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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-sellers / Discussion - How to transfer bazar fee?
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio any thoughts here?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 12/1/2021 11:42 AM
I think paying in Euros shouldn't be a problem for most. I use Wise for bank transfer from GBP to Euro all the time. Also paying with PayPal in your countries currency to Euro works. What accounting software do you use? I use QuickBooks and it allows me to send an invoice with tonnes of payment choices. In any currency I want. Really easy for the customer/bazar seller in this case. The one thing I do see as important but not mentioned here is that you need to only charge VAT to EU sellers, and not to international sellers. Plus I can see a lot of people maybe when you send the invoice not knowing how to pay, arguing the amount due (maybe they canceled the sale but didn't mark it on the system), or simply not replying to the email. Any thoughts on how you would avoid this?
11:44 AM
Also for automation of sending out invoices don't know if you know of Zapier. You can set up a zap that reads an excel, and sends out an invoice to a customer for a set amount.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 12/1/2021 6:25 PM
Maybe you are further down the line, but maybe something that builds security for the PP Bazar Team, and maybe benefits the community better is a subscription? A flat fee, per month (keeping your book keeping simple) with different price points based on features the sellers get (home page featuring). I have paid on average of €100 to PP Bazar fees over the last 18 months, but say it was €50. You wouldn't have the issue of most of your sales occurring outside the bazar. So maybe you would end up better off. However it may discourage newcomers to the bazar, limit machine choice, or not make enough to cover overheads.
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio yah, we thought about a subscription type of thing, and it's still an interesting option, but as you already pointed out, that might be easy for the "big" sellers, but difficult for the newcomers /"small" sellers. Thanks for the feedback about the conversion too. 🙂
@Kat We could have 2 types of rate. 1) first, maintaining 5% on sales operation. in this way we would help small sellers. 2) flat fee. for the media and big sellers. in this way, accounting would be greatly simplified. You could even pay in advance 2 times a year, or once ...
11:54 AM
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Tax application is really a headache. Ideally, they will be applied according to each country of destination. We lower the shipping cost to compensate for the savings with VAT.
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