Butte (PP Philippines)
I have a donation of 25 tons of PETG in the form of used clean drinking water glass from a large restaurant chain. The cups start looking bad after 3 months to they are replaced.
I am familliar with PET as I have processed a lot of it. I have also used PETG in 3d Printing. Very familliar with its properties in that aspect.
I do not have ability to process filament. That would require a complete expensive re-alignment of the shop.
However, I am looking at plastic lumber, or grinding and selling for waste processing.
It would make a incredible tough board. But at the expense of UV resistance without a coat of paint.
Any suggestions here?
Can you anticipate a future annual supply? If so, that sounds like (possibly) the basis of a sustainable enterprise worthy of development. Before discounting the challenge of diversification as a threat to existing business, could it be worth your time to reckon what (and who) that business model would entail?