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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-dev / Review Flow
2:50 PM
DId you know you can leave a review from the product listing page? You can have the link go there instead of the seller profile page (edited)
2:51 PM
Also can you post a screenshot of the email?
2:52 PM
The product listing page should be a simplier flow (although this one also not perfect)
The product listing page should be a simplier flow (although this one also not perfect)
Oh, that's actually much better! will adjust.
3:07 PM
@Ahmed Loudiyi got started with review task here, (just a first attempt). Let me know what you think. 🙂 Would be nice if we can find a way to link more directly to the review textfield from the email!
CURRENT REVIEW FLOW Customer makes order >> 📧 Payment successful * Seller sends order >> 📧 *Order shipped Customer receives order >> personal message (?) Seller requests review >> 📧 Awaiting review Customer writes review >> 📧 New Review (for seller) * Would be nice if some things were more automated, like for example: Customer makes order >> 📧 *Payment successful * Seller sends order >> 📧 *Order shipped Customer receives order >> Button: Order received (?) >> Automatically 📧 Awaiting review Customer writes review >> 📧 New Review (for seller) * >> Automatically *Order fulfilled
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