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Precious Plastic / 🤙community / PPOSF - Ask me anything
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 11/28/2023 6:01 PM
Hey community! As the Precious Plastic Open Source Fund applications will be open until the 31st of December, we would like to open this space to answer your questions about the fund itself or about the application process. Feel free to ask anything!
what is the precious plastic open source fund?
what is the precious plastic open source fund?
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 11/29/2023 12:26 AM
It's a fund that aims to facilitate decentralization of the production of knowledge, by providing financial resources, aka money, to generate open source small-scale plastic recycling innovations. There are three categories in which you can apply:
  • How-to, for existing solutions waiting to be open sourced
  • Research, for the wild ideas that need some trust
  • Retroactive awards, as a compensation for people who have created How-to's until 21.10.2023
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