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Precious Plastic / archived-arbor-press-dev / Meeting feedback
8:42 AM
I thought the noise of people joining and leaving was quite annoying
Agree, very distracting - maybe that can be muted? @Yann and @Carolina audio were quite bad (maybe check your setup?) otherwise the audio of everyone seemed good 🙂
9:14 AM
Also found it generally very useful and super nice that everyone can join so easily!
Thinking about it just now it would have been nice to have someone taking notes 📝
👍 1
9:57 AM
Yes, bg noise were very annoying. I checked while on the call and very surprisingly you cannot mute those sounds for the channel. However each user can mute them in their own user settings. I checked sounds off from my user settings and everything was smooth. Seems like it should be the other way but for now that's how it is I am afraid
Yes notes would have been nice. I do also wish we recorded it and posted it to YouTube
Oh! forgot to say! I recorded the meeting (recorded screen + audio recorded with my phone, which means I also have it transcripted). From that we could quite easily filter out some notes I guess
it was my first time with discord streaming but next time i will know what to do 🙂 Do we have a repository for submissions? I have used Github a bit for hosting research materials etc but open to other suggestions..
11:50 AM
would be good to be able to share STL files in a central repo especially
11:52 AM
sharing on the discord channel is good but stuff tends to disappear upwards!
Caro is getting ready to start a topic on the research module of the community platform. I think this could be a good place for that. What do you think @Carolina? (edited)
And maybe a specific GrabCAD partner space to host the files ? Updates weekly or something like this ?
We could have a grabcad that can be collaborative in where multiple people contribute with they CAD skills 🙂
wondering about some kind of mind mapping software such as, maybe could integrate into the community platform somehow? looks pretty cool
🤩 1
My feedbacks First of all thanks again for the amazing experience. 1)useful yes, also because of Joost awesome presentation 2) fun a lot 3) messy a little, but acceptable 4) the audio: meh. Sometimes poor mics, sometimes poor connection, it is kinda unaivodable, but we have written channel possibility. extra:
  • looks like Johannplasto wasn't able to join
  • i missed a lot a possibility i had when doing video learning collective classes (maybe it was zoom, i cannot remember exactly) that was: while speakers were limited and that worked for clean communication, the chat was visible to the side of the channel and so the speaker could keep an eye on comments, or have question immediately and clearly answered in a written form with no noise... the interaction was somehow simpler but far more powerful than this first attempt, that i consider still very good however. But extra communication power is never enough in community works.
  • or, if this kind of chat is impractical on discord, maybe some simpler INTERACTIVE sign, like rasied hands, approval or disapproval sign and the likes
  • Mattia, how do you open threads on discord like this one? it is a very useful tool, maybe there could be a tutorial section like the "start here" to instruct discord illiterates like me. thankyou Ciao ciao
wondering about some kind of mind mapping software such as, maybe could integrate into the community platform somehow? looks pretty cool
thankyou! have been searching for that for quite some time after another service changed layout style
thankyou! have been searching for that for quite some time after another service changed layout style
Timberstar 5/2/2022 3:06 PM
ive been using FreeMind for a long time but it doesnt have a web based collaborative feature
👍 1
wondering about some kind of mind mapping software such as, maybe could integrate into the community platform somehow? looks pretty cool
Jon Simmons 5/17/2022 8:48 PM
Recommend bc multiple people can jam on a whiteboard and you can leave it up for people to add notes to it until your next meeting. Really fun
Yes, bg noise were very annoying. I checked while on the call and very surprisingly you cannot mute those sounds for the channel. However each user can mute them in their own user settings. I checked sounds off from my user settings and everything was smooth. Seems like it should be the other way but for now that's how it is I am afraid
Jon Simmons 5/17/2022 8:49 PM
There are different types of voice channels and discord. You can set one up that requires a moderator to invite people to speak and everyone is automatically muted to reduce background noise. Also there are bots for recording in channel. We use Craig
8:50 PM
We keep a text chat channel above the event stage channel for people who want to write in questions or comments
@Jon Simmons hey! Thanks 😁 yes we've also been trying different options for the events:
  • everyone muted by default with only speakers(role) able to talk. Plus a chat channel for conversation + q&a.
  • everyone muted by default with only speakers(role) able to talk. At the end we enabled anyone to talk. I guess it really depends on the type of event. Sometimes the chat channel feels limiting as a mean of conversation and wished people could just speak freely with moderation. Next event we'll try that: anyone is able to speak with a moderator able to mute people if necessary
9:22 PM
*we hide the chat channel when no events are taking place (we have a big discord and have to be mindful of cognitive loads)
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