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One Army
Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-sellers / yes defo However uploads tool is not
6:54 PM
It has been a while that i am thinking of building a digital scale IoT that can upload data to the google form that PP is using as an upload tool. I have checked cloud services and that is perfectly possible for free (except hardware building, that are for my prototype under 20 euros). Please @Mattia let me know if would be acceptable/possible for PP to share the API data to fill that google form in an automated way. Also, we should discuss simple coded algorithms in the arduino firmware to prevent overflowing of automated upload (in the eventuality that the prototype could become a shared design - i was thinking about creating an how to). Let me know if i was not clear. (maybe i can express myself better in Italian). Thankyou ciao
6:57 PM
I really would like plastic recycled metric data to be tracked. To use as a live sensible data that communicates the sense of "growth" of a solution or things like that. That data appeals me as a powerful communication tool
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