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Precious Plastic / archived-websites-and-platforms / Feedbavk
12:00 PM
Thanks for your feedback @Christopher - Unmake Plastic ! @Mattia to take into account Fyi @Marcela - Community Manager @ PP
👍 2
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 7/10/2023 5:14 PM
Thanks for this @Christopher - Unmake Plastic. We'll take this into account when thinking about Community Platform improvements
👍 1
Thank you @Christopher - Unmake Plastic for the feedback. I would agree with most of what you brought up. We all agree Precious Plastic website needs a redesign. However, this is not in this year's strategic plan and hard to squeeze in. But this will be high priority for 2024. You can be sure of this. Would be great if you could turn this message into a post on #website-problems so we can keep better track of it.
11:51 AM
Once again thank you very much and keep the feedback coming!
👍 1
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