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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-dev / Conversion rate of desktop vs mobile You
12:30 PM
could see this making sense as the majority of sales are machines and it feels that someone would be more willing to spend 1000+ over desktop than through their phone.
Remember though according to that guy who helped up from IDEA (can't remember his name) said it should be the same
yes so mobile needs to be improved. Wonder where the issues is and could mobile be funneled to a different section of the bazar (like products idk)
device per purchase category
12:47 PM
where users end up
I am surprised anything gets sold at all through mobile.. such a shitty/sketchy experience as I remember from last time using it
Definitely needs some smoothing out thats for sure
from the data above it is clear almost as many users access bazar from mobile.. seems like the next big chunk of design work
🐝 1
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