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Project Development Channels / off-grid-power
learner-long-life 8/4/2021 12:02 AM
I’m not falling for it, holding out for rammed earth batteries with @Odundo
I'm team:
  • Sodium Ion Batteries (to fill the current role of Lithium Ion Batteries)
  • Flywheel Energy Storage (to fill the medium capacity overnight storage role + more usage as UPS's / Grid Conditioners)
  • Organic Redox Flow Batteries (to fill the medium to large scale capacity of storage)
  • Reversible Fuel Cells / Power-to-X technology + Existing Combined Cycle Plants / Small Generators for the Large to Grid Scale capacity of storage
That's neat, i thought it was "physically rechargable" like the Zinc Air / Aluminium Air Batteries, but having it in a electrolyte is neat
12:14 AM
That is OSE Germany's work on the Zinc-Air concept
12:14 AM
May have been more progress since i last checked, i should look into them and OSE France (also maybe see if they know of/want to join the discord channel!)
12:16 AM
Last edit is July 13 2021 !
Storing heat in sand is a great option for anyone whose only energy source is solar panels. I’m still exploring options for electricity storage. This company lays out some of the advantages of sand as a kind of heat battery:
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learner-long-life 9/28/2021 11:40 PM
As promised, batteries made from direct. I love the promise, but I'm concerned if it's feasible. 1000 degrees? Wouldn't that melt any battery container or building structure, even rammed earth? Or be dangerous to ecosystems around it? Deserts get cold on the surface at night, below freezing in winter time, and the Earth about 8 feet down is supposed to be geothermally stable around 50-60 deg F year round. So I'm not sure how a heat battery would work. Does it have to belocated far away from the homes it powers, especially passive solar eco-homes?
These actually last a long time as well as hold charge for a long time. Denver used them on the street cars in early 1900s then just left them in place when street cars were shut down. Crews would dig them up when doing work and had to treat them with respect as a lot of them still had charge on them. Maybe 20-50 years later. Don't know if they are still finding them in the streets now though. They had been buried under or close to the tracks when in use. Heavy like a big dog too....
These actually last a long time as well as hold charge for a long time. Denver used them on the street cars in early 1900s then just left them in place when street cars were shut down. Crews would dig them up when doing work and had to treat them with respect as a lot of them still had charge on them. Maybe 20-50 years later. Don't know if they are still finding them in the streets now though. They had been buried under or close to the tracks when in use. Heavy like a big dog too....
Yep that is the thing they are very heavy all else is true. They were considered for cars but they do weigh alot
Deleted User 3/1/2022 2:11 PM
Flat Roof Dual Axis Tracker that increase the efficiency of 1 solar panel by 70% "Point Load Power’s rooftop tracking solution meets the strict requirements of UL 3703 and the wind loading requirements of ASCE 7-16,"
Deleted User 3/1/2022 5:09 PM
$15k, 2.4kW, 100+ years service life, can be ground mounted & rooftop
Deleted User
$15k, 2.4kW, 100+ years service life, can be ground mounted & rooftop
learner-long-life 3/1/2022 5:13 PM
I love offgrid power, but how can any modern company claim with a straight face 100+ years service life?
Deleted User 3/1/2022 5:20 PM
Use better steel, more of it, & coat it with something to protect it from the elements. If you want, we could make an engine that never dies but we will need titanium...or we could design the car so that 99.6% of them die after 7 years like we do now. Its just a matter of choice with in the production triangle of quanitity/quality/price
👍 1
5:21 PM
Also the 2.4kW will vary depending on wind speed.
Deleted User 3/1/2022 5:31 PM
Archimedes "Liam F1" ~$5,400
Deleted User
Use better steel, more of it, & coat it with something to protect it from the elements. If you want, we could make an engine that never dies but we will need titanium...or we could design the car so that 99.6% of them die after 7 years like we do now. Its just a matter of choice with in the production triangle of quanitity/quality/price
learner-long-life 3/1/2022 6:41 PM
I get what you’re saying, I just find the “100+ years service life” for an engineered product gimmicky, unless they’ve been around for 100 years and still have an original product that works. Systems integration is key; if the company is simply stating “platinum iridium is inert and resists rust for over 100 years” thats a different statement.
👍 1
6:42 PM
A neighbor in AZ bought a wind turbine that broke after a few years. I want to support wind power, so any company that even says “10 year” warranty would get my business
Yes in general looking 20 years ahead is smart. More then that, and you have to start considering multiple risk factors.
Deleted User 3/1/2022 6:59 PM
I wish there was a rule when ever statistics are used you would have to release a pdf to the inter web, & if you hoovered over their claim, the full mean, confidence interval and degrees of confidence would be shown.
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Yes in general looking 20 years ahead is smart. More then that, and you have to start considering multiple risk factors.
Deleted User 3/1/2022 7:05 PM
I don't think it is unrealistic to design for 100 years in some cases. There is a bunch of Gen 0, utility scale dual axis trackers in Germany & Spain that really just need new solar panels & then they would be good for another 30 years but are instead just being abandoned in place or ripped out with a back hoe & sold for scrap steel prices.
VHPready (abbreviation for Virtual Heat and Power Ready) is an open industry standard for the control of decentralised power generation plants, consumers and energy storage systems via a central control centre. The uniform use of this standard enables the flexible connection of decentralized power plants to virtual power plants and Smart Grid ap...
6:46 AM
A sustainable community energy system is an integrated approach to supplying a local community with its energy requirements from renewable energy or high-efficiency co-generation energy sources. The approach can be seen as a development of the distributed generation concept. Such systems are based on a combination of district heating, district c...
7:59 AM
A Solderless 18650 Battery Pack
7:59 AM
I need to document that on wiki + network with them a bit
8:00 AM
I think developing some sort of "standard" for battery packs may be good, and i love the concept of this design
8:00 AM
some sort of jig / automation of their assembly could be done maybe too
9:56 PM
Mitrex solar facades are being installed on a 7000 square feet area on a building in Canada, producing an estimated 90,000 kWh of power annually.
I just want a PV+Solar Thermal Hybrid Panel to get distibuted in the USA
8:51 PM
There is a spanish company i think? "DualSun"; i made a page on it if i remember correctly.
Looking into it now, this might be even more huge for skyscrapers?
8:56 PM
Looking into this right now: Guess it only covered 10% of it's energy (edited)
Eric Lotze
Looking into it now, this might be even more huge for skyscrapers?
Deleted User 4/19/2022 8:57 PM
I still think a tracker is critical for PV because of the 40-70% boast, lack of recycling/ reuse/ up use of old pvs, and pvs being a critical resource. In the US we have massive factories coming online in Ohio that removes all manufacturing limitations for North America. I am seeing old panels used as sun shades…. I largely brought it up just to share what the current ideas are
Deleted User
I still think a tracker is critical for PV because of the 40-70% boast, lack of recycling/ reuse/ up use of old pvs, and pvs being a critical resource. In the US we have massive factories coming online in Ohio that removes all manufacturing limitations for North America. I am seeing old panels used as sun shades…. I largely brought it up just to share what the current ideas are
9:00 PM
i love those things
9:00 PM
Those satellite dish like stirling thermal trackers may be great for off grid scale too let me grab a picture of one of those
Eric Lotze
Looking into this right now: Guess it only covered 10% of it's energy (edited)
Deleted User 4/19/2022 9:00 PM
That is a great usage of them for a energy efficient retro@fit of an existing sky scraper. Also it should cut down on sun reflection which was a problem with new skyscrapers turning in magnify glass / laser and cutting are apart.
@Deleted User has reached level 5. GG!
The insulation too, read one of the options was honeycomb sandwhich panel!
👍 1
Eric Lotze
i love those things
Deleted User 4/19/2022 9:03 PM
I was just reading about the failure of the North Africa desert solar farm project. Cost of transmission & ease of local install & mass manufacturing of pvs killed it.
9:05 PM
There is a Netherlands outfit with gov funding using an ai to find optimized buildings for exterior deep energy retrofits with factory made wall panels. I have lost the name and link, does that ring a bell?
Deleted User
There is a Netherlands outfit with gov funding using an ai to find optimized buildings for exterior deep energy retrofits with factory made wall panels. I have lost the name and link, does that ring a bell?
I can look, sounds neat!
9:10 PM
I know there is some sort of roof area (and maybe sun angles) calculator using Google Earth's remote sensing data iirc
6:50 PM
That is an offshoot of the Netherlands project doing about the same in Germany
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Discord’s annual winter holiday celebration, Snowsgiving 2022 has come and gone! Here’s everything you need to know, from what happened at Snowsgiving to the festive events that took place, and even how we supported this year’s charity: the Crisis Text Line.
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Anne vs. the Mafia 10/30/2023 11:53 AM
Just rolled in, | Synthesis of Clean Hydrogen Gas from Waste Plastic at Zero Net Cost Hydrogen gas (H2) is the primary storable fuel for pollution-free energy production, with over 90 million tonnes used globally per year. More than 95% of H2 is synthesized through metal-catalyzed steam methane reforming that produces 11 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per tonne H2. “Green H2” from water electrolysis using renewable energy evolves no CO2, but costs 2–3× more, making it presently economically unviable. Here catalyst-free conversion of waste plastic into clean H2 along with high purity graphene is reported. The scalable procedure evolves no CO2 when deconstructing polyolefins and produces H2 in purities up to 94% at high mass yields. The sale of graphene byproduct at just 5% of its current value yields H2 production at a negative cost. Life-cycle assessment demonstrates a 39–84% reduction in emissions compared to other H2 production methods, suggesting the flash H2 process to be an economically viable, clean H2 production route.
Advanced Materials, one of the world's most prestigious journals, is the home of choice for best-in-class materials science for more than 30 years.
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