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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-dev / 2nd Sprint - INCREASE CONVERSION RATE!
4:21 PM
Like it. These are the incremental improvements that will bring much benefits to all users.
  • What do you mean getting old reviews? Chasing past sales?
  • Peronally I would bring reviews up right after the description of the seller. Giving more stage and importance to reviews
  • For product listings do we have a template or something sellers are starting from?
  • yes i mean perhaps chasing reviews from past purchases
  • Could you explain what you mean? UX/UI on the product page ?
  • We don't have a template. Kinda depends on what category
Currently it is seller -pic + description -products -reviews I would do -pic + description -reviews -products
Do you mean on the the product page?
4:30 PM
Ahhh you mean on the seller page
4:30 PM
These pages are not very visited according to google analyitcs
I can imagine, there are 2 touch point for people to check reviews:
  • seller profile
  • product listing in the tabs
The biggest problem with the reviews is that it involves a human intervention to get them
4:37 PM
WE need to find more automatic methods
Do you think it is better for the nudge to come from Bazar or seller? (edited)
Yes sounds good. For trust, one topic is also how "verified" would work on the bazar (would it only be verified workspaces who can be verified sellers, or how can sellers become a verified seller otherwise?
Joseph changed the channel name: 2nd Bazar Sprint - INCREASE CONVERSION RATE! 4/28/2022 3:34 PM
Joseph changed the channel name: 2nd Sprint - INCREASE CONVERSION RATE! 4/28/2022 3:34 PM
Heyo! Just to inform you, I'll do the things we discussed tomorrow! Today was quite full. Lala Salama everyone :)
👍 1
Lala salama!
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