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Main Text Channels / safety-stuff
This is for discussion/development of Safety Protocols, as well as Planning/Equipment/Systems
Eric Lotze pinned a message to this channel. 7/20/2021 11:03 PM
PPCapiSpain 7/20/2021 11:27 PM
Thz you
no problem! I feel like i've been going a bit overboard with all this (and have no experience/qualifications in the area), but have been watching a pile of US-CSB videos, and have been reading up on all sorts of stuff so i made this
-- osr-support -- 7/21/2021 12:13 AM
I guess IT & Workspace 'Security' goes here as well 😉 As for IT Security, we have an ISO9001 audit this year; can be a real PITA - will report here For workspaces - if you are on a budget:
  • I plugged my most precious equipment with GPS trackers and get notifications when my welder leaves the building 🙂
  • those TCP cams are really cheap; just they spit alarms for really nothing; let it be spider spinning a net over the camera or just bypassing insects
  • for IT security, I guess we have after the new OSR stack something recommendable ... actually a nobrainer since most of these systems have lots of built -in features anyway, I will try to edit | this should be a lot simpler and fit on an A4 printable sheet. Drilling, lathes, mills, welders, etc... can get really dangerous for students - despite prior instructions, gosh
LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis) LOPA is a simplified semi-quantitative risk analysis tool used to determine how many independent protection layers (IPLs) are needed to how much risk reduction s…
12:19 AM
I like this one better, but pretty sure it is copyrighted or something
12:19 AM
👍 1
-- osr-support -- 7/21/2021 12:20 AM
we actually have only one rule in the shop "make it easy for you" - includes 'safety', takes a while to explain but covers all 🙂
-- osr-support -- 7/21/2021 12:34 AM
In a small shop - usually under pressure - it seems that even the best instructions can be useless. I think we have a good material handling but still; I manage to slice up my fingers and other parts every week 🙂 Usually, I have around 5+ wounds all over the body ... usually treating this in really hot salt water over the evening ... in other shops it's no different 🙂 The obvious stuff as dealing with Oxy-Acetylene is no problem 🙂
-- osr-support --
In a small shop - usually under pressure - it seems that even the best instructions can be useless. I think we have a good material handling but still; I manage to slice up my fingers and other parts every week 🙂 Usually, I have around 5+ wounds all over the body ... usually treating this in really hot salt water over the evening ... in other shops it's no different 🙂 The obvious stuff as dealing with Oxy-Acetylene is no problem 🙂
from what usually?, just razor knifes/picking up tools, or something more major?
-- osr-support -- 7/21/2021 1:06 AM
  • bur, sharp corners/edges - sometimes unfinished work left on the table, by myself or others. that's usually Nr.1 source; happens also to anyone; I guess in 2+ more years we've got a handle on this 🙂
    • packing stuff or doing wood work (custom pallets) can be also really nasty; normally one would use gloves but it's very unpractical - especially in a metal shop
    • Nr.2 is falling stuff, big stuff, up to 100KG due to insufficient securing or handling; happened to customers who pick stuff up here - never again
    • Nr.3 accidents at the machine are rather rare - everbody gets hurt once but usually never again - like your first car accident
    • Nr.4 gases, spray paint, chemicals - also happens very rare after all - once you get smoked; it won't happen again - did some primer one day and had a really blur sight the rest of the day - due to missing ventilation, I actually thought the wind in the shop was enough - but no; not with this particular primer
    -Nr.5 electro shocks, happens very rare, mostly on purpose 😉
-- osr-support --
  • bur, sharp corners/edges - sometimes unfinished work left on the table, by myself or others. that's usually Nr.1 source; happens also to anyone; I guess in 2+ more years we've got a handle on this 🙂
    • packing stuff or doing wood work (custom pallets) can be also really nasty; normally one would use gloves but it's very unpractical - especially in a metal shop
    • Nr.2 is falling stuff, big stuff, up to 100KG due to insufficient securing or handling; happened to customers who pick stuff up here - never again
    • Nr.3 accidents at the machine are rather rare - everbody gets hurt once but usually never again - like your first car accident
    • Nr.4 gases, spray paint, chemicals - also happens very rare after all - once you get smoked; it won't happen again - did some primer one day and had a really blur sight the rest of the day - due to missing ventilation, I actually thought the wind in the shop was enough - but no; not with this particular primer
    -Nr.5 electro shocks, happens very rare, mostly on purpose 😉
"- packing stuff or doing wood work (custom pallets) can be also really nasty; normally one would use gloves but it's very unpractical - especially in a metal shop" oof, when i was working at Walmart dealt with a bunch of those pallets, and i wasn't smart enough to think to get gloves. Luckily i didn't deal with the pallets much, and if you find the right spot it isn't bad, but nails / big af splinters are no joke lol
1:14 AM
(on an unrelated note, getting a OS mold to make plastic palletes would be neat! Granted IIRC they were heavier, and i don't know how much they rely on skeletonization to function right load wise)
-- osr-support -- 7/21/2021 1:30 AM
Yeah - I was actually expecting Walmart having you covered best as possible 🙂 The shredding facility over the fence is doing mostly plastic pallets and food containers (HDPE/PP - gonna give them another visit since they have fixed clients, and best: they are very open friendly/talkative ( they operate underground shredders at 100kW, at near 100dB, can't sleep there). Alrighty, anyway - I think we can break this down per machine and power tool; welders, angle grinders and drill presses (especially cheap ones with no possibilty to secure the workpiece correctly) deserve a good sheet each. Lathe and other big machines can be also really nasty - easy to manage with some creative shields though but still - it deserves a chapter each. let me check into later in sept - currently busy with working out a new markup language ( to print it out, perhaps via QR codes 😉
i got osha papers
1:32 AM
Also wtf is a swing saw, is there a use case outside of "The Pit and the Pendulum" ?
-- osr-support -- 7/21/2021 1:36 AM
🙂 - great pdf - not easy to parse and implode but that's part of OSR as well. swing saw: sounds great, have to look it up
Secondary spill containment is the containment of hazardous liquids in order to prevent pollution of soil and water. Common techniques include the use of spill berms to contain oil-filled equipment, fuel tanks, truck washing decks, or any other places or items that may leak hazardous liquids.
2:15 AM
Discover the Polystar Advantage today. Learn more about our superior secondary containment systems and how they can keep your business SPCC compliant.
2:15 AM
2:15 AM
a containment dike or berm is a moat-like structure built around a storage tank- SafeRack has the best products for secondary containment for all fuel tanks
2:16 AM
Economy Spill Containment Berm from SafeRack, the leader in fall protection, bulk loading, and truck, railcar, and vehicle access.
An industrial safety system is a countermeasure crucial in any hazardous plants such as oil and gas plants and nuclear plants. They are used to protect human, industrial plant, and the environment in case of the process going beyond the allowed control margins. As the name suggests, these systems are not intended for controlling the process its...
3:37 AM
(bit of link spam there, may clean it up tommorow, trying to dump links from my tabs before logging off)
3:43 AM
The many rapidly moving parts during lathe operations can create an unsafe environment for operators and others in the area. Safeguards such as shields, emergency stops, and self-ejecting wrenches can reduce potential dangers and protect a shop’s most important asset—its human resources.
11:38 PM
Person Dies / Looses Appendages in Horrible (Yet preventable!) Industrial Accident cowboy gituar riff
-- osr-support -- 8/13/2021 2:59 AM
ye, there are quite a few compilations, sometimes even banned on FB. what's shocking are 'collogues' watching at you whilst DoD; there are also some wiki pages about industrial accidents but still - real but often hidden dangers aren't obvious enough. let it be recycling plastic, working as driver 8h on the subway, garden work (can get you killed with no hassle), paving roads, waste drivers or folks working with it - name it. after that, another page for the brain dead is waiting 🙂
3:05 AM
luckily you're getting told up front - that you ain't lasting long, luckily with accompanying wage benefits
Why do you hate my sleep schedule?
1:40 AM
Again, scarier than any horror movies in the cinema
Why do you hate my sleep schedule?
Eric Lotze 9/9/2021 2:56 AM
Wescodyne® Germicidal Detergent For SCBA & Respiratory Masks | International Safety Not too relevant saw this being mentioned flr sub use or something but seems neat to have documented. Think the concept is a non volitile disinfectant, but i need to look into that more to be sure
WESCODYNE is an iodine-based sanitizer specially formulated as a hand and boot dip in the food processing industry.
Arcane BOT 9/9/2021 2:56 AM
@Eric Lotze has reached level 36. GG!
I might post the spam here, but i looked into Radiation Detectors and Noise Dosimeters today, so neat stuff on that
Mycotoxins in animal feed - Wikipedia (I forgpt why it is on my phone but i am dumping it here for now lol)
Many species of fungi produce secondary metabolites called mycotoxins. These toxins can be very detrimental to both humans and animals. The side-effects of ingesting these toxic substances are called mycotoxicosis, which can be a variety of medical conditions. The most common fungi that produce mycotoxins include Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penic...
Occupational hygiene (United States: industrial hygiene (IH)) is the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control, and confirmation of protection from hazards at work that may result in injury, illness, or affect the well being of workers. These hazards or stressors are typically divided into the categories biological, chemical, physical, ergo...
2:01 AM
VERY interesting video
Goes into their work for a recent food safety inspection
2:55 AM
this is supposedly a step above the basic required level, and is required if selling with "big box stores" etc typically
A week or two or so before the winter break i am on now, i lowkey did a “Hellraiser” esque hooking myself with wires but accidentally due to the Wall Panel i was wiring up/tearing down pre-t the next assignment , so that was B a d
12:52 AM
I have a pile of minor scratches but that caused a bleed and whatnot
12:52 AM
Important Bit
12:53 AM
I went to my car and got a first aid kit ingot as a gift a while back and used it
12:53 AM
And I remembered most of these first aid kits suck
12:54 AM
I was meaning to make a sort of List/Wiki Page Eventually with various stuff
12:55 AM
Also it came with Alcohol, Iodine, and some sort of anti-septic chlorine compound based thing, so i had an article on that too which would be of use.
Benzalkonium chloride (BZK, BKC, BAK, BAC), also known as alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (ADBAC) and by the trade name Zephiran, is a type of cationic surfactant. It is an organic salt classified as a quaternary ammonium compound. ADBACs have three main categories of use: as a biocide, a cationic surfactant, and a phase transfer agent. ADB...
1:11 AM
That was the non-iodine or Alcohol option
1:12 AM
TLDR: Alcohol for Cleaning Things (as it dries out skin), BZK for People and as a Persistent Antiseptic (edited)
@everyone @here Get 3 months of Discord Nitro free from STEAM
Discord’s annual winter holiday celebration, Snowsgiving 2022 has come and gone! Here’s everything you need to know, from what happened at Snowsgiving to the festive events that took place, and even how we supported this year’s charity: the Crisis Text Line.
@everyone @here Get 3 months of Discord Nitro free from STEAM
patchworker 2/5/2023 6:11 PM
Chemicals that plants make to ward off pests stimulate nerve cells in ways that may protect the brain against diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
👍 1
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