next week to discuss. Would you like to come down and take a look? Also I can collect HDPE bottle caps if you want them
Green Ellipsis
@sara1129 I'll be meeting with the machinist next week to discuss. Would you like to come down and take a look? Also I can collect HDPE bottle caps if you want them
sara1129🙌🤍🩷 10/12/2023 6:07 AM
I'd love to join!
Simbatheceo 10/17/2023 2:54 PM
possumopossum 1
2:55 PM
Just received a large load of liquidated Shampoos and Conditioner, putting the product in 5 Gallon buckets and will have 100’s of pounds of left over plastic
2:57 PM
Having a shredder right about now would be a nice addition to my current operations
10:59 PM
Anyone want to buy 24,000 empty PE plastic bottles 😂
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Alex_recycle_and_creates 10/17/2023 10:59 PM
were they donated ??
11:00 PM
collected off the streets
No I bought them with product inside them , I only needed the product , the plastic is just a bonus
11:01 PM
I also have some HDPE like a couple Bag Fulls and have easy access to this type of material often
Alex_recycle_and_creates 10/17/2023 11:03 PM
its way better for the envirment and nature to just collect them from a recycling or trash bin
11:04 PM
I spent a whole semester collecting water bottle caps from the reycling bin and at the end I had a whole bucket
11:05 PM
or ask people to donated their used water jugs
Well yeah I just don’t have the time to do that and it’s still good plastic , I was thinking of cleaning them and selling them on eBay
Alex_recycle_and_creates 10/17/2023 11:05 PM
from businesses
OptimisticAtom 10/17/2023 11:24 PM
If people are willing to buy them on ebay then they're probably worth more whole than they are shredded.
11:25 PM
unless we wanted to make something large that is a perfectly homogeneous mix of the same plastic.
Yes but I’m also looking at time frame of things , it will take me probably a whole year to sell 24,000 bottles , instead of just creating something or selling it as shreds
Looks like the caps are PP?
OptimisticAtom 10/18/2023 1:42 AM
I'm making a shredder now. Maybe I can bring over a prototype and test it on a few of your bottles at the end of the year.
Looks like the caps are PP?
Simbatheceo 10/18/2023 4:30 AM
It’s a possibility I didn’t check the caps but regardless there is a lot of plastic 😅
I'm making a shredder now. Maybe I can bring over a prototype and test it on a few of your bottles at the end of the year.
Simbatheceo 10/18/2023 4:30 AM
I’m in Miami , How far are you from here ?
I’m in Miami , How far are you from here ?
OptimisticAtom 10/18/2023 5:00 AM
I travel between Lakeland and Charlotte County, so pretty far.
I travel between Lakeland and Charlotte County, so pretty far.
Yeah that is pretty far
10:51 PM
If I had a shredder I would Shred all the HDPE I get and put them in large pallets to ship but I don’t got one 🥲
Jack Apotsos 10/26/2023 11:15 PM
Has anyone set up a local collection point if so do you have any advice? I want to set something up to collect plastic bags.
I was brainstorming collection points here in Texas. I thought it would be cool to team up with those stands on the side of the road that sell fireworks twice a year. They have good locations that are not used most of the time. For plastic bag collection, maybe network with local eco-friendly businesses to see if they can host a bag drop off for you to come around and collect.
Jack Apotsos
Has anyone set up a local collection point if so do you have any advice? I want to set something up to collect plastic bags.
Here in South Florida I only know of one workspace , but I don’t think there is any dedicated collection points
If I had a shredder I would Shred all the HDPE I get and put them in large pallets to ship but I don’t got one 🥲
OptimisticAtom 10/27/2023 5:07 AM
Almost nobody has a shredder. They are hella expensive. possumopossum
Almost nobody has a shredder. They are hella expensive. possumopossum
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/27/2023 1:27 PM
Not really- used industrial shredders can be had on the cheap, and small Chinese shredders are available for ~$700. (edited)
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
Not really- used industrial shredders can be had on the cheap, and small Chinese shredders are available for ~$700. (edited)
That's kinda expensive for hobbiests, and for getting started... to be fair
That's kinda expensive for hobbiests, and for getting started... to be fair
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/27/2023 6:57 PM
A hobbyist WHAT? How much are the computers most folks are sitting at? -and they just handle signal interpretation and propagation. At this price range, we're talking about priorities. I reckon all the supporting context is more significant than this basic tool- power provisioning, shop space, air handling, wash systems, etc. Folks can get started with a blender and a toaster oven- the imagined "they" don't buy shredders because they don't see value to match their wanting impulse. If they had a NEED for shredded plastic, the aforementioned sum would not be a propagation obstacle- certainly not "hella expensive". It's the same reason I don't have a jointer or large format thickness planer. (edited)
The laptop I'm sitting at was $50 at a thrift store. but you're right, It's all about priorities. I'm past the blenders and tree sredders, and am shopping for shredder box now.
The laptop I'm sitting at was $50 at a thrift store. but you're right, It's all about priorities. I'm past the blenders and tree sredders, and am shopping for shredder box now.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/27/2023 7:02 PM
What are your power requirements?
Power source is required to be flexible. I'll adapt AC or DC motors as necessary. I just need to get my hands on a shredder box or kit. Strongest things I'll be shredding are 2 liter bottle necks.
7:06 PM
$300 budget.
Power source is required to be flexible. I'll adapt AC or DC motors as necessary. I just need to get my hands on a shredder box or kit. Strongest things I'll be shredding are 2 liter bottle necks.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/27/2023 7:28 PM
So, single phase, since that puts a VFD/phase converter out of $$$ range. If you have an electric clothes dryer, consider confining your selection to what can be powered from its circuit- plug in cabling could cost less than $70, and the circuit might handle upwards of 3000 watts (check, of course). The prices on shredders on Ebay and Amazon have doubled just in the last couple months- I have no clude what's going on there. Your best bet will likely be at auction. There will be travel costs. I reckon that's a miracle budget. I've seen stuff at auction go for very little- but located far, far from me. It's tough.
👍 1
Jack Apotsos 10/29/2023 12:04 AM
Starting up production! In my bedroom
❤️ 4
👍 1
8:22 AM
I need to make a few hundred of these in the near future anyone here in Florida have the infrastructure to do it ?
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
Not really- used industrial shredders can be had on the cheap, and small Chinese shredders are available for ~$700. (edited)
Can you tell me where to find these? I’m looking to get a starter shredder but haven’t found any under $1,000 which is my budget at the moment
@Linda Vida you can always try eBay, second hand ones are cheap and not too bad?
Linda Vida
Can you tell me where to find these? I’m looking to get a starter shredder but haven’t found any under $1,000 which is my budget at the moment
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/29/2023 4:55 PM
👍 1
Linda Vida
Can you tell me where to find these? I’m looking to get a starter shredder but haven’t found any under $1,000 which is my budget at the moment
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/29/2023 5:00 PM
Used Industrial Equipment For Sale
Jack Apotsos 10/30/2023 8:45 PM
I didn't realize how cheap you can get a granulator for! Will they work to shred plastic for injection molding use?
Jack Apotsos
I didn't realize how cheap you can get a granulator for! Will they work to shred plastic for injection molding use?
Inspired Plastics 10/31/2023 1:39 AM
I don’t know about those specifically, but I use a Chinese granulator. Check the power requirements and the sieve size. 1/4 in holes for the sieve should work in a pp injection molding. Industrial injection molding needs pellets I am told
Inspired Plastics
I don’t know about those specifically, but I use a Chinese granulator. Check the power requirements and the sieve size. 1/4 in holes for the sieve should work in a pp injection molding. Industrial injection molding needs pellets I am told
Industrial molding can use shred and regrind but pellets are considerably more reliable/efficient. Shred tends to clump so you need someone tending it or a way to agitate it and keep it flowing into the screw.
❤️ 1
Jack Apotsos 11/1/2023 2:24 AM
I have my mold cooling right now for the first time. I'm hoping with the difference in thermal cooling between the steel and plastic that it will come out, If so I believe I have made a new approach to recycling plastic bags. Thanks for the reference I might purchase one later on since It would be perfect for my use.
❤️ 1
Jack Apotsos
I have my mold cooling right now for the first time. I'm hoping with the difference in thermal cooling between the steel and plastic that it will come out, If so I believe I have made a new approach to recycling plastic bags. Thanks for the reference I might purchase one later on since It would be perfect for my use.
Nice! Let us know how it turns out!
♥️ 1
👍 1
Jack Apotsos 11/2/2023 1:10 AM
I got it!
👍 2
Inspired Plastics 11/2/2023 1:11 AM
what did you end up doing ?
Jack Apotsos 11/2/2023 1:54 AM
I’m writing my process step by step down right now and I’ll send the document if you want to take a look
Jack Apotsos
I got it!
@bubba check this out! Made from plastic bags 😁
Jack Apotsos
I got it!
Alex_recycle_and_creates 11/2/2023 3:36 AM
Did you extrude that ?
Jack Apotsos
I’m writing my process step by step down right now and I’ll send the document if you want to take a look
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/2/2023 11:41 AM
Just share a link to the file, or post a summation.
Did you extrude that ?
Jack Apotsos 11/2/2023 12:25 PM
Nope I used a 3 foot steel beam over a fire!
Jack Apotsos
Nope I used a 3 foot steel beam over a fire!
Alex_recycle_and_creates 11/2/2023 12:56 PM
Carful with using a fire for melting plastic. Cause if you have it too hot it will burn the plastic and it will react with oxygen changing the chemical bond
Jack Apotsos 11/2/2023 1:47 PM
Yep👍 I only heat it up enough to bring the peace’s together. I also ware a carbon capture mask for added protection. (edited)
Jack Apotsos
Yep👍 I only heat it up enough to bring the peace’s together. I also ware a carbon capture mask for added protection. (edited)
Alex_recycle_and_creates 11/2/2023 2:11 PM
The filters I would recommend are ABEK1
Jack Apotsos 11/2/2023 5:27 PM
Are they compatible with a 3M mask?
Alex_recycle_and_creates 11/2/2023 11:40 PM
11:40 PM
I have a pair
11:40 PM
from the UK
Jack Apotsos 11/3/2023 2:05 AM
Here's my process rough draft, Iv yet to refine it and I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days so I wanted to at least show it to you guys.
👍 1
Jack Apotsos
Here's my process rough draft, Iv yet to refine it and I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days so I wanted to at least show it to you guys.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/3/2023 2:32 AM
Nice low-fabrication-demand mould closing solution.
♥️ 1
I'd love to join!
Green Ellipsis 11/8/2023 4:46 PM
When would you like to come to down?
Simbatheceo 11/20/2023 3:50 AM
Anyone want to pick up a few bags of HDPE plastic containers? I’m taking a long trip and would rather have them recycled , I’m in Miami
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