decentralized autonomous organi{sm,zation}
aka DAO.
With a common purpose, values, and good transparent discussion, you can track and reward contributions, let outside investors speculate on it, and coordinate large groups of people without having to manage them.
The most successful and friendly community DAO I've found, that I participate in, is
They propose fun things like managing a decentralized minecraft server, as well as more mundane management things.Hey everyone,
what's the plan for PreciousPlastic in 2023?
This year was a catastrophe so far. Numerous job losses, people's investments, retirement but also their reputation have been put on the edge - if not lost; and myself in a pretty awful situation, facing lawsuits, and tremendous work (5-10 years) to recover the damages for everyone involved. If I'm lucky, we don't need to leave the country ... The upcoming global problems won't make it easier. Venture capital dropped by 70%, compared to 2021.
The 'new rules' have also other bad impacts on small-scale recycling, such as the general discovery of talents, projects, etc... Most of the new designs, enhancements, and fixes - have been financed through the Bazar discovery, in the last 4 years. That includes supporting the rare talents we have around.
However, re-evaluating the existing portfolio, v3-v4 but also OSR-plastic enhancements & designs, based on user & customer feedback and needs, I'd suggest splitting the project into several parts, aiming for a success-oriented approach, for the entire chain, eg: builder and user.
1. v3 should be refined/re-designed, less waste, risk, and resources ( and disappointment ) - aiming for the educational and enthusiasts camp, ideally classroom grade equipment - also to increase the educational value of courses. Refinements, addons, etc... for lab usage could be added once a good foundation allows collaborative methods (distributed design). We have some proposals for that in the drawer as well.
2. v4 requires unfortunately too much labor and professional equipment, rendering its current price/value ratio beyond reasonable - and yet, it doesn't address SME or professional needs. Open to suggestions but composing industrial solutions into more tailored solutions may have the best outcome, in the long run. That would also allow having some buffer for other side projects.
3. Networking, allocation of funds, etc... deserves more coordinated attention. I'd suggest that dedicated working groups could create a good plan, eg: visits to fair trades, finding sponsors, etc.
all the best & godspeed,
ps: dm me for questions or hints.
purchase vs self-fabrication expediency for open source hardware ecologies
if anyone has ideas