Like creating categories based on the projects filling it with the status of each so if the channel grows would be more organized to discuss about it, but as i'm knew in this i don't know if there is already something alike
The reliability of Wikipedia concerns the validity, verifiability, and accuracy of Wikipedia and its user-generated editing model, particularly its English-language edition. Wikipedia is written by volunteer editors (crowdsourcing) who generate content with editorial oversigh...
"To be fair, last year when I was feeling really down, Nissan showed up on my doorstep with some pizza and a six pack to cheer me up.
Did Toyota, Ford, Renault, BMW or any of the others make any effort? Nope, only Nissan cared, even though my car is a Mitsubishi" best comment
I had an english teacher in highschool, his name was Mr. Meret i think? Goofiest guy, and AMAZING teacher.
One time we were doing ethos/logos/pathos and used advertisements as an example.
He kind of mentioned in a short bit, that he used to work in the industry. I asked why he left for teaching, and he said calmly "I didn't like what i had become" then just went back to goofy-lecturing.
I really want to track him down and pry for more info or something, seems like an amazing backstory/insight into that hell
2:16 AM
The youtube channel "Cracked" also had a great series on ads
2:17 AM
was like "Honest Ads" and all had this old robber baron looking guy be very meta the entire time
It can seem very attractive to creative / intelligent kids with limited prospects and unconventional skillsets, because you get to meet celebs, do unusual things, and get paid for "being clever." But if truthfulness is fundamentally important to you, stay out of it.
People outside the industry often confuse advertising with marketing (two different things) but regardless a goal of effective marketing strategy is to figure out what will resonate with people and strategically choose themes that position your brand in that way. Especially true with consumer marketing so although the similarities are humorous and somewhat annoying, I find it hard to fault the companies in this particular video.(edited)
2:57 PM
Honestly, however, almost all people do this exact same thing to a degree every day (often without even realizing it) so I'm not sure I understand @Eric Lotze 's point - although maybe I'm misunderstanding. Virtually everyone makes decisions to present themselves a certain way to others based on how they perceive they will be viewed. This is true for a variety of animals even beyond humans or primates.(edited)
3:01 PM
I find it hard to fault companies for trying to position their brands in certain ways - understandable and how life works. Where the trouble comes is when it becomes outright misleading, predatory, and damaging. I even believe there is a need for better enforcement for these forms of false marketing which is largely absent in today's system aside from rare civil lawsuits from competitors. A terrible way to manage things imho.(edited)
3:06 PM
Disclaimer: The majority of my education and career has specifically been in marketing, marketing strategy, market research, and compete strategy. Most of my roles the last 15 years have been in huge corporations like these (ie: revenue in the billions) doing work around market research, marketing effectiveness reporting, compete strategy, and predictive modeling of customer behavior. I even worked with the current day versions of some of the mega-ad agencies featured in shows like Mad Men. I don't regret anything I worked on, don't know anyone else who did either, and honestly feel I did good by both my companies and our customers. I feel like the people who say things like "i didn't like what i had become" are sometimes either stretching the truth to make a good story, justifying leaving for other more embarrassing reasons, or more commonly referring to lifestyle things like having to work too many hours, lots of job related travel, job related drinking, over-eating, etc. These things are absolutely rampant in many roles and a similar culture as sales organizations. Arguably, however, I had the luxury of never working for any particularly "shady" marketing orgs imho (health products, fossil fuel, drug companies, etc) so that may have skewed my experience.(edited)
All that said... since this has become a serious convo in a meme channel please enjoy this oldschool cartoon involving one of my former employers .(edited)
3:57 PM
I do have a few stories about Microsoft's military customers (edited)
My thoughts on NFTs ( ) for art/content:
"The internet and digital files caused post-scarcity!
'we did, but it needs an obscene amount of power usage, and complex/expensive hardware'
@Wesxdz - nice meme on the C vs C++ story -- as much I'd like getting folks to learn bare C first; C++ wins still by miles (1 or 2,.... when it comes down to productivity; did you ever tried to get basics as iterators, maps, .... or just fecking strings work on a atmel ?(edited)
11:48 PM
do we have a replacement for 'bjorn stoustrup' btw ? was reading his books up and down; ready for the next level .... at that time 'D' was a hot thing though - no idea what's going on actually ... I am still stuck with caching in with JITs ...
Thanks I made all the memes myself Data structures in C are definitely not great and I have mainly used C++ in actuality, but I like the ideal of simplicity.
11:55 PM
As far as a replacement for C++? Well I have tried Rust, Python, C#, GDScript, Haxe...
11:56 PM
Nothing really clicks in the same way for me, the only thing I'm hopeful for is Jai
Thanks I made all the memes myself Data structures in C are definitely not great and I have mainly used C++ in actuality, but I like the ideal of simplicity.
was actually wondering about all the hopeless fuzz in the front-end (insane complex, see top StackOverflow languages) world; came by functional languages as Haskell & friends - learned a lot from it - as well got really confused about.
gonna check on Jai - thanks
god damn it, Bjarne fooled me too
But back in the days; C++ gave well paid positions, starting at 120k - now you'd need to be a compiler writer for that
Actually a little weird to see so much hate on OOP; using Bjarne's own words: anyone with half a brain can understand that OOP provides at least a clean way of encapsulation & grouping. Trying to do pure functional compositions in C as in Haskell or Erlang could get even worst though - didn't even try though :-). Messing a lot with Ramda in Typescript@NodeJS turned out to be a pleasure but still, it doubles the rates of your co - workers and still feels much like spaghetti code
At the end I opted a lot more for disposable code - things change just too fast in some areas .. why bothering about the perfect code if you have to rewrite it anyway every 2 years
as well for typed web app programming during the development of a web based IDE/Studio for embedded systems, I could have certainly have had a need for Jay; it was a pain in plain JS & Typescript. Tried to rewrite it in Erlang & friends (reactive/pure functional) but couldn't manage the heat though (edited)
Reminds me of all the computer science quitters at university, after 2 semesters and up to 80% dropped the ball
wasn't much because of pointer arithmetic but of 5 semesters pure math, before you actually touch a keyboard (germany) - only law or psychology is harder
I don´t know. I think as brave citizen and worker, you´re more likely having 2 feets in Babylon whilst the proletariat appears to struggle to keep even one in it.
9:20 PM
I like ´Matrix´ though, in Babylon people were aware about being enslaved ...
Need something similar to this propaganda poster meme along the lines of "They don't know my stuff keeps on breaking due to planned obsolescence" "we do!" "lets develop OSHW" or something:
fuck linux btw, great for server - but that's it, GTK & co, really, 5 different cross-platform versions for a file-open dialog across so many apps now, knowing how how hard it is to implement one, but still ... nothing compared to a widely supported windo$$, often chosen for it's production apps, ...
fuck linux btw, great for server - but that's it, GTK & co, really, 5 different cross-platform versions for a file-open dialog across so many apps now, knowing how how hard it is to implement one, but still ... nothing compared to a widely supported windo$$, often chosen for it's production apps, ...
tell that A class firms, trying to impl. it for whatever XOS, I think the consensus is there since long, not to support lnx - if you´re lucky, it´s running on some vm tech(edited)
I use Pop!_OS these days, haven't had a problem in like 5 years and keeps working like a charm
If you have a computer capable of "passing through" your graphics card and a multi-core CPU, I suggest trying out(back up everything somewhere and consider this a fresh start) Proxmox. It's basically Debian, but it's a hypervisor and so many possibilities in my opinion.
For a programmer mindset, I'm looking at Guix and integrating emacs into my life, including emacs as a window manager. Even then I'd prefer Proxmox running on the foundational level, experimenting with OS snapshots and other OS types, connecting them together, or even just having a Windows OS on hand.
Eh, this channel wasn't really meant for unrelated political memes, moreso just open source all the things or an r/dogelore esque thing of someone driving an ultra-janky Open Source car and bragging about it in a self aware way but eh
Also i don't want to make this into a political discussion discord subsection page-thingamagig, but compared to doing nothing the actions taken made the crisis into a bad crisis instead of a Subprime mortgage crisis / Great Depression - esque one
8:07 PM
Still shows how unstable modern "The Life of a T-Shirt"-esque Just-In-Time Manufacturing Economy is though that the crisis even happened, so no matter how good the reaction is, we need some serious government regulation, combined with O P E N S O U R C E D E C E N T R A L I Z A T I O N to make these a thing of the past (at least that's my utopian hope)