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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-dev / BUGS for dev (?)
2:36 PM
Here image+video for incomplete orders/paypal issue
Kat changed the channel name: BUGS for dev 5/16/2022 2:36 PM
Kat changed the channel name: BUGS for dev (?) 5/16/2022 2:36 PM
Precious Plastic India's profile
1. Yep strange. Go ahead fixing it. 2. Nop what joseph was referring to is: if listing doesn't have shipping enabled for user location, buyer cannot add to cart (button hidden). This seems something else and equally important to tackle. 3. Paypal incomplete bug seems pretty urgent. Go head. 4. Strange.
Yes go ahead with these
3:21 PM
I would however do these things independently - that way we can test them appropriately and we don't overwhelm the dev
Yes, that was the plan - one job offer for each point :) So, I add the shipping to my location issue? Or did you already start the conversation @Joseph ?
OK yes if you could add a #5: Buyers should not be able to see the "add to cart" or "quantity" button if the seller has not enabled shipping to their location
👍 1
4:24 PM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/16/2022 5:53 PM
Maybe with the Message Notification Issue there is a really easy fix. Just stop sending the seller " A new thread has been started" email. I only care when I get a "New Message" email. Right now I get two emails. One for a new thread and then one for the message the client sends.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/21/2022 3:25 PM
On the shipping topic, Someone from Germany is struggling with purchasing when europe shipping is enabled. Ticket ID #3005
3:26 PM
Could this be related to the fact that the shipping is purely calculated by IP and not Address?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
On the shipping topic, Someone from Germany is struggling with purchasing when europe shipping is enabled. Ticket ID #3005
Hi Rory so was this issue fixed when you removed the "europe" shipping option and just left the "germany" option?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/21/2022 6:38 PM
I just added Germany and it was fixed. Removed nothing
6:39 PM
I also notice I have the same problem with "everywhere else" for Columbian Pot listing.
Hello, so the shipping regions should work again now! The "everywhere else" option seems to be a bit more complex to figure out - but the dev suggested to just remove this "everywhere else" as option, so that sellers would have to set up all regions to cover worldwide. I kind of like the idea, because it seems unlikely to have ONE price for "everywhere else" anyway (only maybe for small items) - and the regions are only like 10 or so? Any thoughts?
Yes I do agree w that!
Hello, so the shipping regions should work again now! The "everywhere else" option seems to be a bit more complex to figure out - but the dev suggested to just remove this "everywhere else" as option, so that sellers would have to set up all regions to cover worldwide. I kind of like the idea, because it seems unlikely to have ONE price for "everywhere else" anyway (only maybe for small items) - and the regions are only like 10 or so? Any thoughts?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/23/2022 11:06 AM
Fyi @Kat it's not uncommon for national mail services to do zones for their costs. Zone 1: Europe, Zone 2: North America, Zone 5: everywhere else etc with the price capped at something. It would be Zone Price + Weight + Size = Shipping Cost.
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