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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-dev / Eyyy was somehow more tricky than
1:19 PM
Cool! But it was my understanding we were trying to get the email to go directly to the product page instead of the seller profile, as writing a review there is all the way at the bottom of the page.
1:22 PM
We could also find a way to move that "write a review" button to the top of the seller profile page
We had had a follow up discussion (probably in Monday?) where we discussed it makes more sense to link to seller profile as sometimes you might have multiple items in one purchase, and then WHICH item should you link to? And either way, the reviews are not saved per item, but per seller, so if they wanted to write one review for each product, it would both show up in all products anyway. So that's why 🙂 But yeah, also agree, that the placement of the reviews can be improved, too!
Even if a buyer makes a purchase of multiple items , they all come out as independent orders. So you wouldn't have a problem there with that. Indeed all reviews are per seller, rather than per product. Which makes sense in this case as we need to aggregate reviews to make more, or else you wouldn't have very many per product.
Agree with Kat we previously agreed to sending buyer to seller profile for reviews
10:58 AM
and agree with joseph we gotta make those reviews and buttons more prominent
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