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One Army General / website-problems / Profile information dissapeared
All my acount details dissapeared this week. Tuesday (17/10/2023) was everything ok. Today (22/10/23) all the info is gone
👀 1
Also I fill it up again and now I cannot add a new post in the research
thisislawatts 10/22/2023 8:57 PM
Thanks for the report, taking a look now
🔥 1
9:00 PM
I've added back the permissions you need to edit/create research
thisislawatts 10/22/2023 9:21 PM
I am really sorry to say that after some digging I have not been able to identify an obvious reason for this record to have been removed. I can pull down one of the backups though to restore your old profile data if that would be useful though
not needed, it had just a sentence and a photo that already put back! Thank you! (edited)
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