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Open Source Ecology
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So first the rant on what OSE is Basically a group dedicated to making all the open source hardware needed to build/run a small town/farm. Complex to explain so perhaps watch the ted talk and check it out? Ted talk on the group: More PR-ey Site Wiki Link
Carl-bot BOT 6/10/2020 3:52 AM
Hello @everyone , welcome to Open Source Ecology discord server!πŸŽ‰
We like to organize stuff, so we created timezoneroles! Helps us know when you are available and when you are πŸ’€ To join, simply react with reaction below!
🌍 15
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3:52 AM
Lazy_Turtle 6/10/2020 3:59 AM
That bot seems to be somewhat broken, the new one is in #role_requesting, and can be "summoned" via typing: ?ranks (edited)
Carl-bot BOT 10/21/2020 11:47 PM
Whitelisted roles
@They/Them Pronouns @She/Her Pronouns @He/Him Pronouns @Japan @Greenland/Iceland @West Atlantic Ocean Islands @East Atlantic Ocean Islands @Atlantic Islands (Caribbean Etc) @Europe @Africa @South America @Asia @Central America @North America @USA
@Administrators can always add more if need be, so feel free to ping them if you need something to be added, also see #server-suggestions (edited)
?setzone @Time Zone: UTC + 1
notprimalhaze 11/27/2021 6:21 AM
Hello, this is "Just Do Everything" from Youtube. I have been watching OSE for about 5 years, and really excited about the current progress. I don't have a ton of free time, but would love to talk/help in any way I can.
πŸ™Œ 1
πŸ‘‹ 2
learner-long-life 11/27/2021 2:33 PM
Welcome @notprimalhaze !
πŸ’― 1
Is it worth subscribing to the mailing list? Does it have any contributions?
Can we have a tractor-stuff channel (analogous to the cnc-torch-table-stuff)?
learner-long-life 12/17/2021 5:41 PM
Yeah I want to discuss solar tractor
Is it worth subscribing to the mailing list? Does it have any contributions?
learner-long-life 12/17/2021 5:42 PM
I think the OSE mailing list is not the most active. Here is where there is the most chatter, and I believe in fb group you’d get a faster response from @Jeff H and possibly @Marcin
πŸ‘ 1
I've been watching some of the stuff on youtube related to the eco home, you guys know where I could find an up to date summary on things?
3:14 AM
its pretty interesting to see this being worked on
I've been watching some of the stuff on youtube related to the eco home, you guys know where I could find an up to date summary on things?
Here's current list of the development work that's going on as OSE pushes to finalize the CAD and BOM for upcoming Seed Eco Home builds this fall. The latest CAD and design details can be found here. Anything in particular you'd like to know?
Thats all for now, thanks!
Any updates on the build process?
12:13 AM
I heard there was supposed to be on in December
@Roths I don't think anyone involved with the build in on this Discord server. I've been trying to piece together information from Marcin's wiki updates, but they are few. Looks like at least one house is still in progress.
πŸ‘€ 1
Thanks for the information!
@Roths has reached level 5. GG!
Yw! I've not been terribly involved lately. I should get back into it, but guidance dropped off in the months leading up to the house builds.
@everyone @here Get 3 months of Discord Nitro free from STEAM
Discord’s annual winter holiday celebration, Snowsgiving 2022 has come and gone! Here’s everything you need to know, from what happened at Snowsgiving to the festive events that took place, and even how we supported this year’s charity: the Crisis Text Line.
Any moderators in the house?
@everyone @here Get 3 months of Discord Nitro free from STEAM
I banned them :/
12:06 PM
been checking out OSE's wiki and website for a while now
12:07 PM
is there anyone around doing manufacturing/metalworking-related projects lately? (edited)
12:07 PM
CNC, machining, forging, etc
@rajavlitra Towards the end of the apprenticeship, the last major project in development was the
4:11 PM
I think since the focus of OSE/Marcin is seed eco home right now, this has been put on the backburner since there is nobody actively pushing it forward
4:11 PM
would love to see more metal fab here though
same, been thinking with a friend on how to make die forging more small scale
maybe start with a very small project, attempt to manufacture something profitable, then using funds make a smaller/more precise open source metal forging/die process
5:05 PM
In particular I think aluminum extraction from clay was something interesting to explore, but if I were to approach metal fab at the local scale I might start by seeing what is possible from melting down used food cans or other scrap (edited)
5:07 PM there was this one wild video I found some time ago...
5:08 PM
I don't have the ability to work on this locally, but please let me know if you want any help with CAD or thermodynamics simulation
is there anyone around doing manufacturing/metalworking-related projects lately? (edited)
I'd love to do some metal fab. Still refreshing up on my "Intro to Material Science and Engineering" by Callister. I was considering starting with lost-pla casting, but am currently blocked on the lack of a furnace and knowledge of how to verify the composition of the material
πŸ‘ 1
I'd love to do some metal fab. Still refreshing up on my "Intro to Material Science and Engineering" by Callister. I was considering starting with lost-pla casting, but am currently blocked on the lack of a furnace and knowledge of how to verify the composition of the material
Anne vs the Gang 7/26/2023 11:27 PM
well, check 'tom lipton' (, 'abom79', 'clockspring' and 'good old tony' on YT, for a start, not that hard πŸ™‚ and of course, the first parts of machinary handbook, one among others : (edited)
πŸ‘ 1
11:28 PM
seems to be a dying trade though, here in spain i can't get even remotly someone who can all the basics ...
I would love to make some knight armor
7:33 PM
knight techwear, walk around Seattle with my companion AI
7:34 PM
It does seem like it would take a lot of physical resource, or... at least courage... to attempt forging
feel like most people would think you were a pyromanic if you started makin charcoal in an urban area
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