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Open Source Ecology
Ongoing Events / summer-x-2021
apprenticeship, extreme enterprise, Summer X, remote participants and fans, in 2021
Eric Lotze 7/5/2021 4:31 AM
@Paul Pham Tell me if this works next time you are online
👏 thanks @Eric Lotze ! Happy 4th
Eric Lotze 7/5/2021 5:21 AM
No problem!
5:21 AM
So you are there in person right?
yes, we happy few.
Eric Lotze 7/5/2021 5:36 AM
nice! well say hullo to everyone there i guess, also try and sneakily get some non-timelapse videos of lifetrac/other stuff lol
👍 1
BWeinberg09 7/5/2021 3:15 PM
here we are
Arcane BOT 7/5/2021 3:15 PM
@BWeinberg09 has reached level 1. GG!
🚀 1
3:20 PM
We're on Jitsi now with a screenshare
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
Sheet1 Wall Module,Floor,Height,Type,Status,Assignee 1,First,9' 2,First,9' 3,First,9' 4,First,9' 5,First,9' 6,First,9' 7,First,9' 8,First,9' 9,First,9' 10,First,9' 11,First,9' 12,First,9' 13,First,9' 14,First,9' 15,First,9' 16,First,9' 17,First,9' 18,First,9' 19,First,9' 20,First,9' 21,First,9' ...
👒 1
Arcane BOT 7/5/2021 7:30 PM
@Paul Pham has reached level 4. GG!
WE'RE AT 17% of all wall modules (69 total, interior and exterior)
Eric Lotze 7/5/2021 9:18 PM
actual physical builds of them!?!
yes, many of the CAD files are not complete though
I think we’re at about 31 wall module frames that have been built. Maybe a quick tweak in a couple in the morning.
👏 1
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 2:06 AM
That's exciting!
We're up to 27% now. The interior walls are probably easier than these.
7:49 PM helps you find clinics, pharmacies, and other locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in the United States.
@Paul Pham What about using for the website
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
🤔 1
I'm into it. I think jekyll works well with gatsby
Open Source Enterprises Funding Strategy SBIR and STTR mechanics - mapping out dynamics and contacts for open source development network CEB press Open Source Microfactory deployment with open source welder, CNC torch table, large high T 3D printer with plastic recycling, ironworker, CNC lathe ...
-- osr-support -- 7/8/2021 1:10 AM
@Wesxdz and whoever is after those things; actually it's simple - you (at least 1- or 2 more) work your ass off for some years - get some MVP products on the market; keep sweating for some more years and if you really worth it - folks keep throwing $$ at you for custom work; hope you don't end as mercenary 🙂 Me and some others consider external investor cash influxes rather as destruction though; I've seen this bait/slaughter bs a few times in companies (H2020 EU programs) - it often did end nowhere than acquisition (calling it dead) or bankruptcy. Btw. being OpenSource also implies you're part of a OpenSource movement and from what I've seen; you can get quickly under the bus of some pretentious bs'ers who rule & abuse the game in their favor, or worst - abusing their powers to destroy you - as I've seen in PreciousPlastic; just saying 🙂 (edited)
1:14 AM
Opensource spirit however is good for you - it keeps you aligned with the actual goals you want to archive - however; at the moment - the reality is rather really different from such desires. To survive, there is little to nothing which actually helps you to get stuff done - fast & good; OS is often just in the way though - unless you can afford it .... (edited)
-- osr-support -- 7/8/2021 1:27 AM
Remember RedHat though 😉 I think same applies for hardware .... (edited)
Sheet1 PERCENT DONE,55.07%,Wall Module Part List,CAD,PERSON PERCENT IN PROGRESS,1.45%,
👏 1
Looks like Jitsi's acting up today. Stand by for Google Meet link
Odundo ( @Odundo ) , Joshua ( @PaleOracle ), and me tested out Discord just now, and it appears to do everything we need for video chat at a high quality. In the screenshot below, you can join a special kind of channel called "Main Voice Channel - General", share your screen, mute / unmute, and then disconnect / hangup when you're done. I propose we use this instead of Jitsi going forward, and this apprenticeship channel for sharing links and coordinating. Let us know what you think!
How do we join video>
Paul Pham pinned a message to this channel. 7/8/2021 4:45 PM
Where is the Video/Voice connection?
Arcane BOT 7/8/2021 4:46 PM
@Marcin has reached level 1. GG!
OwnerOfOwn 7/8/2021 4:46 PM
left hand side
4:46 PM
circled in the screenshot above
👍 1
4:47 PM
once you are in the "general" "main voice channel" you'll have an option to turn on video on your end
4:47 PM
@Marcin i'm in the voice channel now if you want to test it out.
I'm in. Where is video?
You're muted.
My voide is muted. How do I unmute?
4:49 PM
Clicking unmute doesn't do anything
you can click on "General" and see a "Video" button to start video
4:49 PM
It's boxed in red by @OwnerOfOwn in screenshot above.
OwnerOfOwn 7/8/2021 4:49 PM
you may have to select your microphone in discord/windows settings again as well
Likewise, the microphone button will unmute. You might have a hardware switch for camera / mic on your laptop as well.
Got it.
🙌 1
@Marcin Running Discord in a browser requires verification using a phone number. I'll leave your laptop alone here until you're back and can install Discord on it properly, if you like.
I downloaded discord, running app on desktop now @Paul Pham
Also on my laptop, installed it @Paul Pham
🚀 1
Correction to cut list for double doors on Day 7 slides, which were present on Day 6 slides: x4 2x4 7 1/2" x5 2x6 11 7/8" x1 2x6 93" x2 11" x 3" rip from 2x4 blocking, for between header boards we don't have edit access to the slides yet. (edited)
@Paul Pham has reached level 5. GG!
Is there a video chat happening right now? How do I get to it?
scroll down to the general voice channel
@Odundo has reached level 1. GG!
That was fun.
🎊 1
4:10 PM
hey everyone look at this computer-aged photo I found of @Wesxdz , after he's spent 50 years studying how psychedelics expand human consciousness
Image attachment
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Ken Makunga 7/9/2021 5:00 PM
Just in case I did that somehow I muted my discord stream in addition to my physical mic
Arcane BOT 7/9/2021 5:01 PM
@Justin_G has reached level 1. GG!
OwnerOfOwn 7/9/2021 5:01 PM
the worthiest of pursuits
I'll see you all again on Monday.
👋 1
PaleOracle 7/9/2021 6:59 PM
Multiple printers constructed the building in 200 hours using local soil, meaning it’s zero-waste and needed no materials to be transported to the site.
🙌 1
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 7:00 PM
I saw that, i don't think it was "rammed" sadly, but some sort of FDM, but with dirt and a post extrusion rammer/roller would be amazing !
🐏 1
7:00 PM
That or the automatic CEB layer (edited)
Food shopping list, apprentices. Please fill in the rows to continue eating. @Jeff H will set up a Wal-Mart account for us, and then we can add these items into the cart for easier pickup.
Current Shopping List Filter by "pick-up in Cameron, MO 64429 Item,Wal-Mart Link,Quantity,Vegan?,Substitutions?,Notes Bread,Link,4,Multigrain
Eric Lotze
That or the automatic CEB layer (edited)
davidleasure 7/10/2021 12:07 AM
I wondered what the clay was made of, whether it was baked, etc. It is described as a rice husk, clay mixture, and is a close match for adobe. My guess is it's best for arid climate. Here's an explanatory video about construction, the design that lets moisture out, and the insulation.
Paul Pham
hey everyone look at this computer-aged photo I found of @Wesxdz , after he's spent 50 years studying how psychedelics expand human consciousness
❤️ 1
@Paul Pham it appears Cameron Walmart does not offer pickup services. Perhaps you could give me a very short list of things I could pick up to get you through, such as fruit, milk, etc. while Ken and I are there and next Saturday I’ll make a trip to St Joseph, which does offer pickup.
@Paul Pham it appears Cameron Walmart does not offer pickup services. Perhaps you could give me a very short list of things I could pick up to get you through, such as fruit, milk, etc. while Ken and I are there and next Saturday I’ll make a trip to St Joseph, which does offer pickup.
Thanks @Jeff H i don't think we're going to starve; we still have a lot of canned foods and such. I'll ask everyone to put together a small list for just the coming week, and a longer list for next Saturday.
Paul Pham
Thanks @Jeff H i don't think we're going to starve; we still have a lot of canned foods and such. I'll ask everyone to put together a small list for just the coming week, and a longer list for next Saturday.
That’d be perfect. I didn’t buy a lot of perishables since the fridge hadn’t been delivered yet. I’m sure you’ll need apples, bananas, milk, etc. Just let me know. I’m leaving with Ken around noon.
I wondered what the clay was made of, whether it was baked, etc. It is described as a rice husk, clay mixture, and is a close match for adobe. My guess is it's best for arid climate. Here's an explanatory video about construction, the design that lets moisture out, and the insulation.
I think the term is “cob” essentially clay heavy soil + straw / other similar fibers
OSE Apprenticeship Feedback
👍 1
Paul Pham
Food shopping list, apprentices. Please fill in the rows to continue eating. @Jeff H will set up a Wal-Mart account for us, and then we can add these items into the cart for easier pickup.
Guys, tell @Jeff H what FOOOOD to get for this week, by filling in this spreadsheet in the next hour.
DIY modular house kit generator made in Godot. Contribute to Wesxdz/lightframe development by creating an account on GitHub.
💯 1
😮 1
Had no idea openproject had a BIM extension as well for managing construction.
2:04 AM
Open source project management software for classic, agile or hybrid project management: task management✓ Gantt charts✓ boards✓ team collaboration✓ time and cost reporting✓ FREE trial!
2:04 AM
2:06 AM
There would have to be a bit of a change in the workflow, but FreeCAD can export IFC files. This way everyone that has access to the project server can look at the models as well.
I didn't know that! Being able to view a model and visually tag issue in 3D would be super powerful. Here's a clever FreeCAD macro to diff two IFC files:
A Detailing Project for a Residence in Newport Beach. - OpeningDETAIL/Newport_Beach_CA_Residence
combine that with a hardened phone/tablet/ar device and you got something even crazier!
if anyone wants to watch a short 1 hour movie / tv show tonight, you're invited to last minute movie night in a bit 🎥 We're going to pick some mint leaves and come back and make some tea, then start.
On our last call it seemed like there was agreement that we need to develop more accessible instructional materials that can get people up and running quickly with these different processes. I'm trying to do something like that with some of the FreeCAD stuff that I'm working through myself - wondering if people think this is a good approach to take... (e.g.., for FreeCAD stuff, construction processes/procedures, etc.). Here's what I've done so far for one FreeCAD topic (feel free to edit or add to it!):
2:01 PM
I'm also wondering where this sort of thing should be posted on the wiki....
Day 10 Build cheatsheets House Master File Goal Clarity - Discussion Full Digital Model Build the house Start an Enterprise on the House Ability to collaborate with OSE for a living, if you choose to Morning Exercises - 30 min Spatial orientation exercise - 5 min -as many of us as there are, put ...
Wal-mart login info for Jeff to place food orders email: password: wRZ2ikJEQ1kz Add to this list, not the Cart: Check previous items before you add a new one. We'll go together in Jeff's van today, we're still figuring out the pick-up options at St. Joseph Wal-Mart. (edited)
Trello board is live, feel free to use the link to join. (edited)
Organize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
🔨 1
Trello board is live, feel free to use the link to join. (edited)
isn't this competing with the "wiki way"? cc: @braden
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
the problem is "self-hosting" lol, we just moved the complexity to us handling the integration mess (edited)
@pcuci has reached level 5. GG!
I get it. Just citing resources for later when you do want to stand up an open source alternative. (edited)
The law of conservation of complexity, also known as Tesler's Law, is an adage in human–computer interaction stating that every application has an inherent amount of complexity that cannot be removed or hidden. Instead, it must be dealt with, either in product development or in user interaction. This poses the question of who should be exposed ...
12:35 AM
I actually don't mind the wordpress approach, where you have so many providers available, and always the option to self-host (we could, but we don't need to; probably more effective to get some pros keep the SaaSes up and working flawlessly) (edited)
And the providers are providing value on top of a open source toolset. It takes work to maintain servers with good uptime, latency, etc. and I don't mind paying for that work so I don't have to do it myself. (edited)
$99/person? (and the UX is still very wonky; I use this at work) I don't know where people draw the line; I pay for a password manager, and I know I shouldn't, but I still do(!) (edited)
See the options to self-host GitLab or use
Lol (I should clarify that I don't mind paying to a point. There's a point where the pricing isn't transparent and can be exploitative).
😆 1
12:41 AM
Wordpress is a good example. It's pretty cheap to standup a Wordpress site. I'm not paying for much more than keeping the server humming.
might have been me. Sorry.
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
4:15 PM
^ please join us in Zoom for mob programming example.
4:15 PM
Mute yourself in Discord and Zoom for now, unless you're speaking.
If you'd like to sign up to do a CAD file, you can use the green "CAD | Person" columns on the Build Status Spreadsheet
@Paul Pham has reached level 6. GG!
5:41 PM
^ burndown rate until CAD file completion
😆 1
I will head out thanks for today, also i am doing a new project for ose apprenticeship video playlist, dm if anybody wants to join in; basically editing the long videos.
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👍 2
Thanks @Monkeyboy see you next time! I'm not skilled yet in editing videos, but I'd be interested in learning more about what you're doing some time.
Paul Pham
Thanks @Monkeyboy see you next time! I'm not skilled yet in editing videos, but I'd be interested in learning more about what you're doing some time.
sure, I am not as skilled in FreeCAD like you are! but yes, ill be posting in my work log [[elijah log]]
😆 1
@Ken Makunga @PaleOracle what do you think of this turkey breast filet recipe for dinner tonight?
We guarantee it`ll be tasty and tender.. Turkey fillet how to make at home. Cut off the membranes of the fillets, wash and dry them. Don t cut them, you need th...
✅ 1
sure, I am not as skilled in FreeCAD like you are! but yes, ill be posting in my work log [[elijah log]]
lol i'm spending a lot of time trying to automate CAD generation with python scripting.
Paul Pham
lol i'm spending a lot of time trying to automate CAD generation with python scripting.
python 💯 I started learning a month a ago.
🐍 1
@Monkeyboy What's your favorite resource for learning Python?
I'm looking into CAD automation right now too. Do you know if there's a way to import a parameterized OpenSCAD part into FreeCAD?
@braden i don't. FreeCAD has a lot of add-ons and plugins though, one of them might be OpenSCAD import / export
You can import an OpenSCAD file with no issues. After the call I did an an experiment where I made a OpoenSCAD module to create dimensional lumber and then made a really basic wall panel from that. However, FreeCAD imports the module with default values - I don't see a way to make use of the module parameters 😦 (edited)
🤷 1
You can import an OpenSCAD file with no issues. After the call I did an an experiment where I made a OpoenSCAD module to create dimensional lumber and then made a really basic wall panel from that. However, FreeCAD imports the module with default values - I don't see a way to make use of the module parameters 😦 (edited)
feel free to share here if you find a way. I'm curious what the advantages of OpenSCAD are vs. FreeCAD.
I was basically trying to define a new primitive body type for FreeCAD in OpenSCAD. Doesn't look like it's possible.
@braden has reached level 4. GG!
is audio on? I see the screen, but no sound
@Ken Makunga Here is an page about the error you were encountering
Paul Pham
@Monkeyboy What's your favorite resource for learning Python?
udemy lol
udemy lol
8:26 PM
@Wesxdz @braden here's my beginning efforts to generate FreeCAD 19 from Python Feedback welcome, it'll be awhile before it can be more efficient than creating CAD by hand, so I see this as being useful to Wes's game, or a long-term version control / visualization system for OSE CAD. For the architect's deadline this weekend, we should all continue to create CAD by hand.
An interconverter between FreeCAD files and Python scripts that generate them, for versioning open hardware. - cryptogoth/freecad2python
@Paul Pham, have you seen this page on creating scripted objects? (edited)
👀 1
8:29 PM
Nice work by the way!
8:32 PM
It's looks like scripted objects are they way to build up abstractions in FreeCAD. It might make sense to make one scripted object for lumber so that a wall can just contain a bunch of lumber objects.
😩 1
8:35 PM
us, after we finish all the CAD (edited)
I've been playing around with a workbench to generate wall modules
👁️ 2
I made an experimental scriptedfeature for lumber and quickly threw together a demo macro that uses these lumber object to create four studs.
11:43 PM
Contribute to bradeneliason/OSE_FreeCAD_automationExperiment development by creating an account on GitHub.
I need to try all these neat things you are making!
It's a bit overkill because these are glorified primitive cubes. That being said, the editable parameter are the nominal size (e.g. "2x4") and length (e.g 8') - not cube([3.5", 1.5", 8']).
BAM! four woods. i'll trade you for sheep, or compressed earth brick
🐑 2
4:57 AM
4:58 AM
I think macros may be the way to automate creating wall and other modules now. It's the hook into calling python code I was looking for, which we can then version.
Can anyone quickly tell me how to open one of the zipped Sweet Home 3D files from the wiki? It's not as obvious as I thought it would be...
just remove the .zip prefix so it ends with .sh3d
3:04 PM
don't extract, just rename it
3:10 PM
Day 12 Build cheatsheets Completion Spreadsheet Assembly Version History House Master File Goal Clarity and Feedback Form - Process Improvement Discussion Joshua - Trello Invite Odundo - audio mixer - instructional? Paul - breakout rooms for screen control House Rules and Colloaborative cooking -...
Paul Pham pinned a message to this channel. 7/14/2021 3:30 PM
Wouldn't the parametrized "as code" primitives and modules solve this for the rest of the world? The metric system for modules would make more sense to me :-)
Way to go @coderjeff ! Have you been using your workbench to crank out these wall modules at such a fast pace?
4:57 PM
You can create additional Discord voice channels for breakout rooms as well, for remote pair programming in the future.
I've been playing around with a workbench to generate wall modules
@coderjeff - can you do a screen capture to show current workbench functionality? Did you actually use the OSE Workbenches platform to generate it, or you started from scratch?
@Paul Pham The interior wall was the first one I built using the workbench, but it just scripted the process I've been using
👏 2
@coderjeff has reached level 1. GG!
I didn't know FreeCad, so I create all the objects as boxes, setting the x,y,z and position rather than as 2D and then extruding (padding?)
5:01 PM
I found that was easy to script, so I found some example workbench code and decided to try to automate the panel build
5:07 PM
I used this basic4 workbench as a starting point -
Tutorial to create a FreeCAD workbench with Python commands - felipe-m/tutorial_freecad_wb
5:08 PM
I need to learn more of QtQui so I can add parameters and make it more useful
👍 2
The lumber scripted feature was an example. I had been wanting to learn about automation in FreeCAD and OSE has a compelling problem to use to learn about that. One potential use of design automation for OSE would to allow for home design at a very high level and create artifacts like the wall panels as an output. The computed output could respond not only to floor plan but which lumber sizes are available (metric vs imperial). If you guys move forward with a means to make wall panels from waste streams those wall panel designs might be different too.
@braden are there other declarative CAD languages to glean insight from? How would I declare something like "I want the living room to be close to the fridge" (I wouldn't care about the specific implementation, e.g.: minibar fridge in living room, or kitchen next to living room; as long as distance from couch to fridge is optimized for) (edited)
Oh boy... That's a pretty high level of design.
Don't architects use pairwise comparison charts to identify these high level constraints before deciding the building layout?
5:27 PM
I imagine an interface where someone can say "wheelchair accessibility mandatory", and that auto-removes the second floor(?)
5:29 PM
I think it's a more practical long-/mid-term goal to generate construction plan from floor plans in FreeCAD. Later floor plans from design input.
5:29 PM
Those two tasks could be parallelized.
I don't think "room" is a good abstraction... if you remove all walls you still fulfill all the functional living needs, less privacy when you're on the toilet (assuming guests) :-) (edited)
5:34 PM
This is more of the level I'm envisioning rn. Here you can directly manipulate elements in the design like a shelf and the machine decides how the parts need to attach and generates a BOM.
👍 2
@coderjeff do you have a GitHub for your workbench? I just used it to make wall module 68, and I'd like to contribute an example button to show other people please.
@braden have you seen SIMs like people simulations in designed spaces, idea is to simulate living and evaluate person-space fit; your job as a user would then become to best describe your digital self to live in the virtual built environment (which isn't an easy task, as most people have a hard time knowing themselves(?)) (edited)
@Paul Pham I don't have it in GitHub since I've just been experimenting, but feel free to use it as a starting point. Lot's of room for improvement - I was just trying to get something working
🙏 1
@braden have you seen SIMs like people simulations in designed spaces, idea is to simulate living and evaluate person-space fit; your job as a user would then become to best describe your digital self to live in the virtual built environment (which isn't an easy task, as most people have a hard time knowing themselves(?)) (edited)
It might be easier to say "I want to live like people X, Y, and Z", and accept the habit change requirements to adapt to that desired lifestyle
@braden have you seen SIMs like people simulations in designed spaces, idea is to simulate living and evaluate person-space fit; your job as a user would then become to best describe your digital self to live in the virtual built environment (which isn't an easy task, as most people have a hard time knowing themselves(?)) (edited)
It's an interesting question. I'm trying to imagine what salient aspects about myself would need to be captured that's different from other people. You also wouldn't need to simulate that actual walking of a human, perhaps just something like: is this room accessible on foot? is this room wheelchair accessible.
🗺️ 1
If you host a dinner party, how would you evaluate people having enough space to move around?
Or human in the loop optimization. Computer generated random homes that you can explore and then people can grade the home based on some subjective preference.
👍 1
That's VR'able, could work
That way the user wouldn't need to learn to express their desires which is perhaps more than half the battle
There is also a question of making sure you want to want what you want (edited)
5:48 PM
I would say that's inevitable for a "life well lived"
Just give people a copy of the Sims and have them build an example house. There's already wall panels in the sims.
🤣 2
5:50 PM
They'll probably get addicted and say "I don't want to want to play the Sims..."
🤣 1
There's a gap between capacity and awareness. If you're addicted, and aware, that's the worst. Because you can't change even if you wanted to...
5:52 PM
My premise is that better designed environments afford different (potentially addictive) behaviours
5:53 PM
So if we designed a house to have a couch, and the house realizes you're over investing in sitting on that couch, the house should change to meet your long term goals
@Paul Pham One nice change would be to add some decent icons so the toolbar is useful
I'm actually a bit skeptical that someone could design the "best" home for themselves. We've all had an experience with design and architecture where there's some stroke of brilliance or insight that wouldn't have occurred to us. It might not even be apparent to what the difference is. That kind of insight is often hard won.
🤯 1
5:56 PM
Now, designing the best home for onself isn't necessarily the goal.
My 4 year old believes the sink was poorly designed, because she needs a chair to use it
🤣 1
@pcuci has reached level 6. GG!
Maybe the problem is the conflicting goals of people living in a shared space
5:59 PM
In that sense there will always be conflict, and the valuable insights would be the design ideas that address the conflicting needs without compromise. That would necessarily translate to a "smarter" more complex space/house, but requires investing in finding these clever solutions
I think we might need another channel for talking about design theory.
👍 2
What's the design theory being practiced here at OSE? (edited)
It's an interesting and important discussion but I also want to make sure it's not just ivory tower talk. The question should be something like what is the design theory/method that goes with the whole OSE vision/philosophy AND how can than be used today? (edited)
👍 2
@braden has reached level 5. GG!
It sounds like there's enough interest to start a separate channel for design!
Paul Pham
It sounds like there's enough interest to start a separate channel for design!
@pcuci @braden let's continue in #design !
@Marcin I recorded 2 videos (no audio) - the first shows how I was building the modules manually. The second was simply putting the steps into a workbench.
😍 4
@Marcin I recorded 2 videos (no audio) - the first shows how I was building the modules manually. The second was simply putting the steps into a workbench.
Nicely done!
Needs some work, but it's a start
@coderjeff has reached level 2. GG!
I just used your workbench @coderjeff to make Wall 68 in less than 10 minutes.
💯 2
@Paul Pham I was new to FreeCad so found it easier to use the box parameters than to create 2d parts, extrude them, and move them around.
👍 1
@Paul Pham I was new to FreeCad so found it easier to use the box parameters than to create 2d parts, extrude them, and move them around.
Is there a way to set some variable for your workbench? E.g. the BIM Setup dialog in the BIM workbench.
@braden I was experimenting with variables, but I'm not too good at QtGui so I haven't done much yet. It doesn't look too hard.
6:51 PM
Someone who is more experienced in Python should be able to tweak it a bunch
Ideally you could change the variables later and all relevant dimensions would change. Also, if the wall panel are group into parts, then they can all move together. I might mess around with that today.
It would be nice to have it more table driven - I like to keep the detailed source with the left side of the bottom plate at 0,0,0 and then save a simple copy with everything compounded and then position that simple version to the final location. I think it would be good to save two files - the 'source' detail and then the simple 'object' that is positionally correct
7:01 PM
might be useful to have a 'workbench' channel
It would be nice to have it more table driven - I like to keep the detailed source with the left side of the bottom plate at 0,0,0 and then save a simple copy with everything compounded and then position that simple version to the final location. I think it would be good to save two files - the 'source' detail and then the simple 'object' that is positionally correct
Are you thinking of making links to the object? So the house would have a links to each individual wall panel?
7:26 PM
Each wall panel in it's own file set at the origin; linked into the house file with correct offsets.
Each wall panel in it's own file set at the origin; linked into the house file with correct offsets.
I believe @Wesxdz was also considering using file links, to combine multiple wall modules into a house, in his game.
I don't know how to make a link. Is it created when you click File -> Import ?
@Paul Pham has reached level 7. GG!
Ideally you could change the variables later and all relevant dimensions would change. Also, if the wall panel are group into parts, then they can all move together. I might mess around with that today.
@braden From what I studied, I think there are a couple things that are clear: 1. We need the parts and modules spread out accross multiple files, otherwise collaboration is a nogo, therefore -> 2. we need a git repo for the parts library otherwise link external dependencies become outdated
💯 1
8:23 PM
In terms of composition of things from links (whether it should be house modules from building materials or houses from house modules) it's still somewhat unclear what approach would be ideal
@braden From what I studied, I think there are a couple things that are clear: 1. We need the parts and modules spread out accross multiple files, otherwise collaboration is a nogo, therefore -> 2. we need a git repo for the parts library otherwise link external dependencies become outdated
We can generate a dynamically updated HTML view of the parts library to embed back in the wiki, so that people are directed to the git version as the most up-to-date source of truth.
I played around with the Assembly 4 workbench. It's unfortunately got a low way to go compared with proprietary CAD tools. The workflow that seems to make sense to me (right now) is 1 file for each unique wall module and a house is composed of links to the module files. If needed the wall module parts can include draft point to quickly snap the modules together.
might be useful to have a 'workbench' channel
sure, what about a general channel for automating or improving CAD as well? Or we can just call it #cad Thoughts? @braden @Wesxdz @coderjeff and anyone else?
That could also go in the #design channel.
Sure, I'm okay moving this to #design channel, and can change the name to something like #design-and-cad
8:30 PM
This channel is really devoted to being out of toilet paper and ordering more tortilla chips at Wal-Mart, after all.
Day 12 Build cheatsheets Completion Spreadsheet Assembly Version History House Master File Goal Clarity and Feedback Form - Process Improvement Discussion Joshua - Trello Invite Odundo - audio mixer - instructional? Paul - breakout rooms for screen control House Rules OSE Linux - never finished. ...
Isn’t there an enterprise call tonight?
BWeinberg09 7/15/2021 4:21 AM
sorry @Matt
4:21 AM
we had a brief call but are going to reconvene Sunday
4:21 AM
4:21 AM
we should set out an invite and agenda
I don't know if we have a bot for it yet, but there are ones for scheduling + RSVP (or whatever that word is, Signup?)
6:28 AM
Also a wiki page could be nice
Day 13 Build cheatsheets Completion Spreadsheet Assembly Version History House Master File FreeCAD Basics Design Mastering Basics - the Basic FreeCAD tag-team Electrical Design Guide Design Exercise: Insert electrical boxes into modules Practice screen share + upload/download Build Panels - organ...
3:07 PM
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
I'm getting an error message with that Zoom link
marcin jakubowski is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: 120 DL Time: Jul 15, 2021 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 742 9110 7759 Passcode: TY3vef
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
Trying to join Zoom, awaiting for host to admit me in I joined the link above - is there another link I should use? (edited)
The above link should work
Screenshot (Jul 15, 2021 10:54:53 AM)
4:55 PM
Don't know how to get past this blocker @Holger
Hmm, for me it took a bit. I guess the host is not aware of it... :(
5:04 PM
Are you guys using this FreeCAD setting?
5:05 PM
(I usually work in the metric system.)
Srry couldn't be on today and yesterday had to deal with some things
6:58 PM
Tomorrow i can be online
🎉 1
6:58 PM
Are you guys using this FreeCAD setting?
yes. I'm still having the problem fo FreeCAD rounding up inches to yards, e.g. It's not useful for me to know something is 2.73456yd :/
Shared gmail account / mailing list for apprentices, so we can sign up for Wal-Mart and other accounts. login: pass: f}.nI2e8VMco
Paul Pham pinned a message to this channel. 7/15/2021 9:42 PM
Paul Pham
Shared gmail account / mailing list for apprentices, so we can sign up for Wal-Mart and other accounts. login: pass: f}.nI2e8VMco
Hi everbuddy, I created a shared gmail account with credentials above ^ You should have received a verification email from Gmail to enable forwarding. You don't have to enable it, but it will let you receive verification emails from Walmart and other shared services, so we can all log into them together.
👍 1
Paul Pham
yes. I'm still having the problem fo FreeCAD rounding up inches to yards, e.g. It's not useful for me to know something is 2.73456yd :/
I had that problem until I set units to Imperial decimal. US customary uses yards, etc
🏆 2
@coderjeff has reached level 3. GG!
Day 14 Build cheatsheets Build Completion Spreadsheet Assembly Version History Wall Modules CAD BOM Template House Master File FreeCAD Stair Design Exercise House Design Generic Design Process CAD-BOM-Cut List-Cheatsheets-Inventory Reconciliation 2nd Story Platform Roof Platform Build Panels - or...
Whoa @Justin_G nice glitch stream (edited)
@Marcin i think you are muted
🙌 1
@Monkeyboy has reached level 2. GG!
I'm not getting sound either...
@Matt has reached level 3. GG!
Is sound okay now?
Paul Pham
Is sound okay now?
yes all fine now
My partner has a meeting. I'd better duck out here. See you next time.
👋 2
👍 1
Thanks for today ima bounce!
🖐️ 1
Paul Pham
Wal-mart login info for Jeff to place food orders email: password: wRZ2ikJEQ1kz Add to this list, not the Cart: Check previous items before you add a new one. We'll go together in Jeff's van today, we're still figuring out the pick-up options at St. Joseph Wal-Mart. (edited)
If you want to take a break from CAD, please try out adding food to our online grocery cart for tomorrow ^^ lemme know if you have any probs.
Paul and Ken - Catarina emailed about laundry file update.
@Marcin has reached level 3. GG!
🙏 1
learner-long-life 7/17/2021 3:06 AM
Starting an apprentice cookbook, I’ll be hitting up all of you for your recipes
Matt sez: "I’ve been doing a bit of research and am intrigued by the integration between Zoom and Grain ( Grain will not only transcribe your Zoom transcription live, but has a space where you can take notes that are then tied to that portion of the video (e.g., you can easily revisit the part of the Zoom call when you took those notes), highlight text and share video excerpts of that portion of the call, label/tag portions of the call, and all of this can be done online, live, and collaboratively. I wonder if this would give us a better way of turning our call content into more valuable and accessible resources for people (while minimizing the time/effort that would otherwise be needed to re-listen to the entire calls). Then I wonder if we could get away with the Pro account ($12/mo) for calls that are up to 90 min long. Otherwise their Business account ($36/mo) records calls up to 180 min. (By the way, it doesn’t appear that Grain works with Jitsi.) This would mean we don’t really need the Zoom transcriptions, but given the length of our calls (over 30 hrs per month), we may still need to go with the Business Zoom license ($199.90/yr). Also, the Zoom discount I mentioned appears to be tied to my account specifically. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve received a similar email for your free account - the subject line was "Don't miss out on 25% off!” So the summary is that I think we should go with a Business Zoom license ($199.90/yr) along with a Pro Grain account ($12/mo) after we’ve done their trial period and are sure we like it. Though it would be a good idea to run this by the group first to see if anyone has other thoughts/ideas or experience using Grain. Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to make this morning’s call to discuss - I’m happy to discuss it with everyone on Monday though. Matt
Is threre a (zoom) meeting today?
@Holger has reached level 2. GG!
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 657 457 5873 Passcode: FHM9Zy
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
Thanks, one step further...
First floor electrical box location for work this afternoon
7:03 PM
Index Wall Module Cheat-sheet Example Wall Module Collaboration Process Guide Rubber Hits the Road: Role Allocation Wall Module Instructional Construction Set Adjustment Modules Trim Detail Open Source Hardware Design Guide Wall Panel Design Rules Extreme Manufacturing Design Rules Wall Panel 101...
learner-long-life 7/18/2021 8:01 PM
@Jeff H will be by at 2pm for van field trip to St. Joseph
@learner-long-life has reached level 1. GG!
Here's what i send to Chris from Washington state, who is building 24 microhouses right now.
👍 1
9:15 PM
Chris, Please take a look at the aquaponic greenhouse. If you dig in there, all is there including technical design detail and CAD. However, it's not productized so it's a mess. The promise, however, from that system, is 3 lb of fish PER DAY, 1000 plants per month. Not including any other systems like microgreens or mushroom towers. Potential for integration to closed loop water systems exists, which would be highly relevant in dual use scenarios a la SBIR/STTR grants. Bottom line is $25k materials cost + currently, to go down to about $5k materials cost + once we have the large-scale 3D printers with 4'x4'x8' print beds for printing entire panels. I can get back to you in October whether we succeeded at this, we are building several prototypes during Summer X. By the way - check out the Summer X program and pass it on to your circles - Summer X. If you want to see what the aquaponic greenhouse is about, or the house, we are doing 5 day and 14 day crash courses.
9:15 PM
On the house, this is the model we're building now, and in September, and in December. The materials cost for the Seed Eco-Home 2 was exactly $42k for December-April materials prices including machine rentals. Here is the microtrac that we are using now for site finishing, it's our prototype from 2017 that we are productizing this year - I would like to ask if you can share some of your budgets so I can make an honest comparison of build costs for the house model you are currently using. I see which is closest to what we have, where ours is $50k in materials for 1000 sf + attached carport like in the rendering at the house link above. Our turnkey cost is $100k after install, but if we go for more like the size you mention - our turnkey price would be more like $50k for the product at the 350 sf size that you mention. Not including land and utility hookups, but if we do include that, we can actually do full off-grid with PV, nickel-iron batteries, and more at a lower cost than it would be to connect to the grid - but certainly more attractive over lifetime because people will be saving $500-1000 on utility bills every year in the microhouse. Highly electric like yours with heat pump etc. So I'm observing that we can deliver likely at 1/2 the cost of what you mentioned was $175k all-in per single 350 sf unit? Is that what I heard you say? Please correct me if I am wrong - what I am seeing here that we can likely come in at a much more effective price point which means everyone wins outside of Wolf Industries unless they collaborate and adopt our model. If they are interested in collaboration, with open source IP, we are all game. Anyway, please clarify my numbers and send me any of your budgets so I can really understand your numbers and we can negotiate an offer where we never split the difference. Thanks,Marcin
💯 1
learner-long-life 7/18/2021 11:42 PM
@Deleted User did you see these bikes?
11:44 PM
Deleted User 7/18/2021 11:44 PM
@learner-long-life yes! was looking for something a litttttle bit bigger though. something better on gravel too.
learner-long-life 7/19/2021 1:59 AM
They do have books at Menards
@learner-long-life has reached level 2. GG!
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
2:56 PM
Passcode: FHM9Zy
Paul Pham pinned a message to this channel. 7/19/2021 3:26 PM
Here's my Zoom premium account, feel free to use it for weekday mornings throughout the apprenticeship. "username": "", "password": "a}4_,hZsTs6Tt", Meeting notifications will be forwarded to
4:24 PM
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
4:25 PM
^ Please join this meeting, it's on the premium account and can last indefinitely.
4:25 PM
No password should be needed.
Thanks everyone! ima head out; rendering the first vid for the ose project rn!
👏 2
BWeinberg09 7/20/2021 4:17 AM
@Paul Pham how would you apply a DAO model to OSE?
4:17 AM
@Wesxdz do you have any wiki notes on your VR concept?
4:17 AM
Fun hanging with ya'll today
4:17 AM
I will post pictures
BWeinberg09 7/20/2021 5:31 AM
@Marcin was the video camera recording our conversation today in the workshop?
BWeinberg09 7/20/2021 6:02 AM
all - here's the property list i"m currently parcing through and populating
HCA List HCA Context: Jill is very helpful with pulling this list together. Scott wrote a white paper about carbon but to pencil out we need 5k acres. Riparian checks could work with stacking functions with other types of projects. The primary use is buying for conservation easement tax program ...
🙌 4
@Marcin was the video camera recording our conversation today in the workshop?
the cameras are timelapse video only as far as i know, not audio unfortunately.
👍 1
House master file has grown too big to update
House master file has grown too big to update
learner-long-life 7/20/2021 2:55 PM
We can create simplified copies of objects, or use linked files. I’m in favor of the latter, as we need the individual elements of each module to generate a BOM
I think the master mile is composed of simple objects
the solution is probably configuring the limit to be larger... there must be an option somewhere never change your desired workflow due to inadequate tooling, rather, change the tooling 🙂
House master file has grown too big to update
@coderjeff : @Marcin is splitting the house master file into first and second stories.
Paul Pham
@coderjeff : @Marcin is splitting the house master file into first and second stories.
Thanks for the update - I'll merge the stairway
Jeff says he will be out this weekend so he will not be around to take us to Wal-Mart this week. However, Marcin is going to pick up his glasses so he may be able to pick up some stuff. Also, if anyone want to go try out the food at Cook Stove( during lunch time tomorrow, Thursday or Friday we can coordinate eating there.
👍 2
@Wesxdz do you have any wiki notes on your VR concept? VR is a bit murky, I need to know what hardware is available to scope out features specific to the platform
Closest answer I could find about allowable load on 1x4 span for decking. Still opinion-based tho
I have a foot bridge I wish to plank with 1x4 or 1x6 material. The bridge is 3' wide. The planks will be simply supported at each end by 4" beams. Will a 1x4 or a 1x6 3' long support a 200 pound l...
learner-long-life 7/21/2021 6:59 PM
Lunch tomorrow at the cook stove in town, all are welcome. (edited)
Getting an error when trying to log hours
Getting an error when trying to log hours
me as well @coderjeff I don't understand how to get those tasty time graphs to go up for me
9:25 PM
I demand a new productivity metric to game.
9:34 PM
granted it's a bit flawed, as even changing a single letter in a page "counts" just as much as making an entire page at once (edited)
BWeinberg09 7/21/2021 10:49 PM
At the College of Extraordinary Experiences, almost a hundred people from all over the world come together to explore the realm of experience design.
✨ 1
@BWeinberg09 has reached level 2. GG!
output, outcome, and/or impact metrics/KPIs what's the underlying motivation to tracking contributions? I would imagine the OSE network wants to remain open to outside contributors, so whatever the reputation-building dynamic, it should be applicable retroactively to non-OSE contributions (?) (otherwise we might end up with another platformization symptom, where the "walled garden" is OSE) (edited)
Is this the design of kind of "Experiences/Spectacles" like "Amusement Parks" or (more interactive, less archival focused) Museums etc, or a "UX Training Camp" of sorts? (edited)
11:21 PM
(Sidenote: I need to make a page on it, as it is something that should be avoided in the space if not desired, is "Theme Park - Ification" / Disney-Ification. When it goes from a productive space/dev space/community etc, to a sort of "Living History Museum" of that concept) (edited)
11:23 PM
But the whole "how you design the Appearance/Scale of things to look bigger than they are (either size wise, or distance traveled), as well as try and "inspire awe" i guess for lack of a better word" (edited)
output, outcome, and/or impact metrics/KPIs what's the underlying motivation to tracking contributions? I would imagine the OSE network wants to remain open to outside contributors, so whatever the reputation-building dynamic, it should be applicable retroactively to non-OSE contributions (?) (otherwise we might end up with another platformization symptom, where the "walled garden" is OSE) (edited)
100%. i think automated and decentralized contribution tracking is key, and is a topic we've been discussion as part of the extreme enterprise nights. Contributions is considered broadly, including emotional and intellectual labor as well as physical labor:
  • apprentices working hard to learn and optimize the seed home for future generations and build our skills, and also lugging around wall modules and drilling / sawing / hammering all the live long day
  • remote contributors working on CAD, uploading files to the wiki, reorganizing google docs, creating ebooks
  • people downloading designs and building them
  • people ordering ready-made products and submitted patches / experience reports The value of people buying and selling the governance token on an exchange also expresses their support for all these kinds of labor and the community itself, which they can see on the discord and message boards. Some older DAOs I've been a part of required manual requests of people proposing to give themselves or other credits. While these are nice, for large and extraordinary efforts, it's not feasible to do this every day or at a fine-grained enough level. Not enough people feel empowered to recognize others contributions, and the few that do, gain some kind of awkward god-mode or dictator status whose approval must be sought.
Paul Pham
100%. i think automated and decentralized contribution tracking is key, and is a topic we've been discussion as part of the extreme enterprise nights. Contributions is considered broadly, including emotional and intellectual labor as well as physical labor:
  • apprentices working hard to learn and optimize the seed home for future generations and build our skills, and also lugging around wall modules and drilling / sawing / hammering all the live long day
  • remote contributors working on CAD, uploading files to the wiki, reorganizing google docs, creating ebooks
  • people downloading designs and building them
  • people ordering ready-made products and submitted patches / experience reports The value of people buying and selling the governance token on an exchange also expresses their support for all these kinds of labor and the community itself, which they can see on the discord and message boards. Some older DAOs I've been a part of required manual requests of people proposing to give themselves or other credits. While these are nice, for large and extraordinary efforts, it's not feasible to do this every day or at a fine-grained enough level. Not enough people feel empowered to recognize others contributions, and the few that do, gain some kind of awkward god-mode or dictator status whose approval must be sought.
Looks like you're trying to solve multiple challenges at once, we could learn from the oracle sub-problem attempts: (edited)
learner-long-life 7/22/2021 2:46 AM
Heading into Cameron for a bit, lemme know if you’d like anything from the town.
Can you grab more pasta sauce?? cute
What's the Zoom link we're using now? I can't find it...
Day 19 Build cheatsheets Build Completion Spreadsheet Wall Modules CAD BOM Template House Master File Design and Build First Floor build CAD Completion Breakdown: Paul - second story platform plywood Odundo - second story platform blocking Roof - Wes Roof blocking - prince Top Plate - Justin Insu...
Permanent Zoom link for morning meetings
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
Paul Pham pinned a message to this channel. 7/22/2021 4:56 PM
^ @Matt
learner-long-life 7/22/2021 5:58 PM
Hey all @Jeff H says he’s picking up supplies in st. Joe and may not make it back for cook stove lunch today. Would you all be okay with going tomorrow instead?
👍 1
Hey all @Jeff H says he’s picking up supplies in st. Joe and may not make it back for cook stove lunch today. Would you all be okay with going tomorrow instead?
Thanks for the heads up
Hey all @Jeff H says he’s picking up supplies in st. Joe and may not make it back for cook stove lunch today. Would you all be okay with going tomorrow instead?
I’ll be back at about 1145.
Paul Pham
Permanent Zoom link for morning meetings
what time do they usually happen at?
Eric Lotze
what time do they usually happen at?
Usually 8am CT every weekday morning, but tomorrow I think we're going straight into the workshop, as we're close to finishing the 1st floor seed home walls to stand up the foundation. I'll try setting up a camera feed to the general voice channel, it'll be a great milestone for all our hard work so far. Especially all your remote contributors helping with CAD 🙏
@Paul Pham how would you apply a DAO model to OSE?
@learner-long-life Where are you posting to? I found this on the wiki -
Oo thanks, I'll update that recipe list instead I just made a small section on the apprentices page Everyone, please feel free to update (same as with any wiki page)
Most of the time, when I join a new org, the Daily Scrum is run as nothing more than a status meeting — what a waste of time!
Some looking around on-wiki, and i am not seeing much, although i have not been in the recent meetings, so am unsure if that has happened there/on the google doc side of things There is that page, and the "scrum" page that you can add more content to! Also we do have some "to-do lists" that exist (i made a category for it IIRC, should make it a sub category of project managment now that i see that is a category that exists)
8:36 AM
Just did that.
BWeinberg09 7/23/2021 3:41 PM
I'm feeling disconnected from the work. @Paul Pham how do I plug back in?
Using the spreadsheet to track the location of the panels and have a count.
Walls WALL BUILD,CAD FILES ADDED TO MASTER,LABELLED,WRAPPED,Wall Module Wiki PERCENT DONE,68.18%,23.86%,53.41%,CAD,Who,Wall Module Instructionals PERCENT IN PROGRESS,4...
@PaleOracle has reached level 5. GG!
Definitely need a post-mortem after standing up the house (edited)
💯 1
👍 1
I'm feeling disconnected from the work. @Paul Pham how do I plug back in?
learner-long-life 7/23/2021 7:59 PM
We have YouTube videos of builds most days, you can check the wiki page for the apprentices
Hi all, I requested permission for us to be reimbursed if we buy our own groceries this weekend. Please add to this list before you go to bed tonight: 🥘 🥫 💪
Definitely need a post-mortem after standing up the house (edited)
Pre-mortems are also helpful, in my experience :-)
It's gonna take another decade to unlearn all that Scrum/Kanban/Agile nonsensical rituals:
DORA and Google Cloud have published the 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps Report.
What 1
learner-long-life 7/24/2021 2:16 AM
Caseys pizza order
150.69 KB
D3D universal printer session this morning
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
Thanks Paul
👍 1
Cut list, for the shop
Spider silk is said to be one of the strongest, toughest materials on the Earth. Now engineers at Washington University in St. Louis have designed amyloid silk hybrid proteins and produced them in engineered bacteria. The resulting fibers are stronger and tougher than some natural spider silks.
Paul Pham
Hi all, I requested permission for us to be reimbursed if we buy our own groceries this weekend. Please add to this list before you go to bed tonight: 🥘 🥫 💪
Hey everyone, we have permission to get reimbursed for our receipts (probably also from our trip to the Cook Stove) Does anyone want to go get groceries this afternoon from Cameron Wal-Mart?
Paul Pham
Hey everyone, we have permission to get reimbursed for our receipts (probably also from our trip to the Cook Stove) Does anyone want to go get groceries this afternoon from Cameron Wal-Mart?
Food shopping rules Admissible items include food only. Other costs such as alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, medicines, food supplements, or other personal items are not allowed in the OSE Food Purchasing It's too short notice this time to use the Wal-Mart list I think, but we'll use it for next week.
12:21 AM
synbio is brutal, but they did most of the hard work for that use case specificlly
12:21 AM
Bioreactor Design / Spinneret design is the next phase if i remember correctly
Is there a web meeting today? Where? Thanks!
Nobody on the zoom call (?)
nope, I checked Paul's an MJ's. Let me check again...
It's also annoying we have to sign in to Zoom to attend. This is bonkers :-), Zoom's security and privacy practices are abysmal
✅ 3
3:19 PM
I used to use Keybase (nice crypto identity app that trades Stellar tokens) before Zoom bought them: (edited)
Keybase messenger is a free and secure service based in the US. Unfortunately, our Keybase review identified some problems.
Good Morning - Today Christian should be arriving. This week our goal is to finish the house up to roof, and get as much of the interior finished as possible. Jeff and I will lead at the site, so maybe 2 hour shifts with 2 people as we also do the 3D printer build? We need to finish the house - as the core product. We can hire more people if we can't make the schedule: Today: first floor done. Tuesday: second floor Wednesday: roof Thursday - carport Friday - interior walls Saturday - continue interior Let's check in at 8 am on questions on 3D printer, house, and program in general. Marcin
Paul Pham
Good Morning - Today Christian should be arriving. This week our goal is to finish the house up to roof, and get as much of the interior finished as possible. Jeff and I will lead at the site, so maybe 2 hour shifts with 2 people as we also do the 3D printer build? We need to finish the house - as the core product. We can hire more people if we can't make the schedule: Today: first floor done. Tuesday: second floor Wednesday: roof Thursday - carport Friday - interior walls Saturday - continue interior Let's check in at 8 am on questions on 3D printer, house, and program in general. Marcin
Thanks for the update, is the meeting already going on? where?
@Holger there doesn't appear to be a meeting per se. Some of us are working on 3D printers, a few went out to foundation to continue working on Seed Home.
OK, thanks for letting us know!
Seed Eco-Home first story, to be completed some time tomorrow 🌱 🏘
👍 3
👀 3
looking good
💪 5
I heard Marcin and Jeff are going to be up at 6 tomorrow to finish the first story. If anyone's up that early, let's make sure they don't have all the fun without us.
Paul Pham
Seed Eco-Home first story, to be completed some time tomorrow 🌱 🏘
Ken Makunga 7/27/2021 3:20 AM
Thanks Paul, looks great! 👍
Christian’s flight was full and he was unable to get a seat, he won’t be arriving tonight, he’s trying to rebook a flight for tomorrow. Could one of you turn off the light in his room for me? Thanks!
👍 1
Paul Pham
I heard Marcin and Jeff are going to be up at 6 tomorrow to finish the first story. If anyone's up that early, let's make sure they don't have all the fun without us.
I’ll be there at 7 am if anyone cares to join me.
@Wesxdz @Deleted User how are things at the foundation? Are there staples down there?
@Paul Pham has reached level 9. GG!
Wes got a few to take back to the shop. I’m at hardware store in Maysville, just picked up two boxes for shop and one for foundation.
🙏 1
This picture is two days old, but the first story is up now! We just need to install the doors. Today we are working on the 1st floor ceiling joists
😍 1
4:30 PM
If anyone is able to help with CAD, we still need help with the interior walls and adding them to the interior drawing, and then we'll be able to build them
I can try. Which interior drawing?
4:41 PM
I mean, is it the FreeCAD model or something else?
@rootialiel has reached level 1. GG!
Thanks @rootialiel it looks like the under-stairs door closet could use FreeCAD'ing
4:42 PM
The SweetHome3D model is there and needs to be re-modeled in FreeCAD, and added to the house master FreeCAD.
🙏 1
PPCapiSpain 7/28/2021 5:16 PM
@PPCapiSpain has reached level 1. GG!
@Wesxdz @Odundo @Jeff H great video showing installation of our A/C units It appears to require a few more tools than we currently have available. I'll watch it a few more times on 2x speed. I'm still unsure where the indoor/outdoor units are getting their earth-ground reference, maybe the metal case of both boxes? We have the Senville SENA/12HF model.
A way to harvest all the spiderwork around the farm 🕸️ These would be great for weaving the sleeves for pneumatic air muscles
Pneumatic Muscles: Pneumatic Muscles, or Air Muscles are simple, cheap and extremely powerful. Applications range from machinery, robotics to wearables. Air muscles have no stickction and have a weight to strength ratio like no other linear actuating mechanism. It's…
👀 1
BWeinberg09 7/28/2021 8:04 PM
just wanted to say that I'm really sorry not to be out there. I got poison ivy kind of bad so benched for now. the heat would just make it much worse. I'm hoping to be out there Friday as this medicine kicks in.
no worries @BWeinberg09 we appreciate all the good work you're doing in KC spreading the word you're welcome here whenever you can make it out
👍 1
learner-long-life 7/28/2021 9:56 PM
Here’s the breaker switch in the workshop for Hab Lab, for A/C installation ❄️☃
♨️ 1
PPCapiSpain 7/28/2021 10:05 PM
Lol...where are you from?
learner-long-life 7/28/2021 10:43 PM
I’m from the internet
PPCapiSpain 7/28/2021 10:45 PM
Ok, is.diferent from Spain.
😆 1
10:50 PM
This is the electrical protections of my last project. adiabatic air conditioning. I don't know if that name is correct in English ...
10:50 PM
10:50 PM
The breaker swith are diferent...
This is the electrical protections of my last project. adiabatic air conditioning. I don't know if that name is correct in English ...
adiabatic is definitely a cool word. In physics, it means a system which doesn't lose or gain heat from the surrounding environment, which is quite ideal except at close to absolute zero or superconducting conditions. I would love to have a real adiabatic air conditioner!
PPCapiSpain 7/29/2021 6:44 PM
humidifies the air and thus lowers the temperature
6:45 PM
little cost of electricity but great cost of water
Getting an error when trying to log hours
@coderjeff and others who have this problem: I used Internet Explorer with my VPN / firewall off, and it worked :/ So I think it has something to do with browsers that block third-party cookies by default
7:06 PM
Whereas I think even modern versions of Internet Explorer (or Edge I think it's called now) are like
7:06 PM
😆 1
7:10 PM
@Wesxdz anyone who wants to learn to weld from @Jeff H we're working on the A/C outdoor frame in the workshop right now
Paul Pham
@coderjeff and others who have this problem: I used Internet Explorer with my VPN / firewall off, and it worked :/ So I think it has something to do with browsers that block third-party cookies by default
I realized I didn't have that problem until after I had updated Chrome so it wouldn't surprise me if they changed default cookie handling - again
Frame for mounting AC is finished. Thanks Paul, Wes and Christian for the welding and cutting on it! All the holes are drilled and it is ready to mount to back wall of HabLab. I have the screws as well.
😍 1
5:46 AM
I painted it black, but it was dark so I didn’t get a picture.
5:48 AM
Are the holes drilled for the AC lines? As soon as inside unit is mounted and lines are run outside I can mount the outside unit on the wall. Length of lines will determine location.
@JeffH has reached level 3. GG!
Are the holes drilled for the AC lines? As soon as inside unit is mounted and lines are run outside I can mount the outside unit on the wall. Length of lines will determine location.
Yes it's all drilled now
Yes it's all drilled now
I’ll be over in the morning to run the lines and mount the AC. I might need a little help holding the new mounting bracket you helped weld in place while securing it with screws.
💯 1
5:58 AM
I just got a call at 8 pm tonight as I was finishing up the bracket from my youngest daughter. My house in Idaho is under mandatory evacuation orders due to a rapidly growing forest fire close by. As of a short time ago they had 3 tanker planes and a heavy lift helicopter dumping water on the fire, four bulldozers, an excavator and five fire trucks with 50 firemen. Hopefully my place doesn’t get burned up!
🔥 2
💧 2
🤞 2
🙁 2
I’ll be over in the morning to run the lines and mount the AC. I might need a little help holding the new mounting bracket you helped weld in place while securing it with screws.
learner-long-life 7/30/2021 7:13 AM
Please wake me up for this. I love HVAC more than coffee
I just got a call at 8 pm tonight as I was finishing up the bracket from my youngest daughter. My house in Idaho is under mandatory evacuation orders due to a rapidly growing forest fire close by. As of a short time ago they had 3 tanker planes and a heavy lift helicopter dumping water on the fire, four bulldozers, an excavator and five fire trucks with 50 firemen. Hopefully my place doesn’t get burned up!
learner-long-life 7/30/2021 7:13 AM
Good luck Jeff, please tell us how it turns out!
Are the holes drilled for the AC lines? As soon as inside unit is mounted and lines are run outside I can mount the outside unit on the wall. Length of lines will determine location.
learner-long-life 7/30/2021 7:18 AM
Everything is in readiness, Inside unit is mounted, holes drilled through back 2x6, lines are run. The electrical line is too short unless we used your mount for the outside unit, then it’s the perfect length. Refrigerant pipes still need to be attached, lines more robustly conduited, and hole sealed with the putty they gave us. And drain line also needs to be run outside. So we are very close ❄️
humidifies the air and thus lowers the temperature
learner-long-life 7/30/2021 7:19 AM
Evaporative cooling! I wish they would use it more in concrete heavy cities like Phoenix in addition to A/C. It would work great in greenhouses
Hi remoties, I'll be soon joining you as I sadly take a month break from Factor e Farm and tend to our house up at Detroit Arcology. Here's an update from Marcin, we're making amazing progress with your design and CAD and moral support ❤️ Take a look at some recent videos: Upload yours and share to OSE Workshops FB Page. Upcoming Tasks to Finish House: Overview Mount all Plywood for second story platform. Mount second story walls. Mount roof box. Finish roof with EPDM rubber. Details: Mount all Plywood for second story platform - do Row 2 (next to stairway) first, all way to the end. Use sill gasket, stapled on to the joists, under all plywood. Do not let gasket stick out the sides, as it would be visible from below. There is a mark at the 8' mark going down the whole length of the house - use it to align plywood Ends of plywood end up in mid of joists Use metal clips in every bay to hold edges together Screw down with 2-4 screws only initially, then finish off screwing all of the floor after entire floor is installed Leave a 1/8" gap between short sides of panels. The metal clips already provide this gap on the long sides. up to 6 people can work in parallel on the second story platform Thus, bring down the staplers and staples to the house. Marcin
👍 2
grey_marcin 1
Paul Pham
@coderjeff and others who have this problem: I used Internet Explorer with my VPN / firewall off, and it worked :/ So I think it has something to do with browsers that block third-party cookies by default
I use chrome with an adblocker extention, and have the issue, so i will try and see if the stock chrome settings and/or my adblocker are messing with it. I think i enabled cookies for the site, but i will try and troubleshoot that so we can all have more data on this and whatnot
humidifies the air and thus lowers the temperature
I made a channel for it, but i think the term in english is "Evaporative cooler" or something along those lines, also i was doing some research/plotting along those lines, so would love to discuss this more !
I can put some time into CAD for the seed home this this week. What would be most helpful? Adding insulation and electrical boxes to the wall panels? Modifying the stairs to eliminate the interferences? I could take a shot at making drawings of the wall panels.
Did I read correctly that labourers will be hired to help with the build? My impression was that the home was designed to be assembled by 2 people(?)
Arcane BOT 8/2/2021 3:37 PM
@pcuci has reached level 9. GG!
Did I read correctly that labourers will be hired to help with the build? My impression was that the home was designed to be assembled by 2 people(?)
learner-long-life 8/2/2021 10:44 PM
I think the laborers will be just to finish faster, I don’t think they’re necessary. However, some kind of lifter or scaffolding is needed to move second floor modules up to their level, IMO
Did I read correctly that labourers will be hired to help with the build? My impression was that the home was designed to be assembled by 2 people(?)
Two humans and a small crane could do it
1:06 AM
Definitely not possible for two people in a week with the existing process, but could get there with better machines or design I think
👍 3
1:08 AM
Now assembling the modules is another story...
learner-long-life 8/3/2021 4:50 AM
I would listen to that bedtime story, uncle Wes. “Once upon a time, there was a Seed Eco Home…”
I would listen to that bedtime story, uncle Wes. “Once upon a time, there was a Seed Eco Home…”
Twas the night before Summer X, when all thro' the HabLab, Not an apprentice was stirring, not even Ken; Our FreeCAD parts were documented on OSE wiki with care, In hopes that St. Jakubowski soon would be there; The spiders were scuttling all snug in their webs, While visions of open source rolled on 3D-printed treads
🤣 3
😁 1
Gearing up for my flight to join you all in a month's time, Sept 5th. What should I pack/bring? (Never been to Kansas) :-)
👢 1
🙌 1
Gearing up for my flight to join you all in a month's time, Sept 5th. What should I pack/bring? (Never been to Kansas) :-)
learner-long-life 8/4/2021 11:07 PM
Steel toed boots are a must. I saw some sturdy ones for $40 on eBay that can be delivered here. I also left some knee high black boots with steel toes you’re welcome to use the whole time you’re there. Your own hearing and eye protection and your own reusable water bottle are nice. Notebook and pen are useful for me, to write down cut lists and things I learn each day. A small personal fan to circulate air in your room, for hot Missouri summer
👍 1
11:08 PM
It’s Missouri btw, but really close to Kansas border. We’re the second M in MIMAL the Elf (Google it 🙂
rootialiel 8/5/2021 1:37 AM
I was going to try addling electrical boxes to the wall modules in freecad, but I can't make sense of the electrical diagrams. (Why does the 'switched round work box' have another switch attached to it?) Are the boxes installed IRL? Maybe someone could send me pictures of them...
learner-long-life 8/5/2021 3:33 AM
Definitely it would help for us remoties to help finish the master freecad for SeedHome in the next week or so, so we can send it to a structural engineer.
3:35 AM
@rootialiel here are two electrical boxes on the interior side of a wall module. The bottom is a junction from the mains line, and the top is the plug outlet. Does that help?
💪 1
🌩️ 1
@rootialiel here are two electrical boxes on the interior side of a wall module. The bottom is a junction from the mains line, and the top is the plug outlet. Does that help?
Nice high res, compared to the videos I was squinting at. ^^ But no, I got that much so far. More interested in the other box types, ones for switches and lights
Nice high res, compared to the videos I was squinting at. ^^ But no, I got that much so far. More interested in the other box types, ones for switches and lights
learner-long-life 8/5/2021 10:48 PM
AFAIK all electrical boxes are equivalent, it’s just faceplate that would be different
10:49 PM
If it helps, only structural work is important right now for the engineer to stamp our plan set . Not interior details like trim or electrical faceplates, although those are important for later complete build instructions.
What's missing there?
@rootialiel has reached level 2. GG!
learner-long-life 8/5/2021 10:50 PM
I believe interior wall modules like 50-52, the fat 2x6 interior walls on first floor that carry utility channels, have yet to be freecad’d and may need communication with Catarina and Marcin
10:52 PM
But really, any interior wall module or roof members that are missing from house master file, those are needed. you can work backwards from that file and try to find any sweet home designs or mention of them in the 120 Days Google slides on apprenticeship page. It might require some digging, but we’re all here to help 🙂
👍 1
team chat w/ Jon Miller and @Marcin re: 2-year design-build home curriculum design record? link plz Home, OSE, GVCS 1-4 year curriculum education vs. labour Diamandis 5D active transformation of systems 1000sqf house: easiest, simplest, fastest doable by first-timers plus regular grade constructions expendability, modularity, scalability 1k to 2k sqf microhomes, 250 sqf + From Jon Miller- Outlaws Inc. to Everyone: 07:19 PM From Me to Everyone: 08:52 PM it works because the funding comes from the government* you are required to share with the world insurgency* From marcin jakubowski to Everyone: 08:52 PM sorry my battery ran out
OSE Apprenticeship Draft
Paul Pham
@coderjeff and others who have this problem: I used Internet Explorer with my VPN / firewall off, and it worked :/ So I think it has something to do with browsers that block third-party cookies by default
The cookie problem is apparently because the time tracking code lives at and is iframed into the wiki. I get the error if I log time on the wiki, but it works if I do it from the actual url that hosts the log There used to be a Chrome setting that eliminated that problem, but it disappeared the last time I updated Chrome and I haven't found an alternative
😄 1
10:58 PM
While I'm going through the FreeCAD framing...what is the preferred size for the first floor upper blocking?
10:58 PM
The master file has a mix of both
the preferred size is half of a 2x4 (1.25" wide by 1.5" thick by x" long) (which we jokingly call 1x4, but that is another, thinner dimension entirely)
❄️ 1
🤯 1
🌬️ 1
Click to see attachment 🖼️
is that a divine halo radiating outwards? 👼
Click to see attachment 🖼️
it's the wind of your 5 elements house., that one is constructed entirely of HVAC units, like the recycled TV arcologies in SimCity
Paul Pham
it's the wind of your 5 elements house., that one is constructed entirely of HVAC units, like the recycled TV arcologies in SimCity
Hahaha I like it.
Paul Pham
is that a divine halo radiating outwards? 👼
I can feel it, my aura regenerating
⚡ 1
4:17 AM
Dust mites receding to a higher power
Paul Pham
is that a divine halo radiating outwards? 👼
Eric Lotze 8/7/2021 9:27 PM
"The Creation of Mini-Split" Pixel on Screen c.2021 (edited)
🤣 1
10:36 PM
1 / 2 / 3 Architects all over the world have demonstrated the usefulness of buildings which are heated and cooled by design rather than by fossil fuel energy. What has received much less attention, however, is the possibility of applying this approach to entire urban neighbourhoods and cities. Designing a single, often free-standing, passive sol...
👁️ 1
10:36 PM
Check this out yall
10:36 PM
Super nasty
Paul Pham
Click to see attachment 🖼️
🤣 1
😍 1
sharing into #design , @aquamammal ! which is where @Wesxdz and I can also figure out what this intriguiging paint-by-cities game is
Paul Pham
sharing into #design , @aquamammal ! which is where @Wesxdz and I can also figure out what this intriguiging paint-by-cities game is
Build quaint island towns with curvy streets. Build small hamlets, soaring cathedrals, canal networks, or sky cities on stilts. Block by block.
🙌 1
PaleOracle 8/9/2021 3:17 PM
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
🙏 1
3:17 PM
I get "Meeting Link is Invalid"
PaleOracle 8/9/2021 4:53 PM
Carport Build For Zoom, make sure you use /join for a given meeting - 2x12 joists + EPDM on stilts Carport File - Sweet Home 3D Carport File - Assembly in FreeCAD Dimensions FreeCAD file g
learner-long-life 8/9/2021 10:34 PM
Thanks @PaleOracle will there be a morning meeting tomorrow too?
@learner-long-life I think we may just be going out to do the build. We are looking to start earlier because its pretty hot here.
👍 1
Paul Pham
the preferred size is half of a 2x4 (1.25" wide by 1.5" thick by x" long) (which we jokingly call 1x4, but that is another, thinner dimension entirely)
Just wondering, do you cut these yourselves? It's not a standard that is usually used in industry, right?
Just wondering, do you cut these yourselves? It's not a standard that is usually used in industry, right?
Yes we do. Originally we would have used 2x4 blocking but chose to rip down 2x4’s due to the astronomical increase in pricing of lumber. You can purchase 2x2s which are 1 3/4”x1 3/4”.
11:51 PM
I was experimenting taking some photos this morning using my Google Pixel 3 to look through one of the achromatic lenses for the OpenFlexure microscopes
11:51 PM
definitely need to tape it or 3d print some sort of holder for better views
I know telescope mounts exist OTS (plenty on B&H Photo), granted i tend to use "Lifeproof" brand cases, so most of those premade things only fit "stock" phones.
11:55 PM
A good 3D Printed one would be great!
11:55 PM
I'll look real quick and see if any are on thingiverse etc (edited)
The lens is only $15, so it'd be a super affordable mini microscope to just 3d print something to snap it onto the top of my phone
The lens is only $15, so it'd be a super affordable mini microscope to just 3d print something to snap it onto the top of my phone
11:58 PM
Open Flexure turned up nothing IIRC
@Wesxdz (Granted i may move this to #general so we don't clog this channel, but honestly i don't mind either way), BUT What does the eyepiece (or was it camera only, so "camera piece? lol)on the open flexure look like?
12:08 AM
This design seems great for standard microscopes (as far as i can tell, would maybe want a better way to adjust the distance to/from the eyepeice (locking lever + slides vs two screws + bolts for them)
This adapter allows you to securely attach almost any phone to almost any microscope for capturing still images or video, or for use as a digital display. After several iterations and much testing, I came upon this design. The deep eyepiece clamps allow for focus adjustment, as the optimal distance from a phone camera to a microscope eyepiece ...
Well, the openflexure is digital and uses a raspberry pi with the camera module
12:22 AM
I won't need to use my phone once it's built
Free electrical courses/guide I found a while ago for people (definitely me) who need to brush up (edited) brings you cool projects that you can build at home, improve upon or just drool over. Each project has a full write up with all details.
👁️ 1
I won't need to use my phone once it's built
ah ok
learner-long-life 8/16/2021 5:27 PM
Holy crap, torch table in the afternoon 🔥
@learner-long-life has reached level 6. GG!
PaleOracle 9/2/2021 4:14 PM
Are the morning meetings on Zoom as well?
Are the morning meetings on Zoom as well?
"join us at the official zoom address which will be used for the next 3 months:
👍 1
1:59 PM
I am in the process to plan my trip: I would arrive September 19. Just wondering is it impractical to arrive at 10:09pm at the airport (and hence around midnight at FeF)?
learner-long-life 9/3/2021 7:18 PM
Welcome @Holger damn that seems like a good price for the flight
I am in the process to plan my trip: I would arrive September 19. Just wondering is it impractical to arrive at 10:09pm at the airport (and hence around midnight at FeF)?
Arriving tonight at 11 - was wondering the same; what does "check-in" look like at OSE?
learner-long-life 9/5/2021 8:54 PM
Hey @pcuci I don’t think there’s an official procedure, just show up and say hi 👋 we look forward to meeting you tonight. We’ll prepare a room
learner-long-life 9/6/2021 5:30 AM
The third outside room (on the right outer edge of Hablab, as you stand at the front door) is yours @pcuci there are some building materials, but we’ll clear them tomorrow.
🥲 1
5:30 AM
Welcome! ✋
Hey @learner-long-life - love it, slept well; appreciate the warm welcome, everyone! 🙂
Welcome @Holger damn that seems like a good price for the flight
Yeah, not too bad. But this is without check-in luggage. In the end, round trip cost me $300.
Can someone share the telegram group that is currently used for on-site rapid interaction?
Many videos have less than ideal sound quality. This is especially the case if discussion is going on. I asked Marcin about it, and as I understood from him, there are (conference) mics available, but they have not been set up yet. If someone has the interest and time to take the initiative to get a conference mic working with Marcin's setup that would be great 🙏 . (My guess is this does not work out of the box with OSE Linux v1, but hopefully for v2 it is just a matter of plugging the mic in and configuring zoom/jitsi/OBS.)
learner-long-life 9/11/2021 7:23 PM
I’ll do a better job of posting real-time / on-site links here as well, now that I’m back
7:24 PM
Thanks to @coderjeff ! We’re building the stairs today on Seed Home 2, using your CAD
7:24 PM
Many videos have less than ideal sound quality. This is especially the case if discussion is going on. I asked Marcin about it, and as I understood from him, there are (conference) mics available, but they have not been set up yet. If someone has the interest and time to take the initiative to get a conference mic working with Marcin's setup that would be great 🙏 . (My guess is this does not work out of the box with OSE Linux v1, but hopefully for v2 it is just a matter of plugging the mic in and configuring zoom/jitsi/OBS.)
learner-long-life 9/11/2021 7:33 PM
@Odundo left some conference mic’s behind, I’ll see if I can find them and try an improved setup.
I’ll do a better job of posting real-time / on-site links here as well, now that I’m back
I hope the stairs work out - I'm anxious to see how things go
I hope the stairs work out - I'm anxious to see how things go
we're off by an inch 🙂
7:40 PM
@coderjeff join the discussion if you can:
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
🙌 1
learner-long-life 9/11/2021 7:41 PM
That’s the permanent link for the rest of the summer, btw
If the actual landing used 2x8s instead of 2x6s, it seems the rise for the steps should be more like 7-5/8 instead of 7-3/4
learner-long-life 9/12/2021 1:05 AM
I think that may have explained a discrepancy for this morning.
@Odundo left some conference mic’s behind, I’ll see if I can find them and try an improved setup.
Did you guys already have a chance to set the conference mic?
Did you guys already have a chance to set the conference mic?
learner-long-life 9/13/2021 3:41 PM
Not yet, but I found the mixer. Do you have any recommendations? Preferably a high level block diagram 🙂
Mixer, isn't that for preparing smoothies!? :) (That is about how much expertise I have...) (edited)
4:45 PM
Perhaps best to ask Marcin, he told me that equipment should be there... (edited)
I've used RotoZip quite often for cutting out drywall and cement board - should work as well with a wood bit
@coderjeff has reached level 4. GG!
5:28 PM
These houses look nice, wooden construction on sticks works well in tropical climate, if no A/C. (have been there a few weeks back, though mainly on Roatán)
Perhaps best to ask Marcin, he told me that equipment should be there... (edited)
@Wesxdz had the mics set up when I left.
@Wesxdz had the mics set up when I left.
learner-long-life 9/13/2021 8:04 PM
Busted @Wesxdz it’s your job to set them up the same way again pardner
Busted @Wesxdz it’s your job to set them up the same way again pardner
If it's too much of a hassle, don't worry about it. I just thought better sound could make listening more enjoyable and give a better perception of OSE.
Also send via email, in case someone's email is missing: Hi, I just created a stub for Summer X 2021: (We also did this for the previous year, but it did not get far due to Covid.) Perhaps this page can serve as a "landing platform" during the time... Please contribute! Note: Simply put "x" in the Wiki's search box and it takes you right to it.
About printing of this crazy test file (120 Design Lessons - Day 24): Any results documented? (edited)
learner-long-life 9/14/2021 5:47 PM
👍 5
Hey folks. I just tried hopping on the Zoom call to see where things are at. Did Marcin start yet, or is the Zoom link different? I'm guessing it could be the latter, since he might be trying to silo the meetings into courses for paid members only. @pcuci your enterprise meeting are separate from Marcin's, right? I'll make an effort to get on one of them soon.
Nobody at the HabLab yet, they're still on site
6:18 PM
Actually, the regular zoom link was used yesterday; the siloing is mostly phylosphical at this point, not enforced in digital land
Cool. In that case. I'll help myself to the Zoom meetings as I'm able.
👍 2
learner-long-life 9/18/2021 7:44 PM
Welcome @laloeb if there was a zoom this morning I missed it as well. But often you can lurk on the same permanent link all the time, if you can afford to leave Zoom on in the background
👍 1
@learner-long-life has reached level 7. GG!
learner-long-life 9/18/2021 7:45 PM
@coderjeff here’s how stairs turned out so far, working with @laloeb and @Ken Makunga
7:45 PM
they look good!
learner-long-life 9/18/2021 9:09 PM
They need more screws and the landing box, but otherwise have safely held people running up and down.
9:09 PM
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex...
Click to see attachment 🖼️
I uploaded a zip file with the FreeCAD workbench code that I threw together to generate the stairs
learner-long-life 9/19/2021 6:34 AM
@Deleted User For those with cicadas stuck in their HabLab walls, the cure is Factor e Farm mint: “You can spray your trees and plants with some essential oils or other sprays that won’t harm the vegetation to detour them from coming into your yard. Cicadas hate the smells of peppermint, vinegar, and eucalyptus.”
👍 1
@Deleted User For those with cicadas stuck in their HabLab walls, the cure is Factor e Farm mint: “You can spray your trees and plants with some essential oils or other sprays that won’t harm the vegetation to detour them from coming into your yard. Cicadas hate the smells of peppermint, vinegar, and eucalyptus.”
Had issues with a persistent mud-dauber & the usual HabLab bugs at first. But with my copious daily use of peppermint & other ess oils (for mosquito & poison ivy protection during work hours), the bug presence in my room was down to near 0 after a week (edited)
🙌 1
@Deleted User For those with cicadas stuck in their HabLab walls, the cure is Factor e Farm mint: “You can spray your trees and plants with some essential oils or other sprays that won’t harm the vegetation to detour them from coming into your yard. Cicadas hate the smells of peppermint, vinegar, and eucalyptus.”
I had a tiny plug-in diffuser too, which I put peppermint on a few times, but i suspect my own daily applications filled the air more than the device lol
😆 1
@NatB has reached level 1. GG!
learner-long-life 9/21/2021 4:21 AM
A community for equitable land and housing access in Detroit
Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.
learner-long-life 9/21/2021 4:34 PM
3D printer workshop day 1
💛 1
learner-long-life 9/22/2021 4:11 PM
How do folks feel about changing this channel title to summer-2021 to include everyone here at FeF this summer, and all remotes interested in following along?
👍 3
How do folks feel about changing this channel title to summer-2021 to include everyone here at FeF this summer, and all remotes interested in following along?
learner-long-life 9/27/2021 4:38 PM
Channel name changed. Here's our tractor frame build for today
❤️ 2
learner-long-life 9/27/2021 4:39 PM
And tractor design doc (I'm using this channel to sync links with my raspberry pi display when I'm in the workshop 🙂
LifeTrac Genealogy Build up LifeTrac 6/ LifeTrac v20.12 Mount the universal rotors Mount ½” plates with 4” hole pattern Side view of frame Side view of frame
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
add your pictures in there can someone pin that msg?
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OwnerOfOwn pinned a message to this channel. 9/27/2021 4:40 PM
PPCapiSpain 9/27/2021 4:42 PM
Channel name changed. Here's our tractor frame build for today
@learner-long-life 👀👀
learner-long-life 9/27/2021 10:34 PM
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Hey guys, looking for some advice / perspectives. Just found out I may be a co-owner of a 5-acre plot of land a bit SE of Sand Dunes Natl Park in Colorado with uncle. (My half was previously my Mom’s, and would be worth about 5K as total value is about 10K) Land in CO Sounds awesome, but this place is Pretty desolate. I visited years ago - Lots of sage, but that's about it. Depressed economy, closest Walmart 45 min away, and strict HOA (even though most of the lots aren't built on). I wouldn’t want to live there by myself, and homes have to be single family so probably couldn’t run an OSE base 😄. But - it's land. And IF I built a sustainable house it would be a great bug-out location as it's tucked btwn 2 mountain ranges. With housing skyrocketing it's really tempting to keep it, even though I'd have to buy out my uncle, pay for a well & septic, electricity, etc. which could be about 20K in long run. OR - is it better to sell, invest in eth or something and buy something more desirable when the timing is right? Feedback & ideas appreciated.
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4:33 AM
@NatB has reached level 2. GG!
Sorry for the book lol
Is that a related link? I don't have access to view it.
@NatB Is there an easement on someone else's property or do you have county maintained road frontage. This can be a real sticking point. In many ways. Look at well filings close to you so you can get an idea of depth and success rate. See if you can backfill leach field with your soil or if backfill material has to be hauled in. Check for fleachfield well separation distance and where you neighbor's are. How close is power check with power company and see what the construction allowance for your property would be and how close power is. Putting in poles is pricey. In a beautiful part of the state but you may be in an area with very limited water rights. Check for easements and if you can nullify HOA. Some of the sneaky things about land. Best of luck on research.
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Is that a related link? I don't have access to view it.
Hmm I was afraid that might happen… let me try something
What we have found as an advantage of having a rural hardware store close by.
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@laloeb has reached level 2. GG!
Ordering things on line helps in the remoteness. How far away might be a good health food store or organic store? Where I live local groceries are very poor quality. About 80 mile round trip once a month for fresh things.
👍 1
HOA covenants File not attaching, so I may try telegram or text it tomorrow. Copyright 1972. The neighborhood didn’t exactly take off lol
Does the area have a name? I might have heard of it. Over the years lots of places were platted but never did much. Sort of a rich person or group thing.
Does the area have a name? I might have heard of it. Over the years lots of places were platted but never did much. Sort of a rich person or group thing.
Yes it’s called Sangre de Cristo Ranches. I think Grandma thought it would be a good investment 💗.
5:23 AM
I should maybe have created a thread for this
Great views, just out of curiosity was great western sugar involved? Part of my family was into Colorado City!
5:25 AM
Can go to dm but I will will let you start I am too new and might.....
Not that I know of. Grandpa was an engineer at a company in IL callled Sangamo. Another name for place is Trinchera ranches which I guess was owned by Forbes
Not that familiar with the area. Sorry. He was with mining engineering?
Are you familiar with being at high altitude? Aside from thin air it can also get electrified. Those Christos are beautiful but be at lower altitudes by midday in the summer or when it is dry. If your hair states standing on end get into ravines and get to low altitude as quickly as you can safely. If nothing else lay down. Sounds superstitious it is not. Ball lightening is beautiful but needs respect. You are raised or spent time in Colorado?
😳 1
He was an equipment ant plant engineer. What I found is in Therapeutics.
learner-long-life 9/28/2021 11:16 PM
Continuing discussion welcome about CO land welcome in #colorado-land
We need to go pick the berries and apples before everything freezes over 😢
💯 1
Also there is some peat moss by the greenhouse, which could be used to preserve any chestnut seeds for cold storage and planting next year
I'll probably send @Marcin an email too, but i'd love to have a discussion on the FDM Filament Maker! I do want to do the equivalent of "Reading the Syllabus" pre-asking a bunch of already answered questions and whatnot. I have a pile of video conferences / videos to catch up on, should i watch all of them, or is there a sort of recent conclusive meeting on the design as it stands now etc? I mainly wonder as i need to document a bunch of other designs being developed / released now that i found around, and it would be neat to see if the team has already heard of these / if not what they think?
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Deleted User 11/27/2021 5:35 PM
Man, I just got caught up from 9/22/2021, there was zero messages in all of October people must have been working on the sickest costumes of all time?
BWeinberg09 12/12/2021 7:17 PM
haha @Deleted User where is everyone?!
haha @Deleted User where is everyone?!
-- osr-support -- 12/27/2021 11:21 PM
ye, was wondering about the same ....
learner-long-life 12/28/2021 12:07 AM
I believe everyone from summer x and apprenticeship has now left the farm, but many of us hope to be back for future workshops and events
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grey_marcin 2
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Devil Turkey 6/14/2022 9:58 PM
Is there any word about future workshops? There was a tweet about summer workshops back in February, but I haven't heard anything since.
Not that I've seen. I think Marcin is pushing hard to finish up the house and coordinate building it. Doesn't seem like he'd have time for a workshop. Maybe in the fall?
lazy_engineer 6/17/2022 11:46 AM
Are there any OSE events planned anywhere outside America in the future? Not gonna get any jab ever, and plane ticket costs a salary... I saw there was a STEAM workshop in Belgium. A bit far but I could eventually travel there. I'm so impatient to have the opportunity to learn these building skills. Might have to go in makerspaces to do so otherwise
Are there any OSE events planned anywhere outside America in the future? Not gonna get any jab ever, and plane ticket costs a salary... I saw there was a STEAM workshop in Belgium. A bit far but I could eventually travel there. I'm so impatient to have the opportunity to learn these building skills. Might have to go in makerspaces to do so otherwise
Anne vs the Gang 6/27/2022 10:36 PM
That's interesting. Didn't pick OSE quite yet for the educational retreat or similar activities but this makes me wonder if OSE transcends or adopts real-world scenarios using production-grade stacks. Just checked again OSE promo trailer and there's quite some overlap with what we had initially on the mind. We're in Spain, if you're up to metal work, product and/or production design, programming, etc... we could arrange something. Entry-level is rather advanced and we don't have much time for baby-sitting or the like 🙂 (edited)
Anne vs the Gang
That's interesting. Didn't pick OSE quite yet for the educational retreat or similar activities but this makes me wonder if OSE transcends or adopts real-world scenarios using production-grade stacks. Just checked again OSE promo trailer and there's quite some overlap with what we had initially on the mind. We're in Spain, if you're up to metal work, product and/or production design, programming, etc... we could arrange something. Entry-level is rather advanced and we don't have much time for baby-sitting or the like 🙂 (edited)
lazy_engineer 6/29/2022 11:52 AM
That looks quite interesting!! I can reach Spain 🙂 I probably have at least 1 year of coding left to do at school 42 before I can do anything else... But yeah regarding entry-level difficulty, I'm not the smartest cookie but very stubborn, and already been learning strict C programming for about a year, at this school (no teachers, no deadlines, only geniune motivation, projects to do, and learning with other students onsite). Don't know anything about metal work, product/product design, etc, but would love to learn as much as possible. Otherwise can do programming, learn whatever languages are used, pick up unattended projects, etc (edited)
Anne vs the Gang 6/29/2022 1:14 PM
Learning C was a good choice, with that you're able to learn new languages in no-time. Unfortunatly, you're around 10 years of C, another 15+ languages and 30Tons of metal processed away from 'advanced level' 🙂 What is it you actually want? I can figure a win-win, there is tons of work for OSE/OSR, ... no idea btw. about OSE's todo list. (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/3/2022 9:01 AM
I was told to really consider looking into Zig if I even thought of eye-ing C. I do feel like it handles numerous problems that I would have, once finding them out about C.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I was told to really consider looking into Zig if I even thought of eye-ing C. I do feel like it handles numerous problems that I would have, once finding them out about C.
Anne vs the Gang 7/3/2022 11:42 PM
'Zig', just looked it up. That sounds about right! If it gets you past the mentioned cross compiler mess as CMake, ... go for it !,%2C%20scons%2C%20ninja%2C%20etc. To my preference, that's most likely another attempt to make things easy 😉
Anne vs the Gang 7/3/2022 11:50 PM
Whilst at it, do we have a package manager for C/C++ after all ?
Anne vs the Gang
Learning C was a good choice, with that you're able to learn new languages in no-time. Unfortunatly, you're around 10 years of C, another 15+ languages and 30Tons of metal processed away from 'advanced level' 🙂 What is it you actually want? I can figure a win-win, there is tons of work for OSE/OSR, ... no idea btw. about OSE's todo list. (edited)
lazy_engineer 11/1/2022 11:51 AM
For now I dont really have a way to gain the metal experience, I could talk to some makerspace owners to negotiate some sort of training/work arrangement... But idk how much time and ressources they have, idk If it's the Right place to learn this stuff. What are the best ways to learn metal, w/o doing a formal degree/aprenticeships? I can patch up some autodidact curriculum, but would be much faster If I had courses/people to learn from.. also Not much time available with all the coding (writing a Shell rn..)
11:53 AM
I'm thinking my first job might but more coding focused, but with focus on embedded programming and increasingly electronics, then in there I could learn from other employées, or get training time paid by the company, continuing ed programs, etc
For now I dont really have a way to gain the metal experience, I could talk to some makerspace owners to negotiate some sort of training/work arrangement... But idk how much time and ressources they have, idk If it's the Right place to learn this stuff. What are the best ways to learn metal, w/o doing a formal degree/aprenticeships? I can patch up some autodidact curriculum, but would be much faster If I had courses/people to learn from.. also Not much time available with all the coding (writing a Shell rn..)
Anne vs the Gang 11/1/2022 1:10 PM
🙂 I see I couldn't scare you off, I like that. There's isn't much metal work left but I am trying to train a local, the 4th time, able to deal with the dev/prototyping work. After some re-evaluation of our portfolio (, and realization that we worked in/for a somehow a rigged cult, and the drama & trauma therein, I am paddling back to complete quality service & products for the broader market Eg: import of machines, modding, reverse-engineering. So, that would be about marketing, outsourcing production and designing processes. There are some bounties, in different directions, still OpenSource oriented, the only real fun and love after all... - Let's chat may be over the weekend ? still looking for a partner who can take over as well ..
Technical writing, most of the Precious-Plastic academy pages need to be updated or rewritten. There’s more work later on. CAD/Engineering, one-time, 1-2 months, preferable longer, first task is to develop the osr-edu-edition - to replace PP v3, budget is 10 - 20k (
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Discord’s annual winter holiday celebration, Snowsgiving 2022 has come and gone! Here’s everything you need to know, from what happened at Snowsgiving to the festive events that took place, and even how we supported this year’s charity: the Crisis Text Line.
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