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Precious Plastic / 🤙community / Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/27/2023 5:57 PM
The scheme to purge contributions to this space is a complete transgression of trust. Some time ago, after discovering the PP Forum/knowladge repository had been inexplicably destroyed, I made a decision to invest in this space- despite all of its shortcomings. Now we are told the carpet will be pulled out from under foot yet again, with arson planned for the end of December. Maybe other folks will be willing to extend trust again on those terms; for my part, the result will be reluctant participation- at best. I require a more reliable foundation to build from. I suggest we don't junk all of the energy and insight contributed over years to this space, instead moving forward with the Forums (yay!), but keep archived all the content that proceeded them in a searchable form. (edited for denuclearization, constructive character) @Marcela - Community Manager @ PP (edited)
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Christopher - Unmake Plastic
The scheme to purge contributions to this space is a complete transgression of trust. Some time ago, after discovering the PP Forum/knowladge repository had been inexplicably destroyed, I made a decision to invest in this space- despite all of its shortcomings. Now we are told the carpet will be pulled out from under foot yet again, with arson planned for the end of December. Maybe other folks will be willing to extend trust again on those terms; for my part, the result will be reluctant participation- at best. I require a more reliable foundation to build from. I suggest we don't junk all of the energy and insight contributed over years to this space, instead moving forward with the Forums (yay!), but keep archived all the content that proceeded them in a searchable form. (edited for denuclearization, constructive character) @Marcela - Community Manager @ PP (edited)
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 11/27/2023 6:12 PM
Hey Christopher We appreciate your contributions to this space, we understand your concerns and we're sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the changes. However, we believe that the new forum offers much greater user experience and functionalities. We invite you to try using the forum as we offer and see for yourself the improvements we've made. Unfortunately, there's no way of converting a text channel to a forum channel. The old channels will still be available until the beginning of the next year, and we can think together of a way of keeping the information. If you have any thoughts or ideas, I'll be happy to hear. (edited)
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP
Hey Christopher We appreciate your contributions to this space, we understand your concerns and we're sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the changes. However, we believe that the new forum offers much greater user experience and functionalities. We invite you to try using the forum as we offer and see for yourself the improvements we've made. Unfortunately, there's no way of converting a text channel to a forum channel. The old channels will still be available until the beginning of the next year, and we can think together of a way of keeping the information. If you have any thoughts or ideas, I'll be happy to hear. (edited)
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/27/2023 6:16 PM
I have no agency for implementing a regime for retaining existing contributions, so am at a loss for how exactly we are to collaborate on a mechanism for "keeping information". (edited)
I'm with you on the sentiment but trying to keep it constructive, it looks like it's possible to export Discord content and make it accessible online/elsewhere:
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6:17 PM
eg. I think dumping content is absolutely idiotic, but in the spirit of positivity I went hunting to see how easy it would be to dump the content and post it elsewhere
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Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/27/2023 6:24 PM
Looking to utilize forum channels in your server? You can learn more about forum channels below! What does this article cover? What are Forum Channels? How do I create a Forum Channel? Getting S...
@Marcela - Community Manager @ PP - i m another that would lobby the Discord admins ... please do NOT DELETE EXISTING channels. They are a wealth of context and history. (edited)
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Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/27/2023 8:55 PM
@Marcela - Community Manager @ PP To be clear: I see real potential value to the Forums migration, and appreciate the effort, objecting only to purging archived content. OP edited to reflect that sentiment.
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If the concern is channel clutter, simply make an Archive Category and put all the old channels in it, and move it to the bottom of the list. It's clear enough that folks won't post new stuff in the channels, but they'll be preserves and searchable.
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9:43 PM
Putting the onus of backing up conversations and data on the users/posters guarantees the vast majority of said info will be lost.
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Not that I’m that active here specifically but I’ll make an archive
10:08 PM
I don’t feel like this is that good of an idea as discord never really worked as a fourm platform, this is only gonna result in more clutter (edited)
10:09 PM
would have also appreciated if we were consulted about this first as users
Not that I’m that active here specifically but I’ll make an archive
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/27/2023 11:00 PM
Rai, what Discord using the Forums features have you utilized and would proffer as exemplar of 'never really working'? (edited)
well, I have been on servers with forums and it’s just a different vibe than a web based forum
12:09 AM
just my opinion
Discord is more difficult to navigate and browse than a traditional web based forum, in my experience.
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12:28 AM
It's also more exclusive, since users have to join the Discord and use a specific app to browse it instead of just navigating to a forum on their browser of choice.
12:29 AM
Discord is great for casual communication, but not a great solution for long-term knowledge sharing.
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In the spirit of avoiding the same questions being asked again and again, ad nauseum. It's be great if there was a reference point for previous similar questions and answers... I have no ideas as to how to implement this, but it seems that I've experienced effective methods/Internet resources away from discord. I have experienced the Willy nilly obliviation of discord chats, and it does indeed discourage investment of time and resources to provide a worthy answer
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Jokes: .... ?
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Discord is more difficult to navigate and browse than a traditional web based forum, in my experience.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/28/2023 3:13 AM
Oh, I'm all about the traditional bulletin board style forum- my question here aimed at qualifying opinions about Discord Threads vs Forums.
Oh, Discord Threads vs Discord Forums? Threads can only have up to 1000 active members (probably not a problem), will close themselves after 7 days (they aren't deleted but much harder to find), and are generally more difficult to engage with once they've closed. Discord Forums are much more like a traditional web based forum, just with the issues mentioned in the chat above.
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Fritz @easymoulds 11/28/2023 6:07 PM
I think the new threaded structure is great to make information more browseable and spring constructive conversations
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Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 11/28/2023 10:31 PM
Hey guys, we thank you for your inputs. We'll take this into consideration to decide what to do with the old channels.
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Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 12/2/2023 11:33 AM
Personally, I don't like discord as a whole, I prefer the old school forums, this platform seems to be a lot less user friendly than the forums I used in the past. But maybe that's related more to my age rather than to the platform itself, I'm aware that getting old reduced my neurons functionality!🤣🤣
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