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Precious Plastic / 🔥work-in-progress / Bazar Sellers 2021 Dashboard
12:55 PM
excited to hear feedback from you 🙂
Thibault - 2/16/2022 4:02 PM
Hi ! Tanks for your work and all these stats, it's really interesting and fun to see. I'm very curious about the massive difference between the global machine view to buy ratio and the ones machine by machine. Where does it come from ? (edited)
the machine view to buy rate is the sum of the individual machines
Thibault - 2/16/2022 4:05 PM
Oh. I could be mistaken, but I think it's supposed to be more of a geometrical mean than a sum...
4:06 PM
(I'm not sure of the exact terms in English, sorry)
4:11 PM
I think it should be 1.42%. If anyone could confirm my maths it would be great.
the Qunatity is the purchase amount, so you wouldnt divide the % value by that. The view to buy rate is a statistic from Google analytics and takes the amount of views any product page within that category and compares it with the (quantity) amount of purchases (edited)
Thibault - 2/16/2022 4:22 PM
So the global view to buy rate was directly calculated by Google's algorithm?
Thibault - 2/16/2022 4:22 PM
Fair enough then.
yes so all data is collated from google analytics. I did some combining to make the data more viewable but the stats relate to data points we could obtain from Google analytics
Thibault - 2/16/2022 4:33 PM
As I said earlier, it really is a great job and I really enjoy these kinds of datasets visualization :) It's just in these process of combining as you said that mistakes happen ;) I'm still in first year of my data engineering bachelor so I can't say anything for sure, but usually these kind of ratios, when you sum up elements, you either recalculate the ratio with the whole data or you approximate it with a geometrical mean, and most importantly the result is always between the highest (here 1.52) and lowest (0.24) percentage. I need to go and won't insist any more, but please check it with an engineer of the team ^^ And, as said, it really is a very pleasant and clean, readable data, thank you again for that ^^ (edited)
i have honours in mechanical engineering, but then again it has been about 2 years since my degree haha. I will check how the summation has happened and look into the data further. Thanks for bringing it up! Always good to get a second pair of eyes on this sort of stuff (edited)
Thibault - 2/16/2022 4:39 PM
Thanks ! Can you please DM me to tell me how it went ? If I'm mistaken I'd really enjoy to understand why, it's always an opportunity to learn :)
Interesting how the French converts heavily compared to pretty much any other region 🥐🇫🇷
🥐 1
Viva la France
hey @Thibault - you were right about the data. I have checked it over with the raw data on the back end and its a little bit lower than the calc you did. I am going to rewrite the formula for the GA data and hopefully reads better. Manually it works out to be 0.83% rather than 4.03% which seems a lot more inline with the rest of the bazar. Thanks!
Thibault - 2/28/2022 3:16 PM
Thank you for your returns ^^ I guess I still have some progresses to make haha ^^
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