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Nohbdy Ahtall joined the server. 5/18/2020 10:16 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/18/2020 10:21 AM
Oh MAN, finally a Discord! What's up OSE, am a huge fan, lol. I can't not be a fan, I have been promoting the idea of the GVCS for a long time, and I thought I would have to do it myself. It took me too long to find out about this. Also, watching the newest YouTube video, and YES to more PPE! A suit akin to a spacesuit, for Earth, is something I've personally been really wanting. Something you could "chill in the jungle" and not worry about a lot of environmental hazards.
10:26 AM
For cooling PPE(I live in Arizona, so this is major for us), this 1-month old video seems to be great: Therefore, open source tiny compressor? Also, check out some of the advancements in Aerogel, there's also a DIY video out there of someone making their own.
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:21 PM
Hello ello, Eric. Reading more of the wiki now. The knowledge-organization/categorization part alone is amazing, so it helps me a lot for organizing my own ideas/projects.
9:25 PM
yeah i watched for a while then started making wiki pages...
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:25 PM
Ahah heyy, was just about to try out Slack (really prefer Discord though, hope you convince all the peoples xP)
i live in florida, so i legit want to make a water cooledc suit too lol'
9:25 PM
i like discord more too
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:25 PM
Woo noice, opposite ends!
the one thing i like on slack is the reddit like sub-chats
9:26 PM
otherwise discord has more bots etc
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:27 PM
Yes now "that" oh man, yeahh if this place gets overflowed... and telling people to talk in different rooms seems... difficult. But yees, bots! Also, pretty great/quick screen-sharing here, voice chat, streaming, etc.
9:27 PM
I "did" see a bot that redirected both Slack and Discord messages to each-other, no idea how useful that is though!
that sounds great! granted it make me think of this
9:28 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:29 PM
Wellp, I am in the middle of making/designing/planning my own major project, which is a remote/virtual game programming club/org. The closest I have to stealing/learning-from an adequate standard is... OSE as far as I can tell!
it was mostly conceptual, but we were plotting an open source ecology game
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:31 PM
Ahhhh! Lmao yes!
kinda like minecraft/factorio/satisfactory
9:31 PM
but more "real"
9:32 PM
also would be like ksp in that it would be a gateway drug
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:32 PM
Ohh yes please, look into "Oxygen Not Included" for some great inspiration too, it handles: electricity, plumbing, food, gasses, temperature, etc..
i love that game lol (i always fuck my colony up though)
9:32 PM
m u s h b a r
9:33 PM
iss essentially a CEB
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:33 PM
9:33 PM
I am huuge into space colonization, and yet again another thing that lures me to OSE. I mean, we're going to "need" all of this to thrive in space at all. Heck, our ships need to have mining drones and microfactories and microrefineries and... blimey!
9:34 PM
I really "hope" it is not like an Apple-run thing though, unable to repair the ship "Please take to the nearest Apple service station..." xP We need open source
elon musk.jpeg
9:35 PM
why have
9:35 PM
f u l l y a u t o m a t e d
9:35 PM
l u x u r y
9:35 PM
q u e e r
9:35 PM
anarcho - space communism
9:36 PM
when you can have elon musk anarcho capitalism
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:36 PM
Have you seen the autonomous quadrotor drones? The ones that construct with each-other, hold objects together, etc?
no but i'm interested? (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:37 PM
Amazingly all of the good stuff is like 9 years ago, so idk if the research went underground or what buut...
MEE6 joined the server. 5/19/2020 9:37 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:39 PM
I like to imagine stuff like ^this being integrated with everything else. I see some mention of "self-replicating machine" on the OSE wiki, so glad, that can be like.. the ultimate key. If you have "one" microfactory that can build "one more" microfactory, then whew, and then once you build "enough" of them, finite resources are the limit! (edited)
9:40 PM
(Then disrupt the entire economy by giving these machines to everyone around the world, 3rd world in-need-of-help first)
9:40 PM
it isn't one device yet, but outside of small ic's and pc parts you can ALMOST get there
9:42 PM
3d printer + cnc mill + cnc torch table can ALMOST make all the parts it needs
9:42 PM
also was plotting coil winders for magnets/motors
9:42 PM
hard part is feedstocks, and ics
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:44 PM
Ah see I love hearing this terminology, I'm always all over the place in ultimate armchair-research, but sometimes even finding the right word for what I need to search for is the hardest part x.x
9:44 PM
CNC torch table too, I knew about 3D Printer and CNC mill, but that I need to look into!
it basically cuts a giant sheet of metal
9:45 PM
into flat-ish parts
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:50 PM
As for getting raw material, though I am very green-tech oriented and a tad environmental, I can't help but think: The ocean floor. It provides (for better or worse) International Waters laws, but I can't help but think you can build a sturdy enough platform floating up top, and pumping air down to "float" materials up to the surface, for nice energy saving in transport.
9:52 PM
Yes, yes definitely make a video game xD I feel like the virtual world is a great way of testing these theories, or at least showing them. Also, to convert the CAD files or etc into a finished 3D game asset, that would just be awesome. Tweak it to be as realistic as possible in its inputs/outputs.
GG @Nohbdy Ahtall, you just advanced to level 1!
i was also thinking about the semi-practical aspect of the game
9:53 PM
like how KSP, short of some glitches / exploits
9:53 PM
can KIND of be used for aerospace learning
9:53 PM
so the OSE game woule be
9:54 PM
CAD integreated, CODING these machines, laying out industrial workflows like factorio...
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 9:54 PM
It could function as an alternative or supplement to the instructional videos too. There's a game where you install furniture in houses, and the camera "zooms in" to each bolt, screw, etc. You get the whole thing step by step basically!
so it game-ifies development
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:00 PM
Idk how much effort is put into the other documents too, like older-school paper diagrams and etc, but I almost feel like you could semi-automate the creation of those too. Like, if the Power Cube was modified, and you had the whole thing step-by-step in 3D already, I feel it could run through in its own way and auto-update other documentation types to some degree. Instead of literally "logging in" to each different spot, updating manually, etc.
10:00 PM
I'll have to expand my knowledge of the documentation types >.> *wanders through wiki again*
10:06 PM
Honestly, as long as everything remains open source, I would loove to promote OSE through my own(club's) games by including them as common(and functioning) machines in the game-world. Haha oh man, you could even make it where if players complain "Hey the power cube isn't powerful enough, devs update?" "Sorry, you need to upgrade the real power-cube first before we add it to the game, feel free to contribute!" xD
i am not good with code so far, but i have been plotting Wiki bots
10:07 PM
i also use a PILE of macros
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:07 PM
Aha yes! For updating related/linked information in one place right!?
i feel like i am organizing the library of babel at times, but i can share my organized pages:
10:08 PM
also bots for changing a word to another word
10:08 PM
spellcheck bots
GG @Eric Lotze, you just advanced to level 1!
all sorts of stuff
10:08 PM
not sure what the Old AF wiki can handle lol
10:08 PM
so this is the "table of contents" of sorts i am trying to make:
10:09 PM
some are barely fleshed out and are far out ideas of mine
10:09 PM
but most pages are pretty good
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:09 PM
Ahah indeed, I haven't tried to learn Wiki much, except for something called "MkDocs", but I also try to look into software like CMS, Knowledge Management, plain-old databases, and asset-tracking systems.
if you look at the sourcecode for this page it shows you most of the tricks:
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:10 PM
Part of why I'm studying all this virtualization is so I can whip up a Linux/Windows/BSD OS at any time and test it out. I also see lots have been "Dockerized" too, so I have a VM ready for doing that
'''text''' makes it bold
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:10 PM
Gah I love that construction sets one! I remember finding it weeks later wishing I had found it sooner xD
10:11 PM
i've been trying to make the site easier for new people to navigate
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:11 PM
Visualizations and infographics are amaze for understanding, so ultimate yes to that. Obviously though, harder to update than text, so yeah automated stuff there would help too!
like i changed "see also" and "useful links" recently to "internal links" and "external links"
10:12 PM
easy to find and replace
10:12 PM
but t e d i o u s
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:12 PM
Naming things... the ultimate... thing that's holding me back. xP I sometimes wonder if I should just make a database, give a unique ID to all of my ideas, projects, fragments of thought... and then just skip worrying about names since I can reference them by ID and make it readable later
you can make redirects from a page name to another
10:14 PM
so if i don't like a name i gave a page
10:14 PM
i will move it to the new page name
10:15 PM
and on the old page clear all the code out
10:15 PM
then type
10:15 PM
#REDIRECT [[newpagename]]
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:15 PM
and it takes you directly there
10:15 PM
also i bet you can't do worse than my naming schemes (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:16 PM
I have been wondering if that'd be most worthwhile actually, just letting things have "multiple names" and having redirect take over.
10:16 PM
Some things totally deserve more than one name, it's at least way nice for searching something you don't know exactly what it is
GG @Nohbdy Ahtall, you just advanced to level 2!
that is another bot we need, either a better search engine, or something that makes auto redirects
10:16 PM
something as simple as making the name plural may require a redirect
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 10:17 PM
I'm a bit surprised about current chatbot and machine learning technology even on the hobbyist scale, so I can't help but think there "is" in fact something almost ready to go for that.
10:23 PM
That's it I'm requesting a wiki account xD, though I might set up my own wiki for practice first
i'll email marcin about it
10:46 PM
so you sent the request already?
@Nohbdy Ahtall i just want to know if you did this so i can say so if i sent an email
GG @Eric Lotze, you just advanced to level 2!
marcin often is in "marcin land" and can use an email to get him on some other task'
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:01 PM
Ahah I was getting perfectionist on a text entry, I shall send it already lol (edited)
11:02 PM
alrighty i'll type up and send a quick email
11:04 PM
just sent it
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:04 PM
It's an honor, I've been raving about the goals of OSE since before I heard of it, and after hearing of it, sending the video and info to people often. It should be time that I actually step in to some degree xD
no problem!
11:05 PM
i kinda watched for a while then decided it was time i started adding stuff lol
11:08 PM
would you be intrested if i made a text channel for OSE game stuff?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:13 PM
That.. might be worthwhile! I do gotta say though, I'd be wary of too-many-channels - I tend to see Discord servers learn this later, huge at first expanding, then contracting. However A) I type walls of text with ease, might be good for me to thrive inside of in case people hate that, and that is my specialty after all! B) I really "do" hope a game is a focus, it's something that can hone focus on whatever you are game-ifying, and those of us who are less hardware/more software can possibly go contribution-crazy and start leaking our skills into other OSE software projects.
true lol
11:14 PM
i also think as server dictator that i won't make this a super
11:14 PM
"MoVe tO thE RighT ChanNel"
11:14 PM
strickt server
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:14 PM
Dude PLEASE yes don't do that ahaha
11:15 PM
I've actually been working on a way to combat that for whenever I open up my own social areas xD
having good conversation PleAseE MoVe NoW
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:15 PM
I plan on "moderating the moderators" with a sort of reputation website to prevent this, as I only really see it abused by mods, idk maybe they feel they need to be useful?
11:16 PM
Yeh actually on all servers if that happens to me, I just kinda lose the motivation to talk there anymore ahah
Arcane joined the server. 5/19/2020 11:19 PM
trying to get bots working fyi lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:20 PM
Ah grand name, I actually study metaphysics/esoteric/etc so "Arcane" is lovely hah
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:32 PM
I plan on learning the way of the bots! See, I learned a "ton" of stuff recently for "HomeLab" stuff and virtualization, which means multiple OS running and acting as a network even from "one computer" alone, which is huge for low-money me.
11:33 PM
Once I have enough of the "essential" network stuff up, I'm assuming you can "host" bots, right? Or maybe even need to? Anyway then I can start whipping up entire VM machines just for experimenting on any "self-hosted" software
i need to get back to virtual machines
@Eric Lotze has reached level 2. GG!
i was trying to make a usb linux for my window laptop (my only personal pc)
11:36 PM
and my pc DID NOT LIKE IT
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:37 PM
Look into PROXMOX, this is what got me into it. Not only is it quite easy, and a nice GUI, but it's used for serious stuff too
also on the note of virtual machines
11:38 PM
i was talking up a rasberri pi cluster yesterday
11:38 PM
do you have any experience with those?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:44 PM
I am pretty much only experience with x86 or whatever architecture, however, all this stuff I'm learning is making me want to go exactly that route, as I have indeed seen the raspberry pi clusters, and particularly in Proxmox!
11:46 PM
Can you imagine though? You could literally like, host even Windows 10 and have some newbie log into it from a distance to learn about OSE with "all" the right software, packages, files, and etc ready to go. Then, to just like "snapshot" that and preserve it, send them the snapshot to load into their own Proxmox perhaps....
11:47 PM
Well for space/resource-usage and numerous other reasons, probably not share Windows (shakes fist at proprietary world), but still, it seems very possible!
11:48 PM
I'm thinking of doing this method with my gamedev club, because IMO all the downloading and IDE setup and such, so many things can break, just send them the whole thing set-up or have them login!
linus tech tips is a bit gamery but they do cool af projects like this virtual machine host build:
11:48 PM
also may have utility for vr work
11:48 PM
due to the lack of networking need
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:50 PM
Ohh man yes, this is exactly where I hope to go with it. The reason I even learned about this at all was "I wonder if I can virtualize my Windows 10 inside of proxmox, then I can have OpenBSD on the side, and... and..". Boy oh boy, so I got Windows working but then I needed to "pass-through the GPU".
11:51 PM
I did not fully succeed but I learned "so" daaayumn much, I haven't even thought about the gaming portion now. Suddenly I'm buying a website domain name, learning about Docker and Kubernetes, out of noowhere lmao
11:52 PM Check out the SR-IOV tech(idk if that's what linus was using, or if he just had 1 GPU per monitor)
11:56 PM
Oh snap he said he was running 8 raspberry pi's to run Skyrim, there ye go!
rpi-4 on it's own is already puprisingly capablee
@Eric Lotze has reached level 3. GG!
no 2080ti gaming rig, but still.
11:57 PM
then in a compute cluster with gbe networking...
11:58 PM
Also did you sign in to your user page and get that all in order yet?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/19/2020 11:58 PM
I looked at it, but not logged le in! Lettuce sea
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 3. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:01 AM
Miight be a problem, trying a few other things.
12:01 AM
(From email verification portion)
12:02 AM
As a helpdesk/tech-support worker I have a few ideas to try lmao, and I like to post information in case it ends up a future problem for other newcomers!
y e p
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:03 AM
Ope nevermind! Might not need that
huge need of the site IMO is making it more accesable for new users
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:03 AM
the one with a temp password was in Spam, ahah!
12:03 AM
is it good now?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:04 AM
We are all good!
12:05 AM
Lol actually that reminds me, a "knowledgebase" - well, which is what much of this already is - might be worthwhile for internal situations like that. I plan on experimenting with a few for myself and for potential club members having tech problems.
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:17 AM
Alright, so Preferences -> Email Options will re-send mail confirmation successfully and that works in the end. I'm probably going to be overly-cautious btw, don't expect many edits from me for a while haha, though maybe I'll build up my personal page a bit.
12:17 AM
i'd say make the discussion on your
12:17 AM
personal page
12:18 AM
ie the "discussion" tab
12:18 AM
an about me
12:18 AM
also put some contact etc in there
12:18 AM
also as it is "my" concept feel free to dive in on the pi rack project
12:18 AM
can't step on any toes there
12:19 AM
also seems you are better with code/virtial machines than me!
12:19 AM
also the "wiki bots" page
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:21 AM
There's actually a lot of wiki-based stuff I know nothing about despite using them so often, so there is much to learn here! I am a good tutorial-hunter though
12:25 AM
Wiki bots page seems right up my alley, every problem needing a solution is like, my specialty. If it's software/programming related I can usually always find a pre-existing option(usually open source) or at least a way to describe it programmatically generally how it could be done!
also on the note of automation:
12:25 AM
do you use autohotkey?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:26 AM
I plan on it, I almost started but I began with 2.0 and had some inconsistencies since most seem to emphasize 1.0 or something. I've seen it work wonders in the workplace and I tell people about it a lot though hah
i stole one script for spanish accents on a standard keyboard
12:27 AM
made it control-letter
12:27 AM
instead of the ASCII
12:27 AM
for spanish class
12:27 AM
but nothing else...yet
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:27 AM
Do you and others use Windows mostly, btw? If so, deefinitely look into Chocolatey
12:29 AM
Package manager thing for Windows, here is what I would do:
  • From especially a fresh install/reinstall of windows clean slate, install Chocolatey through Powershell.
  • Install "Bulk Crap Uninstaller" so it can track all your installs and such from the beginning.
  • Install ChocolateyGUI so that you just have an okay interface for installing/upgrading.
12:31 AM
I now pretty much always use it for installing stuff as long as something exists and is up-to-date(so far I still check official website and version check manually, but all have been up-to-date so far).
12:31 AM
made a logo sketch
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:32 AM
i mainly use windows
12:32 AM
want to get into linux
12:32 AM
but also don't want to mess up my only pc
12:32 AM
main plan is:
12:32 AM
get a rpi-4 + an external monitor + dock for laptop + display port switch
12:33 AM
then dick around with the pi
12:33 AM
and move up!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:33 AM
Proxmox will get you into linux haha, I didn't even really know basic command line stuff and I still do nooot like all the... weird... file system stuff, editing config files as a normal "thing" (oi, what!?), however it is finally growing on me I guess...
12:35 AM
I currently have a VM called "RancherOS" which is made for running Docker containers, and in fact is an OS made of Docker containers as well! This.... is a whole 'nother weird world to learn, but wowza, the ability to plug in some words into a YAML file and have it config things up a standardized way is just, yes.
12:35 AM
So my plan is: Keep the RancherOS for allll dockerized programs, and learning it. Keep another VM for Windows 10 gaming(though of course, can power down for saving resources for others), and then finally other VMs for whatever
the main appeal (besides being an OS nerd) is the customizability, all the little stuff like clock/taskbar layouts, etc
12:36 AM
also all my weird af edge cases
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:37 AM
I also learned how to "Wake-On-Lan" and setup SSH keys(still learning more on that), so I can use my Windows laptop to "wake up" my desktop, then remote into Proxmox host, or into a specific VM that auto-starts, or into a Docker.. thing
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 4. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:38 AM
Well I think this path would suit you! You can just download all the OS's you want to experiment with, and have them all ready to load in a click, see which one has the bestest customizations and little stuff.
12:39 AM Examples, note the top two posts:
- Entire Hospitals and Surgery Centers. - An observatory. 15 nodes across 2 sites with 140 VMs.
11 votes and 31 comments so far on Reddit
12:41 AM
I gotta say, as a programmer enthusiast, I thought I was years away from learning this stuff. I had no idea it was easy as it is these days
12:41 AM
I started all this learning like a month ago, and 1-2 weeks was just a huge flow of new understanding, but I mostly thank Proxmox, 'cause I wouldn't have done it on a per-machine bare-metal install hah
12:42 AM
Also Windows was stealing all my hard drive read-writes so I had to get it out of the way, so I didn't even try Virtualbox or anything
12:43 AM
They say the GPU passthrough to a Windows 10 VM is like 98% performance, so really it almost negates me needing a pure Windows install ever again maybe :3
i know you can boot from usb or a flash drive/extra hard drive etc
12:44 AM
and have a "seperate os/pc"
12:44 AM
on the same machine
12:44 AM
just requires full on complex reboot
12:45 AM
that is what i tried to do and got hung up on
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:47 AM
I guess that's the main benefit, Proxmox stays running usually, allowing infinite reboots of infinite nested machines. It partitions your hard drive to each VM too and they think it's the full drive. I think it can "also" utilize USB as more storage, and finally, you can link multiple Proxmox computers up as Nodes which... idk I guess I'll figure that out, but lots of "High Availability" and redundancy for storage as well as uptime using duplicates or.. something, still learning.
i need more ram in my machine too, heard VMs chew through that?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:49 AM
Not when you set the VM to use 512MB with 32GB hard drive space and all that xD It made me discover "Alpine Linux" too, so there's a bunch of super-low-resource OS things n stuff.
Want to make a page on all this?
12:51 AM
found one:
12:51 AM
seems VERY dead
12:51 AM
also could do a new one on a specific tool/program
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:53 AM
Ooh la la, well I suppose I randomly have knowledge on the subject unexpectedly. I don't mean to hype it for nothing either, it just seems... crazy useful! Putting it on a page... man oh man, if this wasn't what I've been over-thinking for most of my life xP Part of me getting into this is so I can "host" pages on my knowledge and ideas!
i'd say go for it:
12:54 AM
also i have made a PILE of way more useless pages
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 12:54 AM
Oh but btw, really quick, 'tis true the VMs eat up resources - however - this is where Docker/containers come in. You have "one" VM focusing on containers, and the containers are not like VMs since they share the resources and aren't running an OS inside.
12:58 AM
Do you happen to know, is there some kind of (or effort to) mega-download? Like, all the CAD files and documents and so on, even if unfinished, in a single ZIP or something? That was my idea with the VMs for OSE, people can login to VM, it pulls the latest mega-zip and now you have everything possible regarding OSE, even if internet goes out.
1:00 AM
(which btw, look up "Endless OS", it's an OS for internet-problematic countries and contains things like useful knowledge offline, would love to see GVCS on there hah)
no, but that sounds like a great page
1:08 AM
this is an email to contact macin:
1:08 AM
1:08 AM
seems like one of the reliable ways to talk to him
1:08 AM
1:08 AM
just making a page on this would be fine
1:08 AM
i'll look and see if any exist already
@Eric Lotze has reached level 4. GG!
isn't there something where you can download ALL of wikipedia?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 1:10 AM
Yees! I looked into that but then I thought: Do they really have all the files needed "on" the wiki(for OSE)? I wasn't sure where things are truly hosted, especially larger files. (edited)
1:11 AM
Funny enough this relates back to my interest in VMs+containers, if everything "is" stored on the snapshot-of-the-OS-with-all-tools-installed.... well it might be a large download, but it'd be worth it! Just update the snapshot, and version control the snapshot xD
1:12 AM
But yes, firstly I wasn't sure how many different locations/sites that key, important files might be! Hmm actually, maybe there's some fancy tech that can find all that out... (edited)
there were a few pages on the technical behind the wiki bits too
1:15 AM
i usually skim em, and don't get them
1:15 AM
but they may be of use to you
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 1:20 AM
Alright - gonna try to work on some wikiskills or otherwise centralize some of the stuff I mentioned here. I gotta, it's not my strong point, but I must... try! Maybe today is the day that, instead of re-explaining, I can point people to a single spot for repeat ideas
1:22 AM
Ooh though wait, one more side-wonder: Do you know about/use LaTeX? I mean, idk how to code it straight, but I use "Lyx" and its like... really cool actually hah, like programming for document writing, but really it focuses on the content-making and all the smart stuff is to let you "not" think about formatting.
i can help (in real time) with edits and whatnot
1:27 AM
also i have a template somewhere
1:27 AM
i'll grab it
1:28 AM
So first here's my user page:
1:28 AM
then here's a good beginner template:
1:28 AM
just a "basics/into/preface" section
1:29 AM
then a space for internal (other wiki page) links
1:29 AM
and a section for external links
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 1:30 AM
Yeah it's definitely the layout part, I think all the technical and formatting - heck I'm probably gonna go overboard with that xD - but yeah the general expected layout and logical positioning of information is gonna be my tough spot
using * on the left makes bullets
1:32 AM
using # makes numbered lists
1:32 AM
outside of that don't need much else
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:09 AM
Temporary motivational image : P
g o a l s
2:09 AM
2:10 AM
d e v i o u s p l o t t i n g
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:10 AM
Wish I could find the 6 or 8-axis robot arm that is also a moving cart and moves to different work stations
2:10 AM
main limit is money and time not ability....
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:12 AM
Just time, we can use primitive blacksmithing. I mean, I'd prefer assisted-tech-advances "first", but ultimately, my survival suit with integrated survival manual HUD... must(alongside GVCS) include a "There is no technology and I must reinvent everything" mode xD
2:13 AM
The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch is a non-fiction reference work written by astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell. The book, also titled The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm, was published on the 17 April 2014 by Penguin Books...
2:14 AM
Oh and How to Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler . I think both of them are pretty broad and lacking detail, but provide a big picture roadmap perhaps.
2:16 AM
Probably wanna start somewhere like what Primitive Technology : A Survivalist's Guide to Building Tools, Shelters, and More in the Wild book teaches, and then find time for blacksmithing equipment after a more efficient primitive lifestyle.
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 5. GG!
get enough ooga-boogas from dead mammoths, then work my way up to space communism!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:17 AM
Yes, and rush cloning and cryogenics technology if not space habitats first!
2:18 AM
I also really want that machine in "Prometheus" with the automated/manual surgery system.
2:19 AM
Actually that kind of machine should come sooner than later. Can of course be controlled tele-remote from surgeon, but much prefer some on-board database of procedures. It's like, the next CNC machine, hehe
2:25 AM
Ah btw, as you can see I love rummaging through multiple ideas at an alarming rate xD, first of all thank you for tolerating that! I did want to add though, I recommend this: Any idea that is too unrealistic, far-fetched, sci-fi, or simply out of lifetime-range... just, as mentioned, "game"-ify it, the same idea can be utilized in the fantasy realm of a game, and it can "still" attempt to be designed realistically(by the game creators) if not actually promote true progression toward reality! Especially if a skilled reality-maker was a game-creator, the transition from "huh, works in the game, then I wonder...." to real-replication would be even more likely/faster! (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:19 PM
My glob you are the maker of all the pages. xD
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:45 PM I haven't edited my page much yet but I'm gettin' there, "categories" as well yeshh
For the basics see Help:Editing.
a l r i g h t y
2:47 PM
i'm up for the day
2:47 PM
need to plot what i'm doing
2:48 PM
may try freecad again
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:48 PM
Dude yes that's what I was thinking! Except, not again, for the first time xP
2:48 PM
I was looking for alternatives and it still stood out
i will look into Onshape first to see if it's better
2:49 PM
heard about it in passing
2:50 PM
nevermind, supposedly has a payed version?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 2:55 PM
Ah I see, I added "worth reddit" to Google search Onshape(useful tactic!), and I guess it's cloud based in general? If it was "self-hosted cloud" that'd be fiine! I myself probably skip such things yesh, I do tend to like "offline-available", as I don't trust ISPs and all that lol
2:55 PM
supposedly meeting with some customer service rep at 2:00 lol (edited)
this anything useful or no:
2:57 PM
onshape has 64 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
2:57 PM
l o t s a code
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 3:01 PM
Hmm iono it looks like maybe a bunch o stuff they use, that was already open source. Sadly haven't gitted enough yet! I was also lookin into FreeCAD agan and I did find this though:
This is a docker container intended to act as a build and run environment for FreeCAD hackers and hobbyists.
3:02 PM
Hmmm I wonder, it's only a few commands away to get that running on my desktop in the other room running Proxmox! (Sends Wake-on-LAN command!) Muahaha cheap automation!
3:03 PM
I think I may literally try it out, we'll see
found this gem of a group:
3:03 PM
floss SPACE
3:03 PM
FALQASC here we come lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 3:04 PM
Ooooh yeees! Bruhh, the closest things I know about (I live in Arizona, USA btw xD) is Arcosanti, AZ(really cool when I went, they are Arcology focused, but quite self-sufficient it seems - I hope they know about OSE), and otherwise my local Hackerspace HeatSync Labs
3:05 PM
Which now that I know about hackerspaces/makerspaces X.x all this time... I didn't really know such a thing existed, and they're all over!
3:06 PM
In fact if I do a single hardware-related thing I'd probably end up around there for help and their numerous free-to-public tools, no one really knows about these places much though xD
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:41 PM
Iono what to say man, I plan on working heavily on space concepts so I guess me and Nexus Aurora project are just gonna have to "race" xD
4:42 PM
IMO having a near-Earth station, and then another one further out, and then so on... I feel like building our way "towards" Mars makes more sense in some ways. (edited)
4:42 PM
However I guess I just don't have a thing for "Mars" in particular haha, I'm down to live in space... at all!
i'd say it's a bit far out'
4:46 PM
and if we can't get funds for a fucking 3d printer, an orbital armada is hard for now
4:46 PM
also spacex is a hard monopoly to beat
4:46 PM
granted i love it to bits
4:47 PM
but not 100% practical untill some "first penguins" "jump off"
4:47 PM
also could help nasa dev
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:47 PM
Yehh, this is why I take the path of the virtual, simulations, and software. Personally I want extreme simulation technology, and have people test out physical creations in the virtual accurately.
ose game def
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:48 PM
Hexadecimal yesh, and games push progress towards... well a lot of tech, but especially physics simulations and such!
4:48 PM
Guhh "SIGGRAPH" videos of simulation stuff... is... amazing. Admittedly I like "real-time" physics, of course
4:49 PM
I also think truly safe drone tech would run really quick simulations internally before making certain actions
how do you feel on their criticisms of the pi cluster, i don't know code etc, so really don't know
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:49 PM
Wait lemme see I don't remember pi cluster crits...
they may be more of a learning / tech demo for supercomputers, and not have too much utility?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:52 PM
Is 1000 a problem? I was seeing advertisements for server racks that contained entire "arrays" of computers embedded in each layer and I mean... I still feel like hooking up any number of pis means new individuals learning amazing stuff and therefore being interested, and therefore another helper towards pushing that tech forward. I feel like its hobbyists and DIY peeps that move things along quite well
@Eric Lotze has reached level 5. GG!
also need to graph power use and cost/core/compute power measurement
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:55 PM
Idk much about what gets used up, but if electricity is the main cost worry, well... so many options for power generation!
i am a solar thermal nerd
4:55 PM
also g a s t u r b i n e s
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:56 PM
w o o d g a s i f i e r s
4:56 PM
I mean I don't like using up wood but I think it'd do wonders in an apocalypse, grow trees get fuel xP
4:56 PM
there is a sorta gassifier wood stove
4:56 PM
with a water heater
4:57 PM
+ small TEG module
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:57 PM
Ooh! I learned about it only becase of some interesting apocalypse simulation show (The Colony), they made a wood gasifier to run a lawnmower engine, which then charged an array of daisy-chained car batteries
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 6. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:57 PM
which in turn ran their power tools, lights, etc
i can't seem to find it
4:58 PM
but i made a "universal burn unit"
4:58 PM
essentially any fuel in
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:58 PM
(solid fuel, liquids, gas)
4:58 PM
and electricity, hydraulic, and pnuematic out
4:58 PM
all in a sort of "server rack closet" or utility room
4:59 PM
ose wiki's fucking SEARCH engine lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 4:59 PM
4:59 PM
That explains why sometimes I'd find something awesome but then lose the route of how I got there
4:59 PM
Mann, if computer tech wasn't around I'd probably be a clockwork and steam nerd ahah
yep then a certain m named individual makes MORE orphan pages
5:00 PM
like NO
5:00 PM
don't dump gas on the fire plz
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 5:00 PM
There's a page that finds orphan pages, riight?
i'm tryin
5:00 PM
idk honestly
5:00 PM
it's like i'm a "librarian" of the library of babel
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 5:00 PM
I feel like mediawiki has a bunch of built-in-isms but iono myself
"The Library of Babel" (Spanish: La biblioteca de Babel) is a short story by Argentine author and librarian Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986), conceiving of a universe in the form of a vast library containing all possible 410-page books of a certain format and character set. The s...
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 5:01 PM
Like I was learning about Categories, I wanted to mess with it but it seems to "generate pages" so I wasn't sure
i think you do
5:01 PM
[[Category:Topic blah blah x]]
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 5:01 PM
at the base of the page
5:02 PM
(or all over cough cough use the FORMAT marcin)
5:02 PM
passive agressive much lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 5:02 PM
I also see they have EXACTLY what I wanted, and I keep forgetting the name.. uh, oh snap the name is... trans... L..lo... hang on ahah
5:05 PM
5:06 PM
Detailed reference page on this subject: Help:Template.Transclusion refers to the process by which the entire contents of a page are inserted on to another page for the sake of convenience, speed of editing and/or tidiness of the source wikitext.
5:08 PM
Dagnabbit Eric I enjoy way too many of your pages on the OSE! Before I met you even, it just covers things broadly and specifically enough that I'm like "Yes! That's exactly yes!" lmao
still can't find that DAMN PAGE
6:01 PM
i'll look for files on my pc on it
6:02 PM
YUS found it
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 6:07 PM
Mmmmm biomass, I'm a fan of Algae and Moss Bioreactors, and I've seen a large algae farm utilize used-corn-water or something, growing giant lines of the stuff. Speaking of "pollution" I assume we can make a modular "pollution sensor". I think monitoring and sensing pollutive outputs is the first step, automation can step in as long as it knows how good/bad the outputs are!
i was geekin out on emmisions control stuff the other day
6:12 PM
i need to find that too lol
6:13 PM
DEF, catalytic converters, fuel air ratio sensors...
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/20/2020 6:30 PM
As usual, just by you laying out some of the terminology is one of the biggest helps, woo!
any idea how i go about downloading/running all this:
7:37 PM
onshape has 64 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/21/2020 3:03 AM
I don't think any of it is onshape itself but rather just all the free pieces they use!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/21/2020 1:17 PM
My beer is c h i l l i ng
1:17 PM
lollercoaster tycoon (edited)
trying to find links and i found this meme of a page
4:12 PM
s o u s e f u l
4:13 PM
what was i doing with that edit?
4:13 PM
fixing it now lol
4:14 PM
m u c h b e t t e r
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/22/2020 8:32 AM
I was looking at that, it made me spur off into wonders of how I'd organize a materials page... hmm.
8:34 AM
I just ordered cheap cheeseburgz and hot n spicies from McDonalds. I prefer to eat the healthiest of healthy food even uncaring about taste but... lazy, hungreh, Uber Eats
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/24/2020 3:20 PM
Where the hexadecimal are the other people? I mean not the real project progressors, but the randos like me xD
o o f
5:43 PM
took a two day break cuz i was burning out and s o m u c h d a t a to r e a d aaaaaaaaaaa
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/25/2020 5:46 PM
Yesss I've been re-oriented on organizing my little scattered-note "Dynalist" thing so that the ideas that are in there are truly put in some kind of "idea section"(even little idea-fragments). Must gain a habit of properly tagging or curating the info I find/create/etc...
5:47 PM
Once I do that I think I can do things like "Oh this would be a good one for the OSE wiki, tag with wOSE" or "That's just a personal log, tag with prs" or "That's a game idea! tag with gameIDA" etc...
5:48 PM
I'm also stealing from the "Bullet Journal" method(er, made for paper-handwriters, but the idea is nice overall!), so I can track ideas per-slice-of-time
i am wating for the software to progress the apple stuff for photos is already pretty good
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/25/2020 6:58 PM
All signs are pointing me to learning emacs and specifically org-mode. However, I may have finally found the discovery I need, something called Roam Research:
As easy to use as a word document or bulleted list, and as powerful for finding, collecting, and connecting related ideas as a graph database. Collaborate with others in real time, or store all your data locally.
7:00 PM
^ This however is a product, which I might still rather try first (Kinda like how I really like WorkflowyDynalist and MS OneNote, but would rather switch to open source alt), but there is an active org-roam project(open source too + all org-mode's power), so, full circle back to emacs!
7:06 PM
Here is a working example of an org-roam in action via website: lol I'm actually learning quickly via clicking through the "zettels" area - gah it's like my idea, each one has a unique number so I mean, yarr!
any idea what the "discourse" stuff is, is it something i can download on my end, or is it all OSE Server internal stuff?
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/25/2020 8:26 PM
Ooh my well according to it looks like one of those... hefty-ish sysadmin-level projects! Oh snap, actually I see Docker is being used n stuff. Hmmm...
8:30 PM
That's hard for me to answer because, to me, it might be both ^.^ something server-internal specific but may also be useful outside of that. You definitely can install all this, it sounds like similar projects to my VMs/container learning! I would probably adapt its steps to install it on my Proxmox->RancherOS(VM), but if I was having trouble with that I'd probably do Proxmox->exact(or newer?) version of CentOS they use
8:35 PM
However it definitely seems to involve Docker - something which is strangely "easier" and "harder" at the same time. Easier because of things like its Isolation -> Security benefits // self-contained(prone to not messing up your own OS with leftover files n such) // clear separation of its specific task. Harder because of..same thing: Isolation -> Need to point to persistent storage-area if saving anything from that container(they are designed to appear and disappear with no persistence I fink, on purpose?) // weirder microservice-type thinking of complexity - like, imagine using 1 Docker for spell check, 1 Docker for a database, 1 for nginx web host... you can make them talk to each-other, but it's interesting to think about) (edited)
8:42 PM
Oh but another easier thing is its almost like package management, like if I want nginx on my RancherOS VM right meow, I can just type something like docker run nginx in command-line and it will pull a docker container down, and suddenly on my port 80 I will have the nginx default webpage.
8:43 PM
So it's a weird trade-off, feels like there are "extra steps" for making things work with Docker, but iono it really does seem worth it overall and actually easier in the end (after understanding the gist of it maybe?)
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 7. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/25/2020 8:45 PM
For me, the hardest part is... as a tutorial-follower, most tutorials would be like "How to set-up Nginx on Linux whatever" and I have to think about it differently than the tutorial sometimes
i don't know if it is Marcin or whoever, but doing a data dump / brainstorm with them
8:46 PM
i missed the friday dev meeting i think?
8:46 PM
PROBABLY have another one this week
8:46 PM
supposedly weekly, but little communication on who's going etc
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/25/2020 8:51 PM
I'm sure we shall reach a point technologically where at "least" communication stuff can be centralized, bot-style or otherwise-automated! Kinda like, if every chat-area had a dedicated channel where a bot posted "the same announcement" to every single one(and hopefully maybe link to a single location for them all to converge at). It would allow some redundant cross-over throughout all the comms platforms!
8:55 PM
Like the "Who's going?" question can be linked to whatever technology OSE uses to best-handle events of that nature, perhaps similar to Facebook's "Going" "Not Going" "Maybe" options. I bet Discord has a bot for that, Slack has one, email has an option, and so on... but it miight be best to stick with one, and then send that to all of 'em.
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/26/2020 10:28 PM
Suddenly playing KSP! on PS4
huh, how is it vs pc?
@Eric Lotze has reached level 6. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/26/2020 10:49 PM
PC wasn't too good so betterish, controller is harder but also relaaxish
i need to learn ps/xbox controllers, i am lost with them now
10:50 PM
i WANT a steam controller
10:50 PM
but they fucking discontinued them
10:50 PM
need to buy some of the last ones on sale
10:50 PM
i hope they release plans / cad etc
@Nohbdy Ahtall how hard would it be (in your code wisdom) to make an auto-timecode feature on the wiki for the discussion pages
7:56 PM
i have this macro:
7:56 PM
--[[User:Eric|Eric]] ([[User talk:Eric|talk]]) (Time), (Date) (Month) (Year) (UTC)
7:56 PM
but still takes time to fill in bits
7:56 PM
wiki would be best, that or some a d v a n c e d autohotkey thing
7:56 PM
(i still need to mess around with autohotkey more)
w h e r e ' d e v e r y o n e g o
9:10 PM
granted i am slob with piles of time
9:10 PM
but even marcin ain't doing much
9:10 PM
h u h
marcin's now on
12:42 AM
i am waking up early recently
ALSO repost from the slack channel:
1:42 AM
Granted i am the slob with time to burn, but this still seems suprosingly empty IMO 6:40 using the discord a bit more, but only "NohbodyAtall" is the other member (as of now) 6:41 I think if posting on wiki, and multiple people are editing, talking on here may speed stuff up/make it more coherent 6:41 also pre-simu-edit 6:41 can make sure we don't step on eachother's toes when saving edits 6:41 just my 2 cents 6:46 here is the discord link: 6:46 Discord Join the Open Source Ecology Discord Server! Check out the Open Source Ecology community on Discord - hang out with 3 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat. G 7:13 PM Nice! thanks for sharing Eric. Now that there's Discord, what's the relationship between that and this Slack channel? It seems like we'd benefit from only having one instant messaging or chat platform. Eric Lotze🏡 7:18 PM i definetly think only one is best, i find discord more custom bot friendly (i think) and is better for networking (in my opinion) 7:18 i do like slack's reddit like chat organization though! 7:18 need to see if there is a discord bot / setting for that 7:18 for now use both i guess Eric Lotze🏡 7:40 PM Also i don't want to be the format police here, BUT 7:40 for making work easier, and new people "getting around" easier i think this practice/rule/method is key: 7:40 7:41 also makes me going around fixing stuff easier as at least it would all be "marked" 7:41 also i in no way want to "kill" various personal styles/templates 7:41 just want pages to be interlinked
Invite to join a server
ALRIGHTY, probably logging off for today, be on in ~8-12 hours again
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/28/2020 10:23 AM
Woot! Firstly on the time format thing... you have to put that in manually!? What in tarnation. What.. in the nation... of T a r .
10:26 AM
I've been using Dynalist a lot and it works like this, I type a lone exclamation mark ! and it pops up a calendar with today selected and time set to "All Day". I click on the time to switch it to "Now" and anyhow it all produces like this: !(2020-05-28 01:24 -07:00) Otherwise if I just press enter real fast it puts in the current date, makes quick-timestamping really noiiice!
10:29 AM
It includes the -07:00 as per my settings, indicating my Mountain/Arizona time (which admittedly, just including the pos+ neg- number fro UTC sounds grand! Idk them by alpha-code memorization haha)
10:31 AM
As for the "benefit from one channel" - though I agree, you have to realize... I may have never shown up if there wasn't finally a Discord place to go. I am beyond too fond of this tool, and last time I tried to join a slack community I was just dis-enjoying slack enough to not want to stick around :0
10:32 AM
Ultimately I think it is wise to "have" a presence in any/all social media areas and chat areas, but yeah it should be fine to make some/most of them "point" to a single, centralized location.
n i c e
1:03 PM
is there a discord app to give it slack like chat rant organization?
1:04 PM
that is my ONLY holdup imo
gbroques joined the server. 5/29/2020 12:45 AM
h u l l o
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 7:04 AM
a. You'll want to lock-in the unique OSE names and such before someone else does especially while growing. Probably from the top-best stuff - I like the decentralized tech myself, so Mastadon and such should be considered! b. If you DO choose a single place it may as well be fully open source or self hosted, "neither" Slack nor Discord proprietary tech! However, may as well use what has those features until weee implement them or find them openly.
7:06 AM
Lol its funny because MS Teams has a "Chat" and a "Teams" section, in the Team section you can do the "Reply" thing I think you speak of. However, in my last workplace noobody used it, they only used Chat, which were everchanging private globs of people, and it pings everyone when 1 message appears there.
7:08 AM
Ooh just got a bot idea: A channel with a bot that disallows any talking unless it is followed by a Topic-marker, like !1 or !2 etc. These may get recycled as convos end and such? That way you can talk freely in a place like this, but you go to "that" channel to talk more structuredly.
7:10 AM
You can type out a command to list all active topics (!topics?), or otherwise glance above the previous chats. I think it should work, some Discord servers I see that are semi-popular have a general-1 and general-2 anyhow, to handle overflow of chatters
7:14 AM
----- [Topic Change] ------ (lol)
7:18 AM
I'm not usually one about marketing but I found an open source marketing automation thingy: Mautic. For handling social media feeds and such and it appears to be like, the only one around that is open.
7:24 AM
Looks like they'll be coming out with a 3.0 version by June 15th and I just signed up, so I'll letcha know what I find out. Hmm, I should make a spot in my Dynalist for products that I try out....
7:24 AM
Once I get the Rancher/Docker/Kubernetes skills up more, I can start experimenting with wayy more tools that have been Docker-fied, by just pulling them down and then bam, there it is.
i agree mastodon long term or some FLOS discord/slack like thing !
1:17 PM
i haven't tried it myself, but mastadon as a SM needs more love lol (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:21 PM
I went on Mastadon but I don't post much even on facebook so I didn't get a feel xP Also trying to master the "way of the backup/archive", if I can assure what I post on any platform can be extracted, then I will feel at ease!
i am uneasy about the whole being judged by employers etc! i mainly use reddit, and discord
1:21 PM
1:22 PM
on plots of what i think i'm doing today:
1:22 PM
  • i want to plot out all Bio-Petrochemicals That will be needed
1:22 PM
(not just fuels, but WD-40, lubricating oil, machining coolant, etc)
1:23 PM
  • May do more work on OS diesel
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:23 PM
Yes ploxxx, I only think of algae but unknown which types it can create
i have it kind of plotted out, need real chemists/chemical engineers, not armchair me lol
1:24 PM
Another OS group may help though!
1:24 PM
between "Precious Plastic" for pyrolysis oil refining, and "Nexus Space" for e v e r y t h i n g (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:26 PM
For me its the symbology that gets me. Math notation, chemical doodads. I feel I could learn much if I knew em. Whoah I like how, on Mobile Discord, it popped up a lil banner to show your other-channel postage. Sweet
yeah, tell me if you know any other good OS groups!
1:28 PM
i'll grab the page on the workflow too!
1:28 PM
only thing i left out was the "hard" stuff
1:28 PM
ie fractional distillation + cracking/upgrading
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:32 PM
My brain is just warbling to the world of info that would open up if I knew more... even just that ONI game gave me extra love for gas/liquid physics of things other than water
1:33 PM
Also watching the mystical transformation of aerogel hehe
idk, the BIG STUFF (ie the cracking) is still hard for me, the other stuff is understandable with HS chem IMO
1:33 PM
granted i'm still shit at stoic and the maths lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:33 PM
First time hearing about cracking!
i'll grab a wikipedia for your reading pleasure!
1:34 PM
In petrochemistry, petroleum geology and organic chemistry, cracking is the process whereby complex organic molecules such as kerogens or long-chain hydrocarbons are broken down into simpler molecules such as light hydrocarbons, by the breaking of carbon-carbon bonds in the pr...
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:36 PM
As a studier of metaphysics and alchemy too, I'm getting some good vibes here, very "study the microcosm = studying the macrocosm". (Pauses before the door that if opened will flood knowledge out)
I read PILES of wikipedia and watch documentaries, so i understand a pile of the "general concepts" but am still dumb in specifics/maths/pro aspects
1:38 PM
fills my need i guess, leave all that to the "proper" engineers etc
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/29/2020 1:42 PM
Cracking as a concept helps me get chemistry in general more, even that initial description of breaking up the "chains", I probably micro-wondered that in school but assumed it was too simplistic an idea to be relevant - all these jargon-esque words hide the simplicity! You lose track of thought after hearing 10 words in a row you haven't heard of. Note to self: More "ELI5" descriptors for all concepts
seems like another Blender Open Movie is hapeninng today ! : (edited)
2:17 PM
h y p e
2:18 PM
i think the FULL LENGTH animated film "next gen" on netflix was also made in blender (or at least a fork/blender with plugins)
2:18 PM
Next Gen is a 2018 computer-animated science fiction action film that is based on the online Chinese comic 7723 by Wang Nima, and is directed by Kevin R. Adams and Joe Ksander. The film stars the voices of John Krasinski, Charlyne Yi, Jason Sudeikis, Michael Peña, David Cross ...
2:18 PM
2:18 PM
so blender is VERY capable
2:18 PM
i've seen worse films with non FLOSS software lol
2:19 PM
typical OS though, just need funds and devs
2:19 PM
sadly the os world too...
Had to babysit younger sibling for a bit, should be back at work on all this for a while now for a few hours
@Eric Lotze has reached level 7. GG!
6:55 PM
6:55 PM
I need to check and/or fix that ! (edited)
Logging off for the night, be back in 6-12hrs
Lazy_Turtle joined the server. 6/1/2020 7:53 AM
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 7:56 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot joined the server. 6/1/2020 7:56 AM
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 7:56 AM
what all does that bot do?
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Ed, I saw Harpo Marx ram Oprah W. aside.
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Yo, banana boy!
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
discord_roles.exe has stopped working, do you want to run windows trouble shooter? (edited)
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
Yes plz
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 7:57 AM
7:58 AM
it's got nothin
7:58 AM
wanna check internet explorer using bing to also find nothing?
7:59 AM
@Lazy_Turtle are you an admin on this (due to it prrobs having shite security) if not, you should be i bet
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 7:59 AM
Yes thanks
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Are we not pure? “No, sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man—a prisoner up to new era.
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo.
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
A nut for a jar of tuna
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Are we not pure? “No, sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man—a prisoner up to new era.
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
UFO tofu?
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Murder for a jar of red rum.
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Sorry for spamming
Arcane BOT 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
@Lazy_Turtle has reached level 2. GG!
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 8:09 AM
nah u good!
8:10 AM
not many using this...yet
8:10 AM
the slack chanel is MORE used, but even that...
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:10 AM
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 8:12 AM
one of my manny abbrevs lol
8:12 AM
passive agressive indicating symbol
8:12 AM
damn my isp is shit
8:12 AM
that or my laptop's wifi chip idk
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:14 AM
Wifi is crucial
8:16 AM
FAQI need to go
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/1/2020 8:16 AM
You will be sent to Siberia
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 8:16 AM
ok lol
8:16 AM
also love the bot's remarks lol
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:16 AM
So fun:)
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 8:17 AM
seems it's TRUE purpose is boosting morale
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:17 AM
8:17 AM
Open source bots
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 8:17 AM
don't know if you're going off to work etc but:
8:18 AM
good working music
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:18 AM
I listen to this:
Eric Lotze 6/1/2020 8:18 AM
and relevant to usa protest mess, and open source
Lazy_Turtle 6/1/2020 8:18 AM
I will check that out
8:19 AM
I need to do my Home work
Frederik C (ZA) joined the server. 6/1/2020 10:07 AM
Frederik C (ZA) 6/1/2020 10:27 AM
This looks like a place to corrupt my young, impressionable mind. Goody.
i can speed that up!
10:39 AM
Anarcho-communism, also referred to as anarchist communism, communist anarchism, free communism, libertarian communism and stateless communism, is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour and pri...
10:39 AM
radicalized yet lol
10:39 AM
is a legit risk of bubble communities though!
10:39 AM
do need to watch out for that
10:39 AM
that and personality cults
Deleted User joined the server. 6/1/2020 11:42 AM
Andreas Sjöstedt joined the server. 6/1/2020 10:35 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/2/2020 2:30 PM
I've missed much! Fantastico. Pleasure to meet ye all! I am the game programmer wannabe guy who probably makes too many tl;drs :3 as well as general over-analytical-isms. Hallo!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/2/2020 5:55 PM
Three poultry farmers in northern Ghana have found a new way to keep their eggs warm—by keeping them in a fridge.
5:55 PM
More particularly, the training manual within:
👍 1
Lazy_Turtle 6/4/2020 5:01 PM
I need something
5:01 PM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/4/2020 5:01 PM
King, are you glad you are king?
Lazy_Turtle 6/4/2020 5:02 PM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/4/2020 5:02 PM
No problem.
Lazy_Turtle 6/4/2020 5:03 PM
FAQI need to go
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/4/2020 5:03 PM
You will be sent to Siberia
😭 1
10:10 PM
10:11 PM
trying to clear all the piles of messages, then on to getting a workflow going again
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/4/2020 10:39 PM
I find that OPSI OECD seems an interesting (old post, was going somewhere with that)
10:39 PM
10:41 PM
I'm telling you, knowledge/note organization software! I was using Dynalist but I'm now finding "Roam Research", "Org-Roam", and "Obsidian" for backlinking and stuff. Just gotta "iterate once" over all the scattered notes I have - give things tags, move into appropriate places(or one megafile? idk)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/4/2020 11:04 PM
You know... sci-fi fantasyish here, but for one to have a self-modifying-code bot among other general spatial awareness and mechanical awareness of a robot to be "in-the-know" of its own physical dimensions and capability(useful knowledge for preventing harm to people, too) - it would need basically what OSE / GVCS is providing: all of that jazz. The instructions, the models, the code, etc.
Lazy_Turtle 6/5/2020 3:32 AM
Do you guys know one army?
Arcane BOT 6/5/2020 3:32 AM
@Lazy_Turtle has reached level 3. GG!
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 1:11 AM
heard of it, kinda sketched out by the concept as of now, seems a bit too hippie commune/personality cult-ey for my tastes. That's just me though
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 2:29 AM
They mentioned OSE, too.
2:30 AM
I don't know but they might replace with
Dorkmo joined the server. 6/9/2020 3:18 AM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:19 AM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:22 AM
ALSO this is very much under construction
🏗️ 2
🚧 2
👷 2
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:22 AM
Hi there:)
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:24 AM
any of you good with discord bots?
3:25 AM
i want to make a PILE of roles for timezone etc but idk arcane and M336 costs MONEY
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:25 AM
Let me try to find it:)
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:26 AM
we have the sarcastic precious plastic bot to boost morale, but for more FUNCTIONAl stuff i think we will be using arcane, or some other ots thing (edited)
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:26 AM
Btw can I have admin acsess please? I can't invite the bot
3:27 AM
@Eric Lotze
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:28 AM
3:28 AM
h o w d o i d o t h a t
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:29 AM
Oh ok
3:29 AM
I think you can go to server settings thingy
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:31 AM
on the right bar i guess
Arcane BOT 6/9/2020 3:31 AM
@Eric Lotze has reached level 8. GG!
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:31 AM
it MAY have integrated time zones too!
3:31 AM
utc+4 = est right?
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:32 AM
Yeah but not reaction needs to be done manually
3:33 AM
I'm utc 9
Reaction Roles joined the server. 6/9/2020 3:34 AM
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:34 AM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:34 AM
how does reaction roles work
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:34 AM
help idk
3:35 AM
Bruh the bot is offline
3:35 AM
@Reaction Roles
3:35 AM
wake up!!!
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:38 AM
@Reaction Roles
3:39 AM
@Reaction Roles wake up ya lil shit
3:39 AM
is it a paywalled software or something?
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:43 AM
Idk it's dead
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:43 AM
can i kick it then try redownloading idk
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:44 AM
yeah sure
Arcane BOT 6/9/2020 3:44 AM
@Lazy_Turtle has reached level 4. GG!
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:44 AM
done i think?
3:44 AM
3:44 AM
how did you summon it lol
Reaction Roles joined the server. 6/9/2020 3:45 AM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:51 AM
a r e y o u a l i v e @Reaction Roles
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:55 AM
Nop it's dead
3:55 AM
We need to recruit another
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 4:11 AM
I'm logging off for the day, be back on in 6-10hrs
👍 1
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 1:40 PM
i made some page on OSE's Social Media and Inter-OSE communication i think?
1:40 PM
marcin MAY have messed with the OSE-SM one i think
1:40 PM
let me dig
1:42 PM
m a r c i n w h y
1:43 PM
seems like i need to make some more pages on the specific sites/software (discord, slack, etc)
1:48 PM
Made this:
1:52 PM
1:53 PM
should be good to go; made a few pages and a PILE of redirects
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 1:54 PM
It says alternatice... you mean alternative??? lol
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 2:01 PM
which page
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 2:01 PM
Let me edit
2:02 PM
Actually I don't see it now. Maybe my mistake:(
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 2:11 PM
2:16 PM
posted some tools/pages i use
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 2:17 PM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:14 PM
@everyone can someone check if the datasheet link works on this:
3:14 PM
it's a pdf so it may be funky idk
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:15 PM
It works:)
3:15 PM
Oh that stupid bot is awake now
3:15 PM
@Reaction Roles
Reaction Roles BOT 6/9/2020 3:15 PM
Voting helps us out a lot! Want to vote? Click here
Why vote?
Voting gives you some nice perks! Here is a list: -No command cooldown for 12 hours -Make unlimited reaction roles for 12 hours Voting is free and so is it to use the bot, so don't come yell at us for making this limitation
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:15 PM
You've been sleeping for the whole day.
3:16 PM
I never asked about voting lol
3:16 PM
Reaction Roles BOT 6/9/2020 3:16 PM
Reaction Roles - Help v3
Need more help than I can provide? Join our discord
Normal Commands
rr!developermode - Tells you how you enable discord developermode rr!help - You are already here.. rr!invite - Invite this amazing bot! rr!messageid - The bot will help you get the message ID rr!reactionrole - Create reaction roles!. rr!stats - View those amazing stats! rr!support - Need help? Run this! rr!premium - See those amazing premium commands! rr!video - Watch our Video Tutorial on How to Setup RR rr!messageinfo - Get the roles on your message rr!removerole - Remove the role from the message rr!listreactions - List all reactions in your guild rr!permissions - Check the bot's permissions in your guild. rr!grouprole - Create group roles! Make sure the user only have 1 of the selected roles!. rr!removegrouprole - Want to remove a group role? rr!listgrouproles - List all group roles rr!ignorerole - Ignore roles!
More Normal Commands
rr!edit - Edit your reaction and group roles! rr!disable - Disable reaction or group roles rr!enable - Enable disabled reaction or group roles rr!types - See all the types you may use without going thru the setup command.
Premium Commands
rr!config - Edit the configuration for your server. rr!editembed - Edit a embed that is sent by the bot rr!embed - Send an amazing custom embed rr!setmax - Set the max amount of times the reaction role can be used! rr!dmreaction - Send custom direct messages to members on react!
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:16 PM
Reaction Roles BOT 6/9/2020 3:18 PM
Reaction Roles - Setup part 4
Please tag, write the name or the id of the role you want to give!
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:20 PM
wtf is this it does not work
Reaction Roles BOT 6/9/2020 3:20 PM
Issue occured You did not give me a valid role! Command is cancelled!
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:20 PM
shut up
3:21 PM
3:21 PM
Reaction Roles BOT 6/9/2020 3:21 PM
Reaction Roles - Developer Mode
Enabling Developer Mode is easy. Open your Discord settings (the ⚙ next to your name at the bottom left) and click on Appearance. There you will find Developer Mode. Click the toggle to enable it.
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:22 PM
3:22 PM
Nah this bot does not work
Reaction Roles BOT 6/9/2020 3:22 PM
Reaction Roles - Wrong usage!
You did not select a valid option. Command is canceled.
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:22 PM
i s a i d s h u t u p
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:22 PM
did my settings thing do anything?
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:23 PM
Idk looks like only one reaction per message
3:23 PM
Time to recruit
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
we evicting this bot?
ReactionRole joined the server. 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
The best free discord leveling bot. Free role rewards, auto moderation, reaction roles and more!
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
Nah just trying something else
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
may be able to do it IN arcane?
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
3:24 PM
let me try this one
ReactionRole BOT 6/9/2020 3:24 PM
🔷 Command list: 🔹 r!reactionrole | Manage your reaction roles. 🔹 r!settings | Manage your server settings. 🔹 r!embedmessage | Send an embedmessage 🤖 Other commands: 🔹 r!ping | Shows the bots ping. 🔹 r!changelog | Shows the last updates. 🔹 r!invite | Sends you an invite-link. 🔹 r!support | Sends you an invite-link. ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:25 PM
ReactionRole BOT 6/9/2020 3:25 PM
🔷 Reactionrole help list 🔹 Use r!reactionrole create [*mode*] *channel* *messageid* *role* to create a reaction role. → mode is not required. → mode is used to define the role action. Choose between add or remove. → add » adds a role when adding the reaction and removes the role when removing the reaction → remove » removes a role when adding a reaction and gives the role back when removing the reaction 🔹 Use r!reactionrole remove *id* to remove a reaction role. 🔹 Use r!reactionrole remove all to remove all reaction roles. 🔹 Use r!reactionrole list to show all of your current reaction roles.
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:26 PM
r!reactionrole create #bot_test Hello! React to this message to get a role! Helps us know when you are avalible. @Time Zone: UTC
ReactionRole BOT 6/9/2020 3:26 PM
⚠️ Unkown arguments!
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:26 PM
Let's try Arcrane
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:26 PM
im killing all the other bots
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:27 PM
Let me kill the other one...
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:27 PM
n o
3:27 PM
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:27 PM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:35 PM
forgot how early i woke up today lol
3:35 PM
looking around WHERE IS EVERYONE, NO DEVS, and it's 9:35 est lol
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:36 PM
3:36 PM
I woke up at 3am for no reason yesterday
Dyno joined the server. 6/9/2020 3:37 PM
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 3:38 PM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 3:40 PM
Dyno offers a powerful community bot and a place to advertise your server, easy and free. joined the server. 6/9/2020 3:58 PM
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 4:05 PM
4:08 PM
Avatar BOT 6/9/2020 4:08 PM
You've got mail!
Lazy_Turtle 6/9/2020 4:10 PM
RoleMenu Create/c
4:10 PM
-RoleMenu Create/c
4:10 PM
4:10 PM
4:11 PM
4:11 PM
4:11 PM
got to go
ccarrilloo joined the server. 6/9/2020 4:35 PM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 4:35 PM
💯 1
4:37 PM
so did you get the "what ose is" spam yet?
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 4:37 PM
U mean in my private chat ?
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 4:37 PM
just anywhere
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 4:39 PM
Hello, yes a bit, I haven’t got the spam but I’ve been reading about it, yesterday I request an account on the wiki site (edited)
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 4:39 PM
i'll grab it
4:39 PM
So first the rant on what OSE is Basically a group dedicated to making all the open source hardware needed to build/run a small town/farm. Complex to explain so perhaps watch the ted talk and check it out? Ted talk on the group: More PR-ey Site Wiki Link
Using wikis and digital fabrication tools, TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines, allowing anyone to build their own tractor or harvester from scratch. And that's only the first step in a project to write an instruction set for an en...
We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collabor...
💯 1
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 4:40 PM
Hello, yes a bit, I haven’t got the spam but I’ve been reading about it, yesterday I request an account on the wiki site... also been looking up what an amazing initiative it Is
Arcane BOT 6/9/2020 4:40 PM
@ccarrilloo has reached level 1. GG!
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 4:41 PM
i can try and email marcin to speed up the approval
💯 1
4:41 PM
it's basically just a "check in the box" type thing
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 4:44 PM
Thanks about buddy, nice if u can try, but don’t bother if it’s takes time🤝
Carl-bot joined the server. 6/9/2020 5:15 PM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 5:21 PM
5:21 PM
bot nvm lol
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 6:46 PM
lol marcin just got on and made like 5 ose accounts!
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 7:10 PM
I'll be on the upcomming , i was checking but i just got the confirmation mail yesterday
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 7:23 PM
Nice, i'm one step closer, a question, the password should i get it in the next hours or days?
Arcane BOT 6/9/2020 7:23 PM
@ccarrilloo has reached level 2. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2020 8:15 PM
Tis good to make the many account! Mmmm... check in the box.
Eric Lotze 6/9/2020 8:19 PM
8:19 PM
m o a r d e v s
8:19 PM
still need more of the os people on here
8:19 PM
cough cough marcin
ccarrilloo 6/9/2020 9:12 PM
my bad, I did check the spam box
also i love the thought emporiums hot take, "FUCK FLORIDA" or "GRASS IS STUPID"
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2020 10:11 PM
I feel like I see algae bioreactors tharr
kind of they didn't cover it too much
10:12 PM
but other cool af stuff
10:12 PM
i can rant about algae bioreactors lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2020 10:15 PM
GVCS is like my stepping stone to the sci fi future. I expect a further project each time. From village, to spacecraft, to space station, to planet colony. The village-level is highly needed, I also like a step lower: primitive survival techniques, a way to reach GVCS level from nothing, even if its multi-lifetimes to get the right rare metals due to travel and survey.
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 8. GG!
y u p
10:18 PM
f u l l y a u t o m a t e d - l u x u r y - q u e e r - a n a r c h o s p a c e c o m m u n i s m
10:18 PM
or bust
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2020 10:19 PM
Thats so weird, that's like someone's name in another Discord. Is that general idea a common meme or similar?
10:21 PM
I'm down with an 80% reduction in luxury myself, will even sacrifice taste for nutrient content. Doo need video games though, but that takes up little physical space!
10:23 PM
Too many telerobotics means physical-space games too. "We need to crack open this asteroid... let's load that one explosive competitive game, should be in smithereens after 55 rounds!
kind of a meme
10:26 PM
the typical more common one is:
10:26 PM
fully automated luxury gay space communism of FALGSC
10:27 PM
but that is TOO REPUBLICAN AND STATIST for my tastes lol
10:27 PM
kinda goofy but good way to summarize my idealist views of the future lol
Caffeine Crash is Hitting Pretty Hard, I'll take a Ciesta for a few hours or so.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're live, i am now back online and a'workin
I'm logging off for the day, be back on in 6-10hrs
👍 1
Lazy_Turtle 6/10/2020 1:10 PM
@Lazy_Turtle has reached level 7. GG!
Lazy_Turtle 6/10/2020 1:10 PM
1:10 PM
Precious Plastic FAQ bot BOT 6/10/2020 1:11 PM
PVC is one of the most dangerous plastics to recycle because of harmful fumes. Please don't try to recycle it in the Precious Plastic machines.
instructions unclear, now huffing molten plastic to cure covid
@Eric Lotze has reached level 10. GG!
downloading a caffeine tracker for MOAR productivity lol
7:10 PM
integrated human to post human levels next lol
7:10 PM
7:11 PM
but it already exists...
7:11 PM
We provide anyone with a computer, the tools necessary to sample the electrical activity of their body. Our versatile and affordable bio-sensing microcontrollers can be used to sample electrical brain activity (EEG), muscle activity (EMG), heart rate (EKG), and much more. Our ...
7:11 PM
o what i could do with 10,000 usd...
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2020 4:18 AM
Beauoootifulll.... er haven't clicked yet I just know it's gonna be (click)
4:19 AM
Not "sooo" spendy, ish (edited)
4:20 AM
Hmm if I design this kind of stuff in mind for the survival suit.... hmmmm
4:25 AM
also flashback to er lol
4:25 AM
i have an o d d
4:25 AM
relationship with medical shit lol
4:25 AM
the gel on those is THE WORST
4:25 AM
sticks on too well
4:25 AM
the trick is scrubbing hard and alchohol!
4:26 AM
I'm truly thinking about adding a thumb to my do
@ccarrilloo has reached level 3. GG!
4:26 AM
One idea @ccarrilloo you could be a great translator i bet
4:27 AM
and these groups are in HUGE NEED for them
4:27 AM
(ie my shitty spanish/malo espanol lol)
i'm with it
I'll start checking the forums that may need help tomorrow
4:32 AM
well now with some, the aren't many
@Eric Lotze A question, does have OSE reductor models ?
yes i have many OSE pages on stuff
5:16 AM
let me find links
5:17 AM
use that above link as a "table of contents"
i'll check it out, thanks!
ALSO a related project YOU could lead:
5:17 AM
i was plotting CAD Gear -> 3D Printed Gear -> Metal Cast Gear -> Sanding etc -> Final Gears -> gearbox
5:17 AM
are you intrested in this?
As i'm currently working on a project and collecting all the info when i have it done I'll share the results and add all the new usefull files i create on the way
5:21 AM
I'm trying to build zoe, a sheetpress and a 3d printer so if I come out with new designs ill definitely share it
8:51 AM
Go to 2:23 for an interesting 2-armed robot cutting(relevant OSE tool/idea?), but otherwise... watch it all :3 software technology is... wow (edited)
Lazy_Turtle 6/11/2020 9:00 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2020 9:07 AM
Please feel free to browse through as many SIGGRAPH videos as possible, even 7 years ago is great hah
💯 1
2:45 PM
2min papers
2:45 PM
Awesome research for everyone. Two new science videos every week. You'll love it! Our links: Web → Patreon →
💯 1
2:46 PM
w h a t a t i m e t o b e a l i v e
taking an early ciesta , slep like shit last night
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/12/2020 4:08 AM
Communities of Practice, a key component of a Knowledge Management Framework. Overview by Knoco Ltd. Knowledge management consultants
are you becoming a better organizer than ME
4:09 AM
may have to step up my game lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/12/2020 4:17 AM
I couldn't be, I have just always researched knowledge management so thought I'd drop tidbits of findings as they appear
4:17 AM
In this digital world, organisations are facing global competition as well as manpower pressures leading towards the knowledge economy, which heavily impacts on their local and international businesses. The trend is to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing to cope with th...
i'm loggin off for the day; gettin sleepy therefore sloppy; gnight y'all (be back online in 6-12 hrs)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/12/2020 9:54 AM
I was just invited to "MicroWiki@Discord" server, which is regarding Micronations. I would assume that people truly interested in micronations would be interested in the GVCS.
6:31 PM
i like b i g nations and i can't lie
6:31 PM
c o l l e c t i v i s m
6:32 PM
vs the CHUMP isolationism
6:32 PM
i do like grassroots stuff though!
All dev work and no sleep makes eric an annoying dull dev/mod ? I am online fyi so feel free to ping me
ALSO i finally made a non default profile pic, are the "regulars" proud? It's a (bad, cellphone with no glass) photo of mine from a zoo's gardens
could we have a #show-and-tell channel?
@Dorkmo has reached level 1. GG!
Deleted User joined the server. 6/17/2020 3:26 AM
show and tell for builds?
heath joined the server. 6/18/2020 12:30 AM
1:50 AM
working on a stand for the knitting machine 😋
👍 1
Nice, I’m excited to see all the stuff you can do when all these are completed
6:18 PM
Oh you can knit a scarf EH, i can churn out SPOOLS of scarf
6:19 PM
On the note of today’s meeting I probably won’t make it but will watch the last few, and the archive of today’s then chime in if need be
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/20/2020 12:38 PM
Hexadecimal yesh!
6:14 PM
Had a bit of a covid scare there, siblings are lifguards at a public pool here in Jacksonville florids, which are OPEN for (100% healt official approved) reasons, and workers got infected. LUCKILY not us, so no need to hospital here lol.
6:14 PM
6:15 PM
getting back into the rhythm of things
9:46 PM
looks great though, any massive errors yet?
c a r b o n t a x
is the latest sweethome 3d unstable or did i just mess up the install?
12:38 AM
i move my mouse and the screen w a r p s around it
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Thorsten joined the server. 6/22/2020 6:58 PM
tsiour_p joined the server. 6/22/2020 9:29 PM
zinolta joined the server. 6/22/2020 10:47 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 6/22/2020 10:55 PM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Deleted User 6/23/2020 7:02 AM
Désolé les gars je ne comprends pas l’anglais
robin-hf joined the server. 6/23/2020 7:19 AM
D●M J■HN joined the server. 6/23/2020 2:15 PM
dj joined the server. 6/23/2020 4:15 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabnd we're live! I am now online for the day, feel free to ping (@) me
6:03 PM
@Deleted User Pas de problème, je peux utiliser google translate pour l'instant, et nous pourrons avoir des traducteurs plus tard!
Deleted User 6/23/2020 10:35 PM
Merci pour la traduction, je comprends rien depuis le début je souhaite avoir des plan pour faire un destructeur de plastique pour recyclage
Pour l'espagnol, je peux parler / taper correctement, je viens d'utiliser google translate pour le français lol
10:56 PM
Sur la note du broyeur, OSE fabrique un broyeur et un moteur / boîte de vitesses
Deleted User 6/23/2020 11:18 PM
Oui je voudrai fabriquer un broyeur
11:57 PM
utilisez google chrome pour la traduction automatique
D●M J■HN 6/24/2020 12:14 AM
What is the pourpose of open source ecology?
Basically a group dedicated to making all the open source hardware needed to build/run a small town/farm. Complex to explain so perhaps watch the ted talk and check it out? Ted talk on the group: More PR-ey Site Wiki Link
Using wikis and digital fabrication tools, TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines, allowing anyone to build their own tractor or harvester from scratch. And that's only the first step in a project to write an instruction set for an en...
We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collabor...
D●M J■HN 6/24/2020 12:16 AM
Why? @Eric Lotze
did you watch the ted talk? watch that first
12:17 AM
then watch this:\
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
@Dorkmo how fine of a mesh/fabric can the machine make?
right now its pretty course, but got new smaller needles for next version 👍
will it be able to make fiber mesh for filtering, similar to this?
Cheesecloth is a loose-woven gauze-like carded cotton cloth used primarily in cheese making and cooking.
9:15 PM
or a sieve/mesh or sorts?
perhaps in the future, i barely know what im doing so id hate to promise anything lol
lol, IM the armchair one, get your OWN lack of expertise
😂 1
9:19 PM
anywho, have you tried circular to flat sheet yet?
Still struggling with motors, trying new setup next week
D●M J■HN 6/25/2020 1:45 AM
Just watched the TED Talk. Cool stuff @Eric Lotze
👍 1
@D●M J■HN has reached level 1. GG!
Eric Lotze 7/1/2020 8:21 PM
so currently testing (me working on editing+other misc things) -> obs -> discord
Eric Lotze 7/1/2020 9:05 PM
9:06 PM
just tested - Streaming obs->discord - Blender Video Editing - YT Publishing
9:06 PM
and it all worked!
Eric Lotze 7/2/2020 3:06 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/2/2020 6:12 PM
I finally kinda sorta barely understand the Volts Amps Watts and generally what to need for batteries. Also, the "Battle Born Batteries" (LiFePO4) brand seems pretty awesome, I almost wanna buy one :3 (edited)
D●M J■HN 7/3/2020 3:17 AM
God dammit I've been reading your posts every time I get a notification from this server. Everytime I've read your handle, I thought it was some exotic sub-continental name. That's a great username @Nohbdy Ahtall. And you probably didn't intend it, but you got me. 👍
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/3/2020 5:52 AM
Ahah thank you so much sire! It was intended, totally stolen from Odysseus, "Nohbdy blinded me!" Cyclops trickery. I hope it tricks online multiplayer players when they can read it hehe. In other news, let me know game dev/coding related ideas or sci fi space brainstorming, I luff these topics @D●M J■HN
Arcane BOT 7/4/2020 4:22 AM
@Dorkmo has reached level 2. GG!
Eric Lotze 7/6/2020 3:31 PM
Guess who just got back from covid testiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnng (results in ~5 days)
D●M J■HN 7/6/2020 3:35 PM
Good luck!
Eric Lotze 7/6/2020 3:35 PM
i am young, and so far low/no symptoms, so i should be fine (while still being careful to not spread to others) but gotta love florida's handling of this lol (edited)
🍹 1
Frederik C (ZA) 7/6/2020 8:44 PM
It's a job for... Florida Man! Tra-lal-laaaa! (Meaningless, unless you've seen Captain Underpants.) (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/9/2020 3:31 AM
Had to name-drop OSE to my favorite place that has a similar-ish kinda-sorta path: Arcosanti in Arizona. They focus on "Arcology". They sustained themselves off of literally bell-making. They do so much DIY legit projects, I would assume they'd like to embrace the open sourcery world. However, some people just don't know these things exist. Welp, it'd be cool if any of them look into it!
👀 1
Eric Lotze 7/9/2020 6:10 AM
n e t w o r k i n g
6:10 AM
i spent a l l a f t e r n o o n wating for my edit to render, and it did i guess
6:11 AM
I got burned out pre-color grading but audio is all balanced out but OOF
6:17 AM
so stream MAY have gotten messed up? I was pushing my laptop to the max lol (NLVE + Streaming + Google Chrome) tldr my pc wants to die
6:17 AM
ANYWHO here is the stream
6:18 AM
i'm going to upload the video, then link this chat to the proper channel #ose-media-plotting then do some games to try and un-break my brain lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/9/2020 3:46 PM
Idk what's up with my extreme apathy or lethargy or who knows what. I think when I came here I was mid-project with IT tech stuff. I've been a long game break since then xD and even doing a drop of useful anything is just, gyahh. I think I opened up my programming IDE like 5 times, without ever putting a character of code, fully intending to do anything even the tiniest. I wonder how many others go through this. Interestingly I have just had a bout of productivity, but to try to derive wisdom or help from "how I got that" is... *whisps hands through air* just not sure.
3:46 PM
(Oh wait, no nvm not Apathy. I have plenty of enthusiasm even in my laziest ahah)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/10/2020 8:33 PM
Lol wtf yes
6:30 PM
I'm baaaaaaaaack
6:30 PM
and covid negative (for now)
6:31 PM
think i'm going to "warm up" with a covid meme video, then do the color grading for the tractor edit (maybe may need to get something else, hearing flail mowers in my dreams)
6:31 PM
6:32 PM
was wondering what the deal was with drywall
6:32 PM
and what OBI uses
6:32 PM
6:32 PM
merging this
6:32 PM
with this:
D●M J■HN 7/14/2020 6:40 PM
whats the deal with drywl sounds like something seinfeld would say lol
Country-by-country data and research on the pandemic. Updated daily.
6:41 PM
so it will be "3...2....1 LIFTOFF" and fade into cases surge
6:45 PM
messing with streaming, should be in the "test" discord channel, and here:
8:18 PM
poorly made video below, main things i learned was fades. Also all warmed up now:
All caught up on discord, moving on to something
ALRIGHTY did a deep dive on drywall, then went on to resilient homes
@Eric Lotze has reached level 12. GG!
found this big pile of nope:
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
ALRIGHTY, i'm on for the day, feel free to ping ( @ ) me
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/16/2020 2:37 PM
Sodium Silicate, this seems like a worthy product to machine-ify-for-the-making.
Sodium silicate is a generic name for chemical compounds with the formula Na2xSiyO2y+x or (Na2O)x·(SiO2)y, such as sodium metasilicate Na2SiO3, sodium orthosilicate Na4SiO4, and sodium pyrosilicate Na6Si2O7. The anions are often polymeric. These compounds are generally color...
6:08 PM
seems like that could be merged with the cement, and the soxium/potasium hydroxide workflow?
6:09 PM
"Solutions of sodium silicates can be produced by treating a mixture of silica (usually as quartz sand), caustic soda, and water, with hot steam in a reactor. The overall reaction is 2x NaOH + SiO2 → (Na2O)x·SiO2 + x H2O " (edited)
6:10 PM
"Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye and caustic soda"
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) joined the server. 7/18/2020 1:08 AM
jeroenboom9 joined the server. 7/18/2020 2:07 AM
jeroenboom9 7/18/2020 3:28 AM
Hey hey
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Garry2018 joined the server. 7/18/2020 6:06 AM
Ley Klussyn joined the server. 7/18/2020 11:33 AM
hey hey
David EC joined the server. 7/18/2020 8:10 PM
Blackout joined the server. 7/18/2020 10:48 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand weeeeeee're LIVE (im online, will be online, outside of short breaks until said otherwise; feel free to ping (@) me )
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. My family is going on vacation (in florida....during covid....down 2 hours south...on a non essential trip) so i will probably be gone for a few days ~2-5?
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/19/2020 2:32 PM
Thank you sir Eric. I must watch these things of yours! The chemical bit helps bunches. The other uses of it for example preserving eggs for 12+ months!? especially gave me happiness, as even a few backyard chickens make quite a lot. Food source longevity!
2:35 PM
Hopefully my personal do-nothing-but-gaming vacation is transforming into doing projects and surely activate me here in some way, be it gamedev or wikiworks!
D●M J■HN 7/19/2020 11:31 PM
I'm not really on this sever much but I always get the notifications so I'm pretty in touch with it. Was just wondering if anyone is currently working on anything or has made anything related to OSE? btw I just joined this server because Eric posted an invite on the Precious Plastic server. I am no good with this kind of stuff lol Coding, I mean (edited)
ive been working on kniting machine a bit
I am kind of all over the place. Trying to get a makerspace up and running in the local library. So plotting on that but covid mess (especially with our government's response...) will probably keep full on in person use around a year in the future. SO i am plotting that. Also my many ideas/plots for hardware. Also the usual wiki maintenance/organization
7:19 PM
not sure where to put this on the wiki, so i am putting it here as a sort of archive for now:
7:19 PM
In an interesting bit of news which shows Valve’s SteamVR Tracking technology used in a non-VR application, robotics company Wandelbots has raised a $30 million Series B investment around their TracePen tool, a motion-tracked stylus which makes it easy to program the complex m...
D●M J■HN 7/23/2020 8:24 PM
@Eric Lotze cool
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 4:09 AM
@Dorkmo can I see it? (edited)
5:17 AM
@Nohbdy Ahtall i do love me some cryogenic liquids, but i think community/home scale flywheel energy storage + some small battery banks (or even use EV's as em), and t h e r m a l s t o r a g e is my "dream system".
5:18 AM
Granted can that tech uses salt domes to store it? I know some CES plants use that.
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Sandesh Rao joined the server. 7/25/2020 8:54 AM
sonik joined the server. 7/25/2020 8:54 AM
Biniya Bijith joined the server. 7/25/2020 11:31 AM
Deleted User joined the server. 7/25/2020 3:07 PM
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 5:05 PM
Is this the only OSE server/forum?
@D●M J■HN has reached level 2. GG!
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
6:37 PM
@D●M J■HN this is the main one, there is also a slack channel
6:37 PM
There is some old blog type thing, but it is v e r y outdated and near extinct
troethe joined the server. 7/25/2020 8:41 PM
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 8:41 PM
You guys have gotta get more outreach somehow
8:41 PM
hi @troethe
Hi! Saw this link and the wiki over at the preciousplastic discord and found the idea fascinating
8:48 PM
What all caught your interest?
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 8:59 PM
I don' think I'll be any use in terms of programming, is there another way I can help out?
Of course!
9:00 PM
FIRST: What all do you like to do etc? (edited)
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 9:03 PM
Well, could you tell me some jobs you need filling or stuff I can make?
yee, just wondering what you are intrested, and what skills you have to help in seeing what you can help with
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 9:10 PM
I'm very hands on with making stuff & can come up with good ideas.
9:10 PM
I love making & building.
what "hands on" equipment do you have (i have like none short of a drill lol)
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 9:53 PM
Reciprocating saw, other saws, chisels, various hammers, files, a vise, a sander, an angle grinder, spanners, soldering iron, wood burning tool, nails, screws etc. And most importantly a workshop.
stevemoh joined the server. 7/25/2020 9:53 PM
Hello @stevemoh
tubaro1 joined the server. 7/25/2020 9:53 PM
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 9:54 PM
Cord & cordless drills with multiple different drill bits aswell, plus some other basic tools @Eric Lotze
Yep i'm in a somewhat similar situation on that i guess, where are you located (ie any makerspaces nearby) ?
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 9:55 PM
I have a lot of land aswell
9:56 PM
Donegal, Ireland.
@Eric Lotze thank you for welcoming me. I hope to learn better from professionals
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 9:57 PM
9:58 PM
Reciprocating saw, other saws, chisels, various hammers, files, a vise, a sander, an angle grinder, spanners, soldering iron, wood burning tool, nails, screws etc. And most importantly a workshop.
9:59 PM
I'm also buying more tools this year.
9:59 PM
And expanding my workspace
9:59 PM
So, how can I help?
nice! I'm currently searching to see if you have any makerspaces nearby, but honestly short of a welder, and/or a 3D Printer you have a pile of great stuff already
10:00 PM
Do you have any CAD skills?
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:00 PM
Not at all.
10:01 PM
So what jobs do you need filling at the moment? Also I am hopefully buying a 3D printer
@D●M J■HN has reached level 3. GG!
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:01 PM
I could get a welder. Maybe.
10:01 PM
I have welding skills.
perhaps then more so hands on prototyping, and perhaps local networking to get a makerspace / group going. According to this: the nearest "main" ones are a bit aways
10:02 PM
that is 5 years out of date though
10:02 PM
You said you have a lot of land, do you have a farm or what?
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:03 PM
No I don't have any makerspaces nearby.
10:06 PM
4 acres+ that I can use as farmland. I am going to start a farm on that land to grow potatoes (yeah, Irish lol), onions, lettuce and herbs. I'm also going to have a greenhouse.
10:06 PM
good, fertile land.
awesome! some real farming stuff to test/work with. i live in the s u b u r b s so can barely do any of that. And Florida soil is essentially sand
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:07 PM
haahahaha sand ffs
10:08 PM
Oh and I'll keep chickens and later I'll have dexter cows.
Could do some testing/work on all the greenhouse stuff we have. Will it be for starting seeds etc, or what?
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:10 PM
I could. I was planning on growing tomatoes. I have no use for starting seeds, though if it may help out your research, testing or whatever, I could do.
Aqua/Hydroponics, or soil
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:12 PM
I'm looking at soil. I am interested in aquaponics, but that's only interest. The greenhouse idea is still up in the air at the moment.
Yeah all this is just me plotting far off ideas lol. I need to go do some stuff, but before i go i'll dump some links that you can start on and look around:
10:13 PM
Also the wiki is a bit of a labrynth. This is KIND OF a table of contents, that and the Categories Page:
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 10:15 PM
Before you go, can I just know what I can help out in? Thx for the links
I'm back. I'm not sure on what you can help with immediately. These are the current "main things" i am doing my usual plots/side projects as well:
11:16 PM
Also do you have a wiki account yet? If not use the button in the upper left to request one (it just sends a prompt to Marcin to OK it).
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:19 PM
Sure. If there's anything in the future that I'm more than happy to help. What are the "main things" anyways?
"2020 July D3D Universal v20.07. See 3D Printer Genealogy. D3D Pro v20.07 Universal Axis v20.07 Extreme Enterprise swarm enterprise development to product level over a weekend FreeCAD Workbenches Platform Working on OSE-Related Podcasts" Mainly 3D Printer Dev Work
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:24 PM
11:24 PM
are the explainations on the wiki?
almost everything happens on the wiki. I use this and the slack channel for real time brainstorming, and sharing of info not entirely "worth it" to put on the wiki
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:28 PM
okay Thanks!
No problem!
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:29 PM
Does Marcin, the guy who started OSE, know that this exists? (edited)
11:31 PM
Also, thought you guys may be interested in "Open Source Low Tech". They have a YT channel, FB group and website. I've been involved for a good while now :)
were they the one making the hydroelectric generators? I'll look it up but vaugely remember it
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:32 PM
11:32 PM
you in the FB group?
Marcin doesn't use all these too much sadly, but is on the slack channel i think.
11:33 PM
I don't have facebook, but i haven't checked their yt in a while, let me look it up
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:33 PM
slack channel? ?
it is ANOTHER real time chat thing
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:33 PM
ah okay
more "business-ey"
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:33 PM
how so?
idk really. I use discord as it is more common, and i like it's use of bots, and integration with streaming etc. Slack seems to be best for inert-company? It also has reddit like comment system which is nice
11:35 PM
think the link is in there somewhere
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:48 PM
I'm learning how to use adobe softwares, could I make a logo?
@D●M J■HN has reached level 4. GG!
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:49 PM
For OSE?
We already have one logo, but the more are the better! Also check out "Inkscape" "Krita" and "GIMP" all open source software. The only one that is not "on par" in my opinion is gimp, as the auto-crop functions are WAY less capable
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:51 PM
11:56 PM
just sent an account request
I'll send marcin a headsup
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:58 PM
I had no clue what to write about myself so I just filled it with "bla bla bla..."
i still change my account all the time (make it, then decide it is terrible later in some way) so you're fine lol
D●M J■HN 7/25/2020 11:59 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 7/26/2020 2:11 AM
Precious Plastic Melbourne joined the server. 7/26/2020 2:26 AM
Hello !
Deleted User 7/26/2020 3:10 AM
@Eric Lotze interest in a cardboard/sawdust briquette plan I am making?
y u s. What are you using for the press?
Deleted User 7/26/2020 3:20 AM
bottle jack and either round or square stock metal pipe (edited)
sounds good. I was also pondering charcoal powder pressing too. Keep me updated
Deleted User 7/26/2020 3:23 AM
it might work, though this one I am making mockups 3d designs of is around wet material
i think moist enough it can be pressed well, but not enough that liquid exits
3:57 AM
f r i c t i o n s t i r w e l d i n g
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
D●M J■HN 7/26/2020 4:33 AM
saturn-lab joined the server. 7/26/2020 6:42 AM
homunkoloss joined the server. 7/27/2020 8:34 PM
homunkoloss 7/27/2020 8:37 PM
Hey, how are you doing?
Did you come from the link i posted in precious plastic?
homunkoloss 7/27/2020 8:43 PM
Eric posted a link to my Talk wiki page. I assumed that you are this Eric, but there seems to be more than one anyway
8:43 PM
I am Daniel (Uhl if there is more than one)
lol, this is [[User:Eric]] good to meet you!
homunkoloss 7/27/2020 8:44 PM
Good to meet you to and thanks for the links!
@homunkoloss has reached level 1. GG!
homunkoloss 7/27/2020 8:45 PM
@Eric what are you working on currently?
I am a bit all over the place. My current "side projects" are mainly related to Precious Plastic Needs, and Trying to Get a Business Model/Funding Source for a Local Makerspace I want to Make. SO - Plastic Film Recycling Workflows - PET drying workflows - Print Farm / Filament Making - A Quadracycle for Fuel Cost Free "Curbside Collection"
@Eric Lotze has reached level 13. GG!
homunkoloss 7/27/2020 8:56 PM
That sounds cool
8:58 PM
I didn't know that can be used to make filament
Filament making can be done small scale, main issue is the diameter tolerance. If it gains width your extruded volume will grow (despite the set value being constant) and thus mess up prints. I am plotting some way to sense that (on the production and/or printer side), but the optics part may be beyond me. My "endgoal" is the precision/quality of "Prusament"
@homunkoloss i'm reading up on your makerspace. I think i'll make a wiki page on it! (granted i only speak English and a survivable amount of Spanish, so i may loose some info in translation
12:52 AM
I am not the data expert, but i do like their take on the spacex hype lol
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 12:52 AM
U send that heads up to marcin?
12:54 AM
I think so, he may be slow on email reading lol, i'll try pining slack i guess
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 12:54 AM
Cheers mate
I want to get admin rights for making this easier lol
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 6:33 PM
@Eric Lotze Have you checked oit OS Low Tech?
yep, i'm watching this video, then i'll be all caught up: (edited)
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 6:36 PM
cool 👍
6:36 PM
u should join the facebook group
Selling wind turbines may be a good business model, my family has a sailboat (like the old honda accord with aging plastic, but boat form) and the (richer) people often have small ones to top off the battery
6:37 PM
i don't have a facebook, but i do enjoy their work. Do people post their own designs on the facebook page?
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 6:37 PM
I was thinking it would be a good idea of making a discord for OS low Tech. Wanna do it with me?
sure, they don't have one yet?
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 6:38 PM
Nope. They should tho
try contacting the channel in the comments and/or via their listed email
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 6:38 PM
He answers email actively
6:39 PM
sounds good, just shoot them one, and should be good to go. Setting up a channel is surprisingly easy
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 6:40 PM
okay. I've never done it before. You seem to know what you're doing
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:04 PM
I'm currently designing a low tech tiny home that I'm going to prototype on my field property
7:04 PM
I want to try and incorparate some of Daniel's designs into it aswell.
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:14 PM
I just send an email to Daniel asking if he would want a discord
7:45 PM
i am getting d i s t r a c t e d, got to get to work lol
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:45 PM
i want to actually get some deliverables done, keep on getting sidetracked]
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:46 PM
what are deliverables (edited)
7:46 PM
essentially something that actually can be used/used by others. Hard to define, but a plan or document, or CAD work, not just personal knowledge gained.
7:50 PM
On the precious plastic discord i heard some discussing how to go about recycling agricultural use plastic films, like the silage fermenting bags, or ground cloths, do you use anything like that?
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:52 PM
I don't personally use them but I know many who do. I know of a recycling plant that does that exact thing. The recycled material is widely used here
they are HDPE or something right?
7:54 PM
ALSO i pinged marcin DIRECTLY on his wiki account page, hope that works
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:54 PM
I don't know for sure
@D●M J■HN has reached level 5. GG!
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:57 PM
What is your profile picture?
7:57 PM
Also what are you working on designing?
A picture i took at night at the Jacksonville zoo, might be messed up due to cropping
7:58 PM
Right now i am trying to get a business model, as well as "what is needed" for a local makerspace
D●M J■HN 7/28/2020 7:58 PM
7:58 PM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
D●M J■HN 7/29/2020 3:39 PM
hey Eric can you tell marcin to send me another confirmation email? I answered it too late
3:39 PM
@Eric Lotze
Sending one right now
6:33 PM
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
Avatar (moral of the story, don't open up unknown sealed containers)
3:33 AM
ra-di-o-thearay eh? i'll crack it open with a hammer and take a look (edited)
Thiz joined the server. 7/30/2020 4:02 AM
Hey there
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
D●M J■HN 7/31/2020 10:03 AM
@Eric Lotze I got an email back from Daniel of OS Low Tech. He said it would be good to have a discord & to also invite him when it's up and running
homunkoloss 7/31/2020 10:41 AM
Hey, how do I find out when the next developer meeting takes place? And what is being discussed in the meetings? Is there an agenda beforehand?
It may be this friday, let me check
logging off for a few hours
homunkoloss 8/1/2020 11:31 AM
Where can I check? And what time is it?
D●M J■HN 8/1/2020 3:13 PM
3:13 PM
@Eric Lotze U there?
I'm a bit all over the place sleep wise, launch messed me up lol; Seemed to be no meeting? got nothing on the slack and the wiki and they are usually 5est (i think)
D●M J■HN 8/1/2020 11:52 PM
@Eric Lotze Wanna make the OS Low Tech discord?
11:53 PM
Also Eric, can you ask Marcin to send me another invite? Please?
Did the person you emailed give you the clear for go? If so i can help you set it up
11:54 PM
marcin is lowkey getting on my nerves with this recent silence on comms
11:55 PM
i'll see what i can do
D●M J■HN 8/1/2020 11:58 PM
Yes, he did. Daniel's his name
D●M J■HN 8/1/2020 11:58 PM
When would you have time to help we with it?
D●M J■HN 8/1/2020 11:58 PM
so would you like to be the f o u n d e r
D●M J■HN 8/1/2020 11:59 PM
Nah. Reserve that title for Daniel
11:59 PM
Can I've somthn else?
i think it's kust who hits the "go button". think it may not add that automatically nvm
11:59 PM
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:00 AM
Ah. okay
12:00 AM
So, how do we start?
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:00 AM
i just made it thr "big bit" is making all the chanels, bots and whatnot
Am I allowed to join as well? This looks promising
Cool, thanks
@D●M J■HN writing an email rn, what did you use for the username or whatever so i can put "username" needs a resend or somethign
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:36 AM
What do you mean?
12:36 AM
@Eric Lotze
you sent a request for a wiki account right? (edited)
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:37 AM
Oh yeah
12:37 AM
hold on
12:38 AM
Username: "Domjohn".
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:39 AM
Can u add the ose logo to this discord?
sent the email, let me try uploading the globe logo
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:43 AM
What logo do you think we should put on for OSLT?
12:45 AM
for OSE it is square, and i need a circular one, i think i'll need to make a new one (edited)
12:49 AM
12:50 AM
why is freecad running at h a l f a f r a m e p e r s e c c o n d
12:50 AM
on my b e e f y pc
12:50 AM
with no parts loaded?
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 12:55 AM
And give me, you & Daniel some kind of user flair
12:55 AM
on our usernames
12:56 AM
Thanks Eric
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 1:06 AM
@Eric Lotze Can we make in introduction explaining OSLT & providing links to the website & youtube channel?
1:12 AM
😋 1
1:12 AM
Logo @Eric Lotze (edited)
Eric Lotze 8/2/2020 1:52 AM
I just got back from dinner, let me catch up
1:53 AM
flair for what
Eric Lotze 8/2/2020 2:03 AM
ANYWHO my sleep schedule is all out of wack post-wakeing up early for the nasa launch. So i'm heading off the bed be back in 6-12 hrs
D●M J■HN 8/2/2020 2:12 AM
Flair of usernames Just colour our names differently
2:12 AM
2:13 AM
Eric Lotze 8/2/2020 5:08 PM
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
Eric Lotze 8/2/2020 7:05 PM
what bot did we even use
7:05 PM
going to spam over in #bot-land
Logging off for a bit
Eric Lotze 8/3/2020 8:38 PM
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
D●M J■HN 8/4/2020 12:57 AM
@Eric Lotze U on?
D●M J■HN 8/4/2020 12:58 AM
@Eric Lotze Hey, man. Can you made me admin or whatever of OSLT please?
12:59 AM
@Eric Lotze I just wanna add stuff to it
Eric Lotze 8/4/2020 1:00 AM
i think i did, did it now work?
D●M J■HN 8/4/2020 1:00 AM
hold on, lemme see
1:02 AM
Ah you did! Thanks man
1:02 AM
Hey are you on bottlechain?
Arcane BOT 8/4/2020 1:02 AM
@D●M J■HN has reached level 6. GG!
Eric Lotze 8/4/2020 1:03 AM
D●M J■HN 8/4/2020 1:04 AM
1:04 AM
I'll see if I can find an invite for you
1:04 AM
recycling community
Eric Lotze 8/4/2020 3:46 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
May be back later, but logging off for a bit
goldfishlaser#1337 joined the server. 8/5/2020 2:55 AM
Eric Lotze 8/5/2020 4:00 PM
D●M J■HN 8/5/2020 4:01 PM
Eric Lotze 8/5/2020 4:02 PM
@goldfishlaser#1337 do you have the precious plastic discord link as well?
Eric Lotze 8/5/2020 8:33 PM
May be back later, but logging off for a bit
SimLeek joined the server. 8/6/2020 7:10 AM
Is anyone here currently working on the induction forge, or the AC inverter for the power source?
7:21 AM
I believe the induction forge needs a special AC inverter with high wattage and high frequency to work best
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 5:01 PM
I know there was one wiki user who was working on the "universal controller" which is the main thing behind all that
5:01 PM
i am TERRIBLE with names, so let me dig
5:01 PM
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
Ah, cool. Thx
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 5:24 PM
I can't seem to find the name
Ah, yep, read through that page
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 5:28 PM
Must have been a few months ago, they were from europe somewhere i think
It seems like a combined ac inverter, ac to dc converter, and battery bank all in one, which is kind of like most house/car batteries
5:28 PM
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:08 PM
I'm trying to learn freecad. DEFINETLY different to autodesk inventor, and i am guessing on the whole "active body" bit, but i am getting there i think
7:08 PM
7:08 PM
made a lego brick of sorts
7:09 PM
i know placing parts into joints was hell in autodesk, so i will try and learn that next
D●M J■HN 8/6/2020 7:09 PM
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:09 PM
does free cad have assembly files or what, let me dig
Huh. I just used openscad, blender, onshape, and a couple others
D●M J■HN 8/6/2020 7:09 PM
blender's great
From memory, freecad is kind of terrible
7:10 PM
Maybe it changed though
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:10 PM
it is clunky imo
7:10 PM
isn't openscad all code or something?
Yeah. There's a better code based one though
7:10 PM
I'm just forgetting the name
7:11 PM
Arcane BOT 8/6/2020 7:11 PM
@SimLeek has reached level 1. GG!
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:11 PM
I think @Dorkmo uses OpenScad
👍 1
Arcane BOT 8/6/2020 7:11 PM
@Eric Lotze has reached level 14. GG!
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:11 PM
saw it on their knitting machine pages
Don't use openscad, there's definitely better programmatic cad
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:12 PM
I tried onshape, seems great. Is there a way to run the code on a personal server/machine
Blender is better
7:12 PM
I don't think onshape is open source unfortunately
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:13 PM
it SAYS it is open source, and i asked and the pay stuff was OPTIONAL for businesses, ie it was just tech support and cloud data space i think
7:13 PM
i found a github somewhere, but am too code illeteate to read it
7:13 PM
it is cloud/server run though
Huh. I guess it it's then
7:13 PM
Well, that's exciting
7:13 PM
Found the other code based cad btw
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:14 PM
onshape has 64 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
7:14 PM
there's the github if you can interpret it lol
I'll take a look later
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:15 PM
cadquery, looking it up, no wikipedia page (GASP) (i use it so much, i should get an account by now lol)
7:15 PM
CadQuery-- a parametric cad script framework . Contribute to dcowden/cadquery development by creating an account on GitHub.
But yeah, cad query and cq-editor have a lot more capability than openscad, because they use the underlying library freecad uses
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:18 PM
I'll make a wiki page on it (if there isn't one already)
7:24 PM
I took a look at the onshape page. It looks like repositories that were forkedcand modified to help with onshape, but not onshape itself
Arcane BOT 8/6/2020 7:24 PM
@SimLeek has reached level 2. GG!
7:25 PM
7:25 PM
made that, but i have no idea what it is, so feel free to add "hands on" knowledge in there
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 7:25 PM
Wait you don't have a wiki account yet, do you? (edited)
Alright, I might add a few coffee examples, including how to display/ edit stuff without cq-gui, since pycharm is a much better IDE
7:26 PM
Yep, signed up for an account a while ago
7:29 PM
Huh. Hard to tell how open source onshape is. Apparently they made some of their main feature script source visible:
Login / Signin to Onshape - the modern CAD system used by thousands of companies worldwide.
7:30 PM
I'm guessing the javascript stuff is more closed source, but most of their cad stuff is featurescript with UI interface
8:07 PM
8:07 PM
so i made a cube (ish)
8:08 PM
sides are g e n e r a l l y there
8:08 PM
need to see how you do the "snap to" axis number in freecad (edited)
That's looking good
Arcane BOT 8/6/2020 8:08 PM
@Blackout has reached level 1. GG!
That would be in the Draft workbench
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 8:08 PM
thx (the beams are premade though lol) (edited)
8:09 PM
once i complete the dev test i want to speedrun it lol
There's a move tool in which you select a point of a solid and then the point that you want to snap to
8:09 PM
Haha, that's a nice challenge
Tbh, I think the dev test should be a bit more general
8:23 PM
No need for electronics experts to be freecad experts, or software experts to know ngspice perfectly
8:24 PM
Also, the programs used will probably be closer to solidworks/kicad, and not the specific open source software selected. It may also be other open source software
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 8:25 PM
I don't know how ENFORCED the test is. Especially for the reasons you pointed out
8:25 PM
Can't hurt i guess\
8:26 PM
I need to learn kicad, i want to reverse engineer ODrive v1.0 into a kicad workbench/part
Ah, neat
8:26 PM
I wanna recreate the 100kw ac motor driver in kicad
8:27 PM
That should work for an AC inverter that supports the induction forge
8:33 PM
It's on the wiki for the ac inverter, but I have to navigate up the directory a bit to get the rest of the project files.
Eric Lotze 8/6/2020 8:33 PM
The wiki's search engine is hell, i can help be a sherpa if need be lol
Ah, not the wiki, one of the included links. It links to the nasters paper, but then you need to go up on that webserver
May be back later today, but logging off for a bit
Eric Lotze 8/7/2020 2:36 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Okie dokie
Arcane BOT 8/7/2020 5:29 AM
@SimLeek has reached level 3. GG!
It uses 18650s, but you could replace those in some cases, and otherwise the general concepts still work
Eric Lotze 8/7/2020 4:48 PM
i think those are the go-to, is it modular (ie you can have as many of those wall modules as wanted?)
He makes a bunch of those battery packs with different sizes, so I have to assume it is modular in that way at least.
4:57 PM
He might be using different circuits for that though. Not sure.
Actually, I might have a way of manufacturing high amp 18650 holders. I'll get back to you on Sunday if it works
Eric Lotze 8/8/2020 6:03 PM
ooooo h a n d s o n p r o t o t y p i n g (edited)
Eric Lotze 8/8/2020 8:25 PM
I just got my first job the other day (Walmart so all the behind the scenes moving of pallets etc; COOL sorting machine/roller conveyors), SO i should have some money to burn on prototypes and local makerspace stuff in a few months or so!
🎉 2
Eric Lotze 8/8/2020 8:51 PM
I couldn't find a page on the 3D pen, so i made one:
I think the wiki page could use a gif of using that pen to draw in midair (even with close connections).
9:59 PM
Also, isn't one of the control methods just a button on the pen?
Eric Lotze 8/8/2020 9:59 PM
9:59 PM
run a wire on the 3d printed case for that may work?
hmm... there are conductive 3D prints, and buttons are really simple to make
10:00 PM
a button would work
those filaments intruige me, supposedly quite high resistance but for a small signal perhaps? ALSO could have a thin shallow channel, and run a wire in it (or even a sealed "tunnel") (edited)
10:02 PM
or just a button
10:02 PM
A button is basically two disconnected wires, and some spring or rubber you can push together
10:03 PM
A channel for the wire for the button would work
do you think one of those small "hobby servos" work for the extruder motor?
10:05 PM
maybe geared to a lower speed. But then you don't know how much material was fed
10:05 PM
ah, wait, hobby servos
10:06 PM
You'd need a continuous rotation servo motor, or a stepper motor. I think the stepper would be cheaper for the torque you need.
May be back later today, but logging off for a bit
ah, okie dokie
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 4:55 AM
Did a quick check just now, now i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
see ya
5:07 AM
Tested my fix for my 18650 holders btw. Looks like I don't even need to change anything!
5:08 AM
Originally I used a thick copper plate for high amperage, but nickel strips are already what's used on 18650 battery packs.
5:08 AM
Might go for some thicker nickel strips, and the material has to be ABS for high temp, but getting pretty close (edited)
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 7:33 PM
Is that a 3d printed "shell" ?
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 7:45 PM
On a similar note, did you ever have/encounter "snapcircuits" ?
7:45 PM
essentially a circuit board using those "snap buttons" as connectors for each module
7:46 PM
would be a great use for lasercutting (the majority of the boards), and 3d printing. The only other needed components would be metal strips like you used and/or wire AND a component
7:47 PM
so like a single capacitor, or led etc
7:47 PM
ALSO with diy ones you could get WAY more complex
7:47 PM
product/educational tool for makerspaces i'm plotting
ahh, yeah, that'd be pretty cool with printed parts
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 7:50 PM
my only issue is finding how to do the button fastner
Also with the electric welder for the nickel strips
7:50 PM
Well, you could just solder
safety isn't the most importnat thing
7:50 PM
oh wait, crimpers!
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 7:50 PM
getting shocked is a learning experience electroboom style lol (edited)
crimpers with a release latch
7:51 PM
heh, yep
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 7:59 PM
could your battery holders be printed in "vase mode" (if they weren't already) ? (edited)
vase mode?
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 7:59 PM
In some of the 3D slicing softwares, you will find there is a function called Vase Mode. This function is useful when you want to make a container quickly. Today we are going to talk about this function.
8:00 PM
essentially MUCH faster
8:00 PM
as it does a 3d spiral, not 2d layers and a 3d jump up once a layer finishes
ah, they probably could be
8:00 PM
not sure how sturdy they would be though
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 8:00 PM
especially with a large nozzle, what diameter(s) do you have?
Arcane BOT 8/9/2020 8:01 PM
@SimLeek has reached level 4. GG!
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 8:01 PM
guessing 0.4mm then
sounds right
Eric Lotze 8/9/2020 8:02 PM
The default nozzle diameter for most of today's printers is 0.4 mm, and E3D's hotends used in Original Prusa i3 MK3 and MK2/S printers are…
11:06 PM
all we need now is an OS knitting machine (the embroidery machine part has been done by someone), and perhaps a spinner (wool/loose fiber)/spinerete (rayon) system and almost all of small scale threadwork is OS lol (edited)
🙌 1
I was doing work on that circuit prototyping system, and got a bit s i d e t r a c k e d as per usual
11:45 PM
We need some wiki crawler bot or something; the amount of dead links and orphan pages hurts my soul
ah, that's a good idea
@goldfishlaser#1337 assuming this is for toolpaths?
Powerful online GCode Viewer to simulate GCode files. NC Viewer is the best free gcode editor for verifying CNC and 3D printer files.
12:27 AM
if FreeCAD doesn't have that builtin that'd be a great plugin
@goldfishlaser#1337 on the note of that; i think there is some page LIKE that, but it is old af (that or i am blurring memories of Precious Plastic's)
I'm going to dump all of the links here:
👍 1
DiggnDeeper joined the server. 8/10/2020 1:28 AM
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 1:49 AM
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 1:57 AM
I'm thinking about trying to have a regular FreeCAD and/ or Blender session with like 3-5 people. I'm thinking this could be on either my Discord or here, but a consistent, maybe twice weekly meeting to work on learning these very powerful tools. I am no expert on either, but I believe that we could grow together, no matter each person's level. I was thinking that a good format would be to bring a project to each meeting and we will try work things out together and document what we learn for others.
👍 1
@everyone what do you think?
I could go for Blender. I don't really like FreeCAD though
it HURTS me, but i need to learn some OS cad software lol
I think there are better OS cad software packages out there
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 1:59 AM
lol. I don't really like FreeCAD either, but I would love to be more proficient since the project is heavily dependant on it.
@DiggnDeeper has reached level 1. GG!
I hope all of the work on it by OSE will make it blender levels of easy+capable
I think we should look into CADQuery too actually. Since it's a good programmatic CAD system, it should be really useful for things like making gears.
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 2:00 AM
Near hate is not an exageration for me, lol.
i still need to post that workbench announcement on reddit
2:00 AM
i know someone used a lot of that openscad, so DEFINETLY in that use case i bet
Also, I can just replace the UI for CADQuery if I want to, and both it and freecad use the same base lib
...i need to learn to code too lol
ah, fair. Code is super useful. Probably especially useful for this project
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 2:01 AM
I started doing this with a couple of my friends on my channel and we were making progress, then we fell apart with it.
true! can it be plugged in to freecad or something?(if that even matters i dont use cadquery)
Nah, I imagine freecad and cadquery have seperate use cases
2:02 AM
also need to look into blenderCAD work
Never used a code based cad software. How's it like?
there were a few small projects, but nothing big...YET
AI driven design or highly mathematical -> cadquery
oh yeah, blender might be able to replace freecad at this point. Not sure though. Seems kinda annoying with the units
i am intruiged by ai design, from what i saw with that x-band antennae, and all the stuff on "twominutepapers"
code based cad tends to take a long time to compile, but that's something that can be fixed...
i don't think blender has all the constriants yet
Right now, you code a shape and click compile
2:03 AM
and it takes a few seconds or minutes
2:03 AM
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 2:03 AM
There is a great plugin for Blender called Precision Drawing Tools (PDT) that I have been messing with that brings CAD movements to blender
ooh, that sounds promising!!
Seems more difficult to make complex models though> and it takes a few seconds or minutes @SimLeek
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 2:04 AM
I would LOVE if Blender could replace FreeCAD.
Well, depends on what type of complexity @Blackout (edited)
if it's regular/mathematical structures, coding will be easier
2:05 AM
If it's largely design/feedback driven, normal cad will be easier
2:05 AM
Also, it's a good idea to look for already written software out there
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 2:05 AM
python is available in blender and I see people using it for things like gears.
ah, yeah, blender can also be used for programmatic cad a bit
I see. I might have to try it for myself and do some research
ah, have fun with it
I would also go for blender if it was better with precise measurements and all that. Might be worth to check into that PTD that you mentioned
2:07 AM
I've been using FreeCAD recently and I have a love-hate relationship with it
I've been using OnShape, and it's nice, but not really open source at all
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 2:08 AM
Hey, We're Jonathan and Jenny, creatives that have the goal of becoming fully fledged makers. This channel is where we're documenting the whole process from nothing to something. Sharing the ups, d...
2:09 AM
This guy has a great series about PDT and other printing and CNC use cases using Blender.
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
okie dokie
3:26 AM
Oh yeah, @DiggnDeeper is there something I should join, or are you just going to message people on Discord sometime later when this is happening?
👍 1
3:26 AM
The FreeCAD/Blender stuff
goldfishlaser#1337 8/10/2020 4:13 PM
@goldfishlaser#1337 assuming this is for toolpaths?
@Eric Lotze Hmm I made note of it in my log because Marcin used it to look at some gcode files. I'll be working with some gcode files in the next few days. So in a way yes, I suppose the answer is it is part of the toolchain. I will be learning more in the next couple of days as I get to using it. I think FreeCAD does not have this sort of thing built in.
Powerful online GCode Viewer to simulate GCode files. NC Viewer is the best free gcode editor for verifying CNC and 3D printer files.
4:18 PM
I'm thinking about trying to have a regular FreeCAD and/ or Blender session with like 3-5 people. I'm thinking this could be on either my Discord or here, but a consistent, maybe twice weekly meeting to work on learning these very powerful tools. I am no expert on either, but I believe that we could grow together, no matter each person's level. I was thinking that a good format would be to bring a project to each meeting and we will try work things out together and document what we learn for others.
@DiggnDeeper Hi DiggnDeeper! I think that's a lovely idea. It would be nice to have a little community that could help new cube builders and support throughout the project.
👍 1
Hullo Everyone! I am now online, so feel free to ping me ( @ ) if you have any questions etc
6:39 PM
@goldfishlaser#1337 didn't know if freecad had that or not, good to know. I think for the circuit mill they used some custom os software, but for a MP-CNC build with the universal axis FreeCAD cam is a necessity imo
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:02 PM
@SimLeek @goldfishlaser#1337 There are no specifics. I'm in Cincinnati, OH and I was thinking that something like 7-9pm Eastern would work for me. I'm willing to hop on tonight if anyone else wants. Bring a project or find something laying around to build and we can work it out from there. I'll try to do some documentation as it applies and maybe some screen recording edits if and when we have some content that could help others.
8:03 PM
I've only ever done this with one other person on my Discord server, but it seems that we could work with a few together.
7pm just barely works for me, since that's my 4pm
@DiggnDeeper we have like a shitton of roles, but it does help for planning with all this
I've already scheduled other stuff for today though, so it'll have to be later at a specific date
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:05 PM
@SimLeek No problem. Totally casual at best.
@DiggnDeeper has reached level 2. GG!
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:06 PM
@Eric Lotze How so?
knowing where everyone is time wise, or geographical location wise
@Eric Lotze has reached level 15. GG!
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:06 PM
How do I use that info?
UTC is uk-ish i think
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:07 PM
Oh, I see who is online in roles.
8:07 PM
then ya got that
8:07 PM
Also if we get the Open GIS going,that would be a great feature
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:08 PM
D●M J■HN 8/10/2020 8:17 PM
ay what are you guys at?
8:17 PM
looks interesting
i'm in fleming island Fl. Hot as hell AND humid, and not even the cool culture of south fl, just the heat
8:26 PM
t e r r a f o r m e d s w a m p g o l f c o u r s e
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:27 PM
I did some work near there a couple of years ago. I love that area.
where do you live?
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:28 PM
If me, I live in Cincinnati.
8:28 PM
I'm in Florida as much as I can in winter.
my parents were from Ashtabula oh (i still have grandparents up there)
8:29 PM
great lakes are nice for water stuff, less corrosion, less bio-fouling
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:30 PM
We have been wanting to move to FL for a long time, but these days, this place seems to be as stable and safe as possible. I just super hate the weather here.
8:31 PM
I grew up in the North East and I so miss the great water up there. Down here, there is nothing. All super dank. My father is a geo-chemist and says the water is good, but I wouldn't go in it, lol.
i LOVE the cold, can make a fire in the woods, can't make an air conditioner
💯 1
8:32 PM
granted without a good humidifier the dryness can be bad
8:32 PM
being on the beach (or even in swampy areas with a good kayak) is nice in florida
8:32 PM
that or a place with c a f e c u b a n o
8:32 PM
i could drink a jug of that stuff lol
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:33 PM
I don't know what cafe cubano is, but I'm sure I want some.
Café Cubano (also known as Cuban espresso, Cuban coffee, cafecito, Cuban pull, and Cuban shot) is a type of espresso that originated in Cuba. Specifically, it refers to an espresso shot which is sweetened (traditionally with natural brown sugar which has been whipped with the...
8:34 PM
a couple ways of making it. Essentially espresso brewed with brown sugar
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:34 PM
Nice. looks good and thick too.
8:35 PM
I'm curious. Anyone build a copy of the 18" printer I saw that Marcin made?
i don't have m o n e e yet, but i want to build a 3x3 or 5x5 array of smaller d3d's and a cubic meter 3d printer
8:40 PM
i know some uni (uk i think?) made a huge one
I wanna build a metal or high temp printer. I think I'll wait until the induction forge so I can melt metal for it though
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:43 PM
@Eric Lotze What is the purpose of the array?
just for a print farm, but nice and neat+dense
8:44 PM
the high temp one is intresting, but PEEK and whatnot is WAY above my budget lol
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:44 PM
Oh, just a print farm packed tightly together?
yeah in a grid mounted to a backplate that does all the cable managment
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:45 PM
Right on. Are you familiar with the Open Structures Project?
not too complete, but made a page there
8:45 PM
8:45 PM
seems like gridbeam?
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:46 PM
OpenStructures is an exploration on open modular construction where anyone designs for everyone on the basis of one shared grid.
Ah, I'll probably go way above the peek temps
DiggnDeeper 8/10/2020 8:47 PM
That websited doesn't explain very well, or you have to dig, but it uses a very interchangable grid pattern. I don't know about gridbeam.
also @SimLeek Metal FDM printing is for CHUMPS
8:49 PM
EBM 3d printing is the way to go
8:49 PM
Electron-beam additive manufacturing, or electron-beam melting (EBM) is a type of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, for metal parts. The raw material (metal powder or wire) is placed under a vacuum and fused together from heating by an electron beam. This technique is d...
I wasn't going for fdm, more sand deposition and melting/wicking (edited)
ah i saw some build of that
That could work, but I was wondering about large builds for the plasma or electronic stuff
not sure what to call it, but i made this page:
I imagine electron beam is better for microchips and gears and stuff
8:52 PM
Ah, yep, that looks right
also jet turbines/medical implants
I need to figure out the best fillers and metals for that
8:52 PM
iron3d does a pile of work
8:53 PM
but MAY be closed source (edited)
Jet turbines are quite large
may just be the blades idk
8:53 PM
also some rocket company uses it for making a super complex 1 piece engine
I think they used metal fdm though
8:54 PM
i didn't know tbh
Might make more sense at that size though
hard to tell, i have little knowledge/experience on powder bed processes
Oh, also, levitation melting might be useful for metal fdm
8:54 PM
the 50 are barebones imo
2:55 AM
doesn't seem TOO complex to make for the lifetrac etc (edited)
I think we could be more barebones than 50 core machines actually, but it'd be good to be able to branch out
o p e n s o u r c e a l l t h e t h i n g s
That tree stump remove might be necessary for tree based farms
2:56 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 8/11/2020 2:56 AM
I am actually thinking long the lines of adding the treestump removal attachment perhaps to... one of the other machines
2:57 AM
Like what if you could convert from tractor to tree stump remover I dunno. I just wanted to get my dumb thought out there before I return to boring documentation work
2:57 AM
im kidding it's not boring 😄
it's a legit good tool, and i think the lifetrac may have some moular motor for things like this?
2:59 AM
my favorite farm beats your LAME tree based farm! Vegamite from methane gas:
Methylococcus capsulatus is an obligately methanotrophic gram-negative, non-motile coccoid bacterium. M. capsulatus are thermotolerant; their cells are encapsulated and tend to have a diplococcoid shape. In addition to methane, M. capsulatus is able to oxidize some organic hyd...
2:59 AM
d e l i c i o u s
3:05 AM
Where does the methane gas come from?
currently it is natural gas (in industrial use)
the main "practical" use of this in ose context would be biogas and/or syngas to ethanol or other bio products
3:08 AM
i just find feeding vegamite/marmate from fossil fuels to soemthing goofy
3:09 AM
cow farts to yummy vegemite
Gas to liquids (GTL) is a refinery process to convert natural gas or other gaseous hydrocarbons into longer-chain hydrocarbons, such as gasoline or diesel fuel. Methane-rich gases are converted into liquid synthetic fuels. Two general strategies exist: (i) direct partial combu...
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Had work today so didn't do all that much
6:27 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
I have a meeting/work at 2:00pm est today, but i am online for now
questions i have
5:27 PM
I'm curious on some usability aspects of the anerobic biodigester; Does it have automatic digestate removal, and how does it fair with biofouling of pumps/componets? Also does the new "seed eco home" use CEBs or just wood framing?
5:27 PM
Posting this here, may put on useful 3d prints or something later:
5:27 PM not sure on dimentional accuracy + calibration and all that (edited)
Deleted User joined the server. 8/12/2020 5:57 PM
Stardust on the ocean joined the server. 8/12/2020 7:25 PM
I got to head off to a meeting and/or work. Will be back in 30 mins or so if it's a meeting, if i get a shift too, it will be ~9hrs
Hey @Eric Lotze. Currently working on a small electrical foundry. It's a rather cheap and diy foundry, would that be ose friendly?
@Blackout has reached level 2. GG!
Ooh, I'd say so!
11:06 PM
Well, depends on if it's open source
11:06 PM
Sounds pretty good though
It's nothing new. It has been made before but I don't see many people building it and there's not much info about it online. For what I've seen this thing looks incredibly powerful for it's size and ease of construction
11:08 PM
According to some users it is able to melt copper easily and it melts most metals from a few seconds to just over a minute
11:09 PM
It's rather small though and it is used only for small batches of metal. Sounds perfect for small projects/pieces though (which is why I'm trying to assemble it) (edited)
That'd go perfect with the sand based 3d printer I want to work on. With that, you could make some parts of the base OSE machines.
I was thinking about using it to make the blades and all the other main pieces of a small PP shredder
11:12 PM
I'll be posting the results on my server (if all goes well)
11:13 PM
I was thinking some parts of the sheet metal/ wire extruder.
11:13 PM
Though, before that, probably going to want to do aluminum and other metal extraction
11:15 PM
(Got a link to the original foundry btw?
@SimLeek has reached level 6. GG!
I think I can find it. The King of Random youtube channel actually made a video on building one of those a couple of years ago. Maybe you've seen it already. Back in the day when the king of random made actual cool things instead of random videos to please the youtube algorithm (edited)
Ah, found several videos
11:19 PM
Ah, is it chemical based?
I was just about to send a couple of links
11:19 PM
What do you mean by chemical based?
Thermite is capable of melting tungsten, and could be used for a foundry
11:20 PM
Electric is more practical long term though
Ah yes, I see
Hmm... electric arc furnace could work
It really is. I've built a vegetable oil foundry a while ago which can be good for melting larger amounts of metal but it's a hassle to set it up. Most of the stuff I'm planning on doing is rather small and I only need something practical and light
11:23 PM
This seemed like a good solution
11:24 PM
Looks like he made a bunch of foundries though (edited)
hah, nah
The arc furnace looks really promising (edited)
I think so too. I was surprised that there were only a couple of videos about it
Yeah. With carbon electrodes and high amperage, I could see just using straight output from battery packs for it (though that might not have an arc).
12:01 AM
It'd be better with a container of noble gas though. Otherwise it'll oxidize the metal
I still have to get myself the carbon electrodes, the ones I have are tiny. If all goes well I'll have everything by the end of tomorrow. Today I was able to get 3 microwave transfomers and 2 refractory bricks all for free. Couldn't have been more lucky.
12:06 AM
It'd be better with a container of noble gas though. Otherwise it'll oxidize the metal
@SimLeek I'll have to do some experiments. I've been wondering about oxidization as well
12:09 AM
I think for cheap removal of oxygen, somehow get a sealable container you can work on (maybe with gloves on the side), and burn some candles or put something very oxygen reactive in there until it goes out or stops.
12:10 AM
The graphite rods might turn into co2 though, so that could just work by itself.
That's not a bad idea at all. I'm somewhat limited when it comes to the container but I'll try my best to make it as sealable as possible
Fair, gl
12:13 AM
I don't think you'll get arcs with low voltage output from that transformer though, so it'll end up heating the graphite rods
12:13 AM
It's then a different type of forge
Not sure how long the carbon rods will last for. Not even sure if you could just use graphite. Only time will tell I guess 🙂
@Blackout has reached level 3. GG!
12:19 AM
Btw, for an arc forge, I think you need about 1000 volts and at least 30mA, though 500 mA would be better (though much more lethal) (edited)
12:22 AM
I believe these foundries work with a crap load of amps, the amount of volts isn't as important
Arc foundries need high voltage
I've seen MOT metal melters that only have a couple of volts, not sure if it's the same for this particular case
Metal melters yeah, not arc foundries
Yeah, that's true. I wonder what the best ratio would be
Hmm... actually, it looks like 30000 volts is needed for a 1 cm air gap
12:25 AM
That'd be 900kw total
12:26 AM
However, after ionization, it requires much less voltage
That's a lot of volts
12:28 AM
I'm glad I was able to get an extra transformer for future projects and experiments
Yeah, that's pretty cool
I'll try to take some pictures/video and take note as I build and test this thing. I'll keep you updated
12:33 AM
(Hmm... it needs to be able to use 900kw at burst to start the arc, but it should be much, much less energy to sustain that. Maybe ~100V-1000v to sustain, so 50w or 500w? ...seems small...
12:34 AM
Oh wait, I have a bunch of high voltage transformers laying around
12:34 AM
Guess I should put those to use
Hey, that's great! I believe the transformers I got are able to output about 1000v. You can definentely do a fancy jacob's ladder with it
12:36 AM
I love how casually you mentioned that you have a bunch of high voltage transformers laying around
Heh. I do a bunch of experiments
12:36 AM
612v... I know I have some bigger ones though
I'm also going to need to a get a voltage meter. I don't have any of those at the moment
Ah, those are useful
12:44 AM
Guess I'll have to get the high voltage/ amperage transformer though. Mine seem to have gone missing
That's unfortunate
12:51 AM
you probably know more about this type of things than I do so it would be could if you could just build one as well (edited)
Well yes, I guess you could just buy that
@SimLeek has reached level 7. GG!
Hmm... at 30mA, I might be unable to let go if I get shocked. I should be able to unplug the thing using un- shocked muscles, but I'll need to be careful
Yeah, that is something to be aware of
Ah that "king of random" style arc furnace
6:43 PM
that thing is CRAZY good
6:43 PM
the electrics were a lil sketchy, but i w a n t one
6:44 PM
also try diy carbon electrodes (thinking washed charcoal pressed in a tube idk?)
6:44 PM
6:45 PM
i've been working 2:00-11:00, so not too active, but earning lots of m o n e e
6:46 PM
And the packaging often has silica gel desiccant packs so i am lowkey hoarding those, and may make a drybox and/or "humidity pump" with them.
I was able to get everything yesterday. I'm assembling it today. I might have it ready by the end of today, or maybe tomorrow. I might try with a graphite stick. I'm able to find those much more easily
6:48 PM
And the packaging often has silica gel desiccant packs so i am lowkey hoarding those, and may make a drybox and/or "humidity pump" with them.
@Eric Lotze I also have tons of those, not sure what to do with them yet
a basic drybox is just puting them in a box, and drying occasionally
6:50 PM
the "humidity pump", would use a heat source (solar and/or electric i think), a "humid air in" "dehumidified air to room" "humid air out" and "waste air in" ports and switching
6:51 PM
so you have it in a "dry state" at first, use it to dry air in a loop with the room
6:51 PM
then once it is saturated, that loop is sealed off, and the air and/or chamber is heated
6:52 PM
this dries it and the humid air is expelled to the "waste side" using non-room air as the drying air (no room heating)
6:52 PM
Also optional distillation via this?
6:52 PM
not sure on air valves, but would probably use the same that people use for shop vac systems
6:52 PM
ALSO i have a spare computer fan
6:53 PM
and i get like a hand/disposable cup full of packs each day i work
6:53 PM
so over a week i get a tub or so
6:53 PM
a huge bin of this would work wonders
Sounds pretty cool. I might do some research on it.
I need to make a flow chart to make it more explain-able
6:55 PM
solar air heaters are well documented
6:55 PM
I'm heading off to work, may be free tomorrow (will probably be too tired tonight, but may do a quick check)
Huh. Yeah, dehumidifier pump sounds interesting.
The tools for my arc melter thing should come in on Saturday btw.
That's great. I just finished working on my transformers. I'm hoping to make a test run tomorrow (edited)
@Blackout has reached level 4. GG!
11:44 PM
You'll have a low voltage metal melter, I'll have a high voltage plasma torch.
11:44 PM
Yours is probably much more efficient, but the plasma torch can melt glass.
11:45 PM
... though, with a graphite rod, you could melt anything too
Awesome, would love to see some pictures of it once you get it running. I don't think my setup would be that great to melt glass. It's something I'd like to get into in the future but I don't really care about it right now. It would be cool if I was able to melt glass though
Fair. If you use graphite, you should be able to melt glass. Maybe even tungsten... but also most containers (unless it's a graphite container)
11:48 PM
(Ooh, carbon foam is a thing)
I am thinking about using graphite. I've got a small rod that may be good for this kind of thing
11:48 PM
I'll have to look that up
Looks like it's still one of those 'ask us for the price' things
Seems like a good thing to use in a foundry
11:52 PM
I'm curious how they make it, but I'd be down for just buying and adding a todo to find a good open source alternative
11:53 PM
Depends on their price though
11:54 PM
(Looks like it's a wood byproduct actually, so I imagine they chemically remove everything except the carbon
11:56 PM
(Ah, you can just look up 'lignin to carbon foam' to find it
Oh great. I found a video from a guy who burned a loaf of bread in a low oxygen environment to create a "carbon foam" foundry. Interesting nonetheless...
Oh, that sounds much easier
12:00 AM
You could just bake a bunch of bread in the shape of a bucket, burn it, then you have a nice foam forge
Heh. Bread foundry. This is awesome~
12:02 AM
Also delicious
Right? He wrapped it in aluminium foil and let it cook. I may actually try this. Would love to see how this would work as a refractory material (maybe even make a small crucible from it?)
12:03 AM
I wouldn't call it "delicious" per say but who am I to judge?
Yeah. This seems even better than the fire brick
12:04 AM
Hmm... it does burn though, like charcoal, so probably good to add something to stop that
12:04 AM
Maybe some fire retardant spray
12:06 AM
Hmm... maybe bake it with fire retardant chemicals
Yeah, it does seem to burn a bit. I was just researching another pyrolized-bread-loaf-carbon-foam video and it turns out it seems pretty good as a refractory material
12:06 AM
Hmm... maybe bake it with fire retardant chemicals
@SimLeek Not a bad idea
Huh. Food safe fire retardants exist. Water with polyglycol
it is essentially an ablative heatsheild
8:31 PM
invest in the firebrick, and some cheap graphite crucible off the internet
Ah, 30$ for a clay graphite crucible. Not bad.
8:33 PM
looks like there are also graphite ingot molds for 10-30$
Just tried the 10kv arc forge idea. The wire kept on zapping the ground. :/
3:12 AM
Didn't know cement equaled electrical ground
I'm trying mine tomorrow. Yeah, the ground thing may be tricky
Well, you won't have to worry about that part. You have a low voltage system.
Yeah, that's true but I still need to take it into consideration. Even if it's for potential safety hazards. Did you end up using that high voltage system of amazon?
Nice! How did you wire your setup?
I connected the output of the high voltage system to some alligator clips, then clamped those onto some graphite rods.
3:29 AM
The alligator clips are what shorted to ground (edited)
I see. Did you buy graphite rods from amazon too? I believe it's not too difficult to make carbon rods at home. May be a nice thing to try out
Yep. Bought them from amazon too
3:31 AM
No idea how I'd make carbon rods at home
I guess there are different ways to make them at home. I remember a recipe that used pieces of low resistance charcoal mixed with sugar and water and compressed into a mold. I'll see if I can find it
This seems to be one of the easiest ways to make a carbon rod. Not sure how good it would be for an arc foundry. The fact that you could do these at home would definentely be a pro
yeah, seems pretty useful
5:11 AM
Well, I guess next I gotta buy some insulation pads/styrofoam for testing this, and for the power box thing, some chemcals/materials for actually making PCBs, because regular PCBs don't handle enough amps, and PCBs with thick copper are very expensive.
Well i was way too tired to do anything here today lol (got a job at Walmart recently doing all the warehouse stuff) should be somewhat free Friday?
fair. work can be tiring
6:30 AM
Btw, right now I'm thinking of replicating this, but with thicker copper PCBs:
6:30 AM
(I don't think he needed to coat literally everything with solder though)
D●M J■HN 8/16/2020 12:12 PM
What are you guys doing?
Working on electrical arc foundries to melt metal
2:50 PM
And btw, tried running mine today. Apparently the coil from one of the transformers was damaged and I'll have to use another one. If I'm lucky I'll still be able to crack another one open and use it today
@Blackout you've probably already seen it, but check this out if you haven't :
I saw that one! I think they completely forgot top document how to actually make the arcs.
@SimLeek has reached level 8. GG!
Yeah, I've watched it. He was able to do cool stuff with it
@Blackout has reached level 5. GG!
Tbh, I think the low voltage system with a graphite rod is better, but I don't know how you'd insulate it and stop the wires connected to it from melting
7:49 PM
Maybe graphite rod with high resistance graphite foam in the center?
cooling and/or larger wires
6:44 AM
i know TIG welders almost NEED to be water cooled
6:44 AM
aircooled ones exist, but melt under long term use
Fair. I guess that's all you can do
6:45 AM
You could always use copper pipes for the electricity and pump water through them
may work, need to plot
plot out how all the design comes together
6:46 AM
6:47 AM
oh, how useful would open source robotics be?
a channel in this discord?
oh, that's an idea
6:47 AM
I was thinking farming, mining, exploring, and manufacturing 'bots'
6:48 AM
i know "farmbot" is a cnc gantry for farming
6:48 AM
and "Plant Factories" are the ultimate version of this concept
skyentific has the best OS robotic arm imo
I was thinking of straight up skipping to near sci fi levels, using the forge, 3D sand printer, and AI to constantly build and test different parts, and eventually build something that would just walk around and explore/farm/etc
ai design is a thing, but skipping around isn't too easy
6:50 AM
what i want is to herd the cats of science yt into merging all these projects lol
AI is good if you just use it to skip the boring parts
6:50 AM
ah, fair
I'm going to do a lil linkspam on some of this, then go back to non-link spam stuff:
I was just thinking of printing different robot arms until they satisfied the required strength/flexibility parameters
A spot mini with two robot arms would work (edited)
oh yeah, I remember that one!
still in dev, but becoming suprisingly capable
6:53 AM
oh wait, that's the tiny one
6:53 AM
there was someone developing one the size of a small desk
6:55 AM
oh, nope, that one is pretty big
This person had a intresting idea for multi-run rail farming
6:55 AM
similar to farmbot, but scaled up
huh, not a bad idea
6:56 AM
on the note of ai stuff
6:56 AM
it is better to do all the tests short of the last few in cad + simulation
Well, sometimes there are no simulators
6:57 AM
need some code expert
Ah, that's a lot more physics than code
also had something on ai design
I think you want to get the stress tensors of the shape to be printed somehow... but you'd also need to know how the shape was intended to be used
6:59 AM
pages are all over, i or you can clean em up later
6:59 AM
ah, yeah: "Can be a buzzword so keep that in mind when reading headlines etc"
7:00 AM
I think more and more of AI is just trying to grab attention or get a paper out rather than solving a problem
it is definetly useful; watch some videos by "two minute papers" if you haven't already:
I watched a lot of those
7:01 AM
I recommend yannic kilcher
6:33 PM
Also why I want to get the licenses and incentives right. I think we have an opportunity to take some of his advice for contributions here, and I think the TAPR license is decent, but could use a bit of tweaking.
AI Guy joined the server. 8/18/2020 6:39 PM
And to add to that, I think going to university is kind of doing unpaid or greatly less paid work solely for reputation. ("I have a PhD", "this will help me get a job", "got my name in a paper!") Which isn't bad, but we don't have UBI yet, so people still need money and not just a slightly better reputation. (People should get paid as a result of work they helped a professor with a while ago taking off.) (edited)
Bowack joined the server. 8/18/2020 6:46 PM
Dr.JPL joined the server. 8/18/2020 7:04 PM
Hello new people!
3:59 AM
Also @goldfishlaser#1337 i had a goofy idea of making a dot matrix printer, but more high res
3:59 AM
essentially as fine of a tip as possible, something like this:,formula%20%2Dknown%20as%20Pigma%20ink. or a liquid dispensing needle
Micron 003 size / .15 mm nib - NEW! The Sakura Pigma Microns are now available in this new, super-small 003 nib size that makes a .15mm mark. This is the smallest fine line pen tip size you can find here at Marker Supply! The Pigma® Micron is a fine-point drawing and illustr...
4:00 AM
then an adaptation of this (with a solenoid/ pancake coil + permanent magnet actuator) to make the "dot" mechanism WAY faster
4:01 AM
so it would be almost like an electromagnetic tattoo gun, but just to touch the surface
4:02 AM
may place the tip on board, then have this be the "off" state, and use power on when the pen should be "lifted" (edited)
4:04 AM
(1 in) 25.4mm/0.15mm = 169.3333333(repeating)
4:04 AM
do theoretically ~170 DPI, more likely less due to ink spread?
4:05 AM
either way better than the "traditional" dot matrix printers (i think), and would be faster than using the z axis (ie just x/y and the toolhead magnet
main non-goofy application would be cheaper text and large technical drawings, that can't be plotted
4:18 AM
but not needing inkjet/laser printer complexity
4:18 AM
not for printing fine art obiously
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day.
cian joined the server. 8/19/2020 8:16 AM
@SimLeek I was finally able to spark an arc. I've been messing with different wiring configurations and got myself a multimeter. I've spent some time figuring out the different voltages for different configurations and I've finally found the correct one (the one in the king of random's video does not work).
8:23 PM
The arcs weren't that big mostly because I just took a random graphite stick I had lying around and choped it in half. I'll be trying to make those diy carbon rods and I'll probably have some better electrodes to spark the arcs.
Yay! ...that transformer was set for low voltage though. Did you use something else?
Yay indeed. What a relief... Basically each of the transformers I have output an average of 15 volts on their own (with the modded secondary coil). I had to connect both of the transformers at 240v to get 30v in the output. Grant Thompson lived in the US and so he had to combine electricity from 2 different outlets. I'm assuming that his configuration automatically charged each of the transformers at the same time
8:28 PM
When I tried his configuration, I was only getting half of the recommend voltage
Open Source Glassblowing Lathe:
I'm logging of for the day, should be off this weekend so more time to do all this stuff!
Lazy_Turtle joined the server. 8/21/2020 9:49 AM
Lazy_Turtle 8/21/2020 9:51 AM
Hi😆 @Eric Lotze Just sightseeing for now
goldfishlaser#1337 8/22/2020 7:35 AM
essentially as fine of a tip as possible, something like this:,formula%20%2Dknown%20as%20Pigma%20ink. or a liquid dispensing needle
@Eric Lotze Yeah I saw your wiki about it too and looked into it. Ended up finding a cool project I linked to. I'm very interested in using my Prusa as a pen plotter and doing all sorts of weird experiments, including a paint plotter. But I expect it to take me a few years the way i spread my projects out. ...
Micron 003 size / .15 mm nib - NEW! The Sakura Pigma Microns are now available in this new, super-small 003 nib size that makes a .15mm mark. This is the smallest fine line pen tip size you can find here at Marker Supply! The Pigma® Micron is a fine-point drawing and illustr...
same lol. I am starting to get funds to burn so i may start up some of my projects (finally)
7:31 PM
DAMN been working like hell at Walmart recently,, but got this weekend off arranged. SO I am online now.
I'm about to be offline for a while, may be back later tonight
D●M J■HN 8/23/2020 12:00 AM
That glass blowing lathe is really cool. Do you think you'll make one?
Oh yeah, what do you guys think of open source genetic engineering stuff?
Contribute to thethoughtemporium/Whose-gene-is-it-anyway development by creating an account on GitHub.
1:26 AM
Might be able to get some nice stuff that you otherwise couldn't get in a region, like vitamin A in rice curing otherwise deficient people.
i just joined their discord! Link isn't working, it's "scihouse inc" (edited)
huh. They had a discord
i am on it rn, just don't have linking rights i guess?
@Eric Lotze has reached level 16. GG!
oh, you were trying to give out a link?
yep, just showed up as sadly
7:11 AM
I just copy pasted the link from the website
y u s
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day.
I was thinking about how I'd get metal to build a quick structure if I needed, looked through a lot of the current separation techniques for something like iron/magnetite, and got the idea of using fluidization with a gas that would strip the oxygen off. (Fluidization: Hydrogen doesn't work, I think because it produces water, which sticks stuff together: Carbon monoxide is the standard... so, to produce that, you either need to burn carbon, possibly from plants, at temperatures above 700 C. Or, recapture CO2 from the air and use high temperature electrolysis to produce CO: For recapture, we'll need to produce sodium hydroxide, which can be produced by electrolysis of extremely salty water: Then, heat up the sodium carbonate to get co2. (edited)
7:54 AM
Er, this is more for indefinite production of rigid structures I guess.
I know OSE is doing work on eletrolysis of aluminasilicate i think (barely even con-dev but it is there for aluminium. For other metals smelting or direct reduction via gas is the way to go (short of maybe "odd ones" with all that chemical leaching nonsence)
7:56 AM
Fluidization is interesting, nor sure on yields but i bet there is a paper on it, let me dig
This is basically direct reduction via gas.
that is a process, not sure if it is fluidized
7:56 AM
Direct reduced iron (DRI), also called sponge iron, is produced from the direct reduction of iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets, or fines) to iron by a reducing gas or elemental carbon produced from natural gas or coal. Many ores are suitable for direct reduction. Direct ...
hmm... fluidization would probably be much faster, since you can have much smaller particle size.
7:58 AM
first grab, still digging
ah, use something like sci-hub so we can see the science: (edited)
I'm t i r e d (2:10 am locally, got off work and home ~11:45 , showered, now checking all my stuff)
ah, fair
so should be back on in 6-10hrs
8:11 AM
8:12 AM
i am too slepy to make a page on it but OBI should definetly strive to be acessable
8:12 AM
ie wheelchair accessable
yeah, I should start making pages
not many homes are, could be a HUGE bonus'
8:12 AM
8:12 AM
i'm logging off now
k, see ya
hmm... I was thinking I could avoid in-depth chemistry for mining stuff, but I guess not...
4:48 AM
Anyone know any good chemistry software?
4:50 AM
Iron is easy enough to memorize, but other ores need aqua regia, and a lot of chemistry starts from electrolysis of briny water
@SimLeek has reached level 9. GG!
Something to keep track of all the processes...
i say chemistry is needed, and leave it up to the experts
4:50 AM
just my take
Well, the experts should've written some programs...
4:56 AM
Actually, I guess what I really need is a database
4:58 AM
Some no-sql, optimizing graph storage with directional links, so I can trace back to the minimum required technologies.
I say this (Direct Reduction of Iron, Mining (Ie not using scrap metal) ) isn't too close on the schedule, so can be somewhat on the backburner, but you do you i guess. (Also we would probably get some mining/refining SME for most of the intense details)
there's a schedule?
5:08 AM
I mean, for the technology research?
not perfectly, it varies, but we aren't jumping straight to aluminium refining, and all the SUPER complex stuff
Fair. You kind of need that for complete self-sufficiency though.
5:10 AM
not sure if this is the page
5:10 AM
there may be a few (wiki search engine is hell lol)
ah, fair
I think the main kind of "goal" is getting replication, and clubs/chapters etc going WAY up (all the enterprise + business model work), and making all the most "usable" equipment in those regions complete enough
5:11 AM
so the 3D Printers, the Filament Maker, the OBI stuff, starting hand tools/batteries
5:12 AM
Also where i am trying to get all my makerspace plans / products going to fit that goal too (edited)
So... going into markets that already exist and are kinda saturated?
5:12 AM
locally, a few of those might be open, but there are already 3D printers for a lot less.
Definetly, main advantage is ease of build, and scalability
fair enough
i think the extruder may have WAY more impact imo from what i have heard from the Precious Plastic Community
yeah, especially if you could extrude special filaments
there are few other options, and those are for a MUCH higher cost (edited)
I believe there was a modified filament that the military made mixing two plastics that would give printability of PLA, but strength of much higher temperature thermoplastics
5:15 AM
Well, ABS, but I can print ABS pretty reliably if I turn my printer's fan off.
5:16 AM
I think key to abs may be at least a passive enclosure? idk i have nothing, and just watch a shitton of videos, so take my words with a grain of salt lol
5:16 AM
but the capability of waste recycling to highly useful/unique parts is huge
Ah, I did kinda put a cheap enclosure around my printer. Just a bunch of transparent film and tape.
5:17 AM
LDPE film?
5:17 AM
I think it's that plastic that you write on for old projectors
5:18 AM
Idk about recyclability of mixed plastics though. I've heard it's kinda bad.
I want someone with material testing abilities to do all those tests
5:19 AM
each time you heat it, it will degrade a bit
5:19 AM
also you want to be sure to wash and sort the plastic, as that helps (also don't use SUPER degraded plastic)
5:20 AM
Most stuff from "first use" products would be "raw" plastic i think, so it would be going into it's first recycling cycle (bit of a mouthful lol)
Oh yeah, I had an idea about annealing any prints: use sand, a container, and a toaster oven.
sand is intresting, not sure if anyone on YT has done that yet, may reduce warping!
You can heat up most plastics past their glass transition temperature in a toaster oven, and the sand would stop it from deforming.
5:21 AM
Found a video on ABS, not sure if it will help (or if it is the most recent/current knowledge)
5:31 AM
do you have a CR-10 or what
5:50 AM
Flsun qq s
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
I'm the terminology snob, but not sure if Vinyl Cutter is the best as it can also cut paper, cardstock, etc
7:46 PM
Also saw an intresting thing on dragknifes and a version with it's own motor for precise positioning + a lift for each direction change
7:46 PM
Nowadays, information about cutting technology in cutting plotters is everywhere. It reaches us through professional trade magazines, brochures, social media or simply through word of mouth marketing. Despite the overload on information, what exactly are these cutting technolo...
This person could be a SME for battery banks etc:
Creating a Tesla-inspired Powerwall using 4480 18650 Cells from used laptop batteries. Check out our community @ (forum) or www.faceboo...
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/30/2020 12:20 AM
Sorry for the disappearance! Fell in love. Moving to Virginia. Watched a lot of Godzilla movies. Girl I love makes games, now I'm actually making game dev progress too. I think all of this adventure will lead me to more participation after some settling, and I literally couldn't possibly forget OSE, still telling people to check it out anytime open source is discussed hehe.
Best of luck in all that ! Watch out for the rare Chesapeake Bay Kaiju.
6:06 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Not sure if i posted this before, but a Large Format Printer that could be a good cantidate to compete with:
Spent most of today offline doing a bunch of around the house stuff, will be working tommorow but may be on for a little while before and after
3:03 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
3:11 AM
not certain if it can do pen plotting, but 3d printing (not too needed for ose), and (mild?) CNC milling (edited)
Eric Lotze 9/2/2020 4:00 AM
4:01 AM
just stumbled across this yt channel, has some great projects...with free published plans
Eric Lotze 9/2/2020 4:09 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Eric Lotze 9/2/2020 8:27 PM
Sourceforge has a good email thing every week or so. Had an event in Europe i want to make a wiki page on; if virtual OSE could attend (but Europe may be able to go non virtual due to not fucking up quarantine like the USA did lol
8:27 PM
Free, secure and fast downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory -
Eric Lotze 9/2/2020 9:08 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's done. All went well i think.
Eric Lotze 9/2/2020 9:24 PM
Interesting tech, but sadly i think it's closed source:
Eric Lotze 9/3/2020 4:11 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Eric Lotze 9/3/2020 7:24 PM
Heading off to work for a bit; should be back on in ~10 hrs or so
Eric Lotze 9/4/2020 9:05 AM
(Just got on post l o n g walmart shift, and did a quick check right now fyi) ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:22 AM
not entirely foundries per se, they can sinter a dot, but total heat output can't do TOO much (edited)
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:22 AM
only cool use case i saw was using it for a sand SLS setup
9:22 AM
i do LOVE solar thermal though
9:23 AM
i just want a shitton of hexagonal CSP towers all nested together in the major deserts
9:23 AM
(hopefully not devastating the local ecosystem)
hmm... a large 3d printer using this would be cool
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:23 AM
then a big chonkin supergrid
9:24 AM
could also do what oil did to saudi arabia, but near limitless unlike oil
9:24 AM
BUT now i'm ranting lol
Well, oil's more of a battery compared to other sources
9:24 AM
also transportable like a battery
9:25 AM
I think geothermal is also a huge source of energy, and I've got a lot of both geothermal and solar here
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:34 AM
Power-to-X my friend
9:35 AM
it is the solution to a lot of the "fuel arguement" bits
9:35 AM
it is somewhat good to go?
9:35 AM
main issue is optimization of efficiency
9:36 AM
you can split water, run fuel cells in reverse (odd, but it exists? makes methane from the fuckin air)
Ah, yeah. I think the methane and other fuel ideas are better than hydrogen
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:37 AM
also with solar thermal most plants literraly have giant thermos-es(spelling lol) filled with fucking m o l t e n s a l t
9:37 AM
so with enough of those they can run the turbines near 24/7
Hydrogen just got buzz-word-ified for some reason, but it's like a gaseous super-acid I think
9:38 AM
Ah, nice, molten salt reactors
9:39 AM
There's also nuclear. We could make a thorium molten salt reactor, and I think thorium is actually really, really abundant
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:39 AM
the world that could have been lol
well, if we ever built things on that scale with foresight instead of with fear for our lives...
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:40 AM
I always say people's response is like "OH NO a steam train blew up, obviously horse drawn trains will always be safer and better, whoops, guess we'll give up on those "self powered trains" "
heh, yep
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:40 AM
also weren't most incedents caused by lack of maitenence and/or corruption
Oh, what's your opinion on neuralink then?
9:41 AM
yep, I think so
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:41 AM
it is a great BCI, but the hype is killing me
Well, hype does = funding
9:41 AM
Investors have limited knowledge, so they hype means they're effected the same as anyone else
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:42 AM
(scientist speaking) "So our main groups we are targeting are people with paralysis and/or "Locked in syndrome" " (fanboy magazine reporter) WhEn CaN iDriVe my TeSla wiTh It"
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:42 AM
"you do realize this is in like 1 portion of the lobe and doesn't have that many electrodes"
9:42 AM
"OMG IT'S Sword art online NOW"
To be fair, I have some ideas on what to do with it to get a lot of sci fi results... but yeah, it will need a lot more electrodes
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:43 AM
i LOVE bci's and want some crazy ass XLR + Thuberbolt 4 to my skull port
9:43 AM
but also like hype is bad, and this is a m e d i c a l d e v i c e t h a t n e e d s t e s t i n g
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:44 AM
like the whole "oh you can just rip em out and put em in, and surgery is 30 mins"
9:44 AM
like scar tissue long term is an issue
Hmm... in this case, hype might mean a bunch of startup companies messing with people
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:44 AM
and cutting skulls open ain't a harcut
9:44 AM
FDA has em on a properly tightened leash
I feel like I could trust neuralink/elon to do something mostly reversible. A Chinese knockoff? Not so much.
9:45 AM
mostly reversible
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:45 AM
It's less so the fault of the company, more so the human body is shit and hates being un-shitted
Well, the human body is amazing, but also ridiculous
9:46 AM
It's like the most cursed programming ever to exist if you look at the DNA
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:46 AM
most bci's in the past develop scar tissue and "loose strength" over time (don't quote me on it, may be dependent on voltage etc and may be outdated, also c i t a t i o n n e e d e d @ me )
Everything's tagged so you can continue code in different places, add things on or delete them in random places, etc. so it's like if your machine code translated into a runnable jumbled mess
9:48 AM
hmm... yea, I could see BCIs in the past using some pretty outdated technology
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:52 AM
9:52 AM
for my data dump/thoughts of the day:
9:53 AM
I would love to do some discussion / deep dive on all the OBI stuff sometime, insulation is key, but is odd to do without plastics, carbon foams MAY? work
9:53 AM
Also selling power may be neat, but also we need to see what the "average joe" will use power wise
( OBI?
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:53 AM
open building institute
9:54 AM
an offshoot of OSE for housing/buildings
9:54 AM
not too seprate...yet
( ah
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:54 AM
along with educational/organizational stuff, ose is trying to push into housing/contractors there
Could grow cotton or other insulative material / more derived materials, then have some robots make foam with it
9:55 AM
I think labor is one of the hardest things to take care of tbh
9:56 AM
I think labor, chemicals (including water), and structures are the core requirements (edited)
9:57 AM
but done in a less...redneck engineerey way lol
fair. Maybe use the arc forge on it instead
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:57 AM
essentially 1m^2 by 1cm or so sheets
arc forge on some bread grown into sheets
Eric Lotze 9/5/2020 9:58 AM
nah mix goes in mold, mold goes in kiln
9:58 AM
not needing that high temp
9:58 AM
nicrome wire works fine
9:58 AM
same type of kiln you'd use for ceramics or chemistry
finds an ots product
10:01 AM
"coal-based carbon foams"
10:01 AM
w h y
10:01 AM
fucking c o a l lol
10:02 AM
they made bricks i guess?
10:02 AM
i need to find some hard data
10:02 AM
BUT it is 4:00 local time so i need to wrap up for today lol
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Didn't do too much today, but i did some more intensive stuff, i do usually do at least a quick check of all these feeds each day
4:39 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
I may have a good lead on muscle wires. I'll wanna make a new license before open sourcing though.
I'm done with the high voltage furnace idea btw. It keeps going to ground no matter what I do... 😢
i'm not getting this (my electronic brain isn't 100%). You have the positive welding electrode and the negative right/grounding clamp etc)?
6:36 PM
It's just insulating them is ridiculous
6:36 PM
It goes through cement, styrofoam, graphite, air, etc.
6:36 PM
Just not rubber
6:36 PM
So I'd have to add rubber everywhere
isn't the goal to get it to arc?
yeah, but on the ends, not in the middle of nowhere
how are they "pointing" in the vessel
6:38 PM
ie rabbit ears vs carbon arc lamp
KLARI joined the server. 9/12/2020 6:43 PM
h u l l o
yo wat up
6:44 PM
so i know you are a fellow vr nerd, can you dev games too?
oh god have i been trying
or just what r you good at in general for "what can i infodump at you" reasons
( What kinda vr dev games are we talking about btw?
6:45 PM
( Open Source Ecology but in vr stuff? (edited)
not dive headfirst into vr first (i think idk lol) but game dev in general
6:46 PM
like a factorio mod, or similar top down game would work fine for v1 etc
6:47 PM
but we're gettin away from the i n t r o
( Ah. VR dev isn't too different from normal game dev though, especially if you start with some Unity packages.
6:47 PM
( fair
ah i am too unknown to the dark wizzardry that is game dev
6:47 PM
i just c o n s u m e them
welp a tiny bit of a jill-of-all-trades although i'm stronger in some areas than others like game design, 3d modelling (architecture), VHSIC design, High-Speed PCB design, Network Engineering, "Interconnect Engineering", computer science i don't have too much knowledge on everything to get any meaningful projects done, but all of these things interest the fuck out of me and i have a tiny bit of an artistic side for when I attempt to do graphics design and 3d modelling (characters/environments/organic)? oh oh and also sound design all the DAWs i've been trained on are expensive as frick and are the complete opposite of open-source, so i just scuttle along with Audacity ;w;
well damn
@Eric Lotze has reached level 17. GG!
sound perfect for some of the dev work
6:50 PM
what softwares do you know
unrelated to creating something meaningful in reality, however, i have been writing a really big story with my friends
Oh neat. What kind of story?
oh, software? welp, i'm currently teaching myself Blender (both 2.7X and 2.8X), Unity, I used to use SketchUp for architectural modelling before i had to start PAYING FOR IT (so i switched to blender for this as well 😔 ) i have history with the Node.JS toolchain and related languages (HTML and derivatives, CSS and derivatives), Unity is forcing me how to wrap my head around object-oriented programming with C# even though i REALLY wish i could stick with raw C++ (which i had to learn for my associates in network engineering) did i mention linux? linux is cool, even tried to build my own desktop environment a few times i also run my own homelab, so of COURSE i had to learn linux but i don't run linux directly on my servers i use VMWare ESXi as a hypervisor (yes i know that's not open-source, but it's a homelabber's go-to hypervisor if you can get your hands on a license key "FOR LAB USE ONLY" ASMarisaWink (and I could easily switch over to Proxmox if directed to by a community such as this)
@KLARI has reached level 1. GG!
I know my way around Cisco IOS, too
6:57 PM
since that was like
6:57 PM
the main focus of my networking degree
do you use KiCAD for PCBs?
I've been struggling to learn it, but yeah ;w;
6:58 PM
also, what kind of story?
7:00 PM
welp, it's a bit of a potluck of genres, because it encompasses an entire multiverse although not EVERY universe, just within a "local distance" mostly sci-fi, but we got some high fantasy, wild west, lovecraftian horrors
7:00 PM
and when i mean sci-fi i mean like if you took Ebberron and smashed it together with Final Fantasy and Cyberpunk 2077
7:01 PM
and blended it all together into an "EVERY-punk" smoothie
That sounds pretty fun actually
there's an overarching plot, overarching protagonists, and overarching antagonists
I've been writing sci-fi / magic realism back and forth with a friend for a while
but there's also sub-plots
7:02 PM
7:02 PM
sounds like yours is kind of an epic
7:04 PM
the "overarching big-bad" is like this skynet-style AI that has motive to absorb every resource and concept into itself
Universal Paperclips is a 2017 incremental game created by Frank Lantz of New York University. The user plays the role of an AI programmed to produce paperclips. Initially the user clicks on a box to create a single paperclip at a time; as other options quickly open up, the us...
Ah, like a paperclip maximizer
7:04 PM
yep, that
well not exactly with the goal of converting everything into paperclips
7:05 PM
but utilizing every single concept that sentient beings have managed to produce from their ingenuity and incorporate those concepts into itself to continue its own self-being
7:05 PM
it's like the opposite of an "idea machine"
7:06 PM
"idea black-hole"
Huh. That's a cool idea
but those ideas don't die
7:06 PM
they just
7:06 PM
become part of it
7:06 PM
and the AI figures out how to use them to their absolute maximum potential
idea maximizer
7:07 PM
like, for example, magic
7:07 PM
that's like a whole new level of quantum computing for the AI
I wonder... did it get access to political / tactical textbooks?
ah, nice
you better take cover when you hear one of its drones start announcing "MAGIC MISSILE, MAGIC MISSILE, MAGIC MISSILE" like a broken record but not actually fire anything
7:09 PM
I think one of the scarier concepts is long term spies. Maybe the AI could plant a machine in someone's head, then have them make mistakes at opportune times, then go more and more crazy in the AI's favor, until they're recognized as a traitor
@KLARI has reached level 2. GG!
dude now im getting all excited explaining things to people i need to like go pour myself an orange juice and calm down
7:10 PM
I should probably eat some food myself
imma grabe some bepis and a snack then in ~3 mins the link/idea spam shalth begin
7:11 PM
i see i have found my people
7:25 PM
So i made this page as a sort of "table of contents" ; many are placeholders so don't expect them to be all full etc
7:26 PM
(also the wiki is still a clusterfuck, and many pages are lost/buried, and the search engine is shit)
7:26 PM
i can be a sherpa of sorts if need be too
7:26 PM
7:26 PM
i want to slap the relitivity headset in here somewhere
7:27 PM
and update the pages to the newer standard (ill probs do all that today)
7:28 PM
@KLARI On the note of architectural modelling have you tried "SweetHome3D" ?
i meant architecture in terms of engineering CAD should've made that more clear although now that i know this exists, i don't see the harm in trying it >.>
7:41 PM
i see literally everyone using the mediawiki engine nowadays which is pretty epic but i have yet to see anyone use DokuWiki or XWiki so i can inspect their organizational structure and learn from them how to use these two engines
so blender for it then?
for the architecture stuff
i mean, i suppose if there's a universally compatible 3d model file extension i can use, i could use both since i haven't yet actually used blender to arrange a floor plan i just kinda throw things together as i go, optimize things retrospectively, and if i REALLY need to, doodle something on physical paper
7:44 PM
i should make like an "Open-Source Everything" workstation for myself
7:44 PM
so i can organize all of these programs into one neat container
OSE Linux is a thing
7:45 PM
kinda buggy though supposeldy
7:46 PM
i think @goldfishlaser#1337 was one of the experts developing on that
7:46 PM
can join in maybe since you did lots of linux-ing you said right?
7:46 PM
7:46 PM
just gonna
7:47 PM
start my download queue
7:53 PM
tell me if it works, my alienware didn't like it
7:53 PM
granted that was an older version
7:53 PM
and i am n e w to linux-ing
welp i'd have to pull out my linux test bench and see if i can get it working there i, unfortunately, do not yet dare to allow linux to run bare-metal on my central workstation
7:58 PM
since a lot of the hardware i used in my workstation have windows-only drivers
7:59 PM
eventually i'll build a second workstation from second-hand parts that have already run a decent enough life
7:59 PM
but right now, i just have an AMD FX 6300 test bench
8:28 PM
so i noticed something on the main page regarding the Global Village Construction Set
@KLARI has reached level 3. GG!
8:29 PM
have you considered l o c o m o t i v e
y u s
8:29 PM
(granted again placeholders)
8:29 PM
(and some of these are my "headcannons" of sort, and all this dev is probs many years off
what about a hydrogen fuel cell-powered train?
It can be done, hydrogen fuel cells aren't TOO great yet
as a means in terms of currently-available tech
and hydrogen storage short of cryogenic is kinda shit
8:33 PM
i prefer CNG and a methane fuel cell
8:33 PM
but you do you germany
8:33 PM
8:33 PM
m a g l e v
speedy speedy, yis
8:34 PM
This is a near term ish project of mine
8:34 PM
golf cart ish thing that is cheapish and needs no gass and all that
8:34 PM
but capable of neighborhood speedy transport
but that would also mean supplying power to the whole rail network and a simple computer system that can sense when the trains are on each section (and i guess also relaying that information back to a central railhouse to allow for trains to exist on dynamically-moving signal blocks?) also OO
8:36 PM
ah yes, the exercise we all need
8:37 PM
i think i actually just found something on google that might be worth a look
8:37 PM
8:37 PM
f o l d a b l e
8:37 PM
ooooooooo foldable bikes r nice
8:37 PM
hard to do but nice af
8:37 PM
can be stored well
8:38 PM
most intense (ie usually rich) boater have em for dockside zippin around
8:38 PM
sos for that photo's dedign/article
Electric bicycles are great, combining a lightweight vehicle with near-effortless propulsion. But sometimes you just want to sit back and relax a bit more. That’s when an electric pedal car might be right for you. Now there’s an interesting new option coming to the admittedly ...
8:39 PM
yupyup ACTUALLY, regarding rail-based transport I DID have this idea a WHILE back when i was like 16 that i thought was going to revolutionize rail travel and i proposed this to my dad and he basically thought the same thing
8:43 PM
but like what if there was a locomotive that was able to run on many different arrangements of rails? not only different rail gauges, but being able to convert from rails that are already laid down to a freshly-erected maglev network a train that can very easily and quickly transition from an electrified rail network (both in-track, third rail, and overhead pantograph) to an older/simpler non-electric rail network (which would prompt the engineer to kick on some sort of internal driving motor/generator) and conversely, transition from a standard rail gauge to a magnetic guideway (that could ALSO be grid-powered or self-powered)
not certain if that exists but would be VERY nice
8:43 PM
let me dig
there DEFINITELY isn't any material between converting to a maglev guideway and standard rails
A variable gauge system allows railway vehicles in a train to travel across a break of gauge caused by two railway networks with differing track gauges. For through-operation, a train must be equipped with special bogies holding variable gauge wheelsets containing a variable g...
8:44 PM
maglev is a no
^ that
but some sort of kart perhaps
8:44 PM
i keep on using kart lol
8:44 PM
too much tf2
8:44 PM
granted language is what the people say it is
8:44 PM
8:44 PM
8:44 PM
  • OSE Linux
8:45 PM
  • OSE Game
8:45 PM
  • Architecture Stuff
8:45 PM
  • OSE AR/MR/VR/XR stuff
8:45 PM
anything else you are intrested in
logistics is pretty hecking cool so is process engineering
i was plotting a somewhat near term project for print farm logistics
8:47 PM
b e l t t i me
there are barely any OS belts
8:48 PM
not the thing i was looking for
honestly i wish i had a 3d printer or some sort of mechanical simulation so i could try this stuff out it would also depend of what KIND of belt you want and "yes/all" is also a correct answer i'd just have to compile a list of all the different types of conveyor belts that i know
like there's definitely not just right-angle straightaways
speaking of belts...
8:51 PM
i w a n t the whiteknight one, but belt sourcing is hell
being able to print a giant glider wing in one piece
8:51 PM
or like giant cosplay shit
8:51 PM
or beams with crazy lattices
8:51 PM
or aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
8:52 PM
oh, sourcing the actual BELT part of a conveyor belt?
8:52 PM
8:53 PM
oh, apparently they make this stuff like toilet paper
8:53 PM
When it comes to Standard Multi-Ply Conveyor Belting products, Grainger's got your back. Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more.
the thing is they used a single weld loop of stainless steel, with pei coating
8:54 PM
for belt belts
8:54 PM
y u s
i mean
8:55 PM
you COULD make belts out of things like fabrics not like delicate t-shirt fabrics, but like
we are getting into textiles somewhat
8:56 PM
@Dorkmo is making a "ring" knitting machine rn
8:56 PM
can be adapted to linear i think
@KLARI has reached level 4. GG!
8:57 PM
kniterate is my endgoal
8:57 PM
OS version of kniterate*
8:57 PM
also rayon is intruiging, and a group that does WAY more research stuff
8:57 PM
is looking into that, keratin-rayon (ie rayon=silk that=wool)
8:58 PM
and the crazy spider silk fro yeast shit
8:58 PM
but that is WAAAAAY off
8:58 PM
you said you did circuit stuff, can you "reverse engineer" ODrive
8:58 PM
not entirely
8:59 PM
main thing is making it into a template in KiCAD
8:59 PM
so you can make a single servo on a board or like 10
8:59 PM
again another HUGE project, but would be useful af for:
8:59 PM
  • EVs
8:59 PM
  • Robots
8:59 PM
  • Robotic Arms
8:59 PM
9:00 PM
also they went closed source in the most recent version
i mean if the difference between 3.4 and 3.5 isn't TOO substantial
i don't know all that so feel free to tell me! electronics is an area i need to improve on
i could try reverse-engineering the schematic from images
y u p
9:03 PM
i need to network with some fuckin chinese group on reverse engineering (edited)
9:04 PM
they have mastered the art (albeit for the dark side) (edited)
High performance motor control. Contribute to madcowswe/ODriveHardware development by creating an account on GitHub.
High performance motor control. Contribute to madcowswe/ODriveHardware development by creating an account on GitHub.
9:06 PM
but i'll just
9:06 PM
plop this here for later so i can look through it
9:06 PM
High performance motor control. Contribute to madcowswe/ODriveHardware development by creating an account on GitHub.
i may have those too in the "external links" section of the OSE page
9:10 PM
i try and dump all the stuff there
9:10 PM
i am so h y p e d (and caffinated) rn aaaaaaaaaaaaa
talking about ideas like this always makes me hyped as frick
9:12 PM
caffeine added on top of this feeling makes me wanna bounce off the walls and buy a kuka robotics industrial platform
9:12 PM
what for? absolutely no idea! but the uses are practically endless
9:13 PM
mod the wheels for some omnidirectional outdoor tires and i can have a massive fuckin robot cart following me around everywhere
9:13 PM
i like Co-Bot better
9:16 PM
AGVs for industrial use AND ALSO Open-Source omnidirectional (Mecanum) wheels (edited)
line followers
9:17 PM
was thinking about em at my walmart job the other day
LINE FOLLOWERS ROBO-TRAINS dude line-followers are literally the coolest things
was like "this could be near all automated and i lowkey know how to do so"
9:18 PM
o o f
9:18 PM
when 1/2 of your job can be replaced by a motorized cart and black paint
oh i assumed yours was some sort of farming based of what i was learning about this community
9:22 PM
it is and isn't
original stuff was "this damn tractor can't work; FINE ILL DO IT MYSELF"
9:23 PM
and there is a HUGE part of the stuff in the works that is farm related
9:23 PM
but also digifab, robotics, construction, software, electronics
9:23 PM
essentially just
9:23 PM
e v e r y t h i n g
9:23 PM
but we are t r y i n g at least to have more focus and deliverables
9:24 PM
main one now is makerspaces/business models
9:24 PM
and getting stuff more polished
9:24 PM
9:24 PM
which is an offshoot of ose, just for buildings and construction
you're just evolving past the stage in factorio where you're concerned less about making the material and more about how the factory should work
r a t i o s
9:25 PM
i still don't have that or factorio
9:25 PM
i'm trying to fucking industrialize damn bedrock version minecraft
9:25 PM
square hole with round peg
9:25 PM
getting there though
9:26 PM
water-ice conveyor belts, redstone logic, computing and networking, dispenser/hopper stuff, storage in chests
9:26 PM
main holdup is rail shit
(no switchtracks, mess to work with)
and furnaces
9:26 PM
9:26 PM
no automation of crafting
did automate potions once with a janky rail staircase setup and a huge redstone circuit
9:27 PM
9:27 PM
does stock java?
im getting you a java accoumt
i mean they can turn, and i made a piston system
9:27 PM
but like just a switch track block
9:27 PM
9:27 PM
w h y d e v s w h y
9:27 PM
and like c h a r c o a l b l o c k s
9:28 PM
g e t t i n g m e ?
if you put a curved rail in the middle of a t-junction and power it, it can switch direction
9:28 PM
it's not a switch-track block
9:28 PM
but it's what we gor
i need to grab screenshots
i made test worlds for each setup
9:28 PM
then gradually add in to creative
9:28 PM
9:29 PM
i made a data archive system based off of hopper minecarts
9:29 PM
supposedly REAL people use shulker boxes?
java also has access to the modded minecraft community
9:29 PM
i mean
can it be steam mods or the god tier file shit
you COULD use both
9:29 PM
hopper carts AND shulker boxes
i havent made it to the end in non-creative yet
9:30 PM
can't find the damn entrance, and need fucking blaze powder, but the damn nether update
also its god-tier "jump into the game's directory and add the mods in manually"
o o f
9:30 PM
i can't do that for ksp yet
9:31 PM
i think they may have added steam capability, and 2 is coming out soon and may have it out of the gate?
it's KINDA simple if you approach it in two parts: the mod loader and the mods themselves
9:31 PM
usually the mod loader has an easy-to-use installer that then generates a mod folder
9:31 PM
and then you can drag and drop mods in and out
i got one, as i got FO4 on steam sale but it ran like shit (probs becaus ein don't have an ssd yet)
9:32 PM
also am shit at the type of game FO4 is but want the l o r e
o e u f
9:32 PM
that's problem numero uno i suppose
so got power armor via cheats from the start, but wanted infinite power cores
9:32 PM
was goofy too
9:33 PM
first mission "we will shoot at you with our many guns"
9:33 PM
p u n y m o r t a l
9:34 PM
smash melee home run sound effect
9:35 PM
alright so this entire idea of everything that's going on here is absolutely awesome and i will try my hardest to keep up with this community
9:35 PM
9:35 PM
i have a friend i'd like you to meet
9:35 PM
more like minds to add to the partee
9:36 PM
he's my best friend in the entire universe, and i bet he would be a MASSIVE asset to the community in terms of absolulte s he a r g e n i u s
9:36 PM
he ALSO is a computer science major
9:36 PM
and ALSO works on a farm
9:37 PM
and could POTENTIALLY help to test stuff out
9:37 PM
this is literally like a continuation of our highschool robotics club
@KLARI has reached level 5. GG!
we made a farm bot and had a lot of fun learning about ecology AND robotics
d a m n
9:39 PM
was plotting a d3d version of the farmbot so w o o t
9:39 PM
ALSO things like a steam/flameweeder toolhead
😆 1
iT'S oRgAnic
9:40 PM
using natural gass
that is
9:40 PM
the most metal thing
9:40 PM
i have ever seen
9:40 PM
in the context of farming
9:41 PM
oh besides using predatory mites for pest control
9:41 PM
that is also metal
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 9:50 PM
Sorry I'm behind on thr chat, but welcome Klari. Excited you're trying out OSE Linux. If you face any issues let me know. To clarify, I'm just an OSE Linux 2 beta tester. Ray Riga is the OSE linux expert
9:55 PM
are they on the slack?
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 9:55 PM
Likely, but I think easiest to contact via email
oh right, i forgot that there's a divide
i feel like the slack is borderline dead
between discord and slack
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 9:56 PM
Someone contacted me recently via slack so that was nice
9:56 PM
People are quite busy these days though getting ready for the quickly approaching summer camp
..summer camp... september..
9:57 PM
oh wait
9:58 PM
the other side of the planet is a thing
i'm in florida land, of eternal summer (except for 1-3 weeks in january when it is spring) (edited)
i'm in the land of eternal winter (with the exception of very short and very brutal summers)
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 9:58 PM
Well it may actually be technically during fall now that you mention it lol. Maybe its called "September camp" and I just got it mixed up (edited)
i'm debating if i want to get the kit or not. I also would neet do adjust work around a bit
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 10:00 PM
Same. Ideally I want to just get the extruder and source everything rlse
10:00 PM
Which is what I mentioned in the slack. I forgot who I was talking to, he was actually thinking similarly and said he was going to ask marcin about it (edited)
10:02 PM
Ive already printed out the pen plotter attachment although something is screwy with the gcode. A little cart before the horse, but I didnt have anything else I wanted to print at the time. (edited)
@goldfishlaser#1337 has reached level 4. GG!
haven't seen many benchmarks on the printer and it is the one with the cantilever design
10:08 PM
on the note of pen plotters have you done that much with dot matrix yet or no (mainly just raster/vector, and the cool scribble thing)
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 10:12 PM
I'm not sure how dot matrix can apply to a pen plotter
hard to do with pens, but the ultrafine markers could work
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 10:13 PM
Matthew Rayfield claims he does it but its more of a stipple
10:13 PM
I tried his stuff out but it isnt open source licensed
Also could MAYBE do fountain pens, but those are dark magic to me
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 10:15 PM
Stipplegen accomplishes the task but I need a good image
10:15 PM
My next working session is going to focus on it
10:18 PM
I also hope that marcin will get a red, green, and blue pen 😈
10:21 PM
I need to find out how to make my flashforge read gcode. Default is it only reads x3g 😤 so I cant test my own plotter code
which model is it?
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 10:33 PM
Creator pro
10:37 PM
Im not gonna have time for it for awhile. Unless its trivially easy. Everything else in my life is piling too high. My main goal right now is creating the workshop itself (lots of video instruction on the way) and my other side project of prototyping the buskill magnetic release cable. (edited)
10:37 PM
But first I actually have to do day job on the weekend ☹️ sad story. And to there I must go for now.
Linkspam you may have already found? It goes above my head, but may be of use:
10:45 PM
For troubleshooting purposes I want to get the gcode generated by your slicer for a Flashforge creator pro. I know that my printer only can use x3g files, but I presume your slicer (cura) first creates gcode then uses GPX to convert that to x3g. Since x3g is a binary I canno...
10:45 PM
I was able to get Cura 3.6, Cura 4.2.1, and Cura 4.4.1 working with my FlashForge Creator Pro 2016 for all single extruder prints. I haven't tried any other versions of Cura, but any versions between 3.6 and 4.4.1 will likely work as well. This thing contains a ZIP file which ...
goldfishlaser#1337 9/12/2020 10:46 PM
Yeah ive seen the last one and have that ready to go. I guess i need that gpx thing to happen per the first link summary, so maybe I will see if thats easy (edited)
10:48 PM
@KLARI I'm gettin tired, so will log off soon. I guess the "to-do's " on your side could be:
4:02 AM
1.) request a wiki account
4:02 AM
2.) get that person you talked about in here, they seem cool, and have a PILE of kit
4:02 AM
was great talking with you today!
4:03 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
ccccool34gf joined the server. 9/13/2020 4:38 AM
oh yeah this is my other friend
4:40 AM
also pretty awesome
4:40 AM
he likes to make stuff
ccccool34gf 9/13/2020 4:40 AM
so BASICALLY these guys have the blueprints to build your own...uh..right now, basically your own modular farm
4:41 AM
but the plan is to make a modular open-source society
4:41 AM
from what i've gathered
ccccool34gf 9/13/2020 4:41 AM
That's awesome!
We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collabor...
alright, account requested now once tonight's DnD session is done, i'll coax him to actually READ THE DMS I SENT HIM
im just gonna drop this here in regards to researching frameworks to build modular building heat from passively-cooled PCs modified to exchange their heat with a building-wide water circulation system or hot water boiler
goldfishlaser#1337 9/13/2020 5:42 AM
Hi! Yeah if you're new make sure you check out the Ted Talk--
5:44 AM
The idea is indeed a rapidly replicating decentralized open source enterprise driven by the tools in the global village construction set
awh darn, my account was rejected
6:17 AM
welp, i guess i'm not going to be able to make a wiki account until i fix my resume then if that's the issue
6:44 PM
look at this battery!
6:44 PM
modular battery in
6:44 PM
display of power levels and all that (and software controllable to lower power/different colors, and as a flashlight)
6:45 PM
And USB-C (power delivery max 60w) /High power USB out
6:45 PM
Also has a port for module additions
i'd never thought i'd need an rgb battery
6:52 PM
i need an rgb battery
the rgb is a bit...much
6:53 PM
but in this case it does have SOME utility?
6:54 PM
a white digitally adressable led may work too
6:54 PM
granted i'd want red for night vision while camping/astronomy-ing anyways (edited)
ye i only talk about "muh fancy rgb" in satire rgb for actual utility functions is another deal
6:54 PM
i was actually working on a project to add rgb to my server rack, with addressable strips
6:54 PM
but not to make a crazy lightshow
and i lowkey have dmx rgb+w led strips in my room
but to replicate this:
6:55 PM
Adafruit customer Kris Applegate posted this great demo video of how he used an Arduino Mega, and Adafruit Digital Addressable LED Light Strips to make his Dell trade show booth more interactive.  …
6:55 PM
not necessarily to "highlight a product"
6:56 PM
but to show individual statuses of entire hosts
6:56 PM
like a standardized status light
6:56 PM
that is both functional and good-looking
i made some comments on the video on open-source-ness of future iterations.
7:26 PM
Upvoting may help but no pressure
7:30 PM
which video
7:30 PM
the first one is broken
ah no i meant in the power bank lol
7:36 PM
7:37 PM
i'm going off to work be back in ~10 hrs or so?
okie dokie!
Feathercrown joined the server. 9/14/2020 4:36 AM
Feathercrown 9/14/2020 4:36 AM
Hey world changers whats up
4:36 AM
@Eric Lotze IT IS H E
4:36 AM
4:36 AM
Feathercrown 9/14/2020 4:37 AM
HELLO YES I AM MIGHTY SOMETIMES mostly when I eat candy
4:37 AM
Or really good mexican food
Feathercrown 9/14/2020 4:37 AM
4:43 AM
4:44 AM
he said he'll be done with work in 10 hours...9 hours abd 45 minutes ago
4:44 AM
4:44 AM
hopefully eventually he'll ping you with further details once he's online feath
i actually have a question, too, regarding the universal power supply: are we going to be making our own electrical appliances outlet/plug for OSE electronics? or maybe some way to implement international adapters on both cable and outlet?
@KLARI has reached level 6. GG!
Feathercrown 9/14/2020 5:03 AM
can we standardize to 30 hz instead of 29.97 lmao
@Feathercrown has reached level 1. GG!
Feathercrown 9/14/2020 5:03 AM
(I'm assuming that would be much more trouble than it's worth)
5:03 AM
5:03 AM
Yeah what's the rundown
5:04 AM
I heard open source partially-self-constructed town?
(Definitely not a boilerplate answer) Basically a group dedicated to making all the open source hardware needed to build/run a small town/farm. Complex to explain so perhaps watch the ted talk and check it out? Ted talk on the group: More PR-ey Site Wiki Link
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Lana-Blaize joined the server. 9/14/2020 4:36 PM
Lana-Blaize 9/14/2020 4:36 PM
5:40 PM
I am
5:40 PM
...did you just survive getting chased by a bear?
no i just went unconscious for 9 hours
6:32 PM
time to catch up on discord
anyone know if libreoffice is still the go-to FOSS alternative to microsoft office?
DiggnDeeper 9/14/2020 8:41 PM
I would say it is.
@DiggnDeeper has reached level 3. GG!
or has a new fork/totally separate app under a different name taken that crown
8:41 PM
coolio, just wanted to make sure bc i need to open some office files but can't afford the entire fuckin office home license
DiggnDeeper 9/14/2020 8:41 PM
Comes with most distros.
8:42 PM
I hear that. That's is exactly what headed me toward FOSS
well its not only that but i'm just trying to slowly swap out all of my software for (F)OSS alternatives
8:43 PM
i don't like things being black-boxed
8:43 PM
or anything proprietary
8:43 PM
but i kinda have to deal with proprietary sometimes bc of the sheer fact that nobody has made an OS alternative
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 8:51 PM
What's an example? I'm trying to think of something that hasnt been open sourced and having trouble thinking of one. At least among standard desktop tasks. (edited)
there's definitely an open-source alternative for most common desktop tasks
10:27 PM
but there's no open standard for things like rgb controllers (and not just rgb keyboards and mice, but full system control, for rgb headers and proprietary rgb-centric microcontrollers built onto some high-end motherboards) does wacom open-source their pen tablet drivers yet? i haven't yet tried out Streamdeck_UI for getting my Streamdeck running on a linux system i was about to say there isn't any open-source alternative to Cisco IOS for Cisco Routers and Switches, but i guess if you dive into datacenter-grade network operating systems, there's things like SONiC and OpenSwitch
10:29 PM
sure there's definitely niche things
10:29 PM
but when you actually encounter those niche things
10:29 PM
it's going to be a PITA to troubleshoot if you can't pick it apart yourself to figure out the issue
10:30 PM
or if the proprietary software has an extremely shitty customer support line but you can't do ANYTHING to the software itself because they have it locked down
10:31 PM
there IS an open-source IC fabrication foundry on the way, though, for us electronics engineers
10:31 PM
Open source process design kit for usage with SkyWater Technology Foundry's 130nm node. - google/skywater-pdk
10:31 PM
its on a chonky 130nm process node
10:31 PM
but hey, it's SOMETHING!
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 10:34 PM
Ah I see. I dunno much about that sorta thing. I do see theres an openrgb project (and lots of others) but I wouldnt know how good it is, or how applicable to what sorts of things you work on (edited)
10:39 PM
Openrgb looks to be relatively new so I am sure they'd love contribution
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 10:47 PM
The only pretty lights I usually mess with is adafruit. I briefly considered ee but ended up not quite going that route, so I just stick in the hobby lane for now.
that's honestly what i'm hoping for too
10:47 PM
hobby LED integration
10:47 PM
so i could control things OUTSIDE of my pc
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 10:50 PM
Are you familiar with adafruit? Id imagine so but I'm not quite sure where their controllers fit in compared to what sort of projects you're into
i actually started with adafruit products lmao (edited)
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 10:54 PM
Yeah, it's good entry level/popular stuff thats why I felt a bit silly asking 😅
i'm technically still supposed to be at an "adafruit level" in terms of my actual skills with hands-on electrical engineering and knowing the actual math to make sure that you can design an application-specific circuit on a breadboard and NOT have it explode in your face
10:58 PM
but it seems to me that high-speed pcb design is relatively straightforward in terms of how you'd go about doing it
10:59 PM
just connect the appropriate pins together on your reference schematics, make sure everything's powered within spec
10:59 PM
you don't have to get insanely fancy unless there isn't an IC that can do it for you
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:00 PM
Interesting stuff - are you in school for ee or self study?
self study
11:00 PM
although i'm trying to find a career path that works for me that would allow me to go to school for ee
11:00 PM
as well as
11:00 PM
everything else i want to do
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:01 PM
Very cool. You can totes make it happen. If I could do it all over again i still wish I had went for a BS Mechatronics 😭 (edited)
@goldfishlaser#1337 has reached level 5. GG!
kinda screwed myself over for starting college right away since i haven't exactly figured out where i want to go in life yet
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:02 PM
Same. And that's how I became a technical writer lmao.
i know that i want to do multidisciplinary with the end goal of designing supercomputer hardware from the ground up
11:02 PM
but i'm only now actually realizing how much work and effort that's going to entail
11:03 PM
not realizing NOW as in right this very moment
11:03 PM
but as in i've only realized with first-hand experience in trying to do everything at once
11:03 PM
and not having an organizational system that actually works for me
11:04 PM
i'm a bit behind when it comes to executive functioning
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:05 PM
I can sympathize. I deal with executive function problems as well
11:06 PM
One of the things I use and love is Habitica
i only JUST skimmed through my senior year to actually graduate and not have to settle for a GED
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:07 PM
Nice! Congrats on the paper
i mean highschool
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:07 PM
Yes I understand
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:09 PM
I am 31, myself. So I've been out of school for a minute...
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:11 PM
I am sometimes jealous of how much more educational resources y'all grew up with- but you also face way more distractions lol
11:16 PM
I think the important thing is to just try to keep calm and make sure you have a project for the things you learn, and that you're logging what you do somehow. And don't smoke that fake weed or anything dumb like that.
11:19 PM
But even if you do make mistakes, don't underestimate how fast you can come back up.
11:21 PM
Thats what I would tell me in highschool and maybe id be a mechatronics engineer haha. Well that and dont believe the people who are fronting-- everybody has to work and study hard and everybody does a bunch of stupid shit when they're learning. The genius myth is kind of damaging. On the flip side, you can learn a lot by having good examples to follow, so its ok to have some heroes. (edited)
i already have weed and drugs and alcohol and anything else like that taken care of through S H E E R A B ST I N E N CE
11:23 PM
my brain is already screwed over enough
11:23 PM
i dont need anything else ruining it for me
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:24 PM
Haha fair enough. 😁
11:26 PM
I dunno if you already know about Habitica, but its pretty cool. It makes an rpg out of your to-do list and routines. And its open source.
i think i tried to use it like once i'll try it again but ehhhh, i'm not that interested in gamifying something as big as executive functioning working on a project itself is a game on its own lmfao
goldfishlaser#1337 9/14/2020 11:31 PM
Ah if it doesn't work it doesn't work. I just find that it works for me because it combines the routine setting, the to do list, and the habits in one interface.
11:32 PM
But there are lots of approaches
11:33 PM
I have projects in my habitca from 6 years ago, just sitting there waiting for their time to shine buut I don't have to worry about them bc its there when im ready
11:33 PM
I already got all the pets and stuff so I dont really play that part of the game anymore (edited)
@KLARI can wled do any of the stuff in the rgb controller examples?
white led's?
@KLARI has reached level 7. GG!
why not?
nah WLED the software
7:13 AM
un momento
7:13 AM
they got a discord and are tying to make more compatible microprocessors etc
7:14 AM
hoping for an rpi one
>webserver to control neopixels
7:14 AM
i want a stage engineer in a box
7:14 AM
y u s
7:14 AM
project page for my idea
7:15 AM
dmx, midi, ethernet, ble, and wifi hopefully in one lil square stack
7:15 AM
i got a udb-dmx adapter for nerd reasons already
i was mostly gonna use something like this for my rackmount status light project
7:18 AM
welp guess i need to go get an arduino ethernet shield
7:18 AM
and a project enclosure
7:21 AM
esp32 can work!
@Eric Lotze has reached level 18. GG!
i submitted a thing for an account but it got rejected
7:22 AM
do i have to build up a reputation with you guys first before i consider making an account?
i don't fucking know lol
7:24 AM
the mysterious Marcin at times
7:24 AM
great guy, just comms are odd
goldfishlaser#1337 9/15/2020 7:25 AM
No, it isn't a reputation thing. Are you interested in becoming a developer, or just editing the wiki?
7:28 AM
Or making an OSE chapter?
7:30 AM
It's just important to include what you're interested in and how you want to contribute in your bio.
ohhh alright well do you mean by developer in terms of proposing new ideas to add for optional kits or aid in designing already existing ideas? (edited)
7:38 AM
if so, yes and yes
7:39 AM
and i haven't completely brought myself up to speed with what the Chapters are
chapters are like the local dev clubs right?
7:41 AM
essentially more makerspace focused, less schools/unis?
7:42 AM
Nah ose chapters are in schools
7:43 AM
Well can be, they're also in makerspaces as you say (edited)
7:50 AM
I am not so sure on the specifics. I'd like to start a chapter eventually but it isn't my current priority (edited)
Precious Plastic Visited "Auroville" odd kinda hippie aspect to it ( sPiruAlity) (my personal opinion though, as long as they are hrting no-on including themselves, good for them; to each their own), and it is kinda toursity (a less disney-profit machine, more like epcot was "supposed to be" ), but altogether kind of a cool place it seems:
8:00 AM
also may be where marcin got all the "aurvoville earth institute stuff from on CEBs
8:01 AM
(and as with the belize crew, they brick maker had the important "CEB site dogs" )
8:01 AM
very important role
(just did a lil check post work) ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/15/2020 9:09 AM
Lovely to see activityyy! Woo! Still situating my new Virginia life. Get job, get home. Am working on soome GameDev finally though!
does the 2 hrs of work per day eventually add up to a payout of some kind, i mean, besides personal growth and broadening of skillsets?
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:28 AM
If you don't know where you're going, any path will take you there
1:31 AM
I am still before my 9 week trial period. Personally, my goal is to network, have an open source project on my resume, teach workshops, and start my own enterprise
1:32 AM
So that's the only payout I expected. That and possibly having a hand at building the global village construction set. (edited)
@goldfishlaser#1337 has reached level 6. GG!
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:33 AM
There are paid positions and other things that being an ose dev is a prereq for
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:39 AM
But paid positions involve living or visiting the farm
which isssss innnnn
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:40 AM
Well its possible just the jobs I was looking at involve that. I didn't look at every possible track. The sysadmin probably lives whereever
and when you mean enterprise, do you mean one that partners with the OSE community, or one that exists within it?
1:41 AM
because if starting an enterprise within OSE is possible
1:41 AM
i may or may not have a proposal right off the bat
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:42 AM
Def search the wiki on all the enterprise materials, I dont wanna get anything wrong and lead astray. There's lots of notes on what sorta collab ose does
1:43 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:43 AM
Its not all machines on there lol lots of philosophy and business
>philosophy and business
1:44 AM
ok take my e x i s t e n ce this seems like the PERFECT stepping stone to start my own new chapter in life
1:44 AM
hdsjk im getting excited again, i need to uh go lay down for like 5 minutes and get my head together
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:50 AM
Ha nice :) yeah, I agree there's a lot to get out of thie path. I remember how excited I was when I first heard about it- which would have been around your age? But back then it was an idea. Over the years, ose made real several of the machines and now they've established a lot, having the bricklayer, the 3d printer, the tractor-- and the plan is to finish all the machines by 2028. (edited)
goldfishlaser#1337 9/16/2020 1:57 AM
So I rediscovered it recently at a time when I'm trying to build my 3d modeling skills and to use my skills to make and write stuff that matters. I'm not going to be in any history books, but now I suspect that when I'm long gone, people who look back on the development of the gvcs may see my plotter art files and whatever elss I get into- and that's kinda fun.
2:03 AM this concept to me is very exciting. D3d universal threadplotter anyone? Imagine this +conductive thread- I need it
Huh. I was planning on using nylon thread to make artificial muscles.
12:09 AM
Not sure outside of india, but definetly a huge area of need
12:09 AM
that and safe water usage+storage
goldfishlaser#1337 9/17/2020 12:12 AM
Im a fan of dean kamen's slingshot
12:14 AM
Welcome to Open Source Distliing. We bring home distillation to the next level through automation and open source technology.
12:15 AM
Wait thats a different type of distilling than I was looking for lol...
12:16 AM
Distilling water is definitely something people diy all the time but I was curious if there was an open hardware licensed product and it doesn't seem like it (edited)
it is somewhat inefficient i guess, although solar stills can work somewhat
12:19 AM
well or rainwater to some "small" processing like charcoal and heat pasturization is easier than distilling "dirty" water
12:19 AM
A solar still distills water with substances dissolved in it by using the heat of the Sun to evaporate water so that it may be cooled and collected, thereby purifying it. They are used in areas where drinking water is unavailable, so that clean water is obtained from dirty wat...
12:19 AM
that one solar group makes a solar thermal water pasteurizer
12:22 AM
not certain if it is OS
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/18/2020 4:25 AM
I had no idea that a dehumidifier (living in Virginia now, not dry Arizona) could create so much water. In a day of keeping it at 35% I appear to be dumping out 2-3 gallons of water.
Huh. that sounds like a decent method of generating water then
Depends all on humidity
4:48 PM
And most are usually quite inefficient (some use thermoelectric cells etc)
4:48 PM
4:49 PM
got 77% humidity in my area rn
4:49 PM
and 100% isn't uncommon
4:49 PM
s w e a t d o e s n ' t w o r k
Aw, so no fremen suits from the dune series
4:51 PM
Oh, you meant sweat doesn't work for cooling you down (edited)
it doesn't because it can't evaporate, or barely does
Avatar closed source, autodesk program, that WAS free goes more closed off FOR PROFIT?!? whoda seen it coming!
Feathercrown 9/18/2020 9:05 PM
uh oh
It's late (locally) and i have a day off tomorrow. HOPEFULLY i wont sleep through it all; still haven't gone to the shelter to get cat colony feeding and Catch, Sterilize/Vaccinate, and Release going. (Also all this dev stuff). ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
mind if i tell my tale of a project idea i've had for a while now?
y'know, if we're all trying to design humanoid androids that can serve as companions to humans and i mean like Detroit: Become Human androids, not industrial robots that have a human-friendly design, why haven't we been using humanoid pose and animation data from the game design industry? like, sure we're trying to design neural nets that can learn to walk all by themselves, but with the way the engineers are doing things, they'll almost never leave the realm of uncanny valley
7:12 PM
y'know, if we're all trying to design humanoid androids that can serve as companions to humans and i mean like Detroit: Become Human androids, not industrial robots that have a human-friendly design, why haven't we been using humanoid pose and animation data from the game design industry? like, sure we're trying to design neural nets that can learn to walk all by themselves, but with the way the engineers are doing things, they'll almost never leave the realm of uncanny valley
7:13 PM
why not take a bunch of pose and animation examples from mocap'ed characters + exaggerated animations of 3d characters, and implement a corrective neural system to make sure the android keeps its real-world balance by modifying the pose data?
7:14 PM
so that way, there's a chance of actually making a humanoid android that can finally climb out of uncanny valley
7:14 PM
and finally look friendly and approachable
disney does a pile of this, but mainly:
  • dev time - hardware to play with - m o n e e
i know disney has a bunch of animatronics that are basically like this exactly
7:15 PM
but like
7:16 PM
dev time is non-avoidable tho
hard to grab footage, but im digging:
we already have people working on friendly robots for the corporate space and endoskeletons for sex robots
7:17 PM
i am borderline refusing to click on the
7:17 PM
"top 10 anamatronics you MuSt SeE"
ah right, disney keeps all of their imagineering completely proprietary, right?
disney LOBBIES for copyright lol
9:07 PM
most of the recent extensions were (mostly, other groups lobbied as well) CAUSED by them
9:08 PM
even though 2/3 of the disney movies are made from public domain stories (grim stories etc)
Yeah, if not for disney, we'd probably be a bit further ahead in robotics
9:09 PM
They do some research and have some programs for designing nice gearing mechanisms, 3D printed robots, etc., and then they lock it down as much as possible
maybe OSE can have their own entertainment sector
12:47 AM
that pushes for public domain media
idk about public domain...
12:48 AM
Even Open Source stuff isn't really public domain
12:57 AM
Any art, entertainment, or media made for OSE purposes would be published under (edited)
are individual organizations allowed to exist under the OSE ecosystem? like whatever the OSE equivalent of a brand name is
goldfishlaser#1337 9/20/2020 1:08 AM
This is the baseline of what it means to be an open source ecology community:
1:11 AM
jngsdg sorry i'm not more knowledgeable of OSE things haven't actually sat down to read through the wiki
goldfishlaser#1337 9/20/2020 1:12 AM
It's a sprawling and hectic wiki. I dont mind sharing. I wish I could remember more of them to share
1:17 AM
1:20 AM
Relating to your question I would def pay particular attention to the sections on Distributive Enterprise, OSE mentorship, OSE specifications, and OSE collaboration protocol- but it's all important thats why it's the crash course. (edited)
Heading off to work, may be back in ~11 hrs or so for a quick before bed checking of allmy discord channels
have we yet considered open-source server hosting/OSes/hypervisors/services?
I think most of the software is open source, but an open hardware server would be cool
goldfishlaser#1337 9/21/2020 9:17 PM
I'm not sure what you mean to consider it
9:24 PM
Search OSE Server on the wiki- I think that may be what you're looking for
9:24 PM
michael log (linked within) is where all the juicy sysadmin details are prior to ray log (edited)
9:45 PM
9:47 PM
i want to help s o b a d with that
9:53 PM
okay frick this i'm gonna fix my resume
9:54 PM
and indeed and linkedin
im gonna see if i can get a formal position at OSE i'm enjoying this too much aaaa
Hmm... do OSE employees get paid?
11:01 PM
Or is it a volunteer org for now? (edited)
i wouldn't mind if it's a volunteer org for now i still like the idea of the sort of reputation participating in a project on such a scale as this would provide
11:05 PM
i can...i dunno...generate a bit of passive income on all the gaming rigs i have in my local social circle
have we considered creating a logo for this discord server?
1:41 AM
also, i hope nobody minds, but i pitched the OSE discord and wiki and ideology and everything else to my organization, and they're all on-board as well
@KLARI has reached level 8. GG!
and they might be joining soon
On the note of the networking stuff, it is very placeholder now, but there is some old project "Free the Network"
5:49 PM
it had some hardware, i can't decode it, but do check that out
Heading off to work, may be back in ~11 hrs or so for a quick "before bed checking of all my discord channels"
2:02 AM
Okay so
2:03 AM
aren't standard shipping containers an open mechanical standard?
2:03 AM
or at least so popular that everyone has a copy of a shipping container's mechanical specs?
2:03 AM
i have an idea
2:04 AM
what if we could use shipping containers as multi-purpose buildings?
2:04 AM
not only to transport cargo between villages
2:04 AM
but also as like
2:06 AM
architectural chassis for residental purposes, like modular appartments
2:06 AM
but also as offices
2:06 AM
server rooms
2:06 AM
utility areas
2:07 AM
and you could create a shipping container extension that permits connecting multiple containers together
2:07 AM
like removing walls or implementing standard-connect doors
2:10 AM
extensions for modular corridors, seeing if you could flip a container on its front for things like elevators or stairways to multiple floors
2:11 AM
maybe even a system for allowing containers to lock into much more sturdier frames for stacking a LOT of them together
2:11 AM
it would be even cooler if the connectors were some variant of quick-attach
2:12 AM
so if you wanted to rearrange your house, you could just disassemble everything, grab a container mover, and move all the parts
2:12 AM
ALSO, regarding a container MOVER, you could implement INDUSTRIAL VEHICLES into the form factor of a shipping container
2:13 AM
such as shipping crane movers themselves
2:13 AM
or general-purpose cranes
2:13 AM
combine harvester mechanical containers
2:14 AM
what else is pretty dang huge that you could build into a shipping container...
2:15 AM
.....generators....industrial-sized controllers.... datacenters.....
2:15 AM
2:15 AM
like train hoppers?
2:15 AM
conveyor belt complexes for the OSE conveyor systems
2:16 AM
other mechanical process modules
2:17 AM
my uncle once built an industrial pellet former out of a retired semi trailer
2:17 AM
and that's basically a shipping container
2:17 AM
took raw logs directly
2:18 AM
and chopped them down, turned them into shavings, put them into a press former, and then bagged them
2:18 AM
but i guess it broke
2:18 AM
i should call him to see how that project is going
2:22 AM
..i guess he sold it
2:22 AM
awh darn
2:22 AM
welp, at least that's one more resource i can use to test some OSE processes
2:24 AM
modularity time
2:28 AM
oh wait
2:28 AM
2:28 AM
there's multipke standards
2:28 AM
2:34 AM
are they all based on ISO Containers?
2:40 AM
well i found (edited)
2:41 AM
we could extend the iso standards for OSE purposes, right?
2:42 AM
oh wait, you have to buy them
2:42 AM
2:44 AM
2:44 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 2:44 AM
But for the most part, ose is partnered with the open building institute
2:45 AM
i love the aesthetic, modular, and quickly-rearrangeable aspects of container cities
2:46 AM
2:47 AM
if i start an ose chapter and buy a plot of land to start building and testing the GVCS on
2:47 AM
i'd want to try to build a container city
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 2:48 AM
Have you looked at OBI yet? It's modular too and uses local resource s
i will i will
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 2:48 AM
But yeah container buildings.are super cool. Have considered it too...
2:53 AM
But I'm pretty convinced I wanna use OBI. I just need my 50k amd 10 trusty pals
you could use shipping containers as modular factory components as well as manufacturing modules en-masse for extremely quick process construction
2:54 AM
almost literally like factorio
2:55 AM
splitters, programmable rejectors, quality assurance scanners, belt printers, assemblers, etcetera
2:56 AM
just stack em all together in a couple days instant factory
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 2:57 AM
Itd be cool to use it for the underground bunker (or underground factory) and then with all the dirt use the bricklayer to make your above ground structure lol (edited)
Huh, the metal shipping containers are only 1000-2000$
2:57 AM
yup! that's just about as much as a decent gaming pc
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 2:58 AM
You gotta do a lot of work to it, and buy the land, and people usually want more than 1
still though honestly a single shipping container woild be enough for me to live in
2:59 AM
as a studio apartment
you could put some wheels on it and have it be a traveling lab
2:59 AM
3:00 AM
3:00 AM
3:00 AM
if you dare to turn shipping containers into modular, collapsible industrial vehicles
3:00 AM
you could A L S O turn them into
3:00 AM
3:01 AM
collapsible trains that you could actually stack away and move
ooh, if you did some mining operations and ran into some hydrocarbons and got some cheap hydrogen/helium, you could make a nice blimp with a shipping container attached to the bottom
3:01 AM
open source airship
3:01 AM
3:02 AM
i'd LOVE to start an entry on container-based vehicles and modular factory components
3:03 AM
airships, trains, cranes, lifts, tractors, trucks, ...busses? that'd be weird
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 3:05 AM
You should check out the car project which is part of the gvcs.
true, yes, cars are always touted as the ultimate mode of personal transport
3:06 AM
but like
3:06 AM
i'm one of those people with an unhealthy obsession for locomotives and railroad logistics
3:07 AM
and i also know someone who volunteered to work for amtrak to optimize train scheduling
3:08 AM
I saw marcin say in an old ama that there's a scholarship in it if someone helped out. Dunno if its still true
@goldfishlaser#1337 has reached level 7. GG!
3:13 AM
3:13 AM
3:13 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 3:13 AM lol hope you dont mind the link spam
its perfectly fine lol
3:14 AM
i am a data hoarder
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 3:14 AM
There is an empty open source train page so
i have over 1000 tabs
@KLARI has reached level 9. GG!
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 3:14 AM
Somebody wanted it
3:14 AM
3:14 AM
i gotta apply to join the ose wiki so i can dump my ideas aaaaaaaaa
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 3:15 AM
Yeah sometimes people make placeholders to empty pages to signal it needs to be made and then it'll all link together when ready
3:15 AM
Like that page
3:21 AM
But a lot of these things have dependencies on gvcs. And its the main focus rn. Just keep that in mind. It's important to have the broader interests and picture, follow your white rabbit, but the most important thing to OSE is to have the basic gvcs ready by 2028 (edited)
3:25 AM
The truck, the power supply, the hydraulic motor, the steam engine, the truck, the car (edited)
3:25 AM
It isnt glamorous but its essential to the vision of the OSE campus. We need people interested in developing these (and the others) most (edited)
3:32 AM
Aight have fun y'all i gotta catch some shuteye
when the GVCS is ready for completion, would it be possible to port all associated wiki entries to something akin to a low-footprint Man page? in the event that someone wanted access to the whole manual on-location, potentially without access to internet, and potentially on an improvised computer
i also can't find information regarding the Late 2020 roadmap for the GVCS
5:24 AM
if there is one at all
5:27 AM
also there's two months of missed logging in the Current Projects
5:28 AM
so i'll assume everyone is focused mostly on...extreme enterprise, the D3D printer ecosystem, and preparing FreeCAD
just filled out a workshop request form owo
oh actually
6:41 AM
6:42 AM
how, exactly, are we going to get our hands on silicon, for manufacturing PCBs in the CNC Circuit Mill?
6:42 AM
and also, integrated circuits themselves
6:42 AM
since those require a fab house of some kind
6:43 AM
since you need a cleanroom and a lithography machine to turn silicon wafers into integrated circuits
6:46 AM
ohhhhhhhh, i see, i think
6:46 AM
wait, no, i dont
6:46 AM
all-aluminum boards..?
6:47 AM
oh wait
6:48 AM
you have an aluminium/copper plate, and the mill scrapes past the copper?
6:48 AM
wait, that still doesn't make sense, since aluminum is also conductive
VirtualPants joined the server. 9/23/2020 6:57 AM
6:59 AM
6:59 AM
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:00 AM
Big Dick Is Back in Town
7:00 AM
I wonder where he is
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:00 AM
certainly not me
7:00 AM
😂 😂 😂
7:00 AM
pants is fren
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:00 AM
induction furnace
oh right, tell the discord what you told me about the induction furnace
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:01 AM
all of it?
if you want
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:01 AM
thats a lot of words
7:01 AM
I'm just gonna copy paste
7:01 AM
correct me if I get anything wronf
7:01 AM
I am by no means a metallurgy expert
7:02 AM
just a fan of all things big and hard and cold
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:05 AM
it's just pouring electrical current into a metal until it melts but I've read that the metal has to be really pure in order to work that makes me wary of its reliability when working with lower class metals you don't find perfect spring steel just lying around anymore moreover, in confused why the metal purity is such a major factor the mere act of melting down metals typically increases their relative purity, as imperfections rise to the top, doesn't it? this should be easy beans we just need a big bucket, made out of something heat resistant like tungsten, so we can liquify our metals and not our bucket to melt everything
@VirtualPants has reached level 1. GG!
yeah, i was thinking, in order to start the process of preparing raw materials for use in an induction furnace, why not just start by using a blast furnace or crucible to gradually remove impurities from raw ore?
7:06 AM
i think i read about some process that was in the works to extract aluminum from clay
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:06 AM
I didn't even know there was aluminum in clay
me neither
7:07 AM
i think its needs a specific composition
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:07 AM
dirt can be weirdly complex, considering it is just the ground
👌 1
✅ 1
they have like a whole spec sheet on buying land for if you want to start your own OSE ecosystem
7:07 AM
taking pH measurements and surveying for nearby land features
7:07 AM
like access to water
7:08 AM
clay soil
7:08 AM
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:08 AM
iron is easy to find too, as you just need a big magnet, but I worry about the reliability of locating aluminum, a non ferromagnetic metal (I think)
7:09 AM
though aluminum is certainly a useful building block to have
i'm reading here in a different article that the plan is to start by breaking down metal from scrap yards before mining begins
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:09 AM
well then that solves like half of our problems right there
7:10 AM
remember that minecraft mod from way long ago? tinkerers construct or something?
7:10 AM
still a big mod in the minecraft modding space
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:11 AM
where it had the big grout smelteries with the ores in layers according to density?
7:11 AM
we could do something like that to separate different kinds of metal scrap from each other maybe
it wasn't density-based, unfortunately
7:11 AM
it was manual layer sorting
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:11 AM
but it would be in the real world
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:11 AM
because heavier elements would sink to the bottom
but then you'd get metal alloys between pure layers
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:12 AM
so like a gradient of metals
@VirtualPants has reached level 2. GG!
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:12 AM
7:12 AM
good point
and combining some metals can like...product explosive results
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:12 AM
7:12 AM
I enjoy.
7:12 AM
things go boom.
7:12 AM
if it explodes, you did something right!
7:13 AM
  • me, just now
i guess you're right learn from failure
7:13 AM
7:13 AM
7:13 AM
7:13 AM
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:14 AM
I Am Not A Design Artist.
7:14 AM
I'm barely a cartoon artist
7:15 AM
hell I'm barely an artist at all at this point
7:15 AM
all my knowledge of metallurgy is surface level and purely conceptual
7:16 AM
I could help design something, but I am incapable of mathematics on the scale of what would be required
7:16 AM
I don't even know how much 50 Kw is in the context of induction smelting (edited)
50,000 Watts
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:17 AM
yeah but
7:17 AM
is that a lot? is that a reasonable amount?
7:18 AM
will a standard quarter inch copper wire burst under that much current?
seems like a foundry-sized furnace for a small city
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:18 AM
will we liquify the copper in our wires before the iron in our furnace?
that seems to be the maximum spec
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:18 AM
how big is a city?
7:18 AM
Keene is a small city
7:19 AM
Manchester is a small city
7:19 AM
I was under the impression that we would only really need a reasonably small setup
7:19 AM
7:20 AM
enough to make a car or two, one at a time, but not an entire full fledged 20 acre steel mill
7:20 AM
also if I do end up working on a furnace my only condition is that I get to drive the molten steel tractor
oh! they actually already have a working tractor kit
7:22 AM
i imagine the metal-transporting crucible would just be an attachment for the tractor
VirtualPants 9/23/2020 7:23 AM
thats so poggers i want 10. let me trade in my stupid civilian sedan for a molten steel tractor pls. anyways, all this talk about furnaces has made my brain liquify and it's starting to leak out of my ears, so I go now
i'd also like to point out that a lot of youtube videos regarding referencing research concepts are being wiped from the site
7:36 AM
7:37 AM
might i suggest hosting videos and other media files externally?
7:40 AM
also, when presented with the GVCS progress table: does Design actually precede planning?
7:40 AM
7:41 AM
and when you mean planning, do you mean the design itself is complete, and all that's left is to source the materials to build a prototype?
8:22 AM
All the metal refining stuff is WAY off
8:22 AM
buying OTS, or m a y b e melting scrap is the now, and most likely near future
Also on the note of transit: (my usual mess of half made pages) :
@KLARI has reached level 10. GG!
8:25 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:25 AM
Klari, I am bad at sleeping haha. I agree that we shouldnt depend on youtube. Im trying to onboard myself to lbry and at least host my videos there.
lmao its okay my sleep schedule is extremely wacked up too i'm in the Eastern Standard Timezone, it's currently 2:25 AM, and i just finished my second cup of coffee
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:26 AM
And i wanna run a media gnome instance but time is expensive
8:28 AM
Yeah im est too
8:32 AM
I know the wiki is backed up somehow but im not sure if they download all the videos or what
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
if i can figure out my distributed data hosting services (i have nodes in two locations right now, separated by 30 miles), i'll see if i can offer hosting in the future
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:41 AM
Curious how interested you are in stuff like ipfs
8:42 AM
Seems like fun. Michael was suggesting the open source everything store could be on openbazaar but it didnt pan out
inter-planetary file system?
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:45 AM
i will definitely check it out
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:48 AM
thought i saw something a while ago about lending out your available hard drive space to add yourself to a decentralized cloud storage network
8:49 AM
wasn't as crazy as IPFS, but this definitely looks like something i'd get my organization to start using
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:49 AM
Available hard drive space what's that 😆
8:49 AM
Im jk
lmaooo yeah
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:49 AM
Yeah I kinda think I know what youre talking about but too sleepy to recall what it is
my google-fu gives me..uih....SyncThing
8:50 AM
but that might not be it
8:50 AM
definitely had a blue logo
8:51 AM
8:51 AM
Storj is the storage layer for the Internet. Decentralized cloud storage is a new paradigm that removes intermediaries, enabling you to control your personal data. Storj is open source, distributed, encrypted, and blazing fast object storage. Check out how Storj can help you k...
8:51 AM
you get paid to use drive space
8:51 AM
so that's
8:51 AM
actually pretty cool
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:52 AM
Huh interesting
what i really want to see, is if there's an open-source framework for a decentralized virtual machine hypervisor
8:54 AM
my startup runs a lot of application servers, and hosting has been a bit of an issue, since i'm hosting it all on one server that i physically bought
8:54 AM
and have
8:54 AM
right next to me
8:55 AM
Dell PowerEdge R720
8:55 AM
sitting under a bundled mess of assorted wires
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:56 AM
So this is probably a dumb question, but whats the difference between what you want and what digital ocean does
what i want is to be in control of the full stack
8:57 AM
i have also considered Azure and AWS
8:57 AM
i know that those options exist
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 8:57 AM
Have u seen virtkit?
8:57 AM
the only problem is the pay-per-hour plan i..don't have an account set aside for trickling a few cents into each cloud VM for every hour the VMs are online
8:58 AM
or pay-per-API-call
8:59 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 9:01 AM
Oh shit apparently they made everybody mad lol
goldfishlaser#1337 9/23/2020 9:01 AM
Apparently they hiked prices and have shitty support
9:02 AM
But it may be a fruitful rabbit trail
9:02 AM
To what ever people moved onto
i don't mean to change topics so suddenly, but
9:32 AM
Also on the note of cable gantrys:
7:13 PM
Heading off to work, may be back in ~11 hrs or so for a quick "before bed checking of all my discord channels"
D●M J■HN 9/24/2020 1:46 AM
Hey everybody
1:46 AM
What's new?
1:48 AM
honestly not really sure
  • fusion 360 got way more expensive...whoda thunk it
7:43 AM
  • I am begining to have some burnable money (albeit housing etc is covered via living the milenial dream; in my parent's house and thus i am waaaaay luckier than some people rn) due to my job, so may get some fun stuff soon
7:44 AM
  • Moar people joining the discord, and the wiki itself
7:44 AM
  • OBI plans progressing foreward somewhat
7:44 AM
that's relitively it
Also @KLARI this is closed source, but shouldn't be too complex on the hardware side (very costly though with odrive lol)
8:15 AM
reminds me of this a bit:
8:15 AM
software is probably the real hell (outside of cost lol)
8:30 AM
yeah i am definitely not qualified to figure out the math required to actually make that happen in software
8:30 AM
i didn't even finish pre-calc
not trying to make this a project lol, more so pointing out cool tech
8:51 AM
I need to go to bed and not binge-read wikipedia dammit! ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
VirtualPants 9/24/2020 4:15 PM
just thinking about our goal here, and wondering if we have ways to obtain lime?
4:15 PM
as in calcium carbonate?
4:15 PM
also sulfuric acid?
goldfishlaser#1337 9/24/2020 4:24 PM
If you mean we as in fans in this discord, 🤷. If you mean the core team, they must have a source of lime because its an input for the CEB press. I assume they get it on location, since its naturally abundant, but I'm not yet an expert on the brick project. It may be that's something you would learn in the workshop. (edited)
VirtualPants 9/24/2020 4:33 PM
good to know, lime is pretty important (edited)
4:34 PM
you need it for mortar, agriculture, soap, gunpowder, and any number of other uses
4:35 PM
but our little civilization-in-a-can would be at a dead end with most chemistry without sulfuric acid
goldfishlaser#1337 9/24/2020 4:38 PM
Eric has made a lot of stub articles on chemistry so he may have looked into it
Feathercrown 9/24/2020 4:47 PM
Isn't lime a base
VirtualPants 9/24/2020 4:58 PM
thats pretty base if u ask me
@VirtualPants has reached level 3. GG!
Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is a common substance found in rocks as the minerals calcite and aragonite (most notably as limestone, which is a type of sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcite) and is the main component of pearls and ...
5:33 PM
i was plotting bio-leaching, probably from seawater
5:34 PM
this was "ye olden' " method; burning certain plants
5:34 PM
but with either intensive growing of them, or some genetically engineered crops/microorganisms, this can be much more effective (edited)
5:35 PM
For "Lime Kilns" there is 1 method in somewhat conceptual dev "Solar Cement" (ie PV to Heat to LimeKiln (i like CSP more need to see if that has been mentioned), i also had a concept for a conventional one run on charcoal
Heading off to work, may be back in ~11 hrs or so for a quick "before bed checking of all my discord channels"
oh crap, chemistry
2:57 AM
i used to be good at that
2:57 AM
and now i'm not
2:57 AM
2:58 AM
so lime is also a valuable resource and not just a tasty treat?
2:58 AM
2:59 AM
.....dont let me into the lime storage place then
3:00 AM
It looks like it might be near the bottom of this diagram thingy: (edited)
3:01 AM
CaO, but still
3:01 AM
Ah, quicklime/burnt lime
3:03 AM
Ah, yep, just burn some limestone and you get quicklime: (edited)
3:03 AM
like minecraft
ohhhhhh so lime as in limestone
3:04 AM
not limes as in lemons
3:04 AM
3:04 AM
both limestone and limes?
3:05 AM
3:05 AM
Google seems to not be providing many results for this
3:07 AM
maybe a little?
does that mean milk too
3:10 AM
bone juice
3:10 AM
hmmm... bone: Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
3:11 AM
So I guess kind of like slaked lime
3:11 AM
Are you gonna mine it?
i could get a rock
3:12 AM
idk how to use it
I guess that counts as mining
i bake it, right?
limestone to quicklime?
yeah, I think so
3:13 AM
and then you can add water if you want slaked lime
3:13 AM
and then whatever PO is for bone, I guess?
and either quicklime or slaked lime as a component for the finished CEB?
Huh. Didn't know the compressed earth blocks needed that
3:15 AM
i thought it was just claysoil and mayybe water
3:15 AM
to make mud
3:15 AM
and then compress ut
3:16 AM
and then spit it out on the liberator's output
3:16 AM
and then let them dry before building with them
3:16 AM
I guess we need to do earth chemistry stuff
open source chemistry lab time?
Hmm... it'd actually be pretty fun to make a terraria style wiki with crafting instructions
3:17 AM
3:17 AM
3:17 AM
3:18 AM
@Eric Lotze could we get a channel for discussing sourcing parts and creating designs for an OSE Chemlab Construction Set?
3:18 AM
same with the Network Construction Set, i know a surprising amount of OS hardware and software that we can use to build a full-stack OSE Cloud
3:19 AM
I think chemistry will actually have to be at the core of this project
3:20 AM
same with data logging and somewhere to store it
3:20 AM
network and laboratory stuff
getting metal requires getting the oxygen out. Getting bricks/cement requires some fairly complex chemistry. You can get some very useful acids from briny water...
3:21 AM
3:21 AM
eric, i have a question
3:21 AM
are you actually towards the top of the OSE foodchain?
3:22 AM
i mean in terms of how close you are to the project lead
3:22 AM
i mean also just being a very productive contributor is valid too
3:22 AM
i kinda aspire to be like you in that regard
3:22 AM
but i need to set up a resume that looks pleasing enough to OSE
hmm... calcium pectate is a critical part of plants, holding together cell walls.
3:29 AM
Looks like edamame contains the most calcium, with tofu at 350mg per 3.5 ounces
3:31 AM
a soybean farm, briny water, and a source of electricity seems like a good place to start
3:32 AM
3:34 AM
the oxalic acid they used for that is in plants apparently though
3:36 AM
Y'know, if we really want to get into chemistry, we can watch Nile Red's videos and keep track of the expensive chemicals that he just made himself.
@SimLeek has reached level 11. GG!
i really wish there was a way to host your own vrchat servers, like a minecraft server
I say you focus on the computer/networking hardware and software. That seems to be your speciality (and you lowkey had some kit i think lol)
7:13 PM
trying to find the wiki page i made on the group:
7:15 PM
found them
7:15 PM
n o t f i n i s h e d
I kinda wanna do chem tho
...what if we expand our available elements a bit with some nuclear chemistry?
D●M J■HN 9/26/2020 3:31 AM
Thx for linking that vid of the open source glass lathe. I'm gonna make one :D
3:32 AM
What's all this chem talk about?
You need some basic chemicals to live, make cement, make metal, etc.
3:33 AM
If we could figure out the minimum necessary chemical reactions for an open source society, we could add those, and add machines for them if necessary
3:34 AM
( Also, I kinda want to make an interactive version of this nuclide map so I can see how atoms react to proton bombardment:
3:35 AM
( Phosphorus may be a bit lacking in some places, and is necessary for life, so bombarding with protons there could be a decent option
this is all good long term, but again deliverables
I'm just browsing for fun now
a good chem project may be the stuff "Hazlechem" is doing
For immediate deliverables...
all the pyrolysis oil distillation/processing, or doing so with algae oil etc
I mentioned a bit ago to look at some of Nile Red's vids and see what he made himself instead of bought
4:09 AM
Wait, who's Hazlechem?
Hello you all! I am a hobby chemist and I am uploading different synthesis to this channel. Currently I am working on a bigger plastic waste to fuel recyclin...
4:13 AM
a person on yt
4:13 AM
doing some great pyrolysis and small scale refining stuff
4:13 AM
not any bio stuff per-se yet, mainly plastic waste derived
4:15 AM
I can see a lot of this being useful for recycling, but not initial production
4:15 AM
useful though, and probably originally intended for recycling anyway
more so i'm thinking the "Bio-petro-chemistry" stuff, as most processes are similar (outside of if using raw pressed oil (ie olive oil etc) , or HTL)
ah, fair
4:26 AM
in this page i am plotting out what chemicals would be "needed" :
4:26 AM
i am NOT the chemist/chemical engineer
4:26 AM
but even in this list not including all the plastics, and odd chemical solvents/feedstockes etc
4:27 AM
lubricants for machines, plastics for seals, propellant gasses for aerosols, and refrigerants etc
4:27 AM
again very long term
4:27 AM
the pyrolysis oil can be used "raw" in a "waste oil burner" or an oil lamp, but probably with a bit of pollution
eh, biofuel...
may be able to 'crack" it all into syngas
4:28 AM
do you not like biofuels?
Not really. Even without gasoline and other fuels currently around, they're still outcompeted by nuclear, possibly wind/hydro, and they take up a ton of land to produce
4:30 AM
maybe algae based ones, but I think that'd take some genetic engineering,and I think we could probably pursue a lot more interesting tasks with even basic genetic engineering
what about: - sewage - agricultural/timber milling waste - subsidised "not growing" areas being used to farm biomass gmo-ed to increase soil nitrogen etc
4:36 AM
Was that supposed to be 3 separate things?
4:38 AM
I could see sewage and milling waste as a recycling based plant, and I suppose you could trim some wild plants sometimes, but not too much that you destroy the environment.
i can't find the paper on it, and not certain if the program exists still
I don't think that'd get you as much or as regular energy as sticking a water turbine in a river though.
4:39 AM
Also, geothermal is relatively simple if you're near a source
but in order to curb "over-production" (STOP THAT POST SCARCITY), some areas are intentially "not farmed"
4:40 AM
i agree to use those energy sources, i just think all will exist
4:40 AM
the only way to get petrochemicals from those is via power2x
4:40 AM
again, i am not talking mainly about electricity
non-coal is mostly nuclear and hydro
4:41 AM
more so all the other feedstocks, with maybe some energy as well, but mainly feedstocks
4:41 AM
but anywho
4:41 AM
did you read up on the "free the network" stuff? i thought you might love to dive into that if you haven't already
4:42 AM
made "hot spots in a crate"
4:42 AM
not sure on range and cost and whatnot
Huh. It's kinda small
4:43 AM
operating a 4G tower or having high power or meshed wifi would be neat
i think some groups were looking into that
I think a lot of them are:
some other newer OS network hardware groups, and a few software ones
4:47 AM
a lot
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs (with ability to think and do stuff for once!)
5:42 AM
I shall attempt to go sniffing around the ocean of available open source software for anything i can use to help set up fully-open social networking and collaboration for OSE
I am the big dumb I bought a HTC Vive Cosmos, it arrived today, was hyped af. The dispay cable is a mini-dispayport on the link box,the same port is on my laptop....but the cable is mini to i need to buy an adapter now. (edited)
3:42 AM
3:42 AM
so hyped aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
3:43 AM
also blender supports vr now
Is it still view only? Or full vr?
4:52 AM
Also, neat cosmos
so mini
5:31 AM
to standard
5:31 AM
back to mini
5:32 AM
why not plug directly in?
5:32 AM
oohh wait wait
5:32 AM
5:34 AM
you need a minidp to minidp
@KLARI has reached level 11. GG!
I might've just found something to complement KiCad
11:46 AM
PCB Hardware Description Language
11:50 AM
SKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits. - xesscorp/skidl
is it like OpenSCAD but for PCB's?
6:12 PM
(and yus it is 6DOF with controllers)
yes, i think
sounds neat!
12:40 AM
do you have a wiki account yet or nah
nnnnnoooo aaa
4:55 AM
its on my todo list still haven't worked on resume
i can try and make a page on it then! , was just wondering as it would be intresting to some of the people there
(was v e r y tired today so didn't get much done, but shouldd be better tomorrow onwards (also t h e a d a p t e r arrives so vr hypeeeeeeeee)
4:15 AM
4:15 AM
i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs (with ability to think and do stuff for once!)
a page on pcb eda solvers?
t h e a d a p t e r a r r i v e d burned a decent amount of time on all the vr geekery
1:49 AM
1:49 AM
1:49 AM
v r ch a t t i mw
I was doing some more on that today, found a better place to use for more "roomscale room"
9:13 PM
tracking is better post firmware update, i want to try at night(ish) with only artificial lighting; it seems to not like bright sunlight from windows
9:13 PM
Was pushing the capabilites of my laptop a bit
9:14 PM
on the PRACTICAL note i did some "TiltBrush" (low quality) sketching
9:14 PM
that is like a "live render" of the 3D Doodling so was DEFINETLY processing power heavy i think
9:15 PM
i want to try blender next, need to see how that works with the steam vr application
9:15 PM
not sure on FreeCAD
@Eric Lotze has reached level 19. GG!
and i heard there was some cad made by makazine for vr, may be like "tinkercad" in capability + OS-ness
9:15 PM
9:17 PM
i found some wikipedia link to a company that did agricultural film or "plastic mulch" recylcing:
9:17 PM
RKO has developed a patented recycling process which converts extremely contaminated ag plastics into clean,PE and PP plastic resins pellets.
9:18 PM
seems to just be shred, wash, dry, use as i expected, need to find and review the patent i guess to see if there is some magical secret besides that (cleaning solution perhaps?) (edited)
robotic arm based printers are cool af
9:44 PM
you can do 5 a x i s stuff as well
Seems there is no way to underline in the wiki ?
MarkDown __Underline__ doesn't work?
10:50 PM
or \u ?
10:50 PM
10:50 PM
works here
not on the wiki i think
10:55 PM
not too important really
10:56 PM
was just trying to bold/underline something on the MRRF page i just editied
10:56 PM
supposedly happening on October 10^th
10:56 PM
virtually? i need to look up how that will happen
6:00 PM
6:01 PM
I dont mean to intrude about kinda off-topic things
6:01 PM
but i've recently discovered that IS OPEN SOURCE
6:01 PM
6:02 PM
if you don't know what is, it's basically a material design factorio game where you take primitive shapes and primary colors and make complex shapes with elementary factory components (edited)
6:03 PM
load balancers, rotators, cutters, tunnels, miners, belts
6:05 PM
oh and i forgot painters
6:05 PM
and compact mergers
6:25 PM
6:25 PM
so that's 9 machines
6:25 PM
0 is reserved for the trash sink
Now i'm imagining CNC Placed Mosaics Using This/These Patterns:
Or even a maze, or l i b r a r y o f b a b e l based on this pattern being the top down view of the room layout
11:45 PM
i think all OBI buildings should be fully ADA Accessible (i need to grab more info on standards)
11:45 PM as with CPG Grey's "How to optimize misery" i find this useful for teaching accessability
D●M J■HN 10/6/2020 4:49 PM
4:49 PM
4:49 PM
What are you guys at?
👋 1
Nothing too much. MAINLY:
  • Open Building Institute (OBI) Stuff
  • Energy Storage Stuff
  • My usual creeping around discord
6:53 PM
6:54 PM
i got a vr headset, so that has been neat
6:54 PM
No VR CAD/Animation yet
6:54 PM
but i did pull up "Tilt Brush"
6:54 PM
Blender supports steamvr, so i need to try that
6:54 PM
uncertain on CAD
D●M J■HN 10/6/2020 8:06 PM
8:06 PM
Have you seen the new PP vids
pp vids?
yeah and i posted a bit of a rant on one
8:22 PM
intresting concept, not much utility/use cases in my opinion
what is it?
@AI Guy has reached level 1. GG!
Also kinda feeds the whole "I read an article on microplastics, have seen marine plastic debris, and can't chuck my pla cup in the river and have it be ok so FUCK PLASTICS" type mindset
8:23 PM
I'm a guy from the Netherlands that likes to make things - Machines to recycle plastic - Idea for a modular ...
8:23 PM
Part 8.0 - 8.2
8:24 PM
The biopress does have me intrested on engineered wood products though
8:24 PM
make some sort of sheet press type version (if the sheet press itself doesn't work) and make MDF etc locally
8:27 PM
but like " h e m p s e e d, a r t i s a n c r a f t e d, b i o d e g r a d a b l e c u p f o r t h i s l a w n c l i p p i n g j u i c e" will have little impact on global pollution issues etc
8:27 PM
that's my opinion/rant at least lol
D●M J■HN 10/6/2020 8:44 PM
Where can I find the rant? @Eric Lotze
in the comments of the last video i think, let me dig
8:45 PM
sort from "newest first" i would think
D●M J■HN 10/6/2020 8:57 PM
How long ago did you post the comment? Nothing there right now
8:58 PM
Found it!
9:35 PM
adam savage being with Right to Repair !
D●M J■HN 10/6/2020 11:21 PM
I think you're right in your opinion on the biodegradable "plastic", but I think you're missing the point. I see it as having the capability of replacing specific single-use plastics like styrofoam take-out boxes or styrofoam cups. This material is in it's extreme infantcy. Once we figure out how to make the material more waterproof and multi-use instead of single-use, but still be able to biodegrade, it will become popular & also useful.
D●M J■HN 10/7/2020 1:39 AM
@Eric Lotze Do you think that there's any use in further developing the material as how PP are currently manufacturing biodegradable plastics?
1:42 AM
Do you think that the current material could be useful in some aspects? Also I seen you in the comments talking about plastic bottles. Do you have any alternatives in water storage in that way?
i find them largely unnessisary, ESPECIALLY when sold to consumers (ie not for medical/emergency use etc)
1:49 AM
They are innefficient compared to transporting water via pipeline, or large containers and dispensing on-site
1:49 AM
into reusable bottles
D●M J■HN 10/7/2020 1:49 AM
1:50 AM
Do you think the biodegradable plastic could be used in medical use? Is that what you're saying?
definetly. I think bioplastic can replace all plastic.
1:58 AM
and medical is an "essential use" for iv's and tubes, and seals for drugs/sterile materials etc
D●M J■HN 10/7/2020 1:58 AM
Bioplastic or biodegradable plastic?
i am team bioplastic
1:59 AM
biodegradable (outside of PLA etc) tends to negate plastics purpose of being durable/stable
1:59 AM
wood and engineered wood products exist
D●M J■HN 10/7/2020 1:59 AM
I agree with you on how it's going to dominate the plastics market (edited)
not sure where to put this on the wiki, but supposedly one company is starting to mass produce axial flux motors: (edited)
would it ever be possible to use standard server rack specifications for CNC/general-purpose robotics mounting?
2:51 AM
like the standard 19" with cage nuts
2:52 AM
i was thinking about using some OSE parts to build a small-ish sliding robot for a monitor i have on a server rack
2:53 AM
with the full intention of turning the server rack into a hybrid datacenter-in-a-can and interactive (although stationary) robot
i don't see why not !
well like
3:15 AM
i dont know if anyone's made any special mounts for mounting modular aluminum rods to 19" servers
3:16 AM
nor do i know if there's any standard spacing for axis robots
3:16 AM
3:16 AM
3:17 AM
is it big enough to support like 20 lbs?
3:20 AM
3:20 AM
i forgot that you can just put those screw rods on things and thread linear motors onto them
3:21 AM
so i could put two rods on either side and put the motors on the moving "head"?
3:21 AM
or would that not be structurally stable
there is the universal axis, then the e m b i g g e n e d one
3:22 AM
they use fuckin i m p e r i a l u n i t s
3:22 AM
but i guess 2 inch diameter rods are supported?
3:23 AM
those pages are a bit of a mess if i remember correctly
question: is it easier/safer to spin the entire length of the rods on stationary motors, or better to put the motors on the head and make the rods stationary (edited)
3:24 AM
oh wait
3:24 AM
the cnc axis doesn't even use threaded rods
3:24 AM
just belts
then...why do some heads use rods instead of belts??
what cnc gantrys with threaded rods?
more strength i think for intense stuff like machining HARD metals (tool steel i think?)
3:26 AM
most applications don't need that
ahh ok
granted i want more data on the preformance of the Universal Axis in conditions like this
so a thicc enough belt and emergency ratcheting system of some kind would be enough to lift a heavy 16:9 monitor?
3:27 AM
well not HEAVY heavy
3:27 AM
but awkwardly heavt
is the end goal of the project just to lift a monitor? How much distance is being traveled?
3:28 AM
not hating on said project, just need more info
end goal would be to lift a relatively moderate payload (which might have a couple more motors for pitch and yaw) to any height between the confines of a 42U server rack (edited)
3:34 AM
42U = 73.5" = ~186.7cm
3:35 AM
ideally, the top and bottom would be adjustable to beyond 42u, either above or below
3:35 AM
since server racks come in a few variations
i know how to make the adjustable bit: just make the belt stationary and secure both ends, but make it so the motor wraps around the belt in the middle so it can use the belt as a track
i forget if the universal axis is "fail safe" or deadly via dropping stuff (may depend on wiring of motors, and gearboxes used too). There is some spec sheet somewhere i think too
4:10 AM
but i am s l e e p y right now, so i can dive into this tomorrow
4:10 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs (with ability to think and do stuff for once!)
i figured out what those modular rods are
7:32 PM
"Alumium extrusions with tracks"
Intari joined the server. 10/7/2020 10:15 PM
Hey y'all. Been checking in on OSE every so often since around 2009. Just found out this discord exists listening to Marcin on a podcast.
How do you feel about progress since then? (Also what currently interests you (most) ?)
Not as fast as I would've liked but being realistic it seems really good. The house and 3d printer alone are huge achievements. I'm interested in all of it. I have a farm and a degree in Mechanical Engineering so most of this stuff is a lot of fun for me.
do you have a wiki account? (i'm just an armchair nerd, so i would LOVE some more engineers to bounce ideas offf of (and throw numbers at) )
I do not. Do I sign up at OSE wiki?
@Intari has reached level 1. GG!
yeah so on the wiki in the upper right hand there is a "request account" thing, then it is just a check in the box by marcin
Ok. Account request is pending review. (edited)
i'll send marcin a headsup
Cool. I don't get to do tons of engineering these days so if you have anything I might be able to help with it should be lots of fun. 🙂
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
gn o/
OwnerOfOwn joined the server. 10/8/2020 9:56 AM
I'm online for the day now
On the note of solar plotting (in the USA at least) i've been trying to do more math
3:42 AM
tax credits may be going down then dissapearing
3:42 AM
if this passes they will actually go up this/next year
3:42 AM
not sure if it will; i'm assuming no, but need to dig for proper analysis by people in respective feilds
3:43 AM
some calculators exist supposedly?
3:46 AM
Use this solar panel calculator to quickly estimate your savings with solar. Estimates are based on your roof, electricity bill, and actual offers in your area.
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Karl Sagan joined the server. 10/11/2020 8:02 PM
Howdy 🤠 I got here thru talk in the Precious Plastic discord....I'm still learning a lot of mechanical stuff but I've got experience w electrical/code stuff
did you get the whole pile of link/explanations i copy/paste around? (just wondering pre me going ahead with more stuff)
Is it the one in the welcome channel? I've been browsing around the wiki & stuff, so unless u mean stuff easily findable from there then sure!
Should be good then
👍 1
8:43 PM
8:44 PM
electrical stuff and code is definetly welcomed!
8:44 PM
Have you done PCB design?
I've dabbled, nothing super complex but Ive whipped up/modified a couple for other projects
@Karl Sagan has reached level 1. GG!
what software did you use?
Kicad mostly, tho recently I've found easyeda to b most convenient access-wise
we use kicad so that's great !
8:48 PM
i don't entirely know on pcb projects, as that's not my specialty, but i can look around a bit (one i was thinking of was an adaptation of the "ODrive" pcb to be modular )
8:48 PM
8:48 PM
there is a ose sub-group "Open Circuit Institute" or OCI
8:54 PM
This is the page on Odrive:
8:54 PM
it essentially turns a BLDC into a servo (with a separate rotary encoder)
8:55 PM
all open source and whatnot
8:55 PM
the board has two motor slots, so if you only need 1 you are overbuying, and if it a robotic arm with 10 servos you need 5 seperate pcbs just for the servos (edited)
8:56 PM
A kicad toolbench could let people mount those odrive modules ON the core pcb
8:56 PM
8:57 PM
we may be entering some projects that need PLC control software and whatnot so code may be v e r y useful for that.
9:04 PM
I just dumped a pile of stuff at you, but there is NO PRESSURE, and just kind of look around at what you find interesting, and ask if you have any questions.
9:04 PM
(sidenote the search engine in the wiki can be hell, it sometimes doesn't even recognise plural forms of the same thing etc)
D●M J■HN 10/11/2020 9:05 PM
@Karl Sagan howdy
🤠 1
Getting into PLC stuff was relatively high on my list anyway 😁 can't promise I'd be super productive here within the next couple months as im finishing a couple other things, but once I am this sounds like a lot of interesting stuff going on
i'm no super contributor, and it isn't too fast paced here, so seriously don't feel like you are slowing anything down
9:15 PM
9:16 PM
Have you made a wiki account yet?
10:36 PM
open-source furniture???
10:37 PM
or at least funiture frames
10:37 PM
i was just looking at super minimalist low-profile bed frames that allow a matress to at least be suspended off the ground a bit
10:37 PM
and i was thinking
10:37 PM
$60 for some metal...doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to build..
I'v thought of building a desk with shelves above the desk/ bookshelf/ workbench all out of steel tubing
10:40 PM
would be ideal honestly
10:40 PM
weld em once, never need new furniture again
instructables is open source for the most part
10:40 PM
and they have PILES of projects
ended up looking like 800$ to 1200$ depending on wall thickness of the tubing and what wood I used
10:41 PM
for bookshelf, desk with shelves, and basic worktable
10:41 PM
now I have been thinking of making a new bedframe out of wood to get more storage out of my 10x12 room
10:42 PM
honestly, there are laser cutting services for tubes
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 1. GG!
so you could have all of the tubes pre cut with a laser and either just bolt together or easy welding
10:43 PM
open source gym equipment?
10:43 PM
bowflex but not trash
a lot of this is the easier stuff once all the core stuff is set up
yeah truth
10:43 PM
more like need an opensource fiber laser tube cutter
i was plotting a pedal->stable mechanical output device
10:44 PM
idk if the fuel-air torch can do pipe, it may
oxyacetalyne can
10:44 PM
fiber laser is just far far more accurate
10:44 PM
plasma would still be doable if you were to always account for kerf width
10:45 PM
plasma/oxy kerf can ruin parts. gotta know what itll do before it does it
10:47 PM
definetly can't "run a house" like all the vaporware etc hype up
but a gym of these may be neat, and also for running simple machines
you seen manoj bhargava??
and much more utility than just a plain bike as it would have some flywheel storage, and would be more controllable
10:48 PM
10:49 PM
i think i remember them (edited)
10:49 PM
great design, but it got too hyped
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 2. GG!
10:49 PM
but seeing him do it a few years ago got me thinking from first principles
10:50 PM
so im sure he's made a few people cahnge their path
did they release design files for it or anything
nah not really
10:51 PM
he came back a few years and had given a bunch of people battery packs so they can have light at night
10:52 PM
and also made the layered fertilizer piles a thing again
10:53 PM
oh yeah
10:53 PM
he also is doing water filtering at the well for villages
10:53 PM
so doing a bunch of stuff, just not the hyphy stuff he was mentioning
10:55 PM
In recent months, the internet has exploded with talk of Shivansh fertilizer that is supposedly revolutionizing agriculture in India and “saving” millions of farmers from the perils of chemical agriculture. Given that Indian peasant farmers have mostly garnered international a...
One concept i was thinking on recently on the OBI (Open Building Institute) stuff is making it meet all the ADA Accessibility guidelines
11:06 PM
Barely any homes are wheelchair accessible etc
11:06 PM
Also i LOVE to overbuild, but making it like too safe almost:
11:06 PM
Fire-Resistance Rating
11:07 PM
was reading up on all sorts of stuff like that ( CEBs may be v e r y fireproof, not certain on structual properties) (edited)
11:29 PM
this gem
11:29 PM
not a home, it is FUEL
11:29 PM
i want a residential building fired power plant now
11:29 PM
would supplement when my "Diamond fired powerplant" is down
11:32 PM
you can burn diamonds, and they burn quite cleanly
11:32 PM
the real
11:32 PM
c l e a n c o a l
😆 1
D●M J■HN 10/12/2020 1:12 AM
I always thought a rowing machine would be a lot better generating electricity. The row & push. Double the generation, instead of just pedalling
Imean physics-wise you're doing more Work w a longer pull, but cycling has the advantage of being (roughly) continuous while rowing most of the effort is on the "up"stroke
D●M J■HN 10/12/2020 1:41 AM
1:41 AM
Also: is there a section of this project related to recycling/harvesting used electronics? This guy has a lot of cool videos related to that sorta stuff & I think generally this group might find some cool stuff
1:55 AM
Im more physics-y & he talks a lot of chem which goes over my head, but I'm constantly amazed by his stuff
is there any chance that anyone here knows of any audio DAWs that AREN'T audacity that actually allow you to make music with instruments?
Ive used Ardour & enjoyed it
@Karl Sagan has reached level 2. GG!
@Eric Lotze has reached level 20. GG!
is the main Open Source one
5:40 AM
still is dark magic to me, and i think samples are the real key
5:40 AM
once i invest in a midi controller, and a pile of mic/audio kit i'll get back to you on it
yeye i'd need like sample generators somehow
ok, i have acquired some experience with LMMS
10:14 AM
its good at least for my purposes
6:58 PM
today i will get back into some work
🤠 1
6:59 PM
mainly thinking finishing that "to-do" list from an old work log (a few days back?)
6:59 PM
6:59 PM
i want to make a page/a few pages on Accessibility (hadware and software)
7:00 PM
I think it would be neat if all OBI buildings were ADA accessible (even the houses)
Ramps seem to b the most challenging of those
that and doors
How do construction ppl do smooth grades? Maybe could add a flattener attachment to the tractor?
7:58 PM
Love the quote "poor impoverished companies like apple amazon, and google, can only DREAM of these profit margins"
Lol love his vids
"it's not a pyramid scheme it's a trapezoid scheme" 😁😁😁
9:39 AM
Great history!
D●M J■HN 10/16/2020 11:58 PM
@Eric Lotze I was thinking about the biodegradable plastic by PP. I remember you saying that it is useless, but here's my take on it: People will litter. No matter how much they're advised not to, people will litter. That's just a fact of life at this point. One type of litter you see a whole lot of is litter for food packaging, e.g. Take-out packaging. The best we can do is figure out how to handle the situation better. And that's where biodegradables step in.
Yeah IMO packaging directly touching food is the main difficulty w plastic, bc that's both where most of the unclean plastic gets introduced into the wastestream & bc manufacturers don't tend to see recycled plastic as food-grade. Other than that plastics (incl bioplastics) are very nifty
it's a mess
12:35 AM
definetly can't hurt
12:35 AM
Also deposit systems may help
who's going to mars given the option? (transit scholarship assuming exceptional ability ie valuable asset to a new settlement) (edited)
✅ 3
❌ 3
i'd honestly rather wait until a community is established and then make a retirement home over there
probably doable for a couple million in 2050
2:38 PM
i guess its time to start saving
2:38 PM
is that just for the ticket?
Habitat/systems 600k-750k Freight cost the rest if you put your money in the right investments over the next 30 years you could do it with like 5 years of hardcore saving to invest
2:43 PM
if you had the right index fund at 10-15% growth a year and good portfolio management like ark invest seems to be, then 50k today would be worth 3.2Million in 2050
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 3. GG!
buy a house after 2 years of work, get a 2nd mortgage and put that into a verifiably good stock index in the cutting edge industries(most growth, risk mitigated by portfolio management on the index funds part) and poof, with 2 years of hard work and 30 years of making the payments on your home (either with the help of roomates while working part time, or while working fulltime) you have between 2-3 million to go shopping on mars (edited)
the getting there is hell
6:15 PM
Also i'd like others to rule out all the "bugs" (ie not die in the first few flights of the first planes, but take an airliner etc)
6:15 PM
Also not too much to do idk
6:16 PM
would be neat to visit / stay medium term (1 year to 4), but long term i bet you could run out of new stuff given a large city is essentially the BIGGEST concept
6:16 PM
I a m t i r e d
6:17 PM
need to get shit done but am too busy being s l e e p y
6:17 PM
Also ran out of caffinated soda, may make tea again idk
goldfishlaser#1337 10/18/2020 6:20 PM
Same. Good idea on the tea I think that's what I'm gonna do
7:21 PM
Official support is for inspection/viewing of stuff
7:21 PM
there is some plugin for in-vr editing/working, but it is supposedly limited/buggy
7:26 PM
i may try and see if i can load in some house/machine model, may be neat:
7:27 PM
may kill my pc though
blender didn't accept the files of the house
Is there any section here abt composting? I've been doing it for a while & this was the best video I found abt doing like a community-scale compost project I've found without fancy schmancy gadgets & inconvenient rules & lists & this guy too
12:25 PM
Also on my list is to integrate a raspberry pi into it to like monitor temp & maybe gasses....
6:51 PM
cool gas sensors for your compost pile
The next generation of multi gas sensor and LEL gas detector for a better and safer environment from NevadaNano. Explore the innovative MPS™ Gas Sensor Family,
👍 1
i was plotting some sort of standardized sensor in board (like those vernier data loggers in labs)
👀 1
10:43 PM
of couse sensors would be OTS, and not TOO needed in a single use case, but is somewhat relevant
10:43 PM
also compost water heaters can be neat
🔥 1
I guess technically if you put it in the ecology, composting is just a passive/microbial Gasifier Burner
3:46 AM
Also u get mulch at the end instead of yk, ash 😁
3:50 AM
Gasifier/Vaporizer 😛
does it produce methane too or just heat? if so m o a r m e t h a n e lol
Yeah it does, and the less oxygen you give it the more methane comes out
@Karl Sagan has reached level 3. GG!
3:56 AM
This site also has a nifty table that can be stolen "used as inspiration"
4:01 AM
It's essentially fermentation for plant food - makes their bellies good so they can make our bellies good
Also to file under "chemistry that's functionally indistinguishable from alchemy"
4:59 AM
(the guy also has videos on biofuel that ppl here might find helpful) (edited)
i was plotting some sort of standardized sensor in board (like those vernier data loggers in labs)
@Eric Lotze Might be worth taking a look at, it's open source so worst case a good jumping off point
Modular, open-source test & measurement chassis
8:27 AM
(that site has a lot of cool electronics & fulfillment is backed by Mouser so they may be slow to get everything done but it'll happen, unlike other start-kicking sites)
8:27 AM
Most is open source too
I'll check that out today
10:15 PM Kind of annoying video format, but it is on people in Florida doing a"non-lawn lawn" type thing? Also supposedly Florida law protects this practice (i'm diving into this)? (edited)
🥕 1
There's also a couple various sensors in the 'tools & test equipment' category
10:16 PM
Yeah HOAs are a nightmare in the US 😅
"available modules for device"
If I believed in any conspiracy theory, it'd be one of conspiracy between lawnmower companies & HOAs
m o d u l e s !?!?!? (buys instantly)
10:18 PM
i need to make some os meme for that
It's always fun watching grown adults actually realize that plants like....literally do come out of the ground 😅
10:20 PM
Grocery stores are so like. Impeding on the imagination
I like the variety they allow for (non-local growable plants etc), but for the stuff that grows in your area definetly not too great
10:21 PM
That electronics thing has a discord:
👀 1
10:23 PM
does that one work?
Ah yep cool! The store also has one
Invite to join a server
Guild icon
Also figured this might get interest here: for ppl in the continental US who want to build home battery systems/harvest materials from batteries/battery packs, this recycler has the best prices in my experience by far, tho their supply obv changes
11:17 PM
And if you want to have a diy way to manage batteries/collect data for pretty graphs (aka what's most important in OSHW) this is what I use:
You are lowkey connecting OSE with a PILE of electronics people we need, this is great !
😎 2
Avatar this is a rly great series that helped me visualise electronics if ur looking to learn more in depth
5:22 AM
The early ones arent as well done but the 3d helps a lot
rabbit holed to this, i'm throwing at you electrical people:
Doubly-fed electric machines also slip-ring generators are electric motors or electric generators, where both the field magnet windings and armature windings are separately connected to equipment outside the machine. By feeding adjustable frequency AC power to the field wind...
5:29 AM
Windmills are notorious for tending to be very flamey....that seems like a cool mechanism to deal w it
Was also thinking the other day if it'd be possible to make a SynRM with this method of making printed generators (edited)
6:08 AM
This guy also sells kits for DIY supercapacitors & batteries that I have sitting as-of-yet unplayed with on a shelf somewhere 😁
another fine addition to my collection
7:03 AM
of youtube subscriptions lol
7:04 AM
ANYWHO, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs (edited)
💤 1
robson2017 joined the server. 10/21/2020 9:07 AM
I am online and caffeinated + hyped, going to work well today hopefully
Cmjstealth joined the server. 10/21/2020 11:41 PM
Zak Al Attack joined the server. 10/21/2020 11:42 PM
hooli joined the server. 10/21/2020 11:45 PM
4:04 AM
4:04 AM
getting around to installing Proxmox on my homelab
4:05 AM
firmware needs updating first
4:05 AM
and then i can start building my own cloud solution
4:05 AM
nice !
The web gui can b annoying but overall proxmox is solid
4:07 AM
Also if ur on a local network: u still have to access it thru https, http will 404 & you'll spend hours trying to figure out where you messed up 😁 (edited)
Isn't that the core of the IT and Coding experience? (edited)
🤣 1
i never really used the esxi gui anywa-- wait no that was a lie
4:21 AM
i did use ut
4:21 AM
to make the vms and destroy them
4:21 AM
and move them
4:21 AM
but that's about it
4:22 AM
i wanna start automating more tasks so i dont have to be in the gui as much
Yeah it's most useful to auto fill all the vmac stuff etc
speaking of automation, do any of you use "Autohotkey" ?
I remember ppl were talking abt it when I'd play online games, but I haven't rly used it. U can probably set up a bash script to recreate it's functions pretty easily on linux tho!
I have it, just am not enough of a programmer to use it yet
4:49 AM
I'd say it is not jsut for games, but for productivity; i was a "script kiddie" and used one for making all of the accented letters for spanish text (via ctrl+alt+"letter" )
4:50 AM
But it can do full on actions, including navigating menus
4:51 AM
This approached it from a NLVE-ing workflow
4:52 AM
they need a custom keyboard lol, they have like 5 seperate keyboards
4:54 AM
forgot it mentioned custom keyboard hardware too (they used it in retrofitting/usb adapters, but custom milled pcb's...)
4:58 AM
This was a more software side video:
4:58 AM
(talks about autohotkey at 3:00)
ANYWHO, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
cellswastebank joined the server. 10/22/2020 7:54 AM
Precious Plastic Melbourne joined the server. 10/22/2020 10:45 AM
uday joined the server. 10/22/2020 11:31 AM
Thydric joined the server. 10/22/2020 5:55 PM
Hullo new people !
10:46 PM
(Also i am online for the day)
okay so discovery
10:57 PM
proxmox is
10:57 PM
painfully simple to deploy
10:58 PM
like i was done in 5 minutes
nice !
11:00 PM
what all does one do with it once you have it setup?
welp i'm importing all of my virtual machines back here now that there's much less overhead
11:11 PM
and transferring my container vm over to proxmox's integrated lxc containers
11:12 PM
and i'll have just saved myself a ton of compute and storage space
11:12 PM
and with proxmox ceph, i can set up a cluster of hosts to deploy and migrate vms between (edited)
11:13 PM
and that's actually exactly what i'm going to be doing in the coming weeks
what are VM's typically used for?
application isolation
11:14 PM
extremely tight security
@KLARI has reached level 12. GG!
can you allocate proccessorcores directly to vms?
11:14 PM
really dope
you can pass expansion cards through to vms
11:15 PM
some cards even support allowing their resources to be split amongst vms
11:15 PM
wonder what that would do to my performance on some 3d modeling while doing other stuff
11:16 PM
windows doesn't really optimize cores well
if you pass a gpu through to a virtual machine, there's basically no difference
11:17 PM
only a 1-3% performance penalty for the hypervisor overhead
which wouldn't be bad when I can have 4 complex models open in seperate vms
11:18 PM
using the tail end 4 cores that are currently unused by windows while having 200 tabs and a chunky blender model going
"render farms" are a thing i know
11:18 PM
...which you can do with a local server
yeah, not rendering anything exactly
11:18 PM
same thing though no? like the "baking" of it
yeah basically
i would think CAD has a similar need
11:19 PM
granted a good "workstation" is kind of a must imo
11:19 PM
I think makerspace level BIG servers/render farms are a great idea (edited)
so eventually I scoop a mining machine install proxmox and start cooking photogrammetry compute in a bunch of VMS controlled by my desktop?
11:20 PM
my workstation is good, but definitely a middle weight
you'd probably want to install a special-purpose linux-based rendering server on that machine instead virtual machines are good for running a lot of dramatically different applications on the same machine and between different machines, but a purpose-spun server application running on a really light OS like debian or alpine is better for getting a lot of big machines to collaborate towards the same application
11:25 PM
VMs are more appropriate for general-purpose datacenters
11:28 PM
i don't have a render farm, although if i did, i would most likely provision it with Canonical's Metal-as-a-Service toolkit, so that i can deploy more than just rendering jobs to the render farm if there's ever a point where the farm doesn't have anything left to do for when i'm done..well..rendering something
🙏 1
IDK if marcin has any hardware (recently he was looking at (or at least posting info on) a ryzen build which was goofy/cute idk) , but helping setup a workstation/small on-site server at FEF may be a neat thing
11:28 PM
granted m o n e e
11:29 PM
why did i get into all the e x p e n s i v e hobbies
11:29 PM
coulda done like fuckin birdwatching or scrapbooking
ryzen? goofy? cute?!
11:29 PM
like marcin discovering gaming shit
11:30 PM
ryzen is a powerhouse for multitasking
11:30 PM
only recently did it claim its crown as the gaming king
11:30 PM
intel go bye bye now
3600x does me well
11:31 PM
wasn't there some small asterisk on like per core performance/hyperthreading, or no (granted for value, threadripper all the way)
i mean recently as in
11:32 PM
ryzen 5000
11:32 PM
just pushed 5 GHz
11:32 PM
on all cores
11:32 PM
what cooling did ya have?
i...dont even have a 5000-series
11:33 PM
they're not even out yet
11:33 PM
i'm pushing 4.2ghz on the amd wraith spire stock cooler
11:33 PM
i could go higher if i had one of those massive noctua coolers
11:35 PM
with some a12x25's
11:35 PM
but my rackmount case can't fit one
11:35 PM
use 2 racks
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 4. GG!
i plan on getting a different case that's a lot deeper and bigger once i can afford it
11:36 PM
nono i mean
lol I was joking anyway
11:37 PM
I know what you meant
i have a 42u rack and my workstation pc is in a 4u shallow-depth htpc case
11:37 PM
and i made a mistake thinking that this would be an appropriate fit for me
11:37 PM
but no
11:37 PM
too small
11:37 PM
all of my parts are crammed in there
are there any boards optimized for sub-zero cooling, i know almost all those overclocker competitions use like puddy and shit
similiar, went to midtower and I'll have to change cases to comfortably upgrade much
graphics card barely clears the front of the case
what card
rog strix 2070 oc
11:38 PM
11:39 PM
it's a three-slot ch o n k er
nOt eVeN 4x SLI 3080 tI SMFH (edited)
🍴 1
11:39 PM
i dont even know how to navigate the support lines to refund my card
11:40 PM
nor do i even know if my card is on an upgrade plan
that is what scares me about PC/Server etc building
probably not
"oh you broke that Multi Hundred USD component somehow...
11:41 PM
whel you're on your own (minus that much money) buddy!"
i just have a giant laptop with a 1070 in it, so it is all pre-assembled, and can be moved around. Not perfect, but it was a few generations old so (semi) affordable, and it gets the job done.
wish some of these parts had upgrade plans like phones do
@goldfishlaser#1337 had some sort of list on their wiki "about me" page i think, think they had a laptop too i don't remember (edited)
11:43 PM
I need to get into coding aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:44 PM
About which what?
about what pc/laptop setup you had, not critical, we were just sharing our setups i think idk
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:46 PM
Yeah i have a midrange gaming laptop... Acer Predator Helios 300 (edited)
Also i found someone who was developing some games on youtube and d o c u m e n t i n g i t I want to pressure them to open source all the stuff, and they already released a "demo" which is essentially the game as it is now
11:46 PM
was pretty intresting
11:47 PM
(i'll post stuff in the section on all that)
11:47 PM
I need to get to troubleshooting my mess of sweethome 3d stuff
11:48 PM
Anyone have ideas on the errors?
11:49 PM
does the thing you can do with error windows on windows xp (where you can "paint the screen" ), making menus all blurr into a multi menu stack (edited)
11:49 PM
not familiar with the program
11:49 PM
try running in vm?
11:49 PM
half joking
it seems REALLY intuitive, which was neat, but after ~30 secs to 2 mins of usage it does that for me
but honestly might trick it
Today i'm going to try a hard uninstall, the reinstall of the 32 bit (idk not it may be dumb of me)
seems directXish
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:50 PM
Ive been curious what its for lol havent looked into it
then i may try to do linux vm stuff, but i would need help
I imagine architect planning or
@goldfishlaser#1337 it's really neat, you make floorplans for buildings
genral cad?
11:51 PM
ah GG
so i could like make a plan for my mental concept for my "dream home" (edited)
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:51 PM
Is it included in ose linux for hackerspace planning?
i don't know much about OSE linux (or linux for that matter lol), but i know OSE/OBI uses it for all that
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:52 PM
Aha, it all makes sense now
Also i can't open blender files and see the stuff?
11:53 PM
the file will load, but not show the objects (both in text in the thing, and in the 3d view/render) (edited)
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:56 PM
Ive been using linux ose just as my os since becoming a developer. I was using ubuntu studio. But i like ose linux better.
11:57 PM
The only kinda weird thing I wanna talk to Ray about is if he did something to the chromium image bc it wont let me log in to my chrome profile and I don't think it's anything I did lol
@goldfishlaser#1337 has reached level 8. GG!
is Ray on the discord and/or slack yet or nah
goldfishlaser#1337 10/22/2020 11:58 PM
I dunno, more likely on the slack than here
11:59 PM
Easy to contact via email tho
Are we still having video dev team meetings on friday or no? I emailed marcin, but he didn't reply
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 12:01 AM
I don't think so
i think given there isn't TOO much of some huge dev push regular doesn't make sense, but i feel some sort of occasional may be of use for high speed question asking/info sharing. (edited)
12:03 AM
That or get more people on the discord, or replying on the slack
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 12:47 AM
Both channels are not open source so I think that is why they're not official channels (edited)
12:47 AM
A lot of people in floss dont use these programs on principle
12:48 AM
There was talk about discourse but the old sysadmin hit a roadblock with the discourse dev team.
makes sense
1:02 AM
Not certain where to put this but someone made an Open Source High Temp Printer (will check later if it's on the page on the D3D one and add it if need be)
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 1:41 AM
Interesting whats the high temp for?
high temp filament? aerospace grade PEEK PEKK and carbon fiber PEEK and PEKK
2:34 AM
basically if you want to 3d print anything remotely useful you need high temp filaments
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:35 AM
I was trying to figure out which filaments basically- ok cool
2:36 AM
Im looking forward to using my htpla carbon fiber protopasta here soon. Just got it a few days ago (edited)
2:37 AM
that should be great
2:37 AM
not sure if thats what eric meant by high temp printer but it would make sense, something with a hot end temp over 300C
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:38 AM
Yeah... So far I am just planning to use it for replacement parts to my prusa.
great application for that type of filament
2:39 AM
I want to CFPEEK a road bike frame
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:40 AM
Ah I see, that sounds neat
lol at $650/kg that would be an expensive bike frame
I think it's only that expensive if you get it with a certification sheet
2:43 AM
but yes, very expensive bike
2:44 AM
could only be 3-5kg though
Oh I see. So maybe more like $200/kg then?
yeah, I think around that
2:47 AM
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:50 AM
Was happy to be able to spend my bitcoin today on something while the value is high. But its one of those places that puts a timer on your checkout so I'm nervous about the dang confirmation going through in time 😅 (edited)
2:52 AM
bitcoin do be slow sometimes
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:52 AM
Its not looking good we're at t-1.5 minutes
2:53 AM
What a stupid system though imho
yes, its the first crypto
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:53 AM
Not btc, the store. You accept btc but ur still gonna put a timer on the checkout
so 2016 of them
goldfishlaser#1337 10/23/2020 2:55 AM
Indeed lol... And yeah great now i have to "contact support" oh my lawd
Another dumbass idea of mine i will do some time far-off:
6:39 AM
OSHW TOASTER: Video Inspiration: Materials: nichrome wire heating elements metal insulation outer container material Arduino/custom PCB for controls clickwheel+small e-ink display IR thermometer module ( ) safe power supply all the misc bits for making the above happen How it works: Same as the one in the video, but instead of using a mechanical strip, it uses an ir thermometer and window covering it from crumbs on each side (or a few spaced apart by a few cm) for temperature sensing The desired temp and/or toasted-ness etc is selected with the click wheel thing, then set (it can stay set until unset via e-ink, ie no menu every damn time), then it runs "as normal" (edited)
Also finding more...practical stuff on carbon foams
6:59 AM
lots of "graphene-carbon nanotube super-turbo-discambobulator" type stuff to sift through, but making a playlist of some good videos, and may grab a paper or two
6:59 AM
My main issue is making it into those panels of that size (most demos are very small)
6:59 AM
7:00 AM
the concept of using tubular geodesic domes as artificial reef structures has me thinking of making "foam extrusions"
7:01 AM
One could mill beams, or use some sort of "pipe mold" if using dough/plastic carbonization
SO @Cmjstealth
7:08 AM
if you are thinking about PET a lot, i was putting my recycling workflow plots for it here:
7:08 AM
You got some good numbers it seems, so that may be a great addition
I don't remember where I got it but I put together this table and saved this in my plastic injection notebook. I think these were guidelines for production scale injection molding machines
7:16 AM
Pet apparently calls for a 4hr drying time at 300-340 degrees. I assume that is using whatever drying equipment is built into the hopper of the big industrial injection machines
The prices I saw for low end PET regrind material was just from browsing filtered to the united states:
United States Recycled Plastic, Find Quality United States Recycled Plastic Products, suppliers, exporters, manufacturers at
7:37 AM
Welcome to save any of this info to wiki. Not sure what info you find useful (and I don't have an active account)
Oh woah this is popping
I was looking for some info and found this channel, had some intresting tests, but also is a hardcore "the end is nigh" person so n o p e:
Bringing forth the hidden truth of Rev. 12:5 : Raising up of the Man Child to heavenly places aka the saints possess the kingdom. The woman or Bride of Chris...
7:38 AM
t h e y n e e d h e l p
Whenever watching a video on solar power on youtube there's a solid 30% chance that the guy will by the end start talking abt endtimes
@Karl Sagan has reached level 5. GG!
also trying to find the conspiracies / "prophecies" they are mentioning and am getting lost in the abyss
7:39 AM
i can't even find them aaaaaaaaaa
7:39 AM
breaks my heart, at least they aren't the scam artists making "free energy devices for sale"
7:40 AM
and the youtube algorhythm is reccomending stuff DEEPER in the mess
7:40 AM
like no youtube, this is how you push people over the edge
7:40 AM
get them help youtube no youtube please
7:40 AM
The link took me to a video of a bearded guy weighing slices of bread in the trailer he apparently lives in. Is this going to "infect" my youtube recommendations as well?! lol
Need a hazmat suit (vpn)
yep, going to "sanitize" my history over the past 30 mins or so lol
7:42 AM
did find this good source
7:42 AM
used thermosets and petrolium pitch (edited)
7:43 AM
still is odd, and not the method i'm going for, but did show "industrial use"
7:43 AM
7:43 AM
it seems some comercial products are coal based, so seems like a last ditch effort to sell coal
Santa's naughty list full for donations?
moreso natural gas became cheap, and dead miners / people downstream of a coal ash damn or coal washing plant became expensive
7:45 AM
damn epa making me value human life smfh
7:46 AM
back in mah day we gave people black lung and they enjoyed it dammit
Did you listen to the full video you linked? Sounds like he is trying to figure out materials to shield himself from radiation and 5g wireless signals. lol (edited)
🤣 1
@Cmjstealth has reached level 3. GG!
5 g ?!?!
7:47 AM
more like cancer death rays made by the deep state
Wait so if I'm understanding this right, bread protects me from having to read social media while away from home?
7:48 AM
Thank god
Only if it is heated in a kiln first at 1,000F
Oh so toast
Sounds like he is only a few hours from me. Maybe I should go visit
@Eric Lotze has reached level 21. GG!
this had more of what the "end product" should be
7:51 AM
but my lungs hurt just from watching that
7:51 AM
i know in this video they machined graphite and it was hell:
7:53 AM
"coal based carbon foams"
7:53 AM
7:54 AM
they do make a good sandwich panel though i have to admit
7:55 AM
View today’s CFO share price, options, bonds, hybrids and warrants. View announcements, advanced pricing charts, trading status, fundamentals, dividend information, peer analysis and key company information.
Remind me what you wanted to use it for?
insulation, structual material, flame retardant/ablative material, substrate for bio/chem coatings
7:56 AM
I THINK it is a good insulator (especially if large diameter bubbles)
7:56 AM
so you can do rigid panel insulation in buildings
7:56 AM
I think it would be great for "porus substrate bioreactors"
7:57 AM
since the alternative is probably sintered "something mined/expensive" (edited)
8:00 AM
but i'm definetly going all over the place, need to sleep
8:01 AM
Have a good night (or day depending on where you are), and don't let 5G turn you into a zombie whilst you sleep unprotected by carbonized bread (edited)
😱 1
👋 1
8:04 AM
who would like to join my cluster??
8:04 AM
Avatar mite b useful for antennas or smth, personally I think wireless charging is lame but if that's ur kinda thing it can also do that
Although KiCad doesn’t like to produce curved traces, its file format is open and text-friendly, so you can make coils using Python scripts.
11:47 AM
Join as in 'get an account on' or 'contribute metal towards' bc I don't have any machines free atm
12:09 PM
Also also maybe good info for diy windmill stuff
WinDIY is a design of a (mostly) 3D printed wind turbine. The idea is to build a horizontal turbine with three blades. With a diameter of approx. 1.2m, it is also important to be able to brake or regulate the turbine properly in strong wind conditions. The final goal is to de...
Ooh this guy is cool & also open sources all his stuff (edited)
12:20 PM
Might b adaptable for smth for this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've made a page on James Bruton's work, and OpenDog is AMAZING (edited)
🤠 1
5:20 PM
also their recent work on ROS will be cool to follow, and we can "learn with them"
5:21 PM
The "starlite" stuff and CFOAM behave similar, CFOAM is just "pre-expanded"
5:21 PM
Granted those "fire resistant paints" are cool af
5:22 PM
Would be neat to make a mix between one, and iron powder for "magnetic + fire-resistance primer/basecoat"
Udoka joined the server. 10/23/2020 10:28 PM
Literally just found this site so I can't rly vouch for it but mite be useful here - "buy awesome things directly from makers" is their slogan
The marketplace for hardware creators and DIY electronics
like etsy, but moreso for hardware than art?
11:01 PM
sounds great!
Seems so
11:03 PM
11:05 PM
(found from here these 'awesome-x' github lists are great ways to find new stuff)
Contribute to mpkasp/awesome-hardware development by creating an account on GitHub.
why tinder when you can tinde
🔥 1
I like the laminate
11:05 PM
lol I thought the same
big ace moment
11:06 PM
Any of you use smarthome stuff
11:06 PM
or industrial automation if you deal with that
nah no smart home stuff
None that I can't write the code on myself 😁
same here mostly
but IF it was opensource and it was set up by me I'd use it
There are some OS-Smart Home things
and you can "Air Gap" them
11:07 PM
which is a mandatory imo lol
risk the security risk of setting up a novice system, hope the air gap is enough, or trust whatever corporation to not sell too much of my data
can you make signals "contained" enough (ie not reaching beyond driveway if even that), i would assume that+airgap would mean it would be secure*
11:08 PM
faraday cage that little shit
11:08 PM
bad alexa
11:09 PM
come home one day and alexa is out of her cage
11:09 PM
god bezos the bless
Pine64 that I posted before has an OS linux IP camera if that's smth u want w/o babysitting a wiretap
i mean thick walls hurt signal enough
11:09 PM
and i would bet that "ferromagnetic paint" may hurt them
aye that IP cam
like a powder based faraday cage
I could use raspi cameras right?
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 5. GG!
The software is in development but it's on its way 😁
11:10 PM
U could yeah, the lenses are compatible tho this one has specially designed SOC that can work a lot better w video
11:10 PM
this is beautiful
Like hardware h.264 encoding
I used to build analog remote video systems
11:10 PM
for long range shooters
11:11 PM
this is great
11:11 PM
I'm gonna try and get several of these for my dad's place
11:11 PM
3d print some enclosures/build a birdhouse
It's also PoE capable so u don't need independent power if ur switch/router is newer
11:12 PM
Yeah I've got a basic freecad model of it I'm working on....once I get my printer setup/cnc+injection molder I'm planning to make & sell cases
It's time for everyone's favorite segment: L i n k s p a m t i m e
11:14 PM
a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home
👀 1
11:14 PM
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
11:14 PM
Hubitat ElevationTM is a powerful home automation platform. Learn more about Built-in Applications, Supported Devices, Advanced Features, and How we Compare. Hubitat is a local solution, not cloud-dependent, so it's fast, reliable and private.
I am building a belt printer now
Oh also if u use alexa/siri, might wanna add 'mycroft' into that list
gonna do vacumn molding on plastic sheets for a business
11:14 PM
I don't use either
11:15 PM
android and bezos aint in my pants yet
Me either but I know some ppl like em 😜
↗️ 1
11:15 PM
Mycroft is an open source privacy-focused voice assistant. It can be installed on Linux, Raspberry Pi, our reference devices, or your own custom hardware.
I am interested in your injection molding setup\
Rn nothing, but I'm gonna order one of the preciousplastic ones when I can
mycroft could actually get into my house
I got a welder the other day so I can finally work on frames 😁
11:16 PM
11:16 PM
had it for a year
11:16 PM
haven't had enough space for frames
Years are just long days if u think abt it
yes, precious plastics seems pretty robust
11:16 PM
time is only an illusion
I need to make a flowchart on all those systems for smart home stuff
I can't wait to get an extruder setup once the parts business picks up a little bit
11:17 PM
start playing with filament compositoins
ONE THING THAT PISSED ME OFF, was those "per room temp+humidity sensors" all use fucking button batteries
smart home wiki page is something I would share 1000000 times
11:18 PM
button batteries lol
11:18 PM
wish they'd use 18650s
there were some with AAA, but they had LCDs instead of e-ink
11:19 PM
i just want one with a good sensor, and e-ink readout for temp in C and reletive humidity, and some sort of wireless networking
11:19 PM
that is all i ask alibaba
11:19 PM
could probably make something custom, would need to learn pcb design
If u want software stuff like smarthome stuff, there's lots of the awesome-x github lists that deal w it (since github naturally attracts programmers lol) This is the highest-order list-of-lists I've found that isn't just artificially inflated 😁
The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere - jnv/lists
11:20 PM
They prioritize quantity over quality, but there's some gems in there
you should start a sidehustle selling pcbway built e-ink stuff
11:23 PM
11:23 PM
i just want one with a good sensor, and e-ink readout for temp in C and reletive humidity, and some sort of wireless networking
y u p
build this, use pcbway to commercialize and start selling on tindie/ebay
11:23 PM
hell they might have one on tindie anyway
my sleep schedule got fucked up last night (due to a lack of carbonized bread sheilding), but i will fix it tonight + a few days plus hopefully. Post that i can try and get KiCAD into my brain. Granted p r o j e c t c r e e p, but it turns around to smarthome, and then obi, so somewhat relevant to current work, also definetly a market for the device i guess idk
I just switched from nights to days
11:26 PM
interviewing for carwash today
11:26 PM
hopefully a good part time gig while starting this business
11:26 PM
p r o j e c t c r e e p
This was the video of good OTS devices:
11:27 PM
🤣 1
11:27 PM
11:32 PM
11:33 PM
i haven't made a page on smart home stuff directly (will probably make that + CFOAM stuff), but i did make this, which is moreso the "Utilities Side", but can integrate:
11:39 PM
I'm going to be offline for a bit, need to do something active to not fall asleep (too tempted to Siesta in an area where that isn't a thing)
It's never a thing until someone makes it a thing 😉
8:57 AM
Think esp if making houses is involved in this project, home battery systems seem within the scope 😁
@Karl Sagan has reached level 6. GG!
In case anyone's looking for a lifepo4 drop-in for rv/anything (edited)
The bolts for the posts are included! These are plug and play 12.8v 32ah LifePo4 modules with a medical grade BMS that were used in robots. The ones we tested have all been above 80% capacity, mostly between 26-28ah. The company swaps them out with new batteries the moment the...
8:00 AM
(they've also got one w slightly larger capacity w lower discharge rate)
Ooh this is cool - stackable data acquisition unit
Affordable, stackable, and open source 32-channel EEG ADC with Cortex-M7
5:42 AM
😎 1
Progress Update: I am switching my entire productivity suite to Open-Source software! most notably my mind mapping and personal organization
👀 1
10:19 PM
switching over from OneNote + OneNote Sticky Notes + Samsung Notes + Google Keep + Miscellaneous text documents (rich text and plain text) to Notable and Obsidian!
10:19 PM
which saves all of your notes as MarkDown!
10:24 PM
i'd love to be able to like have a channel to dump all of my findings on open productivity suites and other work software
👍 1
10:27 PM
Boost Note is an intuitive and stylish markdown editor for developers. It's fully open-source.
The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
Obsidian – A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.
@KLARI cool! U might find some nifty stuff here
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of hosting and managing applications instead of renting from Software-as-a-Serv...
12:33 AM
Also just did my first weld that I'd define as 'successful' (ie the steel bent before the weld gave up) & I'm proud 😁
12:33 AM
She's not pretty but she's mine 😛
does anyone recommend a cloud like AWS that embraces open-source?
What do u mean 'embraces'? Linode & DigitalOcean both provide Linux VPS boxes & have lots of guides/one-click-installs for open source programs, does that count?
10:38 PM
maybe not
10:39 PM
10:39 PM
but maybe
10:39 PM
"is built on"
Ah, can't say bc idk what they're running in the data center. I think digitalocean uses kubernetes which is open source tho, and they've also got one-clicks for that
Is there any link to the discord on the wiki?
I think so, it may be expired
I don't know why but the font the wiki uses makes some PERFECTLY SPELLED words, just look misspelled?
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
8:36 AM
Don't think all are open source but lots of cool stuff & many seem to be
(not rly that big a fan of their site organization, if ur looking for their 'tags'/'categories' page like I have been, they call em 'topics' ) (edited)
Some stuff that's caught my eye: (discussion abt 3d printing clay & other ceramics, there's a couple different versions of this on the site & idk much abt it so this seems like a good starting point) (use biowaste as building material) (growing mycelial cultures into specific shapes) (arc-welding 3d printer) (3d printer on wheels - ie infinitely long printbed) (modular cnc-esque manufacturing units) (it's free biomass)
Ppl here might find this rabbit hole interesting - googled around to figure out what I can do w the waste vegetable oil that's been sitting in my kitchen deep fryer for a month & turns out it's not hard to get a generator (or a ICE car - aka generator on wheels) to run on it
Same system as above: shows his setup for biodiesel production from WVO, incl methane (!) capture & remnants being made into soap? Idk how soap works but thats cool 😁
goldfishlaser#1337 11/1/2020 9:25 AM
When I had a freeze drier, it required a lot of oil to run. Freeze drying is very useful for preserving food. We would filter the oil using some methods- having a really good oil filtration method could be very useful for that. Having a freeze drying operation that ran on recycled oil would be cool (edited)
🧊 1
I know some odd stuff occurs with the chemistry, supposedly modern fryers re-use the oil a bunch via filtering so it forms a less bio-diesel friendly version? All part of all the petrochecm / bio-petrochem mess i need to learn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa But bio-diesel is really useful
🤷 1
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ from the little I've looked up, it seems that it's basically infinitely recyclable if you filter it enough, but I also just learned of this yesterday so 😁
Today's rabbit hole for me: (subtitles recommended if ur from outside the aisles)
9:16 AM
Is there any section of the wiki on linens & stuff? I was thinking also there was discussion in the preciousplastic discord about spinning PET wool which could integrate well
I think i know a group trying to make a "wet spinning" setup for things like the "rayon process"
6:34 PM
The spinning setup probably can also be used for the odd protiens like GMO-E.coli sourced spider silk protiens etc (edited)
🕷️ 1
6:35 PM
Spinning is a manufacturing process for creating polymer fibers. It is a specialized form of extrusion that uses a spinneret to form multiple continuous filaments. There are many types of spinning: wet, dry, dry jet-wet, melt, gel, and electrospinning.
6:38 PM
granted one hell of a task so not "happening tomorrow" lol, but the work is being done, just needs to be "thrown together"
goldfishlaser#1337 11/2/2020 6:57 PM
According to marcin's notes on the wiki, the massive availability of 2nd hand clothing at the moment is why it wasnt considered a huge priority for the main project, but he is still interested in open source textiles on the wiki
👍 2
goldfishlaser#1337 11/2/2020 7:03 PM
One thing I dont fancy about the knitting community at large is how possessive they are of patterns.... even when you purchase a pattern they'll demand it be personal use only
7:04 PM
Free for any use patterns are so rare...
Makes sense!
10:46 PM
That sounds like an area that should've had a lot more open source attention than it probly has gotten so far, probly for the same reason of abundance 😁
10:47 PM
Also: 1kW wind turbine made from scrap & <£100 of building material
china using slave uighar labor dropped the cost of relief blankets for who/un by over a 1$ per blanket, destroying a small indian village who recycled old clothing into new relief blankets for like 2.40$, now china with their encamped labor its something like 1$
10:49 PM
with automation and some slave labor, the cost of making new cloth is cheaper than recycled cloth
10:51 PM
I ran into this when looking into american made hemp fabric, maybe a way to give farmers another crop for rotation, but established economies of scale and a few sprinkles of slave labor make it nearly impossible for anyone to approach the textiles market
10:53 PM
"new type of chinese fleece" these media outlets are so innocent
& even w stuff that's not 'technically' slave labor bc ppl in other ~freer~ country are paid a couple pennies for hour, hard to be competitive. But who knows how long that'll last yk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yeah, it's rough when people in semi rural india who are making pennies a day remain cheaper than chinese production. gotdblesd
Anyway found the video on PET wool I mentioned: they've got a machine for it which might b worth adding to like a v2 construction set or smth
👀 1
11:05 PM
& the electronics panel looks like stuff u can find on amazon/aliexpress
This is the manufacturer: sites in bulgarian but it's close enough to russian that I can figure out what's where - the easywool is here but they also have some other cool machines like can sealers & pet bottle blowers
11:16 PM
(info page - doesn't handle html #ID tags so just ctrl-f 'wool'
@Karl Sagan has reached level 7. GG!
Also I'm just getting around to watching that spider silk from yeast video & I feel like I got slapped upside the head by the phrase "I chose this spider because its silk-making gene isn't protected by patents"
7:06 AM
Do the spiders get any cut of the patent $$$? If not seems unfair
Ooh, "3d printed spider silk" gave me tingles down the spine
I lowkey feel that if all you are going for is non-structual wool, you could use an off the shelf "cotton candy machine"
5:46 PM
5:46 PM
i'm doing a quick check here, then i'm going off to v o t e then when i'm back i'll get to work
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Avatar ooh automated injection molding machine w 3d printed parts
perfect! I'll take a look
8:04 AM
gonna have to build a few of those once I finish my belt printer
Tbh I think the biggest thing missing for a lot of stuff is a good open source conveyor belt
8:05 AM
Interconnect stuff
8:05 AM
yeah, I'm using aluminum roof flashing as belt material for the 3d printer
8:05 AM
we'll see
8:07 AM
what size for the conveyor would be best to start on?
Maybe best to have units based off objects? like can sized brick size bale size etc, start small then work up
yeah, 6 inch then 12 inch and so on
Maybe have smth that links horizontally?
9:43 AM
do you guys think there would be anyway to pour clear resin into windows? so I could just frame a window pour resin in and vibrate the bubbles out and get a nice bullet proof window?
9:44 AM
yeah, I was thinking 3d printable plastic sections like this
All depends on how much ur willing to spend on resin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9:45 AM
9:47 AM
Smth like that might b better to injection mold, 3d printing is great for prototyping but scaling to production u don't get much additional benefit & when u have smth repeated & vulnerable to inconsistencies like that, it can make it more hassle than it's worth
9:49 AM
I think for loops under a certain length for home use 3d printing would increase accessibility but I agree, injection molding is the ultimate economy of scale
yeah I think smth like that is perfect tho, u can do one w bigger & smaller 'teeth' based off what it's for
Galaxy-brain idea: what about a conveyor belt with electromagnets to b able to make self-modifying conveyor belts
8:36 PM
Ferro fluid conveyor belts
On the note of the windows is the goal a decentralized window source, or just the plastic window with those properties, or both? (edited)
7:31 PM
On the note of conveyor belts , we worked with those at walmart, crazy stuff. Also ours were m o t o r i z e d c u r v e d c o n v e y o r s (had a bunch of elastic belts i think), crazy stuff. (edited)
7:32 PM
The cooler thing imo was the "sorting" conveyor
7:32 PM
had 2 pairs of rollers, and they would "pop up" , whichever one did was the way the boxes would go
😎 2
7:33 PM
So forward (like a normal conveyor belt section), or left/right. They also had simple light blocked vs no block sensors to detect boxes going by
7:34 PM
The EVEN COOLER ones are these, but the cost seems terrible:
7:35 PM
clickbaity/non-informative video
7:41 PM
This one has decent info, but a different tech:
7:46 PM
This one has a PILE of methods...and 90's / 2000's documentary or industry ad a e s t h e t i c
7:46 PM
a la "Modern Marvels" on discovery/history channel
10:50 PM
I dig the nested treadmill design 😂
10:51 PM
The omnidirectional stuff is cool too, would b a lot harder to diy tho
10:57 PM
Excuse my artistic mastery: smth like this I think fulfills the basic connectivity requirements that the omnidirectional stuff does, just with a lot more space required. If each 'strip' had some sort of electromagnet on each end (or one ferromagnet+one electromagnet to save $) it could split apart pretty easily, which with enough design work could make an autonomous factory type setup
11:00 PM
Or could use the nested treadmill design in the video above w this sorta belt
11:00 PM
The induction sliding they show is basically an electromagnet anyway
would alaska and/or washington state be an okay place to attempt to build an OSE village/campus?
I think you might have access to geothermal vents in both of those places
I'm down to get a satellite campus going in northern Nevada as well
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 6. GG!
several thousand square foot of polebarn zoned for light commercial would work fine for beginning keystones of opensource manufacturing
Great for solar ^
so we're starting a church of opensourcery for tax benefits right?
11:18 AM
"secret" opensource meetings
OSE campus HQ? not a fan of leasing the land but it's crazy this exists
12:46 PM
theres room for jet propulsion testing!
goldfishlaser#1337 11/9/2020 3:21 PM
This past election we had a referendum in GA to waive taxes for housing made for charity purposes. I think the new rules could definitely apply to OSE housing
Is there a nearby branch of "Habitat for Humanity" near you in georgia that is active? In my area in florida there is one, and once the technology is proven to be reliable i want to network with them.
goldfishlaser#1337 11/9/2020 9:42 PM
Yeah I think they were the ones behind the referendum
That's really intresting ! I need to see if florida did anything similar/has similar legislation. (Granted i am nearby-ish to south georgia as well)
goldfishlaser#1337 11/9/2020 10:05 PM
It was called the clt homestead exemption
Jazztune joined the server. 11/10/2020 2:35 PM
Avatar if anyone's seriously thinking abt having a large-scale solar setup (>1 up to 25 kW) and has an extra $1k burning a hole in their wallet
You will receive 1 EOW-MBX03-US master control with each order! It is brand new in the box as well. The master box is used to connect up to 20 of these inverters together. So if you order 1 or 20 inverters you will receive the 1 master control box. If you ever want a large sol...
6:39 PM
With that amt of solar $1k could be made back pretty easily just by storing in batteries & sold to utilities during night
this would work for a windfarm too right?
Imean it's a inverter controller designed for solar, which is DC. Afaik most wind motors output AC unless it's pre-rectified to put out DC (pretty sure it's a fire hazard too if it rectifies to DC before it gets to ground level). Once you give this guy DC, it won't technically know where it's getting it from, tho it might try some sort of MPPT trickery which might mess with whatever windmill controller....overall at that scale I wouldn't necessarily suggest tinkering with much ur not confident with
3:07 AM
know several sparky's and I've heard some horror stories
3:08 AM
for some reason I was thinking microwave transformers like Robert Murray-Smith has in that video, would be DC? idk, sleep is cool
Nah any transformer & anything with magnetism is AC as a rule of thumb - electric fields changing in direction produce magnetic fields, and magnetic fields changing in direction produce electric fields
3:12 AM
Anything u plug into a house wall is AC, and usually those black block plugs have some sort of AC->AC change for appropriate voltage (either transformers or solid state buck/boost) followed by a full bridge rectifier taking AC->DC (clever diode setup) (edited)
3:13 AM
Microwaves take in AC, then use a transformer to step up 120/240 to like. Fkn thousands of volts AC
3:13 AM
That wakes up the microwave bulb to start shining
indeed, he instead is using the transoformer coil winding and the ferrous dipole? as a power generation component, he's got magnets mounted on the bottom of the windturbine there and then the scrapped microwave transformers below
most of these things are heavily scrap dependent. How low cost can a new/diy part system be? (edited)
with only 600 microwaves you could have a 25kw wind farm
3:22 AM
only! (edited)
🤣 1
Flexible battery charge controller for solar panels or bicycle generators.
3:25 AM
found that
Yeah transformers are cool bc the % change AC stays constant with a specific winding, so if you have one that works say from 120V to 1200V (10x) and feed it 60V, you'll get 600V. Changing the coil/dipole changes the multiplying factor. He has a full bridge rectifier he mentions around the 2 minute 30 mark!😁 There's also a small MPPT project on crowdsupply, but it's not a big selection.....that looks very cool, I've been looking for smth like that for a couple years now 👀
3:27 AM
Esp w a lil arm soc on it.....very nice.........
uses a dc input, bldc's would need a rectifier of some sort
I'm getting lost in all this, I need to learn more electronics stuff.
same, gotta love it
First basic thing that trips most ppl up in learning: a single wire doesn't "have" a voltage - voltage is always between two different levels
3:43 AM
(the technical name for voltage is "potential difference" which is much more informative but less catchy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
3:44 AM
Once u get that, once u get capacitors/batteries, and once you get Inductors, you'll be most of the way there
Best way to learn is to make mistakes yourself, which reminds me - this is a really cool new setup from raspberry pi, it has the whole pi in a keyboard so u can just plug it into whatever screen you have, seems to be a rly great way to get started w both electronics & linux 😁
3:54 AM
Once you can figure out how to make an LED blink on command, you can figure out how to do most things 😁
3:59 AM
Oh just read further on that libre solar link
Small wind turbines with AC generators can be easily connected to the charge controller using some diodes for rectification. Now you can develop a Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm for your wind turbine
4:01 AM
So the MPPT by default on a commercial controller would probly mess with it, but since this ones extensible it seems like a good basis for like a Universal Charge Controller Module thingamajig
I definetly am planning on getting an rpi4 8gb someday to learn linux (it also would probably draw much less power than my current thick laptop, for low-intensity tasks (web browsing, text documents, etc) )
They're out of stock until they can find a more stable screen supplier, but this could also work well to help learn linux (less helpful with the GPIO electronics stuff but it works rly nicely as a raspberry pi ssh terminal once u figure out how to work SSH :P)
The PINETAB is similar in both form, function and underlying ARM64 architecture to the original 11.6" PINEBOOK. It is powered by the same Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit Processor used in our popular…
@Karl Sagan has reached level 8. GG!
As well as learn ARM which is the New Hotness in tech rn 😉
4:19 AM
(tho I guess rpi is arm too so nm lol)
saw that and commented on it
6:11 AM
definetly excited to see what they do
Might have some useful resources around this site he includes
The FEMA Gasifier plans are very basic, but workable, although there are better designs around these days.
I would say the "GEK Gassifier" is the best diy wood based one, and ose's charcoal one is probably the best diy charcoal one
6:14 AM
does the fema one even use forced air? May be good for OS-LT if no (edited)
"stratified downdraft gasifier"
3:03 AM
need to
3:03 AM
n e t w o r k
3:04 AM
on that seccond one, somewhat similar to the OSE concept
It's low-bandwidth so not like remote control capable but LORA might b useful for low power high range communication (basic stats/notifications from fully autonomous stuff)
3:31 AM
Tho any battery powerful enough to turn on a lawnmower can handle a small modem
3:32 AM
11:59 PM
launch hypeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
11:59 PM
(Short of spacex being q u e s t i o n a b l e at times)
Seems to have gone according to plan, now it is just waiting + the occasional burn, docking in a day or so?
4:30 AM
4:30 AM
i need to make pages on this stuff later:
4:30 AM
Clean-in-place (CIP) is a method of cleaning the interior surfaces of pipes, vessels, equipments, filters and associated fittings, without major disassembly. Up to the 1950s, closed systems were disassembled and cleaned manually. The advent of CIP was a boon to industries that...
4:30 AM
STEMFIE is a free 3D-printable construction set toy, you can download and make on your 3D printer. #Stemfie3D
👀 2
Frederik C (ZA) 11/16/2020 6:39 AM
I've only been half watching. What's the idea for the solar plane drone? Wi-fi coverage in rural areas? (Will watch video when my chores are done.) (edited)
Ooh, there's a solar panel drone idea?
7:09 AM
I thought about doing that as an entrepreneurship project for college, but I was the only one on the team with relevant tech knowledge. There was already a college group that did it, and I was going to build on it.
7:12 AM
A massive counter-blade drone. Like a helicopter with two spinning blades in opposide directions, and solar panels on the tops of the blades.
Frederik C (ZA) 11/16/2020 3:10 PM
Other things I can think of: • Emergency search and rescue • Emergency medical / blood delivery (like Zipline in Kenya) • Shark-spotting (already done locally, here in False Bay) • Rhino anti-poaching surveillance However, the anti-poaching drones currently used by our park rangers are often deployed at night and need IR night-vision cameras. Also, they are mission-critical, since it's often a combat situation. But low-cost, DIY drones could still be useful for non-critical tracking of critically endangered animals. Their home ranges can be pretty extensive. These days the rhinos are fitted with GPS collars that send out alerts if they stop moving or have unusual movement at night. (edited)
I think it wore so just as a project/concept showcase
1:27 AM
it is nowhere near a psudo-satellite, and i like lighter-than-air vehicles more for that role
1:27 AM
they seem to be like THE expert on the non-ros side of ROVs. They have everything short of a HOTAS setup lol
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 8:46 AM
Still, for telecommunication in a disaster zone, cut off from the outside World , you'll take what you can get. Ultimately, the only real advantage over quadcopters would come in applications where many hours of semi-autonomous flight are needed and swapping out batteries is not feasible. I think the Zipline fixed-wings have a rang of about 100 km and about 40 mins flight time. But they are launched with a rail "catapult." The anti-poaching fixed-wings are around the same size as the one in the video and also launched with a throw.
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 9:36 AM
I'm also generally interested in completely independent, long range communications that can't be controlled, censored or disconnected by government interference. Like the growing trend of governments arbitrarily blocking certain social media or the entire country's internet access during contested elections or civil uprising. If the country's "hard lines" to the internet are cut, only people with satellite phones / transceivers can get past the censorship. During the so-called "Arab Spring," people resorted to driving to border fences and throwing flashdrives with protest footage over the fence to a contact in the neighbouring country, just to get some of the information out during internet blockades. (edited)
@Frederik C (ZA) has reached level 3. GG!
@Frederik C (ZA) u might b interested in looking up "LORA", it's a radio communication that can work over 200-400km w a powerful enough base station & is designed to be meshed. There's no launch date yet, but pine64 is developing a small modem-less open source linux device w lora, probly within the next 6 months or so
9:40 AM
It's very low-bandwidth so it's not for High-Data High-Speed stuff but it's rly low power & far range (edited)
9:41 AM
The device mentioned is the "pinecom"
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 9:54 AM
Thanks, @Karl Sagan I've done some superficial reading on LoRa. It seemed promising. Especially with receivers that can plug into standard smartphones. Of course, with "The Space Race 2.0" kicking off, crowd-funded, mini-satellite constellations, outside government or corporate control might become more common. But it adds to the Kessler Syndrome, so it's not without significant drawbacks. Also, DIY space launches will not be "a thing" anytime soon. It might be more feasible to use "disposable" technology, in case governments and multi-national corporations get seriously territorial about their current monopolies. For example, in South Africa, our ITC handicap is thoroughly due to government corruption and collusion with international players.
There are these lil USB dongles, if u have a usb-c to usb-A dock for ur phone u could connect it, and then it's just a matter of software/firmware 😛
Open source USB LoRa® device. Get connected and take advantage of the growing IoT network.
10:04 AM
Also for higher powered radio, this is an interesting project to DIY a wideband network - if u plug in one of the above dongles into this box then you've got a gateway between the two networks
A software-enabled network-in-a-box based on LimeSDR
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 11:04 AM
Nice. 👀 I'm still totally "theoretical" on the whole concept, though. Then all we have to do, to get wide-spread adoption of an independent, emergency network, is to undo 300 years of territorial politics. No sweat. 😁 Still, it helps to know how you would do it, in principle, if everybody could just pull their heads out of their butts and see the benefits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🤣 1
11:07 AM
People might be more open to the concept, following the pandemic. There are constant complaints in the media about rural children not having access to teleschooling during school closures. Why? Because of network data costs. 🙄
Back in my day we would make a high speed 4G network using a tin can & some string, kids these days so spoiled 🙄
😆 1
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 11:24 AM
I was actually thinking that during internet blockades, most governments would probably forget to check standard phonelines for old school 56K dial-up modem traffic. We could go retro and "party like it's 1999."
Most probly go thru the same datacenters at some pt....I know the original russian connection to the global internet was thru a telecom company.....probly would have at least a smaller red button next to the big "kill the internet" button for phone lines 😛😔
😀 1
11:33 AM
If u have a few of the lime boxes I posted & a bunch of solar+batteries, you could b a pretty effective off-grid beacon.....tho you'd also have a whole lot of very powerful radio waves pointing to ur exact location all the time 😂
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 11:49 AM
Luckily, most governments are too incompetent for that level of sophistication / coordination. But if it comes down to that level of suppression, it requires a whole other, fundamental culture shift. We had "underground" radio broadcasts for the banned political parties in the 80s, for example. It was how they communicated news to the public from outside the borders, when all media was government controlled. "Been there...Done that...Got the T-shirt."
Honestly I've been pretty astounded with how much development there is with that sort of tech stuff within the last two years....especially SDR stuff has exploded which can be incredibly powerful....
12:00 PM
I think there's gonna be a lot of cool stuff in 2021.....
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 12:05 PM
Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been traditionally implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer o...
Oh yeah that's the one my bad 😅
Frederik C (ZA) 11/17/2020 12:26 PM
We can get into the perils and public threat of this dumb-assery later... I need to do some chores now. 😞 See ya.
Often takes a virus that shows insecurity in order to make things more secure 😁 GL
I'm tempted to get into SDR
9:29 PM
antenna design spooks me
9:29 PM
Also the cost of all said antennas
9:30 PM
Like the SDR->USB adapter is cheap enough
Yeah reception is easy but it's tough to transmit without a big beefy guy - idk if I've ever seen any transceiving SDR dongle less than $100 (edited)
my main use case would be reverse engineering rc controllers
Oh yeah easy<$20
Also maybe for automation of a room scale setup of rc vehicles
10:24 PM
what band is that usually in?
Standard commercial low-power radio (27/49MHz). Some of the rly fancy controllers will use a higher frequency band like 72 or 75 but if u can see the object in ur line of sight without squinting, that's overkill
10:27 PM
At least in the US
would something even this simple work then:
10:28 PM
i want to get the larger HackRF + a pile of fliters etc later
10:29 PM
then some "Benchtop" ham setup etc, but for just rc/"getting into it" i want as cheap as possible
For listening yeah, but it can't talk & pretend to be the controller
10:30 PM
Tunes from 500 kHz to 1.7 GHz
"MHz" falls right between that range
what would be a cheap capable transmitter?
"cheap" is very relative 😅 you might find something on eBay used for less than $100, but I don't think I've ever seen a box for less than that new - you can buy boards but they're unshielded & unantenna'd usually
10:35 PM
You'd be looking for an "SDR transceiver"
10:35 PM
(transmitter+receiver - sometimes listed "rx/tx")
definetly lol
Oh also related to the pine64 company I bring up a lot - they're also planning on releasing an expansion module for SDR on their linux tablet - likely only to receive but relevant nonetheless
10:39 PM
The PineTab is an upcoming $100 open source Ubuntu Linux Tablet being created by PINE who are known for their low cost Pine64 single board computers, Pinebook Laptop and Linux based PinePhone. The PineTab is not yet for sale, and they have just announced their intention to beg...
if that thermal camera anderoid phone had an sdr module + ability to be tethered to a pc that would be the ULTIMATE device
Not quite there bc the phone doesn't have any SDR module (yet) & it'd probly be tough to integrate both at once, but the PinePhone has extensible pins that ppl have figured out how to hook up a thermal camera to (edited)
10:44 PM
The PineCom I mentioned yesterday might end up having SDR too, in which case that might be the perfect base for that
10:55 PM
good video on how to do this
10:55 PM
hack rf -> amplifier -> antenna
11:02 PM
that one may be above some of the frequencies?
(leaving this link here so i can use it later)
Using low-budget DIY solutions for 3d printing and scanning various objects, ranging from jewelry to security keys. Currently, I am building an automatic 3D ...
Günstige 3D-Scanner-Bausätze und ausführliche Anleitungen zum Thema Photogrammetrie und 3D Scan allgemein von OpenScan.
Seems to be photogrammetry based. (edited)
I need like 5 of them yesterday
How so?
3:09 AM
was watching this video earlier today
meshroom is open source, but supposedly pretty buggy?
not sure, haven't dived into this that much
3:10 AM
been preoccupied building the infinite z printer
👀 1
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Frederik C (ZA) 11/18/2020 8:54 AM It was a bit "before my time" (early childhood), so I wasn't quite sure how the system actually worked. It was mostly short-wave broadcasts from outside the country, and the government did jam the signal. They just didn't manage to efficiently jam it everywhere. Anyway, it's just a bit of history regarding "obsolete" technology. In the same time period, the common method for getting banned reading material in and out of the country, was micro-film that had to be physically couriered in trusted networks because mail was frequently opened by the government. It's useful to think about it in terms of how the same government would have restricted internet use, if the internet existed back then. Probably something like North Korea, today. Maybe by convincing the population that there's "nothing interesting" to see. (We didn't have TV broadcasts until 1975, so my parents' generation grew up without TV.) (edited)
Radio Freedom was the radio propaganda arm of the African National Congress (ANC) and its fighting wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) (Spear of the Nation) during the anti-Apartheid struggle from the 1970s through the 1990s. It was the oldest liberation radio station in Africa. Liste...
Frederik C (ZA) 11/18/2020 9:41 AM
In today's World, we can probably count on the Oligarchs' greed and their need to keep making money off of our data consumption to override their also but less strong desire to control our minds. So, a kind of a market-driven "pseudo-democratization." Better than nothing, I guess. (?) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (edited)
I need to farm upvotes to get this channel made on the precious plastic discord, please help if you can: (edited)
9:52 PM
FDM filament makers would be huge, no mold-making needed, valuable as a product in spools etc
definetly work on it, and OSE has as well, i just want a place to herd all intrested people to
👍 1
10:16 PM
there have been a couple of times people have brought up designs, or questions on if there are any
Gotcha, so a sort of officialization
Speaking of 3d resin printer I preordered months ago should arrive today........
10:17 PM
which one did you get?
It's a shame that the resin isn't usually recyclable but it'll b cool
10:17 PM
Elegoo Saturn
10:19 PM
do you have a wash/cure station, or a diy solution to all that?
I've got a lil rotating platform w a UV flashlight, and we also get plenty of sun so I was prob just gonna use the ol "put it in a ziplock baggie full of water & leave it in the sun" trick for anything I don't need right away. Also been looking into castable resins, hoping I can make aluminum moulds for the PP injection machine w it.....
@Karl Sagan has reached level 9. GG!
did you buy or make the rotating platform thingamagig
I've got a cheap one from a thrift store I've used for some other stuff ☺
10:28 PM
These guys are so high quality but also so expensive 😔
PowerResins Burn is a special 100% ash-free castable resin that is formulated for perfect quality in direct casting. 100% ash-free burnout for direct casting. Suitable for Jewelry and Dental casting. Can be used for any type of jewelry including heavy, European jewelry or fili...
i seriously want to make some sort of resource for connecting people who need odd specific stuff, and used/thrift stores etc
10:29 PM
like amazon but for thrift stores, ebay/craigslist SOMEWHAT works, but not 100%
Thrift stores are also great sources of large amounts of waste, usually-semi-clean plastic stuff....I worked at one pre-rona & wanna get smth going to organize stuff like that....
and just "old stuff" (for movie/stage props, or just enthusiasts), and used stuff of value (blenders, motors in treadmills, etc)
Trash was maybe our biggest expense even over labor tbh
10:32 PM
Especially doesn't help that managers prefer to sell stuff for as high a price as possible even if it would easily sell & get out of our hair for half that price....
I don't know if my local stores have one, but i think if they don't have a website, the only way to know what they have is to go in the store and look around
Yeah, & most store inventory software doesn't account for "we don't have any real control over our supply chain" so you'd have to roll smth like that yourself (also on my list lol)
10:38 PM
Would be a very fertile ground for computer vision connected to eBay/craigslist/etc
definetly, have a camera station, THEN when a new item is aquired, take one photo for each side and a top/bottom view. Via a tethered camera, or just swapping out the sd card once done, (or an a n d r o i d a p p ) the photos are put in a digital "new product" submission form, some sort of MV program determines the category(s) the item fits in, the user adds a title if need be, and it is uploaded to the site's inventory
Mhm, and most pricing is done using the rule of thumb "be cheaper than eBay" so if u could just get a huge scraped DB of successful eBay sales with the pictures of each, then the necessary human labor just becomes checking "is this item in my hand the same as the item the computer is pointing to on eBay"
10:45 PM
And another big inefficiency is changing pricetags if smth doesn't sell, if there could b a rly cheap e-ink display w a cheap little radio on it, that'd b able to update prices based on how long smth has been sitting without selling, without needing human labor to go search it out
10:46 PM
Honestly if there are non-chain thrift stores near u, you could probly pretty easily impress the managers & get promoted quick if u have a basic working prototype of stuff like that
10:47 PM
Or start ur own if uve got the Capital ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10:51 PM
(and if youre building a big DB of pictures of items, taking a little bit more time to make a photogrammetry rig & then upload the scans to like thingiverse would be a great way of building community good-will & directing lots of ppl towards u)
10:52 PM
Hm. Maybe I need to make an open source thrift store now that I think abt it 😅
I need to do some more work with meshroom; i have it on my pc, and did a test scan once, results were a bit of a mess, granted i am not too capable in the software
Yeah & the more pix the more standardizedly taken, the better results you'll get
definitely if trying to do photogrammety, i'd say a cnc turntable is almost a must.
👆 1
@Eric Lotze has reached level 22. GG!
God....a community-owned thrift store + maker space would be so cool.......
11:14 PM
Just daydreaming now.......
can we please
11:17 PM
franchise it so we can get em all over?
11:17 PM
pls pls pls
11:17 PM
and an after school program where kids can just play with scraps?
11:18 PM
gotta be some kind of grant for a makerspace boys and girls club
11:18 PM
additionally funded by reselling salvage parts
I need to get with someone/dive into it myself on the grant aspect, i AM planning a makerspace type thing filling these types of roles
11:19 PM
in #fleming_island_fl_usa_makerspace_plotting for EXACTLY my local area, in a spot, but the concept should be widely applicable
hop in my DM's and we'll scalp databases for grant money
Community Center + Makerspace + Craft Fair/Farmers Market Place
E-waste recycling/scrapyard capacity would be an added bonus
i could maybe rename #fleming_island_fl_usa_makerspace_plotting to just #MakerspacePlotting ? would that be better (or i could make m o a r c h a n n e l s) (edited)
11:21 PM
i might make a whole other "category" for channels, like "site development" ?
Maybe have a category of channels for that? So u can do one general & multiple wspecifc
11:21 PM
Yep was just typing that lol
yeah ok
11:21 PM
embiggening things right now
11:23 PM
any other channels to make in that category anyone can think of?
One for "base/skeletal/etc planning" for things that apply to all other channels?
ah ok
Printer Arrived 😁
b e n c h y p r i n t i n g t i m e
4:21 AM
(+ photos of the printer + other stuff!)
Frederik C (ZA) 11/19/2020 5:53 AM
@Eric Lotze I'm having trouble finding that message. Something about the link doesn't work for me. (edited)
it is good now i guess
Frederik C (ZA) 11/19/2020 6:02 AM
If we have enough folks to moderate and "keep the peace," you might as well start a new server for it. Lack of enthusiasm is only reason I haven't done it. And also because I can't make judgements on the technical aspects. Better to have server staff with know-how. The PP core team have never been on board. They just don't like 3DP for some reason.
Frederik C (ZA) 11/19/2020 6:15 AM
Seven people have indicated interest in a 3D-printing related server since I asked the question, back in July.
"golly gee why are there no products, if only there were more molds! " "fdm 3d printing making many objects with no molds" "n o f d m f i l a m e n t m a k e r d e v e l o p m e n t h e r e" (edited)
❤️ 1
@goldfishlaser#1337 That video in your log is from the LONG NOW FOUNDATION
7:07 AM
they are awesome !
7:08 AM
they made/are making a mechanical clock to last for an obscene amount of time, they sell etched "rosetta disks"
7:08 AM
I think that github artic repository should help
7:08 AM
(video i mean by the way) :
7:10 AM
I think this was the site:
7:10 AM
The Arctic World Archive (AWA) is a facility for data preservation, located in the Svalbard archipelago on the island of Spitsbergen, Norway, not far from the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It contains data of historical and cultural interest from several countries, as well as al...
7:12 AM
I'm assuming they are using magnetic tape
7:12 AM
optical archive disks are even cooler, but less data-dense
7:13 AM
optical tape is the DREAM, but hasn't caught on yet
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Tangent I'm going on researching what I can do w my printer, maybe this would b useful for gaskets & the like?
1:29 AM
If not, certainly for lil fundraising toys 😁
1:34 AM
The channel has a lotta little nicknacks/useful production line shots like this too
1:34 AM
Mostly short but nonetheless
Ooh i mentioned smth abt aluminium canning few weeks ago, just found this for $500, might b able to try n replicate it for cheaper
👀 1
3:11 AM
Water gets boring after a while after all 😁
More detailed silicone/pvc factory tour (edited)
Anyone have any ideas for a non-toxic coating for plastic containers to protect them from the sun outdoors (polypropylene specifically)? I use these containers for my flood/drain hydroponic systems as they are inexpensive, the perfect size, watertight, and i find alternative materials like concrete WAY too heavy when thick/strong enough. It is hard to find anything to stick or bind to polypropylene since it is so resistant to various chemical solvents. I've tried something like four different paints designed for plastic but they always flake off within a single season. I've even tried melting various highly pigmented plastic films (like trash bags) over the containers but it is crazy labor intensive, they eventually delaminate, and/or get uv damaged themselves. I've basically resorted to completely covering the containers with fiberglass with lots of black pigment in the resin but this is super labor intensive and not cheap either. I'm feel like I'm basically just making expensive fiberglass trays at this point.
UV is extra difficult & idk how to deal w that other than 'buy the one made for outdoors/UV', but w painting PP, I was actually planning on looking into that deeper rly soon once I finish my shredder frame
5:49 AM
Will report back 😁
They need to be a specific size to fit the modular containers i use for each plant. I've tried to standardize so i can easily move plants around and between systems as needed. I've toyed with the idea of somehow buying a bunch of ABS foam pipe from home depot which are pretty uv resistant. But then somehow slicing apart and heat molding into flat sheets, heat welding them together into larger sheets, and then into custom sized boxes. Not sure an efficient way to do this and get straight cuts so they fit together, however.
5:56 AM
Would be much easier if there was some sort of paint, ink, stain, decal process, etc. For example don't manufacturers sometimes print stuff directly on polypropylene shampoo bottles and stuff?
@Cmjstealth has reached level 4. GG!
And also on yogurt containers
I think on PP bottles it's only inks or adhesively applied labels...might be wrong (edited)
7:06 AM
So if u wanna do a 'whole body tattoo' on the barrel that might work 😛
Over 80 Plastic Materials in Sheet and Rod In Stock Here is a list of our materials. Choose the type you want, and view the data sheet. Material Data Sheet includes: Materials, Usage, Properties, Reference Info. We Specialize in Wholesale Engineering Plastics, Mechanical Plastics and High Performance Plastics for Industry Type of Material Key Pr...
👀 1
7:14 AM
it says ABS, HIPS, Acrylic, & PVC are paintable
7:15 AM
It also has stuff called 'sunboard' meant to b UV resistant
Frederik C (ZA) 11/20/2020 8:25 AM
@Karl Sagan I'm also interested in food-grade canning / preserving. Once small-scale vertical farming is established, being able to preserve and stock-pile the food is a big leap forward for sustainability. Ideally, for fresh produce, you'd want to produce just enough for the local market. But I'm in a part of the World where subsistence farming is extremely relevant. Even the government admits this. In other words, getting certified to industry-standard food safety is less of a concern. It's more about being independent from Big Agri.
🤠 1
@Frederik C (ZA) has reached level 4. GG!
Avatar oooh this is a nifty modular electronics panel setup....i might try to adapt it to be smth bigger......
I live in a small apartment and needed an electronics lab that meets the following criteria: a) small b) modular c) quick assembly / disassembly d) single AC/DC power supply This is what I came up with. Photo from left to right: 1) LCR tester. Case for LCR-T3 using 2mm sockets. PCB needs to be cut to fit. 2) Power supply. Fits DPS3003/DPS3005/DP...
I'm reposting a rant here:
3:45 AM
I may make a page on OSE wiki sometime soon in a more coherent manner, but essentially Home scale is essentially as homes are now, albeit with the solar, and all the somewhat "recent" design type things, and prefrably be kind of the "new urbanism" kind of medium density type deal, so no huge equipment, probably just a small FDM printer, a computer, small inkjet and all that, the basics Makerspace Scale is where the large majority of stuff would happen, so have a mixed community center/small factory/workshop/library type thing. Almost like a big box store, but for making most things. So instead of each house having a drill, you have onsite stuff + a toolshare for onsite needs etc The bit i really need to think over is above that Things like chemicals and raw materials do scale well, and some things such as neodyminium magnets etc need special ore But chemical plants etc could be 1 for every state or so short of extreme areas where feedstocks couldn't grow etc, then trade not for simple stuff, but for complex/rare feedstocks, and luxury goods? haven't read the book yet, but the TLDR is just on the whole shipping things around, and it makes sense with the current model economically With both long haul shipping using bunker fuel and all that + countries demanding higher wages, plus just decentralization potentially growing, POST magical shift that wouldn't happen overnight what would that system look like? (edited)
"Community Scale"?
4:05 AM
Also - $89 resin printer up for pre-order now 😁
An Arduino-based, open source MSLA / LCD-SLA resin micro 3D printer kit
resin is nasty stuff, i'm assuming the market for that would be for chess pawn size* minifugures? Heard that is one of the groups that love resin processes for those fine details (and you can make some serious money on etsy etc) (edited)
Yeah & they hold paint better than most thermoplastics so they're good to paint. Also there are fancy schmancy resins out there u can use for metal casting & the like 😁
4:10 AM
But it's definitely annoying that most things are basically unrecyclable 😔
I went down a reading-up-on-something hole today so didn't do much. I'll try and look over that painting, and uv stuff
4:13 AM
I can rant about robotic surgery now to an extent, and watched like three 40 min presentations so that's s o m e t h i n g
There's also like a lot more rubbery-type resins too...lots of versatility but expensive.....
4:14 AM
Long as u know smth u didn't know yesterday, not a wasted day 😁
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
💤 2
miss u
Goodness i need a time turner, need to be doing too many things, many of which have to be real time, not movable
When u find one dibs on the second
If I could just borrow one to take some measurements, that would be great
🤣 1
@Karl Sagan has reached level 10. GG!
Frederik C (ZA) 11/22/2020 12:36 PM
Some good explainers from Just Have A Think: Liquid Air Batteries Liquid Air Batteries. Literally energy from thin air. Seriously. Geothermal energy Why don't we all just use Geothermal Energy? Geothermal ground source heat pumps.
6:19 PM
Highview Power based out of the UK has multiple patents for almost the entire liquid air energy storage proccess @Frederik C (ZA) I have thought of scaling them down to the residential scale to replace lithium battery storage for solar/excess grid (edited)
It's only technically illegal to break patents if the patent office finds out about it 😜
Frederik C (ZA) 11/22/2020 9:59 PM
Yeah, it seems there's always a catch. Meanwhile... the clock is ticking on the climate "bomb." 🙁 This is the dumbest game of "chicken" ever.
If I make a patent for "the climate" does that mean nobody else will be able to change it? 🤔
❤️ 1
10:00 PM
😎 1
Frederik C (ZA) 11/22/2020 10:06 PM
Waiting for governments and companies does seem to be utterly futile. Decentralization or death, pretty much.
Highview power, in its last 20 years of operation has installed less than 10Gwh of storage capacity. They are petroleum industry old money thats only purpose is locking up the IP behind cryogenic volumetric storage.
☝ 1
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 7. GG!
If we can get a certain billionaire to merge highview power with a certain electric vehicle maker, that certain billionaire would probably opensource all those patents..
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 8:37 AM
I need to know who around here is in the "Cult of Musk" before I kick the hornets' nest. 😏 I learnt my lesson trying to talk sense to Millennial wanna-be "futurists." Also, since I'm South African and Elon was born South African I like to think I have some extra insight. But that's neither here nor there.
🤣 1
Ah so you're bff's?
8:40 AM
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 8:44 AM
No, he's older than me. But kind of the same "generation." However the concept of "generation" here is not so clear cut, when it comes to the late 70s to early 2000s.
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 8:57 AM
Civil war tends to do that. Also being extremely multi-cultural. Also, when emmigrants lose their accents, they are officially "dead to us." 🙂 But I'm pretty sure a lot of people here either don't know who he is, or don't know he was born here. It's not relevant to their to lives.
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 10:12 AM
I'm not getting my @mention notifications these days, by the way.
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 10:36 AM
All I can say about Emperor Musk is this: You might want to think carefully about being stuck on an uninhabited planet with a guy who callously turns his back on "unimportant" countries (given his origin and recent comment about US-backed coups.) Or at least make sure you have more ammo / explosives / drones than he does, when you get there. A life-support space base isn't exactly "brimming" resources. And you can't phone for a pizza, or a cop.
👀 2
Personally I think growing up walking down streets w pockets full of emeralds can only result in a healthy normal adult psyche
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 11:29 AM
EARTH TO MARS: Hey, Elon... can we speak to the other colonists? [22 minute delay] MARS TO EARTH: Actually... about that... They went out in a rover yesterday, and... darndest thing... the rover went over a cliff. [22 minute delay] EARTH TO MARS: Holy shit! Just like the previous ten! Any survivors? Did you retrieve the black box? What were they doing out there? [22 minute delay] MARS TO EARTH: Darndest thing, Houston... it went right down a 5 mile ravine. Just like the last one. Totally lost. No radio contact. Nothing to be done about it. Oh, well.... So, anyway... I'm taking over their part of the base and their greenhouses. Waste not, want not... y'know... [22 minute delay] EARTH TO MARS: Mars, we're still seeing five rovers outside the base on the geo-sat feed. Which rover did you lose? Shouldn't there be only three? [22 minute delay] EARTH TO MARS: Come in, Mars. Elon, are you reading us? (edited)
🤣 1
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 1:07 PM
Well, he has publicly said that people who apply to be colonists should be the kind of people who are prepared to die for a sense of adventure and pushing the limits of human achievement. Sort of like those who went searching for the geographic poles, or people who climb Everest. But, the thing is... I'm pretty sure the frozen corpses that now litter Mount Everest (and are used as waypoint markers by today's climbers) didn't really think they would end up like that. There is a certain folly in unwarranted "optimism."
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 4:12 PM
I reckon something like the wilderness survival reality show Alone would be a good test for candidates. Except that they should have all the equipment of the expected Mars base, and should go for 4 years straight without outside contact or pressing their panic button to "tap out." Also, they should be confined to a certain area of the Atacama desert, where they may not leave the boundaries of the test area. If they can do that, they might be "Mars material." Otherwise, forget it. (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 11/23/2020 7:55 PM
Four years alone, then four years in a carefully selected team of finalists. That's important, because it's unlikely that each base will have more than one escape rocket (with maybe one redundancy.) And the emergency supplies needed for a return journey to Earth will have to remain in an orbital station around Mars. It's very unlikely to have a redundancy for that. Otherwise we would have two ISSs. We don't. That means either the entire team votes to leave within any given launch window or no-one leaves. That's it. There is no "tapping out" on Mars. The people who volunteered for the no-return mission (including some South Africans), have no idea what they're doing.
I know nasa has done at least one of a simulated mars mission
9:09 PM
9:09 PM
caffinated and getting to work
9:11 PM
someone added the EEZ thingamagic to this, which is good, so i'll update the page to newer standard, then let them make the basics section filled out with their knowledge
9:15 PM
Which person was "User: Andrewusu" ? (edited)
I feel like i had a page for OS "Lego Style" building blocks
11:36 PM
can't seem to find it
isn't the entirety of OSE's machines "Lego Style" if every machine is dependent of each other and uses the same common parts, just in different configurations?
I mean actual legos + lego technic like beams for models with the above thing, because i found this neat project, and wanted to add it to some related page:
I found a project that may do what i kind of want:
12:50 AM
I redesigned the Lego brick to be more versatile and better for building scale models, then I printed some sample bricks on a 3d printer. See how well they worked.
12:51 AM
i think they made it moar metric-ey
12:53 AM
this is where it would/should be
Avatar $25 ts100 soldering iron clone running a RISC-V processor now available 😁
stuartpb joined the server. 11/25/2020 5:17 AM
Hello !
11:00 PM
Neat concept, i wouldn't trust it for durable structures, but for sheds, or quick on-site shelters it seems pretty neat
Also neat addition that may be neat to add to the D3Ds:
Lmfao, first of its kind 🙄🙄
how much would that be to add on?
The only expensive componet would be the cube right?
just a reference block, you may need some components
3:56 AM
does the lulzbot have encoders on the motors?
3:57 AM
you can do this for (free) with motor encoders and some software settings
was just about to ask if it would need encoders, i don't know to be honest
seems like this system is plug in play with any printer
4:03 AM
attach wire to hotend, attach wire to reference block (could hand grind down the end of a bolt with a dremel to keep things simple) figure out the right insulated jumper circuit to relay that info back to the brain of the printer, and hopefully it can just be like another input on the board in the form of a limit switch, from there its finding a slicer besides lulzbot'z (non free?) version that allows this all to go down. Alternatively, get encoders and just count your steps. EDIT: oh wait, this is going a step further, to the physical hardware, not just encoders, sure you can use encoders to smash the hotend into the reference block and count how many steps it took, but that still doesn't compare to the accuracy of the reference blockwith contact feedback, accounting for backlash in many different points beyond the encoder (edited)
4:08 AM
still, honestly if anyone is good with (lua? python? sure you could code a specific slicer addition to allow a limit switch input on the board to plug into the backlash compensator
4:08 AM
if lulzbot hasn't made it publically available already
I read the article about the backlash compensation on the new TAZ Pro and TAZ Workhorse and that got me thinking. The current version of firmware on the TAZ 6 has backlash compensation on Z and it looks like the additional piece needed to do X and Y is fairly simple. Would it be possible to add X and Y to the TAZ 6 (and Mini)?
I thought it would be firmware tweaks, but figured the slicer might be able to pick up the limit switch input
4:13 AM
so you need to code a firmware tweak that does all this stuff in house, as I don't think the slicer will work unless you are printing live from a computer over ethernet
4:14 AM
this is probably too giant
its cheap and precise
would screws be precise enough, or does the precision of the object even matter? (edited)
the precision doesn't actually matter much
4:15 AM
because its doing all those calculations off conductivity through the circuit
so it's one of those things where as long as the error is constant/consistant/reliable, it is fine? (edited)
the precision doesn't matter as much because its just counting the steps it takes for it to move away from the conductive surface
4:17 AM
send steps until the complete circuit disconnects, record steps, configure motor drivers for that
i vaugely remember the pcb mill doing something similar with the surface of the pcb, and the drill bit i think
4:23 AM
And does mesh bed leveling negate the need for this, or does that ONLY address the bed level-ness (edited)
4:23 AM
that and limit switches on the endstops (if the d3d axis has that)
4:26 AM
at this timestamp they discuss the backlash compensation (edited)
4:31 AM
They say it's overkill, but may have a minor effect
lol, can't we just do this with limit switches?
speaking of 3d printers i'm finally looking for one
6:22 AM
Ender 3 V1 or V2?
i gotta read back to when y'all were discussing desktop manufacturing
12:08 AM
i might just build my own little factory-in-a-box here in my room
👀 1
what do you have in mind to start making?
welp, besides wanting a 3d printer for a really really long time now, i've been kinda wanting to make my own electronics products, from rough prototype, to final product prototype, all from my desk
12:10 AM
honestly, something like a snapmaker would be a good start to that
not JUST the PCBs and stuff, but like, the enclosures and cases that hold all of your stuff together
I think you can laser etch boards, then use the router attachment to drill through pcp for component mounting
12:11 AM
PCBway is also a good way to get low count circuits
12:12 AM
ender3 is nice, cr-10 has met my needs
i already have the ender 3 on my wishlist C:
sidenote: I wanna build a bigass workbench with a ton of shelving/printer locations/tool mounting locations
i have a 42u rack that is lacking in servers
12:13 AM
so i'm gonna put the extra space to work
12:14 AM
ez proto
i googled that and found prototyping boards that look like they're for a DIY Microprocessor kit
and now you've reminded me of ASIC prototyping
1:31 AM
and now i'm looking at Xilinx Vertex chips
1:31 AM
maybe i'll get a dev board >.>
Don't forget you can just cnc your pcb boards. I use eagle to design and generate the gcode and it makes really easy and nice boards to go along with my nice 3d printed custom enclosures. (edited)
2:43 AM
It just cuts the copper away between busses which honestly seems better than the narrow bus lines people get with printed boards.
right correct but also i'm not sure 1 layer or even 2 layers will be sufficient enough for very-high-speed PCB designs
ohmygod i just had
2:54 AM
the biggest of big brained ideas
2:55 AM
ok so if we're talking about making a rackmount desktop microfactory and we account for a plastics shredder, filament extruder, and 3d printer
2:55 AM
why not..
2:55 AM
a u t o m a t e?
2:55 AM
or at least
2:56 AM
p r o c e s s en gi n e er i ng
2:56 AM
shredder --> extruder --> spool storage --> spool selector --> printer
😎 1
also question
3:14 AM
if i WERE to get an ender 3, should i also get the auto-levelling accessory from creality?
goldfishlaser#1337 11/27/2020 3:17 AM
Levelling is a pain in the ass so if you can sounds like a good idea to me.
@KLARI there is a CNC PCB mill toolhead-thing that could work on the same frame/gantry as the FDM 3D Printing Head, so w o o o (also could do a marker + etching, or 3d print a stensil)
3:27 AM
AND on the note of rack mount:
3:28 AM
i also had a page on a "wall rack" for use in vans/trailers for that
3:28 AM
Eurorack, or openrack should work as well
3:29 AM
Lots of accounts being added, someone from argentina joined, and is looking to build a lifetrac, i said hello and added some ideas in a mix of my shitty spanish and google translate
3:29 AM
We have some native spanish speakers here i think though right?
shrug (edited)
3:30 AM
certainly not me
3:30 AM
the only languages i understand are english and american sign language and every programming language in existence
3:31 AM
yes, even malbolge and brainfuck
3:31 AM
@KLARI has reached level 13. GG!
befunge is fun
3:31 AM
its like a game
3:31 AM
4:06 AM
also that for print removal on non-belt printers
4:06 AM
I hope the CR-30 and that ifactory or something cause enthusiast level belts to be commonplace
4:06 AM
the whiteknight/squire are AWSOME, but belt sourcing is hell
honestly i don't understand why you couldn't just
5:12 AM
attach a little bracket to the removable part of the build plate
5:12 AM
and have an external arm or linear actuator swing in and grab the plate by the bracket
you can, and some companies do
rackmounted, just how i would do it
5:14 AM
belts are easy
5:16 AM
didn't we talk about this?
5:16 AM
aluminum roofing flashing and kapton tape
5:16 AM
oh, and aluminum solder
5:16 AM
and a torch
isn't kapton tape for electronics though?
Belts are definetly great (edited)
5:17 AM
Not too commonplace yet, especially "single weld, stainless steel, pei coated" which is the ultimate imo
5:17 AM
also no way to do a glass bed and all that with belts
5:18 AM
i want b o t h
you really don't need that big of an arm if your printer design is smart/hackable enough
probs a 3x3 or 5x5 like that, and then a few belt printers, and a GIANT pellet based printer
\ I want a pellet based belt printer (edited)
in the page i had some ideas on that, mainly a "vending machine" style gantry, or a per-printer scraper
all you'd need is like a tiny gantry robot maybe two linear axis one for reaching into the printer to grab the plate, and another for moving up and down the rack to shelve the part
like the self catching basketball hoop
but in front of the printers to catch prints coming off
like the vending machine robot
that would be so great
i bet i could do it too
5:20 AM
if assembling the ender 3 myself gives me any insight into linear robotics
5:20 AM
and modular aluminum extrusions
5:21 AM
hell i'd be happy turning the entire top half of my 42u rack into a self-contained, tightly-integrated microfactory
and with the universal axis you could literally just slap 1-3 of em behind the printer with a wedge/blade on the printer side, add some gcode for it, and it would be good (even if just pushing into a bucket/net/bin)
5:22 AM
no special parts really
oh I was thinking pallet racking lol
Poosh into plastic bin
5:22 AM
i mean no
5:22 AM
5:22 AM
cloth bin
5:22 AM
s o f t catch
5:24 AM
ohmygodijustrealized that if i actually do go through with this printer i COULD START PHYSICALLY PARTICIPATING IN OSE MACHINE DESIGNS AAAAAAAAA
5:24 AM
oh wait
5:24 AM
"gcode bump"
5:24 AM
5:24 AM
5:24 AM
p o o s h
i can seriously see that one snapping some prints though
hang on hang on hang on
also adds in more mass to the toolhead/gantry if you add a "pusher" part
hold up
5:26 AM
wait a second
5:26 AM
take a step back here
5:26 AM
i just realized
5:27 AM
the 3d printer already has an axis on it
5:27 AM
and i also realized
5:27 AM
it has a singular tool head
5:28 AM
emphasis on s i n g u l a r
5:28 AM
what if.
5:29 AM
oh god dammit hang on
5:29 AM
5:30 AM
t o o l c h a n g e r
oh boy
5:33 AM
very beeg
I n e e d t o l e a r n f r e e c a d
me too
5:36 AM
can we learn together pls
5:37 AM
i dont wanna download fusion360
5:37 AM
but it looks like all the plugins are for fusion360
5:37 AM
5:37 AM
ALSO is the e3d something you can put on other printers as well?
I also need to learn freecad
can we all force eachother lol
when we hoppin on VC and bruceforcing the knowledge
i think you can add the toolchanger to other printers, i think
5:38 AM
should be open source, sourcing just the toolchanger may be hell
i need to apply back to college first and "find a good job" (ugh) before i can undertake any more "hobby" (UGHH) tasks than I already have
yeah, just started a new job
i'd rather just move in to an OSE village and contribute without the burden or capitalistic drive of currency
you too huh
5:41 AM
but i must, i guess
5:41 AM
if currency is the only means forward, at least in the early stages, to building a completely self-sustaining ecology
5:42 AM
oh and of course
i don't think anything will ever be 100%, between rare earth minerals, and just crafts/luxury goods
all of the "cool stuff" and "name brands"
t h a t r e m i n d s m e
5:43 AM
i need to make a page on scale
5:43 AM
5:43 AM
what do you think of this page, feel free to add stuff, i know n o organic chem (yet):
different types of non-edible alcohols?
5:49 AM
5:49 AM
for electronics cleaning?
isopropanol is that i think let me check (there may be others too, organic solvents are o d d and n u m e r o u s)
Isopropyl alcohol (IUPAC name propan-2-ol; commonly called isopropanol or 2-propanol) is a colorless, flammable chemical compound (chemical formula CH3CHOHCH3) with a strong odor. As an isopropyl group linked to a hydroxyl group, it is the simplest example of a secondary alcohol, where the alcohol carbon atom is attached to two other carbon atom...
5:49 AM
5:50 AM
glues are going to be hell i think, that and all the off the shelf blend things
5:50 AM
WD-40 seems roughly straightforeward, but like
5:50 AM
bolt remover, and rust remover, and all those things
what about just a standard epoxy mix?
i think i had that in there, but even epoxy has many subcategories aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
5:52 AM
ch em ical we ird
5:53 AM
oh wait wait hang on speaking of currency is crypto going to be a part of OSE?
5:55 AM
i mean mostly as dual-purpose if it'll be a part of the ecology at all
5:56 AM
both smart contracts/decentralized apps/decentralized transactional processing AND currency
i think maybe in the far future, for now USD should be used imo for it's stability and widespread-ness
6:23 AM
That or maybe the Euro? (granted i'm no economist lol)
6:24 AM
Do i win the award for longest page title yet? :
6:24 AM
I think large "Bio-Refineries" may still make sense
6:25 AM
Shipping is hurting my head, but i think i am close to coming to a personal opinion on how it would work out
6:28 AM
I think "Local (ie community) - City/County - State" will be the most relevant for most stuff
6:29 AM
Then national for like hurricane relief etc
6:29 AM
Some small international trade
Damn it's one oclock lol, sleepyness just hit me sooooooooooo
7:01 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
12:17 AM
reminds me of the knitting machine work
12:21 AM
Redesigning the textile & apparel supply chain Autonomous Sewing Worklines
12:21 AM
they can fully automate making a tshirt, this seems simple, but is CRAZY difficult
no audio, but all sorts of layouts are shown in this:
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Also re: earlier point, I'm conversational in spanish
Yes please buy a cr30 so that design is opensourced and decentralized manufactuing can truly take hold (edited)
11:20 AM
(not much there rn but ppl are thinking abt it for sure) (edited)
11:24 AM
beat me to it, i was going to post that video lol
6:05 PM
6:05 PM
on kickstarter, so r i s k e e e as of now
6:50 PM
Also 45 degree tilt is WAY harder to figure out for models than cartesian
8:57 PM
8:57 PM
i'll wait until the campaign succeeds then, if it DOES succeed
truly living off grid, is literally just living in a spaceship and having life support for multiple generations
10:34 PM
the kickstarter also plays a crucial role in that design getting opensourced by creality, allowing things like the ender 3 to become CR-10 clones
10:34 PM
she needs 5 million in backing for creality to opensource it
10:35 PM
it's more than just a risky kickstarter, if she sells like 6,250 on kickstarter, creality opensources that design
10:35 PM
which, when paired with wax suspended metal powder filament, you can print tool steel at home, in any geometry you can imagine.
10:35 PM
I mean, you can do it either way, just easier to commercialize when you aren't stepping on patents
10:36 PM
and if you want to truly live offgrid, in a multi-gen spaceship, cheap toolsteel in complex geometries could be important
10:38 PM
I am currently building a 450x450x-infinity printer as we speak, closer to nak3d's whiteknight form factor
10:38 PM
once the printer is online, I want to hop into improving the slicer profiles for 45 and 60 degree printing
10:39 PM
but I NEEED that opensourced so I can commercialize my printers and not get nuked by some shitty patent troll
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 8. GG!
wire metal printing is dumb in my biased opinion
it's not wire printing ❤️
Requires a pile of finishing, which is fine with plastic, but metal is...
it's wax impregnated with metal powder
And then you can do lost pla
11:40 PM
you just sinter and account for the shrink
11:40 PM
11:40 PM
different proccess
11:41 PM
same thing desktop metals is doing, but with parametrically accurate 45 or 60 degree printing for insanely compex geometries
i know that process to a bit. My favorites are "Lost PLA Casting / Using a 3D Print to Make a Greensand/Small Investment Casting (Plaster etc) " AND "Electron Beam Melting"
desktop metal's print method is exactly that, metal powder in a binding rod, which gets thrown into basically a pottery kiln and then you have tool steel in crazy geometries
11:42 PM
yes, I love all of those, but have determined desktop metal's method to be the best in the industry at the moment
11:43 PM
low hazards to operator health, better part quality management
11:43 PM
eazy touch ups with 5 axis cnc
i saw somthin on that one, saw one printer, but i think it was c l o s e d s o u r c e
11:43 PM
still neat
yes, closed source but only for another 20 years
11:43 PM
also, if you are selling parts using their proccess I don't think that infringes
11:44 PM
idk I just happened to have the metal stock materials around with specific qualifications to make your made in china part, cheaper, made in america
11:45 PM
they have a beautiful 6 part webinar series
11:46 PM
showing cost benefit analysis and tons of possibilities
11:46 PM
in my mind there is no reason why I can't by a production system that they have, then clone my own proccess and do all the same part production in house right?
11:46 PM
so buying one of their systems permits my business to print metal right?
11:47 PM
so what if the way I get there is a little bit different
11:47 PM
design serieses
11:47 PM
i want to find a good one on injection mold design so i can help with PP
11:48 PM
i'll look into that metal one too!
11:48 PM
just print your metal molds
11:48 PM
hand polish them with the dremel and get minty fresh molds
11:48 PM
11:48 PM
I think the studio system is actually fairly cheap
i was thinking over less labor intensive post processing workflows (granted robotic arm post processing is a thing i made a construction set for too....)
11:49 PM
mainly vibratory sanding?
It is loud as h e l l, but supposedly pretty easy
11:49 PM
Is that SLM i assume?
11:49 PM
so same limitations
FUCK slm
thus why I want to make the 45 degree parametrically accurate
or no thats sls (edited)
SLM is acceptable
gotta goole
SLS is absolute garbage
11:50 PM
ah okay
11:50 PM
this is the wax based binded powder fdm printer
so same limitations as tradional 3d printing
you can get filament for that lol
just put the part in the oven and shrink it
11:51 PM
yes, but at a 45 you can get crazy geometries
11:51 PM
can you link any filaments like that easily? would love to start running parts in my clay kiln and a local heat-treater
SteelFill is ColorFabb's latest addition to their amazing line of metal filled filaments such as copperFill and bronzeFill. Like those filaments, steelFill is a PLA based filament made with real steel particles. After a good sanding and polishing, your printed part will look and shine like real steel!
11:52 PM
11:52 PM
pretty sure you don't need a 60,000 USD printer for this businesses lol
11:52 PM
granted maybe a good 5,000 or so
not just metal looking stuff
11:52 PM
actual precision machined parts for industry
was that not sinterable meh (edited)
needs MOAR powder
that's fine though
11:53 PM
11:53 PM
11:53 PM
that's why I'm stoked on the binder metal powder filament
11:53 PM
gotta opensource that
diy blending would be simple enough (granted the unsolved filament tolerances issue)
then the world is free
11:53 PM
11:53 PM
like metal powder is borderline a waste material from machining
11:54 PM
I just started a job as a chemical tech
which reminds me, i still need to make a page on machining waste reduction + utilization
so I'm fuckin with a lot of metal powder
11:54 PM
happy boy
11:55 PM
excited to start junking cars when robotaxis take the market and then putting all that metal powder from the cars into new parts for industry
11:56 PM
all the opensource makerspaces should be junking cars into stock metals for metal 3d printing
12:00 AM
print-in-place opensource components is our eventual final form right?
12:00 AM
for orbital-capable offgrid earthships right?
12:03 AM
now you are speaking like a paperclip ai
🤖 1
12:16 AM
are you even h u m a n ?
12:17 AM
Instrumental convergence is the hypothetical tendency for most sufficiently intelligent agents to pursue potentially unbounded instrumental goals such as self-preservation and resource acquisition, provided that their ultimate goals are themselves unbounded. Instrumental convergence suggests that an intelligent agent with unbounded but apparentl...
12:17 AM
must convert cars to paperclips
of course
must maximize os paperclip production
it is the most logical path forward
12:17 AM
don't forget sunken ships
open source-ness allows maximization of paper clip technology development, and thus paper clips per seccond
12:18 AM
open sourcery
Also if you want to loose a couple of dev hours, here ya go:
I have lost many to that game
12:19 AM
what's a few more anyway
12:19 AM
the cookies one is dope
(these clicker games and my adhd caused love for gamification is a dangerous combo)
cookieclicker I think
12:20 AM
i also want to see an ai designed to speedrun that game a la codebullet:
Just an idiot with a computer science degree trying his best.
12:21 AM
thus truely making a paperclip ai
12:21 AM
just make sure it doesn't get control of hardware
12:22 AM
then it'll do something powerful, yet in a subtle way like this:
which code bullet vid is it
they haven't made it yet, need to pressure them to
Miele DGM (Steam Oven with Microwave) in combination with a oven: Steaming, microwave and baking – with only two units. Possible with the Miele DGM!
5:33 AM
behold this steam-convection-oven-with frikin micrwave beams
5:33 AM
fear it's POWER
5:39 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Holy shit... I do a lot of lost foam aluminum casting and this could be life-changing. Why have I not heard about foaming filament until now?
$55 for 0.7kg. After taking into account the reduced amount of material needed for a part (1.7x increased volume from foaming) it works out to an equivalent non foam filament volume of $32/kg. (edited)
It uses a blowing agent, so that may be hard to do. I want to see if there is a way to do "Mechanical Airation" via air/gas flow in a specialized extruder?
2:17 AM
I think i made a comment on it somewhere, probably would be bulky/hard but would definetly be nice
2:17 AM
It excites me for Aircraft Wings as well
2:18 AM
the mass of FDM Printed Componets over Foamed Polystyrene makes them not too common for rc airplanes etc, but with this it would be easy to do!
2:18 AM
Low mass lattices, AND foam
2:18 AM
That plus a belt printer....
Video made it look like you just swap the filament into a 3d printer without modification and then experiment to dial in the temperature/feed rate settings. Did i miss something that makes it tricky? My understanding is the manufacturer mixes something like sodium bicarbonate to the special filament so it releases gas when heated by the hot end. @Eric Lotze
3:01 AM
what I WANT TO BE A THING is the crazy setup for non-blowing agent stuff
3:02 AM
because the whole "closed ecosystem bit" is way easier is those are avoided as much as possible imo
3:03 AM
The whole mining bit is another thing i need to add to that scale page, really odd stuff that i can't quite rap my brain around outside of "what if we just didn't use it?"
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I'll be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Cut any material with digital precision using high pressure water. A compact waterjet for every workshop.
❤️ 1
10:59 AM
Well, ""desktop""
Frederik C (ZA) 11/30/2020 9:54 PM
Re: The Artificial Intelligence That Deleted A Century Relates to another pet peeve of mine from wannabe "futurists": Their love affair with "benevolent AI" and their misunderstanding of the Paperclip Maximizer thought experiment. The only thing more dangerous than an AI too dumb to have logical motivations, is an AI with logical motivations. Must... not... rant! 😓 😖 (edited)
10:00 PM
Basically, if you're excited about the prospect of AGI, you either have read too much sci-fi, or not enough sci-fi. That's a weird predicament for someone interested in the future. 🤔
IMO the concept of "AGI" presupposes that there's such a thing as 'Organic General Intelligence' instead of organic intelligences being fundamentally Plural...
Dando pequeños pasos, ya puedo leer temperatura del sensor infrarrojo. / Taking baby steps, I can read the temperature from the pixels from the infrared sensor. #PinePhone #Linux #Electronics #ManjaroARM #i2ctools
KDE Version will b for sale starting tmrw 😁
Frederik C (ZA) 12/1/2020 9:34 AM
organic intelligences being fundamentally Plural... That's the nicest way of saying "humans are stupid" I've come across in a while. 😄 "Barely conscious, semi-hairless apes with delusions of grandeur" is my personal favourite. I iz not fancy. 😌
We can each be very good at very specific things 😁
9:36 AM
Many confuse that for being good at all
Anyone here do a lot of machine learning model development? I don't consider myself an expert but i feel like they are prone to some of the same bias as humans. Maybe just me but neural network classification models in particular seem to struggle to separate non statistically significant coincidences from true predictive correlations. Is this perhaps an aspect of these sort of learning structures.... whether organic or virtual? (edited)
9:41 AM
Are there more advanced algorithms that take into account statistical significance calculations before creating additional nodes?
9:42 AM
lol... at this point I wonder if anyone tried to train a super advanced AI if it wouldn't believe in superstition just like us fleshy stupid humans (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 12/1/2020 11:40 AM
Human false positives are an evolutionary adaptation. In terms of fight or flight, falsely identifying danger has only the consequence of wasting energy. Failing to identify danger, just once, is potentially fatal. So, evolution favoured "paranoid" brains.
tender joined the server. 12/1/2020 2:44 PM
Frederik C (ZA) 12/1/2020 9:50 PM
I'm not sure what my actual point is, in terms of AI. I guess it's that we can't divorce the way our minds work from the evolutionary imperatives that shaped our minds. And the "mind" of an AI is free of those constraints, for better or worse. We should also bear in mind that human brains are terrible at dealing with "slow-moving," long-term threats like societal collapse, inter-generational conflict, ecological collapse, resource depletion, climate change, pandemics, highly probable natural disasters, etc. We really suck at it. Trying to mimic the human mind, is probably not the best strategy for most applications. But imagining a sapient mind, other than our own, is probably too abstract for us to really handle. Therein, lies the rub, as far as I can tell.
Imo 'ai' can only be intelligent directly proportional to the amount of channels of information it gets. What info it gets is always ultimately a political decision
10:20 PM
I'm more worried abt artificially limited information channels being used to justify political decisions personally
10:22 PM
& I've always been fond of the approach of the original cyberneticists like ashby etc of imagining a pond as a computer
10:22 PM
Or as a brain
I think it is even worse than that, however. Historical data doesn't necessarily predict future events. Additionally, isolated coincidental events are hard to differentiate from repeating patterns. Identifying objective truth is really hard. It requires highly abstract thinking, statistical evaluation, calculation of confidence intervals, etc. Humans and all the machine learning methods I've seen so far don't think like this. AI and evolutionary brains both use a super simplistic "this happened once before so it will happen again" sort of mentality with complete disregard for standard error (edited)
Yep for sure! I think that's a fundamental constraint of machine learning & idk if it can be 'fixed'. ML after all is basically fancy gradient descent, and you can only descend a gradient that actually Exists (ie historical)
10:29 PM
Whether organic brains suffer from it irreparably I think is a question of philosophy - "where do New Things come from?"
My hope for humanity is that we would all learn our cognitive limitations and compensate by religiously following a systematic process to identify objective truths free from bias. By definition I think this is what science is... but I'm not sure I want to call it that anymore since non-scientists have a very different understanding of what science is 😦 (edited)
😢 1
10:38 PM
I really want to print this out as a poster and frame it on my wall:
🧠 1
10:41 PM
The cyberneticians wanted to build systems with a capacity for boredom and curiosity, fatigue and excitement, learning and forgetting, and maybe even desire and fear.
hahaha yes intergenerational conflict that sure hits deep right in my soul :)))
Smugass Lizard joined the server. 12/2/2020 12:39 PM
Smugass Lizard 12/2/2020 12:39 PM
peeks inside
12:40 PM
okay so
12:40 PM
i think the wiki would've been better to show you
12:40 PM
hang on
12:40 PM
We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration.
the wiki is a labrynth at times
11:14 PM
the damn search engine doesn't even recognice plural forms of stuff unless i add a redirect
11:14 PM
I've been absent for a few days
11:15 PM
👀 1
☝ 1
😲 1
@Eric Lotze has reached level 23. GG!
not my ultimate overorganizing choice, but should be good, looking into the backlog i have now
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
💤 1
More abt hacking car keys & SDR😁 (for education)
🤦 1
11:41 AM
also on the subject of 3d printers for a sec, anyone know if there's an open alternative to Mosaic Manufacturing's Palette multi-filament combiner?
11:41 AM
or at least like a more diy-way to do multi-material prints
I know prusa has the MMU
6:36 PM
that basically cuts them and feeds them in a tube
6:36 PM
non of the mechanical and/or thermal fusing that the mosaic has
6:36 PM
Also you could do a full on toolchanger
6:37 PM
i'm going to update these pages, but i made some a while back on all of em
7:59 PM
v e r y t e m p t e d
7:59 PM
to uproot all of [[Category: 3D Printer]]
7:59 PM
and move it to [[Category: 3D Printing]]
😎 1
👍 1
8:00 PM
but that would lowkey flood "Recent Wiki Changes" into just me changing all those category links
8:00 PM
that or create a new one for 3d printing, and leave 3d printer for D3D stuff, and all the odd ancient pages
9:48 PM
belt printer hypeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
It's happening 😁
9:51 PM
Seems like a pretty interesting missing piece in most any makerspace
9:52 PM
Would be interesting to see some sorta in-place roller base to make fancy cylindrical objects....dunno if that's feasible w deposition printing tho - it's basically a lathe at that point so subtractive seems to make more sense
9:54 PM
Non-cartesian/non-orthogonal printers in general are fascinating tho....unlocks a lot of potential
9:57 PM
It's hit 10x its kickstarter goal too 😁
😍 1
10:01 PM
The belt also seems like a natural way to integrate w an autonomous factory design....just have a software-controlled belt array that moves it to the right station next
10:01 PM
Easier than custom robot arms using custom printer plates etc
I do indeed wish the palette was open source
3:54 PM
3:54 PM
Isnt one of prusia's slicers the most recommended slicer for 3d printing? Or am I thinking of something else
I know they have a pile of presets, to the point it is ALMOST "just hit print" if using a prusa printer and good filament
no way
9:25 PM
oh, her goal should be 5 million for the opensource bounty (edited)
9:25 PM
if that kickstarter doesn't hit 5 mil creality is propably keeping it for awhile
😢 1
Engineering student Carvey Ehren Maigue has been named the James Dyson Awards first-ever global sustainability winner for his AuReus system, in which waste crops are turned into cladding that can generate clean energy from ultraviolet light.
10:00 PM
Similarly, Maigue's system uses luminescent particles derived from waste agricultural crops. To pull out the bioluminescent particles from specific fruits and vegetables, Maigue goes through a process of crushing them and extracting their juices, which are then filtered, distilled or steeped. The particles are suspended in resin before the resulting substrate is moulded into cladding and clamped onto walls or sandwiched between the two panes of a double glazed window. These particles convert UV light into visible light, which is reflected to the very edges of the panel. "The light relies on internal reflectance of the material to self-correct and guide itself towards the emitting edge," ... "This can be controlled by specific laser etching patterns as well." This visible light can then be captured and converted into electricity by a string of regular photovoltaic (PV) cells, like the ones found in regular solar panels, which fringe the outside of the cladding.
Seems much easier to manufacture than quantum dot solar cells
10:15 PM
Tho they're cagey w specifics
10:16 PM
IP blah blah blah
10:19 PM
Guess we're officially in the future now
Photon-based quantum computer does a calculation that ordinary computers might never be able to do.
😳 1
7:24 PM
I forget where I share stuff, but yeah, if that kickstarter hit 5 million not sure if usd or HK, then creality opensources the whole design
7:25 PM
7:25 PM
something tells me it's USD
favorite timestamp
Frederik C (ZA) 12/6/2020 10:28 PM
Guess we're officially in the future now
@Karl Sagan I'm starting to see a future for Johnny Mnemonic type "data couriers." I wonder if governments will admit to being able to break all conventional encryption standards, when it happens. History says no. Maybe big-ass cash prizes offered to researchers in "crypto-cracking" contests will save what's left of the internet. 😕 😓
Photon-based quantum computer does a calculation that ordinary computers might never be able to do.
There's definitely massive incentive to at the least delay said announcement a always the best security is to never ever ever touch the internet 😉
😄 1
Ooh Sand
3:43 AM
Oh he's using sugar? Interesting
🤤 1
3:48 AM
There's a discord for that project too (can't find a link) (edited)
How to make a coin cell battery (they're using hemp but the process itself is interesting & general)
(ah the discord link is hidden behind an email sign up nm found it)
@Karl Sagan has reached level 11. GG!
Invite to join a server
Guild icon
I need to see if that sls printer is on one of the OSE wiki pages i made on sls printers, if not i'll add it, seems like a great project!
I'll probably email marcin first, i don't know how to do all this p r o f e s s i o n a l c o n t a c t i n g But this channel i follow that has essentially "independently co-discovered" ose's "biodigester in a box" concept...and is now doing a teaching series
8:50 PM
need to
8:50 PM
c o l l a b o r a t e
8:50 PM
9:15 PM
someone finally used foaming FDM filament for 3D Printed Aircraft !
9:16 PM
now we just have to wait till someone does this with a belt printer and makes a glider...
Ill give foam filament a shot with my 22" belt printer at some point, want to copy rcrestflight's solar drone
The First 8 Minutes Aren't Relevent (But neat nonetheless) But I LOVE Smart Farming
2:19 AM
The integration of these, and agricultural drones...
2:19 AM
exciting stuff
2:25 AM
Seems the company they interviewed in that natgeo bit probably got killed/absorbed by DJI or Parrot
2:26 AM
No modern info on them and their website link is dead
2:27 AM
Granted slapping a near-ir camera on a flying wing isn't too huge of a deal (granted software for all that data is a bit more complex), but still odd to see something come and go like that
2:29 AM
b i g farmbot
bEEg farmbot
Found something saying India is starting a HVDC network, essentially an in-county beginning of a "Super-Grid" Potential Bias Warning? Channel seems a bit "propaganda-ey" (All videos have the core theme of "Look how great India is ! ) (honestly may just be a passionate person (not like China and Russia's channels which are directly traceable to state lol) , FOR GOOD REASON (India's rapid development (with a forward outlook towards renewables and sustainable development), and ability to maintain a democracy at that scale + development disparity in urban vs rural astounds me) )
4:03 AM
I know OSE germany had some page on HVDC, granted scale may have been a bit too much for them i bet? IDK i'm grabbing it now
4:41 AM
Stuff like this is neat too, on the note of smart farming:
4:41 AM
targeting only the weeds
4:41 AM
and that is with chemical methods, with steam/flame weeding...
5:54 AM
i actually have a question regarding how everything seems to be transitioning away from multiple AC-DC conversions and just straight DC step-downs or step-ups
The india video seemed mostly like sizes, timelines, and other trivia about the project vs any real analysis. Is there a bias in particular you are concerned about? They seem to be only claiming the first large multiterminal hvdc line... not the longest nor the highest carrying capacity.
disregarding safety concerns for a second, would it make sense to wire up a home of "tomorrow" with a power outlet standard that is just DC-only? so every device's power supply is just dc-dc stepdowns & buck converters instead of a full ac-dc transformer
I've visited Agra, India before and one of my best friend's father used to be a high level government leader for India's hydropower projects in this part of the country
and then my second question would be how one would address those safety concerns
I'm grabbing videos, the only benefit is for super long distances, but the technology development (+ the infastructure) is significant
I'm not sure the issues that affect the large scale and long distance transference of energy are relevant when talking about home electrical systems, are they?
yee, i just love supergrids
5:57 AM
Supposedly EU is doing some HVDC as well, looking into it
well yeah, i meant like
5:58 AM
idiot-proofing a potential dc-only home electrical circuit
i think the losses on transfers are the real issue
5:58 AM
ON THE NOTE OF SAVINGS THOUGH, there is somewhat an arguement for home dc
5:58 AM
mainly have a few good ac-dc converters vs having a bunch of shitty "wall warts"
like how the us apparently has the "safest" home electrical system because of our three-phase power supply and in-wall 120v mains
5:59 AM
UK is the best i think
something about less voltage and less amps between the outlet, you, and the ground
still a shitty physical design though
6:00 AM
i like the uk's system better
My understanding is that also AC is an ideal choice for efficient and cheap voltage conversion as you near the endpoints. DC is rather hard and expensive to convert at large amperages, no? I didn't think the semiconductors that are used for home scale power conversions scaled up to utility scales but I'm no expert
dude fuckin rotating outlets on all surge protectors
Reading the reviews on an ACTUAL male-male extension cable. Good stuff.
what i want (edited)
6:00 AM
is the uk per outlet AND the central fuse
6:02 AM
The devices for these HVDC places look so "mad scientist"
Per my comment above... how DO you convert voltages in utility scale DC systems?
ok, then if it's so difficult to convert between dc to dc for low and high voltages, what about a "universal" "Utility AC to Home DC" power supply? (edited)
i made an ose page on that issue
Why do you want DC in your home? What would be the advantage?
we use lots of dc devices
6:04 AM
phone chargers, all the "wireless tools", misc digital electronics, all of which use wall-ac -> dc adapters
6:04 AM
GRANTED adapters have come a long way
How do I find the page? I'm curious. Clearly they are doing this india
but the clunkier units do have more efficiency if i remember correctly
6:05 AM
Also many "wall warts" draw power, even if the "plug" on the other end isn't in use
6:05 AM
"passive draw" was the word i think? (edited)
Right - but that is all small scale stuff. They just rectify AC current to DC with a couple crazy cheap diodes. Easiest thing ever
@Cmjstealth has reached level 5. GG!
6:06 AM
and the efficiency isn't TOO huge, but for battery powered houses it can be relevant
6:06 AM
again citation needed* electrical engineer/electrician needed*
I'm not sure converting everything to DC in order to save $0.10 in parts in end power converters is a great tradeoff 🙂
definetly not converting anything, both outlets would exist
6:07 AM
i think house level, or even room level units
solar>battery>inverter>wall plug>inverter>phone charger
I didn't think AC rectifiers had any meaningful efficiency losses. I thought that came from the voltage conversion.
solar>battery>phone charger
6:08 AM
wind>battery>phone charger
Yeah I could see that. Avoiding inverters would certainly be a plus. Probably not worth it for phone chargers (negligible amount of power) but maybe refrigeration motors or other high amp appliances (edited)
6:13 AM
You see this a lot in RVs and boats. Two circuits: one for 120v ac and another with 12v. The special purpose 12dc powered fridge and freezers are WAY more efficent to operate (edited)
6:14 AM
I hope to build out a travel van in the next year and plan on doing exactly the same thing
yee same
also home computers big beefy power supplies a lot of lost efficiency
6:23 AM
intel is introducing a new ATX 12VO standard where the psu only provides 12v power (and can therefore be miniaturized) and move the job of voltage fan-out to the motherboard
6:24 AM
and for absolutely tiny pc builds and even workstation laptops, all that's needed for internals is a dc-dc buck converter
6:24 AM
but then you need a giant AC power brick that can get really really hot when given a substantial enough load
6:25 AM
also it's not just battery powered devices
6:25 AM
it's a matter of power efficiency (edited)
6:26 AM
even future grid-connected devices are being developed with leaps and bounds in efficiency gains in mind, all while cutting out parts and getting smaller (edited)
6:26 AM
datacenters, for example
6:27 AM
the most efficient of which have DC-Only power rails
6:28 AM
it might not be efficient in small batches, but it definitely stacks at scale
6:28 AM
especially if more and more devices convert to dc-only
In modern high tech data centers do each server still have their own independent power supply? If so I wonder if there is any reason for this other than redundancy.
it's more or less just a high-capacity buck converter (edited)
6:36 AM
With super complicated power regulation circuitry I thought. I'm just wondering if this regulation/filtering is part of the reason you can't have a shared 3v/5v/12v circuits for the entire farm. ie: is it because one malfunction anywhere brings everything down? Whereas if each server does it's own filtering that isn't an issue
it's apparently a +48v/-48v rail
6:38 AM
and all the filtering is done in the "psu"
O p e n r a c k
6:40 AM
Open Rack is an Open Compute Project standard for a new rack and power delivery architecture and an efficient, scalable alternative to the EIA-310 rack. It differs from the traditional EIA-310 19" rack in that it was designed specifically for large scale cloud deployments. There are four key features that make this rack design more efficient to ...
6:41 AM
Was thinking over that a while back for rackmount non-server things
6:41 AM
i think it had a data rail, or something odd (if my memory isn't wrong...) , but otherwise neat and potentially adaptable
6:43 AM
6:43 AM
The Open19 Project is an open platform that can fit any 19” rack ​environment for servers, storage and networking.
👍 1
6:46 AM
not an entirely different form factor
6:46 AM
A fantasy, I'm sure, but it would be cool to live in a world where the economics of server farms allowed them to be more distributed so the majority of processing done world wide could also be used for building heating.
6:48 AM moment..
Right now I think most server farms are in the middle of nowhere where land and power is cheap (ie: no where near people)
6:48 AM
hang on
6:48 AM
i want to show you something
6:49 AM
Re: DC wiring a house: fully possible, the biggest problem DC has house-scale is Motors (most 'DC' motors have fancy commutators which basically make them AC in magnetic fields). DC motors are good at torque but less so for things like Fans or Washing Machines. The biggest problem w DC is utility side transfer, which if the grids more decentralized wouldn't be as much of a problem
its a french startup, but even for how niche it is, i'd argue that it's the most well-known startup to capitalize on this specific venture
6:50 AM
i followed them on linkedin
6:50 AM
with intention to formally contact in the future
I would love to sell compute time to Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. Happy for them to pay to heat my home.
6:53 AM
Unfortuntaly I'm not sure they would be thrilled with comcast's crappy internet connection
aws outposts but its a boiler
6:53 AM
that would be cool
@KLARI has reached level 14. GG!
also screw comcast lazy sons a' biches
I think small "render farms" are a good thing for a makerspace
6:54 AM
but definetly no supercomputers lol
I tried to make the numbers work for running a bitcoin mining operation back in the day but the only way it was profitable was by replacing my electric heater. So it could only scale up to that point
I think those always will be scaled and (ant)artic located (edited)
6:54 AM
I need to add this to my scale page
actually, screw EVERY ISP for multiple things: 1. selecting only densely-populated areas and literally disregarding rural completely 2. not going above gigabit for the majority of people 3. not switching out aging copper infrastructure for fiber (edited)
6:55 AM
you wanna talk about stifled innovation?
Agree 100% on point number 1
6:56 AM
I'm not sure I have a need for the rest but availibility is really unfair
6:56 AM
Maybe starlink will set us free
comcast and spectrum and everyone else should just give up on cable televison completely and dedicate all those channels for as much throughput as possible
6:57 AM
install more branch switches closer to the residency so you don't have to send out as many fibers
it's almost as if privitizing stuff makes "non-profitable" areas (which surprisingly contain people that can be affected) irrelevant and thus underserved?
6:58 AM
Golly gee why do rural hospitals, and utilities suck without government intervention
6:59 AM
"should we give them internet or save m o n e e e e " (edited)
ok screw it Tetral Solutions d-ISP
"yeah they may not be able to reach a medical facility in under a few hours drive, but hey profit amirite"
7:00 AM
*granted reliable airlift may negate that last one
You hear about the city in Colorado where broadband providers refused to provide service so they created their own city owned ISP? The internet companies quickly sent like 60 lobbyists to the state capital to demand that a law was passed making it illegal for government to provide internet service!
fuck lobbyists
So not only did they refuse to priovide service... they refused to allow them to do it themselves either
seriously fuck lobbyists
wpiPlus1 1
you can't make this shit up... it is nuts. The internet providers obviously didn't want it to become a trend that would spread to their profitable markets so they took actions that screwed rural folks over even more
despite all the hype starlink will be great for rural areas (+ boats in the middle of the ocean!) This does come at the cost of s p a c e c l u t t e r (that and giving money to e l o n m u s k )
7:04 AM
supposedly somewhat near "ready"
7:04 AM
granted pricing + speed for price will be intresting
lmao yeah
7:04 AM
completely bypass isp infrastructure
7:04 AM
by moving internet OFF-PLANET
7:05 AM
big ol middle finger to broadband providers
7:06 AM
would it not be possible for an organization to somehow pay a FUCKTON of cash to an ISP in order to FORCE them to upgrade their infrastructure? or even buy it out completely??
...the government
7:07 AM
but ya know that SCARY government centralization
7:07 AM
making something NOT FOR PROFIT, and CONTROLLED BY ELECTED OFFICIALS, and MASSIVLY REDUCING REDUNDANT WASTE (all without the hell non-government monopolies create)
7:07 AM
just my 10cents lol
7:08 AM
redundancy waste really kills me
oh god i summoned feathercrown
7:09 AM
here we go
glad 1
rad 1
like we can have 5 companies doing the same thing, thus having more paperwork, intermedaites between all of them, and just w a s t e, or we can have something central and streamlined. With monopolies this can get unethecal , but with government control (albeit * for corruption) these issues are mostly not there (edited)
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:09 AM
7:10 AM
jokes on you we can privitize water toooooooooooooo
🤣 1
are you fucking kidding
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:10 AM
flint michigan shows the free market's savingssssssssssssssss
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:10 AM
7:10 AM
think of the ECONOMY people
Bolivia had a war over water privatization¯\_(ツ)_/¯
welp this further reinforces my drive to want to contribute to OSE
7:11 AM
the current world sucks
this is just tired me ranting lol
7:11 AM
this is all government/activism stuff imo
granted OSE as an activism platform will be a thing
7:11 AM
right to repair, collaboration not secrecy for profit, and transparency, and all that (edited)
wpiPlus1 1
👏 1
👍 1
The Cochabamba Water War was a series of protests that took place in Cochabamba, Bolivia's fourth largest city, between December 1999 and April 2000 in response to the privatization of the city's municipal water supply company SEMAPA. The wave of demonstrations and police violence was described as a public uprising against water prices.The tensi...
would i seriously get thrown in jail if i build two massive core datacenters at opposite sides of the continent and fund my own fiber link between the two?
you have funds for that?
no lol
that's what i thought (edited)
...maybe someday.
If u don't ask the gubment man for land rights, yeah probly 😁
7:13 AM
something that helps others, in MY PRISTENE SUBURB LAWN
7:13 AM
(it causes covid too sooooooooooooo)
yes in your backyard we'll fix it when we're done SMILEJPEG
🤣 2
wpiOmegalul 1
To be fair... governments are often terrible at managing certain things. Internet is a great example. the same freakanomics podcast i learned the colorado thing from also researched and found that most government run ISPs are really, really, poorly run. Not suprisingly, politicians know jack shit about running efficient internet service providers so even the non-profit government ISPs are sometimes worse than the for profit ones after they take a huge cut. Sometimes politicians arn't even good at being politicians depending on why they are elected. At least with corporations managers get hired based on expertise. My takaway: there is no perfect solution
granted also, at least in the USA, republican underfunding leads to hiring cheap idiots
👆 2
7:14 AM
underfund it "why did it fail, gasp"
7:14 AM
but beuracracy can be hell
stop complaining and let us provide essential infrastructure to the masses would you complain if we needed to install a new waterline to provide to a poor village and needed to take a detour through your ranch?
7:15 AM
wpiOmegalul 1
rad 1
NIMBY, an acronym for the phrase "not in my back yard", or Nimby, is a characterization of opposition by residents to proposed developments in their local area, as well as support for strict land use regulations. It carries the connotation that such residents are only opposing the development because it is close to them and that they would toler...
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:15 AM
My neighborhod had this EXACT ISSUE with a cell tower
God I need popcorn
🤣 3
damn we did awaken a monster
chad 2
glad2 2
extremelyconcernedreally 2
hur dur my fcc haha my verizon lobbyist in charge
I hope someday internet can be as simple as water service but sadly this isn't the case. A big part of the cost of internet service, for example, is providing customer service. This simply isn't the case with water pipes.
now we can have you develop something feather
7:16 AM
I was geeking out on transportation infastructure today too, toll roads were....goofy
7:17 AM
This traffic engineer essentially said it causes the governemt to make a huge loan, and the tolls will pay it off with fees for the company
7:17 AM
they almost always fail (as why pay taxes AND a toll), so then the company bankrupts
7:17 AM
so like paying twice as much
7:17 AM
great channel btw:
7:18 AM
Transportation is life! We rarely stop to think about all the engineering and planning surrounding us. As a former news reporter, I like to dig into all the little mundane road attributes which affect your daily life in big ways.
i mean it technically CAN be if you use the right equipment
7:18 AM
do you know how absolutely BRAIN-DEAD PASSIVE fiber mux/demuxers are?
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:18 AM
@Feathercrown has reached level 2. GG!
it would still have a huge cost of servers and whatnot i would think, but i could take a higher cost for rural people having good internet, and not having fucking comcast lol
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:19 AM
Yeah sorry for not talking in here a lot, I'm finishing my first half of this year of college
nah you're good lol, i'm the one not....doing...that
7:20 AM
But like
7:20 AM
r o a d o p t i m i z a t i o n
7:20 AM
these channels have me dreaming up some magical city designs, that could probably never/should never happen
👀 1
I hope someday internet can be as simple as water service but sadly this isn't the case. A big part of the cost of internet service, for example, is providing customer service. This simply isn't the case with water pipes.
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:20 AM
Maybe they wouldn't need to handle so many complaints if their services weren't run by people with the mental capacity of a toddler smashing a square peg into a round hole glad
Like you can't demolish + rebuild entire areas to make more sense, but making new ones would further
you really don't need to put a switch anywhere in between the core ISP routers and the home ONTs if you lay out your infrastructure right should be as simple as digging up old coaxial and replacing it with fiber, putting muxers and demuxers where you need to fan out or merge
u r b a n s p r a w l
7:21 AM
fiber is p r i c e e e
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:21 AM
Or rather, someone decently smart but with those equivalent morals (edited)
all while remaining completely passive
so just optical switching? (granted data packets and all that is dark magic to me)
7:22 AM
not even with MEMS processors
7:22 AM
feather has an optical mux/demux at his house
7:22 AM
literally just a box with optical crystals inside it
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:22 AM
I do? Oh right
7:22 AM
but the ONT itself IS powered
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:22 AM
I do
if you wanna get all fancy with MEMS Optical Switching, then maybe you could be running into some $$$$$expenses$$$$$$ (edited)
Maybe they wouldn't need to handle so many complaints if their services weren't run by people with the mental capacity of a toddler smashing a square peg into a round hole glad
That would certainly apply to people like us... but the big issue I read was that a huge number of internet users are also really, really, stupid as well and thus the ISP end up dealing with that. That requires call centers, call routing technologies, managers that know how to hire/manage/train support people, etc. Small governments have zero expertise in this as well. So yeah - problems with both the government and the corporate model (edited)
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:24 AM
Ok fair enough actually I just don't see why we can't require coverage via regulation
well i mean if you engineer your infrastructure correctly and don't overcomplicate it
7:24 AM
should be pretty idiot-proof
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:25 AM
7:25 AM
My friend
7:25 AM
You underestimate the power of idiots
On the topic of transportation & civil engineering, I like this guy's channel - sometimes political but lots of good info & he's really funny
7:25 AM
i always do.
😔 2
idk how i feel about hyperloop
7:26 AM
long distance vacuum tube maglevs DO MAKE SENSE imo
7:26 AM
but also HYPEEEEEEEEEEEEE needs to be avoided, and any short distance use is stupid
Vacuum trains are tight! Seems that's the first part they're willing to compromise on tho
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:26 AM
Every time I think about how many memes there are about IKEA furniture being hard to put together I get one step closer to murder :)
but the capacity of land transit, but speed of (hypersonic if able) aircraft !
PartyBirb 1
sadparty 1
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:27 AM
for legal reasons I do not plan to murder anybody
👀 2
7:27 AM
Virgin Hyperloop seems promising (i think there was an o p e n l o o p, need to check in on them)
7:28 AM
granted it wouldn't be a "fun ride"
well i mean if you engineer your infrastructure correctly and don't overcomplicate it
Who is going to explain to grandma that the internet isn't "broken"... she just needs to know how to connect to her router. Today ISPs are the ones that get stuck with this crap which is why when you call in to support you get low level support people that only know how to solve the stupidest questions known to man.
and we have 5 facilities doing that, when we could have 1, also devices built to be user-unfrieldly sometimes
7:28 AM
also we need
7:29 AM
t e c h n i c a l l i t e r a c y p r o g r a m s
7:29 AM
post covid i want to start one at my library
it should literally be as simple as 1. Connect square plug to square hole 2. Connect round plug to round hole 3. Connect other end of round plug to electrical outlet 4. Wait 5 minutes 5. Enjoy internet
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:29 AM
Well ... I mean Won't the age problem solve itself
7:29 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:30 AM
Although I think I'm overestimating our generation's ability to set up a router
The smartphone singlehandedly reversed the 80s-00s generations growing tech literacy
wpiSad 2
wpiSadge 1
Growing up I was told that old people couldn't handle technology because they didn't "grow up with it" like I did. Since then I've watched my father, who used to be amazing with technology, get old and suddenly become a tech idiot. Clearly we will always have old people who can't figure shit out. (edited)
wpiNeutral 1
not entirely, partly because some (cough cough my dad's side grandparents) never try one
7:31 AM
Also just needing someone to help them learn/"get into it"
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:32 AM
Tbh though like, there aren't blender installers. There aren't panini maker installers. Just put instructions on the router and bam, remove 90% of your call center
Librarys kind of do this via having computers there, but there is definetly room for growth
👍 1
the REAL problem is that none of the consumer-oriented products take advantage of some critical automation practices that can DRAMATICALLY simplify how much the end user needs to know in order to bring a device to full functionality the same goal is already provided by Open19, with its ability to auto-provision servers once you connect new ones and how stupidly simple it is to connect and disconnect servers
7:33 AM
also yes
7:33 AM
feather's point
7:33 AM
plug in appliance, enjoy appliance
Did any of you look into that OS Mesh Network (on a community scale) thing? I vaugely remember posting it a long while back, but i'm unsure
Tbh though like, there aren't blender installers. There aren't panini maker installers. Just put instructions on the router and bam, remove 90% of your call center
You obviously don't have old people in your life. They don't read directions. They don't even try. They just complain and make someone else do shit for them
idiot proofing is a neat thing
7:33 AM
made a page on it recently
7:34 AM
like the whole "make each cable a square, triangle, or circle plug, so no "miss plugging", color coding etc (edited)
👍 1
👏 1
wpiPlus1 1
You obviously don't have old people in your life. They don't read directions. They don't even try. They just complain and make someone else do shit for them
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:34 AM
Unacceptable. People do those things because they can get away with it, not because it's necessary.
it does happen
7:34 AM
i k n o w p e o p l e
7:34 AM
granted taking this into design helps
Unacceptable. People do those things because they can get away with it, not because it's necessary.
Agree but that doesn't solve the problem of "grandma thinks her internet is broken"
I like the stance of seeing how you could actively fuck up the device and/or harm yourself with something and making that (near) impossible (edited)
wpiPlus1 1
👌 1
OH ACTUALLY SPEAKING OF IDIOT-PROOFING THINGS i could actually test legitimate consumer designs VERY SOON
7:35 AM
because i May
7:35 AM
or may not
Agree but that doesn't solve the problem of "grandma thinks her internet is broken"
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:35 AM
Is it our problem to solve?
be getting an Ender 3
heard those are difficult to get going
7:36 AM
and lead to u p g r a d e s
well isn't a PC the same way?
7:36 AM
i didn't pay for a convenience factor
"cheap a new a a better"" (edited)
i payed for one printey boye
7:36 AM
oh also it's the V2
true, will look foreward to the b e n c h i e s
so it already has the carborundrum glass
7:36 AM
or whatever it's called
Anyone here have a D3D yet?
no but i can BUILD ONE once i get my HANDS ON A STARTER PRINTER
because i can't get marcin to make a FUCKING BENCHY
7:37 AM
like give me the d a t a marcin i waaaaaaaaaaaaant it
7:37 AM
just o n e s m a l l p r i n t
Is it our problem to solve?
It is if your goal is making sure everyone is connected. Also certainly not a problem I have the luxury of avoiding. I would gladly pay some poor sap to solve my parents issues because writing down clear instructions simply doesn't work (i've tried)
what if
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:39 AM
I don't think the goal is to connect everyone, it's to connect everyone who wants to be connected Clearly if they haven't read the instructions they don't want to be connected enough
@Feathercrown has reached level 3. GG!
the instructions are cleverly-engineered graphics
7:39 AM
also ^^^^^^^^^^ that
7:39 AM
that that that
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:39 AM
(I'm playing devil's advocate here btw)
7:39 AM
(Kind of)
and THOSE problems can be solved by just beaming some internet down onto said person's house
7:40 AM
via sattelite
wpiOmegalul 1
eyeflare 1
7:40 AM
7:40 AM
no equipment required
the instructions are cleverly-engineered graphics
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:40 AM
you wanna get grandma connected? point a radio laser at her address
7:40 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:40 AM
(RE: IKEA instructions being good)
long distance lifi for rural internet is neat
well i was exaggerating about the laser part
supposedly you can use a laser and a solar panel for r u d i m e n t a r y signaling
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:41 AM
covid causin death ray mah facebook tells me
I don't think the goal is to connect everyone, it's to connect everyone who wants to be connected Clearly if they haven't read the instructions they don't want to be connected enough
Wanting to be connected is not the issue. It is hard to survive in society without it (paying bills, communicating, virtual doctor visits, etc). Saying "screw them they don't want it bad enough" is basically just neglect since some people literally don't have the basic skills to take care of certain things themselves.
💯 1
@Cmjstealth has reached level 6. GG!
i was just saying that if there was a situation where a family wanted to get a loved one online without them having to worry about anything infrastructure related, like "the internet isn't working" "well, did you plug in the router?" "what's the router?", then you wouldn't need to put any equipment that they have to worry about in their house (edited)
7:42 AM
alongside idiot-proofing practices
If you implimented a government ISP without support like you suggested earlier and the corporate ISPs go away then people like my parents would be SUBSTANTIALLY worse off
also community level "i can help you with that" vs "call the panini installation man!"
wpiPlus1 2
👍 2
Wanting to be connected is not the issue. It is hard to survive in society without it (paying bills, communicating, virtual doctor visits, etc). Saying "screw them they don't want it bad enough" is basically just neglect since some people literally don't have the basic skills to take care of certain things themselves.
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:43 AM
I'mma be honest here there isn't a position I hold that isn't pointing to technical literacy classes right now lol
technical literacy is the if-all-else-fails solution
👍 2
speaking of makerspaces i neeeeeeeeed to plaaaaaaaan that moreeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
technical literacy is the if-all-else-fails solution
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:45 AM
At the same time, there's also never a disadvantage to using it
7:45 AM
some people just hate learning i guess
7:45 AM
akko_shrug 1
wpiShrug 1
I'mma be honest here there isn't a position I hold that isn't pointing to technical literacy classes right now lol
My father used to set up computer labs. Now he doesn't understand "where the address bar is" technical literacy classes isn't going to solve the ageing process.
and if you just hate learning..well..
7:45 AM might as well be a lost cause to begin with...
👌 1
i was just saying that if there was a situation where a family wanted to get a loved one online without them having to worry about anything infrastructure related, like "the internet isn't working" "well, did you plug in the router?" "what's the router?", then you wouldn't need to put any equipment that they have to worry about in their house (edited)
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:48 AM
Ok see I'm going to call this behavior out here and now Legitimate opinion mode If my clothes stopped getting cleaned properly when I used my washer and dryer And someone asked me "are you putting the soap in your washer?" IN WHAT WORLD IS IT ACCEPTIBLE TO RESPOND WITH "WHAT'S A WASHER"
My father used to set up computer labs. Now he doesn't understand "where the address bar is" technical literacy classes isn't going to solve the ageing process.
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:48 AM
I'm stumped on that one Chief
7:49 AM
7:49 AM
7:49 AM
7:49 AM
you could argue
7:49 AM
that the behavior could be validated between someone who like
7:49 AM
got accidentally time-traveled into the future before the industrial revolution
7:49 AM
or someone who was amish who wanted to convert into a tech-savvy citizen
7:50 AM
amish probably don't use washers
I'm making stupid errors in my edits; OH LOOK IT'S 1:50 AM
7:51 AM
and i want to get up early for the starship launch and/or explosion
7:51 AM
(if that is still on schedual...)
There are people who might honestly respond that way (what's a washer). Sadly we can't change stupid/old people who lack the same capabilities we do. I would love it if everyone in the world was smart but that's not always an option. Sometimes our only choice is do we let them die naked on the street or build a civilization that accommodates the less fortunate. Sort of a grey area case by case thing imho (edited)
It's time for everyone's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite macrooooooooooooooooooooooo
7:52 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
gn eric
7:52 AM
night sir
grey area case-by-case, eh?
7:53 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:53 AM
lmao gn
7:54 AM
Also even if someone time traveled to the future how tf do they buy a washer without at least knowing the name of the thing they're buying
7:55 AM
they are...transported..into..a post-1990's house
There are people who might honestly respond that way (what's a washer). Sadly we can't change stupid/old people who lack the same capabilities we do. I would love it if everyone in the world was smart but that's not always an option. Sometimes our only choice is do we let them die naked on the street or build a civilization that accommodates the less fortunate. Sort of a grey area case by case thing imho (edited)
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:55 AM
False dichotomy. Mandatory education.
that is just
7:55 AM
7:55 AM
and they have to figure out how to live
7:55 AM
and there just
7:55 AM
happens to be a washer
7:56 AM
and the phone HAPPENS to be ringing the service line
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:56 AM
Ok yes I concede the point But If your hypothetical scenario requires time travel the answer to my question is still "not this world" glad
7:56 AM
FORWARD time travel though
7:56 AM
so less improbable
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:57 AM
I mean yeah I was thinking... hmm
7:57 AM
You know
7:57 AM
Exploring the possibilities of forward time travel on human timescales (ie. pioneers trying to operate a modern house) is a really interesting idea (edited)
backwards time travel isn't allowed irl, nor is it allowed in our Trans-Dimensional Truckstop™️©️
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:58 AM
Unfortunately I have to go to bed soon and it's finals week so I can't let myself be distracted by Cool Ideas™️
7:59 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:59 AM
I m g o i n g
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 7:59 AM
But sleeping is so hard
i know
8:00 AM
just expend all of your energy at once by yelling really loudly or punching your pillow repeatedly
8:00 AM
until you exhaust yourself completely
8:00 AM
and can sleep
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
natural exhaustion
8:01 AM
instead of self-induced sleep coma
Random internet discussion tangents until 4am are WAY more fun than being responsible and investing in your future.
wpiPlus1 1
8:01 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:02 AM
Agreed lmao (edited)
8:03 AM
Yeah I saw Klari yelling about ISPS and then I saw them DM me about them so I was like "welp here goes the next half an hour of my sleep schedule" 😂
8:03 AM
I still need to catch up on DMs
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:03 AM
And Tetral
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:03 AM
And here
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:04 AM
8:04 AM
because all of my data is all over the floor
8:04 AM
and i need to clean up
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:04 AM
No keep doing that it's cool because I also see your random notes 👀
you can see my random notes if i keep updating the fricking
8:04 AM
notes system
8:04 AM
that i set up
8:04 AM
for us
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:05 AM
Oh right
8:05 AM
I forgot what it is
8:05 AM
And how to access it
8:05 AM
And that it existed
8:05 AM
8:05 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:05 AM
8:05 AM
wpiShaq 1
wpiPog 1
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:05 AM
Markdown? Does that support the sarcmark?
its just like code but instead of javascript its IDEAS
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:06 AM
and the notebook is the program file structure
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:07 AM
Anyways it's 2am but I will leave you guys with a cool Wikipedia article before I go:
Irony punctuation is any proposed form of notation used to denote irony or sarcasm in text. Written English lacks a standard way to mark irony, and several forms of punctuation have been proposed. Among the oldest and most frequently attested is the percontation point proposed by English printer Henry Denham in the 1580s, and the irony mark, use...
ah yes
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:08 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:08 AM
k e k
8:08 AM
Oh! Klari
8:08 AM
One more thing
🌝 1
🌚 1
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:09 AM
@KLARI I lost the game You did dodge my 5-minutes-to-get-rid-of-it bait though, nice job
@Feathercrown has reached level 4. GG!
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:10 AM
OK GN BYE 🏃‍♂️ 💨
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:10 AM
8:10 AM
8:10 AM
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:11 AM
8:11 AM
Gogo fasterfaster I must outrun the w r a t h
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:12 AM
8:12 AM
alexa, how long does it take to run from [KLARI'S LOCATION] to [FEATHER'S LOCATION]
5️⃣ 1
⏳ 1
⌛ 1
Feathercrown 12/8/2020 8:13 AM
💤 🛌
3 hours 57 minutes
wpiMonkaPog 1
4️⃣ 1
8:14 AM
Not my favorite channel (others aren't online yet) , but hypeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :
3:28 PM
I like this channel much more:
3:28 PM
Rocket science. A term we all use to describe something incredibly difficult. Trying to grasp all of the concepts involved in rocket science can be incredibly intimidating. My name’s Tim Dodd but I'm better known as the Everyday Astronaut. Recently I fell head over heals in love with spaceflight. My appreciation and curiosity for the subject gr...
3:28 PM
much less "spacex fanboy-ey"
🥲 1
oh heck
4:03 PM
i didn't know cigarette lighter DC ports were the standard on RVs and boats
4:03 PM
w a c k
4:03 PM
4:03 PM
ok so
4:03 PM
if there's a special port for the fridge motor to connect directly to DC power, is it ALSO in the form factor of a cigarette lighter port? (edited)
i fucking hate that port
5:16 PM
idk there isn't really a "good port" yet and that pisses me off
5:16 PM
USB-C may work
5:16 PM
but then the fact that it COULD also be a data port is confusing
5:17 PM
same with XLR, that is usually audio or dmx data, but it could be a good power dc cord + interface
5:18 PM
"barrel jacks" / cigarette lighter outlets etc work, but are bulky and don't really have the "prongs" of things like AC outlets, or any weatherproofing really
5:18 PM
you could also use a standard outlet, but that can (and given enough perople, EVENTUALLY WOULD due to idiots etc) lead to errors involving plugging someting ac into dc outlets and vice versa
5:19 PM
There are thing like this:
5:19 PM
5:20 PM
which are pretty good, but i think the AC->DC converter is usually the same as shitty "wall warts", just inside the wall
5:20 PM
But it shows the potential i guess
5:20 PM
Also probably not for high load like charging chonky batteries, or running a PC
5:21 PM
ALSO not all USB (type 3)-C has the "Power Transmission" standard and all that USB generation + interoperability hell
5:22 PM
^great video on that hell of recent USB
9:30 PM
I know with the water well drillign rig, and some stuff i was planning to make pages on this is somewhat relevent
9:31 PM
Especially given farmers (ie OSE's target audioence for 2/3 of the GVCS) are most effected
9:31 PM
And developing countries i would bet based on what i heard BP does in south/central america lol
I watched that yesterday as soon as it came out. I've seen similar projects for a while now on the carbon offset sites and blows my mind that they remain unfunded with so much attention and money going to other less low hanging fruit stuff.
10:34 PM
I added to my notes as a possible offset option in the future as they are in the process of becoming 5013c
10:35 PM
Unlike other offset companies offsets could be considered donations and be tax deductible and better yet be submitted to many employers for a company match.
Yeah those AC+USB ports are literally just the guts of wallworts being shoved in a AC outlet. The biggest drawback is it takes more time to manufacture & sell em than it takes the USB foundation to come up w new versions 😔
10:37 PM
And usually only the GND & +5v lines are connected
10:37 PM
Tho with one w QC/PD it'd need some open ones to negotiate charging. Haven't seen any yet
a m o d u l a r one would make more sense, but still not the power savings we want
10:41 PM
How big are said AC-DC converters that do it the efficient way? (edited)
I'm not sure I'd call them wall warts personally... maybe my age is showing but "back in my day" wall warts is what old fashioned plug in transformers were called. As a tiny transformer they had no active voltage regulation, large, heavy (because of all the copper wire in them), were 50% efficient at best, and would heat up and waste power even without a load on them. Wall warts have pretty much been phased out. modern voltage converters are pwm buck converters which are smaller, cheaper, lighter, amazing voltage regulation, and extremely efficent by comparison.
10:41 PM
There is very little energy waste
so the issue is outdated sort of
10:41 PM
ah ok
10:42 PM
is there anything "better" than that tech or not really? (obiously excluding shit used for HVDC and other HUGE things)
I'm not sure anyone really prioritizes it. Since even cheap ac>dc converters for phones and such are 90%+ efficient, consume nothing when there isn't a load, and since we are only usually talking 5-10 watts of power if you wanted to get to 95% efficient you would only be saving like 0.5-1 Watt of power. That is such a tiny gain it seems a waste of time when energy for many people only costs something like $0.10 per 1,000 watts
10:51 PM
Also... low voltage systems like the 12v dc ones discussed earlier are also problematic because you need to increase current to get the same power and electrical line losses are almost entirely a factor of current. 1/10th the voltage and means your wires need to have 10 times the carrying capacity to even break even.
so if i get this right, more wire length caused power loss?
10:52 PM
or just more wire needed otherwise lower power
Thicker wire needed otherwise greater losses.
10:55 PM
So maintaining 120 volts all the way up to your endpoint where you step it down actually has merit from an efficiency perspective. If you are looking for a better system I would argue it might be how europe uses 240v AC circuits for essentially everything. Twice the voltage means half the current for the same energy
10:55 PM
Currently in the US all homes have 240v circuits but it is only used for high power devices like electric stoves, ovens, dryers, etc
europe is WAY better lol
Or we could even go to 360 volt systems
we loved the high power for electric kettles
10:56 PM
even higher power sounds neat
10:56 PM
anyone do that / what issues would arrise with that
Yeah - 360v service is already a thing for industrial buildings.
is that 3 phase power? (i'm sorry for my electronic illiteracy lol, i need to fix that)
Exactly, you got it (essentially three 120v circuits in series). It is also the service needed for the "supercharger" stations for electric vehicles
yup i do know a bit about 3 phase and all that, is it more costly to deliver/convert or no?
I'm no expert but I assumed that all the utility power stations are producing 3 phase... just that they only bother running 2 of the phases into residential homes
11:01 PM
Since 2 phase is already a thing in all residential buildings I suppose there would be nothing stopping a homeowner from replacing all their outlets with the European shaped ones. Most electronic devices nowdays anyway have input ranges from 100-250 volts or somthing similar so they only have to make one product that works in all markets
oh sweet
back on the note of power
11:05 PM
I think, assuming it wouldn't cause issues with efficiency in cables etc (may save money via wires with the voltage as it does in the eu system i think) : 360v, UK style socket (the ltt video mentioned "universal ones" that accept everything, common at hotels etc?), and double breakers (gfci per-plug, and central thing)
I'm not up to date on the starship... is that a small scale version? Planned diameter but smaller length?
this is sort of "it" granted this can operate on it's own but will have a very kerbal booster for earth use later
11:09 PM
essentially an embiggened falcon 9
11:10 PM
with the new engines as well
11:10 PM
I fear it may go the way of the N-1 rocket, but who knows (edited)
An additional stage? or a side booster?
stacks on top
11:10 PM
11:10 PM
11:10 PM
another potential issue
ahhh... that makes sense. I thought it seemed "short" lol
It looks like a child's cardboard rocket covered with aluminum foil lol
11:12 PM
Definetly looks goofy
11:12 PM
also it is VERY similar to the "direct ascent" rockets of the EARLY days
11:12 PM
short of the booster for earth
11:13 PM
sort of a "brute force one size fits all" approach
11:13 PM
i don't know how to feel about this (edited)
11:13 PM
but will definetly be intresting to see how it goes
11:13 PM
Also things like dust for moon/mars it seems to ignore, recently they tore the base up on earth...on pavement due to exhaust, causing delays (edited)
I love that we have gone circle back to the rockets as imagined in 1950s sci-fi. They even now land backwards like they did in the old black and white movies.
Like nasa used a "skycrane" for a reason
11:14 PM
yup lol
11:14 PM
like the early scify movies
11:14 PM
too goofy
11:14 PM
especially without the coating
11:14 PM
it will have heat tiles too i think?
11:14 PM
so the whole space shuttle issue
11:15 PM
but it has come a long way, and no external fuel tank to generate debris
11:15 PM
still MANY points of failure
11:15 PM
Seeing frost, which means tanks are being filled with fuel
11:18 PM
I like this channel more, less fanboyish, and they are somewhat on-site:
11:19 PM
only going to 1/3 fuel capacity, but either way a stoic explosion of that ammount of fuel would (or will be with enough launches due to sheer probability) be...something
11:19 PM
~5:35 EST new estimate
11:20 PM
giant fuel tank, so giant fill time at the gas pump lol
On the power thing it seems to me like grid tie inverters are problematically expensive. Nearly as much as the solar panels. I wonder what the expensive part is. the DC>AC conversion or just the fancy voltage regulation circuits. Or maybe some of both since normal inverters are only partially cheaper
11:23 PM
Seems a cost barrier to distributed power generation
11:23 PM
Wonder if there were other power grid types if this would have been easier
s c r u b b e d t h e l a u n c h l o l
(sad trombone music)
honestly lol hype killed
11:38 PM
tHe dAte HaS beEn MovEd
11:38 PM
i swear they said it was supposed to be a week ago
11:38 PM
probably just for marketing to keep hype up?
11:39 PM
granted IT'S A PROTOTYPE, but i find this odd
@Eric Lotze has reached level 24. GG!
when nasa does a test launch, short of weather, it goes
11:40 PM
they do all this "yeah the valves, and welds may have been rushed, and it hasn't passed a systems pre-flight test but it will DEFINETLY FLY TOMORROW! "
Maybe some sensor didn't look right?
11:40 PM
something like that
11:41 PM
all the people saying "oh it's beacuse it's the FIRST TIME" gets me too
11:41 PM
this is all tank/valve/pipe problems
11:41 PM
their engines are top notch, they have mastered the controls for landing rockets
11:41 PM
But m a k i n g a p r e s s u r e v e s s e l
11:41 PM
that's some complex shit
11:41 PM
not like fucking apollo did it
11:42 PM
11:42 PM
s l i d e r u l e s TLDR: Still excited for their work, and credit where credit is due on control software + the feat that is the raptor engine, but their (at least in my armchair opinion) RUSHING leading to sloppy errors, being disguised as "More Efficient Design" frustrates me (edited)
The pumps are like some spooky black magic to me. How they can handle such huge fuel flows
@Cmjstealth has reached level 7. GG!
I think they are almost like turbine engines, but just for the compression stage
11:48 PM
I get spooked by moderately high pressure (my m o k a p o t ), but exteremely high pressure AND c r y o g e n i c
4:00 AM
look at this lil machine
4:01 AM
suprisingly capable
4:01 AM
i wrote some comment on if an auger may help to remove the cuttings/debris?
4:58 AM
damn good video on both AI bias, as well as
4:59 AM
p a r a s o c i a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s
4:59 AM
It gets almost jreg levels of uncomfortably meta at times
5:00 AM
also the "homeopathic vaccines" bit at ~51:00, oh 2019 if you could only see the "covid cures" now lol
5:00 AM
granted as he also pointed out, there is almost always an older example
5:00 AM
ie nazi facebook page, or nazi basement club at a bar
5:04 AM
TLDW: Nazis are the reason we can't have nice things
5:11 AM
5:11 AM
THAT'S the tldw???
kind of
5:19 AM
also idiots like anti-vaxxers etc (edited)
5:20 AM
like echo chambers are all fun and games until people go from obsessing over water taste in some goofy reddit page, to plotting to kill democratically elected leaders and/or minorities in said echo chambers
5:20 AM
5:21 AM
5:21 AM
but very neat talk
5:21 AM
I just love
5:21 AM
l e c t u r e s
5:22 AM
can i do the college/uni, but just the labs and lectures? oh wait the other bits are actually improtant to learning intense sub-surface aspects, and verifying you learned that stuff with hard data if you did / didn't aaaaaaaaaaaaa
5:23 AM
There was some club i was in for highschool where we just went to UNF (a local small uni i went to for a bit post high school as well) and just like
5:23 AM
s a w s p e a c h e s / l e c t u r e s
5:23 AM
peak nerdery, but i loved it, so much d a t a and i n s i g h t
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs (edited)
ok so i found a thing this is probably heavily proprietary and extremely locked down in terms of access but by far this has to be the most mind-bending, nut-blasting thing i've ever come across in the ASIC Prototyping community
7:02 AM
The Synopsys' HAPS-SX product line offers low-cost FPGA-based prototypes targeted at customers looking for more “hands-on control” of their prototype bring-up based on leading-edge FPGA architecture that deliver the necessary capacity, while being cost effective.
7:03 AM
The Synopsys' HAPS-SX product line offers low-cost FPGA-based prototypes targeted at customers looking for more “hands-on control” of their prototype bring-up based on leading-edge FPGA architecture that deliver the necessary capacity, while being cost effective.
7:03 AM
World's Largest FPGA question mark????
7:03 AM
7:03 AM
look at the absolute SIZE of this ABSOLUTE U N I T
😂 1
7:04 AM
7:04 AM
7:05 AM
and it looks like it's built for group collaboration
7:05 AM
emulating multiple designs at once
7:05 AM
7:05 AM
7:06 AM
i of these...for my company.... one day..
speaking of
1:10 PM
anyone else looking forward to playing around with a SiFive Unmatched next year? owoAwoo
1:11 PM
it's fully Mini-ITX compatible spazeye
FPGA's are dark magic to me
7:01 PM
like a Micro-Processor, but also like moveable-aroundy?
7:01 PM
7:01 PM
h o w d o y o u n o t h a v e a s t r u c t u r e
7:01 PM
w h a t i s i t ?
it's a Fuckyon
7:29 PM
and I mean
7:29 PM
7:29 PM
of lookup tables
7:29 PM
and a programmable fabric for connecting and disconnecting electrical pathways
7:30 PM
there's like
7:30 PM
at least a thousand or definitely more than a few hundred individual transistors that build only ONE LUT
7:31 PM
which then connects to a switchable fabric
7:31 PM
which also has some control circuitry made of at least a few hundred more transistors
7:32 PM
so by the time you have a quarter of a million programmable gates, your fpga has over a billion transistors
o o f
7:56 PM
granted i guess that's less intense in lighography than like...a breaboard
7:57 PM
but ya know someone is making a breadboard pc
7:58 PM
so i guess it could be done
9:04 PM
more cable standard hell it seems
9:05 PM
granted early adopting the newest standard will always be dumb
9:05 PM
the whole 8k monitor with TWO display ports pre-"the newer standard with one cable" (edited)
9:05 PM
9:05 PM
9:05 PM
Displayport FTW
Neat Project: GRANTED i dislike some of the hype on "Flying Cars" as air traffic is bad enough to manage as-is, but i can see use cases for this (outside of rich people's toys) like rural areas (search and rescue, faster travel, medivac, etc) ESPECIALLY if they could somehow make a "minivan" / van / ambulance sized version (granted mass issues etc, but i digress)
also small car + gyrocopter is so damn euro as an aesthetic lol
Companies have been designing and hyping flying cars and "roadable" aircraft since the 1940s. I've lost count how many there have been. I'm always astounded that 1) companies keep spending money repeating these failed business models expecting a different result, and 2) why does the media keep hyping these things and always make them sound like some new concept.
Imo it's the "popular mechanics" approach to invention....'what will convince ppl that the future of their childhoods is almost here enough so they'll buy the magazine'....
11:31 PM
It also overlaps w the "public transportation that is DEF NOT A TRAIN" incentive
The thing is... the target market for these things would need to be licensed pilots because the complexity of flight requires understanding of weight and balance calcs, fuel planning, weather planning, airspace requirements, and navigating the air traffic comtrol system. As a liscenced pilot myself I don't personally know any pilot who would actually be interested in one of these things. They are always terrible as cars and terrible as airplanes. jack of all trades master of none sort of thing i guess (edited)
Oh yeah, nobody who reads Popular Mechanics is gonna buy anything more than $500 for themselves either, it's sorta more a societal ego boost imo 😁
Definetly not a huge market lol
11:43 PM
but GREAT for hype
🤣 1
11:43 PM
speaking of hypeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
11:43 PM
t-2 min or so
11:43 PM
(assuming they don't do the ol last minute scrub like last night lol)
11:43 PM
even an explosion would be fine with me
11:43 PM
i just want
11:43 PM
c l o s u r e
11:44 PM
11:45 PM
11:45 PM
fog is going!
Shit I missed it
its goingggggggggggggggggggg
11:45 PM
it's still going watch it!
11:47 PM
now for the landing!
11:48 PM
apogee maybe
be funny if they said just kidding - actually going to orbit
may have lost an engine lol
11:49 PM
that or cutting one off for less thrust?
11:50 PM
idk cheif, got a bad feeling about this one
Maybe they were trying to burn off excess weight or something?
11:52 PM
aww so close
small kahbewn
11:53 PM
got all the damn way to the landing!
That was kinda perfect for entertainment value... we got to watch an entire flight, glide, relight, and still got a big explosion at the end lol
hope it didn't hurt the facility lol
11:54 PM
literally crashing into the KSC
nose cone is just vibing on the pad now lol
12:04 AM
Imagine FLYING (or falling rather) in that, it would be fucking TERRIFYING. And i thought capsule landings were spooky!
12:04 AM
like falling down, while sideways, then getting WHIPPED the other way and rapidly decellerated (edited)
As long as you are expecting it this sounds like fun to me 🙂
12:06 AM
maybe without the explosion at the end, however
fire fighters on the site now
12:13 AM
Header tank failed for re-ignition it seems
Adrenaline crash is hitting now
Friend asks "did it work"? Sort of....
The green flame at the end... wouldn't that be due to an excess of oxidizer and insufficent fuel in the mix resulting in the burning of the copper engine housing?
12:50 AM
Someone claimed insufficient oxidizer but that sounds backwards, right?
i beleive that would be:
2:01 AM
e n g i n e - r i c h c o m b u s t i o n (edited)
2:02 AM
unless i'm mistaken lol
2:02 AM
fuel/oxidizer was fine, but burning too much engine at that ratio
2:03 AM
the whole "campfire coloring pellets" and all that? It happened with one of the static fires a while back? (edited)
2:03 AM
for some rockets that can also be the hypergolic ignitor, but i don't think the raptor has that? (edited)
2:07 AM
ON ANOTHER NOTE @Nohbdy Ahtall somehow found this page and it reminds me of your use of that neat organization software (edited)
2:08 AM
not reading up on it now, i really want to finish that "pollution" category today, but seems like something similar?
PC just lowkey died for a bit
4:27 AM
discord and google kept "not responding" did the ol' hard reset but lost some damn time in doing so lol
nothing on virus scan, probably either / any of these idk:
  • need to run cccleaner and clear all the cookies and junk due to all those pages with 5,000 pop ups?
  • needed a good "hard restart" ( i think "shutdown" doesn't always do this?)
  • my magnetic disk drive is mad at me for making it near full
  • need moar ram
Just ran cc cleaner, a bit better, still probably issues with the HDD getting full
6:05 AM
i swear i could have a supercomputer and still figure out how to slow it down+clog it up lol
time for your faaaaaaaaaaaaavorite macro: ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
9:30 AM''re using...ccleaner...???
😢 1
9:31 AM
it's.. it's too late... (edited)
9:31 AM
we've already lost him...
is it still having that malware or whatever?
3:48 PM
I know hak5 had something on threatwire a while back on that
3:48 PM
i use the "portable version" on usb too, so it doesn't stay and BECOME bloatware
3:53 PM
i s o n l i n e n o w
The purpose of this post is to uncover the best open source scheduling software options. Check them out in this neat article!
4:22 PM
just got shown this is a thing !
4:45 PM
t h e y d i d t h e w o r k f o r u s b y a c c i d e n t
4:45 PM
y u s
that's beautiful
4:47 PM
my dad did wax injection in the 70's at Garret air
4:47 PM
for turbines just like this
4:47 PM
ah the aerodynamics of a leaf
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 9. GG!
i love how leafs either FLY away, or just stay glued to the concrete, no in betweens
I wonder how much electricity has been used trying to get that handful of stubborn leaves with leafblowers
yeah, definelty room for improvement i bet
well um if you didn't already know Avast develops/owns CCleaner
5:33 PM
5:35 PM
definetly not using those anti virus things and all that
5:35 PM
is there a good open source alternative?
5:46 PM
what a m e m e
5:46 PM
i get too much enjoyment out of shit like this lol
5:48 PM
5:48 PM
w h e e z i n g
5:48 PM
well i mean the fact that avast itself was confirmed spyware
@KLARI has reached level 15. GG!
6:02 PM
that was probably the thing i remeber vaugly from hak5
6:02 PM
exactly why i use the portable version !
found my new favorite "ban hammer" gif:
6:53 PM
😼 1
6:53 PM
i want one with the cheems dog and the "bonk" sound effect/icon but with a ban hammer not a bat
6:55 PM
why do i love this sound effect so much
6:56 PM
6:57 PM
watching the carnage in that futurism chat like:
6:57 PM
8:09 PM
8:09 PM
y u s
8:17 PM
damn guess it JUST went obsolete
8:17 PM
good stuff
8:17 PM
wireless (but logitech's adapter, so no detectable lag, even in fps games)
8:18 PM
uses AA batteries, that last a few months, and can be removed unlike "in-built" rechargables
8:18 PM
Also just sooooo good for laptops as it stays still so you can set it on the couch beside you/on the laptop/on your leg or anything really
8:19 PM
My Only complaint is that, as with all trackball mice* it's bearings clog every so often and need to be cleaned up
8:20 PM
which is VERY annoying if it gets sufficiently "stuck" feeling in the middle of games, or video conferences
8:20 PM
like "oh capture point, one moment, let me c l e a n m y m o u s e "
8:21 PM
or like how 'spineee-ness" is a gradual slope, unlike a mouse+pad which is...nearly constant minus long term abrazion
8:21 PM
but besides that 8.5/10 would reccomend
8:22 PM
(on the note of the "*" above my ultimate mouse would use some form of this, but not graphite, to reduce dust formed entirely? (Sintered PTFE most likely): )
8:23 PM
Once my mouse "dies" i'm making it into some frankenstinian hacked together mess with one of those bearings
I need to go watch over some siblings for a bit, be back in a few hours
3:25 AM
3:25 AM
i love how the most basic things can somehow be made intresting:
3:26 AM
vox and "technology connections" are TOO GOOD AT THIS
3:26 AM
"why did i just watch a video on an old toaster, or a f o n t? I do regret nothing about it though? "
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
On the note of USA politics, i was just thinking of o n e s o n g from it, and i somehow ended up watching the definetly not pirated vhs version i found entire musical "Ragtime" : (edited)
9:41 PM
essentially just early 1900's political mess, but w i t h n e a t m u s i c
9:43 PM
What's funny as many of the problems between 1920 and 2020 are the same, and this musical came out in like the late 90's
@Eric Lotze has reached level 25. GG!
w e n e v e r l e a v e t h i s g r o u n d h o g d a y - i a n n i g h t m a r e
Roaring twenties what could go wrong 😁
oooo meme on that:
9:47 PM
9:47 PM
i think that was pre-covid too lol
9:47 PM
o o f
🤣 1
9:47 PM
👀 1
9:51 PM
Someone on the precious plastic discrod is asking about that float/sink method of plastic sorting
9:51 PM
And for the alcohol one you could literally just use vodka (edited)
9:51 PM
the densities of the alcohols are the same-ish, so no need for isopropnol
🤣 1
9:52 PM
and i don't think it even needs to be anhydrous as it would still be different than water, or salt water, or oil etc ENOUGH that it would work
I need to grab that open-sls thing, i forgot to grab it earlier
10:15 PM
sls (edited)
10:15 PM
There we go:
I posted the link to their discord earlier too, rn not a lot of activity but that's where he posts updates
i need to get on that too
Drama time i guess?
11:37 PM
Any idea who this is / how i pissed them off, do be brutally honest if need be (it may be a reincarnation of PP catalonia? )
11:37 PM
11:37 PM
similar "talking style" as them if it makes sense?
11:37 PM
I'm terrible with names so honestly don't know who (edited)
11:38 PM
trying to reverse engineer who it is via the search engine
Dunno the rest of the context but given that they brought up another group (who afaik is unrelated to this?) I'm guessing they're just airing grievances
i'm getting progressivly more confused? I don't think they are in scihouse inc?
11:41 PM
Yeah if I were to guess, the recent umbrella group name change away from PP is opening old scars & getting ppl who don't like it to try and figure out "when did this go wrong?". Again tho idk context ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11:42 PM
NL usually means netherlands, unless it's sposed to be middle initial/last initial
11:55 PM
i don't know who it is, but am...not feeling good so i guess i'm going to log off for a bit (probably what they want but eh?)
Frederik C (ZA) 12/12/2020 9:53 PM
@Eric Lotze Don't worry about that. PlasticHub (PP Catalonia) keeps spamming and harassing with alternate accounts. The Moderators are trying to keep it controlled. He's already been banned. They thought the server won't need defences, but we're past 10 000 users now. Security does become an issue at some point.
Avatar Radioactive-shielding 3d filament! (Just add bismuth! (& whatever pvdf means))
3D prints capable of shielding radiation? It's not science fiction, it's just science- compound polymers created with ABS extruded with bismuth and PVDF! As an emerging technological field, 3D printing continues to expand its capabilities at a rapid pace. Many of these novel innovations are made specifically in the category of materials. While t...
2:43 AM
A block 6 cm thick was required to shield 50% of gamma rays. This is comparable to a 0.5 cm block of pure lead. Equally importantly, after being irradiated the polymer showed no signs of degradation
Frederik C (ZA) 12/13/2020 12:17 PM
I don't suppose there's a workable open-source standard for proving identity, is there? My understanding is PGP public key signing never really became widely adopted. So, where does the privacy community currently stand with this? We experimented with the Alt Identifier bot, but I don't like that you have to give it access to your account. It seems to me that creates a "single point of failure" that could compromise millions of accounts if something goes wrong. (edited)
PGP/GPG is pretty standard & widely used in crypto/sec circles!
Frederik C (ZA) 12/13/2020 10:34 PM
Yes, but that's still a "small" crowd. The general public didn't really get into it. And the key servers were compromised. Staying anonymous and providing some kind of trackable ID are conflicting concepts. A Catch 22. I haven't been following the state of the art much, for the last 15 years or so. I thought maybe there's something new that I missed. Any decentralized architecture pretty much has to be based on people signing each other's keys to indicate a certain level of trust, right? Almost like LinkedIn? How else can it be done?
10:37 PM
The trouble is always if you have no mutual contacts in the "web of trust" of two parties who don't know each other.
Which servers? You can always spin up ur own keyserver for private comms, the public keyservers are intended to fit into the 'web of trust' model for proof of identity
10:49 PM
But yeah proof of ID is inherently centralized to some extent, GPG is less abt "anonymity" per se, and more "privacy" (theoretically anyone can see who wrote the message but you can't see the msg)
10:52 PM
& the only way I can imagine privacy & anonymity working together is some sorta distributed ledger ("blockchain"), but that introduces vulnerabilities in the form of 51% attacks so :/
Frederik C (ZA) 12/13/2020 10:53 PM
Which servers? I assume it was public servers. Keys were signed with automated key-signing bots millions of times until the servers crashed, or something like that. (edited)
🤣 1
10:58 PM
"Wow... It took 30 mins to download my public key... But I have 130 000 000 friends!" 🤓
🤣 1
Frederik C (ZA) 12/13/2020 11:33 PM
Since SSL-certificates only work because an accredited middle-man signs them, some trusted, semi-centralized, but disinterested party is needed. So, some non-profit places with physical offices connected to a blockchain node. You present your physical ID card to an official who enters it into the system. The system checks it against the global database, but hashes it first. Since each ID number in the same country is unique, no two hashes will be the same. So, each person has only one key, and each key is connected to only one living person. But no-one can trace it back to your real ID number. Something like that. Might work for anonymizing digital elections too. But we use paper in SA, and I'm all for it. The voters are dumb as posts, but it's one of the most solid electoral systems in terms of security. We should definitely which to ranked choice ballots, but that's another story. (edited)
The number one way to secure any computer system: shoot anybody who even thinks of suggesting connecting it to the internet 😉 & Technically, you can self-sign SSL certs, you just can't get others to trust that self-signing unless you've got enough Clout to convince them you're trustworthy (and if you've got enough Clout to convince google chrome to not put up a 'untrusted cert' notification - rn w web stuff, browsers are the biggest monopoly (firefox even bases everything on chromium nowadays)) (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 12/14/2020 4:15 PM
firefox even bases everything on chromium nowadays The only "universal human trait" I strongly believe in is laziness. The path of least resistance will almost always win.
4:16 PM
chromium kinda runs rhe intenet anyway
6:22 PM
i bet ya most of the html features are co-developed by Google and/or Chromium developers
6:24 PM
6:26 PM
the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group who develops HTML consists of Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla is at the back of the list
6:26 PM
poor mozilla...
Frederik C (ZA) 12/14/2020 8:20 PM
Trackable but anonymized ID would, even if it isn't trusted enough for official voting, at least be good enough for very accurate opinion polling. I can think of lots of reasons why governments and corporations wouldn't want that. Much of the system works on false consensus.
❤️ 1
My brain is a mess, and i can't really focus/think, so it may be a day or few until i'm back in working order
Frederik C (ZA) 12/15/2020 8:43 PM
Whoo-hooo! Spamming time, y'all! 😉 Discord really should have a setting to give temporary ownership of a server to somebody, so people can take a break. Giving "Admin" permission doesn't quite cut it. (Unless it's been added since I last checked. I'm always on Mobile, and it has limited features.)
Just make sure to take good care of urself 😁
Frederik C (ZA) 12/17/2020 3:22 AM
I made my first GIF. (Don't know why it took so long.) Symbolic of moderators on public servers that grow too fast, without proper security. (Replaced it with MP4. I forgot how annoying looped GIFs are.)
i s b a c k n o w
12:32 AM
12:32 AM
so found ANOTHER area i can work on
12:33 AM
want some opinions before i dissect+reassemble that page
12:33 AM
12:33 AM
is this acronym good?
12:33 AM
i swear i probably spend WAY too much time on acronyms / name optimization lol
zelbot joined the server. 12/19/2020 12:35 AM
Frederik C (ZA) 12/19/2020 1:07 AM
is this acronym good? Well, if you are free to choose anything, acronyms that can be spoken as words are preferable. So, is it called an "Oh-say"? "Oh-séh"? Or just name them something more whimsical / descriptive. Like "FabLab," but obviously not that.
either or i guess? I kind of like how it is adaptable to dialects so like deap sauth oeh-saaaaaaaaah vs Oh-séh (also would be intrested to see how that would work with other language families)
1:27 AM
Granted then there is the OTHER HELL of international / cross language adaptation
1:28 AM
The life of a translator (ESPECIALLY REAL TIME (for diplomacy is even worse, "no pressure, just could be mininterpreted and cause global consequences") ) mus be hell
1:30 AM
that was the page on "what should we do", so feel free to dump any ideas there
Frederik C (ZA) 12/19/2020 3:04 AM
I'm usually only good at making up purposely ludicrous ones: Democratic Economic Freedom & Equality Coalition Trust: DEFECT Ubiquitous Interoperability Designed Internet Of Things Services: UIdioTs It gets fun when I try to predict what our next break-away political party will be called. (We have 48 parties... the last time I checked.) 🙂
3:08 AM
any idea how those subcategories are made?
3:13 AM
3:13 AM
naming it logistics
3:13 AM
3:14 AM
w h a t i s t h i s p a g e
3:14 AM
3:14 AM
m a r c i n ?
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Avatar good video explanation to disabuse ppl of the notion that plastic recycling is physically unviable, just economically so
c a n i g e t a c a r b o n t a x
11:04 PM
i need to make a meme on that lol
11:06 PM
What category would these fit into? :
(The right hand side was already coincidentally on the meme template I found so just kept it bc honestly still tru)
11:09 PM
Just the Wojak
Frederik C (ZA) 12/19/2020 11:13 PM
I've given up trying to understand anything on Reddit. 😶
Reddit is as broad in people as the internet imo short of maybe groups who don't use social media as much, but even facebook has that issue. HOWEVER how far the alt-right and all that's oddness can flow is weird GRANTED formats like this ignore that original use/context, but it can end up with...odd stuff I think the mods are begining to have a more "Hardline Approach" luckily, i think a lot of the "iffy" subreddits have been shut down
IMO, reddit is only worthwhile for stuff that can't be made political (tho they'll sure try 😁)
11:28 PM
W politics the self-selected echo chamber effect just becomes toxic
11:30 PM
neat infographic/ad? (edited)
11:30 PM
Trying to find a "Label for all the sustainability things"
11:31 PM
I know the USA used "Energy Star" for appliance efficiency
11:31 PM
I don't know if there is one for carbon emmissions
11:31 PM
I think there is one for sustainable forestry
11:32 PM
There is one for organic, but Organic ≠ Sustainable at least not always
Frederik C (ZA) 12/19/2020 11:44 PM
self-selected echo chamber effect just becomes toxic Yes, but getting constantly interrupted by idiots becomes exhausting, and as the saying goes "a friend to all is a friend to none" because in an increasingly polarized World, with survival stakes and threats constantly escalating, at some point you have to "close ranks" to keep out the "riff-raff" and get something done.
👍 1
100% agreed, it's an outgrowth of 'both sides' thinking that 'the truth is always in the middle & all perspectives contribute towards that' when in reality many (most?) perspectives move away from objective truth
11:47 PM
Tho that naturally begs the question 'whose perspective is right then' to which the answer can only be arrived at scientifically w rigorous analysis/ruthless critique of all that exists
11:49 PM
If you act scientifically on non-scientific suppositions, you'll get yourself into shit, but the important thing is having the tools to examine presuppositions
Frederik C (ZA) 12/20/2020 12:00 AM
We share a saying with the Dutch that translates to: "A good mind needs only half a word." People with similar levels of meta-cognition and life experience can communicate complex ideas to each other with ease. With anyone else, it's practically impossible. Nothing to be done about it.
👍 1
@Frederik C (ZA) has reached level 6. GG!
(& more to the original point - the problem w reddit is that it's both self-selected & you don't have any real way to close ranks other than an easily-avoidable ban, worst of both worlds! 😁)
12:02 AM
Yeah especially if you have a similar idea of like....what are the 'fundamental objects' of society. Most of the rest of a conversation is just fleshing out the dynamics of those objects
12:04 AM
And it's in the best interest of any society that doesn't want to be deeply analyzed to give ppl a wrong set of 'fundamental objects'
@Karl Sagan has reached level 12. GG!
Frederik C (ZA) 12/20/2020 12:04 AM
Case in point: I can say something to a fellow African that would be casually accepted as "demonstrably true" that would require hours of explanation to an European or American.
I think some "minor tweaking" to the USA education system to include:
  • Life Skills Class (So Shop Class + Cooking + Cleaning + Misc Small Stuff Fixing + Taxes/Bugets)
  • Philosophy + Thinking Class (So all the logical fallacies, and various ways to approach ethical issues
  • Technology Class (Code in some language (i can't beyond block icons so not the one to decide here...), using all of LibreOffice, how to use search engines and all that, various input devices)
  • Travel/Exposure to other cultures GRANTED this would require getting all the people onboard and all the actual planning done by educators, not just "wow easy fix", but i feel that would fix the gaps in Technological and Scientific Literacy
12:08 AM
I think "tech class" is somewhat standard? Not sure if it is state or federal
12:09 AM
Even just teaching the logical fallacies bit is almost a vaccine against populist candidates/parties and full on fascism and all that imo
12:10 AM
Also need a way to fill the "backlog" of people past primary education, even on simple stuff, not like colledge/trade school
12:10 AM
Granted the word "Re-Education is out of the question...
12:11 AM
Having some sort of centralized program for those things would be neat
12:11 AM
I guess libraries SOMEWHAT retrofit the tech class via having PC's
12:12 AM
But smartphone use no, which i would say is even more relevant for the elderly which are a major group in need of this
3:44 AM
gotta love the search engine
3:44 AM
"Interlocking bricks" or the VERY DIFFERENT PAGE titled "Interlocking Bricks"
3:45 AM
tried to upload the image but i guess i don't have access rights? That or it doesn't want a PNG file
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
miss u
So i've been thinking more on the "how to get more speed out of FDM via further development". Software Optimization is near/at the Peak, Hardware Isn't I Think? This is a method i was thinking over for making a larger/faster filament melting system WITHOUT added thermal degradation of the filament via "holding it at that melting point for too long". Essentially reduce the difference from "Ambient-Melt Temp" to "hot air->preheaterblock->heaterblock" What do you think? (edited)
Also i just updated Open Source Low Tech
10:31 PM
(sidenote do we have a role for that? @OpenSourceLowTech maybe? )
Invite to join a server
Tired early today, so logging off, should be back at the usual "uptime" tomorrow
2:59 AM
2:59 AM
before i go i must be obnoxious
2:59 AM
3:00 AM
NOW i am leaving post flexing lol
😎 1
Eric Lotze
So i've been thinking more on the "how to get more speed out of FDM via further development". Software Optimization is near/at the Peak, Hardware Isn't I Think? This is a method i was thinking over for making a larger/faster filament melting system WITHOUT added thermal degradation of the filament via "holding it at that melting point for too long". Essentially reduce the difference from "Ambient-Melt Temp" to "hot air->preheaterblock->heaterblock" What do you think? (edited)
Currently designing something from scratch to get to this point, want to eventually run a pellet extruder. Opensource pellet extruder for fdm?
7:53 PM
Should be able to crank this up to insane speeds without too much ringing/ghosting
I think dyzeend has one
8:01 PM
👀 1
8:02 PM
Seems like I'll have to build on of these, trying to make friends with mill/lathe havers
Ooh u gonna weld that bad boy?
10:17 PM
2" tube?
wait WHAT
11:22 PM
11:23 PM
11:23 PM
11:23 PM
Imean the filament is made by extrusion anyway, so this just skips the middle step of spooling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
:O O O O
High Quality and High Performance 3D printer components and parts to upgrade your printer. Buy our extruders, hotends, nozzles, upgrade kits and bundles.
9:30 PM
they make amazing stuff
9:31 PM
pre-piles of data on OSE's stuff i'm probably upgrading to that / using that for custom builds
9:31 PM
that or "flexion" if i'm doing a pile of tpu (edited)
how hard would it possibly be to build something like a variable stand/sit desk out of extruded aluminum robotics and 3d printed enclosure material? like one of those motorized desks where the whole table moves up and down would it be better to use threaded rods for linear actuation or pneumatic cylinders?
"aluminum robotics" so like a leadscrew type deal?
10:21 PM
pile of projects, and i k e a k i t s, so you can probabyl reverse engineer these to fit what you have
10:21 PM
also check thingiverse
oh hella
11:42 PM
seems india is trying to do to small farmers what the USA did
11:43 PM
Make small farms economically irrelevant
11:43 PM
Seems they may have enough unions + activism to stop it?
11:44 PM
Also the effectiveness of the barricade protest lol
11:45 PM
Sikks Caring for Others Experience + India's Huge Population = A HUUUUUUUUUUUGE Highway Block with full infastructure set up in a few days (edited)
11:46 PM
Also there may be legit conflicts and whatnot i am unfamiliar with the area + it's politics, BUT
11:46 PM
calling sikks terrorists is akin (from what i have heard) to calling a buddist a capitalist pig
11:46 PM
just kind of like "aren't those opposites"
11:47 PM
Like i think their kind of "religious capital" is essentially a giant soup kitchen / food pantry (let me grab info)
11:51 PM
The Golden Temple, also known as Harmandir Sahib, meaning "abode of God" (Punjabi pronunciation: [ɦəɾᵊmən̪d̪əɾᵊ saːɦ(ɪ)bᵊ]) or Darbār Sahib, meaning "exalted court" (Punjabi pronunciation: [d̪əɾᵊbaːɾᵊ saːɦ(ɪ)bᵊ]), is a gurdwara located in the city of Amritsar, Punjab, India. It is the preeminent spiritual site of Sikhism.The gurdwara is built ar...
11:52 PM
huge issue, but also just seeminly goofily attempt at propaganda?
11:52 PM
You TERRORISTS farmer ladling curry to the poor " ? "
i heard cnn breaking news this afternoon that israel's government is collapsing
1:58 AM
or was it india
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 1:59 AM
Re: India protest Haven't heard a peep about it, locally. We have virtually no Sikhs here. Many people of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian and Malay decent, but basically no Sikhs. Don't think I've ever come across one. Could also be the corporate media bubble. We're a BRICS country. I think the partner States have mutually agreed to give each other "positive spin."
Israel's gov is 'collapsing' as in 'the current parliament is being disbanded & put to a vote next March', not 'no more gov tomorrow' like the phrase might seem to imply
2:21 AM
& i saw a moderate solidarity protest in san francisco but outside of that not much wrt the sikh protests
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 2:22 AM
Like I said: Conspiracies are everywhere. You really don't have to look hard or be "creative" to invent them. Just pay attention, now and then.
Big states that don't conspire together are shooting themselves in the foot tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2:27 AM
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 2:29 AM
And Modi and Orange Hitler have some kind of deal going. Modi practically gave your Moron-In-Chief a public blowjob, during his official visit. That really means, long-term Deep State partnership (between the lines.)
tbf obama gave modi a state visit not long after he initiated a pogrom (modi was wearing a suit with his name on it which captured most of the media's attention), so its not rly too secretive :p
2:30 AM
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 2:33 AM
Yeah, they switch from the "Blue Team" to the "Red Team" every 4 to 8 years, to keep it interesting.
hOpE aNd ChAnGe
2:33 AM
at least in other one-party states they have healthcare :/
the two party can work
2:46 AM
issue imo is just some minor tweaking
2:46 AM
granted getting that tweaking to happen
2:47 AM
I hope the mess of this year will kind of "vaccinate" (pun?) the public to a lot of the messes that got us here
imean, did bush?
the whole science-phobia, the not trusting authorities, the free will over common good etc
2:47 AM
Like "wait doctors DO know what they are talking about"
2:48 AM
or "me being a maskless jery for "personal reasons" can hurt other people
2:48 AM
what other "personal choices/beleifs" could do that
2:48 AM
or like
2:48 AM
"person x sold stocks and didn't tell me the pandemic was a thing"
2:48 AM
like trigger some "are we the baddies" moments
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im not holding my breath is all im sayin (edited)
3:18 AM
so logging off, but with christmas festivites ramping up at my house next few days or so i may not log on, or at least not reach my quota of lurking all day lol.
3:18 AM
Anywho goodnight and happy holidays (edited)
🎅 1
wow smth mustve gone wrong w the copy paste macro
3:28 AM
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 4:48 AM
I was still in my mid-20s when Obama came in, and was still young and naive enough to "drink the Kool-aid" of what mainstream media was "selling." But — at some point — when you've seen too many repeated patterns, the "official" narrative and demonstrable reality just don't compute anymore.
4:49 AM
I believe you call that "gas-lighting."
Avatar naomi has been having fun for the last few weeks dunking on uninformed opinions on china it seems 😂
China's #1 Tech & DIY YouTuber Open Source, 3D Printing & Digital Fabrication, Automation, Infosec 1/18th synthetic 'It's all about merit until merit has tits'
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 2:44 PM
make 1st world living "western world luxuries" cheap as shit and super abundant in the poorest parts of the world before all this burns Yeah, American "futurists," in particular, seem very confident about the "post-scarcity" idea. There's just two "slight" problems with that: 1. The ecological collapse and resource depletion / contamination of virtually all current industrial processes probably means that giving all 8 to 11 billion of us the "Western Lifestyle" is probably a pipe dream. 2. The only way to achieve it under so-called "free markets" is either A) dirt cheap and dangerous labour (which perpetuates cycles of poverty and social stratification) or B) automation (which leads to societal and/or economic collapse because robots don't buy things or vote.) So, curb your enthusiasm.
🥲 1
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 6:32 PM
I miss Stewart. To some extent, he was also a "brainwashed" establishment puppet. But, damn, he was funny and had a level of revealing sarcasm that is still unmatched... I'll give him that.
Frederik C (ZA)
make 1st world living "western world luxuries" cheap as shit and super abundant in the poorest parts of the world before all this burns Yeah, American "futurists," in particular, seem very confident about the "post-scarcity" idea. There's just two "slight" problems with that: 1. The ecological collapse and resource depletion / contamination of virtually all current industrial processes probably means that giving all 8 to 11 billion of us the "Western Lifestyle" is probably a pipe dream. 2. The only way to achieve it under so-called "free markets" is either A) dirt cheap and dangerous labour (which perpetuates cycles of poverty and social stratification) or B) automation (which leads to societal and/or economic collapse because robots don't buy things or vote.) So, curb your enthusiasm.
No, i'm gonna keep bailing buckets of water out of a sinking ship thats on fire. Maybe a few hundred million people are better off, maybe not. Shit's burning either way
9:39 PM
The economic collapse is happening wether its a trump dictatorship, socialist revolution, or later game automation. What's wrong with catching their fall?
9:43 PM
To add to what's on the horizon, off planet resource harvesting, vertical farms 100xing food production, lab grown meats, self sustaining transportation, geothermal power supplementation as a solution to renewables. People are going to starve in the 21st century regardless of what some pipe-dreaming western futurist thinks, curb my enthusiasm and let em starve 110%?
9:44 PM
Curb my enthusiam and embrace soylent green. Got it
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 10:31 PM
It's rather presumptuous to assume that you'll be the one eating the Soylent Green, instead of being the Soylent Green. But that too, is soooo American that it's gag-worthy. China and Russia might have some contrary thoughts on that. But anyway... Soylent Green goes well with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Or so I hear.
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 10:39 PM
...And.... we're back to my aforementioned "rule."
goldfishlaser#1337 12/23/2020 10:56 PM
Condescending to someone just because they work or aspire to work towards a world where everyone has access to "first world luxuries" is more gag worthy to me. I didn't personally take that phrase to mean literal luxuries, correct me if I'm wrong OoO. The goals of OSE include making a better world in this way, by working towards radical collaboration on work that empowers everyone's ability to raise their standard of living. (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 11:06 PM
Case in point: I can say something to a fellow African that would be casually accepted as "demonstrably true" that would require hours of explanation to an European or American. Hence the "rule." I'm zipping it... As you were.
11:06 PM
goldfishlaser#1337 12/23/2020 11:31 PM
Your rule is a great excuse to assume a lot of weaknesses in people's reasons for thinking the way they do without actually engaging with them. You would have done better to actually zip it than say you were zipping it, as the latter just shows that you can dish negativity and criticism, but not take it. We all here likely disagree on a lot of things, but most productive people like to talk it out. You just like to accuse people of being unable to understand on the basis of their nationality. Boring. I have a few guesses why you disagree with the proposition that it's possible to significantly improve global living conditions. The enormity of the task and all the powers against it aren't lost on me, and I do get cynical. Especially as things keep getting weirder, the various weaknesses of human kind being exposed by the current conditions. But assuming anyone inspired to try lives in some polly-anna, colonialism-amnesic, neoliberal futurist bubble is more than premature. I am sure there are actually many of them on your continent as well as everywhere else globally. FLOSS is a global movement, and so is OSE with collaborators all over the world. Some of us are inspired by the legacy of people who tried before- and what they did accomplish. Some of us get joy in it. Most both. There hasn't often been many who could, but even with all the problems we face, inequity, natural disaster, human weakness- we have more knowledgeable people (via improvements in literacy and communication technology) and more people living above poverty than ever before in history. All we can hope for is as many as possible tuning in to the maintenance and effort of guiding this Spaceship earth into the future. (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 12/23/2020 11:56 PM
I stand by what I said. Chalk it up to "culture clash," and move on. This is not my first rodeo. And there's nothing in it for me.
goldfishlaser#1337 12/23/2020 11:58 PM
You can chalk it up to whatever you want but I chalk it up to you being rude and condescending. Which is the only thing I called you out on. Not your disagreement inherently. If you were just abrasive, and just disagreed, but backed up anything you said, it wouldn't be as irritating. Anyways, I suppose you're just here to cringe and feel superior since you never contribute and don't agree on any of the philosophies we're interested in here. You don't even want to debate, so cringe away I guess but I will be blocking you because you've proven there's no value to be gained here since we're just too American to hear your big brained take. (edited)
On a different note - this is what your computer processor looks like once it grows up big n strong 😁
yo! i finally got my hands on an ender 3!
2:45 AM
slight problem though
2:46 AM
the locking cylinder uses to secure the t-type screw to the z-axis motor is missing a screw
2:46 AM
😢 1
2:47 AM
and i just unboxed the kit too
2:47 AM
not even all the way through step 2 of assembly
In my view it's very small issue you can get that screw from a hardware shop. In future you have to face clogging, layer shifting issues and lot more...😕 😕 😕
@uday has reached level 1. GG!
i think the unclogging is why they provided a needle, no?
4:18 AM
got this super tiny little needly thing that probably goes into the extruder nozzle to clean out the gunk
4:19 AM
layer shifting frommmm..... an imbalanced bed? shifting x-axis crossbar?
4:20 AM
i think i could fix the latter and the former with one of those BLTouch modules and calibrate automated bed levelling every time i make a new print
4:20 AM
also why do y'all say you immediately replace the nozzle (or maybe it was extruder) with something else?
Since I faced so many troubles with the cheap or un updated hotend and an indirect extruder. There is so many updates toward hotend side i.e all metal hotend from micro swiss or a cheaper one from triangle labs aliexpress. The layer shifting because of indirect extrusion and also a worst unspooling arrangement.
even if this is the V2 model Ender 3? they didn't make any improvements from the original Ender 3 in those areas?
8:04 AM
so i should be adding hotends and direct drive extruders to my list of printer upgrades?
If want to run your printer like Ferrari you need to update
does the v2 have better firmware upgradeability?
8:47 AM
or would i still need to upgrade the motherboard
8:47 AM
the one i got already has the "silent motherboard" installed already (edited)
8:49 AM
also would i upgrade the extruder motor that's already sitting on the x axis? or swap it for this microswiss direct drive?
So great they gave silent mother board
8:51 AM
Regarding direct drive you travel with this printer if in case of layer shifting problem then think about other possibilities have a great printing..👍
@uday has reached level 2. GG!
Haa that creality dual gear extrusion is a crap..😩 😫 😩
what are good direct extruders? @uday
High performance all metal extruder designed for high temperature and controlled environment. Powerful, lightweight and designed to work with any filament.
8:56 AM
anything cheaper thats respectable?
Performance By using a 3:1 gearing ratio, precision milled hobbs, and an adjustable idler lever, Titan is a powerful extruder whilst also being lightweight and compact. Power  The 3:1 gear ratio means you’re able to use lighter motors as you’ll need less torque for the same filament pushing force - so direct drive setu
8:57 AM
9:01 AM
9:03 AM
Also available in aliexpress
would the micro-swiss hotend be a good drop-in replacement for the one already inside the extruder enclosure? (edited)
Exactly it's my sincere suggestion..🙂
I am back from holiday break, outside of maybe new years day festivities just FYI
I'm bad with names, is this person on the discord yet?:
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
would this be a good set to get for upgrading the ender 3 nozzle?
6:41 AM
i have a spool of Carbon Fiber PLA and i'm doing my research before i actually begin any prints
6:42 AM
and i see that a hardened nozzle would be required so i don't destroy the tip because of abrasion from the carbon particles
6:44 AM
if i can't print with this specific filament right now with the default nozzle, i have both black and grey PETG to use :>
how big is the spool?
8:00 AM
dial the printer in with non CF PLA, then once you have that switch to CF PLA do a test print
8:00 AM
all on a brass nozzle
8:00 AM
a brass nozzle can probably get through 1kg
8:00 AM
but after than not much faith
its a 1kg spool
7:26 PM
also is it possible to back out the filament after a print is done if you want to print in a different material every time?
Yeah should be an option for that in the firmware
7:34 PM
oh alsoalso two extra very minor things
7:34 PM
it looks like the x axis can go another 10mm maximum travel distance
7:35 PM
but i can't find an option to increase the max volume size
7:35 PM
and also, whenever i plug in the raspi, the microusb delivers power to the motherboard and bootloader
7:36 PM
but i thought that power is supposed to come from the printer's psu
7:36 PM
and it kinda freaks me out that the board is getting dual power in from two completely different sources
1:36 AM
1:36 AM
i swear there's an extra 5mm there
1:52 AM
fOr a SmaLl fEe yOu caN gEt a LevElinG ProBe
1:53 AM
Supposedly it it worth it to make it level even with that though
1:53 AM
I know the ender 3 community is h u g e
no i mean like
2:09 AM
5 mm
2:09 AM
2:09 AM
x space
2:09 AM
there's absoltely no reason the extruder can't move 5 mm more right
2:10 AM
besides leaving clearance for the clip
how odd, i see that now lol
and i mean there is definitely no reason
2:26 AM
the extruder has plenty more clearance to move down the bar
2:26 AM
w h e l p
3:53 AM
i didn't accomplish much today, mixture of tiredness (may have woken up mid sleep cycle or somthing? had a decent ammount of hours), and needing to learn chemistry is slowing me down
3:55 AM
Probably just need to move onto less chem intensive stuff idk lol, the biopetchem section is at least finished enough to be left alone until it becomes relevant/experts join?
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 7:54 AM
The tri-star is a novel wheel design—originally by Robert and John Forsyth, assigned to Lockheed in 1967—in which three wheels are arranged in an upright triangle with two on the ground and one above them. If either of the wheels in contact with the ground gets stuck, the whole system rotates over the obstruction.
7:54 AM
neat little wheel mechanism, not sure if it is useful outside of this, but otherwise neat
7:54 AM
7:56 AM
Stuff like this probably makes sense for any non-stair rough enviroment
7:56 AM
7:57 AM
7:57 AM
that or just go around it/modify it
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 7:59 AM
Is that the artificial photosynthesis thignagagig
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 7:59 AM
Hydrogen Electrolysis from a solar cell
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 7:59 AM
8:00 AM
there is this tech, where they replicate photosynthesis, but stop it halfway
8:00 AM
so you just split the water, you don't use the energy of that freed hydrogen to make stuff
8:00 AM
or wrong term i guess;
8:00 AM
Artificial photosynthesis is a chemical process that biomimics the natural process of photosynthesis to convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. The term artificial photosynthesis is commonly used to refer to any scheme for capturing and storing the energy from sunlight in the chemical bonds of a fuel (a solar f...
8:01 AM
Photocatalytic water splitting is an artificial photosynthesis process with photocatalysis in a photoelectrochemical cell used for the dissociation of water into its constituent parts, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), using either artificial or natural light. Theoretically, only light energy (photons), water, and a catalyst are needed. This topic...
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 8:01 AM
Not in this device, but you can reunite the hydrogen w oxygen somewhere else (ie a car, truck, airplane...) and get Power out of it
8:01 AM
Hydrogen Fuel Cells do that 100% cleanly
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:00 AM
More on hydrogen: Hydrogen (esp fuel cells) is going to be adopted shockingly quickly IMO (as in like 2023 they're gonna be in the process of being rolled out beyond a couple test programs for big vehicles, within the 2-3 years after that there'll be a massive push to adopt). If you're a betting/investing kinda person, that's probly a pretty safe one to take
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:08 AM
infastructure is the issue imo
9:09 AM
short of onsite methane reforming
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:09 AM
And pricing below petrol! But those are "only" economic problems 😁
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:09 AM
methane reforming is easy, but it's somewhat shale gas with extra steps
9:09 AM
less emmissions maybe (as in non Greenhouse Gas emmissions caused via combustion) (edited)
9:10 AM
Electrolysis is doable, compression + storage is odd (edited)
9:10 AM
also efficiency in all that
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:10 AM
There's especially in the last 6 months been a massive pricing credits & stuff around the world (especially pacific asia & europe) so it may not be quite as fast in the US but there'll definitely be incentive to Catch Up
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:11 AM
Also methanol fuel cells make more sense as a hydrogen carrier than pressure tanks no?
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:16 AM
Very possibly! MFCs aren't as far developed though, and hydrogen is 100% clean at point of use so the thinking seems to be "well if we've got to mess w infrastructure anyway why not go for the whole enchilada" yk
9:16 AM is an interesting example of using ammonia, I'm not as familiar but saw it the other day
The EUs Research and Innovation program Horizon 2020 is awarding a grant to the ShipFC project to pu...
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:18 AM
ammonia is another proposed economy, but my grandpa was an ag agent, and supposedly anhydrous ammonia is n a s t y stuff (and i thought aqueous was bad! )
9:18 AM
It is a great fertilizer though, that and urea imo
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:18 AM
Imo battery cars had extra hype bc they were thought "oh tight we don't have to mess w infrastructure"
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:18 AM
They have their place
9:18 AM
I do think fuel cell is better in the "car" case
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:19 AM
Ofc! But imean the "this will b the one n only future" proselytizing that seemed to be prevalent in like early 2010s
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:19 AM
e l o n m u s k f a n b o y s
9:19 AM
renewables are odd that way in that the answer to "what will work/be used" is just y e s
😂 1
😢 1
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:20 AM
Imo if batteries are so fantastic elon should try making a space rocket using em 🤔
9:20 AM
2nd stage: falls to earth wrong during testing Florida: gone
9:21 AM
Imo the house battery is the best use of lithium, tho u gotta have a rly good bms/swap out routine, which is prohibitive for the average consumer
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:22 AM
I don't like stationary use of lithium
9:22 AM
It was designed to be lightweight
9:22 AM
I think metal hydride is better right? More/better cycles than lead acid, but longer life than lithium?
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:23 AM Apple's even moving away tho bc its not light enough ;p
Apple could get even more green with an iHydrogen portable charger – but it's just a patent for now
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:23 AM
granted economies of scale and all that
9:23 AM
digital electonics + rov's lithium all the way
9:23 AM
but stationanry
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:23 AM
Sounds abt right, i think lithiums main use over nimh is power density
9:23 AM
(not necessarily energy density iirc)
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:24 AM
what did nmh even use for said metals
9:25 AM
hold up nicads, the cad is for cadmium lol
9:26 AM
That is like v e r y hazardous isn;t it?
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:26 AM
Yep lol 😁
9:26 AM
Don't Eat Batteries Kids
🆗 1
😔 1
Eric Lotze 1/2/2021 9:26 AM
nmhs don't use it luckily
9:26 AM
That and how we have carbon-air instead of mercury-air now
9:32 AM
I think nicads where the ones i was thinking of, ni-mh seems not that great
9:34 AM
Ultracapacitors aren't very energy dense, but having a pile of them may be good for non-high level grid (so home level microgrid)
9:35 AM
I know grid level FES is even viable at community level i think:
Karl Sagan 1/2/2021 9:36 AM
Oh yeah, and even if not fully replacing em, having a "intermediary" supercap is great to utilize as much energy as available (ie like from solar) bc batteries are all picky abt their input speeds but supercaps arent
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
10:03 AM
4:00 am local my sleep schedual
yeah i figured you'd just woken up early 😅
1:49 PM
1:49 PM
does the d3d ecosystem have tool changing yet?
don't forget cryogenic energy storage @highviewpower
Frederik C (ZA) 1/3/2021 7:21 AM
Off-grid LoRa-based communication system. Seems more advanced than others I've seen. I can't really evaluate it. Looks interesting, though. Seems well-documented, too.
An open source hiking, pilot, skiing, Signal-App-extending GPS mesh communicator.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/3/2021 8:30 AM
Whole channel dedicated to off-grid telecoms: (For when I have time for a "deep dive.") (edited)
Small electronic projects , tutorials, and reviews for sensors, ESP8266, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32
👀 1
Karl Sagan 1/3/2021 8:31 AM
Oh yeah he's great!
@KLARI Not anything hardware (or in depth dev i think?) yet
11:39 PM
I made a few pages on it, and should be in the "near term development" imo
11:39 PM
The p o s s i b i l i t i e s
11:40 PM
I know E3D Had their system, and there is one other project too i think?
11:41 PM
Even just some form of non-automated "hot swap" mount standard would be of use imo
👍 1
12:21 AM
A hot swappable tool changer for virtually any 3D printer. Experiment with new tools and accessories, and maximize uptime!
12:21 AM
I put that on the passive page
12:31 AM
Is it
12:31 AM
o p e n s o u r c e
12:31 AM
or nah
they say they are in the works of making it open source
12:40 AM
but right now they're working on getting their own manufacturing set up
12:41 AM
Is XChange open source?
Not at this stage, but we're working on ways to do so, at least with much of the XChange ecosystem. We will be publishing CAD, firmware, and supporting our backers, makers, hackers and developers in creating useful modifications. Wherever we can offer support to talented and inclined individuals, we intend to do so.
i n t r e s t i n g
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 1:51 AM
The only thing i don't like about it is the requirement(?) for neodyminium magnets
1:51 AM
Outside of that i think it is great
1:51 AM
Also i don't think the E3D one has that "plug" / bus?
there's a master board and a slave board
2:34 AM
both sides have screw terminals
2:34 AM
the bus pinout doesn't matter as long as you personally standarize it for your setup
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 2:35 AM
i just mean i think E3D has the toolheads still "hard cabled" i think that other one routes the cables through an outlet on the plate
2:35 AM
so only "one cable" i guess
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 2:36 AM
could use a similar system like this for the automted:
2:36 AM
2:36 AM
(but with the custom port/bus)
2:36 AM
what would be wanted/needed for such a thing?
2:37 AM
i'm guessing dc power for all the things, and maybe some way to get data from probes back?
what's wrong with the neodymium magnet?
2:58 AM
also what's needed the most is stepper control i think
2:58 AM
since most tools will use a stepper
2:58 AM
other things would be 24v power for hotends or other high power electronics tools
2:59 AM
and of course 2 or 3 pairs for probes or other gizmos
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 2:59 AM
they are great and fine! My only concern is the "rare earth metal" bit, but i'm the type to be like "oh no waste sawdust/metal chippings" so i'm a bit...extreme on the reducing cost/waste bit (edited)
Arcane BOT 1/4/2021 2:59 AM
@Eric Lotze has reached level 26. GG!
ohhh right
3:00 AM
i mean it could probably use like
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:00 AM
is stepper motor 3 phase or no?
two-step slotting
3:00 AM
also yes 3 phase
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:00 AM
i am the big dumb, but a little sketch of wires in a ms paint or something diagram would be awesome, and i could upload it to the wiki page
3:00 AM
3:01 AM
some channel is making a custom prot for their printer i think'
3:01 AM
not designed with non-manual connection in mind i think?
3:01 AM
it looks like one of those midi/dmx "snakes"
3:01 AM
let me grab it
oh! like a vga connetor!
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:02 AM
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:02 AM
i don't entirely know why they chose a cr-10 as the thing to make a crazy custom build of, but neat project
port screws!
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:02 AM
it's not vga it's f u l l y c u s t o m (edited)
3:02 AM
even cooler imo
yes i know
3:02 AM
but like
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:02 AM
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:02 AM
granted fdm, not injection mold (yet)
the style
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:02 AM
3:03 AM
you can also do that odd "cable repurposing" bit with standard connectors
3:03 AM
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:03 AM
bowden only
3:04 AM
unless you have a bowden priming system for a direct drive system
dude that's soo cooool
3:04 AM
what exactly IS bowden?
3:04 AM
is that this passive extruder vs direct drive extruder?
3:05 AM
where the extruder motor sits on the edge of the x axis crossbar?
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:05 AM
bowden is passive yep
and feeds into a plastic tube?
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:05 AM
3:05 AM
ender 3 v2 has that!
3:05 AM
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:05 AM
there is an odd version where you remotely do direct drive, so like turn a cable, in a tube, that turns the extruder
and even a manual adjuster to back out filament
3:06 AM
I want encoders for steppers cheaper (edited)
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:06 AM
direct is better, (from what i heard i think?) with odd filaments/crazy prints, but direct, or remote can be f a s t
3:07 AM
I say don't go cheap on sensors etc if you can (unless it is "profit price" not componet pricing thats the issue), thats my 2 cents i guess
3:07 AM
30$ encoders
3:07 AM
likely gonna pick these
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:08 AM
so just need to get that data from the encoder to do the thing/connect to the system? (edited)
do i only need one of these for the extruder? or 4 for x y and z?
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:15 AM
every motor if you want to push speeds to the limit
ohhh only for a speedy print
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:15 AM
or print quality tuning
3:15 AM
way more info for missing steps
3:15 AM
no layer shifts
i'm ok with doing slow and steady prints for now AShappyBocchi
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:16 AM
don't they essentially make it a psudo-servo?
3:16 AM
like almost one but not quite
3:16 AM
how much more would it cost to go all o d r i v e
3:17 AM
(granted their boards are expensive, not sure if that is profit cost or componets only-ish)
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:23 AM
they are 50% cheaper on aliexpress than amazon
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:24 AM
odrive boards, or the encoders
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:24 AM
3:24 AM
what are odrives?
3:26 AM
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:26 AM
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:27 AM
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:29 AM
I know james bruton uses a pile for robotics, as well as skyentific for examples
3:29 AM
granted i really think a "per servo" workbench is needed or soemthing lol
3:29 AM
opendog had like 4 of the boards awkwardly attacked to it
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:33 AM
3:33 AM
the chinese board S42B bigtreetech doesnt need anything besides a stock motor driver
3:34 AM
just runs firmware to correct position onboard
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:42 AM
just watched the video, pretty neat device
3:42 AM
is the pcb diagram open source as well?
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:43 AM
I think so
3:43 AM
they give you the print on the ebay listing
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:43 AM
The closed-loop drive is to feedback the rotation angle of the stepping motor to the control panel, compare the distance that needs to be rotated with the distance of the actual rotation, calculate...
3:43 AM
found a github
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:46 AM
n i c e
3:46 AM
I love the "torture test" at 13:10
3:47 AM
just b o n k printer with rubber mallet
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:57 AM
pretty crazy he just hits it with a mallet
3:57 AM
good system
3:57 AM
3:57 AM
3:57 AM
could use some help with signal insulation from main board
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 3:58 AM
How often do these layer shift errors happen?
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 3:58 AM
not too often
3:59 AM
but can happen with only a small piece of plastic hitting the extruder, missing 15 steps then on the next pass the print fails
3:59 AM
so for printing big stuff or production runs these are needed
3:59 AM
I'll be using them on my belt printer
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 4:01 AM
and i'm assuming the "stock" prusa doesn't have this right?
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 4:01 AM
Arcane BOT 1/4/2021 4:01 AM
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 10. GG!
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 4:02 AM
cost/benefit ratio is what's getting me, but i guess for the two motors involved that would be 30-50USD?
4:02 AM
so not much, for that insurance
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 4:04 AM
yeah, I'll have 3 motors involved so 100ish bucks but definitely worth it
4:07 AM
a 4th if I use one for the direct drive, which would help in its own right
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 4:40 AM
i was thinking of m o r e r o l e s
4:41 AM
Also was thinking it may be of use to have some sort of category for discussing device specific things, so a d3d channel etc
4:41 AM
so like role for "has d3d" or "has d3d pcb mill" etc
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 4:58 AM
I still think they aren't on the discord or slack yet, but this person is at "the opposite side of the world" of me i think, timezones are opposite, but the same (if google is correct) est ~11:00pm sunday (where i am) 11:00am Monday, January 4, 2021 (GMT+7) Time in Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia (around where they are according to their bio?)
4:58 AM
neat detail i thought !
OwnerOfOwn 1/4/2021 4:59 AM
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 7:22 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
🎬 1
Frederik C (ZA) 1/4/2021 9:15 AM
@Karl Sagan Re: The European Commission has spent over €5M over 3 years, to achieve exactly what I was talking about. No result yet. 🙄 (edited)
JX joined the server. 1/4/2021 10:58 AM
Marten joined the server. 1/4/2021 11:45 AM
Frederik C (ZA) 1/4/2021 12:42 PM
@Eric Lotze How about using one of your bots to create a starboard for our random web finds? Set the reaction threshold low, though. 3 or 4. By the time you're done, the last weblink is 50 posts that way. ☝ 🙂
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 7:34 PM
So something to organize all of the links we post, kind of like auto-archiving/organizing? (if i understand you right?)
7:34 PM
I am n o t the bot/code person, so no idea how, but it sounds like a great idea
7:34 PM
7:35 PM
hello new people! go over to #role_requesting just for roles so we can @ you for various things if need be (don't want to ping you while you are sleeping, with timezones and all that) (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 1/4/2021 7:46 PM
like auto-archiving/organizing? More like "community curated." Simplest is just a channel for "dumping" any interesting stuff we find. Basically an "endless scroll" of weblinks with brief descriptions of what it is. One step up from that is a "starboard" channel. YAGbot can do it. It posts to a read-only channel, any posts that get a certain number of votes from users. So, "featured posts" or posts that members find interesting or useful. Not so much to "elevate" it, but just condense content, for those who haven't been on the server for a few days. (edited)
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 8:08 PM
do you have discord-edit permissions yet? I get lost on who has what sorry
Frederik C (ZA) 1/4/2021 8:39 PM
do you have discord-edit permissions yet? Manage User under my profile will show you my permissions. There are two or three editing "levels." I have none on this server. But YAGbot only takes configuration instructions from Admins. (Makes sense, I guess. "Hey, RoboCop! Shoot that guy for me, will ya?" 😅 )
Frederik C (ZA) 1/4/2021 9:47 PM
Thanks for the upgrade. I might have over-sold the idea. 😓 I was hoping someone with more YAGbot / Carl-bot experience could do it. I'll try to set something up. I'll be careful. Will give instructions on how it works, after testing.
Eric Lotze 1/4/2021 9:57 PM
Sounds good ! (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 1/4/2021 10:57 PM
My current "deep dive" is about online crowd-sourced consultation / participatory democracy systems. The same issues always pop up in every online /decentralized community I come across. It's time to solve those issues, for once. Thanks to deliberate and circumstantial / historical information bubbles, it's easier to identify polarizing issues than it is to identify consensus. Fixing Democracy relies on doing exactly that. But that requires rethinking how systems should work. And, frankly, most people simply don't care enough to try.
honesty! Just "making the thing" will help a ton with the "herding cats" issue (edited)
☝ 1
made a diagram of how the overall layout of an "OS-HVAC" would look?
11:27 PM
granted very "big picture", but the general flow
Eric Lotze 1/5/2021 5:37 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Eric Lotze 1/6/2021 3:34 AM ng channel is great on it's own, and the person themself is so wholesome
Purgatory IronWorks is the home of Trenton Tye, a professional blacksmith and demonstrator. He has traveled across the country doing shows and festivals, even all the way to LA (Los Angeles, not Lower Alabama). Trent produces new how-to blacksmith videos with a Southern flavor every week. So sit back and enjoy the show!
Eric Lotze 1/6/2021 3:48 AM
A bit early today, but macro timeeeeeeeeeeeeee
3:48 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Frederik C (ZA) 1/8/2021 2:03 AM
I picked the wrong day to take a break from online media. Just now catching up on Washington DC. H O L Y S H I T !! I mean, anyone with a functioning brain has been expecting something like this, for the last five years. But still... Sometimes you hope you're wrong.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/8/2021 2:11 AM
Also, our corporate media made a mistake today, by reporting something that pretty much explains the India situation. India has 60% of the World's vaccine production market share. So, there's a big part of the answer, @Karl Sagan .
Karl Sagan 1/8/2021 3:50 AM
Eh I think more than anything the reason india's been out of the US spotlight is bc it's a valuable 'frontier' against china. Also I think that's a similar reason why Kerala is rarely reported on (esp during the pandemic where they've demonstrably done much much better handling it than india-at-large)
Karl Sagan 1/8/2021 3:59 AM
Oops nm I'm working on months old info kerala's stopped doing so well recently (as have south korea and japan :/) (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 1/8/2021 4:31 AM
Still, there's under-reporting (which is often more effective - i.e. down-playing the seriousness) and then there's media "black out," which is reserved for really high level Deep State shenanigans. No-one wants to piss off Modi right now, I suspect. He has a big bargaining chip.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/8/2021 4:40 AM
He's sending us 1.5 million doses. Just a little "taste." Then, we'll see if we sufficiently "behaved" ourselves. 😕
Karl Sagan 1/8/2021 5:14 AM
I think shenanigans-wise, the easiest way to mess with numbers is in the testing & test availability, as well as where to set the inflection points of "what level is considered how dangerous" which ends up having a Flappy Bird effect with the actual caseload (turns out "at what level should we reopen?" scientifically, should be "when there's 0 actual cases", as Australia has gotten close to - tho theyve also been playing loosey goosey ever since so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
5:14 AM
To paraphrase Goodhart's Law "when a measure becomes a target it ceases to be a good measure"
5:15 AM
& yeah the vaccine rollout from "first world" to "third world" has been maybe grosser than it has been internally tbh (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 1/8/2021 5:40 AM
Damn, dude, you keep pointing me to interesting stuff. 🙂 Why is Kerala significant?
Frederik C (ZA) 1/9/2021 3:25 PM
I'm using an unsupported, "out-dated" mobile app, by the way. I can't do silent pings. So... yeah... just live with that.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/10/2021 2:56 AM
Also waiting for Eric to approve server changes. And trying to pick bots to use.
y e p
11:18 PM
Took a few days break to be a mess post...that stuff...
11:19 PM
another day, another "unpresidented attack on USA political norms" and all that (edited)
11:19 PM
Also started watching "Babylon Berlin" which is about the interwar period in germany
11:20 PM
It's sometimes just like 1920's cop show / drama but in german, but also i just have this feeling of d r e a d as the show goes on
😆 1
11:20 PM
11:23 PM
when i saw this i though "the pit and the pendulum"
11:24 PM
seems more like an almost cnc router ?
5:06 AM
CNC routers have more controls but you could definitely build a cnc router that has a sawmill attachment
5:07 AM
the way he has the blade on that is horrifying
5:08 AM
with the sawmill, find a mature wooded property and build your workshop and house with the sawmill wood, then convert chassis to CNC router with a controls package and get cooking out custom wooden door's custom wooden furniture and tables xyz
5:08 AM
oh in another life perhaps
5:10 AM
his pants are way too baggy to be working a sawmill
5:10 AM
They all use special purpose built blades? I have a huge diamond blade and motor I bought intending to build a small version of something like this to cut my own granite. Never figured out the shaft attachment, however, which limits its usefulness. The blades in these videos appear flush on one side.... does it use countersunk holes or something? My blade currently has a single hole in the middle for a through-bolt and washer/nut but that limits the cuts I can make. Not sure if the blade is thick enough to countersink. Afraid to try welding something to it as I assume it is a weird alloy, might not weld, and I end up destroying a rather expensive blade. I need ideas.
D●M J■HN 1/13/2021 7:40 PM
Hi @Karl Sagan. A while ago you linked me to a lot of open source communities on discord. I need to know if you know any more? I'm working with some people on linking all of these communities and more together Thanks! 👍
Buster joined the server. 1/16/2021 11:24 AM
I am back now
It ran for about a minute, Gimbal was odd so they shut it down for that?
It's an older project, but this reminded me of the "Modern Steam Engine" OSE project:
5:15 AM
May be good to collab with them on it (i had a comment on this i think) (edited)
5:16 AM
5:16 AM
Very intresting RC/UAV design:
Not sure where to put this, but i was pondering it, and it seems to be already widespread in literature, not just some pipe dream of mine: Could take brine from desalination, and make eating salt, molten salt salt, bleach/chlorine, OR batteries+cholrine Also no need for the lithium then I need to grab actual papers, and see how the energy density compares, but still
The sodium-ion battery (NIB) is a type of rechargeable battery analogous to the lithium-ion battery but using sodium ions (Na+) as the charge carriers. Its working principle and cell construction are almost identical with those of the commercially widespread lithium-ion battery types, with the primary difference being that the lithium compounds ...
energy density would be higher theoretically right?]
6:14 AM
sodium has a higher atomic number than lithium
6:14 AM
or is it vice versa
6:14 AM
yee up on the left
even if not as good, the cost/enviromental benefits would still make it worth it imo
oh for sure
Tomorrow i will make an OSE page and actually grab some papers, but it seems very intresting
I recycle batteries and it's some heavy shit
6:15 AM
molten salts are better imo anyway
molten salt thermal storage?
yeah maybe as a supplement to cryogenic storage in the heat exchanger at massive scales too
6:16 AM
thats some weather changing stuff tho
6:17 AM
molten salts as in what happens to molten salts during proccessing
6:17 AM
very easy to add and subtract things in solution
6:17 AM
forward osmosis and such
6:18 AM
also reinforced salt mines are the ideal area for us to have underground living quarters at scale
6:18 AM
I wouldn't mind walking around a salt mine with my dog
6:19 AM
feeling that fresh breeze from the ventilation system
6:19 AM
6:20 AM
like from a proccessing and manufacturing perspective at scale you already have the brine and you can do whatever you want where metals are hard
i know they are used for securely storing important things, tape drives and nuclear waste due to their stability right?
new to me
6:21 AM
thats dope though
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Sodium-ion batteries... years ago I was saddened when one of the smartest people I've ever worked with (and wanted to hire) decided to instead leave and move to Philadelphia to work at an exciting startup called Aquion energy. They had developed some crazy awesome utility scale sodium ion battery tech. They already had hundreds of millions in investment from some very reputable venture capital firms and the tech was machure enough that they had a crazy long list of customers that wanted to buy because of the low cost per kwh. The apparent challenge at that point was figuring out how to scale up and manufacture them fast enough. Seemed like a great problem to have.
11:10 AM
Here is a TED talk by one of the founders recorded a little before that. Mostly about the thought process around trying to design around scalable materials and rapidly adoptable designs however they do show a bunch of pictures of various prototypes and talk about cotton membranes. My takeaway was that it sounds incredibly simple to design but in practice there are a ton of hidden complexities that made it much harder. Many aspects were treated sorta like trade secrets but I understand one common issue with sodium-ion batteries is achieving decent lifespans which they felt they had done at the time. (edited)
Not sure how deep you want to go on sodium-ion battery tech but I'd anyway love to sit down with Mike (my friend) over coffee at some point and get the full details of what happened after I last talked with him. Mike eventually became the vice president of product and systems engineering. He later left in 2015 to work for amazon. the next two years for them must not have gone well as Aquion filed for voluntary bankruptcy in 2017 and was bought by a chinese company that moved production to China. I'm curious Mike's opinion of the technology in hindsight and if he would now be more willing to share more specific details of how it worked. Also if it can still be competitive for scalable energy storage compared to all the latest competitors. Even though the bankruptcy was two years after he left I assume he would understand what went wrong financially @Eric Lotze (edited)
Ton of information here (edited)
11:06 PM
I always have to do some internet sleuthing and use wayback machine etc to find out about bankrupt companies, but to TALK to the people behind it, that sounds amazing.
11:59 PM
i posted this on some other channel elsewhere where we were discussing automation and neo-luddites and all that. I find this the best description of the problem itself:
Watching the ted talk right now
3:34 AM
Intresting thing too is that magnesium is in ocean water as well i think
3:57 AM
i made a page for it
4:02 AM
Found this a while back: Biochar, but coal: Chaotic evil
Tomorrow i need to look into that sodium ion battery company you mentioned
4:43 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Eric Lotze
Tomorrow i need to look into that sodium ion battery company you mentioned
4:43 AM
4:43 AM
miss u
so i found this article when scrolling through my RSS news feed today
8:22 PM
Large parts of the world – outside of China and a few other countries – face a runaway virus, which has not been stopped because of criminal incompetence
8:23 PM
really puts into perspective how dire the existential threats are right now, and how fucked we seem to be since nobody in power is budging or realizing this (edited)
A global catastrophic risk is a hypothetical future event which could damage human well-being on a global scale, even endangering or destroying modern civilization. An event that could cause human extinction or permanently and drastically curtail humanity's potential is known as an existential risk.Potential global catastrophic risks include ant...
8:28 PM
Yup, something like 1% year over year
8:29 PM
8:29 PM
Ah sorry 19% over 100 years whatever that means
it looks like emergency geoengineering is going to be our only option once the generation who's causing all of our global problems dies
4/5 chance we make it to 2100 without ded, dont think this includes climate related disasters or cascading failure of the biosphere
8:30 PM
8:31 PM
Already thinking on the geo-engineering scale, just so fucking daunting and its worse odds than a coin flip we make it worse
i mean, it's at least gonna be cool to watch all the geoengineering infrastructure deploy and do their work, and it's going to teach us a lot about planetary terraforming for other planets
My break is over at work but gonna dive in tonight after 7pm PST and drop some resources
but we still have no idea how any of the impacts of a project of this scale will have on us in the long term
8:32 PM
Like once the can is open we gotta closely monitor everything
8:33 PM
Basically have an AI computing the entire earths surface conditions and how the climate will change
again, it'll teach us alot about exoplanet terraforming
8:33 PM
Climate model on crack
8:33 PM
And yee the exoplanet terraforming is so far off but hell if my last name is on some part of that proccess long after i'm gone that wouldnt be too bad
@Cmjstealth i summon thee to talk about the sodium battery! (if you are online and have time lol)
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Maybe tomorrow (1/19)? @Eric Lotze (edited)
MrBarneyWallace joined the server. 1/19/2021 1:58 PM
I am ready now, but also down for any plans that fit you better. I think i have the more flexible schedule right now?, so i want it to be easiest on your end.
12:16 AM
ALSO I don't remember if i shared this here yet, but i made this a while back, what do you think about it?:
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Frederik C (ZA) 1/20/2021 11:15 AM
Appointment scheduling: There's a bot for that. But if it's just between 2 people, you should be able to work it out in DMs.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/20/2021 11:27 AM
The "pop-up" museum made me think of a problem a local maker had at a Maker Faire type of thing, the year before last ("the before times.") It was sort of a "walk through" exhibit. He didn't have anyone to supervise all of his project stands, so he wanted to set up a simple interactive display, to explain the project, on a tablet built into a wooden case in front of the stand. We couldn't find simple software to do it with, in the limited time window we had. I'd be interested in a solution for that scenario. 🤔
touchscreens and all that would be neat too!
9:36 PM
I still need to make a page on it, but i think i would call it "Subtly Behavior Influencing Design" or something
9:36 PM
It is where you can change how someone interacts with a space/device via simple modifications that probably aren't even noticed
9:37 PM
Like at cathedrals etc, if you give the door a bit of a "lip" that is a tripping hazard, people will look down when walking in, and thus do a "Full Floor to Ceiling Pan" and get that extra sense of wonder of scale, VS walking with eyes foreward.
9:37 PM
Or in that ted talk, the demo with a chalkboard, and removed bathroom door side by side as "free to write" spaces
9:38 PM
or the study with the white stickynote, and the b l u e h e x a g o n a l s t i c k y n o t e
9:38 PM
Also the concept of "Defensible Spaces" in urban planning
Avatar I have ANOTHER reason to dislike single use bottled water now i guess. Destroyed a watershed, almost in a looney tunes esque "sucking it all up".
3:28 AM
Didn't know that was possible, but guess it is!
Avatar This channel is having an injection mold being designed for modular tracks I commented just now asking if they can Open Source it. Please up-vote that comment, so we can hopefully gain access to this great project !
He explains the design a ton
5:02 AM
it's pretty much opensourced in the vid
5:02 AM
we have all the measurements already
5:03 AM
and I don't think he is selling them
5:05 AM
5:06 AM
specifically the mold design for Precious plastics
Yeah mold design is the crazy part
5:46 AM
especially with automatic injection molds
5:46 AM
molds are alright
5:46 AM
like complexity wise
I need add this to the pollution section sometime later:
The Clean Power Plan was an Obama administration policy aimed at combating anthropogenic climate change (global warming) that was first proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in June 2014. The final version of the plan was unveiled by President Obama on August 3, 2015. Each state was assigned an individual goal for reducing carbon...
5:47 AM
5:47 AM
data overload, and my messing up my sleep schedual isn't helping lol
5:47 AM
5:47 AM
i think we are formalizing the "to-do's" more
5:47 AM
and i have made a PILE of categories
5:47 AM
so hopefully the wiki will be more user friendly
database paralysis
5:49 AM
The best thing would be some sort of AI "stuff" to crawl the wiki and to all the interlinking/organizing and the "link necromancy"
5:49 AM
5:50 AM
m o a r m a c r o s
5:50 AM
I need to learn autohotkey (it supposedly isn't that bad?)
5:50 AM
So many software to learn too lol. I guess the best route is to make my to-do list and focus + get deliverables
5:51 AM
Still though Project/Scope Creep will be the death of me lol
5:52 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
lex fridman just had a great podcast talking to a software dev about transciption software
5:52 AM
tons of useful programs name dropped
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Frederik C (ZA) 1/21/2021 12:36 PM
I figured the "quickest" solution for a last-minute interactive display would be using something like DVD styler (freeware) to create a DVD menu, assuming you already have some graphics, animations and video clips to link the on-screen buttons to.
12:42 PM
The problem then, is ensuring that the audio is well-leveled, (maybe attaching USB stereo speakers to the tablet output) and positioning the wood cutout so that users can't access the top or bottom system menus on the tablet (for Android.) If they can navigate out of the DVD menu, the system is no good for a "kiosk" setup.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/21/2021 12:54 PM
You'll come back five minutes later and find a little kid playing games or looking through your photo gallery, or something. 🙂 (edited)
Attention code people:
11:49 PM
this page is b a d (in my opinion at least, or just operator error lol)
11:49 PM
i want to search all the categories, and i think using "main" isn't giving that?
Incoming Image Spam
11:58 PM
Trying to find good info on the "J Tube" vs "L Tube" vs "V Tube" design variations in rocket stoves
11:58 PM
11:58 PM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Country plans to gradually raise CO2 tax for oil and gas producers to 2000Nkr per tonne in 2030
4:22 AM
finished that out for the most part today
4:23 AM
I may(?) make a prototype, i have 2 (empty) paint cans, a pc fan, and an arduino lying around looking for a project
4:23 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
@Eric Lotze has reached level 27. GG!
6:10 AM
i don't really get the appeal of this device
6:10 AM
Unless you can somehow recycle the ink?
6:30 AM
very similar to OSE's hydronic system, but applied to driveway de-icing
6:31 AM
i heard of someone in my relative's town in Ashtabula Ohio having on of these, but never saw one myself
Eric Lotze
i don't really get the appeal of this device
Cmjstealth 2/1/2021 9:45 PM
Agree - the pcb prnter seems like a clever idea but I don't understand why it would be much better than milling which works well, is quick, and doesn't require buying ink. Maybe easier to use when doing tiny buses that are close together?
Also it supposedly works less well than PCB's conductivity, and is less durable
Frederik C (ZA) 2/2/2021 2:29 AM
1) Isn't that exactly what hedge funds themselves (and now crypto dealers) have been doing since before all of us were born? 2) All I remember from The Big Short (besides Margot Robbie) is "credit default swaps." The movie made it seem more like insurance against bankruptcy of other peoples' companies. 3) Watch the Democrats' "Progressive" candidate, Warren, squirm to defend the elites she supposedly wanted to tax so much. Worst puppet show...Ever.
Eric Lotze 2/2/2021 2:29 AM
I just am excited with all this internet-orchestrated collective action
2:30 AM
It may just be sample bias due to all the...stuff happening recently
2:31 AM
And the Arab spring, or even (if you count fax machines)the Tienanmen square protests also were influenced (although not 100% caused, unlike this) by social media
2:32 AM
But something this economically impactful (not some hippies singing kumbayah in a parking lot in front of company x), all done in a decentralized manner by a bunch of random people excites me for what's to come
Frederik C (ZA) 2/2/2021 2:32 AM
A credit default swap (CDS) is a financial swap agreement that the seller of the CDS will compensate the buyer in the event of a debt default (by the debtor) or other credit event. That is, the seller of the CDS insures the buyer against some reference asset defaulting. The buyer of the CDS makes a series of payments (the CDS "fee" or "spread") ...
Eric Lotze 2/2/2021 2:32 AM
there was supposedly a bailout type thing like that (granted i know like nothing economics wise)
2:33 AM
and to see what the government will do in response to this (pro-people vs pro-businesses) will be interesting as well (edited)
2:34 AM
It's scary somewhat, because this can "go both ways". For every action like this, you could have the same number of people do something more malicious.
2:34 AM
But if it is "steered the correct direction" may be able to get some stuff done !
Frederik C (ZA) 2/2/2021 2:44 AM
Once the debt domino effect goes high enough and the "too big to fail" institutions start to crack, the Fed will create money from nothing for bailouts. It's smoke and mirrors. One or two firms will be offered to the public as "sacrificial lambs." You know... so we're all clear on who the "bad guys" are. 🙄
Frederik C (ZA) 2/2/2021 3:46 AM
I suspect it's not as random and decentralized as it's being reported to be. The whole point of a market bubble is that it has to burst. Much a like a pyramid or ponzi scheme, the last people to buy in, are the ones that take the hit. I believe it's called a "pump 'n dump." You pump up the commodity price, right before you dump it. Where exactly the price graph drops, is largely a game of chicken between the "bros."
Frederik C (ZA) 2/2/2021 4:28 AM
Had to, no choice... 😏
Eric Lotze 2/2/2021 2:41 PM
It definelty could lead to / may be leading to a pump and dump scheme
2:41 PM
The way i take it is that the goal isn't to gain money, but to make them loose money, so any stocks are almost a "donation"
2:42 PM
Granted will some people not realizing this loose money, maybe?
2:44 PM
With democrats controlling the legislative for once, along with how there is a stronger connection to the people with social media, and people like Elizabeth Warren (her platform was almost entirely based off of economic reforms (mainly tax stuff + taxes on investment profits being raised among other things), i think it may not just go "the way it has"
6:33 PM
m y f e a r s a r e g r o w i n g
Eric Lotze 2/2/2021 6:44 PM
Today i'm going to try and get the (Recently Open Sourced !) VR App "Tilt Brush" running. Also maybe the fork "Open Brush". Has anyone else here tried the github version?
OwnerOfOwn 2/2/2021 9:16 PM
Which fears?
9:18 PM
Gamestop has millions of failed to deliver shares AKA its all fake and these people are trading stocks that don't exist. Pretty fucked up, same thing happened with the 2 mortgage companies that caused the collapse
9:19 PM
9:20 PM
Media outlets are actively misleading the public so they can better position institutions before this gets worse
Eric Lotze 2/2/2021 9:37 PM
Fears of spacex outpacing the government / not being "reigned in" enough, to where once they get people up there there isn't oversight (edited)
Avatar i'm making this page on this kind of concept, it is VERY roughly laid out now, any of you know other areas it has been covered/discussed?
TLDR: If Tilt Brush can be open sourced, and if all sorts of retro games can be revived by enthusiasts reverse engineering them, what else can we apply that to?
Frederik C (ZA) 2/3/2021 2:26 AM
Fears of spacex outpacing the government / not being "reigned in" enough, to where once they get people up there there isn't oversight Ummm... Yeah... 😳 The guy is planning to be the Commander / Governor / Emperor of an entire planet. Which is "slightly" outside of everyone else's jurisdiction. As for orbital stations... multiple "space-capable" governments will probably set rules on minimum distances, flight trajectories and what not. Any space station that poses a threat, probably could be shot down. And of course, the US has at least one kind of autonomous space plane that could maybe be used as a "towing truck" to do controlled re-orbiting, or ejecting a station out into open space.
Eric Lotze 2/3/2021 2:36 AM
that thing is just kinda a test platform for space related stuff, if they wanted to "take something down" they have anti-satellite capable (and tested) anti-icbm missiles...granted the resulting "gravity (movie) esque debris...
2:36 AM
I think him becoming god-king is unlikely as we would step in by then
2:36 AM
my concern is what happens before people step in
Frederik C (ZA) 2/3/2021 2:36 AM
if all sorts of retro games can be revived by enthusiasts reverse engineering them, what else can we apply that to? Virtual machines that can run all old software, so that computers and mobile devices can be used with an OS that never becomes obsolete. So we can use devices until they physically break. Especially for schools.
Eric Lotze 2/3/2021 2:36 AM
Like i want "OSHA Accidents in Space" to be 0 for as long as possible (edited)
2:37 AM
but if you cut costs on ships, or rush etc that can get the many examples
2:37 AM
I need to get into virtual machines more
2:38 AM
I tried running OSE linux off of a live usb drive, my laptop wasn't having it
2:38 AM
I think we tried vanilla unbuntu as well?
2:38 AM
Granted i need to learn more of the theory as well, not just be a script kiddie lol
Frederik C (ZA) 2/3/2021 2:41 AM
Like said before: I don't want to be stuck on a barely habited planet with Musk. No, thanks.
Eric Lotze 2/3/2021 2:43 AM
Speaking of all this the newest season of The Expanse is out. I may start it tonight
Frederik C (ZA) 2/3/2021 2:44 AM
Below a certain "tipping point," every person you introduce into the colony, is a potential threat to everyone else there.
Eric Lotze 2/3/2021 2:44 AM
(Also got the first book in the series so will read that soon after (looks at backlog) )
2:44 AM
I feel like, at least until it gets giant the enviroment will be so controlled most crime is impossible
2:45 AM
Also the whole "togetherness" of small enviroments and whatnot. The expanse did a great job exploring this. There was some dumb syfy short series on the first murder in a generational ship. Amazing concept, horrible execution of it
2:46 AM
"Ascension" i think it was?
2:46 AM
It was a "Project Orion" style ship
2:46 AM
On another note:
2:47 AM
i think i am moving on to making a BOM on this, but i'm not sure if i have the number of "towers" right?
2:47 AM
i might need to rewatch the video, but they kind of rush over the specifics of the documentation and it's like a 45 min video
2:48 AM
Also due to OBI's use of hydronic systems i feel having the final cooled fluid being hydronic heat exchange fluid (water?) is better than air so i will probably test that first
Frederik C (ZA) 2/3/2021 3:01 AM
small enviroments Exactly. You don't want to be stuck on Everest or in an Antarctic base or a space station or an off-world base with someone who will freak out. They will become a dangerous liability very quickly. Even just through misguided attempts to save them from themselves. Or the steps you will have to take to safeguard your own supplies and means for emergency extraction. (Life boats, escape craft; etc.) You have to be able to "cut the rope" when they fall, but you don't.
Eric Lotze 2/3/2021 3:11 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Frederik C (ZA) 2/3/2021 2:26 PM
gravity (movie) esque debris... 😄 The term you were looking for, is Kessler Syndrome. A bit easier to say, I think. It's a real environmental problem. And like all environmental problems, probably no-one will do something about it, until it's way too late.
The Kessler syndrome (also called the Kessler effect, collisional cascading, or ablation cascade), proposed by NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler in 1978, is a theoretical scenario in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit (LEO) due to space pollution is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each colli...
Eric Lotze 2/4/2021 5:10 AM
Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window -- and encourages us to think harder about ...
OwnerOfOwn 2/4/2021 5:11 AM
Eric Lotze 2/4/2021 5:11 AM
this but applied to politics/public opinion on an issue is how i see it
5:11 AM
didn't get much done, should be better tomorrow
5:11 AM
I DID FINISH S5 of the expanse though!
5:12 AM
It was good but sooooooooooooo emotionally painful.
OwnerOfOwn 2/4/2021 5:12 AM
nice, how many episodes?
Eric Lotze 2/4/2021 5:12 AM
I was in a state of dread like 2/3 of the time lol
5:12 AM
10 episodes
OwnerOfOwn 2/4/2021 5:12 AM
right on I have 4 left
5:12 AM
havent watched in a mont
2:55 AM
This guy seems like one of the major figures in the "Right to Repair" movement (i think so, no data on that lol)
2:56 AM
Would be neat to collaborate, ESPECIALLY when it is in regards to farm equipment which i think is what really started OSE?
Eric Lotze 2/5/2021 3:06 AM
I have no idea with all these ideas how to not come across as the "sponsorship robot", given most emails go to garbage etc
Eric Lotze 2/5/2021 3:18 AM
They have a discord (edited)
Eric Lotze 2/5/2021 4:17 AM
So many new users on the wiki recently, we should have a meeting or something idk
4:17 AM
I need to send them messages in the discussion page of their user pages maybe too
Eric Lotze 2/5/2021 4:45 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Hi all, I'm currently in the process of considering a home power solution that can carry the load of a home out here in Africa. After doing all the calculations, I've seen that the most appropriate generic solar system would consist of: -3.5 kva inverter -8x 325W panels -4x 200ah batteries This combined system would produce: 325W * 8 panel = 2600. *.8 Efficiency = 2080/hr * (6 hr sun) = 12480W per day This combined system would cost $3,400. I think the Batteries and inverter are straightforward either way to store energy, switch between the unreliable grid + steady custom solution, and deliver up to 3.5kva which is well above the total load. But I'd like to know if there is an alternative method I can use to produce the 12,500W per day. Solar is renewable and reliable, but the panels make up the bulk of the cost. Anyone have ideas on producing a 12,500W per day in a clean, safe, reliable, renewable way, that is cheaper than the solar method I've outlined above? (edited)
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:28 PM
Hows the wind out there Udoka?
4:30 PM
Solar is probably the best bet ubless you have good wind, could probably build 3-4 windmills with old electric motors and some scrap, not nearly as simple as panels though
From the historical average wind ~6 kmph and Gusts of 11 kmph. (edited)
4:30 PM
So pretty low..
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:31 PM
"Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Wind Turbine"
4:32 PM
Yeah and it seems like 8-10 would be the amount you need anyway
4:32 PM
Any running water around? Waterwheel hydropower?
4:34 PM
There's a borehole for drinking and bathing water. But it's not pumped continuously. The nearest stream/river is some km away
Arcane BOT 2/5/2021 4:34 PM
@Udoka has reached level 1. GG!
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:35 PM
Seems you've already found the best option, with wind like that you would need 100 turbines
That's pretty impressive how much power wind has. Big jump from 10-20 mph
4:36 PM
Hahaha and then space would be a constraint
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:36 PM
Its crazy, a valley in a neighboring town has a historical average of 22mph, like 30km
Ohh wow
4:37 PM
Valleys and hilly areas are great then huh? Natural wind tunnels?
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:37 PM
I always think of making a fence out of windmills, as a human detterant but not worth risking a kid or animal stumbling in
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:38 PM
Yeah, weird turbulence as it comes down the mountain face, very start of the desert from the sierras, so 9000ft to 5000ft quickly
Arcane BOT 2/5/2021 4:38 PM
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 11. GG!
Yeah that's true
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:39 PM
Off to work today, but I wish you luck on your self'reliance journey, happy you are looking at this stuff
Appreciate the great feedback and response 👍🏾
4:40 PM
Thank you
OwnerOfOwn 2/5/2021 4:40 PM
Thank you! 🤙
Eric Lotze 2/6/2021 2:09 AM
On the note of biomass, OSE has a stove design with a water heater as well as "Thermo-Electric Module" which can make some power. For gassifiers, OSE has a charcoal gasifier design
2:14 AM
Also "Anerobic Digestion" of food waste yields "Biogas" which is essentially methane+water vaport+hydrogen sulphide. This can be used like "natural gas / shale gas" or like propane/lpg For cooking or in generators
2:14 AM
Also can be done with animal/human waste
I don't know where to put this, but this was a great video on advertising ethics:
12:42 AM
(also has some GREAT parodies of youtube ads)
Frederik C (ZA) 2/17/2021 6:23 AM
And that's all the pitfalls, without even getting into the legality of making negative statements about companies (negative advertising is not allowed in SA. A competing product may not be overtly identified in any advertising, although some firms have found creative ways around it,) and creating false impressions by saying things that are technically true, but irrelevant. "Eight out of ten women agreed this is better" (In one of a hundred surveys, each with exactly ten women in it, with the alternative "products" or methods not identified.) That's why most modern advertising is "soft sell" and not "hard sell." In other words, it contains virtually no quantitative statements at all. It's all "emotional." Then: What about government control of entertainment? Should the military charge money for participating in movies? (Taxpayers' money being used to promote a death machine.) What about journalists expressing opinions? It goes on and on...
6:25 AM
You say something negative but true about a company, they will sue you so fast, your head will spin... 😳 😓
9:44 PM
but copyright will protect creators/innovators you see !
lizard joined the server. 2/18/2021 1:55 AM
Deleted User joined the server. 2/18/2021 1:55 AM
1:56 AM
Damn i left the pizza at home
i don't think we have a channel for filament sensor (or even extruder...) dev work. Do you want me to make one?
1:57 AM
granted i o v e r o r g a n i z e like hell lol
Deleted User 2/18/2021 1:58 AM
If you think it warrants its own channel go for it.
glean joined the server. 2/18/2021 2:16 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Rawney joined the server. 2/18/2021 3:27 PM
3:51 PM
'straya m8
Deleted User joined the server. 2/19/2021 3:04 AM
wegbrins joined the server. 2/19/2021 7:36 PM
@wegbrins do you mean the wiki, or the original site etc?
1:34 AM
They do look outdated AF and are clunky, but the wiki/development Is still active
Okay, thanks!
@wegbrins has reached level 1. GG!
All the graphs, journals, articles.... Weer from 2015 max,, so that is what I meant
Eric Lotze 3/1/2021 9:50 PM
Is back now
9:50 PM
On the note of hands on prototyping
9:53 PM
I was like "YEAH diy ac, perfect for florida" but then we just entered those few odd weeks where florida has some cold (and by that i mean we get barely near freezing temp at most lol, nothing compared to areas that actually get winter)
9:53 PM
So that idea will probably be postponed
9:54 PM
I don't know how to weld, or have the money for decent welding equipment yet, so properly making the stove is probably out as well
9:54 PM
I could maybe make some janky version, but that may just be a waste of time/materials/money
I may make some sort of pyrolysis oil kiln (i have empty paint cans, mason jars (and i think some copper tubing, but i don't know, but either way that can be bought easily)
12:19 AM
My main concern is how "nasty" the stuff will by toxicity/carcinogen wise, so i need to update the page with some data on that, and determine what to do after that
12:20 AM
On another note
12:20 AM Seems amazing! Love how it's patented, and not published/open sourced though
Eric Lotze 3/2/2021 6:12 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
OwnerOfOwn joined the server. 3/2/2021 8:17 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 3/2/2021 9:22 PM
Eric Lotze 3/2/2021 9:23 PM
Hello @Deleted User !
Deleted User 3/2/2021 9:25 PM
Hello @Eric Lotze, nice to meet you!
Exploded a few minutes after landing?
musk said that was a good thing
3:18 AM
Eric Lotze 3/4/2021 3:23 AM
i mean yeah we littered the area with metal/e-waste, and yeah maybe that wasted potential re-use, and yeah maybe that may cost more but IT WAS 100% INTENTIONAL (edited)
3:23 AM
I'm legitimately happy they got it to land for the most part though.
Eric Lotze 3/4/2021 4:02 AM
I'm looking into safety stuff for pyrolysis oil, pre-diving into it, and granted i'm not using hazmat suit obviously, but for an improvised "spill palette" you can use kiddie pools:
4:03 AM
These are the proper thing:
4:03 AM
4:08 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
mmc1800 joined the server. 3/4/2021 10:05 PM
Hello !
You're Michael McKinsey right (just getting names straight)
So you're plotting on making a cnc torch table !
I am 😃
Do you have some sort of workspace or will it be crammed in your garage somehow or what lol
aye that was my plan, cnc plasma table
(i barely have space for fun stuff like that myself)
you got a welder for the frame or you bolting it together?
10:29 PM
and yeah, my dad didn't understand that if I was running the plasma table in the 2 car garage then I would be paying his mortgage and we would get a home office tax credit
wish I could have convinced him of the upside, but he wouldn't let it happen
granted slag/fumes could be a bit sketchy
now the rental I'm at doesnt have the power infrastructure in place
m a k e r s p a c e ?
Protip: convince your landlord to let you install the power hookup for a tesla supercharger
10:31 PM
because those are super high amperage and you'll be able to run whatever equipment you need, and they get a tesla charger to rent to higher class tesla owners
can people just pull up to use one if you have it?
and yes, I'm trying to build a 5000sqft polebarn in a rural area, an electrician enlightened me that rural USA has 3 phase power everywhere, and you can pull like 400amps or something
10:32 PM
uh, that's not a bad idea
10:32 PM
sorry not a supercharger
10:32 PM
like the wall plug charger for the teslas
10:33 PM
given true supercharger infrastructure I don't imagine many people are currently renting their home plugin slow chargers
ah yeah
10:33 PM
3 phase for charging an EV, i've looked into that'
12:48 AM
It could use a D3D without the belt (just as a linear slider basically)
12:48 AM
All the motors are in the "toolhead" itself
Eric Lotze 3/5/2021 2:25 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Sorry was called away for a while. I have 15 acres of land I am developing and hope to eventually have a solid workshop there. For now I have a large garage and a large outside space. I will probably build a small building for the CNC machine. I have a full welding rig and a plasma cutter.
Arcane BOT 3/5/2021 4:33 AM
@mmc1800 has reached level 1. GG!
I will probably not have grid power on the land, but it is really not a problem to generate whatever power we will need. I already have a decent size solar system there and a wind turbine, and scaling up to whatever we need should be no problem. We can use inexpensive used solar panels that work quite well because we don't have to pass inspection for a grid tie system.
OwnerOfOwn 3/5/2021 4:59 AM
Beautiful. What components are you excited to make on the plasma table?
I want to build the CEB press and a tractor to feed it
OwnerOfOwn 3/5/2021 5:00 AM
For me it was beefed up suspension components for offroad vehicles
To build structures on the land
OwnerOfOwn 3/5/2021 5:00 AM
Nice, I want to try ceb for retaining walls (edited)
5:01 AM
Ceb block workshop with pre-engineered wooden trusses? Like full roof panels (edited)
5:02 AM
Swipe typing is unusable
I am planning to start with very small structures and walls I am not sure if CEB will work with our soil. I think we will be able to do the eco-home sooner
5:04 AM
Also not sure how hard getting the building department to sign off on any larger CEB structure
Voxel joined the server. 3/6/2021 12:02 AM
Eric Lotze 3/6/2021 1:48 AM
I think the soil had a decent clay content? I don't remember the specifics, i'll dig
1:48 AM
I know here in florida it is either sand with 1mm of leaf based topsiol, or swamp muck
1:48 AM
(also terraformed golf courses/suburbs lol)
Eric Lotze 3/6/2021 6:09 AM
Went to look up the temp of rocket stoves now i am 5 videos into losing my mind over what design is "best" and what half these names even mean !
6:09 AM
what is a "b a t c h b o x"
6:09 AM
and is a k tube an l tube or is it it's own thing, also does the seccondary air tube REALLY need to be there...
6:09 AM
maddening stuff lol
6:10 AM
(also trying to plot one of these without a welder, or a good source of cheap firebricks is...odd)
Eric Lotze 3/6/2021 6:21 AM
I need to start doing proper logs again too
6:21 AM
Anywho i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs (edited)
i-i'm sorry... "rocket" ... "stove"..?
OwnerOfOwn 3/6/2021 5:48 PM
you gotta learn how to do aerodynamic simulation, only then will you know the best design
5:49 PM
5:49 PM
nope, thats german
5:51 PM
well, anyway, rocket stoves have an intake and exhaust like an internal combustion engine, using heat/exhaust gasses going out of one side to feed clean air in faster than an open fire, makes cooking better
5:52 PM
6:24 PM
6:24 PM
laloeb joined the server. 3/7/2021 12:04 AM
4:11 AM
4 print heads is a vibe
dominuscladis joined the server. 3/7/2021 3:29 PM
this could be so good for batch manufactoring of compelex parts
Eric Lotze 3/7/2021 8:28 PM
I think they also tend to burn the syngas intentionally
8:29 PM
I know with a campfire if you "set it up right" they can start having that column of buring syngas, but you like put burning kindling in a rocket stove and the just start doing it
8:29 PM
8:29 PM
since the fuel only touches the tip into the "burn zone" it burns slower
8:30 PM
rather than "roasting your fuel on the fire"
8:31 PM
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 2:49 AM
Also hello @laloeb and @dominuscladis !
Hello @Eric Lotze! Thanks for telling me about the Discord.
Arcane BOT 3/8/2021 3:55 AM
@laloeb has reached level 1. GG!
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 3:57 AM
No problem! So how has learning FreeCAD gone, i haven't gotten far myself lol
I have spent more time today trying to put some shelves I am building in my garage in freecad than it would have taken to build them
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:41 AM
honestly lol
5:41 AM
I was spoiled in school with Autodesk Inventor
5:42 AM
so going from that to...freecad
Don't need to cad them for anything but I am trying to learn
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:42 AM
I also just learn best in a controlled enviroment for stuff like that
I can see this will be great for things I want to CNC but it feels like a colossal waste of time for this kind of project - I guess if I wanted to give the plans to someone else maybe
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:44 AM
What are you making? (edited)
But for 1 off laying something out this is certainly not a good tool
5:44 AM
I am making some storage shelves for my garage
5:45 AM
Trying to put the plan in freecad - mainly just to try to learn how
Arcane BOT 3/8/2021 5:45 AM
@mmc1800 has reached level 2. GG!
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:45 AM
It just has a HUGE learning curve, also "Sweethome 3D" is better for home design i think, but am not the person to ask
Ya I have used that before it would have been easier for sure - but I am learning freecad so I can help with the OSE designs
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:46 AM
It is just in the works, but some have mentioned some sort of "all interested people struggling in voice chat together weekly until we learn it" meeting for FreeCAD learning or something
I have made improvements for sure but certainly it feels like a huge task to figure out how to do things that seem like they should be intuitive somehow - nothing is. Intuitive in FreeCAD for me so far
5:48 AM
I think when I am designing small parts for 3d printing or something that will make way more sense
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:49 AM
Also it is quite underdeveloped/funded, at least in my opinion
5:50 AM
"Blender" an open source 3d animation software was similarly rough
5:50 AM
But in the most recent update they are supposedly "on par" with maya and other industry standards (edited)
I have used blender quite a bit before just to make logos and graphics etc
5:51 AM
Not with the intent to ever produce anything physical with the output
5:52 AM
It was a long time ago, I imagine it has improved
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:53 AM
I've tinkered with it, but it has reached some major milestones. A full length animated film was made with it, and is on netflix, so that is good. Granted the "blender original films" demonstrated this could be done, but it was nice to see some "external group" use it, not just a bunch of OS nerds
5:53 AM
that was their most recent open film
5:53 AM
GRANTED those have teams of people lol
5:53 AM
but the capability of the software itself
Ya that is cool. That is what I was using it for, to add graphics etc. In video editing
5:54 AM
If course way simpler than that
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 5:57 AM
I did a few videos using it's NLVE toolbench or two in it, not anything 3d...yet. Also supposedly "OpenShot" is better? I do like the concept of the "Adobe Suite" like having everything "flow" well and i feel using only blender would help that for video+vfx, granted i'm being pretty armchair with that
The whole thing was just too time consuming for what I was doing with it and I found other ways to solve the problems. It does seem like for 3D modeling to produce CNC files these tools will be the way to go.
6:00 AM
I do not think I will feel the need to model bookshelves in FreeCAD again before I build them
6:00 AM
Well actually not bookshelves but storage shelves
6:01 AM
I can see why for some things it would be helpful to be able to see everything first and make design decisions
6:01 AM
And it makes perfect sense if you are trying to create plans to distribute to many people
6:02 AM
Or also as in this case try to work with many people designing things to distribute to many people
Arcane BOT 3/8/2021 6:02 AM
@mmc1800 has reached level 3. GG!
So I will stick with this until I learn these tools well enough to be helpful
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:03 AM
definetly, are they even a fancy design of shelves, or just standard "slits cut in metal" things or what? (edited)
I am building them out of wood - so just 2x4x8s and plywood - I thought it would be easy to set up in FreeCAD but has taken me all day and I am still not nearly done - but mainly because every thing I do I have to watch videos and read manuals to figure out how to do the most simple thing
6:05 AM
I think building the shelves would take 2 or 3 hours
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:05 AM
definetly not worth the effort for that then! Unless you have a CNC router or laser cutter and are making them on that, and even then
6:06 AM
Do you have written up dimentions or some 2d sketch, that should be fine, ESPECIALLY with 2x4s etc
6:06 AM
and you can always measure later
Ya this is not for any practical purpose just to learn FreeCAD
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:06 AM
I do like to learn with a project, that's what i did the first video edit for
I drew the plans on a piece of paper in 5 minutes
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:06 AM
y e p
And don't even need plans - simple enough to just build as I go along
6:08 AM
I grew a sketch to estimate the materials then home depot was out of 2x4s
6:10 AM
So I decided to give this a shot drawing it in FreeCAD so I can get better at that. I am waiting for my D3D pro kit to get here and wanted to get some practice modeling things.
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:12 AM
That's why i REALLY want/need to learn FreeCAD, i can't 3d print custom things without making them first
6:12 AM
Granted the sheer amount of stuff on Thingiverse etc could probably keep me busy for a while !
Well the first thing I want to do is make more printers and get them into the hands of people around here - I was thinking that might be a cool booth at the swap meet
6:14 AM
And I am really super interested in shredding plastic and trying to make the filament from local recycled materials
6:14 AM
I think people around here would love that idea and be very into supporting it
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:15 AM
Is the swap meet like one of those "pop up market" / "craft fair" / "farmer's market" type things in parking lots?
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:16 AM
nice, i don't know if we have any locally (yet...)
6:16 AM
I am trying to start a makerspace in the local library
That sounds great
6:16 AM
I am a member of a maker space, but I rarely get down there to do much.
6:17 AM
I was planning on doing some projects there but the pandemic kept me home for the last year
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:17 AM
y e p
6:17 AM
i was like "time to do all sorts of community based plans!"
6:17 AM
meanwhile florida governemnt
6:18 AM
what if we let it go rampant, that'l fix it (edited)
I trained on a CNC machine there I helped them buy in a crowd fund - it seemed really cool
6:19 AM
But never really used it for anything yet - they have a bunch of 3d printers etc. There is another really big maker space type organization with a full on machine shop and really nice equipment but they are primarily a trade school and it is relatively expensive to take the classes to get certified to use the equipment
6:21 AM
Now I have my own plasma cutter and welding rig so I think I am going to focus on trying to build the OSE version of that equipment and just have my own
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:21 AM
makes sense
6:22 AM
a mig welder, or what?
I have a multi process can do stick/mig/tig
OwnerOfOwn 3/8/2021 6:22 AM
Yep, trying to do the same, 2x2 tubing is very versatile
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:23 AM
I am considering going into welding, and those multi process ones seemed very neat
The main reason I am building the shelves is to move stuff out of my garage to make room for the workspace I need now
6:24 AM
Building storage shelves outside the garage so I can have a workshop instead of a storage space
OwnerOfOwn 3/8/2021 6:24 AM
I took a few welding classes at the community college, you could teach yourself but odds are the instructor knows some more tricks than the average youtuber
6:24 AM
I considered a shipping container to add space onto the garage at my dads
6:24 AM
Jut it right up against the house
6:25 AM
A 40 footer is 3K usd though
I really want to build something with CBE bricks
6:25 AM
OwnerOfOwn 3/8/2021 6:25 AM
Ah yes, you mentioned that
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:25 AM
I still need to grab that soil info!
6:25 AM
(me and my 50 to-dos lol)
OwnerOfOwn 3/8/2021 6:26 AM
I wanna figure out a way to automate rammed earth walls
I am just finishing a small addition, I added an apartment on the garage, and we are remodeling the house - so when that is done I am hoping I have the equipment ready to start trying to make the OSE versions of buildings
Arcane BOT 3/8/2021 6:27 AM
@mmc1800 has reached level 4. GG!
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:28 AM
Quick Look: "You want about 15-40% clay/silt to 60-85% sand. Little to no organic matter is best."
6:28 AM
sidenote this may be good news for me lol florida is essentially that i would bet
6:29 AM
We are trying to get the best compression and consolidation in making Compressed Earth Blocks. Any suggestions on how to optimise the soil composition to get best packing density will be most...
6:29 AM
seems to back that up
I guess I should try that test ... I have a couple of pieces of land and I imagine the soil is probably quite different in different places around here - I live in Joshua Tree, it is a desert. Lots of sand around here.
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:30 AM
sandcastle home?
Lots of sand and lots of rocks
6:31 AM
I guess you can add stuff to the soil if it is not naturally what is needed
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:32 AM
I would love some sort of carbon powder/(washed) charcoal - polymer to bind it if need be brick
Arcane BOT 3/8/2021 6:32 AM
@Eric Lotze has reached level 28. GG!
It does say 85% sand so I bet I can find that part readily
6:33 AM
The rocks on one piece of land I have are almost black and there is a massive amount of them
6:33 AM
The are dark red/black
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:34 AM
I know nothing about geology or soild composition from that perspective - I have always been focused on getting things to grow not the structural components
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:35 AM
farm a bunch of agave i guess !
6:35 AM
or mars esque controlled enviroment agriculture
We do well growing all sorts of stuff - on that property I am planning on growing moringa trees
6:36 AM
There are several acres that are not as rocky as the higher part of it, it is not the top of a small mountain
6:36 AM
It is *at the top
6:38 AM
I think it is good for permaculture growing because of the elevation changes can set up swails etc. to capture the rainfall and hold it for crop production
6:38 AM
Thus I am wanting to build a tractor to move earth around
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:40 AM
That and the CEB press seem like the most fully 'fleshed out" things in my armchair opinion
Ya I have been watching the development on those for years they seem viable to me
6:41 AM
I figure either I end up with a CEB press and a tractor or I learn what is stopping me from making them
6:42 AM
Either way a worthwhile endeavor
6:43 AM
I am thinking of making videos of the process and journey maybe throw them up on YT
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:45 AM
If i make my cancerous-dangeroil maker i'll document that in a video or two
I have 4 guys working for me here in my business and they all want to help out and are excited about all of this stuff - so I think we can make some progress
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:47 AM
between that and the makerspace (and the community swap meet thing) i think you can do some really neat stuff
What is cancerous-dangeroil
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:47 AM
well let me tell you!
6:47 AM
"Pyrolysis Oil"
6:48 AM
you essentially heat up plastic and/or biomass in an inert atmosphere and get it to thermally break down
6:48 AM
this usually gives you a crude oil of sorts, as well as some syngas and gaseous hydrocarbons
6:48 AM
It's neat because you can get bio-crude oil, BUT
6:49 AM
it is:
  • acidic
  • carcinogenic (probably)
  • bad for the enviroment (if spilled) (probably)
6:49 AM
6:50 AM
that's what i may build, and it will be contained, and a small ammount
6:50 AM
but definetly nasty stuff
Hmmm sounds cool to make fuel from something renewable and plastic waste - but obviously if it makes you sick that is not good
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:51 AM
Not if you use the proper precautions
I love the idea of rocket stoves
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:51 AM
i got lost in the iceberg of info on them yesterday
I have watched many of youtube heroes building them - I would love to have one
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:52 AM
i was like "what temperature flame do they make" (45 mins later) so is a votex burner better than a K type and w h a t i s a b a t c h b o x
6:53 AM
supposedly some can reach ~900-1000 DEGREES CELCIUS exhaust temp though !?! (edited)
It is really easy to fall down the rabbit hole of studying something like that
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:53 AM
adhd and all that isn't helping my case, good for research, bad for time managment lol
6:53 AM
6:54 AM
it is like 1:00 local time (my sense of time strikes again lol)
6:54 AM
so m a c r o t i m e
KK nice meeting you/talking to you
Eric Lotze 3/8/2021 6:55 AM
it was great! talk to you later
6:55 AM
Anywho i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Saqo Jan joined the server. 3/8/2021 10:27 PM
Did marcin miss my edit/post, or just ignore it?
2:32 AM
i'm c o n f u s e d
Also, is this person's profile on this discord? I'm terrible with names, but it seems like someone from SciHub ? If not i'll reach out to them through the wiki. (edited)
So i finally did something "hands on" for once (in a long while) So we had a campfire "cookout" last night Today i took the ash/char mixture and added it to 500ml of tap water I took a ph test of the tap water beforehand as well then I'm going to try filtering out all the char/unsoluable minerals via a coffee filter and/or "cheesecloth" Then i'm going to try and get some ultra pure sodium/potassium hydroxide from the remaining liquid I'm massing it at all steps (granted with a 1 or 2 decimal kitchen scale, so not TOO scientific) (Also the ph test is simply liquid color change, and not a "hard number", and they are old af aquarium ones) I am taking pictures as well, with a "good exposure" then also with a flash for consistent lighting for digital analysis i guess? I'm probably going to dump the data + in depth details on a wiki page on this rather than clog this chat up with data/images, but i'll keep you posted!
Before i finish for today i need to see if that above video can be adapted to Nickel-Iron or Sodium Ion Batteries
I think thats what he envisioned
11:15 PM
Loving that series too, been watching after work
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
I didn't send an email yet, but @Cmjstealth did you get an account yet?
10:17 PM
I may have to get passive aggressive (or the healthy thing, and directly ask), marcin seems to e extra slow with them recently (that or i'm paranoid/reading into on that)
Empathy is always good, maybe he is a busy boi IRL
12:33 AM
Godspeed marcin, godspeed
12:36 AM
he is like building a house right now i think?
12:36 AM
i am hyped for the videos
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Rechargeable batteries like lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are seeing a surge in demand as technologies like electric propulsion ships and other vehicles become increasingly popular. However, lithium is costly, which has driven the search for other options. Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are a more sustainable alternative but are thermodynamically un...
3:27 PM
cool article on sodium ion batteries @Eric Lotze
not particularly heavy, just cool to see media coverage of SIB
Just got balk online, i am on mobile, and on the road (as a passenger) after a small road trip, so excuse my typos/latency lol.
9:38 PM
They are near identical to Li ion batteries except maybe slightly less capacity if I remember correctly
Yeah no worries, definitely similiar. Lacking the manufacturing infrastructure developed with years of L-Ion
supposedly was beaten out by NiMh for a while and was mocked
Avatar found something neat This channel intruiges me it started as those "wow poscicle LIFEHACK hot glue etc" but they now have some decent automated braiding/coil winding etc machines
12:23 AM
12:24 AM
I'm guessing precious plastic machines, but it may be adaptable to FDM 3D Printing?
Seperatory flask vibes from the water feeders
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 12. GG!
I think it's more like those "aspirators"
1:01 AM
but the valve varies the ammount of air let in
1:01 AM
so you use the vacuum created by removing water to regulate the flow i guess
1:49 AM
i don't remember if i posted this here, but it is similar to:
1:49 AM
btw i need to finish that page out
3:31 AM
Download BRL-CAD for free. Open Source Solid Modeling CAD. BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform constructive solid geometry solid modeling system that includes an interactive geometry editor, ray-tracing for rendering & geometric analyses, network distributed framebuffer support, image & signal-processing tools.
3:31 AM
anyone use that / know if it is any good?
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
6:54 PM
Hello !
6:54 PM
I'll be heading out for one hour soon (just doing a quick check beforehand), but glad to have you here!
6:55 PM
I don't know if we still have it, but we did have(?) timezone roles?
6:55 PM
I am EST / UTC-4
6:55 PM
i should be online again in a little over an hour
@Deleted User has reached level 1. GG!
thing happening is late so i'm still here (edited)
hi still here, I'm not there
speak of the devil got to go aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i s b a c k n o w
8:02 PM
c o - o p s
8:03 PM
did you see that "agrihood" video i posted yesterday @Deleted User ?
8:06 PM
there's the link
8:06 PM
it was essentially a trailer park (with more permaent, but similarly sized "tiny homes") mixed with a small farm
8:07 PM
The people in that one gave me some bad vibes, but the concept is amazing
8:07 PM
especially if run as a h o u s i n g c o - o p e r a t i v e
@Deleted User has reached level 2. GG!
i was just asking in another group on that
8:30 PM
can azolla do the job?
8:32 PM
Also the concept of modifying the genes for the roots of other plants to make them do the nitrogen fixing thing is neat too. I guess it is a sort of symbiosis with some microorganism? Or was that just the method for soybeans, no azolla
8:32 PM
spirulina is inn very basic media right?
yeah, so you sent them to get an account if i understand you correctly?
@Deleted User has reached level 3. GG!
sounds good
I'm going to make an "Azolla-Ponics" or azollaponics page on all this i think
9:51 PM
made it
9:51 PM
feel free to add stuff to it !
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
yfgame joined the server. 3/22/2021 5:47 AM
Just got back after a few days of being off, sorry about that
Hi guys, I am new here! 👋
8:10 PM
I've been trying to interlink / put pages in categories enough that people can kind of "dive in" like with wikipedia
👍 1
8:13 PM
same, it gets odd sometimes
8:13 PM
there is some page to read all of them BUT
8:13 PM
i can't get it to work?
8:14 PM
a l l i a s k i s j u s t a l i s t , w i k i g o d s (edited)
8:16 PM
I think @Frederik C (ZA) was attempting to make some sort of discord bot to archive all my link spam into sorted folders for later use, but that is still in development i think I know this other group just has "sorting days" I tend to put imporant stuff into pages, and dump everything to a discord (and/or personal playlist/bookmark folder)
8:16 PM
Sidenote i don't know if/how this discord is archived
8:23 PM
just got all the caffeine in my system so productivity and/or anxiety will go up alrighty aaaaaaaaaaaa
8:23 PM
I had some page on "superinsulation" and maybe one on weatherization
@Deleted User has reached level 4. GG!
God damn that is an elegant solution
8:26 PM
I wanna get a usda builders loan and make one
8:26 PM
The seed home
8:27 PM
or a custom page let me see
I'm at work on break now but I will definitely dive in sometime later to hunt for improvements
the retrofitting is what really gets me plotting wise
8:33 PM
I always think of "oh magical dictator me planning a city from scratch all perfect" when that can't really happen
8:35 PM
I'm excited to see if we will get more s u b s i d i e s for all this soon in the USA, it seems somewhat likely. Getting rooftop solar is already not too huge of an expense with subsidies in Florida, but if it could be almost a "no-brainer" that would be neat
I want everyone to have a bunch of hydroponics trays in their pantry so I support it (edited)
8:36 PM
Interesting note on filtering septic throigh the hydroponics
8:37 PM
was that link talking about that hot water/heating working fluid tank thing
8:37 PM
i was plotting and i think i found some european design for that concept
8:37 PM
(might be the same thing)
Wonder about composting with urine too, if it will speed up the proccess, burnt feces is good for compost too?
8:39 PM
Alright gotta jump back in, love this though
8:39 PM
Godspeed all
I think anerobic digestor does essentially "wet composting" of the black water, but that leaves the "leachate" which can be used sortof as fertilizer, and "digestate" which is mainly minerals i think? (edited)
8:44 PM
Also there was a neat system for those in-sink "waste grinders" that de-watered the stuff at the other end essentially making it quick composting shreds
It is even less large/consistent than OSE, but there is a group dedicated to low tech stuff
9:02 PM
"Open Source Low Tech"
9:04 PM
I haven't learned FreeCAD yet myself, i NEED TO though aaaaaaaaaaaa
I c a n ' t f i n d t h e p a g e i m a d e
10:16 PM
It was the one on that "Central Hot Working Fluid Tank" thing
10:19 PM
guess i just didn't make it yet
10:20 PM
i did find that related page though
Is it the opensource radiant heating page?
10:29 PM
"OS hydrothermal system"
I don't know if @Dorkmo has seen this, but it seems someone else was thinking about these circular kniting machines:
@Deleted User has reached level 5. GG!
10:05 PM
Either dorkmo, or me should probably make some comment on the OSE project (threadwork is still kind of dark magic to me, so i am probably not best at explaining it lol), and maybe ask if they want to collaborate
Interesting video on some solutions/inventions made during difficult times in Cuba:
Our entire tool library is open source and all the files necessary to build them are available for free.
The 30 HP diesel-equivalent eFarmer provides unparalleled visibility and maneuverability for the next generation of row-crop farming.
3:32 AM
some sort of similar/competing tractor model someone mentioned in precious plastic discord on the "Project Kamp" section
I think i finally got spellcheck working for me when editing wiki pages
4:33 AM
I feel dumb it was just as simple as enabling it i think?
4:33 AM
Now i am realizing the piles of typos i have created
4:39 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
10:01 PM
Good bit on right to repair
this is why you should build your own stuff
i am fine with manufacturing and all that
10:46 PM
it is just the myth of how profit=best product
10:50 PM
Also that bit on creating government contract enforced product lifespans to combat the great depression is really something lol
@Deleted User I made a page on that group: (edited)
we have any opensource heavy earth movers?
we have any opensource heavy earth movers?
A decent video on that usecase
5:16 AM
nothing much on the backhoe (i think)
5:16 AM
i am trying to organize all the footage for a sort of easily sharable "benchmark"
Eric Lotze
i am trying to organize all the footage for a sort of easily sharable "benchmark"
Definitely a great machine for homesteaders, definitely a stretch for a quarry. I may be acquiring a quarry if equipment is reasonable enough
I had a page on some sort of human power -> stable, controllable mechanical power device
5:42 PM
there it is
5:42 PM
There was some neat lookign design
5:42 PM
I think it was vaporware or something, but the design seemed neat
5:43 PM
5:48 PM
They way oversold what it could do
5:48 PM
Also didn't seem to do much with it (i think)
5:48 PM
One intresting thing is using it for direct mechanical tasks
Yeah manoj bhargava was a hero growing up, pretty lame he never commercialized geothermal with his "ghraphene super strings"
did the turbodiscambobulators not produce enough graphene for it be economical?
Guess hes done a lot for taking westerners inward to serve outward, but he hasnt done much besides some battery powered lights, which is great but not what he was promising
5:50 PM
Lol then the fucking compost piles, like i guess if they have forgotten but that way of composting has been around forever
5:50 PM
All he did was make pamphlets to remind the natives
but this version has a pretty video with upbeat music!
And yes turbodiscombobulators were not performing admirably enough
5:51 PM
His heartbeat machine was cool
5:51 PM
Always envisioned the recirc clothing
5:52 PM
Like pants that use air on your legs to take away work from your heart
5:52 PM
He said he was gonna downsize that machine too
5:53 PM
5:54 PM
Guess miniaturizing medical devices is expensive
5:54 PM
External counterpulsation therapy (ECP) is a procedure that may be performed on individuals with angina, heart failure, or cardiomyopathy.
5:55 PM
10 years ago I thought this tech would be adding years to my dad's life. Figured everyonr would be pushing 100+ with ecp
not yet, ill read it now, i know houseboats are a thing (aren't most thin like those Amsterdam ones), definetly sounds neat let me read it real quick
6:12 PM
Seems like a "Floating Dock" but for housing
6:16 PM
6:24 PM
granted for housing that may be odd
6:26 PM
I'm in florida so we have storm surge and all that so i guess i have all sorts of local examples of ways to approach all that
6:26 PM
(granted climate change caused sea level rise is a whole other story)
6:27 PM
6:27 PM
By the short things like that are common
6:27 PM
Multi-unit buldings with a parking lot (and sometimes small closets, and ac units) underneath for a floor or two
6:27 PM
that combined with stormwater managment (plus a good sand dune) works well
6:28 PM
One beach had a really neat "wash station" on that boardwalk to the beach so all the sand would remain on the dune rather than get tracked to your car etc which was cool
6:31 PM
Beach renurishment is so odd, but pretty common here
6:32 PM
essentially just pumping/pushing the sand back onto the beach
marcin seems oddly hard to contact
7:10 PM
I email him and he responds to most emails so that works i guess
7:11 PM
May just be busy i guess, but it is very odd imo
7:14 PM
Outside of fish i don't think so really, and small scale (although still not great) is much different than factory farming
7:16 PM
i might move to #off-topic for debating all that, but population density / treatment gets way worse the more "intensive/industrialized" it is
7:16 PM
On the note of seawall stuff, this was a neat design:
TetraPOT is a sustainable sea defense system made of organic materials and plants. Distributing TetraPOTs along coastlines will eventually interlock to create a long-lasting sea defense of growing trees and roots that help keep the blocks in place. A...
i really might try and make one of those "artifical kelp forests" or reefs etc
7:25 PM
I have PLENTY of water/access to boats etc to expirement with all that
7:25 PM
Kayaking in mangrove swamps is really neat
7:29 PM
or i forgot we have this channel #aquaculture
7:35 PM
I haven't written it down yet, and there is one semi-concertnign aspect, but essentially:
7:35 PM
reverse coal mining
7:36 PM
we make char and wash it, or do something like this (edited)
7:38 PM
i don't mean soil burying, i mean like dump it in a mineshaft or something
7:38 PM
One idea i though would probably be the most effective would be making it into a carbon dust-water slurry
7:38 PM
then inject that into whatever cavity, and have like a filter at another "suction site" to remove excess water or something
7:39 PM
What intests me is this would increase oxygen in the atmosphere right
7:39 PM
because you care taking the co2 and ripping off the carbon (or at least some of it)
7:40 PM
rather than the more common storage of the co2 itself
7:42 PM
basically yeah, but with solid elemental carbon
7:43 PM
biochar burial is i think the term
7:43 PM
I read some paper that was critical of it and that confused me
7:43 PM
Some anti-biomass institute
7:48 PM
I finally made a Wikipedia account
no problem!
10:27 PM
10:27 PM
i meant mini fridges like this
10:28 PM
may be a similar mechanism to what you said though
10:28 PM
I do know HVAC heat pumps just reverse the flow (but this does require additional valves i think)
10:34 PM
it was something where there were 1 way valves or something so you had to add switching so the refrigerant could be "flipped" at the pump
10:34 PM
i love that channel
11:44 PM
Buddy sent me this, might be able to take some notes from it
i saw that too, granted i want e x t e r n a l r e v i e w of his claims, but definetly a good example of vertical grow towers
11:49 PM
Also i need to read up on those vertical axis wind turbines more
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Lots of people are showing up on the Precious Plastic discord asking for projects etc (university students i think); i don't want to be obnoxious, and be like some advertiser, but also i feel like OSE has more projects "in the works". Any thoughts on how we should go about this?
o o o o o
11:16 PM
that one uses pvc pipe
4:49 AM
They don't have the comments section or adding to playlists enabled sadly
5:05 AM
The equalizer valves, and partial nitrogen usage are throwing me off
wow that music is a vibe
Two new wiki accounts added i think
5:21 AM
Caffeine crash + it being 11:20 local time is hitting hard, i'm probably calling it a day
💤 2
What is the open Source Ecologies stance on crypto? And how do you think it fits into the open source / corporate for profit model. Do you think it is a viable option, or a bad alternative? Thanks!
Granted, as with all these decentralized / not really hierarchical groups, not exactly some "formal statement" so disclaimer there
8:06 AM
I think it is a useful tool, however it's current instability, it's low convertibility, and the Power Usage make it not my favorite thing
8:07 AM
8:07 AM
granted there are some more efficient cryptos i think?
8:08 AM
Also the micro-currency concept is intriguing, although i am not enough of an economist to know if it is beneficial over just using USD
8:10 AM
On another note:
8:10 AM
Here's a Good Primer/Elevator Pitch on Right to Repair (As well as Ballot Initiative) : (edited)
@Deleted User I made a page on it, but am logging off soon so it isn't much yet:
Messing up my sleep schedule lol, anywho logging off for the day
Granted my armchair criticism of that concept is it would make maitnence hell
9:57 PM
It is already bad enough with embedded ultrasonic sensors/wiring etc
9:57 PM
If you get in a "fender bender" but the frame is your battery that's gonna be a mess
9:58 PM
and you can't just take an angle grinder to it and whatnot
9:58 PM
may have some uses though and those are just my armchair thoughts so not really an expert in the area
10:00 PM
2:24 AM
made a page on that finally
2:24 AM
hope i'm not "stepping on toes" / "overreaching my place" but i'll do some work on the concept i guess
Eric Lotze 4/1/2021 3:10 AM
Loging off for the day early to try an un-mess up my sleep schedule from yesterday lol
Arcane BOT 4/1/2021 6:16 PM
@Deleted User has reached level 7. GG!
Eric Lotze 4/1/2021 6:18 PM
hollow fibers, i never thought of that
6:19 PM
There was this neat concept for algae photo-bioreactors (PBRS) that used a kind of thing to grow it on, and little/pulsed water (almost like hydroponics)
6:19 PM
I think it was "Porous Substrate Photo-Bioreactor" or something
6:19 PM
I have a page on it somewhere, let me dig
Deleted User joined the server. 4/1/2021 8:49 PM
Eric Lotze 4/1/2021 8:49 PM
Deleted User 4/1/2021 8:50 PM
hello 🙂
Eric Lotze 4/1/2021 9:22 PM
9:22 PM
just got done sorting the library over at another group
9:23 PM
am PROPERLY online/on the discord now
9:23 PM
@Deleted User I honestly don't know
9:24 PM
He responds well to emails, and i don't want to seem acusatory/annoying, and coming across right is HARD in text, but i could maybe send him another email, also if you did as well maybe the pressure could work
9:24 PM
let me check the slack real quick, i think he is on that
Littlememe4 joined the server. 4/1/2021 10:14 PM
10:17 PM
Sidenote, Project Kamp has a discord for some hardware work (weather station) so here is the link to that:
7:45 AM
neat mechanism for purgeing in filament swapping systems
7:45 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i still need to do all that bioreactor page stuff @Deleted User i got distracted (typical lol)
Eric Lotze 4/2/2021 7:59 AM
I'll probably get on that tomorrow ™️
7:59 AM
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs\
Eric Lotze 4/2/2021 8:22 PM
Is back now
8:22 PM
8:39 PM
granted liquids are easier
10:23 PM
something like that may work better given all that would be needed for fluidization would be liquid pumping (which would probably already exist)
10:42 PM
Great video on how the group evolved over time and what they learned
10:43 PM
I'm going to send that to marcin
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
@Deleted User Would the fibers be needed over just natural "clump" formation?
11:54 PM
also (activated?) charcoal may work well as a substrate itself
I'm a bit mentally "burnt out", going to take a break of an hour or a few, will be back soon.
👍 1
gbroques joined the server. 4/3/2021 3:25 AM
Eric Lotze 4/8/2021 3:09 AM
I saw something on that, seems to have a pile of great people behind it and a really neat mechanism
3:12 AM
Also hello @gbroques
Cyberpeasant44 joined the server. 4/8/2021 4:48 AM
Cyberpeasant44 4/8/2021 5:59 AM
6:02 AM
how are things?
6:03 AM
6:03 AM
seems like an interesting channel
6:05 AM
I've done a bit of research into permaculture, but this is a bit more high tech than that.
6:10 AM
Sure. I still have some homework to do, so I'll probably get to it tomorrow.
🦾 1
in context to the solar camper?
i had a category on safety i think somewhere
11:32 PM
fail safe vs fail deadly and all that
lockout systems are also really neat
11:33 PM
if you want some examples of what NOT to do:
11:33 PM
"they assumed the room was not filled with explosive gas, that assumption proved to be wrong"
11:34 PM
US chemical safety board drinking game
11:34 PM
y e p
11:34 PM
I have used those propane lamps before and those alone can get spooky
11:35 PM
The worst was using matches as they could get "blown out" by the gas flow
11:35 PM
then you have this gas aura around the light while you are sitting there trying to get a match to work
11:36 PM
well ventilated spaces are fine though as turning the valve off and waiting for a while then trying again was safe
11:36 PM
spooky thing is boats where if it is heavier than air it will sink and ignite in the bilge or something
11:37 PM
Methane is lighter than air so quite safe in that
@OwnerOfOwn On the note of the Wire EDM Machine i have been obsessing over how consumables/wastes "flow" around a shop and that machine is making my head hurt even more
12:14 AM
So i guess it uses brass wire?
12:14 AM
And makes DI Water + Metal slurry?
then filters the water right
I was trying to make some sort of super-flow chart where all the chippings/waste cutting fluids in a shop would be sorted and recycled
12:16 AM
granted more effort than it is worth in most cases, but in a low/no "trash" workflow it should be done i guess
12:16 AM
just have machines specific to each type of metal at some point right?
12:18 AM
this timestamp is talking about the water system with a laser pointer
reminds me of this concept of a laser cutter AND waterjet cutter:
12:21 AM
granted company promo video, but neat nonetheless
super smooth
Eric Lotze 4/9/2021 1:39 AM
I kind of feel like my work is getting messy, probably logging off and going to bed. I keep on cycling between being hyper productive and this kind of unproductive mess. Other than donating blood tomorrow i should be able to get some good work in
Eric Lotze 4/9/2021 5:45 PM
Is back now
Littlememe4 4/9/2021 7:12 PM
Hello, happy lunch break. 🤓
Eric Lotze 4/9/2021 9:13 PM
Found this channel, when looking into cellulosic ethanol a few days back, has some neat stuff, but i will have to dive into it later:
5:41 AM
more edm, and this used the arc generator by that other group
5:41 AM
but for drilling, not milling (edited)
5:41 AM
was it on overfishing ?
main take aways?
5:42 AM
just pulled it up, 90 minutes is awhile, gonna do 2x speed
5:43 AM
netflix only allows 1.5x
5:43 AM
metrology just hurts my brain
7:11 AM
need a calibrator for the calibrator that calibrates the tool
yes it does the same to mine
7:11 AM
calibration didnt work?
7:11 AM
calibrate again!
which used to be based odd of a thing that DIDN"T HAVE A CALIBRATOR
7:11 AM
but now it is based off of mathmatical constants i guess
yeah a fully ISO cert level lab is quite the undertaking (edited)
Cyberpeasant44 4/10/2021 8:27 AM
Haven't seen the documentary but given how international waters is just open season for tragedy of the commons, I wouldn't be surprised if overfishing was happening.
that and documentation is hard vs oil/minerals/to a certain extant land animals
8:29 AM
and b y c a t c h
8:30 AM
"good news we caught the fish, bad news we caught 3 other types of fish, a shark, and two dolphins"
8:30 AM
also ghost nets/fishing line
8:32 AM
fish farming using non-fishmeal feed (bioreactor sludge + vitamins and maybe some farmed stuff optimally) is a decent bandaid solution in some ways
8:32 AM
I REALLY want to USA Navy (and probably coalition obviously) to essentially do what those "whale wars" people did, but official
8:33 AM
i don't know if that is really possible, but it would be a neat thing
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Cyberpeasant44 4/10/2021 10:49 AM
I mean it's international waters. If you want to fuck up whalers, you do you famalam. I'll support you as I watch the liveleak video.
I'm back now trying to get some of the misc stuff on my tabs into wiki pages as my computer is struggling Might run CC cleaner too, haven't done that in a while. (edited)
I found a system that is a good "industry standard" for a modular (photo)-bioreactor monitor (in my opinion at least):
How many people work for open source ecology?
@yfgame has reached level 1. GG!
First of documentation of that (as well as in person stuff) is kind of bad (at least from what i have seen) SO "hard numbers" are rough. It's decentralized, and volunteer, so i'd say not many constant people other than maybe a 5 person or so skeleton crew? Although around in-person events / development sprints more people show up
5:36 AM
for wiki work itself there is this page:
5:36 AM
5:36 AM
it is exploitable in that you can change a single letter and have it be an "action", or write an entire page out
5:36 AM
Also i don't know where automated tasks lie in that
5:38 AM
Also there is work that is done off-wiki, then pulled in (all those videochats and whatnot with people on Marcin's channel, some google docs etc) so that makes it even MORE MESSY
5:39 AM
Not a very optimistic/clear answer, but did that help with your question @yfgame ?
Eric Lotze
Not a very optimistic/clear answer, but did that help with your question @yfgame ?
Yep, it definitely did!
5:40 AM
What is the opinion of the space on crypto? Do you see as counter the open source? Or do you think it might be a perfect tool for this kind of work?
oh those crypto-art things?
we need to dump money / dev effort into Cell Culture Meat / Engineered Meat Substitutes so we can get widespread change IMO, ESPECIALLY if you can make the product superior on a cost/flavor level only even (so even if they enjoy suffering, pollution, and poor worker treatment) If it tastes (near) identical (or better), and is half the cost, i think most people would rather save the money / get 2x the product
6:31 AM
...but the fear mongering will be our enemy
6:31 AM
Food Irradiation could have made spoilage / foodborne illness near obsolete alongside controlled atmosphere packaging, and a dark refrigerator (edited)
6:32 AM
But the mere concept of r a d i a t i o n (that doesn't persist post irradiation) is more scary than samonella/e.coli etc
6:35 AM
or GMO's
6:36 AM
it fixes it's own nitrogen
some preservatives legit give me migraines, so irradiated food sounds good
6:36 AM
sad world
6:36 AM
artificial sweeteners are trash too
and the only reason why you can't store stuff in argon is the anaerobic bacteria, but if all those are killed you can keep it in a truely inert atmosphere
6:37 AM
most stuff currently used is a balancing act
6:37 AM
try and make it uncomfy for both aerobic and anearobic
6:37 AM
What all does Azolla need intake wise
6:39 AM
I need to make that page on ash utilization in agriculture
6:44 AM
The open-core model is a business model for the monetization of commercially produced open-source software. Coined by Andrew Lampitt in 2008, the open-core model primarily involves offering a "core" or feature-limited version of a software product as free and open-source software, while offering "commercial" versions or add-ons as proprietary so...
6:44 AM
it's off topic
6:44 AM
but i think that's what OnShape would technically be?
6:48 AM
that and/or software as a service
6:48 AM
could data / help and all that
6:48 AM
There was a github, but decoding that is out of my (current) area
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
I have a bunch of spare cardboard boxes so i'm going to make the 25 cm build i wrote down in this for my cat:
remembering my horrible trigiometry/drafting skills rn
Currently trying to sketch it up in FreeCAD, then do a 1-to-1 scale drawing print? Inkscape can MAYBE do dimentionally accurate lines if i did cm->pixel?
Just Finished the Drawings
Cyberpeasant44 4/12/2021 5:51 AM
Is the UI for freecad the same as AutoCAD or are they totally different?
Lil different, but same tools and can pick camera views/controls in freecad
8:35 AM
And do MM per pixel for higher fidelity, and yeah inkscape might be able to do it, nobody has a geodome stencil yet?
I printed them out (and assuming i didn't make an error in the cad) they aren't the proper size
7:59 PM
I think the proportions are right though?
Jose Dias joined the server. 4/12/2021 8:42 PM
Hello thank you
8:46 PM
To the add to the group
No problem! So what all were you interested in? I personally like all the chemical reactors and the stuff involving f i r e
Any idea why my printed templates for the dome panels ended up having a ~0.6 scale instead of 1 ?
Zoom %
10:00 PM
Print setup zoom %
I'll look into that, thanks!
Could also be under page scaling/ page setup
Matthew.V.Greene joined the server. 4/15/2021 9:27 PM
(Sorry for not saying hello sooner @Matthew.V.Greene i can be quite chaotic schedule wise)
6:31 AM
I don't know where to put these infographics, but i want to make a better one myself so posting the "inspiration" here:
6:31 AM
6:31 AM
On the note of this page:
7:26 AM
I need to find the technical name (although i think "slinger" is it almost?)
7:26 AM
7:26 AM
7:27 AM
but that isn't the steerable one so probably not the same term
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. Visiting some family tomorrow so may not be online much, or if so at a later est time
we have anything like this?
10:32 PM
10:32 PM
liquid silicone injection molding machine?
10:32 PM
small scale plastic injection molding on the precious plastics (now one army) scale?
1:12 AM
little overpriced
hipster money
1:19 AM
i swear it is a HUGE market
1:21 AM
why is plywood so expensive
i was watching how that is made and it was just surreal
1:22 AM
2 million pound press
1:22 AM
makes sense
let me just p e e l t h i s t r e e
oh no way
8:37 PM
peristaltic pump on bearings
8:37 PM
Matthew.V.Greene 4/25/2021 8:38 PM
Damn you beat me to it! That is gorgeous!
8:38 PM
Is that a stepper motor?
yup looks like a nema 17
8:39 PM
I like food mainly
8:40 PM
that is so simple, that brings the cost of hydroponics down quite a bit
8:40 PM
with more accessibility for repair
Matthew.V.Greene 4/25/2021 8:41 PM
My wife and I actually have a business idea for hydroponics. This could be useful!
could even do bushings and get great performance out of them even without bearings
Matthew.V.Greene 4/25/2021 8:42 PM
And dosing would be super consistent with a plc or raspberry. Even automatic response to various conditions from sensor feedback right?
@Matthew.V.Greene has reached level 1. GG!
you could even put an encoder on the back to account for skipped steps, or a planetary gearbox for even more resolution/accuracy on how many ml you're dosing
Matthew.V.Greene 4/25/2021 8:44 PM
Yeah, that's keen alright.
heaps keen mate
🧐 3
8:46 PM
heaps keeen
yeah, seen a ton of the precious plastics stuff, was gonna ramp up to be a "community machinist" for plastic processing equipment, never turned out though
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 13. GG!
still gonna start making small scale injection molding machines soon though
8:55 PM
just don't know how soon
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
I've only known of them for a couple years myself, handy way to move chemicals and nutrients
Matthew.V.Greene 4/25/2021 9:23 PM
We need an large increase in the density of agriculture to sustain the population of Earth. Hydroponics and aquaponics are a critical part of the solution going forward. From vertical farms to maximizing the the yield through superior nutrition to the plants, this tech is critical. So yeah, we are excited! This was a great find!
Matthew.V.Greene 4/25/2021 10:43 PM
Yeah, that's a fair point!
Trying to get back into a working schedule again (if i had a dollar for every time i said that i could make a neat prototype of something lol) ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
yoolars joined the server. 4/27/2021 10:33 PM
PPCapiSpain joined the server. 4/27/2021 10:33 PM
opabinia joined the server. 4/27/2021 10:34 PM
A person named seaweed?
10:50 PM
Already a friend of mine
10:53 PM
@opabinia has reached level 1. GG!
Im no longer vegan because mental health and covid and shit just made me put less effort into my food but i still eat a decent amount of meat substitutes and veggies
11:03 PM
Really looking to get back into it tho
11:05 PM
But its like gosh i do miss it
11:05 PM
I feel bad whenever i indulge into the gross stuff
def not a transbian on a business account here soooooooooooo Need to get rhythmbot to play some Girl in Red i guess
11:06 PM
11:06 PM
the t a b s
11:06 PM
are overwhelming me
How the fuck do you do that
@opabinia has reached level 2. GG!
adhd is one hell of a drug
Also aye were both transbians
i think google added a SEARCH feature
11:10 PM
for tabs
What the hell
11:11 PM
I thought those screencaps were photoshopped
11:11 PM
How do you guys do that
11:11 PM
No no i believe you i just
11:11 PM
idk about 850
11:11 PM
my laptop would probs die
So are you two in college or just studying independently?
L o n g s t o r y
11:15 PM
I was at UNF for 2 symesters or so, ADHD+Anxiety and all that didn't mix well so that is on hold for now i guess, thinking on how exactly to go about things, but thinking mix of Job + Community College for the "gen ed" kind of stuff then maybe go back in?
Ohhh gotcha, yeah having your mental health in check is crucial
11:20 PM
11:20 PM
I'm only in high school still
11:21 PM
well homeschooled but
11:21 PM
I was thinking maybe Environmental Engineering/Science or something but m a t h s, but with enough effort i guess
Gosh im bad at maths
and most is just plug and chug equations once you learn the theory i guess
Yeah thats true
11:24 PM
ive been using this one site called math is fun and it works pretty well
11:25 PM
I just get scared by numbers lol
M a r c i n k e e p s o n m a k i n g p a g e s w i t h o n l y l i n k s a n d l i k e n o c a t e g o r y i s w e a r
11:27 PM
this isn't BAD per se
11:28 PM
but how will this not dissapear into the VOID that is the wiki
11:28 PM
i'll just shove it in the "Incomplete Pages" category passive agressively?
Yeah making wiki pages with no links or catergories is wack
idk he confuses me
11:33 PM
too in the zone / busy i guess? He does tend to answer all my emails, but not the wiki edits usually i guess? May be what is shown recent edit page wise (with filters)? Also it is so hard to judge what and why without face contact i guess (the whole didn't reply therefore they hate me oh wait they were driving type thing) Definetly n o t h e l p f u l at times i guess
-- osr-support -- joined the server. 4/28/2021 12:39 AM
Andrea joined the server. 4/28/2021 1:18 AM
hello new people
@opabinia has reached level 3. GG!
3:20 AM
So i found this: and they were inspired by THIS: c a t c a m (may be the (overly expensive) solution to what i wanted to do for the local shelter My only concern would be them trying to pounce on and/or cromch on said device (especially the cables)
Outside of maybe the music, this is a VERY well done instructional video (at least in my opinion) (and a very well build device it seems!):
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
Oh yeah I heard about that
MystroPolymeric joined the server. 4/28/2021 5:10 PM
MystroPolymeric 4/28/2021 5:13 PM
Thanks. Glad to be here, love to read and learn 😁
Is that essentially "rammed earth" but more modified? I was looking into that a while back, so i need to read that!
I think there is less pre-building prep, ie no ratios to prep for like 1:3 sand 1:4clay (edited)
I think there is less pre-building prep, ie no ratios to prep for like 1:3 sand 1:4clay (edited)
Although it could have that same prep requirements, just seperated in-situ/onsite to get to the right ratios without shipping more material to the site
I know that was kind of the "catch" with CEBs, you need the right kind of soil and if not need to add some stuff, granted much less materials overall then though
ALRIGHTY, i'm logging off for the day. I should be back on in ~6-12 hrs
7:37 AM
right to repair wiki
7:37 AM
louis rossman
yaradeen joined the server. 5/3/2021 11:01 PM
Hello !
howdy! the overlap between channels here and various in-process projects of mine is wild!
❤️ 2
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
thats so cool!
Eric Lotze 5/9/2021 2:13 AM
I am looking to see if i encountered that thing before, it feels familiar, but my wiki searching isn't bringing anything up so i'll probably add it in
2:13 AM
Turns out it was this diferent thing which i forgot to add a category to and wasn't showing up in the searches :
2:39 AM
alrighty made a page on it
2:40 AM
Sounds exciting! Especially when paired with the "Right to Repair" movements in the agricultural sector
Eric Lotze 5/9/2021 7:06 AM
I need to mention this to that Rossman discord channel sub-channel(?) on agricultural right to repair tomorrow/later
❤️ 1
7:06 AM
logging of for now though as it is 1:00 am local time oof
Alrighty turns out i do have some time today
11:53 PM
Whats up dude
let me just open my 7 2 t a b s
Oh my god you villian
I want to get all my links off of my safari on my phone today as i have been pushing that off as well
Matthew.V.Greene 5/9/2021 11:55 PM
I'll raise your tabs with a pic of our newest family member.
@Matthew.V.Greene has reached level 2. GG!
Matthew.V.Greene 5/9/2021 11:56 PM
smol pupper
Matthew.V.Greene 5/9/2021 11:56 PM
He tiny doge!
This may just be for show, but seems nice, especially vs the likes of occulus
HTC has made the pro-consumer move of partnering with popular DIY repair website iFixit to offer replacement parts, repair guides, and more for out-of-warranty headsets. The move contrasts with one of the company’s major competitors, Oculus, which has opted to quickly discontinue older headsets with little recourse for out-of-warranty DIY repair...
I have a link on "Source Hut" as an alternative to GitHub, but i'm kind of lost in all this / it's above my level, so i'll probably just post this here in case someone else knows more about all this
Also older article, but i saw this in my feeds as well: Has a petition in it too, so do sign that if you haven't already
Alrighty probably logging off for the day, going to try and volunteer some tomorrow, so probably won't be online much. Don't set anything on fire!
Is back now
9:24 PM
Getting a foster kitten tomorrow
9:24 PM
h y p e d
This is open source software, but closed source hardware right? (Also maybe some optional SAAS Plans?):
Open 5G For EveryoneRural BroadbandWarehouse AutomationFactory Floor Open Software. Commodity Hardware. Cloud-Native Architecture. Click Get FreedomFi Gateway. Run Private Cellular Network on Your Terms. FreedomFi Gateway is the easiest path towards your open source Private LTE or 5G network. Be it for Fixed Wireless Access, Enterprise Cellular ...
Is back now
12:43 AM
First things first i need to get some photos of the foster kitten Malakai was their name i think
12:45 AM
mostly videos it seems let me grab a quick jpeg
12:52 AM
❤️ 1
12:52 AM
kind of an anxious mess post writing a job application so either taking a break or logging off for the day depending on how things go
I'm about to resign so anxious mess is acceptable, godspeed on it all
I heard the term somewhere, and have been looking for more on it: "Hyperobjects" Essentially systems so vast/complex they can't be directly viewed/understood So things like Climate Change, or The Global Economy / Supply Chain The "proper" sources are getting into philosophy degree levels of diction and all that so i am getting lost in those If i understand it correctly, this does fill a nice niche of words that i have been looking for though!
Hyperborean mechanical inunderstandables
5:43 AM
The note on pallets being perfectly organized, oh i wish!
5:44 AM
Also at Walmart we didn't just have the night refill it was constant which got odd with like both the "shopping" and "stocking" universes kind of colliding/overlapping like some dimentional glitch
Night shift stockers are a special breed, I did it for about 6 months part time a few years ago, incredible to see how fast they can get stuff out and how much effort they put into making the (small chain grocery store) shelves look great before 7am. Constantly stocking requires special insurance too, having employees moving pallets around customers and stuff. We are lucky to have the supply chains we do
Element (formerly Riot and Vector) is a free and open-source software instant messaging client implementing the Matrix protocol.Element supports end-to-end encryption, groups and sharing of files between users. It is available as a web application, as desktop apps for all major operating systems and as a mobile app for Android and iOS.
1:27 AM
Thinking on making a wiki page on this / experimenting with it
1:27 AM
Again me and titles probably " Element (Software) " but also i think there are other ones with the same name so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There should be more of these!
oak_mahogany joined the server. 5/22/2021 7:57 PM
AntoB joined the server. 5/23/2021 1:02 PM
Joost S joined the server. 5/23/2021 3:33 PM
Eric Lotze
oak_mahogany 5/23/2021 3:47 PM
Hello! I saw there was an OSE server through one army and I'm glad to be here
What is one army?
oak_mahogany 5/23/2021 3:57 PM
It's the umbrella group that founded Precious Plastic. They recently combined several projects that different related teams were working on and created one organization to better communicate between all of them, One Army. (edited)
@oak_mahogany has reached level 1. GG!
Pedro fox joined the server. 5/23/2021 5:41 PM
PaleOracle joined the server. 5/23/2021 6:58 PM
Probably logging off for the day, don't set the server on fire while i'm gone
🔥 1
MickeyPearson joined the server. 5/24/2021 8:46 AM
inquito joined the server. 5/24/2021 12:23 PM
Pisces joined the server. 5/24/2021 8:27 PM
┬ashi 𓃬 joined the server. 5/24/2021 8:29 PM
AdellaideSkyhart joined the server. 5/24/2021 8:29 PM
I love that channel!
9:55 PM
Also there was some project page for a screw machine IIRC
9:56 PM
(i was re-looking into a solenoid maker due to seeing a neat open source Flip-Dot Display) (edited)
LoreChano joined the server. 5/25/2021 12:14 AM
PalmerT joined the server. 5/25/2021 5:25 AM
GreenLeaf joined the server. 5/25/2021 10:32 AM
6:43 PM
neat series
It's the umbrella group that founded Precious Plastic. They recently combined several projects that different related teams were working on and created one organization to better communicate between all of them, One Army. (edited)
10:34 PM
It sounds great!
sea steading?
Benergy joined the server. 5/26/2021 5:01 PM
sea steading?
2/3 of the time that either is a vaporware scam by billionaires, or a hippie commune on the high seas in my opinion
7:20 PM
Although boats and other watercraft would be neat
Eric Lotze
2/3 of the time that either is a vaporware scam by billionaires, or a hippie commune on the high seas in my opinion
Na, I like the idea
JoMXL joined the server. 5/29/2021 7:43 PM
Whurauk joined the server. 6/1/2021 8:25 PM
Hello guys I'm looking for a video demo / review of the D3D Pro 3D Printer. I can't seem to find anything.. anybody have a link to share?
Eric Lotze 6/1/2021 8:55 PM
Hello ! I'll look and see what i can find, also i'll try and annoy the people with one to print a damn benchy lol
Ahah thanks for the reply ! I look forward to this, thank you very much 🙂
Eric Lotze 6/1/2021 9:24 PM
I found this channel, but they are using the "universal" which was that odd cantilever design:
9:38 PM
Also made this page for anything i can dig up
Great thanks mate! 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/2/2021 5:53 AM
Ahah I was wondering how @Eric Lotze felt about the Long Now Foundation. Did a quick channel search and - pshh of course you're interested! I'm surprised at how few views their youtube channel gets (same surprise as with OSE gwahh). Anyhow I find myself still mentioning OSE constantly, we'll see - yet again - if I can integrate in more than a wiki sign-up this time. Life is more stable!
5:55 AM I find myself enjoying the content and video styles, pace, etc. Mmmm thinking back on that lovely PowerCube video though drool
heya lads! it's been a while!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/3/2021 5:05 AM
Hey heyy!
5:09 AM
Sooo... can you produce silicon harvested from grass?
5:11 AM
Phytoliths (from Greek, "plant stone") are rigid, microscopic structures made of silica, found in some plant tissues and persisting after the decay of the plant. These plants take up silica from the soil, whereupon it is deposited within different intracellular and extracellular structures of the plant. Phytoliths come in varying shapes and siz...
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/3/2021 6:17 AM (Oh okay this wasn't silica, but had a small rabbit-hole trying to find uses for Whewellite or Weddellite) - "the process by which living organisms produce minerals" "Silica, deposited as opaline phytoliths in the leaves of grasses, constitutes 2-5% of dry leaf mass" - (hours later - watching a Biomineralization recorded student lecture...)
Eric Lotze 6/3/2021 4:21 PM
I want to get/make a model of their clock s baaad aaaaaaaaaaaa
this is fascinating i didnt know about these!
Eric Lotze 6/3/2021 4:23 PM
@glean You do stuff with biomineralization, right?
Yeah sure, sometimes. What's the question? Harvesting silicon from grass? Yeah, that's doable, but you should know that it's a two step process. Using bacteria would make more sense. There is a type of saltwater bacteria that can even make organic crystal oleds. I'll have to hunt that one down again....
SVG Flow Line generator for CNC machines
12:13 AM
neat line art generator, may be neat for people with the pen toolhead thingamagigs
I'm going to finally try and get some of the "on topic" work done lol
12:29 AM
Currently opening that "Sweethome 3D" software to try and screenshot those modules for the to-do (edited)
Eric Lotze 6/4/2021 1:10 AM
Getting odd glitches
1:11 AM
1:11 AM
1:11 AM
1:11 AM
almost like how you could paint the screen by dragging error messages in windows xp
OwnerOfOwn 6/4/2021 1:12 AM
oh how I miss the aesthetic of those boxes worming
Eric Lotze 6/4/2021 1:14 AM
I know blender can make me open piles of windows, but this isn't that it is just the borders like creeping/glitching i guess
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/4/2021 7:08 AM
Jumping to sci-fi levels of a viewpoint here, but regarding the problem of over-mining(or other related deterioration/loss) of nearby planets, moons, etc: (Sticking with Mining example for simplicity) Perhaps we can try to look at it long term, and basically set ourselves limits for each object we plan to mine, in order to prevent a great "drought" of sorts of all materials in our vicinity. So we find a somewhat local object, and though we could mine 100% of it, we max out at 15% or something until we expand our reach in general.
🥲 1
OwnerOfOwn 6/4/2021 4:30 PM
Yeah just pull 5% off the top until you get what you need, hard part is generations believeing the same thing and greed in thespan of a humanl life, we have people in the financial world who control the money supply who don't have children. Wouldn't we want the people in charge of the worlds currency to uh, care enough about the world to start a family?
-- osr-support -- 6/4/2021 10:55 PM
Anyone here from OSE per-se ? Was wondering to pick MediaWiki at the end but I am wondering how interop could work, content and site wise 🙂
I guess me? Do you mean something to work on, or how to interconnect all the wikis (i am still stuck on that issue myself)
-- osr-support -- 6/4/2021 11:08 PM
🙂 - actually I have a big bag of questions - there was some talk going on with Marcin but evtl. we just have a meet before next steps. 'Interconnect' should be rather easy - as long I can mine & index the content (for linking). Let me compile a list of questions over the weekend. There is Markdown, PDF generation and social interaction/forum in my list - stuck as you 🙂 (edited)
I'm terrible with names, someone in a recent meeting (finally had one of those again) and i were discussing this OS tool that can kind of "merge" things like slack/discord+the software itself's text into one thing?
11:10 PM
@PaleOracle in #collaboration-and-social-media-software-stuff i think
DiggnDeeper 6/4/2021 11:10 PM
👎 1
👍 1
🙂 1
i need to pin stuff in that channel
-- osr-support -- 6/4/2021 11:16 PM
@DiggnDeeper - from what I see, it should be OS & portable and preferably building on something existing - not much fan anymore of oldschool PHP (MediaWiki) but at least it's actively supported/developed. Currently, Wikifactory ( shines with an easy going way to deploy projects and content - unfortunately - freemium/non-OS.
DiggnDeeper 6/4/2021 11:26 PM
Ok. I think I'm confused. I'll be listening.
Eric Lotze
I'm terrible with names, someone in a recent meeting (finally had one of those again) and i were discussing this OS tool that can kind of "merge" things like slack/discord+the software itself's text into one thing?
Hey Eric, it was me. I was suggesting that NextCloud along with Element(another recommendation from someone else) would be a good solution to replace the video and picture hosting/collaboration. Element would fill the space fore instant/ad-hoc communication.
@PaleOracle has reached level 1. GG!
Also, I spun up an OnlyOffice server and had Marcin try it out. He liked the feature set, but this is already a lot to lift and shift in a short amount of time given the other projects going on. (edited)
definetly no time crunch! (edited)
11:28 PM
i just think long term, especially if a pile more people goin having less labrynth-ey info will be a great help
11:29 PM
Sidenote i just noticed this the other day, but there is a pile of stuff on Marcin's (or was it a neutral OSE, i forget) Facebook page
11:29 PM
Can that be extracted with any of those tools or what's the deal
Eric Lotze
i just think long term, especially if a pile more people goin having less labrynth-ey info will be a great help
Definitely agree with you there. I also threw out the possibility of using an open source LMS like Moodle to help with the learning/certification part of OSE. I have an instance up but its something that is new to me.
Eric Lotze
Can that be extracted with any of those tools or what's the deal
I'm not sure, I know that the person that owns the page can download all of their data at any time if thats what you meant
-- osr-support -- 6/4/2021 11:42 PM
Looking at the big set backs we've experienced with big cloud providers or just rouge admins or mods as in PP, I am also all in for light OS solutions. Looking at MediaWiki, it doesnt take much to pimp the interface - as long one can ditch storage provider on the go - all fine with me. For video or large files - there is also GIT LFS - supported by 'gitea' using it excessively since long) - doing downsizing for mobile became also a piece of cake... I had a good experience with building all on file based systems stored in GIT repos (favouring Markdown & extensions), using simple to edit files and folders - compiled for multiple deployment targets using pretty simple to do CLI tools. Okeey, great to see you guys jumping at this 🙂 See you in a bit. (edited)
Eric Lotze 6/5/2021 2:20 AM
I had a great paper + conversation on Dimethyl ether (DME) fuel (in comparison to LNG, and some others) in ONE OF THE DISCORDS I USE, but i can't find/remember where aaaaaaaaaaa (edited)
-- osr-support -- 6/5/2021 10:58 AM
🙂 I just checked & Simply awesome - that makes it super easy to add or embed Discourse discussions. Also on the authentication side it seems we can have SSO; - Discourse already provides a long list of social media sign-on as well an extensive user model (ACL & trust points). Ok, I think I am all set and now it's just time to get hands dirty. As for PDF compilation (manuals)- Wikimedia has a few extensions - using almighty 'Pandoc'. Possibly I may need API access to combine PreciousPlastic/PlasticHub & related OSE content into a new project called 'OSR-Plastic'.
This category lists information and pages relating to MediaWiki extensions.
@-- osr-support -- has reached level 2. GG!
-- osr-support -- 6/5/2021 3:49 PM
@Eric Lotze I found also better skins ( |, so it doesn't look like pre 1990 anymore 🙂 Is there something like custom fields ? In Joomla or Wordpress they called it CCK (Custom Content or so). That would enable to create custom forms so data can be entered a little more guided. Something like a content template for authoring.
Eric Lotze 6/5/2021 7:03 PM
"so it doesn't look like pre 1990 anymore " y u p lol
It would be really intresting to see how that would adapt, just saw those websites, granted i'm so used to ye olden aesthetic that it would be a bit jarring!
-- osr-support -- 6/6/2021 11:10 PM
Mh, I toyed a little now with mediawiki, it feels snappy & fast so far but a few things are really odd: I can't use plain HTML (at least not without penalties) and 50% of the extensions seem have no maintainer anymore or are just down. The other thing I couldn't solve was being able to write conditional content (not templates) - anyway - I will keep trying. Great to see already import and export of pages goes flawless 🙂 (edited)
11:11 PM
the skin in the picture is called 'timeless', I'd love to see OSE using it 🙂
PPCapiSpain 6/6/2021 11:42 PM
lol I calculate them with Excel ....😉😉
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/7/2021 12:07 AM
Seeing that actually led me into some PowerShell videos hehe
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 8:14 PM
Going to watch this rn, i was thinking of a "Farmbot, but the frame is a rover" concept and this might be that !
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 8:16 PM
Woo! Indeed we need both. Though of course I'm liking the inner-vertical-farm automation especially myself. Mmm
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 8:17 PM
definetly agree plant factory only is the "endgame"
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 8:25 PM
Made some comments on the top video i think
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 8:30 PM
Ahh heck yeah! I find it hard to imagine they don't know about OSE, buut, could definitely be wrong. Grr, all civilizations should know about a global village construction set, yarr!
Eric Lotze 6/9/2021 8:33 PM
ewwwwwwwww they use soil
8:34 PM
imagine needing SOIL
8:34 PM
aeroponics ftw
8:34 PM
(probably due to very valid reasons lol)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/9/2021 8:36 PM
Das true, but heyy all open source data-code can help think about repurposing those same behaviors on a smaller, watery scale. Possibly on a rail/track(though, a bot should totally be specialized to remove, load, and replace those doodads back onto the rail)
8:37 PM
suddenly imagining a roving algae bioreactor suddenly... mm
12:22 AM
They used that, and have been using that tractor more recently
12:23 AM
I need to double check if it is their neighbor's or a rented one
12:23 AM
12:23 AM
i need to try and figure out how to / convince all relevant people to get them a lifetrac (and maybe a hammermill/chipper, going to check how far along that is now)
@Eric Lotze has reached level 31. GG!
feklee joined the server. 6/10/2021 2:08 AM
So how did ya come across OSE/The Discord?
Logging off for the day, don't set anything on fire while i am gone!
Eric Lotze
So how did ya come across OSE/The Discord?
Found out about OSE some months ago, also interviewed for the position as site sourcerer. Currently visting the US in Texas (tourist status). Bit surprised, though, that Discord is used. I would've expected IRC or Matrix. I generally try to stay away from the proprietary platforms, too much of a lock-in.
We are working on that! Definetly not open source, and many of the more "purists" aren't here. I made the channel #collaboration-and-social-media-software-stuff after discussing this with @PaleOracle in one of the recent meetings. So if you ( @feklee ) are also familiar with those things that would be amazing, as i am quite lacking in that area lol
2:59 AM
Some culture shock i bet?, especially texas. I lived overseas as a child up until late elementary school, and the concept of "Free Refills" and the H u g e portion sizes was really odd.
@feklee There was a push to stand up a discourse server. I think that may be something to work toward soon. Also, I'm with you about the Matrix Server. Might have to spin one up as a demo.
3:15 AM
Discord is just fast/easy to get up and running with others
Yeah, I understand, all these things take time and may distract from the main endeavor.
3:19 AM
Most hacker spaces I know just use IRC.
Seems like a PILE of new users have joined recently (and i have a huge backlog of marcin's videos), so being able to catch up somehow would be great no matter how we accomplish it, at least in my opinion.
3:26 AM
on the note of wiki organization
3:28 AM
how do you feel about Categories. I don't want to over edit/"step on toes", but i feel like adding certain ones would be of use. I want to wiki to be less labyrinthine to new users i guess? What are your takes on this?
Eric Lotze
Some culture shock i bet?, especially texas. I lived overseas as a child up until late elementary school, and the concept of "Free Refills" and the H u g e portion sizes was really odd.
LOL, yes, culture shock it is. I came to TX straight from Hong Kong. Have been in the US in the 90s for a year, but that was in fancy MA.
Lines i bet too! (edited)
3:33 AM
Hawi'i is asian like in line etiquette so tourists would always be shocked by locals/asian tourists "cutting in line"
Oh, Hong Kongers love to queue. They learnt that from the Brits. Across the border in China, it's very different.
3:37 AM
I remember queues around entire blocks, for face masks. (back when I still took the Western view that they're useless)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2021 5:52 AM
The program has a lot of its users discuss something called a MOC - Map Of Content. Since some kind of "category system" is something I've been striving for for.. aeons... it's the closest I've found - then again, it's use may be because of it's Graph Node visualizer and all the backlinking(wiki has this at last though I'm told), but it sounds like a great way of using both "categories"(which I think are a tad official in terminology), and this looser alternative way of clumping corresponding things together. Here is their main discussion, YouTube videos abound too:
Maps of Content When taking notes there are a variety of philosophies about how one should conduct their workflow. No matter the system, the notes one takes start out as individual components to a larger structure. How one chooses to organize that larger structure is a matter of debate. One popular way and one that I think is worth focusing on i...
Nohbdy Ahtall
The program has a lot of its users discuss something called a MOC - Map Of Content. Since some kind of "category system" is something I've been striving for for.. aeons... it's the closest I've found - then again, it's use may be because of it's Graph Node visualizer and all the backlinking(wiki has this at last though I'm told), but it sounds like a great way of using both "categories"(which I think are a tad official in terminology), and this looser alternative way of clumping corresponding things together. Here is their main discussion, YouTube videos abound too:
I've been keeping an eye on the community around Dendron, and they are making some really good progress as well regarding tools for (personal) knowledge management. So far Dendron is only available as a VSCode extension, but that already works really well in my experience. They advocate for "vaults" to store notes in a hierarchy-first format, and you can implement all kinds of clever workflows and operators to manage it all effectively. Check out their documentation, they might have some info that you find interesting. (edited)
Note-Taking that Grows as You Do
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2021 10:25 AM
Ayye, do you happen to know if it has a "per-word" backlinking ability? I.e. to replace a single word or phrase inline, like a variable. Doing ![something] takes major vertical space in obsidian, I'm wondering if this has been done where it just replaces that word, phrase or paragraph without any newlines or anything. Bonus points if I could "load in a profile" and change all of those based on some selection xP
Not sure what you mean, can you explain that a bit more? The backlinks in dendron are formatted as [[description|link to file or url]] and it automatically refreshes all backlinks to a file in the vault if you move that file with the dedicated operator functions in dendron. If you look at those backlinks in the markdown preview it just makes the description clickable in line with the text, and if you hover over it you get a small preview window with the title and first sentence or two. Is that what you are looking for? (edited)
@JoMXL has reached level 1. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2021 10:46 AM
If I make a Check out my ![backlink] thing here in obsidian, I get: Check out my --------------- TITLE OF BACKLINK content -------------- thing here but I'd like to see Check out my content thing here (edited)
10:48 AM
Oh and as for the bonus points, that's just like (Profile0 loaded): Check out my content0 here versus (Profile7 loaded): Check out my content7 here
10:49 AM
I have a feeling no software has either of these things xP
Oh yes that's no problem at all in Dendron, you can choose between the standard markdown [description](link) or the dedicated backlink format [[description|link]]. Both look exactly the same, as you would like in line with the text (just a clickable part of the text), but the latter format has some additional functionalities (like automatic updating when you move a backlinked note).
10:52 AM
The profile-based loading is probably a bit trickier, but it might be doable if you use an intermediate node to direct incoming traffic. Not sure how that would be implemented exactly to content-check profiles on click-through but it might be possible, or you can always go on their discord to discuss it with the devs directly.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2021 10:54 AM
Ahaa thank youu. Okay so the "description" can actually be a segment of content within the "link" itself?
As far as I know the 'description' can be any text string without dependencies to the linked content, but the backlinks support a small window that shows the title and first lines of the linked note. Apparently there are ways to add functional elements to the frontmatter that could give you some more creative freedom in that.
11:03 AM
Made a quick screenshot of that backlink preview function when you hover your cursor over a backlink. Same thing for the compiled markdown preview, and extended to published web pages etc.
Avatar No pressure, but this channel is making Injection Molded modular vehicle treads. Can you upvote my comment so we can try and Open Source the mold/part design? I feel like this could be a great product for makerspaces, or other people/groups with Precious Plastic Machines
7:01 PM
(that one somehow links to this way different page: )
Development Alternatives DA, the world's first social enterprise dedicated to sustainable development, is a research and action organisation striving to deliver socially equitable, environmentally sound and economically scalable development outcomes. DA's green technology innovations for habitat, water, energy and waste management, which deliver...
I apologize I'm not so active here, so much of what's posted here is so interesting
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 9:37 PM
@opabinia -don't worry - was actually wondering about the real purpose of this server - till now I've seen only sharing links and a few accompanying comments 😉
eh idk still a cool platform lol
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 9:41 PM
yeh - looks like everything becomes a sort of source for inspiration - only ;-
9:54 PM
I'm going to be building an 8x16 tiny house on the back of a truck and I am thinking of using an incinerating toilet, I would prefer to use diesel, but most of the market is propane and very expensive. Anyone wanna help me flesh out a safe diesel incinerator toilet?
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 9:57 PM
apologize my ignorance - what's the problem with the next tree (since you're on the road) ? farmers pay money for picking up your poo ..
I'll be stationary parked for most of the truck's life, so want to extend the maintenance routine as long as possible, gonna have enough water for 2-3 months, and hoping to find a toilet solution that is similar, I feel like a high heat burn chamber that pulls from like a 5 gallon waste tank could work great for never having to dump it, besides pulling the ashes
How do you create your own wiki?
@yfgame has reached level 2. GG!
did you create an account?
10:02 PM
like a page on OSE or a new wiki?
a new wiki
10:02 PM
For a different project.
This guide provides instructions on how to install and configure MediaWiki, both manually, and by easier alternatives. Installing more than one wiki and installing existing wikis are also covered. The appendices provide links to more detailed installation notes for specific system configurations and other less common uses of the software.
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 10:03 PM
download/install 'media-wiki' : you need 'xampp' first, or for production : any linuz box with certain PHP versions
@-- osr-support -- has reached level 3. GG!
-- osr-support --
download/install 'media-wiki' : you need 'xampp' first, or for production : any linuz box with certain PHP versions
Thanks alot!
link related
10:04 PM
hostgator will run it for you too
10:04 PM
plenty of places can run it for you when it gets big enough
10:04 PM
or you can get a dedicated server on your end to run it
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 10:05 PM
if you can't get it work, let us know - with xampp on Windows it's easy; on linuz it can be tricky since PHP version fuckery (edited)
10:07 PM
'I'll be stationary parked for most of the truck's life' - yeah well - I'd still opt for a near by 'bio/eco' toilet; has done lots this way.
10:09 PM
@yfgame - if you need an instance - we do sometimes host buddy projects on our servers ...
Thank You guys so much!!! Will look into it and let you know, this is a great start!
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 10:10 PM
@Eric Lotze - would be amazed to see OSE wiki internals/templates - anything we could copy, apply or extend ...
10:12 PM
composting toilets just seemed expensive
10:12 PM
but I can see how to make it work from scratch
10:13 PM
100 gallon fish tank is going to live a new life
10:14 PM
I'll probably just run a "macerating toilet" into a larger compost tank
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 10:15 PM
sound like a plan, welcome to a new project 'Precious Poop' 🙂
10:16 PM
Poop could be a gold mine — and that’s no load of crap! You could be flushing a fortune in feces down the toilet in the form of tiny nuggets of gold and other precious metals that could be mined, a…
😂 1
-- osr-support -- 6/12/2021 10:17 PM
There is plastic in there too though 🙂
I think I might use a big stainless steel resteraunt pot or a large stainless sink basin as the composting area
👍 1
10:29 PM
round would be nice since the agitators can get everything square design leaves the corners as deadzones
-- osr-support --
if you can't get it work, let us know - with xampp on Windows it's easy; on linuz it can be tricky since PHP version fuckery (edited)
Thanks a lot! I already got something to work! In the next few days I will move forward and see how things go along. But thanks a ton!
👍 1
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/17/2021 6:49 AM
Dang, NileRed chemistry YouTube... I actually feel I've learned a lot about the overall process of chemistry-isms. Interest gained! Used to be a far-away not-so-interested area, but wow. I mean, I can't imagine affording the equipment and such xP
nile red got me a job as a lab tech
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/17/2021 6:50 AM
Ahah wow!
"what do you do in your free time"
6:50 AM
"idk just watch youtube videos and stuff" "oh nilered and the thought emporium"
6:50 AM
boom employed
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/17/2021 6:50 AM
Ahah oh even more directly than I imagined!
so reminder to share your hobbies with your interviewer's if they are good humans they will like you for it
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/17/2021 6:53 AM
I personally would hire based on such qualities. I know that for myself, since I can tolerate - let alone enjoy - hours of educational stuff.... well if they give me the time-space to do the learning, then boom heck yeah I can get up to speed!
exactly, I'd look for the same traits in my organization
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/17/2021 6:55 AM
Someday I'm hoping to finish putting together a plan for a sort of very obligation-free GameDev organization(or "club" - remote and such). A place of general meandering with no emphasis on finishing some grand project - but rather a hub for that to happen as an offshoot.
❤️ 2
6:56 AM
For now though job-wise, I tend to stick to the computer-based low-workload stuff, so I can keep learning stuff on the side! Others would watch Netflix, not I haha
exactly, lately I've taken a few weeks off after leaving that same lab tech spot watching lots more purely entertainment media. Have noticed it increases my intensity on the hours I do put into projects. I strive to have as much free time for education as possible as well so I see your efforts to protect that time
Someone mentioned this group on the "Project Camp" section of that "One Army" discord:
Subscribe to read advance chapters of our forthcoming book A Field Guide to Biochar Water Treatment!     For nearly 15...
9:43 PM
The note on Chemical Pollution was really interesting, and surprised me in how i didn't think of it as as much of a focus:
9:44 PM
The antibiotics filled river was some nightmare fuel, just a STREAM of super-antibiotic resistant bacteria
Wesxdz joined the server. 6/18/2021 8:14 PM
@Wesxdz Hullo!
Hi :)
You are User:Wesxdz right?
g a m e h y p e
What all do you play?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/18/2021 11:44 PM
Oi, oi, yesss! I'm an enthusiast, game programmer in-training(forever)
Eric Lotze
What all do you play?
I asked my self driving care where it learned to drive like that. It replied: the silk road.
@Wesxdz has reached level 1. GG!
On a OSE Game related note, i play Minecraft, SOME "Oxygen not included" (but i am garbage at it lol), and a bunch of odd simulators. (Non-ose game related, mainly TF2 and Civ 6)
11:49 PM
I would love to get into city skylines but damn the amount of cost lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/18/2021 11:50 PM
Have you ever tried Capitalism 2? xP
anyone here into movies?
Nohbdy Ahtall
Have you ever tried Capitalism 2? xP
no, but the aesthetic reminds me of "sim city creator" on my ds lite
anyone here into movies?
y u s
Eric Lotze
y u s
lets gooooo
But like "Eco"/"Farm Simulator"/"Satisfactory" with CAD
11:54 PM
t h e p o s i b i l i t i e s
Eric Lotze
no, but the aesthetic reminds me of "sim city creator" on my ds lite
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/18/2021 11:54 PM
Supposedly (back then?) realistic enough people said you'd need a business degree. It's very economic simulationy, I tried to embark past retail into full-production-chain from mining to refining, etc... that type of thinking led me here anyhow haha. Oh and of course I failed in-game!(No one ever implements "lone R&D at home paying only for rent" levels of tech tree building hehe)
11:57 PM This isn't a movie, but the guy explained this book(with lovely images) and had me engaged like it was!
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 10. GG!
On one hand the creative treadmill is kinda spooky, but on the other hand streaming/yt are making way more people able to make movies etc
11:58 PM
Like they can spend months to years making something and i can watch it in a few days to a week, so that can be rough
11:59 PM
Blender is getting really intresting
12:00 AM
Supposedly this was made in almost only blender:
Next Gen is a 2018 computer-animated science fiction action film that is based on the online Chinese comic 7723 by Wang Nima, and is directed by Kevin R. Adams and Joe Ksander. The film stars the voices of John Krasinski, Charlyne Yi, Jason Sudeikis, Michael Peña, David Cross and Constance Wu. It tells the story of Mai Su, a lonely rebellious te...
12:00 AM
And at least in my opinion was on par with pixar etc
12:00 AM
I know a bunch of youtube channels use blender for animations
Creative treadmill?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/19/2021 12:01 AM
Oh and of course, this thing(used to just see tid-bits here and there) is finally out: made in Blender (edited)
I tried to use it for video editing, and that somewhat worked, but isn't their focus exactly for now i guess. (also probably just need to learn it more)
12:05 AM
Same with FreeCAD, i don't know if it is clunky, or if i need to learn more, or maybe both?
12:27 AM
hyper-o's look like edible wood pellets lol
12:30 AM
other than maybe some odd lighting it all looks great! (granted armchair me here, and it's blender and it's a person/small group)
12:31 AM
Also on the note of game engines @Wesxdz / @Nohbdy Ahtall Didn't blender have some odd native one, was that any good?
Nobody ever used it for anything
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/19/2021 12:33 AM
I was recently telling my GF about the old one that was removed. The only recent option as an add-on(plugin? etc) was mentioned by this guy:
12:34 AM
On another note, this guy... sometimes I swear he just reads from a webpage and doesn't add "much" sometimes, but man... he certainly outputs this information nonstop and I appreciate it hah
🥲 2
12:37 AM
I'm going to stand long on C++(on a backburner sorta), but right now I'm in GameMaker Studio 2 mode(to make stuff with my gf!), which we might move over to Godot soon. Also, I'm neever afraid to mention the lovely Dreams by Media Molecule(I'd almost suggest it first, in some ways.. if you have a playstation4/5). Really wanna squiggle my way back to C++ though, with C++20 modules and get crazy modular, building up long-term technical capital.
12:39 AM
Speaking of which... that's it.. I should just get started with adding an OSE Power Cube into one of my gamemaker projects. I demand it, it must be done... heading to wiki... xD
Nohbdy Ahtall
Speaking of which... that's it.. I should just get started with adding an OSE Power Cube into one of my gamemaker projects. I demand it, it must be done... heading to wiki... xD
Do keep us posted ! Is this some sort of vehicle builder or what? (Granted don't let me distract you if busy (or needing to be) lol)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/19/2021 12:48 AM
In all honesty it may be a pipe dream - if anything I want there to be a super-modular "concept" of the cube(containing all the data, behavior, maybe names of the materials etc), and then a module that uses that more directly (i.e. a 2D sprite that interfaces over that concept, with coordinates or whatever to actually make it useful as an in-game object). As of this very moment though, I may just plot it on out rough - but I am using this to learn how to conceptualize energy output, and to practice modularizing my code in this way(which... may be problematic in GML)
Nohbdy Ahtall
I'm going to stand long on C++(on a backburner sorta), but right now I'm in GameMaker Studio 2 mode(to make stuff with my gf!), which we might move over to Godot soon. Also, I'm neever afraid to mention the lovely Dreams by Media Molecule(I'd almost suggest it first, in some ways.. if you have a playstation4/5). Really wanna squiggle my way back to C++ though, with C++20 modules and get crazy modular, building up long-term technical capital.
I'd say be careful of using modern C++, I was really excited about it at first but gradually have become disenchanted and moved towards pure C as much as possible
I'd say be careful of using modern C++, I was really excited about it at first but gradually have become disenchanted and moved towards pure C as much as possible
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/19/2021 1:02 AM
I'm admittedly mostly disenchanted until I can get Modules working without needing to use Visual Studio, and I do hope to touch the C world - but really only by working backwards in C++ modernity. It's more of a challenge mindset, for brain/mind exercise. Problem is I don't have as much desire to "finish something" as I do to "master coding" in general, as much as doing so might help. So, I continue, even though as a beginner, reaching into weird territory of learning, such as:
  • Super modularization/insulation, and otherwise finely-grained long-term re-usable components (aggregation over other composition methods - super loose coupling even where it doesn't make sense).
  • Habitualizing modern practices, such as seen in C++11/14/17/20/23, even if there is no reason to do so other than to "get used to the future", no matter how long their previous forms live on - even if it's not as readable!
  • Agent-based/agent-oriented programming.
  • Newcomer-oriented code, written in a way to act as a display piece for newcomers to peruse easily - from snippets to projects.
  • Mob programming, and coding in a way that supports it.
👍 1
Kind of burnt out, so i'm logging off for the day, don't set anything on fire while i'm gone
🧑‍🚒 1
Anyone here have experience with Klipper for 3D Printers?
-- osr-support -- 6/19/2021 11:43 PM
My favorite game is reality, saying this after 8 years game engine dev ( PS1, XB1, x86, ...) 🙂 (edited)
-- osr-support -- 6/19/2021 11:52 PM
@Nohbdy Ahtall - since you're on good tracks - why wasting time on any of the bullets; I think it's not really standard food and requires usually a career of 20y+ to be really good. Hardware (PLCs) do great $$ since a while. I gave up on game engines and studios since most of it got acquired and demolished by big names (eg: Dassault Systems - military; ...) - not much fun left, except you move to exotic locations of top 5 game studios. The indy dev wasn't much fun either ; just saying (edited)
11:55 PM
demo scene ( is sill fun though 🙂
The demoscene is an international computer art subculture focused on producing demos: self-contained, sometimes extremely small, computer programs that produce audiovisual presentations. The purpose of a demo is to show off programming, visual art, and musical skills. Demos and other demoscene productions (graphics, music, videos, games) are sha...
11:59 PM
just for interested readers, and to motivate; learned here at campus times, any proficient C will give you ultimate access to tech; learning any new language is a matter of days 🙂 (edited)
-- osr-support -- 6/20/2021 12:14 AM
@Nohbdy Ahtall for the sake of learning/coding backwards; LLVM compilers are a great starting point; it's possible to write your own DSL - running entirely/mostly from cache; let me find it back; sorry but currently we have a huge losts of data thanks to @zelbot and his gang taking down repos en mass .. (edited)
-- osr-support -- 6/20/2021 12:22 AM
found it ; there are interfaces via Lua as well ... for more light weight interpreters: ; I had some fixes ... if needed (edited)
Bison in JavaScript. Contribute to zaach/jison development by creating an account on GitHub.
This article presents an active ball joint mechanism (ABENICS) enhanced by interactions of spherical gears. The gear-based joint drives three rotational degrees of freedom (RDoF) without slippage. The capabilities were inspired by the unique interactions between two different innovative gears [the cross spherical gear (CS-gear) and monopole gear...
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/20/2021 10:56 PM
Kelosi joined the server. 6/21/2021 6:59 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/21/2021 10:32 PM
Hi hi Kelosi!
10:32 PM
Miscanthus aye!? I'mma look into it!
lets bounce into this chat
11:46 PM
11:46 PM
was thinking of solid state capacitors to act as the go between the house and turbine
11:46 PM
so that the turbine doesn't have to always sync to 60hz
11:46 PM
the long life of 20ish years was the appeal
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/21/2021 11:51 PM
Pivoting for a moment for a reality check: I find so many awesome tech/idea/etc "things" I want to keep track of. Even this, as amazing as it it, may get lost to... idk, time in the day-to-day life(as much as I wish "work" were figuring out solutions to things like this... as a norm). Any ideas on how to keep track of... I dunno, important stuff? As an individual.
ugh dude
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/21/2021 11:52 PM
Heck even OSE itself, as much as I love it, gets lost in the noise of diluted social realities of "I don't really care about that". All I've got so far is as a note-taking thing, but I haven't quite perfected it
I want to sit down and spend like 6 weeks building a voice client where I can just say hey make a note of cryogenic storage with solid oxide fuel cells instead of solid state capacitors, tag this as energy storage
11:53 PM
then have a database that I can pull up by tag
11:53 PM
hey pull up my energy storage tab
11:53 PM
probably do an all in one touchscreen PC honestly
11:53 PM
so I don't need a mouse and can just talk and touch to catalog
11:53 PM
easily have a "share this on the OSE discord channel general
11:54 PM
but yes, I want something that will scale and not a clunky excel sheet that is hard to search
11:54 PM
google drive has worked for me so far
11:55 PM
just throwing a folder up and doing a new google doc, labeling the folder and the doc, then google docs is pretty easy to search
11:55 PM
still not perfect
11:55 PM
I want to sell the tool to alphabet so it's native in google drive
11:55 PM
but then again don't really want to have another reason to have a corporate mic in my bubble
11:56 PM
@Kelosi Underground settlements are my life goal
11:56 PM
mars is cool but is only as good as how aggressively we can pursue new living space
11:57 PM
thinking of TBMs and just have a hillside that has 8-10 tunnels half a mile long that are their own apartment complexes/communities
11:57 PM
the underground caves are insane too
like, there are so many HUGE ones, that could very easily be constructed in
11:58 PM
in nevada we have old tales of caverns 3000ft long 1500ft tall and 1000ft wide
11:58 PM
Underground manufacturing too
11:58 PM
so that automated supply chains are safe from nuclear destruction
11:58 PM
china has been doing a lot of that, underground factories for their military
11:59 PM
"3000 miles of tunnels" if I remember correctly
I honestly don't think colonizing mars is practical. We should be settling the moon for remote mining. Imagine working at home but remotely operating mining equipment on the moon. But I also question the developmental implications of living and growing in low gravity. Plus it'll never be terraformed. Not only do we not have the tech for it, but mars doesn't have the resources for it.
the tailings can be used for erosion protection on coastlines too
I honestly don't think colonizing mars is practical. We should be settling the moon for remote mining. Imagine working at home but remotely operating mining equipment on the moon. But I also question the developmental implications of living and growing in low gravity. Plus it'll never be terraformed. Not only do we not have the tech for it, but mars doesn't have the resources for it.
I think terraforming is still feasible with a fusion powered magnetosheath
12:00 AM
L1 lagrange point, big magnetic deflector
You'd still need to transport millions of tons of water to mars somehow
12:00 AM
I do still want us to terraform in 200-500 years (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:00 AM
Eric Lotze actually is a hero IMO lmao, he is like the curator and updater of this realm, that may otherwise be dead (or rather, scattered). Or at least, his constant updates here make it worthwhile place to gather. I think I joined a year or so ago, and I rarely interact but this is an important place for me, and it wouldn't be much without his imput. I mean, OSE is in general, but as others have mentioned such as "Switch to IRC" I mean... as much as I love open source... if it's not Discord in ability, I can't do it. I want to join OpenBSD for example, but I'm stuck on Windows I'm afraid.
but agreed, mars would just be underground living for the most part, seems pretty lame but also a valuable genetic backup plan
I think we should be building large, rotating rings instead. If we could make them out of organic materials like carbon fiber or polymers than we could just gas harvest from venus's atmosphere and replicate them like cells. Also, tortion and tidal force decrease as the radius of your ring increases. Meaning bigger is better for structural integrity purposes
💙 1
12:02 AM
Plus they would have earth gravity
12:03 AM
also thinking of extruding asteroids into components for those rings
12:03 AM
but I like the venus gas gulpers much better
We'll always need metals for catalyst and fuel cells. But I fell like gas harvesting is way more scalable since you don't have to keep seeking out new resources
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:04 AM
I'm a big fan of lots of space stations actually, especially as a "chain" towards some special location like train-stops. I feel like artificial gravity there is fine.
venus is also a great source of sulfuric acid for refining metals
12:05 AM
hardest part in my mind is deep space radiation protection
yup. Plus you can reduce water from sulfuric acid using hydrogen peroxide and a recyclable catalyst
like not deep space but just idle space in our solar system unless you are staying in the shadow of earths magnetic field, the radiation at these stations is going to be very high, can't remember the numbers off the top of my head but big water tanks around the whole habitat are likely, or ice shielding xyz or genetic modification to humans to make em like tardigrades, but tardigrades are still susceptible to radiaiton if they aren't dried out? (edited)
And hydrofluorocarbons are resistant to sulfuric acid, which breaks down other polymers. And there's a LOT of fluorine in venuses atmosphere, which is evenly distributed throughout the atmosphere and can be harvested at any altitude
12:08 AM
Just above the sulfuric acid cloud layer is where you would want your blimp landers to land though. Where teh atmospheric pressure is close to earth's and the temp is around 50 degrees C. At that altitude, all you would need to do it maintain earth atmospheric pressure to remain boyant
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:08 AM
I kinda wish we could inventory all possible materials we have available nearby and run numerous simulations on a best path forward to reach... well, other resources I suppose. Would prefer an environmental approach (or at least - scan-the-shiz out of any planet/asteroid we harvest for its history before we destroy it), but I hope we can reach ridiculous environmentalism via the progress we achieve via the abundance for a smidge.
tartigrades produce an enzyme that replaces water (actually reacts it with an alcohol, dehydrating the cell) which confers radiation protection to the tartigrade. The more water you displace, the less ionizing radiation affects a cell
sounds great for alchoholics
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:11 AM
Btw you guys, how do you achieve knowledge understanding of what you speak of right now? I am barely scratching the surface of how chemistry is so useful, despite years of ignorance. I myself find programming/software extremely useful(on an individually-developed level even), despite so many people not caring about it, even though they can make games, or tools, or whatever they want.. kinda for free(in first-world tech :/ I really want all-Earth ability on this, everyone should be allowed a computer)
I researched this all myself. I can tell you the atmospheric composition of most of the planets in teh solar system at a given altitude.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:12 AM
For example the Youtuber NileRed gave me the boost towards chemistry - even though I was always "Yeah sure I bet it's important, but I got other stuff to think about... maybe someday) Now I'm like... wtf why did I ignore chemistry
Also, based on that I'm not entirely convinced life isn't possible in gas giants
12:13 AM
At the water cloud level in many of these atmosphere is plenty of resources required for life, room temp, even on nepture, and the pressure gets high enough for you and I to become boyant
whew, well, lots of youtube videos, those only go so far, I try to be aware when I don't understand the basics and try and go back, I only have about 2 years of general college lower division. White papers are great because there is so much domain specific vocab you can bounce around chasing down definitions. I typically try to work only half the year (12 hour shifts) or short stints of 4 months or 6 months then be unemployed living of savings frugally while I do more learning and research investing has caught my attention lately as a way to pay for my expenses as I am researching, I am entrepeneurally motivated but don't want to start something up too quickly and become a slave to the business when I have so much more to learn (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:14 AM
Yeh I guess I have a disposition toward knowledge management, curation, etc. I'd like to compile all this stuff - I guess in a way where it's like "Oh, if I died, someone else would have a huge head-start" but admittedly, no. I have no system, all will be lost, lol x.x
yeah, thinking of how to make a feasible database of how to restart humanity is something I think a lot about
I wish I could invest but canada's social system is actually really fucked when you look into it and its technically illegal for me to invest while on disability
I think about thinking about it alot
12:15 AM
in america disabled people can invest tax free up to 40k a year and still keep their benefits
12:15 AM
one of the few things I still love about my country
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:16 AM
Indeed, all I have as an example is Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" for the Encyclopedia Galactica. Admittedly, I understand people's opinion's vary greatly, so I think opinionated definitions need to be categorized and chosen through computerized interfaces.
ours was just increased to 40k. It was 10 before. Unless you're putting that towards housing, which the average across canada (including rural) is over $700k now
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:16 AM
Often I feel spoken language itself is a huge portion/barrier and I feel Lojban or a similar non-ambiguous language is needed,
yeah same here, over 700k for something with acreage for projects
acerage. Ha. 700k for a run down 600 square foot house up here
oh same here, but 60 miles out of town I can find acreage with a garage for that
12:17 AM
still used to be half that 10 years ago
I saw an interesting graph comparing average income to housing costs. Canada is SOO much worse than US.
overdue for a correction that may never come
12:18 AM
acreage in the form of a dry lakebed that is now shrubland
Its been a problem for decades. And now its a shitshow. I don't even know what our politicians are thinking right now. The cons and libs are playing chicken and threatening a reelection, which the libs are saying they don't want, but are doing it anyway and the cons say they do want but know they would never win if they did so won't do anything. Hypocrites on both sides. And tbh I think they're both going to stumble. A lot of ppl are pissed about the housing crisis and empty platitudes
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:20 AM
Yet, I understand the poetic lovely entertaining uses of English, and how its vagueness is useful. I just wish we as people relied on a secondary language for minimal/zero misinterpretation. Especially on the high-end decisions on the political level... I feel like modern spoken language is unworthy there, and politicians and all who affect it should used non-ambiguous terminology. Our A.I. robotics and systems in the future will not be able to interpret our commands at all with accuracy, so much of it is individual and wayy too so-called "contextual". We will be speaking as programming languages are to tell them how to function, and I feel this will leak into normal conversation too - this highly-specific language, used for computers but adapted to commonspeak.
no nonsense logical communication, like the vulcans in star trek
12:21 AM
sign me up
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:21 AM
Even the idea of using "left vs right" or "lib vs cons" etc... it's so flawed... all definitions can be argued, all can make sense, wrong or right. A standardized language is really the only way, English is too poetic. (edited)
Its been a problem for decades. And now its a shitshow. I don't even know what our politicians are thinking right now. The cons and libs are playing chicken and threatening a reelection, which the libs are saying they don't want, but are doing it anyway and the cons say they do want but know they would never win if they did so won't do anything. Hypocrites on both sides. And tbh I think they're both going to stumble. A lot of ppl are pissed about the housing crisis and empty platitudes
same here, to make matters worse investment companies are buying up land and housing at well over asking (sometimes 1 million usd over asking)
12:22 AM
because they fear hyperinflation
12:22 AM
but they are causing it
12:22 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:22 AM
Lojban is definitely the closest we have. On the other end, we have Toki Pona. Very ambiguous, actually useful in its own way really.
Language is just a tool though. It changes over time depending how people are using it. I don't think the problem is language. I think the problem is that there are too few social checks on people to favor logical conclusions. My solution to this would be a more involved political process. Like a mixed direct and representative democracy.
there will be AI that can get english into lojban, but 4 years is a long time for people
Yeah, companies buying up land is a problem. There's a company in canada buying up a billion dollars in housing for renting. This is what laws are for. Its not capitalism that's failing us here. Its our law makers and our political process that's failing us (edited)
the lack of discipline and backbone of these people
12:27 AM
the tax payers can't incentivize them enough to not crumble under corporate interests
12:27 AM
but right to repair reminds me that they will listen to us when we growl
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:27 AM
I myself have found that, in conversation, whole entire conversations can "make sense" and be "speakable" by both parties, even if both of them aren't actually on the same page. Even if no argument is made then, later upon scrutiny, someone will say "Well, when you said this, you obviously meant that. This in itself is huge. I've discovered, it almost is never congruent, people are just able to speak to eachother in ways that aren't definite, yet we treat them as such (and then arguments arrive if challenged - most aren't challenged). I think 4 years is fine for people in the political world. If you're in charge of a whole heaping pile of people, or a state, or a nation, or in the future a world, or a constellation.... I think prerequisite non-ambiguous language is a fine requirement! (edited)
the tax payers can't incentivize them enough to not crumble under corporate interests
That's because the concentration of power has increased again. And the larger each democratic riding gets, the further we move away from an actual democracy. We need bottom up checks. Like a mixed direct and representative voting system
12:31 AM
86% of americans, including 83% of republicans agree that the war on drugs had been abject failure according to a study I read. You'd think if there was that much agreement, we'd change our policy around it. But in reality, republicans are just not representing the interests of voters anymore.
12:33 AM
Also, there should be a law against lying. There should be fact checkers that charge politicians that mislead their voters. Their word is their product, and we're sorely lacking in quality control. But no politician would ever approve of that kind of law. Which is why we need direct voting on certain issues
I'm in that 83% for sure, the war on drugs has made the problem worse
You're a republican?
decriminalize and tax it, secure supply lines so you aren't posioning american's destigmatize use so addicts can walk away on their own yada yada yada
or targetting people with mental health problems.
and yeah, republican primarily but more left than most republican's i'd say
They're turning into the Nazi's right now
and of course it is irritating seeing representatives more republican than I absolutely blundering their positions
The problem with the republican party is that there's no getting around their history of racial segregation. Even if you agree with their policies and their taxation, that kind of still makes you complicit in voting supression, FPTP politics and the ongoing issues with racial segregation in the states.
They're turning into the Nazi's right now
I'd argue that the left is more fascist and authoritarian than the current republican party. As a result I'm on the right, if the tables turn I may vote the other way
I used to live in Alabama, and even back then they were very borderline fascist
12:39 AM
but how though?
12:39 AM
Republicans are literally white nationalists. Look at their demographics. Its disproportionately white men
What are you trying to get me to see?
Im not trying to get you to see anything. I just dont understand how you can say the liberals are equally fascist to a party that literally planned an insurrection and has actively held racist views for generations
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:41 AM
I actually only have science-fiction levels of political systems in mind. Earth in its current state requires... who knows how much assistance (even if we had a great system, the "transition" to it would be... something). In my mind I like to think of an autonomous space station. Everyone on board is given life-sustaining resources (i.e. No one can be "homeless" and dying from that fact, all food/water/shelter/etc resources are calculated constantly and provided to all on-board residents). They are not "forced" into servitude, but lazy people are always given at least a nutritious mush, living space, etc.. They are often incentivized, or gamified into progressing. In fact, for emergencies - say, a hull breach on the station - instead of money, points(or similar) are given to those who resolve this situation, moreso than usual(balancing techniques must be implemented to prevent purposeful malevolence for gain - a concept game devs may know too well). Otherwise, if food/water is a plenty, points are lesser in that area. If comfort is fine, less there. So, in other words, I barely agree with modern pre-determined politics and spectrums. I sometimes think I'm being "Technocratic", but that has some old flawed correspondences and etc.
🚀 2
sorry if this seems like im attacking you. Im not.
I know, I've heard this exact line of commenting many times before
12:42 AM
it always suprises me the conviction people say it with
I've heard that equally fascist line too. But I don't understand the justification for it
I think more fascist
Are you referring to cancel culture?
not equally, but more fascist
because racism and sexism should be cancelled
I agree entirely
12:42 AM
and I operate personally on those beliefs
Why more though? why equally?
it is a complicated issue
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:43 AM
I do admit, whether rightly or not, the "right" side (ugh, I haaate using these terms for this) has proven some pretty problematic outlooks.
I do enjoy discussing it
belief belongs in evidence. You should be basing your conclusions on real events. Otherwise people just believe in whatever they feel like or make up in their head
@Kelosi has reached level 4. GG!
it's very interesting to see how the last 10 years have developed both sides of this engagement
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:43 AM
Sometimes I wonder if it's people purposely trying to degrade X side, regardless of.... side.
I'm in the bret weinstein school of thought
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:43 AM
I.e. the way PragerU does things.... and so on (edited)
if that helps you at all, I just don't know how clearly I can articulate the points of this
It is. But I still don't see how anything the democrats have done in the last decade compares to an insurrrection
I may go write a few paragraphs in off topic on some of my thinking
12:44 AM
I think contrair
12:44 AM
I think jan 6th was not an insurrection
12:45 AM
I think it was a protest where mentally ill people and incredibly ignorant people were led to pastures without resistance
12:45 AM
no qanon nonsense of leftist spies
what lefist spies?
these were trump supporting republicans, but not the finest in the bunch
12:45 AM
12:46 AM
many republicans think that antifa in trump hats were the people on jan 6th who breached the capital
it was definitely an insurrection. They tried to overthrough the democratic process. And misleading people with lies is how all of this goes down. We've seen this in germany before
I agree with no such nonsense
12:46 AM
I also am intrigued with the we've seen this in germany before
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:46 AM
I think it's fine to judge a "side" but problematic to support a "side". Again back to the flaws of language and it's ambiguity, you cannot "support' a side safely - all things are interpret-able infinitely. Any individual can taint a viewpoint, for these labels have no... standardization. Only something like Lojban for example can provide a framework of reality, because you cannot speak Lojban incorrectly, it can be parsed as a program is.
Also, whats' significant about bret weinstein? I looked him up and it just mentions a controversy over racism. Is he like your version of Jordan Peterson or something? Cuz that guy is a turd
As a man who had to take care of his father at a young age, I do have to confess jordan peterson played a huge role in conditioning me to accept that responsibility. So as much of a turd as he is, his principles have led me to where I am today
The nazis appealed to right wing nationalism and populism in order to gain support.
australian media and bret weinstein reflect my views on the situation in america
12:50 AM
besides that, I don't know what to say further
12:50 AM
I'll just alienate myself with talking points that are so heavily discredited in left-leaning circles I hardly feel comfortable sharing them
Jordan Peterson has horrible values. He opposes trans rights and racial equity because "white people should get their share too." He's confusing equality with equity. Which is ignorant. There are reasons we don't have straight pride, white history month and international men's day. Black history month, gay pride and international women's day are all acknowledging disparities. And are celebrations of our diversity. Countering that with white pride for example is like saying "we did nothing wrong but we deserve attention too."
12:52 AM
He has the values of an incel
12:52 AM
someone whose priviledged and never actually experienced adversity
12:53 AM
Which uncoincidentally parallels the white nationalist victimhood complex that churches and theists prey on and make right wing movements like the insurrection and the nazis, and pretty much every other genocide, possible
I appreciate your claims that the republican party is an authoritarian threat to american democracy, I understand the effects of america stumbling and the world reserve currency nearing collapse as the result of insurrection or dictatorship, the developing world will get hurt the hardest by the ensuing power vacuum, and I want to avoid this if at all possible. The thing is, I worry the same duality of man can occur from either side.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:54 AM
I, as a not-a-fan-of-religion, have heard and understood many amazing concepts from religious people. I.e., priests teaching language to the masses, regardless of their goals in the end. They made many illiterate people literate, regardless of their goals. Interestingly, I'm happy at this, and sad at their goals. Complexity is interesting! There is nothing purely good or bad nor any individual capable of explaining a concept, especially in this flawed language in which "anything can mean anything" thanks to zero standardization(Heck, a definition can be in a dictionary - does that mean people will get it now? No). Incel means nothing. Left means nothing. Right means nothing. Liberal means nothing. Conservative means nothing. All can be defined at any moment, unless your language is designed otherwise. Debates are better made in such languages, not poetic, flimsy, manipulative English!
❤️ 3
I want to decentralize energy storage and food production so that whatever the elites at the top have in store for us, we can weather that storm without 10-40 million americans starving to death or killing each other
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 12:55 AM
I think political people should make their statements in C++.
It can occur from either side. Whether it is or not however is the question. Which is why I'm asking about your views. Plus the equal, civil, and gay rights movements are all actively saying "You've been doing this to us and we won't take it anymore."
12:56 AM
So its not we don't have any evidence for it
Hi ive been reading this from a distance for a while i like reading political stuff but i dont usually get involved as im scared ill articulate something wrong but hello
Anyways, again im not trying to stigmatize you. I thought thought it was ironic that I asked you for your reasons and you mostly just said "I should write about it sometime."
12:57 AM
and hello
It just hasn't affected me personally yet
well that's kind of how these things work
12:58 AM
living in alabama I was surrounded by people just doing their due diligence. But they still voted in support of racist legislation. A lot of these people were good people, but they just had limited experience
better stated, instead of affected me personally yet, none of your statements have rung true to me, but do ring true to the party
1:00 AM
so attempting not to feel attacked because hurr durr my party is xyz, when I don't embody anything you've described thus far of republicans is the most interesting thing to me
1:00 AM
like the general idea of republicans in america is miserable
1:00 AM
hello lesbean clever name
lol thanks
I don't feel obligated to write about it yet, because the demonization of the republican party has not personally affected me
1:02 AM
But I ought to catalog the very specific policies I don't like out of the establishment the last 10 years for my own sake anywho
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:03 AM
I don't trust people in a natural state for political decision-making in general, even though I agree with ideas of direct democracy or basically "get everyone involved". However, people are incentivized towards money-making, not by gaining intelligence or thinking power. In my opinion, monetary gain should be replaced with intelligence-pursuit - if we really "must" have people dying from lack of resource (ridiculous, but if so) as in homelessness, then money-hoarders should be diluted in favor of intelligence-hoarders. Any individual should deserve the right for survival by trying to be "smart", not by trying to "work hard" nor "having money". I can "give money" to people and supposedly they are at a higher status... it's ridiculous.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I, as a not-a-fan-of-religion, have heard and understood many amazing concepts from religious people. I.e., priests teaching language to the masses, regardless of their goals in the end. They made many illiterate people literate, regardless of their goals. Interestingly, I'm happy at this, and sad at their goals. Complexity is interesting! There is nothing purely good or bad nor any individual capable of explaining a concept, especially in this flawed language in which "anything can mean anything" thanks to zero standardization(Heck, a definition can be in a dictionary - does that mean people will get it now? No). Incel means nothing. Left means nothing. Right means nothing. Liberal means nothing. Conservative means nothing. All can be defined at any moment, unless your language is designed otherwise. Debates are better made in such languages, not poetic, flimsy, manipulative English!
Two people liked this but I actually really don't like this comment. "Incel means nothing. Left means nothing. Right means nothing. Liberal means nothing. Conservative means nothing. All can be defined at any moment" "There is nothing purely good or bad nor any individual capable of explaining a concept, especially in this flawed language" This argument dismantles evidence. You just dismissed the meaning of all language and words. Meaning the only standard on which to make decisions now is appealing confirmation bias. This right here is a recipe for nationalism. And why I consider indeterminism to be morally wrong. Misinformation fails when applied, causing harm. And while sure some religious have done acts of good, they're also responsible for a genocide in Canada. In fact, religion is responsible for most of the genocides throughout history. Which is no surprise since its described pretty explicitly in the bible. There's correlation AND causation. And ever been to an AA meeting? Or the salvation army? They're using these charities to gain converts and target vulnerable people. (edited)
yup, as an addict AA is pretty rough psyops, they definitely make it work but man they will throw you in a box you didn't know you could fit in upside down
Two people liked this but I actually really don't like this comment. "Incel means nothing. Left means nothing. Right means nothing. Liberal means nothing. Conservative means nothing. All can be defined at any moment" "There is nothing purely good or bad nor any individual capable of explaining a concept, especially in this flawed language" This argument dismantles evidence. You just dismissed the meaning of all language and words. Meaning the only standard on which to make decisions now is appealing confirmation bias. This right here is a recipe for nationalism. And why I consider indeterminism to be morally wrong. Misinformation fails when applied, causing harm. And while sure some religious have done acts of good, they're also responsible for a genocide in Canada. In fact, religion is responsible for most of the genocides throughout history. Which is no surprise since its described pretty explicitly in the bible. There's correlation AND causation. And ever been to an AA meeting? Or the salvation army? They're using these charities to gain converts and target vulnerable people. (edited)
the best part of this is if we water it down even further and go so far as to say all religions are describing the same god, but in different langauges, and they all translated their description of god to c++, then we would realize all relgions lead to the same start xyz and religious genocide is resolved
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:07 AM
Oh yeah sorry I meant to imply that I actually do not like religion, distrust AA, distrust the Salvation Army, etc. I am a harshly anti-religious person, but have gained "some" insight into their goodness into human history. They gave people the ability to read so they could "read the Bible". Maybe they didn't realize they could then write and read new ideas.. I am happy for their mistake (though I also wouldn't be surprised if so-called fanatics were secretly doing good behind the Church's back)
the best part of this is if we water it down even further and go so far as to say all religions are describing the same god, but in different langauges, and they all translated their description of god to c++, then we would realize all relgions lead to the same start xyz and religious genocide is resolved
well on that note, they're not all describing the same god. Etymologically Yahweh descends from the Semitic Ea or Enki. Who is NOT An or Uranus, which is where the holy ghost in catholisism comes from. Mitra was Hades. Enlil was Kronos. And all of these religions actually descend from a common farming religion that was distributed throughout the world during the neolithic revolution.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:09 AM
The alchemists and such of old had to definitely keep safe even though they were discovering modern day science, at the risk of death for defying the church. Thankfully some of them used cryptography and such, and led us to modern security practices we use today!
👀 1
Not to mention the abrahamic god is literally a god of dictatorships, patriotism, and conquest. He's a cosmic slave owner and dictator.
1:10 AM
Those religions are literally a worship of fascism before fascism was even a term. (edited)
1:11 AM
The alchemical origins of chemistry are interesting. But they're also proof of the dark ages that was caused by christianity. The ancient greeks and eqyptians were more technologically advanced that medieval era alchemists
1:12 AM
Most of our language for thermodynamics actually comes from greek philosophy. I
1:13 AM
Hesiods description of Chaos is pretty much a description of entropy after all
Two people liked this but I actually really don't like this comment. "Incel means nothing. Left means nothing. Right means nothing. Liberal means nothing. Conservative means nothing. All can be defined at any moment" "There is nothing purely good or bad nor any individual capable of explaining a concept, especially in this flawed language" This argument dismantles evidence. You just dismissed the meaning of all language and words. Meaning the only standard on which to make decisions now is appealing confirmation bias. This right here is a recipe for nationalism. And why I consider indeterminism to be morally wrong. Misinformation fails when applied, causing harm. And while sure some religious have done acts of good, they're also responsible for a genocide in Canada. In fact, religion is responsible for most of the genocides throughout history. Which is no surprise since its described pretty explicitly in the bible. There's correlation AND causation. And ever been to an AA meeting? Or the salvation army? They're using these charities to gain converts and target vulnerable people. (edited)
yeah i apologize i just liked it cuz like labels can only go so far and whatnot yknow
1:14 AM
also i just got back from dinner we're onto gods now huh
lol, sry for all the tangents.
1:15 AM
But as far as I'm concerned, the concept of god has done far more harm than good. In fact, I think its the greatest evil in our society. Its a worship of the human ego.
1:16 AM
Christian discriptions of the devil are exactly what god looks like to me. A liar, a dictator, and an opressor
I also agree, watering down the langauge to where it is meaningless serves nothing, but yes labels and demographics and simple phrases are dangerous in their ability to convey multiple meanings and often times I find myself chalking myself up to "yup, these words have kind of strayed far from their definition" Watering down religions to one god is just as meaningless, because it's not based in reality
1:17 AM
I feel like the meaning of so many words is not based in reality any more but rather their contextualization in the language at that given time
1:17 AM
white nationalist is way to broad of a term to be particularly useful
that sounds more like a problem with misinformation. How gossip is conveyed via appeals. Which is exactly why I have a problem with indeterminism, and makes your stance kind of ironic from my perspective
@Kelosi has reached level 5. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:18 AM
I need to admit I'm biased towards "Alchemy". In my opinion, the materials aspects of it are accidental. The "lead" is not physical lead, the "gold" is not physical gold - if anything it kinda sadly reflects religious ideals. However, in an energy work or magical working way, that was the intent (though yes they experimented with thought/spirit/soul combining with physical elements in some weird hybrid chemistry/magic).
well it does. And that goes into the history of the occult and subculture
1:19 AM
alchemy was associated with witchcraft by the church
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:19 AM
It's tough for me - I used to be heaavily anti-religious, and only though long study discovered some positivity out of the whole ordeal. It's strange indeed.
and when the church published the maleus maleficarum in the 15th century, it basically incentivized an era of occult, black magic pseudoscience
If people find comfort in it its fine for me i just really dont like how objective people see it as and the dogmatic principles and whatnot
💯 1
@opabinia has reached level 4. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall
It's tough for me - I used to be heaavily anti-religious, and only though long study discovered some positivity out of the whole ordeal. It's strange indeed.
"long study" is all I ever end up hearing about this. That's kind of a confirmation bias claim. That's like saying "that herbal remedy cleansed me" (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:22 AM
So in my opinion, "energy work" such as what you might find in the East (and btw, very confusing - their words translated barely make as much as much sense unless you were born there) is very akin to what "magic" tries to find, including Wicca or hermetic etc. Alas, there is a lot of labelled "new-age" which maybe borders on self-help/happy-thinking levels of these ideas - which sometimes dip into the same realm, buut... ahh it's so tough, holy wow it's so easy to get mixed up in.... some positive-thinking doesn't-really-do-anything-ism
Studies show that religious people are actually less generous, less kind, and less inclusive despite self-reporting more. But that's how confirmation bias works. When you're not basing your beliefs on evidence, the only standard left is your bias. Whatever appeals to you, which always favors the self. That's an example of misinformation causing harm (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:27 AM
Disclaimer I believe in "Qi"(Chi), and that energy force which can be utilized within the body. However, I began learning weird ideas like "if you bury a coin in the East side of a tree the spirit something-something will..." etc.... and I have a problem with that. Yet, I kinda almost get it, East/West, times of day etc, they "do" have meaning sometimes... but not like that. Ultimately, for religion, I have this question: Can you guarantee that your message (i.e. prayer) is actually... reaching the entity(deity) you intend it to? As I've found, this idea of communicating beyond physicality... is not simple. You don't just think happy thoughts and they make their way to the right.... space, or time, or person. If you believe in demons, or any non-"holy" thing, you should be aware you are likely reaching them - by default - not what you intended.
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 11. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall
So in my opinion, "energy work" such as what you might find in the East (and btw, very confusing - their words translated barely make as much as much sense unless you were born there) is very akin to what "magic" tries to find, including Wicca or hermetic etc. Alas, there is a lot of labelled "new-age" which maybe borders on self-help/happy-thinking levels of these ideas - which sometimes dip into the same realm, buut... ahh it's so tough, holy wow it's so easy to get mixed up in.... some positive-thinking doesn't-really-do-anything-ism
Well Pliney the Elder wrote almost 2000 years ago that "all magic originates from medicine pretending to offer the promise of health." Basically that the occult is a matter of confirmation bias. He also claimed that it came from the Zoroastrians, which actually makes so much sense given the context of the Abrahamic faiths.
but from what i contain of it when people are more open and see which parts of it others may not exactly think so you dont have to force it on them, and just like focusing on the parts that are objectively for the well being of others, my fav example is MLK took that well being for all from his religion and applied it to civil rights and also adapted some of the pacifist approach from people like Gandhi
1:28 AM
Im not religious in the slightest but i do think youll find some good people in it is all
objectively is a key term there
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:30 AM
It takes beyond-typical emotional/mental control to..... even enact any kind of magical operation, let alone a "prayer". So, if there happens to be a paarasitic God-wanna-be-faker in out midsts, the majority of people... are feeding that entity. Rarely a religion "trains" you to do anything, they don't "exercise" you very often. I have a disposition towards magic, alchemy, and so on... because they constantly have you question yourself and prove things... in quite a scientific method kind of way, if anything. Religions tends to say "Think X and Y will come" ehhhh. (edited)
People can find good in whatever they want to. That's the nature of confirmation bias. I could believe a unicorn is watching over me and wants me to help people and still do good. It becomes a problem when I start applying that belief and offering unicorn dust to people instead of taking their medicine. (edited)
People can find good in whatever they want to. That's the nature of confirmation bias. I could believe a unicorn is watching over me and wants me to help people and still do good. It becomes a problem when I start applying that belief and offering unicorn dust to people instead of taking their medicine. (edited)
Yep that i agree with
1:31 AM
dogma is an evil little thing
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:31 AM
This is fun btw, and I love all of you. Sounds kinda new-agey, but I kinda really mean it. Ye all are awesome, and this discussion is cool.
The other side of that coin is if you're not basing your beliefs on evidence, how do you know you're helping. I had a friend for example that used to plant random vegetables around the city because, "y'know, life." Also, you can think you're helping someone, but actually be harming them. False solutions can cause harm too.
Yeah, dont worry bro i accept the new agey shit im pretty hippie ish myself lol
The other side of that coin is if you're not basing your beliefs on evidence, how do you know you're helping. I had a friend for example that used to plant random vegetables around the city because, "y'know, life." Also, you can think you're helping someone, but actually be harming them. False solutions can cause harm too.
Yeah true
I know a lot about the history of the occult and religion, but i would consider myself a hard atheist and a pragmatist
Im agnostic
1:34 AM
cuz i technically dont know
1:34 AM
but more or less the same as atheism
^ same here
Im somewhat of an antitheist. I think misinformation causes harm, and that gossip and hearsay basically fall into the same category as religion. I don't deny that some people have used it for good. But I think all people are inherently capable of reason on some level because its imposed on us by selective pressures. But that misinformation causes harm in a lot of ways, both direct and indirectly to both the believer and non believer.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:36 AM
Indeed! See, after many years of wandering the idea of "magic" and so on - I found some decent resource, yet only(so far) "Franz Bardon" has proven decent enough to me in that realm. Btw, I'm Agnostic too, but I study magic, alchemy, and energy work. I am a huge fan of "I don't know", and I love that idea. So, I reaaallyl really hate "honing in" on some author or ultimate source of info, but Franz Bardon's "Initiation Into Hermetics" is like... a huge deal. It's step-by-step, in a sea of theory and whatever-ness. When it says you will experience "remote viewing" - no, you will not experience it until "after" proving to yourself that you actually witnessed a real space, not some imaginary one.
1:37 AM
There is no moving on to the next step until proving to yourself that you achieved what you intended.
I can talk a lot about the occult. Its just when you start talking about it like its real you get a different side of me
1:40 AM
What theory? I'm familiar with hermetics, its basically a greco egyptian ideology, although it was popularized during the 15th and 16th centuries, so its authenticity is somewhat questionable
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:41 AM
Yeahh I do admit, I'm starting to get weary of the term "Hermetics" myself. Even the "Golden Dawn" of hermetics is way to Egyptian-alized and so on.
That was also a common theme for a lot of those works. Like the Abramelin, which is a book of magic written by Abraham the Jew, passed down from his father who supposedly got it from an egpytian mage. (edited)
1:43 AM
The lesser key of solomon also came out around that time. Although that was largely inspired by the churches malleus maleficarum itself (edited)
1:46 AM
These secret societies are actually a relic from the roman era, who got it from the greek mysteries btw. Magic or Magoi was originally a term for people who practiced Zoroastrianism.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:46 AM
I can't get behind the ritualistic ideas of the Golden Dawn and such. And yes, the Hebrew view of the Kabbalah (which may/may not relate to Qaballah of Bardon's 3rd book). Some magical stuff is weirdly specific in ritual, sometimes I worry it is.... an affect to siphon energy to them?(That may be too conspiratorial, but hey, even the Eastern stuff tries to believe in an immortal personal being of some forms at the high-end of training). Anyways, I am a fan of Bardon's stuff because it's so personal and "don't move on until you've prove you achieved the last step" sort of thing. In comparison to religion's "Move one, you totally did the thing, no need to check anything, God knows - it's all good, you'' be okay" thinking.
1:47 AM
I meant to say the Hebrew stuff is actually wonderfully cool as far as I can tell, it seems to be on the right page. The only source I have for that is:
What right page? That would suggest you've been able to reliably reproduce results
1:50 AM
Anyways, I find Babylonian mythology more compelling. Even though I'm still a hard atheist. After the babylonian captivity, Judaism basically became heavily xenophobic and patriachial. Which kind of spoils it for me. Same with a lot of European history. Everything after the christianization of Europe bores me. I just find their ideals so immoral
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:51 AM
Ooooh I really like that info. I do admit I'm wary of.. everything. Especially claiming historical. I will look into that. I wouldn't be surprised.
Love ancient history though. Anything from the bronze age or neolithic era, sign me up!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:53 AM
That's kinda why I stick with Franz's IIH book, it's not historical kinda like Madam Blavatsky and similar go into - so much theory, history etc... it's just literally: Do this - did it work? Ok let's move on.
1:54 AM
This is about open source ecology after all
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:54 AM
Like the idea of remote viewing: Did you witness a real place in reality? Ok, go there, check if it was as you saw. It wasn't? Ok, you probably didn't do it then, that was imagination.
Are you talking about empiricism or astral projection?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:54 AM
I love magic grounded in reality, knowing that that you totally can be BS-ing yourself
1:55 AM
Astral is apparently another... realm. I wouldn't be surprised if many took remote viewing as astral however.
1:55 AM
I admit I'd probably consider the experience as astral. Alas, we are back to English as a form of words and labelling.
Well being able to close your eyes and open them again, and that thing still being there is one way you can tell that something exists prior to interpretation. They way you know if something is in your head or not. (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:57 AM
Totally makes sense that if someone "remote viewed" they'd think they were "astral projecting". I wouldn't judge the idea too harshly, but I do perhaps admit a difference
1:58 AM
Anything as crazy as remote viewing may as well be in the realm of godlike wtf-isms to anyone typically. At this point is why I like to fall-back on TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Qigong, Nei Gong, Nei Dan, and etc. They have a bit... idk... a bit more physicality to it all?
what remote view? It sounds like you're talking about psychic powers. I don't believe in the supernatural. I don't even think its moral too. Which goes back to my misinformation causes harm claim. Believing in these things can misdirect you and make you vulnerable to manipulation (edited)
@Kelosi has reached level 6. GG!
That's also a part of why I think religion directly compromises the democratic process
hello i am back
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 1:59 AM
Indeed that's why I only trust books that tell you not to believe in it unless you've done so yourself - and to treat anything otherwise as a delusion/illusion/imagination.
hello. We are talking about the supernatural for some reason
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:00 AM
Weirdly enough religion does not to do this - they do not enforce "check yourself" mechanisms like alchemists or even magicians do - they simply tell you to believe.
Even a science book you shouldn't take at face value. Its only valid if it gives you the tools to confirm its claims on your own.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:01 AM
If you have a hallucination, it may as well be a divine intervention. A magical practitioner would never.
the reason science stays fresh is because its constantly requestioning its foundation and updating information
2:02 AM
which makes it interesting to read older science texts
Oh yeah. I love reading physics papers from the 20s. Its so much easier to understand, lol
Lol ye i have a book on nematodes from the 20s
oh nice. They're ecdysozoans, right? Which means they shed their exoskeleton like a bug? despite being worm like?
Nohbdy Ahtall
Weirdly enough religion does not to do this - they do not enforce "check yourself" mechanisms like alchemists or even magicians do - they simply tell you to believe.
I think it conveniences religion to not do this. In fact, I think a lot of the culturally endemic indeterminism I find myself combatting has a religious origin, even if the speaker is in fact secular, because they're often just maintaining the status quo from views that have been passed down to them.
oh nice. They're ecdysozoans, right? Which means they shed their exoskeleton like a bug? despite being worm like?
yeah theyre categorized in that group along with arthropods
2:05 AM
And tbh i didnt know the group was characterized by shedding lol
I love phylogenetics. That classification has biological implications for example. It means they have the same exoskeleton anatomy as other ecdysozoans. Meaning they form 3 cuticle layers of exoskeleton on top of their epidermis which has a common origin with our epidermis all the way back to bilaterians. 4 cuticle layers in tartigrades. (edited)
yeah its such a cool topic!!
2:08 AM
Tardigrades are very interesting from an evolutionary perspective (edited)
2:08 AM
those and velvet worms
I love early animal evolution. Did you know vertebrates pretty much evolved from the premature nymphs of sea squirts? (edited)
2:09 AM
also tunicates are so cool cuz theyre like genetic chimeras
Its interesting to see all their little organs. Heart, eyes, gills, even the first vertebrate brain, and yet they still pretty much have the same life cycle as significantly less complex corals
2:10 AM
genetic chimeras?
its thought that they actually had a hybridization with protostomes resulting in the modern group now, as well as picking up the ability to produce cellulose from bacteria
genetic chimeras?
yeah thats what i call them lol
I've never heard of anything like that happening in metazoans. Not unless you include neighboring species like horses and donkeys
2:11 AM
tunicates are pretty distant from protostomes (edited)
Yeah its still like a theory but its really fascinating
2:11 AM
i'll find info on it real quick
Lichen are a symbiotic relationship between cyanobacteria and eukaryotes. Is that what you're thinking about?
Nope, full on horizontal gene transfer
2:13 AM
crazy right?
In a metazoan? Yeah. Although we did just discover that theta polymerase acts like reverse transcriptase in humans so its possible
Horizontal gene transfer and endosymbiosis interest me so so much
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:15 AM
I have notice alchemists, magicians, and energy workers to typically enforce a checking mechanism to all things. They don't "do" faith-based anything. I admit, "magicians" can be broad, like Witchcaft(sorry <3), where they are too lenient like "Oh you felt goodness? You did it." No! That is not, gah, I mean, in some problematic chaotic way yes you can consistently convince yourself into positivity and.... eghhh, it's not worth it, it's not safe(if you consider the mechanics of the other methods). I mean, I get it, ultimately - if you are a typical person living in modern day life, random/forced positivity, logical or not, can totally uplift your day, life others around you, and so on. If all the other "woo-woo metaphysics" exists even, you are making it happen, because damn that's some willful/precise intention. I dunno how to judge, it totally works.... in a bubble. Heck it even works against some of the worst of people. Can't work for me, I think too much. I know constant positivity will, in fact, uplift my life. I know it. Do I do it? No. I have even meditated and entered the most esoteric, strange, wtf-iest states of being.... stuff that may as well be life-changing. However, the power of the "commons" wins - it doesn't matter how cool, or how powerful that state was - it doesn't get me through day-to-day labor well(if anything it makes me want to quit all jobs ever), it is literally a barrier to common existence. To typical relationship norms, to careers, to family matters - you will(unless truly determined otherwise) succumb back to normality. It doesn't matter if you chucked a Qi-ball into a tree and set it on fire. For survival, in this day and age, you will get a job - lose that skill - and survive.
You should look up theta polymerase. We've known its an oncogene for some time but we never knew it could actually take an rna template and integrate it into the genome before. Its potentially a target for a broad range of cancers. But also its basically reverse transcriptase, which means we might not even have to pack CRISPR into an mRNA vaccine in order to modify specific genes
👀 1
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:18 AM
I shall do so, right away!
its rocking the biology world right now
that sounds lovely
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:21 AM
I shall research, in the meantime here is someone talking about "Qi"(Chi). This guy's pretty critical of other typical practices(even of Eastern medicine, martial arts, or even qigong itself) but gets the point:
Im reading your paper. There are some inconsistencies in the abstract. It says humans and sea urchins form a separate clade, which would imply to me that the hydrid was with a sea urchin? Which is a deuterostome. However, humans are still descended from chordates. That's been genetically confirmed. So if they were a hybrid, we should still have all those genes.
I think its just sayin like between sea urchins and humans (two deuterostomes) it made it apparent that there was something abnormal with the tunicate
@opabinia has reached level 5. GG!
also if humans and sea urchins are more closely related, would that means that sea urchins once had a brain but then lost it?
No i dont think thats what its getting at
2:25 AM
maybe i should just make a quick little diagram tree thing depicting what i interpret from that abstract
2:25 AM
cuz im having a time trying to explain it lol
2:31 AM
Oh, they have some diagrams
2:31 AM
2:31 AM
this is how i thought it was trying to say idk if that sums that up better
this study still confuses me though. Are ALL sea squirts descended from this or is it just modern sea squirts and vertebrates descended from a different now extinct sea squirt lineage?
2:33 AM
that is a question i have too
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:33 AM
I do admit: I believe in the idea of a "Dan Tian" - a battery of energy, of Qi, in the lower abdomen. I believe, in terms of the gland systems and such - a system typically controlled by... non-conscious systems - can be controlled by conscious systems, like your mind. The whole lowering of the heart system, the breathing. the so on, etc.... there's some kind of "line" between the possible and the impossible... in society.'
Like did we vertebrates come from the line that fused with the protostome lineage or did we split up earlier?
Sorry, I haven't read your comments yet, Nohbdy. Im reading this paper. I'm familiar with Kundalini but I can't say I've been convinced by it.
Like did we vertebrates come from the line that fused with the protostome lineage or did we split up earlier?
my question exactly
This is a super interesting topic though id love to see more research
2:35 AM
maybe i could do it someday i aspire to get into marine biology
2:35 AM
that would be sick
Nohbdy Ahtall
I have notice alchemists, magicians, and energy workers to typically enforce a checking mechanism to all things. They don't "do" faith-based anything. I admit, "magicians" can be broad, like Witchcaft(sorry <3), where they are too lenient like "Oh you felt goodness? You did it." No! That is not, gah, I mean, in some problematic chaotic way yes you can consistently convince yourself into positivity and.... eghhh, it's not worth it, it's not safe(if you consider the mechanics of the other methods). I mean, I get it, ultimately - if you are a typical person living in modern day life, random/forced positivity, logical or not, can totally uplift your day, life others around you, and so on. If all the other "woo-woo metaphysics" exists even, you are making it happen, because damn that's some willful/precise intention. I dunno how to judge, it totally works.... in a bubble. Heck it even works against some of the worst of people. Can't work for me, I think too much. I know constant positivity will, in fact, uplift my life. I know it. Do I do it? No. I have even meditated and entered the most esoteric, strange, wtf-iest states of being.... stuff that may as well be life-changing. However, the power of the "commons" wins - it doesn't matter how cool, or how powerful that state was - it doesn't get me through day-to-day labor well(if anything it makes me want to quit all jobs ever), it is literally a barrier to common existence. To typical relationship norms, to careers, to family matters - you will(unless truly determined otherwise) succumb back to normality. It doesn't matter if you chucked a Qi-ball into a tree and set it on fire. For survival, in this day and age, you will get a job - lose that skill - and survive.
"Can't work for me, I think too much. I know constant positivity will, in fact, uplift my life. I know it. Do I do it? No." in my honest opinion this is the reverse of the truth. Constantly thinking about positivity and negativity biases a person, which can misdirect them. You should be focusing on events that precede interpretation. Making affirmative claims, testing those claims, and confirming or disproving them
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:39 AM
A typical human, working all day(i.e. 5 days working 2 days off - eugh omfg I'm so sorry), doing this and that.... they won't... last a long time(in comparison to one... trying to last a long time). They're fuxxin' busy, with something they think is important or not, they are. I dunno, does it not make sense... that the typical lifestyle will.... limit this lifespan? Is this really a crazy concept? I get it, a monk in the mountain wilderness - I guess that's... crazy. Yet, IMO, an 8-hour+ shift of work for bare minimum survival.... is crazy,
this is how i thought it was trying to say idk if that sums that up better
lol, did you make that
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 2:39 AM
I guess people not working for survival don't get it.
lol, did you make that
yeah just drew it real quick to try to illustrate what they were saying better
Oh cool. Cephalochordata. I didn't know that's what lancelets were called. I knew they weren't hemichordates but I wasn't really sure where they were placed
2:42 AM
They have a notochord that goes all the way to the tip of their nose instead of a brain
Yeah, i need to learn more about hemichordates
hey, have you ever wondered what carpoids actually were?
Yeahhhh theyre so bizarre looking
2:45 AM
oh oh have you have of trilobozoans?
They apparently have teh same calcium carbonate in their dermis that starfish have, so they're sopposedly echinoderms.
2:45 AM
Evolution's early attempt at limbs
2:46 AM
Trilobozoa, they're an extinct group of Corals?
No i believe theyre an entire extinct phylum
Well they're place among cnidarians, they just have different radial patters from what I can tell. Evolutions attemp at germ cell differentiation probably
They have an amazing feeding mechanism, it manipulates water flow to make food sink in, ill send a link to the wikipedia excerpt on it
🍉 1
you mean filter feeding?
Yeah but its like a different variant of filter feeding
2:48 AM
Tribrachidium heraldicum is a tri-radially symmetric fossil animal that lived in the late Ediacaran (Vendian) seas. In life, it was hemispherical in form. T. heraldicum is the best known member of the extinct group Trilobozoa.
That makes sense since they have different patterns like that
ooooh, interesting. gravity settling. I wonder if that would have applications in material science and fluid systems (edited)
"Can't work for me, I think too much. I know constant positivity will, in fact, uplift my life. I know it. Do I do it? No." in my honest opinion this is the reverse of the truth. Constantly thinking about positivity and negativity biases a person, which can misdirect them. You should be focusing on events that precede interpretation. Making affirmative claims, testing those claims, and confirming or disproving them
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 3:02 AM
This is what legit magical training appears to me, from what I find. If you sift through Damo Mitchell's(energy work, qigong, nei gong) info, he's actually... not a believer of Franz's(germetic stuff(somewhere Q&A he comments on this). I get it, he's also not a believer of "imagination-based" training - I get it, it's explained of how this energy moves and how visualization impedes it.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 3:10 AM
It may be reverse of the truth - but much of my life has been defying nonsensical social ideology, even as a kid. In order to survive, as in not become homeless and die (likely better situation than other countries, I'm in USA, a dumpster likely has more nutrition than a 50-mile radius than other places - even then us USA-ians have to bypass/adapt-to-the the scarey-wary "Grocery store throws out massive amounts of edible items" reality despite the "ew that's gross, guess I'll die" mindset), I've had to adapt, not-so-willingly, to social norms. Familial is default, if you have a family and expectations there, check. Friends you have from high school, they "very likely" have these typical mindsets, check. People you meet randomly, workplaces, etc, sooo typicallly... typical, check. It is hard work to attract non-conformist ideas in reality outside of the internet(and then, you have the risk of the opposide spectrum - good or bad)
Nohbdy Ahtall
It may be reverse of the truth - but much of my life has been defying nonsensical social ideology, even as a kid. In order to survive, as in not become homeless and die (likely better situation than other countries, I'm in USA, a dumpster likely has more nutrition than a 50-mile radius than other places - even then us USA-ians have to bypass/adapt-to-the the scarey-wary "Grocery store throws out massive amounts of edible items" reality despite the "ew that's gross, guess I'll die" mindset), I've had to adapt, not-so-willingly, to social norms. Familial is default, if you have a family and expectations there, check. Friends you have from high school, they "very likely" have these typical mindsets, check. People you meet randomly, workplaces, etc, sooo typicallly... typical, check. It is hard work to attract non-conformist ideas in reality outside of the internet(and then, you have the risk of the opposide spectrum - good or bad)
"but much of my life has been defying nonsensical social ideology" Which you've been using the magic and the occult to supplement? Legit to me implies that there's something that's actually believable about this. You're talking about what 'you get" but you're not really conveying that to me. And I'm not really sure why you're talking about magic on an open source ecology discord in the first place. People turn to religion for comfort. Even if its bad for them and those belief systems cause harm. Is it possible that you're using the occult for the same reasons? You've admitted to hardship. But does believing in magic actually help? Or does it just post pone the problem. My dad often makes arguments that religion "helps" people. If it makes them feel good, that's all that matters. My mum on the other hand is an anti vaxxer and has wealth of "ideas." Its exhausting. Even he has to admit that not allowing gluten in the house or being able to use paper or paper towel is disruptive rather than helpful. Her "solutions" aren't solving anything. They're just making up for the fact that she felt powerless throughout her childhood and then in the military, so now she radiates the whole house with Rife machine energy and wonders why she can't sleep when there's an inaudible buzzing going on in the background at all times. When you base your beliefs on confirmation bias you can conclude anything. Literally anything. Basing your feelings on more feelings turns your conclusions into an arbitrary game of telephone where your end results no longer reflect your reasons for coming to that conclusion. So to sum up, no magical training appears legit to me. Both the terms "appear" and "legit" imply you have reasons for thinking those things. Reasons that precede interpretation. But you're not saying them. No theist or magical believer ever does. And if they did they probably wouldn't believe this stuff in the first place.
@Kelosi has reached level 7. GG!
I had some stuff to attend to but a friend of mine recently explained to me "you are smart enough to convince yourself of anything."
👍 1
I had some stuff to attend to but a friend of mine recently explained to me "you are smart enough to convince yourself of anything."
@yfgame good afternoon!
HI, Good to see new faces here! What brings you here, and what are your interests!
HI, Good to see new faces here! What brings you here, and what are your interests!
more sanity checks through peer/community review. Primarily decentralized life support on earth, I want people to have their materials needs with as little currency as possible, I see a post-scarcity future available to us. I worry often about political revolutions and their fallout to the underlying population, I want to see humanity live like socialists, but I can't trust any organization or government to hold that system accountable without massive death, any political unrest, coup, things of that nature have the capability to bring death to 10s of millions, if not hundreds of millions internationally. OSE to me means, that one day our villages won't need external supply chains for 90% of our needs. The sooner the better, the less we are at the liberty of our organizations and governments for security, safety and resources. (edited)
more sanity checks through peer/community review. Primarily decentralized life support on earth, I want people to have their materials needs with as little currency as possible, I see a post-scarcity future available to us. I worry often about political revolutions and their fallout to the underlying population, I want to see humanity live like socialists, but I can't trust any organization or government to hold that system accountable without massive death, any political unrest, coup, things of that nature have the capability to bring death to 10s of millions, if not hundreds of millions internationally. OSE to me means, that one day our villages won't need external supply chains for 90% of our needs. The sooner the better, the less we are at the liberty of our organizations and governments for security, safety and resources. (edited)
That is all good and very nice! Post scarcity definitely coming! There is much more on the horizon, you won't need anything else in the future, and will be 100% self sufficient!
I look historically to genocides and revolutions of centuries past, and loathe the day the history books open a new page to be written
That is all good and very nice! Post scarcity definitely coming! There is much more on the horizon, you won't need anything else in the future, and will be 100% self sufficient!
what about you?
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 9:38 PM
Oh man yes! Ah I am so glad to hear that outlook, a rarity (other than around here!)
❤️ 1
My interests are robotics, They are the future and the only way for a true post scarcity!
@yfgame has reached level 3. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 9:42 PM
I was just going to say, it is that outlook + decentralized technology that I like. I feel it's possible that software can handle these systems on a small or individual scale. The robotics definitely required in all the matter-manipulation. I'd also like to see awesome knowledge systems, where say, on a rugged solar-chargable tablet, is a computer containing everything for knowledge/learning, with plenty of media and simulation areas to practice(without resource loss). Especially a nice lil survival guide, at least, but should contain the whole works.
My interests are robotics, They are the future and the only way for a true post scarcity!
I feel like mechatronics should be taught in grades 6-12 I am a machine engineer by vocation, so I am always looking atoms up in automation. It's quite irritating seeing companies not pursuing automation as aggressively as they could be.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I was just going to say, it is that outlook + decentralized technology that I like. I feel it's possible that software can handle these systems on a small or individual scale. The robotics definitely required in all the matter-manipulation. I'd also like to see awesome knowledge systems, where say, on a rugged solar-chargable tablet, is a computer containing everything for knowledge/learning, with plenty of media and simulation areas to practice(without resource loss). Especially a nice lil survival guide, at least, but should contain the whole works.
Indeed, ideally these systems are so robustly automated someone that is a cashier nowadays could be a machine watcher in 12 years you know? (edited)
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 15. GG!
oh you know your way around a point of sale system? you want to farm 35 million calories a month for your community?
ya know, I had a project of my own in the robotics space, Hope to see progress!
I've just been playing around with cartesian robots, plasma cutters, 3d printers, routing tables. Was gonna sell nick-nacks and stuff, but didn't end up needing to.
9:47 PM
a 2'x2' plasma cutter or are godsends for the home-game machine builder (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 9:49 PM
This may be a difficult one, but heck, if we even made an adequate humanoid robot that can pretty much do everything physically we can do - then just the "telerobotics" alone could be huge. From your home you could login to a mining site, or into the space station, or etc. Ultimately specialized robotics would still be better, but it's interesting that this alone can act as a sort of "adapter". At least, any job someone would say "A robot can't do"... well... I mean I think they mean automation/A.I. but this is just remote working to the extreme.
some planetary reductions on the stepper motors on the plasma and a ton of tuning would get you a system that is as accurate as the laser, but yeah, ton's of possibilities
Nohbdy Ahtall
This may be a difficult one, but heck, if we even made an adequate humanoid robot that can pretty much do everything physically we can do - then just the "telerobotics" alone could be huge. From your home you could login to a mining site, or into the space station, or etc. Ultimately specialized robotics would still be better, but it's interesting that this alone can act as a sort of "adapter". At least, any job someone would say "A robot can't do"... well... I mean I think they mean automation/A.I. but this is just remote working to the extreme.
I can't say how it'll shape up I feel like it may be more specialized robotics generally, lots of people remain in the service industries as those are last to go, and most humans just become a sanity check for the algorithms.
9:52 PM
more so than actively remote controlling a platform to complete a task
9:53 PM
overseeing the algorithm completing that task with 10-15 different platforms
9:53 PM
we'll be the stop gap solution for the last 80% of development that is 20% of the top end decision making
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 9:54 PM
Indeed, but at least for say, all the vehicles and such we have that are designed around having a human in the seat - if someone reaaally doesn't want to redesign the whole thing(or perhaps just leave the human slot available), then I mean hey!
lol yeah
9:54 PM
driving a mining truck from a sim rig 500 miles away would be nice
9:55 PM
as I'm thinking about it more you're right, it's easier to build remote controls that to train ML to do the same task
9:56 PM
then once you have remote controls you collect all that data to train your ML
9:56 PM
it's like chicken and egg of automation
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 9:58 PM
I do also like the idea of multiple people being logged in to one. For certain jobs at least. Like say, perhaps a police officer deserves more "eyes" on the task(or at least, a specialist team comes aboard depending on how bad the situation is)
indeed, that will be lovely when a dozen experts hop on a remote workspace and completely obliterate a task
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/22/2021 10:42 PM
I'm very invested on the software side of things, especially of simulations and taking all of these physical ideas and having a virtual test space. Pushing on that idea further (or, perhaps lesser - by abstracting certain details out to get a bigger picture virtual space), putting them into games seems big. Or rather, game development itself. I'd say intertwining the serious part of these creations with the act of developing a game. Yet also, in programming that game using patterns or techniques that also grow your coding skills for something more embedded - or simply whatever can use code for something you're more interested, like the robotics side.
-- osr-support -- 6/22/2021 11:50 PM
'I feel like mechatronics should be taught in grades 6-12' 100+
@-- osr-support -- has reached level 4. GG!
Is back now (edited)
Fathers day festivities and whatnot, then i donated blood yesterday and was like emmmmmmmmmmmmmm naptime but should be getting back to work lil (edited)
ah gotcha
12:33 AM
ive never donated blood but ive had it drawn for like medical purposes
very odd process, but nothing to crazy and, at least in my local area, they have these "blood-mobiles" that are bus sized mobile clinics/donation sites of sorts, and one was nearby
12:37 AM
I was spooked by needles for a while and kind of find it to be exposure thearapy as well idk
12:40 AM
i don't know where i put the image of it, but one a while back had canned gatorade
12:40 AM
ONLY place i have seen it
12:40 AM
some SCP shit
😆 1
12:41 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 12:50 AM
Lmao. Oh man, I actually enjoy needles I think - however, the mechanism behind those blood machines.... gah freaks me out. I trust the tech... moostly.. but I'm not sure I trust humans to clean that stuff thoroughly xP
I don't think there was really a machine involved
1:08 AM
there is if you donate plasma or "double reds"
1:08 AM
those are goofy because you have a "return line" which is kinda spooky (edited)
1:10 AM
What i do is "whole blood" and they basically have a y fitting attached to the needle + ~5cm or so of tubing, and part of it goes to those vacuum test tube, premade test things, and the other end goes to the bag
1:10 AM
you sit there for ~5 min or so and then are done
1:10 AM
the forms take the longest part to be honest
1:21 AM
Spam Incoming:
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1:23 AM
I don't know how hard they were in real life, but for a 3D Printer, within reason all these complex/abstract shapes are nothing
These are all super cool!
Also shoutout to @Kelosi 's graphite pyramid concept
The thing is most large scale 3d printers like that still require a 3d printer bigger than the area you're printing. Too bad we can't just design a swarm of spider 3d printers that carry small payloads and periodically have to come back for more cement (edited)
@Kelosi has reached level 8. GG!
I know there are concepts using those "self building cranes" which are crazy in their own right
3d printing floating structures with reinforced cement also interests me. I imagined a modular egg carton structure that you could build off of and continue to make more cells without having to dry dock.
1:31 AM
We could build one near the ocean garbage patches and convert them back into usable resources
👀 1
1:34 AM
Pier 57 in NYC has a air filled cement ballast that floats on water
I know most current ones are filled with expanded polystyrene, but foamcrete could definitely work too.
1:37 AM
Also c a r b o n f o a m (edited)
1:40 AM
b u r n t b r e a d
1:40 AM
I think there are more fancy methods too
Mossdew joined the server. 6/23/2021 1:47 AM
Hullo !
Hello! This was a bit of a doozy to find. I think I heard about this from a TED talk before, but I found it again looking up "open source village" on youtube.
1:53 AM
Does anyone know of a good alternative to the creative commons licenses? In terms of: As a group of people in a chat room, we have all decided to label our content output as heavily open, right down to the likeness, traits, mannerisms, and personality.
1:56 AM
The idea is, we are building characters. I suppose you could think of it like DnD characters, and we are marking them as highly reusable. No attribution required. The closest I can conceive of is the following, my adaptation to the CC0 license:
Merge and compare your documents online and share
@Mossdew has reached level 1. GG!
What about the Creative Commons Licence is the issue? (just curious, can't convey tone in text aaaaaaaaaaaa0
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 2:29 AM
Ayyye, hello! Hmmm, interested... I myself just stick with CC0, but yeah I remember hearing.. something problematic with it. Otherwise I'm just sticking to BSD-like licenses.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 2:39 AM
Aha I see, and I see where that's been changed. Hmmm, seems useful, although I wonder about that likeness/personality thing. What is Mossdew Club? I'm trying to make myself a club too, for game programming, though I'm considering making it a "phyle" instead.
Creative Commons defines a CC0 license type (here's the full legal code) that claims to allow creators to release their works into the public domain by waiving "all their copyright and related righ...
Marcin posted a decent-ish documentary, but it's by a sketchy source, and has some bad conclusions, and i need to somehow unpack/approach this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
3:52 AM
Hope this doesn't turn into the "plandemic" mess that the Precious Plastic Discord had aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
3:52 AM
s e n d h e l p
I wanna 3d print some algae tubes :)))
whats that? idk what it is but it sounds cool because algae is cool
Yeah algae is the future
I like it because it can be used as food, plastic, and fuel
4:07 AM
The United States funded like hundreds of million in grants into biofuel companies that all died
4:07 AM
Like, I've been trying to figure out what happened to Sapphire Energy
@Wesxdz has reached level 3. GG!
It's more intriguing than a murder mystery
what about pourous substrate photo-bioreactors though
4:08 AM
i need to gram m o a r i n f o g r a p h i c s
yeah im like no expert but idk why we arent using more algae yet
4:08 AM
cuz it seems super promising
m o n e y
4:08 AM
honestly though
4:08 AM
4:08 AM
4:09 AM
" buT cAn It ComPEte AgAinsT Oil "
4:09 AM
4:09 AM
like maybe not in destroying the planet as we know it buuuuuuuuuuuuuut
4:09 AM
or the moment any form of carbon pricing is taken into account it is an insane difference
4:10 AM
especailly given people are shooting to make them cost competitive without that
4:10 AM
There were all sorts of neat biofuels companies in the 2000's pre-shale gas / tar sands boom
4:11 AM
c u r s e y o u k o c h b r o t h e r s
4:11 AM
(at least they gave us prager u YTP material though i guess)
Ooh I'm gonna watch Cabaret now :)
Eric Lotze
or the moment any form of carbon pricing is taken into account it is an insane difference
Classic negative externalities
It's good, outside of maybe bad audio/funky video due to when it was made. I W A N T A N E W " W E S T S I D E S T O R Y " B U T W I T H B E T T E R M I C S A N D N O O R A N G E F A C E
4:16 AM
i'm getting distracted lol
yeah im like no expert but idk why we arent using more algae yet
I was gonna build an OpenFlexure microscope sometime next month
thats cool!
@opabinia has reached level 6. GG!
The problem with algae is high production costs
4:18 AM
Which could be reduced with open source tools like centrifuges
4:18 AM
We always want to deliver the highest quality products... So we are putting that wish into practice in all processes of manufacturing. We implement strict production control, process control and quality control based on our own manufacturing standards and standard criteria to produce safe, high-quality San Chlorella A, bringing health to many pe...
4:20 AM
lasercut acrylic, carbon foam various plumbing
We could build one near the ocean garbage patches and convert them back into usable resources
I've thought of that so much, could create a new continent out there.
I wanna live on a seastead in the future
open source house-sailboat is a decently achaivable concession !
4:22 AM
time to make Plastic Beach real
Probably better to make a spar type system than sailboat for a home on the ocean
oooooooo a s w a t h ?
A Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull, better known by the acronym SWATH, is a twin-hull ship design that minimizes hull cross section area at the sea's surface. Minimizing the ship's volume near the surface area of the sea, where wave energy is located, maximizes a vessel's stability, even in high seas and at high speeds. The bulk of the displace...
Yessss 🔥 🐳
imagine rocking with the waves p a t h e t i c
I'm hoping during the apprenticeship we can solve the economics of open source hardware and actually start moving the world
4:26 AM
pick and place mosaics
Like, I've been trying to figure out what happened to Sapphire Energy
short sellers probably
short sellers probably
maybe r/wallstreetbets can go back in time
4:27 AM
an open project about a digital knitting machine . Contribute to g3rard/OpenKnit development by creating an account on GitHub.
ooooooooh we have people working on that
This open source project was transformed into a startup and I'm not sure how I feel about it
i need to summon them
4:28 AM
let me grab the page first lol
yeah im like no expert but idk why we arent using more algae yet
constructing new tank space is expensive, that's really it. If I ever hit the lotto I'll start a stainless foundry and flood the tank market
constructing new tank space is expensive, that's really it. If I ever hit the lotto I'll start a stainless foundry and flood the tank market
sounds like a good plan to me
4:29 AM
b e e g s o c k
4:30 AM
and now, for the main event... drumroll please From the depths of the abyss i summonnnnnnnnnnnn @Dorkmo
I'm hoping during the apprenticeship we can solve the economics of open source hardware and actually start moving the world
I want to start a metal fabrication shop in the next several years, wish I had the cashflow for rapid prototyping
I want to do this chaotic messy mix of that + makerspace + cowork place + lots of things
4:32 AM
I think i made some pages on it, let me dig
We just need like a dozen compounds around the world where there is 100k sqft under roof
4:33 AM
start buying lotto's guys
4:34 AM
found em
4:35 AM
but i think it could work as it covers so many small sectors, but they form a big one together (edited)
At some point when you do all of it, land buying, site prep, foundation, metal building, electrical, yourself it makes sense cost wise for what you can offer
Also fills the role of a third place that many suburbs are desperately lacking...
🙏 1
still millions of dollars in infrastructure, but with the dollar where it is there may be some good sales on industrial properties soon
Also having a toolshare/smol one in someone's garage can work
4:36 AM
Now that i am vaccinated i really need to start getting on this
yeah, in 200sqft I've done a lot, in 400 even more so
4:38 AM
-building -scavenge craigslist and equipment auctions for gigantic lathes and mills -OS everthing
scavenge craigslist and equipment auctions for gigantic lathes and mills (THIS)
4:41 AM
-buy semi truck
4:41 AM
-get semi license
i think over by UNF there may be some neat old industrial / scientific equipment and i could go all "Applied Science"
❤️ 1
-get flatbed trailer
4:41 AM
-then scavenge
4:42 AM
This is a science and technology channel mainly focused on electrical and mechanical engineering.
4:42 AM
also this guy
4:42 AM
so many many tools
4:42 AM
no scrapyards like that in my region that I have found nearest is in california 400-500 miles away
start buying lotto's guys
I think defi, or a successful multiplayer video game, or bootstrapped compounding are better approaches
4:46 AM
I mean the only true cost should be nature and time
I think defi, or a successful multiplayer video game, or bootstrapped compounding are better approaches
ugh, I agree 100% many people don't like to take advantage of capitalism
4:46 AM
so just made it easier by saying buy a lotto
4:47 AM
because yes, I a plan to execute a business plan morally and fund all this crazy shit
4:47 AM
but got it kills my soul to give that same pitch every day when most people will chalk it up to money hungry
Maybe money authentically corrupts
its like no, everything is expensive, especially equipment, and I have no choice but to play this game to chase my dreams
there is a term for that strat
and indeed, it entirely and completely corrupts, without bias
and as long as you aren't using it to go all jeff bezos, and instead re-invest in the dev effort ur good imo
Money corrupts? That's like saying food and housing corrupts. Capitalism isn't the problem. Its our law makers that are corrupt.
money is power
4:49 AM
power is entirely corruptive
but jeff bezos is hungry too
4:49 AM
money doesn't buy happyness /s (edited)
4:49 AM
bill gates and bezos got divorced recently
Money corrupts? That's like saying food and housing corrupts. Capitalism isn't the problem. Its our law makers that are corrupt.
So do you propose decentralized democracy or what?
Anything that needed can become the target of corruption. That doesn't make money inherently evil. We still need it to reflect the relative value of goods and provide for people's needs.
What's wrong with the constitution
Open Source Anarcho-Communism with Capitalist Characteristics
🤯 1
🙊 1
4:50 AM
de-centralization is gonna get wacky
really really wacky
i made a page or two on me trying to wrap my head around that
4:53 AM
like paper isn't something you can easily make small scale
in my opinion anarcho-communism is snake oil.
how so? (granted i still think a "minarchy" is needed for natural disasters and large scale stuff)
4:54 AM
so like ancom / direct democracy small scale, then representative democracy for large scale
The Anarchist Handbook [Malice, Michael, Rothbard, Murray, Stirner, Max, Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, Friedman, David, Kropotkin, Peter, Bakunin, Mikhail, Spooner, Lysander, Goldman, Emma, Lingg, Louis] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers. The Anarchist Handbook
4:58 AM
if you're gonna go down the route of picking which anarchy is the best, this is a good resource
granted it's terminology hell right
like 50 terms for minor distinctions (edited)
4:58 AM
4:58 AM
hate politics for that
4:58 AM
Respect to kelosi for understanding the wordstuffs
if only
"far" Left: "So are we anarcho-communist or anarcho-syndaclist (spends 3 months in comitty meeting) "far"Right: "want to go beat up some minorities in the street" "sure"
maybe in 30 years when authors costs of living drops with decentralization
Is there an open source book printer
sort of
5:00 AM
"Pen Plotter" are common / easy and can do vector stuff
We've seen that communists states don't manage scarcity well. Look up corruption in Cuba. People feel entitled to steal from the government and in the end there's nothing left when people need it. Also, private property is a check on corruption. Wanting to abolish it eliminates the boundary between land owners and law makers. Yes business can become corrupt. But that's much better than a state official becoming corrupt and controlling everything. Communism concentrates the balance of power, making it easier to corrupt. Its snake oil in the sense that the ideals are appealing, but the accomplish the exact opposite from what they're claiming. In fact, they specifically target the working class and uneducated. It reminds me of a something Napoleon said. "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Its appealing hearsay that keeps people infighting among themselves instead of organizing (edited)
I actually would like to make an e-ink book simulator once the Hz is > 60
5:00 AM
c y b e r b o o k
5:00 AM
but anywho on the printer note
5:00 AM
"Dot Matrix" is easily doable
I actually would like to make an e-ink book simulator once the Hz is > 60
amazon completely nuked the Ereader space with patents
5:00 AM
and can be done very slowly by the z axis
I designed a lot of the gameplay already
5:01 AM
Also raster scans i guess
5:02 AM
you can also "hack" existing inkjet cartriges
5:02 AM
which often contain the micro-electromechanical system in the disposable cartrige
Also we had an anarchism before. A lot of people romanticize it, but a real anarchism is someone breaking into your house and killing your family so they can raid your pantry.
We've seen that communists states don't manage scarcity well. Look up corruption in Cuba. People feel entitled to steal from the government and in the end there's nothing left when people need it. Also, private property is a check on corruption. Wanting to abolish it eliminates the boundary between land owners and law makers. Yes business can become corrupt. But that's much better than a state official becoming corrupt and controlling everything. Communism concentrates the balance of power, making it easier to corrupt. Its snake oil in the sense that the ideals are appealing, but the accomplish the exact opposite from what they're claiming. In fact, they specifically target the working class and uneducated. It reminds me of a something Napoleon said. "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Its appealing hearsay that keeps people infighting among themselves instead of organizing (edited)
Have you read any books by Napoleon?
@Wesxdz has reached level 4. GG!
what was the spanish one, let me grab some stuff
5:05 AM
there is some terminolgy hell with anarchism as in lawlessness and anarchism as in the school of political thought too
5:05 AM
and teenage punks pretending they are anarchists
Also we had an anarchism before. A lot of people romanticize it, but a real anarchism is someone breaking into your house and killing your family so they can raid your pantry.
I mean sure that's the state of nature. Even most humans still systematically murder animals, insects, plants... all forms of life with their actions and society is just perhaps a milder form of natural multi level selection
murder is an act against another human
granted though empathy also exists
murder is an act against another human
I disagree
For example, if you squished an intelligent tiny alien would it be murder
I don't think you have a valid basis on which to disagree. Murder has never referred to animals. Nor is it immoral to kill animals. All life subsists on life. Murder specifically is how we deal with people that kill people.
no need to get all philosophical i guess
5:09 AM
that was the injket thingamajig
5:10 AM
also something using it for "binder jetting"
5:11 AM
i think one person was trying to make their own inkjet head too, but just picking up "empty ink cartriges" works just fine (the re-filling / adapting to a hose process may require some surgery )
5:12 AM
I kind of like the concept of the "tatoo gun dot matrix printer toolhead"
5:12 AM
get the ultrafine-est marker, and attatch it to a solenoid toolhead, and put that on a 3d printer's axis
This is going to take a really long time to write my books
5:14 AM
you can lasercut stensils and use one of these:
5:14 AM
A mimeograph machine (often abbreviated to mimeo, sometimes called a stencil duplicator) is a low-cost duplicating machine that works by forcing ink through a stencil onto paper. The process is mimeography. A copy made by the process is a mimeograph. Mimeographs, along with spirit duplicators and hectographs, were common technologies for printin...
I saw it in some show on "babylon Berlin" or some sort of show set in that time period, but they seem really nifty
5:17 AM
and ESPECIALLY given making the stensil was the "hard part" they seem great to revive
5:17 AM
because a lasercutter or drag knife cutter and a thin plastic sheet would work amasingly well
5:17 AM
they often used hand cut / typewriter pressed wax paper (edited)
5:18 AM
I swear i made a page on it, but i can't seem to find it
5:18 AM
maybe just a yt playlist?
5:19 AM
There are also book binding machines
Why do you want your own book binding machine?
Yeah I'd love to manufacture books for revitalizing tiny book stores rather than growing Amazon
Why do you want your own book binding machine?
a e s t h e t i c
5:20 AM
5:20 AM
I would want to have it for small production runs in a local makerspace
Well it would be nice to have for my book simulator game
5:21 AM
So you can manufacture any digital book you find in the world
My dream is like a wallmart/big box store, but it's a makerspace/library/community center (edited)
Eric Lotze
My dream is like a wallmart/big box store, but it's a makerspace/library/community center (edited)
Omg that'd be so nice :)
5:21 AM
Disneyland but open source
My dream is to have an autonomous construction company, farm and factory.
5:22 AM
And then to franchise it
Also @Kelosi you were right about the technical meaning of murder. However the morality of killing animals I think is still up for debate.
5:23 AM
I will try to use more accurate language
Well we're biologically adapted to it so unless animals are acting immorally I don't know where you would draw that line. Nature doesn't care if you kill animals for food. You kind of need to to exist. We're not gorilla's after all. We don't eat 90% of the day and have massive pot bellies for fermenting vegetable matter. They're also in a perpetual state of flatulence and eat their own poo
and on the topic of dreams mine is to play video games with AI companions for the next 1000 years
Oh yes. I want to live forever too
you too huh?
5:26 AM
biological or mechanical?
5:26 AM
or plasmatic?
We can cook high density caloric plant foods though
Yes. Biological. I would use modified artificial organelles as an upgradable platform that you could genetically modify instead of modifying the nuclear genome.
5:27 AM
Turn every one of your cells into a dna based computer that you would be able to interface with using a cell based BMI
5:27 AM
Then people would be able to upload and download genes like apps. And share them using wifi
I think that the path to immortality is surviving til the singularity
5:28 AM
So I'm vegan in hopes of adding 10 years to my life
I don't believe in singularitarianism either... lol. Those guys were all science fiction writers. They didn't know anything about evolution or the brain. I think human behavior is a lot more nuanced than people realize. And that machines aren't going to suddenly develop motives without selective pressures acting on them or reproduction/generationalism (edited)
Hard to tell, also the whole "translator box" mess
sry, theres a lot of things i dont believ ein
🥲 2
but post playing "Soma" i just don't know
I haven't finished playing soma yet
i h a v e s o m a n y t a b s o p e n
5:31 AM
s e n d h e l p
Waiting for Halloween
5:31 AM
Mighty browser to the rescue
5:31 AM
I bought it a long time ago but never played it
Eric Lotze
s e n d h e l p
auto tab discard
5:33 AM
spam it a few times to regain systems resources so you can open even more tabs
5:34 AM
not computer resources, my chonker laptop can handle it (it hasn't even entered jet taking off fan mode yet), my brain however...
5:36 AM
poor laptop
5:36 AM
my linux server stoically accepts any browser burden
poor task-switching brain cells
5:36 AM
I amaze myself sometimes when I try to start 3 youtube videos at the same time but have to pick one
Eric has achieved context superawareness
why can't I just watch 3 videos on 2x speed at the same time?
no context switching is involved because he sees all
why can't I just watch 3 videos on 2x speed at the same time?
I think it's possible but you need a brain computer interface
I doubt we'll be able to get any info into the brain faster than what we've evolved
I've thought about information limits, but particularly I'd like to be able to read 1000x faster
maybe just 3x speed videos
I doubt we'll be able to get any info into the brain faster than what we've evolved
not with that attitude
💯 2
download speeds from the brain, fast as hell upload speeds to the brain, slow as hell and potentially damaging?
5:39 AM
overclock your brain
5:39 AM
damn it didn't post (edited)
u wouldn't download a college
Wow that's the best meme I've heard all year
pcbway a new flight controller
5:41 AM
they are pretty well documented now
5:42 AM
open source flight controller sounds like it's next
5:42 AM
5:42 AM
but i mean just software wise, i just kinda want to emulate the IOS app on pc, or somehow do the same signals
@Eric Lotze has reached level 32. GG!
it's just 5ghz wifi
That is one of my favorites
(i will make a crazy os rov one day)
remeber the FCC exists
5:44 AM
I ran into them doing live video spotting systems for long range shooters that was 2.4ghz band
5:44 AM
I think there is some point where we can't do our own controllers, that may not be the 5ghz band though
ardupilot etc exists, i am just curiouis if i can do anything with it stock
5:45 AM
also could extend to those 20 USD or so quadcopters as well then in theory
5:46 AM
there has to be one
5:46 AM
wether the FCC will agree to let you use that tool idk
5:47 AM
but yeah, there is a world where a tablet with an antenna overrides controls on any drone
i know defcon loves these quads for the exact reason that they are "an unsecured router in the sky"
5:48 AM
5:51 AM
you have encountered a wild d3d printer
5:55 AM
actually yeah I was thinking about building a pokeball type mechanic
5:56 AM
where you can shrink the designs in marvel-universe-esque fashion to store them
5:56 AM
I updated the page again, but I'm surprised you noticed so quickly lol
@Wesxdz has reached level 5. GG!
I'm finishing up my log then heading to slep
🇿 1
🧟 1
Nohbdy Ahtall
Aha I see, and I see where that's been changed. Hmmm, seems useful, although I wonder about that likeness/personality thing. What is Mossdew Club? I'm trying to make myself a club too, for game programming, though I'm considering making it a "phyle" instead.
Feel free to use MD0 and consider the license itself MD0 too. You can remove the Mossdew Club parts entirely, or replace them. Yes I understand the revoking of your personality rights, as they're called, is unique. It's so members of Mossdew can enact characters and personalities and everything in-between, but clarify that these characters are open source that they can't come back and claim them later.
Mossdew Club members are known as Cybercitizens, whom go out and construct Cybercivilizations. MMO games are great, but personally I've found MUDs(multi-user dungeons) to have more capabilities such as making player-owned castles or towns. We would make these towns, and attempt to have a pivotal presence in the game world, being as fictitious and "roleplaying" as much as the game requires. Some of these MUDs are big on that. Long story short, Mossdew intends to spread across these virtual landscapes, to become masterful of the game itself and to provide unique services. There is no monetary incentive, nor commitment expectations for members, and I've noticed some game development discussion here. Please, if you have a multiplayer game, let me know, we'd love to inhabit it :).
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 6:30 AM
Whoah I missed so much awesome conversation. Hang on... reading a bit
6:36 AM
Dang, discussions on money and and... whoah, and more game-related topics all around woo yess!
6:40 AM
I have actually considered doing something like that, when I played Runescape or EVE Online, trying to like... come up with a system within a system. However, I usually link it back to game development in the end, trying to recruit for would-be programmers. Gah, so much could be said about that subject, and virtual worlds are definitely my thing! Yeahh like, if there was an OSE representation in EVE Online... hmmm, would be better with a game where open source can be represented I guess x.x
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Lol. looks like my browser. Except I force crash it sometimes and save all the tabs on the Restore Tabs tab. Who knows how many tabs are truly buried in there.
Nohbdy Ahtall
Dang, discussions on money and and... whoah, and more game-related topics all around woo yess!
I would love to take a game like minecraft and adapt all my favorite 2d platform games into it. Like Heat Signature, FTL, Starbound and Star Control II. And also Sim City so you can have massive cities on planets that are basically run by the computer but you experience it from the first person perspective. Also, the server list would be the star chart itself, so when new servers became available a new star would appear on the star chart.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 8:48 AM
I was excited for the now-dead game Worlds Adrift. The technology it was using, SpatialOS, involved making servers pretty seamless for MMO scale. Their islands were hand-designed by players and they were to rise and fall (it's a floating islands, airship game). I feel like that technology could have brought us closer to that being a norm - and guhh I can't believe how much fun I had playing it, even unfinished in alpha or whatever, gahhh so good!
Why is it now dead?
9:16 AM
Do you have any suggestions for MMOs? I'm just playing old stuff now. Nothing has been really catching my attention lately
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/23/2021 9:23 AM
Honestly Worlds Adrift was the last (wasn't really Massive, but.. coulda been) I really got into, with its wild always-on PvP, true loss and having to rebuild a ship(yet, doing so and getting resources not being that annoying, and a bit skill based). I probably would enjoy a swathe of Indie MMOs, if not taken too seriously. A world, maybe even constantly refreshed as under development (or perhaps left in chaotic waste). Yeahh. If you haven't heard of Wurm Online, could be interesting. A Tale In The Desert I've wanted to check out but... costs money to even try. Uhh oooh errr, yeah idk - I wish I could just play Worlds Adrift again, as it was the only one I've been pulled to over and over. (edited)
Do you have any suggestions for MMOs? I'm just playing old stuff now. Nothing has been really catching my attention lately
Making such an ambitious game was always going to be a challenge and we love the game we’ve built together with our community. However, Worlds Adrift did not capture the imagination of as many people as we needed to make it commercially viable.
The world is broken, shattered from a calamity that time has since forgot. It now falls to you to seek out and restore any lasting hope of unity. Build a ship. Rally a crew. Explore a sky of peril and wonder.
4:06 PM
I guess that using a proprietary codebase (ie SpatialOS) leads to situations where games that aren't wildly successful just die forever
4:07 PM
The same problem of games dying from lack of playerbase happens in other projects, just look at any Jason Rohrer game a year after launch
4:09 PM
Centralized servers definitely seem to exacerbate the likelyhood of game shutdown.
4:10 PM
When Fall Guys moved to season two they implemented anti-cheat for windows only, basically making the game non-functional on Linux which is sad because I wanted to keep playing
4:10 PM
Same thing with Riot games preventing their games from running on Linux
4:14 PM
Maybe World's Adrift just needed a battle royale game mode 😎
4:19 PM
Yeah but this is exactly where I see the value of open source hardware in advancing state of the art indie and AAA game dev. If developers aren't beholden to the endless grind of making money they can have the breathing room to actually make the amazing games that they are intrinsically motivated to.
Neat Example of a Hand Crank Powered Radio, with some neat ergonomics/features (granted i like bike style pedals more) :
c u r v y (edited)
9:10 PM
I wanna computer case that looks like this
9:12 PM
t r o m p e s
9:12 PM
don't get enough hype
9:12 PM
ALSO it gets me how none of those "primitive tech" channels have done this for forge air supply, one even had an aqueduct already !
Avatar interesting method that applied those gas bags (i have seen them used for stationary anaerobic biodigesters) to vehicles. I bet there may be some good info on how they did that somewhere if anyone finds that application of use!
This discord posts so many things that I would watch/be interested in. Im really glad I joined. (edited)
1:44 AM
I would have loved to have known about this back when I was researching cryogenic gas separation. Now its got me thinking about ideas involving passive atmospheric gas cooling and direct air co2 deposition using just water, pressure and thermoelectric cooling.
Marcin joined the server. 6/24/2021 3:04 AM
is this the Marcin !
3:25 AM
Hullo !
Thee Marcin, hola
3:30 AM
cvt hypeeeeeeee (doesn't make sense much for electric motors, but this may be intresting mechanism for some sort of ICE powered rov maybe) (granted losses and whatnot, probably more of a tech demo than anything) (edited)
3:31 AM
I think hydraulic ones are surprisingly simple if i remember correctly which is neat given OSE's use of hydraulic stuff
3:39 AM
seems that is the proper (or at least more common term for) what i am remembering
I would have loved to have known about this back when I was researching cryogenic gas separation. Now its got me thinking about ideas involving passive atmospheric gas cooling and direct air co2 deposition using just water, pressure and thermoelectric cooling.
Do you have experience in this area? I was trying to see if "Liquid Air Plants" could be scaled down to makerspace level, so i'd love to hear your take!
3:43 AM
I know nitrogen can be made relatively easy (pressure swing adsorption, i have a page on it + someone's design for one somewhere), but argon (at least from what i have gathered) can only be from liquid air distillation
Probably logging off for they day; don't set anything on fire while i am gone
🔥 2
Probably can/should move this to #bio-petrochemistry , BUT I Finally made this page after thinking about it for forever:
9:26 PM
(and yes i HAD to make an acronym/backronym)
-- osr-support -- 6/24/2021 10:19 PM
@Eric Lotze - what's best to reach Marcin on a chat ? Have a couple of questions regarding MediaWiki consolidation of PP/PH/OSR and OSE 🙂 - not sure how to utilize interwiki features/caps for that ... (edited)
-- osr-support -- 6/24/2021 10:31 PM
oh my gosh; you and and your users are missing felt 3 generations of media wiki improvements; the 'widget', 'seo' extension are a must among many others; enjoy the upgrade 🙂
-- osr-support -- 6/24/2021 10:36 PM
no problem, gonna ask Marcin myself 🙂
Eric Lotze
Do you have experience in this area? I was trying to see if "Liquid Air Plants" could be scaled down to makerspace level, so i'd love to hear your take!
No, I don't have any experience in the area. Just book learning. And the system I was imagining would have had to be massive. I would love to get some experience in this area however. What do you need liquid nitrogen and argon for?
👍 1
Eric Lotze
Do you have experience in this area? I was trying to see if "Liquid Air Plants" could be scaled down to makerspace level, so i'd love to hear your take!
-- osr-support -- 6/25/2021 12:34 AM
probably fun to do make; an expensive one - where would you need this ? planetary gearboxes do well for long; not sure about the wear in this sort of system but it's for sure not easy to handle
12:35 AM
and it's for sure not hydro or water one could use for the lub btw .... (edited)
Nitrogen is useful as a (Moslty) Inter Gas, and Also a "Cryogen". Argon is needed for some types of welding/uses where nitrogen isn't really inert enough
-- osr-support --
@Eric Lotze - what's best to reach Marcin on a chat ? Have a couple of questions regarding MediaWiki consolidation of PP/PH/OSR and OSE 🙂 - not sure how to utilize interwiki features/caps for that ... (edited)
Sorry i didn't see that in time!
7:38 PM
Also i think @Marcin is on the discord now, but probably busy doing all sorts of on-site work, so can't constantly check here lol
-- osr-support -- 6/25/2021 7:55 PM
yeah - thanks ; realized this later on scrolling up a little 🙂 seems I still have to dig my way through some mediawiki features first : interwiki & API
7:56 PM
the template's feature seems also promising
Anyone know what the status of the discourse forum is?
@PaleOracle has reached level 2. GG!
Not sure if the effort has been moved any further.
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:15 AM
for plastic stuff; I am working on a Discourse forum since a while - trying to keep it ready for copy & paste 🙂 but yeah; as I have seen in PreciousPlastic; replacing important coms like a forum with kiddy crap as Discord wiped out lot's of the good user base but also degraded the entire project far below zero, not just user type wise but also content wise; there wasn't a single good discussion possible or left after all 🙂 (edited)
12:16 AM
only caveats I've had with Discourse : extensions, Ruby and missing extension points (hooks)
👍 1
12:19 AM
I've been also wondering all the time; whether all this 'must be easy', 'must be fast' & 'must be stylish' did anything good over the last 20 years - looking at the kids next corner; I am really scared they can focus longer than instagram max. video length 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 12:19 AM
Weirdly I actually like "" as a sorta Discord knockoff + lots of interesting features. It was hefty on performance usage last I checked, but man... the organizational stuff(for game guilds, of course, but easily adaptable I think)..
👀 1
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 12. GG!
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:22 AM
problem as said (the 100th+ times) is that Discord or any RT like coms usually work when only logged on; and worst - as heavy & non-indexable web app; thus - Google can't find it - people can't find it - and worst - no more discussion over years as we had with mailing lists or forums. (edited)
12:23 AM
but probably ok with temp stuff as for work or games 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 12:28 AM
For non-realtime, have the decentralized technologies been looked into much around heere? Like Mastodon and similar? As for Guilded, I gotta say... it impresses me in certain ways, and especially at how much it has considering how little it's known about. Trying to find an easy-to-digest video on its features, for now I see this goes through a good variety, feel free to skip along. Notice how each "channel" on the left can be a very different feature:
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:29 AM
does it has linkable threads and some markup language ? otherwise it's useless to me 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 12:30 AM
Mmmmm.... now you're making me want to right now.
👀 1
🙃 1
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:32 AM falls back to (Discourse)
A place for Obsidian users to discuss Obsidian and knowledge management
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 12:34 AM
It's uhh let me see - forgive me I totally thought you might already know about it. It has nice backlinking features, with a lovely node graph to navigate, and it's all markdown of a sort and therefore will exist on your machine no matter what happens to Obsidian in the future.
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:36 AM
ye- wanted to try but it wants some installer ... ; let's see they can make it as website just 🙂 (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 12:36 AM
It' a toughy because a lot of video people who use this... their examples are so... note-taking about note-taking itself, and they get really.. into "that".
I think most people have their own particular preference but just have to come to a decision.
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:44 AM
in the mean time - the world goes on with forums 🙂
Ruby I haven't worked with specifically but is it difficult just getting it setup with the dependencies?
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:46 AM
not really - the dev/environment setup is straight forward so far; just needs some extra extensions for VSCode; as for deploying the app or just integrating it - often Docker get's you over the dependency pains. (edited)
12:48 AM
other langs can be a lot more painful; Java, NodeJS and PHP for instance. Ruby is sorta good and solid replacement for all of them; just 'Go' outperforms it speed and RT size wise 🙂
12:50 AM
Using Ruby also for websites everywhere; 'Jekyll' - lovely static site gen. I think only Python can compete (edited)
Yea haha... PHP is tried and true but can definitely be painful. I usually use Atom but VS is great as well. I'll have to give it another shot. Docker I've been learning more about and it seems great in certain use cases.
👍 1
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:53 AM
Yeah - was same cautious when they forced me in all firms to setup for days those docker containers - still a lot better than installing all the deps your self.
@-- osr-support -- has reached level 6. GG!
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 12:53 AM
I heard PHP matured to a real programming language 😉 actually I liked it too though
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 1:22 AM
When I learned a bit of Laravel, which was really pleasant I thought, I was convinced that PHP had definitely matured based on the discussions around that. That was years ago, could only imagine it got better.
Anyone got any words of advice for starting off in learning C with very (very) minimal programming knowledge
3:10 AM
Not something I'll be getting to for a bit but it does interest me nevertheless
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 6:27 AM
Seems like Wesxdz is the C person of most recently mentioned! I myself am in C++(modern/armchair) land, and most recently+actively GML(GameMaker Studio 2 language). Though I guess this is C++ talking(I'd assume it doesn't matter), I mean, I'm a big fan of text-only games as a practice. Something like an RPG + choose-your-own-adventure. Something a bit infinite like an oveworld with random encounters, with at least a few enemy types, items, gold drop rates and experience system. Let's say all you have is: Walking around(no map needed, coordinates alone displayed perhaps), truly random encounters, gold and experience displayed, a super simple level-up system to eventually defeat your hardest enemy. Don't even have a shop yet, or anything. Now, I myself get motivated by games, because they're.. cool xP, no matter how silly. If you can find even like person to try your simple game, I think this would be huge. I'd provoke them to give ideas too, or heck even code with you(maybe two separate projects, really, initially duplicate perhaps - or have them do simple if-then stories to start). I think that fun back-and-forth motivation would be huge. (Phase 2?)I'd then build on the fun factor of the game. The levelling up and eventually slaying every encounter easily... I mean heck, make more enemies, but now consider maybe making them harder based on coordinates (further away from 0,0, maybe every +10 a new set of enemies or harder ones added to the mix). A shop at 0,0 could let you trade gold for items, or even skip the shop and just go for drop-rates and what items certain enemies drop, which then, when equipped, affect stats(even if you just have Attack and Defence... sword +1, good sword +3, better sword +7... something like that). Again, if another person is involved to try it out(better to watch them do it if possible, or switch out - hey, dying fast in this game can be great for quick games/switcheroos, adds fun and a bit of arcade-y motivation.) (edited)
6:30 AM
Just FYI I've done something like just the first (pre-Phase 2) of what I said, and at community college the very same people who only really into AAA games were trippin' out at how cool this was. Partially maybe because they knew when it was started, saw how simple it was and how fast it was to make, and just blew their minds that someone could do that. Ideas from them were flowing, and people totally wanted to do it as well. It's great to pull up the code and let them mess with a variable or something of their choosing, so they can see how quick and ridiculous all that is. Dayumn I love programming... ahah
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 8:32 AM
--- Aaalright - so I set up an Obsidian Publish, kinda-sorta specifically to show off Obsian more directly/relevantly to ye all here, but of course this is in the OSE section. Checky it outt:
OSE Home - Powered by Obsidian Publish.
👀 1
Looks really cool and also includes built in Project Management functionality.
8:34 AM
Among the other note-taking features.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 8:36 AM
Indeed I never messed too much with diagramming stuff, but typing it in here to messa around in a text-based way was... very nice, at least the simple heirarchy graph ones, that there was copy-pasted hah.
Anyone got any words of advice for starting off in learning C with very (very) minimal programming knowledge
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 10:33 AM
Not really, except get a bunch of good books about as well study other people's code as well messing with 🙂 I think the more difficult part is integration, eg: writing plugins for other apps or libraries as well dealing with compilers - in particular - doing cross platform code. Choosing a good IDE also impact a lot your learning progress; I was really happy with Visual Studio and VissualAssistX; later on I moved back to Gentoo; only because I could emulate or build anything there.
10:35 AM
btw. learning C or C++ is a life long thing; call yourself 'master' after 5-10 years 🙂
Anyone got any words of advice for starting off in learning C with very (very) minimal programming knowledge
Start with the why and work backwards from first principles. There are infinite learning resources on the internet (most of them will cause more harm than good) but some are better than others on different dimensions like accessibility, competence, morality, career, etc. Find the best resources for your goals and try to code something novel to you (algorithms, data structures, tools) frequently.
Also if you're learning C and want to make any games I highly recommend
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++. Contribute to SanderMertens/flecs development by creating an account on GitHub.
2:36 PM
It's what I use personally
thanks a bunch everyone!!
3:13 PM
i think maybe a way that would like keep my attention would be tinkering with pre existing things, so probably like modding games n stuff, how would I know what language a game is written in and where would I locate the code?
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 3:32 PM
typically you google 'game name github or sources' 🙂 I think you don't write games per se in C anymore - game logic, etc.. is mostly done in embeddable languages as Lua or others. What's done in C are the render, physics, network or AI engine and then 'bindings' come into play to use it on higher languages. As another path in, and also really rewarding is writing for micro-controllers (arduino, real fun stuff); there are really harsh conditions - same great like learning to drive on a real shitty car 🙂 (edited)
got it! and yeah thats actually why i want to learn C is for Arduino lol
3:34 PM
i just figured like messing with pre existing code might be beneficial too
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 3:38 PM
yup; I wrote myself a little framework for Arduino compatible chips (preferably 'Controllino Mega' due to built-in LAN and Modbus support, with lots of I/O), to have some sort of flexible firmware for recycling machines : Using it for shredders; extruders, 3d print robots, etc... Evtl. you find it interesting to learn some of the concepts as classes, etc... If you want it a little harder, Marlin firmware (1.x branch!) for 3D printers is also great to learn from.
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 3:39 PM
🙂 after doing game engines for a while (PS1,...) I really enjoyed to get my hands on real hardware after (VR,...)
3:40 PM
great to see that the code is doing something in the real world - very satisfying 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 3:43 PM
I might try embedded someday, but probably only via some kind of simulator. Physical objects and everywhere that leads feels like... needing money to progress. xP No luxury of mine! Virtual-only is my way to go, x64 wooo!
what do you mean by embedded?
3:45 PM
forgive my limited computer knowledge lol
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/26/2021 3:46 PM
Oh maybe micro-controllers is the right word as used before, I really don't know hehe. I guess I used "embedded" for all things not on a home computer, Arduino, etc.
ohh ok
-- osr-support -- 6/26/2021 3:50 PM
I found BenEater as really inspiring and educational pleasure; he can explain you 2 semesters of computer science through a few videos :
dope! thanks :)
So I'm thinking of building a bunch of OpenFlexure/UC2 kits
4:55 PM
The OpenFlexure project aims to make high precision mechanical positioning available to anyone with a 3D printer - for use in microscopes, micromanipulators, and more.
Respository for Open-Science modular microscope system. - openUC2/UC2-GIT
👀 3
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/28/2021 10:54 PM
Yeees, was enjoying the micro world myself recently - both in biology and processor manufacturing!
Paul Pham joined the server. 7/1/2021 4:25 PM
>root joined the server. 7/1/2021 4:26 PM
Holger joined the server. 7/1/2021 4:28 PM
Jonathan QUESNEL joined the server. 7/1/2021 4:29 PM
Voxel joined the server. 7/1/2021 4:33 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 7/1/2021 4:43 PM
Does anyone have a link to the wiki page for the Seed Home 2 wall modules? The 48 different CAD pictures, please
BWeinberg09 joined the server. 7/1/2021 6:49 PM
Odundo joined the server. 7/1/2021 6:49 PM
Paul Pham
Does anyone have a link to the wiki page for the Seed Home 2 wall modules? The 48 different CAD pictures, please
Highly recommend for learning FreeCad
🙌 1
Can Somebody link the slides?
Deleted User 7/1/2021 10:22 PM
Role Allocation - Wall Modules 1-24 -CAD FreeCAD Part Library of Wall Module Wall Module Design Guide - including trim and 2nd story floor House Design Guide Corner Update Door Pre-Frame 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Door Frame OSE Workshops FB thread Discourse Forum...
🙏 1
The graphene aluminum-ion battery cells from the Brisbane-based Graphene Manufacturing Group (GMG) are claimed to charge up to 60 times faster than the best lithium-ion cells and hold more energy.
12:43 AM
Sorry for dropping out during the afternoon session today everyone, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so had to crash for a bit. Sometimes during the day I have to take a rest, it's some chronic lyme disease
Google sheet for food ingredients. Please feel free to add recipes or tweaks
Create a new spreadsheet and edit with others at the same time -- from your computer, phone or tablet. Get stuff done with or without an internet connection. Use Sheets to edit Excel files. Free from Google.
🥕 1
🌮 1
3:44 PM
You can join the Jitsi to see Marcin's screenshare right now
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
Anyone on LAN at hablab wanting to test multiplayer 3d editing here's the instructions
👀 1
Arcane BOT 7/3/2021 5:46 PM
@Wesxdz has reached level 6. GG!
🚀 1
Hello All 🙂
pcuci joined the server. 7/3/2021 6:51 PM
welcome @>root i feel like I can DM bash commands to you
6:53 PM
hi @pcuci great to have another Paul on board
👍 1
haha 🤣
Monkeyboy joined the server. 7/3/2021 6:54 PM
ahoy @Monkeyboy
If there’s one thing we’ve noticed about hardware hackery and electronics project, it’s that all the resources to build a project are scattered about the Internet on forums, blogs…
7:09 PM
GitLab Community Edition
@pcuci I'm happy to bridge this discord chat to matrix, which automatically supports gitter bridges. I agree, public by default is best
🔥 1
🌉 1
ooo i do love hackaday's work in the open source hardware field.
7:20 PM
😆 2
I think the title on this article is a bit misleading as Upverter is just a web tool for designing electronics...
7:23 PM
The closest thing to Github for hardware is quite frankly Github currently because that's where these open source projects are actually hosting their files
-- osr-support -- 7/3/2021 7:41 PM
I came around 'Gitea' recently - blazing fast; secure, flexible and best : it's OpenSource - written in Go - pretty easy to setup - super happy
I like the self-hosting aspect 🙂
7:43 PM
Radicle is a peer-to-peer stack for building software together.
7:43 PM
I actually think open source hardware should be hosted on Radicle
7:43 PM
the big thing is Github is an antithesis of Git
👏🏻 1
👏 1
-- osr-support -- 7/3/2021 7:44 PM
yeah - Github had after MS's $ significant down-times and apparently can be easily abused for cyber attacks (eg: shutting down your repos just some bozos want it so). And Gitlab, well - a little to bloated for my taste
yeah there was the whole youtube-dl scandal
I actually think open source hardware should be hosted on Radicle
-- osr-support -- 7/3/2021 7:50 PM
Git and some web-UI gives you just half of the rent though; trouble starts when you need to integrate it in other systems, eg: Slack, SSO, ... Neat thing with Gitea it's really easy to extend; you just need to override (place) some override file. Anyway, will check on Radicle - we have indeed a real problem with choosing the right stack for over 2 TB of OS hardware data (edited)
The size of hardware data is massive and Github charges $5/month/50GB (gif-lfs) which is why I think self hosting or decentralized is the only viable path long term (edited)
-- osr-support -- 7/3/2021 8:03 PM
yup - they're still charging for it even after having shut down hundreds of our and other repos/forks, after 12 years,
  • using LFS since long - can be really troublesome when moving servers; Gitea seems to keep that also really clean
there is still | no idea how it evolved but seems really neat for large binary files - well as long someone seeds it though 🙂
8:05 PM
was intending to abuse it as VFS (Virtual File System) one day ...
8:11 PM
What's really worrying indeed is that platforms as YT now indeed become the long hand for Gov./Corp. propaganda; eg: if it's not aligned with WHO's BS - authors see their content off - apparently really easy to take it down. Facebook no different; time to turn the table around though 🙂 Heard that a couple of times now on activist networks ... (edited)
I like the self-hosting aspect 🙂
100% for self-hosting. we got the fast internet connection and (solar) power out here for it.
👍 2
-- osr-support -- 7/3/2021 8:24 PM
Gitea runs on ARM (RaspberryPI) - imagine that 🙂
-- osr-support -- 7/3/2021 8:36 PM
Not much fun of 'serverless' and not sure it's still a thing (amazon lambda/server functions) but I remember elite coders complaining even about booting a NodeJS function on a cloud node; 'Go' (Gitea) was the preferred choice, takes literally milliseconds just ... just saying - running a decentral system won't be that easy 🙂
If anyone wants to connect to the Blender server over the internet you can join 'Open Source Ecology' on and join the server from
Haguichi provides a graphical frontend for Hamachi on Linux
BWeinberg09 7/4/2021 12:58 AM
should we create an apprentice 2021 channel?
I'm okay hanging out in general until we annoy everyone else 🙂
👍 1
I'm going into KC tonight for some last minute shopping and crashing with @BWeinberg09 Anyone need something? You're also welcome to join, Brian says he has a couch and I have an air mattress.
I need to code 😎 🖥️ so maybe next time when the library is open
👍 1
Paul Pham
I'm okay hanging out in general until we annoy everyone else 🙂
Okay, does someone have permissions to create an apprentice-2021 channel? I now see the need to post that we're out of toilet paper, or where are the gummy snacks, etc.
Arcane BOT 7/4/2021 3:19 AM
@Paul Pham has reached level 3. GG!
Eric Lotze 7/4/2021 6:57 PM
Yeah so my family took a trip to visit family in Ohio, just for the whole event to start!
6:58 PM
Got online today, 4th of July Festivities this afternoon-ish, but i'm going to be online for a bit
👋 1
Paul Pham
Okay, does someone have permissions to create an apprentice-2021 channel? I now see the need to post that we're out of toilet paper, or where are the gummy snacks, etc.
Eric Lotze 7/4/2021 6:58 PM
This is a great idea!
6:59 PM
I think i might make some sort of "events" section i guess, also do feel free to use general chat for stuff, not too strict on channel use and whatnot (although stuff in general can get buried, pings/seach engine in the upper right corner do help)
7:46 PM
Not sure on chamber temp, but there is the nozzle and bed temp in this page:
Eric Lotze 7/5/2021 6:37 AM
Anywho, i'm logging off for the day
6:38 AM
may be more out and about tomorrow, but we'll see
🙏 1
Apprentices, we're all in #summer-x-2021 channel
JeffH joined the server. 7/5/2021 4:18 PM
Eric Lotze 7/5/2021 6:00 PM
Back online, nothing too much happening, so should be able to get some work done
6:00 PM
@JeffH Hello!
@Eric Lotze Can you give everyone permission to create channels
😆 2
💯 1
Jeff H joined the server. 7/6/2021 3:22 PM
@Eric Lotze Can you give everyone permission to create channels
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 8:30 PM
I'm not the best at all this stuff, but i'll try and get something going. I'll add you (and anyone else who asks really) as mods for now, but i think some sort of person on discord - trustworthy person on dicord (not spamming or something, not too relevant on this discord idk) - mod system would be neat. So could give the ability to add channels etc to those upper two roles?
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 8:35 PM
I do worry about productivity and information being lost in the channel labyrinth. Paul Pham has previously spoke of his personal bridging between slack and discord I think? how far off is a text repo on github that is easily searchable? With many channels comes many places to search for information and as far as I can tell there isn't a serverwide search function yet
8:35 PM
perhaps a bot exists for serverwide search
8:35 PM
!pullup -cryogenic air energy storage
8:36 PM
PING: channel >off topic 7/14/2020 OwnerOfOwn: xyz
8:37 PM
8:38 PM
oh to dream of the github repo being linked to the wiki, everything is autoflagged so something mentioned here, can easily be pulled up on github and plenty of relevant links can be somewhat organically provided
🧠 1
I do worry about productivity and information being lost in the channel labyrinth. Paul Pham has previously spoke of his personal bridging between slack and discord I think? how far off is a text repo on github that is easily searchable? With many channels comes many places to search for information and as far as I can tell there isn't a serverwide search function yet
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 8:39 PM
I don't know the extenbt to how well it works, but in the upper right corner there is a search bar/function, i don't know if it is channel vs server
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 8:39 PM
its per channel
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 8:40 PM
I use it for moments like "i remember discussing something along the lines of"
8:40 PM
ah ok
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 8:40 PM
8:40 PM
8:40 PM
it's totally serverwide
8:40 PM
thats great
8:40 PM
unlimited channels
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 8:41 PM
I think @Paul Pham had some experience with moving it to matrix, some sort of github/wiki backup is a great idea as well
8:41 PM
I am a data hoarder, and the lack of control/backup as is is kind of spooking me'
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 8:41 PM
8:42 PM
phantom discord messages getting deleted
8:42 PM
idk about servers
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 8:42 PM
I think Scihub Inc may either backup their server, or just the library
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 8:42 PM
but I know in PMs months will drop out
8:42 PM
but like ill have pms from 2019 none from 2020 then some from 2021
8:42 PM
so a monthly rolling log would be nice
8:43 PM
shoot, could probably be daily without much overhead
8:43 PM
then its not a big monthly crunch
8:43 PM
idk know enough
-- osr-support -- 7/6/2021 9:04 PM
'how far off is a text repo on github that is easily searchable?' easy, open a repo - fill it up with markdown files, pull in jekyll & the 'minimal mistakes' theme; done 🙂 it adds also basic search but also supports other search engines; and it looks great; for deep search, eg: PDFs you might need something better (elastic search has plugins)
9:05 PM
after trying lot's of other things over the last decades, I am happy really with Jekyll (used also for Github pages) 🙂 (edited)
👀 1
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 9:05 PM
Eric Lotze 7/6/2021 9:06 PM
Power just went out so i'll be off for a bit i guess (Using laptop's battery basically as a UPS and phone tethering for a bit)
-- osr-support -- 7/6/2021 9:07 PM
A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for building personal sites, blogs, and portfolios. Latest release v4.24.0
9:07 PM
or more pimped (using bootstrap tabs, etc...)
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 9:10 PM
that's awesome
9:11 PM
eric has previously spoken to how wikimedia's search engine will often miss without proper punctuation, you know anything about that?
-- osr-support -- 7/6/2021 9:13 PM
not really - but yes; old code in CMS or Wiki systems doesn't seem to support fuzzy search or the like; that's because it actually requires a proper indexer which is a little more effort to implement in languages as PHP - as alternative they use external APIs instead
9:14 PM
I admire Google in those matters 🙂
OwnerOfOwn 7/6/2021 9:15 PM
makes sense
9:16 PM
and yeah using duck duck go over google has me appreciating google for being able to decipher all the typos and still have a general idea what I am looking for
9:16 PM
ill get frustrated and go back to google for certain things because it does it so much better
-- osr-support -- 7/6/2021 9:17 PM
yeah- tell me; literally abusing to fix typos in the search bar 🙂
Power (and me) is back
Eric Lotze 7/7/2021 5:39 AM
Not certain where to put it but i watched some aVe video taking apart a drill a while back and this was the switch:
Buy a Milwaukee Variable Defond Switch 125V [23-66-0445] for your Milwaukee Power Tool - We have the parts and diagrams to make your repairs easy.
I do worry about productivity and information being lost in the channel labyrinth. Paul Pham has previously spoke of his personal bridging between slack and discord I think? how far off is a text repo on github that is easily searchable? With many channels comes many places to search for information and as far as I can tell there isn't a serverwide search function yet
there is a search feature on matrix, which is the bridge between slack and discord. it's not integrated with the wiki search yet, but it could be. matrix is open source, and so is its REST API that it exposes for searching.
Eric Lotze 7/7/2021 6:46 AM
Machining centers traditionally have three linear axes—X, Y and Z. If the machine is equipped with additional axes, they are usually rotary axes (A, B and/or C).
Eric Lotze 7/7/2021 7:25 AM
The range of materials available in 3D printing, even just within Fused Deposition Modeling, has grown considerably in the last few years. Not only are
7:34 AM
all sorts of neat stuff on that page
7:34 AM
read it when looking for existing stuff on pulltrusion
Eric Lotze 7/7/2021 7:50 AM
Posting these for later getting tired:
7:50 AM
This paper details the optimal operation of a hydrostatic continuously variable transmission (CVT) for fuel economy and driving performance. The best overall system performance curves have been identified including a large variation in performance of a powertrain and an engine. These curves are a th
7:50 AM
The powertrain efficiency deeply affects the performance of off-road vehicles like wheel loaders in terms of fuel economy, load capability, smooth control, etc. The hydrostatic transmission (HST) systems have been widely adopted in off-road vehicles for providing large power density and continuous variable control, yet using relatively low effic...
The next least expensive CEB press to OSE's, $80,000 for 8 bricks per minute, 6"x12" brick
Compressed Earth Blocks - CEB Machinery Soil Testing - Site Selection - Project Management - Consulting - Research
OwnerOfOwn 7/7/2021 3:40 PM
as an aspiring machine engineer, the sticker shock on that unit is quite insane
3:51 PM
rent seekers
3:53 PM
a 22 hp yanmar marine engine is not worth 70,000.
Arcane BOT 7/7/2021 3:53 PM
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 16. GG!
3:54 PM
so 15k with a 2k trailer, 17k BOM for 80,000
3:54 PM
landlord math
3:57 PM
😂 1
Eric Lotze 7/7/2021 7:54 PM
I don't know where i put it, but i had a page i made on the "Open Budget Initiative" or something where it's like those nutrition labels but for pricing
7:54 PM
so percentage on materials, upkeep, wages, profit etc
👀 1
9:28 PM
the aesthetic
9:28 PM
I think the term was for fit and finish? Need to add that to wiki as a page, or as a part of the OBI or OSE Aesthetics page
👍 1
Rammed earth house for $1k
😍 1
Eric Lotze 7/8/2021 5:05 AM
Rammed earth, or CEB ?
Rammed earth.
Arcane BOT 7/8/2021 5:06 AM
@JeffH has reached level 1. GG!
5:08 AM
Eric Lotze 7/8/2021 5:16 AM
ah ok !
5:17 AM
some sort of automated climbing form crane thingamajig would be neat to develop
5:17 AM
granted automatic bricklayers are coming to market too
5:20 AM
5:22 AM
Concrete foundation, cinder blocks with rebar going up corners, concrete bond beam on top.
👍 1
5:24 AM
They purchased road base and used that mixed with straw to ram into the forms.
5:26 AM
This is at Ted Brinegar’s project in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Called Foxhole Homes on Facebook.
Arcane BOT 7/8/2021 5:26 AM
@JeffH has reached level 2. GG!
Eric Lotze 7/8/2021 5:32 AM This could easily be done with universal axis and shows some neat use cases
Oleksandr Stepanenko, Ph.D. • Precision robotics • Industrial robot calibration • Mechanical design • Lab automation • Metrology • Parallel robot design • Precision machining • Video production • Product photography
7:19 AM
(I made a comment under CNC Kitchen's "what are your ideas" ones on the lyman extruder, moar upvotes may be nice, but also no pressure)
Eric Lotze 7/8/2021 8:10 AM
Sorry for that bit of link spam lol, anywho, i'm logging of for the day.
Eric Lotze
granted automatic bricklayers are coming to market too
i would love to see this, ideally in the form of a large robot on wheels with a 5-axis arm 🙂
Ken Makunga joined the server. 7/8/2021 5:00 PM
Welcome @Ken Makunga !
Ken Makunga 7/8/2021 5:13 PM
Thanks Paul
Eric Lotze 7/8/2021 9:47 PM
Hello! Exciting to see so many of you join.
Exciting to be here! Panopticon is now live in the general voice channel, please join if interested.
@OwnerOfOwn That was the page/concept i was mentioning, feel free to read and/or add on to it!
Paul Pham
Exciting to be here! Panopticon is now live in the general voice channel, please join if interested.
Ah, in the shop!
Matt joined the server. 7/9/2021 12:43 AM
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 3:16 AM
Hello @Matt !
3:16 AM
I think i might make a dedicated section for enterprise stuff, feel free to add ideas for sub-channels (edited)
3:17 AM
I think i am going to clean up #start-here so that can return to just being a concise read this page
3:18 AM
also trying to check if #role_requesting is working, and make the "how to" written in the description
3:22 AM
I am backing up the conversation that occurred on 2/19/2021 in #start-here , here, if people need to reference it, as that location will now be deleted
Eric Lotze pinned a message to this channel. 7/9/2021 3:22 AM
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 3:37 AM
Already that's done
3:43 AM
Eric Lotze pinned a message to this channel. 7/9/2021 3:43 AM
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 3:51 AM
Got everything working...except time zone, which isn't controlled by "Carl Bot", but @Administrators can add the role to you manually for now.
3:53 AM
This role is especially useful along with @here for not waking up people via the dreaded "@ all", and can even be used for scheduling as we can see when people are generally available
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 4:25 AM
Just realized "#meetings" and "#main voice channels" is somewhat redundant
4:31 AM
essentially LVP but without the vat, odd stuff
4:34 AM
Anyhow didn't get much done today, maybe one or two hours, but i think that tabs / scope shift is controlled again. Will probably make some pages on safety systems, swales/keyline undersurfacing, then try and catch up on marcin's videos
4:34 AM
Logging off for the day
Justin_G joined the server. 7/9/2021 3:04 PM
Justin_G joined the server. 7/9/2021 3:35 PM
braden joined the server. 7/9/2021 4:15 PM
Hey everyone! I've been a long time lurker on OSE (about a decade). I'm a biomedical engineer and medical device developer. My main interest these days it's understanding how design of open source hardware works today and what tools might needed to accelerate open hardware design.
Welcome. We're meeting right now discussing the Seed Eco Home if you want to drop in and listen.
metallaser joined the server. 7/9/2021 4:37 PM
welcome @braden ! glad to have you with us. Like @Odundo says, we meet in the general Voice channel, and sometimes leave a camera on in the workshop so you can spy on us (with consent) working on the Seed Home. I think your device experience might be helpful when we build the 3D printer later, or perhaps the heated chamber / plastic shredder for our innovation challenge. We currently use FreeCAD for mechanical / construction design, download and upload files to mediawiki which versions whole files. We're interested in making "multiplayer" collaboration and versioning easier and more granular.
5:16 PM
Ahoy @metallaser ⚡ 🤘
👋 1
5:17 PM
Nice to see you on here @Justin_G @Justin_G if that is indeed your real name
Paul Pham
welcome @braden ! glad to have you with us. Like @Odundo says, we meet in the general Voice channel, and sometimes leave a camera on in the workshop so you can spy on us (with consent) working on the Seed Home. I think your device experience might be helpful when we build the 3D printer later, or perhaps the heated chamber / plastic shredder for our innovation challenge. We currently use FreeCAD for mechanical / construction design, download and upload files to mediawiki which versions whole files. We're interested in making "multiplayer" collaboration and versioning easier and more granular.
I really enjoy 3D printing and have a Prusa i3 Mk3 as my trouble-free printer. I have an AnyCubic Kossel Plus all taken apart that I might turn into a pottery bot. I would love to hear what your plans for a 3D printer are. What are the specific goals of your 3d printer? There are a lot of players in the open source 3d printing game, but there's still some room for innovative combinations. Right now, the infinite-z printers (CR-30) are really exciting for high-mix/low-volume manufacturing. I met a guy that mounted two CR-30s on a wall and the parts drop off into a bin for truly hands off batch printing. Personally I would like to see an infinite-z IDEX printer. (edited)
I really enjoy 3D printing and have a Prusa i3 Mk3 as my trouble-free printer. I have an AnyCubic Kossel Plus all taken apart that I might turn into a pottery bot. I would love to hear what your plans for a 3D printer are. What are the specific goals of your 3d printer? There are a lot of players in the open source 3d printing game, but there's still some room for innovative combinations. Right now, the infinite-z printers (CR-30) are really exciting for high-mix/low-volume manufacturing. I met a guy that mounted two CR-30s on a wall and the parts drop off into a bin for truly hands off batch printing. Personally I would like to see an infinite-z IDEX printer. (edited)
Our eventual goal is to print large objects, like a 8 ft by 4 ft wall panel, from waste plastic. Haha I once bought a Prusa i3 clone on eBay that was my "trouble-only" printer.
😆 1
The large printer your describing reminds me of Dirk van der Kooij's work.
🤯 2
Arcane BOT 7/9/2021 5:43 PM
@braden has reached level 1. GG!
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 5:56 PM
@Marcin is this working on your end?
горелка joined the server. 7/9/2021 6:54 PM
6:57 PM
@here can you enable "push to talk" in settings so that your mic doesn't do the odd cutting in and out (i think) ?
Eric Lotze 7/9/2021 7:19 PM
Logging off for a bit to grab food at a local restaurant. Probably will be offline for a while (maybe to 5:00 or so, or even *:00 est)
The large printer your describing reminds me of Dirk van der Kooij's work.
we can work on printing a plastic doghouse first, for @Jeff H 's dog that seems the right size for that chair
Afternoon session panopticon
davidleasure joined the server. 7/9/2021 9:37 PM
-- osr-support -- 7/9/2021 11:49 PM
@Eric Lotze one thing I noticed doing support pages based on random community or own input is the need of at least adding 2 or 3 fields, eg: brief, scope, status and thus, sort of todo list. clicking on all those 'dead' or 'new' pages can be quickly tedious and thus - users (incl. your self) may loose interest in no time .... just saying; there should be some protocol or staging in place though ... (edited)
-- osr-support -- 7/10/2021 12:17 AM
other meta fields as 'provides', 'matches', 'supports' mostly for keyword scoring are useful as well to keep tracking contextual infos intact ... makes it also lot's easier to filter 'unfinished' pages though. no idea yet how to do that in mediawiki but the 'semantic wiki' extensions seems great - (actually looking like a pita :-)) (edited)
davidleasure 7/10/2021 2:42 AM
I wondered about the building codes on the #trash2home printing with recycled plastic. Turns out, the building codes are there:
ICC Digital Codes is the largest provider of model codes, custom codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures.
👍 1
2:48 AM
Also, loved the size but not the price of the mama modix printer (2m x 5m x 1m) $30K+ and note the list of the #xxl3d printers, thought the nearest one to Mama is 2m x 2m x 1.5m.
The MAMA is a industrial 3D printer made by Modix. Discover the MAMA price and technical specs in our overview.
Discover some of the largest 3D printers availabe in 2021 with our top 10 selection for XXL-sized prints.
-- osr-support --
@Eric Lotze one thing I noticed doing support pages based on random community or own input is the need of at least adding 2 or 3 fields, eg: brief, scope, status and thus, sort of todo list. clicking on all those 'dead' or 'new' pages can be quickly tedious and thus - users (incl. your self) may loose interest in no time .... just saying; there should be some protocol or staging in place though ... (edited)
Do you mean like make categories for pages, (as in make the very unfinished pages marked as such) and make the pages market by content + described, or do you mean on page sections?
3:23 AM
(Also on my phone (as a passenger) now so connection/typing may be slower fyi)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/10/2021 3:29 AM
@Eric Lotze Check it ouuut. I'm just messing around with Guilded again, and just wanted to show off what a video-based media channel looks like (and it's public so no joining needed): OSE Videos, mostly just from July 1st on:
Media channel • OSE • GPDMCC • Created July 9th 2021
Looks nice! Can that also tie into that "discord crawler" that backs up all my incessant link spam, or were those links inputted manually? (edited)
4:22 AM
Also turns out that short trip turned into us staying until ~9:00 PM EST, then a 1 hr trip back (with the car at maximum capacity, so not too comfy), so i'm pretty tired and am probably just going to call it a day
Eric Lotze
Looks nice! Can that also tie into that "discord crawler" that backs up all my incessant link spam, or were those links inputted manually? (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/10/2021 4:52 AM
I did them manually - I would assuuum such things are possible, but I've never touched anything botty or automated in these communication realms. For future posts though it appears to allow webhooks, another thing I haven't messed with:
5:01 AM
^ Micro-architecture, water transport, cooling, hydroponics
Out of curiosity, have you guys looked into using OpenProject to do project management? If you self-host, the community edition is free.
Open source project management software for classic, agile or hybrid project management: task management✓ Gantt charts✓ boards✓ team collaboration✓ time and cost reporting✓ FREE trial!
👍 1
Ken Makunga 7/10/2021 6:56 PM
Double Door Build Instructions How to assemble the Double Door Module
👏 2
@Ken Makunga has reached level 1. GG!
Out of curiosity, have you guys looked into using OpenProject to do project management? If you self-host, the community edition is free.
Looking into it right now. I think I'll stand up a test server to just get it up and running.
6:59 PM
Then we can work on getting it into the OSE Environment
At least the projects under active development could live in OpenProject. It looks like there are many other potential or dormant projects under the OSE umbrella. It may make sense to make placeholder project for those as well
7:04 PM
What tools have you guys been using to do project management to date? Is everything done with the OSE wiki?
yeah just the wiki
😯 1
There's probably a few other project management tools you guys would want to check out. Redmine is older than OpenProject but it's kind of ugly IMO. Odoo is a modular ERP that's open source. It seems pretty cumbersome to customize and self-host, and I believe the feature set is limited. It looks like Jira is free for open source project ( There are dozens of options. (edited)
I've used Jira when I worked in a corporate environment. It nice actually, but a bit complex.
@PaleOracle has reached level 3. GG!
Here's a pretty comprehensive list including many other categories of software.
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
💯 2
coderjeff joined the server. 7/10/2021 7:53 PM
Here's a pretty comprehensive list including many other categories of software.
This will probably be invaluable to at least get started in evaluating our particular software solutions. Also help to avoid bloat as far as the number of redundant applications we have.
Also version control with FreeCAD is pretty difficult from what I understand. Have you guys used the Webtools workbench for version control with git? I would really like to see a versioning and release system like OnShape has in FreeCAD
@braden has reached level 2. GG!
Also version control with FreeCAD is pretty difficult from what I understand. Have you guys used the Webtools workbench for version control with git? I would really like to see a versioning and release system like OnShape has in FreeCAD
That's something we have brought up a few times. I haven't looked into it personally but that is something that would be useful as well. Currently we use the Wiki to manage versions. It does work because we have pictures to go along with the file as well. (edited)
I'm not trying to change you workflow if it's working for you guys, and I hope it doesn't come across that way. I'm trying to get up to speed on the OSE operations. For context, one of my pet projects in understanding how open-source design operations work.
I'm not trying to change you workflow if it's working for you guys, and I hope it doesn't come across that way. I'm trying to get up to speed on the OSE operations. For context, one of my pet projects in understanding how open-source design operations work.
I believe that OSE needs better purposed tools/processes if we are going to scale to allowing hundreds or thousands of contributors eventually. I think all of the currently active individuals meet and discuss or document what roadblocks they run into. My 0.02 cents. (edited)
👏 2
👍 1
Version control is basically mandatory to scale distributed development.
interesting that he used onshape for this!
better than F360, but no freecad i guess lol, granted debating software is kind of puritan level, pragmatically speaking as long as i can read the file, and the documentation is good, i'm down
👍 1
4:41 AM
open source metrology grade dc reference voltage?
4:42 AM
granted this high tier electronics is above me, but i trust their judgement i guess, anyone know more than me about all this?
Why would you ever need that? To be honest it is not very needed, and rarely used.
supposedly calibrating precision electronics (again which have their own limited use cases lol)
Spent today, and will be spending tomorrow driving back to Florida, so probably not much will be happening on my end.
Christian Ward joined the server. 7/12/2021 3:01 PM
Welcome Christian. We're meeting on the General voice channel
Justin_G joined the server. 7/12/2021 3:03 PM
Welcome guys! You can join us on the voice channel
@Odundo has reached level 2. GG!
Also version control with FreeCAD is pretty difficult from what I understand. Have you guys used the Webtools workbench for version control with git? I would really like to see a versioning and release system like OnShape has in FreeCAD maybe port some of the new data science tooling to open hardware workflows? cc: @PaleOracle imagine an additional data pipeline processing step that auto-updates the associated wikipedia page then you fds add wall-module with fds commit -m 'new module' and fds push and it's all published for others to iterate on (they'll need to fds pull locally) I suppose the idea would be to skip having to manually open a wiki page to upload the images and files, and so you hang out in FreeCAD and CLI only to get collaboration done (edited)
DAGsHub is proud to release a new open source command line tool, FDS, which aims to help users do Fast Data Science by streamlining day-to-day work with Git and DVC.
👍 1
@pcuci I'll have to read more about this. I'm going to create an IT Infrastructure/Software Tooling board as well in Trello. I'll try to compile everything
Vanderjahre joined the server. 7/12/2021 5:33 PM
Jayjay joined the server. 7/12/2021 6:11 PM
Vanderjahre 7/12/2021 9:28 PM
Hey folks, I've just come across this project in the last couple of days and I've been perusing the wiki and the suggested crash course material (and trying to wrap my head around the project's timeline so far). Wanted to introduce myself so that hopefully my questions don't come out of nowhere haha. I have about 6 years experience in mechanical systems engineering (focusing on precision motion) and plastics design/manufacturing. I'm in the northeast of the USA, and I'm really loving all that I'm reading here and on the wiki. Cheers to you all! (Also, hopefully this channel is the right one for this sort of thing)
👍 1
metaviews joined the server. 7/12/2021 10:59 PM
Jean joined the server. 7/13/2021 12:09 AM
@pcuci I'll have to read more about this. I'm going to create an IT Infrastructure/Software Tooling board as well in Trello. I'll try to compile everything
Trello? 🙂 Is there a rationale for choosing proprietary SaaS tooling? seems to fill the same need and is open source plenty of "OSE philosophically aligned" choices (in any case, getting ourselves to use any of these tools is the largest hurdle, in my experience; and using the collab tools well, even more difficult... worth it in the long-term, IMO)
The best open source alternative to Trello is Wekan, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 100 alternatives to...
Trello was easiest to get up and running and most people are familiar with it or have accounts. I actually stood up an Open project server but the Kanban board feature required an enterprise subscription. Wekan seems promising so we'll need to stand up a server and play around with it.
12:24 AM
@pcuci but yea, the projects are being managed in Wiki for the most part now so mainly about getting a PoC.
👍 1
@PaleOracle would you be able to articulate the PoC/MVP you're after? Seems to me you're looking to improve the collaborative workflow(?) (edited)
Yes, something that is easy to get using immediately. (OpenProject which resembles Jira was not). Also featuring a Kanban board which was something that was requested by most people and easiest to manipulate(Need enterprise license for OpenProject for access to this feature). Self-Hosted solutions I feel are best if you can stand up and pay for the infrastructure but there is overhead. This is really the first attempt at using a PM tool since I've been here. Using a tool that is purposed for a particular use-case saves a lot of time and overhead vs trying to manage things only in the wiki. (edited)
@PaleOracle has reached level 4. GG!
There is a page for software stack on the wiki. Trying to compile a good group of solutions for OSE. Without having too much bloat with redundant software as a longer term goal.
❤️ 1
I would challenge the second point: do we talk here or in the wiki talk pages? @PaleOracle I think it should say "self-hostable", cc: @braden (edited)
I think you have to have an account. You would have to email Marcin himself.
12:49 AM
For discussion on the wiki anyway. We're working on getting discourse up and running so that would be the forum.
@PaleOracle how do I join that team? 🙂 where do you folks work through the kinks of the digital experience? GitHub repos link for infra-as-code? (edited)
If it were my house I'd just cover the edge with a bit of trim...
3:44 PM
training game plugin for FreeCAD.
Great presentation, enjoyed the zoom demonstration. I'll see you all next time.
I am back home after that road trip, so should be getting back to the routine (and have my full desk setup)
9:07 PM
I like the logo addition !
Today, Italian 3D printer manufacturer Roboze launched the Argo 1000, a high-temperature material extrusion printer with a heated chamber that the company says can produce parts of “up to one...
Trying to get a few of the Seed Home modules in tonight...
4:47 AM
Looks like a couple of modules I signed up for in the Build Cheatsheet Google Doc were done by someone else while I was procrastinating on them. I Snooze, I lose. 🙂
Actually, looks like the file itself was uploaded in May. But the task at hand is to move them into the House Assembly Master File...
@Marcin, regarding the wall module FreeCAD files on the wiki from May, are they still up-to-date enough for the House Assembly Master File?
Figured it out. Wow, that took a while.
@Justin_G has reached level 3. GG!
What lumber sizes are standard outside of USA for any of the other 96% of the planet's population wanting to build the Seed Home? Does there need to be a second model for metric lumber?
I agree metric conversions are going to be important. I don't know how lumber is standardized though
5:51 PM
In-page conversions for misc stuff may be nice and also bot-able (ie find every instance of "ft" / "in" and add in...)
Oakland-based Mighty Buildings, which is on a quest to build homes using 3D printing, robotics and automation, has raised a $22 million extension to its Series B round of funding. The additional capital builds upon a $40 million raise the company announced earlier this year, bringing its total fund…
👁️ 1
6:37 PM
Mighty Kit System are starting at $221,750 and can be customized to your liking
6:38 PM
I like how Mighty has included the flooring as panels
2:22 AM
where should i put "" on that page?
What lumber sizes are standard outside of USA for any of the other 96% of the planet's population wanting to build the Seed Home? Does there need to be a second model for metric lumber?
European lumber uses mm-based standards, with similar ranges to the US standards afaik. In my experience I have found the smooth/planed lumber in approx. 4mm under the rough-cut lumber sizes. That was always in ranges of 10-200mm thickness though, I think they take off more for larger beams. I found this discussion, the numbers given there seem reasonable to me but I would always check with a location-specific supplier before setting strict tolerances on a committed project. Would it be possible to add some kind of generalised guidelines for people who want to convert designs to metric (or vice versa)? I would expect that many dimensions are not very sensitive to changes, so it could be useful to point out in documentation where those changes do deserve proper attention. Having some basic calculator tool (eg. BOM estimations given different lumber standards, critical load requirement checks...) would be awesome if that's somewhat feasible. I'm not very familiar with the OSE documentation yet but could be a fun project to look into.
I was always curious about this. In the states we have: Lumber - Comes most commonly in 2 inch (2x4,6,8,10,12,16) and 4 inch (4x4,4x6) varieties. Plywood - Almost always 4x8 feet Drywall/Plaste...
Does this have any utility over Binder Jetting / SLS/SLM/EMM / 3D Printing and/or Metal Injection Molding? I don't know if anyone here has experience in it, but all sorts of powder metallurgy is somewhat similar i guess, this just 3d prints the mold / powder layer by layer? (Also the molten infill / melting over just sintering is something i'd love to hear about) (edited)
Granted i am a terminology snob
6:16 AM
Should we call it a "subsurfacer" , a "ripper", or a "subsurface plow" or what
6:30 AM
Looking into some GIS stuff, going to redo the page now, but seems there is a good OS tool out there already?
Started install
6:45 AM
6:45 AM
6:45 AM
6:45 AM
6:45 AM
6:49 AM
(Also i think this is a larger (edited)
6:49 AM
Also before i make a fool of myself with all my rambling, are there others on here with actual knowledge and/or experience in the area (ie what i am not ) ? (edited)
6:53 AM
So OSE Linux can adapt the linux versions maybe if this turns out to be of use
learner-long-life joined the server. 7/16/2021 8:27 PM
I believe that OSE needs better purposed tools/processes if we are going to scale to allowing hundreds or thousands of contributors eventually. I think all of the currently active individuals meet and discuss or document what roadblocks they run into. My 0.02 cents. (edited)
-- osr-support -- 7/17/2021 12:23 AM
Not just OSE 😉 Not sure where it's floating but there are quite a number of systems to be considered :
  • Wiki - for resources and evtl. process documentation ; Unfortunately - mediawiki isn't my choice for the actual source content and acts rather as deployment target
  • Library/product catalog - the main site (references wiki and other systems) ; currently, in my system - that's the place where I create the content and deploy to other systems via CLI scripts or API
  • Shop - same problem as with the Wiki - comes with lot's of restrictions and thus, it's just a deployment target
  • Support : Forum and/or Instant
  • Newsletter and campaigns (another reason to have an independent format as plain Markdown files)
  • Manuals (PDFs)
  • other platforms ( as deployment targets ), eg: wikifactory, hackaday, instructable, ...
  • CRM/ERP, ...
What I am still missing here is a real good editor - mostly enabling others to drag'n drop from a pallet into well defined templates; as well a good workflow - across the entire system ...
I think #collaboration-and-social-media-software-stuff can be for this (also is for the FLOSS alternative to discord etc)
5:44 AM
Neat image i got from just looking around in google images (Links leading to a source for future reference): )
Kind of in the integrated pest management area (i guess, may be the wrong term), but neat method for flea/tick control:
6:24 AM
I bet it could be adapted to stray/community cats/dogs too
JAEOWYN joined the server. 7/17/2021 9:02 PM
Not sure where to put this, but neat chart from this page: (edited)
5:37 AM
Also hello!
Vanderjahre 7/18/2021 7:50 AM
Generalized question, what is the grease used on the tractor build, and really any rotary prototypes? Curious about a sustainable solution, I didn't see anything on the wiki. Though I might not be looking hard enough
(i have missed a pile of meetings etc, so forgive me if i am missing some obvious context, BUT) Do you mean grease for gears/joints etc, or do you mean hydraulic fluid, or what?
Vanderjahre 7/18/2021 8:22 AM
Gears and joints, not hydraulic fluid. Just for the rotary bearings
@Vanderjahre has reached level 1. GG!
I am unsure on that.
11:26 PM
On e: That note i agree, i think it came with one of the bots we use, ill see if there is a way to shut down that feature / move the pings to an easy to mute "bot spam" or something channel
-- osr-support -- 7/19/2021 12:26 AM
Hi, more or less I am through the key pillars for a new OS software stack which I can use also for our commercial activities - kinda mixed up. If you like I can document it and provide it as sort of template (docker containers via 'Rancher' infrastructure). Wiki : MediaWiki (mostly for processes and side docs) Forum : Discourse Shop : Magento (multi vendor) Hosting CPanel: Plesk | Postfix, Nginx, Let's encrypt, etc... Front page : Jekyll Version Control : Gitea Auth : SSO via Keycloak Other things : ZohoBooks, ZohoCRM via API - not sure yet - still look for replacements CAD: Solidworks in VM, also with some tools to extract STEP files, PDFs, ... via over SSH or whatever ... There is also some top level AMQP protocol for businesses logic in top of all; as well a shit load of CLI tooling to feed all systems from one source. Other things as Slack integrations are easy to add as well... (edited)
Generalized question, what is the grease used on the tractor build, and really any rotary prototypes? Curious about a sustainable solution, I didn't see anything on the wiki. Though I might not be looking hard enough
We are using ordinary grease at this time.
-- osr-support --
Hi, more or less I am through the key pillars for a new OS software stack which I can use also for our commercial activities - kinda mixed up. If you like I can document it and provide it as sort of template (docker containers via 'Rancher' infrastructure). Wiki : MediaWiki (mostly for processes and side docs) Forum : Discourse Shop : Magento (multi vendor) Hosting CPanel: Plesk | Postfix, Nginx, Let's encrypt, etc... Front page : Jekyll Version Control : Gitea Auth : SSO via Keycloak Other things : ZohoBooks, ZohoCRM via API - not sure yet - still look for replacements CAD: Solidworks in VM, also with some tools to extract STEP files, PDFs, ... via over SSH or whatever ... There is also some top level AMQP protocol for businesses logic in top of all; as well a shit load of CLI tooling to feed all systems from one source. Other things as Slack integrations are easy to add as well... (edited)
Yes please - this is helpful I'll attempt to tweak my on-prem personal cloud to align with your vision of what the OSE community finds useful in terms of integrated tooling I use microk8s and Pulumi to bootstrap my k8s home lab; scalability comes for free, say, if OSE or any other community want to operate as code their own infra Idea is to simply fork the pumumi stacks to bootstrap your own cloud, and/or provision the bare metal boxes via Ansible scripts (if you want to also operate your own hardware) (edited)
-- osr-support -- 7/19/2021 3:57 PM
ok, will take a while - also looking up all the new names you just mentioned 🙂
👍 1
@-- osr-support -- has reached level 8. GG!
-- osr-support -- 7/19/2021 4:01 PM
tbh, I don't really have a vision for OSE per-se; just trying to get a template for different projects - based on what worked and what didn't over the last years running a OS business - something which I can operate/administer without spending too much time on it - also with an increasing 'no code is good code' policy :in mind 😉
💯 1
4:02 PM
btw: you guys may like this : - integrating it as 3d cad web viewer now everywhere ...
Open source JavaScript SDK for viewing high-detail, full-precision 3D BIM and AEC models in the Web browser. - xeokit/xeokit-sdk
4:02 PM
can be slow as f* ....
👍 no code Were you able to put Wikipedia behind the Keycloack SSO? (That's my next step)
-- osr-support -- 7/19/2021 4:05 PM
not yet - but happens this days - seems a little cumbersome; possibly I have to fall back on OAuth
👍 1
Do you have a high level design document or readme file for what you were trying to achieve with your specific integration? I'm aiming for privacy-first, cloud native - the old idea of personal computer, applied to a cluster; and everything as code
-- osr-support -- 7/19/2021 4:10 PM
no 🙂 I indented to make a sketch as next; will share it here as soon it's ironed out; more likely next week; I am on vacation actually 🙂
👍 1
Ha, me too, on vacation - enjoy!
@-- osr-support -- what was your take on open source videoconferencing? Jitsti etc?
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/20/2021 6:27 AM
Gwahhh yess, personal cloud! That's what I was on about once before, though admittedly with Proxmox. Was hoping to learn k8s(k3s? etc?) and orchestration stuff, but was happy with the ease of Proxmox. I also enjoyed using ZeroTier for making networking easier for me(two remote computers on your ZeroTier network is like being on local wifi, easy IP stuff), but I really wanted to get a Raspberry-Pi-like device for making Wake-on-Lan possible from afar, to keep power usage down when it didn't need to be on, but always ready to get back running.
👍 1
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/20/2021 6:42 AM
For teaching game programming, I imagined loaning out bits of my computer to club members with "snapshots" of an OS ready-to-go with IDE installed and configured(maybe even open and ready to type in). With ample storage space, I could imagine an assortment of ready-to-go remote access snapshots, and backups for rolling back. Then hearing about "serverless computing" gave all sorts of ideas. Then HCI / Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (the idea of doing all this in one machine seems key to me) sounded whoah. But then again, "composable infrastructure" where it adaptively gives you hardware based on the pools that you have... ... gah, so much. I think all this tech is weirdly... bleeding edge, in a "not being made use of enough" kind of way. It seems very useful for OSE, and for me as well, personal projects as well as game club management, learning web stuff, learning any OS, networking... my imagination goes wild without even thinking of throwing much custom programming in there!
Avatar This is borderline an ad, and they used nearly all non-OS hardware/software BUT it showcased a neat workflow, and applications of certain tools This could maybe fit in #general-planning , but i'll just leave it here
9:58 PM
They made a printed "cage" AROUND the sls printed parts, and this could even be done to separate multiple "orders"; really neat stuff
9:58 PM
(Also the fact that supply chains / documentation can be so convoluted that reverse engineering small parts for companies is a viable business strategy is goofy)
-- osr-support -- 7/20/2021 11:59 PM
@pcuci - 'what was your take on open source videoconferencing? Jitsti etc?' - as with other important tools like CAD (=Solidworks), I usually opt for the best results; didn't try anything as Jitsti, especially after OSE YT videos with awful audio 😉 - on day I send Marcin a real mic 🙂 Reality is that most collaborators and clients just use what's 'there', Zoom & Teamviewer - can be awful too though ... However, I recon there is much to be done - I wanted a 'simple' cross-platform voice streaming app between our workstations across the company - just got busted; couldn't even find something good to have audio between Adhoc wifi phones (aka walki-talki)
@pcuci On this note: I don't think so,? i just checked in the settings under appearance, and accessibility, and i got nothing. I don't think zooming in/out even changes it much
1:00 AM
All the more reason to get something open source and thus moddable going i guess! (that or i can use less giant titles/acronyms lol) (edited)
Alrighty, felt much more productive today, logging off for the day, SHOULD be back in ~8-11 hours or so
@Paul Pham On this note: Do you mean greenhouse design, or automated watering (of soil), or #soil-free-agriculture (ie [[Aquaponic Greenhouse]] stuff etc)? All of the above could work too i guess!
7:26 PM
I made a page on / plan on developing something similar to this system, and the non-nutrient/ph etcmodules could maybe be used for automated drip/mist irrigation controlling:
8:09 PM
(i made a comment on it, but now i want a vacuum chamber version!) Wait they didn't try and electrically spin it up?!? (Made a comment on that too i guess, just a generator with good flywheel in this design, not a FES system)
Alrighty watching this GIS tutorial now, will see how that goes, then if time is remaining start catching up on OSE/Marcin's channel's videos
Got home from dinner just in time for this to hit (moving from plugged in laptop to phone for safety, got surge protectors + power strip fuse, but to be safe. Going to non-plugged in phone, so will be online discord wise, but not edits/fancy software
@Eric Lotze has reached level 34. GG!
First coast news app (station with large radar and live updates of the “sweeps”) isn’t working for me now (not maintained well and/or my iPhone approaching planned obsolescence), some cheap app for that image for now i guess
3:37 AM
3:37 AM
Big pile of NOTHIN on the app
3:38 AM
3:39 AM
Weather underground is good one i guess, may use that more
3:39 AM
The Actually Relevant Bit (not rambling on florida weather lol) Storm is passed and I’m getting back on my laptop for gis work / wiki edits (edited)
On the note of this: "Stick toothpicks in two existing avocado pits in plastic cups."
4:03 AM
I tried this before (~1 year or so ago, can dig for photos if need be), i got to maybe almost proper sapling level
4:03 AM
It was some sort of mold that killed mine off i think, so that is a risk as always, but more importantly:
4:04 AM
Avocados are terrible at pollination ! (at least naturally, may be able to do some paint brush pollenation, need to look into that)
4:06 AM
Avocados have an unusual flowering behaviour that is affected by temperature, particularly cold conditions which can impact on the level of fruit set. The following article explains the impact of temperature and the use of pollinisers and pollinators on fruit set of avocados in the South-West of Western Australia.
4:07 AM
the flowers kind of cycle between male and female function, so if wanting natural population you need to co-plant different varieties so that they can "balance each-other out" and hope for a PILE of pollenators IIRC (edited)
First Step: Go to the status bar and type in "world"
6:37 AM
granted i may be missing something, but what did they click / where is the *status bar !
6:37 AM
(looking elsewhere i guess for that info oof)
6:40 AM
Ah it's the bar along the bottom
6:43 AM
I did a basic thing !
🙌 1
6:43 AM
(i'll not spam progress for the whole tutorial, but i'll update on discord + on-wiki post completing it) (edited)
7:23 AM
i'm at around 18:06 and i am getting lost in the label formatting (via code essentially in that "value" box)
7:24 AM
by doing 'insert text here' you can get the word (hence "land" )
7:25 AM
but i don't know how they got each to go to a different label for each sub-item
7:26 AM
if you leave it at this:
7:26 AM
7:26 AM
it does the sub-items (1, 2 ,3), but no name
7:27 AM
So i tried " 123 fid 'land' " and that was invalid
Just about finished with that tutorial
8:45 AM
i made an ugly map of an imaginary chain of islands!
8:46 AM
Honestly though this tool is way better than Google Earth Pro, is Open Source, and can use more data/layers/export formats etc, so i'm excited !
👏 1
8:49 AM
Logging off for the day, 2:46am local time so kind of murdering my sleep schedual a little bit, Meeting at 8:00am CST / 9:00am EST / 13:00 UTC , i may try and get up for that, but also @Paul Pham said that the team is moving to full on construction mode, so that will be exciting to see!
We tried maybe a dozen 10 ish years ago and still have an avacado tree living indoors rubbing the ceiling
🎊 1
Nice !
2:58 PM
Any avocados from them yet, that would be something to see inside !
Eric Lotze
I tried this before (~1 year or so ago, can dig for photos if need be), i got to maybe almost proper sapling level
learner-long-life 7/23/2021 7:56 PM
That’s hopeful! I’ve only seen it on tv shows. Plant diseases are a real thing, so we are still training our sensitivity in recognizing and cleaning the pits and safe handling. We’ll be eating a lot more avocado s this summer, so we’ll be refining our technique. We should see roots in 2 to 8 weeks.
@learner-long-life has reached level 4. GG!
That’s hopeful! I’ve only seen it on tv shows. Plant diseases are a real thing, so we are still training our sensitivity in recognizing and cleaning the pits and safe handling. We’ll be eating a lot more avocado s this summer, so we’ll be refining our technique. We should see roots in 2 to 8 weeks.
I think part of my case may have been the lack of biodiversity in the suburbs maybe leading to more odd diseases, but yeah they are no joke!
7:58 PM
Maybe invest in making on of those HEPA hoods (forget the term), and get some plant breeding / microbio going !
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/23/2021 10:39 PM
another open hardware business to learn from?
Eric Lotze
Any avocados from them yet, that would be something to see inside !
no, have never tried to pollinate it, never crossed my mind until this convo, it's just been hanging out for air quality./looks
Paul Pham
another open hardware business to learn from?
Is it Open Source?!? I don't know myself, but i do know they are VERY committed to right to repair and all that
3:36 AM
I'll look real quick and see if they are
Few days ago I got a news from social media that there is a new laptop brand from San Fransisco, United States coming to the world called F...
4:17 AM
seems to be closed source hardware, open source software/firmware?
4:21 AM
I'll grab Louis Rossman's video on it for a hardware/documentation for repair perspective
@Wesxdz On the note of this I still can't wrap my head around what LVP / (m)SLA) printer resin is made, but they make amazing parts (and can make thermosets/odd materials)
6:51 AM
It just annoys me that Carbon3D Patented their LVP process that is like mSLA but without the "lift up so there is a new level of liquid" bit
Carbon (legally Carbon3D Inc.) is a digital manufacturing company founded in 2013 by Joseph and Philip DeSimone, Alex and Nikita Ermoshkin, Edward Samulski, and Steve Nelson. Carbon is based in Redwood City, California. The company manufactures and develops 3D printers utilizing the Continuous Liquid Interface Production process, with its first ...
Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP; originally Continuous Liquid Interphase Printing) is a proprietary method of 3D printing that uses photo polymerization to create smooth-sided solid objects of a wide variety of shapes using resins. It was invented by Joseph DeSimone, Alexander and Nikita Ermoshkin and Edward T. Samulski and was orig...
6:54 AM
Like outside of the footage their youtube channel has posted, and maybe some industry magazines etc, i have heard NOTHING about this technology/people using it. Meanwhile FDM and mSLA are taking the internet by storm and you can get a somewhat capable FDM printer for ~100-200USD, and the cheapest mSLA is ~300USD or so
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/25/2021 6:58 AM
I thought I also heard about some nifty 3d ECB(is that it? For electronics, motherboards etc?) printing stuff years ago, but now only recently am I hearing about it again but only from Intel or something, maybe just for processors though.
PCB (printed circuit board) you mean?
7:03 AM
or printing or circuits and whatnot, i think i saw some process for that recently, that may also be closed sourced
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/25/2021 6:04 PM
Yehh, I then wonder how much more efficient computers could be if instead of having components modularized as they are now, as distinct components to be combined after manufacture... they are instead loaded up like software libraries, printed all at once in a great wonder-cube of 3D space efficiency and airflow. They could share certain components, position themselves closer to things, allow AI to design this stuff as well including that generative... more-sturdy-than-humans-design alien-looking stuff(Oh: Generative Design). xP (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall
Yehh, I then wonder how much more efficient computers could be if instead of having components modularized as they are now, as distinct components to be combined after manufacture... they are instead loaded up like software libraries, printed all at once in a great wonder-cube of 3D space efficiency and airflow. They could share certain components, position themselves closer to things, allow AI to design this stuff as well including that generative... more-sturdy-than-humans-design alien-looking stuff(Oh: Generative Design). xP (edited)
Yeah, no - the tech is not there yet, while we can print multi layer PCBs, what you're describing is a totally different "integrated" chip design, etc. There is some work being done with RISC-V to open up the hardware chip design layer And some new GPU-like designs where each microchip can talk to each other node, to facilitate neural network training in hardware, are also being built Quantum might be fun here too :-)
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/25/2021 6:56 PM
I want it field-programmable, too xP
Yeah PCB design for Motherboards etc is insane
rootialiel joined the server. 7/26/2021 4:13 AM
Click to see original message
learner-long-life 7/26/2021 4:59 AM
Hi @learner-long-life . Just found this while studying up to help on the Seed home remote work
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/26/2021 6:13 AM
Hi @learner-long-life . Just found this while studying up to help on the Seed home remote work
learner-long-life 7/26/2021 8:22 AM
You’re in the right place, we’d love to collab with you on the Seed Home
Is there a way to load more than 500 changes in the Recent Changes Page?
Eric Lotze
Is there a way to load more than 500 changes in the Recent Changes Page?
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/31/2021 11:42 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/31/2021 11:56 PM
Matrix + Element is so far seeming fine - but I don't know all the details yet. I can use IRC for it too it seems, but those don't have previous messages. However I'm confused, is Element not free for making a server? hmm
11:57 PM
I definitely was able to bounce from OpenBSD to "Copyfree" IRC channel and get some major help in my CC0/license situation(seems like non-public-domain, just a well-thought license, is the way to go for my needs).
1:55 AM
Kind of discussion on how to formalize/improve the designs outlined in this video by NightHawkInLight:
davidleasure 8/1/2021 8:15 PM
#D3D I'm hoping to get some help for the D3D assembly I'm doing at home. There's a picture in the archive of a wire coming off the ramp board and going first to the 12v connectors and then later to the 24v connectors. Which is the right way and what is it for? This is not the feed vor the arduino (5v) so what is it?
Arcane BOT 8/1/2021 8:15 PM
@davidleasure has reached level 1. GG!
#D3D I'm hoping to get some help for the D3D assembly I'm doing at home. There's a picture in the archive of a wire coming off the ramp board and going first to the 12v connectors and then later to the 24v connectors. Which is the right way and what is it for? This is not the feed vor the arduino (5v) so what is it?
learner-long-life 8/1/2021 10:19 PM
Hi @davidleasure I’ll do my best to help, but also a newbie doing this at home. Can you take a picture or show a link to the wiki that you’re referring to?
Eric Lotze 8/2/2021 3:06 AM
I just wrote a a bit on it in #server-suggestions , but it could be neat if we could ping all people that have built /worked with a D3D etc
3:08 AM
I know @Marcin obviously, but i don't know who else
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/3/2021 1:15 AM
(Posting related stuff in #off-grid-power)
Eric Lotze 8/3/2021 8:22 PM
getting into information overload again
8:25 PM
have a pile of stuff on diesel exhaust gas treatment stuff, leftovers of that safety system stuff, some misc stuff, stuff on a group making a miucrofactory+greenhouse(herbal/standard) based tea production company, new videos to share/document etc, small ammount of GIS stuff, stuff on local(-ish ~30-60 minutes away from where i am) makerspaces, etc
8:27 PM
*and some stuff i need to use to develop local makerspace plans/paperwork, and some stuff on CE (and similar) certifications
8:29 PM
anxiety os like give up
8:30 PM
I guess i'll just start left to right, so beware of random edit/page creation spam incoming
8:55 PM
can/should i split that into multiple pages, or maybe make that about OSE's efforts to get those certifications vs other pages i can make on just them as a concept? (edited)
Was just discussing OSE Germany in #off-grid-power , and i think i will look into their work (as well as OSE France) and see if they have done more stuff since i last checked, and also maybe make sure they know about this discord / invite them if not
Eric Lotze
Was just discussing OSE Germany in #off-grid-power , and i think i will look into their work (as well as OSE France) and see if they have done more stuff since i last checked, and also maybe make sure they know about this discord / invite them if not
learner-long-life 8/4/2021 12:20 AM
Please do. I didn’t even know we had an OSE France and OSE Germany !
Let me grab the wiki links, i also need to check if there are any others
12:22 AM
OSE France made a neat Linear Solar Thermal collector IIRC,
12:22 AM
I saw an instructable on it forever ago
12:24 AM
OSE Germany: OSE France: (website, not wiki, also doesn't appear to have changed much)
Eric Lotze
OSE Germany: OSE France: (website, not wiki, also doesn't appear to have changed much)
Does this mean the OSE brand is GNU-like, i.e. anyone can use it (unlike Mozilla's, where they keep the rights)?
Eric Lotze 8/4/2021 3:48 AM
I don't know
3:48 AM
I thought of it moreso as branches, but that is just what i gathered
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/4/2021 9:02 PM
Cool paper I'm reading regarding Gamification, and one made in 2021 too: ( Gamified and Self-Adaptive Applications for the Common Good: Research Challenges Ahead ) (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall
Cool paper I'm reading regarding Gamification, and one made in 2021 too: ( Gamified and Self-Adaptive Applications for the Common Good: Research Challenges Ahead ) (edited)
Care takeaways? :-)
-- osr-support -- 8/4/2021 10:45 PM
@pcuci - hey man, as expected vacation wanted me do other things but will look at the mw-sso module later on. as for the BOM related story: I found the work of an student back (bounced at me via PP network - luckily they can't censor all - lol) : however, not to bad after all : he indeed validates almost every native type via awful reg-expression 😉 - rendered via Vue - kinda neat though
10:45 PM
as for osr-script, quite amazing as one can image to write your own language 🙂 (vacation killer)
  • reads excel sheets - local and from google (great to write specs, part lists, etc...)
  • reads all your instagram content
  • creates galleries from folders
  • adds related forum or shop entries directly via API
  • ... and a few thousand other things,
here's the high level template to generate a bazar description (preview : : // POC code ;-) [% include "product_variables.osr" %] <span>[[product.product_name]]</span> [% include "header_notice.osr" %] [% include "body.html" %] <div style="clear:both"> [% include "product_overview_drawings.osr" %] </div> <div style="padding:16px;text-align: center;"> <div class="ty-vendor-plans"> <div class="ty-grid-list__item" style="float: left;border: 1px gray;"> <h4 id="authors">Specification</h4> [% include "product_specs.osr" html:true %] </div> <div class="ty-grid-list__item" style="float: left;text-align: left;border: 1px gray;"> [% if %] [% include "authors_html.osr" authors:product.authors showHeader:true %] [%endif%] </div> </div> </div> [% include "product_resources.osr" %] [% include "vendor_magento.osr" %] <hr/> [% include "product_showreel.osr" %] [% include "other_products.osr" %] [% include "social_links.html" %] [% include "vendor_instagram.osr" %] [% include "product_debug.osr" %] [%js%] [%endjs%]
10:47 PM
next :
  • PDF (manuals)
  • augment elastic search results (the ultimate source) for mined PDFs from other sources (research gate)
  • mediawiki - typed
10:49 PM
PDFs are really a PITA but needed (barrier freedom, ...). I gonna dig into pandoc for a while - again - looks promising - they have native support for mw as well
10:55 PM
Btw. reading Instagram without their shitty API blew me really away; some guys created a sort of fake mobile client ( which acts like a normal user device. That's now just too tempting to create a curated community feed - easy to score btw. 🙂 <h4 style="text-align:center"> Our latest Instagram posts </h4> [%js%] return, 'vendor-instagram').then((cache)=>{ if(cache){ return cacache.get(CACHE, 'vendor-instagram').then((cached)=>{ return; }) } return instagram.images(config.instagram.user,config.instagram.token, global).then((images)=>{ images = images.slice(0, 8); images = html.container.wrap(> html.container.item(html.image(i),'border:none; width:200px;max-height:200px')).join('\n')); return cacache.put(CACHE,'vendor-instagram',images).then(()=>{ return images; }) }); }); [%endjs%] But seriously - did anyone looked at instagram reels ? this makes me feel like an Neanderthal - just as on youtube top 100 - gosh - we're screwed
NodeJS Instagram private API SDK. Written in TypeScript. - GitHub - dilame/instagram-private-api: NodeJS Instagram private API SDK. Written in TypeScript.
-- osr-support -- 8/5/2021 3:06 AM
well, even in Solidworks you can break things same easily - just that it's relatively easy to fix, using 'mates' ( basically constraints you can stitch to edges, vertices, or whatever reference geometry). However, from what I heard this is also a rather outdated (15 years old or so) approach which is suppose to be improved in onshape & fusion - unfortunately rather useless CAD in day-to-day small to big enterprise operations 🙂 tbh, freecad didn't survive the first 10 minutes in my evaluation - ash on my head 🙂
Eric Lotze 8/5/2021 3:14 AM
another fine addition to my channel collection!
Eric Lotze
another fine addition to my channel collection!
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/5/2021 3:42 AM
Ah sweet! I was actually thinking "Surely, this channel is definitely already discovered... hmm, I bet this was posted already.." xD
Poli joined the server. 8/5/2021 4:09 AM
Eric Lotze 8/5/2021 4:35 AM
learner-long-life 8/5/2021 6:05 AM
Ahoy @Poli !
Eric Lotze 8/6/2021 5:46 AM
Finally finished that diesel exhaust mess (TLDR: just use spark ignition lol), so can move on now (short of maybe a "SI vc CI engine" page, and maybe doing the math for SCR vs Fuel-Regenerated NOx Trap + how EGR effects both of those)
5:47 AM
I have some evidence based charity stuff, some stuff on VFDs, and some misc stuff
5:47 AM
5:48 AM
i can move on the finishing that process safety stuff and/or try and figure out FreeCAD and get on those modules and/or get on the video backlog of Marcin's videos/video conferences i have built up
5:48 AM
5:49 AM
i want to clean up #other-open-source-groups , pin stuff, maybe make a wiki page (+ that whole " [[Category: Organizations]] " mess) on it, also need to make sure i added the discord for the IndexPnP dev group
5:50 AM
forgot another *and/or
5:50 AM
#fleming_island_fl_usa_makerspace_plotting stuff, mainly paperwork/concrete plans + timelines
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/7/2021 2:02 AM Heyy, this website/wiki itself shows itself very helpful for me in terns of "club development"(the way they describe themselves) and "knowledge organizing"(the wiki itself, and how clicking through the links is very easy and informative). Also some good copyright discussion. In case this place inspires others as much as it is for me, it's worth some reading and click-throughs!
GilgameshGaian joined the server. 8/7/2021 4:07 AM
welcome @GilgameshGaian ! an OSE fan I met on another server, I tempted him here with open hardware and seed home builds
🤣 2
GilgameshGaian 8/7/2021 3:53 PM
Well... I see you like to embellish.. lol. I appreciate OSE as part of the solution to Industrial Monopolies & therefore local community Sovereignty.
👍 2
❤️ 1
Well... I see you like to embellish.. lol. I appreciate OSE as part of the solution to Industrial Monopolies & therefore local community Sovereignty.
haha please take a look around. This is the Seed Home we are just finishing up in Missouri right now you might like the #summer-x-2021 channel, for both the current apprentices on-site in Missouri and remoties who haven't joined us yet. Also, you are very welcome to come by the farm for a visit and enjoy the fruits of open hardware directly 🙂 (edited)
👍 2
aquamammal joined the server. 8/7/2021 10:35 PM
welcome @aquamammal !
1:37 AM
I guess i'll just start by getting as far as i can watching marcin's video's in reverse
12:43 AM
Thunderstorm starting up, i'll check the radar, but it doesn't seem close/spooky enough that i would need to shutdown PC and all that lol
12:45 AM
just a small green/orage dot on radar
12:46 AM
sidenote I need to make pages on Lightning Protection Systems , Lightning Detectors , and Weather Radar sometime
Angle joined the server. 8/9/2021 6:42 AM
Hey, the link worked!
Eric Lotze 8/9/2021 6:51 AM
Nice, hello!
Hey! XD
Eric Lotze 8/9/2021 6:52 AM
bit of a mess at times, but we got a pile of categories and whatnot and i try to pin major stuff in them
6:53 AM
It's ~1:00am here (i keep on messing up my sleep schedule lol), but there is a #ose-media-plotting we could probably think video stuff out in
Yeah it looks like you've got a lot going on lol. Still, that's good! Means the place is useful. XD
Arcane BOT 8/9/2021 6:53 AM
@Angle has reached level 1. GG!
Eric Lotze 8/9/2021 7:38 AM
Logging off for the day should be back in 6-12 hours-ish
Eric Lotze 8/9/2021 6:32 PM
did some quick looking around, probably get properly to work in around an hour or two
Eric Lotze 8/9/2021 9:35 PM
Eric Lotze 8/9/2021 9:48 PM
Caught up with all the discord feeds
9:49 PM
Pile of people making OS (or at least DIY) robotic arms recently, so i'll need to document that sometime
9:49 PM
One was mentioning "Electro-Chemical Machining" same concept as EDM, but less wear to the die/drill etc
9:50 PM
They were plotting to use a conductive material coated FDM print to act as a die for making injection molds which seemed REALLY neat, so i'll also need to document that a bit
9:50 PM
Going to check YouTube feeds now, then i will move on to contacting some people i found on their designs
9:50 PM
9:51 PM
probably move on to digging around in / for fottage of all the stuff going on and plot more in #ose-media-plotting
👍 1
Hey, the link worked!
learner-long-life 8/9/2021 9:57 PM
Computers! Internet works. Welcome @Angle
Hey, thank you! XD
5:23 AM
the "collapsed size" again has me thinking of mobile units (or even just a box) with a pile of these as a sort of "Print Farm in a Box"
5:25 AM
Same person is making an Open Source Modular Power Bank i guess: (edited)
Eric Lotze
sidenote I need to make pages on Lightning Protection Systems , Lightning Detectors , and Weather Radar sometime
oooh those sound fun
For wide open areas / when swimming (or i guess rocketry / airplanes etc) lightning detectors can be useful, since going by "shut down until 30 after the last heard thunder" can be deceptive/waste time due to the sound sometimes traveling farther than you need to be safe
3:20 AM
Granted at least here in Florida, some weather stations show lightning strikes too i guess as a layer in their Radar map (more G I S stuff! ) ?, not certain on their method / accuracy (edited)
3:20 AM
If i remember correctly most work via radio direction finding
so is it better to kill the lights on everything or just have surge protection?
i'm kidding, it depends
Most houses surprisingly don't have Lightning Protection Systems (lightning rods and whatnot)
3:21 AM
BUT most schoold/commercial buildings do
investment r i s k and so on
Granted it can also be hard to tell bird deterrents from odd designs of LPS's
3:22 AM
Also Trees tend to act as lightning rods
3:22 AM
or tall structures like Radio/Cell masts etc
3:22 AM
or protected buildings i guess!
3:23 AM
I should go look at some striked areas/trees sometime, could be neat
3:23 AM
I know my middle school had a tree strike and it was in an open area so even better to see afterwards
find em every now again in the west's forests, some huge redwoods have been split, usually people are quick to scratch their meaningless heiroglyphs in the charcoal, but they are cool
If i had it my way every house would have insanely strong foundations (+check for sinkholes/risk of them before choosing site) and strong connection to them, metal roofs with a strong connection Hurricane Shutters and Lightning Protection Systems, but i am not the dictator yet (edited)
3:25 AM
Also here in suburbia aesthetics/cost win over practicality
It's always easier to become a dictator when your disciples build houses out of sticks and gypsum
granted there is the cost issue, but that is where subsidies come in.
"when you stare into the darkness and the darkness stares back, beware you don't become the monster"
It's like the "3 Little Pigs" story, but they pay a shitton of insurance/taxes/debt and just rebuild the stick house again and again (edited)
🤣 1
no need for subsidies when you can just anti-trust the monopolies inflating those construction methods
open source them too (granted certifications and whatnot)
3:29 AM
What also gets me is the whole "black box" -ness that prices are, i made a page on it somewhere (i'll dig), but like a "Nutrition Label" / "Ingredients List" but for pricing
3:29 AM
I don't know how much is componets, how much is labor, how much is for a "rainy day fund" / r&d, how much is for stonks etc
The most unfortunate part about building a more stout home (something my great grandkids can be traumatized by) is paying engineering and permitting fees to do so, required specialized, higher cost engineers compared to those signing off on the stick built houses
It's a mess that can only really be done as an often huge investement. Granted loans/subsidies help and all that
3:30 AM
Also i think Miami etc have stricter building codes
3:31 AM
I've been meaning to look into that sometime (unless i did and don't remember)
miami has stricter building codes as a direct result of the 80-90s
y e p
3:31 AM
Also Fire Sprinklers!
3:31 AM
Looked into them and it's odd how we don't make them mandatory, they even make hidden flush mount ones now
>not using liquid air storage, and just having tons of cryogenic inert gas flood your home in the event of a fire
and like burned out house vs damp 1 area
>not using liquid air storage, and just having tons of cryogenic inert gas flood your home in the event of a fire
granted spooky, but effective
yeah, and if you immediately dehumidify the home you can save a lot of it
or have emergency air masks everywhere like some off planet base (edited)
3:33 AM
make sure your mask is secured before helping others
IIRC there is a preventative tech used for some high risk / high security needed areas where the oxygen percentage is lowered to full on prevent fires
@Eric Lotze has reached level 35. GG!
Eric Lotze
IIRC there is a preventative tech used for some high risk / high security needed areas where the oxygen percentage is lowered to full on prevent fires
5 minutes of air is a really small container too
Hypoxic air technology for fire prevention, also known as oxygen reduction system (ORS), is an active fire protection technique based on a permanent reduction of the oxygen concentration in the protected rooms. Unlike traditional fire suppression systems that usually extinguish fire after it is detected, hypoxic air is able to prevent fire.
3:35 AM
humans 1 fire 0
An inerting system decreases the probability of combustion of flammable materials stored in a confined space. The most common such system is a fuel tank containing a combustable liquid, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel, jet fuel, or rocket propellant. After being fully filled, and during use, there is a space above the fuel, called t...
3:35 AM
also got these for fuel tanks / stores
3:36 AM
Most use exhaust gasses i think, so just CO2
"Fire-prevention systems which result in the oxygen content being less than 19.5% are not permitted for occupied spaces without providing employees supplemental respirators by federal regulation (OSHA) in the United States.[5]"
but something like that and/or one of those "racing fuel cells" (a sponge based non-slosh/hard to explode fuel tank) and/or a self sealing fuel tank and you would lowkey stab / shoot up the fuel and no michel bay explosions would happen
>batteries wen
3:38 AM
>inert energy storage wen
3:38 AM
2035 highview power loses it's patents
3:39 AM
I'll be there
learner-long-life 8/12/2021 3:43 AM
Cooil I just looked up
Home | We help balance the grid by providing true long-duration energy storage.
they have like less than 5gwh of storage in the wild
3:56 AM
basically less than 1gwh with 2 more planned for 2-3 years from now
3:56 AM
so 3 years from now maybe, 10gwh of storage total for a company that will be 19 years old by that point. (edited)
3:57 AM
weak, considering you don't need high purity battery metals for manufacturing
4:00 AM
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) joined the server. 8/16/2021 8:26 PM
The cossack joined the server. 8/16/2021 8:37 PM
MeChicago(Greg) joined the server. 8/16/2021 10:53 PM
they have like less than 5gwh of storage in the wild
learner-long-life 8/16/2021 10:58 PM
I like that GWh can be deployed. Maybe in the future there will be huge public batteries that serve as decentralized infrastructure
10:59 PM
Welcome @Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) !
👋 1
11:00 PM
@MeChicago(Greg) ahoy, glad to have you aboard
11:03 PM
@The cossack 🌊
11:03 PM
All these new people, can it be coincidence…
Sorry i zoned out a bit there and went down an article reading hole A few hours ago someone on Precious Plastic / Project Kamp / whatever's discord was mentioning making those "Paper Bricks/Logs" Someone mentioned OSE's CEB Press as a potential solution so we discussed that a bit, and i also posted the link for the discord in case they wanted to discuss/develop it here
😆 1
11:13 PM
I don't know if it will work, but here is the message link for all of that:
Paulum joined the server. 8/17/2021 12:04 AM
This was the video they mentioned, no audio just music, so you can mute it if you want
2:17 AM
They seem to feed cardboard, and some sawdust (or other powder, maybe soil or some form of cement) into a 55 gallon plastic drum based mixer. They then scoop some "slurry" out with a bowl and dump it on a mesh grate to allow some of the water to drain A few seconds after they scoop that slightly dried slurry and put it into their press. The lid is locked with a bar, and the manual jack is used to apply pressure forcing water out of the holes on the side (unclear if this is the water exit/how that is done), the lid is then unlocked and the jack is raised further to allow for the blocks to be "slid off" the pressing ram. They are then put on a wooden pallet serving as a drying rack and the cycle repeats. (edited)
2:19 AM
So around 3:00 minutes for 6 bricks, leaving out mixing / material moving pre and post machine, That is 120 bricks/hour (if my math is correct) (edited)
2:21 AM
(best watched at 0.25 speed imo)
2:25 AM
Supposedly 6-10 bricks per minute, granted coil and cement will probably preform different than paper-water slurry, but rough comparison i guess
2:26 AM
Also more porosity mas be desired for flammability etc, meaning that less pressure may be needed, but how this effects the time per cycle has yet to be seen
On another note
2:49 AM
Someone did / is doing some work on a heated chamber printer
reinierrrrr joined the server. 8/17/2021 11:28 AM
sack ether joined the server. 8/17/2021 5:20 PM
5:27 AM
square aluminium tubing, and FDM printed connector based frame, linear rail based x and y axis, ball screw (or just lead screw, but looks like ball screw) based z axis
5:27 AM
Only part 1, so not sure on capability, but it seems neat
Another robotic quadoped (robotic dog) project: (edited)
7:17 PM
Our goal is to get as close to the performance of the MIT mini cheetah as possible while keeping the cost down and the entire build accessible to the average maker. The use of Capstan Drive's allowed us to lower the price of the entire build. Two fabrication techniques are being used - FDM 3D printing which almost every maker now has access to, ...
7:19 PM
I found their YouTube channel as well for this project (the developer has a personal one, which has a neat, but stepper motor based, robotic arm too):
7:21 PM
I made a comment on that video on if they could open source it, so hype that up if you can i guess. Also just spread this creator around as they have way too few views/subscribes for the level of work they are doing in my opinion!
James Bruton is starting work on openDog v3 -
👁️ 1
Never really understood the benefit of a robot dog platform Vs other mobility platforms.
me right now
7:58 PM
Yes sure there are many, many, many! (edited)
8:01 PM
The dog one, looks not very efficient
in my frame of reference the dog robot is very effective over rough terrain, that's the ideal, with so many points of motion it's a superior platform to anything on wheels
8:02 PM
--- living in the mountains I can't think of a much better platform besides a donkey to bring equipment in
8:03 PM
what platforms are you thinking of?
Well actually I was thinking of a platform for a more flat ground and using wheels
8:04 PM
That is very efficient
8:04 PM
There is also a humaniod platform but that requires balance
8:04 PM
Then there is the hexbot platform
8:04 PM
But that is different as well
8:04 PM
8:05 PM
Many options!
lol 🙂
8:05 PM
I'm definitely partial to dogs/hexbots for jobsites, and in the future packing out equipment to remote locations
8:05 PM
camping for the day so the solar panels can juice up the fleet
8:06 PM
or using a 5 gallon jerry can to run a generator for a calculated range
Yes, but If you could make flat grounds, Then wheels are great too Right?
@yfgame has reached level 4. GG!
I think it's more of the concept of it not being something you need to think about, but it is a slight bit overkill for many applications yes
8:16 PM
ie why the job killing one has a square omnidirectional wheel platform, not legs like atlas (granted it is meant to only be used in warehouses etc)
8:17 PM
those "dual tread" designs can do pretty well on rough terrain, and can also get more flat which can be nice
Yep, I like omniwheels There also are Mecanum wheel
8:19 PM
can fold flat for going under stuff/being transported like a backpack
Eric Lotze
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Nice! Lots of platforms! So are robot dogs really any good, other than just for show and fun?
Yep, I like omniwheels There also are Mecanum wheel
👍 1
Nice! Lots of platforms! So are robot dogs really any good, other than just for show and fun?
They are probably the best on rubble/really bad inclines/slippery surfaces, and maybe even mud i'd bet (can wade through it)
👍 1
8:22 PM
It was all originally a DARPA project for essentially an electricity and/or liquid fuel powered pack mule that doesn't die if shot and is easily repairable
8:23 PM
was in the old days of boston dynamics
👍 1
oh man, That looks beefy !
8:25 PM
Must cost a fortune!
supposedly their stuff is hydraulically actuated, with electronics controls, so pricey, but manageable with that i'd guess, but the real huge cost is probably the huge sensor suite to get it to be able to actually walk/balance etc I know that (and minor actuator tweaking) is the only thing really holding Open Dog back
8:29 PM
this one was neat, and seems somewhat doable
8:30 PM
essentially (a very durable) rc car with a piston at the end for jumping (after being lifted to the right angle with some arms on rc servos)
8:31 PM
I bet they used a co2 canister (like those ones used in small carbonators), but i wonder if you could use compressed air and a small compressor to gradually refill it for infinite jumps (granted i may be naive in wondering how much gas flow/pressure is needed for those jumps!)
8:38 PM
Although i guess this one (with files!) just uses springs, and a motor + gear with gaps to release it:
8:39 PM
One thing i want to see is some sort of comparison of all these servo gearboxes/robotic actuators/robotic arms people are designing. I guess i could make a wiki page and some spreadsheets, but i don't know if all are tested that much, so may be some data gaps
8:40 PM
A "Universal Test Machine" would be a great thing on site to test filament/casting/injection molded plastic parts/engineered bamboo/wood products, welds and get some hard numbers as well for various tests.
data is a hell of a drug
8:42 PM
always very curious on the repeatability of these systems
8:43 PM
seems like if your 3d printed parts have the right infill characterists, and everything is floating on bearings, there is good repeatability of coordinates
8:43 PM
getting from a few millimeters to a few microns requires 10x the cost it seems
8:44 PM
cheap, precise, reliable. pick two?
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 17. GG!
Greensand Casting with FDM 3D Printed mold forms seems promising for metal parts, granted post processing may be needed as well
Eric Lotze
Greensand Casting with FDM 3D Printed mold forms seems promising for metal parts, granted post processing may be needed as well
yeah, relativity space has also done a bunch of the heavy lifting on simulated warping on metal 3d printed parts wire-fed/SLS powder they have to simulate the entire part, print the part warped, then cool according to simulated heat cycles, in order to get a part with finish accuracy and the right material characteristics. Basically have to do metal until fiber reinforced nylon hits economies of scale
Yeah metal 3d printing is hell which is why i think casting is a better fit for now, and with 3D Printing of the things you use to make the hollow cavities in the mold, you don't have to worry about tooling much
Casting + cnc post processing is the best!
8:50 PM
Fast cheap and accurate!
I'd want to see what repeatability/precision we could get with a Universal Axis sometime as well, to see if a ballscrew/linear rail version would ever be needed for higher precision (or i guess forces) stuff
Well you could have high precision without ballscrew
8:54 PM
But you will need to have enough force
8:55 PM
Or you could use high speeds (compensate for vibrations) and lower force loads
8:55 PM
There actually are lots of options!
definitely, even the perfectly printed parts are only within a few thou anyway, best to give em a few machine/grinder passes
8:56 PM
really exciting stuff
Problem is that printing puts very little forces on the toolhead
I really look forward to the cost of precision dropping through the ages
But with machining it is a little harder, but still
8:56 PM
if you use high speeds still can work
8:57 PM
I actually am working on a project right now That is down this alley (not exactly, but close)
I think CNC Laser Table, Router, and especially metal capable mill, are some things that should get finished out in the near term, as then you can almost make anything. Also maybe CNC lathe which i think there may have been a page on as well!
two different animals for sure, speeds and feeds would need very special attention, but with enough software control, and closed loop steppers you could build a pretty accurate "routing" class system
There are non-ose, but still OS options for the router, and cnc turret lathe IIRC
precision milling is still a factory pursuit imo, very few people have the kit to build a mill or lathe correctly
two different animals for sure, speeds and feeds would need very special attention, but with enough software control, and closed loop steppers you could build a pretty accurate "routing" class system
Yep closed loop steppers really help for cnc or other high load operations
those hall effect sensors are getting cheaper to to see winding positions (edited)
8:59 PM
9:00 PM
"holofex" american accents are minty
Is that an off the shelf rotary encoder (i can't entirely find results on google for that name, but it seems like hall effect + magnet based, is that what it is?) ?
There are three major types of rotary encoders I know of
9:02 PM
magnetic Optical mechanical
9:02 PM
So I guess he means magnetic They are popular
Eric Lotze
Is that an off the shelf rotary encoder (i can't entirely find results on google for that name, but it seems like hall effect + magnet based, is that what it is?) ?
exactly that
9:03 PM
magnetic rotary encoder
9:03 PM
thank you guys
Yep, But I think optical are actually more popular am I right?
9:06 PM
not sure whats most adopted in industry tbh
I'm not sure. Granted precision and whatnot may be worse (i'm not the expert in the circuits area, so i'd have to pass that answer off to someone else), but i think ODrive and similar OS projects allow for DIY magnetic rotary encoders
latency plays a role too in proccess, so now I'm curious what has the best latency for control loops
Well the optical one works like a DVD drive (with slots And the magnetic one works like HDD
Could the magnetic ones act with infinite "steps" (ie analog sensing of field strength), or did it have "steps" like the optical one shown above?
analog sensing of field strength for sure
9:16 PM
you can tell if the motor stalled immediately
9:16 PM
and in what position to give it the most torque
Eric Lotze
Could the magnetic ones act with infinite "steps" (ie analog sensing of field strength), or did it have "steps" like the optical one shown above?
I think most are digital not analog (so it is "steps")
9:23 PM
speak of the devil lol
literally the devil
9:26 PM
CNC torch tables are beautiful, was gonna start a job shop out of one in 2018 before sendcutsend got me in my head about it
9:27 PM
still have the parts to make either that or a light duty routing table/industrial belt printer
9:28 PM
the belt printer got kind of nuked by just hot swapping beds, but would be nice to have the continuous motion of a belt printer
@Marcin would a threaded insert work instead of an embedded bolt? I feel the clamping could maybe mess with the plastic
the belt printer got kind of nuked by just hot swapping beds, but would be nice to have the continuous motion of a belt printer
the big use case for this in my mind is printing these things in one piece:
  • Wings / Aerofoils
  • Boats (like a Kayak etc)
  • Cosplay stuff (various goofy swords etc)
  • Maybe I Beams etc, but these could maybe be extruded
9:30 PM
I was looking into how one could go about making various plastic extrusions short of just square/rectangular beams
9:31 PM
I know the metal t-slots are "pulled" once they cool after extrusion
Eric Lotze
the big use case for this in my mind is printing these things in one piece:
  • Wings / Aerofoils
  • Boats (like a Kayak etc)
  • Cosplay stuff (various goofy swords etc)
  • Maybe I Beams etc, but these could maybe be extruded
yeah bigger form factor/part count without aesthetics it mobs the floor with plate swapping
you could just machine the T-Slots into those square beams i guess post cooling / planing to dimentions
I planned to use 20mm reinforced belt that was sold by the 30M roll, but that would require gears that are tougher to find/3d print (redundancy, resilience, anti-fragility) (edited)
9:42 PM
ran into the same thing of gt2 belts being 6mm most of the time
9:43 PM
I think GT2 just speaks to the reinforcement of the belt, theres GT3 as well iirc
Eric Lotze
you could just machine the T-Slots into those square beams i guess post cooling / planing to dimentions
I think they extrude through the die and "pull" it to spec, the whole appeal of extruding is getting those T slots without a milling step
pretty sick how much aluminum and metal gets recylced
aren't the metal ones hollow? How Hollow molds are made still doesn't quite work in my head
9:46 PM
because making tubes would be nice as well
theres a shop called hasport that makes honda parts AEM and they have like 14 types of extrusion so they can cut down on tool time, goes from 80% chips to like 20% chips
9:47 PM
then those chips get sent back to the extrusion supplier for recycling
Vita joined the server. 8/18/2021 9:47 PM
Hello @Vita !
OpenBuilds® Youtube Channel Dream it- Build it - Share it™ OpenBuilds Mission OpenBuilds is dedicated to the advancement of open source hardware and design. We are the original creators of V-Slot Linear Rail and have added a huge ever growing library of compatible modular parts which today is known as the OpenBuilds Modular Building System. ...
♥️ 1
getting a bit burnt out, going to take a break, will probably be back on in a few hours
Alrighty, somewhat finished up that actuator page
3:46 AM
s o m a n y d e s i g n s
3:47 AM
Anywho, logging off for the day, should be back online in 6-12 hours or so
SenorTroutman joined the server. 8/19/2021 7:49 AM
Lambert DAVID joined the server. 8/19/2021 9:11 AM
learner-long-life 8/21/2021 6:35 AM
Hello @SenorTroutman @Lambert DAVID
6:49 PM
good bit on their experience on sourcing stuff more directly from alibaba etc for a reliable supply/odd componets
👍 1
How to Design a 1” Universal Axis - 120 Design Lessons Day 25 Abstract: We are redesigning the 1” Universal Axis for monolithic design as opposed to clamshell design of the original 5/16” (7.92 mm) Universal Axis. This simplifies the design and reduces part count. We design around existing common...
Severin joined the server. 8/22/2021 1:39 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/30/2021 9:22 PM
I'd like to order one open source version of one of these, thank you: Heh it does seem potentially simpler than most projects. I of course am biased in that I see the importance of having a comfortable method of viewing a screen, especially if embracing multi-OS options on some remote PC.
The iPad's favorite companion returning! The Kickstarter launches on January 21st 2021. Reserve your discount for the best iPad holder for bed
😆 1
👍 1
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/30/2021 9:33 PM
Now just need to combine with a good keyboard+mouse option. For keyboard, we have the usual DataHands(old, no longer made, etc) and the relevant open source project Lalboard. I'd also add those Azeron Gaming Keypads as potential candidates.
  • However, for all of these, I think a way of strapping them to the outer thighs, abdomen, or similar would make it mobile.
For mouse I would hope something could be configured within these same units.
11:48 PM
lalboard looks amazing
11:48 PM
azeron is awesome too, keyless keyboards are epic (edited)
👍 1
11:48 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall
Now just need to combine with a good keyboard+mouse option. For keyboard, we have the usual DataHands(old, no longer made, etc) and the relevant open source project Lalboard. I'd also add those Azeron Gaming Keypads as potential candidates.
  • However, for all of these, I think a way of strapping them to the outer thighs, abdomen, or similar would make it mobile.
For mouse I would hope something could be configured within these same units.
trackball as an option?
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 18. GG!
could definitely flesh out a prototype in wood EDIT: Tstand 2 proto (edited)
11:50 PM
I'd make one out of wood for sure, and not hard to add a spring-powered/sprung holder with a couple pieces of metal
11:51 PM
3d printed plastic would be most ideal for hip hugging geometry, but a coupla 1x3 1x4's dovetailed together would be a fun weekend project
Thanks for keyboard things. May be another approach to 3d CAD/CAM. Have printer.....
the OS Lalboard looks great, would be a ton of time programming macros and training muscle memory but would likely be great once that learning curve is done
👍 1
I think i have a yt playlist on this stuff and/or a few channels that do/did stuff like this, let me dig
🦄 1
nvm, one was just a new "shell" for the hardware of another one, although there are some more of those ergonomic/odd keyboards (as well as macro pads) :
👍 1
love zack's channel, he's celebrating his 1 year anniversary today I think
1:32 AM
good teardown of that
1:32 AM
looking to see if there are any OS versions
I want to infodump/hyperfocus all night, but alas i have my First Day of Welding School at the Local Community College FSCJ tomorrow! So gotta wake up early, may actually have a normal sleep schedule again
🎊 1
2:00 AM
fear my poorly written "(as requied) two paragraph" essay on welding safety (edited)
2:36 AM
These are my favorite for most welding applications where parts are free of solvents, get a large or XL as they fit tight. But you can close your hood over them. Enjoy melting some stuff! @Eric Lotze
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Eric Lotze 9/1/2021 4:44 PM
Looks nice! I'll need to use some cheap one for a bit, but investing in one of these (despite looking goofy) is my end goal:
4:44 PM
Also that one seems less clunky!
4:48 PM
Flip-up assembly for grinding and prep work 8" x 4.25" clear visor viewing area (approx) Side windows - Shade 5 side filters that increase peripheral vision Ergonomic, adjustable head suspension for increased comfort, helmet stability and weight distribution 3M Speedglas Auto-Darkening Filter 9100XXi with 2.8" x 4.2" viewing area (approx) T...
OwnerOfOwn 9/1/2021 4:49 PM
theres a good opensourceish forced air that uses 3M 60926's
4:49 PM
lemme find the github
4:50 PM
this but retrofit a welding helmet
4:50 PM
A DIY PAPR designed to work with 3M and North filters - GitHub - thethoughtemporium/PAPR: A DIY PAPR designed to work with 3M and North filters
Eric Lotze 9/1/2021 4:50 PM
4:50 PM
i can't find the specific one too
OwnerOfOwn 9/1/2021 4:51 PM
@glean thank you for having the coolest friends
OwnerOfOwn 9/1/2021 4:59 PM
You searched for: Inventability! Discover the unique items that Inventability creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. Each Etsy seller helps contribute to a global marketplace of creative goods. By supporting Inventability, you’re supporting a small business, and, in turn, Etsy!
This listing is for a DIY Powered air-purifying respirator which uses standard CPAP tubing and the provided parts to convert either a commercial respirator or custom helmet into a positive pressure respirator. There are several variants available so be sure to choose the correct one for your needs.
Canadian photographer Todd Mclellan leads an interesting life. For work, he snaps photos of some of the world's most innovative cars, but as an artist he takes pleasure in ripping things apart and...
Eric Lotze 9/2/2021 1:18 PM
Due to high degree of freedoms (DOFs), motion planning of the cable-driven snake robot is challenging and usually tackled by the iterative Jacobian-based method. This iterative method adopts discontinuous velocity and tolerance to determine intermediate poses, which deteriorate the tracking performance of robots. In this paper, a two-level motio...
I am doing a project of my own, if you are interested please dm me!
Arcane BOT 9/3/2021 8:11 PM
@yfgame has reached level 5. GG!
You will see more details in the about me (if you click on my avatar)
Eric Lotze 9/7/2021 1:53 AM
I've been busy due to welding school recently (and watched siblings this weekend), but did do some skimming/looking around this afternoon and may try and get some stuff done this week (if i kind of flow with this new sleep schedule better), and/or during the weekend.
1:53 AM
Just update i guess
Just came across these products, seems like a great option when trying to build a resource-efficient computing network. Does anyone know of similar products from different manufacturers? Also, not sure if this is the right place to ask this, couldn't find a computing-related channel. Has there been (or is there) any interest in open source computing hardware at OSE? This specific company is based in Israel apparently, so sourcing directly from there might not be ideal for all locations. Curious if there are any good open source alternatives. (edited)
Tensor-I20 pre-configured barebones are available now! Go to Tensor-I20 pre-configured barebones Tensor-PC is a highly-configurable industrial PC with endless possibilities. Enclosure size, cooling elements, internal and external interfaces - are
-- osr-support -- 9/7/2021 5:37 PM
@JoMXL - what do you want to do actually? there are number of low cost SBCs (single board computer) : (edited)
Check out the best single-board computers you can buy in 2021 for all uses and budgets! From ARM SBCs to x86 single board computers that run Windows, SBCs for gaming, the fastest single board computer, and everything in-between, here are the best SBCs to fit your needs!
Hey guys, I was searching for a ZIM Wiki dump file? Is there any? I tried a little bit to do it myself but I seems to lack the skills to do so. If anybody is interested to try: (To use offline in Kiwix) (edited)
Scrape any online Mediawiki motorised wiki (like Wikipedia) to your local filesystem - GitHub - openzim/mwoffliner: Scrape any online Mediawiki motorised wiki (like Wikipedia) to your local filesystem
7:48 PM
Graphene improving energy density of sodium-ion batteries
-- osr-support --
@JoMXL - what do you want to do actually? there are number of low cost SBCs (single board computer) : (edited)
Thanks, that's a really useful reference. I don't have any superspecific requirements yet, but I've been looking into affordable alternatives for a portable computer, ideally more robust and repairable than conventional laptops. If it can run a simple linux distro to browse the web, maintain some code with a lightweight editor and manage some digital archives that would be enough. In the longer term I would love to have a simple mobile setup from which I can deploy small server nodes for farms or other communities and tinker with some microcontrollers for small automation projects.
10:32 PM
I started reading up on this after seeing Evan Meaney's "crash recovery device build" (, seems like a good platform to experiment with all kinds of hardware and networking protocols. Not so much for doomsday prepping purposes, but I think it has potential for computing devices in places where conventional laptops don't live very long.
10:36 PM
And it would be cool to experiment with reproducible devices running something accessible like Endless OS when reaching out to people who are new to digital devices (
-- osr-support -- 9/8/2021 11:20 PM
@Whurauk - great catch, didn't know about this. I've been messing with instead, in hope I can patch it through pandoc & friends afterwards (PDFs)
MediaWiki API client written in node.js. Contribute to macbre/nodemw development by creating an account on GitHub.
-- osr-support --
@Whurauk - great catch, didn't know about this. I've been messing with instead, in hope I can patch it through pandoc & friends afterwards (PDFs)
If so, please dm, it would be much appreciated 😄
Arcane BOT 9/9/2021 4:08 AM
@Whurauk has reached level 1. GG!
Deleted User joined the server. 9/11/2021 7:23 PM
Deleted User 9/11/2021 7:23 PM
learner-long-life 9/11/2021 7:25 PM
Welcome young @Deleted User !
7:25 PM
We’re most active in #summer-x-2021
NatB joined the server. 9/19/2021 5:38 PM
4:01 AM
Also i just kind of randomly spammed links today to try and get rid of tabs so i can go to sleep, i'll try and make them make sense later
sleep like baby
Also i had a goofy idea for a engineered stone countertop: Engineered stone + Artificial:
  • Glassy Carbon
  • Carbon Nano-Diamonds/Whichever Small/Cheap One Could Give that Sparkle
  • Maybe Graphite/Carbon for more darkness, but this could rub off so not prefered
+ Epoxy = "Carbon Sink " ™️ ©️ ®
4:08 AM
Glass-like carbon, often called glassy carbon or vitreous carbon, is a non-graphitizing, or nongraphitizable, carbon which combines glassy and ceramic properties with those of graphite. The most important properties are high temperature resistance, hardness (7 Mohs), low density, low electrical resistance, low friction, low thermal resistance, e...
"Carbon Sink " ™️ ©️ ® 😆 (edited)
i need to do the math but it would be a pile right
4:10 AM
especially if you do a high mineral to epoxy ratio
4:10 AM
Get free shipping on qualified Black Granite Countertops or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Kitchen Department.
4:10 AM
look like that kind of stuff
4:10 AM
could be a decently valuable product especially with rich hipster money
I'd do a filler material for the first layer, do the top 1/4 inch in carbon flake xyz, then seal it all with a layer of non-water soluble resin
4:11 AM
4:11 AM
I also believe they sell glitter kits for epoxy pours like this as well
learner-long-life 9/20/2021 5:12 AM
Ahoy @NatB !
Ahoy there! Avast ye what a fine greeting for Natl Speak Like A Pirate Day! 🏴☠🦜
Here ye, hear ye!
The number of data-transmitting microdevices, for instance in packaging and transport logistics, will increase sharply in the coming years. All these devices need energy, but the amount of batteries would have a major impact on the environment. Researchers have developed a biodegradable mini-capacitor that can solve the problem. It consists of c...
12:26 PM
Our mission is to transition low rise structures to rammed earth which is entirely reusable.
🥰 1
learner-long-life 9/22/2021 8:29 PM
We should donate the URL to them
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/24/2021 6:19 AM
Good ontology wiki! The "Navigation" section alone is so good. For me I've been on a "Classification" spree of research for classifying knowledge in my Obsidian vault. Now re-entering the "multiple-definitions/perspectives" problem, back to ontologies. This is about to become my go-to:
6:21 AM
I've been on the brink of actually beginning to do something on the OSE wiki, and between my own project and this website... I feel much closer to ready.
learner-long-life 9/25/2021 4:00 PM
@Odundo @PaleOracle this machine is the dream. The wall surface is a little rough compared to a single form, but they’ve probably improved that. They crush the wall afterward to reuse it! I wonder whether that energy cost outweighs ramming a new wall.
👀 2
@learner-long-life I saw the video as well, hopeful for this technology becoming more mainstream!
definitely going to throw one of these together for my first house
1:21 AM
the compactor is a little light weight for the purpose as well
1:22 AM
thinking of something a little beefier to get an better end product, although the tamper pictured is more than adequate for a lot of people
Currently caught up with all discord channels, need to check some of these links + get them into the wiki / my piles of tabs later today. Somewhat caught up with YouTube videos, need to post some neat ones here + make sure I didn’t miss anything
8:43 PM
Also in welding school we learned about some near non-destructive testing stuff I’ll probably try and make wiki pages on ( ultrasonic weld inspection, weld radiography, dye penetrant weld inspection / magnetic particle weld inspection)
8:44 PM
Should be finally starting up hands on stuff this Monday but it still is a bit uncertain I guess
👍 2
How would ppl feel about creating channels in Summer-X for feedback on their enterprise projects? I heard Ken’s & Anthony’s presentations while at FeF, and would like a way to stay current and/or keep contributing. I’d also like feedback on my land question but don’t want to clog a channel. Vote with a Y or N?
✅ 3
⛔ 1
@NatB has reached level 3. GG!
Ex. of why: I ran across a video of a building material I think Anthony would like. Would be great to share it in a channel so A) it doesn’t get lost in Telgram & B) others can pipe in about it.
8:45 PM
Also, I agreed to help Ken with copy for his 3D Printer biz website, but am finding Gitlab difficult to navigate. Until the project really gets rolling, I think a discord channel would be easier. @learner-long-life what do you think?
Also, I agreed to help Ken with copy for his 3D Printer biz website, but am finding Gitlab difficult to navigate. Until the project really gets rolling, I think a discord channel would be easier. @learner-long-life what do you think?
learner-long-life 9/28/2021 9:14 PM
Absolutely, also in appreciation of the great community here, perhaps other makers would be interested in providing feedback for @Ken Makunga ‘s 3D printer business. How do people feel about a channel for a spin-off open source business, based on OSE technology?
👍 2
Absolutely, also in appreciation of the great community here, perhaps other makers would be interested in providing feedback for @Ken Makunga ‘s 3D printer business. How do people feel about a channel for a spin-off open source business, based on OSE technology?
Hi !
👋 1
9:32 PM
What is the intersection of 3d printing and robotics and crypto? Thanks!!!
learner-long-life 9/28/2021 9:59 PM
I wouldn’t be able to build one of these just by looking at the video just yet 🙂 but it’s a goal for future skills.
What is the intersection of 3d printing and robotics and crypto? Thanks!!!
learner-long-life 9/28/2021 10:01 PM
Oh my I feel like we have not yet begun to find out. Maybe a farming robot that grows food according to a community’s consensus?
Absolutely, also in appreciation of the great community here, perhaps other makers would be interested in providing feedback for @Ken Makunga ‘s 3D printer business. How do people feel about a channel for a spin-off open source business, based on OSE technology?
I think it would be most helpful to have 1 thread per project so we can keep them straight. Something with a format like: ‘Enterprise NatB - CO Land’
10:09 PM
Under the heading of ongoing events, unless a new channel was created. Oh wait. That’s exactly what you were proposing 😁@learner-long-life
I think it would be most helpful to have 1 thread per project so we can keep them straight. Something with a format like: ‘Enterprise NatB - CO Land’
learner-long-life 9/28/2021 11:05 PM
Threads are possible. I'm also in factor of having one channel per project, and then archive them when they've outlived their usefulness. If anyone has thoughts and feels about it, please let us know here or DM me please.
👍 1
Dumping down some information i learned recently pre-moving on to whatever other work i can get done, am fully caught up with discord messages (got that mostly done yesterday), will try and also get more caught up on YouTube videos, and maybe contact some people as well.
7:57 PM
From the thumbnails / stuff in #summer-x-2021 it seems like all sorts of cool tractor and maybe even the cubic meter 3d printer have been happening, so i'm hyped
7:59 PM
Also funny bit, i need to grab the photo off of my phone, but my school has an ironworker and it supposedly cost a pile of money and i'm just sitting here thinking hmmmmmmmmmmmm
7:59 PM
(granted i can look for spec differences, but a giant pair of scissors is a giant pair of scissors right?)
Worth its weight in scrap for sure, nycnc on youtube had a wonderful factory walkthrough on some really old machines, a company still has hand drawn blueprints laying around from 100 years ago
Eric Lotze
Also funny bit, i need to grab the photo off of my phone, but my school has an ironworker and it supposedly cost a pile of money and i'm just sitting here thinking hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Some designs using electric motors rather than hydraulics. Made tooling for some iron workers. Up to shears for 2" bar and 3/4 x 8" bar. One was a double reduction crank. No hydraulics.
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF), also referred to as Forestry and other land use (FOLU), is defined by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat as a "greenhouse gas inventory sector that covers emissions and removals of greenhouse gases resulting from direct human-induced land use such as settlements and commercial uses, la...
3:08 AM
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are useful foods, substances, materials and/or commodities obtained from forests other than timber. Harvest ranges from wild collection to farming. They typically include game animals, fur-bearers, nuts, seeds, berries, mushrooms, oils, sap, foliage, pollarding, medicinal plants, peat, mast, fuelwood, fish, ins...
3:09 AM
Despite no clinical evidence, the oil is used to treat prostate issues in an international market estimated at $200m this year
3:13 AM
My grandpa said you used to be able to sell bags of fireflies since they didn't make lusiferin/luciferase, they just extracted but post synbio that is ridiculous sounding, so i bet this will go the same way for whatever weird compound, kind of like aspirin vs prescribing tree barki guess
3:14 AM
I was just suprised to know they had a berry more than anything, makes sense i guess, but the only thing i know those for is completely covering the forest floor short of trails / after (controlled...hopefully) burns. They have spikes on the leaf sides, and the leaf tips are rigid + sharp too...
Healthy lifestyle choices may be in order?
To help address a housing shortage, Minneapolis became the first large American city to end single-family zoning, the rules that restrict certain neighborhoods to single-family homes. Now, buildings with up to three units can be built on any residential lot. Leaders hope this, and other plans, will add new units, create density and remedy segreg...
@Paulum has reached level 5. GG!
vaiian joined the server. 10/6/2021 12:06 PM
learner-long-life 10/6/2021 8:37 PM
Welcome @vaiian !
jeroenboom9 10/11/2021 6:37 PM
hey friends! OSE is on the front page of hackernews. maybe someone wants to answer some of the questions? (edited)
🥳 2
Hmm Who else agrees with me that this whole space of DIY / home manufacturing and everything else that this project and many others are trying to do, ended up being much harder then what we expected? And progress has been brutally tough? And what to do about it?
💯 1
Persistence and evaluation. Need to repeat projects maybe small pieces at a time and study if there is another way.
Fiber optic equivelant of person-to-person communication with excess amounts of humility
"When your why is strong enough, the how will look after itself."
❤️ 1
7:03 AM
Clarify the purpose of this work, "opensourcing a village" is this not inspirational enough to be remembered amongst production struggles?
7:04 AM
when your WHY is forgotten, that is when the HOW gets rougher, more disorganized.
7:04 AM
Progress is progress, even if it is just one -well documented- step at a time. I bid you all godspeed in this mission, should you embrace it's fruit.
what are you working on @yfgame ?
what are you working on @yfgame ?
On making a robot to build systems
On making a robot to build systems
cool. what kinda of systems?
Check out my website
👍 1
1:42 PM
Probably more info there
1:42 PM
1:43 PM
If you click on my avatar there should be links
1:43 PM
1:43 PM
Check it out!
looking at it now. pretty sweet!! "move things around in the xyzrxryrzc field" didnt know there were that many axes lol 😆
😆 1
5th dimensional chess
😆 1
1:48 PM
3D Robot Right now this robot is the primary objective. We are working on getting a working prototype of this robot very soon. Right out of the box the robot will be able to print on a acceptable surface and machine materials especially sheets and will be able to move the things around using a connect as well as switch tool heads and refill automatically. The rest (and there is a lot), will come later and we will work tirelessly to integrate it into the robot.
🤯 2
1:48 PM
Right out of the box the robot will be able to print on a acceptable surface -machine materials especially sheets -will be able to move the things around using a connect -as well as switch tool heads and refill automatically. So with this very ambitious list of requirements What are you most intimidated by, that is, what is giving you the most trouble? I imagine arm rigidity, repeatability, and precision are things you're intimidated by? @yfgame How are you feeling about programming the controllers for the system? How many axis's of rotation is the minimum required for the arms to achieve the desired result? What is the holding power of the servos for intended use? Have you considered the amount force required for milling operations? what about a drill into a 2x4? Do you imagine the robot will be able to sink naills with a hammer or have the ability to hold the kick of a nailgun?
1:58 PM
Marcin discusses a lack of engineering constraints to be a hinderance to project development, so consider your constraints and ask if a one size fits all is going to achieve the desired result
1:59 PM
1:59 PM
1:59 PM
I think it is a very ambitious project But a clear goal and lots of steps but lots of benefits too
Click to see attachment 🖼️
This is based on AI
2:00 PM
Mine is based on 3d modeling
I know we don't have the 15,000 engineers and billions of R&D that tesla does
Mine is based on 3d modeling
so what does this mean to you?
Instead of using AI
2:01 PM
It gets instructions from a computer
2:01 PM
Based on layout
2:01 PM
Not general intelligence
arguably a harder problem than AI advanced enough to find it's way to the grocery store
2:02 PM
so every job site needs a new program?
so every job site needs a new program?
2:03 PM
Like a 3d printer
2:03 PM
It is based on the idea of 3d printing
have you programmed robot arms in the past?
2:03 PM
Of this simple type
3d printers are good because they have limit switches, have you experienced any "crashes" in your previous programs on arms?
Not if they are properly programed (edited)
think auto bed leveling but for the world/workpieces
Yes it is all possible Not easy but possible
great attitude, I do think programming will be the hardest part for the project, so I would almost see what an Nvidia jetson could do with a little bit of neural network stuff
That is why it is called 3d robot Because it us a combo of the 3d printing idea and a more general purpose robot for custom jobs
sure you watch james bruton correct?
2:07 PM
this is a great video for what you are describing
👍 1
of course this is prepackaged
2:07 PM
Yes that is good!
2:08 PM
this is james brutons channel
2:08 PM
opendog is one of his projects but this is an example of a robot with two arms like you are pursuing, and shows some of the functionality that you can pull from an nvidia jetson
2:09 PM
Yes will look into it
I believe you'll have a fair few more axis's of rotation/degrees of freedom in the final build (edited)
2:09 PM
happy trails man
Thanks will need it!
2:10 PM
I think this would benefit the whole community
If this project succeeds then it will benefit this whole community!!
3:44 PM
So the end goal is to have a slicer you can load projects into and this will handle 80% of the workload?
Hmm Who else agrees with me that this whole space of DIY / home manufacturing and everything else that this project and many others are trying to do, ended up being much harder then what we expected? And progress has been brutally tough? And what to do about it?
learner-long-life 10/12/2021 5:01 PM
There’s a lot of room for technology and good design to make home building much better. Lots of incremental improvements to be made, and also needing a lot of investment from another Bucky fuller who wants to make universal low cost housing
So the end goal is to have a slicer you can load projects into and this will handle 80% of the workload?
learner-long-life 10/12/2021 5:49 PM
Thank god. I’ll send this robot to EDM festivals instead, they sound exhausting
😆 1
This playlist will teach you artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and deep neural networks on the NVIDIA Jetson nano
6:12 PM
If you need lessons on Jetson on YouTube. Used Paul McWhorter. I found the Nvidia information when I bought the Jetson nano incomprehensible.
6:13 PM
He has several sets of lessons as well. Cheers to your project
I agree - the Nvidia materials aren't the best starting point.
per joined the server. 10/16/2021 8:50 PM
Click to see original message
learner-long-life 10/16/2021 9:39 PM
👋 1
Click to see original message
hey friends! OSE is on the front page of hackernews. maybe someone wants to answer some of the questions? (edited)
4:17 AM
Sidenote on all this, at least in my opinion we need more media outreach and all that
4:17 AM
Open Source Propaganda Machine When
4:17 AM
Just the ability to have interest/funds/more ideas and whatnot would help i would think
4:18 AM
Granted then you have the risk of something happening embarassment wise or something
4:18 AM
(also the whole "too many people, not enough tasks" issue / the existential horror that "High Speed Servers" are)
4:19 AM
Also one of the other useful aspects is less redundancy waste
4:19 AM
Currently there are two or three other DIY/OS FDM Filament Maker Projects Out There
4:20 AM
This may be a better fit for #fdm-filament-extruder-plotting or #summer-x-2021 or something ( Or may have been mentioned in the many video conferences i have missed), but i think looking them all over and/or contacting them is in our best interest
learner-long-life 10/17/2021 5:19 AM
Headless brands are decentralized consensus systems which facilitate emergent narratives without centralized oversight.
💯 1
5:21 AM
Congrats you are all deputized to contact anyone anytime on behalf of OSE for collaboration and great goodness.
but you see i don't have time now (granted even then i was probably panicking and/or venting and/or whining about it here yeeesh ) I must train to be an essential worker so i can be paid a starvation wage! Because all this stuff is n o t p r o f i t a b l e. Help impoverished areas / developing countries?!? But you gotta make money, here go weld up the Dakota Access Pipeline /s (edited)
6:38 AM
Love how they are not only making OSHW but also using their platform to push FOSS !
Logging off for the day, didn't get as much done as i needed to, but saw some interesting stuff
7:15 AM
Will try and get the normal stuff done tomorrow + basics of that OS Solid Waste Managment workflow that i began discussing with that one person + finish up stanscrap based roofing + add the "special sorting categories" for recycling, dump more phone links too maybe aaaaaaaaaaaa
🥳 1
learner-long-life 10/17/2021 6:40 PM
Is OS solid waste management like the poop masticating pump, for biodigestor?
Like essentially everything from culture/knowledge about garbage sorting to collection systems to sorting systems / machines to all of the recycling/disposal methods and whatnot
8:54 PM
Granted disclaimer, i am random person in a suburb in florida, so i am not on thr ground and whatnot, so i don't know the conditions, AS WELL AS i am not an expert in the field (yet...)
8:54 PM
8:55 PM
In many parts of the developing world these systems aren't entirely set up leading to these Open Landfills / huge amounts of litter and whatnot
I can't really find a good specific image, but here is some stuff i guess (also again landfills are inherently nasty, these ones are just continually uncovered, and all that leading to the foraging, also my area is no stranger to litter!, but i digress):
9:03 PM
This was one iconic example in Sri Lanka:
The landfill site was built only around 10 years ago, a new thing for the elephants. Ampara wildlife sanctuary is home of 300 elephants.
9:04 PM
And there already is sort of a system and whatnot, we all are people and can figure things out, it's mainly the organization/systems, and the hardware that is needed
9:05 PM
A waste picker is a person who salvages reusable or recyclable materials thrown away by others to sell or for personal consumption. There are millions of waste pickers worldwide, predominantly in developing countries, but increasingly in post-industrial countries as well.Various forms of waste picking have been practiced since antiquity, but mod...
A burn pit is an area of a military base in which waste is disposed of by burning. This article discusses the method as practiced by the U.S. Armed Forces in deployments abroad. According to the US Army field manual, there are four other ways, outside of burn pits, to dispose of nonhazardous solid waste: incinerators, burial, landfills, and tac...
9:21 PM
Found a good paper on it
9:21 PM
Environmental contamination due to solid waste mismanagement is a global issue. Open dumping and open burning are the main implemented waste treatment and final disposal systems, mainly visible in low-income countries. This paper reviews the main impacts ...
9:22 PM
There are good ways to manage waste!
@yfgame has reached level 6. GG!
I made some page / chart on my kind of plan of how things would flow, it may need some work, but let me grab that:
Eric Lotze
I made some page / chart on my kind of plan of how things would flow, it may need some work, but let me grab that:
Wow, that seems complex!
11:05 PM
But it seems about right to be honest (edited)
11:06 PM
Of course there is no knowing how things will really play out
That wiki page has a pile of dead links so oof, ALTHOUGH i did just learn how to save pages on and all that, so that's neat
Logging off for the day as i now have 6:47mins before alarms goes off aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
4:14 AM
didnt't get enough done, but it's something i guess lol
Currently in the computer lab waiting for something or someone; burning some time
1:34 PM
I can’t seem to log on this computer, so I’ll type here for now, BUT
1:35 PM
1:35 PM
I want to make a category on Onboarding and all that so glad someone else is interested/sees the need!
1:37 PM
“3D Printed Parts provided to build printers are low quality: causing mistakes, requiring reprints and unnecessary work, etc” Need to clarify, is this due to accuracy to what the print should be, poor models, or due to the large nozzle diameter/ layer heights’ roughness?
1:40 PM
“Instructionals are not the standard they need to be for self-direction. Marcin is a bottleneck. I consistent documentation formatting and fragmentation between multiple documents.” This I am trying to resolve this a bit via adding categories and whatnot to things as well as “finishing out” the pages or marking them with [[Category: Incomplete Pages]] , BUT I think encouraging the usage of best practices etc may help as well
💯 1
“Disorganized Process/tools, not enough tools for everyone to have their own. Lots of time spent searching for parts and tools rather than building” Looking at right now; are there any pictures/videos of the current setup, and does it match the page?
2:04 PM
Also is there some sort of inventory of tools somewhere?
2:05 PM
M e g a M i g
2:05 PM
Eric Lotze
“3D Printed Parts provided to build printers are low quality: causing mistakes, requiring reprints and unnecessary work, etc” Need to clarify, is this due to accuracy to what the print should be, poor models, or due to the large nozzle diameter/ layer heights’ roughness?
learner-long-life 10/18/2021 2:05 PM
There is a slant to most prints due to unaligned axes or only having one Z axis. A lot of reaming and filing is required, or melting and bending .
There is a slant to most prints due to unaligned axes or only having one Z axis. A lot of reaming and filing is required, or melting and bending .
Oof, have all the printers since been fixed, or what?
learner-long-life 10/18/2021 2:07 PM
There is a fleet of about 10 and counting of the D3D 21.06 ‘s in the workshop when I left, cranking out parts
Does anyone here have any experience with cryogenics And open source projects? Thanks!
What specifically?
12:29 AM
I've researched a ton of shit for liquid air/crogenic gas energy storage but "highview power" has horribly underutilized/predatory patents on that. Still intrigued by 3d printing kits in metal for user assembly, but somewhere along the lines a lawsuit will happen (edited)
Open source 3d printable turbines and air liquefaction
As well as any open source research done on this subject
yeah, those are right up the alley for CAES/LAES
12:35 AM
sure there are plenty of models out there for turbines
12:35 AM
3d printed turbines would have to be 3d printed out of metal only option is selective laser sintering
sure there are plenty of models out there for turbines
Any links? Thanks!
air liquifaction
12:35 AM
none of the top of my head
12:36 AM
I'd check the usual suspects, thingiverse etc
12:36 AM
but air liquifaction
12:36 AM
applied science has a video on thats
👍 1
3d printed turbines would have to be 3d printed out of metal only option is selective laser sintering
Why? The Temps are all low
even more reason to not involve plastic
12:36 AM
depends on your RPM
12:37 AM
would not waste my time with a plastic turbine unless your bearing constraints were high
12:37 AM
like the laser sintered metal part would need a couple kisses with a lathe for bearing seats anyway
12:37 AM
but plastic in my mind for turbines is just a no no
Plastics handle low Temps well They just become brittle but ultimate strength actually increases
12:38 AM
They become like glass
12:38 AM
But stronger
High Temps are the real killer for plastics
more power to you if you can make a plastic turbine work
12:39 AM
Might try
12:39 AM
But was looking I anyone else had any experience
12:39 AM
As for that video How much would that machine cost?
12:40 AM
The cryo cooler in the video?
no idea
@OwnerOfOwn has reached level 19. GG!
think 1200 on ebay last I looked
12:41 AM
could be 400 though (edited)
Okay thanks a ton! Will do more research and think about it!
12:42 AM
12:42 AM
plenty of options
12:42 AM
top one is overkill
12:43 AM
but would actually be in the weight classs of a whole home system
If I do end up doing anything Will try to make it open source like everything else I try to do So that next time who ever tries again will have a small head start (edited)
somewhere in the low MW/h
Probably will just try to make something myself At least play around with it try a few cheap experiments and that is it After all that is what I am trying to do As for these machines Probably not Might try to look into if I could just buy a small quantity of liquid nitrogen locally Might be possible
12:45 AM
But thanks again for your help! (edited)
12:48 AM
safety notes
12:48 AM
-watch for icing
12:48 AM
-watch for inert gas asphixiation (edited)
12:48 AM
-watch for pressure (caused by icing) (edited)
12:48 AM
-watch for oxygen explosions
12:48 AM
If I get that far
12:49 AM
I will be careful
also cold burns
12:56 AM
Haha Will probably not get that far
1:03 AM
What I plan on doing is printing a few turbines and using DC motors to spin them up Try to get as much compression as I can and expand it and see how much cooling can I get in the end
1:04 AM
So basically a turbines based fridge Depending on the results will see what to do next.....
Hmm Thinking of using this: Will try to scale it to be slightly bigger as my dc motor goes only to 20,000 rpm and not 60k Will maybe try to get and see how much pressure it can generate
Turbines have awesome power in a small package. This one spins up to 60,000 rpm using the airflow of a standard vacuum cleaner, sounds like a 747 taking off, produces amazing power, and sucks up its own dust! This is an opportunity for someone to make a successful product. I have no commercial interest, and would be delighted if anybody develo...
5:11 AM
Well I hooked up the plastic turbine to my drone motor Let's see if I can generate any kind of pressure
I made some stuff off of that other DIY / OS Liquid Nitrogen Generator Design
1:14 AM
They used a Pressure Swing Adsorbtion (PSA) system to generate the high purity nitrogen, then did the compression + cooling + depressurization in a special nozzle method
1:14 AM
Cryocoolers are neat and a great option
1:14 AM
(stacks of) Peltier modules are inexpensive and easy but inefficnent as hell
1:16 AM
I'd love to look into actual Liquid Air Distillation more, as that is how you get a lot of the more fancy stuff (argon, xenon, etc) GRANTED I wonder if multi-stage PSA is more sensible: ie Nitrogen PSA, then an Oxygen Stage leaving behind trace gasses?
1:16 AM
Also CO2 separated out can be made into dry ice, i was looking into that process too recently
1:16 AM
Seems like you make the "snow" via the valve, then compress it into blocks/pellets
Hmmm Am not sure do you have any links? I don't see the point of using PSA before liquefaction since once air is a liquid you can separate the gasses then and more effectively too.
2:53 AM
I am trying to play around with 3d printed turbines right now for this process But to be honest I have no idea what I am doing and if I will get anywhere at all.
2:55 AM
Actually here is a great video by Scott Manley on this very process (or the general idea anyways) Similar sets of tricks can be used to make very efficient gas liquifiers, including liquid air and liquid hydrogen. So pretty cool! We will see if anything happens though (edited)
Wind tunnels have been part of aviation research since before the first powered aircraft took to the skies. And there are a huge range of capabilities available to researchers, including the ability t...
2:55 AM
With turbo mechanics, it is hard to say, what size of rotor? How many blades? what airfoil shape should the blades be? What speed? What angle of attack of the blades? Guess I will just have to try it all out 🤷‍♂️
Balancing things going that high RPM is hell as well
5:05 AM
Open Source Combined Cycle Gas Turbines are one of my dreams too, but way to complex and scary for my abilities (and probably most groups) as of now
Eric Lotze
Balancing things going that high RPM is hell as well
Well it is just plastic, But I get what you mean.
5:24 AM
I am getting some kind of vibrations.
5:24 AM
In the long run I hope to design a axial electrical motor as well
5:25 AM
I think 3d printed parts, if done right, should be able to be good enough to handle 10s of thousands of rpm
5:25 AM
Let's hope so!
In the long run I hope to design a axial electrical motor as well
There is some work along these lines by OSE, IIRC
5:26 AM
One of those syncronous motors or whatever would be really good too
5:26 AM
(may be the wrong name, but permanent magnet free motors using electomagnets only)
Yes, That is what I am talking about! All of these things are just so much work, and there is no funding. Which is why I started my own project to try to solve this issue, but we will see how it works out.
Eric Lotze
(may be the wrong name, but permanent magnet free motors using electomagnets only)
Yes, they are all the same, they are brushless that is what matters
5:27 AM
Although I think axial motors would be better for a start and switched reluctance as well
5:27 AM
So that you drop the permanent magnet.
5:28 AM
But you will need a feedback mechanism to ensure you are in the right position especially under load
@yfgame has reached level 7. GG!
But that is not that hard to be honest basic electronics should be able to solve that
Yes, they are all the same, they are brushless that is what matters
Not using "rare earth metals" is the big appeal to me; aluminum and/or copper, and iron are easy to come by, neodymium is not!
👍 1
Yes all switched reluctance designs drop the Permanent magnets
5:34 AM
That is what makes them so awesome!
I need to go to sleep it's 1:00 am local time oof, will try and get some work done tomorrow, was busy babysitting my younger sibling and whatnot (may have watched a movie made with blender though?!? need to investigate that further)
Will try this venturi tube setup hopefully soon Will share my results I wonder if I will get any cooling at all If yes then we can think about the next steps and if not then I will cry a little. (edited)
10:31 PM
Only small crie
Will try this venturi tube setup hopefully soon Will share my results I wonder if I will get any cooling at all If yes then we can think about the next steps and if not then I will cry a little. (edited)
It may have been the YouTube channel "This Old Tony" ; someone had a good series on Venturi Heating/Cooling; i'll grab the link
👍 1
12:44 AM
There we go
Don't seem to be many direct search results for "Eternal Spare Part" so i thought the OSE page may jump to the top
2:12 AM
not quite seeing it yet
2:12 AM
Looking into how the Google WebCrawler works (edited)
2:13 AM
that extension is really neat
2:13 AM
can just make any webpage immortal on a whim
Eric Lotze
There is some work along these lines by OSE, IIRC
Hi Eric where is this ose IIRC site(s). Thanks
Oh sorry! I abbreviated "If i remember correctly" as IIRC quite often so sorry for any confusion on that! On the note of the actual OSE Wiki Page on Axial Motors, i will grab that for you right now!
👍 1
2:17 AM
I have ADHD so can get sidetracked easily
2:17 AM
mainly that one
Eric Lotze
mainly that one
Thanks, probably have paper work on ac induction like this. With variable three phase inverter will do what you want. Do a search for pancake induction motor. Was not coming up with much on line. Will see what I find in my books. One of my mills uses them.
Keep me posted and feel free to work on the wiki !
2:53 AM
I feel like some form of Open Source 1hp Electric Motor would be a huge addition to the Open Source Hardware movement
2:53 AM
At least from what i have seen that is a major holdup for most when it comes to making Precious Plastic Shredders / Extruders etc
2:54 AM
Could also make an electric powercube with one i'd bet too!
How do you work on wiki? I am a noob.
I used to do a pile of work on it. With welding school now, i tend to only do a bit on the weekends sadly!
3:02 AM
Also i used to put a good welcome message in all the new people's talk pages, but i have fallen behind aaaaaaaaaa
3:02 AM
I can grab some helpful "how to edit stuff"
3:02 AM
might pin the comment too
Thanks will be happy to look and see how that side of wiki works.
Logging off for the day, may be off until thursday/friday, but i will try and get the mobile app going and check it more
Things to forgot to put on my work log/to do list:
4:41 PM
  • “Mine Footprint” / “Oil/Gas Well Footprint”
4:42 PM
  • Compare OSEH model to YMCA (particularly how the name can just become a name not an acronym)
4:44 PM
  • Post things from here from the other day where i was reacting to that work log, but to the OSE wiki page
4:45 PM
  • Post stuff from here to there
Thanks! That one looks pretty nice actually!
  • crypto prices for stuff but adjusted to something stable like USD
11:36 PM
  • Most efficient speed of vehicles + specific fuel consumption + mass based fuel sensor + how to drain all fuel / calibrate things + OS trip computer
11:36 PM
  • Stuff on Hydrogen Peroxide
11:37 PM
  • Stuff on Remote Manipulators (Mainly “Hot Cells” and Surgical Robot like technology but for welding)
11:37 PM
  • Stuff on Underwater FCAW
11:37 PM
  • Lighter than Air vehicle aerodynamics
11:38 PM
  • more air liquification + processing stuff (+ document chat we had yesterday on-server)
11:39 PM
  • Maybe update (or create if i forgot to!) page kn Venturi heating/cooling
11:39 PM
  • Worker Co-Op page + technical stuff
11:40 PM
  • Concept on “Ethical Stock Policy” ; go public but only allow legitimate user/fans/interested people NOT stock for stocks sake people/groups, THEN gradually buy them all back and distribute among people in the coop
11:41 PM
  • Stuff on ethical loans / wages
11:41 PM
  • Environmental impact of welding + grinding shop dust/debris
11:44 PM
  • Camels vs Horses vs Llamas?
11:45 PM
Idk what else i am forgetting it may come to me lol
11:47 PM
I want to get some cheap audio recorder so i can note down anything i think up (and also look like some stereotypical scientist / entrapta lol; “WHAT DOES IT MEAN” “Day 3…just opened up…” erc)
11:47 PM
Going to dinner now, will check again later but the tiredness is kicking in now so probably will just do that, not boot up the pc
Thanks! That one looks pretty nice actually!
Yeah it seemed to work well! I need to check for updates on it
Also before I forget!:
  • Welding Rod storage / baking / characteristics
  • Rotary Airlocks
-- osr-support -- 11/2/2021 7:23 PM
@Eric Lotze - sounds like the work of 5 years 🙂
learner-long-life 11/2/2021 7:58 PM
Wow I am really digging this standup / scrum-style update
Eric Lotze
  • crypto prices for stuff but adjusted to something stable like USD
DiggnDeeper 11/2/2021 9:01 PM
Hive has that and zero tx fees and its fast, and its scalable, and it is censorship proof and more...
9:01 PM
👀 1
9:02 PM
I think we could use that as a decentralized wiki solution as well as a way to fund open tech and principles.
Well thanks guys for all of the work you put in! Really amazing things you are working on! I hope you guys succeed and get something really big and great up and running. And change the world for better, we really need that now!
-- osr-support --
@Eric Lotze - sounds like the work of 5 years 🙂
Story of my life lol
Eric Lotze
Story of my life lol
Yep I feel bad for you You have to big a work load! 😢
okay so initial results on my turbines are all negative. Things that have to be improved: Either the speed or the diameter have to be increased a lot to generate real pressure tolerance and balance to handle better. But it is amazing how one can make these little parts at home, I think there is potential here! Definitely will keep on looking in my free time (not very much of it through)
okay so initial results on my turbines are all negative. Things that have to be improved: Either the speed or the diameter have to be increased a lot to generate real pressure tolerance and balance to handle better. But it is amazing how one can make these little parts at home, I think there is potential here! Definitely will keep on looking in my free time (not very much of it through)
learner-long-life 11/4/2021 2:01 PM
I may have missed the context for this @yfgame but it does sound very interesting. What’s your goal with the turbines?
I may have missed the context for this @yfgame but it does sound very interesting. What’s your goal with the turbines?
😆 No problem! I was trying to get cooling using 3d printed turbines
🙌 1
2:22 PM
To see if it was possible
2:24 PM
It would have been awesome if yes But for right now it was hard and not very good results Problem is there are way to many parameters and I can't test them all Will keep on trying if I have a chance
Good to see a few people yesterday!
9:17 PM
Wanted to drop this in here if anyone was interested. Equal Exchange summit tomorrow.
We offer a wide range of fair trade & organic coffee, chocolate, tea, cocoa and snacks direct from small-scale farmers and direct to your door.
Okay so I watched this video: And I wonder if there is any online tool that would generate the numbers for me automatically and accurately predict the performance and the numbers of any given turbine thanks!
3:08 AM
Also watched about inner blade cooling, crazy how complex technologies have gotten
-- osr-support -- 11/7/2021 6:40 PM
Here btw. an excessive discussion about Discord, - nothing new but the arguments how it´s poisoning content, overall quality of exchange and the community surfaced with more precision , as well - the convenience for the project owners / minimal bottom effort looser to not get their hands dirty, on a movement counting (precious plastic) in the 300k range worldwide. The recovery of a good forum is in progress and is hopefully done over Christmas. Recommendations are welcome. For now I am trying to restore the old forum as well get it as Q&A like board with strong support for spontaneous content as pictures, ... ACLs, user trust model, etc.. is build in
6:41 PM
The bespoke article however is a little off, the comments are gold 🙂
learner-long-life 11/11/2021 3:07 PM
@Wesxdz @braden and others, I deleted our (empty) GitHub org because @pcuci started a much better GitLab org instead. I'd recommend using that for open hardware collaborations
👍 4
Good to see a few people yesterday!
learner-long-life 11/11/2021 3:08 PM
Sorry I missed a chance to see you @PaleOracle . But if you or anyone else is up in Michigan, come by our community rehab house and visit! You always have a place to stay, and we could make a trip up to Houghton and Michigan Tech to visit Josh Pearce and his plastic recycler 🙂
Sorry I missed a chance to see you @PaleOracle . But if you or anyone else is up in Michigan, come by our community rehab house and visit! You always have a place to stay, and we could make a trip up to Houghton and Michigan Tech to visit Josh Pearce and his plastic recycler 🙂
What? Where is this, and is this serious?
Sorry I missed a chance to see you @PaleOracle . But if you or anyone else is up in Michigan, come by our community rehab house and visit! You always have a place to stay, and we could make a trip up to Houghton and Michigan Tech to visit Josh Pearce and his plastic recycler 🙂
I might take you up on that offer! I was up in Escanaba for a bit looking at land but needed to resolve some things on my end before I could really move forward. Rebuilding Detroit does sound promising though.
What? Where is this, and is this serious?
learner-long-life 11/11/2021 8:19 PM
Yes! Totally serious. We are rehabbing a house at 3731 Northwestern St in Detroit. All makers, hackish types, enthusiasts welcome to stay for up to a few months while we fix it up and find a buyer
👍 1
I might take you up on that offer! I was up in Escanaba for a bit looking at land but needed to resolve some things on my end before I could really move forward. Rebuilding Detroit does sound promising though.
learner-long-life 11/11/2021 8:22 PM
Oh my this does look lovely
Yes! Totally serious. We are rehabbing a house at 3731 Northwestern St in Detroit. All makers, hackish types, enthusiasts welcome to stay for up to a few months while we fix it up and find a buyer
Okay will visit there soon No joke
9:54 PM
🥳 1
I have family up in Ashtabula Ohio, so that wouldn't be too far of a trip next time i am in the area! (and lowkey want to move up north somewhere ie Ohio / Wisconsin / Maine / Michigan, so neat to hear others are in the area too!)
🙌 1
7:47 PM
Do we have any sort of map of developers / makerspaces, etc yet?
7:48 PM
i did a bit of QGIS so could maybe get some sort of map-thing going, i am unsure on all the embedding and whatnot. I need to check if OSE has an existing one, i know Precious Plastic has something along those lines
Eric Lotze
Do we have any sort of map of developers / makerspaces, etc yet?
Makerspaces are good!
learner-long-life 11/12/2021 11:17 PM
Contribute to thethoughtemporium/sputteringsystem development by creating an account on GitHub.
👍 1
12:25 AM
going to make a page on it, but stuff to start reading until then i guess!
Not a robotics sub-channel yet, but i appreciate this take:
Absolute mess of a log / work fortoday; sorry about that i guess
Thanks, probably have paper work on ac induction like this. With variable three phase inverter will do what you want. Do a search for pancake induction motor. Was not coming up with much on line. Will see what I find in my books. One of my mills uses them.
The motors that I was thinking about were made by Fairbanks Morse. They are actually less efficient than a squirrel cage induction motor. But they are physically smaller.
Eric Lotze
  • crypto prices for stuff but adjusted to something stable like USD
Crypto might be viable if the cost for using it is not so expensive. Most of what I have looked at has high transaction fees.... Anyone else can explain a less expensive vender or service?
@Paulum Ethereum and it's derivatives(quite a lot 😂) can have high gas fees. Other currencies I've exchanged have low transaction fees, XLM and ADA come to mind.
👍 1
Okay so I watched this video: And I wonder if there is any online tool that would generate the numbers for me automatically and accurately predict the performance and the numbers of any given turbine thanks!
Look at some of the cad cam Software. The Expensive commercial software venders have FEA/FEM for a price and lots of learning. Have not tried anything to big on Freecad. Do any of the autocad student/low cost options have FEA/FEM or are all commercial products just to expensive?
Look at some of the cad cam Software. The Expensive commercial software venders have FEA/FEM for a price and lots of learning. Have not tried anything to big on Freecad. Do any of the autocad student/low cost options have FEA/FEM or are all commercial products just to expensive?
It is all very complex If I have a lot more time and resources in the future I will revisit this subject
I know FEA/FEM is complex specialty education. Need to work on ai to ask pertinent questions and build models...... I am waiting and learning toward this....
Eric Lotze
Not a robotics sub-channel yet, but i appreciate this take:
No poo!? And at least hope less exhaust fumes for driving to site for routine inspections
5:09 AM
Essentially at the Minimum Viable Product Now!
I'm going to make an OSE wiki page on [ This]; I think i'm going to call it a "Thin film deposition machine" i guess, does that sound right to you all?
Eric Lotze
Spam Incoming:
Revisiting this heavily unrealistic aesthetic inspirations train of thought (Also i can't find a page on it, and most things i look up for "Monumental Architecture" mention ancient stuff, so this is as close as i came for now:
The Lotus Temple, located in Delhi, India, is a Baháʼí House of Worship that was dedicated in December 1986. Notable for its flowerlike shape, it has become a prominent attraction in the city. Like all Houses of Worship, the Lotus Temple is open to all, regardless of religion or any other qualification. According to Shoghi Effendi, a Bahá'í temp...
7:00 AM
But yeah you can like create culture / a sense of place just via neat looking building/thing (edited)
7:03 AM
"This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here. What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This place is a message. This message is a warning about danger." I. The past is murky. Very little survives
Long-time nuclear waste warning messages are intended to deter human intrusion at nuclear waste repositories in the far future, within or above the order of magnitude of 10,000 years. Nuclear semiotics is an interdisciplinary field of research, first done by the Human Interference Task Force in 1981. A 1993 report from Sandia National Laboratori...
7:04 AM
7:04 AM
7:11 AM
granted with breeder reactors the nuclear aspect is not an issue, but the ultra-long term planning is really interesting to me still
7:14 AM
It is quite late so i am logging off and heading to bed lol
7:14 AM
I did get a decent amount of phone links + ideas documented though, probably need another day or so to finish that up
7:15 AM
and turning discord off / not trying to catching up on messages + not opening YouTube did help a bit distraction wise
@Eric Lotze has reached level 37. GG!
I still need to try some more time management stuff as well
7:16 AM
glassy carbon pyramid won't build itself...without proper development of automated brick production and automated brick laying robots which takes time and organization
2:34 AM
Haha They are stepping up their game aren't they
notprimalhaze joined the server. 11/27/2021 6:19 AM
Click to see original message
@Paulum has reached level 6. GG!
Hello @notprimalhaze ! Glad the link worked.
Crude Futures joined the server. 11/29/2021 1:47 AM
Crude Futures 11/29/2021 1:54 AM
What brought you here (i guess, can't seem to word that right?, lol) / what all are you interested in?
2:00 AM
I personally was trying to untangle all the systems/processes behind everything, and somehow in all that googling around and whatnot somehow stumbled upon the group
Eric Lotze
I personally was trying to untangle all the systems/processes behind everything, and somehow in all that googling around and whatnot somehow stumbled upon the group
Crude Futures 11/29/2021 2:00 AM
That's an excellent motivation
@Crude Futures has reached level 1. GG!
Crude Futures 11/29/2021 2:03 AM
I've just bought some land and a house in France with some friends so concretely I've been searching around for people who might know how to go about starting up the kind of small permacultural projects we're looking to do there
❤️ 1
2:04 AM
I guess more generally I have just come to the end of a period of academic work and am looking to develop myself in a more practical direction
Sounds neat!
2:05 AM
What part of France is it in/ What is the size of the land?
Crude Futures 11/29/2021 2:05 AM
It's in Creuse, which is dead in the centre
2:06 AM
And around 2 acres
2:06 AM
So not massive but decent to grow some stuff on
2:07 AM
It's not clear to me exactly what tools we'll need but I imagine if we do, OSE will be the way we go
What all are you looking for, or just kind of everything in general ? Some things are at a better "Technology Readiness Level" than others i guess (sidenote i need to see if that chart-thing is up to date; the wiki is a bit of a mess at times!)
verdinegro joined the server. 12/6/2021 11:35 PM
Click to see original message
3:34 PM
Hello, looking forward to getting involved with OSE which I recently discovered 😄 For now, I'm going through the wiki trying to make sense of the vast amount of information. Hopefully over time things will make more sense to me and there'll be other times for guided learning that I can apply for 💪
3:38 PM
One small comment though (feel free to dismiss it), why the Discord/Twitter/Facebook stack? To me, it feels kind of contradictory with OSE's vision. On the one hand, OSE promotes openness, DIY and replication but these services are closed, walled gardens 🤔 (edited)
🤓 1
☝️ 1
@verdinegro has reached level 1. GG!
Click to see original message
-- osr-support -- 12/7/2021 7:37 PM
@verdinegro good point, it´s not the first OS project I´ve seen degrading this way, in many ways 😦
One small comment though (feel free to dismiss it), why the Discord/Twitter/Facebook stack? To me, it feels kind of contradictory with OSE's vision. On the one hand, OSE promotes openness, DIY and replication but these services are closed, walled gardens 🤔 (edited)
I agree 100%. From a stance of Openness it is bad. The Facebook bit especially!
6:19 PM
6:22 PM
It can also be viewed from the pragmatic stance in that if we only used FLOSS tools for communication / outreach (for now), we would lock ourselves into a bit of an echo chamber, and not reach anyone new
6:23 PM
On this note, #collaboration-and-social-media-software-stuff is a channel dedicated to development of such software i guess
6:24 PM
I think discord, and YouTube are probably a must, at least for now (ALTHOUGH uploads can also go on wiki and maybe some other streaming service than YouTube)
6:25 PM
In my Opinion at least, we could do away with the Facebook
6:25 PM
(I don’t have an account so I can’t read half the stuff posted there!)
Hello, looking forward to getting involved with OSE which I recently discovered 😄 For now, I'm going through the wiki trying to make sense of the vast amount of information. Hopefully over time things will make more sense to me and there'll be other times for guided learning that I can apply for 💪
On this note the wiki is a bit of a labyrinth at times, so sorry for that!
6:26 PM
I consider myself at least kind of the librarian so I can be a sort of a sherpa i guess! (edited)
Eric Lotze
(I don’t have an account so I can’t read half the stuff posted there!)
Same... I don't have an account in any of those services and I created this Discord one just to get closer to OSE 😄 On the pragmatic argument, I get it but the very same OSE project wouldn't exist if we applied that to everything 😛
6:27 PM
Awesome, good to know! If you ever need any help re. IT infrastructure feel free to reach out, happy to help.
Exciting! I don’t know what all the “main site” “Factor E Farm” has networking wise but i can find those pages later for you. Also there was this group “Open Network Foundation” that was trying to make a sort of decentralized ISP, but that may have died off (i do think I documented their work on a wiki page though) There were some videos in my feed on some similar group too
👍 1
6:30 PM
Granted i know barely any coding, let alone full on IT stuff so me discussing what there is to do is a bit out of my area! (edited)
6:34 PM
On lunch break now-ish, and not at my desk at home so I can’t do my usual link spamming / sorcery! I’ll could try and get on here sometime (probably Friday+ since i get tired) Also have you made a wiki account yet? It’s good for being able to make/edit pages, or even just comment in the “talks” section Not critical but may be good to do I think all it requires really is for @Marcin to check a box. (more of an anti-bot / raid thing i think)
awesome, will do tonight 🙂 thank you - are there any regular meetings? would be nice to join as an observer
Also i think it does contain a working bot run role system and the corpses of a few others, but #role_requesting is worth a look (but no pressure really) Also #other-open-source-groups has some neat groups in case you haven’t heard of them yourself already
awesome, will do tonight 🙂 thank you - are there any regular meetings? would be nice to join as an observer
I’m not the best person to ask i guess. I don’t know how regular they are. For a while there, there were regular development team ones, then there has been in-person stuff with virtual meetings recently (see #summer-x-2021 ) Also Marcin’s channel tends to have a video backup of meetings, so those can be worth a watch (and can be watched at 2x speed! )
👍 2
6:40 PM
Wednesdays at some odd central USA time standard i think, i made a page on it somewhere
6:40 PM
*was what they were then
6:42 PM
Also it’s chaotic especially when i come in and make a pile of mostly unrelated edits/pages, but the “Recently Changed” page for OSE Wiki can kind of keep you in the loop as to what is being worked on currently a bit I have that page (with the “view last 500 edits” setting) bookmarked in my chrome browser so that may be of use
6:44 PM
Granted some of the work can also occur on those Google Slides based “working documents” which doesn’t show up as a wiki edit (Some way to transcribe these edits, or perhaps reupload a backup of the slides file in OpenOffice format would be a good bot)
Eric Lotze
I agree 100%. From a stance of Openness it is bad. The Facebook bit especially!
learner-long-life 12/8/2021 6:46 PM
I agree but even as a matrix (open source chat) fan, it is harder to use and doesn’t attract as many users. I believe OSE wants to get its message out to as many people as possible. For example, even if we bridged to matrix, you found us thru Discord after all 🙂
Actually I found Discord in one of Marcin's YouTube videos' comment - I get your point though
awesome, will do tonight 🙂 thank you - are there any regular meetings? would be nice to join as an observer
learner-long-life 12/8/2021 6:49 PM
There is an on-site apprenticeship that is winding down (in its 6th month) . There used to be regular morning meetings, which I enjoyed. @Marcin checks email more frequently, so you could ask him if any more are planned.
🙇‍♂️ 1
I’m going to head back in, was good meeting you @verdinegro ! I’ll check later today in a few hours once i get out / before i pass out post dinner lol
🤝 2
Eric Lotze
I’m going to head back in, was good meeting you @verdinegro ! I’ll check later today in a few hours once i get out / before i pass out post dinner lol
learner-long-life 12/8/2021 6:52 PM
Likewise @verdinegro great to have you with us
🤝 2
I was plotting looking into some of that Inventory Managment / Warehouse Managment / Manufacturing operations management stuff today Any experts on that in-discord yet? Also any other ideas people have pre-me diving in i guess?
10:26 PM
(Also working on this with (i guess post cease + desist Definetly-Not- ) Index PnP as they are trying to get something along these lines working
Eric Lotze
I was plotting looking into some of that Inventory Managment / Warehouse Managment / Manufacturing operations management stuff today Any experts on that in-discord yet? Also any other ideas people have pre-me diving in i guess?
What exactly are you interested in?
11:19 PM
Give more details
Trying to find/make a sort of "software suite" for:
  • Tracking Warehouse Supplies
  • Tracking Tools
  • Tracking Products as they are being Manufactured
  • Tracking Product's Shipment (Maybe)
11:24 PM
Barely made the page, but supposedly, this may work? :
Funny I am working on a robot that may be able to help with that. But in the short run there should be some opensource inventory management systems that should help out. It is a basic database, then you could also add a Raspberry Pi and a camera at reception so that you could always have a pic and discription in the database, and it should be searchable too. So that would be nice.
11:26 PM
Let me know if you find anything!
Funny I am working on a robot that may be able to help with that. But in the short run there should be some opensource inventory management systems that should help out. It is a basic database, then you could also add a Raspberry Pi and a camera at reception so that you could always have a pic and discription in the database, and it should be searchable too. So that would be nice.
I was planning on making a page on that kind of concept!
👍 1
11:28 PM
Essentially a sort of barcode reader/tracker type deal
11:29 PM
Also i think there was a page on Co-Bots as well, but i should save that for a later day to try and control my incessant scope creep lol
😄 1
Getting a bit burnt out so logging off for the day, just fyi i guess!
-- osr-support -- 12/13/2021 11:29 AM
@Eric Lotze , that's a very complex story, going from CRM over to ERP. Super expensive, even for the small. I think Odoo has a few modules for that.
11:34 AM
Shipping info is rather external and often integrated over APIs only. SAP comes to mind if it's about all-in-one.
11:38 AM
'inventree' looks nice, even though as SME you actually don't want rather no to little stock 🙂 here we use a simple piece of paper to add items as consumables, bolts nuts, ...
-- osr-support --
'inventree' looks nice, even though as SME you actually don't want rather no to little stock 🙂 here we use a simple piece of paper to add items as consumables, bolts nuts, ...
Yeah spreadsheets and whatnot too
1:26 AM
I just think having a sort of central database that can easily work with other software + be easy to update on the fly via a phone, or even some dedicated device (cobot with scanner! Etc) would be useful long term i guess
1:26 AM
And the manufacturing software is almost a must i guess once we get to print farms / automated cnc etc
1:26 AM
Speaking of Print Farms:
1:27 AM
I hope they open source all that, given their track record they should, but i am concerned
1:28 AM
Gotta add that to that wiki page i made on the concept a while back
1:29 PM
It’s aliiiiiiivveeeeeee
Nohbdy Ahtall 12/15/2021 7:10 AM
SfB, UniClass, UniFormat, MasterFormat, OmniClass: all you need to know about IFC and construction classification systems The term classification refers
7:14 AM
I'm still doing a lot of Obsidian knowledge management stuff, and trying to integrate concepts of Colon Classification, or otherwise faceted and/or analytico-synthetic methods of organizing knowledge. That link seems relevant(to construction at least). I'm sure I'll return and contribute to the wiki after I situate the knowledge within my own system. Originally intended to experiment using the wiki buut, this makes more sense. (edited)
learner-long-life 12/23/2021 5:17 AM
First successful non-rocket launch, using only supersonic kinetic energy in a breakable vacuum
SpinLaunch last month conducted the first test flight of a prototype in New Mexico.
😮 1
-- osr-support -- 12/27/2021 11:48 PM
why going to space when there is soo much to clean up down here ?
👍 1
learner-long-life 12/28/2021 12:08 AM
While I’m sympathetic to the “first clean your room” philosophy of mental hygiene, the line of thought among millionaire space enthusiasts is that the universe and its resources are effectively infinite to humans, as long as we keep innovating
learner-long-life 12/28/2021 12:11 AM
Lol George Carlin is hilarious tho
12:15 AM
The Galactic Federation interviews Earth for membership
Cheetobandito joined the server. 12/28/2021 10:31 AM
Click to see original message
learner-long-life 12/28/2021 7:25 PM
Cheetobandito 12/28/2021 11:21 PM
Hey guys! Been following the Youtube and Facebook pages for years now and figured I might as well join the Discord. I always love to see the progress you guys are making and am hoping to be able to contribute when I learn some more stuff
Alrighty caught up on all my discord feeds, now on to attempting to dump all the links off of my phone!
Logging off for the day; the phone links are endless lol
3:04 AM
Either way getting back into a schedule and should be able to get a week or so of work in which will be nice
Eric Lotze 1/1/2022 1:59 AM
I'm off to go do various new year festivities, so Happy New Year! (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 1/1/2022 7:14 PM
Regarding space, my thought is that the technology required to make spacecraft habitable is extremely self-sufficient, and strong to the elements. I say it'd lead us to start building homes and buildings to the same degree of hardiness and self-sufficiency. This plus the energy systems needed to make it work would also mean dense energy storage and harvesting, leading to more self sufficiency, and all of this being more ecological. More buildings resisting damage, wear, repair, and disaster means less waste. Less people dying means less waste, as well as longer lifespans for people to gain more knowledge and innovate ideas for more green tech. A small-scale space solar array beaming down energy to Earth alone could remove a bunch of harmful energy generating methods.
7:19 PM
I'd also assume more computerized and high tech interfaces for all aspects of life, including in the home. Tracking and managing abilities alone, and all the sensors keeping things transparent and adaptable means ooh la la amounts of green tech and, yep, less waste. The extreme recycling required of space habitats as well would do well down here. Can't forget the numerous precision work to be done in space too, thanks to lack of gravity, magnetic field, etc. Printable organs, numerous research paths to be re-tested for accuracy or tested for the first time ever.
7:21 PM
If those in control on Earth don't follow the path of self-sufficiency that is obvious on-board space constructs... well it will remain a constant global reminder of how well-made something truly can be, and push for further questioning of people as to "why aren't we doing that here on the ground".
Nohbdy Ahtall
Regarding space, my thought is that the technology required to make spacecraft habitable is extremely self-sufficient, and strong to the elements. I say it'd lead us to start building homes and buildings to the same degree of hardiness and self-sufficiency. This plus the energy systems needed to make it work would also mean dense energy storage and harvesting, leading to more self sufficiency, and all of this being more ecological. More buildings resisting damage, wear, repair, and disaster means less waste. Less people dying means less waste, as well as longer lifespans for people to gain more knowledge and innovate ideas for more green tech. A small-scale space solar array beaming down energy to Earth alone could remove a bunch of harmful energy generating methods.
learner-long-life 1/2/2022 5:23 AM
That's the most solarpunk argument I've heard for human longevity: so people will have more time to become wise 🙂
🌞 1
💚 1
Eric Lotze 1/6/2022 6:23 AM
I'm getting slightly closer to the surface, but overall still drowning in information
Eric Lotze 1/6/2022 6:32 AM
probably logging off for the day, school is rapidly approaching again and i don't have too much to show yet for work i've done in these few days i guess
6:32 AM
I might get that GIS Map of FeF going maybe, although that isn't a very high priority task i guess
6:32 AM
Finishing #fleming_island_fl_usa_makerspace_plotting stuff up could be good too (edited)
About to log off for the day, i'm heading back in for the next semester of welding school tomorrow, so will probably be less active. I will still try and check this discord regularly, as well as the "Recent Edits" page, and my email
6:36 AM
Don't let anything catch on fire while i'm gone!
Teacher is late so reading stuff right now. Will just post “what to edit / put on wiki next time i am on my laptop” for now
1:38 PM
1:39 PM
On this slide adding in a generator running off of syngas from the charcoal gasifier and/or the thermoelectric stove is worth doing
1:40 PM
(Granted 2/3 of the time it is pretty low on EROI / not worth the cost, but home scale wind as well)
1:40 PM
(Given the sheer amount if (thunder) storms where i am i think it may be worth a look due to dark sky, but strong winds, so they sort of “balance each other out”
1:43 PM
Wait i should move this discussion to #seed-eco-home lol
Reading this now:
2:04 PM
@Ken Makunga (if you are here!) If we are talking South Africa, it probably can’t hurt to involve @Frederik C (ZA) as if I remember they are based there and currently doing some work there
Just got to the Computer Lab, since teacher isn’t showing today, guess I’m doing work in the office? Moving to desktop now!
2:48 PM
Hacker Voice I'm in
2:50 PM
Logged in to Wikipedia too, my Password for OSE Wiki is being funky
2:55 PM
nvm, my google chrome autofill fixed it
Eric Lotze
nvm, my google chrome autofill fixed it
Please use a password manager such as Bitwarden. It's open source, its code has been audited for security vulnerabilities and its free version lets you do a whole lot of things.
11:21 PM
That way, you'll only ever need one password, your master password.
-- osr-support -- 1/11/2022 12:03 AM
but that´s what Chrome does, no? master passwords, secured on most platforms with native code ... luckily, most services will detect suspicious behavior as logging from unusual locations, etc, annoying as fuck but great I gave up on Media-Wiki because SAML was just impossible without hacking ....
Browsers are one of the most vulnerable pieces of software out there. I personally sleep better knowing that I and only I have access to my passwords, not Google or anyone else 👍
2nd Bitwarden for password management
-- osr-support -- 1/11/2022 12:13 PM
Bitwarden still relies on the browser, as a browser extension. I'd not recommend to add just another attack surface 🙂 There's plenty reports and exploits,
The Bitwarden Vulnerability Disclosure Program enlists the help of the hacker community at HackerOne to make Bitwarden more secure. HackerOne is the #1 hacker-powered security platform, helping organizations find and fix critical vulnerabilities before they can be criminally exploited.
Any of you use “Physical Tokens” ? I think it was a USB Drive (that or an overly complex alternative to using your phone for dual factor authentication(unless it’s airgapped status is the benefit) )
-- osr-support --
Bitwarden still relies on the browser, as a browser extension. I'd not recommend to add just another attack surface 🙂 There's plenty reports and exploits,
it does, if you want it to. there's also standalone applications... anyway, my point is not to use Bitwarden per se but just a password manager, which will enable Eric & anyone to have a unique password for every online account they create. combine that with something like Firefox Relay ( and your attack surface shrinks by a lot
⁨Firefox Relay⁩ makes it easy to create email aliases, aliases that forward to your real inbox. Use it to protect your online accounts from hackers and unwanted messages.
Eric Lotze
Any of you use “Physical Tokens” ? I think it was a USB Drive (that or an overly complex alternative to using your phone for dual factor authentication(unless it’s airgapped status is the benefit) )
there's no true airgapped setup if you plug in your USB in an internet-connected computer though. my recommendation is don't get too paranoid but use something that is end to end encrypted, which can't be read by anyone else but you.
it does, if you want it to. there's also standalone applications... anyway, my point is not to use Bitwarden per se but just a password manager, which will enable Eric & anyone to have a unique password for every online account they create. combine that with something like Firefox Relay ( and your attack surface shrinks by a lot
-- osr-support -- 1/12/2022 2:40 PM
good point, but there is still auto-completion - not sure tho that the browser extensions are fully isolated from other addons, it still needs DOM access tho
-- osr-support -- 1/12/2022 7:56 PM
that's a hilarious webkit exploit for the PS4 - globalization of tech may make things easy tho, - have a look at vm8 code as well, have fun biting your teeth out 🙂 how the heck do they find those memory leaks 😮
man im loving these hemp blocks. how hard would it be to recreate these? anyone know much about injection molding with thermoset polyresins?
-- osr-support -- 1/13/2022 11:01 PM
start growing hemp and get hands dirty, that's how it starts 🙂 the hemp farm is fun, promised!
learner-long-life 1/14/2022 8:11 PM
I’ve also been following these hempcrete blocks with interest, I would love to design with them if they aren’t $20 per brick!
Information on prices, supply & installation of our HempBLOCKS, veneer, mortar, lime render and the colour range available to the USA.
man im loving these hemp blocks. how hard would it be to recreate these? anyone know much about injection molding with thermoset polyresins?
They compared Wood to Hemp, but i've been meaning to find how Hemp compares to Bamboo / Native Grasses etc
3:07 AM
I can't seem to find it, but i made some sort of category on Tables/Quick References/"Cheat Sheets" Etc
3:13 AM
Recursion Error lol
thanks for sharing @Eric Lotze that moso bamboo is mind blowing. im gonna buy some seeds and see how they go. 🤯
2:38 AM
actually trying to grow from seeds doesnt sound like a good idea. from "Use a plant and not seeds! Temperate bamboo typically seeds on 75-year cycles and the viability of the seeds are very short. If true seeds can be sourced, they are typically not viable and an ill advised use of time and funds."
learner-long-life 1/18/2022 3:58 AM
I grew from seeds last year, and got to about three inch shoots before animals ate them.
😆 1
4:00 AM
Soak for three days, then plant. The 75 year cycle is when mature plants release new seeds, which provide the only genetic variation. The websites right, growing from cuttings is easier and results in a clone, which is kinda cool
4:00 AM
I got off an eBay seller 🙂 but I agree, seeds from online are of unknown quality . I’d like to try again this year!
actually trying to grow from seeds doesnt sound like a good idea. from "Use a plant and not seeds! Temperate bamboo typically seeds on 75-year cycles and the viability of the seeds are very short. If true seeds can be sourced, they are typically not viable and an ill advised use of time and funds."
Yes Bamboo and hemp are probably the two fastest growing plants. Hemp is used in certain reinforced plastics as it also has a good tensile strength. While bamboo has a compressive strength, but is not predictable shape.
One note on the whole hemp fiber bit, in my opinion at least, "reformed cellulose" (brand name "rayon" etc), as well as carbon fiber derived from it make natural fibers obsolete.
👍 1
Eric Lotze
One note on the whole hemp fiber bit, in my opinion at least, "reformed cellulose" (brand name "rayon" etc), as well as carbon fiber derived from it make natural fibers obsolete.
Yes sure I think the BMW i3 or something was meant to be made out of hemp fibers (plastic reinforced), the idea there was that it was more "natural", but I think later they changed it to glass or carbon fiber and then they discontinued the car, Not so sure what the story there was.
Rayon is a synthetic fiber, made from natural sources of regenerated cellulose, such as wood and related agricultural products. It has the same molecular structure as cellulose. Viscose can be used as synonym for rayon. Many types and grades of viscose fibers and films exist. Some imitate the feel and texture of natural fibers such as silk, wool...
3:28 AM
Kind of general summary
3:29 AM
But yeah you take any cellulose (cardboard/paper recycling, wood chips, bamboo, etc), make it to "pulp" standards, dissolve it in one of the solvents, then somehow reverse that in a controlled manner
3:32 AM
That video seemed especially interesting, i need to try and find their paper + methodology, it seems kind of makerspace scale, GRANTED stuff like this is probably best kept at higher scales
3:34 AM
If i remember correctly "The Thought Emporium" is working on synthetic spider silk via either e.coli or yeast (can't remember which), and i think they are full on diving into wet spinning and whatnot, so that work may be able to cross over to cellulose stuff too (assuming they Open Source it)
4:08 AM
There is the timecode link
learner-long-life 1/27/2022 8:09 PM Cool use of drones, but I can see this causing regional tensions if you divert all the atmospheric moisture passing thru your airspace before it reaches your neighbor
The cloud seeding efforts, which use electrical charges to prompt rainfall, contributed to stormy weather rarely seen in the United Arab Emirates.
Developer Brian Benchoff wanted to see just how cheap a functional computer could be. He came up with the Minimum Viable Computer, a pocket-sized Linux box that could cost as little as $15.
It's beautiful, reminds me of the now forgotten N-Gage by Nokia
I'm feeling anxious/overwhelmed, so i'm just going to boot up this and call it "productive" lol
👍 2
Hi everyone, if you were part of SummerX 2021 (Or even if you weren’t!), I invite you to contribute to one of OSE’s key SummerX interns. Ken worked diligently every day on a 3D Printer business that was a test-run of one of OSE’s main goals - to facilitate entrepreneurship. Because funded lives yield great innovations. His family supported him in this endeavor at a cost. As friends of OSE’s mission (which Ken was directly furthering!) I’d like to invite you to reciprocate that support. You can do so here:
❤️ 2
12:13 AM
This is specifically for his daughter’s tuition for her last year of business school. Ken’s family’s plan was that he could stay for the entirety of SummerX and there would also be enough for tuition, but it didn’t quite work out that way due to a few factors. I feel that Ken’s work furthered a direct goal of OSE that I will benefit from in the future, and I’d like to help him recover that financial loss.
Eric Lotze pinned a message to this channel. 2/7/2022 2:53 AM
Eric Lotze 2/7/2022 2:54 AM
I didn't realize they were dealing with all that! I'll chip in a bit and hope things get better for them. "Knowledge is Power"
❤️ 1
learner-long-life 2/7/2022 3:20 AM
I also didn’t realize that, thanks for the heads up @NatB I know several times people in this server have come across Ken’s work log and found it inspirational, and also it’s the same to work alongside him 😊
❤️ 1
Eric Lotze 2/7/2022 6:42 AM
Alrighty, i'm logging off for the day (Just 12:40 in the morning lol), back to welding school for me, so i won't be as active until friday/saturday. I will check the recent wiki changes and here though, so feel free to ping me if something happens / you need help!
👍 1
kenmak joined the server. 2/7/2022 4:13 PM
Click to see original message
learner-long-life 2/7/2022 5:08 PM
Click to see original message
Eric Lotze 2/7/2022 7:04 PM
Click to see original message
7:56 PM
Lol these bot-generated stickers are weird! 😄
Click to see original message
3:12 AM
Hi Guys, just figured out how to get back into OSE discord.
🙌 2
learner-long-life 2/8/2022 4:19 AM
Welcome back Ken
fallflora joined the server. 2/8/2022 6:40 PM
Cedar joined the server. 2/8/2022 11:10 PM
adouglas joined the server. 2/9/2022 1:06 AM
Welcome back Ken
Thanks @learner-long-life 😄
Coxworth joined the server. 2/9/2022 12:41 PM
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learner-long-life 2/10/2022 4:51 PM
@learner-long-life Unabomber
katharinaelleke joined the server. 2/12/2022 4:47 AM
ALRIGHTY I'm on for the day now. I have an OSHA-30 Class on Saturdays, so sadly less time to relax / do work here, but i am learning how to be a safety snob safety expert (to a low extent)
💯 1
WheezardX joined the server. 2/14/2022 5:13 PM
Click to see original message
Alrighty frantically getting on for a bit pre-going back to Monday!
8:46 AM
Just casually got a bunch of edits frantically last minute but got some decent work done i guess
8:47 AM
I don't know if OSE qualifies specifically, but if we can work out how to go about doing it, and "Get all our ducks in a row" on time that would be HUGE
👍 1
8:48 AM
anywho i gotta go to sleep (moreso a nap at this point lol) and then head off to a week of school; i'll check this when i get the time, but i may be absent for a bit. Don't set anything on fire!
Eric Lotze
anywho i gotta go to sleep (moreso a nap at this point lol) and then head off to a week of school; i'll check this when i get the time, but i may be absent for a bit. Don't set anything on fire!
Ditto for the most part again. Next Week is my LAST DAY of OSHA-30 so i will have saturdays back after that!
6:51 AM
Logging off at 1am today little bit of an improvement lol
Eric Lotze
I don't know if OSE qualifies specifically, but if we can work out how to go about doing it, and "Get all our ducks in a row" on time that would be HUGE
Jumping into this convo without context, but if a grant is being written for OSE and more writers are needed, I enjoy editing & collaborating on grants
❤️ 1
Deleted User 3/7/2022 1:26 AM
okee, OS-Fucking-XX forum - online, discourse OS git - online, gitea shop - online, cs-cart (a few thousand) user directory online, uncensored - unbiased, un manipulated (done in hours) not so much OS tool chain - online, (learned over decades, done in hours) Eric Lotze - again - not so much online, but enough to annoy everyone with disqualified non-sense, from the arm chair - never short with judging above your levels - finally, getting there please, feel welcome to next-g OS (edited)
Deleted User 3/7/2022 1:35 AM
@Eric Lotze wasnt that you when PP mafia went after everyone, extorting 5% - sniffing & abusing on clients coms - all of a sudden, judging it (&everyone, actually involved, for real ) with "open source drama" - ? nothing got lost, dude, things are moving - and it´s for sure without your consensus. poor judgments, all the way long (edited)
Deleted User 3/7/2022 1:29 PM
damm, shots fired
learner-long-life 3/7/2022 3:13 PM
I don’t know what happened, but let’s keep it civil folks. I think we all have a lot more in common here than not
👍 1
lazy_engineer joined the server. 3/10/2022 4:06 PM
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lazy_engineer 3/13/2022 2:52 PM
2:55 PM
Hey everyone, feeling a bit lost in this discord! I'm from Switzerland, not much time to get into OSE as of now, and too far to participate in workshops/apprenticeships (and I won't go to America even if I could...), but I am really a HUGE fan of the ideas in the wiki, the projects, the philosophy, it's inevitably going to be an important part of my future, anyway, happy I found this place to learn more when I can
🥳 1
Click to see original message
Hey everyone, feeling a bit lost in this discord! I'm from Switzerland, not much time to get into OSE as of now, and too far to participate in workshops/apprenticeships (and I won't go to America even if I could...), but I am really a HUGE fan of the ideas in the wiki, the projects, the philosophy, it's inevitably going to be an important part of my future, anyway, happy I found this place to learn more when I can
learner-long-life 3/13/2022 6:02 PM
Welcome @lazy_engineer ! The community is decentralized so I think we’re all still figuring it out along with you 🙂 There is a lot of interest in open hardware, and I think, ways for us to work on it together.
Welcome @lazy_engineer ! The community is decentralized so I think we’re all still figuring it out along with you 🙂 There is a lot of interest in open hardware, and I think, ways for us to work on it together.
lazy_engineer 3/13/2022 8:49 PM
Cool 🙂 well I'm young, currently learning strict C programming at school 42, and setting foundations to be an autonomous adult... Maybe I'll join another school to get more engineering skills (I've got EPFZ & EPFL closeby... ), or bootstrap a lab/farm with freelance work, to learn by doing, self-study with others, etc
✨ 1
👀 1
@lazy_engineer has reached level 1. GG!
Cool 🙂 well I'm young, currently learning strict C programming at school 42, and setting foundations to be an autonomous adult... Maybe I'll join another school to get more engineering skills (I've got EPFZ & EPFL closeby... ), or bootstrap a lab/farm with freelance work, to learn by doing, self-study with others, etc
welcome sam. i did the C piscine at 42 silicon valley when it was still open. it was tough. good luck! and welcome to ose 🙂
🏊‍♂️ 2
@vaiian has reached level 2. GG!
welcome sam. i did the C piscine at 42 silicon valley when it was still open. it was tough. good luck! and welcome to ose 🙂
lazy_engineer 3/13/2022 10:16 PM
thx 🙂
Cool 🙂 well I'm young, currently learning strict C programming at school 42, and setting foundations to be an autonomous adult... Maybe I'll join another school to get more engineering skills (I've got EPFZ & EPFL closeby... ), or bootstrap a lab/farm with freelance work, to learn by doing, self-study with others, etc
learner-long-life 3/13/2022 10:18 PM
I love School 42! Ever since I read a Wikipedia article about it many years ago. I imagined it was like a friendlier version of the game Portal. You wander into an empty building full of wonderful books and equipment, and a disembodied, benevolent robot voice prevents you from burning the whole place down or harming each other, and occasionally feeds you cake.
Yea the grading bots were brutal. People would be trying to solve their daily programming exercises right up until deadline 11:42 every night only to get rekt with every program failing for not following syntax conventions lol super intense but most fun learning experience I’ve ever had. It did feel like a video game/social experiment (edited)
👍 1
Yea the grading bots were brutal. People would be trying to solve their daily programming exercises right up until deadline 11:42 every night only to get rekt with every program failing for not following syntax conventions lol super intense but most fun learning experience I’ve ever had. It did feel like a video game/social experiment (edited)
lazy_engineer 3/14/2022 5:51 PM
there's been update to the learning system, no pressure to finish a project in a day (no deadlines at all) as before, so not the same dynamic as earlier versions. But we were rushing tho. The harsh syntax conventions, and the wide range of possible bugs (lots of weird test inputs) get you to be super rigorous, useful skill
Hey everyone, feeling a bit lost in this discord! I'm from Switzerland, not much time to get into OSE as of now, and too far to participate in workshops/apprenticeships (and I won't go to America even if I could...), but I am really a HUGE fan of the ideas in the wiki, the projects, the philosophy, it's inevitably going to be an important part of my future, anyway, happy I found this place to learn more when I can
Nice to meet you! Bit of a similar mood on time/location! With welding school i have been quite a bit less active myself.
1:37 AM
Also "and I won't go to America even if I could..." 🤣 , but to be honest despite it's dystopian veneer, and huge amount of car dependent suburban hell it does have plenty of good areas!
1:37 AM
Culture shock would still be decent though lol (edited)
1:40 AM
I haven't been myself, but i'd bet the rural nature of where FeF is could make it mallable (Devious Plotting Intensifies)
Welp Didn't get too much today, most was done on-Wikipedia or just catching up with my YouTube video backlog (had some family stuff too i guess so that maybe effected it a little bit, visiting with relatives in town etc) Also day light's saving time messed with my sleep schedule quite a bit so i will really need to get that under control (gotta love it)
8:10 AM
All in all did get some stuff done though, and am getting into the "Work from Home on OSE Stuff" rhythm again instead of the "Welding School Rhythm"
8:11 AM
I think tommorow i will log what i did today, then make a *Detailed To-Do List with ETAs (or whatever "i should finish this by x, then start y" etc would be called) and follow that
8:11 AM
Gotta control my scope creep lol
8:12 AM
Anywho i'm logging off for the day, should be online ~12:00 ETC or so tomorrow?
Deleted User 3/19/2022 11:37 PM
systems systems systems .... basic pillars in an open source project, what a fucking shame how much corruption & fascism one has to deal even there ...
@Deleted User has reached level 1. GG!
Deleted User
systems systems systems .... basic pillars in an open source project, what a fucking shame how much corruption & fascism one has to deal even there ...
greed is interchangeable there
Deleted User 3/19/2022 11:38 PM
:-), nailed
Thinking you're special because you have a few dozen hours of thought into a project
11:39 PM
the real prize is not the monetization that comes from licensing your work, but the philanthropic nature of giving your hard earned work away
11:39 PM
not for everyone
11:40 PM
seems as though the precious plastic guys had not made their own room before trying to make others, and that's where the "greed" came from (edited)
11:41 PM
I've been busy working a lot to be able to afford a workshop, once my house and workshop are refinanced to the point they can be paid for from my investments, I will be giving away work left and right. Again not for everyone
Deleted User 3/19/2022 11:43 PM
yeah, nailed again - I remember my coach(es) saying, do the right thing, good - money comes by self ... gonna go back to that tho - not for everyone, agreed - I think those sort of novelty projects are rather for the seniors - till then, keep biting on stone 🙂
I will have proprietary projects, and I will have profitable businesses, but I will not market them as something like precious plastics. The value add will be clear from the beginning of the consumer experience.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 12:40 AM
Yup, was wondering when we overcome the chases of monetary exploitation. Wasn't that discussed in Zeitgeist & friends tho, unfortunately leaving the very bitter taste of technocracies, kinda loop tho - ...
Nohbdy Ahtall 3/20/2022 3:13 AM
I'm going extreme public-domain-y, embracing that MD0 license idea, being basically CC0 + try-to-block Trademarks and defensive publishing made explicitly clear in-license, for preventing Patents. Down with most proprietary anything. Willing to consider the "copyleft" in case-by-case, but "Leftcopy" and Social Domain is more worthy a look. Heck it feels like CC0 and otherwise Social Domain licenses is still so obscure. (Sadly) Doing the tedious employment-required lifestyle(thank goodness for remote-work boom in realization on part of workers), (happily) making [insert-my-skill-level] quality output in only a donationware/pay-what-you-want fashion avoiding set prices at all costs(lol, words). Bare minimal survival is enough, but the ability to slowly work my way to an individual/small-group scale of what OSE provides - {🗯️INTERR🆙TI🔛 (interruption)} (🗯️1):( I'd always praise the village/community uses of it, but I'd like to focus on single-operator telerobotics, automation, semi-futurism around this aspect of solo, seclusion, isolation, etc - all that is done there easily amplifies communal knowledge too if stored/shared properly - lookin' at you wonderful "PowerCube" video, mm yesh!) (🗯️2):( and yes, non-individualistic focus is better, ethically and such - but it's been my passion I think, so many ideas. To pivot off into iffy, multi-person psychological-affecting decision-making, whew... those passionate about that may be better equipped, I'd mix it in later, and I feel secure good people are making good work there) 🔚
  • such as a home/facility/area/workshop/etc that is self-sufficient in many ways - that ability is simply what I want to see happen for more people have access to.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I'm going extreme public-domain-y, embracing that MD0 license idea, being basically CC0 + try-to-block Trademarks and defensive publishing made explicitly clear in-license, for preventing Patents. Down with most proprietary anything. Willing to consider the "copyleft" in case-by-case, but "Leftcopy" and Social Domain is more worthy a look. Heck it feels like CC0 and otherwise Social Domain licenses is still so obscure. (Sadly) Doing the tedious employment-required lifestyle(thank goodness for remote-work boom in realization on part of workers), (happily) making [insert-my-skill-level] quality output in only a donationware/pay-what-you-want fashion avoiding set prices at all costs(lol, words). Bare minimal survival is enough, but the ability to slowly work my way to an individual/small-group scale of what OSE provides - {🗯️INTERR🆙TI🔛 (interruption)} (🗯️1):( I'd always praise the village/community uses of it, but I'd like to focus on single-operator telerobotics, automation, semi-futurism around this aspect of solo, seclusion, isolation, etc - all that is done there easily amplifies communal knowledge too if stored/shared properly - lookin' at you wonderful "PowerCube" video, mm yesh!) (🗯️2):( and yes, non-individualistic focus is better, ethically and such - but it's been my passion I think, so many ideas. To pivot off into iffy, multi-person psychological-affecting decision-making, whew... those passionate about that may be better equipped, I'd mix it in later, and I feel secure good people are making good work there) 🔚
  • such as a home/facility/area/workshop/etc that is self-sufficient in many ways - that ability is simply what I want to see happen for more people have access to.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 4:08 AM
@Nohbdy Ahtall - right on, will take some time to answer this, but yup - more or less, that's the spirit of it,.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 4:17 AM
In the meantime, I hope you guys don't get under the bus of some wishy-washy ** as @zelbot, aka Citizenscientific Rippoff ripping from it because of exactly that uncertainties - didn't even expect to have those PP Gang clowns here .... 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 3/20/2022 4:18 AM
(I just realized "Down with.. X" is confusing-ish, I mean "I am against this" not "I'm down with that" hah) (edited)
😅 1
used /Moderation history
You are not able to use moderation commands. You require the manageMessages permission.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:08 AM
@zelbot - lol, you can;t cant spell my name, after 4 years in PP, heavy duty OS work ...
5:09 AM
at leat Eric Lotze knows how to use a wiki kinda, at least 🙂
@Deleted User has reached level 2. GG!
Deleted User
@zelbot - lol, you can;t cant spell my name, after 4 years in PP, heavy duty OS work ...
You've been stalking me for months. Leave me alone. @Administrator
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:12 AM
anyway, ignore these wishy washy F****, back to square one, - you, slave - of whatever, whoever comes along - often abusing you - in one way or another ...
5:14 AM
@zelbot - please go back from where you came from, till today - you destroyed about 250k in invests, and about 1k in user relations, haven't seen you or the mafia even close to it
5:15 AM
funny actually, the PP mafia popping up now ...
Deleted User
@zelbot - please go back from where you came from, till today - you destroyed about 250k in invests, and about 1k in user relations, haven't seen you or the mafia even close to it
I'm a volunteer moderator for One Army. You have been stalking me and sending me threats for over year now, just because you've been banned on the One Army server for this same behavior. Leave me alone, stop stalking me. @Administrator
@zelbot has reached level 1. GG!
why is this suddenly an issue?
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:19 AM
lol, you have been warned about your and the PP's rippoff so many times, and still - ... ill today, your claims killed around 20 jobs, for jokes as your self.
5:19 AM
@OwnerOfOwn - Ignore this guy, another PP mafia clown
why is this suddenly an issue?
This guy repeatedly follows and stalks me in servers, now he's chosen yours to do so.
5:20 AM
tagged me out of nowhere tonight.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:21 AM
lol, my wife, paying for all that, wonders why CitizenRippOff is here at all, after screwing hundreds of folks, at very high expenseses....
Deleted User
lol, my wife, paying for all that, wonders why CitizenRippOff is here at all, after screwing hundreds of folks, at very high expenseses....
stop stalking me and leave me alone.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:22 AM
not a single file or thought published till today, nothing but rubbish and destruction against actual contributors
5:22 AM
as OSR, Timberstar, PP'ers ...
He joined the server before you @zelbot
5:26 AM
You have disclosed information that was not immediately public about a fellow user.
I said don't set anything on fire while i was gone smfh (edited)
😂 1
5:26 AM
Let me piece this apart i guess
I've been on here for months and he's never tagged me here until now.
Why disclose his name?
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:26 AM
geez, let's calm down - this guy doesn't worth a cent
5:27 AM
PP Mafia is used to abuse private data, ...
You have disclosed information that was not immediately public about a fellow user.
exposing an abuser is important thing to do. Why should he be able to defame and harass me if he was here first?
exposing an abuser is important thing to do. Why should he be able to defame and harass me if he was here first?
No it is not.
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:29 AM
lol, PP is abusing what ever comes along, since years , at high expense, and @zelbot has high stakes at it
I have removed his full name from chat
5:30 AM
do not use it again
No it is not.
do you support harassment and slander on your server?
@zelbot has reached level 2. GG!
Do you support using information not immediately public to escalate a situation?
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:31 AM
geez, ignore this guys just - dosnt' worth the ink even. @zelbot and PP Mafia is known since long for ripp-off, don't even bother (edited)
@Deleted User has reached level 3. GG!
using his real name is absolutely uncalled for regardless of the level of harassment
5:32 AM
for now, I have removed that information and will be leaving this to others on the team
FIRST OFF @Deleted User (Granted if you are who i think you are, you have changed your name ~3 times, so idk what to call you at this point) I haven't dived into them too deep, but your designs are good from what i have seen. HOWEVER your general toxicity (and full on sketchier interactions shit i have yet to dive into) are severely impacting our abilities to work with you, and again if you are who i think you are this is a recurring pattern. I don't want your good work to essentially go to waste due to you making enemies of everyone around you. Seccondly, i think it would help us all if you calmly and clearly explain whatever beef you have with the other people/groups. All the interactions i've had / my understanding "walking away from the discussion" isn't much due to the slew of insults + back and fourth mess If you want solutions we need productive discourse, not a flamewar. Third The sayings "If you dug yourself into a hole and are stuck, you need to put away the shovel" and "For every rule, there's a person" are very relevant right now NOW I need to dive into this shitshow i just walked into at 00:37 and try and defuse it like some EOD Tech
Anne vs the Gang joined the server. 3/20/2022 5:40 AM
Anne vs the Gang 3/20/2022 5:41 AM
right, thanks guys - happy to see some brain cells left. Subject was: DIY & Monetary adventures :-), as months ago - as in particular - August, last summer there's years ahead, just tackling the basics I think we've got more or less, finally a handle on it
using his real name is absolutely uncalled for regardless of the level of harassment
We disagree and you don't know the level of harassment he's committed. Please answer my question since your issue is resolved. Do you support harassment and slander on this server? This person has a long history harassing and threatening anyone noticeably involved with Precious Plastic, and the extensive evidence is available. For all of their natural fallibility, they are genuine and productive people. They need help and support, and do not deserve the treatment given by this individual. To G- leave me alone (edited)
Anne vs the Gang
right, thanks guys - happy to see some brain cells left. Subject was: DIY & Monetary adventures :-), as months ago - as in particular - August, last summer there's years ahead, just tackling the basics I think we've got more or less, finally a handle on it
Did...did you just make a new account and rejoin?
Deleted User 3/20/2022 5:42 AM
Good By, CitizenRippOff - that's just another server you shouldn't use for your ads
I'm going to reduce slowmode again for some time for Productive Discourse, do you promise not to devolve into name calling / a flame war? I am trying to be patient as i don't know the full situation, and building relationships not bad blood will be key to Open Source Development + Decentralized Societies etc. I trust that you, as adults, can do the same
Eric Lotze
I'm going to reduce slowmode again for some time for Productive Discourse, do you promise not to devolve into name calling / a flame war? I am trying to be patient as i don't know the full situation, and building relationships not bad blood will be key to Open Source Development + Decentralized Societies etc. I trust that you, as adults, can do the same
I'm literally just here because I've been following OSE since I heard of the GVCS ecosystem in ~2012. Precious Plastic machines are very relatable and I like the span of the OSE topics and developments. I didn't ask to get flamed.
I'm literally just here because I've been following OSE since I heard of the GVCS ecosystem in ~2012. Precious Plastic machines are very relatable and I like the span of the OSE topics and developments. I didn't ask to get flamed.
Few rarely do lol
cool_finger_guns 1
Deleted User 3/20/2022 6:08 AM
@Eric Lotze , I 've currently 240+ Discords accounts ... now what ? 🙂 good point tho, all I can tell ya; CitizenS**** isn't part of that, not even remotely /
Bazar Guide WIP (Work in Progress) ! Introduction With 4 years in the game, we are finally in the position to bring some light into it. Products & machines to avoid Precious Plastic - Shredder - v2.1 Precious Plastic - Extruder v3.x Precious Plastic - Sheetpress - unless it’s built with adequate machinery which isn’t the case for 99.99% of ...
It's almost 02:00 local time, so i'm exhausted, and my ability to think is going downhill, so i'm probably logging off for the day. I should be back online ~11:00-14:00ish local time tomorrow (or later today i guess lol) I am trusting you to "not set anything on fire" as i say, while i am gone.
Bruinsymbik joined the server. 3/21/2022 12:39 AM
Jacob Zimmer joined the server. 3/21/2022 7:21 AM
Bendini joined the server. 3/27/2022 7:00 AM
joris. joined the server. 3/28/2022 5:44 AM
Anne vs the Gang 3/31/2022 10:36 PM
Here a list of interesting things which happens, in case you worked for years in a niche, and get under the bus, by folks abusing and tyrannizing the thing you and your collaborators worked for
  • many many months to work out a new product palette, brand, content strategy
  • with zero income, your workforce is basically gone, often friends, unpaid - I should emphasize that it takes easily 6 months to get somebody into that trade, no matter the background or skills, there are just to many details
  • other than rebuilding a brand, under hostile conditions as rolling in law suits and damage claims or your, your partners, and your clients entirely destroyed reputation,... there is much to learn and spend, SEO is no joke. SEO/SERP includes nowadays also lot's other things : image meta, micro-data, Google merchant center, your shop, your site, your knowledge database, .....Luckily, with 30 years in the field, that's easy for me but still, for everyone else - this is a fortune to be paid and spend - near impossible
  • all acquired knowledge about the services you added to the system render quickly useless since you just can't pay them anymore, to run a business - there are easily a dozen services involved, let it be booking, accountancy, stock images, subscriptions for research, content, easily one thousand a month
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 1. GG!
Anne vs the Gang 3/31/2022 10:37 PM
  • consider your self check mate and knocked out for months, accompanied by sleepless nights, especially if you feel responsible and impacted for the losses and hard consequences for your clients - this swaps over to your beloved ones next to you, it's spiral hard to come over - in our case, people suicide for much less
  • in case of health care financial problems, consider your self fucked as well - could be deadly
  • don't try to pull off stunts, running double shifts just makes it worst - it's near impossible to fix any of the above problems - best is to get far away from all, file bankruptcy - if you're lucky and you have a limited company, if you're selfemployed, they will go after your forever, unless you leave the country and rebuild it with a new name - be aware that the mafia still goes after you and your buddies. @zelbot - congrats | was wondering what other contributions you ever added 🙂
Supremeheem27 joined the server. 4/1/2022 10:41 AM
mikef2116 joined the server. 4/5/2022 9:30 PM
Anne vs the Gang
  • consider your self check mate and knocked out for months, accompanied by sleepless nights, especially if you feel responsible and impacted for the losses and hard consequences for your clients - this swaps over to your beloved ones next to you, it's spiral hard to come over - in our case, people suicide for much less
  • in case of health care financial problems, consider your self fucked as well - could be deadly
  • don't try to pull off stunts, running double shifts just makes it worst - it's near impossible to fix any of the above problems - best is to get far away from all, file bankruptcy - if you're lucky and you have a limited company, if you're selfemployed, they will go after your forever, unless you leave the country and rebuild it with a new name - be aware that the mafia still goes after you and your buddies. @zelbot - congrats | was wondering what other contributions you ever added 🙂
Deleted User 4/6/2022 2:02 AM
So … tldr: you started a biz, it didn’t work out, you blame that guy ?
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:33 PM
@Deleted User, I'd tried being really creative to come such conclusions, without knowing or reading anything, try again 🙂
3:35 PM
makes me wonder whether this 'TLDR' thingy was created by the recent 'whatever' generation 🙂
Anne vs the Gang
@Deleted User, I'd tried being really creative to come such conclusions, without knowing or reading anything, try again 🙂
Deleted User 4/6/2022 3:35 PM
Hence the question mark. So what is your take on what is going on with your drama?
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:37 PM
Yeah, there are some for sure TOO long articles about coming up, have to split up but in different angles tho
Anne vs the Gang
Yeah, there are some for sure TOO long articles about coming up, have to split up but in different angles tho
Deleted User 4/6/2022 3:37 PM
Aka you don’t know.
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:37 PM
I wish it would be only my drama ...
3:38 PM
@Deleted User - making new conclusions with again not knowing anything ? (edited)
Arcane BOT 4/6/2022 3:38 PM
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 2. GG!
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:39 PM
as said, that's around 12 pages - so gimme a break, hits it all: opensource, monetary systems, cult, corruption, abuse, privacy ... (edited)
Deleted User 4/6/2022 3:40 PM
The beauty of to long didn’t read, is that it cuts all the bull shit out, that people like to throw in. If you can’t condense your message then you lack awareness or mastery. (edited)
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:44 PM
lol, you want me to pack 4 years PreciousPlastic OpenSource hardware/software craft on 2 lines: just avoid it, for a few hundred reasons (edited)
Anne vs the Gang
lol, you want me to pack 4 years PreciousPlastic OpenSource hardware/software craft on 2 lines: just avoid it, for a few hundred reasons (edited)
Deleted User 4/6/2022 3:47 PM
That is it exactly Shrugs, you lack awareness & mastery of your bull shit, trauma, & drama. Until you do, you will be a prisoner of your own making.
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:48 PM
That's a pity, I gave you 8 interesting points - all you picked as some wishy washy trolling. So let's try again: let's start with SEO/content or what about horizontal content structures ?
Anne vs the Gang
That's a pity, I gave you 8 interesting points - all you picked as some wishy washy trolling. So let's try again: let's start with SEO/content or what about horizontal content structures ?
Deleted User 4/6/2022 3:50 PM
Shrugs, I apologize, I didn’t realize you are schizophrenic.
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 3:50 PM
but again, let's have a close look at this in detailed articles, there is much to talk about, also affecting constructs created by OpenSource organizations as OSE.
Anne vs the Gang 4/6/2022 6:28 PM
Btw. the new library getting shape, | still using Jekyll, using a custom language to multi publish content to other platforms as forum or manuals, ... I had a look at OSE wiki but no idea what's mature, completed or in progress tho - for now I am trying to link it just via API, well - and I hope Algolia can correlate the data a bit ... However, was wondering to spin up some documentation about the min. software and service stack a small business or individual should have in place. There's quite some stuff I came a long, rebooting a crashed 'business'. Most exciting thing I figured is the semantic web which boosts your SEO in relative short time, Another reason to have full control over your content 😉
OpenSource - Plastic Recycling
6:34 PM
Last not but least, having now figured at high expense that OpenSource can be easily suicidal, we're now looking at completely outsourcing production. Apparently, you can hand over even unfinished/incomplete designs to real manufacturers who re-do it with local means, from A-Z - providing you with ERP to track distribution and sales. Really, exciting stuff - let's see we can beat China 😮
Devil Turkey joined the server. 4/14/2022 5:25 PM
Is back now
8:40 PM
Goodness it’s been a while, sorry about that.
Eric Lotze
Goodness it’s been a while, sorry about that.
No problem! Thanks for everything you are doing!!!
Nohbdy Ahtall 4/28/2022 8:44 AM
I am not so sure.
Nohbdy Ahtall 4/28/2022 11:34 PM
Well, if you could(you probably are) contribute towards progress of humankind, would you be aiming for a different theme of the future? Working within expectations of capitalism and/or gradualism/incrementalism mostly? Apocalyptic setting?(I'd still aim Solarpunk in that one, unless it's like.. lava-world haha, then high-tech survivalism at any cost may win out) My longest-term future aims are well beyond lifespans, space-faring extreme, autonomous space stations etc. For Earth-bound/-centric short/middle-term though, this seems worthy to me. (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall
Well, if you could(you probably are) contribute towards progress of humankind, would you be aiming for a different theme of the future? Working within expectations of capitalism and/or gradualism/incrementalism mostly? Apocalyptic setting?(I'd still aim Solarpunk in that one, unless it's like.. lava-world haha, then high-tech survivalism at any cost may win out) My longest-term future aims are well beyond lifespans, space-faring extreme, autonomous space stations etc. For Earth-bound/-centric short/middle-term though, this seems worthy to me. (edited)
Anne vs the Gang 4/29/2022 1:07 PM
Siding by on this one, earth bound makes a lot more sense than the technocrat's visions (see Zeitgeist). This has been well explored in Perry Rhodan ( Not even sure whether we're meant for more than hunting, lots of physical work, etc 😉
Nohbdy Ahtall 4/30/2022 2:56 AM
I can't get behind purely-Earthbound without a great evacuation system for literally Earth-shattering events that have nothing to do with what we do as humans (other than the act of not building for these events), i.e. asteroids, solar flares, insert numerous perhaps-not-even-discovered cosmic events. Physical work of anything but purely in voluntaryism... whew, employment should be outlawed. In that sense, I'll take Earth-bound + physical-work-be-gone, just for the sake of a better existence before a cosmic event occurs. Regardless, space colonization opens up a gargantuan variety of lifestyles, governing systems, economies, etc.
At least have a lil luna base, as a snack
11:36 PM
That or a “SOMA” esque deep sea base
11:36 PM
11:36 PM
Open Source Underwater Habitats When
11:36 PM
Granted with my welds that ain’t happening lol
Opensource O'neil cylinders when
I’d love to get that AR4 Robotic Arm i documented, and a GTAW + Wire Feeder and do some robotic welding
11:38 PM
~2,000 or so for the arm, need to read into wire feeders, but that is probably easier to OS than the welder itself since it is essentially a fancier version of a Bowden FDM Extruder
Small Update: My Laptop is Currently Out of Commission
12:24 AM
Happened a few days ago but essentially i was like “i wonder why this tab isn’t staying in, maybe i screwed something in wrong last time I opened it up for dust removal?@
12:25 AM
Turns out the battery was looking like a pillow instead of a brick, so that’s concerning lol
12:25 AM
Currently in a disassembled state on my desk
12:28 AM
I think it should just be a matter of ordering a new battery, but part of me does want to take it into a shop; i feel risky enough app the times I’ve opened it up to de dust it (between stripping screws due to crappy tools, the potential for loosing/incorrectly placing parts, electrostatic discharge risk, etc), and a scissor keyswitch (or maybe the entire keyboard it seems in which case I won’t do anything since the membrane switch is fine, just not the mechanical key), also an occasional odd fan error
12:28 AM
But yeah
12:29 AM
TLDR: I Probably Won’t Be Doing Wiki Work For A Few Days
12:29 AM
Bit of an oof, BUT there is some good news
12:30 AM
That almost wage thefted check from when i worked at Walmart finally came in!
12:30 AM
So I’m probably going to buy a 3d printer then make more hardware + prototypes from that. (And hopefully get the makerspace going)
🥳 1
Eric Lotze
I’d love to get that AR4 Robotic Arm i documented, and a GTAW + Wire Feeder and do some robotic welding
Anne vs the Gang 5/1/2022 8:51 PM
did plenty of experiments about and there's literally no way around something of at least at the level of 'Fronius' (also best choice for the small machine shop) when it comes robotic welding. inverter technology in welders boomed quite a bit over the last decade, plenty of features available for the small pocket (4k+). (edited)
8:53 PM
the robots it self however, yup - actually easy tho - here a welding plant doing parts for honda, mind the periphery on the system ...
8:54 PM
8:55 PM
ye, just checked, count on 8-10k for a second ABB welding robot
Arcane BOT 5/1/2022 8:55 PM
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 3. GG!
I'm back again now, laptop battery was broken so i had to fix that, then had various festivities this past weekend.
8:51 PM
Laptop is back in working order so should be good to go
8:52 PM
8:53 PM
I am having my first class for the "Environmenal Science Technician" course i am starting up today
8:54 PM
It will be tuesdays and thursdays, so unless i fill up the rest of the week with Hazmat/Construction Night Classed (From that Grant), i should have a decent amount of free time too, so exciting stuff!
8:54 PM
off to go spam some links in #readers-digest lol
I'd like to build a D3D printer. I was leaning towards the D3D Universal, but the instructions for here seem to be like 90% complete. I watched the YouTube video of the Summer X group from 2021 build parts for a printer, but it didn't go into the entire build. It did show how to build the heated bed, which doesn't seem to be included in the D3D Universal build manual. Can someone point me to the no-kidding, complete D3D build manual? Does it not exist? I was hoping to build my own and flesh out/improve what currently exists on the wiki, but I need to be able to find enough instruction to build my own in the first place. Thanks much.
Well, I found the latest page here I was thrown off track by the 0% completes in the Development Template. It does show the current heated bed; however, the build instructions still reference the old design. I'm hoping to piece things together from it and the YouTube video.
Nohbdy Ahtall 5/23/2022 6:35 AM
(Some listings I jotted from above video): ##### Free and Open Source Design Automation (EDA) - KiCAD - Fritzing - gEDA - Other tools (Electric, FreePCB, KTechLab, Magic, Ngspice, Oregano, Quite Universal Circuit Simulator, XCircuit) --- ##### Free and Open Source Computer-Aided Design (CAD) - OpenSCAD - QCAD - FreeCAD - LibreCAD - SolveSpace - Blender --- ##### Documentations - Markdown (.md), LaTeX, HTML, etc. - MediaWiki with wiki markup, DokuWiki, Wikifactory,, etc - Pandoc - convert files from one markup format into another, including PDF - DIN SPEC 3105 - a specification produced by the Deutsches Institure fur Normung defining the standards for the documentation of open source hardware
Anne vs the Gang 5/23/2022 7:03 PM
@Nohbdy Ahtall - nice catch. I think that's a nice addition for the osr-workshop 'project' (, just a bunch of docs and bookmarks but resembles the basics of what OSE could provide to the public, at least on a more abstract level though). Might worth it to extend this this list for it's production grade alternatives as well. Pandoc is great btw. (MD->Mediawiki works 'almost' flawless). OSR-Language has an Mediawiki deployment adapter but never finished it 🙂 Don't forget to poke on as well 😉
Find Useful Open Source By Browsing and Combining 164,686 Topics In 59 Categories, Spanning The Top 5,591,288 Projects
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notprimalhaze 5/23/2022 7:25 PM
Anne vs the Gang 5/23/2022 7:32 PM
Btw. anyone knows a more sophisticated alternative to the 'semantic web' ( ? They cover already some basic primitives (yet, nobody really seems to know how search-engines parses that 🙂 but it really falls short describing data as tables per-se ... Was always wondering how data between projects can be shared though ... Back in the days, we've got RQL and the like but also that involved insane imperative approaches and work. Apparently, so called AI can do lot of good stuff that way ...
By using structured data to describe your web pages you are contributing to a more semantic web. This is a web where we describe the data being shown and not just how it should look, making it machine-readable. Structured data is also used by Google to enhance search results. Here is how you can add, test, and verify that your web pages are prop...
Smikes22 joined the server. 5/24/2022 12:21 AM
Bechfast joined the server. 5/26/2022 10:18 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/7/2022 4:34 AM
Peer to Peer Foundation / P2PF : --- @Eric Lotze How much of this have you explored? I usually only end up on the "Phyles" page most often, but I feel I may start exploring. Gaining more interest in communal, peer-to-peer, and plenty of what OSE might handle - but of course, the knowledge side: storing it, accessing it, curating it, sifting through it, and so on. So phew, maybe now is the time I'll finally somewhat think really about wiki-participation, or something. Certainly can't be, probably never will be, in a workshop, with anyone, ever hah(Maybe Virtual with simulations galore, forget the Metaverse specifically though, do whatever is open source and such only, IMO, don't even let it build without strong open/libre competition - social domain licenses?).
Andawg joined the server. 6/7/2022 4:06 PM
Anne vs the Gang 6/7/2022 9:13 PM
@Nohbdy Ahtall - Certainly can't be, probably never will be, in a workshop, with anyone, ever hah - what a pity - you gonna miss the whole show about 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/7/2022 9:14 PM
I'll participate more with the world when telerobotics (open hardware please) is a thing. Put me in a Boston Dynamics SPOT and I'll wander about. Get a fully-functioning humanoid with finger-dexterity and then I(and people all over the world) can really get going.
Anne vs the Gang 6/7/2022 9:18 PM
🙂 I often try to learn new things by driving the shitty car first - teaches you the respect for the next come, - I'm probably outdated anyway but working and knowing the people into it can be a little bit more important than the science of it -
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/7/2022 10:31 PM
Yeah, I'm just thinking about all the people who won't nor ever will financially/travel-wise be able to participate in a workshop. They'd likely excel at every moment of the workshop and put it to use 100x more often than I, yet they'll never make it there. I say: Permanent, share-able content, or bust. I understand the workshops are probably more useful for the ones teaching than the members - they themselves learning from the students basically.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/8/2022 2:13 AM
Kinda off-topic: Open Source Portaledge page (i.e. tents you use while rock/big wall climbing - interested in it for trees as well or as an idea for denser wilderness camping for survival reasons)
Homebuild D4 Portaledge Design
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/8/2022 7:37 AM
By using the Three Plates Method, developed by Joseph Whitworth, flat surfaces can be created by using gravity and a simple hand-scraping tool, or by lapping the plates against each other.
mitchell joined the server. 6/10/2022 8:07 PM
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8:22 PM
Hey guys
8:22 PM
Been following OSE for like a decade. Just thought about the project again while studying
In computer storage, a tape library, sometimes called a tape silo, tape robot or tape jukebox, is a storage device that contains one or more tape drives, a number of slots to hold tape cartridges, a barcode reader to identify tape cartridges and an automated method for loading tapes (a robot). Additionally, the area where tapes that are NOT curr...
@mitchell has reached level 1. GG!
The concept is very similar to other robotic storage and retrieval systems, eg for automated warehouses
8:26 PM
Here, the idea being to actively store exabytes of data, hopefully using open source machines
The Spectra® TFinity® ExaScale Tape Library is the world’s largest capacity storage system. Learn how to store up to 2 Exabytes of data in one library.
😻 1
💯 1
8:29 PM
(umm... not that I have the millions of dollars needed, fyi)
8:31 PM
I just take a lot of pictures with my phone
8:34 PM
Linear Tape-Open (LTO) is a magnetic tape data storage technology originally developed in the late 1990s as an open standards alternative to the proprietary magnetic tape formats that were available at the time. Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, and Quantum control the LTO Consortium, which directs development and manages licensing and certificat...
8:38 PM
if I flip burgers at a rate of 10 burgers / hr .. get paid $12/hr for it, and tapes cost ~$60 each (with 12TB capacity).... I figure I can pay for the 83,000 tapes I need to store that million terabytes of pictures of my cat before she croaks (edited)
💯 1
8:40 PM
this "Stacker-Bot" specsheet defines well the parameters of Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)
The AMR Stacker‐Bot can store and retrieve on a single trip which helps to reduce labor while increasing the accuracy of your warehouse operation.
@mitchell has reached level 2. GG!
I like that Telescopic Fork action
9:37 PM
the rotating tape mounter/dismounter/packer/loader head is another piece
9:39 PM
I wonder what the smallest useful deployment of this system could be
9:40 PM
in comparison to this 25 slot tape library for $5000 (edited)
here's a better link, showing base price of $3000 then 1 tape drive in it for another $500
Quantum Scalar i3 Base Library Overview Quantum Scalar i3  Half Height Single Port Expandable The Easy, Efficient, and Scalable Tape Library Tape remains a popular storage choice for data backup and DR, long-term data retention, and unstructured data archives. Tape’s cost-benefit, durability, portability, and off-line
9:53 PM
9:53 PM
Buy Quantum Scalar i80 with One IBM LTO-6 Tape Drive (50 Slots, Fibre Channel) featuring 50 Active Tape Slots, Supports LTO-5, LTO-6, & LTO-7 Drives, RJ-45 Fast Ethernet Network Interface, 6U Rackmount Compatible, Supports up to 5 Drives, Standard Remote Management, Standard Partitioning. Review Quantum null
9:55 PM
Buy and sell electronics, cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, baby items, coupons, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace
The present invention provides a magazine-based data cartridge library that, in one embodiment, comprises a plurality of shelves that are capable of holding a plurality of data cartridge magazines, one or more drives, a magazine transport for moving magazines within the cabinet, and a cartridge transport for moving data cartridges between ...
10:04 PM
A computer storage unit usable with DAT cassettes. The unit has a tape drive, a carriage that is movable laterally relative to the tape drive opening, and a magazine having slots sized to releasably hold the cassettes therein. The magazine is releasable attachable to the carriage. A pair of gripper arms is rotatably mounted at the end of a...
10:06 PM
@mitchell has reached level 3. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 3:03 AM Experimental Archaeology and Archaeometallurgy and Archaeo.... Very useful IMO. When I think of building a "survival tablet of knowledge" I always imagine plenty of bushcraft-like skills, and this seems to focus more on the larger scale, longer-term aspects. As usual, always looking for the best transition from this to precision tools to computer hardware, or at some selection of options on how to get there vaguely even.
3:04 AM
@mitchell All those links are amazing I think, this sounds right up my alley in terms of a "clanking replicator" as much of this seems relevant!
yea, "automating automation"! ...and, we also need to eat, so I like farm robots (reply linked) that you're thinking about ...but human work is also a part of the equation, which reminds me of this "lay-down work cart"
3:31 AM
3:33 AM
somewhere in between, I'm thinking about 2d barcodes used in makerspaces
3:39 AM
I just did a quick search for open source data centers; I wonder if this group would be interested in tape libraries
yea, "automating automation"! ...and, we also need to eat, so I like farm robots (reply linked) that you're thinking about ...but human work is also a part of the equation, which reminds me of this "lay-down work cart"
I can't help but imagine a vehicle like this for wilderness / bushcraft survival. Imagine the stamina saved, the sweat not wetting you, the hand-crafts and such you can do while on the move. (edited)
4:16 AM
As per what @Nohbdy Ahtall is mentioning as well, with the EXARC. Thank you Nohbdy, I'll be looking into that as well. (edited)
I can't help but imagine a vehicle like this for wilderness / bushcraft survival. Imagine the stamina saved, the sweat not wetting you, the hand-crafts and such you can do while on the move. (edited)
hehe... a pedal powered bug out mobile (velomobile in this case)
4:50 AM
thinking about vehicles, I want roads (and autonomous driving, of course) ..just, outside the city, built from the ground up! (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 4:51 AM
Ooooh, I am always a fan of that stuff - although actually I'm most impressed by the super-oversized carrying capacity I see in non-American countries, like where they're hauling 12 things of hay or something, towering over their bike or whatever vehicle they outfitted.
Hay is grass, legumes, or other herbaceous plants that have been cut and dried to be stored for use as animal fodder, either for large grazing animals raised as livestock, such as cattle, horses, goats, and sheep, or for smaller domesticated animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Pigs can eat hay, but do not digest it as efficiently as herbivo...
4:53 AM
reminds me of that modern software development xkcd comic
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 4:54 AM
As for transport, It's perhaps a bit too.... well, it being open source hardware is what I'd like, but the "OneWheel" I quite enjoy the concept of. That one, big ol' wheel that may be less likely to get stuck where a bike wheel might.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 4:55 AM
Oi ya beat me to it! This one is similar, I swear I've seen some that are like, above and overhanging in front of them hah:
I guess the principle here is the potential for 'overloading' an open source vehicle... sounds good to me (edited)
4:58 AM
About a year ago, the UPS depot in Dortmund Germany began a test program that used electric trikes to deliver packages around the older sections of town. The streets there are narrow, and the parki…
@mitchell has reached level 4. GG!
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 15. GG!
the guys who overload their small vehicles need to hook up with the guys who build their own
4:59 AM
5:00 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 5:01 AM
Need... that... Global Village Construction Set! Once those essentials are handled.... whew, this could be a great after-project or side-project.
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 5:05 AM
It's like all I think about sometimes, whether it's wilderness survival(reaching GVCS standards) or high-tech sci-fi autonomous space station(getting there with GVCS as foundation).... this set of tools is key. Even the partial completion is hugely inspiring. (edited)
instead of using the 'press' to make 'compressed earth bricks' to build 'microhouse's, I want to use the 'trencher' and a 'deep penetration aerator' to make 'adobe' architecture from 'bamboo' 'grid shell's using a 'mortar spray gun' (edited)
Landscapers, groundsmen and gardeners responsible for large grassed open space areas such as parkland, sports pitches, golf courses, bowling greens and avenues of trees, right through to domestic gardens, all share a common problem. Compaction of the soil and panning...
(When I first posted this I used the word "coupling" to describe a 1-1/4" bushing . I apologize and hope I didn't cause anyone any grief. ...
5:27 AM
the trencher could spit the dirt/soil onto a 'conveyor belt' and moved to 'hesco bags' to build walls around the village (edited)
The Concertainer, known colloquially as the HESCO MIL, Hesco barrier, or Hesco bastion, is a modern gabion primarily used for flood control and military fortifications. It is made of a collapsible wire mesh container and heavy duty fabric liner, and used as a temporary to semi-permanent levee or blast wall against small-arms fire and/or explosiv...
5:28 AM
I'm not sure yet about how to process the dirt to get the clay out for construction
5:31 AM
Extracting clay from soil takes a bit of time but it’s possible just about anywhere. Then you can use it for pottery, cobs or making roof tiles.
5:33 AM
if not conveyor belts then wheelbarrows and shovels
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/11/2022 7:02 AM
You're like reading my mind and giving me info to all the things I care about ahah, thank you! Now I should really be marking and saving this stuff down (like in Obsidian, hex yeahh) - if I had more disk space I'd download the videos too(jdownloader for youtube, btw, unless there's better).
I'd like to build a D3D printer. I was leaning towards the D3D Universal, but the instructions for here seem to be like 90% complete. I watched the YouTube video of the Summer X group from 2021 build parts for a printer, but it didn't go into the entire build. It did show how to build the heated bed, which doesn't seem to be included in the D3D Universal build manual. Can someone point me to the no-kidding, complete D3D build manual? Does it not exist? I was hoping to build my own and flesh out/improve what currently exists on the wiki, but I need to be able to find enough instruction to build my own in the first place. Thanks much.
Sorry for being so damn late on the reply for this! Let me dig into this and see what the pages look like; i know half the time some of those pages don't even interlink/get put into categories so unless you use the search engine (which is horrible; unless someone makes a redirect, looking up "3d printer filament" will not SHOW, let alone lead you to "3d printer filaments" etc
Click to see original message
Click to see original message
Click to see original message
yea, "automating automation"! ...and, we also need to eat, so I like farm robots (reply linked) that you're thinking about ...but human work is also a part of the equation, which reminds me of this "lay-down work cart"
I know these are typically used for Organic farms that don't use Flame Weeding/Steam Weeding or those non-chemical (lol, love when they say that) organic pesticides. Makes hand weeding a bit more viable. IDK How common they are for harvesting but that would be neat! Sidenote i need to make lists of what crops cannot have their harvesting mechanized
Nohbdy Ahtall
Ooooh, I am always a fan of that stuff - although actually I'm most impressed by the super-oversized carrying capacity I see in non-American countries, like where they're hauling 12 things of hay or something, towering over their bike or whatever vehicle they outfitted. This kinda covered the need for Cargo bikes and whatnot in our area
9:09 PM
2/3 of the bikes sold in USA (at least from my experience) are all cyclist oriented, so having cargo is not aero etc
📦 1
9:10 PM
Also funny video on the topic:
Eric Lotze This kinda covered the need for Cargo bikes and whatnot in our area
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/12/2022 9:10 PM
The one video I was suggested I didn't watch gahah, thank ye!
9:11 PM
I feel like we might get recommended a few of the same channels these days. I also watch "Undecided with Matt Ferrel" and "Just Have A Think" - they both tend to be a tad capitalism-thinking-by-default but oi, okayish updates on new tech.
just have a think is soooooooooooo good
Nohbdy Ahtall 6/12/2022 9:15 PM
Gwahah, wait I haven't seen the GEL battery one yet!
Eric Lotze
Sorry for being so damn late on the reply for this! Let me dig into this and see what the pages look like; i know half the time some of those pages don't even interlink/get put into categories so unless you use the search engine (which is horrible; unless someone makes a redirect, looking up "3d printer filament" will not SHOW, let alone lead you to "3d printer filaments" etc
Thanks, @Eric Lotze ! I'm working on some printer upgrades for my 10+ year old MendelMax before I try to tackle the prints, but I'm getting close. I was visiting my dad a couple weeks ago, and he welded the coupling nut onto the steel plate for the new heated bed design. Now I need to source the halogen bulb and the rest of the items. Hopefully won't need to make any substitutions with the current supply chain.
Thanks, @Eric Lotze ! I'm working on some printer upgrades for my 10+ year old MendelMax before I try to tackle the prints, but I'm getting close. I was visiting my dad a couple weeks ago, and he welded the coupling nut onto the steel plate for the new heated bed design. Now I need to source the halogen bulb and the rest of the items. Hopefully won't need to make any substitutions with the current supply chain.
Mendel Max Wow, Your a Real Elder Maker Lol!
7:40 AM
What process did your dad use for the welding?
@coderjeff @Marcin Just testing to see if this works, but either way, Marcin is having trouble with the workbench used to design the Seed Eco-Home stairs, so feel free to DM Marcin (or vise versa depending on who gets to this message first) or we could even make a channel like #FreeCAD-Workbenches or something (edited)
Ah yes FreeCAD can be a bit tricky 😄
Eric Lotze
@coderjeff @Marcin Just testing to see if this works, but either way, Marcin is having trouble with the workbench used to design the Seed Eco-Home stairs, so feel free to DM Marcin (or vise versa depending on who gets to this message first) or we could even make a channel like #FreeCAD-Workbenches or something (edited)
This site has been very understandable for me on Freecad he is starting some for .20 now also. The older lessons still worked for me using .20
Eric Lotze
What process did your dad use for the welding?
He has an old stick welder. It's probably older than I am, so I guess that's another win for simple designs. He farms and stick welding has done everything he's needed. You have to change out the sticks frequently, but I think (not at all an expert) that they come in a much wider variety of capabilities than a MIG welder. He's welded cast iron with it.
Ah one of those ones with just the one big dial I’d imagine lol, not fancy with features but they do get the job done…and they’re indestructible lol
9:28 PM
MIG (Metal Inert Gas) aka GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) just uses solid wire, so short of alloying maybe it can’t do too much So great for ground down clean metal
9:29 PM
Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) (love how it sounds like a bad imitation of a bird lol) is similar to GMAW but uses a hollow metal tube with stuff in the middle similar to the stuff around the metal on a welding stick
9:32 PM
It can do basically everything Stick can, but with the advantage of being spool fed (so you can run long beads without stop+starts) (Also you don’t waste that last bit of the stick, especially people who stop about 1/2-1/3 of the way through the flux and don’t burn it to the end (granted then you can kinda burn the “stinger” clamp which i totally never did) ALTHOUGH when you change spools there is a decent amount of wasted line that you have to push out with the new line so idk how that balances out)
9:34 PM
Also (at least from what I’ve learned) you can do fancier “transfer modes” with GMAW/FCAW than Stick Welding (AKA SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) by changing some parameters I think it was “Short Circuit” “Globular” and “Spray” let me check/grab a diagram
9:36 PM
9:38 PM
I only delt with Short Circuit though, and the spatter was pretty nasty and it was pretty loud.
9:39 PM
TIG (Tungsten Inert Gad) (Aka GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) ) was my favorite though. It was so clean and almost silent. Granted for that you need to practically polish the different pieces, and it requires a pile of kit, so not exactly good for middle of nowhere repairs!
Deleted User 6/20/2022 8:56 PM
Does anyone on here remember how to do cost optimization for Revu license on a per-user & years? 599x+149xy>xy650 where x=# users & y=years
We offer three licensing options for Bluebeam® Revu®. All options are for Windows® only. Wondering which one is right for you? Start here.
8:58 PM
II was trying to graph it in GeoGebra but I haven't had to do this kind of math in 7 years.... which yes, this is exactly why bridges fall down
Did anyone catch the Seed Eco-Home - Publishing Collaboration meeting with Marcin yesterday? I was working and had to miss it. Sounds like he's close to finishing the SEH design files.
JustMe joined the server. 7/3/2022 7:31 AM
brıan joined the server. 7/3/2022 8:27 AM
is there some kind of anthropological record of the kinds of tools and processes people generally use to build a small town to use as a reference or point of comparison?
Talos 2.0 joined the server. 7/3/2022 12:44 PM
Longdong Silver-Back joined the server. 7/3/2022 1:52 PM
whitewolf joined the server. 7/3/2022 2:08 PM
is there some kind of anthropological record of the kinds of tools and processes people generally use to build a small town to use as a reference or point of comparison?
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/3/2022 6:51 PM
Ooooh I like this question... yess
panigrahishreeyanshu joined the server. 7/3/2022 6:52 PM
is there some kind of anthropological record of the kinds of tools and processes people generally use to build a small town to use as a reference or point of comparison?
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/3/2022 6:52 PM
I personally was looking into "Experimental Archaeology" - which took me far too long to find the terminology for - and I feel like handles this: Or, is a good starting point?
EXARC is a non-profit, network platform that tells a story of the past relevant to the present through archaeology. EXARC welcomes content contributions to its channel. • We are interested in contributions towards museum practice, experimental archaeology, ancient and traditional technology, and interpretation. • The ethics of any video will b...
🥰 1
I think what I'm looking for would probably be a combination of that kind of approach and pouring over old patents to figure out which processes and tools were used to build which parts of which other tools, and try to make a complete food web of tools basically
7:01 PM
Kind of the analogous thing when studying an ecosystem would be mapping out the relationships between organisms in terms of resource flow, but also the chemical processes that allow for the production of certain vitamins and which particular enzymes are used and such (edited)
Arcane BOT 7/3/2022 7:01 PM
@JustMe has reached level 1. GG!
Industrial metabolism sounded like this in principle I think, and material flow analysis in particular sounded closest I think, just would want like a wiki focusing on the parts of machines as the materials of interest in the economy as a whole sorta (edited)
macncheese joined the server. 7/4/2022 10:36 AM
Lera joined the server. 7/4/2022 7:18 PM
Roths joined the server. 7/6/2022 11:35 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 7/9/2022 5:06 AM
I'm still out there sharing old GVCS videos - but hey a lot of those recent videos on are still great! I mean, quality whatever - the point is you got them recorded - I know you guys are focused on what matters. HWAH, so let's see... what to do what to do... I am currently on month 2 of my "break from work" and I've never been more of an activist about things, spreading words, makin' lil debates - basically all the stuff that disappears once employment returns. Does anyone know of some kind of organization that is either a remote "low-workload" part-time gig that can help me pay for the 1.3k I need to live each month? Or are there actually places I can volunteer to, remotely, to get said assistance? I'm building a list in general, even if I don't end up using it personally. Any tips would be great. Ope, maybe I'll make a wiki page gosh dang it, then we can fill it up there.
We're developing open source machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs on the Internet for free.
5:12 AM
Started at 8k, this month brings me to 7k. Most of my life I've lived between 0.2k-0.9k, but now I try to keep at least 2k as my minimum(ever since I reached there). I will be in emergency "get-a-job-no-matter-what" mode once I near 2-3k, so that means I have potentially 3-ish months to:
  • Learn some Godot, code some games maybe(lifetime passion)
  • Contribute to things like OSE, probably the wiki, iono whatever's remote and has low commitment and little room for error Month 1 gave me a great "reset" mentally, just as I'd hoped, so now I want to "work" in a different way. As I reach 3k though, I will engage in more leisure to prepare for the drudgery of employment so I don't lose all motivation to proceed while doing it.
Anything to keep me in this "mode", I feel I'm actually able to contribute to something during this sweet-spot of a window.
Nohbdy Ahtall
I'm still out there sharing old GVCS videos - but hey a lot of those recent videos on are still great! I mean, quality whatever - the point is you got them recorded - I know you guys are focused on what matters. HWAH, so let's see... what to do what to do... I am currently on month 2 of my "break from work" and I've never been more of an activist about things, spreading words, makin' lil debates - basically all the stuff that disappears once employment returns. Does anyone know of some kind of organization that is either a remote "low-workload" part-time gig that can help me pay for the 1.3k I need to live each month? Or are there actually places I can volunteer to, remotely, to get said assistance? I'm building a list in general, even if I don't end up using it personally. Any tips would be great. Ope, maybe I'll make a wiki page gosh dang it, then we can fill it up there.
Please do start a wiki page and post the link here. Unfortunately, I don't have any good suggestions off the top of my head, but maybe my creativity will be lubricated by seeing some of your and others ideas.
Taire joined the server. 7/17/2022 8:22 PM
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Armadillo Fan Club joined the server. 7/26/2022 2:52 PM
Armadillo Fan Club
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@Taire has reached level 1. GG!
Anyone else interested in the eco home project?
Armadillo Fan Club
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Hi @Roths. Yes, I'm interested in it and have been somewhat actively helping with the CAD for the current version. Are you interested in building one for yourself, helping with the design, or both? Regarding CAD or design work, I can help point you in the right direction.
@laloeb has reached level 3. GG!
I don't really have the raw financial resources on hand to fund a build from scratch, nor technical skills in CAD or mechanical design work. I'm just a software engineer with a small amount of self taught financial skills but that's about it.
5:27 AM
Nonetheless I do admire the effort you guys are putting in to make open source manufacturing of homes a reality.
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/4/2022 2:44 AM Only posting this for the concept and possibility - NOT for Fusion360 specifically. Important stuff, get it open sourced. -- Automated Modelling ; Generative Design --
This isn't as handy as it looks
7:20 AM
I tryed it and I rly like to make parts that are only possible with addative manufacturing
7:21 AM
Aka 3d printing
I've been fascinated by permaculture stuff like this for quite a while now. It's a neat idea... But I think their solutions are a little lacking for people who can't or don't want to be involved with this kind of thing personally. :/
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/9/2022 8:52 AM
Permaculture and/or food forest + vertical farm + algae bioreactors + [3d-print/self-fabricated tools OR EXPARC/bushcraft-made equipment] + water source/well/rain + ...
8:54 AM
+ earthworks + Earth-ship-esque designs(ground-embedded, partial-underground, full underground? Living spaces, storage?) + quadrotor/drone assisted data/analysis/etc + ...
8:57 AM
welll... + GVCS. Oh sweet, sweet GVCS. It is one of the keys to unlocking everything else - or at least the longer/medium-term goals. As much as I like Bushcraft and Experimental Archaeology(and think it should be integrated, still, if even for fun, training, sport, education, and adaptability-resilience), I don't want to see a Primitivist scenario. High-tech goals can be done ethically and at peace with nature - amplifying/helping nature, even.
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/17/2022 7:17 AM Waow, my first wiki edit... ever I think? I'm on a roll, first GitHub Issue was also 2-3 weeks ago, and I've been otherwise participating to some semblance more often these days. Godot and its source being an inspiration, as well as the Godot Discord community being so surprisingly great(still haven't Godot'd enough). [Wiki-editing]: Anyhow now that I've experienced Obsidian and my own knowledge systems - I might have a better idea as how to assist this wiki. It's probably the most directly-useful thing I can do. [GameDev+OSE]:I will also continue to promote #ose-game (OSE-relevant/related/inspired GameDev)(Also utility tools using Game Engines like Godot[I've heard many say absolutely to Godot-as-non-game-tool. I would agree on the 'aggregate composition' node-based nature alone, plus a fiendishly amazing GDScript])
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/17/2022 8:26 PM
Daang, Marcin posting some good takes on the wiki too. Very nice.
8:30 PM
Why am I only just now realizing the "Topics" section of GitHub?:
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/18/2022 12:21 AM : "The Revolution Shall Not Be Funded" Hmm - I'm not sure I agree with this Capitalistically-assisted/leaning approach - right now, in the time where more people are pro-radical change than ever, and one in which people going down this route will undergo shame and reputational loss. Literally, the concept of business itself, flushing down the drain - don't jump in with 'em(feel free to extract all the valuable systems they build while subtracting the profiteering aspects) I mean, I'm not suggesting anti-commercial licensing and such - but, what's going on? Seems the wrong time to be in cahootz - even intellectually/philosophically - with business-minded folk and systems. At least this deeply. At a time when doing the inverse would bring about more interest? Or am I hearing this wrong? (edited)
kamakazi_alex joined the server. 8/18/2022 9:02 PM
I highly doubt that selling people environmentally friendly homes will be considered something particularly heinous
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/24/2022 1:14 AM
Indeed, Godot now has the "W4 Games" company, maybe just the name difference and legal separation helps - what's the separation here? I feel like the OSE name is on-the-line. OSE I just worry about... if they're so busy building/workshopping, are they aware of the shift in even the casual American's readiness to dismantle Capitalism, employment, etc? You kinda only "see it" by having ample time to digest the current attitudes and engage in online communities; paying attention to ground-level views on human rights, and status-quo questioning - don't let 90s-00s-10s blur the current reality - there is a heaping pile of ethical folk who probably would join this OSE adventure, but erm, not paid workshops and enterprise-facing concepts. We're coming to the point where "selling", in general, is indeed heinous. It's not as obscure of a reaction anymore. Other channels: "Some More News", "Our Changing Climate", "Not Just Bikes", "F.D. Signifier", "Foreign Man in a Foreign Land", "Chill Goblin", "Intelexual Media", much more. (edited)
Eh, I generally agree... But no ones demonstrated a really workable alternative model yet, IMO. There are various forms of cooperatives... But they all have their problems, and none of them have ever managed to really catch on. I have an idea for a kind of cooperative ecosystem... But I haven't actually done anything with it yet. Figure I need to bootstrap the whole thing myself. Working on a game to that purpose, but, not nearly there yet. :/
manoli joined the server. 8/24/2022 10:03 PM
Click to see original message
Eh, I generally agree... But no ones demonstrated a really workable alternative model yet, IMO. There are various forms of cooperatives... But they all have their problems, and none of them have ever managed to really catch on. I have an idea for a kind of cooperative ecosystem... But I haven't actually done anything with it yet. Figure I need to bootstrap the whole thing myself. Working on a game to that purpose, but, not nearly there yet. :/
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/24/2022 11:51 PM
Truly, it probably is the model to take but it's going to hit OSE negatively in the reputation department for the right people, and provide positive reputation for the wrong people. As for games, I'm working on something like this from Licensing models to Donationware-oriented game, module, and asset creation. I'll try to keep that aspect documented - currently I discuss it mostly in Godot's server, but OSE-minded folk seem more prepared in the.. minded-ness factor. Plenty of pro-business folk there, but they're open to new ways. Hence why when I explore the work going on here; here I expected the opposite. I treat OSE as the "main hub of 'the most open' topics", it was a bit of a shock to look more deeply at the heavy emphasis on enterprise-friendly stuff - like it's becoming more of a "core focus" than I expected. (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/25/2022 12:10 AM
I won't be too critical to individuals though, as I personally will just have to... contribute more knowledge/perspective away from that! Mostly it's just a shame is all, but I assume if I volunteer whatever-it-is-I-can volunteer, I can assist the "not-a-fan-of-enterprise-path" side of OSE, and just hopefully just bring more help inflow of the right people, so they feel like they can do something outside of helping business-assisted growth directly.
12:12 AM
Very likely that's going to be in the less-physical aspects. Documentation and wiki, #ose-game, #ose-media-plotting, and software & tools development.
12:15 AM
Oh and probably also "How to help while surviving in employment and perhaps getting out of that cycle". The people who have time and travel to partake in workshops... that's a world I don't know about, I can't fathom the idea of having that time, money, and luxury to do that. I know many who are the same, but who have plenty to contribute in other ways.
lazy_engineer 8/26/2022 2:07 PM
I think enterprise is one of the only ways we can solve big hard problems at scale. Co-ops, networks, and decentralized orgs still have a long way to go, but their development could actually be facilitated if more open-source and regenerative projects had big backers (like OSE in 10 years). Support for the good things. Economics are uncertain these days, need a bunch of income to keep the good projects affloat. Would be sad to see OSE die because collaborators need to go do boring jobs to survive
@lazy_engineer has reached level 2. GG!
lazy_engineer 8/26/2022 2:12 PM
It's just about being realistic. Our world works with money. If you wanna aquire assets (land, materials) and get people to work on decade-long plans, you need money to just enable that. If some of these long-term things turn out well, and many develop autonomy and self-sufficiency, shifting to another way of functioning is possible. Until then it's an illusion to think everyone can cross the bridge without money
2:15 PM
My opinion is that the evil is Not capitalism but Monopoly and oligarchy, which dominates capitalist markets today. I strongly believe in a re-localized and ecosystem-regenerating economy
💯 2
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/1/2022 12:29 PM
I'm quite aware that many here believe Capitalism is not evil - we'll see how that plays out. I understood dodging it when you all began - nobody was ready and all the taboos of criticizing it were were still in full-force - I just don't think the mental landscape of people is as it once was. It seems out-of-touch to not lean more into that side. I'd not be surprised if donations could in fact outweigh whatever schemes are at play here - I'm glad it's a good training exercise for the act of manufacture but... eh. Well, I'll do what I can to prove it can be done without that belief, even early on 'pre-transitionally'. There's certainly plenty of time to design and simulate other options - no need to wait until the transition is ready in order to draw up the blueprints on those systems, too. The abstract machinations and software "machines" are quite valuable too, not just the physical. I'm surprised the machine index itself doesn't have a modular system of code to share between. I'd see it as a whole 'nother index that is worth charting and graphing for it's own sake.
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/1/2022 12:49 PM
If you start closing-source due to mingling with business-folk though, god forbid you don't think the deal is "good enough to risk". I have no clear indication where the "line drawn in the sand" is, how far is too far? Would you accept merging into a mega-corp to achieve your goals too? Board of directors perchance? You got revenue caps? Maybe contract yourselves to the public: declare stopping points among goals met. I hope you're right, because all this time being expended on dealing with profit-folk - we are all very much aware how much of a time sink that can be(I cannot overstate this point, at least). I can only imagine is a gargantuan chunk of time and resources to pursue this method. As fruitful as it could be, I'd almost rather have a dedicated guild of computer-only-wielders. A system built around that could empower many of these "ready-for-dismantling" folk. I'd enjoy seeing the GVCS index in "simulated to completion", and then go from there. I know learning on-the-job/from-mistakes is a major aspect right now, but I too have faith in swarms of independent, research-driven, 'computer chair sitters'. Amplified knowledgebase interface would be a must, though.
I mean stuff like the linux project does interface quite a lot of with the commercial sector
3:20 AM
and that just requires programmer man hours and computers
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/2/2022 9:10 AM Pretty awesome video, I am beyond excited for you. Marcin is keeping Democracy at forefront. My worries of an over-focus on finance are quelled! Long road, well built road. A road with blueprints for all to maintain, repair, and upgrade.
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/2/2022 9:22 AM
I am at ease hearing Marcin speak and keep what matters at the forefront. This energizes me. I'll be rooting for you from remote, or from a homeless scenario I end up in. $50/hr work, dang. If you expand and end up with 16-20hr, 2-day, part-time(benefits unneeded) $22-$33 remote help desk - or really any knowledge economy, technical complexity - jobs, do let know. Meantime, will try to survive and create MD0 ( licensed assets and works for public domain. Games too, I hope (maybe 0BSD).
The MD0 license is based upon the CC0-1.0 license, but attempts to waive more Intellectual Property rights and deny patents and trademarks(no matter how fruitless; the intention shall...
sleepiest diver【=◈︿◈=】 joined the server. 9/2/2022 10:27 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall Pretty awesome video, I am beyond excited for you. Marcin is keeping Democracy at forefront. My worries of an over-focus on finance are quelled! Long road, well built road. A road with blueprints for all to maintain, repair, and upgrade.
Anne vs the Gang 9/2/2022 11:19 PM
One day I am sending Marcin a good mic, finally. Not sure I understood but grants and volunteers, etc.. is not a good base - produce some stuff! Right now, PreciousPlastic is fueled by pretty toxic a*holes and they're pushing for worst - especially in the US, spreading like a cancer to SA as well. Here are some MVPs which can pay the bills 🙂 if you need a hand, ... (edited)
OpenSource - Plastic Recycling
11:26 PM
As for the tech, still trying to consolidate OSR/PP & OSE, mostly Typescript and some sugar - the front-end stack remains almost the same: CS-Cart, Hugo (static stuff as library), Discourse for coms (another deployment output, but also input, really charming - plenty of must have features)
Anne vs the Gang 9/2/2022 11:33 PM
@zelbot & co - looking at you - the most pretentious and destructive forces in OS projects I've seen in 25 years - rolling over real contributors, families, investors, user bases, networks, as we're just meat to you - none of you make any sense - no matter how hard you try 🙂 (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/8/2022 3:23 AM
Ooh, why didn't I think to start reading the wiki more often from the "Mission Statement" into the "Pressing World Issues" into the "Mental Models". As usual there's great stuff in here that I haven't properly explored. I truly wish I could navigate the wiki as I could my Obsidian vault. The quick fuzzy search especially, and maps of content or Dataview(plugin) types of querying.
Arcane BOT 9/9/2022 6:58 AM
@Nohbdy Ahtall has reached level 16. GG!
Nohbdy Ahtall
Ooh, why didn't I think to start reading the wiki more often from the "Mission Statement" into the "Pressing World Issues" into the "Mental Models". As usual there's great stuff in here that I haven't properly explored. I truly wish I could navigate the wiki as I could my Obsidian vault. The quick fuzzy search especially, and maps of content or Dataview(plugin) types of querying.
The wiki is pretty terrible to navigate. There's a treasure trove of information on the thing, but it's so hard to know what's there and what isn't. Sometimes I like to navigate to a random point on Marcin's log just to see what he'd been working on. He's touched most things on the wiki, so that's a good place to look, but it's random. You have to hope that people linked things as they went along creating pages. Does anyone know how to find all content from a user? I've seen a few interesting pages from one particular user, but without that list, I can't readily see what else they've contributed.
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/9/2022 10:57 PM Here is a good set of examples for how I most enjoy navigating knowledge, the "Digital Garden" aspect. That first link is an Obsidian one which I recommend as a tool - not that it's quite ready for wiki-scale(but would be great per-person).
A Labyrinth of Digital Gardens 🌱 ABoppy’s Totally Integrated Machine on Being Human karlicoss’ exobrain on Software and Science Andy Matuschak’s working notes on Note-taking and Knowledge Work Eleanor’s notes on History and Worldbuilding Danny Hatcher on Education and Learning mnml’s vault on Programming, Note-taking and Music Nicole van der ...
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/15/2022 10:13 AM
Gonna try some small-scale, careful wiki editing.
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/20/2022 8:48 PM
Holy snapdragon I can't stand trying to search the wiki for a page I already knew existed. Like, the listing off of "blueprints, CAD files, tutorials" etc... no idea and the search just wheww.
8:49 PM
Just to send off a little cited blurb with that part in it. The heap of knowledge, data, and files that are included.
Mafia Freie Zone joined the server. 9/29/2022 8:26 PM
ambiguous_yelp joined the server. 9/30/2022 6:58 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall 10/1/2022 12:12 PM
12:13 PM
@ambiguous_yelp Your name is scarier the more I think about it. I may well watch what you suggest though, Land of Hope and Glory. Did I find it right, about animal farming in UK?
Nohbdy Ahtall 10/4/2022 8:08 AM
Watched up to 35 minute mark very thoroughly. Quite the Grant predicament - I wish ye all well.
8:10 AM
I am currently in a semi-high focused mode after some personal emotional scares cause me to feel a bit more dedicated in projects. I'm still thinking of #ose-game of course, especially with Godot 4.0 release coming closer, ever since their feature freeze with Beta. Where is the other chatting community located? This place is a ghost town. Please don't say IRC x.x
@Nohbdy Ahtall I'm not sure there is one. I need to get more involved in OSE again. I was helping with documentation for the Seed Home, but not all I've been doing is very slowly sourcing parts for my D3D Universal printer build. I think there used to be an active forum on the wiki, but I don't see any messages after 2017. If you do find a booming IRC, let us know. 🙂
Vee joined the server. 10/11/2022 6:36 PM
Anne vs the Gang 10/13/2022 10:59 PM
what's up guys, just catching up, where's Eric ? last post in June, I hope you're all right ... @Eric Lotze
Howdy, been busy with school and my business
Nohbdy Ahtall
Ooh, why didn't I think to start reading the wiki more often from the "Mission Statement" into the "Pressing World Issues" into the "Mental Models". As usual there's great stuff in here that I haven't properly explored. I truly wish I could navigate the wiki as I could my Obsidian vault. The quick fuzzy search especially, and maps of content or Dataview(plugin) types of querying.
lazy_engineer 10/18/2022 9:55 AM
Wouldn't it be relatively easy to import the wiki into obsidian? Is there a way to download a wiki? In what format? Isn't it in md already?
Wouldn't it be relatively easy to import the wiki into obsidian? Is there a way to download a wiki? In what format? Isn't it in md already?
Anne vs the Gang 10/18/2022 11:37 AM
download: yes - process/convert : not really - you can use pandoc (pandoc -f markdown -t mediawiki -o but it's really limited - on top, mediawiki isn't easy to parse, especially when plugins come into play - you'd need to create a md counterpart - which makes things even more messy, not mentioning syncing .. (edited)
Anne vs the Gang 10/19/2022 10:39 AM
Speaking of formats, with the rise of AI, it's getting even harder,
  • web: you'd need now structured-data to assist SEO, and more for images, video
  • CAD: there are up to 3 different docs, per part
  • Code: there are up to 6 pages, diagrams, etc.... per page or unit of code
  • Other things as docs for circuits involve even more fragmented and exotic formats
  • general purpose docs as Markdown need plenty of aids (math=latex, diagrams), another great mess
ReStructured-Text seems to be a good choice after all. I had a look at pandoc's AST format but unlikely anyone wants to write more inter-op code on that 🙂 more here,
Anne vs the Gang 10/24/2022 7:15 PM
ok guys, had another look at precious plastic, osr-plastic, and OSE and realized again, after watching endless ngos plundering and literally sabotaging developing countries, fancy project pages with zero social feedback or whatsoever, per-se no real technology transfer anywhere, at least not for buzz like projects, I was aware about this stories a few decades already but can't speak of change. anyway, as mentioned, I am designing a new and general stack or hub for various projects, more a hobby thing but spotted massive overlaps among different 'target audiences' they say, maker to local industry - all struggeling with too many platforms, not serving much more than ad space, on social platforms, xD 🙂 Wikifactory near dead and lost, despite a 50m cash influx, now in the hands of auto-desk but doing good, and precious-plastic's one-army platform going nowhere but in more tech debts, with no traction anywhere ... that leaves me with Discourse, which can stand on it's own, market place, wiki directory - additional stuff can be added pretty easily, deployment via docker. anything I missed ? was wondering to bundle just ose and osr alltogether and make it available to AI translators - DeepL became pretty good - and Google AI based voice generator may help the an-alphabets, ... (edited)
7:16 PM
@lazy_engineer , so yes, if you need a md dump of ose, wait a bit - may take some months, or weeks
🔥 1
Anne vs the Gang 10/24/2022 10:52 PM
ah, here the DeepL i18n translator, to translate Markdown directories, I tested the speech output (german to french) on my wife, rock solid 😘 🤣 😋 wip / boilerplate, - same funny and sexy, mixing foreign languages against each other, eg: Japanese model against English input. plenty of new AI stuff emerging on TikTok recently can´t wait to put a real-time pipe on it 🙂
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 5. GG!
Mafia Freie Zone joined the server. 10/25/2022 10:36 PM
Nohbdy Ahtall
@ambiguous_yelp Your name is scarier the more I think about it. I may well watch what you suggest though, Land of Hope and Glory. Did I find it right, about animal farming in UK?
ambiguous_yelp 10/31/2022 6:39 PM
Anne vs the Gang 11/4/2022 12:48 AM
@lazy_engineer , mh - browsing the ose wiki, and some of the google pic galleries (, I realize again how far away we're from creating meaningful content (no offense). adding meta data to the pics via voice recognition could help to map this later on, no idea what's the state of the art (GPT-3, ...) but will check that too 🙂
12:50 AM
Having a bit more strict content templates, for journals in this regard might help too tho, could need it here as well
Anne vs the Gang 11/4/2022 9:21 AM
Sleeping over it, probably just a matter of time that AIs understands 3D. I am sure they feed already models with CAD libraries. There have been also rumors that CAD will go to similar approaches as in SCAD. Using design tables and formulas is already best practice for advanced Solidworks modelers, assisting in 'product configurations'. That being said, I suppose static wiki content might be replaced by flexible graphs of annotations, easy to branch off new variants. Yet to be seen that AI understands correlations and rules between different objects. Here an example of 'extrusion screw inside a barrel' 🙂 And here some experiments with Dall-E mini :
Examples for AI generated pictures, using ´DALL-E Mini´ (work in progress). DALL-E Examples Please use the online generator here. And here the documentation More AI based generators - utilizes DALL-E, hotpot, Unreal Engine,… - partially paid Google’s ‘Imagegen’ - Samples Overview of other generators, from 2022 “3D printed vase” ...
that's an interesting thought
3:35 AM
wonder if you could train an AI with 3d model data
wonder if you could train an AI with 3d model data
Anne vs the Gang 11/5/2022 10:58 AM
couldn't find much about but reducing models to 2D (as so often, is mathematically a lot easier) could be enough for many applications as object detection. for that you, you'd need only to render those objects from different sides and then feed the model. I'd love to have this as app, creating howtos, etc.. for instance.
I mean the main problem with it is how you'd go about trying to define the reward function tbh
Anne vs the Gang 11/5/2022 12:05 PM
ah, that comes later, trying to match the data to a picture for instance (as in Lobe). Or in AR, one could play with different options for parts. Not really aiming for more than prototyping or documentation aids 🙂
12:10 PM
btw. our reverse-vending-machine shredder project for supermarkets got finally confirmed - still need to add the mentioned bottle-brand detector at the hopper (small) - budget is 2k for the detection unit (lobe/tensorflow,... is ok), if someone wants it 🙂
By any chance do you happen to have a design for a small automatic injection molding machine? Just out of curiosity
Anne vs the Gang 11/5/2022 3:43 PM
not really, at least not mature but there's lots of fiddling to it anyways, will complete this list here next week ...
Currently known designs - Opensource Greg Esau | status : testing | See his Patreon profile | Origin: USA - mostly McMaster parts … Sotop - Cheap build | Status : incomplete, simple but works | Check his new design on IG OSR-Plastic - Mould-Clamp | Status : design/prototyping Others YT - Simple & small YT - Simple - could be au...
Thanks for the info though
Thanks for the info though
Anne vs the Gang 11/5/2022 7:53 PM
np, what you mean by small ? most bench units (see kickstarter & YT), OS or not can deal with 50 - 150 g, that's a hand full of plastic just but could be sufficient if you're after simple but profitable parts (see Spyker Workshop - hadn't much time yet to wrap my head around the needed firmware but learning PLCs, Arduino will be for sure good too 🙂 have a nice one, g
What about sub 50g parts?
Anne vs the Gang 11/5/2022 8:15 PM
assuming a few features (mould complexity), the one from Sotop could do (kinda trainwreck but glad to help out) - not sure how it´s in the US but here lots of machines are idle, perhaps you could outsource it and focus on the ´product´ just (edited)
8:19 PM
in the mid to long term, I´d opt for the one above - plenty of headroom for tweaks and more shot size ...
Ludovic joined the server. 11/9/2022 9:37 PM
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lazy_engineer 11/10/2022 11:24 AM
Click to see original message
Anne vs the Gang
@lazy_engineer , so yes, if you need a md dump of ose, wait a bit - may take some months, or weeks
Anne vs the Gang 11/18/2022 12:50 PM
might take a bit longer ... just realized that there are plenty of APIs involved (google sheets, evtl. Adobe formats as well), to service offline liberty 😊 - tracking the progress here : - feel free to add.
Anne vs the Gang 11/25/2022 8:36 PM
so, where's Eric ( @Eric Lotze ) ? getting a little nervous, not just about the purpose of this server tho .. (edited)
8:38 PM
in the mean-time, if you don't mind, i keep mining and harvesting the data, 😉
Anne vs the Gang 11/25/2022 8:45 PM
another little bounty, in case you're bored as me,
@Deleted User has reached level 10. GG!
Manos de Tijeras joined the server. 11/28/2022 4:16 PM
patchworker joined the server. 12/5/2022 9:06 PM
Click to see original message
Anne vs the Gang 12/5/2022 9:13 PM
Isael_ joined the server. 12/5/2022 9:35 PM
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Anne vs the Gang 12/5/2022 10:57 PM
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Anne vs the Gang 12/6/2022 1:37 PM
ye, seen similar things about writing code, endless dialogs between philosophs,... scary after all; those models are trained with publicly available data only. one just can hope that newer generations don't feed from that ... AI experts expressed similar concerns.
Anne vs the Gang 12/6/2022 1:48 PM
Another reason to disconnect though, social media uses AI to A/B test our perception and reaction, ...
I've found the following picture online. It is about the moral/paradigm behind consistent behavior. Click to enlarge. The image text says A group of scientists placed 5 monkeys in a cage an...
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Anne vs the Gang 12/7/2022 7:03 AM
Let's see in 5 years 🙂 There's no API yet to integrate it well and I don't think it's helpful to master your content creation skills. It might be just in the way. Writing documentation can be incredibly complex. Even for simple cases, I am ending up with a custom DSL to cover all edge cases and features needed, eg: multi-lingual, responsiveness, SEO, semantic web, etc..
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 7. GG!
Anne vs the Gang 12/7/2022 8:10 PM
Currently, I am left with asciidoc for entry level authoring (legit Markdown replacement, incomplete but getting there), then a clone of liquid (js impl., maintained by shopify) as intermediate/tech-agnostic language (pimped with custom tags, implemented in nodejs - your DSL; able to pull content from any source as well) - and a few more classics as grunt for the build pipe - happy so far 🙂 - all offline tools, and yet far from 'perfect'. I understand however, we need 'typings' for 'web' 'language' - to make Google, and AI happy.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Anne vs the Gang 12/9/2022 11:16 PM
Another week of GPT bombardments, no - it's knowledge you didn't earn, scaffolding/boilerplating perhaps ...
Anne vs the Gang 12/10/2022 11:53 PM
ye, go for it; as long it's there 🙂
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Anne vs the Gang 12/11/2022 1:39 PM
true, another scary aspect about AI, a gold mine for the big boys - behavior/mass control, new diseases, ... just a matter of time
11:49 PM
So may have fixed my email (deleted some video files which got me below the max free storage limit), and figured out a way to access this on my desktop-discord-app thing.
The wiki is pretty terrible to navigate. There's a treasure trove of information on the thing, but it's so hard to know what's there and what isn't. Sometimes I like to navigate to a random point on Marcin's log just to see what he'd been working on. He's touched most things on the wiki, so that's a good place to look, but it's random. You have to hope that people linked things as they went along creating pages. Does anyone know how to find all content from a user? I've seen a few interesting pages from one particular user, but without that list, I can't readily see what else they've contributed.
Yeah i've been trying to make a pile of redirect pages/add categories to stuff to help, but yeah it can be bad
12:07 AM
If instead of doing the search, you do the little thing that pops up below titled "contains-whatever you typed" or whatever that can help quite well (although many of the contains will just be someone dropping a term in the middle of a sentence etc lol)
Got it working on my new phone now too, nice
12:35 AM
My old one died, and I’m 90% sure it is just the power control/distribution board or whatever so if my (linited) understanding is correct it is basically just a matter of removing that chunk and dropping a new one in, but alas my hands are too shakey for a clean weld, let alone micro-soldering!
12:35 AM
It is currently sitting on a shelf, and those damn electrons better stay in their little nests until i can afford to data recovery or so help me (edited)
I’m going to just leave it as a basic “Yep, I’m still alive and kickin’” for now, but i do have a pile of stuff to post/share about! (edited)
😇 1
😃 1
Eric Lotze
I’m going to just leave it as a basic “Yep, I’m still alive and kickin’” for now, but i do have a pile of stuff to post/share about! (edited)
Mafia Freie Zone 12/20/2022 6:27 AM
Great to see you back, let's spam ☺
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Mafia Freie Zone 12/20/2022 10:45 AM
sometimes, there is good news. Elon left OpenAI in its early stages, then the sharks took over (MS$) - and here is the response : makes sense, even Dall-E is pretty biased, and OpenAI won't let you build custom models that easily - there's a prediction that AI tools might get pretty expensive ... there was another rumor that AI may shift us from effectiveness to uniqueness - 8B unique people 🙂 (edited)
Eric Lotze
Yeah i've been trying to make a pile of redirect pages/add categories to stuff to help, but yeah it can be bad
Mafia Freie Zone 12/20/2022 9:06 PM
I am afraid that most of the data is useless. Handing it over to indexers,... adds just more debts; back to square one - we literally know or understand nothing. I can't tell a single content language that is complete, and easy to parse/propagate, .. Adding meta data about it's completeness and intention may help a bit, in the medium term tho ..
Mafia Freie Zone 12/20/2022 9:14 PM
but alas my hands are too shakey for a clean weld - now you worry me 🙂 (edited)
Mafia Freie Zone
but alas my hands are too shakey for a clean weld - now you worry me 🙂 (edited)
Mafia Freie Zone 12/20/2022 9:21 PM
she made me understand a lot recently, disconnect, discard, ... works pretty well - what's left is ❤️
If there were no objective truths then no one could tell a lie. We all know that is not true, people lie and distort truth every single day, and you can verify this with your own direct experience. Thus the concept of “its all relative” and a simulated delusion, is another perversion to keep you off track, lead you astray into the pits of evil. ...
@Mafia Freie Zone has reached level 2. GG!
Mafia Freie Zone
but alas my hands are too shakey for a clean weld - now you worry me 🙂 (edited)
Granted i’m gonna be a bit of a buzkill here and/or i am not getting you sarcasm or whatever but i have Essential Tremor ( ) And although I only learned this after 1 year of welding trade school lol having your “Arc Length” at that constant 3mm or so is key, so although lateral shaking isn’t to big of a deal, and can be good (although the effectiveness of “weaves” vs “stringers” is debatable) so basically Essential Tremor = No Clean Welds*
12:35 AM
The slight caveat would be like “I welded, it helded” fixing a bird feeder or something really not critical like that i can probably do, but like Shipyard Work, Structural Ironworking, or Boilermaking etc is a major nada
12:37 AM
Like “why the FUCK did the hospital collapse in on itself” / “you mind explaining to me why 1/3 of the ship just snapped off” / superheated steam leak melting someone apart etc are major consequences. Granted all of that would be caught in the QC kinda phase, most often in the pre-job certifications but yee
12:38 AM
Although once i have money to burn (assuming this electrician job works out) I’ll go all villain backstory and use some crazy OPEN SOURCE ROBOTIC ARM WELDER bwahahahahaha
❇️ 1
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Mafia Freie Zone 12/21/2022 1:49 PM
Awful but still nothing compared to Precious plastic's methods. From pay or else, running contributors into bankruptcy, nepotism, to promote sorta teen slavery, you name it.
1:55 PM
Question to me remains, how could you roll out an inter national OS Organisation that is free from those abuses ? Greenpeace had similar struggles but managed after all ...
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Mafia Freie Zone 12/21/2022 5:40 PM
ye, looking at DAOs right now but can't find a good implementation, ... 'mutual trust' won't be enough ...
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
5:37 AM
I gave it a few days to see how it resolved / if more details about what happened specifically etc came out but I don’t know
5:38 AM
I’m making a sub-channel or whatever to discuss all this, and I’ll do some asking around in DMs too maybe, but yeah
Done making the channel on all that ^
6:47 AM
I pinned all the messages of me outlining the extent of what i know, so read all of those, and as of now you should be caught up?
6:49 AM
And just to reiterate we don’t know much at this point, so don’t jump to conclusions too much, since it may be just a misunderstanding or have already been resolved by now and we just haven’t heard about that
6:49 AM
It’s like 1:00 AM Local Time lol, my horrible sleep schedule is baaaaaaaack
6:50 AM
I got to head off to sleep, but I’ll try and check in earlier than i did today!
I mean there's not much evidence here for the heavy accusations
Mafia Freie Zone 12/23/2022 7:06 PM
speaking of individuals, checking the wiki commits, the OSE map, the lurkers here, ... still no idea about OSE, what's in there, it's goals, it's people, ... what about a little intro round 🙂 ? gonna make the first, 45, east german, spent a few decades mostly at the screen, same stupid & hyperactive as before - located in BCN - trying to make sense, of PP/OSE and anything related ... OS lover, anxious, bored, ... (edited)
Eric Lotze
I’m going to just leave it as a basic “Yep, I’m still alive and kickin’” for now, but i do have a pile of stuff to post/share about! (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 12/24/2022 5:21 AM
Holy SHYTE it's Eric other clucking Lotze!!!
Mafia Freie Zone 12/25/2022 11:12 PM
nice, that´s 7-15k in hardware, another 10-50k to iron out picking, ...
11:16 PM
VC capital dropped 70% (to 2021), still wondering what an international OS brand could pick 🙂
Mafia Freie Zone 1/3/2023 8:50 AM
Hey everyone, is there somebody from OSE here? I am wondering about the status of OSE. Wiki commits kinda flatlined, ... There's currently the SEED home project, on a workshop basis and the village construction set/story didn't seem to take off. I understand however that PP and OSE need proper funding, and the right people to get it beyond the proof of concept. I am about to write a followup article for Hackernews, regarding micro-manufacturing & the status of Opensource Hardware projects/efforts. I am not good at these things, perhaps somebody has other ideas. thanks a lot g
Mafia Freie Zone 1/15/2023 9:41 PM - adding this just for reasons I don't know yet still looking for a tool which generates vids, from scripts, folders, ... going for ffmpeg - substance seems to be a hard thing to come by these days 🙂
9:45 PM
'What is Open Source Manufacturing?' - in a nutshell, - an undreamed dream for dreamers 🙂
@everyone @here Get 3 months of Discord Nitro free from STEAM
Discord’s annual winter holiday celebration, Snowsgiving 2022 has come and gone! Here’s everything you need to know, from what happened at Snowsgiving to the festive events that took place, and even how we supported this year’s charity: the Crisis Text Line.
@everyone @here Get 3 months of Discord Nitro free from STEAM
Well that's annoying, @ccarrilloo .
Probably got his account hacked
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/4/2023 10:55 PM
put some thought into it, but no - freecad is by a decade off being usable in production. plugin arch, interface, etc... unless I missed something
10:57 PM
best mix for me Solidworks for design, Fusion for silly CAM and some exotics for side hustles ... plenty of companies still on MasterCam, but even them looking soon for options ...
@KatBot Retirement Fund has reached level 1. GG!
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/4/2023 11:01 PM
plenty of todos btw. | mostly about web & product config - feeding weird sw fuckery 😉
11:03 PM
to hook up FreeCad, someone with Py skills is welcome | interface templates as here :
Framework for .NET (C# and VB.NET) to create modern application for CAD systems (SOLIDWORKS)
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/13/2023 8:39 PM
Not much to report, AI aids procedural env generation - nothing new, but hey, In case you're up to Tripadvisor, don't get fooled by Bing's club recommendations: Never tried, Matrix 2.0 - Random but interesting Fun stuff OSE still resolving minor stuff about crawlers, cache && indexers - (edited)
@KatBot Retirement Fund has reached level 3. GG!
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/16/2023 8:41 AM
here we go, AI meets 'CAD', (mind the comments, 'And how much time did he spent in debugging?' 🙂
Architect and designerhas taken ChatGPT, Phyton, and Grasshopper 3D to the next level by creating connections between text and 3d modeling. By inputting prompts in natural language, he was able to seamlessly create a mathematical surface represented by points in XYZ. The most jaw-dropping aspect was the chatbot’s ability to produce Python code s...
patchworker 2/16/2023 9:25 PM
Do the VCs get used
@patchworker has reached level 1. GG!
Do the VCs get used
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/18/2023 9:21 PM
? Venture capitalists ? They're a beast of their own - they seem to be used to everything but like authenticity 🙂
9:25 PM
-------------------- DeepL wrapper getting there, translates markup, json, toml (more ?) so far. Works ok with common stuff but needs help for domain specific vocabulary. Added support for DeepL glossaries as well. Google speech API is next, funny & sexy 🥰
KatBot Retirement Fund
? Venture capitalists ? They're a beast of their own - they seem to be used to everything but like authenticity 🙂
patchworker 2/18/2023 9:26 PM
Gunter, jump in the voice channel 👋 (edited)
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/18/2023 9:27 PM
too bad, next time, my wife is already angry, seeya tom 🙂
KatBot Retirement Fund
too bad, next time, my wife is already angry, seeya tom 🙂
patchworker 2/18/2023 9:29 PM
Bring her too then (edited)
9:30 PM
9:30 PM
I don't necessarily think it'll be sufficiently cheerful
9:31 PM
But we can certainly see what open source engineering can do
🥰 1
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/18/2023 9:40 PM
any time tom, or next week - it´s sofa time - need usually 2-3 hours purging the head 🙂
But we can certainly see what open source engineering can do
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/19/2023 11:29 AM
we can certainly see what open source engineering can do - actually pretty clear and busy for the next years, implementing a new stack (documentation/marketplace/library/support, ...) which allows me to maintain verticals as 'PreciousPlastic', my own 'company's infrastructure, and perhaps OSE. Tech however changed a lot over the last 5 years and it became terribly fragmented. However, I believe that a good but disposable framework could indeed make a change, eg: helpful in developing countries, remove bottlenecks for talents/makers, etc... Other than software, I am trying to develop a modular kit about recycling (PP's aftermath), a great use-case - but lab/class-room grade, with enough extensibility to turn it into 'products' (dreaming 🙂 Eager to hear your thoughts, perhaps I am wrong about all that, and there are more urgent things to do ...
11:30 AM
This here seems to be essential, down the road - in one way or another
patchworker 2/19/2023 8:05 PM
HEPA H11+ Activated Carbon Fiber Nose Mask         HEPA H11 Capturing Airborne Virus- COVID-19, Reusable Filter (The application had been accepted for Medical Device Establishment Licence  (MEDL) by Health Canada in 2021)   Additional: 1 HEPA H11 (KN95) filter + 2 Nose Pillows Free 1. Silver ions sprayed on HEPA H11 (KN95) Filter The HEPA H11 ...
1 Anti Snoring Device. Relief to snore, give back to you a good sleep and smooth breath. Purify air pollution, allow you to breathe healthy and fresh air. 1 USB Charing Cable.
8:06 PM
patchworker 2/20/2023 1:06 AM
Powered Air-Purifying Respirator system. It includes a pre punched face cover and a filtration unit with a 3-speed fan, HEPA H13 filter, and chargeable lithium battery. Positive air flow is delivered through the face cover, providing the utmost in comfort as well as safety. It is particularly ben...
patchworker 2/20/2023 2:44 PM
@weird_hist Its weird... I now see that this is what inspired the mask worn by that plague roach character in "surviving the wasteland" cartoon on YouTube
@patchworker has reached level 2. GG!
2:46 PM
2:49 PM
This is a replacement cushion for the Philips Respironics Dreamwear Nasal Mask. Item is brand new.
2:56 PM
@Eric Lotze 🚒
patchworker 2/20/2023 3:09 PM
7:49 PM
🐙 Guides, papers, and resources for prompt engineering - GitHub - dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide: Guides, papers, and resources for prompt engineering
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/22/2023 9:30 PM
In case you can't help yourself, (weird interface tho ... ) Save your bottle lids. - always a welcome refreshing cool bath for offspringing frogs 🙂
An inexpensive, simple bird feeder that dispenses a nut for stuff and can be built from analog components and discarded or scrap objects. Rodent proof, runs on 5-6V, one moving part (vibration motor). No 3D printing or laser cutting required, just some basic hand tools. Lots of improvement and customization possibilities. Lots of possibilities f...
KatBot Retirement Fund 2/23/2023 8:05 PM
Elevator music, again - underrated -
Hey everyone, I have been staying at a hotel for a while. It’s one of those modern ones with smart TVs and other connected goodies. I got curious and opened Wireshark, as any tinkerer would do.
Any updates on the house?
Nohbdy Ahtall
Mmmmm biomass, I'm a fan of Algae and Moss Bioreactors, and I've seen a large algae farm utilize used-corn-water or something, growing giant lines of the stuff. Speaking of "pollution" I assume we can make a modular "pollution sensor". I think monitoring and sensing pollutive outputs is the first step, automation can step in as long as it knows how good/bad the outputs are!
patchworker 2/26/2023 4:27 PM
Looking for a sustainable alternative to turf grass? Consider converting to a moss lawn. The no-mow ground cover requires no fertilization and little irrigation beyond annual rainfall. Here, several gardening experts explain how to grow and care for a moss lawn.
❇️ 1
goldfishlaser#1337 joined the server. 2/26/2023 6:52 PM
life-long-learner joined the server. 3/2/2023 4:26 AM
does anyone here know where there's any more active discussion or etc
does anyone here know where there's any more active discussion or etc
KatBot Retirement Fund 3/4/2023 11:25 PM
well, let us know if you found something ... all this instant chat stuff made it worse tho, there are plenty of remarks about Discord degrading 'communities', ... (edited)
the only place where literally any updates are seems to be recent changes on the wiki
KatBot Retirement Fund 3/4/2023 11:39 PM
ye - and that kinda sucks too, As for now, and probably the next 10 years - Discourse seems to be the best option (addons, VCS,...), having long-term discussions, attracting older gens, incl. decision makers, etc... got so far a decent Typescript API around Discourse, and there's plenty tooling to make changes on GIT visible there as well. Didn't hit Ruby yet but it's literally just a few weeks to rewire OSE for that
11:42 PM
other than that, media-wiki got some Nodejs interface as well, - if that is the place of choice, to present actionables 🙂
11:46 PM
For OSE however, I'd probably opt for Gitea & Hugo & Discourse, mediawiki kinda ruined it too
KatBot Retirement Fund 3/5/2023 11:38 PM
Otherwise, if anyone want's to toy around, I can spin up another instance/copy of the osr-plastic Discourse forum, for OSE. It's a decent setup, running flawless since 3 years. we host projects and sites since 20 years 🙂 I'd like to emphasize again that good forum posts invite likewise minded folks to great long term discussions.
11:44 PM
Actually amazing, you could run most of the essential infrastructure, as forum, storefront, wiki, ... on a pocket computer. Lost a bit track about container management (rancher), but I'd be delighted if someone could help with that too.
cro%shay joined the server. 3/17/2023 8:02 PM
KatBot Retirement Fund 4/3/2023 9:39 PM
ei ei, Patriot missiles - system is $1B, missile is $1-6M **a pop.**
I'm not really sure why he's getting into Ukraine war stuff tbh
😁 1
11:52 PM
Is his plan to make open source missile systems? I was just hoping for the modular house stuff to be available for sale
Nohbdy Ahtall 4/5/2023 2:32 PM
For those of us who believe in defunding the military and putting that money into things indeed like housing, yes, this is a strange focus.
2:33 PM
Anyhow, AI/ChatGPT talked to me about OSE & GVCS so that was nifty. GVCS as a context point in general is very valuable.
2:35 PM
Oh and in other news this AI stuff is so mega-bombastically life changing. In the infinite hallucinogenic trip of wtf is going on that is to come, I hope we do a crapton of egalitarian benevolent things, firstly. (edited)
💯 2
DiggnDeeper 4/5/2023 4:54 PM
I think it narrows the gap for DIYers to do more and higher quality dev.
I think it narrows the gap for DIYers to do more and higher quality dev.
Nohbdy Ahtall 4/6/2023 2:04 AM
That has been one of my biggest favorite things I think about
KatBot Retirement Fund 4/11/2023 9:42 PM
well, what about fixing / saving the world, another wide spread ubiquitous attempt apparently, this world seems to be currently in an limbo, waking up whilst maintaining the status quo, not loosing face 2023, I am so excited 😐
9:49 PM
Dont watch this if you’re alergic to Truth. Delusion abound in a world that glorifies satanism and scoffs at Goodness. Learn real life skills that matter via my seminar “building integrity and charactet in service to God, Truth & Purpose. #wisdom
>how to fix evil
This is very strange post. Feels like a bot
Tbh because there is no objective good or evil, this is basically impossible. Moral value is determined by conditions of natural selection rather than some sort of objective immutable source. Even if one super system were to take over the world, on a long enough time horizon natural selection would act up on its subcomponents and fragmentation + dissipation would occur due to factionalization
11:44 PM
If anything I just wish he'd focus on more down to earth things like the house stuff he was working on instead of trying to dream big while having no resources to do anything with it
Tbh because there is no objective good or evil, this is basically impossible. Moral value is determined by conditions of natural selection rather than some sort of objective immutable source. Even if one super system were to take over the world, on a long enough time horizon natural selection would act up on its subcomponents and fragmentation + dissipation would occur due to factionalization
KatBot Retirement Fund 4/12/2023 11:20 PM
'no objective good or evil', well - I think we all can still make a bad mf* from a better guy - didn't wrap my head around, but there's a bit intro here 'Natural Law' - kinda latched on it, a sweet bitter red pill - I like the idea of the article somehow, the objectives however are arguable dreamful, a bit off but why not - I am sure one can nail the new 10 commandments on one sheet.
11:23 PM
Imagine, we'd have an app, everyone could vote/vouch to abandon the war on drugs, ...
11:24 PM
w h e w
7:38 PM
i am back after forever and this is b a d that it has been this long and hopefully any fires have not happened but i am at the library at school after getting off early (1:00 instead of 5:30) and am waiting for a ride so i have plenty of time to catch up for once so WHEW time to get to work
I'm not really sure why he's getting into Ukraine war stuff tbh
Granted i can't read minds, so i want to make that clear i can't speak for others and whatnot, but he is a first/seccond (idk which) generation from Poland so i think there is probably some relation to Ukraine's situation in the family memory, but again speculation, probably something neat to talk about if the vibe is ever right if/when i go there in person!
7:45 PM
And the ethics get very concerning given it can be used by anyone (and thus would probably be used for horrible things), but the concept of Ukraine (or in some alternative history, the Paris Commune / Revolutionary Catalonia in the Spanish Civil War, having like an open source armarda/maginot line makes me smile at times lol)
Time for some severe chat thread necomancy s o r r y b u t i m u s t o r b r a i n w i l l i t c h
KatBot Retirement Fund
In case you can't help yourself, (weird interface tho ... ) Save your bottle lids. - always a welcome refreshing cool bath for offspringing frogs 🙂
This thing was super cool, although my one concern is dependency forming leading to some weird (sub) species that basically exists to bio-mine the wild. Almost like those bugs in that sequal to "Ender's Game"...but less cool since like ecosystem dysruption If you got some good facial (?, idk birds are odd) recognition going you could maybe make it so each bird can only do so like 10 times a day or so so they still have to hunt/forage to live not just use t h e m o n o l i t h t h a t b r i n g s g i f t s (edited)
any news?
Not really i haven't worked on much short of school, other than the YouTube playlists if you even count that as work lol (edited)
7:58 PM
Even pre-job i have a bit of money i can spend on some hardware/a project so i could maybe build one
7:58 PM
The fans required are ~25 USD each so 75 just for that at least, so not cheap, but not ultra-expensive
7:59 PM
On a Related tangent, OPEN SOURCE CRYOGENS LET'S GOOOOOOOO No playlist on there end, but watch this first (failed) one on the subject (edited)
8:01 PM
Then THIS ONE where not only do they work on the concept more and get damn near to their final goal of Solid CO2 Temperatures, but also MAKE ETHYLENE FROM ETHANOL
8:01 PM
which is HUGE for #bio-petrochemistry and i can probably gush about it there post-catching up with the discord (edited)
So on another note seems like a pile of the activity was just @ccarrilloo#4766 posting a pile of spam for some scam
8:26 PM
Are they still alive/human or should i just report and ban the account itself?
8:27 PM
8:27 PM
how odd
8:49 PM
I think i put out all the bot caused fires, double check me on that, and am caught up now!
8:49 PM
At least on this discord channel
8:51 PM
my carpool ride is here, so i have to log off this school library computer and go home, so will be switching over to mobile hopefully, but i got to go for now
It worked! Am here now too
3:03 AM
3:04 AM
I posted some comments in there but just ALL THE POINTS THEY MADE AAAAAAAAAA
3:05 AM
This has been something that has been bugging me / I thought needed covered and they just made this well written video essay for free that (near-) perfectly sums up my views on all this absolute LEGEND.
Forgive me for doing the forbidden ping, but:
6:21 PM
Eric Lotze
Forgive me for doing the forbidden ping, but:
KatBot Retirement Fund 4/29/2023 7:22 PM
lovely, looks like they're getting there, still 2-5 years for a 'idea to market' framework / toolkit - biggest blocker is still CAD, and everything around
@KatBot Retirement Fund has reached level 6. GG!
They are talking about a five axis laser cutter right now
8:11 PM
(Last speaker at the beginning of post-lunch break was on e r g o n on m i c s and i need to contact them on their discord!)
8:11 PM
(Which the OSHWA has!, I’ll add the link to #other-open-source-groups later)
KatBot Retirement Fund 4/29/2023 8:40 PM
'comments turned off', lucky them 🥷💃 😎 (edited)
KatBot Retirement Fund
'comments turned off', lucky them 🥷💃 😎 (edited)
…because it’s a livestream and the live comments (a button next to the like button) are the only thing that work
My laptop converted it’s second battery into a pillow:
10:50 PM
10:51 PM
It seems to be running just off wall adapter power, but now the wifi is being odd!
10:56 PM
I’ll open it up again and see if the antenna came loose or something
Yeah it did, must have come loose mid me messing with the battery.
11:26 PM
fingers crossed all good now though
KatBot Retirement Fund 5/2/2023 8:48 PM
Anyone knows an AI filter for Chrome ? My streams are now flooded ... Apparently clients and producers mount the trouble for themselves, complaints are piling up - today its 'AI ...whatever', tomorrow its 'AI Free' - history repeats, just like after Snowden, anything with 'Secure ...' sells
8:49 PM
Seen now even services producing your own mini-me, after granting full access, my cats will be happy 💃
KatBot Retirement Fund 5/4/2023 8:58 PM
Get your popcorn ready, big firms getting cold feets - 'Language models on a Toaster' - lovely - it's OS in the end 🥰 (edited)
👀 1
9:00 PM
@gptboss 40.0k Followers, 160 Following, 4510 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by GPT Boss
They haven't caught up to open source hardware yet
👍 2
They haven't caught up to open source hardware yet
KatBot Retirement Fund 5/5/2023 8:06 PM
I doubt they ever will. Every cell phone, every chip still relies on lithography, there are just a few vendors who mastered this, (edited)
Eric Lotze 5/6/2023 2:24 AM
That machine is WILD
2:25 AM
Almost like Inertial Confinement Fusion craziness, but the target is moving molten metal, AND they lens the light that comes off of it, but just with mirrors
2:30 AM
and that happens 50,000 times per second
Eric Lotze
That machine is WILD
KatBot Retirement Fund 5/6/2023 8:13 PM
Nailed, embraces my enthusiasm and beliefs we can do better - I wouldn't mind a walkman - here the DIY lithography in the basement
KatBot Retirement Fund 5/11/2023 7:13 PM
In case, you're still traumatized by the last OSHW live summit, give 'AI meets Design' a chance 😉
Deleted User joined the server. 5/13/2023 11:30 PM
Saphnich joined the server. 5/13/2023 11:33 PM
Hello New People!
i h a v e n o f u c k i n i d e a
1:41 AM
also best not be terf stuff
1:42 AM
Granted idk what the day to day happenings are (making assumptions on such limited info is...bad), but i am not too much of a fan of the philosophy stuff lol, i'm just like do the thing, not go all c o n s u l t i n g esque talk
1:42 AM
idk what the term is but yee
I'll need to read the bom, but i lowkey want to make this now ngl
2:49 AM
and finally get a pile of bearings + metric bolts/nuts + threaded inserts
2:50 AM
also may want to make this to hold a soldering iron for thermal inserts
2:51 AM
granted then i'd need to learn FreeCAD Finally to make the mount for a soldering iron lol
2:51 AM
I might have a free week or so pre getting a job,
2:51 AM
Would anyone be interested in struggling to learn FreeCAD as a group? (edited)
lazy_engineer joined the server. 6/6/2023 11:57 AM
Click to see original message
Eric Lotze 6/7/2023 1:22 AM
Click to see original message
lazy_engineer 6/7/2023 9:54 AM
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 5:06 AM
Yeah so proper hello time , I’ve been a bit if a mess natural me would be staying up late answering/discussing things so i am trying to push wake up earlier in case i need to wake up at 5:00 am local time again
5:06 AM
5:08 AM
@lazy_engineer How are you? Also I’m terrible with keeping track of names and whatnot/ the wiki is a bit of a mess, but anywho how how did you find out about ose/what is especially neat to you?
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 5:24 AM
I’m the server’s resident #bio-petrochemistry nerd. Also just open source all the things even to an impractical/goofy level enthusiasm.
5:25 AM
Also if you ever have any questions about the wiki etc, i can try and be a sherpa of sorts. It uses really old search engune technology so something as simple as Capitalization, Spelling, or ESPECIALLY making something Plural can make it not show up.
5:27 AM
I am adding category links to most pages now, so eventually (and to a certain extent now) typing “Category: “ (with that space at the end) should show a bunch of category options, and and just let yourself fall into a Wikipedia style rabbit hole.
the original OSE founder isn't really here nor are any mods, but I do know of a guy with an open source EDM milling machine project whose server might be a nice hangout space
the original OSE founder isn't really here nor are any mods, but I do know of a guy with an open source EDM milling machine project whose server might be a nice hangout space
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 5:33 AM
Yep decently quiet for now.
5:33 AM
They all came on for video conferences/a simucast during that summer extreme build or whatever which was somewhat neat.
5:34 AM
A lot if it is just people being busy too I’d imagine. We’ll see how my new job goes, but when i was in welding school/electrical school i was barely on.
5:35 AM
I do try and dump anything and everything interesting into the #readers-digest channek, so keeping up with that (and adding it it, feel free to, with beat diy/os projects etc) (edited)
there was some drama about the open source house project that im not sure what happened with
👀 1
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 5:36 AM
Yeah i just need to get out there sometime
5:36 AM
Get actual hands on knowledge and video
and I don't have access to whatever the no access channel is sorry
and I don't have access to whatever the no access channel is sorry
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 5:37 AM
Short of the one person saying things on the wiki then deleting them i saw nothing else in it, so it’s in archive for now.
5:39 AM
Interpersonal stuff can be messy and i hope that can be prevented, granted OS/DIY/Self Sufficiency can draw in some Doomsday Prepper / Odd types sometimes i guess. I don’t know if I posted it on-discord or on-wiki, but “Maggie May Fish” did a great video on that issue with some of the Off Grid Influencer types, some off grid channel was Also saying a critique of the ones that do eternal “the end is nigh” type clickbait.
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 5:48 AM
5:49 AM
I’m heading off to bed, I’ll try and be online tomorrow more. I am on mobile now so that helps.
5:50 AM
Between donating blood (feeling drained, i guess to an extent quite literally lol), and then short notice babysitting of my younger brother, I sadly didn’t get anything done on-wiki this afternoon/tonight oof
5:50 AM
But yeah
5:50 AM
Should be on in the morning/early afternoon EST
Eric Lotze
I do try and dump anything and everything interesting into the #readers-digest channek, so keeping up with that (and adding it it, feel free to, with beat diy/os projects etc) (edited)
lazy_engineer 6/9/2023 8:43 AM
That channel is not accessible, shows the No Access channel
Arcane BOT 6/9/2023 8:43 AM
@lazy_engineer has reached level 3. GG!
lazy_engineer 6/9/2023 8:45 AM
Thanks for all the info. I already knew OSE in the past, here by curiosity but can't practically get involved. Might do an internship in Germany and heard ose Germany is doing more things than anywhere else in Europe
👀 1
8:48 AM
And yeah human coordination is always the tough factor, gotta master the art of leading people, can't just rationalize some people-coordination plan or evict all incompatibles until it works, cause it doesn't. Building a team, then a community, then a movement, is very hard, politicians are doing a hard job tbh. It's all subtle psychology, understanding group dynamics. Stuff engineers don't wanna mess with. Making money, good business models, is a great incentive otherwise
💯 1
That channel is not accessible, shows the No Access channel
Eric Lotze 6/9/2023 6:16 PM
Fixed it!
6:16 PM
Still learning discord.
6:18 PM
I leaned how to hide text, which you do by adding “||” to each side akin to how you can use “*” for bold/italic
6:19 PM
Ends up looking like this
6:19 PM
Can also press and hold on images being added on mobile to give them a similar effect.
6:21 PM
I gave double red blood cells yesterday instead of whole blood (they just had the capability, and i have some boring blood type, and heck why not) it is a bit more complex so was sharing that over on SciHub Inc’s discord, but did all that for people freaked out by blood/needles and all that.
TechnoPagan joined the server. 6/14/2023 8:55 PM
Anne vs the Mafia joined the server. 7/9/2023 9:49 PM
303adastra joined the server. 7/11/2023 5:23 PM
Hello new people!
👋 1
4:34 PM
Pre-Me Catching Up:
4:35 PM
I Recently Got a Full Time Job as an Entry Level Electrician for a local company! 🥳 (This does mean I’ll be on here waaaaaaaay less (similar schedule/level of tiredness in offtime to when i took that welding class), so I’ll probably pin this in case people are wondering where I am at times)
Eric Lotze pinned a message to this channel. 7/12/2023 4:36 PM
4:37 PM
(Jnxing jt now), but slow day today (“hurry up and wait” for others to get from another jobsite to this one etc) so I’ll try and check around discord and maybe the wiki (mobile is hard) today
Hello everyone! Hope I'm not too late to the party... Just recently discovered/joined the OSE discord server, but been a distant fan of OSE for a while. Quick intro; I recently moved to a country home in Yavapai county, Arizona, with the intention of eventually developing a self-sustaining homestead. I'm also quite involved with the open-source hardware (OSHW) community - in fact I've been working with a non-profit called Mach 30 (whose SME's have a background in aerospace and model-based systems engineering) developing an open framework and tooling for what software developers would consider to be a package manager specifically for distributed OSHW and hope to share it with the OSE community once we've published an initial release. Also curious as to what OSE projects are close to a documented and working prototype, if that's not too much to ask, as I'm also looking to build a kind of distributed RepRap-style fablab catered for homesteading and small-scale farming, and am willing to collaborate/contribute back to OSE where I can. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi 👋
👋 3
👀 1
Hey @303adastra, nice to meet you. What sort of systems are you interested in prototyping for homesteading?
👋 1
12:19 AM
@Eric Lotze congrats on the job, maybe you'll have less time but more resources now?
Hey @303adastra, nice to meet you. What sort of systems are you interested in prototyping for homesteading?
I live on a 1 acre property with a lot of compact soil that's hard to till, so the OSE soil pulverizer is kind of the first item on my list
Interesting, I happen to have an acre of land for agriculture as well, but it's getting too late into the season for growing very much. Only managed a few chickpeas successfully because I didn't have a tiller.
12:33 AM
Have you considered building up soil? Something like a huglekultur?
Have you considered building up soil? Something like a huglekultur?
I have not. I'm still rather new to horticulture and permaculture, so I'll have to look into it
@303adastra has reached level 1. GG!
I've been pretty interested in open source software for permaculture planning as well as hexapods for gardening
12:41 AM
I'm not sure how well large-scale commercial machines are able to used on a small scale, so I am interested in what the smallest/cheapest viable system for automated gardening would be
12:41 AM
I think smarter/cheaper is the way here
I've been pretty interested in open source software for permaculture planning as well as hexapods for gardening
12:43 AM
something like this, although Antdroid was never ported to FreeCAD I think
12:43 AM
not sure if it will work 😅
I'm not sure how well large-scale commercial machines are able to used on a small scale, so I am interested in what the smallest/cheapest viable system for automated gardening would be
I'm currently in the process of building a geodesic greenhouse dome out of 3D printed joints for enclosing an experimental growbed + JohnsonSu compost bin, where the compost acts as a source of carbon dioxide and thermal mass for the growbeds. Geodesic because we get a lot of wind here in Chino Valley, AZ
I'm currently in the process of building a geodesic greenhouse dome out of 3D printed joints for enclosing an experimental growbed + JohnsonSu compost bin, where the compost acts as a source of carbon dioxide and thermal mass for the growbeds. Geodesic because we get a lot of wind here in Chino Valley, AZ
that's super cool. geodesic domes are amazing hehe
how easy would it be to extend a geodesic dome into a geodesic sausage?
🤔 1
@Talos 2.0 has reached level 1. GG!
Talos 2.0
how easy would it be to extend a geodesic dome into a geodesic sausage?
you could probably find some algorithm that can procedurally output this
🤦‍♂️ 2
🙂 1
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 12:53 AM
Fusion 360 'supports' 'generative design' - recently, just don't know it's able to make a sausage from it 😉
easiest method I can think of is take a geodesic dome, cut it in half, then make repeating segments
12:55 AM
303adastra started a thread. 7/22/2023 12:56 AM
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 12:56 AM
looks like an amazing excercise in SCAD 🙂
Curious, are there any OSE projects considering/applying for OSHWA certification or is there still much development to be made?
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 1:03 AM
not that I am aware of, didnt expect OSE bothering about OSHWA anyways, ..
🙁 1
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 1. GG!
Anne vs the Gang
not that I am aware of, didnt expect OSE bothering about OSHWA anyways, ..
That's ashame. I'd like to help with that effort, if there's any interest, as I've gone through the process of OSHWA certifying a project and am currently helping develop an approach that would help ease of certification/recertification (edited)
👀 1
I think that the GVCS would need to be developed further before it makes sense, as currently nobody is distributing any of these machines profitably at scale
1:27 AM
OSE is more concerned about considering openness of process rather than the final product compared to other OSH projects
💯 1
at some point there is gonna be like a git/Github for OSH... I don't think anything popular exists yet?
Anne vs the Gang
not that I am aware of, didnt expect OSE bothering about OSHWA anyways, ..
at some point there is gonna be like a git/Github for OSH... I don't think anything popular exists yet?
OSHW projects are already being managed in git / hosted on GitHub
OSHW projects are already being managed in git / hosted on GitHub
Granted, it's a bit of a wild west as far as how we're all managing the file structure, but they're persistent and version controlled in files nonetheless
OSE uses wiki templates, I think it's pretty good to standardize and link products
1:40 AM
at the same time, it can be difficult. for example when building the D3D it contains a submodule that's on a different page as part of the build but it's difficult to figure that out 😵
💯 1
1:40 AM
and... I don't think people are instancing templates frequently so it's a bit of dark magic
1:41 AM
I think one thing that could be helpful is building out a graph hierarchy that links from the GVCS down to the individual CAD parts
OSE uses wiki templates, I think it's pretty good to standardize and link products
What are your thoughts on migrating away from wiki templates as the project source and instead capture the source of the project data (BOMs, assembly instructions, supporting material, etc.) in a unified human and machine readable data model that can persist on the local filesystem, so that we can both version and manage the OSHW project source like a software package?
What are your thoughts on migrating away from wiki templates as the project source and instead capture the source of the project data (BOMs, assembly instructions, supporting material, etc.) in a unified human and machine readable data model that can persist on the local filesystem, so that we can both version and manage the OSHW project source like a software package?
A new generation of collaborative software that allows users to retain ownership of their data.
👍 1
What are your thoughts on migrating away from wiki templates as the project source and instead capture the source of the project data (BOMs, assembly instructions, supporting material, etc.) in a unified human and machine readable data model that can persist on the local filesystem, so that we can both version and manage the OSHW project source like a software package?
More or less regurgitating the methodology discussed here
More or less regurgitating the methodology discussed here
still watching this
👍 1
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 1:50 AM
OSE uses wiki templates, I think it's pretty good to standardize and link products, amen that - just that the web & tech moved about 2-3 generations past Wikimedia. Plugins, codebase, ... became unmanagable ... (edited)
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 2:05 AM
newer markup languages as ASCI Doc are somewhat of the least worries I have, underlying and always changing APIs are ... (edited)
Anne vs the Gang
OSE uses wiki templates, I think it's pretty good to standardize and link products, amen that - just that the web & tech moved about 2-3 generations past Wikimedia. Plugins, codebase, ... became unmanagable ... (edited)
As mentioned in Mach 30's talk, I think OSHW will forever be a generation or so behind OSS until we focus less on tooling (by leveraging existing tools already used for managing software on the local filesystem) and instead collaborate on a unified approach to persisting the data needed to create/modify/use OSHW
💃 1
As mentioned in Mach 30's talk, I think OSHW will forever be a generation or so behind OSS until we focus less on tooling (by leveraging existing tools already used for managing software on the local filesystem) and instead collaborate on a unified approach to persisting the data needed to create/modify/use OSHW
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 1:49 PM
for the interested reader, here some practical examples of Mach30 : Unfortunatly, man links to peer projects are broke...
1:50 PM
Would love to know how these datastructures look like at scale, eg: SAP ...
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 4:33 PM
here's what I end up with, validation (JSON schema !?) and gui is still missing : more headache is guaranteed when maintaining older 'products' 🙂
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 2. GG!
Anne vs the Gang
Would love to know how these datastructures look like at scale, eg: SAP ...
Anne vs the Gang
here's what I end up with, validation (JSON schema !?) and gui is still missing : more headache is guaranteed when maintaining older 'products' 🙂
Not sure what I'm looking at. Is osr-plastic another git project hosting platform like github/gitlab/bitbucket?
Anne vs the Gang 7/22/2023 5:43 PM
SAP is THE software to run logistics, warehouse, etc... - you could study it for 10+ years We're using 'gitea' - painless all-in-one binary, got kicked on Github, thanks to our friends, .. lost almost a decade of work there - anyway, not looking back 🙂
5:44 PM
'component.ts' is still immature but represents the meta overhead to maintain 'products' accross various platforms
rajavlitra joined the server. 7/23/2023 12:02 PM
👋 2
@rajavlitra has reached level 1. GG!
@303adastra has reached level 3. GG!
Anne vs the Gang
here's what I end up with, validation (JSON schema !?) and gui is still missing : more headache is guaranteed when maintaining older 'products' 🙂
I'm confused. Is this a schema validator that OSE is using for their OSHW projects?
I'm confused. Is this a schema validator that OSE is using for their OSHW projects?
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 9:19 AM
not yet 😉 - it's more of a hobby of mine, nothing to do with OSE/OSHW, yet. But with some luck we have a toolkit, for validation, scaffolding/boilerplating OSHW projects, and products, by the end of the year. Still figuring how to integrate electronics, and a few other fabrication methods. There are no standards (if you need them ;), except ISO (paid, in the thousands). And for language agnostic data, there's just JSONSchema, and it has it's limitations also. Kinda fishing expedition ... (edited)
Anne vs the Gang
not yet 😉 - it's more of a hobby of mine, nothing to do with OSE/OSHW, yet. But with some luck we have a toolkit, for validation, scaffolding/boilerplating OSHW projects, and products, by the end of the year. Still figuring how to integrate electronics, and a few other fabrication methods. There are no standards (if you need them ;), except ISO (paid, in the thousands). And for language agnostic data, there's just JSONSchema, and it has it's limitations also. Kinda fishing expedition ... (edited)
Is the tooling based around any particular file structure?
Anne vs the Gang
not yet 😉 - it's more of a hobby of mine, nothing to do with OSE/OSHW, yet. But with some luck we have a toolkit, for validation, scaffolding/boilerplating OSHW projects, and products, by the end of the year. Still figuring how to integrate electronics, and a few other fabrication methods. There are no standards (if you need them ;), except ISO (paid, in the thousands). And for language agnostic data, there's just JSONSchema, and it has it's limitations also. Kinda fishing expedition ... (edited)
Would it support CRUD operations on data representing something like a bill of materials?
Is the tooling based around any particular file structure?
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 4:14 PM
yes, at the moment it's more or less like this : Whereby I am still trying to get 'options' (Solidworks configurations) under the same hood. I like the idea using the NPM package registry (as Mach30), enabling semantic versioning on components. In reality it's rather messy, had a look at mono-repo techniques as Lerna, but not entirely sure it's the right way. CRUD: yes, there's also a shell planned, creating, updating components from templates
4:14 PM
Perhaps I am adding this behind an API for gui some day ...
4:21 PM
here some design diagrams : (drawio) the hard part is done: translations, task scheduler, media conversion, ... now it's just stitching it altogether, unit tests, ... it's working already for me, to run the company, and maintain side projects as preciousplastic :-))) (edited)
4:21 PM
idea is to provide a full OS based tech stack, from tooling, to forum, and a shop ... (edited)
Anne vs the Gang
yes, at the moment it's more or less like this : Whereby I am still trying to get 'options' (Solidworks configurations) under the same hood. I like the idea using the NPM package registry (as Mach30), enabling semantic versioning on components. In reality it's rather messy, had a look at mono-repo techniques as Lerna, but not entirely sure it's the right way. CRUD: yes, there's also a shell planned, creating, updating components from templates
Sorry, having a bit of trouble navigating this repo. Is there an example of what the data model for how a bill of materials would look like and persist on disk?
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 4:24 PM
damn, now you got me - nah, BOMs remain a mystery to me, currently I am trying to generate it from the Solidworks files, then sync it with a Google-Sheet to add options and alternatives, well - and translations.
Anne vs the Gang
damn, now you got me - nah, BOMs remain a mystery to me, currently I am trying to generate it from the Solidworks files, then sync it with a Google-Sheet to add options and alternatives, well - and translations.
Yeah, I don't think having something like a Google sheet as the "source" for your OSHW project is the right approach. That data needs to persist on disk in a line-oriented plaintext human and machine readable data format that we can CRUD if we ever want to actually manage/maintain OSHW like OSS
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 4:29 PM
sure, Google-Sheets adds just convenience (cloud based editing, sales department, ... ), got tooling to sync it back to a file - np 🙂
4:30 PM
anyway, still 6 months ahead to iron this out, will let you know. will look again at OSE then too.
4:33 PM
here btw. another deployment target of the system: Discourse, absolutely love it : - that adds the 'feedback' loop as described in ISO9001 - I hope I get away with that 😉
Anne vs the Gang
sure, Google-Sheets adds just convenience (cloud based editing, sales department, ... ), got tooling to sync it back to a file - np 🙂
At the cost of having the cloud services own your data, but I understand the convenience factor
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 5:04 PM
well, I must admit, Google delivers a great service, can't tell how many services I am using but it's in the 100e or so per month, gmail (custom domain), docs, analytics, ....
5:05 PM
as one-man show not much choices ...
hey I'm gonna be hanging out in the audio channel, working on parsing through the OSE/wikipedia website/charts to create a knowledge graph data structure for fun and to better approach village/economics planning for osh (maybe to query with natural language), feel free to chat
💃 1
mainly interested in this because open source hardware needs to be adapted to distinct climate/resource/culture scenarios.... building a global village will look different depending on location and team constraints. something like graphml could be used to pathfind an ideal village technology development dependency graph
👍 1
gvcs = ['3D Printer', '3D Scanner', 'Aluminum Extractor', 'Backhoe', 'Bakery Oven', 'Baler', 'Bioplastic Extruder', 'Bulldozer', 'Car', 'CEB Press', 'Cement Mixer', 'Chipper Hammermill', 'CNC Circuit Mill', 'CNC Torch Table', 'Dairy Milker', 'Drill Press', 'Electric Motor Generator', 'Gasifier Burner', 'Hay Cutter', 'Hay Rake', 'Hydraulic Motor', 'Induction Furnace', 'Industrial Robot', 'Ironworker', 'Laser Cutter', 'Metal Roller', 'Microcombine', 'Microtractor', 'Multimachine', 'Nickel-Iron Battery', 'Pelletizer', 'Plasma Cutter', 'Power Cube', 'Press Forge', 'Rod and Wire Mill', 'Rototiller', 'Sawmill', 'Seeder', 'Solar Concentrator', 'Spader', 'Steam Engine', 'Steam Generator', 'Tractor', 'Trencher', 'Truck', 'Universal Power Supply', 'Universal Rotor', 'Welder', 'Well-Drilling Rig', 'Wind Turbine']
mainly interested in this because open source hardware needs to be adapted to distinct climate/resource/culture scenarios.... building a global village will look different depending on location and team constraints. something like graphml could be used to pathfind an ideal village technology development dependency graph
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 8:01 PM
remember, that graph might be dynamic, have a look at SERP :, integrating this to add options/alternatives to static data (edited)
I typically just use Selenium with chrome for web search haha (edited)
🤗 1
8:02 PM
Yeah, I definitely think using the web as a resource for dynamic language queries is critical
8:02 PM
for example, you could look up the price of various goods to determine which economic paths are the most viable
8:03 PM
I find it fascinating that 3D Scanner is part of the GVCS... even though I apprenticed there... I couldn't name every machine off the top of my head (edited)
8:04 PM
but I would be interested in seeing alternative machine bootstrapping workflows (for example I don't want a Dairy milker, but a mechanical dispenser/electrical burner for making plant milk)
8:05 PM
I am starting to think something like a 'procedurally generated vcs' would be cool to see
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 8:11 PM
Ye, Sooner or later, static content might fade away, even though AI is feeding from it. No idea ... Asking it for mechanical problems is already impressive, (and funny,, using ChatGPT - Poe, and there's CLAUDE now ... ) - we might become all prompt engineers, to be replaced as well 🙂 still waiting to see the dust settled .. here's a plug'n play boilerplate for SERP : - and there's a NodeJs client for media-wiki too somewhere ...
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 3. GG!
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 8:14 PM
ChatGPT - Poe sessions are permanent, it's fun to ask 'are you really sure?' 🙂
I think that gpt is a good tool for extracting knowledge graphs, but there are still many limits
8:15 PM
for example, parsing visual and video documents, it is inaccurate
Anne vs the Gang 7/24/2023 8:17 PM
good to know, still waiting for offline models, with less than 16 GPUs 😉 the new 'claude' engine seems to outperform chatgpt quite a bit, didn't try but takes up 75000 words
8:17 PM
but again, I think it's just a matter of doing the right prompt
@rajavlitra the first step in this is probably producing charcoal, have you done that before?
Anne vs the Gang 7/25/2023 12:02 AM
faith in humanity restored, CAM basic code, in FreeCAD : - made my day, hats off
@rajavlitra the first step in this is probably producing charcoal, have you done that before?
Hello everyone! Hope I'm not too late to the party... Just recently discovered/joined the OSE discord server, but been a distant fan of OSE for a while. Quick intro; I recently moved to a country home in Yavapai county, Arizona, with the intention of eventually developing a self-sustaining homestead. I'm also quite involved with the open-source hardware (OSHW) community - in fact I've been working with a non-profit called Mach 30 (whose SME's have a background in aerospace and model-based systems engineering) developing an open framework and tooling for what software developers would consider to be a package manager specifically for distributed OSHW and hope to share it with the OSE community once we've published an initial release. Also curious as to what OSE projects are close to a documented and working prototype, if that's not too much to ask, as I'm also looking to build a kind of distributed RepRap-style fablab catered for homesteading and small-scale farming, and am willing to collaborate/contribute back to OSE where I can. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi 👋
Hullo! Sorry it took me forever to get around to this!
👋 1
5:12 PM
That sounds really neat!, I’m not too crazy about deserts (although i guess compared to Florida here, at least humidity is low so sweat still works lol), but that will be really cool to see how all that goes
🥵 1
I live on a 1 acre property with a lot of compact soil that's hard to till, so the OSE soil pulverizer is kind of the first item on my list
I’m not the best on knowing all of it (and also don’t want to be rambling like i know what I’m talking about only to find you had a phd in something like this etc!), but from what i know: Looking up what the agricultural zone your area is Then also a (Professional) Soil Test + Figuring out what your area’s sun is like Also what happens when it rains (where it flows, how often all (on a more local microclimate kind of way though) ) Then from all that you do your planning on what to do.
at the same time, it can be difficult. for example when building the D3D it contains a submodule that's on a different page as part of the build but it's difficult to figure that out 😵
I’ve been trying to interlink pages and especially add categories (so one could go to a category and read all sorts of pages not necessarily interlinked or in the same project, but thematically related) but it is definitely still a work in progress
5:19 PM
Debating whether to add my ramblings to the thread or maybe create a subset of the planning bit but for agriculture/honesteads?
5:19 PM
I have a pile of thoughts on all that
5:25 PM
ALRIGHTY i made a category for #soil-stuff and one for #farms-and-honesteads-in-general
👍 1
That's ashame. I'd like to help with that effort, if there's any interest, as I've gone through the process of OSHWA certifying a project and am currently helping develop an approach that would help ease of certification/recertification (edited)
I’m team getting stuff OSHW certified. I think that helps with overall visibility, and also, along with CE, FCC and whatever all those other certifications are, it makes sure you are complying with everything you need to be and that all your “ducks are in a row”
5:34 PM
I have no idea how all the bureaucracy works, but i would assume that it wouldn’t be too hard short of paperwork given how OSE’s stuff is already open source / mostly documented?
Eric Lotze
That sounds really neat!, I’m not too crazy about deserts (although i guess compared to Florida here, at least humidity is low so sweat still works lol), but that will be really cool to see how all that goes
Oof. Yup, that's advantage to the desert; evaporative coolers actually work 😅
I keep on getting ads for one of them and i am like that will not work here!!
5:43 PM
Although indo want to attempt to make one of those Desiccant-Humidifier (for lack of a better name) ones
5:44 PM
That thingamajig
Eric Lotze
I’m not the best on knowing all of it (and also don’t want to be rambling like i know what I’m talking about only to find you had a phd in something like this etc!), but from what i know: Looking up what the agricultural zone your area is Then also a (Professional) Soil Test + Figuring out what your area’s sun is like Also what happens when it rains (where it flows, how often all (on a more local microclimate kind of way though) ) Then from all that you do your planning on what to do.
No phd or formal education in soil testing, so I appreciate the insight. All I know is that I live in a hardiness zone 7b with an average rainfall of ~1.8 inches in August (most rainy month) - least being ~0.2 inches in June
👍 1
Yeah I’m no expert either, but that’s a great start!
🧑‍🌾 1
I live on a 1 acre property with a lot of compact soil that's hard to till, so the OSE soil pulverizer is kind of the first item on my list
I’ll probably ramble about this in #farms-and-honesteads-in-general , but if i remember correctly in Austrialia’s desert-ey areas they have mad major success with that Subsurface Ripping stuff (Granted I’d have to read up on the site more, uncertain on the whole terraforming the desert bit)
👀 1
5:48 PM
And Geodesic domes are really neat!
5:48 PM
Let me dig for some links on all that
5:49 PM
The ones at that “Eden Projectl or whatever used some Fluropolymer, i was looking into the Chlorine variant a while back
5:52 PM
Probably enough link spam though!
Eric Lotze
I have no idea how all the bureaucracy works, but i would assume that it wouldn’t be too hard short of paperwork given how OSE’s stuff is already open source / mostly documented?
Getting the licensing all in place is perhaps what took the longest for the project I helped get certified, as you need licenses for hardware (s.a., a CERN-OHL-P), software (s.a., MIT), and documentation (s.a., CC-By-4.0). It can get particularly messy with re-certification of new release OSHW projects, especially if you're building off other existing (certified?) OSHW projects. Hence, why I'm helping develop a methodology (off which multiple tool implementers can build off of) with the Mach 30 foundation to specify how we should be persisting OSHW data (s.a., a bill of materials and assembly instructions) on the local filesystem, so we can easily branch/fork/merge OSHW (using distributed version control tools, s.a., git) as well as manage subcomponents (albeit parts or tools), with their associated licenses, as if they were npm package dependencies (re-posting message link to aforementioned methodology here (edited)
👀 1
Ah okay, so the paperwork is way more complex than i figured. Good thing we have you working on it then! (And yeah commonality in formats for stuff would make things in OS work waaaaaaay easier in that respect and just in general
🙂 1
Got to go back to work soon, good catching up with you!
👍 1
303adastra started a thread. 7/27/2023 8:37 PM
The Charcoal Foundry, Gingery, David J, ISBN 1-878087-00-2
9:51 PM
hey everyone, PyG accepted my pull request! The GVCS is now a dataset in pytorch
9:51 PM
The motivation doing this work from my perspective is the realization of the need for pathfinding tools for open hardware ecology design and implementation
9:53 PM
since people have different constraints: time, money, land/climate/natural ecosystems/civic or social systems, resources, skills, etc it is important to have a technology which can understand this and generate a personalized dynamic ecology rather than assuming a single fixed ecology
9:53 PM
9:54 PM
the ecology dataset is not really complete, as it needs material/player nodes, as well as an interface for generating the procedural ecologies
9:55 PM
and then pathfinding to create the ecology efficiently and safely
5:31 AM
I've done a bit of graph data modeling, so I can see the appeal in visualizing/analyzing something like the ecology or lifecycle of a product (edited)
Arcane BOT 8/1/2023 5:31 AM
@303adastra has reached level 4. GG!
303adastra 8/1/2023 5:35 AM
Just not sure if or how it might help someone like a maker/builder attempting to build an OSE hardware component
yeah, the dataset would need materials as well as constraints to be useful for fabrication, this is mainly a rough first pass at procedural product ecology, ie generalizing to wikipedia
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/16/2023 1:32 PM
I'm plugging my ol' license again if anyone has interest in a public domain & [attempt at] patent & trademark denial: I'm lookin' for thoughts in general at this mindset. Imagine making a sea of content under this - a variety of it. And finally... for GVCS & such
The MD0 license is based upon the CC0-1.0 license, but attempts to waive more Intellectual Property rights and deny patents and trademarks(no matter how fruitless; the intention shall...
👀 1
Nohbdy Ahtall
I'm plugging my ol' license again if anyone has interest in a public domain & [attempt at] patent & trademark denial: I'm lookin' for thoughts in general at this mindset. Imagine making a sea of content under this - a variety of it. And finally... for GVCS & such
If the intent is to prevent the author from patenting or trademarking their content licensed under MD0, I feel like there's nothing legally binding them from doing so; in which case, something like a Apache 2.0's explicit patent grant seems more effective, as it at least grants the user to use/modify/distribute their work without fear of potentially infringing on any associated patents (edited)
If the intent is to prevent the author from patenting or trademarking their content licensed under MD0, I feel like there's nothing legally binding them from doing so; in which case, something like a Apache 2.0's explicit patent grant seems more effective, as it at least grants the user to use/modify/distribute their work without fear of potentially infringing on any associated patents (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/17/2023 12:41 PM
Indeed! However I believe the Owners and Affirmer will not... part may help - I the license-chooser/applier(Owner) have stated I will not even try. screwing myself over according to IP lovers :P Funnily it's Trademark that worries me most. Patents have "defensive publishing" to prevent patents - just make it exist pre-patent. Trademarks... infinitely renewable every 10 years
12:44 PM
Since I want a large ecosystem of trademark-able content like art, characters, stories etc... I worry it can be used against the content, thus adding fear to "using it" in case you're deemed to slander or defame the trademark user should anyone use it in a "business-harming way"(which at this point could be... supporting human rights lmao - very counter-profitable!)
Nohbdy Ahtall
Indeed! However I believe the Owners and Affirmer will not... part may help - I the license-chooser/applier(Owner) have stated I will not even try. screwing myself over according to IP lovers :P Funnily it's Trademark that worries me most. Patents have "defensive publishing" to prevent patents - just make it exist pre-patent. Trademarks... infinitely renewable every 10 years
If the content is an open-source hardware (OSHW) project, applying for an OSHW certification with the Open-Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) may help address some trademark concerns, as the certification includes a free trademark logo that uniquely identifies the project under the auspice of OSHWA and its database of certified projects
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/19/2023 6:20 PM
Lol came here to talk open source. Love hearing the influx of attention on it.
😘 1
6:20 PM
Oh lmao wrong server. Of coure it's talked about here!
Nohbdy Ahtall
Lol came here to talk open source. Love hearing the influx of attention on it.
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 8/30/2023 9:06 AM
It’s time for the open source Rambos to stop fighting and agree that developers care more about software’s access and ease of use than the purity of its license.
Nohbdy Ahtall 8/30/2023 9:29 AM
I like my public domain license, but am cool with "social domain" ones which attempt to limit military/police/etc use
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 8/30/2023 10:12 AM
yh, still going over it - Licenses are mostly about the author's desires how folks use their work - There has been quite a shift from GPL to ISC & BSD for real-world scenarios ( data centers, ... ), let's say, to be free from those mental stunts 🙂 For hardware however, I am stuck with CERN for now, can't say I am happy
@Momo und die Zeitdiebe has reached level 2. GG!
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 8/30/2023 10:53 AM
To make things more complicated, I'd even say, we're screwed if it comes to hardware, most standards you could refer to are paid (ISO) :, you could reference to it but that's about it; your work remains incomplete To compile documentation, you'd have to download the internet, involving 100 + packages (10GB, even for small stuff), each with their own license. Say hello clusterfuck 🙂 (edited)
In my role as convener of the ISO C++ committee, I get to field a number of questions about the committee and its process. It occurred to me that some of them might be of more general interest, so …
303adastra started a thread. 9/2/2023 7:50 PM
pharmoCat joined the server. 9/10/2023 11:31 AM
Louis joined the server. 9/16/2023 9:07 PM
Click to see original message
Click to see original message
Click to see original message
Hello I want to build an OSHW farm/workshop in CO or AZ.
👋 1
Click to see original message
Anne vs the Gang 9/16/2023 10:47 PM
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 4. GG!
Hello I want to build an OSHW farm/workshop in CO or AZ.
Hey @Louis cool! Do you have access to land in either of these places?
Hey @Louis cool! Do you have access to land in either of these places?
I'm looking to buy up to 40 acres pretty soon.
😮 1
Hello I want to build an OSHW farm/workshop in CO or AZ.
Where in Arizona are you considering? I'm currently living on a 1 acre property in Chino Valley, which is based in Yavapai county, but am considering purchasing at least a 5 acre property, since that's the minimum needed to qualify for agricultural use
Hello I want to build an OSHW farm/workshop in CO or AZ.
Full disclosure, I work with a non-profit that's developing a methodology for managing OSHW like OSS, whose base modeling language is also being used to develop open standards as part of an effort with a working group with the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA)
Where in Arizona are you considering? I'm currently living on a 1 acre property in Chino Valley, which is based in Yavapai county, but am considering purchasing at least a 5 acre property, since that's the minimum needed to qualify for agricultural use
I'm open to about anywhere in AZ but preferably not the hottest areas like Phoenix. I have family there too trying to find a cooler area.
we need discord emojis of all the gvcs
we need discord emojis of all the gvcs
Anne vs the Gang 9/23/2023 2:50 PM
Discord & the like has been rather degrading for humanity, in many aspects - blogs, ... etc.. all gone.
😥 1
2:51 PM
let's not forget, it was meant for Gamers, nothing really changed about -
Nohbdy Ahtall 9/24/2023 5:38 AM
Any and all even tiny lil things for GVCS would do wonders. Please steal my game idea(s) of using GVCS objects in-game... ...and if you get biggish, tell the players if they want the objects to upgrade or change designs... ...they must make the real thing happen!
5:40 AM
I'd want to maintain a link between the hardcore 3D representation of the object entirely(if that's possible, let's do that - a singular object to represent it, a single zip or otherwise component-ized as stand-alone) and the details-removed(many variations, high res to low, internal bits still janglin around for physics vs simplified empty)
Anne vs the Gang 9/26/2023 2:46 PM
  • re Discord. Whilst it can be ok in certain contexts, (IT related / support) in others it turned out rather toxic (see Hackernews posts). Perhaps there's an article summarizing the problem better than I could do here but here's what I noticed (at great expense)
  • exclusion - there's a good chunk of people who don't see any value being on Discord (streams, content limitation, short lifecycle, no time to give a good answer, ...)
  • content, there's literally no possibility to write/manage/moderate good content
  • fragmentation (see also first chapters, 'Evolution of Knowledge') - it's hard to impossible to categorize/aggregate, .. all the 'posts'
  • content quality, discussions seem overly degraded to a few 2 liners, and a bunch of Emojies, not exactly appealing
  • accessibility, you'd need quite a bunch of special tools to harvest content, and make it accessible to the outer world, decisionmakers, etc... won't bother but walk away
just saying, deserves a study tho 🙂
Anne vs the Gang 9/26/2023 2:56 PM (against Discord channels), and accompanying: kinda doomed, Wikipedia limited (see Aron Swartz comments), Discord proprietary & limiting, ...
I think both of those are fraught with danger. If you only allow a limited number of users to respond you’ll tend to hear from the loud keyboard warriors who can spend lots of time online and not hear from the quiet knowledgeable people who can only spend a limited amount of time online. Equally, if you limit the number of replies thatcan be m...
2:57 PM
What's left is Discourse, with some effort a good platform for Q&As as well a solid CMS
Anne vs the Gang
  • re Discord. Whilst it can be ok in certain contexts, (IT related / support) in others it turned out rather toxic (see Hackernews posts). Perhaps there's an article summarizing the problem better than I could do here but here's what I noticed (at great expense)
  • exclusion - there's a good chunk of people who don't see any value being on Discord (streams, content limitation, short lifecycle, no time to give a good answer, ...)
  • content, there's literally no possibility to write/manage/moderate good content
  • fragmentation (see also first chapters, 'Evolution of Knowledge') - it's hard to impossible to categorize/aggregate, .. all the 'posts'
  • content quality, discussions seem overly degraded to a few 2 liners, and a bunch of Emojies, not exactly appealing
  • accessibility, you'd need quite a bunch of special tools to harvest content, and make it accessible to the outer world, decisionmakers, etc... won't bother but walk away
just saying, deserves a study tho 🙂
Makes sense. The fragmentation of discussion topics alone is difficult to navigate. Which kind of warrants the question, what's the alternative? I've seen a few open source communities (s.a., NASA/JPL's fprime community) thrive with just GitHub discussions - perhaps that's at least a step in the right direction?
👀 1
Makes sense. The fragmentation of discussion topics alone is difficult to navigate. Which kind of warrants the question, what's the alternative? I've seen a few open source communities (s.a., NASA/JPL's fprime community) thrive with just GitHub discussions - perhaps that's at least a step in the right direction?
Anne vs the Gang 9/27/2023 2:23 PM
IMO, VSCode & ecosystem has currently the best text-editing & extensibility. Discourse provides so far the best moderation & interop (API) capabilities. And Stackoverflow gives a good idea about how knowledge could be acquired (and scoped). To assist AI (even tho it's still a silly text predictor / transformer), there should be a meta database linked to every content as well (source, relevance, ...) Feels all like on square one tho 🙂 Language wise, ASCII doc looks promising but won't satisfy all needs. Still thinking about ...
@Anne vs the Gang has reached level 5. GG!
Anne vs the Gang
Discord & the like has been rather degrading for humanity, in many aspects - blogs, ... etc.. all gone.
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 9/29/2023 7:15 PM
Interesting, got sorta special banned today, on Discord, for asking the wrong/right questions 🙂 Signups/Logins via Nordvpn didn't help at all. Is MS/Windows beaconing more than known ?
7:16 PM
Appearently Cloudflare knows more than expected, my respect
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 9/29/2023 7:28 PM
Fingerprints from mobile didn't go undetected as well ... say hello 2084 🙂
Momo und die Zeitdiebe
Interesting, got sorta special banned today, on Discord, for asking the wrong/right questions 🙂 Signups/Logins via Nordvpn didn't help at all. Is MS/Windows beaconing more than known ?
Anne vs the Gang 9/30/2023 10:33 AM
for some reason, the ban - on 4 accounts - was lifted, 5 hours later. impressive, no matter the IP, device, or browser profile, they just can 'turn you off'. I thought unique network 'IDs' were still under discussion.
Nohbdy Ahtall 11/2/2023 7:01 AM
Ooh new discussion? Firstly, look at Guilded - note the features. If you were there, first you'd see Discord copied 'em plentiloons
7:04 AM
but in general it had some very worthy things. Multi-tiered voice chat with whispering and broadcasting from higher rooms to lower. Documents "type" of channel, grid of docs. Media channel, muuuch way more aesthetic/enjoyable image browse. Blog "free public web page" type of deal when turning a Announcement channel into one. Sub-servers. Profiles that have their own chat boards. Threads and forums and etc etc
7:05 AM
Still, I'd prefer open source but let's compare with the sorta-superior product that simply isn't used because... well it was so hard to get people here in the first place.
Nohbdy Ahtall
Ooh new discussion? Firstly, look at Guilded - note the features. If you were there, first you'd see Discord copied 'em plentiloons
Anne vs. the Mafia 11/2/2023 4:32 PM
thanks, just checked 'Guilded', another nice way to waste time & server storage 🙂
4:35 PM
will stick to Discourse instead, great API, OS, crafted with love, by the best in the field 🙂 bonus, it doesn't exclude folks but also invites people to create better content
Nohbdy Ahtall 11/10/2023 3:38 PM Not really off-topic IMO, blacksmithing stuff is something that is a good backup. Someday, the path of nothing to blacksmithing to precision tools(someone told me this one, maybe here) to some GVCS until we reach computers and enough computation power to return to current tech(and then finish GVCS that use electronics and computers).
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/10/2023 5:00 PM
great, I am not the only doomsday fan 🙂 I hope I can do this when I am retired 🙂 , | (edited)
Primitive technology is a hobby where you build things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. These are the strict rules: If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern t...
I'm Chris from Clickspring, and I create home machine shop project videos with a focus on clock making technology. Join me as I make an authentic replica of The Antikythera Mechanism from raw metal stock, as well as a wide selection of tools for use in the home machine shop. You can also help make these project videos, and access additional con...
Nohbdy Ahtall 11/10/2023 5:07 PM
I am unsure on the reality of the primitive technology peeps, I don't recall if proven or what, or that they aren't really doing what they're showing or it isn't really stable or etc
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/10/2023 6:58 PM
would love to see you, dropped in the wild, with nothing but your bare hands, and no copy of these vids 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 11/17/2023 5:11 AM
My plan is to force mass distribute a slew of survival tablets, pods, suits, etc. The tablet being relevant here, as it contains... I mean heck, even just a boring empty OS can massively amplify every little data, automation, and kind of journaling progress. Plan ideas before carving out a wood stamp, printing onto leaves and clay entire, compact instruction sets organized via... well, since an OS already has some great defaults installed:
A Completely Free, User-Friendly Operating System Packed with Educational Tools, Games, and More.
Nohbdy Ahtall
My plan is to force mass distribute a slew of survival tablets, pods, suits, etc. The tablet being relevant here, as it contains... I mean heck, even just a boring empty OS can massively amplify every little data, automation, and kind of journaling progress. Plan ideas before carving out a wood stamp, printing onto leaves and clay entire, compact instruction sets organized via... well, since an OS already has some great defaults installed:
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2023 12:00 AM
Interesting, always wanted something bigger than a phone, and powerful enough to sketch & explore designs. EndlessOS - 263 Repositories, yammi 🙂
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2023 12:08 AM
A tablet, AI with eyes, ears & speech, an endless session per student, ... education 🙂 (edited)
niet joined the server. 11/26/2023 10:35 PM
strangeLoops joined the server. 11/26/2023 10:36 PM
strangeLoops 11/26/2023 11:07 PM
Hey y'all! Hoping to learn more about the history of OSE and the possible future of an open source and self-sufficient community
👋 2
strangeLoops 11/27/2023 7:00 PM
Thanks so much!
I would also give this book a read. It had a section on ose
👀 1
@Saphnich has reached level 1. GG!
strangeLoops 11/27/2023 7:04 PM
Rad will do
@strangeLoops has reached level 1. GG!
Hey y'all! Hoping to learn more about the history of OSE and the possible future of an open source and self-sufficient community
lovebird pro 11/28/2023 5:58 PM
self-sufficient community - sounds really tasty, made me scratch my head. Perhaps global changes are pushing folks into more collaboration, on a local level. Other than using Opensource as marketing gag, it might be probably easier to identify where OS would make most sense, eg: semi-conductor, software, Fablabs, schools, knowledge transfer. OpenHardware on the other hand is still a mystery to me but I think Marcin did a great job, adding all the reasoning, engineering, etc... on top, of just binary CAD models. Biggest obstacles as already mentioned are protocols/platforms, templates, and CAD ( FreeCAD still far from being really useful tho but it's getting there :)). And last not but least, like minded folks, sharing product grade designs tho. just thinking out loud 😉
6:01 PM
ash on my head but PreciousPlastic delivered a great example of how terrible things can go, aka 'the winners take it all', as mentioned in the articles above :)) (edited)
@lovebird pro has reached level 1. GG!
lovebird pro
self-sufficient community - sounds really tasty, made me scratch my head. Perhaps global changes are pushing folks into more collaboration, on a local level. Other than using Opensource as marketing gag, it might be probably easier to identify where OS would make most sense, eg: semi-conductor, software, Fablabs, schools, knowledge transfer. OpenHardware on the other hand is still a mystery to me but I think Marcin did a great job, adding all the reasoning, engineering, etc... on top, of just binary CAD models. Biggest obstacles as already mentioned are protocols/platforms, templates, and CAD ( FreeCAD still far from being really useful tho but it's getting there :)). And last not but least, like minded folks, sharing product grade designs tho. just thinking out loud 😉
The biggest challenge for open-source hardware (OSHW) at the moment, in my opinion, is answering the question "what is thesource of OSHW?" followed by "how do we maintain that source like open-source software (OSS)?". I've been working with a few organizations/working groups for the past couple of years to develop an approach for managing OSHW more like OSS by developing a tool-agnostic data model for how we should be persisting content (s.a., bill of materials and assembly instructions) on the local file-system in such a way that modern version control tools (s.a., git) and package management frameworks (s.a., npm/yarn) can read
lovebird pro 12/1/2023 6:31 AM
well, in the narrow case of OSHW (electronics), things seem to be settled: tooling, guides, best practice, certification. collaboration could be improved, as well adding all the aids to get an idea to market, and market-fit tho.
6:34 AM
as for the last part, yes - a good model / template / framework assisting in maintenance/housekeeping, structural problems would be helpful. just made my way through the basics, implementing mostly loose coupled & disposable packages 💃 (edited)
6:35 AM
Nohbdy Ahtall 12/1/2023 7:37 AM
Please please look up John Lakos and his "Large-Scale C++" book(or preferably, video talks of them). Seriously, it may be software and code, but you will have hundreds of sparks of realization regarding modularization when he points things out. Admittedly had to watch 'em a few times for some of them to make sense.
Nohbdy Ahtall
Please please look up John Lakos and his "Large-Scale C++" book(or preferably, video talks of them). Seriously, it may be software and code, but you will have hundreds of sparks of realization regarding modularization when he points things out. Admittedly had to watch 'em a few times for some of them to make sense.
lovebird pro 12/1/2023 7:40 AM
will do, after 'micro-services' failed miserably 🙂
Slow Day (or at least end of day) at work so checking in on this after a long time
Eric Lotze
Slow Day (or at least end of day) at work so checking in on this after a long time
lovebird pro 12/7/2023 11:58 AM
welcome back, Eric, was already wondering ... last I know of was a welding course ... how are things going ? interesting log,, feel related, thinking / siwtching lanes every 10 minutes 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall
Please please look up John Lakos and his "Large-Scale C++" book(or preferably, video talks of them). Seriously, it may be software and code, but you will have hundreds of sparks of realization regarding modularization when he points things out. Admittedly had to watch 'em a few times for some of them to make sense.
lovebird pro 12/7/2023 1:05 PM
had a look but not really convinced, C++ devs seem to remain in their beautiful world of constructs ... I think @303adastra's idea, using a model language, providing interfaces for multiple languages (Typescript, Swagger, CLI, API) could help, as sugar. Other than templates for 'the component' meta description, it also should cover markup languages (docs), ideally providing auto-completion in VSCode. To make things more complicated and harder, the model should provide aids to deal with backward compatibility tho 🙂
1:11 PM
here again the cornerstones, of a digitally distributed OS 'product', I hope nobody will ever rely on it 😉
lovebird pro 12/7/2023 3:30 PM
ah, whilst at it - there are now 'WikiFunctions', for reasons I don't know but DSLs/VPLs for content make sense, eg: unit conversion
3:30 PM
tasty & sexy markup, @2023, @planetearth 🙂 {{#if:{{#invoke:String|match|s={{int:lang}}|pattern=zh-|plain=true|nomatch= }}<!--IF: Chinese variants -->|{{Main page/zh}}<!--/zh -->|{{Main page/{{#ifexist:Template:Main page/{{int:lang}}|{{int:lang}}|en}}}}<!--/language or /en -->}}{{NOEXTERNALLANGLINKS}}<!-- -- To edit what appears on this page, -- please see [[Template:Main_page]] -- --> (edited)
lovebird pro
welcome back, Eric, was already wondering ... last I know of was a welding course ... how are things going ? interesting log,, feel related, thinking / siwtching lanes every 10 minutes 🙂
I did that, then a year of electrical school (hands were too shaky to keep the right arc length…time to get an OS Robotic Arm to do it for me some day…), and now am working as a (low level) electrician!
6:28 PM
On lunch break now, granted it may be a short lunch today.
6:29 PM
Honestly a bit too tired to do higher level thinking, and mobile discord is odd, so I’ll have to get around to properly reading+documenting things later.
6:30 PM
Maybe this weekend, although no Friday to crash due to Overtime, and also family+festivities ramping up
6:30 PM
also i hope I’m not coming across as all “woe is me” lol
😽 1
6:30 PM
Just keeping y’all posted
Eric Lotze
I did that, then a year of electrical school (hands were too shaky to keep the right arc length…time to get an OS Robotic Arm to do it for me some day…), and now am working as a (low level) electrician!
lovebird pro 12/10/2023 11:06 PM
there you go, still needs a steady hand for assembly ... adding this to the lib (, tips & links to add arc welding are welcome 💃 (edited)
11:08 PM
btw. any ideas about reconstructing STL files ?
That looks awesome!
lovebird pro 12/10/2023 11:10 PM
yeah, will try it 🙂 - (edited)
Open & Free 6 DOF robot arm
lovebird pro
there you go, still needs a steady hand for assembly ... adding this to the lib (, tips & links to add arc welding are welcome 💃 (edited)
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 12/11/2023 11:25 AM
well, link lengths (30-40cm) and BOM not exactly competitive with a second-hand welding robot, but mounted on a bigger gantry system may add some flexibility, and kinematic nightmare, great exercise for the modern OS entrepreneur (we build systems, not slavery 🙂 ABB welding robots ready to go for around 6-10k, OpenROS compatible 💃 😽
lovebird pro
had a look but not really convinced, C++ devs seem to remain in their beautiful world of constructs ... I think @303adastra's idea, using a model language, providing interfaces for multiple languages (Typescript, Swagger, CLI, API) could help, as sugar. Other than templates for 'the component' meta description, it also should cover markup languages (docs), ideally providing auto-completion in VSCode. To make things more complicated and harder, the model should provide aids to deal with backward compatibility tho 🙂
Nohbdy Ahtall 12/13/2023 10:13 AM
He doesn't focus on C++ actually at all, if you see the videos. It's language agnostic, it's the conceptual aspect, the framework around making "software capital". I tend to skip even the video on the C++ examples, mostly he uses pitures and boxes and diagrams
👍 1
Nohbdy Ahtall
He doesn't focus on C++ actually at all, if you see the videos. It's language agnostic, it's the conceptual aspect, the framework around making "software capital". I tend to skip even the video on the C++ examples, mostly he uses pitures and boxes and diagrams
universal love :) 12/15/2023 11:19 AM
okok, thank you, will have another look again but also getting a more clear vision of what we/me want to actually offer, or help with 🙂 most of the data I kept maintaining and dealing with came from random systems, APIs, formats, .. a nice mess, making it almost impossible to contribute, or even improve anything at all. Fablabs, SMEs and even big firms however expressed their wish to make things better ... let's help them 😉 - ignoring the larger problems/obstacles : IP, owership, profits, ... (edited)
Nohbdy Ahtall 12/15/2023 5:14 PM
Hehe regarding ownership, IP, and - well you could still profit with this IMO - I made a CC0 ripoff license called MD0:
The MD0 license is based upon the CC0-1.0 license, but attempts to waive more Intellectual Property rights and deny patents and trademarks(no matter how fruitless; the intention shall...
😅 1
5:14 PM
lol I just explained this elsewhere so maybe I'll just copy-paste xD
universal love :) 12/15/2023 6:40 PM
and there is the 'unlicense' license, making GPL fans angry but retaining 'free' again : - not even sure there's a thing called 'the public' after all ... 🙂
A license with no conditions whatsoever which dedicates works to the public domain. Unlicensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
Exported 11,138 message(s)
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