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Precious Plastic / archived-bazar-sellers
Here we chat about the bazar and the best way to sell items. Share what you know so others can learn from it. (request access in #feedback channel) :)
davehakkens 6/26/2020 8:54 PM
hi @Joseph, testing this channel here.
8:54 PM
I think now you could assign "bazar-seller" badges to a person an they should be able to join this channel. Together with the team. For the rest it's private
1:44 PM
how do i assign these badges ?
davehakkens 6/28/2020 8:03 PM
right mouseclick on a user> role..
@davehakkens found it 🙂
PPCapiSpain 6/28/2020 8:48 PM
8:48 PM
@Joseph eyyy how are you?
hey hey @PPCapiSpain ! great to see you here. We opened up this channel so you guys can have discussions with each other and us about how to improve the bazar 💪
PPCapiSpain 6/28/2020 8:51 PM
ok, perfect thz you,
I just sent an email to all the Bazar sellers about this group with a link to join discord. Would really like this to be a place we can discuss the platform and develop it in a way for sellers to succeed!
plasticpreneur-Flo 7/2/2020 10:40 PM
hi, thanks for the effort - looking forward (edited)
💪 1
One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is adding files/images to the messaging system. The reason this is so important is so sellers can send their own invoices with more tailored information about their customer, themselves, and taxes. Stuff like chamber of commerce numbers, Vat numbers, etc. Ideally this process would be automatic (incorporated into the standard invoice that gets emailed after purchase), but that's a little bit complex to build out.
plasticpreneur-Flo 7/3/2020 11:33 PM
yes thats very important. This is one of the main reasons why its very hard for us to use the bazar as "the" platform for transactions....We legally can not sell anything without having all the neccessary taylored information on it.
plasticpreneur-Flo 7/3/2020 11:52 PM
another huge topic we get asked quite a lot is the "comparision " between the machines. Since many offer updated/different versions from the blueprints its hard for new people to really see the difference. we do not have really any idea how to go about it but some criterias or rating would maybe help... its like comparing apples and pears often - and it just confuses many people.
PPCapiSpain 7/4/2020 7:01 PM
@Joseph Hi. doing that would be very difficult, since the invoice can only be done by sellers and you cannot issue invoices on behalf of other companies.
7:05 PM
What would be important is that PP issue invoices for the commissions charged. This is important for sellers who are companies. We may currently have problems with the tax authorities ...
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7:07 PM
I'd also like to be allowed to pay with PayPal. many buyers do not want to give their card number ... we would have to add the cost of PayPal ... 2 or 3% more ... ebay does so
7:12 PM
Another thing would be to establish commissions by sections. for example up to € 100 5%, from 100 to 200, 3%, and more than € 200 establish a fixed commission of € 12. in this way the commissions would be increased. For very large orders, I suspect other payment methods are used ...
7:12 PM
Thz you...:)
@plasticpreneur-Flo For your second point do you mean that people then can't tell the difference between which machines are high quality and low quality?
7:26 PM
@PPCapiSpain yes the commissions by category I do think makes sense. We couldn't do it by the price, but could do it by the specific category (for example "fully built machines"). What do you think would be fair for "fully built machines"? And to your point about the invoices from the Bazar, the way that the money flow works is that the fee goes directly to us and not through your account. So to me it seems fine to not consider this a cost of good, but I'm not sure about that. But we cannot issues monthly invoices manually to all the sellers. We just don't have the time or resources to do that. I will look into the ability to somehow automate that process, but it definitely won't be quick or simple.
PPCapiSpain 7/7/2020 4:21 PM
I honestly think that it would be better to do it by means of money. It would be much easier to manage and in the end you would increase the total money raised.
plasticpreneur-Flo 7/9/2020 1:13 PM
Hiho - yea. not only high quality and low quality but also some general facts that people can compare easier. Just dont know how.
@PPCapiSpain I was thinking about this issue and I think it can be fixed. We just need to make sure the precious plastic fee is displayed on the automatic invoice that's generated, as well as have our VAT number there. Am I correct to say that would fix the issue?
Has anyone been getting incorrect notifications about new messages on the bazar when you send a new message? Where it seems the recipient has replied, but they haven't?
CitSciWorkshop 7/15/2020 2:30 AM
@Joseph Nope, not yet.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/15/2020 7:32 PM
@Joseph I get the opposite, I sometimes don't get the notifications :/
plasticpreneur-Flo 7/15/2020 11:19 PM
my messages are all gone suddenly?
PPCapiSpain 7/17/2020 7:16 PM
@Joseph the document generated with the order is not an official invoice. But if that document will send to the sellers, with the PP commission and PP tax number, it would help us a lot. good idea
7:17 PM
Am I the only one who has stopped receiving messages and requests in the last week? everything is very calm.
plasticpreneur-Flo 7/20/2020 8:55 AM
hi - no thats what i meant - also we can not see any messages anymore. Maybe everybody is now ordering @preciousplastic directly 😉
I am working on the messages issues and will update when I know more!
12:41 PM
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio can you confirm that this is indeed the case that sometimes you don't get notifications for new messages? Is there any pattern ?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/20/2020 1:18 PM
No pattern, but only happens with new contacts. Maybe 1:10
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Messaging issue is fixed btw people!
10:10 PM
Little quiet in here guys...what else is on your mind in terms of Bazar stuff?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 9/2/2020 2:52 PM
Anyone else get the issue that you always have to log in on the bazar even if you enter "remember me?"
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 9/4/2020 9:56 AM
Adding country and seller to the listings is a great addition 🙂
Darigov Research 9/20/2020 3:32 PM
Can someone please explain the exchange rates for example someone in the UK?
3:33 PM
I am a seller in the UK and I have a buyer in the UK and the exchange rate is much higher
3:34 PM
1.17226 compared to the 1.090948
3:35 PM
This causes my client to pay an extra 250 pounds can someone please advise?
3:37 PM
Am not sure who could help, @Joseph @davehakkens ?
Darigov Research 9/20/2020 3:45 PM
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio ?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 9/20/2020 4:06 PM
@Joseph is the person for you. He doesn't work weekends but I know he knows of this problem :)
4:06 PM
I also have this issue as a UK seller.
Darigov Research 9/20/2020 4:21 PM
Okay thanks for letting me know @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio !
4:23 PM
I haven't used stripe with this setup yet. Does the shop first take off the currency conversion or does stripe do that when you go for the payout?
Hello Darigov , this is simply a display price. The transaction actually happens in euros. I have noticed that the plugin for the exchange rate displays is a bit off, especially for GBP.
11:43 PM
And when I say "notice" I actually mean @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio complains about it to me 😂
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11:44 PM
Have to remember though it's just a display price. I will look into why it's so off tomorrow. But it's a plugin so we don't have control over that
Darigov Research 9/21/2020 9:06 AM
Thanks @Joseph for getting back to me & please do look into it as it could be a very expensive mistake for either me or my client
9:07 AM
Are you sure it's not just the display price but actually the true 'cost of conversion' that the software charges when paying out from euros to pounds?
9:08 AM
What is the name of your bazar software and the plugin that you're using so I can help try and debug this with you?
Darigov Research 9/21/2020 11:19 PM
Another issue has arisen with your Bazar software @Joseph . My client wanted to buy two machines but they were charged for three machines. Your bazar admin software told me only two machines were bought but stripe had three successful transactions. I had to refund the client the additional machine that your software missed double charged them for and therefore had to pay twice the stripe transaction cost plus your 5% on a non existent transaction
11:20 PM
Could you please advise what went wrong with your software?
11:21 PM
Happy to jump on a WhatsApp call or the like to discuss
Hi @Darigov Research the software is called Cs Cart multivendor
5:48 PM
Looks like the issue wasn't in the software. The customer successfully completed the transaction, and then made it again
5:48 PM
As for the display price, yes I'm sure it's not the actual conversion price paid by the customer
Darigov Research 9/22/2020 7:12 PM
In the bazar software it only said that there were two successful orders one of each machine but in my stripe software I had received 3 payments
PPCapiSpain 10/11/2020 7:48 PM
Hi. how are you? Would it be possible to include the telephone as a mandatory item in the order panel? thz you
7:49 PM
A lot of shipping requiered it....
7:50 PM
*Customer phone...
Yes we can! Will fix tomorrow
9:44 PM
Someone else asked for that actually
9:44 PM
As well
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 10/19/2020 9:04 AM
Hello, I have just realized that the shipement to "Europe" doesn't work. For exemple, a spanish customer order a product, the shipment should cost 20€, but finaly he pays 40€ (internationnal shipment). Does other seller have the same problem ? (edited)
@Joseph thz you..✌
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 10/27/2020 5:38 PM
@Joseph ? Do you have an idea how to solve it ?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 11/3/2020 8:25 AM
I recycle different plastics. Is it possible to write here more than one plastic type? Like HDPE, PP & PS. Thanks! 🙏
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 11/3/2020 8:41 AM
And how can i display variant images? I tried a lot, but it does not show up 🥴
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PPCapiSpain 11/5/2020 3:38 PM
Hi. There are European countries that have distant territories. for example, Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, Sicily, etc ... Is there a possibility to differentiate these territories for shipping? France already has it (Metropolitan France). Thz
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto I think it's not possible to do multiple plastic types at the moment. The pictures of the option varients looks like a bug. I will put that on our bug list. Thanks!
7:05 PM
@Rehab PP Quimper - Nico yes I'm aware of this problem now and will try to fix it. In the meantime I would reccomend that people do not use the "european" option for shipping. Better to put the individual countries
Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 11/11/2020 10:32 AM
Thanks @Joseph 🙂
AND I'm assembling some more people to help out with the Bazar, so you should see some more rapid improvements coming 🙂
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 11/13/2020 8:17 AM
@Joseph Nice! 🤩
PPCapiSpain 11/14/2020 7:28 PM
@Joseph 👍👍
Hey guys! How important do you think the option is to be able to have items picked up from your facility? so no shipping? Currently this option doesn't work on the Bazar, so I'm trying to see how important it is to fix
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Hey guys! How important do you think the option is to be able to have items picked up from your facility? so no shipping? Currently this option doesn't work on the Bazar, so I'm trying to see how important it is to fix
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 12/10/2020 8:02 AM
Nice option for the future👌
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Darigov Research 12/20/2020 9:45 AM
@Joseph it's a nice option to have specifically when selling machines as often delivery for such heavy and bulky items becomes prohibitively expensive to ship
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Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto
Nice option for the future👌
Butte (PP Philippines) 1/4/2021 1:38 AM
any updates on this availablity? Also is there a way to only set up the bazar or will there be problems if we list some items as domestic sale only? Living on the tropical island, makes shipping heavy items very expensive, but the small molds we are working on offering this month we can DHL simplely.
Darcy - TPF 5/4/2021 11:16 PM
Hey @Joseph When buyers are ordering multiple items from the same seller it might be useful if shipping could be arranged at checkout rather than as a sum of all the individual items, given these items will be combined for shipment (and that this will likely work out cheaper for both parties) - what do you think? (edited)
Darcy - TPF 5/4/2021 11:27 PM
An existing approach I know of which could be used here would be to allow sellers to specify their own shipping options (with variations considering different weights, sizes, urban/rural/overseas, and delivery time frame) and the cost of each, and then for buyers to choose (this being compulsory) whichever option/price suits them best. This can be applied for each different sellers item which have been put in the cart. See below for an example (screenclipping) of this from a very popular platform here in NZ (TradeMe) which uses this system to great success.
11:27 PM
11:28 PM
hi @Darcy - TPF thanks for your thought there about the shipping options. Indeed this is something we considered, and our software has a function for such a system. The reason we went for country specific shipping options is for simplicity for the seller/buyer to buy from multiple vendors. I also had remember this but I believe the problem with our software was that the option you specific above had to be done for the vendors store as a whole, instead of pricing by individual products. That made the process much more difficult for the seller. Instead we looked at ETSY's shipping model and then customized to function similar to that.
For my tax people! We are working on adding the 5% bazar fee to the invoice on the bazar for your accounting purposes. Will be added soon, but we'll update here when done 👍 I know this is a big headache one
Hey guys does this make sense to you? We added the ability to add shipping methods by region
A series of tools for the Precious Plastic community to collaborate around the world. Connect, share and meet each other to tackle plastic waste.
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/26/2021 1:34 PM
Nice feature, but maybe the regions are a little too broad. Putting USA in the same category as Curacao is a big shipping difference from Europe. Question. What happens if I have USA on its own and North America? Will someone in the USA see both?
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio they will see both, but it will defualt to the USA pricing as it's more specific
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/26/2021 5:48 PM
Nice, then it's a really worthy addition!
CitSciWorkshop 5/27/2021 2:48 AM
@Joseph I'm not sure the database is accepting new region definitions. Canada hangs on the processing icon, and North America yields an "Warning Incorrect cost in Unknown" error
@CitSciWorkshop are you on the regular "add a new product page" or trying to add new regions somewhere els?
CitSciWorkshop 5/27/2021 2:46 PM
Yup, adding a new listing.
For me It looks like I can add a Canada shipping price for one of your listings
6:06 PM
Is anyone else having this issue?
6:07 PM
Also make sure to select "Canada" from the drop down list as you type
6:07 PM
This might fix the ossie
6:07 PM
CitSciWorkshop 5/28/2021 5:31 AM
Yeah it hangs at this point before I can select the fee. Have to reload the page in order to clear it and edit the listing.
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 6/15/2021 7:38 AM
Hi ✌️ I get no e-mail notifications if someone messages me at the bazar. I don´t see any settings for that. What can I do? (edited)
7:13 PM
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto is it for all messages, or just sometimes?
@Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto is it for all messages, or just sometimes?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 6/15/2021 7:14 PM
For all.
7:18 PM
Should be going there
7:18 PM
Have you checked the spam folder maybe?
Have you checked the spam folder maybe?
Thomas Peterberns | Johannplasto 6/16/2021 12:23 PM
Heureka, found them😅
PPCapiSpain 7/1/2021 3:35 PM
Hi guys. I have a problem. A customer has asked me to cancel an order. do you know how to do it?
@PPCapiSpain you can mark the order as "cancelled" on the bazar, and then refund the customer via your stripe dashboard
PPCapiSpain 7/2/2021 4:42 PM
@Joseph Thank you. but if we cancel the order, we will have to pay the PP commission and the Stripe commission ...
4:44 PM
last year we canceled an order and we paid the PP and Stripe commission of the order and the commision of the cancellation ... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
4:45 PM
can we do that another way?
Yes I understand this is a problem
9:44 PM
@PPCapiSpain if you email with the order number, we can refund the pp commission
9:44 PM
The stripe fee we cannot unfortunately
PPCapiSpain 7/2/2021 10:39 PM
okay. do not worry. Thank you. 👍
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/5/2021 7:20 PM
Hey all, I've had a few buyers that claim the dont own a credit card. Is there another method I can uses to continue the transaction, but keep them going through the bazar? (edited)
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/12/2021 1:05 PM
@Joseph Looks like somethings been updated on the seller admin side. All messages have disappeared. I had some queries over the weekend and now I can't even seen them to respond 😦 Any idea if you guys have noticed this issue?
hey @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio so what happened is that we put in a new add-on to allow for message attachments. This seemed to wipe all previous messages. We are seeing if that can be changed. Will update here with any updates
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/12/2021 3:53 PM
@joseph Ah sweet add-on! Thanks for the update ☺
👍 1
Hello guys, We are BE mechanical students and we have made a plastic recycling machine, I would like to share a photo and also I am looking forward to your guys opinions where we are taking pre orders of plastic recycling machine having a shredder and extruder. If you want to know more details you can mail me
6:27 AM
skaapvisagie 7/15/2021 9:06 AM
Abhishek1912 7/16/2021 11:01 AM
@Joseph Hey! We are bazar seller. Their is a bug in our admin page where we can't read messages from our customers. Can you help me with this.
Darigov Research 7/16/2021 8:01 PM
@Joseph we've also had this issue has there been any updates on fixing this and recovering previous messages?
Hi @Abhishek1912 and @Darigov Research Previous messages unfortunately won't be recovered, but I will look into you not being able to read messages
7:26 PM
Some users were having issues with this also
Darigov Research 7/18/2021 8:02 PM
Thanks for the update @Joseph is there any way we can have any additional procedures in the future when doing updates to backup data before hand?
8:03 PM
More than unfortunate that they are unrecoverable
@Abhishek1912 your messages should be fixed now!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/26/2021 12:12 PM
@Joseph Is this the unreadable messages everyone is talking about? Cause I have a few threads that apparently have no messages?
Hmm! @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio not sure why that is...
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/27/2021 1:26 PM
@Joseph Do you know what thread #151 is? Cause it looks like it came from the HQ right?
I think something is happening where people are sending a message without meaning to by clicking the space bar. And must have been caro when logged in. We are looking into it
Hello people! We had a little incident today where we were trying to fix something with the messaging system and then accidentally somehow disabled it. So we are working on that. If you try to access your messages you will get an error. We are working on it !
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Rehab PP Quimper - Nico 8/16/2021 11:40 AM
Thanks Joseph !
It's fixed! (ok but without attachments for now) - still working on that part
♥️ 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 8/17/2021 1:34 PM
Just a random thought, but might be helpful for us sellers. But could you share the Google Analytics Monthly Summary? Might help the sellers understand if we aren't actually selling what the community wants that month, or if it just happen to be a quiet one? Even if its just Clicks to main page for each month.
Yeah it's not a bad thought. I will look into if that could be done . I also was thinking it would be ideal if the Bazar shows how many times an item had been sold, so that potential sellers could understand the demand . What do you guys think of that
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 8/17/2021 1:38 PM
Number of times sold would defiantly help build up seller/buyer trust! While also helping sellers see what customers want. I think that is a good suggestion.
PPCapiSpain 8/18/2021 4:59 PM
Hello. Do you know if the country of origin can be eliminated in the shipments? is to adjust taxes ...
5:00 PM
Or if we could add the taxes depending on the location of the buyer?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 8/29/2021 1:13 PM
A small UI one here. But any chance you could make the text box at the bottom of the messaging more than 3 rows. I often struggle to reread my message, with it being so narrow.
PPCapiSpain 9/4/2021 1:40 PM
1:40 PM
Apocalisys??? ..😁
PPCapiSpain 9/9/2021 12:48 PM
hello. I have a problem. A customer from France pay 30 € for the shipping, but in the dashboard said 15€... why?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 9/11/2021 2:13 PM
Maybe another request too many, but I am now Tax Registered. Any chance to have the final price display tax depending on country?
Hi! Is your inbox working? Mine is broken for weeks, since the last update :( impossible to get messages from customers..
ooo @Marie.Pan let me look into that for you
5:57 PM
Should be fixed now! @Marie.Pan
Yes!! Thank you! Should have written earlier! When I sent an email, I've been ask to wait 🤷
6:00 PM
Thanks for your help @Joseph 🙏🙏🙏
Inspired Plastics started a thread. 10/4/2021 9:16 PM
Inspired Plastics started a thread. 10/4/2021 9:18 PM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/6/2021 11:50 AM
Today someone was able to make a sale without paying any shipping? Their country wasn't listed and I have no free shipping on this item :/
Inspired Plastics started a thread. 10/15/2021 2:36 PM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/15/2021 11:22 PM
@Inspired Plastics I think thats a feature of your specific discord?
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11:22 PM
I have it as an option to create a thread
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 11/1/2021 2:34 PM
@Joseph Ive had 3 Card Rejected transactions from 3 different buyers over the weekend ranging from small small to large purchases. Normally I get 1 or 2 fails, but so far its consistent. Has something changed or gone wrong?
PPCapiSpain 11/1/2021 7:48 PM
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio. in your Stripe dashborad, you can observate the problem ( no enough money, no verifiqued, bank dont autorized, etc...)
7:50 PM
In June, we contact with stripe, but the problem is always the same.... maybe we must used PayPal ( optional), and the buyers, if they wish,pay a little comision for using paypal (edited)
7:52 PM
i think in AliExpress, you can used a Credit Card, but if you used Paypal, you must pay a little comission. What do you think?
ya the problem is not you. It's a new EU regulation that requires 2 factor authentication for e-commerce. This is the biggest problem we are working on. (edited)
9:24 PM
Our solution would be changing the way payments work on the Bazar. The change would be where the payment from the customer goes directly to the seller, and precious Plastic does not get a fee. We would then invoice sellers for the fees on purchases over 100 euros. What do you guys think of that system? Should make your taxes easier, which i know are a pain right now. The downside is that customers will have to enter their payment details for each seller they buy from, even if the products are in the same cart
PPCapiSpain 11/1/2021 9:34 PM
@Joseph the problem would still be, I think nothing would be solved. we would still need double authorization, no?
The problem would be solved because we can enable two factor authentication for payments if they go directly to you. We are unable to add 2FA if we keep the payments the way they work now.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 11/16/2021 6:17 PM
Has the payment system "Card Rejected" affected every seller or just me? All my items 100% get card rejected errors.
Every one don't worry Rory! kat is on it
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 11/16/2021 11:02 PM
Phew thought it might be another pain in the ass brexit thing!
😫 2
PPCapiSpain 11/18/2021 6:41 PM
Hi! We have a little caos with internacional orden. Is general mistake?
6:43 PM
They can orden but they countries is not configured in the bazar....🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
hello, BMH solutions here?
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Hey dear bazar sellers! 🙃 
Little update, and discussion topic coming here.

The past few months we’ve been working on a new update of the bazar, mainly to solve the payment complications. Now we think we found a solution to make multi-vendor purchases work: 
It will require the customer to do the checkout process PER vendor. (Not ideal, but we’ll do our best to make the process as smooth as possible.)

Now with this option the 5% bazar fee (which we really need in order to pay, maintain and improve the platform) can’t be automatically transferred anymore, so we will have to do this manually.
 So our thought was to send each seller ONE invoice per month, charging 5% of what they sold that month.
 A major challenge with this could be the transfer between international currencies.

 👉 So now we wanted to see what you think about this - How doable would it be for you to pay an invoice in € to a dutch/europeean bank account?

 👈 Next to bank transfers, it could potentially also be solved via Stripe, PayPal, Wise, or even Ethereum - will explore a bit more, and if you have any ideas, feel free to bring them up here! Best would obviously be to find something which works for everyone from everywhere 🙂 Happy to hear your thoughts (or questions)! (edited)
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PreciousPlastic 2
@Kat 👍
Is the bazar messaging still down?
Hello, i cant acces to my dashboard panel... Anyone else have this problem?
11:03 AM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 12/20/2021 2:55 PM
I get this error a lot too, but seems to sort its self out after time.
Dear bazar people, happy new year to you all! Wishing you good sales, friendly customers and great ideas, and on top of all of course: good health, safety and happiness for you and your families 🙃 Wanted to inform and prepare you that we're getting closer to making the transition to the new and improved version of the Bazar! 🙉 To make the transition, we will need YOUR cooperation in the coming weeks! (to merge accounts etc.) So first I would like to see, who is actually even here and active? Can @everyone WHO IS A BAZAR SELLER please react with any emoji to this message, so we can get a feeling for it? (Trying to see if we can communicate here, or if we email communication is better.) (edited)
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FA_FoxetteWhatDoUWant 1
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Dear bazar people, happy new year to you all! Wishing you good sales, friendly customers and great ideas, and on top of all of course: good health, safety and happiness for you and your families 🙃 Wanted to inform and prepare you that we're getting closer to making the transition to the new and improved version of the Bazar! 🙉 To make the transition, we will need YOUR cooperation in the coming weeks! (to merge accounts etc.) So first I would like to see, who is actually even here and active? Can @everyone WHO IS A BAZAR SELLER please react with any emoji to this message, so we can get a feeling for it? (Trying to see if we can communicate here, or if we email communication is better.) (edited)
Thanks for the info @Kat and happy new year! ☺️ Some clients are waiting to pay some articles, but they get this notice: "The seller hasn't set up their payment method, so you can't proceed to checkout. Please send them a message and ask them to connect their stripe account" I have not idea where i've to insert the payment method at our vendor Site (I suppose that it will be possible at the new version...) Thanks for your answer and have a nice day Rubben t r o o z o o s
Thanks for the info @Kat and happy new year! ☺️ Some clients are waiting to pay some articles, but they get this notice: "The seller hasn't set up their payment method, so you can't proceed to checkout. Please send them a message and ask them to connect their stripe account" I have not idea where i've to insert the payment method at our vendor Site (I suppose that it will be possible at the new version...) Thanks for your answer and have a nice day Rubben t r o o z o o s
Hey guys! I'm putting together a data summary to share from the Bazar from 2021. Can you think of anything in particular that would be useful for you to know?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 1/17/2022 11:18 AM
Average number of orders per month, Busiest seasons, quietest seasons, Top 5 product types (shredder kits etc), Countries that bought the most, countries that sold the most, Number of unique visitors/page views.
11:18 AM
More graphs the better, so that we can understand how and when we did well or didnt do so well.
11:22 AM
but maybe also some real honesty on what doesn't work? Like maybe no sales are being made in south america (im sure there are) but should be, so we as sellers can figure out how we support those locations (shipping, new sellers, better products for those cultures etc)
11:24 AM
Just a side note, if the PP team really new what was needed in the community eg. new mould design. I think a lot of the bazar makers would jump to the idea if it got them featured. Maybe you have a list of things that might excite the sellers/makers
thx @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio !
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 1/17/2022 3:23 PM
It would maybe also be helpful to have a little guidance on how we can best serve the community. What's precious plastics goals, and how can the bazar sellers help facilitate that. I assume most of our customers are people who don't have the knowledge to make the items themselves, but maybe have fantastic marketing or product design skills etc. How does PP see the opportunity/goal?
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PPCapiSpain 1/17/2022 9:26 PM
Hello. I don't think so much data should be published. Precious Plastic is not Amazon, or AliExpress... many of us sellers help each other. With these data, the Bazaar will become only money. Also, we all know that many sellers do not use the Bazaar to sell, only as an exhibition, so the data we have is not real. With all due respect, that's my opinion.
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Hello everyone 🙂 I hope you all received the email I sent out about a week ago, about the transition to the new bazar update. (Please let me know if you have NOT received the email!) Just a little update of the steps: 1. PREPARATION ☑️ tested payment processes and the flow to set it up ☑️ installed, tested and fixed messenger add-on ☑️ fixed some other smaller things (there are still some improvements on the list, but for now it should be functional enough to transition) Means we can go towards: 2. TRANSITION 🔲 First step: clone all accounts and connected information to newbazar. We hope this can be done by the developer within this week. 🔲 Once ready: We will need you all to check your account and set up your payment (info will follow) Will keep you posted! Let us know if there are any questions 🙂
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 1/26/2022 12:05 PM
PreciousPlastic 1
👐 1
No mail for me yet!
📬 2
Hello! Update: The developer will most likely complete migrating all account information TODAY. Before I send out an email to all sellers/users, it would be great if we can make a first test run with YOU. (as you're the most active and accessible sellers :)) Would be great if you can be available for this today/tomorrow, so we can have a quick feedback on any challenges. Will send more instructions, once it's ready. Maybe quick survey: 👉 Who has read this and is available for a small 5-min task today/tomorrow? (react with emoji)
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PPCapiSpain 2/2/2022 9:13 PM
Heya Bazar People! The team has been working on a tool to help you see the stats that matter to you most. Looking at what the bazar users are doing and you could make choices depending on the current landscape of the bazar. We have set this up for 2021 and comprises data from the old bazar. Let me know if there is any other specific data you would like to know or any feedback for the report. Thank you! (edited)
Google Data Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.
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Thank you for such info. Is there any possibility to see the numbers of which shredder kit sold the most? I mean shredder kit v2.1 shredder kit v3.3 or shredder kit pro v4 ?
Hi @Jacek sorry unfortunately we don't have that level of data available
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/8/2022 11:59 AM
@Hugh and team. Thanks for doing this. It's really helpful. Really interesting to see France as number 1 country. Super strong community there, and super amazing to see the constant number of hits on the bazar. Showing its value and service to the community.
🥖 4
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/8/2022 12:49 PM
Just discussing on another chat group the reason why Shredders is so high. Do you know if in these numbers count a customer buying a "Shaft" and then a "Lasercut set" counts as 2 sales? (edited)
Shredder has combined each "section" so kits, parts and built. So yes I would say it would count that as 2 purchases
We are also working on releasing a new navagation bar for that will make the Bazar more accessable
🤟 2
Did you solved the issue with DDS Security? I still have some customers which were not able to buy shredder kit from me because of issue with the payment.
Hi @Jacek will be fixed on newbazar platform which should be released in about 2 weeks
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Are you thinking also about creating a tag “seller verified” or something like that so potential customer if he is hesitating - will not be hesitate?
5:45 PM
On new platform payment also be through Stripe?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Just discussing on another chat group the reason why Shredders is so high. Do you know if in these numbers count a customer buying a "Shaft" and then a "Lasercut set" counts as 2 sales? (edited)
PPCapiSpain 2/8/2022 9:14 PM
I think the main reasons why shredder are the best sellers are: 1) It is the first machine needed for Precious Plastic. 2) Kits are cheap. I am sure that many injectors, extruders, etc... are sold outside the bazaar to save commissions....
9:17 PM
I think that by the year 2022, we should set ourselves the goal of doubling sales through the bazaar, so that we can improve the financing of PP. With the new bazaar and without the "credit card verification" problems, I think we can do it. what do you think?
OneArmy 3
PreciousPlastic 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/8/2022 9:20 PM
@PPCapiSpain I think you are right about that. I also think that the Injection machine is the easiest machine to build, but the shredder requires a turner and a lasercutter. 100% down for trying to double sales 🙂
Yes let's double!!!
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10:29 PM
Honestly almost 50% of transactions were being rejected at the end of 2021 (I know this is really bad but there wasn't an easy solution for it)
10:29 PM
Once we have that fixed, that's double transactions right there :)
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Are you thinking also about creating a tag “seller verified” or something like that so potential customer if he is hesitating - will not be hesitate?
Yes, verified sellers make a lot of sense - we were thinking that it should correlate with the verified program, so that there is no confusion between different verified categorisations. Meaning that if you are a verified workspace/machine shop, you can get a verified tag on the bazar too. (rough idea, we'll have to work it out a bit more in detail) what do you think about that?
7:19 AM
Also: TRANSITION UPDATE / FYI Dev is facing a few hurdles with migrating, so it takes a bit longer than expected. Will keep you posted.
Regarding the shredder sales, I think this machine is 1) in high demand 2) easy to sell "out of the box", and thus the transaction goes through the Bazar. When there is customization involved, the transactions are more likely to go off the Bazar, so this data is missing. But we will be implementing some policies to pull more transactions into the Bazar. So I think you have to keep that in mind that the data we have does't tell the whole story
Yes, verified sellers make a lot of sense - we were thinking that it should correlate with the verified program, so that there is no confusion between different verified categorisations. Meaning that if you are a verified workspace/machine shop, you can get a verified tag on the bazar too. (rough idea, we'll have to work it out a bit more in detail) what do you think about that?
PPCapiSpain 2/9/2022 3:31 PM
personally I would not put together the concept of verified space with verified seller. from our opinion, verified space, it is a concept that highly values ​​markerting (photos, videos, etc...), but quality, honesty, etc... are not valued enough. (edited)
3:36 PM
Perhaps the concept of honest seller, safety seller, etc... is more appropriate. But what parameters should a seller have to be "honest/safety"? They must be very defined parameters and very easy to check.
Regarding the shredder sales, I think this machine is 1) in high demand 2) easy to sell "out of the box", and thus the transaction goes through the Bazar. When there is customization involved, the transactions are more likely to go off the Bazar, so this data is missing. But we will be implementing some policies to pull more transactions into the Bazar. So I think you have to keep that in mind that the data we have does't tell the whole story
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/9/2022 3:41 PM
I would also maybe add that people are not always willing to pay for a machine 100% upfront. With many requests for payment terms more common on €1000+ purchases. (Though I have been surprised by how many people actually are ok with spending €1500 on the bazar without even having a conversation with me before hand!) I'm a nice guy...but still. Defiantly explains decrease in sales as items get more expensive.
Yeah i get it about the payment terms @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
But i think with enough trust built into the platform, and clear shipping terms (which is hard to do with big machines), that we could increase the amount going through the bazar even with bigger machines
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/10/2022 12:24 PM
Little question for the PP Team, I am going to be going through and updating my listings and adding some new products. Now that the import has been done, should I focus on the new bazar or can I continue to update the old bazar knowing those changes will occur? If I update the new, will those changes be overwritten if I don't do the same on the old?
I would wait for newbazar to go through and do that @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio . Everything should transfer fine, but you never know so just in case I would wait
Someone make a 3d filament extruder! People are looking for that a lot on the Bazar
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 2/10/2022 2:03 PM
Doesn't qitech do that already really well? Always room for competition though I guess! (edited)
Verified seller and verified workspace info that should be two different categories. Why? Because I don’t have and probably never will create proper workspace. I’m shredder builder and that’s my specialization.
10:54 PM
Will you also guys migrate all comments from our profiles to new PP Bazar version? I would like to keep that feedback. It really helps potential customers to make the right choice if they are not sure or afraid.
Will you also guys migrate all comments from our profiles to new PP Bazar version? I would like to keep that feedback. It really helps potential customers to make the right choice if they are not sure or afraid.
Thanks for your thoughts, I do see the point. Think that we could also adapt the verified program to suit machine builders/sellers better. For comments on profiles: yes we're migrating all data that is connected to your profile (listings, orders, messages, reviews ...) 🙃 (edited)
PPCapiSpain 2/12/2022 7:24 PM
when does the migration finish?
Hi @PPCapiSpain we hit a few road bumps , but we are hoping for next week
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Is till that time old version working normally or it’s limited functionality?
@Jacek working normally!
7:06 PM
(except for the fact that there is still payment problems)
I will ask you again for some numbers… I really would like to know if shredder kit v3.3 is selling better than v2.1 - don’t tell me please that you don’t have such info. I’m really thinking about changing my production to v3.3 shredder kit but I don’t know what is the need of the customers. Please share with us that info. I don’t know what to do. Finish with v2.1 version and start v3.3 version or stay on v2.1 version… what sells best?
Hey @Jacek I will look into this further tomorrow but I am not promising anything. It is difficult to split up that info because not everyone categorises their shredder listings this way. I will look to see what is possible but again I am not promising anything. There is also limitations into how data is categorised through google analytics. Especially for something this granular. (edited)
Hello everyone! 🙂 So. It looks like either by the end of today or by tomorrow (if no other unexpected hurdle comes along 🤞) the data should be migrated. As mentioned before, I would like to try the login and payment setup with a few first, and if that goes smoothly, send it out to all sellers. So we will need a couple of QUICK feedbacks. If you can, try to be available and check this channel frequently in the next 48h, so we can do a quick testrun! 🙏
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cleanertomorrowproject 2/17/2022 5:40 PM
Quick question, I got a few messages in my bazar seller account but I’m unable to view them. When I go into my settings I’m also unable to check the box allowing me to manage messages. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
I have this issue also. Since couple months from now. I assume that this are also some errors/issues related with message system ? Right?
Quick question, I got a few messages in my bazar seller account but I’m unable to view them. When I go into my settings I’m also unable to check the box allowing me to manage messages. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
@cleanertomorrowproject and @Jacek yes, we noticed that - it's either people deleting their messages or its a bug. We'll see how it is with the new update, maybe (hopefully) it will be solved after the migration 🤞
9:50 AM
OK, showtime! WE NEED QUICK FEEBDACK The migration is done and all accounts, orders, listings, reviews and messages should be on (if there was something added recently, it will be migrated in the last step) PLEASE, whoever is available now: 1 - CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT, if everything is there 2 - SET UP YOUR PAYMENT METHOD. The instructions are here: (make sure that you're doing it on newbazar, not on bazar) 3 - LET US/ME KNOW ONCE YOU'RE DONE (reply in this thread, if you're done, or if there are any issues) If all good, we can send the instructions out to all sellers 🙂
Hey everyone. So, as we had a couple of bugs and issues last round, we worked with the dev to fix those. Shipping issue still open, but the password/login should work properly now, and also the admin tab should be there for everyone now. So again: 1 - LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT. 2 - SET UP YOUR PAYMENT METHOD. ( 3 - LET US/ME KNOW ONCE YOU'RE DONE - or what other issues you find 🙈 Thanks!
👍 3
Hey everyone. So, as we had a couple of bugs and issues last round, we worked with the dev to fix those. Shipping issue still open, but the password/login should work properly now, and also the admin tab should be there for everyone now. So again: 1 - LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT. 2 - SET UP YOUR PAYMENT METHOD. ( 3 - LET US/ME KNOW ONCE YOU'RE DONE - or what other issues you find 🙈 Thanks!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 3/2/2022 1:13 PM
Done, and all set up. I still had to reset my password the first time, but after that everything is working normal!
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Kat started a thread. 3/2/2022 3:03 PM
Everything up and running. Good job!
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Hey people! Sorry, there is another hurdle we have to fix right now - at the moment you can't add a payment method (it just gives you a Code when you click on it. Will inform you when it's fixed again!
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HELLO! Ok it works again! @everyone PLEASE make sure you set up your payment option, we hope to make the final migration in ONE WEEK! (for more instructions, see this message:
Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.
pandahug 9
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 3/13/2022 6:41 PM
@Kat can I ask if there will be another migration from Old to New? Which one should I use to update prices and photos basically.
Will you migrate latest feedbacks from customers?
✅ 3
Hello people 🙂 Just a heads up, we are looking into doing the final migration on Friday (if no new hurdles appear 🤞 ). That means that we the will be offline for about 4 days (during migration work) to not lose any data. Please make sure to notify your customers with open conversations or orders about this period! We will inform you once we know for sure when the migration will start. Hope you're all well!
👍 4
Butte (PP Philippines) 3/16/2022 8:35 AM
what is the payment processor for the new store? Stripe does not work for me here.
Butte (PP Philippines)
what is the payment processor for the new store? Stripe does not work for me here.
It's still stripe. We are looking into adding more options, but have to go with this one as the main one right now
Hello people 🙂 Just a heads up, we are looking into doing the final migration on Friday (if no new hurdles appear 🤞 ). That means that we the will be offline for about 4 days (during migration work) to not lose any data. Please make sure to notify your customers with open conversations or orders about this period! We will inform you once we know for sure when the migration will start. Hope you're all well!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 3/16/2022 11:39 AM
Just to clarify the 4 day period starts on Friday right?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Just to clarify the 4 day period starts on Friday right?
yes, that's the plan. final confirmation for exact time will come tomorrow!
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@Bazar-seller ANNOUNCEMENT The BAZAR will be OFFLINE from Saturday 12pm (GMT+5:30) for the final migration. This will take around 4 days, but we will keep you posted about changes! Please inform your customers/open orders. And pray for a smooth transition 🤞👐 (edited)
🤞 2
RichC started a thread. 3/17/2022 7:26 PM
RichC started a thread. 3/17/2022 9:21 PM
It's happening!
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Alrighty! BAZAR IS MIGRATED AND ONLINE AGAIN As always there are some little issues that came up after migration, but the essentials should all work already. Things we already found that we'll be fixing: - some icons missing - "shipping to my location" checkbox missing - some things not displayed how they are supposed to (- and page seems very slow at the moment, so we'll look into that too)
  • some mails go to "user email" instead of seller email
- shipping rates are not calculated / charged
  • reviews can be written by anyone (should only be customer)
Have a look, test some things, and let us know if you find something that doesn't work. You should also have all your orders, messages, reviews etc. up to date and should be able to get back to your messages with the customers, please check (again) if there is anything missing. Once we feel like it's stable, we'll send a proper update and can go back to business - for now just keep in mind that there might be some bugs that need fixing. 🙃
Plastice to sell products, machines, and plastic. Empowering our recycling ecosystem around the world.
@PPCapiSpain i see that you sold something on Newbazar. How's the process for you? Everything looks good?
@PPCapiSpain i see that you sold something on Newbazar. How's the process for you? Everything looks good?
PPCapiSpain 3/24/2022 8:15 PM
we have some little problems, i contacted with @Kat . But is normal, i think we can solve this littles problems in some days
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CitSciWorkshop 3/30/2022 7:13 PM
Is there a way to set prices in a selected currency? I know you can change the view, but its an extra task to review and adjust in super volatile market and conversion conditions.
@CitSciWorkshop so not at this time....but I think that would make a big difference especially for USA customers. There is a ton of traffic from the USA but not so much buying . I think that partly has to do with US customers not like seeing the prices in USD
12:39 PM
If you have time, it would be great if we could store that thought at
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PPCapiSpain 4/5/2022 6:54 PM
@Kat When do you think we will receive the PP bill for the last month?
@Kat When do you think we will receive the PP bill for the last month?
Hehe thanks for paying attention to that! Will try to send invoices out it this week :) @Bazar-seller please check that you have your VAT number given in your profile, otherwise I'll have to ask you for that information 🙆🏽 (edited)
PPCapiSpain 4/6/2022 8:19 AM
@Kat and how pay it? By paypall, bank transfer,etc...?
How's everyone enjoying the new bazar 🎉 ?? Massive round of applause for the one and only @Kat overcoming this massive tech/finance hurdle.
Hey Bazar Sellers 👋 I am working on improving the Discord experience for Precious Plastic and its community. Amongst other changes I am considering having an enriched #activity-bot channel with more signals from across the community. One thing that could be fun would be to hook up the Bazar and send a message every time some of you sells something. This could give an idea of the activity on the Bazar. Before going ahead I wanted to check in with you guys 🔆 Lemme know what you think
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/13/2022 3:15 PM
@Mattia I think that would be super informative!
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3:15 PM
(Country sold too would also be helpful to see where the demand would be)
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio good shout, have to see if I can pull those data points. Will try!
Does anyone feel that showing what items are sold in particular is an invasion of privacy?
Does anyone feel that showing what items are sold in particular is an invasion of privacy?
CitSciWorkshop 4/15/2022 3:13 AM
I've only seen a couple sites that have pop-ups in which you see some info about things being sold. That being said, it's on a single company's home site, I'm not sure how that would work on the Bazar site even, vs. Here. It fades away on the site, such as on filabot. Here it would be posted. Also, here I like to focus on development rather than sales, so I would worry people might think offering to help them is just motivated by promotional incentive.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/16/2022 11:59 AM
Hey @Kat Just to let you know someone was able to make an order without any street number or phone number in their shipping/customer information. I can't ship without this information, so just an added step. Can you make contact number mandatory for the account set up?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Hey @Kat Just to let you know someone was able to make an order without any street number or phone number in their shipping/customer information. I can't ship without this information, so just an added step. Can you make contact number mandatory for the account set up?
PPCapiSpain 4/16/2022 1:10 PM
That would be a very good idea. We have had two orders without shipping street... I'm not sure if it's a customers mistake ....
Thanks for the feedback! @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio and @PPCapiSpain - Will try to get it fixed ASAP
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/17/2022 7:51 PM
@Kat Has the ability to contact the seller after they make a purchase been removed? I have another customer without phone information. However I have no way of contacting them if they didnt contact me first?
Hi @Kat it would be good to look into this flow ☝@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio what was your usual mechanism to contact the sellers after having an order placed?
Hey #archived-bazar-sellers , small piece of advice. Respond to your messages from customers as soon as you can. Ideally this is right away or within 10 minutes. When someone is ready to buy, they want to do it then. If you miss this opportunity, it's highly likely you will miss the sale
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/19/2022 6:29 PM
@Joseph @Kat Sure, so if I remember correctly there used to be an ability to "enable" the chat feature in the addons
6:31 PM
But for me now that area is empty.
6:32 PM
I can however use their email information to email them directly. BUT that is taking them off the bazar which I know is a step we are trying to avoid. Plus on my 2 orders without a number, I haven't actually got a reply with the request for a phone number :/
Thanks @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio ok i know what you are talking about now. Not sure why it's not showing up there
6:33 PM
Were you using that feature a lot?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/19/2022 8:25 PM
Not that much tbh, maybe 1 in 10 orders but I'm pretty sure after I mentioned phone numbers being required in July, you guys made a change and never really had to reach out to the customer again for this reason. Though I could see myself and others using it to encourage a review or confirm safe arrival of the product
I had also dozens situations where I had to contact via given email address with the customer to get their phone number which is required for the shipping company. I also noticed that there is no simple way in PP Bazar to communicate with that customer directly in PP Bazar. Some simple button mechanism after customer purchase the product “send additional (quick) message to the buyer will be a good idea.
PPCapiSpain 4/20/2022 5:11 PM
In the orden panel, we can send comunícate with the customer. This.option is new in this bazar version (edited)
5:11 PM
@PPCapiSpain indeed this is a where the button moved! Good find 💪
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/21/2022 10:57 AM
@PPCapiSpain Thanks so much! 🙂
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/22/2022 4:50 PM
Fyi, just had an order where there was no street name or number. Might want to investigate if required fields are enabled?
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio have an order number for that?
6:29 PM
ahh nvm i see it
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/22/2022 6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
They messaged after and I have the info but thought I'd mention
just added it to
6:31 PM
so we get it in the system
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Fyi, just had an order where there was no street name or number. Might want to investigate if required fields are enabled?
PPCapiSpain 4/22/2022 8:48 PM
We also have some no street number orders. I thought they are customers' mistakes... I remember the exact number, but we have 3 ordens sure with this ponit...
Big news y'all - PayPal option coming soon
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/25/2022 6:11 PM
Logged issue on about order #2045 client claims he wasn't asked address. Billed for US shipping and "Boston, USA" as sole shipping information. But is spanish customer.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/26/2022 11:35 AM
Another order today went through without any delivery info. 😦
@Kat were you able to confirm this shipping problem on your last test orders?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Logged issue on about order #2045 client claims he wasn't asked address. Billed for US shipping and "Boston, USA" as sole shipping information. But is spanish customer.
PPCapiSpain 4/26/2022 12:14 PM
Some time the "localizador" dont work well and not Apply the Correct shipping cost
12:17 PM
I think it is because the bazaar calculates the shipment using the locator of the pc, mobile, etc... it does not use the address indicated in the shipment.
Hello Bazar sellers! We are getting ready to update our terms and conditions to the Bazar. But we want your feedback. I made a video explaining our thinking below 👇 And here is a link to the summary so you can review them 👇
Bazar Terms and Conditions Summary (Changes April 2th 2022) The Precious Plastic Bazar charges a 5% fee for all transactions. The 5% is charged on the total amount of the transaction, including goods and shipping. It is collected from the sellers based on their monthly total transactions. The mo...
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Holaa! Good News: WE INSTALLED PAYPAL 🙂 It's just been set up and still needs to be tested. Would be great if some of you can try to set it up, following this guide: And then create a 1€ test listing (you can set it up as "visible only with link") and send us the link so we can test to pay it. And please leave your feedback here how it went and if the guide is clear enough. 🤝
Set up Paypal Requirements: Paypal Business Account To use Paypal for the Bazar, you need an active Paypal Business Account. If you don’t have one, create one and make sure to verify with your email address. Step 1: Add a payment method Login to the seller dashboard Go to Administration > Paym...
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PPCapiSpain 4/27/2022 8:42 PM
do it... great jobs...
Kat started a thread. 4/27/2022 10:08 PM
ℹ️ FYI The issue of the missing shipping info in the checkout should be solved now. (edited)
🔥 3
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 4/29/2022 10:25 AM
You guys are plowing through the problems. So maybe it's time to add one more :) It's literally the biggest chore to manually input sales data into QuickBooks, or any accounting software. My Squarespace does this automatically and I love it. Can you at least allow the seller to export an excel or something so we can then upload it to our accounting? Just the invoice data or something between 2 dates? Maybe your software already has API integration, but I would assume the software has something that allows for export. How are you calculating the sellers required end of month 5%? (edited)
Kat started a thread. 4/29/2022 10:47 AM
Hey guys in our search for increased transparency and openness we're starting to host development meeting here on Discord. Next Tuesday as part of our Bazar Sprint #2, we'll be meeting trying to increase conversion rate on the Bazar. If you have ideas or want to add to the conversation feel free to join 💪
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/3/2022 6:16 PM
Just got this error screen when the bazar wouldn't load at 17:13 GMT
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Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Just got this error screen when the bazar wouldn't load at 17:13 GMT
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/3/2022 6:18 PM
Did for 5min and now back in. (Feels connected to updating a listing and then trying to view said listing)
💪 1
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that from TODAY the new Terms & Conditions will come into effect. Please make sure you - have updated your profile and listings (no link to personal contacts like email, phone number etc.) - doublecheck/update your prices (as the bazar fee will be calculated based on total price incl. shipping)
  • keep all conversations and orders on the Bazar (offering emails or phone numbers can result into a deactivation of the account) As always, if anything is unclear, or something needs to be discussed more, we're right here 🙂
Terms & Conditions Summary Hey there! Welcome to our terms and conditions The full text is a little dense so here’s a readable summary so you can understand the main points However it’s not a substitute so we encourage you to read the whole terms and conditions before using the Bazar The Precious
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio started a thread. 5/6/2022 11:05 AM
Hey guys working on a bunch of mobile UI enhancements to increase conversion on mobile (which has been performing pretty poorly). Let me know if you have any particular thing bugging you in the front end and I can try fix it 🙂
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/9/2022 7:23 PM
@Mattia I noticed the other day a listing on Mobile, that had no photo. It caused the page to glitch out and loose its justification for that listing. Sorry I didn't screen shot it. I was trying to show a client the bazar.
I guess a post without pics should ideally not be there in the first place. A screenshot would be great to work around those cases anyways. Thanks @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/9/2022 7:51 PM
7:51 PM
Found it. Under machines (all machines) page 3
👍 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/10/2022 6:53 PM
@Kat @Joseph A client asked me to send them a template for the modular mould so they could create their own shapes. There is currently no way of sharing .DXF as only PDF/JPG is supported. As an existing customer from the bazar I already their email but is their a way of opening up the file extensions list to send more relevant files?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
@Kat @Joseph A client asked me to send them a template for the modular mould so they could create their own shapes. There is currently no way of sharing .DXF as only PDF/JPG is supported. As an existing customer from the bazar I already their email but is their a way of opening up the file extensions list to send more relevant files?
Cool one way to do that would be to send a googledrive link with the files ?
CitSciWorkshop 5/10/2022 7:05 PM
I think a .zip works too.
👍 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/11/2022 11:23 AM
@Mattia Don't know if this is a recent change, but the contact seller button is basically transparent in a white space. Considering thats now the only contact method, maybe better to make that a little bit more punchy!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
@Mattia Don't know if this is a recent change, but the contact seller button is basically transparent in a white space. Considering thats now the only contact method, maybe better to make that a little bit more punchy!
hey @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio yes aware of that and working to change that. Code isn't the cleanest on the bazar and struggling a little to single out contact button. Will get it all sorted by tonight.
11:42 AM
Meanwhile I made some significant improvements (at least that's what I am telling myself 😂) on checkout to make it more seamless for buyers to buy items. Hope it yields good results for everyone 💸
❤️ 1
We are on track to 3X sales on the Bazar this month from last month 🎉 🎊🥳
🔥 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/11/2022 11:49 AM
Awesome! Thanks guys.
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio just finished to polish all buttons. They should be more coherent now hopefully leading to a more delightful user experience leading to more sales. Check it out. Also made a bunch of other changes both on desktop and mobile, looking forward to hear what people feel about them? Let's go Bazar!
❤️ 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/11/2022 8:06 PM
I can see the improvements at first glance! 👍
8:08 PM
Took some screenshots of some mobile blips I saw in case you haven't seen them.
8:08 PM
✅ 1
8:08 PM
Rating overlapping the name
8:09 PM
✅ 1
8:09 PM
Contact seller a little off center on profile page.
8:09 PM
8:10 PM
At the bottom of the page that logo looks funny and I thought it would return me to home but it does nothing.
❌ 1
8:10 PM
8:11 PM
Says I am in Boston?
8:11 PM
8:11 PM
But when I click on my location it knows actually where I am roughly
8:12 PM
But don't want to shift from the fact it looks really good! 😀
PPCapiSpain 5/12/2022 8:35 AM
hello, is it possible to deactivate stripe and only use PayPal in the bazaar?
Thanks @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio profile page is on my to do list for today 💪
hello, is it possible to deactivate stripe and only use PayPal in the bazaar?
I believe you an choose one or the other (edited)
👍 1
hello, is it possible to deactivate stripe and only use PayPal in the bazaar?
Yes, that's possible now 🙂
👍 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/12/2022 5:12 PM
What is causing the "New thread notification" email, but no message from the individual?
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio do you have a ticket id for that ? Did it happen more than once?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/12/2022 5:57 PM
Its happened like 5 times in the last week alone
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/13/2022 12:11 PM
Is there meant to be that many ?????
12:11 PM
On the Email sent to the customer.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Is there meant to be that many ?????
Eheh I like to think it is not. @Kat is responsible for email flows and content. Probably just slipped through..thanks for spotting it 👍
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/13/2022 12:30 PM
No worries. Hate to bring these up cause it feels like I'm only bringing more on your plate, but know you guys are kicking ass and cleaning up these things fast!
No way! Keep bringing them in, hopefully you can serve as an example for other sellers. We need 4, 8, 24, 100 👀 on this. The more the better. More feedback = better Bazar = happier sellers = happier buyers = more recycling
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Is there meant to be that many ?????
Thank you Rory, really helpful to get those details reported 🙂 This one should be fixed now!
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
What is causing the "New thread notification" email, but no message from the individual?
This is very weird indeed, and seems to happen quite often. Will try to look into it
uh-oh! weird thing happening here: A lot of "incomplete" *orders I know for my test that I clicked on pay with paypal, but didn't finalise the payment. And for *Touba signs it seems an issue with their paypal setup as it's not directing to the paypal page. Would like to know if you know what happened in your cases? @Abhishek1912 @Mattia / @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio (edited)
We are on track to 3X sales on the Bazar this month from last month 🎉 🎊🥳
Abhishek1912 5/16/2022 2:31 PM
Thanks guys for all your work and updates👍🏻
2:35 PM
Can u please update My seller page it does not the same as other page.
🛠️ 2
2:35 PM
Addition customer can't see my product list.
uh-oh! weird thing happening here: A lot of "incomplete" *orders I know for my test that I clicked on pay with paypal, but didn't finalise the payment. And for *Touba signs it seems an issue with their paypal setup as it's not directing to the paypal page. Would like to know if you know what happened in your cases? @Abhishek1912 @Mattia / @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio (edited)
Abhishek1912 5/16/2022 2:38 PM
In Precious Plastic India page their is only one order incomplete so I am also not sure & also awaiting for a message from client about the problem he is facing.
In Precious Plastic India page their is only one order incomplete so I am also not sure & also awaiting for a message from client about the problem he is facing.
Thanks. Working on your profile issue, too!
uh-oh! weird thing happening here: A lot of "incomplete" *orders I know for my test that I clicked on pay with paypal, but didn't finalise the payment. And for *Touba signs it seems an issue with their paypal setup as it's not directing to the paypal page. Would like to know if you know what happened in your cases? @Abhishek1912 @Mattia / @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio (edited)
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/16/2022 5:43 PM
@Kat I didnt notice it was incomplete until you highlighted it. I had not received an email for these ones.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/17/2022 9:07 PM
Are the brass stamps that PP used to sell no longer a thing? I have a client asking for some.
@Rory - Sustainable Design Studio I believe someone started selling them so we stopped
9:24 PM
Maybe you should be the main stamps seller 🙂
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/17/2022 10:04 PM
Ah, I think they are gone now. Happy to carry the baton. Just don't know where to get them made/where to source the PP design/size. (edited)
Maker Island ☠ Leão 5/18/2022 1:38 PM
Does anyone know where I can find this extrusion screw that ships in EU? I can only find in India or South Africa in the Bazar at the moment
@Maker Island ☠ Leão you should become the main screw provider for EU 😁
@Maker Island ☠ Leão you should become the main screw provider for EU 😁
Maker Island ☠ Leão 5/18/2022 3:45 PM
Hehehe that's a idea got to find out a partner that can produce this types of screw's. 😃 Tried here in PT but the prices were to high
The problem is that robotdigg was the main provider in China, but they are having problems with lockdown / supply chain
The problem is that robotdigg was the main provider in China, but they are having problems with lockdown / supply chain
Abhishek1912 5/19/2022 10:00 AM
We from Precious Plastic India cn provide High quality Screws in good Quantity. We will happy to provide great service to deliver at Doorstep.
Thanks. Working on your profile issue, too!
Abhishek1912 5/19/2022 10:01 AM
Hello! Can you please help us out with our profile update.
Hello! Can you please help us out with our profile update.
Hey, this is on our list to check! Sorry it takes a bit, because there are a few urgent issues that are affecting orders/payments
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/19/2022 12:15 PM
When you get a chance @Mattia can you adjust the chat box to be more than 3 rows?
👍 2
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
When you get a chance @Mattia can you adjust the chat box to be more than 3 rows?
@Kat is actually working on this, do you think we can ask the dev to increase height of the text field box? Once he's done with current task?
❤️ 2
True. Chat box should be bigger. I agree.
1:12 PM
Can you please PP Team explain once again why you are taking 5% fee from shipping cost as well and not only from the value of the sold product? (edited)
True. Chat box should be bigger. I agree.
Hi Jacek, this is because the Bazar is processing the entire transaction - Product listing & shipping
PPCapiSpain 5/23/2022 5:09 PM
hello. what is the difference between order placed and order processed??
hello. what is the difference between order placed and order processed??
Order placed = someone clicked on the "Place order" button in the checkout Order processed = Payment got processed successfully 🙂 (edited)
PPCapiSpain 5/24/2022 6:32 PM
6:32 PM
6:33 PM
before this didn't happen, right?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
When you get a chance @Mattia can you adjust the chat box to be more than 3 rows?
Maker Island ☠ Leão 5/24/2022 7:25 PM
that would be cool and it also crashes several times, not sure why I normally use notepad to write the answer and copy paste to the chat 😂
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/25/2022 9:27 PM
Hey All, Noticed that the similar items (on the item page) has been updated to show more location based options. However, it would be nice to maybe include the own sellers items down their that relate...rather than (what happens for me) just showing 4 options all from another and same seller! Kind of feels less like giving them choice but instead directing them to another shop. And worst is that when you click on their just shows you more options of that you force the buyer down a one way path? Maybe the algorithm could be optimised a little? (edited)
9:30 PM
An example would be for moulds
9:31 PM
But when you click on their listing you get the same 4 suggestions at the bottom. Surely it better for the customer to have a broader range of options?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Hey All, Noticed that the similar items (on the item page) has been updated to show more location based options. However, it would be nice to maybe include the own sellers items down their that relate...rather than (what happens for me) just showing 4 options all from another and same seller! Kind of feels less like giving them choice but instead directing them to another shop. And worst is that when you click on their just shows you more options of that you force the buyer down a one way path? Maybe the algorithm could be optimised a little? (edited)
Thanks for the feedback Rory! I guess this similar items is really more focused on the type of product, so if there is only one seller having the most similar products, I think it kind of makes sense. BUT to be honest, I'm not sure how that selection is coming together, so we can have a look and also see how to influence/set up the variables 🙂
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
When you get a chance @Mattia can you adjust the chat box to be more than 3 rows?
Hello! TEXT BOX HEIGHT is fixed now - it now grows with the text 🙂 🙌 (edited)
👌 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/28/2022 8:55 PM
@Kat Epic! Already appreciated it on today's messages 🙂
🦄 2
CitSciWorkshop 5/28/2022 9:46 PM
Features similar to this CS Cart addon could be really helpful for tailoring invoices for folks.
This add-on is an indispensable tool for any store that allows to customize not only invoices but also packing slips via WYSIWYG editor.
Hey @Bazar-sellers! Have a question, would be great to get your feedbacks! INVENTORY There is this field in the product details where you can say "Quantity". At the moment, if you have "1" as Quantity, it means that if someone buys that item, it will be "out of stock" and not show up for buyers on the storefront anymore - until you set it to a higher amount again. Question: 1️⃣ Are you using this/is it useful for you? 2️⃣ Would you prefer to deactivate this, so you don't have to always update the inventory, but instead just take the product offline manually when you don't want to offer this item anymore? You can just react to this message with the 1️⃣ and 2️⃣ emoji - and if you have any other comment, feel free to add it 🙂 (edited)
1️⃣ 6
2️⃣ 3
❤️ 2
Hello @Bazar-seller s! This month we processed 32,497 USD of transactions 🎉 🤑, the highest we've done in the last 12 months, and DOUBLE what we did last month 🎊 If you're interested in the data behind the Bazar, make sure to check out the Bazar Data Dashboard: Thank you for your hard work! Let's get the community the machines, parts, and moulds they need !
Google Data Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.
👍 5
😍 2
🥰 2
👐 2
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 5/31/2022 5:05 PM
Really cool to see that despite the Users Per Month being below average, sales were nearly double. #conversionrate!
💪 2
🤟🏽 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Really cool to see that despite the Users Per Month being below average, sales were nearly double. #conversionrate!
Conversion rate for May was .44 % . Up from .27% in April
🤓 1
😍 1
CHECK YOUR SHIPPING SETUP Hey peoples, looking at what to feature on the Bazar homepage, we are checking the products that are online for their completeness and quality. Generally, we are selecting the listings that have clear and nice photos, a good detailed description and their payment and shipping prices set up properly It's important that theshipping options are set up properly and for preferably a wide range of regions, as it can be a disappointing experience for buyers if they see a lot of items that say they're not being shipped to their country. And as we see a lot of ways how shipping is set up, here a quick guide: 1️⃣ The "Everywhere else" option was disabled, because it was buggy and also because it's not very likely that the shipping price is the same for everywhere. So go through your listings and take that out. 2️⃣ Instead, the suggested way forward is to set up the shipping prices per regions - as shown in the image here. This way you can cover a big area by setting up a few regions. 3️⃣ Make sure you have an appropriate price for the additional item. Especially for machines or heavy moulds, shipping is going to cost more for an extra item, as it has more weight. 👉 Please go through your listings and make sure it's all set up - it helps to create. a better experience for the Bazar users, and it will also make it smoother for your order processes 🙂
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 6/3/2022 8:00 PM
@Kat Seems like there are still weird shipping issues behind the scenes. I created a custom listing for a client in the USA and set the shipping to USA. He couldn't make an order as it says "Shipping not available". Full convo can be seen on ID #3227
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
@Kat Seems like there are still weird shipping issues behind the scenes. I created a custom listing for a client in the USA and set the shipping to USA. He couldn't make an order as it says "Shipping not available". Full convo can be seen on ID #3227
Heyo, will look into this!
Hello @Bazar-seller s! This month we processed 32,497 USD of transactions 🎉 🤑, the highest we've done in the last 12 months, and DOUBLE what we did last month 🎊 If you're interested in the data behind the Bazar, make sure to check out the Bazar Data Dashboard: Thank you for your hard work! Let's get the community the machines, parts, and moulds they need !
This data are for what period of times? For 1 month? According to this data 238 shredder kits were sold - in one month or what? I’m also very curious how the division into specific shredder versions looks like (how many shredder kits V2.1 and V3.3 versions has been sold) I’m pointing this subject because as a seller I would like to know what the trend is - do you have such data and are able to share with us?
Hi Jacek, this is because the Bazar is processing the entire transaction - Product listing & shipping
I’m still saying that this is not fair. How you are processing the shipment? You are not. All steps related withprocessing the shipping are made by us sellers. And in your terms and regulations you are pointing that you are not responsible for the issues with the shipping… customer is not aware that you are taking fee from his money which he is paying for the shipping.
I’m still saying that this is not fair. How you are processing the shipment? You are not. All steps related withprocessing the shipping are made by us sellers. And in your terms and regulations you are pointing that you are not responsible for the issues with the shipping… customer is not aware that you are taking fee from his money which he is paying for the shipping.
Hey Jacek 🙂 I'm not sure I understand the unfairness of it - as long as it's communicated and you can adjust your prices incorporating the fee, there shouldn't be a problem no? Then the customer just sees the total price (incl. shipping), and gets the message that 5% goes to bazar fees. (Generally, for awareness: This is also mentioned in the first point in the summary of the Terms & Conditions, to make sure that even if you only have a very quick look, you'll see that point) Having the bazar fees on the whole transaction incl. price is also more doable for us to collect - it's already quite some manual work to do this, but also filtering out the shipping fees makes it a very tedious process, and we'd rather spend that human resource on fixing issues, supporting sellers and customers, and improving the bazar for everyone... Hope that makes some sense to you? Let me know, if there is any other reason why you feel it is unfair, happy try to resolve any doubts 🙂
Hey Jacek 🙂 I'm not sure I understand the unfairness of it - as long as it's communicated and you can adjust your prices incorporating the fee, there shouldn't be a problem no? Then the customer just sees the total price (incl. shipping), and gets the message that 5% goes to bazar fees. (Generally, for awareness: This is also mentioned in the first point in the summary of the Terms & Conditions, to make sure that even if you only have a very quick look, you'll see that point) Having the bazar fees on the whole transaction incl. price is also more doable for us to collect - it's already quite some manual work to do this, but also filtering out the shipping fees makes it a very tedious process, and we'd rather spend that human resource on fixing issues, supporting sellers and customers, and improving the bazar for everyone... Hope that makes some sense to you? Let me know, if there is any other reason why you feel it is unfair, happy try to resolve any doubts 🙂
Don’t get me wrong. I’m with you and fully support your work. I just in my personal opinion don’t think so that it’s fair. That’s all. I think that it’s pointless from my side to raise that subject again and again because you and me have different point of view regarding this matter. But you are the admins here and you deal the cards. I’m just wondering what other sellers things about this…
About my second question / raised point -is here any chance that you can share with us the info about what sells better? V2.1 or V3.3 shredder kit? And that Bazar Data Dashboard is generated for what period of time? Monthly? From the beginning? I’m specially interested in shredder kits… that 238 sold shredder kits - what period of time it covers?
About my second question / raised point -is here any chance that you can share with us the info about what sells better? V2.1 or V3.3 shredder kit? And that Bazar Data Dashboard is generated for what period of time? Monthly? From the beginning? I’m specially interested in shredder kits… that 238 sold shredder kits - what period of time it covers?
Hey Jacek, this data is setup from the previous year to date. Due to categorising by sellers it is difficult to pin point the best selling version of the shredder as these categories are currently not specified. These specifics get tricky as people don’t always classify their kit version
PPCapiSpain 6/16/2022 11:01 PM
@Jacek It affects us since our shipping costs are important. That 5% commission supposes an increase in the shipping price by 6 or 7% (vat, paypal commission), but I understand that PP must earn some money. How much has steel and shipping increased since January? much more... I believe that this commission is not the main one of our problems. On the other hand, PP is not a company, it is a foundation. they need money to be able to spend. How much would it cost to sell on Amazon, Aliespress, etc...? (edited)
Hey Jacek, this data is setup from the previous year to date. Due to categorising by sellers it is difficult to pin point the best selling version of the shredder as these categories are currently not specified. These specifics get tricky as people don’t always classify their kit version
In that case such data is not helping me building the business model. 238 shredder kits is not such big amount to manually check and specify which model it was imho. Like I mentioned before. I don’t want to see your wallet and money you earn - I just want to have info what is the trend of sold shredders as possible it is.
PPCapiSpain 6/16/2022 11:10 PM
For us this is not a business, it is a hobby. our bills are paid by my work, not this. That is why I understand that there are other points of view that have a more business vision of the matter.
For us this is not a business, it is a hobby. our bills are paid by my work, not this. That is why I understand that there are other points of view that have a more business vision of the matter.
Believe me that for me this is also a hobby. And money I get for selling shredder kits I’m putting into my other project (fuel from plastic waste). You don’t have to tell me how expensive is the steel and transport since January. I know that. That’s why I’m taking into the discussion the fact that PP Team is taking fee also from shipping.
Believe me that for me this is also a hobby. And money I get for selling shredder kits I’m putting into my other project (fuel from plastic waste). You don’t have to tell me how expensive is the steel and transport since January. I know that. That’s why I’m taking into the discussion the fact that PP Team is taking fee also from shipping.
PPCapiSpain 6/16/2022 11:25 PM
You have asked for the opinion of other sellers and I am giving it to you. I don't mean to bother anyone.
👍 1
Heyo, so I would say generally those are valid questions and we are happy you bring them up, as we want to be as transparent as possible and also learn and improve from the concerns everyone brings up! After all, the Bazar was only created to enable Precious Plastic workspaces to sell (not for Precious Plastic to have another income stream - we have always and are still investing more money into the Bazar than we are getting out of it). So all those questions and discussions help us to tailor it to your needs 🙂 I think if it poses a big issue for more sellers that the fees are on the transaction incl. shipping price, we can have a look into a system to collect only for the item cost themselves, but if there is not enough demand, we rather spend our limited resources on things that increase the sales for everyone overall. That being said, from what I learned, 5% is still a relatively low fee if you compare it to other marketplaces which take 7% or more as fees - just to put it a bit into perspective, too. And also, another thing I wanted to mention: I know most of you, and most of our community does this work as a passion for cleaning up this mess etc. and not driven by money. BUT I also think nobody should have to defend themselves when they are looking to make this work somehow financially sustainable and actually make a business out of it. So don't hesitate asking those questions about money etc. - again, it helps us all to learn from each other and improve 🙂
🙌 1
❤️ 1
Also @Jacek please bear in mind we are not necessarily marketplace specialists. When deciding about the fees we looked around to see how other marketplaces do and this pattern is amongst the most used. Is it fair? That's up to debate but be assured that no one is getting rich here, we're just trying to make the Bazar financially sustainable 👉 so it can have a team 👉 that improves the bazar 👉 increasing sales 👉 so sellers can make more business/profit 👉 and more plastic stays out of the environment. Last month bazar generated around 1500€ in fees. And that was one our best months ever. 4 ppl worked on it. Plus hosting costs and external dev costs. As you can see PP is heavily loosing money at this point (-80%). We are all trying to figure out the best system forward to make sure everyone is paid fairly and can keep run the show 😁 I would be curious what your proposal would be? How do you think we could make this work so seller's pay the correct fee and the Bazar has $ to pay for its costs. Genuinely curious 🙏 Much love ❤️
Also @Jacek please bear in mind we are not necessarily marketplace specialists. When deciding about the fees we looked around to see how other marketplaces do and this pattern is amongst the most used. Is it fair? That's up to debate but be assured that no one is getting rich here, we're just trying to make the Bazar financially sustainable 👉 so it can have a team 👉 that improves the bazar 👉 increasing sales 👉 so sellers can make more business/profit 👉 and more plastic stays out of the environment. Last month bazar generated around 1500€ in fees. And that was one our best months ever. 4 ppl worked on it. Plus hosting costs and external dev costs. As you can see PP is heavily loosing money at this point (-80%). We are all trying to figure out the best system forward to make sure everyone is paid fairly and can keep run the show 😁 I would be curious what your proposal would be? How do you think we could make this work so seller's pay the correct fee and the Bazar has $ to pay for its costs. Genuinely curious 🙏 Much love ❤️
Of course I understand you. My advise? Go with some small e-commerce (advertising on the website - of course only companies / products which are related with plastic recycling). because now you are charging money to which you are not entitled. No other market (eBay AliExpress and other marketplaces are not “touching” shipping costs. Instead they even cooperate with shipping companies and help with organizing and choosing the best shipping conditions. It’s complicated and time consuming - I understand that and I’m aware of that. I know that I’m the only one here which is not from your team which was developing the machines and I’m only selling products. I’m aware of that. But do you think that this is the best solution to get extra income? With best regards and thanks for what you are doing 🙂
I received mail with information that I have message from user but when I check it on Bazar - no message from that user. Is it a bug? I’m blocked or something?
9:14 PM
And there is no message on Bazar…
I received mail with information that I have message from user but when I check it on Bazar - no message from that user. Is it a bug? I’m blocked or something?
CitSciWorkshop 6/23/2022 9:32 PM
This happens when someone clicks into your contact form but probably hit Enter to send before they made a message. More often than not they follow up shortly with their question.
👍 1
This happens when someone clicks into your contact form but probably hit Enter to send before they made a message. More often than not they follow up shortly with their question.
Thank you for explanation.
This happens when someone clicks into your contact form but probably hit Enter to send before they made a message. More often than not they follow up shortly with their question.
Correct, this is on our list of bugs to fix! 🛠️ Development has been slow recently, we had to change developers and that requires more screening and onboarding, before we can just hand over tasks easily. But we might have found a good team now, I hope from next week on there will be better progress again 🤞
Maria Raffaela started a thread. 6/27/2022 11:34 PM
Is bazar data Dashboard is showing data correctly? (edited)
Hey team, June was a little slower than May with the Bazar helping transact little over 24.000$ - about 29% lower than prev month. Many possible reasons for that but rest assured we're doubling down on making the Bazar better every day. We have 2 new team members, are back running bi-weekly sprints and planning an ad campaign for September to boost everyone's sales 🔥 (edited)
Is bazar data Dashboard is showing data correctly? (edited)
Should be, @Hugh ?
Is bazar data Dashboard is showing data correctly? (edited)
Yes it does
Yes it does
So why in the middle of June I saw even 245 sold shredder kits. And now I can see 234 sold shredder kits? Second topic. Can you please tell me what version of shredder kit sold during last month? V2.1 or v3 ? (I know that this will be manual work for you to do but it shouldn’t be a lot work)
So why in the middle of June I saw even 245 sold shredder kits. And now I can see 234 sold shredder kits? Second topic. Can you please tell me what version of shredder kit sold during last month? V2.1 or v3 ? (I know that this will be manual work for you to do but it shouldn’t be a lot work)
The data ticks over yearly. So there wouldve been more sold in June 2021 and it ticked over to July 2021 as the start point. Hope this clears it up
No it’s not. And even if yes in that case the data you are presenting are pointless. There should be dashboard with info what was sold during specific month and in what quantity. Comparing data from 2022 to 2021 data is pointless to me = it tells me nothing value. Please consider creating such dashboard which will bring us the data about items sold from last month. (edited)
No it’s not. And even if yes in that case the data you are presenting are pointless. There should be dashboard with info what was sold during specific month and in what quantity. Comparing data from 2022 to 2021 data is pointless to me = it tells me nothing value. Please consider creating such dashboard which will bring us the data about items sold from last month. (edited)
I can look into it. We wanted to keep the data succinct and didn’t want to bombard everyone with mountains of data which is confusing. I will look into to how something with every breakdown of machine/product/raw material would look. But I can imagine it will be a lot
No it’s not. And even if yes in that case the data you are presenting are pointless. There should be dashboard with info what was sold during specific month and in what quantity. Comparing data from 2022 to 2021 data is pointless to me = it tells me nothing value. Please consider creating such dashboard which will bring us the data about items sold from last month. (edited)
Hey @Jacek thanks for the feedback on the dashboard. In case you feel like submitting a feedback you can do it using this
10:51 AM
Regarding the above point I'd say month over month data could be misleading as it swings greatly whereas if analysed on a yearly basis seems easier to assess whether you can make a living through the Bazar
10:52 AM
But agree data on previous month could also be useful for you guys, let me see if we can do anything. But make sure you add it to the feedback so we don't forget 🙈
Fritz @easymoulds 7/5/2022 11:34 AM
Hey there - what is the current process for message filters through the bazar? A client needs a pro-forma invoice to access money from a grant, hope that is fine and the message system does not filter addresses?
@Fritz @easymoulds hey ✌️ you can simply upload the invoice through the messaging system
Fritz @easymoulds 7/6/2022 7:59 AM
Thank you @Mattia 🙂
Fritz @easymoulds 7/6/2022 2:01 PM
🔥 mobile experience - and on horizontal you cant see anything of the message at all
🥴 3
1️⃣ 1
Fritz @easymoulds
🔥 mobile experience - and on horizontal you cant see anything of the message at all
I have the same issue.
🙈 my god that is so bad 💩 could any of you open a ticket on
Add and vote up suggestions for Precious Plastic.
Hey dear sellers! As announced in #🔥work-in-progress, we have two new crew members who joined to help us improving and pushing the Bazar: Say hi to @Sigolene and @Taylor 👋 After ensuring the basics are (mostly) working, we are now going into the details to really improve the experience and quality of the Bazar. This means:
  • Having high quality listings and profiles with everything (payment option, shipping etc.) set up properly.
  • Creating the flow of an order as smooth as possible.
👉 Reducing negative customer experiences as much as we can. We aim to create an ad campaign (later this year) to promote all of you selling your Precious Plastic hardware, so we want to make sure that we're all ready and the Bazar is shining for new or existing people to pop in and feel inspired and confident in what they find there! So you can expect us to reach out to you for one or the other thing - mainly to support you in offering an appealing listing and ordering process to your potential customer. 🤝 Let us know if you have any questions 🙂 And let's do this!
🦄 1
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PPCapiSpain 7/10/2022 7:23 PM
few days???
few days???
Hey, how did you get to this page? Bazar works as usual for me!
Hey, how did you get to this page? Bazar works as usual for me!
PPCapiSpain 7/10/2022 7:53 PM
using Edge. but now is working well
🤔 1
👍 1
PPCapiSpain 7/12/2022 9:39 PM
Hello, there is some guide about the payment method ??
Hello, there is some guide about the payment method ??
Yes, we had shared that a while ago, but actually realising now that we don't have that embedded somewhere, we can look into making that easier to find! (first part is for Stripe, second part for Paypal)
Yes, we had shared that a while ago, but actually realising now that we don't have that embedded somewhere, we can look into making that easier to find! (first part is for Stripe, second part for Paypal)
PPCapiSpain 7/13/2022 7:14 PM
thz, but this the seller guide payment. we mean about for customer guide...:)
If customer wants to talk with me by the phone… Can I do that? Can I give him my phone number or this action is also forbidden?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 7/19/2022 3:22 PM
Hey, Just wondering when we will be getting our invoices for June? Or have i missed it?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Hey, Just wondering when we will be getting our invoices for June? Or have i missed it?
Oh sorry! We sent out most, but were missing some info for some, will make sure you'll get it this week!
If customer wants to talk with me by the phone… Can I do that? Can I give him my phone number or this action is also forbidden?
Please give your opinion regarding my question…
Can you also please tell me what is selling better? Shredder kit V2.1 or V3.3 from January… this should be easy to check and calculate and will be helpful to us (me) to see the “trend line”
thz, but this the seller guide payment. we mean about for customer guide...:)
Oh, okay, so we don't really have a customer guide, I think also because we didn't see much instructions needed - as paying per credit card or paying per paypal is a quite common thing that doesn't really need instructions... Or did you get specific questions from your customers concerning payment?
Can you also please tell me what is selling better? Shredder kit V2.1 or V3.3 from January… this should be easy to check and calculate and will be helpful to us (me) to see the “trend line”
Yes, you've been asking about this for a while, I'm sorry we couldn't give you an answer to this question yet. It might sound like a simple thing but actually the only way we can filter at the moment is through the categories (all basic shredders, all pro shredders, all injection moulds etc.). And as we had more urgent things to fix, this just remained on the list for a while, BUT now we're finally working on adding that filter option, so we'll soon be able to find that out and potentially include it in our dashboard as well!
If customer wants to talk with me by the phone… Can I do that? Can I give him my phone number or this action is also forbidden?
Hey @Jacek as stated on the T&C you can send an email to with the conversation ID and the specifics and will let you know asap
Oh, okay, so we don't really have a customer guide, I think also because we didn't see much instructions needed - as paying per credit card or paying per paypal is a quite common thing that doesn't really need instructions... Or did you get specific questions from your customers concerning payment?
PPCapiSpain 7/21/2022 7:06 PM
sometimes they ask us for help in ordering and paying. Dont worry. thz you
Hey @Jacek as stated on the T&C you can send an email to with the conversation ID and the specifics and will let you know asap
Case is sample. Customer want to speak with me by the phone. Probably want to ask for some technical questions or something. For him it is better to talk with me by the phone - not making conversation.Can I do that or not.
Case is sample. Customer want to speak with me by the phone. Probably want to ask for some technical questions or something. For him it is better to talk with me by the phone - not making conversation.Can I do that or not.
As per DM green light with that on this instance
Thank you. Of course if he will want to buy my shredder - I will do this via PP Bazar
🎉 2
For anyone who's been annoyed getting the following "New Thread" emails, only to find no messages from a customer - that problem is now fixed! Woohoo! Now you will only get emails when a potential or current customer actually emails you 👍🏼 🙌
🔥 3
👍 3
🙏 2
For anyone who's been annoyed getting the following "New Thread" emails, only to find no messages from a customer - that problem is now fixed! Woohoo! Now you will only get emails when a potential or current customer actually emails you 👍🏼 🙌
Great. Thank you. Can you now try to fix this?
9:11 PM
Website on mobile.
🥴 1
🙏 1
Website on mobile.
Thanks for the tip Jacek! The engine running the vendor backend is using a whole different system for formatting - im working out a fix for the message connection error, and once I get it working - I’ll fix this at the same time as it’s in the same space! Looks like poorly written css scaling the message to 20% (or whatever) of the width, which is too small on mobile. The messaging plugin developers appear to be quite lazy!
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🚀🚀 +26 % increase of sales on the Bazar 🚀🚀 We are happy to inform you that the Bazar has performed great in July (versus June) : +26% in transactions +32% in conversion rate The Precious Plastic Team has been and will continue to invest their efforts to see growth on the Bazar! We hope to be able to share with you soon some of the things we have been working on 😎 We thank you for your support, engagement and trust! Happy selling on the Bazar.
🙃 3
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❤️ 3
I know that this is not the right place but you guys are sellers like me and there is a big chance that you can help me. I can’t find the dxf file with 3 teeth blades for shredder V3.3 - anyone has that file? Can you share it with me?
Crea-Cregy 8/4/2022 8:01 PM
hi jacek, i'll try to mofify the blades drawing and send it to you. shouldn't be a big issue, but im not convinced this will help getting more througput of the shredders. i have also the same issue with messages on the bazar being unreadable as long as the conversation progress. (edited)
hi jacek, i'll try to mofify the blades drawing and send it to you. shouldn't be a big issue, but im not convinced this will help getting more througput of the shredders. i have also the same issue with messages on the bazar being unreadable as long as the conversation progress. (edited)
Thank you. I know that sellers which are here in this group have such blades (drawings) maybe some opinion from them will dispel our doubts.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 8/8/2022 1:26 PM This listing says PP in the title but mentions PVC in the description. With PVC not being safe at all to work with in PP machines @Kat can you maybe check that its actually PP?
plastic recycling
Hello Bazar sellers 😊 As mentioned, the Bazar is warming up, let's keep it on fire! 🔥 Last month, we have seen a great performance of +26% in transactions (versus the previous)! Our goal is to keep this growth constant. We have planned a number of internal actions and investments to capture and increase the engagement of customers (newsletters, redirections, mentions on social media etc.). This will lead to an increase in your audience and revenue. It is therefore essential to have a great catalog to showcase. We kindly invite you to take a look at the Bazar Item and Profile Guidelines and make sure your items and profile have all the recommended information. Take advantage of this review of your items to add new ones. Great items and sellers, that meet these Guidelines will have a chance to be featured on the homepage. ✨ Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Thanks for your support and happy selling 🙂 (edited)
👍 4
I have this error. I wanted to update my stock of shredder kits. And I'm not able to do that anymore. I tried with different values of shredders and still the same. After clicking SAVE I have this two red errors which are funny for me because I have more than 3 pictures and description bigger than 200 characters. Can you help me please?
Sigolene started a thread. 8/22/2022 7:06 PM
PPCapiSpain 8/28/2022 1:54 PM
Hello. Today we have created a new product, but the shipping options to "Europe, Australia, Africa, North America, etc..." appear automatically.
1:56 PM
Every time we modify something (text, photos, etc ...), we must delete those shipping options. Please, could you fix this?. it's quite tired. Thank you
Kat started a thread. 8/29/2022 11:54 AM
🚀 August Monthly Performance Report 🚀 The Bazar Team is glad to share with you the key performance indicators of this month (vs last month): 💵 Total sales: €37,020 (Bazar record 🎉) vs €23,103 📦 Total number of orders: 84 vs 62 🧑💻 Conversion rate : 0.52% vs 0.56% We are working on a number of actions to continue improving these KPIs in the upcoming months! Thanks for accompanying us on this recycling journey. Happy selling 🚀
👐 3
🚀 4
👍 4
Maker Island ☠ Leão 9/5/2022 3:49 PM
Hi Guys one of our clients tried to buy a set of machines but encountered the following error. Any idea what might it be?
😵 1
Kat started a thread. 9/5/2022 5:10 PM
Fritz @easymoulds 9/14/2022 9:57 AM
Aparently the bazar messager is a bit picky about uppercase/lowercase attachments - tried to upload JPG instead of jpg. If you try to rename on Windows it does not change unless its a different content in the string.
Fritz @easymoulds
Aparently the bazar messager is a bit picky about uppercase/lowercase attachments - tried to upload JPG instead of jpg. If you try to rename on Windows it does not change unless its a different content in the string.
@Taylor any thought on this ? @Fritz @easymoulds thanks for picking this up and sharing
Adding to this previously discussed topic to avoid confusion we could simply call this section "Top Sellers ⭐️" Additionally I would try to make them more human, maybe asking for a profile pic to show the faces behind the shops, particularly as we talk about a community marketplace we should try to show the people that fuel it
👍 1
Sigolene started a thread. 9/14/2022 10:57 PM
Can you please tell me / do you have such info now? How many shredders did you sold on August and what versions was that?
Can you please tell me / do you have such info now? How many shredders did you sold on August and what versions was that?
Hey Jacek! Just an idea - each sale on the bazar gets posted here to discord, so if you have a look at activity bot (top of the channel list) you will be able to find all the shredder sales for august all listed there 🤙🏼
How do you manage international shipping costs for large items? Hi there Bazar sellers, As we all know, shipping is main pain point when selling cross boarder and can be very expense. I'm looking to speak / chat with Bazar sellers who have shipping fees for multiple destinaions (over seas...) for large to understand better how you manage the price shown on your listing. Do you have a fixed quotation with a carrier ? Do you work with multiple ? Any insight will be helpful 🙏
Kat started a thread. 9/16/2022 10:32 PM
PPCapiSpain 9/18/2022 1:55 PM
Hello. Would it be possible to include other text with the dimensions in inches and pounds?
1:55 PM
1:56 PM
My idea is to be able to show the dimensions in CM and Inches, and the weight in Kg and lbs. It's possible? (edited)
My idea is to be able to show the dimensions in CM and Inches, and the weight in Kg and lbs. It's possible? (edited)
This is probably possible - we can look into this. It might take a while as we have a dev list with more urgent things, but if we check it and it's a small thing, maybe it can also be done earlier 🙂
👍 1
DISCOUNTS? Hey all , just wondering if anyone of you used this Discount feature already? From what I see you can only do it AFTER an order already came through by editing the Order information, but didn't test yet how it really works. Does anyone of you have experience with it? Or used another way of giving discounts? @Bazar-seller (edited)
Hey Jacek! Just an idea - each sale on the bazar gets posted here to discord, so if you have a look at activity bot (top of the channel list) you will be able to find all the shredder sales for august all listed there 🤙🏼
Great news. This is what I wanted to know. Thank you.
🤙🏼 1
💰 Bazar Monthly Performance result 💰 The Bazar hasn't performed as well in September as it had in August: -27% in sales (units sold) -24% in transactions (orders) -7% in conversion rate The Precious Plastic Team has been and will continue to invest its efforts to see growth on the Bazar! We hope to be able to share with you soon some of the things we have been working on 😎 We thank you for your support, engagement and trust! Happy selling on the Bazar.
💰 Bazar Monthly Performance result 💰 The Bazar hasn't performed as well in September as it had in August: -27% in sales (units sold) -24% in transactions (orders) -7% in conversion rate The Precious Plastic Team has been and will continue to invest its efforts to see growth on the Bazar! We hope to be able to share with you soon some of the things we have been working on 😎 We thank you for your support, engagement and trust! Happy selling on the Bazar.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/4/2022 11:50 AM
Hey just to clarify is it (minus 27%) or only 27% of the previous months sales? Is that a bullet point dash or Minus basically?
💰 Bazar Monthly Performance result 💰 The Bazar hasn't performed as well in September as it had in August: -27% in sales (units sold) -24% in transactions (orders) -7% in conversion rate The Precious Plastic Team has been and will continue to invest its efforts to see growth on the Bazar! We hope to be able to share with you soon some of the things we have been working on 😎 We thank you for your support, engagement and trust! Happy selling on the Bazar.
PPCapiSpain 10/4/2022 4:49 PM
August 2022 has been a very good month...exceptional. Maybe it is better to compare September 2021 with September 2022. Could we have that data?
👍 1
September was also exceptional until 18-20th then went silent 🤔
Really need to look at trends over multiple months with the bazar as the transaction sizes are big and there's not that many transactions.
✅ 2
Sales from Sept 2021 @PPCapiSpain
🙌 1
Sales from Sept 2021 @PPCapiSpain
PPCapiSpain 10/4/2022 6:49 PM
and Sept 2022?
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Hey just to clarify is it (minus 27%) or only 27% of the previous months sales? Is that a bullet point dash or Minus basically?
-27% versus august. Sept has been a good month but not as good as aug. Comparing to the previous year is a good idea 🙂 Thanks for your feedbacks ! (edited)
CitSciWorkshop 10/4/2022 8:54 PM
Anecdotal observation, but this time of year there are lots of places just switching into the new fiscal year, and that can add to delays in funding.
👍 3
and Sept 2022?
👍 1
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/5/2022 11:24 AM
Nice too know how month by month goes though, as it helps me personally track my price points. If sales go up for a particular month as a whole, but a personal sellers sales goes down then its a good gauge on overall bazar performance. When bazar performance is 70-90% of your total income then its a helpful metric. Though when comparing year on year. Great for Bazar as a whole, but less helpful for the seller. IMO
💰 Bazar Monthly Performance result 💰 The Bazar hasn't performed as well in September as it had in August: -27% in sales (units sold) -24% in transactions (orders) -7% in conversion rate The Precious Plastic Team has been and will continue to invest its efforts to see growth on the Bazar! We hope to be able to share with you soon some of the things we have been working on 😎 We thank you for your support, engagement and trust! Happy selling on the Bazar.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 10/5/2022 11:27 AM
Thanks for doing this, I do find it very helpful. If any more of those google charts could be setup this would be great, then I can compare with personal excel style metrics to see how my business preforms vs bazar sales to see where my weaknesses are.
👍 3
Sigolene started a thread. 10/5/2022 3:44 PM
PPCapiSpain 10/5/2022 6:05 PM
if we compared sep 21 vs sept 22--> +100% a very good notice
🤘 2
if we compared sep 21 vs sept 22--> +100% a very good notice
in 2021 we were having 50% payment failure 🙃 but ye definitely on the right direction 👊 hopefully you guys are enjoying the improvements ♡
How the bazar sells compares to the plastic recycled metric? i mean the it would be very attractive to see if those charts in anyway are correlated
Collection input
🙌 2
How the bazar sells compares to the plastic recycled metric? i mean the it would be very attractive to see if those charts in anyway are correlated
yes defo! However uploads tool is not being used so much 🥲
I’m during preparation of creating a new auction in PP Bazar with shredder kit V3.3 My question is with who I can contact to check if my auction description and photos and everything suits your “highest standards” ?
I’m during preparation of creating a new auction in PP Bazar with shredder kit V3.3 My question is with who I can contact to check if my auction description and photos and everything suits your “highest standards” ?
@Sigolene is the one 😁
Butte (PP Philippines) 10/25/2022 4:17 AM
Please delete my vendor account in the Bazar. As I am prohibited exchanging contact information for shipping quotes by sea freight, it is pointless to have a account there. (edited)
Butte (PP Philippines) 10/25/2022 4:45 AM
Butte (PP Philippines)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Hey man, we want you on the bazar! What happened? Is it not possible for you to exchange those info using the chat provided? You can also upload files now.
5:41 AM
Let me know what we can do to help you with your business while maintaining a functional bazar that can have a viable business model to pay for its ongoing costs.
Butte (PP Philippines)
Please delete my vendor account in the Bazar. As I am prohibited exchanging contact information for shipping quotes by sea freight, it is pointless to have a account there. (edited)
Hey, we have also received your email and have responded there, hope we find a solution to understand your issue and improve them 🙂 Please understand that to keep the bazar online we need to control and enforce the T&Cs and keep transactions on the bazar, our goal is not to make your life difficult but to find solutions to improve the bazar.
PPCapiSpain 10/31/2022 1:56 PM
Hello. I cant modifiqued "list price". Some idea??
Hey @everyone we're experiencing yet another Gunter harassment and data breach. He stole some emails and sent the usual hate mail inviting people replace Precious Plastic with his project. Could you please thread if you have been affected (received email). Meanwhile please 'spam' the email so next time it ends where it deserves. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience 💪 (edited)
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❓ 2
blastic started a thread. 11/2/2022 6:54 PM
Fritz @easymoulds 11/7/2022 9:15 AM
Does this section on the bazar work? (Sending customers the tracking ID) I don't find any button to save this information and if I update the status of the order the customer just receives the standard courier note that is shipped by USPS. Maybe I do sth. wrong in here? (edited)
Mattia started a thread. 11/7/2022 11:02 AM
Hello. I cant modifiqued "list price". Some idea??
PPCapiSpain 11/8/2022 3:31 PM
Some news?
CHANGE OF INVOICING SYSTEM ❗️ Hey dear Bazar sellers! As we finally set up our LDA in Portugal, our invoicing system has to be adjusted. This basically just means that
  • the invoice you'll be receiving will look a bit different
  • the invoice will come from Precious Plastic, LDA (instead of One Army as it was up to now)
  • businesses in Portugal will have to pay taxes (which can be claimed back)
  • standard payment method will stay the same (through Credit Card on Stripe)
- PLUS: it will be easier to include bank transfer as a payment option Actions for you: 👉 If you are in favour of this instead of a payment via Stripe/Credit Card, please notify us in this thread 👉 If you have any questions, please ask 🙂 👉 For the ones of you who received an invoice for Bazar Fees (Oct 22): Please ignore (sorry), we'll sent an updated one shortly. We just sent out a separate Email to you about this. Hope all is well otherwise! Sending smiles 🙂 Kat
👌 4
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CHANGE OF INVOICING SYSTEM ❗️ Hey dear Bazar sellers! As we finally set up our LDA in Portugal, our invoicing system has to be adjusted. This basically just means that
  • the invoice you'll be receiving will look a bit different
  • the invoice will come from Precious Plastic, LDA (instead of One Army as it was up to now)
  • businesses in Portugal will have to pay taxes (which can be claimed back)
  • standard payment method will stay the same (through Credit Card on Stripe)
- PLUS: it will be easier to include bank transfer as a payment option Actions for you: 👉 If you are in favour of this instead of a payment via Stripe/Credit Card, please notify us in this thread 👉 If you have any questions, please ask 🙂 👉 For the ones of you who received an invoice for Bazar Fees (Oct 22): Please ignore (sorry), we'll sent an updated one shortly. We just sent out a separate Email to you about this. Hope all is well otherwise! Sending smiles 🙂 Kat
ok for it ! (arnaud-crea cregy) i allready have a VAT number , so VAT would not be a problem.
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 11/30/2022 12:10 PM
Hey all, I have a client from Kosovo unable to make an order. It seems that the PP Bazar doesn't recognise their shipping information so they are not able to arrange shipping. Tried Serbia and that doesn't work, nor does EU. Simply the PP Bazar doesnt have Kosovo as a country.
👍 1
Fritz @easymoulds 11/30/2022 12:31 PM
Regarding the bazar invoices is there a way to disable the automatic sending of the invoice via the Bazar? / Block it until I confirm/modify it? At the moment the customers gets one invoice via the Bazar and then one invoice from me which is a bit confusing. Also its a bit unclear when the invoice is sent/accessed via the Bazar. So I don't know as a seller if I would modify the invoice via the Bazar if the customer gets still two different invoices. (edited)
Mattia started a thread. 11/30/2022 1:18 PM
Sigolene started a thread. 11/30/2022 1:45 PM
I didn’t get the invoice form PP Bazar for November yet. Will you be sending them in a short time ? Best regards
Sigolene started a thread. 12/5/2022 5:11 PM
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio 12/6/2022 2:30 PM
Have the Sales Updates been removed from the #activity-bot ? (edited)
Rory - Sustainable Design Studio
Have the Sales Updates been removed from the #activity-bot ? (edited)
I wanted to ask the same question 🙂
Thanks for bringing this up, we have added it to the pending topics and will add it to our weekly workload asap 🙂
PPCapiSpain 12/8/2022 12:53 PM
Modular Design Precious Plastic, please don´t used our drawing.
12:53 PM
Sigolene started a thread. 12/8/2022 2:08 PM
Don’t know if this question should be asked here. Does the 3 teeth blade for shredder kit v3.3 blueprint (dxf file) is available for everybody or it’s designed by one manufacturer and it’s not available as open source file? (edited)
👆 @Yann could you lend a hand here?
In my knowledge it has been developed by a manufacturer, so not officially published open-source. But PP drawings are shared under the licence CC-SA, meaning anything based on them should be shared alike (open-source then). We cannot really force anyone to share back, but also nothing stops you to copy it / get inspired.
🔥 1
🙌 1
Can I pay (I even prefer such way) for the invoice from PP Bazar using PayPal?
💯 1
CitSciWorkshop 12/10/2022 10:29 PM
This might be a necessity because can't actually get the new processor to take my CC info. I want to make sure and pay promptly! (edited)
Sigolene started a thread. 12/10/2022 11:37 PM
Thanks for bringing this up, we have added it to the pending topics and will add it to our weekly workload asap 🙂
But this feature was already available. Now it’s not. Is it broken or you guys removed that feature? This helped me to see what it the market trend… what items and configurations have the best statistics of selling.
Sigolene started a thread. 12/11/2022 6:11 PM
Hello dear people! For the ones of you who had issues paying the recent invoices for Bazar fees : We're really sorry for the inconvenience! There was an issue with our Stripe account, but now it should be resolved, so payments should work again now. Please check your mails and PAY YOUR OPEN INVOICES - we're still missing a lot of the fees of the previous months in fact! 👀 This is the only source of income to try cover the costs of hosting, bug fixing, and our team working to improve the Bazar and support you all to get your sales through. (It has not been enough to cover all costs until now, so we really can't afford to miss out on fees). Thank you 🙏
🙏 1
🙌 1
Kat started a thread. 12/13/2022 10:51 AM
Hi there Bazar sellers,   As mentioned via email, we hope you have enjoyed the holidays and wish you all the best for 2023.  🎉 We would like to start this year by thanking you for being active on the Bazar and enabling the growth of the plastic recycling community around the world.  Bazar Performance To better understand 2022, we have worked on a Bazar performance analysis, which can be found in the comment on this post. Make sure you start by watching this loom, which is a walk through the document. 2022 Top seller @Rory - Sustainable Design Studio generated the most sales in 2022 on the Bazar! As a reward, we have allocated a special “2022 Best seller” block on the homepage for 1 month. 2022 Top listings The section on the homepage “Most sold” have been renamed for 1 month to promote the 4 listings which generated the most sales in 2022:
  • On-board Injection - Ready to paint and use
  • V4 Extrusion Pro- USA and North America
  • Shredder Mini - Handcranked Shredder
  • Combo Set (Shreddder + Injection + Extruder
Seller loyalty We know the marketplace has limitations and needs improvements and therefore are aware that some orders can not be managed on the Bazar (eg: payment via bank transfer, need for a PO, payment in multiple times…).   A special thanks to Arnaud from Crea-Cregy, David from Citizen Scientific Workshop LLC, Miguel Angel from Precious Plastic Capi Spain, Jacek from  and Rory from Sustainable Design Studio + Recycle Rebuild who have processed sales outside of the Bazar (with our approval), included the Bazar 5% commission and sent us the due commission. We appreciate and value your loyalty and have dedicated the “Trusted seller” section to you.  Thank you and looking forward to a great new year! ✨
❤️ 6
🎊 2
PreciousPlastic 4
🤟 1
Hey Bazar sellers! ✌️ We have some great news to share with you on some updates and improvements on the Bazar. Make sure you view the video in the thread which will go over the improvements. 1. Seller export function has been fixed. You now have the option to export your Orders and Products. Watch this video to learn how. 2. VAT number visible on seller profile & listings. The VAT (tax) Number field is now visible on your seller profile and on your listing. Action for registered companies: --> if you are in the EU, make sure to list your tax number. --> If you are non in the EU, make sure to enter "registered company in my local country". --> if you are not a registered company nor have a VAT number, please enter in the field "private person". 3. Seller Terms and Conditions, new feature. You can now add your T&Cs to your Bazar profile. A buyer, upon checkout, will need to accept the Bazar T&Cs as well as yours. Action for all sellers: add your T&Cs to your profile. 4. Add-on update on Messaging system and Google Analytics. We have updated our Messaging tool and Google Analytics tracking. We hope that this will help solve some of the glitches. 5. Meta description and keywords error correction. You may have noticed that there were some errors while completing your meta description and key words. These issues have been solved. Action for all sellers: make sure you complete these fields. 6. Shipping price for a Country within a Region. We recommend you to register shipping price per region (read this article on how to set up your shipping options). We hope these improvements will help better your experience on the Bazar and increase your sales ✨
🤙 2
❤️ 1
Is there any way to pipe Bazar orders directly into, say, Shipstation (and in turn have tracking info posted back when labels are generated in our warehouse), as we do with our sales on Shopify, eBay, Amazon, etc.?
Sigolene started a thread. 3/22/2023 2:56 PM
Hey Bazar sellers! ✌️ We have some great news to share with you on some updates and improvements on the Bazar. Make sure you view the video in the thread which will go over the improvements. 1. Seller export function has been fixed. You now have the option to export your Orders and Products. Watch this video to learn how. 2. VAT number visible on seller profile & listings. The VAT (tax) Number field is now visible on your seller profile and on your listing. Action for registered companies: --> if you are in the EU, make sure to list your tax number. --> If you are non in the EU, make sure to enter "registered company in my local country". --> if you are not a registered company nor have a VAT number, please enter in the field "private person". 3. Seller Terms and Conditions, new feature. You can now add your T&Cs to your Bazar profile. A buyer, upon checkout, will need to accept the Bazar T&Cs as well as yours. Action for all sellers: add your T&Cs to your profile. 4. Add-on update on Messaging system and Google Analytics. We have updated our Messaging tool and Google Analytics tracking. We hope that this will help solve some of the glitches. 5. Meta description and keywords error correction. You may have noticed that there were some errors while completing your meta description and key words. These issues have been solved. Action for all sellers: make sure you complete these fields. 6. Shipping price for a Country within a Region. We recommend you to register shipping price per region (read this article on how to set up your shipping options). We hope these improvements will help better your experience on the Bazar and increase your sales ✨
Maker Island ☠ Leão 3/27/2023 1:59 PM
Great Updates Sigolene 🙌🏼
🎉 2
marjanzitnik 3/29/2023 10:16 AM
I previously (30 days ago) ordered something from Novatech and they are deleted from Bazar now, what happened?
Sigolene started a thread. 3/29/2023 3:15 PM
Hello Bazar sellers ! As you may have noticed, things have been looking a bit strange for the past couple of hours on the Bazar (seller name not visible, missing listings on the homepage...). The CS Cart customer support team is supporting us in fixing these unexpected issues. We apologies for an inconvenience caused and will have this solved s soon as possible. Will keep you updated.
Sigolene started a thread. 4/21/2023 5:58 PM
aleksandarmasic92 4/26/2023 10:12 AM
Anyone selling sheetpress 1x1m in europe??
Sigolene started a thread. 4/26/2023 8:22 PM
Maker Island ☠ Leão 4/28/2023 12:48 PM
Hey Bazar Sellers, We came across a interesting feedback from a transportation company regarding international shipping. We are not sure if this is a matter only between EU and the UK but we are supposed to have a REX licence to ship to the UK. We wanted to ask if anyone else came across with this problem or if it is only with this shipping company? We made a research and supposedly this licence is only required for values over 6k (which most of the products in the bazar this doesn't apply) We already did several international shipping and we never came across this problem...
Tiz - Plastically 4/29/2023 1:46 PM
Hello, it looks like there's an issue with shipping locations, I'm getting a "No shipping to your country" message on every product. My location is set to UK
Tiz - Plastically
Hello, it looks like there's an issue with shipping locations, I'm getting a "No shipping to your country" message on every product. My location is set to UK
PPCapiSpain 4/30/2023 9:19 PM
Have you checked the location of your web?
Tiz - Plastically
Hello, it looks like there's an issue with shipping locations, I'm getting a "No shipping to your country" message on every product. My location is set to UK
Alex_recycles and creates 4/30/2023 11:43 PM
that is happening to me and Im on the USA
PPCapiSpain 5/1/2023 7:54 PM
@Alex_recycles and creates @Tiz - Plastically When you use chrome, firefox, etc...if detect your location for shipping. are you sure your location is correct?
7:55 PM
Alex_recycles and creates 5/1/2023 8:01 PM
I’m using chrome
8:04 PM
I set my shipping address but it’s not working
Alex_recycles and creates
that is happening to me and Im on the USA
Inspired Plastics 5/1/2023 11:56 PM
Me too
Inspired Plastics
Me too
Alex_recycles and creates 5/1/2023 11:58 PM
It’s might be a website glitch
Morning ! Yes, we currently have a glitch with the shipping methods, we are working to solve it. Apologies for the challenges this is causing. This is the top topic on our priority list. Will keep you informed. (edited)
Same here. I also have issue (my customer has) issue with selecting the country…
I have two customers which want to buy my shredder kit from France. They are giving the correct France address and they have message error and can’t buy anything.
Maker Island ☠ Leão
Hey Bazar Sellers, We came across a interesting feedback from a transportation company regarding international shipping. We are not sure if this is a matter only between EU and the UK but we are supposed to have a REX licence to ship to the UK. We wanted to ask if anyone else came across with this problem or if it is only with this shipping company? We made a research and supposedly this licence is only required for values over 6k (which most of the products in the bazar this doesn't apply) We already did several international shipping and we never came across this problem...
Maker Island ☠ Leão 5/8/2023 12:31 PM
Anyone came across this?
Sigolene started a thread. 5/13/2023 4:29 PM
We're going to be making a bunch of solid blocks of plastic and composite, for use as blanks for carving/turning/machining. If we list them on the Bazar, I guess they should go under "beams"?
We're going to be making a bunch of solid blocks of plastic and composite, for use as blanks for carving/turning/machining. If we list them on the Bazar, I guess they should go under "beams"?
Example block/blank
TBH_Nat20 1
🧑‍🎤 1
Sigolene started a thread. 5/26/2023 12:02 AM
JohnNephew 6/6/2023 2:59 PM
Something that delays me from getting listings set up on the Bazar is the minimum number of photos required for listings. Especially for raw plastic where I normally only take one picture because, you know, it's just shredded plastic or pellets, doesn't need a lot of different angles to show it off. I'll get around to it, but it puts the Bazar on the bottom of my to-do list for creating listings on various sites.
Something that delays me from getting listings set up on the Bazar is the minimum number of photos required for listings. Especially for raw plastic where I normally only take one picture because, you know, it's just shredded plastic or pellets, doesn't need a lot of different angles to show it off. I'll get around to it, but it puts the Bazar on the bottom of my to-do list for creating listings on various sites.
I believe you could ask on #website-problems to get that changed 🙂
I believe you could ask on #website-problems to get that changed 🙂
JohnNephew 6/7/2023 4:01 AM
Thanks! Looks like I was not subscribed to that.
Something that delays me from getting listings set up on the Bazar is the minimum number of photos required for listings. Especially for raw plastic where I normally only take one picture because, you know, it's just shredded plastic or pellets, doesn't need a lot of different angles to show it off. I'll get around to it, but it puts the Bazar on the bottom of my to-do list for creating listings on various sites.
Thanks for brining up your experience on the bazar ! we have set this role to ensure sufficent photos, which is especially relevant for machines, but you are right that for raw plastic it is a bit more challenging
Something that delays me from getting listings set up on the Bazar is the minimum number of photos required for listings. Especially for raw plastic where I normally only take one picture because, you know, it's just shredded plastic or pellets, doesn't need a lot of different angles to show it off. I'll get around to it, but it puts the Bazar on the bottom of my to-do list for creating listings on various sites.
Why not just post the same picture "minimum number" of times? (at least until there is a better solution)
👆 1
Why not just post the same picture "minimum number" of times? (at least until there is a better solution)
JohnNephew 6/7/2023 1:04 PM
I may well do that.
Why not just post the same picture "minimum number" of times? (at least until there is a better solution)
indeed a work around 🙂
Hi! I just bought a shredder from the bazar, I wanted to write a message to the seller but now it says page no found, company does not exist. do you know what can I do to resolve it?
Hi! I just bought a shredder from the bazar, I wanted to write a message to the seller but now it says page no found, company does not exist. do you know what can I do to resolve it?
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 6/27/2023 11:59 PM
@Sigolene maybe you can help them?
Sigolene started a thread. 6/28/2023 4:34 PM
Priyank Mishra 7/4/2023 12:52 PM
Hi everyone, I am new to PP Bazaar. I am based in India and have been working on creating products out of post consumer plastic waste. My company has already got the Import/Export Certificate and we have posted the products on PP Bazaar.
12:54 PM
Can someone guide me on how to make my recycled products reach the wider audience on PP Bazaar. Currently we are shipping to North America and Europe.
Priyank Mishra
Can someone guide me on how to make my recycled products reach the wider audience on PP Bazaar. Currently we are shipping to North America and Europe.
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 7/4/2023 2:19 PM
@Sigolene FYI
👍 1
Sigolene started a thread. 7/4/2023 3:15 PM
tonelessbod 7/22/2023 7:55 PM
Does anybody sell the heating unit in a package? Like with the bands and unit all wired up?
Does anybody sell the heating unit in a package? Like with the bands and unit all wired up?
I might get It for you. Where aré you located? If interested PM me so we can discuss specification, voltage, etc. & i'll send you the link to the bazar to Buy, also hope we have a good base price for you ( :
I might get It for you. Where aré you located? If interested PM me so we can discuss specification, voltage, etc. & i'll send you the link to the bazar to Buy, also hope we have a good base price for you ( :
tonelessbod 7/23/2023 4:34 AM
Im in the USA, Utah to be specific
Im in the USA, Utah to be specific
Ok, just checked shipping, It would cost 35 usd via fedex Let me know, if we set specifications.
👍 1
We are having an issue with another Bazar seller and a machine we ordered. I would like to CC a message to the Bazar staff to make you aware of the situation. What e-mail should I send it to? EDIT: I'm going to CC -- someone let me know if I should forward it somewhere more specific for attention. (edited)
PPCapiSpain 7/26/2023 4:48 PM
👍 1
4:49 PM
I think is the correct email
Sigolene started a thread. 7/27/2023 9:33 AM
Hi I am looking for some specification and potential molds to be made for a Injection V2 (manual) I have a current one that was made but i believe is too thin for the plastic to make it through the full mold. anyone have any tips on this?
Hi I am looking for some specification and potential molds to be made for a Injection V2 (manual) I have a current one that was made but i believe is too thin for the plastic to make it through the full mold. anyone have any tips on this?
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 8/18/2023 6:57 PM
You would do yourself a favor by posting images of the open mold, the product, and relaying injection temperature, any pre-heating of the mold, how long pressure is maintained, and who produced the mold.
👆 1
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
You would do yourself a favor by posting images of the open mold, the product, and relaying injection temperature, any pre-heating of the mold, how long pressure is maintained, and who produced the mold.
Hi sorry about that. this is the mold we are currently trying for someone. as you can see the plastic doesnt make it 10% into the mold. Temp we tried at 3 different temps- 160, 180, 200. Materials is HDPE we tried mold preheated and not presure is held for about 4 to 5 minutes, mold was produced by Precious Plastic Malaysia Workshop.
👍 1
preheat the mould, raise your temperature. If you get the mould hot enough it's uncomfortable to hold it'll probably work great. We have similar difficulty using a drill press hand moulder (low pressure, small shot volume) until the mould gets hot
7:36 PM
also start with polypropylene or caps/lids HDPE, if you're using bottle HDPE you might have a very difficult time
7:37 PM
PLA worked really well for us playing around, so if you have 3D printer scrap you can shred and test with that's worth trying too
7:39 PM
putting the pin in the sprue is mainly the issue, but I need to make sure the pin is always successfully moulded: (click the link for images, not the picture below) (edited)
👏 2
7:43 PM
last tip - wipe the nozzle before you fit the mould, if there's a little drip of plastic that cools down it can freeze the sprue (entry) to the mould before you get a chance to get any flow/pressure into the mould
PLA worked really well for us playing around, so if you have 3D printer scrap you can shred and test with that's worth trying too
Great we actually tried heating the mold by placing it in hot water before hand. Didn’t seem to do much. You suggest using a torch maybe to get higher temp? (edited)
Great we actually tried heating the mold by placing it in hot water before hand. Didn’t seem to do much. You suggest using a torch maybe to get higher temp? (edited)
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 8/19/2023 4:07 AM
I wouldn't go near it with a torch- oven, maybe, or hot plate. You can heat up a block of metal to set it on. (edited)
Great we actually tried heating the mold by placing it in hot water before hand. Didn’t seem to do much. You suggest using a torch maybe to get higher temp? (edited)
Definitely not a torch, heat gun should be way more than enough. Try different plastic first (edited)
🌟 1
hey guys! In a project kamp video they used a recycled toilet seat. I haven't found anything on the bazar. Is anyone creating these and selling in Europe?
Definitely not a torch, heat gun should be way more than enough. Try different plastic first (edited)
Hi Hi tried the injection as follows and works fantastic: 1. turn on the injection machine barrel at 165 Celsius and nozzle at 175 celsius 2. Shred only bottle cap HDPE (double shred to make smaller pieces of aprox 2mm) 3. when at temp add the plastic to the injection machine. 4. set a heat gun to preheat the mold 5. 20 minutes on the timer to wait for plastic to melt 6. remove the cap from nozzle 7. attach the mold 8. INJECT!!! 9. hold strong push for 4 solid minutes 10. remove the mold 11. place back the cap on the nozzle. 12. Cool the alu mold in water (edited)
👍 4
Sigolene started a thread. 8/23/2023 8:35 AM
Crea-Cregy 9/3/2023 9:23 AM
Dear all. I cant Access the bazar from Yesterday. Is it just me or is there a problem ? Thanks
The Website is down
The Website is down
michaelffrew 9/3/2023 1:20 PM
Why is it down?
Sigolene started a thread. 9/3/2023 3:42 PM
We apologize for the inconvenience of the Bazar being down, we are looking into the issue as we speak, should be solved Monday morning France time.
michaelffrew 9/3/2023 7:50 PM
We apologize for the inconvenience of the Bazar being down, we are looking into the issue as we speak, should be solved Monday morning France time.
Crea-Cregy 9/4/2023 6:49 AM
@here the Bazar is back online 🌟 Apologies for the incovience !
😍 1
🥳 4
Thank you for the Quick response!
🎉 2
Andres EOED 9/6/2023 9:16 PM
Hi all! If I was thinking of selling a shredder pro and a sheet press pro. Would you recommend auction or the precious plastic bazaar? Of course in both cases I would share the link here.
Great we actually tried heating the mold by placing it in hot water before hand. Didn’t seem to do much. You suggest using a torch maybe to get higher temp? (edited)
Davide->PreciousPlasticRomagna 9/7/2023 8:39 AM
I'm using a small electric cooking plate for preheat the molds if needed, a small one (500W). Hot water isn't ideal IMHO.
Sigolene started a thread. 9/7/2023 9:27 AM
Chad_LawtonLighthouse 9/14/2023 3:48 AM
seeking usa based machine makers
Looking for anyone able to assist in making injection moulds and ship to Thailand.
Sigolene started a thread. 9/14/2023 10:53 PM
Sigolene started a thread. 9/14/2023 10:58 PM
I'm really having a difficult time searching the bazaar. I'd live to have an option to search by proximity in hopes that shipping will be a lower percentage cost of the actual purchase price. Clicking the box for people actually willing to ship to me is not sufficient.
👆 1
Sigolene started a thread. 9/23/2023 2:37 PM
@davehakkens , @Mattia , @Sigolene - PetBot still offline ... What happened ? I remember Roman being around for 4 years, 9/6 ... (edited)
7:30 PM
Btw. - 'your' 'new' bazar rules still don't make any sense. Russia, and many other countries excluded ... shipping, communication, billing, ... constraints far from being helpful. (edited)
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/27/2023 7:49 PM
"Russia, and many other countries excluded..." I suspect that relates to Russia's ongoing genocide campaign in Ukraine. Of course, it could just be a bug. Like ethics. So... inconvenient.
I was referring to Bazar/Stripe's limitations, being passed on a 'maker movement' if you like. As far I can see, there have been massive losses since these rules. Punishing the little guys isn't an answer or way. This 'trade' is hard enough. It's about 4-5 years we can call that 'technology', or at least being useful 😉 (edited)
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/27/2023 8:05 PM
Your reference was clear the first time. Priorities/value, too. If trading with a genocidal state has become inconvenient for you, then you have a trivial basis for empathizing with the degree of... disruption ...the Ukrainians are suffering. I know, I know- it sure can be hard for we "little guys" to do business while excluding murders, rapists, and child abductors, but it seems a small price to pay to not shake the Devil's hand. But that's just me- you do you... just not on the Bazar, it seems. In other news, I went to the market, sourced a new tool for my plastic project, and separated components into individual files for laser cutting today- all without fear of a cruse missile blowing up the market, my machinist, or home. Must be nice, right? If only there were some minimal way I could contribute to not spreading random carnage- I just can't think of what that might be. Give me a moment- I'm sure it will come to me. (Likelihood your 18-day-old account is just another sock puppet for OSR-Plastic? >99%.) (edited)
Ah, I just realized, Roman moved to Kirgistan (excluded as well). Problem remains, lifes are being put at more risk (speaking out of own experiences).
Sigolene started a thread. 9/27/2023 8:31 PM
Not quite sure it's the right thing to do with 'contributors', taking the risks, blame, etc.. over many years.
1984 Pro
Not quite sure it's the right thing to do with 'contributors', taking the risks, blame, etc.. over many years.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/27/2023 8:56 PM
Not supporting genocide is always "the right thing to do". Glad I could clear that up for you.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic
Not supporting genocide is always "the right thing to do". Glad I could clear that up for you.
If you don't mind, I just ignored your posts, but please feel free to elaborate how Roman's work, and life got anything to do with that 🙂 It's not the first time, people on the ground, 'doing the dirty work', getting lectured & pushed around by ... (edited)
Or perhaps you could enlighten us with this claim, 'Start a business from plastic waste!'. Among the 500+ people we came across, in this very 'project', only 10% have been the typical 'PreciousPlastic' case, doing it for fun lets say - and even them often failed, or didn't last. The remaining 90% however (not here :)), what we consider the actual audience, we had to push back, or point to better alternatives. In some cases however, we managed to provide an 'ok' solution. Just asking because, we're still eager to know where this is going, under these circumstances. Would you recommend 'starting a business', with 'precious plastic' machines to your friends, or family members ? (edited)
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 9/29/2023 1:50 PM
" We're still wondering what are your true motivations, and intentions. " If only you were able to shred all of that acrimony and make something positive from it- but no, you are trapped in this prison of blame and resentment, a self-inflicted wound kept open and festering with reflexive agitation. You are capable of so much more than this tragic figure, Gunther- we've seen it.
Gunter this is not the right place for this. Plus you know you've been banned multiple time from this Discord. Send us an email with your concerns.
1:52 PM
Sorry @Christopher - Unmake Plastic gunter again trolling around 😑 same story for the past 5 years.
As far we, your ex-colleagues, past clients, users ... can tell, it isn't us, 'trolling'
7:39 PM
But feel free to complete the library, academy, ... and all the claims 🙂 It's all there, waiting for you 🙂
7:41 PM
As for the 'right place', EMail, forum posts, youtube comments, ... did that even matter at all ?
7:42 PM
But thank you, Mattia. Much appreciated. If you need help with anything, let us know
Gunter, if you were to try to reduce plastic pollution at scale, how would you do it on the individual level? Precious Plastic has a strategy of individuals who use capitalism to change the public's behaviors. It may have flaws and not be the one size fits all groundswell to fix a crisis, but inaction is not an option either. If there are other options on the table, I am all ears and want to hear every viable strategy to reduce millions of tons of pollution.
1984 Pro
But thank you, Mattia. Much appreciated. If you need help with anything, let us know
Christopher - Unmake Plastic 10/3/2023 2:44 AM
Because that's what honest, sincere people do, right? -appropriating other folks name and image? Being wounded is one thing- being damaged is another thing all together. But trying to damage- there's no welcome harbor for that load.
Priyank Mishra 10/17/2023 12:56 PM
Hi Friends - I am based in India and my organisation SparkLiv is upcycling plastic waste and creating products ranging from key chains to 3 seater benches . While we have launched these products in India, we are equally excited to launch them in other countries too. I would love to know from you all about which specific countries or online platforms to target in order to reach out to sustainability loving customers for our products.
Marcela - Community Manager @ PP 11/27/2023 5:34 PM
📣 We've redesigned Discord with more forum channels so you can easily find the discussion you're looking for 😍 We've stopped all activity here. Don’t worry though - they'll be available until 31st of December 2023, so you can save any conversation you need.
 ⚠️ On January 1st, 2024, the old channels will be deleted. Feel free to explore the new channels and start the conversation there!
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