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Precious Plastic / 🔥work-in-progress / FAQ Help
7:07 AM
Keen to hear your thoughts! (edited)
Hi! At "Who is behind this project?" the "Dave" link links to, which no longer exists I think 🙂
thanks for catching that @theFLO we have a few that i have just found. Definitely needs some editing there
DesignerSpaceNerd 3/22/2022 9:12 AM
Hi, some neat nitpickery (there is also a great Dutch word for that): The text under "How many times can you reuse plastic?" seems to be extended permanently 😉
yeah thats an annoying one, will be updated as well 😉
NorthernJon 3/27/2022 5:47 PM
I’d love to see a “Meet the Team”. I realise the OneArmy team is quite fluid, but there are some keystone members that we’ve seen on YouTube over the years - it’d be great to see a basic bio. I’m not sure if that would fit neatly into FAQs or whether it would need to be its own thing… but food for thought 🙂
👍 1
Thanks! I will add that in to the FAQs as we do have a team page (in the footer of the website)
Meet the people and supporters behind Precious Plastic Version 4
Thanks! I will add that in to the FAQs as we do have a team page (in the footer of the website)
NorthernJon 3/29/2022 1:22 PM
I'm on the Precious Plastic website all the time - I don't know how I haven't seen that before! Thanks 🙂
We have just updated the site and moved some stuff to the footer, worth a check!
We have just updated the site and moved some stuff to the footer, worth a check!
I liked the new FAQ, very clear. To me it is missing some reference to the business plan / economical sustainability of PP's distributed workspaces system . I am referring to the great work you can find in the download kit, for example. economical feasability is one of the thing people question the most on youtube comments, for example. Ciao
3:11 PM
I just noticed that all the links in the "plastic" section are broken links to the forum!
Thank you for the feedback! I will add in the new section and yes the old FAQs have a few broken links that will need updating
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