Hi there
♀️ thought I would introduce myself!
My name's Christine, I'm based in Melbourne (north-eastern metro) and I work in IT full-time, and also am a design and laser cutting geek part-time - I design jewellery which I sell online
I bought my own desktop laser cutter at the end of last year - it has a 300x200mm work area so everything I do is in small batches!
I use predominantly cast acrylic (PMMA) in my work, which is notoriously hard to recycle - I've been in touch with a number of UK-based jewellery designers who are testing out ways to recycle their acrylic offcuts.
Research into shredding and breaking down my offcuts led me to the Precious Plastic community, and I've since fallen headfirst into researching sheetpress processes. I live in an apartment at the moment, so it's not feasible for me to run one at the moment, but my goal is to create new laserable 2-3mm sheets out of my acrylic offcuts and scraps which I've been collecting since January. Hopefully before year's end, I would like to launch an entirely recycled jewellery collection!