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Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:22 PM
Hey y'all, last technique developped here in sartrouville :) hand made hollow tubes, managed to connect them too. Recycled LDPE
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Deleted User 8/13/2019 8:31 PM
nice, how did you that - if I can ask ?
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:38 PM
Material used : LDPE pallet wrap; a plancha and a métal tube. Il do a vidéo of the process next week at the workshop when i come back from vacations. Maybe someone can guess the process? :p (edited)
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Deleted User 8/13/2019 8:40 PM
gotcha, thanks ! video is welcome 😃
polymer welding?
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:46 PM
Welding is VERY easy. Since its the Same polymères, once you put at right température locally, it fusés very well together
8:46 PM
is not that easy
8:46 PM
if you overheat you will have localized degradation
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:46 PM
Yes indeed
and it can't be welded anymore
8:47 PM
ultrasonic welding is always a better option
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:47 PM
Same for plastic recycling in général tbh
8:48 PM
Well, i dont habe access to ultrasonic technology :( trying to figure out craftman technique related to plastic recycling... (edited)
8:49 PM
what is the product you are looking for?
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:50 PM
What do you mean? Was trying to do some hollow tubes (waterproof).
8:50 PM
the final application
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:52 PM
No final application atm (will probable be used in my veggie garden). The mean of it is mainly to figure out handmade techniques
8:52 PM
i will give you some ideas
8:53 PM
if you have PVC it will be nice
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PE isn't good with ground (edited)
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:53 PM
Il not be touching PVC m'y friend...
it will react quick
8:54 PM
and you will have holes
8:54 PM
why not PVC?
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:55 PM
Very toxic once put to melt....its a nogo in the général PP process
8:55 PM
I'm not concerned about this
8:56 PM
the mainly problem is HCl
8:56 PM
you have to take care
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but in some application i recommend to use pvc
8:56 PM
pipes is the number one
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 8:58 PM
Well, plastic welding is one thing, plastic recycling is another (?) the PP guide ans général recycling guide clearly stage it is too dangerous to work with PVC
8:59 PM
i'm a materials engineer
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with a master's in polymer science
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working with plastic in the last 12 years
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you can find a lot of information that I bring to PP
9:00 PM
don't be afraid of working with PVC
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is a fantastic polymer
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every polymer has your on application
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PE reacts with nitrogen
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it will decompose very fast
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this is why we have pvc pipes all around the world
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cheap, easy to make and very safe
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 9:06 PM
Why dont recycling industries dont recycle it? Im sorry, i dont have any diploma concerning polymèrs, only did a lot of research for 2 years since i started PP project. I have A LOT of LDPE pallet wrap from my (and neihboor) compagnies, and have focused my tests on that polymer (which has little to none additives which is REALLY Nice). Only read bad things concerning PVC, thanks for info input!
Why dont recycling industries dont recycle it?
9:06 PM
because PVC is cheap
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and build a new part is cheaper then recycle
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PVC is the polymer with you can do almost anything
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it can be soft or rigid
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and to do this you have to put modifiers
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so, if you want to recycle, it will be very important to separate
9:08 PM
and this is expenisve
9:08 PM
any help you need, please contact
Nick - PP France 8/13/2019 9:09 PM
Thanks, will do so once i get back to "work" :-)
Deleted User 8/22/2019 6:32 AM
Speaking of making something like that with extruded plastic boards, would there be any merit in inserting a thin steel sheet? Something like a composite material to increase rigidity? (edited)
6:32 AM
@Deleted User, sure it will add strength but with regards to the lifetime of that product it will be very hard to re-recycle. Suspending an object within an extrusion mould also has its challenges, but not impossible.
Nick - PP France 9/9/2019 11:14 AM
If it can inspire anyone :)
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Nick - PP France 9/11/2019 7:39 AM
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7:40 AM
would be nice & easy to make with small beams i guess ^^ (edited)
Nick - PP France 9/12/2019 3:33 PM
Should have checked dimensions before, its a bit big :p
Love the rinos @Nick - PP France 🙂
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I love what you all are doing
11:29 AM
Can you either tell me or direct me to the size wood auger bit used in making the plastic extruded machine, please?
11:29 AM
I’m in Southern California... going to get these rich peeps to start recycling 🙂
11:31 AM
Might be in wrong channel sorry
kolam david 9/21/2019 6:25 AM
6:27 AM
🤔 how is made ?
PPHQ - Everywhere 9/24/2019 12:54 AM
Martin PP Slovakia 9/24/2019 1:53 AM
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
1:53 AM
Here is list of my favourite PP workspaces :
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Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
1:54 AM
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
1:54 AM
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
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Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
1:55 AM
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/29/2019 3:44 AM
I got a idea to make some coral reef rehab parts from Precious Plastic. Background: Current coral reef rehab involves using electrolsys to precipitate out minerals in sea water on to steel frames and then a titanium cathode, all powered by a solar panel on a float. However the titanium mesh is expensive. I see that there is a battery guy, making a conductive HDPE plastic. Basically HDPE infused with carbon and or graphite. It is not chem reactive and will not degenerate in salt water. Titanium is also quite inert but of course the cost for the mesh is quite a lot. So possible a conductive HDPE buoy, with a solar panel attached to it would serve the same use without the big cost?
3:46 AM
another thing is that using the precious plastic machines, we can make batteries and super capacitors.
SemiOptimisticNihilist 10/8/2019 11:11 PM
I was thinking. Couldn't you 3D print houses out of reused plastic? I mean the PP machines are basically giant extrusion nozzles. The movement of the device has already been done here: and here All you would really have to do is create a nozzle that had a constant flow of relatively clean plastic. (a little oversimplified, but not impossible) If you were in a place with beaches covered in plastic I can imagine people then seeing plastic as a house building material, which would further involve the local community. Maybe even 3D print the workspace that the PP machines are housed in? (edited)
Dreaming of a 3D printed house? Check out our collection of the most fascinating 3D printed houses, buildings, and structures worldwide.
@SemiOptimisticNihilist I know of people having already problems with traditional build materials, laminat, PVC and even concrete. The last thing you wanna do is live in plastic, I think we breath and eat enough of it. But you're right, the PP extruder can be also used as printer but we're all currently lacking resources, infrastructure, research and open source material to conduct the next steps. (edited)
SemiOptimisticNihilist 10/8/2019 11:50 PM
@Catalonia True. I just wanted to get the idea out, ever since I saw PP extrusion videos I imagined it being attached to a giant 3D printer. : P (edited)
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Deleted User 10/10/2019 11:32 AM
Hello, I am looking for a machine manufacturer to mix sand and plastic to make paves and sheets of coating for house and a hydraulic pres machine for molding. The machine name is simple screw extruder machine whasap 005215537757963
@Deleted User : you might have a little more luck in the forum but possibly also making a request in the bazar ! Please remove the request when you're set.
Deleted User 10/10/2019 11:36 AM
MystroPolymeric 10/15/2019 6:46 PM
Hello everyone. I am looking for members who are intrested in SEWING POLYPROPYLENE FABRIC. i work for a manufacturer and they throw away the FIBC (flexible intermediate bulk container) aka super sacks. I have used this material for window shades but i am overwhelmed with surplus. I as the Department head refuse to allow this to continue to be a waste stream. Please help Just to make things clear... I am not advertising, only looking to share resources. These containers are PRESCIOUS and am willing to fold and ship them, any other proceeds would be donated to Dave's Patreon to support PP🤑 (edited)
@MystroPolymeric Where are you located geographically? (edited)
Sidequest Co 10/19/2019 7:50 AM
Has anyone tried to make D&D dice with recycled plastic? The dice have a high weight:sale value, and there are quite a few people who play D&D who go for ethical/luxury items.
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Never tried it, but it's a very interesting suggestion. My 5 minutes searching told me that dices are either made through resin casted in silicone, or by injecting thermoset plastic. I think it could be adapted to thermoplastic injection. But I wonder which shapes the molds will be for non-cubic dice.
MystroPolymeric 10/19/2019 4:03 PM
@axez Hey. I live and work in the US. The small state of Rhode Island. I work for a polystyrene manufacturing company and love working with plastics. It breaks my heart to see how much waste we create.
4:05 PM
@Sidequest Co Hey. I thought of a similar idea for oversized die as gifts for D&D lovers. I'm one myself.
Sidequest Co 10/20/2019 12:34 AM
@MystroPolymeric a giant d20 always goes down well 🙂 It might be a little trickier to make though - perhaps hollow using a warmed mold-turner?
Has anyone tried to make a stemless wine glass or seen a mold that could do it
MystroPolymeric 10/21/2019 3:46 PM
@Sidequest Co Hey speaking of d20? I found this old project on Dave's website and thought to bring this back.
I always have little pieces of paper and post-it’s laying around my desk. Filled with messages, to do lists and reminders. It’s messy and a waste of paper…This little block Read more...
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@MystroPolymeric I`m from Russia. I think shipping to here will be very expensive.
Frederik C (ZA) 10/24/2019 11:57 AM
Re: Memo blocks. Even with To-Do and memo note apps on smartphones or watches, I still think people would buy something like that. Maybe in a calendar flip-book style, so memos can be moved forwards, or backwards according to priority. Just for really important reminders or those chores you hate, but must do today. You know what I'm talking about. (Not a question. 🙂 ) It's too easy to just push a "dismiss" or "snooze" button on electronic devices. (edited)
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Zero Plastics Australia 10/26/2019 1:38 PM
Hey humans, just an update on my progress with my heat press, 1. Have been able to constantly make 29.5cm by 25cm by 1cm. 2. Warping aaahhhh! Very close to working this out but frustrating at the moment. 3. I have forgotten most of my woowork skills from school but they are coming back slowly, these are just proof of concept mainly. Any hints or tips let me know. Thanks. Adz.
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Zero Plastics Australia 11/5/2019 12:33 PM
So been experimenting all today and have finally worked out my warping problem, well a large part of it. Made 2 really good sheets that are smooth. Made a little table with 1 of the sheets, super stoked with it!.
preciousplastic 6
Deleted User 11/6/2019 7:12 PM
on my bucket list, forging knives :
@Zero Plastics Australia Love the sheets you are making! What about using them for worktops and kitchen units for camper van conversions? Lots of people doing it these days. You could target your marketing towards them via facebook pages about DIY van conversion, there are a few and they are very active; people who appreciate recycled products and potentially already looking to spend on such a product. Existing products for this purpose are boring colours and not recycled. They would also be great as a picnic or trail kitchen.
Avatar makes oloids in different sizes and different types of wood. Sizes and prices vary because of availability of type of wood. Prices vary from €20 upward. Dr Paul Schatz, inspired by Dr Rudolf Steiner, studied the cube in 1929. When he inverted the cube he discover...
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10:41 PM
Send one to Makers Muse and I'm sure he would promote it on his channel, he loves Oloids!
Zero Plastics Australia 11/13/2019 9:58 AM
@Timberstar that's a great idea mate, I'm in the middle of making more of the tables like the ones above atm but plan of looking into bigger things like this. Atm it takes me 32min to make one 30cm by 25cm by 1cm sheet. As I also work full time it's only now or in the morning that I get time in the shed. I will look into this and thanks again for the heads up.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/15/2019 10:06 AM
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They silicone moulds are a bit finnikey due to not being able to compress the plastic in them, however, if you take the time to pop bubbles and gently press plastic into voids, you'll come up with some good viable products to sell
10:09 AM
and be careful when you move moulds. if the mould material itself is thin, it can bend and warp if you place it down wonky.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/19/2019 8:15 AM
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8:16 AM
My Instagram messages exploded when I posted my button mould results fresh from the oven.
Zero Plastics Australia 11/26/2019 8:59 AM
Hey humans, What's your thoughts on candle holders made from plastic?
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9:00 AM
That's what I've got so far but just playing around atm. Any hints or tips or ideas that could spark anything would be great. I have this an a simple table that i want to add to market before December if all goes to plan. (edited)
@Zero Plastics Australia : looks nice. might get pretty hot at the candle bottom when leaving unattended. I had glas cups for the candles the other day and set our tend under fire 🙂 It was so hot that the glas exploded .. (edited)
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Zero Plastics Australia 11/26/2019 9:20 PM
Oh wow, that doesn't sound good. I tested it till the candles went out, it didn't get get hot which is good but it did spill the was over it when I tried to move it. On a marketing side of things this has 90 bottle lids in it, which is way better than in the ocean or landfill. Still blows my mind what you can do with waste....
Nick - PP France 11/28/2019 5:45 PM
Thanks for the inspiration @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug :) silicone baking mould :D
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@Zero Plastics Australia if you're stuck with that sheets now, you could use stainless sheets for the critical part and still use the plastic for structure. working with stainless isn't easy but with a drill press, a cheap tig welder and quite some polishing/grinder tools you could turn this into $$. Of course labor will go up - but the price too if done nice 🙂
6:18 PM
You can also design something in Fusion360 (metal sheets) and send it over to the CNC metal braker shop - can be cheap. That way you can already place the mounts, pockets for the plastic so it's all straight forward. You can get it with mirror finish too. Eventually wood & glass gives it a pretty good look too ...
Zero Plastics Australia 11/29/2019 6:50 AM
Thank you for the ideas I will have to give these a test soon, with Christmas around the corner now I'm a little broke till the new year. But thanks again I'll show update once I have them.
@Zero Plastics Australia - oh that's tragic. From what I've seen and heard it's kind of impossible to compete with near virgin plastic products - especially if you compete with China. What you could do with the sheets too are puzzle games : I don't know your region but here in the EU it's a classic - especially over Christmas. Possibly you can manage to make the box from plastic too. Not sure sure though how you can archive a nice finish for the edges. There is some little research data in the forum about saws and plastic btw. (edited)
Here is one of the best applications for recycled plastic we've seen so far : . It may seem hard to get hand made orthopedic devices into circulation but there often networks and groups who take care about the elderly in this regard - seeking for affordable alternatives.
Tangram! #preciousplastic #plasticwaste #plastic #recycle #circulareconomy #recycledproducts #makeadiffrence #communitydevelopment #sustainability #plasticprecioslasafor #economiacircular #plastico...
Zero Plastics Australia 12/3/2019 10:21 PM
Wow! Yeah I will have to make one this week. I have the next 2 days off work so I'll try my best to make as many sheets as I can and test this idea with one of them.
@Zero Plastics Australia - yeah, let us know how this goes. I am still puzzled how to make nice edges. Even with the mold approach it seems rather clumsy. If you know somebody with a simple CNC this could look really good (but needs rather flooding). Then as alternative it might be possible to make stamps (like with cookies) and punch the parts out.
Zero Plastics Australia 12/3/2019 11:11 PM
Yeah I have been lucky with how mine has turned out with there edges but honestly it's gonna be something that you have to consider when using plastics.
#sheets, the famous folding door now with CAD models : (edited)
If you didn't yet, please have a look at arselectronica from time to time - there is tons of good material : | They are around since decades and I was lucky to have projects with them from time to time 🙂 They do also a stunning event every year in Linz - kinda must go & must have :-). Another great source are the works at TU Delft (Architecture department). Let me find some amazing books back from some of the graduates...
PET plastic water bottle...11.2 grams.. shredded then ground up into small particles.. then 3d printed into a shot cup 🙂
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aditya24786 1/10/2020 4:00 PM
Lots of stuff really.. these were test prints for water jugs ( from a thingiverse model )
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@3dSeed what are you using to turn it into filament? doing a similar project
yeah @3dSeed would be great to see your set up / process more detailed! 🙏 🙂
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@3dSeed - you said you shredded then grounded the PET - what process did you use to ground it and how fine was it before printing it?
@Kat. Hi Kat, i thought id told you?
11:26 AM
@Kattapa-JU we filter the flakes to dust..
11:28 AM
We are developing a new shredder AND grinder to make the right sized flakes.. More info on Monday :). It will all run on 24V too... Great for batteey powered (sustainable energy powered) festivals.
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please tag me when the info is released!
11:28 AM
nice job so far!
Email me as we are looking for partners in different countries..
bloftdesignlab 1/11/2020 12:59 PM
@3dSeed I'd be interested in your shredder/grinder too. Especially, if it works on 24VDC! As you might have noticed in the forum, I'm developing a pellet extruder for my large-scale 3D-printer and I've been looking for a shredder to shred the plastic to small flakes. Ideally the shredder would ba part of the auto feed unit, so you could really make prints out of waste plastic. Let me know! I'm looking as well for global partners later this year when the extruder&printer is ready.
Andrey Gurkovskii 1/11/2020 6:31 PM
@3dSeed Did not the 3D printer have any harm? Is it custom printer or made of manufactures?
Clear Creek Precious Plastic 1/11/2020 6:35 PM
There is a company in Texas that is already using pellet fed large scale 3d printing. Maybe check them out.
Deleted User 1/11/2020 8:54 PM
so, regarding printing PET. Here, finally, the second trial - it was much easier than initially thought :
  • it's around 150E for the knifes
  • made for v3 shredders
  • you just mount 3 knifes on your hexbar
  • the stationary knife is hold with 2 solid bars tomorrow I run the next tests, it's very possible you can connect this also as extension to your v3 shredder but it actually wants around 600 RPM (may be via belts, right under your existing shredder). However as soon this works as expected, you have the needed flakes size to print it the @3dSeed way. If all goes fine, I add the new machine to the library, docs, etc... but it's really stupid easy to make; 4 hours or so, drill press and a welder and you're fine 🙂
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Arseniy (PL) 1/11/2020 9:26 PM
@Deleted User Are those planer knives? If by '150E' you mean 150€ than maybe instead electric hand planer knives could be used - they are readily available and a pair is around 20€
Deleted User 1/11/2020 9:38 PM
could work, yeah - I got them custom made off from Alibaba. High grade toolsteel, just as PET wants it.
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Deleted User 1/13/2020 1:54 PM
hey, regarding PET 3D - print meets PP : I update this with laser files for a new sieve, more videos as well the knife sources over this week in #archived-machines - but more or less - it works alright. There is still lots of space for improving, aligning mobile knifes to the stationary one. A slight twist angle seems perfect - hence the name 'grinder' I guess.. I tested it on the lathe since I had no motor. The standard 1500RPM will be fine too, otherwise 600 is optimal. Next thing is then a larger printers though - we're not short of PET 🙂
Arseniy (PL) 1/13/2020 2:02 PM
@Deleted User great! One note though - from my experience with similar knives configuration - they are more dangerous in operation since they don't pull the shredded products inside the shredder but rather kick it
2:03 PM
That results in the plastic bottles/items being kicked out of the hopper
2:04 PM
So the lid and/or some'pusher' is necessary
Deleted User 1/13/2020 2:07 PM
hence a good door - yeah - the twist angle seems to determine it's 'chopping' or 'grinding', making the mount holes big enough gives enough space for alignment. but yeah, it's loud and messy - the idea is to mount this right under the v3 shredder since it wants 5-8 mm flakes. but hey, let's continue this when the source files are ready, preferably in the #archived-machines channel - at the end of this week.
GeorgeFields 1/14/2020 4:48 AM
Hi everyone, wich type of plastic do you recommend me to make small high quality products with the injection machine??
@GeorgeFields HDPE is our favorite
hey, regarding PET 3D - print meets PP :
@Deleted User PET is very brittle unless it’s polymers are anisentropic (running in a single direction) blow molding does this for bottles but you would need to add glycol in very controlled mix to make PETG for 3D printing which would probably require very expensive specialized mixing machine. PET has this highest “street value” in South Africa so we can leave that to the informal waste collectors. Polypropylene, HDPE and ABS are all good polymers to work with in PP machines
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sharma.sagar94 1/18/2020 12:00 PM
@Deleted User what is the capacity of this machine?
Deleted User 1/18/2020 12:02 PM
right now it's at a KG in 10 minutes -I am doing last minute changes,optimizations, documentation today. I guess I can get it to 50 - 70 KG the hour - it's pretty cheap and simple to do 🙂 (edited)
12:03 PM
docs & videos go out tomorrow - it's rather a side project and still needs some updates though
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sharma.sagar94 1/18/2020 12:05 PM
@Deleted User this same type of design is more popular here in India, and is much more effective. Here is an example-
Deleted User 1/18/2020 12:10 PM
nice, yeah the one here is rather to grind industrial flakes of 5-10 mm down to 0.7 - 1mm particles - ready to print - there are still open challenges : washing & drying ..
Deleted User 1/18/2020 5:30 PM
@sharma.sagar94 : I just hopped through all the other videos - I am BLOWN away, seriously - lot's a of good takeaways; really nice - thanks a lot - looks like I have to spent some weeks ON the drawing board. Their grinder is way more effective & efficient than the little one here to print stuff right afterwards. I think I copy the double 4 stationary knife design. (edited)
sharma.sagar94 1/18/2020 8:52 PM
@Deleted User yeah. I've been saying this on the forum
8:53 PM
@sharma.sagar94 can I DM, I've got some other stuff to show
Deleted User 1/18/2020 8:53 PM
@sharma.sagar94 : sure, go ahead.
sharma.sagar94 1/18/2020 9:01 PM
@Deleted User add me as friend only then dm will go through 😅
Friendssss will the new bazar have the ability to show prices in local currencies? Cause that would be amazzinggggg
Frederik C (ZA) 1/23/2020 11:06 PM
Bazar questions should actually go in the #deleted-channel channel. And only the developers can answer your question.
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Been having a big problem lately with my plastic sticking to the mold. What do you all use to prevent this?
Frederik C (ZA) 1/25/2020 4:46 AM
☝ #deleted-channel
@Angus17 silicone oil 😉
'][' ][ ][V][ 1/26/2020 3:14 PM
what do you guy do for cleaning your plastic, prior to shredding, or post shredding?
Post shredding You can deliver the plastics directory to the water tank. There also you can sort automaticly some kind of plastics
'][' ][ ][V][ 1/26/2020 3:17 PM
i suppose you would need a large water tank if you were washing a quantity of plastic containers.
3:17 PM
I am working on a machine to handle this process. but curious what others are doing.
Depends info your quantity
3:18 PM
Mine, i use 3 tanks. 1x1x0.8meter
Colourful Collective 1/29/2020 4:07 AM
Hey guys! We are Sophie and Alex from Melbourne (Australia) - we have been experimenting with plastics for some time and helping set up a studio in Melbourne (Proto Hub) so we are using a shredder and compression oven 🙂 We have got some cool results but we have had trouble with our triangular planter pot we are redesigning! Would anyone be up for having a look at the mould design? All the best! Looking forward to some inspiring conversations here on Discord!
@🤙v4-team @Colourful Collective who would be the best person or persons to talk to about mould design or should this be another channel? (edited)
Frederik C (ZA) 1/29/2020 7:10 AM
This should probably go in #archived-machines. Maybe try your nearest machine shop on the map. Or maybe get a quote from a machinist that can make a prototype and ship it to you? Basics tutorial for designing: And active pings require the emoji in the role or username. Like: [at]🤙v4-team .
@Frederik C (ZA) thanks
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Deleted User 1/30/2020 10:28 PM
not a product, just fun stuff from a user , (edited)
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Sunshine Coast Maker Space 2/2/2020 5:34 AM
@Colourful Collective I am in QLD but happy to have a look at this. Why don't you post some pics of the failed parts, and the mold your currently using.
Colourful Collective 2/2/2020 7:35 AM
OOh that would be amazing @Sunshine Coast Maker Space ! 🙂 So our first mould that we made was too big and there were too many sharp angles, and it was really hard to get anything out of it!! Plus it was too big for our oven 😦 I mean we got it in there, but didn't have much space to work with. Here are some pics...
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7:36 AM
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so here are the four parts (the planter pot mould and it's saucer)
7:41 AM
this is how happy I was when we finally got it out!
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We've decided to rebuild, as the mould is really problematic. We are concerned that the next mould wont work either! Hence why we are looking for lots of experienced opinions/tips/advice/help! So here are the designs for the next one. We are working with the oven, and have been making coasters and a few other things from found objects (like lids and bowls and trays) without using any compression and have been having some cool results. But we are really keen to move forward with this planter pot!!
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7:45 AM
what didn't work exactly (edited)
Colourful Collective 2/2/2020 7:45 AM
7:45 AM
Any thoughts much appreciated! 🙂
Sunshine Coast Maker Space 2/2/2020 7:54 AM
@Colourful Collective for a deep draw mold like that, maybe split it so the outer is like a clam shell. That will make it much easier to demold. Or add ejection holes on the bottom. Or jacking screws to jack the inner out of the part from the flange.
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Zero Plastics Australia 2/2/2020 8:14 AM
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8:14 AM
Stack from today's tests
Arseniy (PL) 2/2/2020 1:38 PM
@Colourful Collective you could add triangular 'ejector plate' at the bottom welded to a short rod sticking down through the hole in the actual bottom mould. After cooling down you hit the rod sticking out and it should push the pot out of the mould. (edited)
1:38 PM
@Colourful Collective also, did you use any mould release spray?
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Colourful Collective 2/2/2020 8:52 PM
Oooh thanks for the ideas @Arseniy (PL) and @lechatblanc ! We did use some mould release spray, I will hunt for the name to tell you.
Hi! I’m looking for stamps in laiton or an other metal to mark plastic, may be someone know where I can found this? Thanks xx
1:40 PM
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 2/4/2020 2:32 PM
PP Coin for Polypropylen by Manuel M on Precious Plastic Bazar
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto the link points to someone also requesting the coins ^^ I think they were sold out a while ago, maybe someone from @🤙v4-team can tell us if there is a plan to make some more ?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 2/4/2020 3:16 PM
Oh, ok, just rememered that i saw this on the bazar 😉
Frederik C (ZA) 2/4/2020 4:14 PM
tell us if there is a plan to make some more ? Better yet: A How To on the site for making the coins. (edited)
@Frederik C (ZA) there's actually a how to on making custom stamps with copper wire but the coins look way, way better
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Fritz @easymoulds 2/5/2020 3:51 AM
One option is to hand engrave your own logos and recycle-marks. I don't think there is a plan to make/order more jet @Joseph ? Its kind of hard to make them I assume, you need a biiig press for it and probably order 1000+. Also we found that the last set of coins was a bit tricky to work with.
There is a way to do it, but you need a CNC machine, and I search but really difficult to found something in my price
Frederik C (ZA) 2/5/2020 7:56 AM
Perfect opportunity for regional distribution of difficult-to-make items, on the bazar or otherwise.
Deleted User 2/5/2020 8:00 AM
yeah - I tried making a coin on the CNC - it's really difficult to mill stuff that small - I gave up after breaking a dozen of end mills, it would take around 4 -6 hours to make one coin just. (edited)
@Deleted User oh damn, okay thanks. I will look for another solution
Fritz @easymoulds 2/5/2020 9:23 AM
i could do it on the CNC as well, but i doubt people would like to spend 12€ + shipping? @Elora
Frederik C (ZA) 2/5/2020 9:32 AM
Surely a high-quality mould should be made so the copper can be cast? A set of moulds goes to each region, each region casts a set of coins for each workspace... that kind of thing. It's the mould that is difficult. DIY copper casting is doable, with practice. It's only about 7 - 8 coins per workspace. Also, does it have to be copper? Aluminium casting is easier. (edited)
@Frederik C (ZA) never thought about aluminium, and actually it’s a good thought, I have a DIY fondery may be I can make molds (edited)
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9:38 AM
@Fritz @easymoulds why not actually, but first I will try to do it with my fondery, and thanks 🙂
Pradyumna Rao 2/5/2020 9:38 AM
We made our stamp from a person who makes stamp for leather products and an arbour press to make an imprint on our products. Works great for pp and hdpe products.
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Fritz @easymoulds 2/5/2020 9:52 AM
Another idea - ask you local signmaker workshop to engrave one for you! They have high speed spindles, so they might be able to do it much faster/cheaper 😉
☝ 1
@Fritz @easymoulds yes i want to do that but I’m literally lost in south of France and I can’t found a local sign maker workshop! But I’m going to the « town » in few weeks I will search! Thanks!
Frederik C (ZA) 2/5/2020 10:18 AM
This is partly what the Maker movement is about. Bringing back forgotten skills. 🙂 Us "sophisticated" modern people, struggle to do some of the things that people could do before electrical machines existed. However, previously, it was passed from master craftsmen to apprentices only. That's where, this time round, the web and open-source changes the game.
Nick - PP France 2/5/2020 11:41 AM
very nice @Pradyumna Rao :)
👍 1
indeed ! @Pradyumna Rao you just press the stamp on cold plastic ? (edited)
12:34 PM
would you consider documenting this technique in a how to ? I'm sure lots of people will be interested !
Pradyumna Rao 2/5/2020 12:44 PM
@John yes I press the stamp on cold plastics. I will definitely document it and put it up. This works great for surfaces that are smooth. If there is too much texture like the beams we make it doesn't work great.
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Plastikourgeio 2/6/2020 9:30 AM
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Frederik C (ZA) 2/6/2020 9:34 AM
What are the lamp heads made of?
Plastikourgeio 2/6/2020 9:35 AM
9:35 AM
@Frederik C (ZA) Papier-mâché from a homeless magazine called Σχεδία / Schedia
Frederik C (ZA) 2/6/2020 9:38 AM
☝ 😯 I didn't know that can be heat-resistant.
Plastikourgeio 2/6/2020 9:39 AM
it use led lights anyway, so little heat. They are on all day, in a cafe they have and in the shop where they sell them (I meant Schedia, which is the client)
Frederik C (ZA) 2/6/2020 9:42 AM
Off-grid table lamps with rechargeable battery / power bank in the base sounds good to me. We are having daily power-cuts in South Africa. 🤔 💭 📌 (edited)
Plastikourgeio 2/6/2020 9:44 AM
Funny you mentioned that, because I am experimenting with a camping version, that uses only plastic for everything (including screws) and a mechanically powered flashlight
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 2/6/2020 11:43 AM
@Plastikourgeio Do you have to test the lamps before you can sell it? Or do you use finished and tested lamp kits (includes cable, plug & socket)?
Plastikourgeio 2/6/2020 12:25 PM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto finished product. The electronics are very straight forward, although we do a basic function test: switch power test, high potential/hipot test, power cord anchorage test, power cord length test. The client provide us the shades and we create the mold base with their indications (usb charger, switch on the base, round base, etc) , so we also test the shades for heating tolerance level, just in case they use something else than led
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Deleted User 2/6/2020 2:33 PM
Hi guys! I'm new. Fell in love with PP from the first video and I'm now helping to setup a community here in Lithuania. One of the questions is the business side. Has anybody have any links/material/experience/numbers/anything to share about how much this can be profitable? Is it possible/easy to break even? Any example or real world cases would be awesome! I believe we got sorting, item design, machines and ideology covered at least on some level, but the business side is struggling - any help would be very much appreciated!
Hi. I would like to set up a dome or two. Is there anyboy injecting the 6-way and 5 -way joineries? I can't find these parts on the Bazar. I would be interested in 40 and 12 pcs.
Zero Plastics Australia 2/7/2020 8:04 AM
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8:04 AM
Might be in her golden years but still loves to help out...let's say supervise
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 2/7/2020 3:25 PM
Hi everyone ! Here are to products we make :
Rehab conçoit des objets qui ont du sens, et aspire à désintoxiquer l’océan et la société du fléau nommé plastique.
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3:25 PM
Hope you like it 🙂 Thanks PP !
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 2/8/2020 2:27 AM
I used my extrusion machine to inject a 15cm x 15cm x 15cm mould mixed with gravel. the rotating mechanism for the mould failed so the rocks stayed at the bottom. however, there was good penetration of the plastic into the settled gravel. this is a project for some civil engineering students.
🤟 2
2:29 AM
This was created using HDPE flakes and hot gravel. Plastic and gravel were put in layers and heated in oven until plastic melted down each time. It took a while but the results look quite interesting. later they plan on cutting this in half to see what it looks like inside. Also a project for civil engineering students. I did notice that there's some cracking of the plastic in areas close to gravel likely because the HDPE shrinks and the gravel does not. But i'll be interested to see what their results are for how strong it is.
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@Rehab PP Quimper - Nico Amazing work! Keep it up and good luck with your campaign!
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@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto oh thanks!!!
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 2/8/2020 5:42 PM
Thanks @Mattia 😘
@Plastikourgeio I love your desk lamp what did you use as a mould for the lamp part.
👍 1
Plastikourgeio 2/12/2020 12:42 PM
Just a simple square mould
Deleted User 2/13/2020 4:26 PM
Guys, I have a business related question - do you sell your products, how do you distribute/promote them, what sells wells in your experience and has anybody actually manage to take off and have a sustainable business with PP machines and the whole model? I'm based in Lithuania and we're working on starting a community here and would be good to know such things. Thank you!
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/14/2020 4:36 AM
Test molding some compression molded grain elevator buckets. Plastic is a mix of coke and gatoraide caps. Extruded and pressed. Still working on temperature settings and liquid cooling the mold today we will try.
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Zero Plastics Australia 2/16/2020 3:11 AM
Seriously the laziest supervisor I've ever work for haha, but hasn't stopped me experimenting with colours and sheets. Getting there but so much more to learn.
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@Zero Plastics Australia awesome colors! Are you on the bazar?
@Zero Plastics Australia Those are nice. What plastics and sources are you using for these?
Zero Plastics Australia 2/16/2020 9:52 AM
@MAALK didnt think they would sell to be honest but after the feed back I've been having maybe I should. @Arson These are HDPE, the white is the mix I get from a recycling company near me and then I sort out the lids I collect into these 3 colours and then mix with the white.
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Deleted User 2/16/2020 10:50 AM
They look like artwork you would hang on a wall !
sharma.sagar94 2/16/2020 11:15 AM
hey, regarding PET 3D - print meets PP : I update this with laser files for a new sieve, more videos as well the knife sources over this week in #archived-machines - but more or less - it works alright. There is still lots of space for improving, aligning mobile knifes to the stationary one. A slight twist angle seems perfect - hence the name 'grinder' I guess.. I tested it on the lathe since I had no motor. The standard 1500RPM will be fine too, otherwise 600 is optimal. Next thing is then a larger printers though - we're not short of PET 🙂
@Deleted User Any updates on this?
Deleted User 2/16/2020 11:23 AM
@sharma.sagar94 : well, the small printer is ready, also the grinder. the big printer is in development , we teamed up with @Timberstar but this one will last quite a while. we're posting on the old forum and here when the docs are complete, will ping you myself
Deleted User 2/16/2020 11:34 AM
@sharma.sagar94 : project updated : , includes also the links to the PET print head
sharma.sagar94 2/16/2020 7:36 PM
@Deleted User thanks
Deleted User 2/16/2020 7:38 PM
@sharma.sagar94 , some important details are missing (alibaba contact), lets see what master @Butte (PP Philippines)´s grinder is capable of (edited)
3:43 AM
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3:43 AM
Earset winders and Water color palette
3:44 AM
3:44 AM
@Getthip Cool. I like the water color palette. Do they click together to expand?
@Arson Nope, it's attached 2 pcs. Together.
7:21 AM
Very nice
davehakkens 2/17/2020 1:40 PM
love this channel 👊
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 2/17/2020 9:21 PM
@Getthip Do you have a picture of your mould of the Water color palette? Thanks!
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/18/2020 7:34 AM
I extruded at higher temps, hoping to solve some quality issues. It just bubbled instead. Better shapes worse finish. I duplicated the plastic hub shredder using wood plane blades. Yea it works... Nay it shreds bottles. It absolutely hates plastic bags. bent a blade on a chap plastic bag. Prob just use to reprocess granules into finer sizes.
7:40 AM
@sharma.sagar94 , some important details are missing (alibaba contact), lets see what master @Butte (PP Philippines)´s grinder is capable of
@Deleted User The small grinder based on yours was a fail. It can only reprocess flake. I used 3.5 inch wood plane blades. Cheap china price was 2 usd each, good milwaukee brand is around 6usd each. Plastic bag no luck, plastic bottle it just flopped around. Much bigger shredder is still awaiting parts back from laser. Many unknowns on that one. Bought a new MIG welder specifically for this build and ahead of pur planned schedule because NCOV virus is making things rapidly unavailable here. Bearings gettingharder to find. I can find SKF brand at 3x the cost of the Japanese I was sourcing and Chinese stuff is almost gone. Placed orders for temp controllers online and selector switches. No luck, no one is shipping. No heater bands too.
8:16 AM
1 inch aluminum stamp
8:18 AM
has M5-0.80 threaded hole on the back
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Deleted User 2/18/2020 8:58 AM
@Butte (PP Philippines) : mh, my bad, i should made it more explicit that it was really just grinding flakes to dust, sorry
8:59 AM
we made to print PET ...
Ley Klussyn 2/18/2020 10:20 AM
@Arson Oh nice, how did you made it?
I used a CNC mill. I designed a 3D printed jig for holding the pieces while they are machined. I hope to sell them and use the profit to build out the rest of the workshop. My shredder is supposed to be shipped on Thursday. 🙂
👍 1
Frederik C (ZA) 2/18/2020 10:40 AM
@Arson Any chance that you can make and sell a casting mould for the coins? Also, can you make custom logos for other workspaces?
@Frederik C (ZA) Possibly. What sizes are we talking?
10:43 AM
I can make custom logos if someone has the drawing files
10:43 AM
Just started with stamps so people could heat them up and mark their products
Frederik C (ZA) 2/18/2020 10:50 AM
What sizes are we talking? I'm not sure. 🙂 Small enough to be aesthetically pleasing, but big enough to read, I guess. I suppose I'd have to print one on paper and see how it looks. But basically the size of the smallest money coins. Or smaller.
I can machine aluminum and brass. But I wouldn't be able to do something harder than that.
10:54 AM
The one above is 1 inch width. I got some 0.5 inch coming in to try.
Frederik C (ZA) 2/18/2020 10:54 AM
Well, maybe that will work. I was just thinking that spending a bit more on moulds, means that the standard coins can be reproduced by less-equipped workspaces, on demand. A custom logo coin, only needs to made once, of course.
Yep. I have the stuff to build my large CNC. 2.2kW water cooled spindle and all. Just need the spacce and time to build it
10:57 AM
It should cut whatever I want.
10:59 AM
I'd definitely be willing to give it a go
10:59 AM
if someone was interested
Frederik C (ZA) 2/18/2020 11:01 AM
Luckily, it's not a huge package to ship. So, one workshop can pretty much supply most of the World.
Yeah. I'm hoping to fill the niche so I can get reinvest into buying the other plastic machines
11:02 AM
from some of the workshops
Frederik C (ZA) 2/18/2020 11:03 AM
Keep us posted. 👍
Craig G. Lewis 2/18/2020 5:11 PM
Great to see ongoing discussion. I have to say that there are a lot of people involved and building now with PP 🙂 I love to do something in my area. I have many ideas, now need to start them 🙂 My biggest project would be creating HDPE EV's Body frames and components 🙂
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@Getthip Hey your products look amazing! Could we see the mould for the headphone cable roll please? (edited)
Local Plastic 2/19/2020 4:25 AM
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@Timberstar simple circle mould, just need to attach 2 pcs together
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TroyRosslow 2/23/2020 2:58 AM
My first block made of Aircrete and shedded plastic. My plastic sheds are too large. I need to build better shedder to continue experiments.
3:00 AM
Full block.
3:01 AM
You all are making some great stuff.
Deleted User 2/23/2020 3:30 AM
@TroyRosslow looks good! Did you make your own foam generator for the aircrete?
TroyRosslow 2/23/2020 1:29 PM
Yes following Domegaia plans.
Frederik C (ZA) 2/23/2020 2:06 PM
☝ Links please. (?) 🙏
TroyRosslow 2/23/2020 9:17 PM
@Frederik C (ZA)
Best Aircrete Tools, Aircrete Workshops, Learn to Build with Aircrete, Aircrete Domes by Domegaia, Hajjar Gibran Aircrete Dome Homes
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 2/26/2020 3:54 PM
Starting to produce some HDPE beams from ocean plastics, not our final shot as there are some improvements to make. Quite happy for now
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Is anyone making iphone cases?
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@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland what do you make from the beams
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 2/27/2020 1:33 PM
@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland what do you make from the beams
@Sieara We are planning to do some small furnitures like stools, I also use the beams to build up a little porch in front of the Lab but that's when we will have less storms and blizzard. At the moment working on acoustic treatment so that the workshop is less noisy... Basically you can do what you want, it is really versatile and sturdy. Although it should not be used for structural support in theory as it has near 0 elasticity.
🤔 2
That's still really cool.
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Zero Plastics Australia 2/29/2020 9:21 AM
Hey guys I've recently started having my sheets "peel" for lack of a better word. It's like the plastic starts to layer but doesn't set. I haven't changed anything in my process and are using the small type of plastic. HDPE. Any tips of fixing this?
Deleted User 2/29/2020 9:58 AM
Contaminated feedstock maybe?
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Zero Plastics Australia 2/29/2020 10:01 AM
All the same stock, I just checked my molds however and notice a little bit of rust appearing on them, maybe that is the reason.
Maybe you need to heat up higher to be sure the mixing of melted polymer is better
Zero Plastics Australia 2/29/2020 10:06 AM
Yeah that's the thing I haven't change the stock or the heat/settings at all. The only difference that I've just notice is this rust appearing on my molds. I'll sand them back and see if that helps.
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@Zero Plastics Australia rust would transfer heat differently than the plain metal. It could be that you need a higher temperature and/or longer time once you get the rust forming.
Frederik C (ZA) 2/29/2020 5:29 PM
What are the moulds made of?
Zero Plastics Australia 3/1/2020 8:09 AM
Aluminum sheet metal, 5mm thick.
🤔 2
Hi, I'm trying to put my products in the new bazaar, but there's no option to do this, only order. Anyone has the same problem or solution?
Hi guys do you have Huawei phone cases on sale??
1:10 PM
I will love to have one
Trukku (Ohio, USA) 3/5/2020 4:31 AM
@Zero Plastics Australia aluminum oxide and rust are both relatively good insulators compared to their base metals. If you're developing them through operation rather than environmental exposure, you may be having an issue with moisture content in your feedstock. If you're in an area with high humidity, the plates may be developing condensation when cool, so you'll want to keep them dry, and limit heat/cool cycles if you can.
Zero Plastics Australia 3/5/2020 5:47 AM
@Trukku (Ohio, USA) thank you so much for this.
Thank u
Local Plastic 3/7/2020 12:25 AM
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Local Plastic 3/7/2020 1:52 AM
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Local Plastic 3/8/2020 4:13 AM
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thats so cool !
capt_killer_puss 3/9/2020 1:06 PM
sand and plastic pavers
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the_troubleshooter 3/9/2020 5:21 PM
Does anyone know where I can buy plastic sheets from? Like the ones we see from the sheet press?
Fritz @easymoulds 3/10/2020 12:10 PM
@the_troubleshooter reach out to 😉
Hello, We are multidisciplinary plastic recyclers
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Deleted User 3/10/2020 1:52 PM
v3 extruder output (low RPMs!) , the guy seems to really enjoy it 🙂
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sharma.sagar94 3/10/2020 3:05 PM
@Deleted User it has got that metallic look. Cool
GeorgeFields 3/11/2020 6:24 AM
Hi everyone! how do you recommend washing the Plastic? In it's original form as caps and bottles or in flakes?
Ley Klussyn 3/11/2020 8:36 AM
@GeorgeFields I think the question would be better asked in #archived-plastic , but I think that usually it's both, especially if the bottles are really dirty/were filled with something that just don't "flow out.". (Something thick or greasy) The first wash wouldn't be really precise/careful, but just to remove most of what was inside. (edited)
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 3/12/2020 2:59 PM
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Sorry, got a bit excited when I took this photo. I've probably been playing with silicone moulds a bit more than I should but it's hard not to when you get good results without a bubbly mess.
lechatblanc 3/12/2020 3:16 PM
How did you form the silicon mould? In wood?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 3/12/2020 3:22 PM
Actually a friend bought them over but was unsuccessful in using them so I gave it a shot. The moulds appear to be of a 3d printed shape due to some details I see. I'm not sure how they were formed but it's just a guess.
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/13/2020 12:20 PM
Is it possible to be more precise? Or are there problems?
@Lazy_Turtle I think it´s a thermoset, so you can´t recycle it...
Lazy_Turtle 3/13/2020 12:30 PM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto Oh that is a problem... Does someone know the amount of injections it is possible until it is broken? It might be a good way to duplicate things, watch the video if you have time.
Saurav Arya 3/13/2020 6:02 PM
Hello everyone . Here I am for to know about plastic pollution and wants to know Bout the way of recycling platic and make some useful products . I want to know about the costing and other expenses to do it
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sharma.sagar94 3/13/2020 6:26 PM
@Saurav Arya hi Saurav
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/13/2020 8:07 PM
@Lazy_Turtle Should be in this area (see picture below). Under 100 shots maybe... (edited)
Lazy_Turtle 3/14/2020 2:25 AM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto so it is better to use other ways if possible?
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 3/17/2020 5:01 AM
Extruded a tile to see what happens. Was not disappointed.
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5:04 AM
9cm x 9cm x 1cm mold. Product shrunk to 8.5 cm x 8.5cm x ~9.9mm
sharma.sagar94 3/17/2020 9:37 PM
@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug time taken to extrude?
Zero Plastics Australia 3/18/2020 1:07 AM
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1:07 AM
New sheets looking better each time.
Yeah that's the thing I haven't change the stock or the heat/settings at all. The only difference that I've just notice is this rust appearing on my molds. I'll sand them back and see if that helps.
@Zero Plastics Australia Hey Adzie your sheet press might not be functioning as well as when you got it adjust up 5-10degrees to see if this compensates for the delamination. or the spring on the press is not as strong and therefore not giving you as much pressure as before.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 3/18/2020 9:21 AM
@sharma.sagar94 3 1/2 minutes
9:24 AM
The only difference that I've just notice is this rust appearing on my molds. I'll sand them back and see if that helps.
@Zero Plastics Australia You need a work surface that doesn't rust or else you will always have this problem. It can be stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper... Just be aware if you use a soft metal you need to be extra careful to not damage the surface as it will be imbedded in whatever you're making.
Zero Plastics Australia 3/18/2020 10:50 PM
@protohub @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug yeah after changing this to a thicker sheet and sanding it back it now works a treat. I was thinking of selling kits of my machine so others can make sheets like mine now as I've almost got it down to a T.
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Question: I have to make a HOLLOW product looking like this yellow shape. How do I build the mold so I can take it out again? Ideally, I want to freehand apply it on, soI can tale off afterward, to obtain a similar texture like this vase in one of the videos. (The freehand technique i am referring to is similar to the one used to what is used in Jaden table video: my own suggestion: To mold the thing divided into two shapes, and put them together later. (That being the round top part and the wide pipe) I was thinking to mold the round top over a bowl (anyone with experience with HDPE letting go of ceramics again?) But the large diameter pipe I have no idea what to mold over? I was thinking to make something in wood, but now sure how safe it is, and how to make it release from the mold again. NB: measurements are estimates, there is no need to me to be exact. (edited)
Natu 🇺🇸 [Ohio] 3/19/2020 4:09 PM
Probably a crazy concept idea but a hollow object could potentially be made by having the mold moving with high rpm to get the plastic bits on the outside only
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@Natu 🇺🇸 [Ohio] it doesnt need to be high rpm, rotation moulding is a thing. The plastic has to be ground very fine though. Its how most large thin-walled plastic objects are made- canoes, play equipment etc
5:05 PM
dave even had a rotation moulding machine as part of his original v1 set (edited)
5:09 PM
5:09 PM
blueprints don't seem to be around any more though
@Timberstar I think you and @Natu 🇺🇸 [Ohio] misunderstood how i want to apply the plastic. I am melting it and then applying it with my hands and a spatular like tool. (like in the video link) But thank you for the recommendations 😄
davehakkens 3/19/2020 6:16 PM
@Si Mo Ne that vase was a unique piece. we only made one. And that was made with a paper mould and extruder on top of it. And later we could rip out the mould
@davehakkens thank you for answering! It looks nothing like an extruder pattern, so would never have guessed! - interesting with the paper mould, is there a tutorial or another example anywhere? 🤓
davehakkens 3/19/2020 6:22 PM
nha we didn't really like the technique. A bit wasteful with the mould so we didn't share it
@davehakkens that makes sense. thank you for your help 🤠
Frederik C (ZA) 3/19/2020 7:49 PM
Wow... PP V1... prehistoric artifacts... 😳
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Zero Plastics Australia 3/20/2020 12:19 AM
Is it just me or does anyone else go "fan girl" crazy when @davehakkens post on here? Lol.
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Deleted User 3/20/2020 12:21 AM
Just you 😘
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 3/23/2020 6:51 PM
Instead of spamming with all the stuff we do from ocean plastics, here is a link to our online shop. Nothing extraordinary from the PP world except maybe some upcycling ideas and the fact that we deal with pollution rather than waste. Any idea, suggestion or indeed sales 😉 are most welcome. We only ship to the UK
This season seems compromised following the Coronavirus pandemic. We would really appreciate the support of our initiative by buying products from us. All our products are made from plastic collect…
👍 4
@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland : nice work, have you considered also other markets as Etsy (nice crowd) as well Amazon (harder)? Running an own shop didn't turn out so well for lots DIYers. OSE has a good video about With the new bazar there might a good chance to present PP in a custom Ebay, Amazon, ... store. (edited)
👀 1
Are there guides on upcycling?
Deleted User 3/23/2020 10:19 PM
not per se but you can see thousands of ideas on instagram. best is to learn all basic craft skills from A-Z, youtube is your friend.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 3/24/2020 12:47 PM
@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland : nice work, have you considered also other markets as Etsy (nice crowd) as well Amazon (harder)? Running an own shop didn't turn out so well for lots DIYers. OSE has a good video about With the new bazar there might a good chance to present PP in a custom Ebay, Amazon, ... store.
@punksout Well there are other major things which turned not so well for us like with machinery... We have a shop and we can receive 100+ people a day during the season. I am personally totally against Amazon so there is no chance I will step in that direction. The shop will not run this year except if there is a miracle regarding the epidemic (projection till September here). We missed last season because of delays and the fact we had to rebuild and modify our machines. We might go towards Etsy but I would not be surprised that all shipping end soon here. I had to send my ranger home yesterday so no more removal of pollution. So except working on building up a stock and testing new ideas, there is not much choice for us at the moment. @Uplifted In general we upcycle things which are not recyclable like the fragments of fishing buoys which are thermoset (we make soap dishes, lamps, toys for the horses etc), some objects which are massive like fish farm feeder pipes (We make furnitures, horse shelters) or things that could be a waste of energy like 35m of nice rope (we make mats). In general, we try to waste the least energy possible, it is up to you to repurpose objects. The thing is that we work with pollution, we don't know what the ocean will spit out, we adapt. Sometimes you leave stuff in a corner for a while because you don't feel like sending it to landfill. Then one day, you find a use of it. It involves quite some hoarding but with a bit of organisation, it allows doing some cool stuff.
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Deep RECOSOLUTION LLP 3/28/2020 1:25 PM
I want to know that do this awesome products be made by processing household waste like polythene and MLPs?
Hey friends, I’m working on a business plan to set up a mixed precious plastic workshop, with the end goal of making stackable plant potters that can be used to make a self watering vertical gardens, for at home food production. Currently, I’m wondering what machines I should invest in. Should I get a shredder and extruder to push the plastic into a custom mold? Or would a compression mold work better? Thanks in advance.
Ni (theknightswho) 3/30/2020 10:24 AM
Hi everyone, I'm leading a research team working on circular solutions for waste in Kathmandu. The precious plastics modular brick idea looks really promising! I'm just wondering if anyone knew who I could get in touch with to learn more?
ChrisHunnisett 4/1/2020 1:58 PM
Hiya Guys I've been passed details on some people in Hastings East Sussex they are looking for 1.75mm PLA Filament any colour for 3d printing to support the NHS can any one help?
Zero Plastics Australia 4/6/2020 3:26 AM
This is what the Zero Plastics Australia family gets up to when in iso Using 6 recycled plastic sheets containing a total of 2622 bottle caps and the wood from on old bed frame, this marble run is not only made from fully recycled items, but is endless fun!
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3:28 AM
Video on my Facebook page if you guys wanna check it out and give me a like
@Zero Plastics Australia adz that rocks love ya work
anyone working with PET ? Upto what temperature it should heated in oven so that it become easy to mould it ?
David Lamm 4/8/2020 5:04 PM
I only know from the poster @vikash
5:04 PM
5:04 PM
There are different types of plastic and each plastic has its own melting temperature. You can easily find this online. However there is a big difference between the melting range between - Dave Hakkens
5:05 PM
"Depends a little bit what kind of technique/machine you are using. The metling temperature is around 260 degrees. However compared to others types of plastic with PET this is very crucial. Couple of degrees above or below make it unnamable –is that a word? You got a picture of your machine?"
Lazy_Turtle 4/8/2020 5:16 PM
Dave or his friends explains that "PET is a very strong plastic that can be easily recognised for its transparent look - all water and soda bottles are made from PET as well as some jars, combs, bags, tote bags, carpets and ropes, and is recycled more commonly. Recently, PET has been recycled into yarns and made into clothes. This plastic is a bit more complex to work with, we advise to start with other plastics." in
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
5:18 PM
We only collected HDPE and PP in our school. We have no experience with PET. "harmful fumes during processing, some research suggesting harmful materials seeping through long term use" from
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
5:22 PM
Harder to read but more precise👍
Thanks @David Lamm @Lazy_Turtle .
8:12 PM
currently i am using electric oven for heating and c- clamp for pressing for making sheet . for other plastic its working fine but in case of PET , its cools quickly and bonding(between different shredded grains) is also not good .
8:15 PM
This is pic. of our machine. we completed it few days before lockdown.
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8:20 PM
There is a problem in extruder . it is not able to extrude material .i think this is because there is 3-4 mm gap in between screw and extrusion barrel and screw is slightly eccentric(i.e it is not exactly in centre of barrel) .is anything else because of which this might be happening?please give your suggestion . (edited)
Deleted User 4/8/2020 8:27 PM
3-4 mm gap will ruin your barrel 😦 (edited)
8:28 PM
should be more around 0.5 mm difference only
Thanks for suggestion @Deleted User .
8:40 PM
Now i am thinking of buying this .. will this works properly . its dia.. same as extruder barrel I.D.
Deleted User 4/8/2020 8:48 PM
there are long ones too if you need, they come as set ebay ok, but only 24mm diameter which is still ok
8:50 PM
if it's 25 exactly, it might scratch the barrel. barrels come usually up 0.1mm undersized
Thanks for references .Will get one after this lockdown is over.
I use a 25mm wood auger in a 25mm ID extruded tube ad it fits perfect. No undersize whatever. What i did though is smoothen the edges of the drill with a file.
Deleted User 4/10/2020 5:54 PM
@sonik lucky you - here it´s consistently 0.1 - 0.15 undersized, for all the 40 meters (in different sizes) I bought over the last 12 months. you have a good file, the wood augers i had were extreme hard, even the angle grinder didn´t take off much (edited)
Zero Plastics Australia 4/11/2020 11:48 AM
So i made a skateboard out of a sheet i had laying around the other day and after trying to land a kick flip snapped it in half haha. The best thing about this is i just recooked the sheet and can make it again. Love working with plastics.
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Zero Plastics Australia 4/12/2020 5:10 AM
Happy Easter, everyone! 🐰 While in recovery from my gnarly stack, I had an idea💡 As I'm always listening to music when I'm working in the shed 🎶 👨🎤 and I always leave my phone in the way, I decided it was time to make a phone stand! Check out this little beauty, another nice way to repurpose and reuse plastic waste ♻
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5:11 AM
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@Zero Plastics Australia super cool buddy👍
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Hello we setting up a small recycling workshop at a primary school here in Singapore. I am looking for a mould design for a marble run. So the youngest kids can play with the items we make. Does anyone happen to have this.
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Deleted User 4/13/2020 10:19 AM
@joost : that´s excellent idea and a perfect example where PP can shine 🙂 You can do this with the traditional molding process (model and CNC mill) but I´d give it a try on the extruder with custom beam molds.
10:21 AM
the custom beam molds are quite easy to make, you take a tube, cut out a slot and weld a cylinder in place
We have an injection press and access to a CNC milling machine But was wondering if someone has the design in 3D already.
Deleted User 4/13/2020 10:24 AM
no, but this is easy to make in Fusion360, take some of the tutorials on youtube, you could do this in less than a day, in another day you can make the CAM operations as well. Also check "skillshare" for courses. (edited)
10:25 AM
it´s mostly beams 🙂
It probably is not that hard, but copying a mould which has already been tested is even easier !
Deleted User 4/13/2020 10:42 AM
from what i see this shapes don't need critical draft angles or such; it would shrink and fall off in both cases, injection molding, beam molding.
Deleted User 4/13/2020 11:38 AM
@joost : there's also a popular thread in the forum :
Zero Plastics Australia 4/14/2020 12:39 AM
@joost if you look a little up this post i recently made a marble run from sheets. My son loves it and it was really easy to make.
12:45 AM
(which was super cool btw)
Hi Zero Plastic, it looks nice indeed. We only have the injection machine.
1:19 PM
Got one of my Engineers working on the 3D model, so hopefully we can make a mould soon.
Zero Plastics Australia 4/15/2020 11:20 AM
Thats a great idea, let us know how you go with it.
Deleted User 4/15/2020 2:16 PM
sick, have you seen this ?
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what is this wizardry? how?
Deleted User 4/15/2020 2:50 PM
good question but looks like there is a 3.5ish sheetpress out there 🙂 the guys are definitely ahead (edited)
either the person has small hands, or that's about 50mm thick
Deleted User 4/15/2020 2:55 PM
it's 5.1cm for real, check instagram post
0k 590x340x50
2:58 PM
the patterning is amazing!
2:58 PM
mind bending
Deleted User 4/15/2020 2:59 PM
check their other posts ! they also made a smaller arbor injector, that's the 8th design out there 🙂
yea, interesting to use a secondary gear on the rack... those hand winches are stupidly cheap (edited)
ya know, i think it would help a lot if we can get numbers for the actual force and speed needed on the plunger.. if the linear actuator are too weak we could calculate what motors would be needed to make a rack or ballscrew version with gearing
3:19 PM
i'm sure ive got one somewhere...
Deleted User 4/15/2020 6:13 PM
Hi, Any information regarding basket potential production ? I understand its injection based on HDPE ? From what I've checked. interested by possible processes than machines. Thanks !
@Deleted User A basket is quite a large object to inject in one piece.... but people are making baskets with the extruder
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 4/15/2020 10:18 PM
Thanks @Deleted User for the link to preciousplasticukraine So interesting to see their prgress from the first simple machines from wood to now 💪 🙃
Deleted User 4/15/2020 10:19 PM
yea, mind boggling
Zero Plastics Australia 4/22/2020 4:15 AM
I always find it ironic how humans chop down a birds home to make a birds home🤔 So why not use plastic waste instead? 🙃 This little bird feeder took just over 750 plastic bottle caps to make, cleaning up our planet ♻️ instead of destroying it for our gain and to tick some kinda feel good box. ✅
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Lazy_Turtle 4/22/2020 4:32 AM
@Zero Plastics Australia I would love to see a how-to on that🙂 (If you have time)
Zero Plastics Australia 4/22/2020 4:43 AM
Unfortunately as i was making this with my 2.5 year old and wife we were having to much fun building this to take photos, but i do have a how to in the works for how i make my sheets and im trying to make "kits" that people can buy in order to start doing what i do, as the sheet machine from v4 is a little costly and hard to make if you are just starting off.
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timisalabimi 4/23/2020 12:31 PM
Lamps from recycled PP i made, let me know what you think! Question: is it possible to extrude beams with a profile of 20x20mm or even smaller? I have seen larger profiles but not thin ones. This could mean the lamps can be completely made of plastic.
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Lazy_Turtle 4/23/2020 12:46 PM
@timisalabimi Beautiful! I don't even know if you need a beam.
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 4/23/2020 1:12 PM
@timisalabimi yes I do most of my beams as 20x20x500 easy and fast to make
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timisalabimi 4/23/2020 1:52 PM
@Lazy_Turtle had not thought about just glueing the parts together without frame, might experiment with that!
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@timisalabimi so beautiful. how’d you make these colors. My products’re always black or gray. Thanks
Pls hepl me. My product’s black or gray.
Ley Klussyn 4/25/2020 2:01 PM
@Ken Tran Which color was the plastic you originally used ? If you want colors, you need to used colored plastic. If you did use colored plastic, maybe you're overheating it and it's starting to burn/discolor? It also depends of the type of plastic, which one do you used? (edited)
@Ley Klussyn how much temperarure?
2:08 PM
And ưhat kinde of color plastic?
2:09 PM
This one is easy to understand.
2:09 PM
This one is more professional
Ley Klussyn 4/25/2020 2:10 PM
@Ken Tran It depends on the plastic type, your process/machine, and time. You could start by checking out the academy if you didn't : By "color plastic", what I mean is that if you want to make a red object out of HDPE, you should use red HDPE and not black HDPE. But there isn't really a "kind" of colored plastic, it's all about the type of plastic. (edited)
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Thanks. I’ll try it
Lazy_Turtle 4/28/2020 10:22 AM
@Deleted User sorry I don't (I can't)have an account on facebook...what is it?
10:25 AM
that's the kinda stuff I wanna see in PP 🙂
Lazy_Turtle 4/28/2020 10:25 AM
It would be cool if we can produce "kits" for people to build
Lazy_Turtle 4/28/2020 10:27 AM
I think we can start with smaller stuff?
Deleted User 4/28/2020 10:28 AM
it's small enough, no ? bigger molds are easier to make 🙂
Lazy_Turtle 4/28/2020 10:29 AM
I can't really explain what I am thinking, but
10:29 AM
Let me try to google
10:30 AM
yesss this one
10:31 AM
It's called swinging sticks... I never knew
Deleted User 4/28/2020 10:32 AM
yeah sure - there's lots of fun stuff like this
Lazy_Turtle 4/28/2020 10:33 AM
This swinging stick looks easy to work with PP machines?
10:33 AM
It's easy, but cool
Deleted User 4/28/2020 10:33 AM
Lazy_Turtle 4/28/2020 10:33 AM
Yeah, it's really basic
10:33 AM
But pretty impressive
10:34 AM
Oh it needs magnets
10:35 AM
Is it possible to cut beams and make this?
Deleted User 4/28/2020 10:37 AM
yes, there's lots of manual work involved, lots lots lots
Anyone in here who produces hexagon tiles??
10:57 PM
I’m wondering what the optimal thickness is
10:57 PM
Any ideas?
Artem_lavitgrass 4/29/2020 3:34 PM
Hello everybody . We are engaged in the production of equipment for plastic processing. Link to the video about our production. We deliver to all over the world, we are in Krasnodar. Here is the first time and not always convenient. 89370035993 WhatsApp. A set of 4 machines 350 thousand rubles. We are engaged in 1.5 years. Dave's equipment has been improved. And exceeded productivity. Delivery is paid separately. But everything is negotiated. Watching where. .
View and download from Yandex.Disk
😋 1
Hi everyone! I have clean post-industrial shredded HDPE / regrind available; $4.50 per pound, FREE USA SHIPPING. You can see the color schemes I have available on the PP Bazar: I obtained more than I need for my experiments, with some to re-sell to fund development of a sheet / block press.
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hey guys is anyone making plastic beams with a extruder?
7:40 PM
i would like to know how much time does it takes the machine to fill the mold
Hi is anyone making trash cans? Need some help with the mould.
Lazy_Turtle 5/3/2020 3:52 PM
I have never heard of anyone making trash cans but I am interested. How can we help?
johé bruneau 5/4/2020 3:29 PM
Hey folks, i used quarantine time to puch aluminum foundry technic to developpe new product, I was thinking we should make more sustainable toy in Precious Plastic, here is my first serie : Sculpture Toy
Sculpture Toy: ​Half Sculpture, Half Toy: 100% ecofriendly to educate young generations recycling, by making them having fun with it!
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Siiiick @johé bruneau 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Deleted User 5/5/2020 1:02 PM
@johé bruneau , interesting; we had a customer doing amazing board game 'creatures' for a living - with PP machinery, let me find it back.
1:05 PM
the popular 'wooden stick man' comes to mind as well; these are great for doing still picture animations, there's quite a crowd doing this
Lazy_Turtle 5/5/2020 1:05 PM
How about chess? Wouldn't that work?
Deleted User 5/5/2020 1:06 PM
sure, if you put enough work into it; anything you like 🙂
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 5/5/2020 10:36 PM
@Memosogtf what size of beam? what's your extruder setup?
Hello everyone, I´m very new to the community. Just wanted to check if who is based in the south of México? I only see fellow mexicans in the north and in México City. I´m in Tulum, Q Roo.
Felix Lachner ;) 5/7/2020 12:17 AM
this is the starter kit shredder. does anybody have the blueprints to this particular machine. I have searched the downloaded files but the blueprints for the starter-kit shredder where no where to be found. in the starter kit file the shredder pro was in that category. i don't know why. if one of you have the blueprint that will be very helpful. send me an email at Thank you
I´m playing with the idea of making products for gardening. Love plants and loving the idea of recycled plastic. It´s a great community Precious Plastic, LOVE IT. Regards from Tulum !
Eric Lotze 5/7/2020 1:25 AM
modular hydro/aquaponic grow towers are 3d printable with a recycled waste -> filament -> printer workflow (edited)
1:26 AM
outside of that flower pots i guess?
@Felix Lachner ;) Hi! you should be able to find the blueprints of the v3 shredder in the Mix Workspace starter kit 🙂
Felix Lachner ;) 5/9/2020 10:21 PM
@Carolina i already have the prints, someone helped me
I teach at a school in The Hague. Next year we will be opening a new workshop, specially aimed at engineering and more specifically recycling and sustainability aimed at children aged 10 to 16.​ Because our workshop is near the harbour we are looking at using waste from there.​ ​ We are working on a series of tasks which we will be developing the coming period.​ For these tasks we are looking into buying some machines like the shredder/extruder/injection/compression and sheetpress. ​ So we would like to get in touch with someone who could help us out. ​ Could someone direct me to someone who could help?​ Thanks a lot in advance.​
3:12 PM
One question I have straight away concerning a permit. Will the machine need ventilation in any way?
Zero Plastics Australia 5/14/2020 11:12 AM
Made these from my sheets, but what should i make next? Any ideas?
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Lazy_Turtle 5/14/2020 11:15 AM
@Zero Plastics Australia The top-right one looks very cool. It would be great to develop customization like bricks. Maybe making a hole in a sheet and inserting short beams? The other ones look very cool too.
11:15 AM
Would be great to see a how to on that if you have time for online stuff.
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Beginner's Tech 5/14/2020 2:07 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia that s cool. hey quick question. how thin of a sheet can you make and is it flexible?
Deleted User 5/14/2020 2:15 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia , If I'd have the time, I'd try copying kitchen appliances (gears, mills,...) , educational apparatuses (gears as well, mechanics, math). Needs of course a mini CNC (a little stronger); not sure about the consensus - but it seems it needs to be water flooded, at least according to the books. (edited)
2:18 PM
well, more games would great though too
Zero Plastics Australia 5/14/2020 4:25 PM
@Beginner's Tech haven't really tested it as i was trying to make max size, i have made 0.4mm and it was flexible bit also wrapped a bit
4:26 PM
@Deleted User yeah great idea, i plan on getting these cut into other shapes so I'll test out gears
Beginner's Tech 5/14/2020 4:37 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia I would love to try to use sheets for Vacuum forming.
Zero Plastics Australia 5/14/2020 11:42 PM
How thick would the sheets need to be for that?
I think they more so need to be thin?
11:43 PM
11:44 PM
There are two general thermoforming process categories. Sheet thickness less than 1.5 mm (0.060 inches) is usually delivered to the thermoforming machine from rolls or from a sheet extruder. Thin-gauge roll-fed or inline extruded thermoforming applications are dominated by rigid or semi-rigid disposable packaging. Sheet thicknesses greater than 3 mm (0.120 inches) are usually delivered to the forming machine by hand or an auto-feed method already cut to final dimensions. Heavy, or thick-gauge, cut sheet thermoforming applications are primarily used as permanent structural components. There is a small but growing medium-gauge market that forms sheet 1.5 mm to 3 mm in thickness.
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11:44 PM
grabbed that from wikipedia
11:44 PM
Thermoforming is a manufacturing process where a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a specific shape in a mold, and trimmed to create a usable product. The sheet, or "film" when referring to thinner gauges and certain material types, is heated ...
@Memosogtf I don't know if you had your answers about extrusion time for beams but I can help! I extrude different size and shape of beams with the normal version of extrusion It takes 45min to extrude 1.30m Rectangle beam (3x6cm Rectangle) & it's 2kg of plastic 20 min to extrude Rectangle the same but 70cm long - 1kg of plastic 10min for round (3cm diam.) , 30 cm long Hope it can help! Also I find it hard to extrude long ones, especially if the mold is cold, but where I am (Cambodia) I can just let it under the sun for few minutes and it's good..
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gustavomaske 5/19/2020 11:25 AM
@Alix i was just reading your comments about extrusion (i'm getting started with extrusion myself), and a question came to mind ... do you use normal metal beam molds (as shown in PP videos)?
wiely (NL GLD) 5/19/2020 5:20 PM
@Memosogtf so your using an wooddrill as a feed screw ?
@gustavomaske yes it's standard metal but for the longer recabtgle one I get a thicker and better quality one and I can see the difference..
beach style chairs may be a great product!
gustavomaske 5/20/2020 12:19 PM
@Alix cool, by difference i suppose you mean the finishing right ?
Yes but mostly for the extrusion process. If you use too thick metal, it can bump when you inject plastic in it, make like a big belly in the middle and then it's tricky to un mold...
Zero Plastics Australia 5/23/2020 9:27 AM
A little birdie told me that they are super happy with another 3.2kgs or 1748 plastic bottle caps being recycled and repurposed into these 2 new beautiful bird feeders. Hand made by the Zero Plastics Australia family to help add beauty to anyones yard, using what so many call waste instead of the trees these birds call home. It is a simple way us humans can help repurpose, reuse and recycle this unsustainable habit we have gotten ourselves into.
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Hello guys, I have something special to ask you. Im funding a startup to plastic recycle with a v4 workspace and a game for mobile that I've been designing for 2 years now, I'm really close to getting real funding with this investor that came to me, but she requested I presented her more accurate market data. Since small scale and on demand plastic recycling facilities are RARE here in Brazil, I ask you, could you who works with plastic products please answer this formulary?
We aim at creating wider knowledge among the universe of small / medium scale PLASTIC RECYCLING! Besides, the results of this research will give aditional, real world data for an investor + startup relationship that just started within a specific project in Brazil called Plasm...
I'm looking to make a Precious Plastic toilet seat, for home use. Has anyone made one of those yet?
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1plasticlife 5/27/2020 8:15 PM
Hello everyone looking for some help and advice I was wondering if anybody has used the injector to make combs with multiple crevices this is the project I’m working on now but I don’t know if the mold will work with the injector I plan on making 1 injection to make 4 combs Any advice to see if this mold will work? Thanks 🙏
Zero Plastics Australia 5/28/2020 10:59 AM
Just more proof that the plastic waste people chuck out ISNT waste! With 437 plastic bottle caps used to make this, really shows what can be done with one of our recycled plastic sheets. The best I got was a C+ in Lego, so if you have better handyman skills and would like to try your luck at building with these sheets keep an eye out for my how to coming soon. For now Please help share the word and give my page a like. Zero Plastics Australia on Facebook or Instagram.
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10:59 AM
nice stuff! i've seen similar 3d prints be VERY popular
Zero Plastics Australia 5/28/2020 1:50 PM
@Eric Lotze I was going to take photos of the process but got distracted, using my sheet press machine I make sheets 30cm x 25cm x 1cm then cut it using a table saw and hot glue gun to join it.
1:50 PM
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that's fine lol
1:50 PM
seems just like sheet work
1:50 PM
did you use screws/ or woodwork joints?
Zero Plastics Australia 5/28/2020 1:51 PM
100% like using chipboard
1:51 PM
Just a hot glue gun
1:53 PM
I've tried plastic welding but not that good at it and I found a hot glue gun works really well for strength.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 5/28/2020 5:40 PM
I am getting a guy trying to do joinery with our beams. I think it should work. I am awaiting for his feedback
with a CNC Router, or some sort of woodworking equipment?
5:45 PM
also have we plotted molds with this integrated?
5:46 PM
ie a "2x4" type thing lets say a meter long with joinery on each end?
1plasticlife 5/28/2020 9:34 PM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto I don’t understand
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 5/28/2020 9:36 PM
@1plasticlife Looks doable. But maybe give us more details. Minimum thickness, volume, which injection machine, plastic type (s), ... The arrangement of the mold nests already makes sense to me.
1plasticlife 5/28/2020 11:02 PM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto they told me they wanted it made with HDPE
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Zero Plastics Australia 5/29/2020 10:25 AM
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Zero Plastics Australia 6/2/2020 10:52 AM
Hello Humans I have finally made a "how to" on how I make my sheets. Have a look and if you have any questions please let me know
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
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Hi guys, I’d like to share my project that I’m working on with you. All thoughts and opinions are welcome. Thanks, Tomasz.
Solving plastic waste and air pollution problems in one go. All open sourced. We combine recycle plastic, top notch technology andthe best what nature has to offer. Nature can help us filter the air from toxic pollutants that we breathe in our everyday lives such as dust, poll...
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Precious_Plastic_Quebec 6/4/2020 6:55 PM
hey @szpiller very nice! where are you located exactly?
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 6/4/2020 10:30 PM
Cool stuff try to find UV treated plastics if you put these outdoors
Hey, thanks for kind words, that always means a lot at the beginning.
2:14 PM
@Precious_Plastic_Quebec I’m based in the UK, West London, W3 area.
2:15 PM
@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland Yes, of course, UV degradation is a significant problem. I’m still thinking about the best option to go with. If you have any suggestions or ideas and want to share them, feel free to contact me.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 6/5/2020 2:33 PM
@szpiller we use marine plastics that are industrial for our stuff, if you don't bake them crazy they should keep their properties
ccarrilloo 6/5/2020 2:34 PM
has anyone tried to mix pastic on the sheetpress like type 7 and 3 or something related ? (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/8/2020 10:30 AM
hydroponics/aquaponics vertical grow system prototype. Extruded, then pressed in liquid cooled compression mold. HDPE Made in Precious Plastic Philippines
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Nick - PP France 6/9/2020 9:16 AM
@Butte (PP Philippines) very nicely done; i'm trying out a lot of that process (extrusion in compression mould then compress) as i don't yet have adapted extrusion moulds; and results are very good so far, keep up that imaginative workout !
Deleted User 6/12/2020 9:00 PM
Is there someone here selling row beams from extruder V4? (Possibly shipping from europe). I would to make some test before building the machine 🙂 thanks 👍
Hello there ! I had a project in mind for a long time but haven’t got around to doing it. I contacted precious plastic in Lancaster but they don’t work with the type of plastic I have. I had a transplant many years ago and I have been keeping my pill packaging for a few years now. It is PVC and foil (impossible to separate both). I know that burning it releases chemicals but the idea is to shred them and then glue them together in a mold of some kind to create something (sheets/coasters...) anybody in the UK or elsewhere willing to help? I have a whole community of transplant recipients willing to recycle their packaging !
Zero Plastics Australia 6/19/2020 10:53 AM
Put this little fella together today, happy with how it turned out. (edited)
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Deleted User 6/19/2020 10:53 AM
This is so beautiful!
Nick - PP France 6/19/2020 4:39 PM
Trying to mimic @zelenew's master extrusion skills :D
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Zero Plastics Australia 6/22/2020 7:22 AM
Anyone got any pot plant designs that they think could be made with sheets of plastics?
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 6/23/2020 4:29 PM
After a year of pleasure, we feel so excited to be part of the bazar 😃
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D●M J■HN 6/23/2020 5:49 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia Have you ever tried making a birdhouse?
seems like a good product
6:16 PM
that and bat houses
Zero Plastics Australia 6/24/2020 3:48 AM
@D●M J■HN yeah i have, however most of the birds around where I live don't use bird houses. I have made bird feeders and they have been a hit with the birds around here. Plus have sold quite a few of them now. I want to make possum boxes next I think.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 6/24/2020 11:17 AM
After a year of pleasure, we feel so excited to be part of the bazar 😃
@Rehab PP Quimper - Nico We have applied since a couple of weeks now and no news. Do you know if there are problems with it?
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 6/25/2020 9:58 AM
@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland check DM 😉
Zero Plastics Australia 6/28/2020 12:56 PM
Working bee today! Smashed out some new sheets and this new plastic warrior Maya!
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Lazy_Turtle 6/28/2020 12:57 PM
Oh, now it's #archived-showcase! Did not even realise 🙂
12:57 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia Cool!
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Marcel123095 6/28/2020 9:29 PM
I made this honeycomb vase from recycled pp filament with my 3d printer, what do you guys think?
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Butte (PP Philippines) 6/29/2020 4:05 AM
prices of heater bands has increased since wuhan flu
4:05 AM
4:05 AM
wondering if anyone has been messing with this stuff?
4:05 AM
4:07 AM
You can use mica insulation to insulate the barrel, then this heater coil, then more mica insulation, then ceramic wool and finally a outer stainless steel cover...
4:13 AM
also, thinking about using a auger to feed my extrusion machine. anyone tried this yet?
4:15 AM
The vacuum collection parts for the shredder is on the way. Using a shop vacuum+cyclonic filter to suck all the chips and micro plastic dust out of the shredder, and collect in a 200 liter plastic drum. We are finding the need to process more plastic per hour to make our plastic factory profitable and make money to fund more R&D
Can you please tell me size of barrel for injection molding machine.. Like length and diameter of barrel... Please
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 6/29/2020 4:41 PM
wondering if anyone has been messing with this stuff?
@Butte (PP Philippines) I have 2 potters near our workshop and their small kilns would have these. By design I think they would be interesting for eating up air not in contact with metal. We are having discustion on using rocket fuel concepts to heat up some machines to be energy efficient. If you use these I would recommend to actually insulate with fire bricks. It will probably work better.
bloftdesignlab 6/30/2020 7:41 AM
Hi PP community! I'd like to introduce you our upcoming large-scale 3D-printer model which will be able to print with shredded plastic. It's internally refered as Bloft MK2. We've been developing a large-scale printer since 2018 based on the Hangprinter concept, and today, after a long design stage, we're finally starting with building the first prototype of the MK2. The printer specs are as followed: 4.5 m tall, footprint 4 m in dia Print volume approx. 2.7 m3 with a print surface of 1 m. Pellet extruder with approx. 1.5 kg/h output. 600 W combined heating power, 3 heating zones. The printer will be controlled by a Duet3 board, with ODrive boards driving BLDC-motors acting as servo motors for the motion. The printer has an unique motion system based on steel wires and an extendable frame size. That means whether you need it rather small or really huge, the frame and motion system will adapt to your needs, with only small extra costs. Mainly for the extra long steel wires. We will pilot this printer in the fall as part of the Baltic Sea Challenge quick experiments by the City of Helsinki in Finland. Our goal is to test, if shredded marine/beach plastic litter is suited as printing material. We are aiming to offer this printer to the PP community, since you have the means of producing shredded plastic, but you don't yet have a 3D-printer in your machine portfolio. We have big dreams about this printer, so hopefully we can find our first beta testers among you guys. As for now, we can't tell you any price for the beta kits, since we don't have all parts ordered yet, but we are aiming at a significantly lower price range than printers in this size category usually have. And... We will release the printer open source at some point in near future 😉 So the question is, what would you print, if theoretically anything is possible? (edited)
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Finished and goodlooking sheetpress from FictionFactory (Amsterdam)! 👐
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12:56 PM
+ first sheets 🙂
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Vitor Chaves 6/30/2020 4:17 PM
very nice things going on here
9:28 PM
9:28 PM
Just finished building a custom coldpress + bought a pizzaoven(not on the pictures) for ~65x65cm sheets 🙂
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Composting Toilet . @bloftdesignlab
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Deleted User 6/30/2020 9:39 PM
Both the coldpress and the toilet look awesome
bloftdesignlab 7/2/2020 8:56 PM
@chiqui 👌 should be doable!
Eric Lotze 7/2/2020 9:04 PM
also sewage liquid -> anerobic digester -> (optional seccondary anerobic digester) -> greywater garden and/or recycling is another good workflow
Just finished building a custom coldpress + bought a pizzaoven(not on the pictures) for ~65x65cm sheets 🙂
@theFLO love this guys! saw that you also made a sheet press. which do you think is beter for making sheets?
D●M J■HN 7/3/2020 3:23 AM
@chiqui those already exist. Look up "Nature's Head Composting Toilet". Better design too (Nature's Head).
3:26 AM
The one I mentioned is better suited to uses such as inside a Winnebago, but a design for homes could be made. But I think inpiration should be heavily drawn from the nature's head. (edited)
3:27 AM
@Eric Lotze I don't think people are going to fertilize their gardens with their waste. Some hippies do, but that's it. (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/3/2020 1:48 PM
Here is our Precious Plastic Philippnes first big molding project. We make this item for use in rice mills, it is attached to the grain elevator. However we found other uses for the same item. We have made hydroponics pots, and today we used a bunch of the pots to organize all our nuts and bolts in the shop. 100% recycled HDPE soda bottle caps with a bit of added zinc oxide as pigment. Extruded thru ur modded v2 extrusion machine (2hp 200 rpm) with a v3 extrusion screw. Molten plastic transferred to a hacked hydraulic log splitter (aldi brand) with a water cooled mold made from laser cut steel parts. We use the rejects in other items as they are too thck for the shredder to process well.
👍 12
@theFLO love this guys! saw that you also made a sheet press. which do you think is beter for making sheets?
@holis Thanks! 🙂 We love it too, the first results we got are awesome! We heat for about an hour and cool down for about an hour, so in an 8 hour day we can produce around 6 sheets. We prefer the coldpress over the hotpress, because its just so much quicker! With our hotpress we were not happy because after 1-2 hours of heating we had to do around 4! hours of cooling in the press due to good insulation, so basically 1 sheet per day... MUCH better now 😄
Eric Lotze 7/3/2020 8:20 PM
@D●M J■HN it isn't some hippie with raw sewage, and it isn't a garden, more so a small artifical wetland to absord excess nitrogen
8:21 PM
It is in between grey water, and "hippie compost tea" /worm leachate"
Zero Plastics Australia 7/4/2020 12:56 PM
Check out this Eco Friendly Recycled Plastic pet food stand! It's even been cat approved! 😻 Using 300+ bottle caps to make this easy to clean, stylish and environmentally friendly pet food stand is just another way to show what can be done with our plastic waste! ♻️ What do you think - with ears or not? 🤔 These can be made to order and can come as either a double or single stand. 💲 Double pet food stand = $19.95 💲 Single pet food stand = $9.95 If interested send us a message 🐢 We now have PayPal as well! ✅ Please if you want to help a small business owner, help save the environment and keep your cat happy for a night then order one of these uniquely beautiful items from Zero Plastic Australia today! 🙌 Will be added to the bazar shortly! #ecofriendlyliving #recycledplastic #petsofinstagram #zeroplasticsaustralia #sustainableliving #petfood #cat
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Butte (PP Philippines) 7/5/2020 4:13 AM
our grain elevator bucket/hydroponic pot has also found a use for organizing all our hardware. Extruded then compression molded via water cooled mold. we are now up to 1 piece every 2 min. Which will give us the capability to mold 300 kilos per week
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Hi @Butte (PP Philippines) , I would be interested to see a video of the process of making those!
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Zero Plastics Australia 7/6/2020 9:52 AM
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9:52 AM
A few more made today
D●M J■HN 7/6/2020 3:38 PM
@Eric Lotze I have heard ofwhat you're saying being used for draining septic tanks into fields as a drainage system. I just think people won't use it in their actual gardens.
3:39 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) Looks great! What plastic did you use?
3:39 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia What are those?
Eric Lotze 7/6/2020 3:42 PM
seem to be animal/pet food+water bowl holders
Zero Plastics Australia 7/7/2020 12:38 AM
@D●M J■HN pet food stands @Frederik C (ZA) thank you haha. They can be made for cats and dogs of any sizes.
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Susantenhoeve 7/7/2020 8:48 AM
Hi guys! Has anyone ever tried using a heat press (they are used to transfer prints on t-shirts) to make sheets? For example something like this: We're not sure if both sides are heated and if it works in general.
Zero Plastics Australia 7/7/2020 9:15 AM
@Susantenhoeve check my how to. That's exclatly what i use.
Susantenhoeve 7/7/2020 9:18 AM
Zero Plastics Australia 7/7/2020 11:04 AM
@Susantenhoeve if you have any further questions or need any help with this please send us an email @
Hi guys! Has anyone ever tried using a heat press (they are used to transfer prints on t-shirts) to make sheets? For example something like this: We're not sure if both sides are heated and if it works in general.
@Susantenhoeve We worked quite a lot with that, i would only recommend it if you cannot afford an oven + small coldpress for sheetpressing, because most of the results we were getting were bad due to lack of pressure. We got way better results with a coldpress system and a 1ton carjack for 30x30cm sheets
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 7/8/2020 12:59 AM
Got my geodesic dome moulds today from Easy Moulds ( Very excited to start making these and get some domes built. I’ll post some updates as this progresses.
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Susantenhoeve 7/8/2020 10:24 AM
@theFLO Thanks for the information! We will meet today with our group and I'll let them know :)
Zero Plastics Australia 7/9/2020 9:21 AM
Made a donations box for a local not-for-profit today
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I can’t express this with my reaction emoji. So I will say it, this is sooooo good. It was my dream to making something like this. Really well done!! (edited)
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Zero Plastics Australia 7/10/2020 1:36 PM
@Vudv thank you so much. It was fairly easy to make, i used 2 and a half sheets (my sheets, check how to on how to make) and a hot glue gun. Really appreciate the kind message and have been asked to make a tool box and a few smaller money boxes. So more to come.
Jonatan | NL 7/10/2020 2:07 PM
Maybe try screws as well to make it more durable? Would look good as well. And to save on materials you could also get rid of the hinge and make the lid a tight fit by adding some small blocks on the underside in the corners. Just shooting some ideas to improve, looks really good already @Zero Plastics Australia 👍 (edited)
Zero Plastics Australia 7/10/2020 2:29 PM
@Jonatan | NL I've had issues when using screws but I'll try again and see what I can do. They wanted it so they could open it at the end of the day, but I like your idea. With the money boxes I was thinking about making it fully closed and having a trap door at the bottom but still thinking. Have any ideas on what I could do for that?
Jonatan | NL 7/10/2020 2:41 PM
Maybe you can make the lid recessed so you need some kind of hook to lift the top of through the slot. To make it a bit secure
2:42 PM
For the screws i guess you just have to predrill and countersink large enough.
🤙 1
Zero Plastics Australia 7/10/2020 3:42 PM
Good idea, will test this out
Zero Plastics Australia 7/12/2020 6:46 AM
Heres all my items so far
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Butte (PP Philippines) 7/12/2020 11:44 AM Hi guys, Last year Precious Plastic Philippines, Nomads Surfing, and teamed up to do this project. full documentary. @davehakkens
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D●M J■HN 7/14/2020 6:41 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia Cool stuff. Ever try making a cabinet?
Zero Plastics Australia 7/15/2020 12:10 AM
@D●M J■HN na not yet, its been on my mind but will wait till I have a bigger sheet machine.
D●M J■HN 7/15/2020 1:38 AM
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 7/15/2020 12:38 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) That was an awesome watch. Makes you feel we are not alone trying to make things change. I really feel the same as Scott although we are in a very different part of the world. Seeing the ocean getting destroyed days after days and trying to find solutions both instantly and in the really long run. I sincerely hope we will be in a similar situation in the years to come. It is indeed incredibly hard and challenging. Thanks for sharing and participating to this work.
👍 1
Jonatan | NL 7/17/2020 5:33 PM
@Zero Plastics Australia How did it work out?
Zero Plastics Australia 7/18/2020 2:41 AM
Haven't been in the workshop as my wife just gave birth to our second son, so will be out for a few weeks. But its on my whiteboard to test. @Jonatan | NL
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Jonatan | NL 7/18/2020 3:27 PM
Congratz👍 No rush, was just curious for a followup.
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Zero Plastics Australia 7/19/2020 12:04 AM
Thanks mate, super stoked. Will give updates once I'm back in the workshop
Hello, I am new here, just join this great family today. I would greatly appreciate your advice on how to go about setting up a facility in my country, Nigeria.
Marcel123095 7/21/2020 6:51 PM
Honey comb vase made from recycled PP, available at the bazar!
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Very cool!
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/23/2020 12:24 AM
compression machine 4. sorry the noise. liquid cooled compression mold. 3 tons power.
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12:25 AM
more videos coming. the extrusion upgrade is still in progress. almost there, just have to adjust placment of the thermocouple
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/23/2020 12:46 PM
new extrusion test is better results, but now the belt slipping. need to change to sprocket and chain. it is really pumping out molten plastic now. 7 kilos per hour.
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depending on the size of a beam how many kg of plastic do you take?
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/24/2020 7:30 AM
going more industrial... client ordered our shredder with this engine. 2 units
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bloftdesignlab 7/26/2020 8:21 PM
The frame of our large-scale 3D-printer is standing! Next we will attach additional hardware and start working on the electronics. Hopefully, we will have first test prints at the end of august.
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Delta with cables, or the usual gantry?
bloftdesignlab 7/26/2020 8:38 PM
With steel cables, extendable
Sounds awesome!
8:38 PM
Is it using filament, or a flake/pellet extruder? (edited)
bloftdesignlab 7/26/2020 8:39 PM
In this size category pellet extrusion is the only way to go
8:39 PM
i'm excited to see it work! keep us posted
bloftdesignlab 7/26/2020 8:40 PM
Soon 😁
@bloftdesignlab awesome! will it take shredded plastic directly ?
bloftdesignlab 7/28/2020 6:51 PM
@Joseph yes, it will 😎
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 7/29/2020 4:54 AM
Just wanted to remind people to make sure their electrical connections tight. Loose connections get hot and will melt and potentially burn. Hahaha
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Zero Plastics Australia 7/29/2020 10:10 AM
Isn't plastic waste beautiful! 😍 Had some time back in the shed today and smashed out these beautiful new sheets! 🤗 Playing around with colours is always fun. 🌈 We are extremely pleased and lucky to have a new batch of shredded plastics! These new colours are a green/blue/red mix and a black/grey mix. 🙏🤟 I personally love the mix of both! Green/blue/red/black/grey! 🥰 We are still taking orders and will be slowly getting back into the run of things. So if you have any requests or questions let us know. 🐢🥳🌏
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love those
5:37 PM
I make drink coasters from #5 and #6 single use items and beach plastic! I'm kinda low tech lol, these are made by hand using what would be a slow form of compression molding. (edited)
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5:38 PM
I don't draw from a big pool of flakes, instead I catalog everything that goes into them. (edited)
Zero Plastics Australia 7/30/2020 10:51 AM
Finally have a bigger mould for my sheet machine now as well! 33cm2
👍 4
what is the thinnest sheet you made?
Zero Plastics Australia 7/31/2020 12:46 AM
3mm but it didn't work well, I find that 10mm works the best. As any smaller I battle warping of the plastics alot
can you vacuum form the sheets, or are they too think?
Zero Plastics Australia 7/31/2020 3:36 AM
I think you might be able to do that, but don't have the machines to test this myself. You could make a 5mm sheet and might have a better chance with that
Zero Plastics Australia 7/31/2020 11:52 AM
After a sand and an a wipe down with a wet cloth, super happy with these new sheets. Does anyone have any recommendations for polishing plastic sheets?
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my PP-PE ethanol sorting cup, PP floats and HDPE and LDPE sinks, I use a hydrometer and known pieces of LDPE and PP to make sure the concentration is right.
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8:08 PM
not 100% perfect but it does its job
Liri (They/He) 8/4/2020 6:14 AM
9:18 AM
made this a few days back
I want to post these on the bazaar soon but not sure how to go about it cause they're all unique. Don't want to flood it with submissions but I also don't want to give people coasters at random
CitSciWorkshop 8/5/2020 3:05 AM
@Rai maybe a single listing with a photo gallery you can rotate pics in and out of.
yea that could work
Liri (They/He) 8/5/2020 6:29 AM
these are really pretty!
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/8/2020 2:39 AM re-edit the video now that I got a night of sleep to think better
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Los_Gutierrez_Ortiz 8/10/2020 12:49 AM
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after months of investigating into the PP laberinth, here are the firsts try of plastic sheets 30x30x2cms
6:45 PM
there are still many things to solve and improve, but its a starting point
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i'm interested to see if you can get to a sheet thin enough to be vacuum-formable. great sheet design though! Looks almost like a petri dish
i'm interested to see if you can get to a sheet thin enough to be vacuum-formable. great sheet design though! Looks almost like a petri dish
@Eric Lotze what thickness are you thinking? we are currently aiming for think sheets to be worked like melamine/wood. But tests will be on the menu aswell
Zero Plastics Australia 8/16/2020 6:07 AM
Simple 150mm by 100mm box, made using 1 of my sheets.
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love that!!
9:04 PM
9:04 PM
latest PS Coasters
gustavomaske 8/19/2020 11:20 AM
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hi guys.... just finished this prototype yesterday .... the beam's edges are super rough (waiting for my new screw to be produced) and i used plywood for the structure cause i'm still building the sheet press ... any comments/critics/suggestions are welcome 🙂 (edited)
Looks awesome! Is the main wooden frame cut on a CNC router?
gustavomaske 8/19/2020 12:19 PM
@Isometric yeah CNC cut .... the idea is to cut plastic sheets when i get the press done
Let us know your experiences once you start cutting, I've also got a CNC router and would be interested to hear feeds speeds etc
gustavomaske 8/19/2020 12:41 PM
cool ... i believe in 60-70 days i'll get the chance to cut the first sheet
12:42 PM
what kind of machine do u have ?
openbuilds style machine with 1.5kw aircooled spindle
gustavomaske 8/19/2020 12:55 PM
okay ... i'll let u know when i get the data (edited)
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 8/22/2020 10:57 AM
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10:59 AM
Some civil engineering students tried mixing some aggregate (gravel) with HDPE. They cut it open with a big grinder. The results are quite interesting, but just be mindful of the plastic dust created in the process. 😅
That is impressive. Do you think it improved any characteristics (eg vibration dampening or rigidity)
@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug do you have material property testing abilities with them? (i'd love tensile/compressive strength etc tests of recycled plastic test objects vs "raw" plastic)
Zero Plastics Australia 8/24/2020 12:25 PM
You must love what you're doing when it's dark outside on a freezing cold night 🥶, and you choose to spend your time in it to recycle more plastic waste👷‍♂️ With our recently received larger sheet machine we are now able to make 55cm x 35cm sheets! 🥳 Check out the new sheet made tonight using 2.5kg of plastic waste! 🤟 Big things to come! 🐢🌏🤙
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Zero Plastics Australia 8/25/2020 2:48 PM
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You must love what you're doing when it's dark outside on a freezing cold night 🥶, and you choose to spend your time in it to recycle more plastic waste👷‍♂️ With our recently received larger sheet machine we are now able to make 55cm x 35cm sheets! 🥳 Check out the new sheet made tonight using 2.5kg of plastic waste! 🤟 Big things to come! 🐢🌏🤙
@Zero Plastics Australia Hey, nice sheet of plastic! Could you send a picture of your machine? Thanks!
Zero Plastics Australia 8/26/2020 5:30 AM
@tubaro1 yes can do, there is a "how to" on the PP website as well on how to make your own sheet using my process.
5:31 AM
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coool, thanks!
Zero Plastics Australia 8/28/2020 3:47 AM
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@Zero Plastics Australia this sheets are 55/35 cm nice with this machine 👍 . This is a hot sheet press for clouds. Correct me of i am wrong. This machine have only one surface that become hot? Witch plastic you juice? And How long you have to heat to become this nice plates. (Machine type-how many Watts)Good job met me know, thx keep on going
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/28/2020 6:47 AM
carbon fiber filled HDPE plastic chair we made today. We extruded the HDPE with milled carbon fiber mixed in. Pressed into sheets on the cold press. Then cut to shape with the circular wood saw. MIG welded a steel frame using about 6usd of metal and bolts. The plastic was final shaped with a flap disc on the angle grinder to round the corners and give a better finish.
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bloftdesignlab 8/28/2020 9:35 AM
@Butte (PP Philippines) really cool! How long were those fiber you used? And how do the fibers enhance the mechanical properties of the plastic?
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/28/2020 10:39 AM
> @bloftdesignlab it was really short milled fiber. around half mm. very expensive and super itchy. makes it stiffer and changes the appearance similar to 3d printing with CF filament. I bought a kilo last year for experimenting, just finally got around to using it up.
bloftdesignlab 8/28/2020 10:42 AM
Cool! I still have a kilogram of 6 mm long chopped fibers laying around. Will try it out once we get the printer ready. Would be great to hit a spot somewhere between CF-filled filament and laminated cf-stuff
The idea has a lot of potential
11:30 AM
seems to be a carbon fiber waste problem coming our way, so if reused fibers can be implemented in recycled plastics it offers a potential use
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jasonknight 8/29/2020 3:24 PM
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3:24 PM
100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks Don't miss out, join our mailing list: Please like us and share! If you know Tony Hawk then please show him, we need him on board.😉💚🛹
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
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3:24 PM
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@jasonknight these look absolutely amazing! How resistant are they though? The under side of my skateboard (specially the nose and the tail) are very thin and have lost lots of wood. How do these plastic boards compare to wooden ones? (edited)
jasonknight 8/29/2020 3:58 PM
They are slightly thicker in the middle than the edges to make them stronger, a bit more flexible than wood but you can use this to get speed like a snow board
Hi everyone! I just got my website up and running for my new venture Infinitees! We are selling golf tees made from 100% recycled HDPE. They perform just like regular tees! More colors to come soon. Please share with any golfer friends you have and let me know what you think! Thank you!
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those look great, I like the packaging too
6:59 PM
@jetfuelburner hey here’s someone making golf tees to talk to
Aldothegreen85 8/29/2020 9:14 PM
100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks Don't miss out, join our mailing list: Please like us and share! If you know Tony Hawk then please show him, we need him on board.😉💚🛹
@jasonknight i added him as a contact on twitter when i first set up my twitter account so i tweeted it to him so look out for an email from tony if he gives it a look 👍🏼😁
jasonknight 9/3/2020 6:46 PM We are launching a kickstarter! 100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks Don't miss out, join our mailing list: Please like us and share! If you know Tony Hawk then please show him, we need him on board.😉💚🛹
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
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Hey there, we've been working on basic hexagon coasters for a while and getting ready to sell.
3:51 PM
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 9/6/2020 1:45 PM
I'm a little torn with this. Usually I make things in pure plastic so they can be recycled. But the thing with recycling plastic is that plastic cannot be recycled indefinitely....which surprises many people when they find out. Anyways here's something that looks cool and should last a really long time unless someone breaks it.
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1:48 PM
Unpacked Volume mixture is 1 : 1 : 1 (cement:sand:hdpe flake), don't make the mixture too wet or else the plastic will float up a bit (ends up on the bottom of the product) (edited)
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 9/6/2020 1:50 PM
@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug These look great! I was contemplating doing something very similar with thermoset plastics
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 9/6/2020 2:06 PM
2:10 PM
There's also these 10cm x 10cm tiles. A potential client was asking if I could make a specific style similar to this. Too much water causes it to crack it seems. Some sanding makes these look great. Concrete tiles are a thing so you can look that up. There's also sealants that can be used that would likely lock in a more wet look for the concrete, not sure what it would do over the plastic though
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@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug , cool tiles! You could also look into mixing in broken glass instead of the HDPE. Pretty easy to break up colorful glass bottles
First crude steps at processing PP bags into something 'useful', well not so much yet. Gotta start somewhere...
4:56 PM
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arthuraloha 9/6/2020 6:01 PM
I'd like to share the working process on the property I rented to turn into 2 workstations. Here a video from yesterday. skip 30 seconds as there's some loud music from the streets at the begin. I hope this inspire other as I got inspired by 3 years of video watching from all the projects popping up here and there. . . . .
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When a prominent Buddhist monk in Myanmar noticed a surge in plastic waste generated by residents in his Yangon neighborhood during the pandemic, he decided to do something about it.
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jasonknight 9/10/2020 5:10 PM We’re launching a kickstarter! 100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks Don't miss out, join our mailing list: Please like us and share! If you know Tony Hawk then please show him, we need him on board.😉💚🛹
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bloftdesignlab 9/12/2020 4:59 PM
We're getting closer to the first test run of the Bloft MK2 large-scale printer. Over the weekend you can find it at the Helsinki Design Week main exhibition. We expect to have electronics/firmware testing done by the end of october. (edited)
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Zero Plastics Australia 9/13/2020 10:00 AM
We keep running out of space and room in our workshop and also wanted to add some wall we asked ourselves why not both? 🤔 We welcome you to our first Murphy's table, a simple but super practical solution 🥰. This bench/wall art is a great way to add much needed room to anyones house and also shows the benefits of recycling plastic 🤩. Super stoked to finally make this and have more room for activities! 🤙🌏🐢 #diy #recycledplastic #zeroplasticsaustralia #recycledplastictable #safetyfirst #workbench
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/13/2020 10:24 AM
@Zero Plastics Australia Super nice!
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@Zero Plastics Australia you're doing great! I enjoyed so much seeing your products. specially the cube plant pot. Do you think it's possible to create a pot like that with compression moulding?
Zero Plastics Australia 9/15/2020 11:19 PM
@Bazyaftchi thank you, I would say it might be possible but my experience is really only with sheets so I'm not sure.
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/16/2020 4:48 AM
our extrusion to water cooled compression mold production. this is about 2 days of molding and about 3 man days total from raw plastic to finish item
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/16/2020 9:53 AM
Very nice @Butte (PP Philippines)! Which plastic is it? Do you produce with all types? (PP, HDPE, LDPE, PS)
@Butte (PP Philippines) amazing work! What are you making? vase? Looks amazing. What do you mean by water cooled compression?
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2:56 PM
Goes without saying that a how-to of your process would be beyond value for the community
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/17/2020 1:08 PM
Johannplasto-Workspace is ready PreciousPlastic 🥳 (in progress) Thanks for all the inspiration & help! 🙏 (edited)
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@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto these are beautiful! 😮
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@Kat Do they make other machines? Very interested
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto Love that video, thank you for sharing! 🙂
11:42 AM
@TheDubee who do you mean?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/18/2020 12:19 PM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto Love that video, thank you for sharing! 🙂
@Kat Thanks 🙏, the music behind is from the OhOhOh, after I asked them to use that song they ordered 2 lamps♻💡🙂
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/18/2020 3:35 PM
New versions: Hanging lamps ♻💡🥳
3:35 PM
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@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto nice one!! How did you fuse the sides together?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/19/2020 8:52 PM
Thanks @Mattia 🙏 I use a soldering iron to melt the plates together 🤓
jasonknight 9/19/2020 10:53 PM
Happy world clean up day! To celebrate we are launching the preview page of our Kickstarter campaign! The anticipated launch date is the 29th of September, put it in your calendar! ;) The campaign is still under review so there is a small chance that this could be postponed but we are feeling confident 😉 100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks. Don't miss out, join our mailing list: Please like us and share! If you know Tony Hawk then please show him, we need him on board.😉💚🛹
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/23/2020 4:39 AM
it is HDPE bottle caps
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/23/2020 4:54 AM
> @Mattia We have moved a bit beyond the standard molding practice with the extrusion and compression molding that Precious Plastic is doing. We developed a hybrid process of molding. We extrude plastic into a large blob of hot plastic that we collect and keep hot in a turbo coker oven (25usd) and the plastic sits in a stainless steel bowl that is covered with high temperature RTV silicone gasket material. We then gather the blob of hot plastic which at this point is similar to sugar candy in thickness with 2 silicone cooking spatulas. The hot blob is placed in our compression mold that has a water jacket in the mold to cool the plastic. We compress the plastic in the mold at 3 tons using a pneumatic bag jack (used in auto shops) The plastic cools quickly under pressure from the water pumped thru the water jacket surrounding the mold. The water passes thru a heat exchanger we made from car parts, a pump and industrial fan. The plastic remains under compression for aprox 1 min 30 seconds. Then air is released from the bag jack. the mold is open and the mostly cooled dolid part is removed from the mold. At present we are molding a 215 gram part every 2.5 min. One operator. The mold for this particular part was disassembled last week and we are building a new mold for plant pots. We have a volunteer workaway engineer from South Africa who makes plastic molds in his day job. He is doing the building of the new mold. Working on some more upgrades for the molding machine. However limited due to lack of funds since the covid situation. The next upgrade will be a micro controller and solenoid valve to actuate the air bag on a timer and get a more consistent production. I estimate that it will boost production by aprox 10%
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/23/2020 9:36 AM
it is HDPE bottle caps?
@Butte (PP Philippines) Yes🙂
Martin PP Slovakia 9/23/2020 3:39 PM
Hi recyclators ! 🙂 Sharing some experiences with Our upgraded version of Injection machine "Elena" from Plastichubcat. We added extra welded construction with wheels with brakes for better stability and usage. Also we switched from M20 nuts coonectors on our moulds to conus connection thanks to 1,5T car-jack. In comparison with classic PP Injection, this version works much smoother, thanks to gears ⚙️ you can bring higher injection pressure, with very small effort. You just feel like a captain during machine operation. For the moulds, we are usually using simple and cheap laser cut mould from 3 parts. During the injection process, while melting HDPE, we are setting first PID controller to 210 C and near out-put we are using second PID controller to set sligthly higher temperature 🙂 🙃 For fumes sucking, we are using active carbon filter with Centrifugal duct fan 125(green box on the left side), and it works just brilliant. (edited)
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CitSciWorkshop 9/23/2020 5:21 PM
The wheels and cart look like a great way to stow the machine in a shop, and store molds. Nice work! Do you know @magi SVK ? Sounds like they are getting started in Slovakia too.
@CitSciWorkshop yes, we are in contact. In fact, tommorow i'll get the whole shredder kit from PP Slovakia 😀
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 9/23/2020 10:10 PM
@Martin PP Slovakia We have a Elena too, did put it on some bespoke aluminium step ladder for transport. using it between 145 and 165 deg for HDPE
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/24/2020 6:35 AM
@Martin PP Slovakia 210 deg and more for HDPE? I use about 155 deg for HDPE and 180 deg for PP...
Fritz @easymoulds 9/24/2020 1:45 PM
oO 180 for PP, are you sure? Everthing below 210deg on PP badly delaminates for me.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 9/24/2020 6:43 PM
I wonder if it is not down to the quality of the shred but yes PP melts at 173 so depending where you put your thermocouple, it is much higher temp in the barrel
jasonknight 9/25/2020 2:21 AM
First 1.5mm Sheets
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@jasonknight these looks amazing! 😮
They should be thermo/vacuum form-able too!
How about some modern art from my colleagues exhhibition? (edited)
11:12 PM
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 9/26/2020 12:20 PM
@magi SVK, a link to the project?
@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland nope, guy just has shredder and use compression machine to make small sheets like this. He doesn't have any PP project or anything.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 9/26/2020 2:02 PM
No it would have been fun to put him in touch with my friend that makes litter cube from what we collect on the shore.
I want to produce a short film to show the connection between plastic waste and the loss of oil that it represents. During my #LitterCUBES events 2019, I found that hundreds of people were unaware …
jasonknight 9/29/2020 3:17 PM
Hey PP Family! 🔴 Live now on Kickstarter! 100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks ♻🛹 Don't miss out: Happy #InventorsDay ! Please share, follow us, like us and join our mailing list. Oh, and If you know Tony Hawk please show him, we need him on board! 😉💚🛹 Made for the Precious Plastic Universe!
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/29/2020 7:15 PM
Hey @jasonknight, the link was not complete: (If you repair your post I can delete this...) (edited)
An open source manufacturing system to produce recycled plastic skateboard decks that integrates into the Precious Plastic network.
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Martin PP Slovakia 9/29/2020 11:27 PM
@Martin PP Slovakia 210 deg and more for HDPE? I use about 155 deg for HDPE and 180 deg for PP...
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto well, this temperature is according to our experience. we also need performance from the machine, because we usually need to rotate lot of moulds, for better productivity.
minvayu Auroville 9/30/2020 5:37 AM
@jasonknight your 1.5mm sheets are what material?
@jasonknight your 1.5mm sheets are what material?
@minvayu Auroville it's HDPE (Bottle Caps)
jasonknight 9/30/2020 9:07 AM
Oui bottle caps, Mostly HDPE and probably a small bit of PP in there also
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/30/2020 10:30 AM
first batch of plastic pots from this design. HDPE bottle caps in the extrusion machine and then a red plastic shopping bag tossed in the slug of hot plastic for the color. We have also used bread bags for some added color
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10:31 AM
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unfortunately we prob will not use this mold in production. we have had problems with de-molding due to insuffecient draft in the part.
mariacastiel 9/30/2020 10:38 AM
beautiful colors!
@jasonknight pledged! you go dude.. 🤙
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11:21 AM
Looking forward to the deck
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 9/30/2020 11:38 AM
Nice one! 👍 🙂 Funny to see the time difference😀
Butte (PP Philippines) 10/1/2020 5:09 AM
We have been sitting on this extrusion machine for a year. Someone did a down pay, and walked away. Mitsubishi 2hp motor, Delta VFD, Brass heater bands, 3mm Galvanized steel plate frame, 2 heat zone. Would love to be able to sell it. But the local market for Precious Plastic machines has gotten slow since the Wuhan Virus 😦
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8 bandheaters! 💪 💪
mariacastiel 10/1/2020 12:44 PM
here one of the baskets i make with those strings from plastic that are used to close boxes (fleje de embalaje in spanish... not sure the name in english). not really PP, but i take so long on doing them that they become very precious! is like a 3D sudoku.
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Deleted User 10/1/2020 2:45 PM
Hi there! I'm looking for pictures of "mini-factories" for an article in a magazine that explains all of the benefits of micro factories. The paper mentions Precious Plastic and I'd love to find a picture to illustrate. Would you have any I could use? Thanks!
2:46 PM
I really like this picture for example, can I use it? Also, what's the copyright and who should I contact to get a written consent? thank you and keep up the good work 🙂 (edited)
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 10/1/2020 4:35 PM
@jasonknight Just backed it. Good luck! 👍 They look fantastic!
PreciousPlastic 1
@Deleted User yes of course! Open source 🤙
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Deleted User 10/1/2020 6:09 PM
@Joseph Thanks so much, viva la open source !
Plastic Paradigm 10/3/2020 8:09 AM
@Deleted User link the article if you can when it’s posted?
Deleted User 10/5/2020 10:31 AM
Will do 🙂
jasonknight 10/13/2020 4:00 PM
Less than 15 days remain! 100% Recycled Plastic Open Source Skateboard Decks ♻🛹 🔴 Live now on Kickstarter! Don't miss out: Pictures featuring awesome 100% recycled organic vegan shoes made in Europe by Please share, follow us, like us and join our mailing list. Oh, and If you know Tony Hawk please show him, we need him on board! 😉💚🛹 Made for the Precious Plastic Universe!
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A very rough prototype, but a working one nonetheless!
5:02 PM
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5:02 PM
Will be adding a motor for the drive screw on the jack
5:03 PM
It mounts to my shops tire machine so I can easily store it and it doesn't take up too much space
5:06 PM
And of course, it will have a lid on the box!
Hi guys. My products.
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 10/14/2020 2:01 PM
@Ken Tran Teo one in the middle is nice! 🤩 Is that one part or is it an extra ring?
@Arson Hi! I've seen you've made stamps. I am having trouble stamping my products. Hoy can I make the stamp and then what do you recommend to heat it and engrave the product? If anybody else has suggestions, please feel free to share! Thanks
@Ken Tran Teo one in the middle is nice! 🤩 Is that one part or is it an extra ring?
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto It is one part. I and KenTran are one team :) Nice to meet you.
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Maybe for some inspiration, this is a hand driven injection machine I made in 2016/2017. It's a vertical machine with a proper clamping unit, capable of holding 5 tons. The platen are made of Aluminium tool plate (5082 if I remeber correctly). The injection barrel is similar of size compared to the PP injection, including a (bronze) plunger. The drive is a rack and pinion type with big levers to be able to inject with good pressure. The frame of the injection is waterjet cutted stainless steel. It it used to produce small productions of caps and key chains, but I mainly use it for workshops and demo's, or to rent it out. The first version had a smal jack to close the molds but I upgraded it to a industrial jack with pump for convinience.
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Shipping these lasercut shredder parts to Senegal by sea, where I hope to build my first PPlastic machine in the coming months. Looking forward to source all other parts locally.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 10/24/2020 4:04 AM
First compression molded plant pot of this design in the shop. We extrude 800 grams of HDPE plastic, then transfer it to the compression molder where we press it. Parts are pressed in the mold and are cool enough to remove in aprox 5 min.
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My students put together this quick video to celebrate our sheet making ability. They are pretty proud to be involved in turning the tide on plastic waste in our community
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Pots are improving
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nice progress
5:11 AM
had to postpone my second styrofoam coaster due to weather, for now here’s a strange looking sculpture that will exist until the morning
4:28 AM
EPS coaster 2
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto very nice stop motion video! How did you cut the coasters? CNC milling?
9:46 AM
@Rai I didn't know styrofoam could turn into anything!
@Bazyaftchi yep, it’s basically clear polystyrene filled with air, these require a large amount of it just for one coaster
hi friends, I'm interested in developing a free application that helps facilitate a healthy recycling community from individuals to actual recycling businesses. I made a Google forms survey to collect feedback and ideas if this is something you think might be useful to you. I'm also open to feedback on the survey questions and format themselves.
Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.
6:28 AM
Le harbor freight vacuum former.
6:30 AM
Anyone know if the sheet press can make thin enough sheets for forming on this? Could makes some really cool looking rc bodies. I need motivation to build one.
This is about 1.5mm. could probably go about 3mm max for an rc body.
7:07 AM
@KamyaCT coool. Yeah, we recently made 1.5mm sheets (from HDPE and PP), they turned out very good!
Oh my. Those are freakin beautiful.
5:40 AM
5:40 AM be honest I was not expecting this
5:40 AM
polystyrene takeout lids and a blue EPS salmon tray (edited)
Deleted User 11/12/2020 7:31 PM
Hi everyone! We made Precious Plastic machines a few years ago on the side of our studies, and we prepared this year a Kickstarter campaign. We are really happy to share it with you today! We created a knife sharpener and included the plastic type in our logo 😉 I can’t wait for your feedback!!!
Sharp is a portable knife sharpener build from recycled plastic. Each product will be unique thanks to the injection method.
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raghav_roxx 11/14/2020 7:48 PM
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Tried some new brick designs
ShrednMelt_Xu 11/16/2020 4:53 PM
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Are there any spaces that would be willing to give us a virtual tour? Our community point is Precious Plastic Seattle, and we're interested in setting up a time to see some mature spaces that are up and running. Ideally, we'd love to see an all-in-one space. I'd be happy to set up the event and post it on the Events page if there's enough interest.
@raghav_roxx looks good! Only thing that concerns me is how would you make a corner joint?
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 11/17/2020 11:04 AM
I really needed a mallet so I used a large tin that I filled with metres and metres of rope progressively as they were melting in our oven. Went and cut a bit of willow that looked like a good handle. Made a green wood preparation (basically shaving). Placed the handle in the melted PP and let it cool down slowly. The polypropylene contracts very strongly and seized the handle extremely hard. It is a bit on the heavy side maybe Thor would be jealous of this low tech recycling. I suspect it would be better to make it in LDPE for a softer touch but we don't have much of this on our local beach.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 11/19/2020 3:06 AM
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3:06 AM
Latest v3 Shredder build... Number 3 of this series.
3:07 AM
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Nice @Butte (PP Philippines) , is the motor connecting to the shredder via a sprocket/chain solution? Cant quite see because of the grate
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/20/2020 1:22 AM
Yes I used sprocket/chain to double the torque and connect it instead of a direct drive. Direct drive is cheaper, but I do not want to risk customers having issues with jams and having to change it down the road.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/20/2020 2:02 AM
Here is a mold quick release we did. Welded two cheap vice grips to the mold.
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CitSciWorkshop 11/21/2020 3:44 PM
SOTOP's Smart Injector got a write up in Hackaday! Cool!
Many people have the means now to create little plastic objects thanks to 3D printing. However, injection molding is far less common. Another uncommon tech is plastic recycling, although we do occa…
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4:08 PM
looks a lot like the one i am desing
In Fundación Mingako we have made this plant pot which autolocks by design so we dont have to weld or use screws. Looking foward to try it on a larger size! (edited)
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SOTOP's Smart Injector got a write up in Hackaday! Cool!
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/22/2020 2:46 AM
looks a lot like our design, but we had a lot of issues with the mold and ejection pins
2:46 AM
we have not spent much time on it in about a year
CitSciWorkshop 11/22/2020 2:48 AM
Seems like a great start, I have to say. Needs to use light GRBL programs or something...
Seems like a great start, I have to say. Needs to use light GRBL programs or something...
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/22/2020 2:57 AM
I used gcode and Marlin/ramps like a 3D printer to program it.
CitSciWorkshop 11/22/2020 3:24 AM
Awesome, I was assuming that a good injection firmware would strip a lot out of Marlin, simplify and edit out a lot of the motion.
CitSciWorkshop 11/22/2020 5:09 PM
It comes down to what you know. SOTOP is doing great with a very simply interface. @Butte (PP Philippines) and I have been developing 3D printing for over a decade each. :) I'm sure we can all make some great strides in each our own way.
@b.asuazo nice design👍 I'm trying kinda the same idea which sheets locked in puzzle shapes. nice to see this auto locking design has worked out
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PreciousPlasticCork 11/23/2020 2:19 PM
An injection moulded laptop stand I have been working on
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Here is my first almost successful test of a cube planter pot. It needs 450 grams HDPE plastic which is a lot... and I think that's a problem. Am I right? dimensions are 10*10 (edited)
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@Bazyaftchi why problem? That means 450g less plastic waste laying around amirite? Also there is nothing to wonder about, given the wall thickness. Looks beautiful to me.
magi SVK
@Bazyaftchi why problem? That means 450g less plastic waste laying around amirite? Also there is nothing to wonder about, given the wall thickness. Looks beautiful to me.
yes the cleaning feels great but it takes more time to collect that much. and thanks for the nice comment🙂
450 sounds about right for something of that size
@Rai really? that hex bowl from precious plastic guys were 350g I guess. compare to that something with this size seemed too much to me. maybe I'm wrong
I would have originally estimated 350 too (edited)
9:56 PM
plastic is strange like that
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Butte (PP Philippines) 11/24/2020 3:07 AM
our compression mold 8 inch pots are coming out between 780-790 grams with a 5mm wall thickness... so yeah... its totally reasonable your weights.
@Butte (PP Philippines) try to make a mold and place the pictures of the products what it can make (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines)
our compression mold 8 inch pots are coming out between 780-790 grams with a 5mm wall thickness... so yeah... its totally reasonable your weights.
What a relief! thank you. I guess the minimum thickness of the wall is 5mm for the compression molding (edited)
6:35 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) May I ask how you collect your plastic? Is it HDPE?
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 11/24/2020 7:16 PM
I know it is a classic but we have much better results now from the injection press. All our stuff is from plastic collected on our local beach
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Here with some packaging
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What a relief! thank you. I guess the minimum thickness of the wall is 5mm for the compression molding (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/25/2020 12:38 AM
not minimum, maximum is 5mm we are going. really thick plastic HDPE gets sinkage and cracks. We buy our plastic from the junk shops. Street people collect it and we buy it at shops that buy it in en mass
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I know it is a classic but we have much better results now from the injection press. All our stuff is from plastic collected on our local beach
What kind of plastic? Most beach plastic I see end up being PET 😕
12:25 AM
I'd love to be able to use beach plastic
I'd love to be able to use beach plastic
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 11/26/2020 11:35 AM
We sell shredded HDPE and PP fibres in UK
anyone can share the CAD file of molds?
Hey folks! Longtime follower and admirer of PP and it’s impact on waste plastic. Origin is two years in the making at this point and we’re finally at a point where we’re ready to launch 🙂 we’re launching tomorrow and would love to know what you think of our first product, this mini planter which will be available in three styles: light, vibrant and dark.
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Feel free to follow us on FB and IG at @originthat. We’re young on social so a follow means the world to us just now. Keep doing awesome stuff everyone!
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 11/26/2020 10:40 PM
@durack Nice work! What material is the white part under the planter?
Thanks @Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto it’s a porcelain drip tray, totally bespoke to our design with some ridiculously tight tolerances for a ceramic 🙂 each of our planters come with a choice of wildflower or basil seedpaper too 👍 can only post the seedpaper inside the EU currently though
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yes pink PS insulation foam does recycle
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Does it have fireproofing chemicals in it as well? may be neat
idk maybe!
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Zero Plastics Australia 12/2/2020 12:44 PM
We are very excited to finally invite you to visit have a look around and give feed back if you can. 😎 We have been burning the candle at both ends to get this dream going and finally after months of delays due to COVID, 100's of hours of blood sweat and tears in R&D and work/ family commitments, we have our first usable, practical and sustainable item - Made 100% from recovered plastic we welcome you to our new Carabiner clip product. 🎉 These sturdy 6.5cm x 4.5cm x 1cm clips can hold up to 3.5kg in weight and take 6 -10 bottle caps each worth of plastic to make. Removing enough plastic from our waste streams to kill 1 adult sea turtle, these are a simple accessory to anyone's set of keys. 👌 Zero is committed to putting $1 from every carabiner sold going directly to planting trees. Our first goal is 10,000 trees and we're currently at 44 before our official launch which is a promising sign 🙏🌳 #zeroplasticsaustralia
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From lids, to sheets, to tables 🤙🏼
PreciousPlastic 2
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Butte (PP Philippines) here is our prototype hydraulic injection mold machine.
Cool! I was also thinking about doing a wood splitter to run the ram on mine
Cool! I was also thinking about doing a wood splitter to run the ram on mine
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/5/2020 1:13 AM
works awesome.
Butte (PP Philippines) here is our prototype hydraulic injection mold machine.
CrisLeash 🐙 12/5/2020 10:09 PM
nice job guys! i don't know much about machines. but I'm wondering if you have control over the amount of plastic, when it's pressed you can make it stop if you would have a smaller model, or is it limited to that one move? together we grow 💪
Joblin#9607 12/6/2020 3:31 AM
A 1kg polypropylene planter I'm working on.
👍 11
CrisLeash 🐙
nice job guys! i don't know much about machines. but I'm wondering if you have control over the amount of plastic, when it's pressed you can make it stop if you would have a smaller model, or is it limited to that one move? together we grow 💪
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/6/2020 3:56 AM
we are within 8 grams between pieces or about 1% variance in HDPE at a 780 gram part.
3:57 AM
3:57 AM
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Butte (PP Philippines) 12/6/2020 4:04 AM
Made these cabinet knob molds on the lathe this week for use with the hydraulic injeciton molder. Aside from the flashing needing better trimming, it came out perfect. Super excited for the results. Next step is to design and build a manually operated mold open and ejection system. Same function as the automated clamping on commercial machines, but hand operated. Work Flow: 1 mold closed via hand crank, like a vise. 2 hot plastic injected in mold 3 Plastic freeze in mold 4 Mold opened with hand crank and ejection pins push the part out of the mold. 5 repeat. Hand operated at first will let us understand the work flow, build it at a lower cost, and product more items which will use more plastic waste AND make the process more economically viable. We are searching for a viable product to make and sell locally.
👍 7
A 1kg polypropylene planter I'm working on.
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 12/6/2020 7:29 PM
Good size of the recycling symbols👌😉
😅 1
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
Good size of the recycling symbols👌😉
Joblin#9607 12/7/2020 12:04 AM
Zero Plastics Australia
We are very excited to finally invite you to visit have a look around and give feed back if you can. 😎 We have been burning the candle at both ends to get this dream going and finally after months of delays due to COVID, 100's of hours of blood sweat and tears in R&D and work/ family commitments, we have our first usable, practical and sustainable item - Made 100% from recovered plastic we welcome you to our new Carabiner clip product. 🎉 These sturdy 6.5cm x 4.5cm x 1cm clips can hold up to 3.5kg in weight and take 6 -10 bottle caps each worth of plastic to make. Removing enough plastic from our waste streams to kill 1 adult sea turtle, these are a simple accessory to anyone's set of keys. 👌 Zero is committed to putting $1 from every carabiner sold going directly to planting trees. Our first goal is 10,000 trees and we're currently at 44 before our official launch which is a promising sign 🙏🌳 #zeroplasticsaustralia
shressuraj1967 12/8/2020 5:11 AM
Awesome! Have a website to learn more?
Zero Plastics Australia 12/8/2020 11:29 AM
Zero Plastics Australia
shressuraj1967 12/8/2020 1:59 PM
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/9/2020 12:18 PM
Plastic pot.. made with shredded sachet, bags and bubble wrap. shredded 2x, then extruded, then compression mold
👍 7
oh wow, that must have taken a lot
3:18 AM
that’s right you are hearing one second of audio recorded on a recycled polystyrene record. stay tuned.
3:19 AM
I have recorded one second of audio on a recycled polystyrene disc! Unfortunately there was a bubble so I ran out of room! Will be conducting more experiments!
PreciousPlastic 1
🤯 2
8:35 AM
cut on a Gakken EZ Record Maker on a recycled polystyrene disc. (edited)
8:35 AM
I would recommend listening to track 3 ;)
😍 6
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/13/2020 1:07 AM
Remaker Space Workshop Demo event located at Thames International Business School in Quezon City. The event was hosted by Pure Oceans, a marine conservation social enterprise based in Batangas, together with Precious Plastic Philippines.
👍 1
10:56 AM
another batch of injection molds arrived today. We then cleaned them up and parkerized them to prevent rust.
that thumbnail 🤣
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/15/2020 11:12 PM
need the clickbait for the Philippines lol
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/16/2020 9:12 AM
Another extrusion machine build. We did away with the gearbox and went to belt/pulley and sprocket chain speed reduction. Video shows the machine bout half built. We still need to do the hopper, barrel, pulleys, sprockets and wiring. Plus finger guards. It is not sold, but needed something to keep my guys busy and since had the parts and materials in stock..
Femi Durojaye 12/17/2020 5:48 PM
@Roeckoe Hello, could i know more about your lasercutted files? How did you get them?
5:51 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) Hello @Butte (PP Philippines) please could you guide me through shredder 2.1 building? My laser cutted files were inaccurate.
Hey all, is anyone making over $100 selling the products they are making? Keen to find out what is selling around the world?
unit cost or MSRP?
Zero Plastics Australia 12/22/2020 3:52 AM
Has anyone used desktop laser cutters on their plastic sheets before? I want to know if its worth getting a desktop laser cutter over a cnc machine for cutting our sheets into more detailed/useful shapes. Merry Christmas everyone - enjoy these beautiful little Xmas trees made from recycled ldpe.
👍 6
Found this today and thought it was great (edited)
👍 2
i love the puzzle idea
9:24 PM
I would think CNC CO2 lazer cutters SHOULD be more than enough
9:25 PM
my only concern would be fumesx
9:25 PM
making a wood "cutting stensil" may be better
9:25 PM
and somewhat reusable?
9:25 PM
That would make cutting required, as well as produce some lovely
9:25 PM
m i c r o p l a s t i cs
9:26 PM
use an electric saw + catch/reuse the microplastic shavings?
Zero Plastics Australia 12/22/2020 10:45 PM
Yeah thats what we have been doing now and the shavings are great for our injection machine, however want to stay away from mircoplastics as much as I can. Yeah Ill take a look at cnc lazer cutters and see what they can do
As long as it isn't a chlorinated/floronated plastic it should just be NOx / Odd petrochemical emissions so nothing TOO toxic
10:46 PM
If diluted + disposed via venting you should be fine given the scale is so small (an ocasional use, not a 24/7 coal power plant)
👍 1
10:47 PM
Still though it is good to consider all the potential issues and not be like "i'm a small operation so no need to worry at all" imo
Zero Plastics Australia 12/23/2020 3:04 AM
Thats the point isn't it, to stop it everywhere at any scale
i agree 100%
3:15 AM
but if you want to start a shop, but only have enough for the machines + a box fan, not a fume extractor + treater, i think it has more utility to start and have a small NOx emmission vs leaving the waste to sit there due to no shop existing (edited)
3:16 AM
Once you "get things going" best available technology is a must imo
3:16 AM
Also i am trying to get some sort of "Open Source Gas Scrubber" going
3:17 AM
a bucket of charcoal can kind of work for some thing, but that sometimes just gives you saturated toxic charcoal instead of mildly toxic air, so MORE DEV WORK NEEDED THERE lol
👍 1
Hi everyone, I believe I’ve seen a beautiful stool made with wooden legs, and another with plastic legs, wanted to know more about those two builds. If anyone could direct me where I can find out more about those builds I would appreciate it so so much. Stop ignoring me .
@Gusta how beautiful, I wonder if you have built a small stool before? And are the legs wood or plastic?
@Zero Plastics Australia how difficult is it to get a plate that nice, what is the approximate time of completing one sheet plate ? and how difficult /costly is the machine build?
Zero Plastics Australia 12/28/2020 9:19 PM
@summer not that difficult, we make 330mm2 and 500mm x 300mm sheets with ease. Set up is about $1000aud to set up. Takes an hour to make a sheet
@Zero Plastics Australia I’m finding it difficult to download the blueprints, I logged on to precious plastic page got to download kits, it gave me a list. Then when I clicked on download, it just freezes. Is there another way?
Zero Plastics Australia 12/29/2020 12:59 PM
Not that I'm aware
I figured it out, it’s the reader.
Hi everyone, I’m new here. I make jewellery from recycled silver and other materials including plastics at home in my tiny studio. The plastics i simply melt down in a little oven. I have a question and i don’t know where to ask it. Can i use the term “precious plastic“ to describe these items? I dont belong to any formal group, its just me 🙂
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3:16 PM
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Frederik C (ZA) 1/1/2021 11:56 PM
Can i use the term “precious plastic“ to describe these items? As far as I know, the name is not trademarked in any way. (Maybe HQ should review that thinking. 🤔 ) But anyway, none of the workspaces around the World, are contracted or "licensed" in any way. So, technically, nothing is stopping you from using the name. Would just be nice to give a shout-out to the global project, so that people know what the "bigger picture" is, I think.
👍 1
Thank you @Frederik C (ZA) that sounds like a good approach.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/2/2021 12:10 AM
I stand to be corrected. But I think that's right. 😓
Frederik C (ZA) 1/2/2021 12:20 AM
In terms of international intellectual property law, if a name is already in common use, I think it effectively becomes impossible to trademark. Possibly only a unique logo could be registered by someone. Apparently, celebrities like Sting and Spike Lee have tried to trademark themselves. But their applications were thrown out, because "sting" and "spike" are too common words for anyone to claim.
I certainly dont want to use the word as if its my own, the global community of precious plastic makers are doing so much more than I can do in my small way, but i’ve struggled with how to describe items, and “recycled plastic” doesnt capture it quite as well as “precious plastic” does, I just don‘t want to misrepresent my work as something it’s not. My ethos is to create beauty out of waste, so maybe I should just keep describing my pieces like that. Thank you for your input.
Frederik C (ZA) 1/2/2021 12:46 AM
Sure. PP HQ probably won't care, either way. That's basically the open-source ethos. It's still an interesting question, from a technical, legal perspective. Like, could you start a new tech company, and name the brand Apple? Probably not. But only because there is already such a company that enforces its claim to the trademark. If there were lots of companies with products called "Apple" it would probably be unenforceable. But you could probably have a fruit distributor called "Apple Store" without problems.
12:54 PM
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PreciousPlastic 2
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12:55 PM
During my minor we've been working on a bicycle plastic shredder. We will upload a bigger file with all our steps and things we've done. We're curious what you think about it in the meantime!
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 1/6/2021 1:12 PM
Looks fantastic! Nice work!
😁 1
What is the best way to get the design plans to people who want to build their own bicycle shredder? Is there a specific channel for this on this discord? Or are there other platforms which are more suitable for this?
I love it! My fat butt needs this! Great job!
👍 3
spiros nik 1/6/2021 3:15 PM
maybe do a youtube video and have a file in the description of it? Or add a how to on the precious plastic webpage?
👍 2
Thanks for the advice, i was not aware that you could create your own how-to's on PP. We can use that to share all the files i see now 🙂
👍 2
Looks great 😄
😀 1
@Jamil looks fantastic 🎉 definitely make sure to do an how-to as it could be so valuable for the community
👍 2
☝ 1
Very nice
CitSciWorkshop 1/8/2021 4:18 AM
@Angus17 sent a friend request
@Bazyaftchi I want to learn to shape this cube please !!!! 😍
@Bazyaftchi I want to learn to shape this cube please !!!! 😍
sure🙂 I'll explain all the steps to shape a cube
7:10 PM
Thank !
Zero Plastics Australia 1/14/2021 11:23 PM
Loving these new hexagon moulds
👍 9
petesaparty 1/17/2021 5:29 AM
Visit the post for more.
12:30 AM
Great use of HDPE from Izzy (edited)
Hi everyone, I am looking for someone who'd be interested in making an upfolding lamella window from recycled plastic... Is there anyone who has the machines and know-how to do this?
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/24/2021 3:52 AM
v3 shredder build. latest. now with 3hp motor.
👍 6
😍 2
Great use of HDPE from Izzy (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/24/2021 4:01 AM
Dust collection is great in the shop. We have a 2hp, 4 bag unit on our shredder, that we also use as a way to dry plastic in a large 55 gallon drum. We just supplied a client with their own dust collecting/shredding system, although in the future I think we will build a rolling frame to mount that blower the same as in this video.
👍 2
Nice build! The level of noise comes basically from the motor or the other moving parts? I don't know how loud it is when standing next to it but it sounds loud in the video.
Butte (PP Philippines)
Dust collection is great in the shop. We have a 2hp, 4 bag unit on our shredder, that we also use as a way to dry plastic in a large 55 gallon drum. We just supplied a client with their own dust collecting/shredding system, although in the future I think we will build a rolling frame to mount that blower the same as in this video.
Clean setup 👌 I that a garage door motor and control?
Clean setup 👌 I that a garage door motor and control?
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/27/2021 12:22 PM
no, its a light industrial dust collector 60 micron bags. It was sold as a add on to the CNC Routers I was distributing locally for ACC Tec last year. The bags collect so much micro plastics that we can re-use rather than breathing in or making a dusty mess in the shop, not to mention it increases the efficiency of our plastic shredder a good 30 percent (estimated) I think that good vacuum collection system to blow and move our plastics around the shop to handle them will be the next step as we move up our boot-strap precious plastic machines to a legit plastic recycling processing molding shop. (edited)
Ι really support the addition of a dust collecting system, for the reasons you mention! The biggest disadvantage/problem i relate to this is the added level of noise from a second machine's motors. Probably you would have to be working with ear protecting equipment the whole time.
@Jamil looks fantastic 🎉 definitely make sure to do an how-to as it could be so valuable for the community
Thanks for the tip. That's exactly what we did! Here you can find the how-to. It has a link to a google drive folder with extremely thorough step by step instructions, illustrations, 3d models, laser cutting files, reference photos and more! .
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
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PreciousPlastic 1
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Butte (PP Philippines) 2/1/2021 2:27 PM Making more plant pots today. 2 hours and 12 kilo plastic molded.
👍 1
spiros nik
Ι really support the addition of a dust collecting system, for the reasons you mention! The biggest disadvantage/problem i relate to this is the added level of noise from a second machine's motors. Probably you would have to be working with ear protecting equipment the whole time.
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/1/2021 2:28 PM
Yes we wear hearing protection and dust masks. One day we hope to relocate the noisy machines in a more sound proof area
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/2/2021 1:27 PM
👍 1
PreciousPlastic 1
1:30 PM
We are experimenting with adding color back to our extrusion/compression molding process by adding some plastic chips to the oven that keeps the slug of plastic as we extrude enough to mold. We have to twist it like hard candy while wearing welding gloves to get a nice effect.
💪 1
4:29 PM
4:29 PM
4:29 PM
3d filament extruder
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dang that’s a... surprisingly simple looking extruder
3d filament extruder
Nice ! you're using a wood drill for the extrusion screw ?
No it's designed and cnc milled
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/4/2021 5:20 AM
5:25 AM
is that a woodchipper?
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/4/2021 11:40 AM
11:40 AM
Plastic sachet recycling project.
11:41 AM
It's a plastic shredder of our design. We found that the v4 shredder was too expensive, so we had a engineer from the Netherlands come to our shop and design this.
Awesome @Butte (PP Philippines) Is there a write up anywhere or the files so we can take a good look?
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/4/2021 1:12 PM
It's not open source. However it's similar mechanism to the robot Digg shredder and others on eBay
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 2/4/2021 3:42 PM
@GeorgeH Search for granulator
Just taken a look online, couldn't find it. Do you happen to have a link?@PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 2/4/2021 3:46 PM
Plastic Crusher or Shredder Low Speed Granulator or Plastic Crusher features: 1. Easy to operate, low electricity consum...
3:46 PM
Shredders and granulators are different designs but for some reason, they sometimes are used interchangeably
3:47 PM
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/5/2021 2:13 PM
We designed and built our own as this type was too expensive to import
👍 1
Marcel123095 2/5/2021 8:22 PM
Honeycomb vase made from recycled PET (available in the bazar) 🙂
👍 11
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PreciousPlastic 1
@Marcel123095 that's amazing how did you do it. We have had a really hard time trying to recycle PET
Marcel123095 2/7/2021 11:14 AM
@Angus17 Yes, I got mine from a large company in the Netherlands that recycles bulk PET bottles from KLM, this saves a lot of hassle.
@Angus17 Yes, I got mine from a large company in the Netherlands that recycles bulk PET bottles from KLM, this saves a lot of hassle.
Deleted User 2/7/2021 1:32 PM
Hi Mardau what is the name of the company?
Marcel123095 2/7/2021 2:38 PM
@Deleted User Morssinkhof, but they sell at a minimum of 1 ton.
@Deleted User Morssinkhof, but they sell at a minimum of 1 ton.
Deleted User 2/7/2021 2:38 PM
how was it made though?
2:50 AM
like production steps?
raghav_roxx 2/11/2021 4:08 AM
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PreciousPlastic 3
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like production steps?
3D printer
5:01 PM
ya des francais
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/18/2021 1:28 AM
👍 1
1:28 AM
Mass production of v3 shredders today.
1:29 AM
Laying out for paint after welding
Eldy Lazaro (CU Boulder) 2/18/2021 2:17 AM
do you know who in California is doing the beyond plastic compressor? thanks!
Hi, my name is Josh. I am from Winnipeg, Canada. Growing up my family didn't have a lot. What… Josh Griffin needs your support for Temporary Homeless Shelters
👍 1
1:53 PM
You guys inspired me two write this article
1:53 PM
And I just want to share it with you guys
1:54 PM
Thank you so much!! We are on the path towards a greater and more resilient world
1:55 PM
DAVE HAKKENS & the whole ONE ARMY TEAM & every single member of this sever!! Thank you and keep doing what you goes are doing because it’s really inspiring🚀
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/4/2021 12:16 PM
More shredder builds at Precious Plastic Philippines. This is our Dutch designed (workaway volunteer) shredder. One year ago we completed our first prototype. More than 20 have been built so far. Next week we start on a 2x sized version of this with a Kubota 10hp diesel engine for use at a Local government waste collection point in Ilocos Sur, Philippines.
👍 3
@Butte (PP Philippines) that's fantastic 💪🎉 do you sell in Indonesia exclusively? Or Asia?
1:42 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) goes without saying that it would be phenomenal to have a how-to about it with technical drawings that people could replicate
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/4/2021 2:08 PM
Philippines only.
We've been working on a new flatpack version of the sheetpress so we can ship it easier.. what do you think?
👏 10
👍 5
Eric Lotze 3/4/2021 8:13 PM
Seems great!
8:13 PM
This was a bit i was thinking on about the other day, the shipment of Open Source Hardware (OSHW)
8:14 PM
Like when you buy, lets say a 3d printer, from some company you get a fancy box, and it is all packed nicely and whatnot and what to learn/grow on from that
8:14 PM
Granted this is probably better to discuss in #just-chatting or something lol
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/4/2021 9:24 PM
Looks great for shipping, although to be honest, we have not sold a single sheet press over here. Despite a lot of advertising.
We've been working on a new flatpack version of the sheetpress so we can ship it easier.. what do you think?
CitSciWorkshop 3/5/2021 4:01 AM
Is the hood pretty heavy to lift? Would a customer need special equipment to lift? Been trying to do the same thing lately.
Great idea
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/5/2021 10:36 AM
OneArmy 4
PreciousPlastic 4
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10:39 AM
I can insert laser sheets in my mould to get different names, logos, ... Already have "Precious Plastic" and "One Army" if someone like to have one 🙂 (edited)
😍 1
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10:39 AM
😍 1
I’d love to have this
11:02 AM
@Marcel123095 please share how did the moulds and which machine did you use
Marcel123095 3/5/2021 11:53 AM
@Michael L You can't make it with molds you need a 3d printer.
Zero Plastics Australia 3/6/2021 9:04 AM
Earrings with a cause! Recycling between 3-6 bottle caps per set ( depending on which set you choose ) they are a beautiful little addition to your outfit 😃 sure they are recycling only a smaller amount compared to some of our other products, but they are a great way to raise awareness about recycling, and to show others this proof of concept, that recycling waste can be pretty, it can still look new, and how important it is!! For anyone who wants to join the cause and help us on this ride, we would absolutely love some feedback, and some suggestions on other shapes that you all would wear yourselves as single use recycled jewelry! We hope you like these just as much as we do 😃 we will have them up on our website tonight as soon as the kids go to sleep ✅ well, I will try my best anyway! 🙃
👍 1
Vishal🦑 3/6/2021 1:54 PM
Hands of Steel Dust.....Hard Work but Basic Shredder 2.1 coming through🔥🔥
💯 6
11:04 PM
My first mallet on my hand cranked v4. 310g of plastic.
💯 4
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PreciousPlastic 3
CitSciWorkshop 3/6/2021 11:08 PM
That's awesome
👍 1
@joehann love that hand cranked part 👍
👍 1
Zero Plastics Australia 3/8/2021 12:08 PM
🦖🦖🦖Recycled Plastic Dinosaurs🦕🦕🦕 ...made from plastic...which is made from oil...which if you can in a way say is technically real dinosaurs.....soooo We welcome you to Zero Plastic Australia's "Real" Dinosaurs. Each dino contains 4-8 plastic bottle caps and is handmade using our injection machines. ♻️ Not only is this a great way to be an adult and still play with dinosaurs for a reason but its the direction we need to take when being kids and not thinking of the planet and the ripple effects we each create each day by the choices we make.🤔 These alongside our other designs are available at newly updated shop
👍 6
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/8/2021 12:14 PM
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12:15 PM
First attempt at the plastic brick in our shop. It is more than 1.5 kilos of hdpe to fill.the mold.
@butte we have been trying to make a brick as well with less luck then that. Was temp and rpm is your machine at?
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/9/2021 1:55 AM
220c 100 rpm
1:56 AM
1:56 AM
Under filled, cold weld, hardened before full
1:56 AM
Need a bigger extrusion mavhine
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/9/2021 5:47 AM
Without pre heating the brick mold in a oven or using a heat gun on it while filling, i fear that the v3 extrusion with compression screw is not fast enough to make bricks.
5:49 AM
Under filling, cold weld, all signs that the plastic cools off before the mold is full. We also bent the mold. It spread open under the pressure while parts were not filled also tbis mold is 1.6 kilo to fill, not 1.5
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/9/2021 7:55 AM
7:55 AM
With pre heating the mold
@Butte (PP Philippines) we have the pro but judging from this it seems our issue is we haven't been running it fast enough
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/9/2021 1:09 PM
Did you do a extrusion test?
1:10 PM
You should be running 20 kilo per hpur as per the netherlands group
1:11 PM
V3 maxes out at 6. Tried running faster, but then needing to increase heat and still not satisfactory result, so i slowed it back.
1:13 PM
Pre heating was suggested by a plastic guy who helps me with technical advice
1:17 PM
Second option is filling as fast as possible. Also some concerns about mold strength. If i.make another mold the top and bottom will use thicker material or weld a large piece of square bar on the sides. And designing some sort of fail port. Mold gets full. Plastic gets ejected thru a hole as a visual indicator
@Butte (PP Philippines) we did not do an extrusion test. How would you suggest going about this
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/9/2021 2:08 PM
Oh thats easy.
2:08 PM
You got a cheap digital scale?
2:08 PM
We use a 15 dollar produce scale
2:12 PM
You can weigh out 5 kilos and time its extrusion however that will not be as accurate as loading the machine and running for like 30 min of extrusion.
2:14 PM
Reason being is that you can hqve delay from time machine is loaded to time plastic actually comes out.
Oh ok I gotcha
2:20 PM
So ideally how fast should it be able to process 5 kilos
CitSciWorkshop 3/9/2021 6:00 PM
@Angus17 Have you tried running Barrel 1 at 235C, @ at 245C and the Nozzle at 255? I've also seen people warming their molds to prevent cold shuts and fill easier.
We warmed the mold but still weren't able to make one. Going to preform and extrusion test this afternoon and upping the speed
Zero Plastics Australia 3/9/2021 9:52 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) @Angus17 what item in your opinion is best made with the extrusion machine if it has issues like these? I have one on the way and plan on making beams mainly, however love the brick idea and also larger pot plants/bins so hopeful that it can make these.
Oh ok I gotcha
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/10/2021 3:34 AM
20 kilo per hour
3:34 AM
up your temperature also
3:35 AM
im running hdpe at 235c and using heat gun to keep the mold hot while it is filling
wish I could help, that’s pretty out of my league, hope you get the bricks working (edited)
9:23 AM
9:25 AM
I have successfully made a coaster from 50% american retail spools and 50% melted/reground EPS powder.
Butte (PP Philippines)
More shredder builds at Precious Plastic Philippines. This is our Dutch designed (workaway volunteer) shredder. One year ago we completed our first prototype. More than 20 have been built so far. Next week we start on a 2x sized version of this with a Kubota 10hp diesel engine for use at a Local government waste collection point in Ilocos Sur, Philippines.
Looking forward to seeing the 2x granulator opensourced.
👍 3
Zero Plastics Australia 3/15/2021 9:42 AM
There is something about the hexagon coaster tile mould that really shows the beauty of what we are doing. Keep it up everyone.
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Zero Plastics Australia 3/21/2021 12:38 PM
♻️ COMING SOON ♻️ Brought to life by Zero Plastics Australia, a completely new way to see what can be made from recycled single use plastics! 🙌 My best mate Bird set a challenge for himself to see the limits of what can be done with electronics, and tonight we yet again have broken the barriers and stigma on how useful recycled plastic is! Our 100% recycled plastic USB range will be available in 16, 32, 64, and 128gig sizes. Extremely practical AND each handmade case has a completely unique design, so what do you have to lose?! 😃 not these - just add them to your keyrings! 🤪♻🙌
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Butte (PP Philippines) 3/23/2021 3:43 AM
organizing the fabrication space at Precious Plastic Philippines for video shooting. Painting is next up. Deciding where everything will go first so we are not doing unnecessary painting
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+ first sheets 🙂
CharlieUldahl 3/24/2021 7:59 AM
Looks good! Have you got a method for mending the sheet to make boxes for instance? What is your experiences with plastic welding? 🙂
I really want to upgrade from our pp v2 shredder to one of these. Looks like it would shred so much faster and easier to clean. I emailed the company but haven't heard back you know how much they would charge for shipping? This seems like a great price.
I really want to upgrade from our pp v2 shredder to one of these. Looks like it would shred so much faster and easier to clean. I emailed the company but haven't heard back you know how much they would charge for shipping? This seems like a great price.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 3/24/2021 10:29 AM
that's dependent of your import tax
that's dependent of your import tax
Ah, I just saw in the video the guy said the shipping cost more than the machine itself. I also got an email back and they said their granulator didn't work well for thicker plastic and suggested we get their pp style shredder pro box that they built. We don't reshred our thick extruded waste plastic anyways bc we don't want to damage our v2 shredder.. (edited)
Ah, I just saw in the video the guy said the shipping cost more than the machine itself. I also got an email back and they said their granulator didn't work well for thicker plastic and suggested we get their pp style shredder pro box that they built. We don't reshred our thick extruded waste plastic anyways bc we don't want to damage our v2 shredder.. (edited)
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 3/24/2021 7:21 PM
have you looked at second hand industrial shredders? I think you were looking at single phase and you will have a hard time having more power. For thick plastic I would recommend more than 15HP, 20 probably ideal. That's another ball game all together. There is no magic really
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Indernatur9000 3/24/2021 9:44 PM
Low effort experiment with a T-shirt heat press and acrylic bits!
OneArmy 2
9:44 PM
heat press we used, works much better with the squishy pad removed!
9:45 PM
best result of the day
9:46 PM
done outside of course, tried pre-heating in old toaster oven first, ended up just using the heat press
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Ah, I just saw in the video the guy said the shipping cost more than the machine itself. I also got an email back and they said their granulator didn't work well for thicker plastic and suggested we get their pp style shredder pro box that they built. We don't reshred our thick extruded waste plastic anyways bc we don't want to damage our v2 shredder.. (edited)
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 3/26/2021 4:59 PM
I just remembered this. It is pricey but as a preprocessing unit it can probably do the job
Le K-TCHAK, broyeur manuel pour branches, paille et autres végétaux secs ou frais, avec rouleaux ameneurs. Il coupe les matériaux jusqu'au diamètre 30mm.
I just remembered this. It is pricey but as a preprocessing unit it can probably do the job
That's an interesting design! I wonder if anyone's tried it out with plastic..
Anyone have a shredder pro video working?
12:38 PM
PET bottles perhaps
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/27/2021 2:11 PM
@Gallon @ShrednMelt_Xu was one of the first builders of the shredder pro: But I think he also made some changes, maybe you can tell @ShrednMelt_Xu ?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/29/2021 2:54 PM
@Gallon What do you like to do with the shreddes PET? If you need very smal Granulate you maybe need a granulator...
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Wait,i thought those two are the same?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/30/2021 11:01 AM
@Gallon Just in case if you need more like powder than flakes.
Hm,i thought the size of flakes depends on size of blades on shredder
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/30/2021 12:13 PM
12:13 PM
@Gallon It depends on the mesh under the shredderbox.
That would be sieve?
7:16 PM
Thats the thing with bunch of holes?
just to mention, clean transparent pet granulated cost ~$0.75 to $0.9 usd per KG in Mexico.
Thats the thing with bunch of holes?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 4/1/2021 7:34 PM
Anyone here built shredder pro? Id like to know the realistic price for laser cutting parts and i wouldnt like to be ripped off by local companies.
10:22 AM
On preciousplastic bazar i see parts anywhere from 500 (that one is regular steel) euros to 1600 (stainless) There are 2 listings of stainless steel laser cut parts, one being 1000 the other 1600e
At what temperature 10mm hdpe sheet starts burning.?
Indernatur9000 4/9/2021 9:23 PM
Pleasantly surprised that I didn't need to 'shred' my PLA pieces to melt them nicely into a silicone mold, I just snipped bits apart and gradually plopped the PLA bits in! Done in regular old toaster oven, about 325-350 degrees, about 45 minutes to an hour. I love how shiny and hard the plastic turned out!
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Nathan-PPLancaster 4/10/2021 8:29 PM
Hey everyone! We just created system which tracks the plastic we used to create our Xmas 2020 products. It allows people to find the product they ordered and then not only see what we used to make it (and where that plastic came from i.e. who supplied it to us and what it was originally) but also to cross-reference that data and see what else we made from the same raw material. We'd love to hear your feedback on it if you have a second: - video discussing it - the tracking tool (based in - which is recommend for nerds like me)
nathan burley
Coda doc by nathan burley
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Liri (They/He) 4/10/2021 9:32 PM
That looks super cool!! I like how professional and direct it is, and how it's focused all in one place. It seems like a good way to also do your own management of the plastics you recycle. And also has a benefit to the shops/companies that donate to you/work with you because you're directly showcasing where that "contribution" went in a product.
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SecondActPlasticLA 4/12/2021 1:28 AM
Hi everyone- woww ^^ that’s a hard act to follow!! I can’t tell you where your plastic came from but I can make sure where it’s going is adorable- I’m working on a furniture company that create flat pack furniture and sheets of recycled HdPE and PP. please share if you know anyone who’s interested - sorry to photoblast
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1:28 AM
1:29 AM
1:29 AM - hope to hear from you!!
Liri (They/He)
That looks super cool!! I like how professional and direct it is, and how it's focused all in one place. It seems like a good way to also do your own management of the plastics you recycle. And also has a benefit to the shops/companies that donate to you/work with you because you're directly showcasing where that "contribution" went in a product.
Nathan-PPLancaster 4/12/2021 2:14 PM
Exactly this! Yeh you pretty much summed it all up heh. The original driver was internal; since some of the products we make require lots of different colours, and since a complex order might be for 20 difference products it's difficult to manually compute if we have enough of each colour to satisfy the entire order. The back end of this system makes that problem pretty easy. The hard part is accounting for everything we use - which we're still grappling with. We're hoping it adds value to both customers who donate plastic - helping that advertise that they are indeed recycling their plastic and to end users / consumers of product who can verify their product came from recycled material. Hopefully in time, we might be able to monetize both these systems.
Hi everyone- woww ^^ that’s a hard act to follow!! I can’t tell you where your plastic came from but I can make sure where it’s going is adorable- I’m working on a furniture company that create flat pack furniture and sheets of recycled HdPE and PP. please share if you know anyone who’s interested - sorry to photoblast
Nathan-PPLancaster 4/12/2021 2:15 PM
Heh, I think you did a pretty good job of following that act! Graphic design is stunning, and I really like the business idea in general too. Are you making your own sheets or sourcing them from an existing team?
Exactly this! Yeh you pretty much summed it all up heh. The original driver was internal; since some of the products we make require lots of different colours, and since a complex order might be for 20 difference products it's difficult to manually compute if we have enough of each colour to satisfy the entire order. The back end of this system makes that problem pretty easy. The hard part is accounting for everything we use - which we're still grappling with. We're hoping it adds value to both customers who donate plastic - helping that advertise that they are indeed recycling their plastic and to end users / consumers of product who can verify their product came from recycled material. Hopefully in time, we might be able to monetize both these systems.
Liri (They/He) 4/12/2021 3:58 PM
I hope it works out well for you!! It really does look like you put a lot of effort and meaning into it!!!
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SecondActPlasticLA 4/13/2021 4:28 AM
Now that I had a chance to actually go through this entire thing- I really like your YouTube explaining the site- it’s such an earnest approach to the problem. It doesn’t seem overly preachy, it’s just honest about the lack of trust in the system as you said and personally that tone reaches me the most. maybe it’s my marketing brain but I immediately think of how many brands would love to see this tool roll out at sxsw or a pop up at ces etc. or how a collab with an artist who makes a product could make this go viral (which of course isn’t that important) except that it would give this tool crazy exposure
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Heh, I think you did a pretty good job of following that act! Graphic design is stunning, and I really like the business idea in general too. Are you making your own sheets or sourcing them from an existing team?
SecondActPlasticLA 4/13/2021 4:32 AM
I’m making the sheets 🙂 right now collecting and my sheet press is being built and then we ll launch a line of sheets
Upcycler_Simon 4/13/2021 6:21 AM
Pens made from LDPE - really happy with how they have come out. I will be doing a video this weekend showing how I make the blanks
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Liri (They/He) 4/13/2021 8:09 AM
Where will you be posting this video?
Pens made from LDPE - really happy with how they have come out. I will be doing a video this weekend showing how I make the blanks
Nathan-PPLancaster 4/13/2021 9:49 AM
Brilliant! I went back to the graphics and had another look. RE: last one, PET is a nightmare to work with, I wouldn't suggest trying to make sheets out of it tbh. Many have tried and failed hehe! We find most yoghurt pots are either PP or PS, but they're a good source of PP and PP is good for sheets. You might also want to think about PS / HIPS. Although it's smelly, there's lots of it around and it's apparently good to work with too!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/13/2021 2:05 PM
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2:06 PM
Been building a giant 3D printer for waste over the last few months (Covid Project?) Got it pretty reliable now and printed this in just 6hrs...
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Liri (They/He)
Where will you be posting this video?
Upcycler_Simon 4/14/2021 3:27 AM
I will post a link in Discord, but my youtube channel is here -
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I will post a link in Discord, but my youtube channel is here -
Liri (They/He) 4/14/2021 4:56 AM
Great!! I'll watch out for this!! 😄
@Upcycler_Simon fantastic 💪💪💪 yes! Make sure to share on the how-to so more people can learn from your technique and tackle plastic around the world
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Upcycler_Simon 4/16/2021 12:59 PM
As promised, here is a video I created showing how I make the pen blanks from plastic -
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First attempt at beams using PP! Made entirely from plastic containers from dispensaries
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PreciousPlastic 2
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Coaster from HDPE
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Anyone know if the sheet press can make thin enough sheets for forming on this? Could makes some really cool looking rc bodies. I need motivation to build one.
Did you do it? How did it turn out?
I haven't made it yet. Have about 800 lbs of scrap plastic from thermoforming ABS though. Just waiting for the $$$ to be right so i can invest in building a press.
9:36 AM
9:36 AM
Debating spending $50 for one of these to build the shredder though. should save some of the cost.
Did you do it? How did it turn out?
i did like this, sorry We not yet make video for this mould. soon
7:12 PM
We used moulding like this.
7:12 PM
The result like this. after little finishing
7:17 PM
We make this artwork with HDPE and PP. Put arduino with ultrasonic sensor.
👍 5
As promised, here is a video I created showing how I make the pen blanks from plastic -
That is excellent!
Liri (They/He)
Great!! I'll watch out for this!! 😄
Me too 🙂
Me too 🙂
Liri (They/He) 4/19/2021 7:19 AM
It was already posted 🙂
Liri (They/He)
It was already posted 🙂
Thanks - I just scrolled down and eventually got there!!
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Plastic Paradigm 4/19/2021 9:13 PM
Will there be a channel for the Fixing Fashion discussions in Discord FixingFashion ?
OneArmy 2
🤙 1
@Plastic Paradigm There is! Go to the start-here channel and select the Fixing Fashion project (edited)
FixingFashion 2
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 4/21/2021 4:31 PM
I’ve made a considerable amount of plastic hexagon tiles and I’m wondering how people who have done this affix the tiles to surfaces / to other tiles. PP had an Instagram update that showed some injection projects and a couple of them were kitchen backsplashes made from plastic tiles. Do people just use conventional methods the same as they would for ceramic tile to do this? (edited)
4:32 PM
👍 4
Hi everyone- woww ^^ that’s a hard act to follow!! I can’t tell you where your plastic came from but I can make sure where it’s going is adorable- I’m working on a furniture company that create flat pack furniture and sheets of recycled HdPE and PP. please share if you know anyone who’s interested - sorry to photoblast
There is a Precious Plastics USA discord channel btw incase you didn't already know!
Zero Plastics Australia
♻️ COMING SOON ♻️ Brought to life by Zero Plastics Australia, a completely new way to see what can be made from recycled single use plastics! 🙌 My best mate Bird set a challenge for himself to see the limits of what can be done with electronics, and tonight we yet again have broken the barriers and stigma on how useful recycled plastic is! Our 100% recycled plastic USB range will be available in 16, 32, 64, and 128gig sizes. Extremely practical AND each handmade case has a completely unique design, so what do you have to lose?! 😃 not these - just add them to your keyrings! 🤪♻🙌
check out the Gomi Bluetooth Speaker, USB Power Bank & Wireless Charger
Creators of gomi Wireless Mag Chargers, gomi Portable Chargers and gomi Speakers, made out of non-recyclable plastic waste. We also collaborate with companies to repurpose their flexible plastic waste
2nd Melt Solutions and Precious Plastic Minnesota needs your help with winning a $1000 grant! After sending out followers in the completely wrong direction we have found ourselves in hundredth place instead of first! Please like, share, or comment on this post! Prizes may be in store if you can verify you came from PP.
OneArmy 1
7:11 PM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/23/2021 1:21 PM
Heyo, Just wanted to share my latest print from the Giant 3D printer I've been designing as my Covid Project. Designed to print upto 1m x 1m x 1m super-fast with recycled materials! (Mainly furniture) Here we have a sculpture/light made from CD cases. What do you think? Comments and thoughts for future printed items welcome as I am seeking new ideas! You can follow more updates on my work and see the 3D printer in action on my Instagram feed:
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datastreamcowboy 4/23/2021 6:22 PM
@Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) try construction adhesive
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Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 4/23/2021 7:28 PM
@datastreamcowboy Do you think this would make them impossible to recycle after?
as the local PS expert.... possibly
datastreamcowboy 4/23/2021 7:36 PM
@Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) depends in which adhesive you choose.. there's as many formulas as there are brands. I think a latex based formula you may want.
👍 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Heyo, Just wanted to share my latest print from the Giant 3D printer I've been designing as my Covid Project. Designed to print upto 1m x 1m x 1m super-fast with recycled materials! (Mainly furniture) Here we have a sculpture/light made from CD cases. What do you think? Comments and thoughts for future printed items welcome as I am seeking new ideas! You can follow more updates on my work and see the 3D printer in action on my Instagram feed:
it is a really nice looking item! Ι think you are gifted having this great tool! (of course you must have made a ton of work to produce it!) The possibilitiew with 3d printing technologies are endless. Especially at this scale!
if any of you like to play table tennis. we make table tennis bat from HDPE plastic.
OneArmy 3
PreciousPlastic 1
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Pleasantly surprised that I didn't need to 'shred' my PLA pieces to melt them nicely into a silicone mold, I just snipped bits apart and gradually plopped the PLA bits in! Done in regular old toaster oven, about 325-350 degrees, about 45 minutes to an hour. I love how shiny and hard the plastic turned out!
MystroPolymeric 4/26/2021 8:51 PM
Very nice work, what was the mold and did you design it?
Very nice work, what was the mold and did you design it?
Indernatur9000 4/26/2021 9:29 PM
I did not create the bracelet mold, I think it came from amazon. I did however, make my own silicone mold after this, the 'smooth on brand dragon skin silicone 30', and was pleasantly surprised to see it hold up so well baked in the oven @ 350 degrees fahrenheit. This is Monsier Cycley von PLA, a doorstop I made in Tinkercad.
👍 3
Very nice work, what was the mold and did you design it?
Indernatur9000 4/26/2021 9:30 PM
I made this tutorial for silicone mold making from 3D prints, if you want to see the process, it is very easy
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I made this tutorial for silicone mold making from 3D prints, if you want to see the process, it is very easy
MystroPolymeric 4/26/2021 9:40 PM
Wow, You are Awesome. If no one has told you today I am glad to be the first one 🤭 I will check this out and let you know what I think. I have been searching for silicone molds and only found pastry products.
😊 1
Zero Plastics Australia 4/28/2021 11:38 AM
EUREKA! Finally, after hours of working in the shed last night, my best mate Bird and I have cracked the USB flash drives! We welcome you all to the very first of its kind - Handmade Recycled USB Flash Drive! Before Bird had the idea of creating a recycled plastic USB, we weren't sure if it was something that could be done.. melting the plastic to 180 degrees into the mould, we thought the heat was sure to destroy the electricals. But here we are! After hours of R&D we have made it possible! They contain around 6 bottles caps each and what an excellent way to show others what can be done with what we call "waste" Available in 32GB and 64GB in a variety of mixed colours, and with each one being unique you'll never misplace yours with someone else's! Available now on our website! ♻♻♻♻♻️ #zeroplasticsaustralia #lids4kidsaustralia #southernoceanenvironmentallink #preciousplasticcommunity #zeroplastics #USBflashdrive #recycledplastic #trashtotreasure #treasurenottrash #supportsmallbusinesses #ballarat #excited #makethechange
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Zero Plastics Australia
EUREKA! Finally, after hours of working in the shed last night, my best mate Bird and I have cracked the USB flash drives! We welcome you all to the very first of its kind - Handmade Recycled USB Flash Drive! Before Bird had the idea of creating a recycled plastic USB, we weren't sure if it was something that could be done.. melting the plastic to 180 degrees into the mould, we thought the heat was sure to destroy the electricals. But here we are! After hours of R&D we have made it possible! They contain around 6 bottles caps each and what an excellent way to show others what can be done with what we call "waste" Available in 32GB and 64GB in a variety of mixed colours, and with each one being unique you'll never misplace yours with someone else's! Available now on our website! ♻♻♻♻♻️ #zeroplasticsaustralia #lids4kidsaustralia #southernoceanenvironmentallink #preciousplasticcommunity #zeroplastics #USBflashdrive #recycledplastic #trashtotreasure #treasurenottrash #supportsmallbusinesses #ballarat #excited #makethechange
So good 🥰
Zero Plastics Australia 4/28/2021 10:12 PM
Thanks you @Mattia
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Heyo, Just wanted to share my latest print from the Giant 3D printer I've been designing as my Covid Project. Designed to print upto 1m x 1m x 1m super-fast with recycled materials! (Mainly furniture) Here we have a sculpture/light made from CD cases. What do you think? Comments and thoughts for future printed items welcome as I am seeking new ideas! You can follow more updates on my work and see the 3D printer in action on my Instagram feed:
Martin PP Slovakia 4/29/2021 11:19 PM
great project. Could you please share, what 3D printer you are using, or you built it yourself ? It would be super cool, if we could have such a powerful 3D printed in our recycling workspace 🙂 thanks
10:15 AM
3d printed bird water feeder
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mochhasrul 5/2/2021 3:16 AM
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3:16 AM
Handmade wearglasses from HDPE
Handmade wearglasses from HDPE
Mettodo | Njombe Beyond 5/3/2021 1:19 PM
Congratulations! Do you have blueprints or pictures of the mould? How did you produce the mould?
mochhasrul 5/3/2021 1:44 PM
Thank you. We not yet make the mould for this wearglasses. We trace from the original wearglasses and the we cut it.
Thank you. We not yet make the mould for this wearglasses. We trace from the original wearglasses and the we cut it.
Mettodo | Njombe Beyond 5/3/2021 5:08 PM
Nice! They look like they have a pretty good finishing 🙂 Must take you some time, right? What tools do you use to cut?
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG)
I’ve made a considerable amount of plastic hexagon tiles and I’m wondering how people who have done this affix the tiles to surfaces / to other tiles. PP had an Instagram update that showed some injection projects and a couple of them were kitchen backsplashes made from plastic tiles. Do people just use conventional methods the same as they would for ceramic tile to do this? (edited)
humblefactory 5/4/2021 7:16 PM
Nicolas, it depends on the particular plastic you are using. Most likely a grout-type attachment (like what is used for ceramic tiles) would not work with plastics. These type of adhesives rely on "keying" into texture on the back surface of the ceramic tile (this is why the back of tiles are not glazed). Smooth plastic won't offer any texture for the grout to grab onto. So, instead, you'll have to use some kind of construction adhesive. Look for something which is specifically directed toward attaching plastic sheeting for water proofing, or other applications. And if you made your tiles out of HDPE, know that this is an exceptionally difficult plastic to glue, so you may have to either use a specialized adhesive, or flame-treat the surface of the tiles, or both to get them to stick. Good luck, and let us know what you come up with!!
🙌 1
Mettodo | Njombe Beyond
Nice! They look like they have a pretty good finishing 🙂 Must take you some time, right? What tools do you use to cut?
mochhasrul 5/4/2021 8:42 PM
We just use scroll saw for cutting and mini grinder for finishing
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First attempt at beams using PP! Made entirely from plastic containers from dispensaries
Plastic Paradigm 5/4/2021 10:58 PM
Was that will an extruder? Looks pretty successful! PreciousPlastic
Zero Plastics Australia 5/5/2021 1:43 AM
More useful and practical ways to recycle plastic! ♻️ Our pen design enables us to repurpose an average of 12 lids per pen! For only $5AUD you can help us save the environment and get yourself a cool new product! With patterns so unique your friend can't claim it was hers! (Dang you Sally from 8th grade) Available on our website ✅
OneArmy 11
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Nicolas, it depends on the particular plastic you are using. Most likely a grout-type attachment (like what is used for ceramic tiles) would not work with plastics. These type of adhesives rely on "keying" into texture on the back surface of the ceramic tile (this is why the back of tiles are not glazed). Smooth plastic won't offer any texture for the grout to grab onto. So, instead, you'll have to use some kind of construction adhesive. Look for something which is specifically directed toward attaching plastic sheeting for water proofing, or other applications. And if you made your tiles out of HDPE, know that this is an exceptionally difficult plastic to glue, so you may have to either use a specialized adhesive, or flame-treat the surface of the tiles, or both to get them to stick. Good luck, and let us know what you come up with!!
Nicolas Lamoureux (PPYQG) 5/5/2021 2:18 AM
Thank you @humblefactory! The particular type on those tiles is #6 PS. My only issue with adhesive (or anything I can think of really) is that it would basically end the recycling line of these tiles unless you could somehow remove the adhesive after somehow. I’m going to try a bunch of methods over the summer and see what works best. Thanks again and I’ll keep everyone posted.
Hello everyone, @Julie @tomvb and myself are prototyping a "product to plastic types database" and we need your help! The "database" is currently made of this google sheets - In order to fill it up with information we've created this simple google form - - for you to use whenever you see a product that is not in this database. A nice way to always have the form ready to use is by creating a shortcut on your phone home screen. To do that, follow these steps: 1. Open the form on your phone (Chrome on Android, Safari on iOS) 2. Share (iOS), Menu button (Android) 3. Save to home screen Example shown below. Please let us know if there is more information you think we need to collect. Thanks and happy sorting 🙂
Form responses 1 Timestamp,Barcode,Product Name,Category / Type of product,Country,Plastic Type 1 (Main package),Plastic Type 2 (Lid),Plastic Type 3 (Label),Plastic Type 4 (Secondary package),Plastic Type 5,Add Product Image,Feedback about packaging (Easy to recycle? Other issues?),Product Name
Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.
👍 1
I have been looking for a worth my while project! I think I may have found one: due to masking (Covid-19) and the little plastic frames to make breathing a little easier, I would like to make this frame can anyone do a CAD drawing I can give to a mold maker?
Indernatur9000 5/7/2021 2:33 AM
My lab bought a very banged up, but cheap plastics shredder off of Ebay! Today it was hooked up to our building's electrical system and shredded it's first piece of laser scrap!
Zero Plastics Australia 5/7/2021 10:40 AM
Having the time of our lives creating these beautiful products. Practical plastic products people.
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@Zero Plastics Australia Very nice stuff !! Would you be interested in making a How-to for the USB key ?
OneArmy 3
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Zero Plastics Australia 5/7/2021 10:50 PM
@Joseph we are currently designing and developing something even cooler and once we have perfected the process we will drop a how to on the, pens, usbs and ..... lol will have to wait and see. We recently sent off some usbs and pens to @Mattia hopefully you guys cross paths before we do and you can check these out first hand.
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smarterthantheaveragebear 5/8/2021 10:34 PM
Me Me Me Look at me I am fusing plastic film and bags into structural components using the radiant energy of hot sand. Check it out @
Hey Everyone! I think there are a ton of really cool products and innovations showcased in this community. We share our finished products with one another, but I think the whole world needs to see all of our creations! Obviously the Precious Plastic Bazaar exists, but we have created an online platform that will be extensively marketed to increase the outreach of these amazing products that are necessary for the future health of our planet. We only will sell products made out of 100% recycled plastic and want to embrace the marbled color aesthetic that we all love. For everyone in this community that has a product they sell please reach out to me or fill out this form. We take care of all the marketing so that you can sell more of your awesome items. We also take awesome product photos to use for our site that we will share with you to use also, if you don’t already have some. We’re excited to work with you! Please don’t be afraid to reach out no matter if you only make small quantities or haven’t launched yet ! We are US based, but happy to work with international brands.
Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.
👍 1
Peter T
I have been looking for a worth my while project! I think I may have found one: due to masking (Covid-19) and the little plastic frames to make breathing a little easier, I would like to make this frame can anyone do a CAD drawing I can give to a mold maker?
i can help you out regarding drawings, infact anybody else who wants to .
Me Me Me Look at me I am fusing plastic film and bags into structural components using the radiant energy of hot sand. Check it out @
MystroPolymeric 5/10/2021 4:01 PM
Hello. Nice job with the sand moulding. It's a great concept using abundant materials to assist the recycling processing. Look great from an artist eye.
похищен 5/11/2021 4:47 AM
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@похищен nice! what kind of electrical system do you have going on there? We're doing some dev on the Shredder pro to improve it . Also did you have any problems with the build?
похищен 5/11/2021 6:30 PM
No Problems at all. When you work almost all day with Metal, this is no big deal. Motor is 3Kw, hooked to a FVD with Auto reverse and overload/undervoltage protection
@похищен 💪💪 What's you plan with the shredder? Starting a shredding workspace or do you already have one?
похищен 5/11/2021 6:33 PM
I planned to sell only shredded material. But so far no one is interested. I have Material here, about 3 tons of HDPE. I just have to shred it. Price is 100Kg/400€
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6:34 PM
Smaller ammount is possible too. 1Kg/4€
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/11/2021 11:43 PM
Since from what I read high quality PP is around 400€/1000kg...good luck!
похищен 5/12/2021 12:10 AM
So far, i dont find a better Option as 4€/1Kg.@Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/12/2021 5:20 AM
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5:21 AM
I just did something weird. I used some teflon fabric to keep the plastic from sticking to my surface but it also stuck the texture of the fabric to the surface. Some of the plastic did seep through the teflon fabric, but it still didn't stick together.
@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug looks good tho, i'm trying to figure out a faster and more efficient way to "iron" foils, and adding this kiind of texture may be nice
MystroPolymeric 5/17/2021 3:37 PM
@mochhasrul This video is amazing, thanks so much.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/17/2021 7:14 PM
Our latest 3D printed object with beautiful recycled wood.
👌 5
I don't remember if they used the exact same design, but they are using an Injection Machine to make Disk Golf Disks:
👍 1
Eric Lotze
I don't remember if they used the exact same design, but they are using an Injection Machine to make Disk Golf Disks:
Thanks! Yes, Precious Plastic injection indeed
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Hi Rory, I would love to learn more about your giant 3d printer. I want one of my own. Thanks, Angelo
👍 3
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/20/2021 10:11 PM
@Big_Ang I am currently in the final testing stages of the machine. I will testing the first 2 units as closed betas in the community in the coming 8 weeks, and will be publicly lunching it in the coming months.
Mirco (CANADA, ON) 5/21/2021 4:21 AM
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio very interrstung. We were also thinking about doing something like that, love to learn more about what you are doing.
5:43 AM
5:43 AM
5:50 AM
How does the guitar make a sound? watch this video
♥️ 11
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@mochhasrul woah!! super sick
Agree.. brilliant!
Guitar Resonator collaboration with a luthier CRETSCII Guitars ( Check this out the video
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/25/2021 11:00 AM
wewww Keren banget! Veerrrryyyy cool, nice work!
play electrónica 6/1/2021 2:18 PM
Hola soy Juan de Buenos Aires Argentina
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/3/2021 7:21 AM
7:22 AM
Our first sheet from the Sheetpress PRO
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@Butte (PP Philippines) 💪💪💪💪 Anymore information there? Was the sheet flat? Consistent height diameter throughout? Full melt?
What materials?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/3/2021 3:08 PM
3:09 PM
Varied 1.5mm from each side. Techneque to load the machine is key
3:09 PM
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OneArmy 2
3:09 PM
Our fabricator posing with the second sheet output
@Mattia here is another we made that isn't quite as overcooked 😄
10:55 PM
super hard to get good pictures 🤔
10:55 PM
10:55 PM
the masks we had had some paper in them which didn't work out nicely 😦
@Butte (PP Philippines) 💪💪💪💪 Anymore information there? Was the sheet flat? Consistent height diameter throughout? Full melt?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/5/2021 3:36 AM
flat yes, and shiny. we did not have any frame on the side, we just loaded the machine and eyeballed the level of the shred layer. however if the machine is closed too tight the frame will flex slightly and leave the center thinner then the outside edges. still more experimentation and practice. but in general one hour and 10 min to do a 5 kilo sheet is the production rate. we developed what we call the 'pizza peel' method of loading the press.
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3:37 AM
place a 4x5 foot sheet of plywood on top of the cooling press frame.
3:37 AM
place a oiled sheet of galvanized steel on the plywood
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3:38 AM
4-5 kilos of shred on the sheet, and level with wood, like you are troweling concrete.
3:38 AM
place second oiled sheet of steel on top
3:39 AM
then when the heat press is open and hot, we roll the cold press near the heat press
3:39 AM
transfer the entire sandwich of plywood, sheetmetal and plastic carefully into the sheet press
3:40 AM
then two people with welding gloves hold the sheet metal/plastic sandwich and the plywood is pulled out from underneath the sandwich, just like a pizza
3:41 AM
then the press is closed. gently at first so as to not press the plastic uneven as it is hard
3:41 AM
then as the plastic heats and melts we close the heat press more and more until we have a fully melted sheet.
3:42 AM
you will find that the plastic melt starts slow and increases in speed as you clamp the press tighter as the heat transfer increases
3:43 AM
at 1 hour 10 min we found for a 4mm thick sheet we roll the cold press to the hot press (everything is on caster wheels)
3:43 AM
both press are open at this point,
3:44 AM
we use weld gloves and two people to transfer the hot sheet straight to the cold press. since both are same height, and next to each other it simplifies the process.
3:44 AM
now some observations:
3:45 AM
We think that the cold press could be improved to be all metal and not plywood sheet.
3:45 AM
although the expense will increase.
3:46 AM
but the heat transfer will increase and with a fan on the top and bottom, it could be possible to have a fully cooled sheet every hour and 10 min.
3:47 AM
also if you load your press before turning on in the morning, you can capture what may be otherwise wasted energy and get one more sheet per day.
3:47 AM
also for the final days sheet, we turned off the power 30 min into the process, and let the residual heat finish the job.
3:48 AM
we left the final days sheet in the heat press where it cooled slowly overnight
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3:49 AM
3:49 AM
3:50 AM
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3:50 AM
cold press
3:50 AM
loading the hot press
3:50 AM
3:51 AM
closing the cold press after it was rolled out of the way
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3:51 AM
3:52 AM
3:52 AM
loading the press
3:52 AM
troweling the plastic shred flatt
3:54 AM
our first sheet yesterday we removed a bit too early so the sheet was not quite as good as it could be.
3:55 AM
they will re-press that sheet
😁 1
spiros nik 6/5/2021 6:29 AM
how many tons of pressure does your jack provide?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/5/2021 10:33 AM
10 ton
👍 2
Great information thanks @Butte (PP Philippines) !!
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Hey Everyone! I think there are a ton of really cool products and innovations showcased in this community. We share our finished products with one another, but I think the whole world needs to see all of our creations! Obviously the Precious Plastic Bazaar exists, but we have created an online platform that will be extensively marketed to increase the outreach of these amazing products that are necessary for the future health of our planet. We only will sell products made out of 100% recycled plastic and want to embrace the marbled color aesthetic that we all love. For everyone in this community that has a product they sell please reach out to me or fill out this form. We take care of all the marketing so that you can sell more of your awesome items. We also take awesome product photos to use for our site that we will share with you to use also, if you don’t already have some. We’re excited to work with you! Please don’t be afraid to reach out no matter if you only make small quantities or haven’t launched yet ! We are US based, but happy to work with international brands.
Instituto Schumacher Peru 6/8/2021 1:26 AM
hi.we are peru based as well recycling iniciative ....I would like to keep in touch for leater cooperation on this. .. my email is thx
happy to show off our V4 finally installed on campus at Arizona State University! all parts are listed in the USA part spreadsheet. happy to reshare it anybody wants to take a look
OneArmy 2
2:45 AM
OneArmy 8
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похищен 6/8/2021 8:47 AM
The screws on the shredder Box should go all the way trough, to get more stability and safety that it wont break or bent
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Zero Plastics Australia 6/15/2021 5:23 AM
Imagine if we just gave you about 70 - 80 plastic lids and said here we are! You'd all be like, ughhh? This is what 70 to 80 lids look like when turned into products! What a stunning resource that most are throwing away! Is it just us or is Pink and purple the hardest colours to find? Haha ♻♻♻♻♻️ #zeroplasticsaustralia
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8:07 AM
Full smooth sheet PartyParrot
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130x130x1.2 (edited)
Zero Plastics Australia
Imagine if we just gave you about 70 - 80 plastic lids and said here we are! You'd all be like, ughhh? This is what 70 to 80 lids look like when turned into products! What a stunning resource that most are throwing away! Is it just us or is Pink and purple the hardest colours to find? Haha ♻♻♻♻♻️ #zeroplasticsaustralia
they ARE hard to find! that’s got to be an exclusive precious plastic piece of knowledge
5:13 PM
those look beautiful!
Click to see attachment 🖼️
so shiny!
@Falcon is that flat?
Flat enough :p
Pieces ready to be bent in to coat hooks. Made from fishing nets picked off the shores of Scotland.
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130x130x1.2 (edited)
which plastic?
2:51 PM
didn't make it all the way closed 😄
2:51 PM
2:51 PM
wrong pic I'm talking about
2:51 PM
PP for that red one (edited)
Looks super good!
Butte (PP Philippines)
place a oiled sheet of galvanized steel on the plywood
@Abe these guys are using galv steel sheets.
Butte (PP Philippines)
place a oiled sheet of galvanized steel on the plywood
@Butte (PP Philippines) what thickness of steel do you use? I'm so ready to move up from my make-do with non-stick/ silicone sheets... and I just saw in plastic-chat that stainless steel sheets can warp, so I'm keen to hear how you find your metal sheets in the hot press.
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/20/2021 4:37 AM
0.5mm galvanized sheet
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Abhishek1912 6/25/2021 5:09 AM
@HebRecycle which machine you have used and what will be the preferred temperature
2:18 PM
6$ a pack, 5$ wholesale of 10+ 1$ shipping Dm me
ShrednMelt_Xu 6/29/2021 5:30 PM
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
amazing work! What's your plan with that? Selling to others too?
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Yogesh Tatyaram mengade 7/4/2021 2:23 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines)
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/6/2021 8:30 AM
Todays build:
8:31 AM
pics after the paint is done.
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Zero Plastics Australia 7/6/2021 12:10 PM
Check out our new reclaimed Australian wooden veneer packaging, The timber industry here in Australia have a massive issue with wasted veneer, chucking out tonnes and tonnes of this resource, either to be burnt or buried. Countless trees being cut down for no real reasons... Well like many humans here on the precious plastic platform we don't take that is a good enough reason and have now decided to make all our packaging out of this reclaimed Australian wooden veneer. Showing again that what so many people called waste isn't such. This is all done by a local company here in Australia, if you would like further info on this type of packaging please send us a message or email at (edited)
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Ezequiel_Necológica 7/6/2021 8:45 PM
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8:45 PM
700x700x15mm 7kg, PEAD 🍻
8:50 PM
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Click to see attachment 🖼️ you did it?
Click to see attachment 🖼️
are you gonna sale it?
Tao you did it?
Ezequiel_Necológica 7/7/2021 3:06 PM
with our sheetpress. our design is more compact. the cold press is below, later we will heat the area below as well. When we finish it I will upload more details, we are still solving electrical issues and finishing the aspiration system
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Yogesh Tatyaram mengade 7/8/2021 3:14 AM
3:14 AM
3:15 AM
@Butte (PP Philippines)
3:15 AM
@Butte (PP Philippines)
3:16 AM
@Zero Plastics Australia
11:13 PM
Make carabiner with injection machine. Check this one for the process
11:13 PM
11:17 PM
11:19 PM
Plastic HDPE cut print on paper. A printmaker artist based in Jakarta Adi "Dhigel" make a printmaking from sheetpress. He cut the recycle HDPE plastic for make the master and print it on paper.
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
top notch 😍
top notch 😍
Ezequiel_Necológica 7/9/2021 1:59 PM
Thanks mattia! 🙏
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/10/2021 10:49 AM
MANILA, Philippines—The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has unleashed not just a public health catastrophe, but also a plastic waste pandemic. As lockdowns forced millions of people to
PreciousPlastic 1
10:50 AM
News from Precious Plastic Philippines
Butte (PP Philippines)
News from Precious Plastic Philippines
nice one!
ShrednMelt_Xu 7/15/2021 4:25 AM
@Mattia yeah. just make its more useful and cut down the cost. 😂
4:26 AM
Butte (PP Philippines) 7/15/2021 8:55 AM Most recent shredder build. Delivery to local government materials recycling facility on the Pasig river in the city of Mandaluyong, Philippines. Pasig river alone contributed 6% of the worlds ocean plastic.
raghav_roxx 7/18/2021 5:02 PM
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Plastic HDPE cut print on paper. A printmaker artist based in Jakarta Adi "Dhigel" make a printmaking from sheetpress. He cut the recycle HDPE plastic for make the master and print it on paper.
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/2/2021 1:45 PM
1:50 PM
City of Manoag, in the Philippines took delivery of our local version extrusion pro machine. They have collected 5 tons of hdpe to make chairs and tables using precious plastic beams. The machine is a mod from the standard design, using 5hp single phase motor and belt/pulley to reduce the rpm. Upgraded extrusion barrel 4140 steel bored and reamed with a tight tolerance and the 800mm pro extrusion screw.
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hikinghack 8/2/2021 5:21 PM
Connected a pellet extruder to the waste of our shredder and made awesome 100% upcycled 3D prints!
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QuakerOates 8/4/2021 11:10 PM
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5:01 AM
(There are some comments of people asking on Open Sourcing it, and i made one specifically in the context of Precious Plastic, so do look for / upvote those if you can!)
Zero Plastics Australia 8/12/2021 7:08 AM
Hey everyone, Please check out the thanks and link to our how to in the link below (edited)
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Marcel123095 8/13/2021 9:01 PM
Building a 3d printer filament production line 😃
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
the thickness of your sheet is constant?
Abhishek1912 8/18/2021 12:15 PM
Check out our new Shredder PRO design. We have used recycled plastics sheet instead Of MDF.
🤩 8
12:17 PM
Check out our new Shredder PRO design. We have used recycled plastics sheet instead Of MDF.
Looks really good! 👍
👍 1
Check out our new Shredder PRO design. We have used recycled plastics sheet instead Of MDF.
😎 amazing!
Abhishek1912 8/18/2021 4:23 PM
Check out our other Machine and Products on below link
4:26 PM
@Mattia It is possible because of you guys. Thanks for all your work👍🏻. Big cheers to team OneArmy
Butte (PP Philippines)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Do you sale the mould block?
Do you sale the mould block?
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/25/2021 5:06 AM
Yes we sell mold. Philippines only
nearly finished injector, meanwhile Im packing up and moving my operation to my university.
👌 1
7:35 AM
Zero Plastics Australia 8/29/2021 11:41 PM
With a broken ankle, 2 broken injection machines, a busted mould, #237 lockdown and daycare being cancelled, things have been a real struggle lately, however we are not going to let a few snapped ligiments, loose wires, and tantrums stop us from recycling! We quickly ordered in our replacement parts to get Betty going again and we are making some progress on our order for PacWaste Plus - Pacific Waste Management. 500 USB's handmade with the PacWaste Plus name and logo, with reclaimed wooden veneer packaging. These USB's will go out to support PacWaste Plus, the European Union, and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Funded by SHREP, they were originally trying to find a product using bamboo until they discovered us, and they then made the decision to choose recycled plastic and to support Zero! ♻️ We couldn't be happier to work with them, and we want to make a huge personal thanks to Nitish for the wonderful back and fourth chats over the past months. 💚
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OneEyedBanshee 8/30/2021 12:06 AM
pretty usbs ✨
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Marcel123095 9/2/2021 7:13 PM
First spool of 3d printer filament made with reycled PET 😃
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I feel like I saw this on Insta blobsmileopenmouth2
We've been working on a new flatpack version of the sheetpress so we can ship it easier.. what do you think?
@Mattia where are you shipping from?
Hi everyone 🙂 I wanted to share this with you all today. This creator shows one aplication of injection plastic machine, and although he bought his machines, he showcases the precious plastic ones 🙂
LouiseOhPluto 9/6/2021 2:21 AM
Hey guys, to reintroduce myself after being off this platform for a while, my name is Louise, I'm based in Melbourne, Australia and this year have launched a 100% recycled acrylic jewellery range under my brand name Oh Pluto. I melt press acrylic sheet offcuts into new sheets for laser cutting, and make recycled jewellery as the result. The process took quite a while to perfect as acrylic is surprisingly tough but I'm pretty happy with the result. I've been sourcing acrylic waste from VectorEtch in Brisbane and smaller jewellery makers. I share a bit about the process here:
Find out about the recycling of acrylic scraps at Oh Pluto.
2:22 AM
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Zero Plastics Australia 9/6/2021 12:26 PM
From single use plastic milk lids to a usable pen! Enjoy.
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Joblin#9607 9/19/2021 3:26 PM
Compression screw was only strong enough to extrude filament, so I improvised. Made from PP.
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Zero Plastics Australia 9/25/2021 6:11 AM
Productive day - 13kg of plastic here. Also put together this little office bin.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/26/2021 4:09 AM
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PreciousPlastic 1
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4:09 AM
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/30/2021 3:21 AM
our workshop garden needed a chicken feeder, so we made one using sheet press plastic.
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PreciousPlastic 1
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Any design files or anything, or not really (it is a pretty simple concept i guess lol ! )
Butte (PP Philippines)
our workshop garden needed a chicken feeder, so we made one using sheet press plastic.
Dear friend, which kind of heater you use for your press machine?
Eric Lotze
Any design files or anything, or not really (it is a pretty simple concept i guess lol ! )
Butte (PP Philippines) 10/5/2021 3:38 AM
its pretty simple. just a quick google image search will turn up a multitude of designs. all pretty much the same concept. I designed this around the existing sheets we had
raghav_roxx 10/5/2021 1:27 PM
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Compression screw was only strong enough to extrude filament, so I improvised. Made from PP.
petersantos 10/8/2021 5:26 PM
Wow I love these!!! May I ask your process and what machines you used to make these?
Wow I love these!!! May I ask your process and what machines you used to make these?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/8/2021 6:37 PM
Looks like the extruder basic or pro using the winding method to me 🙂
Wow I love these!!! May I ask your process and what machines you used to make these?
Joblin#9607 10/8/2021 9:05 PM
Thank you! Machined used was a Filabox EX6 with a 3mm nozzle. Basically just wound the filament around a base model, then just kept going until it looked descent.
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Dear friend, I try to make some sheet too....when cut it...surprise!! is full of hole and some very became useless...😔 ...any suggestion?
raghav_roxx 10/9/2021 5:51 PM
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5:52 PM
Planning to make more from the plastic collected through this.
Mirco (CANADA, ON) 10/10/2021 1:47 AM
@hikinghack we are in discussions about that type of 3D print recycling in our Precious Plastic Canada Discord. Do you have some more information on the pallet extruder screw and assembly design? Is it a home build or a purchased extruder screw. Also, what is the pellet size it handles? Will repost the cideo in our Discord.
Mirco (CANADA, ON)
@hikinghack we are in discussions about that type of 3D print recycling in our Precious Plastic Canada Discord. Do you have some more information on the pallet extruder screw and assembly design? Is it a home build or a purchased extruder screw. Also, what is the pellet size it handles? Will repost the cideo in our Discord.
I got the extruder from Recycl3Dprint . It's basically a little metal extruder screw that goes into the hot end There are fans on the side that blow air through the screw to help the pellets flow more smoothly. Our pellets are like 2-7mm handles them well
I got the extruder from Recycl3Dprint . It's basically a little metal extruder screw that goes into the hot end There are fans on the side that blow air through the screw to help the pellets flow more smoothly. Our pellets are like 2-7mm handles them well
Mirco (CANADA, ON) 10/10/2021 3:40 PM
That is cool. Would it not be better to have the motor mounted higher up? It seems it restrict the print height, or was the attachment and z motion designed like that?
it can go up high, the motor doesn't interfere
9:58 PM
the manual says it can take pellets 1-5mm
9:58 PM
Here's the user manual for the lily extruder
9:59 PM
Shows what kinds of materials
Marcel123095 10/14/2021 12:52 PM
Made this benchy with recycled PETG filament 😃 , finally got the settings pretty good established
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
Martin PP Slovakia 10/14/2021 8:40 PM
Hi . cool machine. Would it be also possible to 3D print, from shredder HDPE, LDPE or PP ? what do you think. please let me know your experiences 🙂
Yeah as long as the shred is small enough. Did polystyrene no problem
Zero Plastics Australia 10/15/2021 1:22 AM
Toot Toot! By popular demand we are incredibly excited to announce that our new 100% Recycled Plastic interconnecting track, AKA "Track-In-A-Box" is now available! We would love to thank everyone for their kind words and patience with this, it has been a dream come true to be able to create this! 💚 We knew getting into this business that we could never compete with the big named brands and China for price, as each individual track is handmade from single use milk lids that are sorted, washed, shredded, then melted, squished, tidied up and then packed into a reclaimed Australian wooden veneer box that is also sorted, cleaned, cut, boxbro magic and made into a box. Every track counts, and due to the fact they connect to pre-existing wooden roads it only takes one track to educate a child! As children learn by playing they can simply understand how a small choice really does matter! ♻️ Available as 1 track straight or curved 8 straight tracks 16 curved tracks - when connected makes a full loop! Track-in-a-box! Follow the link to buy your own set!
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Absolutely amazing idea!
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Marcel123095 10/17/2021 5:10 PM
Made from Recycled PETG 🙂
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
Great job! How does it perform when sittin? Sturdy enough? Would be really great to see a how-to from it 😍
Feels very sturdy when sitting had to add some support to the seats of the picnic table to prevent from bowing but after that all is good. Working on a how to soon
Feels very sturdy when sitting had to add some support to the seats of the picnic table to prevent from bowing but after that all is good. Working on a how to soon
yessss how-to!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/22/2021 5:23 PM
Wall mounted version of the Updated Injection Design. Cheaper to make than the standard one due to there being less parts 🙂 (edited)
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5:23 PM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Wall mounted version of the Updated Injection Design. Cheaper to make than the standard one due to there being less parts 🙂 (edited)
how do the molds attach to it? threads?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/22/2021 7:15 PM
@sponsoons You can either use a threaded mould, or the faster method is to place a car jack under the nozzle. But compatible with both options.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
@sponsoons You can either use a threaded mould, or the faster method is to place a car jack under the nozzle. But compatible with both options.
ah nice
Butte (PP Philippines) 10/27/2021 10:10 AM engineering by @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Machining and injection in the Philippines
OneArmy 4
CitSciWorkshop 10/27/2021 4:56 PM
Nice work guys!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/27/2021 5:25 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) Thanks for the mention, super cool to see it in the flesh with the little soap inside 🙂 Glad I could be of help!
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 10/27/2021 5:54 PM
We have had a little project for schools to stay active during lockdown. I just warn you it is a #FakePreciousPlastic project and nothing is for sale. The project is a collaboration with an artist that is a pioneer in raising awareness about the pollution on the west coast of Scotland, a machine maker that I cannot mention here and another workshop that with which we collaborate. So kids went on our local beach and collected plastic which is mainly ropes here. We designed a mould for skipping rope handles that could be used with most Precious Plastic machines (you just fill it with plastic and close it with a clamp). It is not totally perfect and we are not planning to make it Instagram-proof. But maybe it will inspire some people. We use hemp hopes with it and fill with our injection machine in a hot mould (steel). Surely enough we had fun although it was really hard to achieve.
5:55 PM
lots of possibilities, lots of fails
5:56 PM
how it is found, how it ends up
5:58 PM
good feel and grip. We had lots of debates on how to make the geometry and the constrain of the draw angle for releasing the plastic
6:01 PM
the 4 parts mould. Certainly a lot of improvement is possible but the intention was to go as low-tech as possible. Not that much of a success. The CAD will be released when I will be satisfied with the modifications I am making
🔥 6
🤩 2
Butte (PP Philippines) engineering by @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Machining and injection in the Philippines
how does the part fit together?
6:43 PM
i can see a snap fit i think,but how does it 'catch' into the other half?
6:44 PM
and does your mold have inserts for making that groove?
We have had a little project for schools to stay active during lockdown. I just warn you it is a #FakePreciousPlastic project and nothing is for sale. The project is a collaboration with an artist that is a pioneer in raising awareness about the pollution on the west coast of Scotland, a machine maker that I cannot mention here and another workshop that with which we collaborate. So kids went on our local beach and collected plastic which is mainly ropes here. We designed a mould for skipping rope handles that could be used with most Precious Plastic machines (you just fill it with plastic and close it with a clamp). It is not totally perfect and we are not planning to make it Instagram-proof. But maybe it will inspire some people. We use hemp hopes with it and fill with our injection machine in a hot mould (steel). Surely enough we had fun although it was really hard to achieve.
Looks great! An interesting project
raghav_roxx 10/30/2021 4:47 AM
🤩 6
clap 3
raghav_roxx 10/31/2021 4:23 AM
earth 1
finished_check 2
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/2/2021 2:15 AM
Finally finished this hydraulic injection molder. Number 3 of this type built in the shop. Each unit is a evolution in the design. Wiring still needs tidying up, the proper fittings for the armor cable are no stock in the country right now. Got a 4 inch 25 watt exhaust fan to add to the motor to increase cooling and life of the motor. Did some test molding with it. It is enough pressure to literally blow the mold off the threaded steel nipple that connects the mold and machine. Need to devise a pressure overflow or telltale like vents that will signify the mold is full when plastic comes out.
👍 2
2:15 AM
👍 2
Butte (PP Philippines)
Finally finished this hydraulic injection molder. Number 3 of this type built in the shop. Each unit is a evolution in the design. Wiring still needs tidying up, the proper fittings for the armor cable are no stock in the country right now. Got a 4 inch 25 watt exhaust fan to add to the motor to increase cooling and life of the motor. Did some test molding with it. It is enough pressure to literally blow the mold off the threaded steel nipple that connects the mold and machine. Need to devise a pressure overflow or telltale like vents that will signify the mold is full when plastic comes out.
have you or anybody actually ever been able to measure the pressure of any of these machines?
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/2/2021 9:44 PM
Just math. The piston generates 6 tons. 25mm barrel, so.calculate that way.
have you or anybody actually ever been able to measure the pressure of any of these machines?
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/2/2021 11:03 PM
Re-purposed "Load cells" / Weights can give you an idea. The structure as shown above may withstand around 2-3 tons. That is the power of a v4 extruder, at a 1:20 1:30 gearbox (felt). Things can get tedious since BSPT threads can fill up with plastic on such pressures, slowing down the cycle.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/3/2021 1:21 PM
The hydraulic molder has so much pressure it blew the mold off the machine and shoot it about 1 meter away. M14 threads on a grade 5 bolt stripped out.
😬 1
похищен 11/4/2021 7:40 PM
The hydraulic must be the weakest of all
7:40 PM
Or something will break
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/4/2021 8:49 PM
Done from milk bottles and standard'ish Aluminum extrusion (no idea how 😮 @3dSeed
👀 1
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/4/2021 8:58 PM
@Butte (PP Philippines) , Colin Furze added some limiters/valves to keep the pressure in check ("shop press"). I never liked hydraulic regarding injection, too much brute force and the need to dose things isn't speeding it up either ...
What would you use other than hydraulics?
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/4/2021 9:04 PM
Rack and pinion can be quite powerful, and if you're lucky hollow shaft steppers with lead screws can work to. Doing manual give a good sense that things are alright though. Let's keep this channel chat free 🙂 (edited)
You screw the mold into the nozzle, but it seems once injected that the mold is ejected or what i'm missing? It may be when the mould is full is opened by the plastic so no screw area is left?
You screw the mold into the nozzle, but it seems once injected that the mold is ejected or what i'm missing? It may be when the mould is full is opened by the plastic so no screw area is left?
yeah, same question here 😄
😅 try dosing the barrel with 30g each time, rather than overfilling it. It will be safer for your team and will reduce the wear on the mould. @Butte (PP Philippines)
😅 try dosing the barrel with 30g each time, rather than overfilling it. It will be safer for your team and will reduce the wear on the mould. @Butte (PP Philippines)
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 11:43 AM
Easier said than done
11:45 AM
We would not be able to run one piece every 7 min. Need time to melt in.the barrel
11:45 AM
At present labor is 15 per set and we only sell for 19.
11:46 AM
With overhead and electric this project barely break even
Butte (PP Philippines)
We would not be able to run one piece every 7 min. Need time to melt in.the barrel it can be done with the right process.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 11:47 AM
He runs one shot every 8 min
11:48 AM
We run one every 7
Piers it can be done with the right process.
Nick - PP France 11/18/2021 11:48 AM
interesting upgrade there :)
👍 1
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 11:50 AM
I talked bout this in the forums but was unable to source a splitter before pp melbourne did theirs. This is #3 of this series. Getting another splitter tomorrow morning to have one man run 2 molders at once.
11:51 AM
And a pneumatic molder under construction for Plastic Bank test lab
11:52 AM
The pneumatic is 500 kilo force. But it may be able to.reduce sinkage issues with hydraulic.
11:56 AM
Pp melbourne really has a nice method of attaching the mold to.the machine. Mine has essentially a split nut. Theirs uses a standard nut that can be cleaned out at the operator leisure. Just use a new nut for each shot
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 11:56 AM
Filling up the barrel (30mm) with a v4ish extruder and a clamping system is around 1-2 shoots per minute 🙂
Momo und die Zeitdiebe
Filling up the barrel (30mm) with a v4ish extruder and a clamping system is around 1-2 shoots per minute 🙂
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 11:57 AM
Not feasible. Been there done that for small shots.
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 11:58 AM
works well here with an arbor ...
11:58 AM
300g per shot - no problem.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 11:59 AM
Im so done with arbor at this time. After all the headache of sourcing rack gears for my diy cnc plasma table...
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 12:00 PM
Yeah, getting and making good parts seems difficult over there.
12:00 PM
Actually surprised since you have China next door.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 12:26 PM
Its hit or miss for materials. Could not find m6x12mm bolts to save my life recently, heater bands hard to get, motors, always something. My secretary spends half her day looking for parts and the other half sales quotes for window shopper
12:28 PM
Shredder motor for the v3 went up 30usd this week,
12:29 PM
And apparently i have purchased the entire country stock of krylon brand flat black and satin black paint.
😆 2
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 12:32 PM
Yeah, I hear your pain. Here the same, pretty much all fees and prices involved doubled in the last 18 months. Not sure what to make out of it but I feel pretty ridiculous already to sell a sort of toy machine to hobbyist/DIYers for the price of a car.
Momo und die Zeitdiebe
Yeah, I hear your pain. Here the same, pretty much all fees and prices involved doubled in the last 18 months. Not sure what to make out of it but I feel pretty ridiculous already to sell a sort of toy machine to hobbyist/DIYers for the price of a car.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 12:33 PM
Most my client are NGO and government, or businesses
12:33 PM
Not like before the virus
Butte (PP Philippines)
Most my client are NGO and government, or businesses
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 12:35 PM
I feel even worst that tax pay money is spend on this stuff 🙂
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 12:36 PM
Just barely hanging on here. Planted a big garden for my employees. Re tax money here 90% is stolen and 10% goes to services here
12:38 PM
500,000 population, zero stop signs, 2 stop lights. And they are charging just my subdivision about a million usd property tax per year
Butte (PP Philippines)
Just barely hanging on here. Planted a big garden for my employees. Re tax money here 90% is stolen and 10% goes to services here
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 1:14 PM
Yeah. Hard to tell when big gov. starts cutting funds on those programs. Currently it makes around 60-80% of the clients. There is slight hope to serve local businesses with customized solutions. A very demanding niche but possibly a more healthy long-term strategy. (edited)
Momo und die Zeitdiebe
Yeah. Hard to tell when big gov. starts cutting funds on those programs. Currently it makes around 60-80% of the clients. There is slight hope to serve local businesses with customized solutions. A very demanding niche but possibly a more healthy long-term strategy. (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/18/2021 1:21 PM
Still on the upslope here, gov mandating everything recycled and closing all landfill
Butte (PP Philippines)
Still on the upslope here, gov mandating everything recycled and closing all landfill
Momo und die Zeitdiebe 11/18/2021 1:31 PM
Yes, that's right. SMEs and upwards seems to have a longer breath, also enabling them to actually implement new legislations. I was referring more to the educational and NGO sector. This camp is usually the first to go. Covid measures hit lots of SMEs and I don't see Gov. interested to improve things back to normal. I guess that 'climate change' is being used to make things worst.
Momo und die Zeitdiebe
Yes, that's right. SMEs and upwards seems to have a longer breath, also enabling them to actually implement new legislations. I was referring more to the educational and NGO sector. This camp is usually the first to go. Covid measures hit lots of SMEs and I don't see Gov. interested to improve things back to normal. I guess that 'climate change' is being used to make things worst.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/19/2021 2:03 PM
Yes and zero mention of the grand solar minimum which is the biggest driver of climate plus volcanic activity. Meanwhile ocean trash and china raping the ocean are compounding problems.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/23/2021 8:06 AM another mold video. we are getting more practice and learning the process
OneArmy 2
PreciousPlastic 2
clap 3
👍 2
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 11/26/2021 1:25 AM
clap 4
👍 6
OneArmy 5
⭐ 2
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
Click to see attachment 🖼️
𝕃𝕆𝕂𝕀 (Colorado, USA) 11/26/2021 2:17 AM
Wow, great stop motion video! And great work on the lamp shade!
raghav_roxx 11/27/2021 4:11 AM
clap 7
👍 3
🎉 1
Hi All! I am new here, looking forward to learning from everyone.
👐 3
NM_Wave 3
PreciousPlastic 1
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 11/29/2021 6:22 PM
PreciousPlastic 9
clap 8
OneArmy 6
😍 4
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
Click to see attachment 🖼️
so goooood
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Nice use of beams ♥
✌️ 1
Hi everyone! For the last 3 years on and off, I have been working with a method to make recycled plastic look more exclusive, in order to sell it as high-end furniture and art. I started out my journey on a precious plastic injection mold machine, but have now bought my own modified version, with increased capacity. With my process, it has also been important to work zero waste, and finally this month i got rid of all trash cans in my workshop, and went zero waste in my production. It was also important for me not have a very rigid process and be able to produce a new shape or product, within a day, in order to allow for maximum creativity and just let my imagination flow :b Below is pictured: a fruit bowl, a big floor vase and a lamp. (all in HDPE) I am located in Copehagen, Denmark. Feel free to checkout my instagram for more funny shapes and snaps from workshop life: (edited)
👏 9
waveyboi 2
😍 5
OneArmy 3
😻 1
👍 1
🤩 1
Si Mo Ne
Hi everyone! For the last 3 years on and off, I have been working with a method to make recycled plastic look more exclusive, in order to sell it as high-end furniture and art. I started out my journey on a precious plastic injection mold machine, but have now bought my own modified version, with increased capacity. With my process, it has also been important to work zero waste, and finally this month i got rid of all trash cans in my workshop, and went zero waste in my production. It was also important for me not have a very rigid process and be able to produce a new shape or product, within a day, in order to allow for maximum creativity and just let my imagination flow :b Below is pictured: a fruit bowl, a big floor vase and a lamp. (all in HDPE) I am located in Copehagen, Denmark. Feel free to checkout my instagram for more funny shapes and snaps from workshop life: (edited)
very nice results!
🥰 1
Hi @Si Mo Ne ! Looks awesome. I happen to be in Copenhagen at the moment, can I come visit you? Would love to record a little interview with you for our Patreon supporters!
PreciousPlastic 1
😊 1
Hi @Si Mo Ne ! Looks awesome. I happen to be in Copenhagen at the moment, can I come visit you? Would love to record a little interview with you for our Patreon supporters!
OMG yes! i would love that 🤩 @Joseph I tried writing you a private message, but it will not let me. Please write me one, or write me on instagram 😄 (edited)
Martin PP Slovakia 12/4/2021 8:33 PM
recycled snowflakes, christmas decoration, with integrated hole ❄️ cheers from Slovakia 🙂 made with arbour press injection machine, mould is CNC machined (edited)
❄️ 6
finished_check 3
clap 4
🎄 1
Martin PP Slovakia 12/4/2021 8:52 PM
another one. bird decoration, made with laser-cut, multi layer mould. After release of the product from the mould, you just bend wings, with hands 🐦
OuiOuiParrot 3
NM_peepoCreditcard 1
PreciousPlastic 3
👏 2
💯 1
Si Mo Ne
Hi everyone! For the last 3 years on and off, I have been working with a method to make recycled plastic look more exclusive, in order to sell it as high-end furniture and art. I started out my journey on a precious plastic injection mold machine, but have now bought my own modified version, with increased capacity. With my process, it has also been important to work zero waste, and finally this month i got rid of all trash cans in my workshop, and went zero waste in my production. It was also important for me not have a very rigid process and be able to produce a new shape or product, within a day, in order to allow for maximum creativity and just let my imagination flow :b Below is pictured: a fruit bowl, a big floor vase and a lamp. (all in HDPE) I am located in Copehagen, Denmark. Feel free to checkout my instagram for more funny shapes and snaps from workshop life: (edited)
Tom - Redo Design 12/6/2021 1:25 AM
That’s lovely , it looks almost organic. I’ve had mixed results working HDPE hot which is what I’m guessing you did. I always leave the texture of the gloves on there. Well done 👏
Tom - Redo Design
That’s lovely , it looks almost organic. I’ve had mixed results working HDPE hot which is what I’m guessing you did. I always leave the texture of the gloves on there. Well done 👏
Thank you so much! 🥰 I use a mix self made and store bought tools to achieve the texture, they are almost all out of metal, I find that that it works the best 🙂 dm me if you want a deeper explanation 🤓
👍 1
Click to see attachment 🖼️
the base is metal right? could be PP?
the base is metal right? could be PP?
raghav_roxx 12/8/2021 5:22 AM
Yes, its metal and could be PP but we didn't have sufficient material for the base. It would be more heavier as well if we make the base with it.
Yes, its metal and could be PP but we didn't have sufficient material for the base. It would be more heavier as well if we make the base with it.
Hey, thanks for clarify it! Yes the weight is a topic when its come to recycled plastic, mainly in those application for wood replacement, in that case, metal. There is any test done to create beams with will contain also AIR inside of it, like industrial injection molding machine does? this increase hardness of the product and reduce the amount of plastic needed.
Hey, thanks for clarify it! Yes the weight is a topic when its come to recycled plastic, mainly in those application for wood replacement, in that case, metal. There is any test done to create beams with will contain also AIR inside of it, like industrial injection molding machine does? this increase hardness of the product and reduce the amount of plastic needed.
raghav_roxx 12/8/2021 6:15 PM
Yes, we are trying the same and will share when we have something potential. You can also follow our work at
Yes, we are trying the same and will share when we have something potential. You can also follow our work at
awesome, that is great, Thankyou!
well done, pretty cool, perfect for small scale, excited to see when its ready to fully opertate!
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 12/12/2021 2:02 AM
After changing from HDPE to Polypropylene for the case everything worked great ♻👌
👍 9
🔥 6
🤸 1
clap 4
PreciousPlastic 1
We've been having some fun in our latest project in Amman
PreciousPlastic 7
😍 5
clap 2
OneArmy 2
🙂 1
🤩 1
We've been having some fun in our latest project in Amman
Welcome team PP Amman! nice to have a new workspace in the community!
👍 2
PPCapiSpain 12/18/2021 3:09 PM
New shredder V3.3
PreciousPlastic 4
clap 2
CH_NeonYes 1
3:09 PM
looks good
𝕃𝕆𝕂𝕀 (Colorado, USA) 12/20/2021 4:59 PM
Yeah, looks easy to assemble 🤩
похищен 12/20/2021 8:01 PM
And no welding
🔑 1
Zero Plastics Australia 12/21/2021 11:03 AM
Tip for the day: wait until you've finished painting to crack open the bottle of wine! I bought this beautiful cabinet off marketplace (Facebook) with the plan to upcycle it.. in the process of doing the doors I smashed the glass! 🤦‍♀️ ZPA plastic sheets to the rescue! I decided to replace the broken glass with our recycled sheets. Its now toddler proof! 💪 Just an example of the many different ways you can use these sheets, it's just up to the imagination! ♻♻♻♻♻
🔥 12
👌 2
👍 2
🤘 1
clap 1
Zero Plastics Australia
Tip for the day: wait until you've finished painting to crack open the bottle of wine! I bought this beautiful cabinet off marketplace (Facebook) with the plan to upcycle it.. in the process of doing the doors I smashed the glass! 🤦‍♀️ ZPA plastic sheets to the rescue! I decided to replace the broken glass with our recycled sheets. Its now toddler proof! 💪 Just an example of the many different ways you can use these sheets, it's just up to the imagination! ♻♻♻♻♻
Gorgeous 😍
Zero Plastics Australia
Tip for the day: wait until you've finished painting to crack open the bottle of wine! I bought this beautiful cabinet off marketplace (Facebook) with the plan to upcycle it.. in the process of doing the doors I smashed the glass! 🤦‍♀️ ZPA plastic sheets to the rescue! I decided to replace the broken glass with our recycled sheets. Its now toddler proof! 💪 Just an example of the many different ways you can use these sheets, it's just up to the imagination! ♻♻♻♻♻
Real nice!
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/23/2021 12:26 PM
🤟 2
clap 2
PreciousPlastic 4
🤙 2
🥰 1
Zero Plastics Australia
Tip for the day: wait until you've finished painting to crack open the bottle of wine! I bought this beautiful cabinet off marketplace (Facebook) with the plan to upcycle it.. in the process of doing the doors I smashed the glass! 🤦‍♀️ ZPA plastic sheets to the rescue! I decided to replace the broken glass with our recycled sheets. Its now toddler proof! 💪 Just an example of the many different ways you can use these sheets, it's just up to the imagination! ♻♻♻♻♻
Nice job! Do you use a Heat Press Transfer machine for your boards? how do you mould it?
Click to see attachment 🖼️
nice work, how did you manage this shiny like a mirror?
Butte (PP Philippines)
Yes and zero mention of the grand solar minimum which is the biggest driver of climate plus volcanic activity. Meanwhile ocean trash and china raping the ocean are compounding problems.
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 12/26/2021 2:13 AM
Not really. And volcanoes add to the atmosphere something like nothing, compared to our emissions. Please, stop spreading wrong data.
Surely smoking volcanoes must be a major contribution to climate change? Perhaps, but they are dwarfs compared to human activity.
2:19 AM
I did just a little try (my machines aren't complete) as christmas gift to my girlfriend. The mirror is laser engraved by a friend, I made the frame. Just a work of melting, pressing and milling some HDPE. I have to make or buy something better than my manual milling machine to do those works, in the future.
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 12/26/2021 2:29 AM
2:29 AM
Zero Plastics Australia
Tip for the day: wait until you've finished painting to crack open the bottle of wine! I bought this beautiful cabinet off marketplace (Facebook) with the plan to upcycle it.. in the process of doing the doors I smashed the glass! 🤦‍♀️ ZPA plastic sheets to the rescue! I decided to replace the broken glass with our recycled sheets. Its now toddler proof! 💪 Just an example of the many different ways you can use these sheets, it's just up to the imagination! ♻♻♻♻♻
Nice looking sheet press! Have you discussed it before on the discord / documented it on youtube yet (i haven't been online much recently so may have missed it!) If not i'd love to hear + see more about it!
Liri (They/He) 12/31/2021 3:16 AM
3:16 AM
working on recycling straws
3:17 AM
i can't stop people from using straws but I can try to stop them from going to the trash
Plastic straws are banned here
finished_check 2
peepoturtle 2
𝕃𝕆𝕂𝕀 (Colorado, USA) 12/31/2021 4:43 PM
They should be banned everywhere 👍 🙏
Liri (They/He) 12/31/2021 5:19 PM
I definitely agree but they're not banned in the u.s.
I think there is a small angle to be made for the disability community in that straws / bendy straws can be of use. This excludes a large amount of people, and non-plastic / bio-degradable and/or (easily) compostable options are expanding. I am kind of in favor of the "make them not the default, people must request them" policy, as well as maybe just investing in, then mandating only using bio-alternatives. Granted Fast Food (despite being somewhat essential for the working class i guess, can't make elaborate balanced meals when you have no time to do so (although not having time is ANOTHER issue i guess lol) is almost always going to be unsustainable overconsumption in of itself, so that is an aspect as well (although Harm Reduction is a valid argument) ) Also proper recycling and/or disposal schemes are a really important aspect to "litter" / marine debris prevention. Granted they would degrade, but littering/open dumping of bio-alternatives would still have some form of negative impact! Typical me overcomplicating the issue, but i guess, as always, there is a bit of nuance over just a ban / that ban being the main action needed (ie more systematic + institutional change is probably required over bans + individual action) (edited)
Liri (They/He) 12/31/2021 10:47 PM
oh yeah I definitely agree with that. who needs to use straws please go ahead
10:48 PM
i was just trying to recycle some 😅
I just mean the plastic once
Liri (They/He)
i was just trying to recycle some 😅
No you're 100% fine i'm going on tangents, yet kind of ignoring the art being showcased in the showcase channel, my bad, not yours lol (edited)
Eric Lotze
No you're 100% fine i'm going on tangents, yet kind of ignoring the art being showcased in the showcase channel, my bad, not yours lol (edited)
Liri (They/He) 12/31/2021 11:26 PM
haha all good 👍
I just mean the plastic once
Liri (They/He) 12/31/2021 11:26 PM
plastic ones are the ones that disabled people use because they bend and are more accesible.
Oh that is awesome!
Oh that is awesome!
Liri (They/He) 1/1/2022 11:24 PM
idk if this is meant for me haha but if it is thank you!!
DisruptivelyUseful 1/5/2022 10:16 PM
Hi all! Sam from Portland, OR, USA here. Wanted to share my progress on the Trash Printer I've been working on. It's a large format direct flake extruding 3D printer. I'm using #5 polypropylene, with a 1/4 shred, just as it comes out of my PP shredder. No filament required 🙂 The parts it can make are simple and low resolution compared to most 3D printers, but they can still be quite complex, and they also print faster, and are really strong. The extruder design was based on the original PP extruder, I just made it smaller and put a stepper motor on it, and then strapped it to a robot. You can check out this whole album of stuff I've printed so far here: I've got a community how-to up on the Precious Plastic site, and you can watch the tutorial vid for the extruder here: You can check out the rest of my work and find monthly updates on my progress at
insurgusheart 4
OneArmy 1
👏 7
😍 3
CrabbyApples 1/8/2022 9:09 AM
@DisruptivelyUseful badass! (I'm just south of ya in mcminnville 👍👍)
Hi all! Sam from Portland, OR, USA here. Wanted to share my progress on the Trash Printer I've been working on. It's a large format direct flake extruding 3D printer. I'm using #5 polypropylene, with a 1/4 shred, just as it comes out of my PP shredder. No filament required 🙂 The parts it can make are simple and low resolution compared to most 3D printers, but they can still be quite complex, and they also print faster, and are really strong. The extruder design was based on the original PP extruder, I just made it smaller and put a stepper motor on it, and then strapped it to a robot. You can check out this whole album of stuff I've printed so far here: I've got a community how-to up on the Precious Plastic site, and you can watch the tutorial vid for the extruder here: You can check out the rest of my work and find monthly updates on my progress at
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/10/2022 6:55 AM
how water tight is the prints? I have a local group here in the Philippines that is very serious about wanting a plastic boat
7:00 AM Got the compression molder back running again. it took bout 2 hours to dust it off and bring it back into use after sitting for nearly a year. Making vertical garden with it.
👍 1
Butte (PP Philippines)
how water tight is the prints? I have a local group here in the Philippines that is very serious about wanting a plastic boat
Do check out that “Flipfloppi” project! Although do you mean a more conventional “Rowboat” ? I was looking into designing a FDM Printed Modular Kayak once, but got overwhelmed by the complexities of hull design! Could just wing it and iterate based on prototypes i guess.
⛵ 1
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/10/2022 1:31 PM
We have already studied the flip floppi project
1:32 PM
More like a skipjack type boat we are looking at. Displacment hull, 17 geet with a hull speed around 5 knots
(Sail or motor? (Granted i guess most larger sailboats are both but i digress) )
Butte (PP Philippines) Got the compression molder back running again. it took bout 2 hours to dust it off and bring it back into use after sitting for nearly a year. Making vertical garden with it.
DisruptivelyUseful 1/10/2022 9:48 PM
I've only just recently been able to make waterproof prints, but it is possible with the Trash Printer. A thick base, lower layer height (0.3mm works for me), and two perimeter walls (4mm nozzle) helps make sure there are no thin spots or holes that water can get through. Printing a whole boat would be quite an achievement, but if you had a big enough CNC table and a lot of patience, it would say it's technically feasible. One of my long term goals is to print myself a surfboard, but I still have a long way to go.
NM_peepoSurfer 1
Hi all! Sam from Portland, OR, USA here. Wanted to share my progress on the Trash Printer I've been working on. It's a large format direct flake extruding 3D printer. I'm using #5 polypropylene, with a 1/4 shred, just as it comes out of my PP shredder. No filament required 🙂 The parts it can make are simple and low resolution compared to most 3D printers, but they can still be quite complex, and they also print faster, and are really strong. The extruder design was based on the original PP extruder, I just made it smaller and put a stepper motor on it, and then strapped it to a robot. You can check out this whole album of stuff I've printed so far here: I've got a community how-to up on the Precious Plastic site, and you can watch the tutorial vid for the extruder here: You can check out the rest of my work and find monthly updates on my progress at
niiicee work also oh gosh I love the way that machine looks
4:47 AM
little update from Second Melt and by extension, Precious Plastic Minnesota. Our injector is done and operates in subzero temperatures might I add! Also going to be selling my next generation of polypropylene coasters with molds by @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio .
🥰 1
Not mine, but i think this is the relevant channel? : The "Trashbin Challenge" Essentially for one month (4 weeks) keep every single piece of plastic that you would normally recycle or throw in the bin, analyze + document what you collect, then plan how you can Reduce + Reuse all of that, and bolster your recycling efforts etc
Raising awareness of the global plastics problem one trashbin at a time
Zero Plastics Australia 1/17/2022 7:37 AM
Super stoked with our 20cm x 20cm boxes, these beauties are made using 250 single use plastic milk lids each!
Cheers 2
clap 6
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!Please delete this if its not allowed! (I don't harm the rules) Hey everyone! I published a video on my channel where i talk about selling used clothing on vinted. I hope i can inspire some people to give their clothes a second life instead of trowing it away I also thought about people the fixing fashion community. I hope they can get some inspiration to make their fixing fashion business profitable Have a nice day everyone!
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/21/2022 3:50 AM Shredded HDPE bottle caps from our granulator/shredder that is collected in the dust collector.
Zero Plastics Australia 1/21/2022 12:24 PM
Holy sheet that's a big one! 🙊 Measuring in at 900mm x 2000mm this industry standard sized recycled plastic sheet is a game changer! With the Australian timber industry struggling to keep up with demands and with more and more sustainable builders choosing to build with locally made, eco-friendly products this right here is the sheet! Made by recycling 2440 single use plastic milk lids, this whopper of a sheet is further proof that us humans need to utilise this resource NOT discard it like the trash we think it is! What would you build using this? Now to lay down and enjoy the stars 🌟👌
OneArmy 5
PreciousPlastic 3
🤟 9
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clap 1
aPES_Cheering 1
Zero Plastics Australia
Holy sheet that's a big one! 🙊 Measuring in at 900mm x 2000mm this industry standard sized recycled plastic sheet is a game changer! With the Australian timber industry struggling to keep up with demands and with more and more sustainable builders choosing to build with locally made, eco-friendly products this right here is the sheet! Made by recycling 2440 single use plastic milk lids, this whopper of a sheet is further proof that us humans need to utilise this resource NOT discard it like the trash we think it is! What would you build using this? Now to lay down and enjoy the stars 🌟👌
Tom - Redo Design 1/22/2022 12:36 PM
That’s great, are the smaller panels heat welded together ?
👍 1
Zero Plastics Australia 1/23/2022 9:54 PM
@Tom - Redo Design sure are, for now. We have a machine that will be able to make these in one press coming soon.
👍 1
Zero Plastics Australia
@Tom - Redo Design sure are, for now. We have a machine that will be able to make these in one press coming soon.
Tom - Redo Design 1/23/2022 9:56 PM
Amazing. I’ve tried as the ones off my press are 300 x 400 mm but it’s been tough getting a strong bond and also to keep the whole sheet flat
похищен 1/25/2022 5:33 PM
⚡ 8
nice @похищен ! is that a new design?
похищен 1/25/2022 7:49 PM
@Joseph it is just a Test Model, but 5 are already sold like this. Alternative to the Basic Version from PP, but some changes are coming, like new Design for the Blades with only 3 teeth (edited)
Really cool! Did you sell just the shredder box, or fully built ones
похищен 1/26/2022 4:29 PM
@Joseph I sell all, what you want. Custom design, fully build machine, parts or a kit to build it your self together
4:33 PM
And as you can see, the right one have a custum coupling attached to it from scrap parts. 🤷‍♂️ (edited)
@похищен cool. have you thought about selling on the bazar
похищен 1/26/2022 7:19 PM
I do, but i dont have a company so far, just all in free time now wich is very less so... but we will see what the future brings
👍 1
@DisruptivelyUseful really cool! I love the large bed size and that you built the extruder and 3D printer as part of the same machine. I'm working on an extruder with similar elements that creates 1.75mm filament, but I'm having some trouble with the electronics. Any chance you have a video on that part of your machine that I could leverage? got a Mega 2560 + Ramps 1.4 board, but I'm concerned I'm going to fry the board. Many thanks!!!
This is my Noztek Filament system, used to extrude rPET filament from food grade pellets that we produce from PET bottles It's not a perfect system and I had to modify quite a bit to make it suitable for PET but now it works nice enough I've also been attempting to buy a pellet extruder printhead but that has been quite a story that makes a company that had been discussed here previously look very bad.
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This is my Noztek Filament system, used to extrude rPET filament from food grade pellets that we produce from PET bottles It's not a perfect system and I had to modify quite a bit to make it suitable for PET but now it works nice enough I've also been attempting to buy a pellet extruder printhead but that has been quite a story that makes a company that had been discussed here previously look very bad.
Niice! Do you have that documented somewhere? How consistent is the filament quality? Did you test it for 3D printing already? And how big are your shreds? Any challenges/improvements remaining? Sorry for all the questions :)
Niice! Do you have that documented somewhere? How consistent is the filament quality? Did you test it for 3D printing already? And how big are your shreds? Any challenges/improvements remaining? Sorry for all the questions :)
Currently writing my bachelor's thesis about it but I suppose I can give a short overview over the changes made if you are interested I've been using it in my printers since before the quality was good, which was like 9 months? Biggest issue was ovality of the material caused by not hot enough cooling water Filament consistency is acceptable but not good, still working on making that better. Currently I can hit +-0.05 on shorter stretches of a few meters, +-0.1 over the length of a spool and I stop spooling and cut out sections beyond +-0.15 I do not shred, or at least i don't use shreds for the filament. We have a PET recycling machine that shreds 4 tons of pet per hour, but the flakes would be a bit too large to comfortably fit into my extruder without intervention, I use under water pelletised material that we extrude. The material is around 2mm in diameter and every single pellet had the same weight - it's food grade material I'm still working on making the consistency better, and I'm also in constant contact with noztek and they are also improving upon the programming of the machines. Also my extruder died on Friday and I'll have to troubleshoot that
@sioux612 super nice and compact 🥳
5:46 PM
Would be great to see more
Will post more pictures etc soon, but I'm always open for questions
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/31/2022 8:05 AM
3 plastic shredder/granulators shipping out with 2 unit of 3hp dust collectors for WWF project in Mindanao, Philippines.
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Hello everyone! We're building a sustainable kitchen mixer that uses local materials such as PP plastics, is built in Berlin and open-source. We’re still exploring with regional suppliers for plastic sheets - please reach out if you know any! 🙌 Or else follow along if you like the idea - we’ll be crowdfunding soon!
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PreciousPlastic 2
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@Paul Anca looking epic! Have you tried using the map to find people near you that could provide you with sheets? Would love to see a howto out of this 😍
@Mattia glad you feel that way 😄 we did use the map, but I wasn't sure how up-to-date it is. There will be a how-to for sure 🙂
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PreciousPlastic 1
Paul Anca
@Mattia glad you feel that way 😄 we did use the map, but I wasn't sure how up-to-date it is. There will be a how-to for sure 🙂
Quite up to date I'd say, we moderate it every day 🙂 additionally you can have a look at "last active" to see when a pin was last logged in.. hopefully it should give some reference
OneArmy 2
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/12/2022 1:03 AM
1:04 AM
Customer asked for a gas engine power shredder for remote island without electric power. 7.5hp.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Customer asked for a gas engine power shredder for remote island without electric power. 7.5hp.
Cool. How much gas does that consume (per hour)?
Cool. How much gas does that consume (per hour)?
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/12/2022 5:49 AM
No.idea. we only ran it a hour
5:49 AM
Just test and it go out to client
Hi everyone, I had a question about getting a shredder and extrusion machine. I know both of these machines are extremely expensive, so I was wondering if there was some sort of alternative that I could us to shred plastic and extrude it. Also, would it be possible to make moulds out of metal. If so, can anyone give some advice on how to make a mould?
Hi all! Sam from Portland, OR, USA here. Wanted to share my progress on the Trash Printer I've been working on. It's a large format direct flake extruding 3D printer. I'm using #5 polypropylene, with a 1/4 shred, just as it comes out of my PP shredder. No filament required 🙂 The parts it can make are simple and low resolution compared to most 3D printers, but they can still be quite complex, and they also print faster, and are really strong. The extruder design was based on the original PP extruder, I just made it smaller and put a stepper motor on it, and then strapped it to a robot. You can check out this whole album of stuff I've printed so far here: I've got a community how-to up on the Precious Plastic site, and you can watch the tutorial vid for the extruder here: You can check out the rest of my work and find monthly updates on my progress at
hikinghack 3/2/2022 8:33 PM
So cool! We have a Trash printer too, my hardest challenge though is getting the polypropylene to stick. the edges always curl off the plate, and it pops right off. The rest of the prints are usually quite good, but get ruined by a bad first layer. What's your secrete and whats your settings for printing with PP flakes?
@похищен @Zero Plastics Australia
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/3/2022 9:06 PM German tv report about precious plastic. ♻️✌️ Thanks @davehakkens for the interview! 👌
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto German tv report about precious plastic. ♻️✌️ Thanks @davehakkens for the interview! 👌
nice one thomas! Hopefully more screwdrivers around germany 🤘
@похищен @Zero Plastics Australia
похищен 3/6/2022 11:39 PM
SagePlanet 3/7/2022 6:22 PM
Just finished this stool made of HDPE for my graduation project. Made a video of the material processing here: I was hoping to make cups next, but am unsure of how safe it is to drink out of recycled HDPE. Does anyone have any experience making foodware?
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OneArmy 2
Deleted User 3/10/2022 4:19 PM
First fishing lure mold attempt. Will try a second one with sprue on the tail. Think it’s viable?
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Butte (PP Philippines) 3/13/2022 10:23 PM
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10:26 PM
Expansion of our eco pot vertical garden. End goal is 300 pots. So far around 90 pots installed. Getting 1-2 serving of green vegetable every meal now.
Awesome butte!
Zero Plastics Australia 3/14/2022 5:37 AM
@Butte (PP Philippines) that is amazing! You and your team are such an inspiration. Keep up the good work and can't wait to see what 300 looks like!
Butte (PP Philippines)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Absoultely amazing!
2:51 AM
That is all soil based, right?
2:51 AM
Also do you have a Panorama image or even a video tour of the site ? It seems really neat!
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/15/2022 3:14 AM
Once it is fully built will do a proper video. Have a video collab tentative scheduled with green power science YouTube's channel
👍 3
Butte (PP Philippines)
Once it is fully built will do a proper video. Have a video collab tentative scheduled with green power science YouTube's channel
a how-to
9:45 AM
Stress testing, I must have gotten this carabiner at v4 from @Carolina and used it every day for over 2yrs now. Not bad performance.. what do people think? (edited)
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 3/21/2022 12:23 PM
Built a desktop shredder based on the wonderful 3.3 shredders that PP sent to Algeria. It has auto jam detection, runs off 220v, and even has a sieve and hopper safety switch that prevents the machine running if the blades are exposed in any way! This one is off to a client in Scotland.
PreciousPlastic 11
Stress testing, I must have gotten this carabiner at v4 from @Carolina and used it every day for over 2yrs now. Not bad performance.. what do people think? (edited)
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 3/21/2022 7:46 PM
Great! PP or HDPE?
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto PP!
So cool! We have a Trash printer too, my hardest challenge though is getting the polypropylene to stick. the edges always curl off the plate, and it pops right off. The rest of the prints are usually quite good, but get ruined by a bad first layer. What's your secrete and whats your settings for printing with PP flakes?
DisruptivelyUseful 3/24/2022 3:30 AM
Try using packing tape! I've had great success with the Gorilla Brand Ultrawide Premium packing tape rolls. It bonds great and opens a lot more options for print bed materials. I'm currently using a mirror, with packing tape on it. Glass and mirror makes it really flat, and the tape makes it bond. Using tape creates a bit of waste but I've found that the tape is often reuseable, and it's so worth it for good adhesion. Previously I had some success with printing onto a bed of polypropylene bc it would lightly fuse at the right temp, but it was finicky and didn't work as well as packing tape.
DisruptivelyUseful 3/24/2022 3:57 AM
Wanted to show off this Trash Printed wind turbine I printed last night! This is one of the best/largest/most complex prints I've ever printed with the trash printer, and I printed it out of my real actual trash! It's all #5 PP takeout containers, coffee cups, and other PP trash that I saved and then shredded up with my Precious Plastic shredder. Now I have a wind turbine! The total energy consumed in the process of both shredding up the plastic and then printing it into this turbine worked out a roughly 1 kwh, and generally I'm seeing an average energy cost of 0.5-1 kWh/kg, not including shredding. I have no idea how that compares with other recycling methods, but it's cool that I can finally measure the total energy cost of the whole recycling process. Anyone else calculating how many kWh/kg your recycling methods take? It would be cool to compare notes!
🤩 2
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
Great! PP or HDPE?
Wanted to show off this Trash Printed wind turbine I printed last night! This is one of the best/largest/most complex prints I've ever printed with the trash printer, and I printed it out of my real actual trash! It's all #5 PP takeout containers, coffee cups, and other PP trash that I saved and then shredded up with my Precious Plastic shredder. Now I have a wind turbine! The total energy consumed in the process of both shredding up the plastic and then printing it into this turbine worked out a roughly 1 kwh, and generally I'm seeing an average energy cost of 0.5-1 kWh/kg, not including shredding. I have no idea how that compares with other recycling methods, but it's cool that I can finally measure the total energy cost of the whole recycling process. Anyone else calculating how many kWh/kg your recycling methods take? It would be cool to compare notes!
Is that a direct pellet/shred extruder or are you making filament first?
Is that a direct pellet/shred extruder or are you making filament first?
DisruptivelyUseful 3/25/2022 7:01 PM
It's a direct flake extruder. I gave up on trying to make filament. It's basically just a the original precious plastic extruder design, I just put on a vertical axis and used a stepper motor (NEMA23, 15:1 reduction) so that it could be controlled by existing 3D printer hardware. The printer software/hardware thinks its pushing filament, but its actually turning an auger. It took me years to dial in the settings to get it working right, but now it's working well enough to make quite a range of useful stuff. It can't make objects anywhere near the detail of a regular 3D printer, but the objects it can make are big, and VERY strong, like, can't-break-them-even-if-you-really-try strong, more comparable to injection molded parts than most typical 3D printed parts.
7:03 PM
Here's the link for how to make the extruder:
👍 3
7:04 PM
And here's an overview of the general design:'
that's awesome, that's why I was asking we built a filament extruder many years ago and it was a PITA to keep from getting trash clogging the extruder
7:06 PM
a direct extruder makes a lot of sense but would definitely be a PITA to control 🙂
that's awesome, that's why I was asking we built a filament extruder many years ago and it was a PITA to keep from getting trash clogging the extruder
DisruptivelyUseful 3/25/2022 7:12 PM
If you build one I can help you dial in the feeds and speeds. It was a PITA to figure out, hopefully I can make it less so for others. I just recently got the "Extra length after retraction" feature tuned just right, so it pauses after travel moves to let the extruder "catch up" and start pushing plastic before the nozzle starts moving again, and that has led to a big improvement in the complexity of the parts I can print. Previously I was only getting reliable results with "spiral vase" type prints, but now it's doing pretty well with complex travel moves as well.
DisruptivelyUseful 3/25/2022 7:23 PM
I was actually able to print a few of the parts for my new version with the old version, and that was pretty gratifying. I was even able to print a new sieve plate for my shredder when my original metal one broke. You can check out my progression in this google photos album:
👍 2
nice! I'm really surprised by the print quality running a wood auger bit backwards 🙂 I can see why you need to pre-spin for pressure/etc, it'd be interesting to get a proper multizoned compression screw in there
Fritz @easymoulds 3/26/2022 9:18 PM
With some plastic material/process settings there were also a few bad ones. Later we also made performance tests with them by trying to break them. Not scientific numbers however #nextlevel 🙂
Marcel123095 3/28/2022 8:27 PM
Produced quite a lot of recycled 3d printer filament, now need to sell it or find resellers haha.
😍 5
Produced quite a lot of recycled 3d printer filament, now need to sell it or find resellers haha.
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 3/28/2022 9:32 PM
Which machines did you use for recycling? Known brands or self-built stuff?! 😉
Marcel123095 3/28/2022 9:47 PM
@DataWorm (PP Berlin) PP pro extruder but all the other machines are self made, took me months to get consistent diameters.
👍 2
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 3/28/2022 9:50 PM
I can imagine, but nice to hear that you were successful. Filament production is something that PP is lacking atm 😄
Goldenghost10 3/28/2022 10:33 PM
I have PLA that needs recycled. My waste management services won't pick it up. I don't have much, maybe 10 pounds of waste, but I don't want to just throw it away.
Marcel123095 3/29/2022 9:35 AM
@Goldenghost10 I don't mind trying it, and I can send you back a spool if the material is clean enough and shredded.
Goldenghost10 3/29/2022 12:40 PM
So I have to shred it myself? What's the best way to do this?
Goldenghost10 3/29/2022 1:43 PM
It also depends how far I am sending the scrap. If it too far, it may not be sustainable with the amount of filament I have.
Marcel123095 3/29/2022 3:40 PM
@Goldenghost10 I buy it straight from a big recycling company for 3,2 euro per kg ex vat, small amounts are simply not worth it. I tried from various companies but for 3d printer filament you just need very high purity and that doesn't go well with recycling, 1 grain of dirt is enough to block a 0.3mm nozzle on a 3d printer.
@Goldenghost10 I buy it straight from a big recycling company for 3,2 euro per kg ex vat, small amounts are simply not worth it. I tried from various companies but for 3d printer filament you just need very high purity and that doesn't go well with recycling, 1 grain of dirt is enough to block a 0.3mm nozzle on a 3d printer.
I was wondering about that, we tried making printable filament but it was a huge pain with clogs constantly I ended up using a huge printer nozzle to make it work
Marcel123095 4/1/2022 11:40 AM
@waterppk Yeah, had the same issue, just find a supplier that has the cleanest material, or you need to use unrecycled plastic.
Our polystyrene coasters are machine washable!
🤩 2
ooooh single phase!!!
Butte (PP Philippines) 4/7/2022 2:32 AM
only at 11 kilos per hour though 😦
2:32 AM
needs a LOT more heaters too. Supply issues though
ahh. interesting.
Fichounette23 4/10/2022 11:18 PM
@Si Mo Ne hi, could you please share with me the type of gloves? And from where can I buy it? Thank you
@Si Mo Ne hi, could you please share with me the type of gloves? And from where can I buy it? Thank you
@Fichounette23 I am not sure what you are responding to. The gloves I use just regular leather ones from the hardware store.
Fichounette23 4/10/2022 11:58 PM
@Si Mo Ne can you share with me a picture of the gloves. I use gloves on Pvc but I still feel the temperature
I am not sure I have said that I use gloves where I don’t feel the temperature? Can you please respond to the comment, but clicking on it and press respond? I try not to touch my plastic with my gloves at all, and most of then time i don’t actually wear gloves, because I have gotten so got at not touching the plastic.
Si Mo Ne
I am not sure I have said that I use gloves where I don’t feel the temperature? Can you please respond to the comment, but clicking on it and press respond? I try not to touch my plastic with my gloves at all, and most of then time i don’t actually wear gloves, because I have gotten so got at not touching the plastic.
Fichounette23 4/11/2022 10:21 PM
Thank you.
Butte (PP Philippines) 4/13/2022 4:34 AM
first pic is one of our earliest v3 extrusion machines, and the second pic is our latest build. 5hp, increased safety, cleaner design.
👍 3
Fritz @easymoulds
With some plastic material/process settings there were also a few bad ones. Later we also made performance tests with them by trying to break them. Not scientific numbers however #nextlevel 🙂
i think something that could make it last longer would be to make a little belly inside the carabiner to limit the opening, bc some people are very good at just playing with it by opening it all the way, which ends up wearing down the flex point much faster
Produced quite a lot of recycled 3d printer filament, now need to sell it or find resellers haha.
I would like to test some and perhaps resell it here in Germany, people has asked about the consistency of the filament. I have no experience with 3D printing, but see that is a good product option.
Marcel123095 4/18/2022 10:41 AM
@Lixeiro Awesome, I send you a message 🙂
@Lixeiro super cool. What material are you making it with ?
3d printing filament if you want to make the high detailed stuff you need a extremely consistent product with a very low diameter tolerance . For larger basic models cheap recycled plastic into filament from the extruder should be just fine
2:31 PM
The latest comments in #archived-3d-printing is about the very same thing I made a comment about I noticed
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/18/2022 2:35 PM
Just started to press some simple parts. I decided to follow my own path, since I want to try keeping the marbling effect of the oven molten and hand mixed plastic, I decided to build a compression molding system. So I made a wooden furniture with a kitchen oven (with an electronic controller with K thermocouple), in wich I put a serpentine heat exchanger, with a rotoflow pump, a radiator, some fittings and valves, to heat and cool moulds, on top of the system I put my press, at now it can reach up to 2tons of force (if needed I can double that value). I made the first try in last days, with a cold mold since for those parts I didn't need a perfect surface (those are parts to be lathe machined) and since making molds with heating/cooling circuits is complex.
2:36 PM
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2:37 PM
Need to heat the molds to achieve better results.
2:42 PM
Parts made with blow molding HDPE (dark grey), injection molding HDPE (red) and polypropylene (mixed red/black, green) and some mixed material I accidentally mixed together after shredding, some boxes of HDPE/PP and a little PET fell on the ground, tried to separate them by density, but the small dimensions of the flakes carried with them a lot of air, making the separation not precise, for the white one. (edited)
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/18/2022 2:50 PM
Those parts are solid cylinder, 78mm diameter (80mm mold), 25mm thick. The central hole is made to center them with the tailstock of the lathe against the chuck to cut the diameter to 75mm, after that a hole in the center has to be machined, they are the base material to make the rings I need to keep long bars in the lathe at job. Since my employer allows me to make about all the custom parts I made for the project for free (all the press parts and the shredder are made on my design), I have to make something useful for the factory...😂
Butte (PP Philippines) 4/19/2022 3:28 AM
Precious Plastic molded pot vertical garden has been providing this much food 1-2 times a day for quite awhile now. Super busy in the shop with paying orders so not a lot of time to mold plant pots to finish the build. Today will add in a proper mist irrigation system to decrease the workload, and to hopefully lessen the tendency of washing the nutrients out of the pots with heavy watering. We are pretty excited about this project, as we convert our house from a consumer of resources to producing food, electricity, and many of the things that we currently have to buy. Cutting out the middle-man with more self produced things enables us to have a better lifestyle and not so reliant on cash. Furthermore with the current world food situation, we really need to produce on our own and not rely so much on the corporatist monopolies that get a commission on every bite of food we buy from the stores.
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PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 4/19/2022 3:57 PM
Our new extruder design based on the V4 screw is still being tested. It has been a couple of years we are on it but we hope it will be a game changer, cheaper to build, to run and increased production. Today I reached an extrusion at 150 RPM, I am hoping to reach 300 RPM (for the screw of course). We are writing an exhaustive documentation that will be opensource. We will also provide a lot of code that allows to simulate plastic extrusion (as far as I know that is not available open source) but also to run and configure an extruder similar to ours as it is autonomous and can be run remotely. We are trying to organise a talk where all the features and documents of the machine will be presented before the summer. Ciao
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DisruptivelyUseful 4/19/2022 10:33 PM
I successfully 3D printed my first "thing" out of HDPE flakes last night with my Trash Printer. I've been using Polypropylene for years, and it works well enough, but HDPE is even more difficult to work with. It prints with the consistency like old thick toothpaste, even at high temps. But I really wanted to see if I could manage to print anything useful at all with it, since it makes up such a huge portion of the waste stream. (edited)
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10:35 PM
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10:36 PM
It's not very pretty, but it's better than trash!
10:37 PM
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
You could probably make some bowls / quirky cups out of it, kinda like the guy above making the flower pots!
ShrednMelt_Xu 4/20/2022 5:35 PM
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@Lixeiro super cool. What material are you making it with ?
I still don't produce anything, I working on building a mixed workspace. and advertise what could be interested to from the Bazar.
jasonknight 4/22/2022 11:39 PM
Hey Everyone! ♻🛹🧡 Recycled Plastic Skateboard Deck Download Kit and Build Video online now! 💻 We have just published our open source Download Kit and Build Video “How-To: Build A Mould To Make 100% Recycled Plastic Skateboard Decks”, they are online now! 💻 The kit contains all of the CAD files, bill of materials, electronics diagrams plus everything else you need to build the mould and make decks yourself. The build video explains step-by-step how to put everything together. All this information is completely free for you to copy, rework and build upon, as long as you share it online for free yourself. You can find the download kit here: And build video here: Project RPSD is a non-profit organisation publishing open source plastic recycling research, online, for free. If you would like to support the development of this project, and publications such as this, follow the URLS below to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, join our mailing list, make a donation and become a supporter on Patreon. Filmed at Atelier des Recycleurs Fous RPSD is part of MANDIN collective. Sharing our posts and spreading the word about our project opens a lot of doors for us! We are also very keen to hear about any collaborations or opportunities you guys see! 🌍 Happy World Earth Day! 🌍 Much love, keep shredding! ♻🛹🧡
♻️ 12
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Hey Everyone! ♻🛹🧡 Recycled Plastic Skateboard Deck Download Kit and Build Video online now! 💻 We have just published our open source Download Kit and Build Video “How-To: Build A Mould To Make 100% Recycled Plastic Skateboard Decks”, they are online now! 💻 The kit contains all of the CAD files, bill of materials, electronics diagrams plus everything else you need to build the mould and make decks yourself. The build video explains step-by-step how to put everything together. All this information is completely free for you to copy, rework and build upon, as long as you share it online for free yourself. You can find the download kit here: And build video here: Project RPSD is a non-profit organisation publishing open source plastic recycling research, online, for free. If you would like to support the development of this project, and publications such as this, follow the URLS below to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, join our mailing list, make a donation and become a supporter on Patreon. Filmed at Atelier des Recycleurs Fous RPSD is part of MANDIN collective. Sharing our posts and spreading the word about our project opens a lot of doors for us! We are also very keen to hear about any collaborations or opportunities you guys see! 🌍 Happy World Earth Day! 🌍 Much love, keep shredding! ♻🛹🧡
So awesome Jason! Love to see it!
Our new extruder design based on the V4 screw is still being tested. It has been a couple of years we are on it but we hope it will be a game changer, cheaper to build, to run and increased production. Today I reached an extrusion at 150 RPM, I am hoping to reach 300 RPM (for the screw of course). We are writing an exhaustive documentation that will be opensource. We will also provide a lot of code that allows to simulate plastic extrusion (as far as I know that is not available open source) but also to run and configure an extruder similar to ours as it is autonomous and can be run remotely. We are trying to organise a talk where all the features and documents of the machine will be presented before the summer. Ciao
Butte (PP Philippines) 4/25/2022 1:47 AM
i am interested to learn your output per hour, rpm, heat input and barrel design. At present I ran a v4 30mmx750mm screw in a 50mm OD barrel with 5hp. ran into issues with keeping the heat high enough at a lower RPM.
Hey Everyone! ♻🛹🧡 Recycled Plastic Skateboard Deck Download Kit and Build Video online now! 💻 We have just published our open source Download Kit and Build Video “How-To: Build A Mould To Make 100% Recycled Plastic Skateboard Decks”, they are online now! 💻 The kit contains all of the CAD files, bill of materials, electronics diagrams plus everything else you need to build the mould and make decks yourself. The build video explains step-by-step how to put everything together. All this information is completely free for you to copy, rework and build upon, as long as you share it online for free yourself. You can find the download kit here: And build video here: Project RPSD is a non-profit organisation publishing open source plastic recycling research, online, for free. If you would like to support the development of this project, and publications such as this, follow the URLS below to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, join our mailing list, make a donation and become a supporter on Patreon. Filmed at Atelier des Recycleurs Fous RPSD is part of MANDIN collective. Sharing our posts and spreading the word about our project opens a lot of doors for us! We are also very keen to hear about any collaborations or opportunities you guys see! 🌍 Happy World Earth Day! 🌍 Much love, keep shredding! ♻🛹🧡
Awesome work @jasonknight !!!
@👮Moderator delete pls above
✅ 1
4:53 PM
another spam bot
🙌 3
Butte (PP Philippines)
i am interested to learn your output per hour, rpm, heat input and barrel design. At present I ran a v4 30mmx750mm screw in a 50mm OD barrel with 5hp. ran into issues with keeping the heat high enough at a lower RPM.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 4/25/2022 6:26 PM
there are some issues with the V4 screw, the initialization is tricky to say the least. Also using 5HP Our barrel is too thin (c. 40mm) At the moment output per hour is inconsistent so cannot say much about it. I am still adjusting stuff.
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/26/2022 3:39 PM
In last days I made and tested my first mold with heating / cooling fluid passages. Since I made it on my bench milling machine in my garage, I had to make something small and simple. I decided to try to make a mold for knobs, mainly because I have to give my girlfriend some motivation to keep me at home rather than send me to live in my caravan, after over a year in wich I'm collecting plastic and making a mess in the garage ... I decided for knobs because I made also a plastic board and it has the right dimensions to become a clothes hanger, with the right knobs. I also want to see if with the compression molding I can fill a mold with "deep" holes. in this case it has a depth of 19mm for a diameter of 14mm in the larger part and 10 in the narrower one. Seems working.
🙌 6
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PreciousPlastic 2
3:41 PM
3:41 PM
3:42 PM
3:42 PM
In last days I made and tested my first mold with heating / cooling fluid passages. Since I made it on my bench milling machine in my garage, I had to make something small and simple. I decided to try to make a mold for knobs, mainly because I have to give my girlfriend some motivation to keep me at home rather than send me to live in my caravan, after over a year in wich I'm collecting plastic and making a mess in the garage ... I decided for knobs because I made also a plastic board and it has the right dimensions to become a clothes hanger, with the right knobs. I also want to see if with the compression molding I can fill a mold with "deep" holes. in this case it has a depth of 19mm for a diameter of 14mm in the larger part and 10 in the narrower one. Seems working.
make sure to post on #archived-products-and-moulds, a dedicated channel for moulds to gather feedback and geek out 🙂
👍 1
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/27/2022 6:12 PM
Yes, I missed it! Dai che Precious Plastic Cesena prende forma, spero di riuscire a coinvolgere anche qualcun'altro...🤣
🔥 2
In last days I made and tested my first mold with heating / cooling fluid passages. Since I made it on my bench milling machine in my garage, I had to make something small and simple. I decided to try to make a mold for knobs, mainly because I have to give my girlfriend some motivation to keep me at home rather than send me to live in my caravan, after over a year in wich I'm collecting plastic and making a mess in the garage ... I decided for knobs because I made also a plastic board and it has the right dimensions to become a clothes hanger, with the right knobs. I also want to see if with the compression molding I can fill a mold with "deep" holes. in this case it has a depth of 19mm for a diameter of 14mm in the larger part and 10 in the narrower one. Seems working.
inspiring work !!! i am starting to build PP machines for a micro injection workspace in my garage too. In fact that would be the seed for PP Genova. E' fantastico vedere che qua in Italia c'è qualcun altro che sta facendo un percorso simile. Che sviluppo che riesci a fare!!! a presto ciao, Andrea
inspiring work !!! i am starting to build PP machines for a micro injection workspace in my garage too. In fact that would be the seed for PP Genova. E' fantastico vedere che qua in Italia c'è qualcun altro che sta facendo un percorso simile. Che sviluppo che riesci a fare!!! a presto ciao, Andrea
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/28/2022 4:46 PM
Thank you! I'm working on it starting from about november 2020, I also made a shredder based on my design. In next week I hope I can finish it.
🙌 2
shressuraj1967 4/28/2022 8:27 PM
Hello all, Writing to see if anyone here has tried making eyewear frames with recycled HDPE or any other plastic. If yes, how was your experience with it process wise and product wise?
raghav_roxx 5/1/2022 7:07 PM
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OneArmy 3
PreciousPlastic 2
Hey Everyone! ♻🛹🧡 Recycled Plastic Skateboard Deck Download Kit and Build Video online now! 💻 We have just published our open source Download Kit and Build Video “How-To: Build A Mould To Make 100% Recycled Plastic Skateboard Decks”, they are online now! 💻 The kit contains all of the CAD files, bill of materials, electronics diagrams plus everything else you need to build the mould and make decks yourself. The build video explains step-by-step how to put everything together. All this information is completely free for you to copy, rework and build upon, as long as you share it online for free yourself. You can find the download kit here: And build video here: Project RPSD is a non-profit organisation publishing open source plastic recycling research, online, for free. If you would like to support the development of this project, and publications such as this, follow the URLS below to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, join our mailing list, make a donation and become a supporter on Patreon. Filmed at Atelier des Recycleurs Fous RPSD is part of MANDIN collective. Sharing our posts and spreading the word about our project opens a lot of doors for us! We are also very keen to hear about any collaborations or opportunities you guys see! 🌍 Happy World Earth Day! 🌍 Much love, keep shredding! ♻🛹🧡
awesome, I was asking how could the mould for beams being heated to make the surface of the beams better, you gave me the answer with the skateboard mould. Would be great to build a beams mould based on the skateboard mould in order to get better quality for the beams.
похищен 5/6/2022 2:46 PM
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похищен 5/6/2022 3:02 PM
Works great, but no sieve
👍 2
there are some issues with the V4 screw, the initialization is tricky to say the least. Also using 5HP Our barrel is too thin (c. 40mm) At the moment output per hour is inconsistent so cannot say much about it. I am still adjusting stuff.
Any more feedback about the V4 screw? Inconsistancy in troughput could have multiple reasons beside the screw geometry alone. Material infeed, granule size and inlet temperatures are factors. Also the type of die / mold in front of the nozzle is a factor. Pinching the nozzle (using a valve or orrifice in the nozzle) could increase the pressure in the screw and helps increasing friction. The screw hasn't been changed since the publication of V4 so a review of the design and optimation could be interesting
Alex_recycles and creates 5/8/2022 5:54 PM
🙌 2
5:55 PM
This is one of the HDPE sheets
5:55 PM
My set up looks like this
5:55 PM
Is used the heat press to melt the HDPE and a wooden mold to shape it
luthfiramdhanfaqih 5/9/2022 3:38 AM
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/9/2022 3:46 PM
3:49 PM
720g of PP, 700g transparent (translucent, colorless) and 20g dark green translucent. Pressed (2T) in a mold made from high resistance laminate with aluminum walls.
3:49 PM
3:50 PM
Pre-finish made with wood planer.
🤩 1
720g of PP, 700g transparent (translucent, colorless) and 20g dark green translucent. Pressed (2T) in a mold made from high resistance laminate with aluminum walls.
Alex_recycles and creates 5/9/2022 4:16 PM
very nice
Alex_recycles and creates
very nice
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/9/2022 5:06 PM
Thank you!
Thank you!
Alex_recycles and creates 5/9/2022 5:07 PM
I sent you a friend request
Click to see attachment 🖼️
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 5/9/2022 11:52 PM
nice, how thick is that sheet?
DataWorm (PP Berlin)
nice, how thick is that sheet?
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/10/2022 12:00 AM
Just pressed (in the first photo) is something around 10~12mm, the "mold" bent slightly because I put it not centered under the press. In the second photo, after planing, is around 6mm. It is far from perfect, in the photo some defects aren't visible. There are some bubbles and the surface is rough in some parts, is the very first try, I have to improve!
🔥 2
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 5/10/2022 7:31 PM
Looks nice, but I fear for thicker plates it might not be transparent enough anymore
DataWorm (PP Berlin)
Looks nice, but I fear for thicker plates it might not be transparent enough anymore
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/10/2022 9:04 PM
I don't want it to be transparent, I'm wondering to make a lampshade from that concept (not from that piece, I want to make it thinner).
👍 2
Alex_recycles and creates
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Paul Bogaers 5/15/2022 10:07 AM
Cool! I was planning to use the same setup. What are your thoughts on it so far?
Paul Bogaers
Cool! I was planning to use the same setup. What are your thoughts on it so far?
Alex_recycles and creates 5/15/2022 6:42 PM
Right now I’m actually melting some HDPE
PreciousPlastic 1
Paul Bogaers
Cool! I was planning to use the same setup. What are your thoughts on it so far?
Alex_recycles and creates 5/15/2022 6:43 PM
If you want I can video chat you. I’m making a shelf
Paul Bogaers 5/16/2022 8:46 AM
I guess i'm reading this to late hahah
Injection Workspace materials showcasing for PP Genova entry answer for Torino Maker Faire call, featuring the logsplitter hack mod for the Injection Machine, big inspiration from PP Melbourne and PP Philippines. Crossing fingers for them to accept me, so I can fire up a PP event on the website. The previous edition they were already featuring PP machines from Torino EDIT 24/5 : they got me!!! i'll be back here with some documentation in June (edited)
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Alex_recycles and creates 5/20/2022 6:31 PM
I have done it my first recycled HDPE shelf
6:31 PM
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Alex_recycles and creates 5/20/2022 7:00 PM
I will have many more projects on the way
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Butte (PP Philippines) 5/23/2022 4:20 AM
running our biggest plastic beam batch yet. 1 v3 extrusion, one v4 extrusion same time. One ton of beams to make. 2 men full time. Should take about 2-3 weeks to complete.
💪 6
👍 1
Butte (PP Philippines)
running our biggest plastic beam batch yet. 1 v3 extrusion, one v4 extrusion same time. One ton of beams to make. 2 men full time. Should take about 2-3 weeks to complete.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/23/2022 8:40 AM
haha and i was just in conversation with someone to see about getting a machine that has 500kg to 1 ton extrusion capacity per day. Good luck! lots of extruding to do 🙂
Alex_recycles and creates
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Paul Bogaers 5/24/2022 8:46 AM
Nice! I'm also planning on making a herbs and spices shelf out of HDPE
8:47 AM
PreciousPlastic 8
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8:48 AM
I just finished these speakers. The speaker housing is made out of Polypropylene and most of the other components (for example the drivers and bassport) are also repurposed from old and broken speakers
Paul Bogaers
Click to see attachment 🖼️
oh my god this is so siiiick ♥@Hugh defo something cool for IG & co
❤️ 1
Paul Bogaers
Nice! I'm also planning on making a herbs and spices shelf out of HDPE
Yo this are awesome @Paul Bogaers could you send me a dm with more photos and information about the speakers plus ig account to tag?
❤️ 1
Paul Bogaers
I just finished these speakers. The speaker housing is made out of Polypropylene and most of the other components (for example the drivers and bassport) are also repurposed from old and broken speakers
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/24/2022 4:36 PM
Very beautiful speakers! And what about the sound quality? Is PP comparable to wood?
Very beautiful speakers! And what about the sound quality? Is PP comparable to wood?
Paul Bogaers 5/25/2022 10:23 AM
The sound quality is really good! Beyond my expectations. I think what plays a big part is that the drivers i have used are from an old B&O television. (If you don't know B&O, they're a really high-end audio brand)
👍 2
10:24 AM
I also wondered beforehand how a plastic speaker housing was gonna sound, but then i realised practicly all bluetooth speakers have plastic housings and they can sound pretty great
Paul Bogaers
The sound quality is really good! Beyond my expectations. I think what plays a big part is that the drivers i have used are from an old B&O television. (If you don't know B&O, they're a really high-end audio brand)
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/25/2022 4:23 PM
Yes, I know very well Bang&Olufsen, even if I never had that speakers! Great job!
Paul Bogaers
I also wondered beforehand how a plastic speaker housing was gonna sound, but then i realised practicly all bluetooth speakers have plastic housings and they can sound pretty great
It's less a question of the material itself, but more a question of thickness and density. The thicker the housing, the less frequencies pass where they shouldn't.
👏 1
Paul Bogaers
I just finished these speakers. The speaker housing is made out of Polypropylene and most of the other components (for example the drivers and bassport) are also repurposed from old and broken speakers
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/26/2022 2:48 PM
How thick are the sheets you used? Gonna try and make a set in my neck of the woods for my new office. 🙂
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/27/2022 11:31 AM
Here's a new one for me. Customer asked for different styles and samples and also wanted the backs routed so they can be cemented to the wall. Loving the tiles though. Gives me an idea for attaching these to aluminium railing.
😍 7
Paul Bogaers
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Hello Paul, this looks amazing, great job! May I ask you how did you attach the housing pieces together? Is it done out of cut plastic sheets?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Here's a new one for me. Customer asked for different styles and samples and also wanted the backs routed so they can be cemented to the wall. Loving the tiles though. Gives me an idea for attaching these to aluminium railing.
These are looking sick! love the variation and the centre ones are beautiful
11:41 AM
very interested to see how they turn out, especially with the cementing. Keep me updated would love to showcase on the socials 🙂
very interested to see how they turn out, especially with the cementing. Keep me updated would love to showcase on the socials 🙂
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/27/2022 12:08 PM
Will Do! I'm hoping they work and they order a bunch. Will post if/when they decide to proceed
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Will Do! I'm hoping they work and they order a bunch. Will post if/when they decide to proceed
yes fingers crossed! 🤞
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
How thick are the sheets you used? Gonna try and make a set in my neck of the woods for my new office. 🙂
Paul Bogaers 5/27/2022 3:36 PM
The sheets are about 5mm thick
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Here's a new one for me. Customer asked for different styles and samples and also wanted the backs routed so they can be cemented to the wall. Loving the tiles though. Gives me an idea for attaching these to aluminium railing.
Paul Bogaers 5/27/2022 3:37 PM
Very beautiful! I bet some restaurants or stores would love to cover their walls with them
Hello Paul, this looks amazing, great job! May I ask you how did you attach the housing pieces together? Is it done out of cut plastic sheets?
Paul Bogaers 5/27/2022 3:38 PM
Yes, exactly! I cut rest material into small strips that i heated up with a soldering iron to fuse the sheets together
Nice, thanks! Already wanted to try the soldering method, now I'm even more eager to see how it turns out
waterppk started a thread. 5/28/2022 12:02 AM
Upcycler_Simon 5/30/2022 3:26 PM
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OneArmy 4
PreciousPlastic 4
3:29 PM
Here are my 2 cup and 4 cup takeaway coffee carriers. They have been my most successful products so far. They are made from LDPE that are melted into sheets in a toaster oven before being cut up with my CNC router. (edited)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Alex_recycles and creates 5/30/2022 7:57 PM
Their are 2 guys in the UK that make that ? Did you buy it from them ?
Alex_recycles and creates
Their are 2 guys in the UK that make that ? Did you buy it from them ?
Upcycler_Simon 5/31/2022 12:19 AM
when Brothers Make released a video of a 2 cup tray that they made by hand I borrowed the idea and designed my 2 & 4 cup tray for the cnc. I think that the tray that they now make is done by injection (though I could be wrong)
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/31/2022 3:01 AM
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3:04 AM
Thanks @Paul Bogaers for inspiration. 1cm thick polypropylene sheets, 2 x 6.5" two way speakers, bluetooth enabled amplifier, mic inputs for a good time, also accepts rca audio in and SD cards.
OneArmy 5
❤️ 4
⚡ 3
Paul Bogaers 5/31/2022 8:37 AM
Nice! Great that my project is an inspiration for others 😄
Paul Bogaers
Nice! Great that my project is an inspiration for others 😄
Would be great to make a how-to 😋
Would be great to make a how-to 😋
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/31/2022 9:48 AM
If i had the proper setup in my workspace, i'd slot the sheets and slide the box material together without using screws as much as possible. Ah well.... maybe next time?
Would be great to make a how-to 😋
Paul Bogaers 5/31/2022 9:56 AM
For now graduating has priority. And maybe building a second pair
love seeing the community inspire others @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug & @Paul Bogaers 💪
❤️ 3
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 6/3/2022 2:06 PM
We have been hacking a lot around the control of the new extruder and we now have a satisfactory alternative to the solid state PID etc The current machine is run by a pizeroW of 1st generation that collects the data and regulate the heater voltage through micropython scripts and library. We control the conduction angle of the heater which allows to send only the exact right amount of energy to the extruder and to preserve your equipment. I remind that the standard design is a on-off switching control. The communication is made through wifi via MQTT to a server in the workshop. The server helps controlling and adjusting the parameters but the extruder is autonomous. The server is in Dash with a plotly GUI. All in all it is a serious energy saving and also a saving in terms of hardware, hoping to lower the building and running cost of the extruder V4. Somehow it sounds more low-tech to us (edited)
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Alex_recycles and creates 6/6/2022 9:18 PM
so their is black smith a person who works with metal a woodworker that works with wood and their is us. since we work with plastic what does that make us ??
Alex_recycles and creates 6/6/2022 11:09 PM
I mean what do we call our selves
Alex_recycles and creates
I mean what do we call our selves
Polymason 😆
🤣 1
We have been hacking a lot around the control of the new extruder and we now have a satisfactory alternative to the solid state PID etc The current machine is run by a pizeroW of 1st generation that collects the data and regulate the heater voltage through micropython scripts and library. We control the conduction angle of the heater which allows to send only the exact right amount of energy to the extruder and to preserve your equipment. I remind that the standard design is a on-off switching control. The communication is made through wifi via MQTT to a server in the workshop. The server helps controlling and adjusting the parameters but the extruder is autonomous. The server is in Dash with a plotly GUI. All in all it is a serious energy saving and also a saving in terms of hardware, hoping to lower the building and running cost of the extruder V4. Somehow it sounds more low-tech to us (edited)
Love that work a lot. Can't wait for an How-to guide guys, please if it will be let us know.
Gorgeous machine and people from Precious Plastic Torino (here @ Torino Maker Faire event). She is looking at the first 100% recycled plastic carabiner she has ever seen, made on the spot and donated as a reminder of the plastic pollution problem
🙌 3
♥️ 2
3:06 PM
Rocking in the news!
❤️ 1
Rocking in the news!
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/9/2022 3:09 PM
Always nice to get in the media. I'm sure they'll see more inquiries and business because of it. Also nice to get the awareness out. :)
🙌 1
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/9/2022 3:16 PM
And here's what I made for today. For some back story, I normally would make coasters in silicone moulds. They look nice but functionally, they sort of just hold the water from the condensation on the coaster which I'm not a big fan of. So I used my cnc machine on some sheets to do a pocket cut and slip in some laser cut cork. Came out nicely.
🤩 5
joeshredder 6/9/2022 3:45 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Youssef Erraji and my wife and partner Ahlam have been working really hard for the past 10 months. What we have achieved so far are these machines that we made from all recycled components, it was a fun and challenging experience inspired by Precious Plastic. We are currently making molds for extruded beams and buying plastic waste from our local scrapeyard stores when ever we can. To say no more, we are Precious Plastic Morocco and you can count us in your fight against pollution!
💪 2
PreciousPlastic 1
👍 1
Hello everyone, my name is Youssef Erraji and my wife and partner Ahlam have been working really hard for the past 10 months. What we have achieved so far are these machines that we made from all recycled components, it was a fun and challenging experience inspired by Precious Plastic. We are currently making molds for extruded beams and buying plastic waste from our local scrapeyard stores when ever we can. To say no more, we are Precious Plastic Morocco and you can count us in your fight against pollution!
what are you producing? which products?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/10/2022 7:44 AM
200 kilos of plastic arrived today. We are approaching half ton of plastic beams from the improved v4 extrusion machine. We was in hurry to get it running so it does not have the safety covers and looks Frankenstein like.
💪 2
7:46 AM
Maricel is building the fourth unit of this extrusion design series. 5hp, v4 extrusion screw, all moving and electric parts enclosed, and using belt/pulley instead of gear motor to reduce costs.
7:47 AM
Pete is building another granulator/shredder. Both of these machines were paid for by a grant from Rotary. They will be installed at a municipal waste facility on Tingloy Island in the Philippines.
7:49 AM
Christian is running the extrusion machine. It is using a 1.2 meter extrusion screw, and 3hp 3 phase motor. We do not have the mechanical stirrer in the feed hopper yet so he has to constantly watch the feeding of the plastic into the machine. Hopefully next week we can get that installed and make life easier.
👏 3
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Christian is running the extrusion machine. It is using a 1.2 meter extrusion screw, and 3hp 3 phase motor. We do not have the mechanical stirrer in the feed hopper yet so he has to constantly watch the feeding of the plastic into the machine. Hopefully next week we can get that installed and make life easier.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/10/2022 7:59 AM
ah so im not the only one with this problem
Butte (PP Philippines)
200 kilos of plastic arrived today. We are approaching half ton of plastic beams from the improved v4 extrusion machine. We was in hurry to get it running so it does not have the safety covers and looks Frankenstein like.
Great post, kudoz to you and the rest of the team, Butte!
1:00 AM
So what's your average RPMs for that stuff, .. ?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/12/2022 3:32 AM
Cnc'd moulds are expensive. Grinding on a steel plate is not. If you need a pattern on your surface of your extrusions, you can use a steel plate insert. Quick and dirty but it works.
🤙 2
3:35 AM
1st photo = Lines drawn on steel plate. 2nd photo = lines cut out of steel plate, not all the way through of course. 3rd photo = Results. Some ink from my pen that was on the steel plate transferred to the plastic but you do see a raised surface from where material was removed from the steel plate.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/12/2022 3:52 AM
The steel piece is inserted into an extrusion mould on one side. I haven't tried more than one side for this.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Cnc'd moulds are expensive. Grinding on a steel plate is not. If you need a pattern on your surface of your extrusions, you can use a steel plate insert. Quick and dirty but it works.
I like this style of working this out a lot, even if i own a CNC. I think patterns ofter are plus, and getting things done with simpler tools also is a plus, thanks for sharing
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Sheetpress workspace made out of sheets! So so cool! ♥PreciousPlastic (@Hugh&@Communication Contributor )
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Sheetpress workspace made out of sheets! So so cool! ♥PreciousPlastic (@Hugh&@Communication Contributor )
wow that's awesome!
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/16/2022 1:50 PM
@Kat @Joseph @Hugh Just FYI, those sheets were made by these folks : And they have a very interesting story too. I haven't visited them yet but I've contacted them. They use large ovens to make sheets and make different products from the sheets. They take the profits they make and use it to help people with diabetic wounds and people with missing limbs.
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
Sheetpress workspace made out of sheets! So so cool! ♥PreciousPlastic (@Hugh&@Communication Contributor )
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/16/2022 1:51 PM
1:53 PM
Many workspaces produce products for clients but clients dont aways give credit to the workspace. If you're a workspace, you should have an agreement to include your workspace in social media posts, otherwise you get left out of the limelight.
Thanks for the clarification @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 🙌
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Love that work a lot. Can't wait for an How-to guide guys, please if it will be let us know.
PlasticAtBay_Julien_NScotland 6/18/2022 4:37 PM
Everything will be documented, It is just difficult to find the time to make enough money to pay for developping this new machine on the side
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/22/2022 2:48 PM
Not sure where to post this. Just made this, I think several workspaces already have router tables. These are good for making profiles on sheets, routing joints, or rounding edges.
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@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug so good! Is that a plynth or something?
@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug so good! Is that a plynth or something?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/22/2022 3:43 PM
Not sure what a plynth is. I think the name for this is router table. A router is mounted underneath and exposes the router bit on the surface. This allows for some easy routing work. There's a lot of how to videos on how to build these but it's all with wood. So this is a little quick and dirty. I'll be putting this to work tomorrow.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Not sure what a plynth is. I think the name for this is router table. A router is mounted underneath and exposes the router bit on the surface. This allows for some easy routing work. There's a lot of how to videos on how to build these but it's all with wood. So this is a little quick and dirty. I'll be putting this to work tomorrow.
oh cool I get it now.. super!!
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/23/2022 3:20 AM
3:21 AM
3:21 AM
Ah, last photo is bad quality. But anyways, can use different bits to make different edge profiles. This was a 90 degree v bit.
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 7/7/2022 10:50 AM
I wish I made better photos but you can make sheets that have layers of color so when you CNC your sheets, you'll have an extra layer to be creative with.
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/7/2022 9:42 PM A mould we helped make for Brothers Make in the UK to create a lovely large bowl. Injected and in some places only 2mm thick 🙂 (edited)
From YouTube video to product! Today was our first day of testing our brand new bowl mould fromas part of an exciting collaboration with. This was our first (and only successful!) teat using HDPE. To get the consistency up, we’re going to switch to Polypropylene, using our stocks of recycled dvd cases from the awesome. Gotta love working with...
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Made From Many 7/13/2022 6:23 AM
After a ton of planning and work, we just launched our kickstarter for our line of recycled plastic jewelry. Please share and help fund the campaign. Thanks so much! (edited)
100% Recycled Plastic Jewelry
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Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 7/22/2022 12:44 AM
Beer faucet knobs. 100% HDPE from bottle caps and blow molded bottles, first pressed in cylindrical shape, then lathe machined.
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Alex_recycles and creates 7/24/2022 3:53 AM
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Bow made of recycled plastic
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❤️❤️❤️❤️ Just found this cool razor from Johanplasto
Sanftes Rasierset mit nachhaltigem Rasierhobel, 10 hochwertigen Klingen und einer Creme ohne Duft Was erwartet dich mit dem Razor Starterkit Cotton Candy: unscented? ✔ sichere und sanfte Rasur der Körperbehaarung✔ Inhalt: Rasierhobel, 10 Klingen und einer Creme ohne Duft✔ hochwertige Qualität aus Europa✔ nachhaltiger
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 8/1/2022 5:07 PM
New Product Launch - Make Your Own Sunglasses!⁠ ⁠ The Sustainable Design Studio has been working behind the scenes for the last two months on designing the moulds and methods to create sunglasses from recycled plastic! Now all the prototypes are finished and we are happy with the process we will be launching our moulds for sale THIS WEEK on our ...
5:08 PM
We just finished our mould design for our recycled sunglasses frames and started selling the mould on the PP Bazar.
Learn more about our latest mould release, and how you can get started creating sunglasses from plastic waste.
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Finally finished my automated stroke electric double barrel injection machine! 430gm capacity and let’s you mix multiple colours via the two barrels!
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Finally finished my automated stroke electric double barrel injection machine! 430gm capacity and let’s you mix multiple colours via the two barrels!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 8/2/2022 3:10 PM
Very nice, and uses a lead screw and stepper. Smart!
Finally finished my automated stroke electric double barrel injection machine! 430gm capacity and let’s you mix multiple colours via the two barrels!
WOW !!!
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Butte (PP Philippines) 8/3/2022 10:04 AM
made some plastic beam furniture today
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Finally finished my automated stroke electric double barrel injection machine! 430gm capacity and let’s you mix multiple colours via the two barrels!
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 8/18/2022 8:15 AM
Nice! And you can compress the moulds too?
8:17 AM
I think this might be appropriate for the showcase channel?
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Finally finished my automated stroke electric double barrel injection machine! 430gm capacity and let’s you mix multiple colours via the two barrels!
a "how to" on this would be really nice 😀
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Butte (PP Philippines)
made some plastic beam furniture today
Alex_recycles and creates 8/25/2022 2:39 AM
I watched one of your YouTube videos. It was on the shredder v3
Butte (PP Philippines)
made some plastic beam furniture today
Alex_recycles and creates 8/25/2022 2:40 AM
What was the ratio of gear box. And what is the motors electric input
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/27/2022 8:24 AM
its planting time again. Our compression mold pots in the long term testing. So far 2 years outdoors. good as new.
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Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 8/27/2022 8:27 AM
Hey Butte! Long time since I heard from you. Did you see I finally got a compression moulded brick?
Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
Hey Butte! Long time since I heard from you. Did you see I finally got a compression moulded brick?
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/27/2022 8:37 AM
no. pics? 😃
Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
I think this might be appropriate for the showcase channel?
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 8/27/2022 8:37 AM
Just above! And I published some details on the design here; (edited)
In early 2021 I decided that I was going to try to produce formwork (for poured structures such as concrete) out of recycled plastic bricks. This was in part because I'd heard that there's timber shortages, a crisis in plastic recycling, and I always wanted to figure out what to do with my waste 3D prints. In discussions with concreters and othe...
Making 5mm sheets with the injection machine 🥰 can make one in under 60 seconds and zero edge cleanup required
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Making 5mm sheets with the injection machine 🥰 can make one in under 60 seconds and zero edge cleanup required
Note how clean my hands are @Mattia 😉
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Making 5mm sheets with the injection machine 🥰 can make one in under 60 seconds and zero edge cleanup required
Alex_recycles and creates 8/29/2022 1:35 PM
Very nice
Making 5mm sheets with the injection machine 🥰 can make one in under 60 seconds and zero edge cleanup required
Precious Plastic Espírito Santo 8/29/2022 4:46 PM
which mold did you use?
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Hello, You may not be familiar with plastic recycling with solar thermal energy. Precious Plastic Best Machine Hack Award 2020 After two years of use, we were able to pass on our knowledge and make some plans for a larger scale production. Sun Factory's mission is to distribute and set up a production of plastic recycling using solar energy. To achieve its mission Sun Factory needs your help. This link gives you the opportunity to take part in the development of this wonderful project.
Hello! We are friends of solar-powered plastic recycling. A group of passionate engineers, natu… Marco needs your support for Spread Solar Plastic Recycling
Making 5mm sheets with the injection machine 🥰 can make one in under 60 seconds and zero edge cleanup required
Would you mind share dimensions and weight? thanks!
Would you mind share dimensions and weight? thanks!
Sure thing! They are A4 sheets (210x297mm and 3 or 5mm thick) weight is about 300gm Here's more details on the mould - I finally added it to Bazar
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Precious Plastic Espírito Santo
which mold did you use?
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/2/2022 7:15 AM
strong plant pots from our compression molder.
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Alex_recycles and creates 9/2/2022 7:29 PM
My next project is making a rectangular plant pot
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7:29 PM
I’m almost done with it
8:09 AM
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/8/2022 4:08 AM
more soap cases. We have made over 2000 in the last 12 months.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
more soap cases. We have made over 2000 in the last 12 months.
amazing @Butte (PP Philippines) what do you do with them? sell them? or b2b?
amazing @Butte (PP Philippines) what do you do with them? sell them? or b2b?
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/8/2022 6:02 AM
We make them for this cosmetic company.
Butte (PP Philippines)
We make them for this cosmetic company.
nice one! amazing job 💫
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/8/2022 6:03 AM
6:04 AM
Molding is not as high profit as machine building but it is more steady small orders that keep the lights on.
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and I am guessing an easy job for some interns
and I am guessing an easy job for some interns
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/8/2022 6:15 AM
actually full time job for a new graduate engineer. 🙂
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/8/2022 8:28 AM
We had some un-sold manual injection molder frames that have been in the shop a long time, so we converted them to bottle and can crushers for the upcoming Sept 17 International Coastal cleanup. Coke sponsored the build.
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8:28 AM
we also built these can and bottle crushers, converting surplus Australian 5 ton log splitters.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/9/2022 4:16 AM
refining our plastic lumber process. Slowly earning and building up to greater volumes. this is the first batch we used a wood surface plane to make smooth the finish. We found that the wood plane needs to run at a lower speed than wood to prevent melting of the plastic.
OneArmy 5
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 9/14/2022 6:19 AM
You're on fire at the moment!
tomi.machuca 9/14/2022 7:31 AM
hi, i'm tomi, founder of fenikss, an impact project in which we transform the plastic waste collected in soccer clubs, located in marginalized neighborhoods, into soccer shin guards, and for every pair we sell, we give another one as a prize to its players for caring environment
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hi, i'm tomi, founder of fenikss, an impact project in which we transform the plastic waste collected in soccer clubs, located in marginalized neighborhoods, into soccer shin guards, and for every pair we sell, we give another one as a prize to its players for caring environment
Wow this is so siiiick sport is massive and should be recycled ✌️
Wow this is so siiiick sport is massive and should be recycled ✌️
tomi.machuca 9/14/2022 9:00 PM
yes, the idea is to leverage the sense of belonging that is generated in the clubs so that more and more people take responsible action
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yes, the idea is to leverage the sense of belonging that is generated in the clubs so that more and more people take responsible action
That is simply great thinking! i love sport and i am researching about products to design and make with my newbuilt injection machine. This one is an enormous inspiration. Also i live in a territory which is rich with soccer schools, lots of teams... can't wait to implement something
That is simply great thinking! i love sport and i am researching about products to design and make with my newbuilt injection machine. This one is an enormous inspiration. Also i live in a territory which is rich with soccer schools, lots of teams... can't wait to implement something
tomi.machuca 9/15/2022 9:23 PM
I would like conect to think create a collaboration
Gave my shredder a paint job
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Gave my shredder a paint job
Alex_recycles and creates 9/17/2022 8:22 PM
Alex_recycles and creates 9/18/2022 6:02 PM
My first rectangular plant pot is made this is a prototype. This is made from recycled HDPE (edited)
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/19/2022 9:08 AM
Pictures from the 2022 International coastal cleanup at Subic Bay Free trade zone in the Philippines. Precious Plastic Philippines in partnership with Coke and the Subic Lighthouse Foundation cleaned up several tons of plastic waste on the beach. We sorted, washed and made plastic lumber on the beach at the same time as well as demonstrated making plastic injection molding. We even had Miss Earth 2017 attend. 🙂 Despite the heavy rain it was a smashing success. Pictured is secondary sort at the Precious Plastic Philippines shop of the beach plastic, and primary sort on the beach. Last picture is one of the Aeta indigenous people chieftains (black pants curly hair) The lighthouse foundation is in the process of putting together a Precious Plastic factory for the Aeta people to make plastic lumber and other items at their newly completed workshop space inside Subic. (edited)
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Hey everyone! During the past 2 years, with Precious Plastic's resources and inspiration, I have been working on creating the first reusable water bottle made from 100% recycled plastic. This week we launched the Reef Bottle, made from 100% recycled plastic and all-natural bamboo! This never would've happened without Precious Plastic resources and I hope you all like the design! (edited)
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 9/23/2022 3:44 AM
Here's a case of "Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should" Heres coconut Husk with mixed plastics.
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3:45 AM
I feel like it needs to be shaved
Hahaha, that is delightfully unsettling
Recyclverse 9/26/2022 2:10 AM
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/27/2022 7:17 AM
Refining our plastic lumber skills. Producing over 1 ton per month now. Last week we finally got a commercial wood planer machine to smooth the edges of the boards. All the shavings are collected and re-used. This batch is local collected bottle caps and ocean plastic we collected from the International Coastal Cleanup on Sept 17, 2022
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Refining our plastic lumber skills. Producing over 1 ton per month now. Last week we finally got a commercial wood planer machine to smooth the edges of the boards. All the shavings are collected and re-used. This batch is local collected bottle caps and ocean plastic we collected from the International Coastal Cleanup on Sept 17, 2022
nice @Butte (PP Philippines) !
Butte (PP Philippines)
Refining our plastic lumber skills. Producing over 1 ton per month now. Last week we finally got a commercial wood planer machine to smooth the edges of the boards. All the shavings are collected and re-used. This batch is local collected bottle caps and ocean plastic we collected from the International Coastal Cleanup on Sept 17, 2022
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 9/27/2022 3:06 PM
Hey Butte have you considered adding in some pigment to liven things up?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Hey Butte have you considered adding in some pigment to liven things up?
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/28/2022 5:50 AM
i can not get contact of local master batch color pigment supply
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/28/2022 7:43 AM
20 hours of work on our v4 PH extrusion machine. (edited)
PreciousPlastic 4
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Just beautiful!
8:29 AM
How did you distribute those hours for the machine?
Just beautiful!
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/28/2022 9:38 AM
20 hours of extrusion. one man shredding, running the wood plane, and the other monitoring the machine, changing the molds. monday morning to wednesday afternoon. 2.5 work days.
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 9/28/2022 10:28 AM
Ha, that looks like miniature plastic lumber.
10:28 AM
But that's actually pretty decent production.
10:28 AM
Are you paying for your source materials?
10:29 AM
Oh and how much is your extrusion machine going for?
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/28/2022 10:33 AM
3800usd for the extrusion machine.
10:34 AM
i buy the plastics for 0.48 usd per kilo current price plus some donated ocean plastics.
10:36 AM
it is 2x4 wood size 28 inches long. we extrude the boards about 6 feet long, chop them into pieces with the miter saw, wood plane, and when we have enough they will be assembled into sand boxes that have 40 kilos of plastic each. they should last decades.
This is my Noztek Filament system, used to extrude rPET filament from food grade pellets that we produce from PET bottles It's not a perfect system and I had to modify quite a bit to make it suitable for PET but now it works nice enough I've also been attempting to buy a pellet extruder printhead but that has been quite a story that makes a company that had been discussed here previously look very bad.
do you have more info about your machine? I am really interested in producing 3d printing filaments from PET bottles
I wanted to show some furniture we made last year with the sheets from Smileplastic!
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Butte (PP Philippines) 10/8/2022 8:52 AM
color samples injection molded boxes
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Joblin#9607 10/8/2022 8:38 PM
Using PLA waste to upcycle existing waste. Tubes are from a local smoke shop. (edited)
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CitSciWorkshop 10/8/2022 11:26 PM
@Joblin#9607 love these. Are you planning on listing them?
@Joblin#9607 love these. Are you planning on listing them?
Joblin#9607 10/9/2022 4:16 AM
Thank you! Not planning to list them at the moment, I need to improve on consistency first. Injection machine should help with that 🙂 (edited)
DisruptivelyUseful 10/10/2022 7:56 PM
Just finished my submission video for the 2022 Hackaday Prize for the Trash Printer Verson 3! It's finally at a point where other people can build it! You can find the full documentation at: (edited)
The Trash Printer is an open-source large-format 3D printer that can print new and useful things directly out of shredded plastic trash. Polypropylene (#5) works best, but I've also printed with HDPE and LDPE (#2 and #4) Together, these common plastics make up over 50% of all household plastic waste! The parts aren't as detailed as typical 3D p...
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Butte (PP Philippines) 10/20/2022 5:00 AM
1.1 million views for a Tagalog video about Precious Plastic Philippines. 🙂 Coke Philippines told us if we get a million views they will fund more of our projects, so here we are 🙂 (edited)
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Butte (PP Philippines)
1.1 million views for a Tagalog video about Precious Plastic Philippines. 🙂 Coke Philippines told us if we get a million views they will fund more of our projects, so here we are 🙂 (edited)
nice one @Butte (PP Philippines) ❤️❤️❤️ hope pp was mentioned 🤪
nice one @Butte (PP Philippines) ❤️❤️❤️ hope pp was mentioned 🤪
Butte (PP Philippines) 10/20/2022 6:42 AM
of course
PreciousPlastic 2
Butte (PP Philippines)
1.1 million views for a Tagalog video about Precious Plastic Philippines. 🙂 Coke Philippines told us if we get a million views they will fund more of our projects, so here we are 🙂 (edited)
thatcanadiangirl (Véro) 10/20/2022 9:47 AM
Good work 😄
Butte (PP Philippines)
1.1 million views for a Tagalog video about Precious Plastic Philippines. 🙂 Coke Philippines told us if we get a million views they will fund more of our projects, so here we are 🙂 (edited)
give us a link to the video please
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Alex_recycles and creates 10/24/2022 4:33 PM
I made another shelf from recycled HDPE the length is twice the size from the first one (edited)
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Kieran - Revive Innovations 10/26/2022 3:22 PM
Hi everyone, I am the founder of Revive - we are based in Bristol and have been making recycled materials, furnitures, bespoke designs and small products for 3 years now. We are currently working mostly with recycled CDs and DVDs here are some product examples & a link to our instagram!
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I wanted to show some furniture we made last year with the sheets from Smileplastic!
these are beautiful! could you send me a link to your website or socials? 🙂
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/2/2022 9:14 AM
Alon & Araw v.2: This environmental entrepreneur, Donn Quintos, didn't stop at teaching kids to surf, in exchange for trash. He levelled up to teaching them to use computers and gadgets in exchange for trash. (The equipment were not on display when we came.) He also showed us his planned expansion for his little computer school (not in photos) for the kids of poor fishermen. He was able to receive financial support, and looking forward to more grants, and working with the local government to expand his program. It is amazing how in only two years, he and his wife were able to inspire a village and help them in so many ways through waste recovery and recycling. Check out their website. Coke Philippines has provided the first tranche of funding to build a full Precious Plastic Mini factory with a shredder and plastic lumber machine.
Alon and Araw is a registered non-profit in a coastal town in the Philippines whose mission is to create sustainable solutions for the holistic development of children with a focus on surfing.
9:18 AM
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/4/2022 1:31 AM
We started to source plastic from the local government MRF instead of the junk shops that have a limited supply for us. Photos from our visit. We sourced 300 kilos of PP films and HDPE bottle caps yesterday at a cost of around 45USD. No one here recycles plastic films and they are either sent to the landfill or they go to Cemex to be burned and traded for bags of cement. Consequently the PP film plastic are only 5 peso per kilo.
1:32 AM
1:32 AM
1:34 AM
these film plastics are rejects from a local snack food company. we have been asked if we can accept 2-3 dumptruck loads per month from this company. Assuming we can extrude this plastic in a productive fashion, We can make a lot of lumber and eco pots with it.
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PreciousPlastic 1
That's awesome!
Butte (PP Philippines)
these film plastics are rejects from a local snack food company. we have been asked if we can accept 2-3 dumptruck loads per month from this company. Assuming we can extrude this plastic in a productive fashion, We can make a lot of lumber and eco pots with it.
How are you bulking the films to extrude/shred/process them? I thought the issue with films was they clog the shredders and have lots of air in them so they're hard to process
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/6/2022 5:18 AM
I use a dust collector to suck the plastic thru the machine
5:18 AM
and a crammer to force the thin stuff into the extrusion screw
5:19 AM
the the moment is just a stir paddle, but it will get replaced with a piston when I get time to build it
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Butte (PP Philippines) 11/7/2022 8:44 AM
running some HDPE lumber using the pigment idea from @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug we shredded and put the pigment in the granulator while shredding so as to get the pigment a very even coat and stick well to the flake. Even so we do have a hard time getting a consistent color over a couple hundred boards. Black is the easiest to achieve consistently and we prob will abandon any other color except black unless we charge a hefty surcharge for the hassle.
8:46 AM
the steam bubbles we will fill in with molten plastic before running everything thru the wood plane. this batch will require approximate 500 kilos of plastic bottle caps and 5 kilos of red oxide pigment.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
running some HDPE lumber using the pigment idea from @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug we shredded and put the pigment in the granulator while shredding so as to get the pigment a very even coat and stick well to the flake. Even so we do have a hard time getting a consistent color over a couple hundred boards. Black is the easiest to achieve consistently and we prob will abandon any other color except black unless we charge a hefty surcharge for the hassle.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/7/2022 3:16 PM
For better consistency you'd have to extrude as filament, shred, and then extrude again. I've done this for making black plastic but it's a bit time consuming. I think your results look great, but i suppose it depends on how picky the customer is. 🙂
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
For better consistency you'd have to extrude as filament, shred, and then extrude again. I've done this for making black plastic but it's a bit time consuming. I think your results look great, but i suppose it depends on how picky the customer is. 🙂
Wait? What
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/7/2022 11:40 PM
For a color that is more consistent, you can extrude the plastic with pigment as a filament first, shred the results, and then extrude again but into a beam mould.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
For a color that is more consistent, you can extrude the plastic with pigment as a filament first, shred the results, and then extrude again but into a beam mould.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/8/2022 1:06 AM
he is correct, although i do not have capability for filament right now
Butte (PP Philippines)
he is correct, although i do not have capability for filament right now
I don't think it needs to be extruded to filament, I think the key is doing a double shred/melt cycle to homogenize the pigment throughout the plastic
Butte (PP Philippines)
he is correct, although i do not have capability for filament right now
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/8/2022 2:17 AM
well by filament i dont mean anything consistant, although now that i think about it, you could just run one of your extrusion machines and see what happens if you extrude it to another extrusion machine hopper. that would save you from the extra shredding step haha
This year, the 2022 Hackaday Prize challenged hackers and makers in the open source community to develop projects which evoked the concepts of Sustainability, Resiliency, and Circularity — id…
The project has set the goal of developing a micro factory with built-in capabilities for plastic recycling. In the sense of throwing in plastic waste at one end and getting out a new product at the other end. The core of this micro factory is the Bloft Mk2 large format 3D-printer which accepts plastic flakes (but also plastic pellets) as printi...
We demonstrate a functional machine that can produce 3D printer filament from discarded water bottles. The machine is designed for community centers where it will serve two key purposes: recycling plastic waste and producing 3D printer filament at extremely low costs. Initial versions of the machine will be deployed at various community makersp...
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Martin PP Slovakia 11/10/2022 6:50 PM
#winteriscoming Just wanted to share with you, our elegant product for winter, made with steel CNC-milled mould. With aluminium, it wouldnt be possible, from long-term use of the mould, to keep little pin, that is making hole on snowflake for hanging 🙂
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A company I know is testing a Blockchain tracing system. They will try to find companies to buy green activities.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/17/2022 1:49 AM Precious Plastic Philippines on the local television kids show. Our plastic lumber, eco pots, soap cases, and door knobs shown.
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marjanzitnik 11/17/2022 9:12 AM
First post here, hi all from Dubrovnik, Croatia! 👋 Completely restored and redesigned my shredder. More machines coming up! 🙂
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First post here, hi all from Dubrovnik, Croatia! 👋 Completely restored and redesigned my shredder. More machines coming up! 🙂
Make sure to add yourself to the map ❤️🤙
🫶 3
Make sure to add yourself to the map ❤️🤙
marjanzitnik 11/18/2022 11:54 AM
Will do, posting extruder photos now! Thanks! 🙂
11:55 AM
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/22/2022 9:18 AM
My first stool. Probably not the last either.
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Hi guys! Has anyone ever tried using a heat press (they are used to transfer prints on t-shirts) to make sheets? For example something like this: We're not sure if both sides are heated and if it works in general.
@Susantenhoeve We worked quite a lot with that, i would only recommend it if you cannot afford an oven + small coldpress for sheetpressing, because most of the results we were getting were bad due to lack of pressure. We got way better results with a coldpress system and a 1ton carjack for 30x30cm sheets
Hey I m interested in this topic, would you like to share a bit of your experience about it?
marjanzitnik 11/24/2022 12:15 AM
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12:16 AM
Made Jenga yesterday while testing new circular jigsaw.
Click to see attachment 🖼️
How did you do that
5:39 PM
5:39 PM
marjanzitnik 11/24/2022 6:43 PM
I have no idea 😂 happens when you put another color. probably the way melted plastic is flowing through mold.
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 11/24/2022 6:59 PM
The plastic cools down in the edges first so the new material starts flowing through the warmer inner part
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Precious Plastic Espírito Santo 11/24/2022 9:46 PM
Clima de Copa do Mundo, BORA BRASIL! Porta copo Eco Hexagonal para o HEXA!
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/25/2022 6:10 AM We designed a new type of brick. loosely based on the conceptos plasticos block.
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/25/2022 6:32 AM
Butte (PP Philippines) 11/25/2022 6:46 AM
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Alex_recycles and creates 11/27/2022 5:13 PM
nice work
FullCycle_Jeff (BC) 11/27/2022 7:20 PM
Hey all!👋🏻 Our new workspace is up & running! It's in a 30 ft camper trailer parked in our driveway in Richmond, British Columbia, and it's working out fabulously! Here's a look:
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7:20 PM
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Hey I m interested in this topic, would you like to share a bit of your experience about it?
Martin PP Slovakia 11/28/2022 9:18 PM
Hi, we have tested T-shirt press, and came to conclusions its NOT suitable for sheet pressing. Maybe it was just our case, but our sheet press was heating only one plate (from two) therefore sheet was melted unevenly, so result was far from good. also pressing force, was not directed in a good way. So we prefer mould+oven+ cold pres.. for more optimal results. in case of A4 clipboards for example, and its working very good with oven. Oven is providing oprimal heat source, from all sides. In comparison with T-shirt press, its coming just from one side (alteast in our case of T-shir press) Conclusion: NO 😄
Martin PP Slovakia
Hi, we have tested T-shirt press, and came to conclusions its NOT suitable for sheet pressing. Maybe it was just our case, but our sheet press was heating only one plate (from two) therefore sheet was melted unevenly, so result was far from good. also pressing force, was not directed in a good way. So we prefer mould+oven+ cold pres.. for more optimal results. in case of A4 clipboards for example, and its working very good with oven. Oven is providing oprimal heat source, from all sides. In comparison with T-shirt press, its coming just from one side (alteast in our case of T-shir press) Conclusion: NO 😄
the conclusion is similar to mine, but in another hands, for a exhibition and teachings is a cheap and mobile option. I m using PS and I quite like the result. Still didnt cut or done anything with the boards. about this I can report soon. Thanks fro sharing!
Martin PP Slovakia
Hi, we have tested T-shirt press, and came to conclusions its NOT suitable for sheet pressing. Maybe it was just our case, but our sheet press was heating only one plate (from two) therefore sheet was melted unevenly, so result was far from good. also pressing force, was not directed in a good way. So we prefer mould+oven+ cold pres.. for more optimal results. in case of A4 clipboards for example, and its working very good with oven. Oven is providing oprimal heat source, from all sides. In comparison with T-shirt press, its coming just from one side (alteast in our case of T-shir press) Conclusion: NO 😄
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/29/2022 10:49 AM
i used a tshirt press that worked fine for 3mm sheets. The mould i had was oversized for the press too, but i would just move the plastic and mould around so it would heat up everywhere. I would even remove the mould and plastic from the tshirt press, flip it upside down and put it back in. no problem. Is it the best way? It worked fine for what I was doing and didnt require any modifications. All depends on your learning curve...sometimes we luck out and get good results early and dont have to have a long struggle with failures.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 12/1/2022 11:20 AM
we finally built racks for out plastic lumber production. not quite finished yet, but we got mostly done
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marjanzitnik 12/1/2022 2:57 PM
Some Christmas ideas!
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Precious Plastic Espírito Santo 12/1/2022 7:46 PM
Some Christmas ideas!
That’s cool
Butte (PP Philippines) 12/2/2022 2:58 AM
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Alex_recycles and creates 12/2/2022 7:07 PM
Made more plates today
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aleksandarmasic92 12/3/2022 11:48 AM
our first HDPE bench
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our first HDPE bench
marjanzitnik 12/3/2022 12:47 PM
Looks really cool! aesthetically I would like to see 3 beams for the back instead 2.
Looks really cool! aesthetically I would like to see 3 beams for the back instead 2.
aleksandarmasic92 12/3/2022 1:04 PM
thanx marjan, yep u re right about that... next we ll try with pp
marjanzitnik 12/6/2022 1:10 PM
We did a Christmas workshop with kids and teach them to use extrusion machine:
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Some Christmas ideas!
Raul Andromines 12/7/2022 5:31 PM
So nice! Congrats1
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Alex_recycles and creates 12/7/2022 5:43 PM
A rectangular plant pot made from HDPE with red, orange and yellow on the floor and white on the sides.
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Alex_recycles and creates
A rectangular plant pot made from HDPE with red, orange and yellow on the floor and white on the sides.
marjanzitnik 12/7/2022 9:25 PM
Awesome, love it! 😮
marjanzitnik 12/14/2022 5:31 PM
A5 paper holder stand (for hotel client) from small beams and plexi.
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Chad_LawtonLighthouse 12/18/2022 5:23 AM
5:23 AM
Starting our recycling today! These are all the prototypes of our products I kept overtime. Off to sorting petg from pla
Chad_LawtonLighthouse 12/18/2022 11:09 AM
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Butte (PP Philippines) 12/21/2022 1:59 AM
made by our Illos Sur, Philippines group. they have been our most active builders using the plastic lumber so far. It looks like there will be another mini factory going to that area soon.
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2:01 AM
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5:09 PM
post and earn - just another strategy for Army of One
Jolly LaMa
post and earn - just another strategy for Army of One
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 1/17/2023 9:33 AM
what kind of spam is this?
Something I made -- it's HDPE pill bottles shredded with the labels on, melted and compressed into a rough cylindrical blank, and then turned on a lathe to make a small vessel, possibly a succulent planter? And of course all the turning shavings were swept up to make another blank.
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Oscar Cornejo 1/18/2023 5:41 AM
80% of HDPE plastic banano’s bags + 20% of rise husk 🙂
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Butte (PP Philippines) 1/19/2023 1:10 AM
green is old plastic school chairs, the remaining is soda bottle caps. instagram nice pics coming in a few days, once I got time to take it to the park for some pics.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 1/20/2023 8:39 AM
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@Butte (PP Philippines) how-to how-to how-to 😁
@Butte (PP Philippines) how-to how-to how-to 😁
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/22/2023 6:34 AM
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6:39 AM
we adapted it for 2x4 plastic lumber and the top is 1x2 plastic lumber, we used black drywall screws, and we counter sink/pre drill for the screws. We also used lock washer on the bolts, and the ends of the table top are tied together underneath with a cross piece of 1x2 board attached with screws from the bottom. Overall it took 2 people about 8 working hours to assemble as it was out first try. We used a miter saw, and cordless drill for the tools, We did smooth a couple boards with the wood plane as they had rust stain from the mold in the plastic.
6:40 AM
We had a 70kg person stand on the table top without problem. seats 6 adults or 8 children.
Butte (PP Philippines)
we adapted it for 2x4 plastic lumber and the top is 1x2 plastic lumber, we used black drywall screws, and we counter sink/pre drill for the screws. We also used lock washer on the bolts, and the ends of the table top are tied together underneath with a cross piece of 1x2 board attached with screws from the bottom. Overall it took 2 people about 8 working hours to assemble as it was out first try. We used a miter saw, and cordless drill for the tools, We did smooth a couple boards with the wood plane as they had rust stain from the mold in the plastic.
The black oxide coated drywall screws won't last very well outdoors, if you can use clear zinc coated (silver) they'll resist rust for many more years
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/25/2023 3:15 AM
3:16 AM
made some more furniture
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tomi.machuca 1/28/2023 9:11 AM
I discovered precious plastic for 2021 and it really allowed me to open many doors in my life. Hello community, today I want to tell you something that I am very proud of. All of us who are part of this community know how difficult it is to move from the theory of recycling to action and even more so, to achieve success. In my case, there were some slightly heavier difficulties. I was born and raised in a deprived neighborhood, in Rosario, Argentina (the city of the champion Leo Messi). But still, I was able to found Fenikks. At fenikks we transform plastic waste collected in neighborhood clubs into soccer shinguards. We apply a model one for one, in which for each pair sold, we reward each footballer with another for taking responsible action with the environment So how I tell you my story, I decided to do it through instagram and linkedin, and the video reached almost 4 million views between both networks, which gave us great positioning and opened up many possibilities. Really precious plastic is part of this I share it simply because perhaps there is someone reading doubting whether to start in this world. It really is worth it, I tell you that I started with more doubts than certainties I leave the video so you can support it @Mattia It would be great to publish it in English in collaboration with @realpreciousplastic (edited)
OneArmy 10
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I discovered precious plastic for 2021 and it really allowed me to open many doors in my life. Hello community, today I want to tell you something that I am very proud of. All of us who are part of this community know how difficult it is to move from the theory of recycling to action and even more so, to achieve success. In my case, there were some slightly heavier difficulties. I was born and raised in a deprived neighborhood, in Rosario, Argentina (the city of the champion Leo Messi). But still, I was able to found Fenikks. At fenikks we transform plastic waste collected in neighborhood clubs into soccer shinguards. We apply a model one for one, in which for each pair sold, we reward each footballer with another for taking responsible action with the environment So how I tell you my story, I decided to do it through instagram and linkedin, and the video reached almost 4 million views between both networks, which gave us great positioning and opened up many possibilities. Really precious plastic is part of this I share it simply because perhaps there is someone reading doubting whether to start in this world. It really is worth it, I tell you that I started with more doubts than certainties I leave the video so you can support it @Mattia It would be great to publish it in English in collaboration with @realpreciousplastic (edited)
this could be a beautiful how-to! @tomi.machuca let me know if you are interested! i can help with any translations needed 😉 @valerine Can help with the how to🙌 (edited)
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I discovered precious plastic for 2021 and it really allowed me to open many doors in my life. Hello community, today I want to tell you something that I am very proud of. All of us who are part of this community know how difficult it is to move from the theory of recycling to action and even more so, to achieve success. In my case, there were some slightly heavier difficulties. I was born and raised in a deprived neighborhood, in Rosario, Argentina (the city of the champion Leo Messi). But still, I was able to found Fenikks. At fenikks we transform plastic waste collected in neighborhood clubs into soccer shinguards. We apply a model one for one, in which for each pair sold, we reward each footballer with another for taking responsible action with the environment So how I tell you my story, I decided to do it through instagram and linkedin, and the video reached almost 4 million views between both networks, which gave us great positioning and opened up many possibilities. Really precious plastic is part of this I share it simply because perhaps there is someone reading doubting whether to start in this world. It really is worth it, I tell you that I started with more doubts than certainties I leave the video so you can support it @Mattia It would be great to publish it in English in collaboration with @realpreciousplastic (edited)
Hey tomas! What an amazing project. I remember seeing your shinguards on IG and was very impressed. I am glad your project came to fruition ♥️ Would love to learn more about it and how we can support you further! Moving forward in 2023 we'll try to reward people sharing their knowledge and contributing to open source so as @Carolina was mentioning it would be great to help you create a how-to guide so more people can replicate the shinguards all around the world 🌎
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/1/2023 7:52 AM
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7:53 AM
7:53 AM
PP dog house. Next up, when funds allow, is to make a full size office, 8x8feet.
JohnNephew 2/9/2023 3:13 PM
Gaming dice! Our eight-sided dice injection molded from recycled polypropylene.
disco_usidore 4
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 2/9/2023 5:30 PM
Dusted off my block moulds and fixed some busted welds. I hope the triple one extrudes without fuss...will find out tomorrow.
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@Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug amazing Ben!
Gaming dice! Our eight-sided dice injection molded from recycled polypropylene.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/13/2023 3:59 PM
Nice, how did you do the numbers?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Nice, how did you do the numbers?
We had the mold machined by a place in China that was able to CNC the debossed numbers. (I think it takes something like a five-axis CNC or something exotic like that, to come at the faces at an angle around the numerals.) The ones in that picture are simply filled with latex paint, which does not adhere well at all to PP, so we've switched to permanent marker (especially metallics work nicely). Ink inside the numbers, then sand the flat surface to get rid of the inks that go outside the debossing. (edited)
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/13/2023 11:40 PM
@JohnNephew Nice work, look great!
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
marjanzitnik 2/15/2023 9:30 AM
Looks amazing! What tool do you use to cut the beams? @Butte (PP Philippines) (edited)
Looks amazing! What tool do you use to cut the beams? @Butte (PP Philippines) (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/15/2023 11:34 PM
mitre saw
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Butte (PP Philippines) 2/18/2023 5:53 AM
Demo day at PP Philippines was a success, 31 person attended, and we have a new full Precious Plastic workspace in Legazpi City, Philippines to set up. extrusion, compression molder, and shredder, plus training.
🥳 5
Butte (PP Philippines)
Demo day at PP Philippines was a success, 31 person attended, and we have a new full Precious Plastic workspace in Legazpi City, Philippines to set up. extrusion, compression molder, and shredder, plus training.
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/20/2023 6:51 AM
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Butte (PP Philippines)
green is old plastic school chairs, the remaining is soda bottle caps. instagram nice pics coming in a few days, once I got time to take it to the park for some pics.
Oscar Cornejo 2/22/2023 4:08 AM
I’ve made my chairs from banana’s plastic bags, that’s why I kept the colour, if you build furniture with just bottle caps it means you really don’t have a large scale production. In my area before I started there were between 27 000 000 to 36 000 000kg that used to be burned with my project I’ve re used 1 200 000kg just this year hope I will reach 10 k tons 🙂
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/22/2023 4:46 AM
im only averaging a ton a month or so right now. i started out with no money and am slowly earning and building my shop. also covid lockdowns here pretty much made me lose 2 years of my life. We had the worlds longest continuous lockdown, even longer than china. 😦
Gaming dice! Our eight-sided dice injection molded from recycled polypropylene.
congrats its look amazing, can you please share the mold? or the way you build it???? it could be great to replicate in Argentina!
This mold is designed to fit a PIM-shooter 150A injection molder ( that we bought used. We commissioned a machine shop to design it and mill an initial simple octahedron without numbers. He also designed a 3D model that included the numbers, but we had to go searching for a shop capable of CNC milling those angles. We ultimately found a place in China via Etsy that could do it. Something like a 5-axis CNC? Then we had to have a staff person learn how to convert the STL model into a STEP file that the machine shop required for the CNC work. We spent maybe $800 total on the design and first aluminmum mold (no numbers); then the Chinese aluminum mold was $230 (plus shipping), not counting our employee's time in doing the STL/STEP conversion (which was really an investment in how-to knowledge for us). Not sure if we'll sell enough dice to recoup the investment! But the important thing was to demonstrate it can be done, and to learn what we did by going through the process from concept through dice I was selling at a game convention this past weekend (it was our #1 item at Con of the North) . It's one thing to ask people "would you like to buy recycled gaming products?" (anyone can say "sure!"); another to ask "Will you hand me that cash in your wallet for this item in my hand?"
LNS Technologies Low Cost Affordable Economy Benchtop Plastic Injection Molding Machines and Supplies, Model 150A
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10:14 PM
We're not going to share this mold, since it is designed with our replay workshop trademark/logo (like my avatar) in place of the number 8, but I have the impression that the basic shape is not unduly difficult to make in 3D modeling software. Also, you would want to design a mold that works with a larger Precious Plastics injector. (Our little benchtop model has an 18g maximum shot; our mold makes just two dice at a time.) But we are intending to work on more molds and different polyhedral dice. We are also interested in collaborating with any PP workspaces who have tabletop game-related products, since we have sales/distribution/logistics capacity to specialty game stores and consumers worldwide.
🔥 1
I think more than likely people here are interested in seeing how the mould physically looks, getting the die to release from the mould is part of the trick so seeing the geometry/where it's injected is part of the magic
I think more than likely people here are interested in seeing how the mould physically looks, getting the die to release from the mould is part of the trick so seeing the geometry/where it's injected is part of the magic
Just looking for a pic on my phone...
OneArmy 2
10:17 PM
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cool, so that could be done on a traditional 3 axis CNC and probably a fiber laser engraver to etch the faces
Alex_recycles and creates 2/22/2023 10:18 PM
metal mods have to be pre heated and sprayed with a silicone release spray before you can work with it
This is the way it came from the machine shop. Our guy who did the conversion from STL to STEP did not nearly do the sprue/gate stuff big enough; I used the mini-mill to cut proper channels.
10:22 PM
We chose the octahedron because it has that flat plane interface between two pyramids, which simplified things. It can help to pre-heat and apply silicone, but we don't always do that. There are a bunch of things I would revise on this mold -- I thought it was a good idea to have the plastic come through a vertex at the end of the die rather than in the middle of two intersecting faces, but I think that actually does not work as well (or is a bit more work to clean up, surprisingly). I will see if I can get a pic of version 1, which was made last summer by the guy who designed the model for us (and who had more knowledge and experience of actually making molds):
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OK, apparently I have no photo of the older mold, sorry. Ah well.
cool, so that could be done on a traditional 3 axis CNC and probably a fiber laser engraver to etch the faces
Intriguing idea! I do not have any experience with fiber laser engravers.
10:36 PM
More dice pics tho!
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10:39 PM
For coloring the numbers, I am using metallic permanent markers and paint markers to fill; then cleaning up with a cotton swab and a little d-limonene. I have also been putting some of them in a little rock tumbler.
Intriguing idea! I do not have any experience with fiber laser engravers.
We've been able to etch very deeply, going to use it to make stamps to mark plastics with
👀 3
We've been able to etch very deeply, going to use it to make stamps to mark plastics with
Butte (PP Philippines) 2/23/2023 12:10 AM
i used to sell fiber laser markers as a side business. for a fiber maker to make molds with you really need 50 watts. the smaller power lasers will not get the job done.
👍 1
Butte (PP Philippines)
i used to sell fiber laser markers as a side business. for a fiber maker to make molds with you really need 50 watts. the smaller power lasers will not get the job done.
Gotcha, I guess we're lucky we bought a 50W one 🙂 I've been able to cut through 1.5mm stainless/aluminum by raster etching a couple hundred times
cool, so that could be done on a traditional 3 axis CNC and probably a fiber laser engraver to etch the faces
maybe you can etch with masked mold and ferric chlorure too
Gaming dices have been on my product todo list since a while now. so glad to see the concept realized with such beautiful results
maybe you can etch with masked mold and ferric chlorure too
I did try hand-carving faces on some of the first (blank) iteration, but that was certainly time consuming!
blastic started a thread. 2/23/2023 6:13 PM
Hellau 🙂 Wanted to share some really cool stuff that we made here on Lamu Island (Kenya) with The Flipflopi Project (the other project I've been involved in alongside Precious Plastic - they go hand in hand 🤝 ). Lamu is known for it's traditional furniture and dhows (boats), so that's what we do here with the local carpenters, weavers, carvers - but instead of wood we use the local plastic waste 🙌 For those those lumbers we used a bit bigger scale set up than Precious Plastic, but they could easily be done with the Extruder Pro (we're planning to upgrade our basic Extruder right now to be more productive as well). Especially love the details 🙂 (P.S. yes, how-to is going to come, too 🐒) (edited)
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Hellau 🙂 Wanted to share some really cool stuff that we made here on Lamu Island (Kenya) with The Flipflopi Project (the other project I've been involved in alongside Precious Plastic - they go hand in hand 🤝 ). Lamu is known for it's traditional furniture and dhows (boats), so that's what we do here with the local carpenters, weavers, carvers - but instead of wood we use the local plastic waste 🙌 For those those lumbers we used a bit bigger scale set up than Precious Plastic, but they could easily be done with the Extruder Pro (we're planning to upgrade our basic Extruder right now to be more productive as well). Especially love the details 🙂 (P.S. yes, how-to is going to come, too 🐒) (edited)
marjanzitnik 2/28/2023 10:51 PM
Looks spectacular! 😍
🙃 7
Hellau 🙂 Wanted to share some really cool stuff that we made here on Lamu Island (Kenya) with The Flipflopi Project (the other project I've been involved in alongside Precious Plastic - they go hand in hand 🤝 ). Lamu is known for it's traditional furniture and dhows (boats), so that's what we do here with the local carpenters, weavers, carvers - but instead of wood we use the local plastic waste 🙌 For those those lumbers we used a bit bigger scale set up than Precious Plastic, but they could easily be done with the Extruder Pro (we're planning to upgrade our basic Extruder right now to be more productive as well). Especially love the details 🙂 (P.S. yes, how-to is going to come, too 🐒) (edited)
Overwhelmingly inspiring 🔥 🔥 🔥
🙌 2
fuck! This is awesome!!!
🤝 1
Another game accessory prototype, for our roleplaying game Ars Magica: vis tokens (vis is magical power in a solid form that wizards in the game collect, use and trade). I wanted something to look like historical ancient/medieval coinage, so I carved aluminum with a dremel tool and then put it together into a mold and tried some polypropylene in it. The silver one is just colored with a sharpie permanent marker.
disco_usidore 8
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Alex_recycles and creates 3/3/2023 3:41 PM
2 wooden molds I made (edited)
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 3/6/2023 6:51 PM
A little video we put out showing the sunglasses being made with our Arbour design. 😎 (edited)
Design, Recycle, Sell. At the Sustainable Design Studio we help Small Businesses, Non Profits, and Schools turn waste into something new with our unique machines, products and techniques. These sunglasses are one of the many customisable designs you can use to kick start your sustainable business today! Visit the link in the bio or visitfor m...
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@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio bad boy ❤️😍
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 3/7/2023 2:25 PM Pangea, one of the people we worked with this year just completed their Kickstarter campaign with $150,000+ funding! Behind the scenes its all Precious Plastic methods! Really shows the potential and enthusiasm by the public to support sustainable products, brands and agendas and with the right tools and knowledge workspaces can step upto the challenge. 💪 (edited)
Unique, unbreakable sunglasses with lifetime warranty. Handcrafted from plastic trash collected at the world’s biggest mangrove cleanup
🔥 6
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Pangea, one of the people we worked with this year just completed their Kickstarter campaign with $150,000+ funding! Behind the scenes its all Precious Plastic methods! Really shows the potential and enthusiasm by the public to support sustainable products, brands and agendas and with the right tools and knowledge workspaces can step upto the challenge. 💪 (edited)
JohnNephew 3/7/2023 4:02 PM
That is tremendous! As someone who has been involved in quite a few Kickstarters, let me also say that it is really well put together as a campaign.
Well done my man ❤️💥 impressive 😍 is there a plan to give back something (donation, credits, opensource the designs etc..) to the underlying free and open source technology powering it all? (edited)
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Looks like they have a lot of work to do now. . . It's a good problem to have but they're promising to deliver a lot!
Butte (PP Philippines)
running some HDPE lumber using the pigment idea from @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug we shredded and put the pigment in the granulator while shredding so as to get the pigment a very even coat and stick well to the flake. Even so we do have a hard time getting a consistent color over a couple hundred boards. Black is the easiest to achieve consistently and we prob will abandon any other color except black unless we charge a hefty surcharge for the hassle.
niceee! whats the idea with the pigment? for the colors?
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Click to see attachment 🖼️
amazing @Ramisb ! Where are you based? Do you have an IG or website we can see?
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/17/2023 12:28 AM
iron oxide pigment for cement.
👍 2
amazing @Ramisb ! Where are you based? Do you have an IG or website we can see?
thank you! you can check us on: We ve been operating for 2 years now. inspired by the PP(ive been to eindhoven twice) and we ve been collaborating with people from the community
Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
Just above! And I published some details on the design here; (edited)
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 3/23/2023 8:23 AM
Our formwork project has produced it's first full wall.
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8:24 AM
The redesigned bricks turned out easier to use than we'd even hoped.
8:25 AM
It would be entirely feasible for a single worker to erect and brace the formwork, pour the medium (in our case concrete) into the cavity, and to remove the formwork on their own.
Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
Our formwork project has produced it's first full wall.
this is sooooo cool 🤙
@Mortar Art (Melb, AU) would be fantastic if you could make a how-to from the thingyverse guide you made so the Precious Plastic community can lear from your inventive approach. Happy to support you in the process if needed. Feel free to DM me..
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 3/23/2023 10:10 PM
That's on the way.
10:10 PM
There'll be quite a bit of detail to it. I'll have it done by the end of the month, but it will include explanations of basic concreting.
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10:11 PM
Though, the intention of this formwork is to enable more sustainable construction methods like rammed earth.
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Awesome! Let's continue the conversation over DMs ✌️
Lachlan Aus 3/23/2023 10:33 PM
Nice work @Mortar Art (Melb, AU) !
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 3/23/2023 10:48 PM
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/24/2023 9:14 AM
We finally upgraded our wood planer to make a smooth plastic board. Client requested smooth. With our upgraded system we made 500 kilos of lumber in 3 1/2 work days, to include the planing and trimming to length.
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Lachlan Aus 3/24/2023 9:49 AM
That's awesome!
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Butte (PP Philippines)
We finally upgraded our wood planer to make a smooth plastic board. Client requested smooth. With our upgraded system we made 500 kilos of lumber in 3 1/2 work days, to include the planing and trimming to length.
That's fantastic! It looks like zero bubbles/voids!
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marjanzitnik 3/24/2023 5:21 PM
Perfect beams!
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Butte (PP Philippines) 3/29/2023 3:47 AM
The Precious Plastic mini factory we set up in Illocos Sur, Philippines made this furniture. The organization is a jobs program for HIV positive people
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3:47 AM
pictured is a school group looking at the plastic.
Butte (PP Philippines)
The Precious Plastic mini factory we set up in Illocos Sur, Philippines made this furniture. The organization is a jobs program for HIV positive people
Wow, just wow. I would love to get something like that going.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
The Precious Plastic mini factory we set up in Illocos Sur, Philippines made this furniture. The organization is a jobs program for HIV positive people
Epic man!
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Butte (PP Philippines)
We finally upgraded our wood planer to make a smooth plastic board. Client requested smooth. With our upgraded system we made 500 kilos of lumber in 3 1/2 work days, to include the planing and trimming to length.
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/31/2023 3:21 AM
client loved it so much she doubled the size of her order to include a batch of grey
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Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
Our formwork project has produced it's first full wall. we just published the how-to!! Thank you @Mortar Art (Melb, AU) for sharing your knowledge 🙂
This tutorial will explain, in general terms, how to use bricks to build a formwork for construction with concrete. Formwork functions as a mould for poured mediums in the construction sector, and in this case, the bricks function as a removable and reusable tool.
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Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/12/2023 5:40 PM
Yesterday I made a couple of succulent plant pots for a new friend coming in the hackerspace in which I'm developing the project. Seems that fuchsia pink has lots of fans.
5:42 PM
I found that injecting with a small nozzle seems working better, I forget to change it since last injecions (keychains), there's a lot less air bubbles on the surface.
🔥 2
Interesting 🙂 I guess it is probably because the plastic is more compressed before being injected. Do you also observe more pressure / force required from your machine or that the injection is slower ? Or is it not significant ?
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Interesting 🙂 I guess it is probably because the plastic is more compressed before being injected. Do you also observe more pressure / force required from your machine or that the injection is slower ? Or is it not significant ?
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/13/2023 12:03 AM
I noticed just that the pressure during the injection is a little bit higher and the injection time is a little bit longer, but I think it is normal since the passage area from a 8mm diameter nozzle to the 3mm one changes from 50mm² to 7mm². However having the injector mounted on an hydraulic press the difference are small. The injection was made with ~500bar (plastic pressure). Probably on a manual lever one the difference is a lot bigger and maybe the injection speed can be too slow to achieve a full mold fill. In my case the mold was at ambient temperature (less than 20°C) for the first shot, the yellow pink one, and maybe 25 for the second, since the mold heat a little from the first shot. Barrel temperature 180°C, nozzle temperature 200°C.
👍 3
Awesome thank you !
Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
Our formwork project has produced it's first full wall.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 4/18/2023 3:50 PM
What does post-processing the formworks after casting the concrete entail?
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
What does post-processing the formworks after casting the concrete entail?
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 4/18/2023 3:52 PM
Do you mean cleaning the concrete off?
3:53 PM
We found that we could scrape the concrete off very easily. Where it set to the brick rather rest of the wall. HDPE is notoriously hard to adhere to.
Mortar Art (Melb, AU)
We found that we could scrape the concrete off very easily. Where it set to the brick rather rest of the wall. HDPE is notoriously hard to adhere to.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 4/20/2023 3:45 AM
Excellent. How many uses are you typically able to manage before the parts need recycling?
Mortar Art (Melb, AU) 4/20/2023 3:46 AM
Well we haven't used the bricks that many times yet, but we're also developing ways to repair them in the field.
3:46 AM
My suspicion is that with light repairs (filling holes left by screws for instance) you'd get hundreds of uses.
3:47 AM
Especially if you paid attention to the plastic's environmental sensitivieis; ie, not leaving UV sensitive plastic in the sun.
3:47 AM
Not using solvents near it.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
@👮Moderator spam please
marjanzitnik 4/27/2023 1:19 PM
We made medals for local sport event from hexagonal mould. Here is the video of the cleanup action and process:
Souvenir memory coins for reciprocal visits with our Japanese sister city.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 4/29/2023 4:02 AM
PP Philippines is making our third move in 5 years. We out grew the 1 car garage, then the second space we outgrew last year but was only able to find a affordable space a few weeks ago. We are still in the process of setting all our machinery up, organizing the ton of parts and materials (including the failed experiments). We will have a v4pro type extrusion and a v3 type extrusion running, plus one log splitter injection molder, two pneumatic injection molders, 1 diesel powered v3 shredder, 1 unit 5hp PP Ph granulator, dust collection system, shred plastic storage silo, and a proper street located plastic purchasing station.
4:03 AM
today we are building shelving for the materials, security gates for one of the out buildings, installing industrial wiring and outlets for the molding machinery, fixing the fencing, and installing the CCTV
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I noticed just that the pressure during the injection is a little bit higher and the injection time is a little bit longer, but I think it is normal since the passage area from a 8mm diameter nozzle to the 3mm one changes from 50mm² to 7mm². However having the injector mounted on an hydraulic press the difference are small. The injection was made with ~500bar (plastic pressure). Probably on a manual lever one the difference is a lot bigger and maybe the injection speed can be too slow to achieve a full mold fill. In my case the mold was at ambient temperature (less than 20°C) for the first shot, the yellow pink one, and maybe 25 for the second, since the mold heat a little from the first shot. Barrel temperature 180°C, nozzle temperature 200°C.
500 bar ??? Are you sure you are pressing 500 bars of pressure in your mould? I have a slightly modified INJECTO ( my working pressure is between 2 and 3 bars for a sandwich-type hexagone mould.
500 bar ??? Are you sure you are pressing 500 bars of pressure in your mould? I have a slightly modified INJECTO ( my working pressure is between 2 and 3 bars for a sandwich-type hexagone mould.
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 4/30/2023 7:47 PM
Yes. Just make some calculations. The injector is mounted on an hydraulic press (designed for the scope). Up to 280bar oil pressure. Hydraulic cylinder is 50mm Injector piston 30mm. The area ratio between them is 2,778, so 1bar oil pressure equals 2,778bar injection pressure. Usually I use an hydraulic pressure of 160~190 bar for plant pots, depending on the plastic quality and temperature. So an injection pressure varying from 445 to 530 bar. As you certainly know, there's some differences between the pressure you can apply with air and oil systems! Try to make this level of detail with a low pressure. The gate is ~1mm in diameter, on the ring, the tail is something like 0.5mm thick or less at the end! 😉 (edited)
7:53 PM
All those seahorse keychain are made with HDPE from blow molding bottles, so the thicker kind of HDPE. Expecially the yellow one give me lots of problems in the past, here I started with a slightly heated mold (maybe 70° probably less) and I had no issue.
Lots of recycled PLA bowls
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Lots of recycled PLA bowls
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/7/2023 12:42 PM
Very cool! Just out of curioisity, have you tried making PLA sheets? I've made a few but also I've had a few that ended up cracking and being unusable...maybe I got the temperature wrong or it was mixed with PETG.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Very cool! Just out of curioisity, have you tried making PLA sheets? I've made a few but also I've had a few that ended up cracking and being unusable...maybe I got the temperature wrong or it was mixed with PETG.
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 5/7/2023 12:50 PM
What size? We made PLA sheets, but not many and usually small ones (up to 40cm). We only had one cracked sheet but in that case the temperature was indeed too high
DataWorm (PP Berlin)
What size? We made PLA sheets, but not many and usually small ones (up to 40cm). We only had one cracked sheet but in that case the temperature was indeed too high
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/7/2023 3:51 PM
Ahh I see. My sizes were 44cm x 44cm x 3mm. I have a feeling I got it too hot, but also the other issue was the pigment sticks to the steel plates a bit and can cause color contamination for other sheets. I should try this again!
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Very cool! Just out of curioisity, have you tried making PLA sheets? I've made a few but also I've had a few that ended up cracking and being unusable...maybe I got the temperature wrong or it was mixed with PETG.
All of the sheets are HDPE but we should give PLA a try, definitely melts/flows at a low temperature
4:16 PM
one of the members of our workshop 3D prints clinostats (, when they parts fail to print they go back into the shredder 😉 They're impressively huge parts, but we had to buy an industrial shredder to rip them apart it stalled the PP design
CoSE SciSpinner MAX provides an outstanding platform for microgravity research.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Ahh I see. My sizes were 44cm x 44cm x 3mm. I have a feeling I got it too hot, but also the other issue was the pigment sticks to the steel plates a bit and can cause color contamination for other sheets. I should try this again!
DataWorm (PP Berlin) 5/7/2023 10:29 PM
We also intend to do more tests, we are just lacking time xD
Our first prototype is done ^^ we will present it at a small pitch competition on 11 May in Düsseldorf, Germany ^^
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 5/10/2023 9:45 PM
The plan was a happy face, the result was a scary face 😅
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
The plan was a happy face, the result was a scary face 😅
i like the dergadation of the black. nice image!
Lots of recycled PLA bowls
Halcyon2024 5/11/2023 7:49 AM
those bowls are made with moulds and extrusion machine?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
The plan was a happy face, the result was a scary face 😅
Halcyon2024 5/11/2023 7:50 AM
the other side should be less blurry right?
those bowls are made with moulds and extrusion machine?
No, these are compression moulded. So we make a 10 gauge steel mould following ( We're putting plastic in the mould, into the oven and heating it. Pulling it out of the oven and squishing it in a press to form then holding it until it cools a bit
Butte (PP Philippines) 5/12/2023 4:14 AM
our best lumber to date. HDPE bottles, from a chain of salons, haircare products. Mixed with iron oxide pigment directly in the shredder/granulator on the second pass.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
our best lumber to date. HDPE bottles, from a chain of salons, haircare products. Mixed with iron oxide pigment directly in the shredder/granulator on the second pass.
Seriously good looking stuff
Butte (PP Philippines) 5/12/2023 4:40 AM
thanks. the trim router with the radius on the edges really gives it a nice look
4:41 AM
today we are reprocessing all the shavings from the wood planer to make more lumber.
Butte (PP Philippines)
our best lumber to date. HDPE bottles, from a chain of salons, haircare products. Mixed with iron oxide pigment directly in the shredder/granulator on the second pass.
maaaan this looks like wood LITERALLY
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/14/2023 11:49 AM
Since I have to learn how to use Fusion 360 to make molds, I started with another keychain a couple of weeks ago. This is made for a friend, for his small garage, in wich I was allowed to work on my car for free for something like 15 years... He saw the first keychain I made for other friend's association, and he liked it, so I started making a simple logo for him and I made another mold. I have to add a couple of screws, since the pressure tend to open the mold a little when full. Fusion 360 is a very powerful instrument.
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Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/17/2023 9:37 PM
Screws added, mold tested with good results. I'm posting some pics only now because we have some issues here in central Italy because of the flood.
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/22/2023 12:33 PM
In production of benches. Whoever made the mould designs, thank you! 🙏 I'm also happy I have the tools handy for cutting out the joint profile.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 5/26/2023 6:05 AM
building a new desk for the office. not quite done, work in progress.
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
In production of benches. Whoever made the mould designs, thank you! 🙏 I'm also happy I have the tools handy for cutting out the joint profile.
Butte (PP Philippines) 5/26/2023 6:06 AM
ooooh... 2 molds?
Butte (PP Philippines) 5/26/2023 7:59 AM
Butte (PP Philippines)
ooooh... 2 molds?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/26/2023 9:58 AM
Two shapes, two molds. Just take your mould material you use for your planks and cut yourself the angle you need.
9:58 AM
Recycled knife! I cast the blade from aluminum bronze swarf that I bought from a metal scrap yard; handle is HDPE
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Recycled knife! I cast the blade from aluminum bronze swarf that I bought from a metal scrap yard; handle is HDPE
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 5/27/2023 10:14 PM
a how-to on this would be really nice!
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/30/2023 2:03 AM
Some extrusions of mine this week. Seems like there's reasonable interest in these.
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 5/30/2023 10:16 AM
Check this out! I'm curious how they made these, looks like shaped sheets and an insulated bottle insert of some kind.
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
Cylindrical turning blank, composite that is mostly HDPE plus everything else in the shop vac including lots of sparkly aluminum shavings
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Cylindrical turning blank, composite that is mostly HDPE plus everything else in the shop vac including lots of sparkly aluminum shavings
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 5/30/2023 8:45 PM
One of the small sheets I made last year was made with the first HDPE I shredded during the shredder testing. After the (failed) test I forget the shreds in a box in my garage, then, months later, I recycled them in a small sheet. Trying to plane them on my wood planer, I hear a disturbing noise... A steel chip was in the plastic, planer blades damaged...🙄 Aluminium is another story!
Cylindrical turning blank, composite that is mostly HDPE plus everything else in the shop vac including lots of sparkly aluminum shavings
How are you making/degassing your billets? Is this just a mould in the oven for a long time or?
I am melting plastic in a George Foreman grill, mashing it up with my hands (in silicone oven gloves), then stuffing it in the pipe with each end capped with a slug of melted aluminum. Then give it as much pressure as possible, cranking it more as it cools.
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10:32 PM
10:35 PM
Rather than trying to machine something to plug the end of the pipe, I poured molten aluminum into a shorter steel pipe of the same diameter. Made several more so I can stack them if necessary. May also adapt them for the extruder and injector we have incoming.
10:35 PM
One of the small sheets I made last year was made with the first HDPE I shredded during the shredder testing. After the (failed) test I forget the shreds in a box in my garage, then, months later, I recycled them in a small sheet. Trying to plane them on my wood planer, I hear a disturbing noise... A steel chip was in the plastic, planer blades damaged...🙄 Aluminium is another story!
Yeowch on steel! Even bits of aluminum seems to make me need to sharpen my wood lathe tools more often.
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some recent stuff out of the studio!!
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I am melting plastic in a George Foreman grill, mashing it up with my hands (in silicone oven gloves), then stuffing it in the pipe with each end capped with a slug of melted aluminum. Then give it as much pressure as possible, cranking it more as it cools.
reminds me of my early pre injector days!! nice hack too
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/4/2023 2:06 AM
Philippine artist Jeannie Javelosa Instagram: jeanniejavelosa stopped by our shop the other day to buy some plastic lumber to experiment with. She works with the Filipino wood carvers here, but since the de-forestation here is so extensive there is not much usable wood anymore for the workers to use. So she is encouraging the workers to try using our plastic lumber. This was the first experiment result.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Philippine artist Jeannie Javelosa Instagram: jeanniejavelosa stopped by our shop the other day to buy some plastic lumber to experiment with. She works with the Filipino wood carvers here, but since the de-forestation here is so extensive there is not much usable wood anymore for the workers to use. So she is encouraging the workers to try using our plastic lumber. This was the first experiment result.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/4/2023 2:42 AM
Lookin good! I wonder if it's worth trying to make dowels to fill in the drill holes to hide the screws?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/4/2023 4:30 AM
maybe just finning it in with a bit of molten plastic and shisel or wood plane smooth
4:30 AM
filling in
4:31 AM
i use that method to fill in the bubbles on the ends of some plastic lumber and then use the mitre saw to make a clean cut about 2 mm in
4:32 AM
better picture and size refrence
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Butte (PP Philippines) 6/7/2023 8:52 AM
another big batch of lumber ready to ship. Will be used in a store at the Shangri-la mall in Manila.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
another big batch of lumber ready to ship. Will be used in a store at the Shangri-la mall in Manila.
JohnNephew 6/7/2023 1:06 PM
That looks so excellent!
Butte (PP Philippines)
another big batch of lumber ready to ship. Will be used in a store at the Shangri-la mall in Manila.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 6/7/2023 1:56 PM
How many days did this take? I forget... what's your production capacity for making beams?
Alex_recycles and creates 6/7/2023 2:00 PM
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2:00 PM
I made some key chains all from HDPE (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines)
another big batch of lumber ready to ship. Will be used in a store at the Shangri-la mall in Manila.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
How many days did this take? I forget... what's your production capacity for making beams?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/8/2023 10:15 AM
all in 4 days extrusion but we was not pushing it hard. another day of wood plane, and routering
Inspired Plastics 6/9/2023 11:10 PM
cute pool toy!
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Butte (PP Philippines) 6/10/2023 7:44 AM
Playground built with Precious Plastic lumber in Luneta Park, Manila, Philippines.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Playground built with Precious Plastic lumber in Luneta Park, Manila, Philippines.
@Karo must post 😍 (edited)
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Butte (PP Philippines) 6/11/2023 3:11 AM
dont mention the park name, the sponsor said i can post the pics but not their name or exact park in manila until they do the grand opening
Hi im new here, i joined here since i saw Project Kamp vids. Last week i joined workshop and make this from plastic
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Butte (PP Philippines)
Playground built with Precious Plastic lumber in Luneta Park, Manila, Philippines.
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 6/13/2023 8:19 PM
that's super cool
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Butte (PP Philippines) 6/14/2023 8:42 AM
dual shaft v3 shredder.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
another big batch of lumber ready to ship. Will be used in a store at the Shangri-la mall in Manila.
How long you guys need to produce that amount?
Butte (PP Philippines)
dual shaft v3 shredder.
Nice improvement ! I can’t wait to see it working. Will you release drawings ? (edited)
Nice improvement ! I can’t wait to see it working. Will you release drawings ? (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/18/2023 2:34 AM
DM me and ill send you the laser cutting DXF
👌 1
How long you guys need to produce that amount?
Butte (PP Philippines) 6/18/2023 2:39 AM
to extrude it about 3 and half days. another day to wood plane it and round the corners with a trim router. we have a seperate building just for shredding, planing and processing plastic, with a industrial dust collector and filter bag.
Butte (PP Philippines)
to extrude it about 3 and half days. another day to wood plane it and round the corners with a trim router. we have a seperate building just for shredding, planing and processing plastic, with a industrial dust collector and filter bag.
5 days work... how many kilo plastic is that?
This is a game board upgrade for our game Dice Miner. We originally manufactured the deluxe plastic mountains in China with PVC (ick!). We have customers who want them, but we were unwilling to use PVC again, and our Chinese supplier was dubious about running different materials, let alone recycled, in this mold. So we had the ~700 pound mold shipped to us, and we found a local operation willing to experiment with different recycled resins. This image is one of the mountains injection molded this past weekend on a 300 ton industrial press, using recycled pill/vitamin bottle HDPE (all of which was otherwise destined for landfill), shredded on our own Precious Plastics machinery. We shredded it with labels on, so you can see the inclusion of little pieces of paper and foil, which I think makes it obvious that the material is recycled. We now have a variety of prototypes for sale on our website (including recycled PP in various colors); and we're now going to do a full production run to offer into our regular game distribution channels.
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This is a game board upgrade for our game Dice Miner. We originally manufactured the deluxe plastic mountains in China with PVC (ick!). We have customers who want them, but we were unwilling to use PVC again, and our Chinese supplier was dubious about running different materials, let alone recycled, in this mold. So we had the ~700 pound mold shipped to us, and we found a local operation willing to experiment with different recycled resins. This image is one of the mountains injection molded this past weekend on a 300 ton industrial press, using recycled pill/vitamin bottle HDPE (all of which was otherwise destined for landfill), shredded on our own Precious Plastics machinery. We shredded it with labels on, so you can see the inclusion of little pieces of paper and foil, which I think makes it obvious that the material is recycled. We now have a variety of prototypes for sale on our website (including recycled PP in various colors); and we're now going to do a full production run to offer into our regular game distribution channels.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 6/21/2023 3:33 AM
Excellent! Can we see the molds? What does the part weigh? (edited)
3:45 AM
Here is a picture of the mold installed in the 300 ton press. The part weighs about 4 ounces. The mold, on the other hand, weighs over 600 pounds.
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Here is a picture of the mold installed in the 300 ton press. The part weighs about 4 ounces. The mold, on the other hand, weighs over 600 pounds.
Those like 4140 toolsteel?
Here is a picture of the mold installed in the 300 ton press. The part weighs about 4 ounces. The mold, on the other hand, weighs over 600 pounds.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 6/21/2023 7:25 PM
Great pic! -thanks! I presume it was more than coincidence that the mold fit your press- did you source the press specifically because it would accommodate this part, or were modification required for either?
Those like 4140 toolsteel?
No idea! The original manufacturer made it. At the time I did not even know enough to ask about resins.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
Great pic! -thanks! I presume it was more than coincidence that the mold fit your press- did you source the press specifically because it would accommodate this part, or were modification required for either?
Mold modification was required. Our friends who own the press did it. Probably 100 tons of clamping pressure would have worked but they bigger 300 ton press was necessary for enough opening for the 3-part mold to function. It is designed to automatically break off the sprue when the mold opens to eject the part.
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8:01 PM
When we decided to bring the mold over I figured it was a long shot we would find a way to use it so i am very psyched about this.
Avatar After 2 years of work, I have create letter press in recycle plastic !
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PreciousPlastic 3
PlasticAndy 6/26/2023 12:46 PM
@20cent How does it compare to wooden type? Does it hold the ink as good? Looks like you made these with a compression technique?
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20cent After 2 years of work, I have create letter press in recycle plastic !
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 6/26/2023 3:01 PM
looks good! would you write a How-to on this?
😍 1
20cent After 2 years of work, I have create letter press in recycle plastic !
I am working on the same thing. Hit me up in messages if you want to chat.
@20cent How does it compare to wooden type? Does it hold the ink as good? Looks like you made these with a compression technique?
The ink sticks very well. I was able to do some test printing and it was pretty good. But my characters are not yet perfect, in terms of height, that's what creates the most complications
12:38 AM
I would add that the advantage over lead is its lightness and also that it is not toxic to handling. And compared to wood, it is less sensitive to xylophages
12:40 AM
And yes it's compression technique. Not the best one but the cheapest
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP
looks good! would you write a How-to on this?
I hadn't thought of that but I'll think about it
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I am working on the same thing. Hit me up in messages if you want to chat.
Oh yes with pleasure
I hadn't thought of that but I'll think about it
PlasticAndy 6/28/2023 12:26 PM
Ok, I see. You mean getting the type height constant (0.918")? I would imagine compression moulding is the way to go. With injection moulding you will always get some sink on the faces and shrink overall which would lead to voids in the print where the characters won't be flat and won't touch the paper. You could make the blocks oversize and sand or machine them down to a consistent type height, you could probably build a simple jig to do this.
Ok, I see. You mean getting the type height constant (0.918")? I would imagine compression moulding is the way to go. With injection moulding you will always get some sink on the faces and shrink overall which would lead to voids in the print where the characters won't be flat and won't touch the paper. You could make the blocks oversize and sand or machine them down to a consistent type height, you could probably build a simple jig to do this.
One of the printing techniques is to put paper underneath to adjust the height
3:24 PM
Here it is a print on A3 paper, I deliberately left the effect poorly printed. But the idea is to find the plastic character among those in wood and lead
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I hadn't thought of that but I'll think about it
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 6/28/2023 4:08 PM
it would be very nice if you could do it 🙂
Here it is a print on A3 paper, I deliberately left the effect poorly printed. But the idea is to find the plastic character among those in wood and lead
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 6/28/2023 6:59 PM
Would an overlaying pad on the press help?
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
Would an overlaying pad on the press help?
For a letter yes but for a complete alphabet and different typography it's too complex
Alex_recycles and creates 7/4/2023 3:06 AM
I used mostly black HDPE and some white and clear HDPE and I got a plate to look like this
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Alex_recycles and creates
I used mostly black HDPE and some white and clear HDPE and I got a plate to look like this
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 7/4/2023 11:19 AM
Ah, using Teflon cloth I see 😉
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Ah, using Teflon cloth I see 😉
Alex_recycles and creates 7/4/2023 2:14 PM
I use Teflon for the bottom of the mold so it doesn’t stick
Gave out over 200 recycled keychains at a conference last week (IVS Kyoto). As a way to advertise recycled products to give out or sell at events. So much waste comes from conferences that's hardly ever used, waste paper flyers, badges... except for free pens i can hardly remember a single item I actually kept from a conference. After handing them out and chatting to lots of people about them, a lot of people seemed more willing to hold onto such an item if they know it was recycled and have a bit of uniqueness to it
3:30 AM
Wonder if anyone experienced the same results?
3:32 AM
NFC chipped them with my contact information so can ruffly track if people are using them. Been getting 3~5 unique views a day from the tags whats a good sign at least
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At Plastico Chido, we are super excited to be part of the Ecodesign Workshop from, now with an inyection machine, a shredder and a hot press.
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Father-son duo work with Sector 67 to recycle plastic into colorful containers.
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Nice! Reminds me, @waterppk I would like to buy some for our event next month. 🙂
Nice! Reminds me, @waterppk I would like to buy some for our event next month. 🙂
I'll remind them again 🙂
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 7/27/2023 11:27 AM
Dustin Jessen 8/2/2023 8:29 PM
We will soon launch these „HKN“ hooks from recycled PP, which we produce via injection moulding in our workshop in Essen, Germany:
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8:32 PM
We founded Das Rezyklat last year, and it is the first Precious Plastic Workspace in the "Ruhr Area". Our Instagram-Channel is @das.rezyklat and our Website is
Dustin Jessen
We will soon launch these „HKN“ hooks from recycled PP, which we produce via injection moulding in our workshop in Essen, Germany:
What size moulder are you using? (IE: tonnage, shot volume, etc?)
What size moulder are you using? (IE: tonnage, shot volume, etc?)
Dustin Jessen 8/2/2023 8:57 PM
Total shot volume of our machine is maybe around 130ml. One hook weighs around 45g and we have a mould with two cavities for it.
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Dustin Jessen
Total shot volume of our machine is maybe around 130ml. One hook weighs around 45g and we have a mould with two cavities for it.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 8/3/2023 3:00 AM
From your Instagram. Are those epoxy molds? -or is light hitting the aluminum just-right? (edited)
Dustin Jessen
We will soon launch these „HKN“ hooks from recycled PP, which we produce via injection moulding in our workshop in Essen, Germany:
this is very cool ♥️ and the design looks quite sturdy!
5:48 AM
@Dustin Jessen would be amazing to share the mould with the community with a how-to guide so more people around the world can recycle plastic waste into your hooks 👯‍♀️
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Christopher - Unmake Plastic
From your Instagram. Are those epoxy molds? -or is light hitting the aluminum just-right? (edited)
Dustin Jessen 8/3/2023 10:07 AM
The molds are made from aluminium. @Fritz @easymoulds helped us to make them.
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Butte (PP Philippines) 8/10/2023 1:27 PM
Marina at Precious Plastic Siragao, Philippines is making this inlaid wood with her sheet press plastic. Soon to open, her restaurant will be all recycled plastic accents, this is a sample of how the tables will look. (edited)
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If you want to learn more about the projects going in on in Mexico, join us this Saturday at 1 pm (Mexico City time) in our second Mexican Precious Plastic Gathering
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Butte (PP Philippines) 8/16/2023 8:25 AM Pam has opened the latest Precious Plastic workspace in the Philippines. this is what she makes.
Teaser of PAMMÉ’s exclusive collection for #ArteFinoFestival2023. 🌿♻️ Watch as plastic waste transforms into exquisite artisanal bags, each handcrafted by the talented Women Persons Deprived of Liberty from Quezon City Jail Female Dormitory. Support our advocacy for Sustainability, empowerment, and style! 💼🌟 See you at @artefinoph Festival 202...
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Butte (PP Philippines) Pam has opened the latest Precious Plastic workspace in the Philippines. this is what she makes.
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 8/16/2023 11:14 PM
We would love a How-to on this purse 😍
Staff from the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District toured our Replay Workshop and made a video of it, including some nice shots of our the Precious Plastics Shredder Pro (made for us by @CitSciWorkshop) in action.
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Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 8/18/2023 10:48 PM
📓 Yeah! New How To Make a "camicleta" by necolgica check it out: (edited)
The Camicleta is a learning bike that does not have pedals, recommended for children between 18 months and 5 years old. Materials:
  • 2 sheets of 35 x 35 cm, thickness 10mm.
  • 2 12-inch wheels.
  • Screws
  • Bolts
  • Nuts.
  • Washers
  • Wooden stick for the handlebars. Diameter 22mm. Length 35cm In this folder you will find:
CNC cut files (.dxf)
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Butte (PP Philippines) 8/19/2023 10:11 AM
We made some school chairs! the starter kits we built will be used to make trash bins and these school chairs in Manila and Mindanao, Philippines.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
We made some school chairs! the starter kits we built will be used to make trash bins and these school chairs in Manila and Mindanao, Philippines.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 8/19/2023 5:19 PM
My first reaction was "hurray!" 🎉 - but having suffered long hours in such a desk, a bit of attention to ergonomics is essential- curving that back, angling the seat, and providing a contiguous writing surface. While perfect remains the enemy of good-enough, frustration and pain are, too. (edited)
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
My first reaction was "hurray!" 🎉 - but having suffered long hours in such a desk, a bit of attention to ergonomics is essential- curving that back, angling the seat, and providing a contiguous writing surface. While perfect remains the enemy of good-enough, frustration and pain are, too. (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 8/20/2023 2:06 AM
this was the specific request of the government official. they want to copy the work done by this company
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Knocked this together this afternoon as an example of use of one of our 12" square sheets, with salvaged lumber
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Knocked this together this afternoon as an example of use of one of our 12" square sheets, with salvaged lumber
tapered legs. nice touch.
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Good day everyone, here is the video of the Second Mexican Precious Plastic Meet-Up, You can active the subtitles in your language. More than 10 different projects in Mexico,
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Butte (PP Philippines) 8/26/2023 3:31 AM
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Miss Universe has a bag with beads made from your mold
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
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Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 8/31/2023 6:03 PM
📓 Yeah! New How To Make a Cyclette Shredder by preciousplastictorino- check it out:
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
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Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 9/1/2023 9:27 PM
📓 Yeah! New How To Interconnecting Zephyr Block Mould by infoplasticorgau check it out:
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
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Marcela - Community Manager @ PP
📓 Yeah! New How To Interconnecting Zephyr Block Mould by infoplasticorgau check it out:
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/2/2023 4:27 PM
Wow- the mold was cut from 10mm-thick stock! (edited)
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/4/2023 5:40 AM
made this mold on the lathe. 86 gram pot. abuut 100mm tall. very strong and durable.
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Hi! I am a danish artist working with recycled plastic using precious plastic machines. I had an successful exhibition this summer, and I just wanted to share some pics. The exhibition consists of 3 sets of objects. The big object in each set is 37,5 kg and is how much single use plastic the average dane consumes. The little object is 5,3 kg and is how much they recycle. Blue lamps is made with icepacks from a medicine transport, and melted in an oven. Black relief is made from post industrial waste from a factory, and made on a modified direct injection machine. Green vessel is made by old containers and made in the same way as the black. I am happy to say that sold the blue lamp at the gallery and will be working more with lamps and light int he future. If you wan to see me other work i have it on instagram:
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Butte (PP Philippines)
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio Miss Universe has a bag with beads made from your mold
@Karo 🙂
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/19/2023 5:25 AM
new clock
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Butte (PP Philippines) 9/20/2023 2:48 AM
for the last few months we been building some big extrusion machines. These are prototypes of the products from 2 of the three factories. Still a work in progress as electric power supply is an issue on the sites, but we are getting there.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
for the last few months we been building some big extrusion machines. These are prototypes of the products from 2 of the three factories. Still a work in progress as electric power supply is an issue on the sites, but we are getting there.
Are you tinting the plastic mix?
Are you tinting the plastic mix?
Butte (PP Philippines) 9/20/2023 4:42 AM
1 kilo iron oxide pigment to 40 kilos plastic. at the moment manual stirring, but I plan on getting a cement mixer to do it as budget allows.
4:43 AM
a cement mixer with magnets in it is also a good way to pull metal shards out of the mix.
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Butte (PP Philippines)
for the last few months we been building some big extrusion machines. These are prototypes of the products from 2 of the three factories. Still a work in progress as electric power supply is an issue on the sites, but we are getting there.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/20/2023 4:33 PM
RE: power requirements- did you see how the Flip-Flop boat project was pre-heating molds with a parabolic reflector? While contriving infrastructure to exploit the Sun is no trivial task- and may be a practical impossibility for many locations -there may be opportunities to capture calories/reduce electric energy demands.
Alex_recycles and creates 9/21/2023 9:24 PM
I made some more rectangular plant pots all from recycled HDPE (edited)
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Alex_recycles and creates
I made some more rectangular plant pots all from recycled HDPE (edited)
Cool, how did you glue/assemble the boxes?
Cool, how did you glue/assemble the boxes?
Alex_recycles and creates 9/21/2023 11:50 PM
I used screws to hold them together
Alex_recycles and creates
I used screws to hold them together
Gotcha, I see them now 🙂
InspiredMechanic 9/29/2023 12:33 AM
Hello Precious Plastic folks! Peninsula Precious Plastics will be exhibiting at the San Francisco Bay Area Maker Faire on Mare Island in Vallejo, CA. October 13-15 & 20-22. We will be there both weekends. We will have two v1 injecton molders, a v1 shredder and maybe our mini-press/oven. If you are in NorCal/SF Bay AND working on anything related to plastics up cycling please let us know. We have two people (one artist one entrepreneur) who will join our exhibit for a day and tell people about what they are working on but we need a couple more. Please DM me if you are interested and if you would like to join a planning Zoom call.
Get ready for the ultimate experience at Maker Faire Bay Area! This full-throttle event will feature a showcase of creativity and innovation with robotics, drones, art, technology and more. Join us October 13 to 15 and 20 to 22 for two weekends of project based learning, cosplay and fabrication fun!
Our primary activities will be sorting and cleaning of collected plastic (specifically HDPE or PP), shredding the plastic and then using Precious Plastic equipment (injection or compression moulds) to make objects participants can walk away with. We can also offer a plastic bag crafting project where participants can use simple tools to make stu...
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We've been having fun exploring the recently discovered aperiodic monotile "the Hat" and injection molding.
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A larger version of the tile, each roughly 125mm x 90mm
A larger version of the tile, each roughly 125mm x 90mm
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/29/2023 11:58 PM
They are from the Cubist expansion of "Conquest of Modern Art".
If anyone is interested in making your own molds of these shape, there are CC0 licensed vectors here, perfect for laser cutting: (edited)
Smith, Myers, Kaplan and Goodman-Strauss's aperiodic monotile, in a variety of formats - GitHub - christianp/aperiodic-monotile: Smith, Myers, Kaplan and Goodman-Strauss's aperiodic...
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Butte (PP Philippines) 10/4/2023 8:30 AM
A snippet of the tables that we designed for @roots.siargao These tables embody two of our principles as an organization: working with an interdisciplinary approach and having a positive impact on our environment and surrounding community. This is how, thanks to @preciousplasticphils @realpreciousplastic , a movement that combines people, mach...
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 10/5/2023 7:46 PM
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7:47 PM
Some products we made in the SaudiArabia workshop & training, together with @Carolina & @Kat ♻️✌️
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Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 10/9/2023 10:28 PM
📓 Yeah! New How To Make a Coin Bottle Opener Mould by precious-plastic-zurich check it out:
In this How-To you will get access to the necessary information to create your own Coin Bottle Opener. The opener is designed around a 10 Swiss cent piece. You can change the parameters in the Fusion file to fit the mould to your own coin. This model may be used as free giveaways/workshop products and similar. Please get in touch with the desi...
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Made from automotive HDPE!
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We needed to hack together a 90-second "pitch video" to apply for a long-shot grant. Thought I'd share a link...
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 10/25/2023 1:16 PM
Just saw this in person. Worth sharing here 🙂
After months of planning and experimentation, we are proud to present a collaboration between & @_gula that is currently on display at @_gula’s solo exhibition The Blue Room. The result of this unlikely partnership is a series of products that blur the lines between sculptures and functional furniture. While there are many aspec...
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1:17 PM
1:17 PM
Also spotted some nice products from them
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Also spotted some nice products from them
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 10/25/2023 2:34 PM
super cool!
Nice one @Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug keeps on pushing the limits ♥
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/25/2023 4:33 PM
Good stuff- been following for a while. I'm a big fan of anyone's work that sequesters so much plastic.
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 10/26/2023 3:14 AM
And for those curious, Their workspace utilizes 4 LPG ovens and 1 Precious Plastic sheet press. When designs call for marbling effect, they use the ovens, but their ovens can handle only about 100cm x 50cm sheets. Oven melt times are about twice as long as PP sheet press. Thickness issues with sheets? They use a thicknesser (like a planer) to get a nice flat surface.
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Creatives are coming up with cool solutions to the island’s tidal wave of rubbish
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1:08 AM
Financial Times covering PP
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 10/29/2023 2:51 AM
Missing details from the article: Sungai Watch uses precious plastic designed sheet presses produced by Wedoo (located in Gianyar, Bali), they have currently been active in huge beach clean up projects in Banyuwangi (east coast of Java) and some other areas. Space Available sources their plastic sheets from Robries (workspace located in Surabaya, East Java) Desa Potato Head uses Precious Plastic machines built by Wedoo. Missing from the article: Yayasan Kaki Kita Sukasada (Sukasada, North Bali) recycles plastic into furniture and signage and use proceeds to help fund treatment of folks who have diabetic wounds and help procure prostetics for those who are missing limbs.
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Rafael Reche 10/30/2023 10:24 PM
Hello everyone! How are you? My name is Rafael, and I am a Design student at Feevale University in Brazil. For my final project, I am developing a manual on recycling 3D printing waste. In the last chapter, I am showcasing some works done by recyclers, with the name of the product/project, the materials used, and the technologies (injection, extrusion, etc.), with the aim of inspiring people and connecting ideas. Is there someone interested in contributing? I would be very grateful! Thank you very much!
Rafael Reche
Hello everyone! How are you? My name is Rafael, and I am a Design student at Feevale University in Brazil. For my final project, I am developing a manual on recycling 3D printing waste. In the last chapter, I am showcasing some works done by recyclers, with the name of the product/project, the materials used, and the technologies (injection, extrusion, etc.), with the aim of inspiring people and connecting ideas. Is there someone interested in contributing? I would be very grateful! Thank you very much!
You might have better luck scrolling through the posts here and reaching out to people who have posts/images you'd like to feature
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/4/2023 8:07 AM
A workspace in Bogor, Indonesia is making planks from low value plastic. It's all sorted by hand and goes through some precious plastic inspired machines and use a cool rotary mould system for swapping the moulds quickly for lumber. They experimented trying to directly extrude into a sheet mould. Looks like they have a few issues with material, heat, and the machines but this being their first attempt and with A somewhat difficult material to deal with, I'd say they're going to figure it out
8:09 AM
Machines are built by Sumpah Sampah. They asked me to not photograph their operational space as they have a lot of stakeholders and don't want any problems. They just started a month or so ago. I'll share again when they're ready with some official social media post. 🙂
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Machines are built by Sumpah Sampah. They asked me to not photograph their operational space as they have a lot of stakeholders and don't want any problems. They just started a month or so ago. I'll share again when they're ready with some official social media post. 🙂
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/4/2023 11:02 AM
Spectacular pic of the mould and product- such a clear narrative, from heating elements, domed mould, sheet marks, and sprue. I reckon you are right- a proof-of-concept on an exciting and promising path! Thanks for sharing. (edited)
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
A workspace in Bogor, Indonesia is making planks from low value plastic. It's all sorted by hand and goes through some precious plastic inspired machines and use a cool rotary mould system for swapping the moulds quickly for lumber. They experimented trying to directly extrude into a sheet mould. Looks like they have a few issues with material, heat, and the machines but this being their first attempt and with A somewhat difficult material to deal with, I'd say they're going to figure it out
get 'em on the map ben 🙂
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One of the members of our workshop wrote an essay that got picked up by our local (printed on dead trees!) media:
"At our house, my son Hollis, 10, is responsible for taking out the recycling. He’s not super into it. But when we started wondering whether we could make cool stuff out of our own plastic waste, the job got more interesting."
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 11/10/2023 10:08 PM
Our wireless phone chargers almost look like planets when taking photos from above. You can get the mould from the PP Bazar and make some yourself!
Charge Your Phone Sustainably! About the Sustainable Design Studio The Sustainable Design Studio is a UK start-up specializing in producing High Quality and Affordable recycling equipment based on the Precious Plastic Ecosystem Founded by one of the original designers behind the Precious
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/11/2023 4:17 PM
Not super pretty but hey, a functional tool. A trowel made from polypropylene cement bags.
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Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug
Not super pretty but hey, a functional tool. A trowel made from polypropylene cement bags.
What are you using for glue?
What are you using for glue?
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 11/11/2023 7:55 PM
Friction fit?
Figured it's probably heat staked with a soldering iron, not much sticks to PP or PE
What are you using for glue?
Ben - Precious Plastic Ciledug 11/11/2023 11:32 PM
I had to do this quickly so I used rubber cement (shoe glue). This glue comes off unlike super glue. If I has the time I would have melted the finger joints together
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Butte (PP Philippines) 11/15/2023 7:34 AM
our newest Precious Plastic workspace turned on today. Funded by the Municipality of Cainta, Philippines. It is a project of the Mayor and is located in one of the cities MRF. It has a precious plastic Pro extrusion, Our original design 5hp plastic granulator, a mold cooling tank, cutting station to trim the lumber, racking for finished product, and 55 gallon drums to store shredded plastic. (edited)
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Butte (PP Philippines) 11/15/2023 7:46 AM
We are also turning on another workspace this afternoon in Cotabato City, Philippines. Funded by UNDP. It has our largest extrusion machine with 10hp, 40kg per hour production. It also has a cooling tank and cutting station fabricated by us. The UNDP also provided a shredder and glass crusher along with a truck for a mobile MRF shredding system. Lastly last Friday we turned on another Precious Plastic workspace in the Manila Zoo. (Philippines) Also funded by UNDP, it included the 40kg per hour plastic extrusion machine, cooling tank, cutting station, storage racks, molds and all PPE required. We trained their people to fabricate plastic lumber from waste generated in the park. They plan on making plastic furniture and other items used in the zoo. October also saw us turn on a Precious Plastic factory in Caloocan City, Philippines. A city of 1.6 million persons. It was also a UNDP project and it is being used to make plastic lumber for school chairs and benches. the factory also included a mobile MRF with diesel generator to shred plastic at the many collection points in the city that was provided by UNDP.
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We have been reaching out to woodturners on YouTube, offering samples of our recycled plastic turning blanks. Here's one who did a nice video making a Christmas ornament: (edited)
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We have been reaching out to woodturners on YouTube, offering samples of our recycled plastic turning blanks. Here's one who did a nice video making a Christmas ornament: (edited)
that’s so cool, we used to have a guy down in the ‘cities who made pens, he’s at college atm in Vermont tho
7:33 PM
7:33 PM
Beach plastic turtle coasters made from material from the Mississippi and Lake Superior, with molds by Precious Plastic USA.
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5:19 AM
work is progressing on my mini sheet press
5:19 AM
will be publishing the plans if it all works out
FYI all channels are now "archived" you'll need to scroll all the way to the top of Discord and go to "Channels and Roles" to re-add Precious Plastic
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 11/27/2023 5:34 PM
📣 We've redesigned Discord with more forum channels so you can easily find the discussion you're looking for 😍 We've stopped all activity here. Don’t worry though - they'll be available until 31st of December 2023, so you can save any conversation you need.
 ⚠️ On January 1st, 2024, the old channels will be deleted. Feel free to explore the new channels and start the conversation there!
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