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I just found this channel, and i love their "chaotic maker" energy (they are also less edgy than michael reeves etc, which is nice):
11:17 PM
This was gross as hell (pun intended), but they talk with such a calm tone lol "i love how sharpening it gave it a sort of "semi-gloss" finish"
Frederik C (ZA) 2/12/2021 10:25 PM
January '21 Technology Digest | All the Technology News for January 2021 โ€” Pro Robots
Frederik C (ZA) 2/18/2021 2:59 AM
@Eric Lotze Despite his many faults, one of the things I like about John Oliver is that he's constantly pushing the envelope on saying negative things about large companies, often doing entire episodes on their shady dealings. He's practically the only mainstream media person who does this constantly, probably because he's one of the few people with enough financial backing and clout to get away with it. Also, companies that want to attack him, probably back off, just to avoid a Streisand Effect, as illustrated in the attached segment. (His passive aggressive "kicks-in-the-balls" to people who directly confront him, are masterful.) Must be a nice position to be in.
3:03 AM
The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information, often via the Internet. It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project's photograph of h...
really off topic question, but is this hole punchout standard for drop ceiling framework?
4:05 PM
was thinking about getting some extra frames to convert this ceiling into a 2x2' grid instead of a 2x4
4:05 PM
and some frame caps, if they make those, to cover this ugly beige underside
@KLARI has reached level 16. GG!
I don't know but i know drop ceilings allow you to do all sorts of stuff cables/lights wise (saw something on someone who made each one a "DMX Controlled RGBW Light" or like...practical stuff lol
9:18 PM
9:19 PM
granted the humor aspect can make sharing the comment/arguement...complex (although not as bad as contrapoints etc...) i want a "sterilized for centrists" or something co-release
9:21 PM
e a t s h i t b o b
9:26 PM
Or the running gag about AT&T's shitty service
9:26 PM
9:28 PM
More than 4 million Texans were forced to bear single-digit temperatures without heat or power this week when a polar vo/>
wait, @Eric Lotze, RGBW LEDs for drop ceilings???
3:31 AM
3:31 AM
do tell?
Frederik C (ZA) 2/19/2021 6:02 AM
I LOVE JOHN OLIVER Well then... some compilations. John Oliver Trashing AT & T Trashing brands (Not everything he's done, of course.)
@Frederik C (ZA) has reached level 9. GG!
Frederik C (ZA) 2/19/2021 6:04 AM
Yeah, keep sucking up, bot. You'll get nothing from me. I'm onto you... ๐Ÿ˜’
Frederik C (ZA) 2/19/2021 8:54 AM
NASA trying to be less nerdy is adorably sad... I recently realized the historical connection between the public interest in the Apollo missions and one of the worst political areas in modern history (commonly "sold" to us in the media as a time of "progress" and "hope.") It's happening again... supposedly "smart" people preferring to both mentally and literally live on another planet, because they don't want to deal with this one. Well, you can ignore reality only up to a point. And then it kills you.
8:55 AM
Oliver sort of addressed this cyclical nature of public narrative, a while back. But it's still extremely narrow and simplistic, if you expand it beyond US borders. (Which Americans, generally, are mentally incapable of.)
I kind of look on space as untouched by gestures vaugley this, AND it will take much longer to "get there" so i feel we may be able to NOT mess it up and actually do things "right from the start" for once
Eric Lotze
I kind of look on space as untouched by gestures vaugley this, AND it will take much longer to "get there" so i feel we may be able to NOT mess it up and actually do things "right from the start" for once
Frederik C (ZA) 2/24/2021 11:29 AM
More on our ol' pal, Bill... (Not mentioned in the video: The South African government has opted to re-sell or swap the Oxford vaccine, because it is only 30% effective against our variant of the C-19 virus.) (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 2/26/2021 1:55 PM
FYI... In South Africa, I actually have spoken to adult people who really have never heard of dinosaurs before. Those conversations were easier than trying to discuss objective reality with Americans, online. Like when I say IQ does not correlate with societal success, and an American college student reacts as if I've proposed a flat Earth theory. Of course, it's always possible that I'm dealing with a troll and not an actual fucking retard (very impressed with himself, because his daddy got him into an ivy league school). But, is finding out which it is, a good use of my time? I don't think so. Also... I could completely ruin Elon Musk for you if you want, but I'll need some time... The cult is strong with that one. There aren't that many convenient compilation videos.
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 3:54 PM
I mean isn't the point not "ruining" things, but trying to actually progress? I think that many people are doing many things in varying degrees and dimensions of good. There is evidence (e.g. from Givewell) that for example The Against Malaria Foundation which is supported by Gates is saving lives. You might not agree with some of the underlying assumptions about what is good, or effective altruism and its (perceived?) alignment with capitalism etc. But even still, I think it's not productive to antagonize them. Just do your own stuff and ignore them. Especially if its the "World Controlling Elite". What does it help to criticise them? I think its mostly procrastination instead of actually doing something productive.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
@homunkoloss has reached level 2. GG!
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 3:58 PM
Even if you believe in a revolution against the elite, I think that a positive motivation is needed for that to not go to shit immediately. That's what I like about OSE and other similar initiatives, its practical and pragmatic, though I have to admit that I didn't contribute much to that so far.
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 4:06 PM
I think that in this scenario, new elites/leaders/oppressors will arise pretty quickly therefore "destroying capitalism" will lead to more much harsher capitalism if you don't provide alternative structures. That is more or less outlined why I believe in reform and making things better instead of burning everything down and building it anew
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 4:13 PM
on the note of anti-american sentiment, I am quite unhappy with many things my own government does. I do try to influence that in small possibly irrelevant ways (voting, even being a party member, participation in local volunteering efforts, ...) but I don't feel quite responsible about what my government does. But if now someone from a foreign country criticised "the Austrians" it would make me wonder whether they are not in exactly the same position in their country. So is that just lack of awareness? I usually think it is when seeing other Austrians criticise "The Americans" (meaning US Americans).
Frederik C (ZA) 2/26/2021 5:16 PM
Those are horrifying sentiments. But okay... And yes, I do hate America. And I was upfront about that, weeks ago. Several World-famous American academics share my sentiments. So, is it like the "N-word"? Only some people are allowed to say it?
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 5:17 PM
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. What good does it do (you) to hate America?
5:19 PM
What are only some people allowed to say? That they hate America? I wouldn't say someone is not allowed to say that, I just find it hard to understand what they even mean by "America".
5:19 PM
And what do you find horrifying?
Frederik C (ZA) 2/26/2021 5:43 PM
This is the Catch-22 situation I've talked about before (that got a similar response.) To a non-American that's like a "What's a dinosaur?" question. It may be based on honest ignorance, which is fine. But trying to come up with a concise answer (which is likely to be insufficient), or a long answer, drawn out over several days, (that might not be believed) is an exercise in futility. I could add that it's interesting how foreigners always need to adjust their views, but Americans don't need to. (And I already know that telling Americans there are things they don't understand, specifically because they are Americans, is an almost guaranteed "table flip." People from other countries find that strange about you. Yes, really.) Also, I specifically called this channel "off-topic." Feel free to ignore it.
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 6:13 PM
I think that generally online discussions are often not helpful, same goes for Telegram and the like, but I am actually procrastinating, I should much rather study ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Also I am "people from other countries" and there are some things I find weird/chauvinistic/despicable about the US and about certain patterns or cultures therein, but there I also see such things in my own culture and the people living around me, and I am sure that it is similar in South Africa and any other country as well. And I also don't get what you want to achieve by telling Americans that there are things they don't understand specifically because they are Americans. Surely there are things you don't understand because you are South African, or Poor, or Rich, or a Postgraduate in Philology or whatever. My girlfriend often tells me that I don't understand her perception of reality and that is probably true. But if you say something like "I hate Austria, you are Austrian and you can never understand" that sounds condescending and I am not sure how such a statement could do any good. I am also confronted with the issue of talking to people that are maybe wilfully ignorant, but I think that also there a mindset of learning and teaching, as in: let me understand your position and let me tell you about mine and how I got to it, is most helpful. I am genuinely interested in your views because I was confronted with "Country bashing" a few times and I am never quite sure what to make of it. How should we criticise our own country vs other countries? Should there be a difference even? How do you feel about a statement like "I hate (South) Africa"? For example a Russian colleague of mine would get upset if I would say negative things about Russia, and not because she is a Nationalist or thinks that Russia is great, but because she would see it as rude for me to judge her country of origin.
Frederik C (ZA) 2/26/2021 6:49 PM
Here's another thing you might or might not believe: There's literally a huge wildfire heading straight for my town, right now. So, yeah... this conversation: Not a priority. And after two days, all is forgotten. That's how Discord works.
homunkoloss 2/26/2021 6:52 PM
Oh, that sounds terrible, I hope its extinguished soon...
Frederik C (ZA) 2/26/2021 7:01 PM
It's more a case of me saying that the person needs more education than I can realistically give them. It's me "waving the white flag." I can bow out of a conversation with someone saying "Dinosaurs are a lie," without conceding that I'm wrong. I'm allowed to do that. And I can't think of a South African I know, Black or White, that would be offended by someone hating our country. They would give zero fucks. Because those who supposedly "love" us, treat us so badly, that the words have no actual meaning.
Frederik C (ZA) 2/27/2021 10:28 AM
Also, much like America has been doing for the last several hundred years (with impunity), in the 20th Century, South Africa was responsible and globally sanctioned for what was literally described as "a crime against humanity." Before Occupy, Extinction Rebellion and BLM, the anti-Apartheid Movement was the single biggest, sustained protest movement in World history. Directed entirely at my country. So, after 50 years of that, you think, maybe there might still be a lot of people around World who genuinely hate South Africa? Ummm.... Yeah... No shit, Sherlock. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Zero points for guessing correctly on that one. Zero.
7:22 PM
Granted i am VERY utilitarian/pragmatic so that is where my viewpoint comes from
7:24 PM
I think the analogy is a bit off, prisons can't really be small scale and are tied to the jurisdiction's legal code. However there is a difference between some reform driven prison (sweeden i think, but i know USA tends to hold other countries like these as a utopian paradise when they are more complex than that, as are all things), and a USA for profit prison / 2000's (and maybe under trump) gitmo
@Eric Lotze has reached level 29. GG!
On more the animal note, i think there is a difference between the trope of the "small family (red barn) farm with one pig" vs this whole mess:
7:27 PM
Or having 1-a few chickens vs a battery cage
7:28 PM
What i mean is yes both are bad from an objective standpoint, but from a harm reduction standpoint it may be better to have that as an intermediary step
7:28 PM
I am not justifying it, i am just thinking from a "reducing collective suffering" standpoint (edited)
@Deleted User has reached level 6. GG!
a z o l l a p o n i c s h y p e
7:29 PM
i'm def down (and fish just sound like trouble lol)
7:32 PM
i need to do all that math/find papers today
7:32 PM
that page was moreso on growth rates, not nitrogen stuff produced/cm^2
Eric Lotze 4/2/2021 3:25 AM
Just watched this movie: "Sala samobójców. Hejter" on netflix d a m n
5:52 AM
granted with some of these things it gets a bit too "meta" but this one is pretty on point imo
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/17/2021 4:26 AM This may seem very C++ specific, but it touches on something I keep looking around for - that whole modular, component-based line of thinking for long-term "technical capital" of sorts. The act of building lots of little lego-like, loosely coupled manifestations that can be pieced together for extreme re-usability. Something that, even though may be more effort to design, seems to make any past "module" created very worthwhile in the future, and makes future projects way less effort due to having so much of a selection. I think the video itself is far more abstract, rather than code-related. I think this translates well to any system. I mean, I can already tell OSE is already on this path, but I love finding more media that talks about it - keeps my mind in the right place.
-- osr-support -- 5/17/2021 6:55 PM
As much I love C & C++ (done it for 30 years, still doing it), those things seem done more clean with pure 'functional languages/programming'. I did a little in Typescript and Ramda (and the like) - it's like heaven, composing new functions by just altering a little the arguments ๐Ÿ™‚ However, I managed often to end up also with an unmaintainable mess ๐Ÿ˜‰ OSE or the like wise, I am afraid you'd need real seniors to compose a new platform from such 'building blocks', as tech is moving to fast, I'd stick with basic and disposable code/blocks ๐Ÿ™‚
Avatar An amazing video on old school vfx and the prop workholding (they actually used something similar to scanning spray to get a "matte" layer of a prop)
11:11 PM
(Also they use blender for all their stuff and had a great talk on it, i'll grab that too)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 8:31 PM
Playing Kerbal Space Program and Oxygen Not Included at the same time. XP
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 9:14 PM
Oxygen not included was so stressful for me lol
9:14 PM
One thing goes wrong and the system falls apart
9:15 PM
Also, at least when i plaid, the water filters were non-renewable
9:15 PM
forget the exact steps but i had to keep on mining something for the filters
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 9:17 PM
I have definitely always given up around midway or something decent. Uuusually due to algae loss,so way early on honestly. I always want to try something new like... separate colonies where groups don't head back. I tend to choose the ice planet a lot too because... uhh the heat problem freaks me out (in reality too)... but being cold I feel like I can just "over-industrialize" to generate heat.
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 9:22 PM
i never got to the space aspect so good on you lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 9:23 PM
Oop no I never got to space either ahah I just ment separate areas haha
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 9:23 PM
or how i most often have to make a catacomb/mass grave
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 9:23 PM
I don't think I've ever each reached the bottom nor the top of the map...
9:23 PM
Which honestly, if I can play a game so many times and still not reach mid-game let alone end-game stuff.... ohh I love that..
1:04 AM
the death/gap in optical data storage makes me sad
1:04 AM
ALSO how CD's / DVDs weren't in a casette
1:05 AM
Like "golly gee thin disk that doesn't like dust/fingerprints, what could go wrong"
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 9:15 PM
ye - have tons of these still around - some failed (20ys) - possibly I need just a new old player - the sound dynamics is stunning, near vinyl ๐Ÿ™‚ (edited)
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 9:27 PM
damn, can't find it back - there was an interview with one of the top club's speaker makers (trompete - wood style) ; he said that music industry is on purpose trying to reduce sound dynamic range - listening to mainstream radio in the car, I can confirm - I just wanna throw up listening to this dumb garbage - apparently they're out of new melodies, etc.. so now it's all about selling garbage to you ๐Ÿ˜‰ (edited)
8:33 AM
3d printed wire-feed arc welding 3d printed, tons of shielding gas, but man the possibilities it opens up. This is the first spaceship with true topology optimization, launching in hopefully 4 years. Should be among the highest performance heavy lift vehicles if not the highest pound for pound. Definitely giving elon a run for his money if they can pull it off
8:33 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/14/2021 8:19 AM Hard for me to overstate the importance of this realm. This realm of "an entire company of Virtual Machines" spawned from a YAML text file. The power to play a modern game while 12 people use 12 Windows operating systems to do their work. The "homelab" hobbyists even with normal or subpar hardware, using Proxmox as a starting point, running numerous linux/bsd servers to "mess with/learn" server stuff, GPU passthrough for a near native experience. Personally this isn't off-topic, this is the edge of a strangely underutilized(i.e. mainstream/business world still doing the old ways, or just paying for cloud) IT realm. I think OSE could do great things with it on the backend, but also of course dipping into it as well to jump a tech gap - mini VM servers or containers handling tractors, automated farms, and... my goodness all else that could be connected.. but not by a "bunch of server machines", but possibly just one. Templatized, and sharable. Spinning up workspaces snapshotted to an OpenCAD or something, loaded onto many member's remote access, all setup skipped(and yet so well documented, due to how automating that works), everyone able to start at the exact same OS, exact same software, same state, etc. Anyway yeah, a weird "IT-ish" sounding realm - which I admit I once thought boring - but man... so much potential.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/14/2021 8:28 AM
At a minimum, if IT-related aspects are embraced more focused in the future, I say skip the old ways. No "machine-per-server" mentality, don't waste the time learning that and wasting those resources. Jump into the deep end of this seemingly complex private cloud-like thing (search "homelab", learn Ansible or similar, try Proxmox, compare VMs vs Containers). It's just too worth it, no matter how complex it seems... it seems way more simple after even minor mastery. That video is just an extreme example, but a $100 thinkpad can show a lot, and a multicore desktop even far more.
I found a real life version of my invasive species killing ROV thing lol:
COTSBot is a small intelligent underwater craft 4.5 feet long, which is being designed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to kill the very destructive crown of thorns starfish in the Great Barrier Reef off the north-east coast of Australia. It identifies its target using an image-analyzing neural net to analyze what an onboard camera s...
Shitpost from another wiki:
4:52 AM
Last week the internet wanted Jeff Bezos, multibillionaire and founder of Amazon, to buy and gobble up the Mona Lisa. In the latest twist of events, however, the internet is now on a quest to banish billionaires from the planet altogether.
4:52 AM
nah we need something higher capacity than that tin can I am team this, and just breathe on a heat tile: (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 6:48 AM
@Mossdew I guess since lots of my stuff has been off-topic, moving convo to here. Alas, I've got no multiplayer game - as much as I'd love to(even a basic chat room with movement, gahhh) - but I'll try to let you know if I do! How big is your club so far? Mine is like... 1 person, me alone xP. Also just FYI I'm not too successful in the "making a game" situation, rather its the process of doing it that I like the most, from the knowledge management to the act of coding itself. A game just feels like the coolest end-goal, but I'm not really too end-goal oriented. Anyway, totally let me know more about this club - I reallly don't think I could join anything, heck I arrived at OSE and have barely done anything even though I love it so much. So... lazy.... guh.
6:51 AM
I'm really liking this MD0 license though, so yes, I think I'mma steal. Thank ye. I'll ask some peeps if it seems like it can be legit.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 9:26 AM Glad to see even recently some videos come out about it - it totally doesn't make sense that it shoulda been allowed to fade away so easily yarrg!
4:54 AM
The Phoebus cartel existed to control the manufacture and sale of incandescent light bulbs. They appropriated market territories and fixed the useful life of such bulbs. Corporations based in Europe and America founded the cartel on January 15, 1925 in Geneva. Phoebus based itself in Switzerland. The corporation named itself Phล“bus S.A. Compagni...
Just got off of a 1 hour call/holding music bit to change 1 SIM Card
8:19 PM
Good thing the (non-monopolized) free market of communications infrastructure makes customer experience optimized (for maximum profit)
8:20 PM
It was in french or some other european language but there was this bit where some comedy show over there blocked "Mobistar" 's headquarters with a 40 foot container
8:20 PM
Then they had them call "beuro-containers" who's number just went to the show's hosts it was an amazing bit
-- osr-support -- 6/24/2021 9:30 PM
haha, nice one feels like talking to PP Central / Gang, as user, as contributor or investor, lol (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 12:49 AM
Regarding Obsidian @-- osr-support --, This guy's theme is a tad 'whoah', but so far has a good overview on the features:
๐Ÿ‘€ 2
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 1:07 AM
really really nice - just a shame they charge for a note taking app; haven't seen much about sync to whatever features or multi-media caps or browser integrations. nice theme; I remember having it used somewhere too 10 years back ๐Ÿ™‚ (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 1:15 AM
I do hope to just someday learn Org Mode in Emacs... after learning Emacs. OooooOOh I like that theme there
1:18 AM
I kinda.. don't trust "Sync" on anything, I feel like everything has this flawed, unless they explicitly have an explained system or a "merge conflict" thing for you to handle manually. If I'm offline on one device, editing the same area... and then I edit that area on my online one... and then... I mean, I've lost lots of content. They only charge for Publish, which can be self-hosted somehow I believe. Sync, again, I don't trust Syncs ahah. It is free though otherwise, unless you're a business.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 8:12 PM
Random thing... I think I wanted something like this before for something:
Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) - sound routing/transfer, integrating with DAW, SDR, VoIP, SIP. Simulates a multi-line audio adapter/card with loopback
The worker bees' ability to clone themselves can be as destabilizing to the hives of other species as it is to their own.
11:50 PM
One hell of a genetic anomoly, a man being interviewed for the article said he's never seen this, but it the same bee genome has been around since the 90's. A female bee producing DNA clones in eggs, exact copies. It's quite parasitic to normal hives because these bees tell the hive to feed it as much as possible so they get as big as a queen almost. Does anyone else agree that this is rare to see, or are there other examples of perfect clones like this? (edited)
Uh i mean
5:17 AM
the only thing that comes to mind is lack of genetic changes in things that reproduce asexually or like siphonophores producing a bunch of colonial organisms from one embryo
5:17 AM
otherwise like
5:18 AM
cant think of any other big examples
there's a genus of lizard that can reproduce via cloning. Multiple species in that genus have evolved the ability to reproduce asexually. The resulting daughter lineages are clones of their mother. Although its suspected that this method of reproduction isn't viable, especially for large multicellular organisms. So even though its occurred multiple times in this genus, those species have essentially lost all their males and are dying out.
right Ive heard of those
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/29/2021 6:45 AM
I've talked myself into Guilded btw, I think I'm finally gonna go heavy into kinda sorta building my community, and using Guilded + Obsidian. Btw I found a great tour of those features finally I think: (However, it's glancing over or missing big one: Threaded discussions - and even deeper, threads within threads. That means conversations can happen quite neatly in paralell in, say, one general channel, but not "build the wall of text" that can flood things upwards so dayumn fast.)
๐Ÿ‘ 1
this a bible for the budding engineer/fabricator/prototyper (edited)
Eric Lotze 7/4/2021 6:57 PM
Has a PILE of CNC machines etc
this a bible for the budding engineer/fabricator/prototyper (edited)
-- osr-support -- 7/4/2021 9:41 PM
โค๏ธ 1
๐Ÿ‘€ 2
"Fine Art" and copyright all in one for me to easily have a thing to hate lol
An American artist accuses Italian plastic artist Salvatore Garau of having stolen the concept of invisible sculpture from him, and threatens to sue if he is not credited. The work is neither visible nor palpable and yet it is the subject of an accusation of plagiarism. Created by the Italian painter Salvatore Garau, the invisibleโ€ฆ Continue read...
-- osr-support --
okay maybe a great introduction to some complex concepts for teens and pre-teens who can't read
2896 pages of excellence
where do you all live, other than being disembodied words on a screen?
im from Massachusetts
๐Ÿฆž 1
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 7:14 PM
behind the screen, surely
spoken like a true cypherpunk
7:46 PM
I split time between Detroit and Snowflake, AZ, and currently at Factor e Farm โšก
8:46 PM
8:48 PM
I'm in Florida, but am also currently visiting family in Ashtabula Ohio (USA for both for clarification i guess)
8:48 PM
Was there a map of any sorts yet?
Eric Lotze
Was there a map of any sorts yet?
a map of where different members? Not that I know of. That would be a great contribution.
In case anyone is interested in acquiring Detroit properties to rehab, or empty land for OSE builds / campuses, here is the land bank auction site: They usually start at $1k, and a house that currently has 4 hours left in the auction is up to $7.3k. The terms are you need to bring it up to code within 6 months, which is doable if it's your full-time job to be the general contractor. Which for a full livable house that you own forever free-and-clear, might be worth it. I'm happy to answer any questions about Detroit, and you're also welcome to come visit our current houses and soak up the do-it-together urban farming vibe in the D ๐Ÿ’š 7376 Hanover St 3731 Northwestern St We are tracking our contractors, quotes, and all other work in an open source way on our Trello board. You're welcome to use this information for your own homes.
Organize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
Paul Pham
a map of where different members? Not that I know of. That would be a great contribution.
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 6:51 PM
I had a wiki page on this concept, i'll grab it. Precious Plastic has this to a certain degree and is a good "industry standard"
6:51 PM
Also just mapping non-ose, but relevant organizations/facilities/infastruture
6:51 PM
and feed it asll into an OS g i s
Paul Pham
In case anyone is interested in acquiring Detroit properties to rehab, or empty land for OSE builds / campuses, here is the land bank auction site: They usually start at $1k, and a house that currently has 4 hours left in the auction is up to $7.3k. The terms are you need to bring it up to code within 6 months, which is doable if it's your full-time job to be the general contractor. Which for a full livable house that you own forever free-and-clear, might be worth it. I'm happy to answer any questions about Detroit, and you're also welcome to come visit our current houses and soak up the do-it-together urban farming vibe in the D ๐Ÿ’š 7376 Hanover St 3731 Northwestern St We are tracking our contractors, quotes, and all other work in an open source way on our Trello board. You're welcome to use this information for your own homes.
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 6:53 PM
On this note, i'm currently up in Ashtabula Ohio visiting family, so similar thoughts have been going through my head ! (edited)
Where do people get mix tapes, or discover new music? I rely too much on Spotify, and don't go to shows anymore :/ (edited)
What's hot in real time based on the amount of people viewing.
๐Ÿค˜ 1
@pcuci: I had a thought on Quadratic payments after reading that article you linked (ref for all: Use quadratic voting to implement an idea and the credit of all peoples votes goes to the person that proposed the idea. If someone proposes a really good idea and delivers on the idea, then they have more influence to spend on other people's ideas. People wouldn't be able to vote for their own ideas. Possibly add negative votes so people can voice that an idea would be harmful. Possibly give everyone a guaranteed income of votes. To prevent the supply of influence expanding over time, you could make the credit for an implemented idea the amount of votes, not the cost of the votes to those that voted. (Someone's 4th vote cost 4x their first vote as normal with quadratic voting, but is only credited to the creator as 1 vote). Then balance the rate of the people's guarenteed income with the aggregated amount of projects being proposed. (edited)
2:57 AM
This way people that contribute the most are rewarded with more influence. The intuition is that people that have better ideas as judged by everyone are better at deciding what good ideas look like. This assumption might not be completely accurate, but I still think it might be a good way to assign influence. I don't know if this solves the "rational ignorance" and "rational irrationality" problems mentioned in the article, but it's a start.
If the person that proposes the idea and the person that implements and idea are not the same, perhaps there's a sane way to split the influence credited by the ideator and the implementor. (Perhaps only give influence credit people that do the implementing to bias a community towards action). (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/14/2021 1:41 AM (Responsive Pixel Art)
๐Ÿ˜ฑ 1
Avatar 12 years later OSE CEB is still the most relevant. weird
We are about to be moving to a property that was an old gravel pit. Trying to 'mine' into the bank, putting up supports as I go was another thought, but seems like it would be more work making the space for the building then the actual building, and then how would I collapse it back so it was covering the buildings without causing the whole thin...
Charles Eisenstein is the author of several books: The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, and Climate - A New Story. Eisenstein graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy, and spent the next ten years as a Chinese-English translator. He is the fat...
Just incinerated some time in "The Rossman Group" over someone over various political things, i really need to get better about that. Granted i don't know if there is any benefit to spending time trying to help them by pointing out media/filter bubbles and whatnot, probably not. At what point are people too far gone to bring back from radicalization? Too addictive and now i incinerated that time. Truth is dead.
๐Ÿฅฒ 1
๐Ÿšซ 1
โค๏ธ 1
Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.
8:04 AM
8:04 AM
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
8:04 AM
pick your poison. Informational hot war, which reality is the most realistestesT?
8:05 AM
8:05 AM
at least everything with OSE is material, mechanical, or based in fundamentals. The very nature of open-sourcing something in it's highest nature is ideally forming the greatest truth
8:06 AM
The best way to do something is the way something should be opensourced
8:06 AM
it's beautiful
8:06 AM
aka, the correct way, aka do it right the first time, aka first principles, aka reality of the univers
Open sourcing is a political act, activism
๐Ÿ’ฏ 4
Open sourcing is a political act, activism
-- osr-support -- 7/17/2021 12:07 AM
'Open sourcing is a political act, activism' it can be also just practical; having access to the source isn't just convenient for the consuming end but also for the author. From what I've seen a number of times, there is quite a difference between Open-Sourcing and Open-Source. In PreciousPlastic for instance the former seemed to have more of a marketing gag than an actual Open-Source project where you expect issues or problems get solved as soon it's reported. Just saying, having the sources available but no resources taking care to fix the content can render it quickly harmful though as we also have seen a lot in PreciousPlastic
๐Ÿ‘ 2
learner-long-life 7/17/2021 3:09 AM
There is a whole system, including a community and human interactive support and help, testing strategy, roadmap, monthly calls, beyond just releasing the source.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
I notice (also by myself) the "not invented here" syndrome: Instead of investing the time to thoroughly research existing OS solutions and then figuring out how to adapt them (and contribute back), people rather build their own solutions (which end up being undocumented and half-baked)...
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Could be a Feynman thing(?) โ€œWhat I cannot create, I do not understandโ€ โ€œKnow how to solve every problem that has been solvedโ€ โ€œI donโ€™t know whatโ€™s the matter with people: they donโ€™t learn by understanding; they learn by some other way โ€“ by rote or something. Their knowledge is so fragile!โ€
I think it is also media presence / accessibility of data on various projects etc
7:12 AM
Not necessarily that people are lazy, but by making stuff easy to navigate and have some sort of kind of media presence, it makes the project/work "harder to miss"
7:14 AM
Cultural change might happen too later/be happening. In the 3d printing community, i think checking thingiverse etc pre-loading up some CAD software would be common, but that is just me (no data to back that up really) So a sort of similar thing of "oh i wish there was a way to" / "i'd want to make a thing that does x" -> "let me look and see if anyone else was thinking of this as well"
-- osr-support -- 7/18/2021 11:45 PM
'I notice (also by myself) the "not invented here" syndrome' : lol - on the other hand you may want to re-write the whole thing from scratch - not just because of license issues within the project or company context but also sometimes there's just crap out there. In NodeJS for instance I wasted a lot of time trying 5+ different implementations and they were all crap; happened actually on a daily base - especially with those 'fast' moving techs; it's outdated tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚ Take for instance forum software: currently, you are better off going for the best supported code and solution, eg: Discourse but unfortunately you won't be able to extend or adopt it to your needs per se since you will end up with some 'hacks' you have to maintain from update to update. That can be simple things as changing the built-in editor or data models. It's just not made for changes ๐Ÿ™‚ Luckily, extension points / plugin systems get you over the most ... I've seen also lot's of projects as Wordpress, Joomla being afraid to break things - so folks go their own way - I like that too ๐Ÿ™‚ Bigger and complex software is often very tight coupled - often for performance or other heavy reasons. 'Loose coupled' is something ideal but not the practice and I've seen the idea often rejected in big firms - as penalty we can't collaborate or extend so easily.
11:48 PM
But great - all those guys - big or small rely all on things as zLib or sort/search algorithms which won't change forever though as much some students take it for a challenge to improve, almost as sport ๐Ÿ™‚
-- osr-support -- 7/18/2021 11:59 PM
For the interested reader, please have a look at some of the big cases, eg Google vs Oracle : (Java fork for Android). Reads like a good bed time thriller but also shows how badly innovation and progress is pretty much fu**** up not just by laws and patents but also just stupidity, no matter the scale ๐Ÿ™‚ (edited)
๐Ÿ‘ 2
-- osr-support -- 7/19/2021 12:06 AM
Another example for instance - and sorry to come back to it but we're doing it fulltime - In PreciousPlastic for instance we also thought, hey - let's get hands dirty and build cool things; but at the end most of our and other contributions got under the bus or just deleted by people who apparently hostage the project for own interests or just do it for fashion - no idea but we couldn't see our or others interests being put first - so yeah - back to square one and write it as we need it ... happens all the time anywhere ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let's see what works best - good to have options though ๐Ÿ™‚ (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/19/2021 1:25 AM
Reaching full GVCS machine index completion, with all static content, blueprints, videos, code, etc... I think that alone would be huge for humankind, even if nothing else existed around it. I am a-okay with any contributors not doing long-term, ongoing, community-focused support and such. If, say, you're an engineering/creator type, not big on socializing, no marketing, miss meetings, didn't show up, didn't send out the thing... but you make progress on a GVCS machine for OSE, and uploaded it? Oh man, that's beyond wonderful. I'm even okay with a Theo de Raadt of OpenBSD style situation if it came to it, being iffy and strict on contributions.
๐Ÿ‘ 2
There is a whole system, including a community and human interactive support and help, testing strategy, roadmap, monthly calls, beyond just releasing the source.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/19/2021 1:26 AM
(In response to this mainly, woopsie)
๐Ÿ™ƒ 2
Sure, there is great technical brilliance in completing the index. I just mean, to achieve full potential of helping as many people as possible, will require equal talent and work on communicating with the public and some amount of product thinking. We had a Linux operating system long before RedHat and Ximian came along, and I don't think Linus needed the commercial success of it to keep going, but it definitely helps. It was unusual of VA Linux to gift him a contribution, and to the Linux Foundation, when they went public.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/20/2021 6:46 AM (Published "" page - no new updates yet but heyy, custom domain + specifying page works, I likey!)
OSE Home
@Nohbdy Ahtall - why obsidian? (isn't it private?) came across and a long time inspiartion being: wish the three worked together ๐Ÿ™‚
A Markdown Editor for the 21st century. Contribute to Zettlr/Zettlr development by creating an account on GitHub.
Jopli website
ZigZag is a data model, invented by Ted Nelson, that deconstructs the spreadsheet to allow irregular relations, at the same time generalizing the idea to multiple dimensions. The design is centered on an information structure called a zzstructure and its interactive visualizations. Instead of conventional linear text or tree structures, zzstruct...
@pcuci has reached level 7. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/20/2021 5:23 PM
Ayye, Ted Nelson and Xanadu - yeah I've been looking into knowledge management tools for a while, trying all kinds of weird things including CRM-like stuff, self-hosted, etc. It looks like when going over other opinions on Obsidian, I mostly find this abstract thing: "It just feels right". I also used Dynalist as almost the only tool for organization when Workflowy and all else failed for me, and they built Dynalist. Maybe it's comfort in knowing if they made Dynalist that good, I know their next product is going to make the right moves too.
5:28 PM
Also weirdly, as someone who hates paying for anything... I really enjoy the Obsidian Publish method of basically having a website with such ease. Most of my website ideas involve some kind of complex knowledge management system too, so this kinda just does that in clicks. Now that mobile version is out, even though I use my phone for nothing much(it used to be note taking into Dynalist) I've been waiting to record info in-the-moment in an Obsidian way as I do on the computer.
Description I really wanted the graphical view of the note network so I added it. By selecting the button on the toolbar, a dialog pops up and displays a network of notes. Each note is represented ...
5:44 PM
funny thing is that the Zettler maintainer and community seem totally oblivious to visualizing knowledge... (different culture in the humanities?) (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 5:11 AM
Hey, so I joined some random law/legal server in attemp to gain legal-ish opinions on the things(as much as I can tell none of them want to do that xD) I'm working on. I thought I'd copy it here if anyone has opinions on the matter (it's an "introduction" post). --- (edited)
5:11 AM
Hello! I am a founder of a game programming club (online/virtual only, not related to any pre-existing entity) and have been long-designing it. Since we'll be creating software as well as art, assets, and other content, I keep my mind on legal situations. Currently, I am focusing on observing the CC0 license (and also keeping in mind BSD-like, MIT, ISC, and similar licenses - but CC0 works more obviously for non-code), and basically making an even more permissive license(or less). Option A would be simply including "trademark" and "patent" rights to be waived. Option B would be including "trademark" but explicitly refusing patents at all. Option C can be either A or B, but stating that "if" we(holders of the license/code/asset) discover or reverse engineer any hidden content you've made with the license, we have the permission to use it under this same license and are able to distribute and modify it under the licence's terms(This is kinda GPL-ish, except instead of forcing others to stay open, we protect ourselves from accidentally or purposefully including derivatives down the line, be them proprietary, patented, trade secret, and so on. They can try to keep it hidden, but if it's out, it's ours/anyone's). Also looking into legal aspects of moderation (or lack of it) regarding my club. For example, the club has no Discord or anything yet - for as much as I'd love to leave the place open and unmoderated, this apparently is simply not allowed legally, as I or the platform will be at fault. However, I don't trust people as moderators either, and so I'm looking for a partially-autonomous system plus human moderators, and a way for the community to "moderate the moderators" as well, in a direct-democratic kinda way or similar. Really good kick/ban appeal systems too, and ways to blacklist or publicize mis-moderation incidents. Hope to brainstorm some ideas on the matter! (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall
Hello! I am a founder of a game programming club (online/virtual only, not related to any pre-existing entity) and have been long-designing it. Since we'll be creating software as well as art, assets, and other content, I keep my mind on legal situations. Currently, I am focusing on observing the CC0 license (and also keeping in mind BSD-like, MIT, ISC, and similar licenses - but CC0 works more obviously for non-code), and basically making an even more permissive license(or less). Option A would be simply including "trademark" and "patent" rights to be waived. Option B would be including "trademark" but explicitly refusing patents at all. Option C can be either A or B, but stating that "if" we(holders of the license/code/asset) discover or reverse engineer any hidden content you've made with the license, we have the permission to use it under this same license and are able to distribute and modify it under the licence's terms(This is kinda GPL-ish, except instead of forcing others to stay open, we protect ourselves from accidentally or purposefully including derivatives down the line, be them proprietary, patented, trade secret, and so on. They can try to keep it hidden, but if it's out, it's ours/anyone's). Also looking into legal aspects of moderation (or lack of it) regarding my club. For example, the club has no Discord or anything yet - for as much as I'd love to leave the place open and unmoderated, this apparently is simply not allowed legally, as I or the platform will be at fault. However, I don't trust people as moderators either, and so I'm looking for a partially-autonomous system plus human moderators, and a way for the community to "moderate the moderators" as well, in a direct-democratic kinda way or similar. Really good kick/ban appeal systems too, and ways to blacklist or publicize mis-moderation incidents. Hope to brainstorm some ideas on the matter! (edited) communities seem to be able to self-rrgulate just fine I'm not sure I understand your legal concern, if you care about equity and fairness, why not go for a post-f/loss license?
Communities without borders. A social network owned and operated by its users, powered by Steem.
Art can be NFT'd nowadays, which would remove the need to understand ancient legal systems in favour of understanding smart contracts and crypto: exchange of problems for problems
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 7:39 AM
I am glad to have another recommendation for a decentralized tech, it's been a while since I looked into it since I was feeling flooded with options hah. I recently noticed certain open source entities feeling "at war" with ethical source (even though admittedly I've had this ethical-source idea in my head for a long time as well). Primarily though my issue isn't preventing people from using/modifying/selling/lacking-attribution/etc, which is why option A(What MD0 seems to do). However, still confused on the idea of if I make X and someone patents stuff with X in it, potentially hurting my/others own progress on it(for legal reasons, not out-pacing reasons).
7:40 AM
Which is why Option B: Disallow Patents, or Option C: Make anything made down the line available to anyone up-the-line, if it is found/leaked/reverse-engineered/etc.
7:43 AM
(Er, not "make available" as in licensee has to put in effort, but "legally allowed to make available" so if we do, we're legally safe)
Nohbdy Ahtall
I am glad to have another recommendation for a decentralized tech, it's been a while since I looked into it since I was feeling flooded with options hah. I recently noticed certain open source entities feeling "at war" with ethical source (even though admittedly I've had this ethical-source idea in my head for a long time as well). Primarily though my issue isn't preventing people from using/modifying/selling/lacking-attribution/etc, which is why option A(What MD0 seems to do). However, still confused on the idea of if I make X and someone patents stuff with X in it, potentially hurting my/others own progress on it(for legal reasons, not out-pacing reasons).
To my understanding, patents need 3 things to be awarded by competent governments:
  • no prior art, novelty
  • usefulness, utility, this probably needs at least a working proof of concept, not just an idea on paper
  • newness to a professional in the field
7:46 AM
(I have my name to a patent, which to this day I don't understand how we got, because anyone of my colleagues could guess what was written in there [that proved to me the patent office doesn't know what it's doing])
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 7:47 AM
Indeed, and originally I was thinking the first point (prior art) would be enough. As in, if my thing exists beforehand, we're safe. However I seemed to be finding mention that just existing wasn't good enough, it had to be closer to "being known" to some degree. Our stuff might be in obscurity forever, but have proof of existing beforehand.
hop on google patents and look up highview power
7:48 AM
they have dozens of patents on things that were theorized in the american civil war
7:48 AM
Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in our index of non-patent literature.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 7:52 AM
I wonder if they could have done it if those theorized ideas had a "not allowed to patent" stamp on 'em. That's why I'm thinking option B. However - as much as I want patents to not exist(I think), I mostly just want to protect what is made from those with patents from affecting what is made under this license.
Nohbdy Ahtall
Indeed, and originally I was thinking the first point (prior art) would be enough. As in, if my thing exists beforehand, we're safe. However I seemed to be finding mention that just existing wasn't good enough, it had to be closer to "being known" to some degree. Our stuff might be in obscurity forever, but have proof of existing beforehand.
Original to people versed in the craft; that means nonobvious to the experts who could have thought of it but didn't Many times in history same scientific discoveries were made by different people in different parts of the world; we're all building on the shoulders of Giants, a lot of shared context exists
Nohbdy Ahtall
I wonder if they could have done it if those theorized ideas had a "not allowed to patent" stamp on 'em. That's why I'm thinking option B. However - as much as I want patents to not exist(I think), I mostly just want to protect what is made from those with patents from affecting what is made under this license.
I think you may be confusing patents with licenses(?)
7:56 AM
My understanding is that real material things/objects can't be licensed, only the designs to create them can. But real things can be pattented (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 7:58 AM
Yes I mean I intend to make software, art, games, simulations, tools, and so on under a super permissive license. I want that license to mention patents(even though I know this is weird in software world, but does happen it seems), so that it either allows the patent and our stuff to co-exist, or for the patent to not exist. If possible I'd totally apply this license, fitting or not, to any possible real creations our club makes as well. Try to be like an anti-patent troll, pre-inventing the crap outta stuff before others can claim it xP
"for the patent to not exist" is covered by the prior art rule
8:00 AM
Just save a copy of your files on the web, or better yet, hash it, tack it to a blockchain, and only show it when a patent gets awarded to an idea you came up before
8:01 AM
You can use the cryptographic proof as proof to the judge when you fight the awarded patent
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:03 AM
The problem I'm hearing about is that the terms "publicly known" for the prior art rule, is weird - I'm seeing explanations that having this kind of proof isn't enough always, even if it's posted to the internet. It's as if it needs some kind of weird "threshold" of being publicly known, mentioning things like demonstrations, magazine articles, etc. I'll try to see if I can find any example of something proven to exist nicely before a patent, but it wasn't "known" enough and therefore the patent was allowed.
Just save a copy of your files on the web, or better yet, hash it, tack it to a blockchain, and only show it when a patent gets awarded to an idea you came up before
Nah, a judge will decide
8:04 AM
The rules are there for guidance, at the end of the day, you need to convince the judge when you dispute a patent (edited)
8:06 AM
Remember that a startup's valuation goes past $1M once they have a patent, so there is huge incentive to create shitty patents
8:07 AM
An awarded patent means nothing in terms of it being defensible; a fake kind of "quality control"
8:09 AM
Plus, the patent lawyers I interacted with didn't understand what was written in the patent, they were not software engineers; and in Europe software patents don't even exist
8:10 AM
Most startups seem to use "patent" and "patent pending" as marketing hype to generate clueless investor interest - any serious investor that does their due diligence would at least read the patent and form an independent opinion of their own (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:13 AM
Indeed, alas this is why I'm worried about Option A, which is just like CC0 except it adds: v. trademark rights; vi. patent rights; into the list of rights to be waived as mentioned: 2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention of, applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently, irrevocably and unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights ... etc.
8:14 AM
Which is why I'm unsure if it's unwise to allow this explicit waiver, or to explicitly deny it. CC0 just doesn't talk about it(nor trademark)
8:16 AM
I'm willing to crazily allow the stuff I make to be patented or trademarked(even if that doesn't make sense on the other user's end to do so) - I just don't want them coming back at me/us legally in any form, causing projects and art and such to be at risk.
They can sue you, and a competent judge would throw the lawsuit out of court; we all have the right to sue :-)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:18 AM
Hehe, ahh well thank you so much for this perspective - I definitely haven't heard much of anyone's opinion on this matter. Thank you - of course I won't take it as legal advice so no worries haha
assuming they don't do business in a specific province, and so you go to the courts in that province, which are paid off/bribed by the patent holder
8:18 AM
but those are edge cases
Trademarks and servicemarks work similarly to patents(?) You can't create a McDonad's clone use the same look and feel, and experience; that would be confusing to consumers (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:20 AM
It's strange yes, as I want GPD (my game programming club) to be usable as a "template" of sorts. In the end there may never be a single, centralized GPD, but rather an assortment of copycats and mimics - which I am totally cool with, and I want to allow it. (edited)
8:21 AM
The club itself, not just the code and assets, but the governance methods, processes, ideas, all of it - I want it all super-permissively free, just not in a way that it can be "locked down" legally later on.
Well, isn't NodeJS trademarked?
8:21 AM
Isn't OSE trademarked?
8:22 AM
I think the GNU logo is explicitly not trademarked
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:22 AM
Ooh la la I might need to look into GNU's again, hmm..
if you're ok with people using your graphical assets, then release those to public domain(?)
8:24 AM
Non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:25 AM
I heard sending straight to public domain has some problems, and that's why I look to CC0 - which it pretty much is a public domain granting license, but with extra protection from those default public domain problems.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
8:25 AM
8:26 AM
I guess those problems are somewhat mentioned in under "The Problem"
โ€œNo Rights Reservedโ€ CC0 enables scientists, educators, artists and other creators and owners of copyright- or database-protected content to waive those interests in their works and thereby place them as completely as possible in the public domain, so that others may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purposes without restric...
A license with no conditions whatsoever which dedicates works to the public domain. Unlicensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:29 AM
I started on that one for sure. The other reason I had to reach for CC0 though is that my favorite licenses mention this as "Software". However, I want to put this licenst on art, characters, dialogue, storylines, diagrams, sound effects, melodies, character traits, etc. Everything other than code as well.
Unfortunately the systems we inhabit are not designed for freedom:
Youโ€™re under no obligation to choose a license and itโ€™s your right not to include one with your code or project. But please note that opting out of open source licenses doesnโ€™t mean youโ€™re opting out of copyright law.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I started on that one for sure. The other reason I had to reach for CC0 though is that my favorite licenses mention this as "Software". However, I want to put this licenst on art, characters, dialogue, storylines, diagrams, sound effects, melodies, character traits, etc. Everything other than code as well.
Yeah, you'll need multiple licenses most likely; not just one code-friendly or assets-friendly: (edited)
Non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:31 AM
The CC0's big points are that, even in countries where they don't recognize what's being given up, they have a clear: Should any part of the License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder of the License Which has actual lawyers say "This is well-made legally" and such.
8:33 AM
In fact I think another big point for CC0 is that it has a better track record for doing its job in court I believe, in comparison to others that may have not been battle-tested at all yet
Yeah, but lawyers aren't judges; they're just guessing here
8:34 AM
They hope the text is portable to multiple countries, but the evidence for that is actual prior won-lost lawsuits. Study those (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall
In fact I think another big point for CC0 is that it has a better track record for doing its job in court I believe, in comparison to others that may have not been battle-tested at all yet
I don't trust any word of that sentence :-)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:37 AM
Oh yeah I guess I was looking at this regarding what I thought were cases: Validity of the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication and its usability for bibliographic metadata from the perspective of German Copyright Law
Easy to test
8:38 AM
You can sue me, take me to court, and we'll play out a scenario you care about
8:39 AM
This is how we create "prior art" for the legal system to function better
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:40 AM
Hmm it does appear that Creative Common's cases are... well they're CC licenses but not CC0 specific haha: (edited)
This database contains case law and legal scholarship about CC licenses and the issues that relate to their enforceability and interpretation.
We can set a precedent (edited)
8:41 AM
But just because 1 judge may agree with us doesn't stop anyone else to appeal; and so the story goes :-) (edited)
8:43 AM
I prefer Ethereum smart contracts where the "interpreter" is the python programming language (or whatever), and not human lawyers and judges ;-)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:43 AM
(Woops btw earlier I said CC0 doesn't mention trademark/patent, it does: a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned, surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.)
8:44 AM
Gwahh I totally agree with that! I've been wanting automated and/or code-instead-of-English lawmaking for... since I was a kid and discovered programming! Hah
8:45 AM
I just haven't made up my mind about the middle-men yet - the language, the Ethereum-specificness - etc. Definitely in my top favorites, but.... heh
Nohbdy Ahtall
Gwahh I totally agree with that! I've been wanting automated and/or code-instead-of-English lawmaking for... since I was a kid and discovered programming! Hah
So did the DAO people. CC: @learner-long-life ;-) Turns out they lost to the "Vitalik be king" crowd that forked Ethereum Classic (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 8:46 AM
I've always wanted Mesh Networking + Smart Contracts/DAO + Renewable Energy. Need enough mesh nodes though of course heh
Just pointing out the obvious: The patent system is completely broken. IMHO, the best you can do is put everything you do in the open because this at least prevents others from claiming it as a patent themselves. (If a big player decides to start patent litigation against you, you have already lost even if their claim is nonsense.) On the ligher side:
A patent for swinging sideways on a child's swing is awarded โ€“ a "legalistic definition of obviousness" may be why
Most startups seem to use "patent" and "patent pending" as marketing hype to generate clueless investor interest - any serious investor that does their due diligence would at least read the patent and form an independent opinion of their own (edited)
Vanderjahre 7/22/2021 1:30 PM
Also, a reminder that "patent pending" is pretty snake oily. You are legally allowed to claim patent pending when you submit a provisional patent application, which is a document that basically "holds your place" until you get around to filing officially. The application isn't examined or verified by any expert or official. It's just a signifier of "a filled out a form and paid $65"
1:32 PM
But kind of stated above, as with many things in the US law, there's no real fool-proof safeguard when it comes down to a judge making a decision. Lawyers get paid lots of money to reinforce your case in your favor, because nothing is given and nothing is absolute.
1:34 PM
Only real safeguard for keeping stuff not-patented is trying to make sure what you have is public and well documented, so that if litigation comes, you have the best case to show for existing prior art.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
7:07 PM
copyright is even dumber than patent law IMO
7:07 PM
I think some form of documentation of "first mention" / who came up with it, and just people not supporting assholes who steal ideas should work ?
7:09 PM
I feel like it is almost unenforceable to prevent copyright infringement/pirating etc, short of some sort of HEAVILY government internet, and portable data storage (hard drives, thumb drives etc) not existing. (edited)
People always say internet outrage has too much power etc, and i say just use that as some sort check/balance on the risk/issue of copyright/patent infringement
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/22/2021 10:23 PM
Indeed - however I'm still wondering about my dilemma of "waiving all my patent rights" versus "stating that you may not patent this idea". Don't you think there's a little more "oomph" involved if, not only did it exist prior and was documented, but it said "You're not given permission for patent". And perhaps a little less if I say "I waive all patent rights".
i guess formal liscence wise, isn't there the FLOSS one, with the must attribute thing?
11:28 PM
I may not understand how much you should attribute it, but my desire would be like scientific papers, just a proper mention and whatnot
Nohbdy Ahtall
Indeed - however I'm still wondering about my dilemma of "waiving all my patent rights" versus "stating that you may not patent this idea". Don't you think there's a little more "oomph" involved if, not only did it exist prior and was documented, but it said "You're not given permission for patent". And perhaps a little less if I say "I waive all patent rights".
That presupposes you have a patent to begin with(?)
Eric Lotze
I may not understand how much you should attribute it, but my desire would be like scientific papers, just a proper mention and whatnot
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/23/2021 2:14 AM
I am on the path of no attribution actually, literally zero work to copy my stuff licensed under this. That law right there, I admittedly would not want my name attributed to any great discovery - I wouldn't find it fitting, useful, and I simply don't want it. I don't believe much in credit, and it's not like I expect to convince others to give out creditless tools... the only way to carve that path is to start it with a license/waiver and then start churning out the tools myself. I thought I could waive my own patent rights ahead of time, as in "I'm not going to patent this, so if you use this code/art/etc, I can't patent it and risk your derived works"?
Nohbdy Ahtall
I am on the path of no attribution actually, literally zero work to copy my stuff licensed under this. That law right there, I admittedly would not want my name attributed to any great discovery - I wouldn't find it fitting, useful, and I simply don't want it. I don't believe much in credit, and it's not like I expect to convince others to give out creditless tools... the only way to carve that path is to start it with a license/waiver and then start churning out the tools myself. I thought I could waive my own patent rights ahead of time, as in "I'm not going to patent this, so if you use this code/art/etc, I can't patent it and risk your derived works"?
That's the default behaviour if you publicly post your inventions Note that the document that describes the potentially pattentable thing is under your authorship, by default all rights reserved to you; it sounded like you wanted that too to be released into the public domain (which is not the default behaviour, and why I think your CC0 license idea makes sense if that's what you were aiming for) (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 3:52 PM
Indeed I am aiming for maximum rights-giving-up-ness xP (Also oops I misinterpreted that Law, thought it was just the act of being named after, not the mis-crediting hah) I'm starting to re-lean towards explicitly rejecting trademarking and patenting, for myself and derivative works. It might not do anything, but I feel it'd help in case someone tried to trademark, say, a free piece of art, and then come after my original they used, stating it messes with their trademark. I think looking at my license for it, which exists before their trademark, would have some help.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 4:12 PM
--- Update regarding the work on a CC0 modified/upgraded license that takes a stance on trademark/patent: Originally, it was to waive those rights so that the person releasing under that license couldn't trademark/patent. Creative Commons wants the ability for trademark to co-exist eith CC0, I do not. So, now the decision is: (1)Explicitly state that the affirmer disallows trademarking & patenting, both for self and any derivatives -- or (2)explicitly state that work or derivatives are not allowed to be targetted by trademark and patent claims, which kinda ruins trademark/patent anyway since anyone can "fork" the content from this license as a safe haven. It makes trademark/patenting useless and likely prone to denial for those asking. However, patents do happen on things that are "prior art", so #2 might protect moreso in case of that.
Why not release your content anonymously? @Nohbdy Ahtall I'd like to see a judge wrap their heads around that ;-) Satoshi did very well pseudonymously releasing his code and no-doubt patentable invention to the world (edited)
@pcuci has reached level 8. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 4:57 PM
I do plan on doing that actually, and I just got word from an IPR lawyer that public domain (which is what CC0 is mostly), doesn't need an author. However, most open source license templates have the ol LICENSE <copyright year> <copyright holder> thing. Even CC0 doesn't have that (benefits of not caring about attribution I'd assume)
4:57 PM
Truly this content may be released out into the wild, under any unknown account. Just the content, and that license will exist.
Maybe, to think of this another way, what are viruses and malware released under? ;-)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 4:59 PM
Was also just talking to someone about the academic publishing world too, saying:
I wonder how academic journals would react to an explosion of people publishing research under the license I speak of. On one hand, they could re-release it on their own, but they couldn't enforce much I'd imagine. What if they were out-paced by it too. I know a bit of the logic behind their proprietary-like mindset - so that there's some kind of "authority" and copycats with maybe false info don't drown it out. Buut... what if... I still feel like having their "stamp of approval" still would matter and help a lot.
5:00 PM
As per usual, anything not released under anything has a bunch of "default/automatic" rights set to it. They become copyright holder, or even if it's default public domain, it is treated as a "gift" that the owner can apparently "take back" if desired, which is why CC0 renounces that ability.
5:02 PM
I'd think academic research and such can thrive well and fine without an author, attribution, and even under this license with copycats making misinformed changes. It's still up to the curators and hosters of that content, and for people to trust the hosts of the research and their stamp of approval.
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 13. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 5:04 PM
I actually kinda worry about Open Science which released even under CC0(unlikely, most people can't fathom not being attributed, so probably CC BY-something-something), since the iffy trademark/patent thing.
It's ingrained in that system; I don't think one can become a PhD without an advisor - there is always this nagging link back the the "cult"
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 5:09 PM
Mm, I wanna make a new cult of super-permissive, selfless(and maybe even anonymous like you said) technological progress. Flood the marketplace, the scientific world, and everywhere - so much free info, art, code, blueprints... all from volunteers, businesses can't keep up, even if they copy-paste one of the free bits, the volunteers still improve their tech faster than any closed-source fork could.
5:10 PM
I assume it'd be deemed "anti-competitive" and there'd then be laws against this movement hah. A turning point choice between dystopia and otherwise. xP (edited)
Isn't that the default anyway, even with the current system, but on longer timescales? Both patents and copyright expire
5:22 PM
So you don't mind if the army or a terrorist uses your contributions to go off and kill people? (re: permissive) (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 5:24 PM
I don't mind, especially as I feel like military forces can get away with bypassing legal systems anyhow. I think open everything leads to everyone being able to understand their technology - a proprietary bomb or weapon is harder to defend against, defuse, counter, and so on if it is obfuscated by proprietarism.
5:29 PM
Also leading towards a more tech-savvy world - more programmers/creators over users/consumers. This in turn also I believe leads to greater intelligence, which hopefully takes hold as the leading "currency" over monetary. And in my opinion, greater intelligence for everyone (especially with that motivation to gain it as much as people have for gaining money - a drop-in replacement) reduces evil. I find that intelligence of everyone reduces evil. A world of evil geniuses keep each-other in check. Moreso though, I just feel like true intelligence leads the mind towards non-evil. It's something I've pondered for a long time - every path, including the most violent, they all "make sense", but nowhere near as much as going as extremely non-violent, non-torturous, and so on.
5:30 PM
I also believe technological solutions can prevent misuse of technology, automated/built-in. I wouldn't trust closed-source to properly handle that, I'd trust open source to ensure and test and fix the problems.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 5:46 PM
  • I actually have a lot of sci-fi-esque ideas about "reverse-lethal weapons" and such, and the idea of proving to the world that even a "war" could be won equipped entirely with reverse- and non-lethal methods, up against a fully lethal one.
In the event that that happens, I would believe/hope that the next war might involve even more reverse-lethality, due to the lack of death commited by the users of it from the last one. I'd assume it may then become a rule of war, and even later down the line lead the ultimately us only ever resolving conflicts in safe simulated environments if needed.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/24/2021 6:34 PM
  • Reverse-lethal being something as crazy as this(very sci-fi, requiring likely advanced autonomous tech, nanobots, extremely fast micro-construction, etc):
  • A projectile that, similar to a net-gun/sticky-glue, encompasses a target, but also immediately builds airways, repoistions the target safely, and then quickly builds an "interface" for them to communicate to the system itself.
  • The target can communicate with the system to ensure it handles special cases that the system didn't detect - say they are choking, poisoned, rigged to explode, uncomfortable, etc. They are basically given a little computer on the spot.
  • The system would also try to build a mobilizing structure in order to move the target out of harms way, in case they're in the middle of a street, heading underwater, etc. It may even allow mobility and vision to the target to manually do so, interfering if they appear to be fleeing, going hostile.
... This continually gets potentially advanced. The reverse lethal part of this would be that the system actively heals you, cures diseases even, acting as a mobile medbay of sorts. It may even defend itself, even against the intial "shooter", if it detects they have intent to harm you in your immobile state. It's of course on the level of sci-fi, but from anywhere from reality/plausible to this level of extreme, I think should be aimed for.
โš•๏ธ 1
So did the DAO people. CC: @learner-long-life ;-) Turns out they lost to the "Vitalik be king" crowd that forked Ethereum Classic (edited)
Well, the original DAO, "The DAO" was premature in hindsight, but laid the ground for modern technology and security best practices, and also the need for community values. The flawed implementation doesn't mean it's a bad idea, just incomplete in it's current formulation. 1hive and metagame are DAOs that currently crowdfund smaller proposals every week, and in general are focused more on culture creation and collaboration than crowdfunding. They still feel a little insular and self-referential in the digital realm, but are like spaceships compared to the horse-and-buggy of the original DAO.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/25/2021 6:05 AM
Looks like "defensive publishing" is the ultimate anti/preventing-patentability option for my license. I couldn't fathom telling a licensee to "defensively publish", buut... I think I can say the Affirmer(Licensor / person who marks a work as this license) is allowed to defensively publish any subsequent works. Now to see if there is a defensive publishing similar concept for preventing trademarks.
7:54 AM
On another sidenote i wonder if channels such as this etc could become a fix to the [ "hack gap" ] / public discourse / narrative control etc (edited)
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Nohbdy Ahtall 7/25/2021 5:54 PM
Maybe we can clutter the atmosphere so densely that, once you reach this border, you enter a new phase of launch where you pull your ship through the debris using friction and its weight to thrust through... er.. at the detriment to the pieces that fly down to earth.
5:54 PM
---(License stuff again..)--- World is so greedy.. or search engines don't highlight ethical people/questions/debates enough(or maybe all the cool-thinking people who'd progress our world have no internet access... grr). Looking up "anti-trademark" is hard, it's all about stopping people from using your trademark, not stopping something from being trademarked. Common Law trademark apparently has a "prior use" similarity, but you have to be.. engaged in commerce with the mark? Whaa, no option for anti-monetary thinking? I wonder if accepting donations or pay-what-you-want counts as commerce, even if you make no money, for protection. Grr. Glad I found "defensive publishing" for preventing patents though, and it seems like I can definitely enforce contracts via a license saying licensees can't enforce patent claims and such against other licensees nor licencors. Thaank you contract law. (edited)
Contract law overrides missing local government laws when local governments didn't get to the specific thing you want to enforce That means you can dream up any new thing in any new domain for which laws don't exist, and the judges will uphold the contract you got other people to sign, since there is nothing else to fall back on Provided they are not corrupt judges ;-) (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/26/2021 6:53 AM
Oh my dear goodness... why did I never realize this....... Copyright expires... I think that means, lots of open source licenses... expire. Which means, all the faults I'm finding for a PDM (Public Domain Mark) instead of dedicating it to public domain via CC0... it's just gonna happen.
6:54 AM
I mean most templates for licenses literally have the "Insert your copyright information here at the top". Blimey bloo'y 'ell mate. (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/26/2021 7:18 AM
Correction: PDM is not the default Public Domain.. thing/state. It's the logo, from CC, for marking as such. Which if interested, has this comparison chart: However, I do think some of this kinda still applies in a way, as well as the non-waiving of other rights that CC0 explicitly gets into. I still don't have a name for "default/expiratory Public Domain" then I guess, and I probably need to say "U.S. Public Domain" too. Still, CC0 adds more protections to worldwide territories, which may not recognize Public Domain whatsoever, by saying partial invalidation doesn't invalidate the rest, and that its concepts should be held up to the maximum potential of the law in that territory. Fluctuating, but better than nothing! (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/26/2021 9:48 AM
Just got a buunch of new (or refreshed) ideas, some real good considerations about my "license quest" hah. I want(ed?) super-permissive, though I respect copyleft and ethical source on a case-by-case basis... but I've been given some good reason to consider things like leftcopy ( ) and certain other ethical-like licenses. If I do decide to "deny the big business world", sounds like some of these might say something like "If you make this much money or more, you don't get the same rights...) I think. I otherwise thought, maybe if I only allow donationware and pay-what-you-want(including nothing).. it's something I want to do in the midst of maximum permissive, but hmm. Ah well, goodnight for now! Lots to think about...
Social domain licensing for The People!
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/26/2021 11:14 PM
Ahh, so this is something called "Social Domain" rather than Public Domain. Hmm, hmm
Over 13 million titles available from the largest seller of used books. Cheap prices on high quality gently used books. Free shipping over $10.
๐Ÿ’ฏ 2
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/28/2021 10:54 AM
Hey heyy, so I'm getting closer to perhaps the CC0 upgrade that I want. Check the diff between CC0(1.0) and MD0(0.4) here: The new section 5 letter "a." is modified, the big change but basically using what CC uses on their "policies" page on their site regarding their Chapter Logo. I think... if they think those words are enough, and they are also proficient in legalese/license making... then I feel comfy using nearly the same thing.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/29/2021 8:22 AM
8:23 AM
(A faction from Sid Meier's Alpha )
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/29/2021 11:09 AM
WHEW, okay um, side project... I found big ol list of intellectual property items in general and uh... so MD0 is still is its own thing.. but check out the greatly expanded MD9000: (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/31/2021 6:46 AM
I'm dealing with IRC and I really don't see the reasoning behind it. No chat history, weirdly places are always dead despite hundreds online, message "nickserv" a password that doesn't seem to allow hiding your input feels... ehhh
6:47 AM
Oh and other randos knowing your IP address. I still vote for Discord and so on!
Nohbdy Ahtall
Oh and other randos knowing your IP address. I still vote for Discord and so on!
Did you check out "matrix" or whatever that alternative was?
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/31/2021 6:52 AM
I have not, I suppose I shoould... try it out right now! (Trying to contact the OpenBSD community, their Discord is... non-functioning... I think they have a matrix) (edited)
i'll grab the page (if i made one, may be a false memory)
6:54 AM
nah matrix was the backbone i guess
6:54 AM
Matrix (sometimes stylized as [matrix]) is an open standard and communication protocol for real-time communication. It aims to make real-time communication work seamlessly between different service providers, in the way that standard Simple Mail Transfer Protocol email currently does for store-and-forward email service, by allowing users with ac...
6:56 AM
that was it
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/31/2021 6:56 AM
I have a feeling everyone's still going to refer to it as "What's your matrix" even if it's a backbone haha, whether they like it or not. Is there another word for "X's [thing] that uses matrix"?
no idea, this is out of my area as of now
6:57 AM
granted i am an acronym / term used snob enthusiast/snob lol
Eric Lotze 8/1/2021 2:06 AM
Found this after someone sent it to me, and i like it: (edited)
๐Ÿ˜† 1
Eric Lotze 8/5/2021 2:57 AM
๐Ÿ˜† 3
-- osr-support -- 8/5/2021 8:48 PM
@Eric Lotze - nice catch ( and motivated me to finish the long over due extruder on the arbor ๐Ÿ™‚ material bill : 1.5k - 2k - assuming you have the equipment ๐Ÿ™‚ there was somewhere another crazy big portable extruder gun on youtube - fun stuff ...
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/18/2021 4:38 AM
Dunno if anyone needs this, but a program called "ZeroTier", when installed on two devices, acts as a "hole-punched" network. So... if you have any cool at-home network stuff, and you'd love to access it remotely without exposing IP addresses or whatever... hazing ZeroTier lets you work with those devices as if you were at home on the same wifi network, in terms of IP access and such.
4:39 AM
Really helped me as a beginner too, as I understood more easily how to connect from computer A to computer B on the same network at home due to the IP pattern, so this just kept that up and kinda side-stepped some obstacles.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Intel is closing its RealSense camera business to focus on its chip manufacturing efforts, although the technology won't disappear..
9:51 PM
Will they sell the IP to some other company, or could they potentially Open Source it? I would assume it's mainly software based, and just the dual cameras and IR emitter, right? key word is assume though (edited)
probably too much for them to bite off, trying to get everything to work better/faster/easier to program for/easier for the ML to figure out whats going on. So upside is limited on the hardware side, and intel's shaking after ryzen, nobody expected them to get their stuff together after the bulldozer proccessors fx series
10:09 PM
Plus tesla is making their own chips, so intel is starting to get into murky waters
10:09 PM
10:10 PM
you have geohotz trying to tame the next architecture too so cutting side projects makes sense
I just hope it doesn't fall into that graveyard of "things we developed, sold, then killed, but didn't sell the ip"
10:21 PM
I think i made a page on it somewhere, but Google actually open sourced their VR Painting software "Tilt Brush" rather than just killing it
"you can't take the IP with you when you're dead"
10:21 PM
if only
Granted that was only software
10:22 PM
but i would *assume * a lot of the "secret sauce" is in how they turn the stereoscopic cameras + ir emitter into a depth map and how they send that data around etc
11:39 PM
If you want will get a link for a man that explains ai in an understandable way. With or without Nvidia Jetson nano. Surprise on me it's above๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™ƒ
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/19/2021 1:27 AM
I think terminology needs to become a norm for this kind of thinking. I so far like to call it "Last Resort" open source licensing for the idea of failure of the company/project/etc results in the code being released. I also like the idea of "we've made enough money now" open source planning hah, kinda like if I made a video game... if it was proprietary and I ended up making "a lot of money" I'd switch over to donations-only and release the source code.
"Home · Local Motors"
Local Motors is a ground mobility company focused on shaping the future for the better. Founded in 2007 with a belief in open collaboration and co-creation, Local Motors began low volume vehicle manufacturing of open-source designs using multiple micro-factories.
Some spam, was originally on this Plug-In Hybrid Minivan, gradually turned into me looking into "Open Pilot" :
5:32 AM
I've gone back and read several old discussion threads about the stop/start system before I developed a problem, mainly because I nether wanted nor trusted it. At about 36K miles I got the idiot light and error message telling me to get it serviced (maybe 2 weeks/200 miles ago). Thinking it...
5:32 AM
Hi everyone, I thought that I would share my experience with installing Open Pilot in my 2017 Pacifica Hybrid. I've been intrigued by self-driving technology and always hoped the standard lane keep assist (LKAS) would have been better in my Pacifica. I've been doing some research on the...
5:32 AM
openpilot is an open source, semi-automated driving system developed by openpilot operates as a replacement for OEM Advanced driver-assistance systems with the objective of improving visual perception and electromechanical actuator control. It allows users to modify their existing car with increased computing power, enhanced sensors, a...
5:33 AM
As a new pacific owner, I've run through the forum to review issues, and fixes. One of the more common causes of issues is a dying 12V battery, which causes a dead pacifica at the worst time. I'm trying to think of a preventative maintenance or testing method for the home user. Any ideas...
5:33 AM
We reported just last week that by adding 300 Chevy Bolt EV to its self-driving test fleet, GM was on its way to having the biggest captive self-driving test fleet in the world, but Waymo just crushed that dream today. Waymo, formerly Googleโ€™s self-driving effort and now an official Alphabet company, announced that it is deploying 500 [โ€ฆ]
5:36 AM
The Data Use / (Minor) Security Risk is my main concern (Although it is needed for training )
Make driving chill. Upgrade your car with a comma three. comma is building the Android for cars. We have an open source driver assistance system that runs on most modern cars.
5:36 AM
odd stuff
5:37 AM
I know the current minivan my family has has a pile of gears, it's like trying to be a CVT, but isn't so dangerously shifts in the middle of intersections after a stoplight etc
5:37 AM
I think there is a class action lawsuit on that model of Honda Odyssey IIRC
5:37 AM
If this could be a workaround for their BS firmware too that would be neat as well !
5:39 AM
What systems it interferes with / what happens if it goes down etc are also something i would want to look into (ie does it connect to / impact airbags, can the "stock" system override it or vice versa, does it void warrenties / make insurance difficult, etc) (Also stumbled upon these as a potential solution to that mini-van's battery issue: , may be neat for other applications) (edited)
his blog is a gold mine too
5:41 AM
always dream of retrofitting old classic cars with modern parts/controllers and slapping a comma 2 in it for lane keeping
5:42 AM
rolling in a perfectly restored classic, with lane keeping/braking assist/crash avoidance
I'm still trying to figure out the ultimate car in my mind
5:44 AM
That Plug in hybrid minivan is pretty close, especially with that OS driver assist stuff, but it doesn't have flex fuel etc and i am looking into all that
1999 stewart and stevenson with a 75kwh tesla pack, and a tesla motor on each drive axle
All the papers on DME discuss using it in compression ignition engines (edited)
5:45 AM
But those are annoying to regulate NOx on
5:45 AM
Flex Fuel (x<=E-85) is nice, i think some brazillian cars can run on pure ethanol (e-100), but it is kind of nasty to work with
5:46 AM
I think the issue is moreso absorbed water in the ethanol?
5:46 AM
"Autogas" (Propane or LPG) is supposedly pretty common in Europe, and should behave similarly to DME
5:47 AM
Autogas is the common name for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) when it is used as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles as well as in stationary applications such as generators. It is a mixture of propane and butane. Autogas is widely used as a "green" fuel, as its use reduces CO2 exhaust emissions by around 15% compared to petrol. One...
what are your constraints for an "ultimate vehicle"??
Also ethanol/methanol (i am unsure on DME) are used as octane boosters/antiknock agents/whatever, instead of Tetraethyl lead, as well as the biofuel aspect, so they would like more forced induction / different engine designs even so that's also an issue
what are your constraints for an "ultimate vehicle"??
  • PZEV Rating ( )
  • As good efficiency as possible
  • Plug in hybrid + as good regenerative breaking as possible
  • Capable of using some sort of biofuel in it's pure form (also maybe liquid + gaseous fuel)
  • Just kind of "drop in replacement" for a similar fossil fuel car
  • Vehicle-to-Grid Capable
  • Driver Assist Stuff
5:57 AM
I am also unironically a fan of the mini-van format, it can be a person hauler, fold down all the back (and maybe even front passenger) seats a small cargo vehicle, and some can tow a small amount of stuff
5:57 AM
Granted all of this is in the context of Car dependent USA too
Yeah, I enjoy SUV's for the higher ground clearance, but that's a north american thing as well
Eric Lotze
  • PZEV Rating ( )
  • As good efficiency as possible
  • Plug in hybrid + as good regenerative breaking as possible
  • Capable of using some sort of biofuel in it's pure form (also maybe liquid + gaseous fuel)
  • Just kind of "drop in replacement" for a similar fossil fuel car
  • Vehicle-to-Grid Capable
  • Driver Assist Stuff
these are all great
5:58 AM
I really like the cybertruck, unironically.
5:58 AM
throwing a couple different project generators in the bed
5:58 AM
could have a hydrogen electrolysis generator, a small small diesel generator (edited)
5:58 AM
and then a small flex fuel generator
5:59 AM
can recharge by draining motor oil out of cars broken down on the road ( could be my pessimism/apocalypse visions showing here) (edited)
5:59 AM
or can recharge with solar powered electrolysis, run that in the flex fuel engine,
5:59 AM
could honestly have one side of a generator coil a diesel engine and the other side a flex fuel engine
6:00 AM
neatly nested in the back bed, for easy range upgrades
It's probably all ECU tuning (although hydrogen entitlement may be a spooky aspect), but i wonder if an autogas system could also work on syngas)
6:03 AM
I think there was an OS board (or even ECU) for ecu tuning
Eric Lotze
It's probably all ECU tuning (although hydrogen entitlement may be a spooky aspect), but i wonder if an autogas system could also work on syngas)
I was even considering starting one, but americans like to sue people
6:04 AM
I knew of that one
6:04 AM
just found two others in searching for it! (edited)
it's 100% engine management, and I'm excited to see how machine learning pushes gas engines to their limits
6:04 AM
that's awesome
6:04 AM
I know people have been slapping chips on normal ECU's forever for tuning
6:04 AM
hondata and such
6:06 AM
Another issue though is accessibility of all this, lots of sensors + chips etc which is a bit of an issue
Eric Lotze
Another issue though is accessibility of all this, lots of sensors + chips etc which is a bit of an issue
wiring harnesses
6:08 AM
tesla has struggled with 12volt legacy hardware
6:09 AM
higher voltage lower amperage==smaller/lighter wires
6:09 AM
almost every component in vehicles has hit economies of scale for 12v
6:10 AM
my first step in an OS engine management system would be going to 48 volts, and building those sensors/actuators/components from scratch
I know you need Oxygen Sensors (and maybe temp) for basic catalytic converter function, you need pressure/temperature for forced induction, probably need chemical sensors for flex fuel (or if using more fuels etc to tell what is in use) Also all sorts of pressure stuff (edited)
higher voltage lower amperage==smaller/lighter wires
THis is why EU grid (or similar) ones can use thinner wires in buildings right vs USA/North American 120v ?
๐Ÿ‘ 1
not to mention the suite of sensors checking postitions of components during operations "timing sensor" category has a lot of parts deep in the engine, but those are also where the most gains can be made with high-fidelity data (edited)
Eric Lotze
THis is why EU grid (or similar) ones can use thinner wires in buildings right vs USA/North American 120v ?
Something like that, EU might run 3 phase all the time when we stick to 2 phases
6:13 AM
also cheaper at scale to go higher in voltage for your sensor suites
6:14 AM
because you are spending less money on conductors in your harnesses/plus some weight savings for performance/efficiency
also cheaper at scale to go higher in voltage for your sensor suites
emphasis on "at scale" 48v components don't exist
my first step in an OS engine management system would be going to 48 volts, and building those sensors/actuators/components from scratch
Another approach is multiplexing data. That is where can use is used. There are ways to use other voltages and mixed voltages with buck/boost devices that are getting quite inexpensive as power semiconductors are not to proprietary.... Besides experimenting with this stuff can be exciting,๐Ÿ’ฅ great discussion enjoy the ideas.
6:38 PM
Can use was supposed to be can-bus....
not to mention the suite of sensors checking postitions of components during operations "timing sensor" category has a lot of parts deep in the engine, but those are also where the most gains can be made with high-fidelity data (edited)
On lots of vehicles they are just bolt on replacement parts. Probably even more so on newer vehicles.
emphasis on "at scale" 48v components don't exist
A while back was reading about 1300v system. I think the motors were lower voltage just played games with connections so that charging could be done quickly. High voltage low amperage fast charge then use lower voltage. Pretty interesting design.
@Paulum has reached level 2. GG!
almost every component in vehicles has hit economies of scale for 12v
Just use low voltage control and information systems to control higher power devices. Machine tools use low voltage then contactors or now inverters to power the large drive.
Hey @Eric Lotze ! I saw you on the STR server!
9:50 PM
9:50 PM
Something like that, EU might run 3 phase all the time when we stick to 2 phases
US uses 3 phase for industrial and distribution systems. Where US is different is in our 1volt and 2 volt legs. US 220 is between any 2 legs of 3 phase generation ans 110 is 1 leg to ground or neutral leg. That is why you always use 2 pole breaker on 220 in US. If only 1 leg shut down the other leg is still 110 volts to ground. Play with transformers and center taps to accomplish this in a grid that send original generated 3 legs different ways. Most of Europe is this way too only their 220 is hot leg to neutral or ground. Across 2 legs they get around 360 in some systems..... hope I didn't lose anybody with that.
US uses 3 phase for industrial and distribution systems. Where US is different is in our 1volt and 2 volt legs. US 220 is between any 2 legs of 3 phase generation ans 110 is 1 leg to ground or neutral leg. That is why you always use 2 pole breaker on 220 in US. If only 1 leg shut down the other leg is still 110 volts to ground. Play with transformers and center taps to accomplish this in a grid that send original generated 3 legs different ways. Most of Europe is this way too only their 220 is hot leg to neutral or ground. Across 2 legs they get around 360 in some systems..... hope I didn't lose anybody with that.
Yep it is mostly good Except it is 208 between two legs and not 220
10:29 PM
We have 120 officially not 110 ( of course it depends where you are for exact number) And remember 3 phase is not 90 degrees apart but 120 degrees
10:29 PM
So two phases is not 240 but 208 instead
On some distribution systems the use a single standard 3 phase transformer which gives 208 which is the bottom side tolerance of voltage range in US. I live in a rural area and even 10 miles from substation my voltage is usually 250 volts. If there is a lot of loads on the leg it will be a little lower. As a side note if you want to use 3 phase solid state inverters. If you delivered voltage is 220 nothing needed if it is more than +-10 % away from that you should look at using a buck/boost transformer to get it in that +-10% window. This is not always made clear on those devices. Same thing holds true in Europe as the distribution grids are not always 220 volts. If you have been in a machine shop running NC, CNC, DNC, those machines are usually wired to a 3 phase buck/boost so they are in specification. Power systems are fun after you have damaged enough stuff in ignorance to find out the details.
I know when I look for land for my forever home I want a 3 phase power line running above, which isn't hard to find in rural US. but having 3 phase at the pole is not a given for all americans. they'll have a 200 amp service max, but in rural places you can easily get a few hundred more amps
11:03 PM
208 is the rural connection
11:03 PM
at some crazy crazy amperage
In single phase distributions they use center tap transformers with the hot distribution going to center tap then they are 180° out of phase. And power companies can buy transformers with moveable straps so the can adjust those voltages.
On some distribution systems the use a single standard 3 phase transformer which gives 208 which is the bottom side tolerance of voltage range in US. I live in a rural area and even 10 miles from substation my voltage is usually 250 volts. If there is a lot of loads on the leg it will be a little lower. As a side note if you want to use 3 phase solid state inverters. If you delivered voltage is 220 nothing needed if it is more than +-10 % away from that you should look at using a buck/boost transformer to get it in that +-10% window. This is not always made clear on those devices. Same thing holds true in Europe as the distribution grids are not always 220 volts. If you have been in a machine shop running NC, CNC, DNC, those machines are usually wired to a 3 phase buck/boost so they are in specification. Power systems are fun after you have damaged enough stuff in ignorance to find out the details.
thank you for sharing a ton of responses, running through them now. interested in catching up on all this
I refer to this as private information. Had the privilege of having a hold voltage distribution system Gorman for a friend. Took a lot of blanks out of picture for me at least one book that sort of goes into this. Will be happy to give title if you want. Glad you can follow along๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ
11:09 PM
Hope you can make out the last thing. I think I have to many languages on my phone for spelling corrections. If someone knows how to tame them let me know๐Ÿค”
I've had my autocorrect turned off for years, one too many awkward texts to female partners made me ditch it for good
I am very rural on a REA system hear at 250volts. Was in an REA system at the place I lived and it was 208 volts. As long as it is more are less 200-255 federal regulations are happy. The power company sells more power at higher voltage. Or where I am here there are air-conditioning and irrigation loads.
I refer to this as private information. Had the privilege of having a hold voltage distribution system Gorman for a friend. Took a lot of blanks out of picture for me at least one book that sort of goes into this. Will be happy to give title if you want. Glad you can follow along๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ
"hold voltage distribution system?" is this something that rectifies the current coming from the grid, so your system is always at 220?
11:15 PM
and that book title would be great. I know in industrial systems power gets very weird, so having the ability to wire my own shop competently or at least know who to call when I get in over my head would be great
May do that if I remember it is nice when not that good at .... I think that should have been an old friend that was a line foreman for the high tension primary stuff.
I know my way around wiring fairly well, and have felt comfortable speccing out wiring, over distance for certain amperage, say 60 amp service 40 ft from the breaker
May do that if I remember it is nice when not that good at .... I think that should have been an old friend that was a line foreman for the high tension primary stuff.
yeah I spoke to an electrician when he was reworking the building power at my last job, and he told me rural is 208, excited to hear it can fluctuate though
11:17 PM
208 minimum for sure, which would coincide with +-10% (edited)
On lots of vehicles they are just bolt on replacement parts. Probably even more so on newer vehicles.
primarily concerned about pulling apart the engine to retrofit a better sensor suite, they are bolt on, but could turn a 3 hour plug and play job into a 3 day retrofitting job
A while back was reading about 1300v system. I think the motors were lower voltage just played games with connections so that charging could be done quickly. High voltage low amperage fast charge then use lower voltage. Pretty interesting design.
was this in the EV space?
The book is a sams publication ISBN 0-672-22636-7 Transformers and Motors by George Patrick Shultz.... The way I pick up on some of this is travelling and being a nerd about infrastructure...
Just use low voltage control and information systems to control higher power devices. Machine tools use low voltage then contactors or now inverters to power the large drive.
I agree, there will be healthy amounts of relays, it's just a matter of smaller gauge wiring with "higher" low voltage stuff, of course the EV battery will be at 400-800v, but there is a ton of weight to be saved with higher voltage sensors, ie even smaller wires, like most industrial control systems are run on 48v
The book is a sams publication ISBN 0-672-22636-7 Transformers and Motors by George Patrick Shultz.... The way I pick up on some of this is travelling and being a nerd about infrastructure...
best nerds there are
Be happy to help from static to rotary converter construction that is quite cheap on a diy. Though I feel like I died and went heaven with 3 phase inverters.... Not listening to the rotary converters adding to the noise.
@Paulum has reached level 3. GG!
Welcome to Munro Live! Thanks for visiting. Don't miss your chance to take a step behind the doors of a world-renowned engineering and manufacturing consulting firm and get direct access to thoughts and insights from the man himself, Sandy Munro. If you like the content you're seeing, please consider visiting our website and clicking "Support ...
11:23 PM
I'm currently looking for the video where sandy munro talks about 12v systems and what their downfalls are for automotive use, I watch a lot of his videos, he had a career at ford, before starting his own consulting firm for proccess changes. Big OEMs will come to him to hear what he has to say about production optimization and design changes
11:24 PM
yes, found it
11:25 PM
he compares all 3 vehicles and their entire electrical systems, counting # of can busses, ECUS, size of wiring, where they step away from 12v to save space/weight/add efficiency
11:25 PM
11:25 PM
11:26 PM
11:27 PM
if I were to OS automotive electronics, I would be going as close to tesla's systems as possible, they are the leanest by what this video shows
11:27 PM
11:28 PM
are you familiar with LVDS?
The buck/boost transformers are basically an auto transformer that just adds some voltage or subtracts some voltage to get it within tolerance. I think the one I use here is like .375 maybe .5 kw and fixes me up for using inverters on 5 HP roughly 220 @ 40 amps machines. The nice thing about inverters is they are soft start devices. So the power company does not have issues with dropping a heavy load on their lines all at once like an industrial contactor does.
The buck/boost transformers are basically an auto transformer that just adds some voltage or subtracts some voltage to get it within tolerance. I think the one I use here is like .375 maybe .5 kw and fixes me up for using inverters on 5 HP roughly 220 @ 40 amps machines. The nice thing about inverters is they are soft start devices. So the power company does not have issues with dropping a heavy load on their lines all at once like an industrial contactor does.
inverter the same as a VFD? or just simpler than a vfd, by just having soft start inverters at a fixed HP?
The 1300 volt thing was some of my meandering maybe 2-3 years ago. Had the aha lights go off for the mystery of fast charge.
at 15:00 "I was dissapointed he didnt goto 48v, elon says "I can't get the parts, they are all 12v" maybe the suppliers will start 48v eventually, but until then we are stuck with heavier wires
The 1300 volt thing was some of my meandering maybe 2-3 years ago. Had the aha lights go off for the mystery of fast charge.
it's crazy what the tesla semi chargers will run at I think its something like 1300v (edited)
Teslaโ€™s semi-truck will boast an impressive range of 500 miles per single charge and leverage the companyโ€™s newest โ€œMegachargerโ€ for refueling. Similar to Teslaโ€™s global Supercharger network that provides drivers of its passenger vehicles with quick charging access, Megachargers will support truckers by allowing them to recharge their big rigโ€™s ...
On "LVDS" give me the words as a few things use those initials. Been a while since I read Tesla's papers
Low voltage differential signalling
Have to study that have some can bus stuff to play with on micro controllers just not to them yet. Seems to be a robust signal method just data patterns might be proprietary.
Have to study that have some can bus stuff to play with on micro controllers just not to them yet. Seems to be a robust signal method just data patterns might be proprietary.
I think tesla uses LVDS for camera control according to the Munro live video
Yes. I was referring to the 3 phase devices. A note of caution with running 50-60 Hz motors at higher frequency especially in higher horsepower single or 3 phase. Put insulated bearings in motors the rotor get high parasitic voltages that will discharge though uninsulated bearings!
11:41 PM
Soft start is one of the parameters that you can program on inverters there are lots of parameters. Go to automation direct website I think the manuals they have are open and should be in good English.
Yes. I was referring to the 3 phase devices. A note of caution with running 50-60 Hz motors at higher frequency especially in higher horsepower single or 3 phase. Put insulated bearings in motors the rotor get high parasitic voltages that will discharge though uninsulated bearings!
yeah we had tons of problems with signal noise in a certain application, using a rebuilt motor that signal noise dropped to basically 0, this must have been the reason
11:42 PM
automation direct
11:42 PM
love opening those boxes
Will look at Elon's stuff thinking wrong Tesla.... oops ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
11:43 PM
Will look at LVDS too thanks
Will look at Elon's stuff thinking wrong Tesla.... oops ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
lol! that is the best assumption though
Found a site in Netherlands that had a lot of information. Including translating US terms to EU/ISO/DIN
I think the address for the Netherlands electric supplier is on another machine will make note about getting it for you.
๐Ÿ™ 1
11:53 PM
My apologies to everyone on this channel we should have to dm unless OwnerOfOwn did it๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
That's the beauty of OSE discord, it's just a repo of the aforementioned "personal information" sure someone will find this thread entertaining/educational. Channel is labeled off-topic after all
@OwnerOfOwn I can feign ignorance this is my first experiences on a chat group....
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/30/2021 8:48 AM
Found something weird/cool:
๐Ÿ‘ 1
8:49 AM
Which is just the site linked to by this video (I was looking up Technocracy again :P)
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/1/2021 8:53 AM
The Create the Future Design Contest was launched in 2002 by the publishers of NASA Tech Briefs magazine to help stimulate and reward engineering innovation. The annual event has attracted more than 8,000 product design ideas from engineers, entrepreneurs, and students worldwide.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
I always thought that it would be nice if someone would develop a "coat" for the summer as well to keep people comfortable Especially with the amount of people now living in deserts like Arizona, it would be nice!
3:53 PM
I even had a few design ideas of my own some time ago
Eric Lotze 9/1/2021 3:58 PM
As a Floridian i agree
OwnerOfOwn 9/1/2021 3:59 PM
as a desert dweller, I concur
Eric Lotze 9/1/2021 3:59 PM
there is some systems, typically for Hazmat suits, or racecars (no ac, but thick fire suits)
3:59 PM
most use ice water buckers, or phase change materials though
OwnerOfOwn 9/1/2021 3:59 PM
gimme a dry suit with forced air, I'll walk around looking like the Michelin man
3:59 PM
Eric Lotze 9/1/2021 3:59 PM
but a thermoelectrtic one would be neat (edited)
4:00 PM
most use a sort of "undersuit" with water/cooling liquid tubes
4:00 PM
I think there is some OTS one now, i'll dig
4:12 PM
idk which video it was in, can't find the system they mentioned
Eric Lotze 9/1/2021 4:42 PM
Open Source Hardware Activism...on a major tech YouTube Channel?!?
OwnerOfOwn 9/1/2021 4:43 PM
"I'm gonna build my own smartwatch, with blackjack....and sponsors"
-- osr-support -- 9/3/2021 12:43 AM
nice catch, there is also (water-prove), within an entire family of boards. running Javascript on your arm - impressive! Something like this to get vibration alarm, extremely useful in a machine shop when you can't hear (and see) anything ๐Ÿ™‚
Eric Lotze 9/3/2021 4:24 AM
oof scrubbed
learner-long-life 9/12/2021 3:30 AM
๐Ÿ’ฏ 1
I still need to document the Local P-3 Orions at the navy base near me before they replace them all with P-8s (essentially upgraded Boeing 737s or some similar turbofan plane) They have turboprops and make this (much nicer imo) low humming sound that is kind of iconic, and i think they could reverse the blade position to go in reverse, so could stop fast or something I just want to get like a good mic and maybe even a binuaural and/or ambisonic one to just capture the sounds, and some form of good camera stuff Longer rant for another time, but lots of newer planes/ships etc are never put in museums, or ESPECIALLY never run as antiques to to maitnence cost / decomissioning etc, so i really want to get good documentation of what they are like before they go "extinct" sort of!
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/20/2021 8:23 AM
I thought maybe it's been brought up here but the YouTuber Isaac Arthur explores "hard sci-fi" or perhaps just a depth and breadth into futuristic engineering and concepts. I've always been into this stuff, but things are connecting even more. For example not long ago I barely cared/knew much of chemistry, then "Nile Red" laid out a lot of understanding, now hearing more about the "macro" and "megastructure" aspects - such as the hydrogen and fusion possibilities mentioned in the below video - is really tying things together. Understanding and excitement. There's way too many videos, but here's one:
I tried to watch almost all of his videos during a rough part in my life, helped me through a lot of it just hearing someone talk about GIANT ideas, planetary-scale projects. Of course getting 7.9 Billion people on the same page is difficult, but for virgin planets, more can be done. Hopeful for space colonization one day
Nohbdy Ahtall
I thought maybe it's been brought up here but the YouTuber Isaac Arthur explores "hard sci-fi" or perhaps just a depth and breadth into futuristic engineering and concepts. I've always been into this stuff, but things are connecting even more. For example not long ago I barely cared/knew much of chemistry, then "Nile Red" laid out a lot of understanding, now hearing more about the "macro" and "megastructure" aspects - such as the hydrogen and fusion possibilities mentioned in the below video - is really tying things together. Understanding and excitement. There's way too many videos, but here's one:
learner-long-life 9/20/2021 3:36 PM
His video on arcologies and food growing are very thought provoking and well done. I want to watch it again to ground my optimism in some concrete realities (and then test them with actual farming ๐Ÿ™‚
@learner-long-life Which offline wallet do you use? (open-source if possible ๐Ÿ˜„ ) (edited)
@learner-long-life Which offline wallet do you use? (open-source if possible ๐Ÿ˜„ ) (edited)
learner-long-life 9/26/2021 2:35 AM
Most wallets and decentralized services are open source, it would be difficult to trust their security otherwise ๐Ÿ™‚ I use MetaMask with seed phrase backed up in a password manager I wrote myself. If I want airgapping / cold storage I would use it on a raspberry pi and then unplug it.
2:36 AM
Frame also looks very well done, I havenโ€™t used it extensively in my defi day to day
Most wallets and decentralized services are open source, it would be difficult to trust their security otherwise ๐Ÿ™‚ I use MetaMask with seed phrase backed up in a password manager I wrote myself. If I want airgapping / cold storage I would use it on a raspberry pi and then unplug it.
Right, I forgot about that part. MetaMask isn't a centralized exchange as well? Like coinbase? I only used it to buy NFTs..
Frame also looks very well done, I havenโ€™t used it extensively in my defi day to day
(was a link) ? (just to be sure i'm on the good site to look into) (edited)
Right, I forgot about that part. MetaMask isn't a centralized exchange as well? Like coinbase? I only used it to buy NFTs..
learner-long-life 9/26/2021 2:50 AM
MetaMask is definitely not a centralized exchange. Itโ€™s client side only software thatโ€™s fully open source, and is the oldest and standard to interact with web3 across all Ethereum based chains and their layer 2โ€™s. I would be careful of pop ups that imitate MetaMask ui, but other than that no major vulnerabilities have been found with it.
(was a link) ? (just to be sure i'm on the good site to look into) (edited)
learner-long-life 9/26/2021 2:52 AM
Itโ€™s this one
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/26/2021 2:26 PM
I remember being highly interested, but way too poor, in Bitcoin when it was around the $12 mark. I remember letting all my friends know about it. The point was all about the fact of: working for it, and paying with it to get stuff, like food. The whole stock-marketization of it is when I lost interest. When I heard also that people were trading very tiny fractions of a coin, I thought "well how many digits can one go in the decimal?" and felt like the finite aspect had been worked around. Interest was returned for nearly every aspect of Crypto that has little to do with the money-game, but not interested in any coin that requires me to "put in money" to use. I'm waiting on the almighty Decentralized Autonomous Organizations aspect to evolve, among many other non-monetary-related use cases. (edited)
learner-long-life 9/26/2021 5:58 PM
The ability for communities and neighbors to coordinate among themselves, without relying on outside parties, is my original dream for distributed ledgers as well. I see it as existing on a spectrum of buying in / speculating with old money to create new money <----------> coordinating directly between community members One can view this as a transfer of wealth, if you play far on the first end of the spectrum. This includes trading, speculating, accepting crypto as payment, and is what most of the world still sees crypto as: a gambling parlor or ponzi scheme to take advantage of, or a threat to existing monetary systems. On the far right of the spectrum, are probably systems that haven't been invented yet, perhaps that let members run nodes and validate transactions that record value directly, without having to pay an outside blockchain. Today the way most people interact with coins is somewhere in the middle, or there are many more dimensions / axes than captured here. For an OSE coin, I see the contribution / validation as: building, designing, documenting, uploading open source designs, and buying the parts or finished product. Fablabs, hablabs, hackerspaces, and makerspaces can run the nodes that incorporate people's transactions and activities for free, based on face-to-face (even over zoom) interactions. Ideally it would use a cross-chain contract, one not tied to any particular blockchain but secured by many of them.
8:10 PM
โค๏ธ 1
The ability for communities and neighbors to coordinate among themselves, without relying on outside parties, is my original dream for distributed ledgers as well. I see it as existing on a spectrum of buying in / speculating with old money to create new money <----------> coordinating directly between community members One can view this as a transfer of wealth, if you play far on the first end of the spectrum. This includes trading, speculating, accepting crypto as payment, and is what most of the world still sees crypto as: a gambling parlor or ponzi scheme to take advantage of, or a threat to existing monetary systems. On the far right of the spectrum, are probably systems that haven't been invented yet, perhaps that let members run nodes and validate transactions that record value directly, without having to pay an outside blockchain. Today the way most people interact with coins is somewhere in the middle, or there are many more dimensions / axes than captured here. For an OSE coin, I see the contribution / validation as: building, designing, documenting, uploading open source designs, and buying the parts or finished product. Fablabs, hablabs, hackerspaces, and makerspaces can run the nodes that incorporate people's transactions and activities for free, based on face-to-face (even over zoom) interactions. Ideally it would use a cross-chain contract, one not tied to any particular blockchain but secured by many of them.
-- osr-support -- 9/26/2021 8:59 PM
@learner-long-life only problem I see is that any craft needs proper bills for the tax. I can´t see how crypto doesn´t mess this already screwed process up. As a vendor, I am often forced to chose from sources where paperwork is easier. Prices are somewhat even secondary ...
-- osr-support --
Click to see attachment ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ
Man I can't wait your website is done ๐Ÿ˜„ In the future I will like to build the filament maker! keep going mate I love what you do! (edited)
-- osr-support -- 9/26/2021 9:05 PM
๐Ÿ™‚ yeah, can´t wait either. thanks for the flowers ! long way to go
๐ŸŒป 2
As long as you keep going ๐Ÿ˜„
๐Ÿ˜† 3
@Whurauk has reached level 4. GG!
learner-long-life 9/27/2021 7:16 PM
Beautiful work @-- osr-support -- do you mind saying more about any particular favorite pieces?
@learner-long-life has reached level 8. GG!
-- osr-support -- 9/27/2021 7:21 PM
@learner-long-life - thanks, you're right - adding this to the next vlog/podcast. more likely in a few weeks or so. there's quite some stuff coming together (pellet cutter, instead of filament ...). see you in a bit ๐Ÿ™‚
โค๏ธ 2
-- osr-support -- 10/7/2021 5:36 PM
Hey everybody, Does anyone have by chance a quick tip to recognize specific bottles (inside a closed hopper)? The bottles can be transparent or colored. Was wondering to train "Lobe" with pre-processed images (black white, ... ). The bottles have often unique geometric features... could be a small consulting job if you like ๐Ÿ™‚ It's part of the first OpenSource reverse vending machine. Registered vendors/bottles will reward users with something printed and get some cents at the next ATM or counter ... thanks in advance
@-- osr-support -- has reached level 10. GG!
-- osr-support --
Hey everybody, Does anyone have by chance a quick tip to recognize specific bottles (inside a closed hopper)? The bottles can be transparent or colored. Was wondering to train "Lobe" with pre-processed images (black white, ... ). The bottles have often unique geometric features... could be a small consulting job if you like ๐Ÿ™‚ It's part of the first OpenSource reverse vending machine. Registered vendors/bottles will reward users with something printed and get some cents at the next ATM or counter ... thanks in advance
learner-long-life 10/7/2021 5:43 PM
That sounds like a cool project! I would imagine it can be done with OpenCV, or training a support vector machine classifier using PyTorch or Kerala. Do you have any labeled examples as a training set?
-- osr-support -- 10/7/2021 5:54 PM
PyTorch/Kerala: let me check - my times in image processing / neural networks are long counted - Lobe looks great but no idea it can handle this sort of noise coming from transparent bottles, lightened up via LEDs. Samples : not yet, I start taking some soonish. OpenCV was as far I can remember better in tracking and matching when you have good and clean edges - I will give it another shot - I hope I don't blow the hardware specs. thanks for the hints, looks like some fun home work ๐Ÿ™‚
learner-long-life 10/8/2021 2:32 AM
Oops *Keras , Kerala is a city in India I believe
learner-long-life 10/8/2021 4:25 PM
Good point, I didnโ€™t consider the transparent bottle might look like noise. Lighting up with LEDs is a great idea, perhaps from different angles to get different speculate highlights.
-- osr-support -- 10/8/2021 7:52 PM
Yeah, was just an idea but still a so-called 'controlled environment'; feels like analyzing show/disco lights whilst on drugs - from a sensor perspective ๐Ÿ™‚ Was wondering how to deal with smashed/flattened bottles past the beta stage - in public spaces, etc... (edited)
7:59 PM
@Eric Lotze - happy to know you're learning a craft - metal - somewhat consider it a king discipline as doing game engines ... other than checking in on the usual YT channels (, doing straight beads is just the half. I learned - better said my motoric and senses) - most from welding in very uncomfortable and inaccessible positions. I hope you get a MIG with gas welder however - stick is great for outdoors and whatever shit storm scenarios but learning how to move develops best from MIG. You can all forget then again when doing TIG ๐Ÿ™‚
8:02 PM - a little more background stuff ... here some fun stuff : (edited)
Trust me, i'm a welder has 47,989 members. If you're here, we'll assume we can trust that you're a welder, of some sort. These pages are designed for welders who have a higher level of pride in their...
8:07 PM
Great extra $$ on the side btw. Good welders can laugh about their college buddies ๐Ÿ™‚ There's plenty of neighbours waiting forya (edited)
-- osr-support -- 10/13/2021 11:49 AM
Discord Opensource Alternative near the finish line :
Fosscord is a free open source selfhostable discord compatible chat, voice and video platform - Fosscord (former Discord Open Source)
๐Ÿ™Œ 4
-- osr-support --
Hey everybody, Does anyone have by chance a quick tip to recognize specific bottles (inside a closed hopper)? The bottles can be transparent or colored. Was wondering to train "Lobe" with pre-processed images (black white, ... ). The bottles have often unique geometric features... could be a small consulting job if you like ๐Ÿ™‚ It's part of the first OpenSource reverse vending machine. Registered vendors/bottles will reward users with something printed and get some cents at the next ATM or counter ... thanks in advance
IIRC someone had a project like that on Precious Plastic's discord, they may have even made an app, i need to look into it more for specifics / make a page (or you could!), also there is that sensor someone on the discord developed
10:30 PM
A sort of Open Source Automated Recycling Sorter, or even a Materials Recovery Facility would be really neat though
Eric Lotze
IIRC someone had a project like that on Precious Plastic's discord, they may have even made an app, i need to look into it more for specifics / make a page (or you could!), also there is that sensor someone on the discord developed
-- osr-support -- 10/17/2021 12:20 AM
Thanks, The discussions and posts there have been mostly about NIR/Raman spectrometers. Looking at the performance and specs of those chips (1K +), I doubt it can differ between different PET brands. What's left are laser based systems as often used on highspeed sorting conveyors - ultra-expensive and my last hope: image processing (feature detection). I think we can convince the vendors to alter slightly the bottlenecks to facilitate easier recognition if that is really needed. That would also enable scanning deformed bottles - at least in theory ๐Ÿ™‚
-- osr-support -- 10/17/2021 12:29 AM
NIR based scanning however wants the object really close and steady to the sensor. Recent systems (RVMs) transport the bottle over a conveyor before it's accepted by the scanner, running on a radial rail around. Those systems are patented and pretty expensive. Gonna try OpenCV first, at least to get the samples filtered to usable data.
Nohbdy Ahtall 10/17/2021 12:50 AM Would probably be a really useful item for outdoor work + screen-based technology (meetings, entertainment, learning, etc)
About crypto wallets/currencies: They are all based on public/private keys (asymmetric cryptography), right!? There seems to be real thread looming wrt to quantum computing... Here is a background article: Some quotes:
  • "Hence, standardized and widely used asymmetric cryptographic systems will be severely impacted by a sufficiently capable quantum computer."
  • "harvest-then-decrypt attack happens when an adversary captures and stores encrypted data and sits on it until a quantum computer becomes available to provide a means for decryption"
  • "Mosca estimates a 20% chance of a universal quantum computer, with the ability to break RSA 2048, within 10 years"
Especially the harvest-then-decrypt attack would care me quite a bit if I had serious money in crypto...
Is your organization prepared?
๐Ÿฅฒ 1
Yeah, I can see that on the horizon, another thing to consider. Thanks for sharing!
About crypto wallets/currencies: They are all based on public/private keys (asymmetric cryptography), right!? There seems to be real thread looming wrt to quantum computing... Here is a background article: Some quotes:
  • "Hence, standardized and widely used asymmetric cryptographic systems will be severely impacted by a sufficiently capable quantum computer."
  • "harvest-then-decrypt attack happens when an adversary captures and stores encrypted data and sits on it until a quantum computer becomes available to provide a means for decryption"
  • "Mosca estimates a 20% chance of a universal quantum computer, with the ability to break RSA 2048, within 10 years"
Especially the harvest-then-decrypt attack would care me quite a bit if I had serious money in crypto...
learner-long-life 10/30/2021 7:06 PM
Great perspectives. I was at a CRYPTO academic + NIST standards workshop in 2019 , and the latter was full of veteran and newbie engineers coming together to discuss and judge different competing standards that NIST should endorse, including quantum resistant crypto systems that the U.S. can use to mitigate foreign intelligence, but also that citizens can use too against NSA. the winners of these standards contests are usually the best โ€œmarketedโ€: their inventors give a lot of talks and communicate the most to their colleagues, and sometimes release and propose a lot of new standards, so that one will stick.
7:06 PM
Very fascinating intersection of human nature, engineering, and theoretical science.
3:05 AM
can we just simulate the village?
grey_marcin 1
3:05 AM
could be faster
can we just simulate the village?
learner-long-life 11/13/2021 5:11 PM
These look like villager brains in vats to me.
5:12 PM
I love OpenBCI, I was gonna buy one earlier this year but all my money went to OSE and then they raised the price 28%
8:39 PM
In terms of simulating the village, I was talking with Ken about how it would be possible to fund the GVCS research by selling NFTs for each machine to fund its development
8:39 PM
but the basic idea is you would pay a concept artist to create aesthetic fictional renditions of the machines being used in a future society
8:42 PM
then you know sell n editions of each for x price, whatever it would be estimated to prototype
8:43 PM
I think it could work if the artist was good enough
8:44 PM
but you could also at least demo prototype machines in a virtual 3d environment
Nohbdy Ahtall 11/24/2021 3:07 PM
Just know that NFT participation might put OSE in a negative light to groups who think more in line with what GVCS provides - I've been finding lots of people who would love OSE's GVCS for what it stands for, but despise NFTs and would rather not support any organizations supporting them.
learner-long-life 11/24/2021 3:23 PM
There are many opinions for sure, something will always offend someone. There is a concept called โ€œanti-mentorโ€ where if a group disapproves something, you know youโ€™re on the right track ๐Ÿ˜† If any of those groups who are anti-NFT would have helped finish GVCS, they would have done so already.
I think it could work if the artist was good enough
learner-long-life 11/24/2021 3:25 PM
You can hire artists especially if you have an inspiring vision. There may already be talented artists in this server @Wesxdz ๐Ÿ˜‰
@learner-long-life has reached level 10. GG!
I can't figure out who named TIG/GTAW, TIG and both the search engine and my brain are suffering lol
4:05 AM
American Welding Society named it GTAW i guess
4:05 AM
but where did the name "TIG" come from, just people or what
Tungsten inert gas, a name upgrade from heliarc when the inert gas was helium. GTAW gas tungsten arc welding
4:11 AM
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is an arc welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area and electrode are protected from oxidation or other atmospheric contamination by an inert shielding gas (argon or helium). A filler metal is normally used, tho...
I just realized that you can Click and Drag Closed Captions in YouTube to Wherever You Want
-- osr-support -- 11/27/2021 3:10 AM
lol, as usual - any discussion about Opensource hardware gets deleted on PreciousPlastic main server. That's somewhat astonishing considering that most of us (all gone anyways) came for Opensource but now it's controlled by proprietary and yet random trespassers, with zero contribs anywhere but censorship. How's OSE doing actually? Didn't see many things except some workshops. Was wondering to consolidate related MediaWiki data into OSR...
In terms of simulating the village, I was talking with Ken about how it would be possible to fund the GVCS research by selling NFTs for each machine to fund its development
I think that making 3d animated shorts would be the most valuable technique to create a good aesthetic vision, of course this sort of stuff is heavy heavy labor intensive and I see the market as a winner takes all sort of scenario, so the time commitment might be on the order of 6-12 months for asset creation for a project like this
๐Ÿ™Œ 2
7:12 AM
I looked into a lot of intentional communities, but most of them feel dated, moving back in time using less technology, low density and such
7:37 AM
and actually I programmed a xbox controller to control the microtrack so it's not much of a stretch to think of the ose game as a simulation environment for learning...
7:38 AM
or actual controlling of physical hardware
learner-long-life 11/28/2021 4:23 PM
Based on talking to @Jeff H#5597 โ€˜s direct experiences, Mennonites and other religious communities have created impressive automation for food production and building construction. My theory is that most of their customers are word-of-mouth. Interested if anyone knows more
Click to see attachment ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ
learner-long-life 11/28/2021 4:24 PM
These are gorgeous! Did you remodel or import FreeCAD files into Blender?
-- osr-support --
lol, as usual - any discussion about Opensource hardware gets deleted on PreciousPlastic main server. That's somewhat astonishing considering that most of us (all gone anyways) came for Opensource but now it's controlled by proprietary and yet random trespassers, with zero contribs anywhere but censorship. How's OSE doing actually? Didn't see many things except some workshops. Was wondering to consolidate related MediaWiki data into OSR...
learner-long-life 11/28/2021 4:31 PM
Thatโ€™s sad to hear, but I think itโ€™s expected for many businesses who want a competitive moat that widens over time, and where open source doesnโ€™t help them deliver a better customer experience. I agree the censorship seems unnecessary
I looked into a lot of intentional communities, but most of them feel dated, moving back in time using less technology, low density and such
I agree with you. For some reason some people feel better in "the good old times" that were probably not all that good. The things that are here to work with to go forward are incredible but a lot of studying. The software and hardware electronic and machinery methods and capabilities available are mind blowing.... Just takes time for some people to embrace them. I hope you have success with your looking.
Here's a more official render
๐Ÿ˜ 1
These are gorgeous! Did you remodel or import FreeCAD files into Blender?
Yes FreeCAD bodies imported as obj
Did i break OSE Wiki ?
nvm, it's working now, how odd
too many tabs Eric
5:13 AM
need a better way to transfer the information
5:20 AM
currently trying to dump all the tabs i have on my phone into bookmarks/wiki pages (edited)
5:21 AM
Laptop ones will have to be for a different day
5:21 AM
luckily those are more concentrated to specific topics
5:22 AM
my phone ones are from separate thoughts and full on separate days so it's interesting
1 ish local time and i still have more links to dump lol
7:40 AM
Luckily i got most of them, only about probably 10 or so deserving of a wiki page, rest are just bookmarkable / things i need to more fully read/share
7:40 AM
but the tiredness is finally kicking so i'm logging off
7:40 AM
also got welding school in the morning and it's testing week but that's beside the point
Haven't done the bend tests yet due to logistical mess / staff not being on the same page
1:59 AM
Did do some TIG today which was neat !
2:00 AM
supposedly though moving on to MIG / FCAW as that is what was next, although the schedule has flip flopped a bunch of times, and TIG is harder so it makes sense to spend more time on it? (edited)
2:04 AM
I heard a bunch of terms/tools of interest i should document later from some YouTube videos on TIG stuff
Eric Lotze
supposedly though moving on to MIG / FCAW as that is what was next, although the schedule has flip flopped a bunch of times, and TIG is harder so it makes sense to spend more time on it? (edited)
Learning to weld with oxygen/acetylene is an excellent way to build skills toward learning TIG. It is basically the same, you have a heat source in one hand and the filler rod in the other. TIG adds in using a foot pedal or sliding button on the torch to control the heat, particularly when starting and ending welds.
Thatโ€™s sad to hear, but I think itโ€™s expected for many businesses who want a competitive moat that widens over time, and where open source doesnโ€™t help them deliver a better customer experience. I agree the censorship seems unnecessary
-- osr-support -- 12/7/2021 7:41 PM
Yeah, something like that. To bad they fooled baited and everyone with Opensource. Now what´s left are some proprietary and very toxic individuals, speaking on behalf of a few thousand lurkers, lol.
Nohbdy Ahtall 12/20/2021 6:05 AM
Is there any word on more telepresence these days? I was always a fan of "RunMyRobot"(Now, where strangers control bots you set up - this is definitely something that should, and will IMO, become a huge thing(and then normalized and chilled out). I'd love to be able to suggest a set of hardware/software for a willing friend to download so that I can be there, in semi-mobile robot form, from afar. I think importantly it should have a self-charging port, speaker, and some kind of interface. Cam/mic sure, but with a very easy way to control permissions on the other end - messing up here is where I see primary problems.
learner-long-life 12/23/2021 5:09 AM
Happy holidays all โ„๏ธ we have an open room at our hackbase-in-the-making in Detroit from Jan 1 - Jun 1st. We have a growing tool library and two OSE fans / alums (Iโ€™m one ๐Ÿ™‚ who are working on open hardware projects / businesses. If you or anyone you know would be interested in applying, please lmk (reply here or DM, all questions welcome)
-- osr-support -- 12/27/2021 11:23 PM
'we have a growing tool library', mind to show off a little ๐Ÿ™‚ ?
learner-long-life 12/27/2021 11:58 PM
Lol well it is a modest start, but thx to @yfgame we have a working Voron 2.4 that is cranking out parts
๐Ÿ‘€ 1
Lol well it is a modest start, but thx to @yfgame we have a working Voron 2.4 that is cranking out parts
Yeah, I plan on making a google doc soon with pics!
โค๏ธ 1
12:00 AM
But if anyone wants to use anything, just come on over
12:00 AM
learner-long-life 12/28/2021 12:02 AM
and mostly construction and house rehab tools and materials: circular saw, oscillating saw, hammer drill, tools for demolition, tapes, glues, protective equipment. Ratchet set
We are reaching max capacity of informally organizing tools in piles around the house. I propose building extra shelves from scrap plywood and OSB, held up by 2x4 pieces screwed into studs. Feel free to like this topic to upvote or prioritize, or likewise prioritize any other task with the backlog or doing tags. Even more strong then a โ€œlike...
12:05 AM
So far it focuses on things a new homeowner needs to terraform a Detroit house, because weโ€™d like to export our approach in assembly line fashion to other homes in this neighborhood. But we are open to requests, and we have attic, detached garage space, and basement for larger equipment like a future large bed CNC
Dumping photos of a pencil sharpener gear i got to look for and buy a replacement for (that or CAD it up and get one printed) :
11:30 PM
11:31 PM
11:31 PM
11:31 PM
11:31 PM
11:32 PM
Also โ€œhelpfulโ€ kitten
11:33 PM
11:34 PM
11:34 PM
that one was in inches in case the gear is in that measurement
11:34 PM
thought it was 20mm for a sec lol
11:38 PM
welp went downstairs to grab it's name/model number; seems i forgot to grab that, turns out parents recently "chucked it"
11:39 PM
"single cheap gear broken? Time to landfill the entire thing and buy a brand new one!"
11:39 PM
lovely mindset of suburbia i guess lol
11:43 PM
On another note: Found this aggressively midwestern picture online from the recent tornadoesโ€™ aftermath:
Check Bitcoin addresses, lookup transactions. Monitor wallet balances using xpub with our block explorer. No signup required, free to use!
@verdinegro has reached level 2. GG!
Currently being radicalized (if i wasn't already) against Textbook Companies
10:26 PM
Just spent ~190USD (albeit parents are covering it, others have it worse, i don't want to be coming off all "woe is me", anywho) on my welding school's textbook That also came with the online code, which i'm trying to get that entered right now
10:26 PM
I have ~3 different corporation's software to go through (a lá my JTA Experience) and now i'm reading through their TOS: "We reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Website, and any service or material we provide on the Website, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of the Website, or the entire Website, to users, including registered users." I swear if this book doesn't have some ancient magic written it, and just contains info i could grab from the many exitsting free resources i'm going to loose it lol
Eric Lotze
Currently being radicalized (if i wasn't already) against Textbook Companies
True true! I went through the same thing!
Unfortunately the ins do their best to keep the outs out. A friend while doing PhD studies had a prof that said just put the book you bought somewhere and proceeded to bring in copies of sometimes 100 year old text books to teach the class. I am finding the same with working on math now... What I was taught in school was meant to be boring, slow and at least for me not understandable. The internet really is nice in this way. Hang in and out live them. You will prevail with time and perseverance.๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘
๐Ÿ‘ 1
๐Ÿ’ฏ 1
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2022 4:31 AM
I just found 5 errors in my chemistry workbook from this weeks homework. Might start a textbook company if they let this shit fly in schools across the country
I just found 5 errors in my chemistry workbook from this weeks homework. Might start a textbook company if they let this shit fly in schools across the country
Eric Lotze 2/5/2022 5:57 PM
There is an Open Source one somewhere, i have a page on it
5:59 PM
ESPECIALLY for basic Math/Chemistry; Basic Algebra hasn't changed much since the time it was invented in the Islamic Golden Age, so the books don't need to much either!
5:59 PM
I can get the need for rapidly changing fields etc, but for stuff like that it is ridiculous
learner-long-life 2/5/2022 6:06 PM
Itโ€™s true academic publishing can be a scam. Professors get free samples from companies to assign it to their students, who then have to spend thousands of dollars. And sometimes itโ€™s the professorโ€™s own textbook so itโ€™s royalties until the pocket! So incentives are not aligned. So they pirate PDFs online, or buy international version which sells overseas for a fraction of the U.S. cost. Knowledge on the internet has really changed things. I agree, you just need to exercise your own judgment if who to trust, but you can learn almost anything from YouTube and khanacademy etc, except maybe brain surgery
๐Ÿ’ฏ 1
Eric Lotze
ESPECIALLY for basic Math/Chemistry; Basic Algebra hasn't changed much since the time it was invented in the Islamic Golden Age, so the books don't need to much either!
Deleted User 2/16/2022 6:36 PM
@Deleted User has reached level 1. GG!
Deleted User 2/16/2022 6:36 PM
Open textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost.
1:55 AM
I somehow forgot about that / to grab the wiki link for it!
1:55 AM
Do you have experience with all that yourself? I don't have any myself!
Status report? Has @Nohbdy Ahtall been active here? He's invested in the knowledge of humanity in one package thing. Does anyone here have a suggested "care package" of information? Basically, the type of information Open Source Ecology specializes in. As a cybercivilization founder, I'd like to have a few resources to pass around for those who could make use of it. The wiki site is included, of course.
Status report? Has @Nohbdy Ahtall been active here? He's invested in the knowledge of humanity in one package thing. Does anyone here have a suggested "care package" of information? Basically, the type of information Open Source Ecology specializes in. As a cybercivilization founder, I'd like to have a few resources to pass around for those who could make use of it. The wiki site is included, of course.
Nohbdy Ahtall 2/28/2022 3:05 AM
Heyyy, no I haven't been here hah, I should! I'm afraid I'm way behind in knowledge curation as well. I'll give you a Guilded message sometime, but yeh still busy lookin' for a job to prevent ye ol' homelessness scenario. X.x
learner-long-life 3/8/2022 6:29 PM
If anyone is in Montreal and would like to live with / spend some time with other hackers and makers, my friend Max has two rooms in his e-space / cafe-loft Very flexible terms, and he's an amazing livecoder and works on laser and light installations for algoraves. Might be a good opportunity to work on some open source hardware as well. I'd like to travel up from Detroit and visit myself!
Nohbdy Ahtall
Heyyy, no I haven't been here hah, I should! I'm afraid I'm way behind in knowledge curation as well. I'll give you a Guilded message sometime, but yeh still busy lookin' for a job to prevent ye ol' homelessness scenario. X.x
learner-long-life 3/8/2022 6:32 PM
i've been missing your input as well. what kind of work are you looking for? i think we can all relate, and keep an eye out ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ
Status report? Has @Nohbdy Ahtall been active here? He's invested in the knowledge of humanity in one package thing. Does anyone here have a suggested "care package" of information? Basically, the type of information Open Source Ecology specializes in. As a cybercivilization founder, I'd like to have a few resources to pass around for those who could make use of it. The wiki site is included, of course.
learner-long-life 3/8/2022 6:33 PM
dang, now i'm curious what a cyber civilization is
i've been missing your input as well. what kind of work are you looking for? i think we can all relate, and keep an eye out ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ
Nohbdy Ahtall 3/9/2022 11:43 PM
Remote Support is my specialty hah, Help Desk / Tech Support(4+ years now), usually applications, websites. I wish I could take a junior developer role but it would need heavy mentorship or time. IT or DevOps is even on my mind, with IT being closer in reach, but I expect these opportunities might only come from within Help Desk and being given a chance from within the same company.
Nohbdy Ahtall 3/10/2022 12:02 AM
Ooh I've talked with Mossdew heavily about the Cyber Civilization thing, so we're on the same page. It's currently like a club or guild, but instead of in one game it's in.. well, all of them potentially? Nearly any multiplayer world especially with "player-owned" stuff like castles or towns. EVE Online has some of the best in-game infrastructure with its corp/alliance/economy thing, so imagine it going "that deep/complex" but across multiple games. The interlinking playerbases are a major part of it too, like that whole "layer" of "in-between games" itself, with the game worlds acting as the ground floor for all the action. Economy-wise, some members could do stuff in game A, but get rewarded in game B, C, and D whether it be support roles, logistics, in-game items/currency, etc(no real money handling here thankfully, else I'd be uninterested). Lots of experiments around that, potentially bringing larger masses of players to more obscure or unpopular games like MUDs. It's quite trippy, I could talk about it all day. Whew, there's a lot of potential, I think. I shared nearly any idea I've had on the concept(because I had a similar concept in mind but for my game development club project) with Mossdew, so it's exciting to see any progress get made.
12:07 AM
Oh yeah, here you go: That hasn't been updated in a while it seems, but that covers a bit.
Mossdew, also known as Mossdew Club and shortened to MD, is a cybercivilization made up of cybernauts and inhabits cyberterritories. Despite the over-used "c... โ€ข Created by Mossdew โ€ข Created December 25th 2021
Eric Lotze
Do you have experience with all that yourself? I don't have any myself!
Deleted User 3/11/2022 1:58 PM
I have used openstax for chemistry, & own their hardbound Statistics book. They are good. I don't see why all public education doesn't use them other than the 10%'s back room deals with Pearson.
Anne vs the Gang 5/15/2022 4:12 PM
The virus affecting men that is sweeping the globe. #modernwarriorbrotherhood #virus #boredominduceddepression #createdonttake #passion
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/30/2022 3:05 AM
Not to be political hah, but this is perhaps leaning more parliamentry procedure, or maybe actual Political Science? Iono, what think you? I've been studying Communalism, Libertarian Municipalism, and Democratic Confederalism and how it could be applied to virtual societies(or relation to managing my club). Anyhow, those topics are worth a look at, but I found this interesting thing too: Histocracy
Nohbdy Ahtall
Not to be political hah, but this is perhaps leaning more parliamentry procedure, or maybe actual Political Science? Iono, what think you? I've been studying Communalism, Libertarian Municipalism, and Democratic Confederalism and how it could be applied to virtual societies(or relation to managing my club). Anyhow, those topics are worth a look at, but I found this interesting thing too: Histocracy
Anne vs the Gang 5/30/2022 9:54 PM
Great you bring that up - good thoughts in there - after all the mess seen on all levels and directions, I am back leaning toward AI controlled resource allocation - predicted by my much hated physic teacher 30 years ago, well - and Zeitgeist's technocrats ... ๐Ÿ™‚ - still puzzled about it but I guess they will leave it running up the wall - if they can build them that high ๐Ÿ™‚ (edited)
A climate change what-if Over a few beers...Growing up, I was obsessed with space. Like many tech workers, I consumed everything I could find about space and space travel. Young me was convinced we were on the verge of space travel, imagining I would live to see colonies on
9:54 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/5/2022 11:15 PM
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Anne vs the Gang 6/7/2022 9:14 PM
nice catch, the second half of the vid was bit weird/off but for the rest of it - nailed.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 4:18 AM
@Mossdew Whoah, you've been wayy more active recently and I see you around often suddenly! Sorry if I haven't done too much on the Guilded server :3 I am still doing all kinds of MD0 license discussion! Often using your cyberciv as an example, hard not to xD
Nohbdy Ahtall
@Mossdew Whoah, you've been wayy more active recently and I see you around often suddenly! Sorry if I haven't done too much on the Guilded server :3 I am still doing all kinds of MD0 license discussion! Often using your cyberciv as an example, hard not to xD
You've done more than most. Ideas are more than enough, and you share plenty. That includes those two images you sent over, they make a great avatar placeholder for freshly joined cybernauts. Did you hear one more is coming on-board, Bunfertross? Any progress on your idea for a game using OSE equipment? (edited)
@Mossdew has reached level 2. GG!
You've done more than most. Ideas are more than enough, and you share plenty. That includes those two images you sent over, they make a great avatar placeholder for freshly joined cybernauts. Did you hear one more is coming on-board, Bunfertross? Any progress on your idea for a game using OSE equipment? (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 4:25 AM
Sounds familiar but not really. Ohh gahh yes that idea - ultimately inspired by the Powercube most of all! Whellp, I've been learning Godot more these days (using the alpha versions, alpha 9 is out), buut no real progress, it is very fun to learn though. Lack of tutorials, but great documentation. You should check it out, I'm considering it for non-game functions, such a good UI system, I think!
I've been learning Flutter lately for game dev
5:10 AM
I want to make a 2d arena game with mesh networking (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 5:14 AM
Mesh networking! Ahhh... reminds me of Worlds Adrift, as they needed SpatialOS to work. And of course, they couldn't afford the costs, and so the whole thing is gone, my favorite online game haha.
yeah, mesh networking is hard
5:34 AM
but the payoff will be enormous
5:38 AM
you're thinking of making a game based on OSE equipment?
there's another game developer on Discord also working on mesh networking for Flutter
you're thinking of making a game based on OSE equipment?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 6:23 AM
I think I'd need to be extra extra sure that I can make, for example, CC0 licensed content(assets, the game itself maybe) while portraying OSE equipment. I've always had this idea before OSE ever existed, and just kinda "winging it" with what the machines might actually be, but I'd prefer if those playing it would gain interest in a real-world project. Of course, since then there's been minecraft factorio and a huge assortment of similar concepts, unsure if any of them have really nailed what I have in mind though. Maybe the game "Eco" comes closest? Eh, needs more respect for space exploration/habitats(Dyson Sphere Project maybe comes close then? Not intending to be so Factorio-like though either).
6:26 AM
OH I forgot, one idea was actually to not even release certain machines in the game until they exist in real life, so maybe anyone interested in the game's machinery progress would be reflected by what reality had to offer. Maybe leading to participation in OSE's progress hah.
6:26 AM
"Hey Nohbdy, can you upgrade the Powercube?" "Yes, as soon as that upgrade happens in OSE" xD
what is Powercube?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 6:28 AM OSE's Powercube, part of the GVCS! Here's a lovely video
6:28 AM
I love the modularity aspect of it.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/15/2022 6:15 AM
I call this the... er... chicken-farmhand:
Is that that keyboard thing?
Eric Lotze
Is that that keyboard thing?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/16/2022 8:23 AM
Yes! "Azeron Cyborg Compact" specifically, newest one. I just ordered one, so I'll have first-hand experience at some point now - and believe me, I'm thinking "tools" over games. Blender, Krita, and who knows what else. Here's the color scheme I got(which did not cost extra, if you customize specific things that don't add to it):
8:23 AM
Also, way too much fun was had using their customization tool
I saw something on Open Source Stenography Stuff, and i've been meaning to document that
9:39 AM
Main application was damn fast typing, but also for conversational shit like i'm doing right now; it seemed neat
9:39 AM
ALSO on the note of Blender and Stuff
9:40 AM
I found an open source "Space Mouse" type thing for CAD/6DOF in general
9:40 AM
Also i want to make some shit like this someday:
9:40 AM
9:40 AM
or even
9:40 AM
9:41 AM
This isn't a color grading panel; this is an advanced color grading panel lol
Hi, not sure where to post this, my be a new channel 'osr-plastic' or so, however - we keep pumping micro articles about machining, recycling, etc... let's start with drilling equipment - still busy completing the system with completion of smart amazon, google links, ...
1. Semi-professional drilling equipment The drill-press is one of the more important machine in a metal workshop. Donโ€™t save money here! It has to be big and heavy - for safety reasons. Cheap CNC vise (250 Euro) - mostly used for small parts and drilling series โ€˜123 blocksโ€™ - used for holding small parts with bolts Drillpress tableโ€™s t-sl...
Anne vs the Gang 6/25/2022 10:38 PM
Last footage of PP/PH/OSR Low-Tech, another project ruined by PreciousPlastic Mafia, congrats ๐Ÿ™‚ If you've got any questions about, be my guest
#PlasticHub / #PreciousPlastic Machines
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/3/2022 11:47 PM
I've decided upon a new short phrase to utilize for people's ideas:
If it's proprietary, I wish you failure. If it's open, I wish you success.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I've decided upon a new short phrase to utilize for people's ideas:
If it's proprietary, I wish you failure. If it's open, I wish you success.
Anne vs the Gang 7/3/2022 11:55 PM
that should be moved to #open-source-memes-and-shitposts IMO. Not going down that rabbit hole but nothing really changed, top #100 tech firms keep dictating it, protocols, or whatever you need to call it #success ...
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 4. GG!
Anne vs the Gang
that should be moved to #open-source-memes-and-shitposts IMO. Not going down that rabbit hole but nothing really changed, top #100 tech firms keep dictating it, protocols, or whatever you need to call it #success ...
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/3/2022 11:56 PM
True, but - I must say this is perhaps the most critical I've seen of the world towards all kinds of systemic problems. I still think technology is often treated as the "invisible people doing stuff", so that's the main hurdle, but I do see a wonderful surge towards radically ousting corporatocracies, the concept of success, and much more. We'll seee!
Anne vs the Gang 7/3/2022 11:57 PM
Nice food to get sleep and rest my friend, amen
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/9/2022 6:19 AM Huh, this gave me some quick basic aerodynamics realizations, nice.
Nohbdy Ahtall Huh, this gave me some quick basic aerodynamics realizations, nice.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/9/2022 6:42 AM
Also (and this is probably highly on-topic so maybe I'll look for where this would fit in wiki) the guy used "K-705" to waterproof - which, since I had ready I wanted to check it out, make some notes, and found this:
Anne vs the Gang 7/9/2022 1:47 PM
Now let's repeat that study on Discord messages. (edited)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) - an authoritative source of high-impact, original research that broadly spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/29/2022 10:20 AM
Just checkin' in on ye ol' @Eric Lotze - I hope all is well! Miss the Eric!
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/20/2022 8:23 AM
MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) for Discord. . Contribute to samclane/Discordia development by creating an account on GitHub.
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/26/2022 3:23 AM
Other than the weird commas perhaps, I choose this. (Windows user, yeahh)
Anne vs the Gang 10/14/2022 7:12 PM
in case you're bored as me ๐Ÿ™‚ still looking for books about cross-functional immigration though ... i guess we put a motor or hydraulic on it - if it's fast enough, to drive the plunger, and the mold clamp .. exciting ๐Ÿ˜‰
Anne vs the Gang 10/17/2022 9:20 PM
okey, I hope Eric recovers sometime, in the meantime, I keep spamming ๐Ÿ™‚ - general Tiktok directory - feel free to edit or add! Discourse became slick and comfy, my first choice to run, maintain directories, libraries, news, and may be trade. If you need more 'editor' plugins, let me know - just got into it ...
Anne vs the Gang 10/17/2022 9:32 PM
here a bit taste & hope that there are still vital and healthy 'communities' ๐Ÿ˜‰ Discord somehow turned out to be pretty toxic overall though ( ... (edited)
Hacker News Search, millions articles and comments at your fingertips.
Weโ€™ve been working on some significant new navigation features, and weโ€™re now at a point where weโ€™d love to start getting more feedback from you! Over the years, Discourse has grown to serve a larger set of communication and collaboration needs for diverse groups within the communities that rely upon the platform. Many communities with large n...
Anne vs the Gang
okey, I hope Eric recovers sometime, in the meantime, I keep spamming ๐Ÿ™‚ - general Tiktok directory - feel free to edit or add! Discourse became slick and comfy, my first choice to run, maintain directories, libraries, news, and may be trade. If you need more 'editor' plugins, let me know - just got into it ...
What happened to Eric?
What happened to Eric?
Anne vs the Gang 10/18/2022 8:24 AM
dunno, last time I heard that he was taking welding classes, so he might have left this planet ...
What happened to Eric?
Anne vs the Gang 10/20/2022 7:04 PM
how's it going with your robot project actually - did spend a fair a amount time thinking about again but came to no conclusions except being in a beautiful nowhere instead ๐Ÿ™‚
Anne vs the Gang
how's it going with your robot project actually - did spend a fair a amount time thinking about again but came to no conclusions except being in a beautiful nowhere instead ๐Ÿ™‚
Still working on it Hope it will end up somewhere! Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Anne vs the Gang 11/22/2022 9:44 PM
@Taire - how's it going with the clamp ? got all the parts for a smaller version. ejection fuckery still puzzles me but I guess that will clear up with those ready to go mould bases ...
Overview Build Resources Media Mold Clamp for Semi Automatic injection on OSR extruders Features Rigid, flexible and modular framework โ€“ enabling hac...
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 6. GG!
Anne vs the Gang 11/23/2022 7:59 AM
not really, 3 point toggle might be sufficient for that sizes ...
8:45 AM
This look cooler CoolFox
Anne vs the Gang 11/23/2022 2:36 PM
๐Ÿ™‚ well, this here needs around 48 bushings less ๐Ÿ™‚
2:37 PM
5:50 PM
Myne better form. Nice stainless with brass bushing
That an automatic injection molding machine?
@Taire has reached level 3. GG!
Mafia Freie Zone 12/22/2022 7:24 PM
merry chrismas everyone, award winning pic, the author got a bit in trouble with the jury, using AI ...
7:25 PM
for inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚
๐Ÿ‘€ 2
7:25 PM
Mafia Freie Zone 1/18/2023 6:39 PM
knowledge base updated for thermal misconfiguration devices ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Warning / Remarks This machine is known as rather disapointing and difficult to operate. Please consider an arbor injector instead. Plunger diameter should have a clearance of exactly 0.1mm to the barrel. If applicable, please use a brass or bronze tip for the plunger. This reduces contact to the barrel and friction. Using plumping connectors ad...
6:41 PM
yet to be figured, cheap alternative to heatbands - currently 20 E per pop, never tried gas nor getting a PID for it ... ideas are welcome - there are places where you can sell a heated metal pipe for whopping 5k ๐Ÿ™‚
Mafia Freie Zone 1/29/2023 2:35 AM
same outcome, the bloody $$, or whatever comes, along ... when you got it right, or as kat babe said it, 'it's simple as that' ....
@Mafia Freie Zone has reached level 6. GG!
2:40 AM
digital exploitation, in short, for the so called community,
#tiktok #meta #amazon #google #technology #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #AI #tech #decentralization #web3 #blockchain #blockchaintechnology
2:41 AM
#africaisgold #africa #foryou #fyp #adayinmylife #foryoupage #village
2:42 AM
Last not but least, catch of the week - nailed, it's 3>, that's all what's left
This pepsi logo redesign deck is one of the more insane things ive seen #branding #graphicdesign #advertising #greenscreen #logodesign
KatBot Retirement Fund 3/2/2023 8:56 PM
@zelbot , @katharinaelleke incredible, PreciousPlastic mafia couldn't resist to fuck another user support response / discussion, banning/kicking, as needed to cover all the cheating and lies I hope you're aware, people paying already a tremendous price for you $%&^$%&%^&
8:57 PM
would have been surprised to see any of the so called top bazar sellers / gestapo getting their hands dirty, in 5 years, zero contribs
8:59 PM
but hey, happy to see Mattia with a new hat - it's all what matters, right ?
What happened to it?
KatBot Retirement Fund 3/3/2023 8:00 PM
sabotaged, what else. already noticed that younger generations replaced conflict resolution with plain censorship, whatever serves to protect their 'integrity', till the bitter end - no matter what interesting case nonetheless, how to keep knowledge 'free' (and it's relations with humans therein) from dictatorship, abuse, etc... as already mentioned blockchains, etc.. come to mind again, but no idea how this could really work ๐Ÿ™‚ long way to go
KatBot Retirement Fund 3/9/2023 1:19 PM
anyone an idea how to build an OS version of that : ? not really up-to-date ...
ChatPDF is the fast and easy way to chat with any PDF, free and without sign-in. Talk to books, research papers, manuals, essays, legal contracts, whatever you have! The intelligence revolution is here, ChatGPT was just the beginning!
1:20 PM
output is acceptable for support questions - funny too ๐Ÿ™‚
I was going through my feed, and a goofy voice acting channel posting a video announcing they got one of these, neat concept:
Low, controlled reverberation time, sound insulation and a pleasant room climate for audio recording and multiple research applications.
they just do goofy soundbites t h e a l g o r y t h m recommended ages ago (i think some "proper" commercial voice acting too, but yeah) :
Acoustic Design is wild though, i need to read up on it more sometime (edited)
5:37 AM
Architectural acoustics (also known as building acoustics) is the science and engineering of achieving a good sound within a building and is a branch of acoustical engineering. The first application of modern scientific methods to architectural acoustics was carried out by the American physicist Wallace Sabine in the Fogg Museum lecture room. H...
KatBot Retirement Fund 5/20/2023 10:06 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 11/17/2023 1:05 PM
Please hold still while we locate your pointer...
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