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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-sellers / Unable to finalize stock update
7:06 PM
Hi @Jacek As mentioned via Discord & email we have developed the Bazar listing & profile guidelines where a listing needs to have at least 3 pictures and a description more than 200 characters. This feature has been developed to make sure the Bazar provides an improved UX for customers so they don't have to sieve through no image listings or listings without enough information. We hope this would make it for a better conversion rate as a whole which will benefit everyone! Can you double check your listing meets these requirements ? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
My opened listing has 11 pictures and 2024 characters. And still I cannot change the available quotation of my shredder kit
@Taylor any idea why Jacek isn't able to update the listing ?
PPCapiSpain 8/22/2022 10:01 PM
yes, that problem arose about a month ago. You must enter inside the product and change it
I did it also. I changed some text inside the description field and save it. Changes are visible but still I cannot update the quotation of my listing.
I did it also. I changed some text inside the description field and save it. Changes are visible but still I cannot update the quotation of my listing.
I wasnโ€™t aware of this one, but @PPCapiSpain nailed it - for now you will have to update within the product, and Iโ€™ll change the validation to fire only when within the listing ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ The server is running the new product validation even though youโ€™re only updating stock, so it sees zero images and zero words for the description ๐Ÿ˜ญ For now, the workaround is updating within the product
I think that we are not understanding each other. The workaround you are pointing is not working for me. I did all steps you mentioned and still nothing. Or I understand this incorrect. I updated the product description and I can see that I have added 11 pictures. Saved it and go back to updating the stock - still nothing. The funniest thing is that I want to update my stock only for 1 set because Iโ€™m finishing with 2.1v shredder kit and starting with 3.3v shredder kit.
Fixed. Case closed.
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Happy to hear you managed to update the wished information and apologizes for the challenges you faced. We have duly noted the glitch in the system adn will correct asap :)
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