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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-sellers / 10002 - Security header not valid
5:10 PM
Hello! Sometimes there is a limit on the Paypal account (that can be raised). Which would not allow them to make payments higher than for example 2000€ or so. So they can look into that.
👌 1
5:11 PM
Oh, I actually just made a test, and it seems to be an error in your payment setup
5:12 PM
Will look into it!
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/5/2022 5:47 PM
Thanks @Kat Let e know if you find out what happened 🙂
5:47 PM
Actually @Taylor might need your help to look into this one 🙏
Congrats @Maker Island ☠ Leão on the sale. Bear with us, we'll help you fix it ASAP ❤️
❤️ 1
@Maker Island ☠ Leão more information coming soon! Looks like a config error… bear with me for steps to solve it 🤙🏼
Congrats @Maker Island ☠ Leão on the sale. Bear with us, we'll help you fix it ASAP ❤️
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/6/2022 8:12 PM
Thanks mate! No prob we already have feedback to the client and they have no problems waiting
🙏 1
@Maker Island ☠ Leão more information coming soon! Looks like a config error… bear with me for steps to solve it 🤙🏼
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/6/2022 8:12 PM
Thank you Taylor for the help I'll wait
hey @Maker Island ☠ Leão I noticed you managed to get a transaction through and that got me thinking you could potentially split your sale into 2 smaller ones as it might be easier to clear for the client's bank. Just a thought to make sure we get this sale before the client gives up 🙌
hey @Maker Island ☠ Leão I noticed you managed to get a transaction through and that got me thinking you could potentially split your sale into 2 smaller ones as it might be easier to clear for the client's bank. Just a thought to make sure we get this sale before the client gives up 🙌
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/7/2022 4:30 PM
Thanks @Mattia, Will pass that suggestion to them it might solve their problem. 👍 Maybe in the future it would be great to add as a payment option through bank transfer, we already lost some clients that wanted to buy the full kit because their company doesn't have a a card with the limit or a paypal account set up in the name of the business.
👍 1
@Taylor another buyer has the same issue (email with object "Unable to place purchase at bazar") Can you give me an update here ? Have i understood correctly that it can be due to reaching the max transaction amount ?
@Taylor another buyer has the same issue (email with object "Unable to place purchase at bazar") Can you give me an update here ? Have i understood correctly that it can be due to reaching the max transaction amount ?
That’s my understanding - deleting the PayPal payment method and then adding it back in can clear the 10002 error - however it can have a whole bunch of root causes 😦
@Taylor another buyer has the same issue (email with object "Unable to place purchase at bazar") Can you give me an update here ? Have i understood correctly that it can be due to reaching the max transaction amount ?
How much was this new transaction for?
How much was this new transaction for?
That’s my understanding - deleting the PayPal payment method and then adding it back in can clear the 10002 error - however it can have a whole bunch of root causes 😦
So this is an action that the seller needs to do right ?
7:07 AM
Do you still recommend me to reach out to the seller to do so ?
hey @Maker Island ☠ Leão I noticed you managed to get a transaction through and that got me thinking you could potentially split your sale into 2 smaller ones as it might be easier to clear for the client's bank. Just a thought to make sure we get this sale before the client gives up 🙌
the issue is double shipping fees ... or is there a work around ?
Ah apologizes but I just realized it is the same issue but just didn't recognize the seller with JoaoLeao name on Discord ! my bad
So this is an action that the seller needs to do right ?
That’s right - @Maker Island ☠ Leão are you able to have a look at this article? You might have grabbed the api credential from the sandbox environment?
That’s right - @Maker Island ☠ Leão are you able to have a look at this article? You might have grabbed the api credential from the sandbox environment?
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/9/2022 12:43 PM
Thanks for the help everyone, we checked everything up since when we set up the initial paypal system in Bazar and tested with Kat everything was okay. Couldn't find the root cause following the article as the api credentials were correct. We had to delete the initial set up and link it back up, we will ask the client to try the payment one last time.
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/9/2022 1:54 PM
The cliente gave feedback and it seems it keeps not working
1:55 PM
Error 10002 - doesn't happen anymore but he gets this notice when trying to buy
Could you ask them to try with another card?
Seems like they are trying PayPal though?
Maker Island ☠ Leão
Error 10002 - doesn't happen anymore but he gets this notice when trying to buy
That screenshot is very confusing! So that’s the error message your customer is seeing? “The profile data has been updated successfully?” That looks like a notice to you - the vendor…
Hey @Maker Island ☠ Leão - following up with you on this order/issue (sorry for the delay). Has the customer managed to place his order? I see you have quite a number of incomplete orders placed by the same customer (and others). Are you still facing issues ? Would you like me to reach out to the customer to understand better the issue here? Here to assist you if you have further issues/questions 🙂
@Maker Island ☠ Leão did we loose this order in the end? Any idea how we can improve to avoid this in the future?
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