On the other hand, if you wanted deeper integration, you could consider using git as a data backend for the research modules, with each research module backed by its own git repository, and with a human-readable on-disk data representation. (Of course you could still use front-end caching.)
The two big issues I could foresee with using git as a backend are:
1. Even with GitHub or Gitlab, the process of forking/branching and pulling/merging is not particularly user-friendly, and non-software-engineer contributers may find it impossibly difficult to use. This would not necessarily be a problem with Issue tickets, though, and for simple patches the web interface for Pull Requests is a lot easier to use.
2. Git is not particularly conducive to large binary files, as any change to a binary file creates a full-size duplicate, and the disk size of a repository can balloon rapidly. And machine-generated text-based formats can be a mess to work with, as well (see, for instance, SVG or STEP). In the case of things like Fusion 360 files, it may work better to integrate directly with first-party collaboration tools.