Hello, my name is Jhonatan Pรฉrez, I greet you from Venezuela.
I am 28 years old, this November 28 I turn 29 years old, I was born on November 28, 1992. I am married, my wife is called Nohemรญ Glod and she is 25 years old, she is pregnant with two beautiful girls who with God's favor will be born this December, We are very excited about the birth of our girls but also very concerned.
Here in Venezuela the social, economic, health and food situation is very complex because of the dictatorship that governs us and because of the false collaborationist opposition that keeps them in power, leaving us, the citizens, the people, to suffer more and more. every day for the mismanagement of our nation.
The environmental problems of our nation are not the exception, our environment also suffers greatly from the lack of serious public policies against pollution, coupled with the fact that the government promotes mining in our Amazon rainforest and pollutes our rivers with mercury and other heavy metals.
From our possibilities every day we fight to improve our environment doing everything we can, especially selecting our waste correctly, polluting as little as possible and recycling everything that can be done, however, the economic situation of my family does not help us, making our task It becomes increasingly difficult, especially now that our girls are going to be born and we honestly do not have all the resources to be able to maintain them.
We work hard every day, all day, but right now I am going through bronchopneumonia that does not allow me to work and my wife has a very advanced pregnancy and she is at high risk, so she cannot work either. I have been resting for two weeks and undergoing treatment, thank God I am improving and I hope to be able to go back to work soon, so that I can continue to raise money for my girls who are about to be born.