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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-sellers / Lost price
3:37 PM
Hey capi sorry missed this message. Could explain a bit further the issue you're having? Maybe with some screenshots? So the team can help you
PPCapiSpain 11/8/2022 5:07 PM
dont worry. yes, of course
5:07 PM
👀 1
5:09 PM
@Sigolene ?
Hey @PPCapiSpain ! In this case, do the giving listings have the correct number of images and description? So here do I understand correctly that you are unable to click on the 63€ to change it ?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 11/9/2022 1:52 PM
Hey @PPCapiSpain I have this problem. If any one of your listings doesn't meet the new standards. 3 images 400 words etc. You can no longer update the price on the summary page. You must edit it individually on the item page. @Sigolene Are you aware of this?
PPCapiSpain 11/9/2022 2:29 PM
From this windows we cannot modify them. we edit the price on the item page, but "price list" is not on the item pages
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Hey @PPCapiSpain I have this problem. If any one of your listings doesn't meet the new standards. 3 images 400 words etc. You can no longer update the price on the summary page. You must edit it individually on the item page. @Sigolene Are you aware of this?
yes, this had already been mentioned - @Taylor where do we stand on this, we wanted to change this no ?
Good morning. I had the same issue. Some prices were Lost on one item..
But we are addressing here the "list price" or the "price" sections?
PPCapiSpain 11/26/2022 4:28 PM
The "price" we cant change in the ítem Page. But the "list price" we cant modifiqued it...😔
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